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my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop all right guys welcome back eyl biggest in the game first and foremost we gotta thank you guys for making this number one that's a fact it's a historic event first time ever black podcast reached number one in business charts so yeah thank you guys for that so this is a this is an episode that i actually um was waiting for for a while and um it's interesting because um we're in miami so shout out to jason i gotta miss everybody that made this happen shout out to my man jay good jay goodwin j cool up so we're in miami at one of these pool parties i forget and um that's all that's so s that's all actually i think he was telling me about a couple rappers like to come on the show and it's a different type of show cause it's a business show so everybody's not a good fit for the show so i'm like i'm not really sure so i know who i would really want to have on the show he's like who i'm like um jim he's like jim jones i'm like yeah he i can make that happen so then he contacted mel shout out to her and then she put me in touch with poem shout out to him very professional i like the whole situation that they had running yep so i say i have to say i'm telling like a couple people like yo we got jim coming on jim jones and i was kind of taken back because i don't know i just always looked at jim as like an entrepreneur a business person like he always had a bunch of stuff going on and a couple people that i was telling they didn't really understand today like well what's the conversation and then i'm like like giving his resume and they're like all right it makes sense now so i don't think that they fully i don't think people fully appreciate um his business acumen but i mean if you look at it you know as far as saucy farms extract um vamp light fitness quarantine studios yep it was a crypto coin don't forget about that nso nft seven months ago nft you know what you sold one seven months oh so first rapper to sell nft seven months ago at 2.5 ethereum is roughly like four thousand dollars i sold a picture of my casket took a picture of my casket somebody brought it 2.5 ethereum now it's like four thousand dollars in my digital wallet yeah so i've been i i tapped the vein and then i kind of pulled back and i'm just trying to figure it out because i i kind of take it like a digital baseball card and then this guy caught up so many things and then i start seeing like it's back to culture like is like all right i got some tricks up my sleeve for the next yeah next year visionary yeah but even but even before that music like he started if i'm not mistaken as uh he was filming he was the um camera he was doing um camera work right yeah i did i did pretty much director for cam from security to management to video director to marketing to promo to anything that has had to do with the diplomats and anything that you've seen i pretty much was the one uh making the vision happen and it's a vision that all of us put together but the work behind the scenes and all that was a lot had to do with me it was grind time so yeah so like i said it made perfect sense to me and then once i explained it they're like okay i get it so um i'm excited to have the conversation so first and foremost thank you for joining us appreciate it thank you all for having me yeah for sure i i got to tell you the line because uh we live by the line that cam said and i mean try to go way back we you know we've been friends since 30 25 years and um when cam told them i'm gonna get [ __ ] right if i spend my cake jimmy i'm gonna get you up out of 5 8 100 that was his line to me like for years right to school and this thing was like i'm gonna get you up out of school and so we finally uh got me up out of five by doing this school teacher in the bronx i said oh that's dope man like that's uh that's one of my dream jobs is to actually be a teacher oh yeah yeah you used to teach a class actually right yeah i told a curriculum for like three years um they let me teach you one time during the first time i did that let me teach you during the actual school like 2 15 was mr jones class it was dope but and then they let me do it two times as the after school program it was funny because my all three years my attendance were perfect and actually kid more kids were trying to come to the program than anybody else and i figured one or two weeks the kids would be done with the jim jones but not they were heavily intrigued they kept better they did they worked they see something about what music does to kids as far as just to be a part of it and and learn things that they've been watching and wanting to be liking rappers and stuff like that so i broke down a whole classroom until the fully functioning record label um walker department all the problems you could think of and bring in the head of each department from these labels that i knew to actually speak to the kids and then i showed the kids how to market and promote artists from the moment he gets signed to the moment he puts out some music and so forth and so on and it's pretty dope i actually want to start to do that virtually now um what was doing this in harlem or the bronx what do you mean where the school was the school was in brooklyn all right so so i want to i got a couple questions um first i want to start with the music so independent you're still independent right yeah empire yes so all right can you break that down like how what does that mean to be an independent artist like do they just distribute your music and you have to take care of like touring and marketing and all that or is it like a 50 50 type it depends on what type of independent situation you're in there's a few types um so empire is a distribution like so they give you distribution they probably give you numbers from anywhere from 1585 split to 2085 split whatever you can agree and their job is to make sure your music is put up on all platforms and they monetize the the music so you could get paid um every month and if you can make 300 worth of music or sell 300 for music then you'll get a check minus whatever percentile it is and and up forward but when artist catches a buzz with one of these records um you know empire is compelled to give you label support and sometimes your split might go to a 50 50 to your recoup if they put money on radio chrome or video promo then at that time they can act as a label for you because you have a record that makes sense for the both parties to continue with or you could just keep it how you want to keep it and it's collecting money and then you can sign to independent labels such as cash where the numbers might be a little bit different but you're still an independent entity depend depending on how you strike your deal but koch is a label no matter how you look at it you set that thing on fire yeah you said that it was people i see what people don't understand is it wasn't saying cash on fire per se was then set in a business model right right that's what i was saying because you had guys the crew was on dev jam at the time and you had the independent thing and it was kind of like ah it's independent but then the way they were doing it it didn't matter because people wanted to see the diplomats exactly so whatever we wanted to put the dividend people were going to go to get whatever the message was going and we i wasn't going to get the money that i thought i should get at a major label so i mean cam was like it makes sense to do what some of these self artists machine were doing and we took that model and and then that blew the whole thing up for the whole east coast especially for new york and all these independent labels that started coming out from all of these major labels who started doing subsidiaries like red sony and all these type of things those are solely because of us doing what we did at koch you know a label can't let no money slide if they see another business model that's working they have to copy so that they can jump in the game and this is pretty much what me and cam did for the east coast of music that bowling record different no i was big man yeah it broke a lot of records may cost like 20 million something don't forget the remix it made cost 20 million something like that you know i ate off of it a little bit gotta have i had a for independent artist i was the only independent artist to be able to get a publishing deal at that time period like they were not given any independent artists a major publishing deal and i did my i had i i had a big one so so independent artists they still don't have their publishing um it depends if independent artists are smart i'm not saying they don't have the publishing they're saying major pub publishing they don't give out publishing deals to most independent artists you have to be of some phenomenal success for them to really think that is worth it worth it for them to give you a major publishing deal and then most independent artists don't know how to retrieve the money off their publishing and then you have different people that you know so so i would so i got a whole new publishing i don't think i'm gonna [Laughter] don't worry nobody's listening [Laughter] outside for me in this next in this next few months i'm gonna probably change the game on how to how how publishing the scene and and and and brought and invested in all types of things you've been right a lot so yeah i mean this is there's no way i'm not wrong i mean i'm going to show artists how to get paid instantaneously on their publishing as soon as they create records yeah now that's good because i remember ryan leslie he was saying like how you got to track down for your publishing yeah and like even overseas and it's like it's a whole business just trying to actually get the publishers right because every time your record's getting played technically you should be getting paid from it but if you've got people playing it in germany and people playing in south africa who's the person that's tracking track and all these people that actually do that as people get paid for that and then there's people that are actually are vultures for that because they know if publishing doesn't get uh claimed by a certain amount of time they can claim it and then if it don't get claimed after a certain amount of time after they claim it they could keep it right so the the record label or just there's people in general just people just like oh they never claimed who's into that oh wow that's crazy it's just freaky wow i don't know how they do it but things like that but i'm not into none of that what i'm going to do is show artists how to get paid as detainees or for publishing from the moment they create a record i'm not going to go into what's going on y'all gold fuel has completely revolutionized the energy drink market it's formulated with clean natural ingredients and is the only energy drink to use cordycep mushrooms cordyceps help your body use oxygen more efficiently and have been used in chinese medicine for thousands of years not only that it's been known to help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation so if you're looking for an energy drink that matches your style and represents your hustle drink gold fuel it only makes sense click the link below and use our promo code eyl 20 to get 20 off from one go to the next cheers family were you ever signed to a major yeah i took a bunch of money from sony that was after ball how'd that work