Terry Crews, Part 1 | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 11

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i'm i'm actually getting emotional right now because i just remember looking out my window and flint and just wanting to be something just feel like this man do something when you leave that [ __ ] in his head and it finds you and it takes you and you're like whoa where am i going where am i going yeah what the [ __ ] what happened how did i get here yes [Music] hey we're hot boxing i'm mike tyson i'm up in britain and we have a spectacular guest today dude terry crews hell yeah hell yeah terry for those who can't see it is the the the pecs are popping right i'm sure they can see it brother what do you think i'm talking about what do you think about guys commenting on your pecs and stuff yeah uh stuff that you call um toxic um toxic masculinity yeah yeah and then what's the guy named rashid come on you know his name yeah yeah you know what i'm supposed to talk about he was talking some crazy [ __ ] well first of all first of all um man i don't back i i literally love i was built for this kind of discussion you know what i mean um i don't shy away didn't talk about anything but some people you know i don't know in our community some people think they're the one they dictate how we should live our life however men should live and how they should be how their masculinity should be um produced and how it should be forwarded to what particular group of people or whatever you know yeah i mean well first of all in our community like you said with black people if you're not discounted black if you're not my kind of black you are all of a sudden not black people like hey terry crews ain't black no more and i'm like when did that happen i had the right i had the right i didn't realize and grow up that people were different dude that's what i you know i have to grow up and realize that we're different we're not all the same but if you get caught in that um that um that group of people of that set of people that believe that we have to be this way and able to survive i'm gonna say something that's gonna be very controversial say it these are the same people that killed malcolm x well yeah you understand like when i say when malcolm x was malcolm x and then all of a sudden he decided i'm changing all of a sudden he went to mecca and he decided i need a new way all of a sudden he saw different colors worshiping and he was like you know what i need to leave i need to get out of what i was in and i need to embrace this thing on a worldwide global level and there were a whole lot of black people who wasn't down with them then and they let him go they literally turned on him and again i don't know all the details but when i look at it and i said when he died he died alone the community was not the same community that was like we want malcolm and then when he turned all of a sudden you did something a little different than they wanted and boom and this is the stuff we're talking about now often years later we look back and they go oh man malcolm x was a genius same thing with mlk mlk had so many people that was like man you need to just go smack a fool and mlk was like no no no we going to do it non-violent everybody thought that was weak everybody thought you was a punk everybody thought that and lo and behold this is how you change the world though you know what i'm saying and that's controversial it's very controversial you know you can look at two ways we don't know maybe um not being non-violent maybe that would just took us a different direction right you know we never went that route most some people did they had different um fractions that went to violent the black panthers they had um true newton yeah but remember they were right they were right what's the other guy named stokey carmichael michael listen but first of all i believe in that now i i first i i me i'm only talking about my experience me i ain't talking about nobody else's experience but my experience growing up in flint michigan uh where i came up and i literally graduated class of 86 the whole auto industry was dying the crack epidemic was at an all-time high people would flint michigan led the nation per capita in murder for almost 12 13 years straight i had friends dead in jail people would die it was crazy and people and people always want to talk anybody wants to talk about violence has never seen it i'm trying to tell you when you talk about violence for real and you see it it's like it's one of the scariest most crazy things you've ever seen in your life and people want to you know yeah yeah smoking fight did it and man when you see somebody get smoked when you really understand the ramifications of like this kind of thing man i had i beat up my own father i beat my father's ass as a grown man because he was a drunk i went through my whole life him beating up my mother oh this is my earliest memory was him hitting my mother in the face as hard as he could that's my earliest memory and that told me oh damn it's his world okay and he ruled through intimidation he ruled through physical force and we were scared of him man the whole my whole life i was scared of my father i peed in the bed i was 14 years old cause i wake up i didn't know what was gonna happen i was afraid of my father i would never fight myself come on man world champion because i know he would shoot you he would kill you he would kill you i knew that for a fact i knew as an adult i was always respectful he needed money i would make sure i gave him money and not gonna be on his bad side but see i did the same thing i did the same thing i was a pleaser i was like you want another beer here's another beer you want this yes sir yes sir but put your pants up my pants up sir but this is the thing i became a grown man and i said look i'm gonna bring my family home i'ma bring my kids home for christmas just i was already i'd played in the nfl i'd done this thing i said listen i'm gonna bring my kids home for christmas i said please please just don't act up just