CHANGLI - Pre Farm Guide | Character Ascension, Abilities + Echoes, Weapons - Wuthering Waves

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yo so patch 1.1 in weathering waves and Ginga have been out for a few days now so you know what that means for those that have been saving for the newest hottest character Chang Lee it's time to take a look at how to prearm out this character so that we can have a strong Chang Lee ready to go on day one so let's get into this thing okay so let's first start off by taking a look at a very important and new item that came out in patch 1.1 this is the Pavo Plum and you'll need 60 of these to fully level up your Chang Lee this is an character Ascension items so you won't be able to level her up unless you have these and so you can Farm these out pretty easily and most players are going to be level 80 that have been playing since day one by the time she comes out so you'll probably want to pick up all 60 of these or at least close to it and thankfully it's a very very easy Farm but if you didn't want to necessarily Farm every single day the shop resets at the pharmacy and the pharmacy is located in Jingo in case you wanted to go pick those up you can pick 15 up of those every single day if you wanted to or just go here to the Luminous Shore it is in Mount firmament let's go ahead and take a look at where that is it is right here and thankfully this is if you might recognize where this is this is the very starting area of Mount firmament where we actually came here with Chang Lee and along this road right here you can actually see these on the road they're just sitting right there on the side of the road you can go farm these up really really easily all right so the next items that we're going to be taking a look at here are the these different Rings now with these Rings we're going over just right now over the Ascension materials for the character just to be able to level the character up we'll be going over the items you need for the skill tree a little bit later on in the video and at the end of the video I'll show a graphic that shows everything you need all in one the reason why I separate them out is because not every player is going to need all of the different items so it's a lot easier for every player to digest this way that's at least what experience I've seen so far so for these crude Rings you're going to need four of the R rings and you're going to end up needing 12 of these basic rings and then you're going to end up needing 12 more of these improved rings and then you're going to need four of these tailored Rings now these are items you might actually want to farm out because they drop off of the Exiles they don't drop as often as let's say these Whispering cores as you can see I have like a million of these Whispering cores cuz they drop off of all kinds of stuff but I don't have that many of these Rings cuz they drop off of these Exiles and these exil are essentially like the humanoid looking like bad guy enemies in the world so you're going to want to go farm those guys out and you can use the tracking system to go around the map finding them and farming them out all right now the next item you're going to need for the characters Ascension materials are these rage tacit cores now these drop off of The Inferno Rider and you can go and detect system and you can go find him and farm him out pretty easily this is also coincidentally the echo that you're going to want to use as your main Echo for or Chang Lee at least when she drops there could end up being a new echo in patch 1.2 but we don't know if that's actually going to happen right now and you'd end up having to wait like 3 weeks of her Banner in order to farm that so it's probably worth farming this out cuz you don't know what the outcome is going to be so I would Farm out his Echo while you farm out these raging tacit cores in order to be able to level her up as well so you'll be able to prearm her eeko and her a level up material that they exact same time and you're going to end up needing 46 of these raging tastic cores in order to fully level up Chang Lee now obviously you're going to need some credits in order to fully level up the character and in order to fully Ascend Chang Le you're going to need roughly 170,000 credits in order to do so now I've been hearing from a lot of people that they're a bit low on credits right now and that's probably because they've been leveling up Echo that are either getting replaced or just in general weren't necessarily worth their time so be careful with your material consumption guys some things are just not necessarily worth the investment if you already know that you're going to end up replacing that stuff really really soon now let's go ahead and take a look at this skill tree now we're going to end up needing these Rings again and we'll go over that in just a second we're also going to need a weekly boss item as well but first I wanted to take a look at something we're going to have to farm out of The Foundry and that is going to conveniently be this top Foundry right here you're going to end up needing a whole bunch of these items we're going to end up needing 24 of this inert metallic drop we're going to end up needing 55 of this reactive metallic drop we're going going to end up needing 25 of the polarized metallic drop and we're going to end up needing 67 of the what is that heaterz metallic drop heriz metallic drop whatever the heck this thing is you're going to need 67 of these bad boys now as far as the weekly boss material is concerned she is a new patch 1.1 character and there's only one new weekly boss added in patch 1.1 and that is Jer so we're going to need to farm out these Sentinel daggers and we're going to need 26 total of these Sentinel daggers to get her all the way to 90 but you're not going to need that many if you're only going to be at level 80 if you're only going to be at level 80 you're only going to end up needing six of these Sentinel daggers to get you to level 80's fully ascended