out terribly it was just an awkward situation they um they were in the midst of doing business with jay and they didn't think that it was oh yeah i had some friction at this time i mean it was friction but they didn't think that it was beneficial to sony to have me signing sony nj doing business with him at the same time so is that a piece of paper like you're the sign of paper you don't always know money nothing that's how much money they got everything is pretty much attached right i've didn't really care them labels they're not losing no money this money's grandfathered in they just collected an interest in playing with tax money so after you left sony i guess years down the line you do reconcile and become part of roc nation yeah what was that process like because i actually i ran into you at a rock nation event it was um uh downtown and y'all were talking about the history of of the label with you biz and lenny yes was there and i'm like wow this is crazy i'm actually watching history take place so how did that relationship get reconciled and how did you get to roc nation this mutual friends man vic that i always work out with say we still have mutual friends that's what i'm cool with and they cool and stuff like that and it's worked in that favor you know time time and tell me tom hill's everything and as you get older you want to make smaller moves and do things that's that's that's worth it i mean yeah we we spoke to fat joe and that was a similar thing as a fan watching it was like we got to watch some of the guys that we looked up to actually age and grow and mature and so it's beautiful to see that that's why you know i mean it's just a dope thing because a lot of the times especially growing up we lost some of our greatest artists because they never got a chance to mature and grow and reconcile with some of their differences so i think it's beautiful that y'all got the chance to do that 100 yeah so you know what him in fact joe have in common with me the first time i saw a fat joe in person was the raka first time i saw him in person was kingdom he was riding a bicycle richie parker was there it was like real minister society type vibe like he was riding a bicycle and kingdom that's the first time i ever saw him in person 100 yeah basketball hall and basketball tournament so let's get to this vent like fitness um you know what i'm i'm not sure if you really realize what you like that that fitness wave like because we used to work at what we still do but at that time we was working out a lot and we was getting our workouts from your page like we would watch your page like yo he just did this i'll show you after this it was the in case you missed it in case you did it in case you did it i did legs and so he was like what we're gonna do today i'm like let me see what jim did like all right that was good it was great and that's what i should do that more often i had i had uh so much was going on so at all your shoulder got twisted yeah and i was like damn everything yeah i still got all the footage in my phone like i still work out at least five times a week just editing and putting it up but i did a deal with dana pro for van fit a company called dana pro um from just be selling everything from bands to equipment to challenges to work out to fitness to nutrition to anything possible you think of when it comes to fitness um i believe you're doing a soft launch i believe it's like march 8th where the website goes up and finding some more information about what we're about to offer and what we're about to bring to the table what's coming oh yeah like like what's the thing that we used to do insanity insanity beachbody beachbody yeah yeah yeah something like that uh yeah something like that this is p90x not actually some great challenges i got some i got some dope trainers that's uh that works with me and um we got some dope stuff for the people um you know i'm heavy on being able to work out in the house without with minimal equipment to use so this is what a lot of the challenges are based on and at the same time for those who love to go to the gym we share you with that yeah i've seen that one of the towel workouts with the dumbbells i'm like i don't know if i could try that yet i like jim when he was hiding shoulder hurt because it was like you know what i can do that and then you got healed i'm like nah you know it's one of these games it's a billion dollar industry and there's so many people that need direction when they work out i say that to say i'm glad that you're doing that because um i was i was thinking like they should have been did this because you it was like people was literally watching your page and not just us like our friends that work out too like everybody was like tuning in like yo it's really legit workouts so it'll ramp back up and it's one of the reasons i slowed down is because i did i did the deal and they were building a website and want to have all the footage so that now we upload it on a website so we can now drive traffic to the website from my social page when i put up a little work out there you can go watch the full workout at the very first site and then we'll put those up app tool uh yeah app website everything when you get into work like when you always want to work out vibe or yeah i've been working out for the past 27 years of my life and i mean i started i started really working on when i got with my lady i was a bit slim you know i ain't really one looking at other [ __ ] so i had to put some weight on yes no better inspiration than that yeah man but yeah we are we definitely got something going man fitness is a part of life it's a way of life for us so we're not just doing it for the camera for the money this is something that we do every day like an army yeah so vamp fit is one thing but it vap life is the clothing fab life is the overall brand life is the overall brand and yeah i have a clothing line uh called vampire life that i did a lot of merch doing things like that um so vampire life is pretty much what i've been pushing since i've been doing the diplomats stuff then vl is all over the place almost pretty much the enterprise of everything that i got under it from the quarantine studios to the coin to everything i want to talk about that quarantine studios what's what's the deal with that that seems like a good idea another good idea you have a lot of good ideas so good ideas is cool with execution is everything that's the most important part that's what i've been blessed to do is execute all these ideas that i came with now quarantine studios is two foes is one part is uh it's a platform built in services for artists and artists alike i mean for independent artists or established artists or even people who wish to render services from people such as dj's rappers so a pr manager your entertainment lawyer whatever you could think publishing um or you can return your services and then the flip side is we have a techie part a platform that we've created and i've figured out how to record virtually in real time with no latency and i could add everybody to it and i could record with anybody and my engineer could be on the moon as long as he has wi-fi and i ain't got to do nothing but get in the booth like i'm really in the booth and that's for everybody that's on the on the screen so so how does that work because the typical thing would be studio time so i'm wondering is pointy studios a subscription service well i do i i can't talk about my partner that's uh the partners that we have that's actually building uh building it out but i can tell you this is probably one of the biggest forms of movement in the whole space of the world right now and it's definitely puts a smile on my face but all these things you're talking about are all going to be built in um from clouds and engines in the sky where we don't have to actually use the space on your computer and you still get the full capability of the studio we have to it's all these type of things now we don't have to go deep into that i don't want people to feel like i'm too much of a nerd i gotta keep my gangster going yeah no time at all times right yes we have people that's building up the whole platform and it's going to make it very convenient for people and this is pretty much natural progression like from beepers to iphones and the wave of where the whole record industry is going to have to go from the looks of things and everything being closed in and everybody had to switch over to doing everything virtually this is one stop shopping i mean you got executives that could be in cali and now look at artists that's in the studio in miami and watching record and if he likes them you can actually sign that artist without leaving the screen you can send a link with the lawyer on there and the lawyer pop up nobody leave the screen until the deal is done [ __ ] like that and i'm gonna have the auto sign built in so it'd be one click of a button and you could assign directly digitally and your career is set this type of [ __ ] is different so i'm not going to keep getting into it no this is good because as you're talking i'm thinking about all the tech that's involved so it's like not that you're a nerd but it's like i mean i'm glad that people get to hear you talk about this because it's like yeah you're talking about it you got no you got it no you got to speak about it because it's like at the end of the day it's all about education yes and it's like if people aren't properly educated they keep making the same mistakes and they keep getting like mad at their regulations they're getting taken advantage of because they're not being educated so it's like at the end of the day this is why i think our platform is so successful now because it's like yeah i mean education is the new cool of course it's cool it's cool to be honest for the life of me anywhere i go i'm i'm only there to gain knowledge and give knowledge you know because i don't know it all and i can learn it all that's it that's it it's a book and it's like you know there's so many artists i feel like coming up how are they gonna and i want to get you your perspective on this like how has what do you think the direction of music is now like do you think major labels at some point will be non-existent or will they always be there like what's your what's your thoughts on your neighbors are always going to be there as much as the artists like to say [ __ ] the major label and all that that's one of the biggest banks you ever could do business with at some point you would want to match a dollar if you even if you're a self-contained record label that's doing 100 million dollars if the regulator will say we're gonna put 200 on top of that hundred you'll be making what you gonna do why would you not do it at that point this that's money is not recoupable you ain't gotta pay back [ __ ] once they put in your bank account they hope that you sell enough records to make some of this [ __ ] back you understand what i'm saying so i don't want the labels to go anywhere i need it i need one of the match-offs and things like that but for most artists i understand what they mean by [ __ ] the labels they come into the game thinking that the labels is here to jerk them and that's so stupid because you're only going to jerk yourself you know the rules man you get what you negotiate now what you deserve so you better hope you can negotiate what you deserve and that's just that um it's like when people come in the game and they give