Jimmy Fallon Discusses Fatherhood, Politics On His Show, Cultural Appropriation + More

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I seriously thought he was a Boston fan. 😐

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/JimboLodisC 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact: they had to completely change the ending of the movie since the Red Sox came back to win

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/canseco-fart-box 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is there a specific spot I could skip to to hear it?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pricci1997 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

He also rooted for the Mets in the mid 80s

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jazilli 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club more than everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne to God We Are The Breakfast Club you got a special guest in the building a breakfast club first-timer that's right Jimmy Fallon we know you're a late-night host yeah no I haven't had breakfast yet but I've been up early though I have two kids and oh and so they're four and five and that's when they wake up four and five get them ready for school come to school yeah exactly welcome to school I mean I feed them whatever they can and you know whatever I have I don't even at some point so early I don't even care you guys could do you do regular daddy stuff like yeah I get up I mean they wake me up now they're coming to bed they're old enough to walk in the bedroom now and wake up which is cute but it's also like they don't care that daddy's job your crazy dad like go to the games yell scream I know I'm gonna I think it's that's I don't want to be that guy but I think that's where everyone's ending up like I barely my dad came to maybe two of my little league games too well maybe I saved me before but I mean I was bad I remember my dad coming to any games in mind when I was growing up it's a news that you have to go to every game kids guys did that affect you as you got older Jimmy we had post Malone on the show great so we did this whole bit because he wanted to go to our garden he goes to our garden after all those big things and I've never been to you've never been to Olive Garden no I live in New York City Times salad dude I got there I didn't know how I I don't know how they make money first of all ogre let me tell you something I go in there really nice I love you by the way I went in they go if I took an escalator up to my table that's how big Olive Garden is I never went to a restaurant we took an escalator right in the restaurant I go in they go here you go these breadsticks unlimited breadsticks I go and they're free and I go okay if I had them they are delicious it was great there we go here's some salad unlimited salad he as much she wants free okay I mean it's a business model would you like some wine I go if you want to try some the samples are free so at this point I've had breadsticks salad and like three tastes of wine I didn't pay for anything it's a go how do I pay for something this crazy restaurant then I go we get at the entree whatever it was good and then I went in the side I joked around I said hey it's my friend's birthday even though it wasn't post birthday but I was like can you get him a cake or something to go we can because and actually it's complimentary make me pay please I want to pay money they didn't know that it was Jimmy Fallon in post Malone they did we filmed it but okay but I know it wasn't so maybe they just gave it to you guys free because you guys are filming because you pay for the entrees in the appetizer do a full after that you're full and twisted so you do pay for the salad it's just unlimited like you pay you got a drinking problem no I can't drink and do what I do man I go that night when I left with post we finished taping a probably 10:30 he's drinking beer he he wants to go he goes where we going now I'm like grandpa's going to bed man he goes come on I thought we're gonna go and like let's get smashed oh gosh that's the old me I came to do he's like come on you're Irish where's like where's the pub that peer pressure boy and they go yeah then the Irish maybe Mike that's right maybe I should go ahead Shep please then I'm like every place I used to go to is probably closed I gotta go I'll tell you if it's still open cuz I probably still go god I mean Don Hills that's closed that wouldn't Tribeca Soho area yeah I used to do parties there yeah that was like it cool like like a dance club we used to go to again this is old can you dance no the worst you know I went to see Justin Timberlake show and when he start his tour salute to JT that's a great guy he's alright so yeah boy oh yeah anyways so he could I'm doing the show mask we're gonna go great I'll be there so I go there and it's like he got me some VIP ticket where I guess the whole bottom floor is a nightclub have you seen this show so I go to this thing again I'm 44 years old dying everyday for a blessing I understand that before a five year old in a club this bad that's stupid that is just you know what I'm doing I go I go do I dance so what do I do they go do you want to drink and go I don't drink because then people gonna YouTube it and go he's got a drinking problem