please my kids have never seen it my kids have never seen nothing crazy man i bring them home i'm out there hanging out with my wife and my kids i'm actually hanging out with my wife we about to go out my kids are left in my home man i get a call from my aunt oh my god my god he hit your mama he knocked her two sideways he knocked your tooth loose i said what are you kidding me like i spent my whole life trying to keep my kids out of this and all of a sudden i bring you home one time i just ask you promise me you're not gonna trip and he just did that to show me he could do whatever he wanted to do i brought i said go get to take the kids to the aunt house i dropped my wife off at the ass house drove to the house i had went home he was still there i said man it's me and you and i beat his ass for hours now mike let me tell you something what blew me away though i thought i would feel some satisfaction from that i thought i would get some sort of release and i got nothing man look i was sitting there like this don't work dawg this don't work i got revenge wait i got all the revenge i wanted he was lying there talking about doing him please please cause he old man now you know what i mean and i'm going all right hey man all this beating people ass stuff it don't work i mean when you look at the results of what happened i was like i was left emptier i was just like him and i was done i said you know what it's just not the way this is not the way to go i i choose to not not go that route so tell me do you feel you have a temper oh definitely yeah oh that's how you going to nfl you play off pay you play off play i play seven years on the nfl on pain straight up i was angry i was mad and that's how allow you to put your head into anything me too i did that with boxing and then but what this is was tricky then i finished boxing that doesn't work in the real world it doesn't no that stuff doesn't work in the real world being tough to the work in the world gotta be smart homie it's like the military oh it's like the military you imagine when you're in a war zone yeah you know mike i know i know vicariously your experience you know what i mean i don't i didn't live it but i see but i know the people you i i understand you because i feel your pain i feel a lot of what you came up in and i understand how you became the the best boxer who ever lived i definitely understand it but that [ __ ] don't work in the real world not a little bit wait man wait first of all i had so many things man i was yelled and this is this i never hit my wife never did anything like that but man i yelled the hell out of like i would create such a scene that was like man this dude look my wife had seen me throw people over her head but then she was the one who told me terry listen listen we gonna lose everything we gonna lose everything i had a hair pin trigger what you say [ __ ] what you say you know what i mean that's all it took and all of a sudden i would snap it and dude listen to you i'm glad you didn't reach that level you see it i was that guy tripping hitting off hitting people because they [ __ ] with me too much for autographs i [ __ ] knock them out a son or break the [ __ ] jaw next week but know what i started signing those checks and that broke my spirit oh these are getting four million dollars i don't even know these guys eight million i don't know these who are these guys just because i was stupid i was you know i hit these guys man i had also some dick i had um pensacola commercials and all that stuff man now i became one of those crazy guys that scared me and stuff you know you can't you can't do that you got to be cool with that you got to control your temper because they'll freak out those people in hollywood that's down with you and then freak out mike could you please tell the black guys freak them out can you tell these people can you wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait man can you tell these people please because this is the thing people get mad at me listen everybody looking at me they're like hey man d.l ugly went up on me said i should have smacked this dude this wait the head of william morris wait the head of the movie department this dude runs up on me grabs my balls i and then they act like i didn't do nothing like i just sat there and let it happen did not happen i grabbed the dude i'm like yo hey hey dude what are you doing of course he was high i mean he was on something he wasn't drunk he was on something what did he say how did he come here he was no he no you know how you tweet you ever see somebody tweaking that's i i came up and played i've seen them tweaking and it's like the eyes are all crazy and lips he was sticking his tongue out he was coming over me like i was like yo hey man what are you doing i didn't understand it because i don't do that stuff he came up and he just stuck he grabbed my stuff i said he make whoa whoa whoa my wife is right there i grabbed his hands and they get back he comes back again i said look man hey hey hey stop i said what the [ __ ] are you doing he's like ah and i knew he wasn't there you know what i mean now i still want to kill him you understand what i mean like i could have easily do you doubt the fact that i could have put this man on the floor nobody but but what would the headline have been the next day he was i just brushed up against the guy and he knocked me out i was just standing there and he they touched my eye am i right i'm in that situation where i've hit guys or something and i thought i was in the right because they were [ __ ] me but when you put your hands on somebody you're not in the right but they were [ __ ] with you right yeah but um i didn't know that i started hitting these guys and nowhere else too i gotta remember i'm i'm a [ __ ] headway champ i'm knocking these guys out i'm breaking their cheekbones the eye sockets hey man this is just crazy the regular people in the streets you know that's crazy that's just um see um that's what happened to me my first my all my first um actions with the smash kill this [ __ ] who you