up 50 of everything and then five years later when learning the game they riffing and ran on on the social media [ __ ] this thing but this is what you agreed to when you first came in you dig and there's a way smarter way to go about things than getting on the ground and saying [ __ ] this [ __ ] because that ain't gonna get you your money back you gotta be sounding you gotta be smart out here and the industry is one of the illest games ever because so many [ __ ] i've seen get robbed and that's all they do is complain about but actually do nothing to actually get their money back yeah so but is it and we are we have this discussion all the time we talk about the music business but is it really a business like the things that you learned you had to go through to actually physically get that lesson right there was no book right so like is it really a business it's definitely a business it's one of the biggest business moving liquid out here it's no bigger than the music business but the thing about that is no different than the crypto space you can create your own rules within this music business the more you gain success and the more you become an influencer the more they let you do what the [ __ ] you want to do and if you're smart enough you're building a blueprint that people gonna follow that makes you make a dollar that's why the game is so ill of course it's a business you dig now does the business have a heart hell no to build it is business is built on discouragement period you heard you got to be strong-minded to make a dollar in the midst of this music industry that's why there's only a few of them that's making that type of dollar i think what you were talking about chris guy told me right it wasn't that he said it wasn't a business he was saying that it's not run like a business where it's like you can just become an executive just because you know somebody like it but but what really what cause what what what constitutes us saying this is how a business is running if it makes money if i run my business from the house smoking weed and i'm making more money than the way you run your business then whose business model is better that's true true true it's an eye to beholder yeah that's right that's true that's it fair point good point yo like you could go to work win a full shoot and i could go to work win the t-shirt and still make more money than you well you can wear hoodies whatever that's right right the same difference so it all depends on the idle beholder and how people what people consider business at the end of the day business is about the dollar you make right um that's a fact yeah yeah so i'm listening to you talking now i'm like this guy is a professor is part of the the quarantine studio is there an education component where you're teaching these things these things yes there's going to be education components on many things on quarantine studio star from engineering because now it's not just being a studio you have to learn how to engineer virtually so you got a whole engineering school for people for engineers that want to come on and learn how to be engineers because pretty soon in space i'm going to have to have thousands of engineers to occupy the space of all the studio sessions that these kids are going to start doing virtually yeah so i have to train all these and even train the kids for they could just do it in a house on their own instead of going on and getting paid for an engineer and then like i said the program that the music program i would like to put it back up and do that through quarantine studios um everybody that we have working on it from from mel she does uh she just does like tutorials for lawyers that come under her and that we can use on quarantine studios or uh chanel who's gonna have publicists over there she does the same thing so it was like and right now we're at the beginning stages so we're more of the trying to acquire people to help run this machine and as opposed to giving lessons and things like that and then once we have every every man on the ship that we need to make this [ __ ] cruise and then we'll start giving the lessons that need to be gave you your son your son's doing engineering right you were teaching him yeah so uh when i bought when i first brought the rig uh my son is real dope at computers and i pretty much know he could do anything if it has involvement with the computer i need you to learn how to engineer while i set this [ __ ] up so i got a um google js jay's um go-to guy to help uh sunny digital a few people actually got on and showed him a couple of tricks and he he learned it like that so that's a skill that he has with him when you go to college technology they brought me ipad they call me i'm using this is it man he's a tech guy i use yellow pencils i can't so everything that i do i have to write out you know except for music i don't use a pen with music but everything i do have to write out because the way my brain is running so i have to kind of see it so i got big pads and [ __ ] like that but i can't do that [ __ ] everything i can't i'm never going to go to the notes like i'm never going to pop up no i need to go in my house and they say boom boom boom boom boom boom i'm a little bit old-school with that [ __ ] that's the fact that i'm hella i like gadgets though i got all the gadgets but i just can't that's all i'll be right in my notes and get me organized it's old school it's not like you know and i told her i'm like i just told him the story i'm like i gotta just do the ipad i didn't i haven't seen it but what happened was we kept we kept doing the pads and then my brother was like y'all gotta have some uniformity like you got a yellow pad he got a white pad and then i kept losing this is now this is money this is it this pad is an nft now we're gonna get we're gonna sell this pad for a whole nft and i want some money a picture of this pad will put every picture on this pad and we're going to sell this [ __ ] as your nft and you're going to make a shitload of money speaking about nfts let's talk about nf so we interviewed uh well 19. we got to reference 19k shout out to michael shout out to 19k that's my boy yeah that's my guy so we was in miami he was the first person to put us up on um nfts then we interviewed mark cuban yep mark cuban heavy on nft he's making money he made ninety thousand dollars in 30 seconds 22 minutes don't cheat him then we interviewed garyvee and he said that's all he's focused on right now is nft so it's been coming in a wave right now so how did you get introduced to nfts what's going on earnest welcome to eyl university the number one place for business education shall we tell them what we're bringing yes ewy university already has over 100 past webinars from all areas of business it includes weekly webinars from industry leaders it includes access to our investment facebook group movie club our book club it also includes access to monthly financial planning calls with yours truly but what has been added has access to mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint over 14 hours everything you need to know as far as the home buying process is concerned and also what has been added is access to our monthly group chat call so once a month me troy and the whole team is going to let you in on our personal plays our portfolio what we're doing and more so all of that we are running for a special promo code of 70 percent off for a limited time only so head to eyluniversity.com right now and take advantage you know this works don't wait don't hesitate we'll see you on the other side uh my man noel he owns a platform called zap theory oh but they've been helping me out a lot when it came to all this crypto and techy stuff and i've learned so much for them so maybe seven months ago there was like we got this new thing nft and it was explained to me and like so it was pretty much like like a digital baseball card pretty much they're like yeah pretty much they like [ __ ] take a picture something give it to us i took a picture of my chain part of me texted to him the next day he was like well somebody just brought it for a thousand dollars i'm like [ __ ] me somebody just texted him for a thousand dollars this [ __ ] is uh the [ __ ] don't is d what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they like that's it and then it was like wow and then to see you know as ethereum goes up your money goes up and [ __ ] like that so they brought it for a thousand dollars um now i was at like four thousand dollars up and down because ethereum and going up and going down and things like that but that's pretty much how uh nft works and you got the mission you've got the commission on it no it's mines okay you did what now that person that brought it every time he sells it you get a commission for the life of the whole nft yeah so if it gets tossed around a million times i'll get a commission every time that's the eldest part yeah did you set the right don't know the rate that you said because it mark when he was spelling explaining to us the first time he did he did ten percent and i was like that's cool i want to say i think there's like a ten percent uh he went up he got 50. he's like he just kept raising it like like why not [ __ ] it it depends like what i just told you the more you are successful the more you have influence the more you could do what the [ __ ] you want to do all right and that is what mark cuban is doing he's a billionaire he knows what the [ __ ] he's talking about he can keep 50 if you want i don't give a [ __ ] i'm in business with mark cuban that's what the average person is thinking about i'm half and half of mark cuban what's up yo as you're talking i'm i'm thinking to myself how many are you having these conversations with like when you go out and even hauling are you are you kicking with your homies are these conversations that y'all are having everybody's like trying to hit that um no these are conversations that i'm having with a lot of my people like though i'm in a group chat now with um charles de breezy chris breezy's my dude i was just i had we was all in group chat earlier today with a bunch of dope people from the crypto space on shout outs to wilson challenge that's the man slow bucks um it's pretty much that's the weight it's the wave right now like it's not that's why i said me when you see meek mill that's all he's talking about right now is crypto and this is why i made the coin because i was not been in space for a minute and then it became like you know every time hip hop grabs something that's like the end thing to do so now you did when you see the lit [ __ ] start talking about some [ __ ] and everybody still talking about some [ __ ] and i'm just watching like this [ __ ] too easy i'm like man make me a coin now i said people keep talking about all the [ __ ] they doing club whatever this [ __ ] is called everybody's just talking about this [ __ ] mike pond get the dick man tell i need a coin now i can't i can't i don't like talking too much i don't like talking to people too much especially stupid people like you know what i need the coin i'm not into investing in stocks i don't know how to invest in stocks and i was telling somebody the other day but i know how to create a stock so that you can invest in and here we go now i have the capital coin yeah you know what i mean so what's the science behind that well i'm planning to build start with my own ecosystem within the culture using this social currency