tree but again you're going to need a lot more if you're going to be going all the way up to 90 all right let's take a look at these Rings again cuz you are going to need these Rings again in order to level up her skill tree so for these crude Rings you're going to need 25 of those bad boys and you're going to end up needing 28 eight of the basic rings and you're going to end up needing these improved rings you'll need 40 of those and for this last item here you'll need 57 of these tailored rings but again that's all the way up to level 90 you'll need a lot less if you're going to be at a lower level but most people are probably going to be at level 80 when she ends up releasing Because by the time that happens most people if they've been playing since day one should be at level 80 so you are going to need to farm out most of them now I'll be doing doing a dedicated build guide for changen Lee but let's go ahead and take a look at some of her weapons and Echo we could just get prepared for right so obviously she's going to be releasing with a signature weapon and that's going to be this weapon right here this is going to end up giving her 587 attack and 36.4% attack on top of that now the passive could end up changing before she releases however it didn't end up changing with Jin shei so I don't see why it would with Chang Lee so it increases the crit rate by 16% at level 90 and upon dealing damage it increases searing a Feather by one stack gaining one stack every 0.5 seconds when resident skill is released it increases searing Feather by an extra five Stacks each stack of searing feather increases resident skill damage bonus by 8% stacking up to 14 times after reaching 14 stacks of searing feather all Stacks will reset within 10 seconds now I know that all sounds like like main DPS type of stuff but just be aware she is technically a sub DPS type of character so just be aware of that that this weapon is going to be darn solid but it might not necessarily be like a pickup that everybody should get if they aren't running her for example because a lot of us like to see crit value on like those main stats and the only crit value we actually get is from her passive now it is a very substantial amount for a passive but I just wanted to point that out to you guys it's a very very solid weapon but you're going to rely on some echo substats in order to make up for the lack of crit value on the weapon itself now obviously not every everybody can get Chang Le signature weapon but you have a really really great alternative that quite literally every player has access to it's known as the Emerald of Genesis this is the five star weapon off of the standard banner and you can use your level 45 weapon box on it and you probably should because this is the most common type of weapon to see in the game sword characters are the most common characters in the game right now characters like Havoc Rover can use this Den Jin can use this Chang Lee can use this and it has a very solid attack stat it has a very solid crit rate stat and it has some solid energy regeneration as well and the passive ability is really solid on it too and it can basically be used on any character you can think of that's what the that's what the standard five stars are basically designed to do is to pretty much work on everybody but this weapon in particular gives you solid crit value energy regen and attack this is a very very powerful weapon that can be used on her whether she's a sub DPS unit for you or more of a supportive role for you now you also have access to potentially go for the Commando of conviction but you're going to have to get lucky on the gotcha system for that more than likely you also have the scale slasher and the battle pass weapon will go over the weapons and echoes in more detail and a dedicated build guide for her so stay tuned for that now because Chang Lee is going to end up being a sub DPS type of character that also deals out some damage of her own similar to yinlin you're going to have some different options for The Echoes that you could end up putting on her now her best set in most cases is going to be the molten Rift set and you're going to have to farm Out The Inferno rider for that set as the main Echo and obviously you can use this system right here in the Sonata Gallery in order to find the rest of the Echoes that you could use you have to run a 43311 setup on her right now there's no such thing as a 44111 setup on her as of right now unless you do a split build but I do not recommend doing a split build you could end up running the lingering Tunes set on her as well if you have a strong lingering tune set you could basically cycle the set around basically any damage dealing character right now cuz all the damage dealing characters except for Yan woo could use this set cuz they all scale off of attack so this is definitely an option you can use as well but again molten Rift is her better set you could also run the moonlit Cloud set on her if she's going to fit more of a supportive role on your team let's say you're doing something like a quick swap team or a hot swap team this is the type of set you're going to want to run on her because of the ability that the moonlit Cloud set actually has for that but I would recommend going with the molten Rift set in most cases unless you specifically are going for a hot swap set then of course Moonlight clouds is an option so we're going to be going over her weapons and her Echoes and her teams in a dedicated build guide video for her that way this video doesn't get too bogged down with too much information and the video turns into like a 304 minute video so stay tuned for that video and if this was helpful or informative in any way shape or form to you consider leaving a like And subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Pancake Breakfast
Views: 159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UdxkkLCTv4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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