you know the [ __ ] i am [ __ ] that was my first time reaction that's why i got all my [ __ ] but mike mike let me tell you something man all i could think about was my son wouldn't be able to see me oh no my daughters wouldn't be able to see me yeah that's my experience my wife wouldn't be able to see my kids behind the [ __ ] glass thing man listen mike man tell them man because these man let me tell you everybody has this fantasy they have a movie in their head where you could just walk around shoot people and go home and kill people like knock people out and walk away in real life they do it though they do it though brah i listen first of all and everybody and then other people they bring up videos they're like man this guy he worked at popeyes and he smacked this dude i like look man i lose a popeye's job i lose a job at popeyes but you telling me to lose hundreds of millions of dollars of what i'm doing right now you ain't gonna get no no you ain't getting me like that not no you didn't get terry crews that day no you know that um i mean once they get rid of you they tell let all their friends know don't [ __ ] he's a bad [ __ ] all their friends know not to mention they don't take a chance no they don't i did everything that everybody wanted him to do and you see where i landed up wow dude first of all uh that is the the best example ever mike ended up in jail yeah mike they took they tried to they take tried to take everything from her to kill him tried to kill him i'm 50 years old i'm old enough to see how this [ __ ] plays out they want you to kill yourself they want you to get depressed i want to start using throughout the season i tell you yep and i never did but first of all i started to realize man hold up oh now you gotta i'm gonna finish this story with what happened with my father years later i came back and you know what i did i apologized to him i apologized to my father i said man look i should have never done that i was out of sort i said even though you were wrong i made myself even more wrong and i said dude i said you know what i i terry crews i said i am thankful if i had a chance to pick my parents i would choose you mike he started crying dude he started crying he was like i'm sorry i'm sorry for what i did to your mother i'm sorry for what i did to y'all it was messed up see man see that's all we're looking for man like look i i as a i'm a grown ass man but we are just looking for people to recognize us for who we are and literally look at us and love us anyway well i'm too scared that's my fault so he wouldn't there give me no [ __ ] forgiveness are you [ __ ] crazy hey i i listen yeah you [ __ ] crazy but you gotta understand i didn't know what he was gonna say i was ready for anything i was ready for [ __ ] you man i was ready for that exactly i was ready for that don't touch me get out of here but this is the thing when he broke down i gave him a hug and i'll be honest with you we still don't talk it ain't like we became buddies forgiveness ain't about like all of a sudden we it nothing happened forgiveness is for me forgiveness is so i can move on so i can just like wipe my hands and go to the next step but accountability is different accountability says hey man i don't trust you and you're gonna stay way over here but i forgive you but i also know who you are and so it's all people think forgiveness means oh now he gets carte blanche no that ain't how it works i definitely said look i'm through and we still don't talk but you understand where i'm at and i understand where you are and now we're at peace and that's good and that's a peaceful life after that there's a whole lot of people are let go man a whole lot of you have to do a whole lot of people you know i was let go people have loved so dearly you know you loved them you know but they were toxic you know you guys energy together it didn't work out you know in a prosperous way hey you know you don't want to do anything it's great it's true if you want to live and do something like it's just not working out you know what trips me out to you know people what about toxic femininity i'm like hey man look you know i'm gonna let the women talk about that i just know to do look i all i stay in my browns you know what i mean people say well what about white people hey man i ain't white i'm not what now again we all know what's up if somebody messes with us as black people i get it but i am here to deal with my community i can speak on what i see i can speak right look men need to hold other men accountable that's what i always say do you have a charity oh yeah i got plenty yeah i got plenty there's rise uh rise group which is the sexual assault um awareness the sexual assault bill rights then i'm on a polaris group which is all about human human trafficking and fighting that um i i make sure i stay on it man those are my those are my things in fact polaris is the ones that got my money from lip sync battle we did that i gotta bring that up it's awesome man we got deep quick didn't we yeah real date man we just dove in the deep end yeah listen we'd have to do research on you and i was watching you on dr phil and you were discussing um yeah pornography yeah and i was saying to myself how do you get off that how do you how do you stop doing that you know because my i had um could i i would i would watch it openly i would never hide out watching my wife would come in what the [ __ ] are you watching watching you know and then when he was expressing it why why did he hide from it you know what no see my see man let me tell you something man mike i knew i had a problem dude i was like because you know the thing is people say man look pornography hey man it's natural like you know i'm a man so it's natural i don't know no that's interesting i have to comment on that that's what people say they say it's natural right because um i don't know because i mean i want to do weird stuff with my wife my wife thing looks at me weird sometimes i want to do some weird [ __ ] you know what i mean and i guess that freaked out a little bit you