meaning as the closest things that surround me even with business like and gbm why is the sneaker start i'm fully invested in absolutely so now with the capital coin in the future you'll be able to use the capital coin to buy sneakers at gbny and so forth and so like other companies like uh what's my dudes in brooklyn i got that they got the store the uh the drip store oh the brothers uh [ __ ] i forgot but just like that like just using everything around me to kind of push the capital coin and create a buzz and have people dive into it and things like that i mean for what is worth they say it's going to be no more paper in a minute and everything is going to be digital so at that point where we stand as the culture is we're the power so you have people like elon musk who can say whatever he wants and these rappers think that he's [ __ ] god oh but they're not you is that he's using the power of our culture to fuel his whatever he thinks about whenever he needs it because he knows who has the power is the culture anything we grab hold of nine times of the ten is gonna be successful and prosperous but our people always tricked me thinking that somebody like elon musk is the gatekeeper when it's not when we're the gatekeepers you know what i mean so i created capital coin in hopes that our culture understands the power of that coin and not saying i'm the only one that has a coin i should shout out to little yachty shots or a little pump shout out to akon but everybody has their own way of how they doing like some people were just slowly relying on their success for that coin to make money for yeah i'm using my coin as real social currency so that we kind of have our own dollars that we can spend the same places that uh bitcoin is going to be spending the same places that what is mark cuban said now you can use those to buy yeah so you understand it i'm in the space so i understand what's going on so i want to be able to use capital coin to get mavericks tickets too like you dig like yeah yeah but we the culture and we have so many things that we can use in advance like we have black people that listen to wrap their own dentists we have black people to listen to rap that are doctors we have yeah i mean it's a whole culture and bigger than just even black people just i feel like hip-hop culture influences the whole entire world we don't support ourselves yeah you did yeah we're going to buy the balenciaga and somebody black could make the same thing with the same quality even illa drip and we still want to buy the balenciaga yeah and i saw that you you've made it a a very concerted effort to make sure that you highlighted black businesses all the time i thought i thought it was do i for the entire time i'm saying like like i'm on some cool they can't say [ __ ] now it's part of the fit it's it's drip you dig report the drip report who really in charge please tell me who's really good please shout out to real man that's it did you trade the foot yes i knew you did i knew you did i said it's legendary i sold uh and shout out to everybody in texas but when they had the snow it was nothing but the foot taps and i'm like yo jim's fourteen i got the tops everywhere like four times every week that [ __ ] goes crazy it's funny we actually wanna third season on that show next week we start the third season so shout out to duty shout outs to everybody everybody tavio my god so it it it started as i mean i was watching you on instagram doing it and then they saw it and it could so it's an actual show that on every friday some weekend shows we're gonna show some weekend weather show every friday so you can watch it friday saturday and sunday it repeats and then it's on youtube i'm gonna show you can i keep it real with you what's up my wife's gonna kill me it was cold this morning and when she she put on them uh i said now we're doing here don't kill me i don't know [Laughter] 100. boy you better chill out oh not with the crypto so it's integrated vertically because i know you said that also you could use it for the quarantine studios too right yeah so so right now to um to actually acquire crypto we acquired a capital coin what we've been doing is um every monday i have uh like these um launch parties where we talk about crypto and people that people ask me questions like arzor um no actually on the zap life space and they have a space that's like a entertainment space similar to zoom with multiple people will come on and we talk back and forth about capricorn what it means what i'm trying to do with it people ask me questions and then you know it's packages that people who to buy to acquire the coin instantaneously during that uh event and then right now if you have uh ethereum you can actually go and purchase the capital coin straight with the ethereum and then in the future in the near future you'll be able to purchase the capricorn with your credit card um so zap theory is the only place you can get it yeah it's right now that theory platform like it's in its own ethereum base so yeah it's and it's that currently at a set right now which i'm pretty hyped for because a center is a cent a pennies we've seen a lot of these some some of these coins less than a penny yeah 000.000 we had we had a penny and i want to say i sold through these events maybe like 40 000 and capital coins so far so i'm just trying to keep it organically for right now and just getting people involved and letting them understand what i'm trying to do and you know i got a lot of fans i got my own little ecosystem myself yeah so cultural icon yes that's funny i'm thinking like now like if you can start integrating into some of these larger platforms like gemini or kraken or even so what we plan on doing is at least at least selling more than half of the coins before we actually start to get involved with these other platforms you got to circulate so how many how many is supply uh you know that's the next question 100 million 100 million 100 million he's really interested this is a functioning yeah nah i believe in it i'm going to get something please please double coin please do on monday we got the next seminar so you're going to tap it i'll make sure poem gets y'all tapped and so you could just come on i would love for y'all to speak okay there's people just asking questions in general and things like that and i'm not the smartest person i know a lot about nothing so i kind of i could finesse my way through some things you know what i mean so so let's talk about the sneaker sneaker store oh how did you get involved in that gbs yeah personal friend slow bucks 12 years ago 13 years ago introduced me to geez she's at the coliseum um indian kid they seek um young kid just loved his energy and our relationship grew into a brotherhood and been helping him and his family with the sneaker stores for the whole time so you know when it comes to that i'm having invested into in in that whole sneaker industry definitely definitely we and that's another thing i think fat joe that's a different level but i would i would challenge anybody against your sneaker collection yeah it's different i i watched when you went through the boxes i'm like he's just going to throw those like it's nothing like see it's i mean i don't really care about sneakers even though i love sneakers [Laughter] i'm i like to wear new sneakers every time i come outside that's always been my thing since the youngest just watching my uncles coming up hustling and staying fly so sneakers is always like a pet peeve to me but the best thing about it is that i don't really give a [ __ ] about them at all period like a city girl [Laughter] just sneakers that's it that's a fact um let me ask you this so how did you who gave you the business acumen like as far as like the business like how did you learn all this stuff like you you know you got the crypto you got all of this different stuff who'd you follow like who was your mentor who was the people that actually you said okay this is how you move this is how you get a company or that you're just learning on your own mistakes mistakes is my mentor that waller kept crashing into you did the game is to be sold not told so these people don't tell you [ __ ] and their advice don't be worth a [ __ ] neither you know it's hard to take advice from a [ __ ] that never knew where you're going and never been to any place that you've been to you did so a lot of the lessons i've learned was by making terrible mistakes or making wrong decisions and with all that knowledge from learning learning from my mistakes is what got me here plus i'm pretty good with common sense you dick a lot of people lack common sense they think they have it but they really like it common sense not common yeah for real that's a fact can we talk about this moment in history um and i know it was one of the biggest stories that you posted early on before we even had any legion and that was the infamous supreme story about your impact on supreme and i don't i mean i don't know if there was conversation but y'all definitely would have i mean for me was the first that i had ever seen it and just took it too far for the photo shoot with him in center and i saw you posted the other day for his birthday like yo they owe us and it was like oh my gosh but it's not just supreme i feel like even chrome hearts like i saw you guys start that when and then little wayne took it i know it was it i mean derek none of that [ __ ] really means anything to me who am i to be like tell the person oh you owe me because i wore your [ __ ] and i'm just a fly [ __ ] like that you know what i mean like cole marston asked me to come in the store and buy another expensive [ __ ] i i came in here because i was on my rock and roll [ __ ] and i like to get fly seem like supreme they had a bag they paid us a bag they did their job y'all wanna take picture for us here [ __ ] for supreme was i got that money and bust a move out of there you see my head was nappy said we didn't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] called us on the phone they gave us a t-shirt and a hat they like just take a picture like that cool with a bag at we out so they did it and they did they did the deal i mean i just like talking [ __ ] because i know the type of influence that we did give them i know what we did push them to and that's another thing with the culture like what i'm saying is just like we push supreme we have yet to really push ourselves to those type to that type of level yeah i won't say that like we've definitely we've definitely pushed virgil yes we push virgil to the top of that format when it comes to i would say he's one of the black people that we did support when it came he's kind of he's he's kind of like removed himself from that culture though like it's but it's still black yeah no it is but like even like christian louboutin the guy's black he is black is he yeah you wouldn't know him he's from france he's black okay but it's not like considered urban you know what i'm saying i think virgil's on he's he's on that line of urban what is considered urban boys we didn't we didn't we didn't go to the gap back in the 80s because it was urban no i'm saying like uh you know when um rockaway i know but you're not listening seeing rapperwork made money off of off of creating the look that they thought hip hop looked at we didn't wear that [ __ ] i never wore a rockaway at all because that's not i'm not from the middle of the country i'm from new york i'm going to buy this [ __ ] that rockaway was emulating you heard i'm going to buy the real average i'm going to go buy the real parasuco jeans i'm going to go buy the anichi the niche sweatsuit the velodrome i'm going to buy a go buy the real elements that make me fresh but what rockaway was doing was feeding the middle of america and they got rich off that [ __ ] you know what was the number one clothing line for a long time paco you know why because paco was built making everything that hip hop was making paco jerseys pot and they were the number one clothing line for years and years and years you heard i never had popcorn i had my dad was doing crazy so let's not get caught up in this street wearing urban [ __ ] because we never dressed urban in our lives we never want to know it was no urban stores what what urban stores it was back in the day it was nordica we went up in the naughty shop that was on amsterdam we brought all the naughty sweatshirts with the double pocket in the zip what happened that was when gap had the gap classic [ __ ] what happened we didn't go with no urban store polo always been polo tommy hilfiger always been tommy hill figure which one which which urban store that they have exactly back in the day that you're talking about well football was a billion dollars is that is it knockoff is it's the first rock away yeah but you can't you can't deny that cultural influence though they have no cultural influence it was how what who who wore that in my neighborhood nobody walked through my neighborhood y'all got this [ __ ] up let's remember what these things are they were smart enough to make money off the hip-hop culture because they were part of the hip-hop culture we're going to create a clothing line that looks like hip hop so all the white people in middle of america could make us rich [ __ ] didn't wear fubu tupac won football cause he got a chat nothing well i'm going to go get the real the laws [ __ ] now the sean john joy was flying sean john wasn't the velo what was the first vlog you rock all right so let's get to let's get to what we're doing like let's not forget what sean john and all these clothing lines were created to make money off the hip-hop culture we didn't go to no stores when it was sean what [ __ ] it was mark buchanan pele peles soda clubs butter sauce like it wasn't no [ __ ] urban nothing puffy enough is from that era they took that error and made it into sanji and john they took that error made it into rockaway they took that error and made it into full because white people love hip hop so much they was gonna buy all those clothes periods down south it was heavy football dude yeah um the fat albus okay when did this start in 96 yeah yeah mid 90s they started going crazy you did everybody had a clothing line at that point that [ __ ] wasn't now that night before when he was in high school let's make an iceberg mosquito cool g what you talking about what i'm being talking about what's up hobo jackets the dude obeying that make those jackets which urban y'all talking about when we was younger behind close where tell them just name them for me well we didn't name them because those are emulations of what we were buying so why would i buy this [ __ ] that i'm going to buy the real thing and look drippy in so then let's spin it back to virgil now he's and virgil's doing the same thing when he does the street wheel look and all he's bringing it all back 360. it's just a little bit more drippy and it looks fly i like it what happened he's doing the same thing now he's wearing making big baggy jeans and [ __ ] like that that's back to this whole true religion all that type of error when the shit's covered the book he did the cnn album with him and uh drake when they had that once again when you are the influence and the success then what you do what the [ __ ] you want to do because you're the leader and once you the leader people are gonna fight i forgot your religion y'all played a part in that too i made true religion i didn't play a part in that i made true living until they told me that they was only gonna send me free genius and not a check and that was when true religion was over remember that cultural icon jimmy i'm gonna get you a five two chains couldn't save two two religion when i said it was over for true religions remember that and this whole [ __ ] was built on tribulation there's a dub we ain't winning that no more they ain't [ __ ] with us the same way jay was like oh cristal w you heard when they told when they wrote me that letter we don't do that we sent you some free jeans oh you got me [ __ ] up well guess what you ain't gonna do that they ain't gonna be part of hip-hop no more true lenders is out of here selling the macy's it's fat yeah what's the fact the only thing i buy makes these is underwear you're polo tease [ __ ] like that and a bit of the polo section they got the real polo section here you definitely could always go to masons for a good polo fit but don't be start wondering around until you're like i catch you with makes these are you by catching you were trying that american something slick like boy boy wasn't that polo right like that one we caught you in the leave out section [ __ ] it's crazy jack you're hurt send your stylist in there for that right he'll figure jacket you'll get a [ __ ] jacket we're not going to do that you got to be spicy dude spicy you're spicy oh man so let's um we gotta wait so far i don't know where the [ __ ] we just went i was like okay who's really in trouble what the [ __ ] is in this really a fighter i'll find an energy change shout out to jerry rice man jerry wright the greatest football player of all time i said that bro the greatest i said he's the greatest i can't argue with your football i got a few football players i like but i'm not really the biggest football fan i'm like i'm like when the giants won it the last time when baldwin was out then before that one man sims wanted like an 876. phil simms yeah that's one of my personal friends right now you know yeah shout out to sam shout out to his sons all that okay yeah 86 86 86 and 90. they beat the bills but you're part owner of the richmond ruff rod uh rough riders yeah how did that come about um you're just being trying to do something all right so here's so here's odd thing i got a chance to perform at a super bowl at the what they call them [ __ ] them teams um arena football phone we went there we performed i'm in there that [ __ ] is crowded i'm like damn like 10 000 people in the [ __ ] going on for this like yo what's up with this [ __ ] tell them [ __ ] we went in i don't want no [ __ ] money keep that money in i want ownership in this [ __ ] like so my thing is now these stadiums couldn't probably can make half a million dollars a day just on tickets alone on a saturday in the daytime when rap is just waking up so in my mind i'm like and i told this to plenty rappers i'm like yo i could get you all the team all the rappers get a arena football team then y'all [ __ ] could kick up and come twice a year do a halftime show make like 400 000 off the attendance alone ain't got nothing to do with pretzels and sprite in here do you know what i mean you're owner of a real team and we really could create our own thing when it comes to the culture and now having arena football teams that we i would love to go see meek mill playing futures team that [ __ ] gonna be lit in that stadium so especially if they know making them coming to coaching or like nah i'm in there i'm in there i know half time gonna be dumb but this is the this is how my brain thinks and [ __ ] like that but you know everybody one thing i've learned is that the things that i want to happen is not what you might not want to happen and i have to learn that a lot in life and [ __ ] like that as brilliant as i may see or the dopest ideas i might see and [ __ ] like that sometimes it's not gonna work when it doesn't have to when it's not me as the principle to push them i would always tell my homies but ain't nobody listen yeah well everybody doesn't see the vision that's it that's it that would be dope now i'm listening to you saying i'm like yeah why couldn't they do that they like people going arena football is big and they have like a stuff they have their own super bowl situation yeah now [ __ ] getting lit [ __ ] getting fresh the roses is pulling up [ __ ] now something to do on a saturday because [ __ ] ain't got nothing to do anywhere you know you know what would be a really good idea is um summer league tournament like basketball like you know how ice cream got the three on three but like a summer league in the park with each rapper having their own i think they actually have a i think they have i have a like a league right now like that yeah they revolt or a rapper cruelly cruelly yeah but they actually play no no but they actually terrible it's like eight foot rims it's legit ripped nah i saw a swallow if they go eight um at the uh the dip said tru game a few years back they won by like three points you said you scored 35 yeah that's two chains i went crazy on them in a second i went crazy on them in the second half me my man dawn niddy done then he got in the game and went wow with me i said oh yeah we turn it up hey i'm from holland boy you know how to get this all right oh we missed that this summer oh boy yeah hopefully hopefully dyke will open back up to someone so uh saucy extracts right what's your involvement saucy extract has roughly been around going on i want to say going on five years um it took about two years of some change to get all the legal stuff done and then we've been in operation for about two and a half years we're actually in like upwards of 200 stores you know 200 dispensaries in california and then we're legal with california and oregon so you don't own you're the co-owner or the owner of a partner oh yeah so um i'm not an ambassador the only way but i got some dope as part of the shout outs to my man alex paulie uh if you go on the side it's all you something like this must be his no no it's a part that's a pizza [ __ ] but i'm i'm grateful to be a part of something such as such as this uh business very lucrative so we were talking to al harrington um and he was he was putting us up on game um obviously he's huge in the space and he was saying how tough it is to get it's like one percent of ownership is black in the marijuana business and um there's all kinds of like loopholes like in new york i think you got to have like a farming license for 25 years it's just crazy 25 million dollars of capital so how was your experience like getting up and running in the marijuana it was hard i was blessed i didn't have to do nothing but be who i am um there you go i'm an opinion leader in this game when it comes to smoking weed and that's been like that for years you get the weeds you whisked leafer snoop dogg think about [ __ ] that smoke in new york or the east coast you want to say jim jones and that's that i've been smoking gas for half my life you heard connoisseur exactly you heard the finer the finer things in life oh i told my man i was like yeah we got jim coming he was like yo it was like i'm like oh man this is it right here that's some saucy right here he said you already have the dorito bag he didn't bring the doritos there you have it ladies and gentlemen y'all smoke i know some people all right people you know tell them that's a gift for me you know some people appreciate it so now it's interesting though because i put a post up