alright so I start dancing and it's me like stand there and then they go that's gonna be YouTube music alright so I go give me a drink then someone else gives me another drink now I do have a drinking problem I have two beers someone take a beer and then Justin get me a seat so I can just sit in the chair and clap for you and I can't be dancing around in a nightclub let me for the record you might as well drink cuz you look drunk when you dance anyway let you see my move at a wedding or something I just can't win you can't just stand there because that's wrong and then you can't dance cuz you're embarrassed I don't know man I felt so awkward there's Alma and I and it's friends I'm looking at him going like screaming and clapping for him because he's great but I just put me to chair next time mm-hmm put me in a chair and a seat I can just watch now you really look old chair takane just sit down and be real like reading glasses and stuff like that but uh yeah I that was I'm trying to think Don Hills is fun place man where is it ago now like what do we do kids now you have your own house you can build a bar to crib exactly yeah you don't go out anymore when you when you reach this thing you know drinking at home makes it seem like you have a problem I feel like we drink socially like when we go out with people but like at home cause it by yourself watch the homework homework movie gave me some invention you hear what the suspension is called a I don't know what's called but it's a needle that goes through the cork of your bottle of wine mm-hmm so it doesn't quark the wine then it pumps a gas in there so you can pour it like one glass out of the bottle opening the bottle that's a great idea cuz every time you open a bottle wine you feel like you have to finish it exactly so others called Corvin it's the name of it in Bailey so I did that and then they go oh that's great so you can have a one amazing wine from 1980 whatever they some crazy thing and then you pour one glass then you want that you can just use it again without corking it but the problem is that it tastes so good there you have another glass and you're month so just pop the cork about is it hard to have to deal with your the image the perception when you see headlines I've always got a drinking problem so now you're just out you want to have one drink to have a good time but you're afraid to that pressure yeah it's not really I mean I know I know cuz I'm not that guy it's just like I think the that stuff came from like old stories and you know things get resurfaced everyone's got a book coming out as my dad and so I think you know it works like that so I I think when I see those things it's like no I can't I can't have a drinking problem well how do you deal with social media because everybody's always going at you about it oh yeah how's it easy no it's tough I mean I hope my kids out out live this social media thing I don't think it's the greatest thing I hate it but if I didn't have to promote my show I wouldn't be on it it could be worse things that people say about you though honestly like there are many worse things that could be a hashtag about about you oh yeah I doesn't mean that's it's rare if they do do it I don't really read it to be honest it's more of a one-way street for me I promote and that's it I kind of put my phone people say comedians can't be sad and depressed about social media they say that's one thing they can also just kind of just brush it off yeah I guess I do I don't know I guess I mean I don't get bummed out I don't get depressed about it and you can't block of my block I'm lying everybody I used to block then I go I went the other way and I unblocked everybody really yeah and it cuz I don't read them it's like it's even better historically are the most oppressed people ever oh not me I came from a different thing I actually happy-go-lucky I had a great childhood great parents lucky kid no I am but no I played one in a movie movie from New York City I was like you can't be a boston redsox no movie exactly played one in the movie okay I'm an actor so now you can hold it all so I did a sketch to attend live whereas I had a guy with a Boston accent so everyone just thinks I'm from Boston I'm like no I'm from New York but whenever we start filming the movie I went to Boston and the first gosh the first four hands I was like and that was you know that was the women we did that and then some guy would just scream at me and I in between takes we didn't disrupt any games we'd come in during the inning me and drew Barrymore sat down to our scene we were miked up and blah and then like a second you suck a fourth came hey fellas go back to New York you suck it by the tenth game like hey Jew it is my wife Linda like that's Fran something and we ended up filming that movie they're supposed to lose and as we're filming they won the wild-card and then it's it's gonna be the first time in 86 years that the Red Sox won so it's the first movie I think ever to be filmed of a team as that was actually happening we had to rewrite the whole end of the movie because they're supposed to lose and I think the end of the movie was me and drew have old people makeup on and we're still at the game together like we're in love but we're still at the game and now we changed the thing because now they've won the series and it was