know let me tell you stop watching it stop watching me because i know she was stuck and i guess my son or somebody one day came by looking used my phone and for porn on the phone and [ __ ] i just had to stop we got really out of hand first of all and i got tired of [ __ ] my dick was always scabbed up from jerking off my dick my skin is all peeled off man i [ __ ] can't [ __ ] can't do nothing ah you took eyes all sore hey hey man first of all listen you'll never there'd never be enough porn to satisfy you [ __ ] yeah it'll never be enough it's not healthy it's not hey man look there's never enough yeah i remember like man you you could spend three hours looking for the perfect image it's real dark you see somebody smacking somebody and wait choking somebody yeah i thought oh did you feel like did i watch that did i was i part of that because you watched it out there and this is always darker and darker i'm watching i'm scared somebody's going to check in on me saying mike is watching crazy [ __ ] and the whole world's going to be watching this [ __ ] my i have a daughter and my fear is that you know she's in school and some kid who has a phone [ __ ] shows her some video or something i've heard stories from parents about being their kid is on a school bus some innocent you know 12 year old girl and some [ __ ] [ __ ] boy takes his cell phone and shows her some [ __ ] porn video evil and just scars the girl yeah but you know situations like that we live in this world and um he's just going to have to get a visit from her brothers or cousins or something and somebody uh somebody has to explain to them certain things like that we have no control over you know when they're in school we have no control over i know i said this and it's funny i said this at a women's conference which blew everybody's mind but i remember in the nfl going to you know one of the things you know you stop it and you go to matt atlanta and they go to magic city to go to the strip club and i went with the guys right maggie city's just meant you you know yeah it's it's a den of iniquity i used to go out you smell it first oh man i forgot when i'm in mexico i don't know what i'm thinking i'm thinking the [ __ ] guys had on the slave ships coming back [Music] wait man you know something wrong like you know you just go in there like oh man i descended into hell i descended into hell first of all that's just how i was living back there no no listen hey man i was there i seen it yeah and then i really want to hear your because i played in the nfl yes i played six years okay okay the culture is so much what you're saying and to hear you talk about it it's fun it's like every guy coming out of football is trapped in this psychological prism of how you're supposed to be let me i i'm gonna tell you have that toxic this is because you think i'm at the strip club it's it's natural but what's happened this is what i said at the women's conference what happens is you see the girl and she's doing her thing but then she starts talking and you're like why are you talking shh like you're ruining it and don't talk about your bills or your kids or you're there hey shut up shut up shut up you know why because she's becoming a human the realization is that you are in love with an image you are in love with something that's not real but once they start talking and it's like this why is this irritating see the problem is and this is this thing men got mad at me men got mad at me because i pulled it out there but the thing is i said you are not i said when men are like that even with porn or with strip club or anything like that women are all the way human this is what i mean they're like they're only like three-fifths human yeah because you you know as long as you just stay smiling because it's the fakest smile you've ever seen but you don't care just fake smile fake it and do what you do but the thing is is that when somebody's not human you can do anything you want to it's a fantasy yeah you could do it the same way they dehumanized them three-fifths humans they know they're not human this is not pain it doesn't hurt them and that's how they can be changed up in the cold no problem and yeah women when some women people do look at women like that listen and what's happening now like we did the gillette commercial about you know talking about masculinity the whole thing and men flipped out they were like oh man they'll be telling us what to do and the whole thing but all i can contrib all i can really compare it to because what are we saying is just be good be a good guy that's what the gillette commercial was like hey man be a good guy you know just don't dog people out people once got mad at me was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i ain't being no good man i believe in humanity i believe in humanity and i believe people want to do good i believe people want to do good but some people just can't do it well but but this is the thing this is the thing i believe everybody's bad but you're so no no and let me tell you they're not there are no evil people there's only evil thinking that's it if you think evil you are evil but once you start thinking good all of a sudden uses good people but what happened was man because we all have that we all have it first of all i made a qu i made a comment about liam neeson tell me that i want to tell you we're gonna bring it all up yeah oh we gotta get out of here tell me what happened first of all first of all i bet you know he confessed that he went 40 years ago he went on a rampage and was looking for a black man to kill because they basically right because his friend got raped exactly no it was his friend got raped was he intimate i don't know he didn't go that deep but the point was is that he got mad and he was looking for a black man that would start something with him like he was hoping that a black man would just you know it was wishing [ __ ] would i wish a [ __ ] would but no black people in this community nobody no black people right but he went walking around so any black man anywhere in there he