today and i said um we selling we went from a felony to an essential business during cover 19 but there's still thousands of people that's locked up in jail it's roughly like something like 40 000 people some [ __ ] like that i don't want to quote the world but i'm almost sure some around those numbers yeah so i mean how it you know you're a black entrepreneur in this place like you said you was you you was fortunate but there's still a lot of people that still can't get in this space and there's still a lot of people that's locked up for marijuana and like i said it's literally an essential business now so what's your thoughts on the marijuana industry as far as like inclusion hey earners look there are plenty of times when what you mean gets lost in what you actually say i mean i've had plenty of conversations with my friends my co-workers even my wife where interpretation doesn't always match intent whether through text email or general conversation better connections are made when the focus is not only on what you say but how you say it this is why we've implemented grammarly premium into our daily regimen it provides real time feedback and guidance on tone word choice and clarity look i'm not the best writer or speller by any means which is why grammarly has become a part of my daily routine it's a necessity at this point i mean one of my favorite features is the clarity suggestion where it helps you create and formulate clearer more concise sentences without any redundant and unnecessary words another feature i love is the vocabulary suggestion where it avoids overused words and phrases to keep readers more engaged i mean there's so many features that come with grammarly premium including goal setting overall writing score tone even plagiarism y'all it helps you with plagiarism like i said i'm not the best writer or speller but grammarly has helped me communicate more effectively and more efficiently i mean i don't send an email an instagram post a text without using my grammarly app and if you have a laptop you can use it on the desktop platform as well the goal is to meme exactly what you say and grammarly assist you in that process wholeheartedly do more than just spell checks say exactly what you mean with grammarly premium right now they have a special offer for all our earners you're going to get 20 off grammarly premium when you head over to grammarly.com backslash eyl that's right 20 off grammarly premium when you head over to grammarly.com backslash e-y-l look don't wait don't hesitate this is a great offer that's g-r-a-m-m-a-r-l-y dot com backslash e-y-l we'll see y'all on the other side um for one we need to free everybody who's locked up on them right now they need to come home and i know there's a lot of things that's going on where they've been freeing a lot of people who's still locked up and for these [ __ ] charges at this point um for two what what the government has been doing especially in california they have these equity programs for whether for some people that's been locked up they get given the opportunity to come out and start a marijuana business which is dope but what they don't tell you is that to start a marijuana bins is still a costly thing so even if you are awarded this equity program you're still going to need financial backing so that you can open up a store or dispensary so that you know i mean your license is worth something so you make some money on it but the fact that they started with the equity program to get people who's been convicted of these crimes of marijuana now now allow them to do business in the legal marijuana space is dope they got a couple kinks they need to wrinkle out and things like that but i think they need to add that to every state that legalizes the sale of marijuana for starters i think that's the least they could do and i mean besides freeing everybody that's locked up because of the tree um what do you think the few like all right we're in quarantine we're still in quarantine and um most musicians make a lot of money off torrent how do you feel about the future of touring like because i think who's who had that virtual concert tory lanez on youtube tory it's a few people he did it on the video game that was crazy a boogie did one for youtube what do you think you think that's the new wave or you think some people was like there's nothing like in person experience they got to get back to that pretty much they built in a space where we could virtually do anything we want to include in concerts or whatever ideas we have and so exactly and so i'm i'm we on target i mean the back end was the biggest money we could make as an artist it was the most lucrative money you can make and in the midst of the pandemic we lost that so there was a lot of artists that's been panicking and i know that still a lot of artists that are panicking because it still hasn't come back to what we know it to be um this is why quarantine studios were created not out of a panic but out of a hustler's mind listen i'm not used to not getting no money and i like the likes i like living so let me figure out how to use my artistry to make a buck by using my artistry to make a buck and not being selfish with myself and i mean from selling two bars to 16 bars to anything in between has mainly a substantial amount of money and from then i took that model and i invited other artists djs and rappers to help them make the same type of money that i was making from the business model that i chose and things like that so you got to be creative out here i mean [ __ ] because one door closes what you that's it you're gonna leave [ __ ] that i'm gonna get on the fire escape i'm gonna climb in the window i'm gonna go to the back door everything gotta be gotta be no more options for me to say that i'm quitting or i'm leaving you dig there's no way around that so for artists who feel that they stuck you got to think outside the box and if you don't know how to do that you better figure it out period and when you want to go to that concert you're going to use a capital point 100 big fat 100 so now i'm putting out an ep as an nft oh you just said that because you said that and i'm also going to put out an album that you only could buy with the capital coin two different things breaking news alert we gotta get the eyl nft yeah yeah we should take it yeah just to do it because i'm thinking when you when i'm i was thinking about the supreme picture i'm like that could be an nft in itself that that is remember we got this conversation no the nft thing is it's a real thing it's a real thing and then that thing will go viral we got to do ours headshots pause it's gotta it you kind of it's a space where you can create anything you want just got to be know what people want yeah what people might be into what they deem valuable yes and there's a lot of value in a lot of things that are around you if you have the influence that's true uh sure especially i feel like somebody like jim you know the whole some people transcend music and like we have this debate all the time like who's the biggest group in new york um gypsy well yeah so we can't say without yeah that's always in the comments oh yeah no i didn't want to debate biggest group well shall we debate no here's what i'm going to talk about statistically or no no i'm saying this let's do it let's do it we're here all right [Music] we'll be selling musical lifestyle who you want to be like or who you want to listen to which one is more important unless the someone i'll say because you could be like me and still listen to that other music remember that that's what dips that was you heard you dressing like dipset and you was listening to the g unit there was no way around it you was listening to g uh to dipstick too because at the top i understand but what i'm trying to tell you is yeah no no no i was not dressing like genuine no you you're like convinced me i was there i was when i was some dude was rocking that crazy tank that joint was they were dubs straight dubs not dude [ __ ] was not rocking that tank you not to say like that [ __ ] was dope because they made a [ __ ] load of money over but i'm saying about no no the culture that's what i'm saying they transcend music because it was like at that time i was in prep school in florida and um when that album came out and uh that was the same time when 50 um first came out so it's no denying 50's influence as far as music and his influence in rap but the movement of different transcended music it was like even to this day people still dress up as them for halloween every year um it's one of these things where it just became a cultural you know what i'm saying it's different no it's different it's bigger like even like obviously you know hometown heroes shout out to styles and kiss musically i don't think anybody's really nobody jadakiss is one of the greatest rappers of all time in fact hands down but i mean cultural influence different not really the same yeah no disrespect it's just not the same so i think i have to say the nft thing like they got a bunch of stuff where i feel like like santana's bandana thing like that's a nft like i said the pink thing like you know i'm saying there's so much stuff the chains and just wearing the chains on the jeans there's so much stuff that i feel like are like memorabilia cultural moments yeah that's just you could just live would you say the greatest group period yeah who's greater our favorite was nwa that was me is wuten considered a group or is it super nah that's a super group you really can't say wu-tang is a crew see we were saying it but but once again it was the music i didn't dress like wu-tang no we can't do that clarks ghost and ray the clock no ghost face ghost and ready to change the cold bodies dress like ghost face no no real rape but nobody dressed like rayquan nah they had a they had a gang of them that's no beach that's snow [ __ ] that's snowballing let me tell you something let's tell you something about wallace only [ __ ] that rock wallabies was nostalgic [ __ ] from the b-boy age when he started talking about wallabies at that point in time i'm telling you i'm from harlem [ __ ] wasn't rocking wallabies in 95 and that's when wu-tang was hitting the marble paint dripping the flyest lingo ever can't out talk ghost face for nothing was the [ __ ] wearing marble paint dripping up town somebody to do it you couldn't buy that it didn't matter we wasn't buying not one clock nothing uptail you heard all them different though harlem is different cough is more of a jamaican thing i don't care what nobody says of queens long island thing because that was heavy jamaican influence in queens and long island in the 80s i'm telling you my cousin had pink wallabies scott blue piece he had all of them he's from long island hempstead like you did like i dig it but when it comes to the history of style and culture it's kind of hard to talk to me i'm right up there y'all right up there i'm going to talk about the game that would move remove diplomat i understand this [ __ ] from every group that moved around from the way they dressed to what they pushed and who they were [ __ ] want to be rock cam more than he wanted to be big daddy kane but [ __ ] want to sing big daddy king [ __ ] all day [ __ ] or rock kim was vicious [ __ ] different [ __ ] want to dress like bra and big daddy had fly [ __ ] but [ __ ] wanted that for the lawsuit with the night i was a fiend fiend before [ __ ] [ __ ] want to dress like rock cherry