bonkers in Boston just bonkers but in the in a great way they didn't scream like we won flipping cars and stuff they were like and then like if you drove past a cemetery you see pennants and all this graves and oh my god they didn't live to see the team win it's such a spirited town everyone is a Red Sox fan in Boston you have to be so you would like the good luck charm for them to win exactly next no no the Golden State game for a second ago wait what people go to the garden just to go to the garden nowadays it's the experience of being interesting yes I'd say you go the Browns gonna be there I think this is nothing like the garden though that when it's rocking mm-hmm it's unbelievable absolutely ever go to Knicks games forever since Sarah lives days but who was Nick where he scored the four point shot Larry Johnson Larry Johnson yeah Larry I was there for thinking really I was there when the buzzer when he threw that in Atlanta and swish for three points and he got fouled it was a la maybe that's not fly now would you cannot say it down no but I was hugging strangers and it was like people were crying and it was the most but that's nothing like that like those those those days in New York and those things that's the great part about New York City it's so much spirit so much fun that's that's why I was happy we brought the Tonight Show back to New York because they you know they asked me to take over for Leno and I said that's amazing and talked to Jay it was great and I said which can we bring it in New York City and they're like uh we'll call you right back you know and then they had to talk to each other and then they said well if you feel like it yeah I guess I mean try to figure that out and bring because it was a like it also I got tax thing too and it's an LA things like historical thing in LA so we had to bring it back to New York and it was good for me because I think the audiences are great are you still having fun going there tonight you'll love it it's great it's perfect for me I got it's perfect for someone with a DD it's completely different and it's the most exciting stuff and like this week alone we have tonight we have Tyler Perry and kiss - Tyler Perry when you see those guys together that's random perfect that's what I show should be man it should be like your brains like what that was just it should be like food for your brain we're like that was so different and cool we have Timberlake is coming on Thursday he saw you dancing any show at least so that's good I mean he saw me dancing in the box though no yeah well that wasn't me taking it I wasn't you want to gonna box that was not me taking the Box I was always a nice amber who's taking the box close on that show I did a Barry Gibb talk show and where it's an impression of Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees I go boy this is what he would sound like if he was just I wonder if you just talked like he's saying I was like this is great time you know stuff like that so that's a bit I was doing that bin it turned out was funny but I was like I can't believe have to follow a dick in a box cuz that was crusher and when we saw for the first time like this is gonna be big it was definitely a big dick in it my goodness guy but yeah we always have we we have good we have good rapport we have a sketch it should be should be funny do you ever really do that no I don't think so I haven't been there I haven't been at diagnosed I haven't talked cuz I just don't want to know just just him guys if you wouldn't give it's bad if you don't blink then so happy right my kids love you and not because of the show because you got the coolest roller coaster in Disney Oh like how we got a roller coaster ride in Disney that's a universal yeah an Universal and his dope is don't like he who said anything he has like the whole scene in Universal a couple times I don't nobody Fallon right let's check this out so if so we got two deals NBC I signed up for late-night NBC Universal so in my head I go Universal Universal Studios dope Wow so then I go talk to any of these roller coaster people and they go sure so they set me up this mark would bury this guy who's a he does all the roller coaster universe I pitch in this idea I go it's kind of like do they came that ride Sauron in Disneyland I did you're on a hang glider simulate simulator like feels like a hang glider over the orange groves and stuff it's cool I go it's like that except you're going through New York City and you're racing in a car against me hmm so they go that's great no who are you and good luck with your show Jeremy and I think that's Jimmy and they go well whatever good luck I know your place in Conan O'Brien good luck so anyways years cut two years later the show goes well we get to tonight's show they called me and they go do you remember pitching us my paper right here you know so we worked on it with my writers for like three years film the thing it's a giant giant simulation dope simulator ride and it is rad what's it called it's called race through New York okay you sound kind of difficult I'm gonna tell you why your ask them to move the show to New York and you asked me on rollercoaster my own ice cream I'm glad they dug it it's crazy to think back in the day you know when I was just starting out doing stand-up and do an impression something that that you