Joe Rogan - Why Obese People Can't Lose Weight

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I do think you can become overweight through a bunch of small habits like being sedentary, taking large food portions, eating high calorie foods, and grazing on food. Sometimes it can seem like a person is eating the same as a thin friend, but that friend could be more active, taller, younger, or less snacky overall.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/brenst 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Doesn't matter if someone eats proportionately more than someone else. What matters is that they eat proportionately more than the amount they each need to maintain a healthy weight. Even if someone was fat on 500 kCal (nobody), (s)he could lose on 450.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/VitalMusician 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

They don't eat proportionally more than their peers while anyone is watching. FTFY.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SDJellyBean 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

The real fatlogic gold is in the comments.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Chicup 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

summary: yada blah blah INSULIN yada blah blee INSULIN blee blah blow INSULIN

This is the guy who cried at his TED talk - he's full of shit, and he paid money for 2 excellent researchers to show him he's full of shit and apparently is ignoring them.

He's a complete TOOL. No other way to say it.

I wrote about him here - I'll repost the same comment below:

the TED talk was by Peter Attia, a partner of Gary Taubes - they started a non profit called NuSI

NuSI got a big donation from one John Arnold and funded 3 studies.

Two studies are complete and have been published and they do NOT support Taubes/Attia. At all. Total debunking.

In keeping with what a lot of us PREDICTED, even though Taubes signed off on both studies (design, personnel, funding), he refuses to accept the conclusions.

These two were the Kevin Hall NuSI/NIH metabolic ward study

and Christopher Gardner's DIETFIT study. Gardner went into DIETFIT with his own ideas, and expected to prove his own point (related to insulin resistance). DIETFIT disproved Gardner's ideas and as a decent sort (who likes to tell the truth) he openly says DIETFIT disproved his ideas (along with Taubes').

These studies were done by real scientists who from what I can tell will go where the data leads them

The third study is not out yet & was done by David Ludwig & I expect it to be a horror show. I think it was finished first, it had the smallest amount of data to analyze, and is the last one out - if it ever comes out, that is.

He's staked out a position (mostly agreeing with Taubes but with some disagreements) and appears to be defending it to the death, deploying any flimsy excuse he can muster. A real TRUE BELIEVER.

We've criticized Hall's other famous study (the biggest loser study) on this board a lot but I don't think anyone found issues with Hall's NuSI study.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/illogicked 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Some one my age, gender, activity level and height only needs to eat 700 cals more than I do a day to be twice my weight. 130lbs to 260lbs, 24.2 BMI to 48.3BMI. So no, it's not a super huge amount of calories(a pint of ice cream, half a meal at many restaurants) but the consequences are morbid obesity if I don't keep track.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Jraec23 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I started watching this, and just immediately backed out of the video when he said that. I don't have time for that bullshit.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sre01 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Are their peers also fat?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/large_thin 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is top fatlogic. Here's something better