army has to decide jungle hatch no no no no no he was wearing dead versace everything he did the button-up situation my real stylistic [ __ ] jsj he's an influencer he's a famous dude but he's not the flyest dude that's the fact that he wears a lot of fly [ __ ] but [ __ ] did not want to dress like jake you did when dresses went jay was wearing iceberg and all that type of [ __ ] that was kind of a harlem thing you heard like remember that boy like watch the history of wild [ __ ] getting crushed you know you don't think love gonna go crazy what are you doing like i'm gonna break it all down and then you can actually say gentlemen how they feel about it because i know who are the stylistic people and who which people was following who back in the day you heard nc ricky d was dope as [ __ ] but [ __ ] wouldn't want to dress like m.c ricky d ricky you hurt and i could we could go fourth and go forth special ed [ __ ] want the special like fresh special ledge got 20 that's plenty but i still want more and i still want one b.i.g b.i.g was a fat jiggy [ __ ] he put on for the heavy [ __ ] and got crazy with it nobody could take take nothing away from the b.i.g somebody put them in the clothes it's different are they dressing themselves or they got a stylist they really don't matter because when you come off on camera you're looking so we got we got to throw you on there you got those who fat joke yeah yeah it for the big [ __ ] heavy duty recipes that's the smell grounds that's right i'm stickly d [ __ ] heavy d got business i think that's that's that's that's grand pool too graham pooh was one of the freshest [ __ ] in hip hop history when you first saw acg's back in the day grand poobah had him on that's what's fun tommy hill the boxers busting out with the spring jackets and all that don't play don't play with grand poobah i actually ran into him like 10 years ago i was driving i thought i saw him into a show he was going to the post office i stopped the car got out there like what you doing i'm like there's grand pool but you got to stop i said yo you wanted the president [ __ ] period i had to tell him you know who used to give fly to but he was he didn't pop as much as he was supposed to i mean andre the giant i used to like how that [ __ ] used to get fly you don't know who andre the giant was a.g what's up with you man [Laughter] 37. all right you might not you might not know who aj is man that's monks digging in the crate you got to do your history go pull some oh [ __ ] want to dress like at that era a z got fresh but [ __ ] want to dress like gnaws [ __ ] want that hell you handsome so where's yeah in there yay he's not a fly [ __ ] he knows that he makes sneakers he said you know yay's the new generation the new generation man who dresses like kanye inspired they wear now he's responsible for louie i understand what you're saying but kanye wasn't a fresh [ __ ] he walked fresh he wore fresh sneakers he made the freshest sneakers but really who got up to dress like kanye totally quiet tell me [ __ ] you got up like i want to dress like yeezy today [ __ ] he's dressed crazy like kids younger than us though like kids they want his sneakers they was doing that mohawk they were doing all the time little wayne too they was all-star that's them yeah we gotta say without them no i know but i'm just saying wayne there's no young thug without a little wing oh this isn't i'm not a ooh bunch of these littles there's no but nobody's really going to dress like little wayne they do want to dress like young thug though lil wayne was dressing like us the young thug got a whole generation of kids like follow him i like him 100 he's the only one that could get away with he'd get away with and sell them type of records that he sell that young man is a rich stylish mother [ __ ] you he said the most gangster [ __ ] ever what's that he said he scaled everything back because everything he did was a calculation but his son didn't understand what he was doing and that made him scale everything back to us so his son to understand he got confused yeah but what about other kids people son that didn't listen that's not his responsibility his son is his responsibility and by him being responsible to understand what he needed to do for his son you could see that on camera for other people to understand how he scaled are you playing who's he in this category too him and though because they wearing women's clothes because they said they bought all the men's clothes already listen i don't like uzi my man i like diamond head is crazy that's a whole nother wave i don't know where he went with it he's on super futuristic board actually i've seen a lot of [ __ ] bored with money but that was the stupidest boredom that i've seen in a while you know why he did it he was with that joe he told he said he he would have put it in a ring but he knew it was mine he would have lost it so he put it in his face obviously if you press that [ __ ] if he pressed it and then the car would have pulled through he disappeared you press this [ __ ] and like listen to each other's own though shout out to them man we had a point in in in this rap in this rap business where some of these artists are making so much money that looks like possibilities [ __ ] whatever we got going on because i would say young thug and lil uzi pretty much are the leaders of the new generation travis scott travis scott yes 100 yeah you did but what i mean by is like and there's a million of them that's successful under them yeah but they all all resp that trio right there these kids go crazy for like they're like oh my [ __ ] is like i and i had to learn how to make the music of the stuff i believe from both both 100 percent put my baby in in it too little baby oh little babies the baby too little baby wait hold up little baby that's my guy influence of the year to me but it's a different influence than a young dog and uh yeah not yet a little baby is a dope influencer that's always going to hit inside our culture he represented the nostalgic music and the future music of the [ __ ] that like tomorrow merged together the new music that took over when it came to streaming and independent music that started making so much money these labels started to start giving out these big checks these new artists coming out of nowhere because they learn how to monetize they own money from the streams yeah that's a fact you are you still at a r in my own mind okay well you were at cots right what one of warner brothers uh inc um it's over there as an a r director so i pretty much was everybody's boss um it was like leord and kevin lyles and jim jones so what was your response like what is what is it a r w what do you [ __ ] titles that's what we thought [ __ ] titles are somebody that that listens to music and gives his opinion on if that [ __ ] is dope or not did you bring any artists over there to where when you went to a r did you like we had cops but i i remember once well i helped a lot of like curated music but the one artist i was trying to get was rick ross at the time and i remember rick ross wanted a million dollars when he came out with i think was every day of hustling when it was just in the street you know i'm telling kevin allows you you need to sign this kid rick ross because def jam is about to give him a meal today like i'm not giving a million dollars i'm like no you need to get a million dollars like this is what you're hiring me for this kid is on fire like you can't understand and they missed that boy how you gauge talent like there's so many people that rap some people that have talent how you know somebody is going to be you never really know but like 30 seconds let me hear their music give me 30 seconds of their music and give me five minutes with them in the room when i can tell you if they're going to be a star or they're just going to be good at doing music so what what's some characteristics that somebody makes some other stuff um eight factor yeah um when a person walks in the room and it depends on the type of attention they come in like the aura you feel like the oh you can tell the aura the energy yeah the person has that energy yeah you become a fan instantaneously like damn i like this [ __ ] energy let me get that [ __ ] no i need like you just you know a [ __ ] energy that oh he gonna go he's gonna go with it there's a lot of things from selling from selling lifestyle to to music but the music is the most important component before artists becomes an artist if you don't have the power in that music to make me want to figure out what the rest of you is about then you adopt from the get-go you think music is more important than the intent like i feel like now all the stuff is more important than music still need the music still need to be heard for people to want to know who you are but do you have you don't really have to be good you don't you just need to run the numbers up yeah that's it but you still need the music to run the numbers you need the music to run the numbers up right now you can't get signed at any label if your numbers are not of adequate numbers that the label feel that you should have imagine how talented you are and that's the [ __ ] up part that's going on in this industry there are some talented [ __ ] that could become stars biggest michael jackson that won't get the opportunity to having a deal because they don't have a certain amount of streams on youtube or they don't have a certain amount of numbers on ig but meanwhile these people can be the next drake these people can be the next such and such so this is how the whole industry is moving right now and that's one of the things that really bothers me as me having being an a or r quote unquote because now what am i on the internet just fishing for the [ __ ] got the highest streams or am i looking for some real music yeah yeah that's what it's coming to can you can you make a hit not even can you make it hey can you get followers can you get yeah youtube all can you get on tick tock really tick tock tick tock blowing dudes out there i'm about to get a tick-tock i ain't got no sense i don't know what song it is i don't even know what song it is either that's crazy that's crazy i've been seeing people doing the duck walk i'm like all right this is it all around the world there's a grown ass [ __ ] you don't sit your ass down man you got your girl doing it [Music] been a pleasure my brother yeah you're gonna give me some trouble we'll clean it up oh man troy any last questions i do man as a sneaker guys well i just want to know top five sneakers top five top five yours so you don't care about snickers though you do he cares about being fresh in them yes whatever yeah but what's your favorite like your top five john sixes okay john once hot top forces strap all white preferably never did the three-quarters never did the three-quarters or minutes midge is three quarters from home yeah low top ones um constructions tips you don't put the um orange and blue bowl jackson's in there that wasn't top five though there was a fly but that's not top five i love both jackson i could go deep i could go on the delta force and the court force like them just used to turn me on the terminators them just used to turn me on like is there so many things i can start getting into the revolutions like the agassiz the first axes that came out with the tennis ball on the back that was fused and [ __ ] like that like we go through all the sneakers i got favorites for favorites