JH Osborne - All the King's Wives - May 7, 2017

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I don't know where you came from I don't know one of you from another you may be a longtime guest or maybe this is your first time and I'm not sure why you wouldn't make this your church home if you are a first-time guest you're in a great place right here you put some roots right down here in Cabot new life what you need to do right there I'll give you some good advice there God has been good to us and I'm certainly grateful for your pastor the Old Testament doesn't give you much chance for pastors there's not really a good word in the whole Old Testament about pastors and that's kind of offensive to me but be that as it may it's true talks about them scattering the flock and they don't visit the block and they eat the block and they shear the flock and they it's not a good there's not a good good word about pastors in the Old Testament but then God kind of dives in the middle of all that and says but I'm going to give you pastors after my own heart I'm going to find you a pastor after my own heart beat of a pastor that has the heartbeat of God certainly God has done that by giving you a little sister Gaddy putting them in your life Lyde leading guide to you has given you a pastor the heartbeat of God and you can be certainly the most valuable assets that a church can have is a great pastor that that lives after the heart of God certainly he does that thank you for the Gabby for inviting me as my honored pleasure to the year as he said him and I get to preach together here and there and yonder and what-have-you we really never know it's not a we have no voice in that that at all God would just have to bring that to pass and I'm always pleased to be able to know that I would because my stock goes up just seeing my name there with Daddy you know just much not Rises you know and so I'm always pleased for that to happen it's not always that way but you get Gaddy on their pastor Gaddy on there that it stock goes up it's precious first lady I enjoyed so much for talking about Vietnam and about the outreach of ministry how about that praise team inquired you enjoy that choir when that great yes sir you have no good and thank you for lying me to come and minister today I will to up I want to do my best I want to do good you know I've never intentionally done bad I have done bad a few times but intend to them to turn out like that because you can't always tell you know about people you get a new crowd you're not sure whether they whether what their temperament is and you kind of feel I know you're feeling me out you know you're looking at me examining me and all that and I'm doing the same thing to you you know I'm trying to figure out whether you're saved or not or whether you just come in to get out of the heat or come in to get out of cold or what-have-you while you're here today so you go ahead and sense me because I'm pretty much done you all ready let's stand together we'll know you know it's good to come to tears it's good to come in the house of God this is a safe place come in the house of God you live out in the world all the chaos in the world the Bible said that God took John down by the sands of the Seas now I'm going to step down go down a very low level down to down to ground level down to the sea level as it were when he got down there he saw an ocean you know there's all kinds of beasts coming out of the ocean you know look like within Japanese horror movies or something with the two heads you know and horns coming out and I don't know about all that stuff your pastor can explain all that to you I'm sure but uh I mean it's a gruesome looking sight I know that it was scary I know that I don't understand it all but it was a scary sight to see those two-headed animals and I'm gonna coming up out of the ocean like some kind of a monster type thing coming out there was a scary deal you know and God didn't explain it all to let me just showed it to him and I'm sure he must have been kind of a scary thing to know that they were that close by at least what John was living and then the Bible said in that in that chaos they're not scary stuff and all that two heads and crowns and horns and all that all that paraphernalia coming up out of the sea scary stuff down by sea level the Bible said a few verses later the Lord took him up to an exceeding high mountain got him away from sea level and got him up to exceeding high mountain and there showed him a New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven for pilot prepared as a bride adorned for her groom you know you can live at sea level all your life and when you're out here in the world that's all you see is MA sturgeons and hardships chaos and struggle and horns and demons and devils and but now and then God takes you to up a high mountain takes you to a higher place and you get to understand there is a New Jerusalem there is a heaven there is something coming down from God there is some glory that comes down from him like being in the house of God is a contrast to being a sea level most of your life and listening to all the bad news and all the horror stories and things are going on in the world so it's just good to come to church and be in the house of God listen to the scene and the testimonies and the worship of God's people I'm going to read some verses in Scripture for you sometimes preachers will read through four verses of Scripture say good preach it only needs may be a part of a verse but I'm reading three today and you draw your own conclusion from that but these three verses you know sometimes it takes a real intellectual to dovetail three verses together find out what these three verses have in common but I'm going to read you three verses and the fear of average intelligence you're going to be able to pick out the commonality between these three verses of Scripture what is the same in these three verses this is enough this is not the work of a genius obviously I'm doing it so it's it's the work of just average intelligence