go you'd end up on TV not only that on The Tonight Show I mean I'd sent live then late night then Tonight Show again these are jobs I didn't know existed cut to then I have a roller coaster and vintage cherry ice cream and it's like a crazy awesome it's just a crazy fun ride it feels surreal totally it's like every single day this is bizarre like the fact today I'm gonna have Tyler Perry on was a giant new movie and then bodies fool nobody's fool to yet uh it's funny by the way what we go very cut some funny scenes and and then kiss at the same time effect it I could put those two together and I could be a kid in the middle of you know the middle of the country that doesn't have maybe there are no clubs you maybe there's no you can't afford to go see a show you don't even know what kiss is or if we have a new comedian on the show mm-hmm they don't even know what kind of comedy is a kid will watch I'm like I can do this right I could be her I could do that it's like that's the best move for the Tonight Show when we have bands on for the first time and like when we break somebody it's like like we had a tide of the creator what's the group before anyone they even have a it would have label nothing they was popping off yeah they were probably they were yeah but it was but it was the first TV appearance would know they didn't have any really radio play or nothing mmm but it's like to see them come on they were just super kids oh yeah book yeah I guess like cuz they were underground when it came on your show so whose has their to the streets to mention yes some people just have you know either someone will just mention it to me like have you heard of this person or ever heard of this band or check out this comedian you'll hear around we have Booker's do that's their job to do that but you'll hear somebody on your show or I'll you know I fight I like to listen to different shows and just to hear and watch different things like who's that what's that about and then if it's interesting no matter who it is if I go like I love that song is Peter Cetera sir next time I fall they must needs to play death of it emboss all you do you do a lot of things that revolve around hip-hop culture do you have an actual love for hip-hop are you just appropriating I do I do I do like I like everything I'm a pop culture fanatic so I mean growing up I was in those 80s days so for me it was Beastie Boys Run DMC LL Cool J especially being in New York it was so much stuff yeah NWA easy I'm a big 80s fan too especially because they had all those movies back in the day we used to love that's how everybody used to listen to like the same songs because the radio stations in New York it wasn't so separated like it wasn't like the hip-hop station and the pops in the new Beastie Boys book which is great mmm it's really dead J I read yeah they did like him and Rick Rubin like they all just kind of it's it's a great story but I think a drock's talking about how at this time in the city people just walk around boom boxes playing their music that they like so if you're in a latin neighborhood they'll play some Latin music if you're in new dough they'll play menudo play seriously but they crank it on a blue button no one cares this is my music that I like and then you go a different neighborhood they'll playing some R&B song that no it's so like it was so interesting like oh now everyone's got headphones or they're actually being more polite than they used to be but please just play big this is what I'm listening to it's like and that's also how you would hear different stuff cuz I think I love hearing different stuff and now and then the roots will tell me about some group or some band I've never heard of and I'll bring up a band of the roots that never heard of them it's good to kind of challenge each other like oh that was great dude died I think roots have never seen Allman Brothers and I had them on and they were like because there's no band like the roots oh no that was very edgy move for you all black hip moved by the way and roots isn't a roller coaster two roots got a part in Rome did you have to convince yeah I wasn't it wasn't that easy it was interesting like because what happened was probably a deal breaker from white cooperatives that would have been hard to get them to actually commit what happened was my friend Neal Brennan produced Chappelle's Show we love Neal you got another one rich our guy all right here we go oh really good all right so now I'm like no Bowie there so he's not gonna know about producing and he goes dad I really want again to stand I want to focus on my stand-up now he goes okay he goes who's the band gonna be any go I don't know you need a good band cuz I'm following a Max Weinberg and you know and that was a fantastic band and so I'm like he goes you should ask the roots I go you think the roots would be my house man he goes oh no no no I was saying you should ask them because they know a lot of know so I called their manager and I I asked them and I didn't hear back from them for like three weeks cuz they're on tour they're in Paris I mean they toured I want to say like 325 days out of the year a lot crazy like everyday they're on tour all over the world so then um I heard back the manager Richard called me up said well let's have a meeting like in your office and let's talk about what