for favors for days when the dear doors first jumped out the hot top ones with the tongue that ripped off the sh did you know that dear daughters had actually telling you to paste on the top no you didn't i you know so maybe like 83 84. i was born in 84 i was 184 theodore's had the high tops and then they had an extended tongue with velcro so you can make the tongue longer so you could tongue [ __ ] your jeans and [ __ ] but it ripped off like it hurts she had the kangaroos back in the day you could stash your money in the inside you knew about the kangaroos right nah you don't know about the rules nah i i we started with in that era of the bo jackson's you got to do some some some real sneaker history because you can't really answer no real sneakers well he said he's thinking you should be ashamed of yourself i don't profess to be a sneaker so you're not you're failing do some history i'm always going to learn errors of sneakers you're missing a lesson i'm a nike well i'll say this i'm a nike and you're missing errors you can't be a sneaker head and just be nice with delta forces of course i don't know what court force is close all right i'm thinking like when you know what i'm saying who rocked those tell me who rocked them what athlete i'll know about athletes like the terminators was the georgetown joints with the big nike and then oh yeah patrick ewing was there right yeah uh dave wingate those guys when they lost to jordan they lost to jordan then they lost to houston yeah yeah see i know i know like that if you tell me the athlete i got you okay as you're saying i'm like the david robinson's okay yeah yeah i remember seeing some more type of [ __ ] [ __ ] they used to be on the block oh when choo choo had the cool g and [ __ ] like that he was the first thing i saw with the kuji in 93 and then big came out of 95 talking about coogie sweater now i'm like my man choo choo is right now since 93 man eleventh grade is my [ __ ] was full honey talk about four hundred almost fainted like the sweaters fall on it like no way your mom brought your 400. you gotta get some rich [ __ ] they call the coochie and [ __ ] like that she bought this for me my uncle got ones and all that then i don't know biggie start talking about i'm not a man children having cool g's [ __ ] what's up jim hip-hop question harlem top five harlem rappers top five hall of fame i got five right now i got five i got five right now yeah that's the that's true that's your favorite rapper jewels cam big l uh herb mcgruff mcgruff um myself i will put myself at the top of the list though no disrespect i'm busting right now you know what you're the most improved um you know how the nba to get the most improved award i feel like um like 10 years running no no he's consistently gotten better yeah um because i remember on cam's first album when you made an appearance and to see the growth from now from then to now it's actually pretty remarkable only because most rappers get worse as they get older he's one of the only people that have ever gotten better like dramatically feel like it was like most rappers never hustled when they was younger did you always were you a rapper at the start or was it just like that can't get on the track you could tell he wasn't a rapper yeah i was like you could tell you wasn't right i learned to rap because cam and mace was making a [ __ ] load of money and he was like man we teach you how to rap you left that guy out the top five nice yeah yeah he's a dove he too wishy washy he ain't really got no real hard stories i couldn't i could i could you know i mean hurt mcgregor in a rescue as far as the influence and pushing harlem to be recognized in the world through our music makes us probably probably the biggest rapper at that time for harlem i mean ever yeah i haven't ever you know i mean at that moment in time when he blew there was no one no nothing nothing nothing nothing was like that what him and diddy did yeah it was crazy [ __ ] that was crazy [ __ ] motion picture [ __ ] you did i will not take it away from bethel i was like yeah you called it it's been so long since i heard you called me down but you know i grew up with all these with all these gentlemen it's a legendary time yeah now that song i will put my man nick i would throw my man nikki like if it was it was a six man like i'll put my man naked my man neat buckets bucks yeah i would put him as a remember the top five yeah yeah and there's a few other ones i like like dub get crazy disrespectful behind behind my mic device from holland but let's see the success i haven't really got into his music too much i like davies davies is definitely i like davies dave is dumb nice he reminds me that 90s retro dave dave is like a hybrid so i can't really just be like he's all harlem queen too yeah you got it i mean he's a hybrid you put him in queens category and [ __ ] like that you know what i mean yeah but dave is dead nice and seriously davis on all my projects yeah i mean but they got a great workout but besides just like my top five let's get like harlem has a lot of [ __ ] dope rabbits you got shooter you got trigger you got the rider nation um you got sick the train you got yellow tape um you got rich dorama richard like all the battle rappers that's a whole nother lane and [ __ ] like that but i'm talking about [ __ ] that get busy busy like murder monkeys it's a [ __ ] legend when it comes to holding one-on-one battle face-to-face destruction i can't could you do it i don't know i couldn't i couldn't in the fight somebody yeah somebody it's gonna go bad i want it and all the battle rap and there'll be no more battle rapping like no more what's the dude from um coney island that always punches everybody yeah math alpha cop is [ __ ] man shout outs behind that's my [ __ ] man that nigga's talking so it'd be 10 times worse and now that's right i couldn't do it but they be in the [ __ ] face like this [ __ ] and then they find the information and that daddy was a snitch in the 86 you talking about bricks you were the [ __ ] son of a mouse you rack ass [ __ ] like what i got your child support paperwork you ain't paying this [ __ ] in nine years [ __ ] like what no no it's too much [ __ ] is definitely somebody's doing a lot of research when it comes to my opponent like [ __ ] get on get everything we need everything yeah it gets real it's too much it's too much they nasty with it but i i respect the sport because baby [ __ ] is dope i could watch it yeah i definitely could watch it it's a talent a hundred percent that's a definite talent that's like a lot of acting involved yeah a lot of you have like they're not saying like acting like just the drama yeah you got like if you've got three rounds and you got to be at home you got to get your [ __ ] right everything like this you say something your man comes in with the punchline yeah like this [ __ ] gotta be this [ __ ] is like ballet almost so i respect him for that because i know it's not not not nothing you could do overnight when you prepping for a battle especially when it comes to words and not to mention it's not easy most people think it's easy to rap it's not it's not even easy to talk half the time you dig so imagine trying to rap to music and not jumble your words and most black people have dyslexia [ __ ] is hard you know i'm telling you from my own personal experiences the [ __ ] is hard researching part of it [Laughter] oh man one of the most enjoyable conversations we've had i'm glad i'm glad i came in i didn't know what to expect i'll be seeing your gentlemen they'll be seeing pretty poised at all these interviews and you're talking proper like [ __ ] they trying to prove you heard like i'm smart too but this was cool this is very dope man you're very down-to-earth now i just hope to bump into people that know something about something you know i mean a lot of these people i do interviews with really got a question and asked that y'all seem to know your [ __ ] and you're knowledgeable about making business and showing black people how to make some money and i respect that that's what i'm about we're going to get you to invest in in the stock market oh yeah stock market well if y'all want to show sit down and teach me i i would i would absolutely i would definitely love the lesson okay but i know how to create a stock and i'm i'm good with that so if i was to never get a lesson from your i'm going to create more stocks that you can invest in but if you want to give me a lesson on investing sure i got a couple dollars see if it could turn over let's do it hi so what would you like to tell the people um would you like to leave the people with any event well you said everything but yeah what's your final words um just go for it i mean with everything that's going on and the way the world is running we know that a lot of things have changed something's changed for the worse a lot has changed for the better i mean you may not see it but you need to look because there's a lot of things out there that can change your life for you and the life of your family if you just think a little bit and what i mean by that is like from prohibition to the gold rush so it's the gold rush to prohibition to dot com to weed now to crypto space so far things are this name that changed the life of america right yeah the biggest things that's changed the life of america right that's a fact and we told you too that's alive and running right now crypto and marijuana so get with it cheery forget left jack that's a fact jack you dig that's what the people wanted we're going to leave this on attack this was dope man uh troy housekeeper yeah shout out to everybody on patreon.com y'all know that's our pride to pay program everybody has a tier five you obviously have access to eyl university the number one place for everything business finance and entrepreneurism uh shout out to all the earners that are on there and shout out to everybody that's for supporting our merch uh i got the track suitable shot he got the that red i don't even have that red man shout out to shout out to ben for putting out that merch and everybody that's been rocking it we greatly appreciate you and uh thank you for everybody who's been patient uh with getting that merch yeah and uh yeah i just want to say this was dope for me man you know before anything we was hip hop fans we grew up on hip-hop music so like i said that album right there was something that i listened to literally every day for 12 months straight and um these guys played a major part in the culture and um you know anytime you get to actually have a conversation with somebody that you've listened to and and has played shape helped shape your life is uh extremely um you know a humbling experience so don't take it lightly so i'm ready he's playing in my head right now jim jones and seth st bone santana made me feel too old though like no but i appreciate that love man that's what you're doing for man you know i mean sure so all right guys thank you for checking us out we'll see you next week peace graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 97,927
Rating: 4.9536266 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, entertainment, Jim jones, Dip set, Capo coin, Nfts, Vamp life, Harlem swag, Fashion, Music business, Record labels, Independent artist
Id: wC4BbHIB8mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 55sec (5635 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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