you know that you'll be able to pick out you'll be able to pick out and say what what's the weave how are these three verses woven together you'll be able to get that very quickly look at First Samuel the eighteenth chapter and begins in verse 27 then first Samuel 25 verse 39 then 2nd Samuel 11 verse 26 and 27 now given to you again because you know if you if you got your Bibles beginning in in 1st Samuel 18 and verse 17 in 1st Samuel 25 39 in 2nd Samuel 11 26 27 wherefore David rose and went he and his men and slew of the Philistines two hundred men and David brought their foreskins and gave them and bull tail to the king he might be the king's son in law Saul gave him Michael his daughter to wife been in 1st Samuel 25 and 39 just a few chapters later for Samuel 25 verse 39 and when David heard that navel was dead he said blessed be the Lord that hath pleaded the cause of my protes from the hand of naval and it kept this servant from evil for the lord hath returned wickedness of navel upon his own head and david sent and communed with abigail and took her to him to wife are you getting a theme here second Samuel 11 26 27 and when the wife of Uriah heard that you arrived her husband was dead she mourn for her husband and when the morning was passed David's tent infest her to his house and she became his wife and bear him a son the thing that David did it displeased the Lord David gets married three times in three verses and you know he's David Sumerian kind he he'll take a whole lot for him to get married you know you don't not a lot of romance going on here you know he's the marrying kind he doesn't date he just marries I'm going to preview about all the king's wives except their hands and love the Lord just a moment would you thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy dear lord thank you for the strength we find in living for you and serving you dear God you're a great God we know that right well for you have made us and not we ourselves we are your workmanship there God created the good works in Christ Jesus now bless us today dear God let the blessings of the Lord abide upon us dear God and we'll give you praise and glory for it forever and ever and ever we ask it in your wonderful matchless name in Jesus name Amen amen you may be seated let me clean my glasses here look like I can't stand dirty glasses I look through your glasses from the back and I see they're dirty I'll probably ask me if I can wash them for you my wife her glasses look like a child have been playing in mayonnaise on them how do you see through those fact we even started a glass cleaning work in nursing homes yeah our young people go to nursing home and clean your glasses for them it's a whole ministry glass cleaning is a whole miniature I can't stand dirty glasses I go the nursing home and see their glasses you know they just Paulo them and pull them off you know nobody has time I only clean your glasses for him so we buy those little wipes you know you get it like Sam's Club and we go do three floors can we clean your glasses for you gives a chance to talk to them and you're doing something profitable to them you know because they get their eyesight back and actually see you all the blurriness you love their glasses people take care of me no no sometimes you have taken the bathroom and you know I will tell you what I'll have to do to them and you got to scrub and get the food off them and everything else you know and you bring them back and they're amazed that they're that they can actually you know to read now and they actually do things so glass cleaning is a real bad news enough of that but we have a whole we have a whole glass cleaning ministry all the kings was david has referred to many by as the Renaissance man he's meaning he's a person who has highly skilled in a wide range of arts and science you know he's a he's a giant slayer and he's a harpist and he is a bear - lion fighter and he's a songwriter - poet and he's a desert commando in a cave dweller and he's a skilled Shepherd the king and he's a spiritual leader and a amateur astronomer - general the politician a man of Prayer he's architect he's he just he's a renaissance he's got such a wide range of skills that he can do no I'm not I don't have a marketable skill you know about if I lose my ministry you give me a piece of cardboard and sent me only interstate and I'll be that's where I'll be you know cuz I don't have another skill that I could fall back a lot of pastors or carpenters or there do other work you know they kind of fall back on their skills now I don't have a no skill level you know David if he loses one job he just jumps over to another one he's got two he's a rent he's got such a wide variety of skill level that it's just amazing you know David is he's a great subject to studying and we think about David being you know David being a Giants later and you think about him being a desert commando and then yet he plays the harp those two things don't really go very well together you know when you think if you tell me oz was going to come and preach to you and he plays the harp you're going to be thinking he's probably a little on them now if you're a harp play god bless you I'm not Minister off on you anything but generally speaking a harpist our little softer because I says that good a goodwill or a little softer you know they're not like a trombone players I'm they're they're a heart player you know and they got long fingernails and they put a little clear polish Holmes how you pluck the strings you know you know you know think about them being in camo you know as a commando or something you know he's not a commando heart player you know and you just don't to go together think about the David ISM he's a he's a wide-variety man you know it's a many facets in his life and knowing that he's a killer he's a killer he's a harp player he's a killer you know and he writes poetry you don't think about poets being killers you know poets tie-dyed t-shirts peace you know they're they write poetry you know they they're poets they write