this idea is I hope that be great perfect thanks so much hung up I do not have an office I have a cubicle so I'm like I need an office so I called Lauren Michaels I said I want to has me with the roots I think they're thinking about it I need an office I borrowed Lauren's office so I went in his office which is really nice it looks out on the Senate live stage it looks like I know what I'm doing and so uh I had their manager Questlove Tariq and my producer and we had a meeting at night I said look two things one if you do this you'll be the best band in this your TV in the history ever there's none better because you guys can play with jay-z but you can also play with Tony Bennett I've never seen a man like you number two you were real close to Philly we're trained right away and and you could train right there I mean your family could you raise your kids there whatever you want to do and that's I think that's my reasons and Questlove said all right I want to ask you two questions because one is if we have like a jazz group or some jazz someone from that can't normally get booked on a show can we have them on sitting with the band like if Herbie Hancock or some I go good if he wants to be in the back we have in fact let me call Herbie Hancock in case you guys say no because Kenda can we have them on and support I go absolutely he was number two if this is Lorne Michaels office where's the popcorn which is a great question because it's a comedy nerd question like only comedy nerds know that Lauren has a thing of basket popcorn in his office like every sketch of serandibe we see that so that was kind of an amazing thing for me I was like I can I think we along with this guy and I didn't know them that well you know I I actually went to go see them I knew seed that's the only I knew that and here I come my only root songs that I knew and and so and I saw them I saw them in LA when I was trying to get them like I was again dancing you know really been there like hop dance you're gonna lose this Fallon you know that's a great story and out of that story I confirmed a rumour that I've heard that Neal Brennan was gonna posed to be the executive producer of The Tonight Show yeah oh yeah yeah I wanted him to be it's not really room he told me that I didn't believe he actually said he's like now I want to focus on stand up what you guys are doing the mic sukham Athens Dana three mics is a crazy awesome special incredible didn't get enough credit for that one I think he deserves it it was just brilliantly done like ah now we're talking about all of your crazy demands right when you signed your contract what are some of the craziest demands for artists to have come on to be on The Tonight Show I mean I wish I had a really crazy story no one really is that crazy when they come on I mean people who ever smoked they like to smoke before the show easy yeah but you just can't do it indoors it's like so you know that Snoop smoke weed yeah I think we just somehow it gets out anything and if you smell weed there you go dude is someone smoking weed is like that's my cologne but yeah I guess I mean sometimes that there was someone we had to move to a different floor because everyone's just getting contact hi if you were just walking are like oh my gosh that is a lot of weed but somehow they got to hide it or because the alarms go off it's the fire firemen have to come but it gets crazy I remember Keith Richards was on smoking the fire the fire alarms went off it's all these sirens Fire Department it comes whole thing I'm like Keith you can't have you ever had to do drugs with a guest to secure an interview no I never had to do drugs with the guest don't try think of who you know people like some people like a drink before they come on I don't recommend that yeah I don't think you come off better I think you say like it takes away your anxiety or whatever calms you down it doesn't it makes you slur your words and just don't do it fine do you think they'll be more fun yeah they think that but it's like it's harder for me to control the interview just come on trust me trust me I do this for a living I want you to have a good time I want you to look good we've seen you play in trumps here yes I did yeah yeah I you know people thought I was you know siding with his politics kind of human eyes on me yeah I can make him out to be I was just touching his hair just see if his hair is real is it real yeah it's real yeah he's been on the show a bunch of times because he was a big reality star in NBC mm-hmm so I've known him for a long time so we've always had some it touches here I used to do a bit where I touched his hair into it bark at me I tell you like nothing very old like Three Stooges bit but that he came on that night and they said yeah he said you can you can mess his hair up so you okay so I said hey can I miss your hair and so I just didn't see it was real give me a good a good mess even get weird cotton he used to be a celebrity a reality huh yeah now he's the president so it's like the rules change overnight and how you can interact with him that's crazy yeah I mean it's it's been bizarre for us because we obviously make jokes about whoever the president is we made but we lived in the Obama from the beginning of late night til now I mean it was all jokes how many jokes can we make about Obama we made