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/losingit303 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
like I mean you I have friends that are pretty overweight and one that died pretty recently who was really big and he just had this feeling when he would meet people I mean he talked about a little bit he was just obese it was just this thing where you're just oh look at this enormous fat guy and then to go from that to oh there's a guy there's a normal guy yeah it's just a guy it's 168 pound I normal no difference between oh yeah I know we loved we loved to beat up on fat people hmm we loved to turn it into a character defect but I got to tell you virtually every fat person that I know or that I've taken care of they are not disproportionately eating more than their peers in some cases yes but not unbalanced that the problem is that they simply do everything incorrectly metabolically hmm you know so their body is functioning incorrectly yeah and it's you know and it's exact there's a genetic component I think there are dietary exacerbations I think certainly not exercising makes things worse so there are lots of predisposing factors but at the end of the day what's happening is when you and I eat like let's let's take a meal that that like if you had pancakes bacon and scrambled eggs that would be like a really good mix of I'd be 1/3 carbs a third protein a third fat so it's like a [ __ ] ton of nutrient right if you or I ate that yeah it probably wouldn't be that good for us but like we you know let's say we just finished a workout or something like we're going to partition such that that glycogen will first and foremost go to replace the muscle and liver stores of glycogen because we have bigger muscles and our muscles are more insulin sensitive we can actually disproportionately put more glycogen into our muscles into the leg muscles because you'll have done that run up the hills right and and then furthermore when we want to recruit energy again we'll have the ability to actually go back and get fat ass but you know in other words break down fat at lower ATP demands then necessarily always going to glycogen so in other words we partition fuel in a smarter way and these patients I mean you can measure this clinically using something called RER and of course doing other blood tests like they just they just they can't break down their own fat so their body is essentially broken in that regard and that can be fixed with with diet it's a hard problem because the way I explain it to people is and I'm so clinically I'm not interested in weight loss right I mean that's just not I'm much more interested in longevity and yes sometimes weight loss comes with that but I like if I ever get stuck doing you know weight loss like I'm doing the wrong thing for my interest but the way I say to people when they want to lose weight is look you don't want to lose weight you want to lose fat let's let's be very clear on our semantics it weight is irrelevant right unless you're a cyclist or some athlete for whom the actual scale means something but for for people like us it's you want to lose fat not weight and then when you say you want to lose fat what does that mean in English well do you want fewer fat cells or do you want each fat cell to be smaller those are totally different questions if you want fewer fat cells have liposuction but we know that that doesn't fix you metabolically so if you want fewer if you want to be less fat you have to have smaller fat cells now a fat cell conceptually has two inputs and one output so now I say let's reframe the question you got a room with a hundred people in it you want fewer people in the room what has to happen more people have to leave the room then enter the room so similarly if you have a fat cell and you want it to be less fat you've got to get more fat out of it than enters it and the fat that exits the cell exits via a process called lipolysis and the inputs to a fat cell are something called de novo lipogenesis which is turning carbohydrates into fat and aureus tariff occation which is turning fat like in a free fatty acid into a triglyceride back into a fat cell each of those three Doors is controlled by hormones and so the purpose of nutrition mmm or fasting or exercise or drugs or hormones or all these things is to manipulate those hormones in the direction of what I call negative fat flux or what would be referred to in the literature as fat balanced negative fat balance and the hormones that drive that are many insulin hormone sensitive lipase testosterone estrogen cortisol being the five most important in my opinion maybe someone will disagree with that but I think those are the five that rule the roost and so you know how do you manipulate those insulin seems to be the most important of the five and there's no better way to lower insulin than to not eat so the first thing that happened to that dude who went 382 days without anything but water and minerals is he basically had very low insulin levels in fact once he got into raging ketosis which he got into by about day 7 his insulin came up only to prevent him from going into ketoacidosis which was what would happen if he had no insulin response in other words if he was a type 1 diabetic he would have died of ketoacidosis because he wouldn't have had the insulin to regulate the uptick of ketones but if you were I did this because we have a normal pancreas we would actually make just enough insulin to suppress ketogenesis and keep that beta-hydroxybutyrate level in the you know kind of in the neighborhood of probably 7 or 8 millimolar as opposed to getting north of 12 to 15 which is when you get into trouble so you know how do you manipulate insulin nutrition is the first way if you can't fast the next best thing is to reduce carbohydrates carbohydrates obviously are the most insulin Enic of food although protein can be quite insula genic as well it has a different response and then that's when you start to think about these other things you know i've seen patients where they just can't lose weight and i watch what they're doing and they're doing everything right but they just can't lose weight but then you notice their cortisol levels through the roof it's hard to get rid of fat when you have hot lots of cortisol cortisol is a very anabolic hormone too fat and a very catabolic hormone to muscle which is the exact opposite of what we want testosterone of course is the exact opposite testosterone is catabolic to fat but anabolic to muscle and then of course you know women have a harder time because once women go through menopause they lose all the estrogen and all the testosterone and so now they lose to hormones that play a very important role in regulating this so for these people that are having the issue with cortisol levels that's exacerbated by stress right yes so stress actually exacerbates your weight gain absolutely that's interesting in addition to a whole bunch of other yeah literally eat the same diet and gain more weight because of stress absolutely Wow again hormones are what's driving fuel partitioning you know you're responsible for what you put in your mouth but in many ways at that point like the hormones take over and decide where it's going
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 7,780,557
Rating: 4.8295398 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, obesity, obese, fat, fat people
Id: tiQevGDPgRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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