was gonna just do it now first of all first of all i said on online i said look every man in him has the greatest good or unspeakable evil he was describing his fork in the road it's what i said i said he had a choice he was like and then he went uh now now people got mad at me black people got mad at me they said i was defending liam neeson but i'm i'm just sitting there saying wait wait he could have done it but what the [ __ ] did he want to kill some black one for see but he was racist listen he was racist at that time he decided i'm gonna be racist now i gotta flip people on this i gotta flip people when those cops who beat um rodney king yeah got off and it started to rise oh they beat his ass they beat his ass wait when the riot started there were black men looking for white people to kill yeah angry dude this happens why are we acting like it don't happen when they pull reginald denny out of that truck and hit him in the head with a brick victim they were trying to kill him first of all i i when those cops got off i even felt that like you would look at white people like you look at cops like man and you really have a thing like now now did i go hunting white people hell no that was my fork in the road but the truth is there were people who had that fort there were people who were walking around with guns in l.a i was here in l.a during the riots and they were walking around looking for somebody to to to even talk to them wrong and they would have killed them i telling you i know how dark people get i know how dark i get you understand i mean dude i have to be nice and happy because i can get way deeper and darker you understand i mean yeah so i i go shack nice i call it shack knives so that i don't go there you know what i mean i don't ever want to cross that path because man let me tell you if i start fighting it ain't gonna be no stop yeah you know what i mean i cuz i don't know what else could happen i'm and i'm sorry i'm just i'm just spreading my heart yeah man i'm being real what do you do to do that terry thank you perpetuate that it's the hell of athena we talking [ __ ] it's a hell of a thing when everything starts to leave you yeah yeah oh that's a [ __ ] such a relief almost suicidal you know yeah [Music] because you don't care no more yeah you don't care but see but then all of a sudden see there's always consequences you know what i mean like i'm gonna tell you man like when my wife left i would realize man that's consequences to porn oh [ __ ] like you know when your kids don't want to talk to you you realize man i've been yelling at all of them and they're like hey what's up and they like and they run away you're like man i'm not doing this right i'm not i wanna and i realized i was gonna be my myself man i realized i was gonna be alone and i was like i ain't ready for that and i said i gotta change i gotta do something so i went to rehab mike i went to a doctor uh uh listen i've been around 10 rehabs i've been around 10 12 rehabs wanting to get it together wow you know what i mean have been some psych wards and stuff i had me saw stevo with the psych wars and stuff necessary yeah oh man listen um i'll be dead i can't believe i'm alive now that's why i'm so very grateful i can't believe it so beautiful mike your story is amazing dawg i'm i i listen first of all because there's a lot of people i always thought i'm some fly guy i'm doing this i got all the money i'm doing great nobody has it like this i'm the next thing you know i'm in a [ __ ] psych ward man [ __ ] listen you know what i mean all over the world the best women in the world which i believe are the best women this children are living great and next thing you know i'm in a [ __ ] cycloid like listen there are people who didn't want me to come here and do this interview simply because they were like well he he did sexual crimes how could you how could you do that and you me too and how could you do that but this is the thing man this is the thing everybody forgiveness is for everybody and first of all first of all you paid your price hey man you went to jail you know what i'm saying listen there's a lot of cats running you went to prison there's a lot of people ain't paying nothing and running around doing anything and i'm and i'm gonna say this too and i'm gonna tell you man i i stand with every woman in the metoo movement because because first of all i remember my mother and i remember you know the damage she took and she died she died he's still living but of course she died and the thing is is that i look at this thing and i go my god man there's got to be a way we need both we it can't be all for women but it's got to include the men we got to bring people back you know what i mean we got to you know you were in the nfl you were you were the height of the boxing game we got to understand that hey man women and men are not versus each other it's complementary we got to compliment each other you know what i'm saying but that we got to bring it all in it's going to be difficult you know it's going to be messy i'm it's going to be ugly but but my thing is if we don't talk about it like we're doing right now see the fact that we talking about it hey man 10 15 years ago you couldn't even talk about absolutely listen i have my daughter she's in one of those lgb and i got to really be careful what i say around her because she'll really respond you know i mean militantly now if i use certain we can't use a [ __ ] can't you just send words she's really upset i got to be politically correct you know what it's like yeah man
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 1,151,901
Rating: 4.8969402 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Mike, Tyson, Eben Britton, Eben, Britton, Tyson Ranch, Hotboxin, Hotboxing, Terry Crews, Terry, Crews, Colin Kaepernick, Colin, Kaepernick, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Nine Nine, 99, Brooklyn, DL Hughley, Porn Addiction, #metoo, Me Too
Id: mhRmXHQXb7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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