everything when he wore rememory wore like a light suit it was the biggest scandal he it wasn't like what we have to deal with now taste like it's just a sends a tweet out and you have to have to read a joke about it but it's also kind of exhausting you like can't we talk about anything else yes anything else to talk about like do you regret voting for Trump that you mentioned pilots how much politics is too much politics for late-night TV I mean we do probably five or six jokes out of you know ten jokes or politics you know we try to differ it and mix it up because we have a lot of people watching you know there's a lot of a lot of country watching our show some people are Republican some are Democrats some people don't care about some people don't care about politics but we have to hit everybody and try to make everybody laugh so we do a little of everything and mix it in try to keep it fun keep it light I mean there's guys out there doing a great job with the politics is it better than I can do like Colbert he's great he's really good but it's not me it's not my thing so I'm just gonna stick to what I do and do what I do I read in Rolling Stone that you don't pay attention to ratings is that true I have started to now but I wasn't I never did I never cared about ratings but everyone always brings it up to me now so I have to know what are they talk about what's the thing I just don't really understand it because it's just not my thing I just do the best job I can I don't want change for anybody I don't do a bad job I try to do the best job I can so that's all I can do I can't affect the ratings what do you want me to do I you look like you had a great time with Tiffany Haddish who is the who is that person I've never met anyone in my life like Tiffany Haddish she's got energy I mean she makes me tired and I got a lot of energy she's the spirit she is great to the spirit we did a lip sync battle where I thought I would win but she crushed me she did a James Brown and then she got the cape out which was like that's a good move that's good the cape move the people that you befriended after they came on the show like you met them for the first time and you love them so much it was like we got to hang out I should do it more but I just don't have time don't do anything I don't I really don't leave my house I don't I don't do anything I mean I go out to dinner with my wife every now and then but it's like I I guess if I did more stuff I'd be more into I don't think I'd be interesting to people I got Tiffany Haddish I'd love to hang out there but I think she would be bored she'd come over and beg what are you doing half a bottle of wine you stick a needle in she's not she's not there you don't have the Entertainer when you're with Tiffany oh is that right she's Tiffany all the time really yes you known for a while a great friend of mine really yes she's Tiffany all the time she was a hype like a hype man for a Jewish parties bar mitzvahs I said she was parties bar mitzvahs did you find somebody what was it again a new executive producer we have a new yeah we have a new showrunner coming in his name is Jim Bell he's from the Olympics and Today Show he's good but you know we we we switch it up all the times like change is good you know just fresh ideas a different a different set of eyeballs looking at it going do you ever think of that it's like it's it's good to have that every now after the Tonight Show took a rating say do you think it's because politics wasn't necessarily your strong suit and it fits Colbert better yeah maybe I mean people want it they're just people obsessed with politics right now and taken aside and so maybe that's the thing I mean also it's just a different world things are changing like you know we will see where our jokes end up going but III can't predict what I'm gonna say next week you know but I think you know yeah I mean this ratings thing for me like I really honestly I don't think the numbers in general are good in general late night everybody for everybody for TV it's like that's so if you really want to talk about ratings it's like it's just not good all around it's just people are going to the internet or the phones or something else but it's like so that it's so our households are taking a hit but the 18 at 49 or 18 to 35 young people were still number one but that's again that's if you want to get involved with real I wouldn't if I was if I gave advice to anyone I'd say don't listen to ratings but I have to know what I'm talking about because people keep asking me about it so I'm like I don't know and like oh really you don't know about the ratings I go I really don't but if I if I'm that bad someone from NBC will fire me you know why I hate ratings I hate ratings because they never tell you a bottom unless they're bad so saying you know it was a hint we've been doing this for eight years and they always the bottom back and they're down ya know it's like same thing with anything or anything in the newspaper they go like if it's good news no one calls you right if it's bad news I was like a man that posted the posted messed up dude you have like 50 messages like oh no what happened what I do now I'm in trouble again why why do you think there are no late night no black late-night host on TV are women I mean you got Samantha B you have Chelsea well Chelsea's gone I mean I'm more like own network though Arsenio Hall I love chili was music I love that song after all no no wasn't great it would turns out that's not what he does but I wonder I don't know what I mean Byron Allen was he count no barber is rich don't by the way dude Byron elamite the weather kitchen yeah bought it yes you said I'll take the channel yeah it's not like you had a show in the way whatever you bought the weather channel I'm like go fire down from real people I appreciate the fact you didn't try to just make up some [ __ ] I don't know I don't know you have to be more politically correct since when you first started the show until now the climate has changed so much in the world it's like be careful what you say yeah in some ways yeah I mean some ways yeah but also I've never been that type of comedian really to say that much edgy stuff I you know I got close you know but nothing ever was Sara alive it's a live show so I know what to say we're not saying so by then so but yeah it's it's getting to be really there's a lot of you got to be really careful what you say do you think that's an L is funny now yeah I think that's know is funny it's always funny it's hilarious how some people say it goes waves were I've always loved it I'm a uber uber uber fan I really like to the point where I study it and you know I don't watch it as much as I used to because I'm just again I'm old it's great but whenever I do see it I love it it's amazing what they pull off live TV and it's always changing always evolving always something different a new cast it's not like they have the same cast that they had years ago it's always changing and I don't know what it's gonna be like in five years I don't know who's gonna be on they might have a robot as a cast member I don't know it's like it but they go with the times they change and it's fresh and it's live and you get to see somebody perform really do it perform like it's great to see that and you see people have good sketches bad sketches but nothing you could do about it i thing i like about tonight's show is that I don't beat myself up about it I don't have time because I have another show to do tomorrow you know so I got you know Tyler Perry tonight hopefully it goes well but if it doesn't I can't beat myself up because I gotta be funny tomorrow who's your favorite person to make fun of Donald Trump a Kanye West if you had to pick two right I don't really make fun of Kanye a little bit but Trump I mean I could do an impression of him so it's kind of you know but it's again it's a touchy thing yeah if it's a clever way to do it that's then I'll do it like we're doing a thing where it's just him trying to rally trying to go to all these rallies was I did him and put on the wig and makeup which is funny because when he come on I show he would do his own makeup really yeah Wow so he'd put that orange stuff on his face swear to god no do it himself when he would leave just be an empty bag of Cheetos and and a brush no he he would do his own stuff so now it's funny when I do an impression of him it takes me like an hour to get it to here and make him to try to look like something he did and find out but I do it in you know he just mispronouncing the words and just saying like you gotta shush cuz I think it's dangerous to keep falling yeah but it's like it's very the erections are coming and it's very important to and just mess it so yeah but so we do sketches like that and it's funny you know it's a touchy subject you don't want to like a friend hit B so no yeah I don't offend anyone I don't want anyone to feel bad yeah yeah I told me to be a man I think he was he was hearing some an old interview or something that where I said that I was embarrassed to have my dad and he's like that I was I was afraid that was humanizing he said Jimmy be a man I'm sorry that which is interesting because normally when you when you think the president tweets you back I wanna frame it this is the coolest thing what do you say about the emanuel name because you can't please everybody Jimmy you're gonna drive yourself crazy if you try to please everyone you're gonna offend some people sometimes I know but it's like iiiii that wasn't the point I think he was he was he didn't hear the interview I didn't I didn't apologize for having him on oh okay I apologize for anyone that was offended that I they think I support his politics okay so you were being a man I was but definitely a minute I had my shirt off a little [ __ ] no I was lifting weights well I said it I was so manly I was like that was chewing tobacco I mean it was really I'm such a man who's your favorite late-night host on TV I want to ask you to Jimmy Fallon they all do good stuff I don't know that I like like Kimmel is a good guy Colbert Jamie stop okay you bought the name everybody to try to please everyone no we're not doing that no I don't watch I don't want it okay better answer I don't know exact Byron out of it come on Breakfast Club this is awesome it's The Breakfast Club good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 1,517,801
Rating: 4.8079314 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jimmy fallon, the roots, the tonight show, saturday night live
Id: xu0U_Hxceas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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