you know whether poets for pete's sake who repeat is but they write poetry you know they're not necessarily killers you say well he's he's a mass murderer and he also writes poetry you know it's not that's not that don't go together all you know but David was kind of a one-shot man he was a one stop man David would kill you write a poem about it and then play the harp at your funeral you know David David David was this kind of a guy he was I mean you never know what you were going to meet when you met David you know when you met David he could kill you or who could you know play your song or who could write some poetry to you but what he was just a multi-faceted man you know so it'd be horribly married to him you know when he woke up you didn't know what you're getting today and or to live next door to him what you were going to get when he what kind of David you would get today you know would he be mild and mild God did any morning build a house for him he said you killed so many people so much blood has been shed I don't want you around my house you know so you know to have him in your house would be kind of a doing sleep very well that night wondering what now I know he's the theme of Vacation Bible School and it's all about David is this little mild meat guy but you know really you don't want your child to grow up to be David I mean personally you know I mean he killed the Giant and that's pretty good right there but don't get to part two where he cut his head off you know that's kind of gruesome right there but that's kind of David you know if I had killed Goliath I'm it--like cut the end of his finger off maybe or maybe his never David just cuts his head off and he's a he's that kind of a guy you're getting a pound trying to paint you a picture of David you know he's just he's a rough and tumble guy but he's soft and on any given day you're just not sure which David you're going to get he was multifaceted that's what makes him so fascinated you know that it's just every verse of scripture he transitions into some of the kind of a person you know that just makes him very very interesting of course I'm not sure you'd ever want to be married to him maybe you think you've got it bad right now maybe the guy didn't ear yoked up when they have a split personality but this guy split like twenty ways his could be is pretty schizophrenic in so many ways you can't even imagine what you're going to get out of David on any given day and so add to this you know impressive list of credentials he must have been a gorgeous specimen we don't really know nobody's actually seen him or photographed him but when men go to to sculpt David Michelangelo took the most beautiful piece of sculpture material that there was available and he chose to do the white marble in Florence he chose to sculpt David no that's very beautiful very handsome man you know between Moses and Christ there's no one else the scribes across the pages of the Old Testament history with such a commanding presence as it does David I mean you don't have to drag David out of Scripture he leaks out of it when you open your Bible he jumps out at you you know now some men come out reluctantly some women you have to pry them out it's like they really go on to come out you know but David is well able he he will come out of the pages of Holy Writ you know with both arms waving he may kill you but he will come out he may strike you where he may be poetry he may be calming the savage beast in Saul's art by playing his heart he's just you just never know what you're going to get with David but he is this great man in no Scripture this man is so filled with deep emotions and he lives his life kind of the reckless abandon and it's no surprise that this man of a deep emotion could easily win the title of the Bible's greatest lover in fact David got married at least eight times and fortunately for you this morning I'm going to talk about three of them because we would be here till the first in school got here talk about all David's wives the turning point in David's life boils down to the turning point in David's relationship with God every time his relationship with the Lord would change it there was a transition in David's life something changed in David's life and and most of those transitions are marked by these three marriages that he had that I read about you today it seems when he came to a major crossroads in his life that he married one of these women and somehow was able to survive that particular crisis in his life they were defining moments they were crisis moments if you please that come in everyone's life that somehow you need to get through that crises that the time in your life that transitional time and David had those times in his life because of the kind of man that he was he found himself at the crossroads of his life so many times and at those crossroads he found there was this marriage that he made her this life that he took that helped him get through that trauma get through that hardship that he was living in his life it is a Michael she was the wife of his youth and I'll talk to you young people in just a moment abigail was the wife of his wilderness years and Bathsheba was the wife of his greatest failure so those three wives the wife of his youth the wife of his wilderness years and the wife of his greatest failure now I certainly do not recommend a new mate for every trial some of you would have a harem banal but there is a message for all of us in the desperate hours of our personal crisis when we need some help from heaven that we do not error in judgment that we make good decisions in our lives because you know your life can be broken down to just several moments in your life you only get eight or ten moments in your life you may get a lot of years but you only get a few moments and the devil will give you the years if you will give him the moments a moment is in the Bible let's talk about the devil show the the kingdom's in the word to the Lord in a moment of time a moment of time isn't is the smallest indivisible portion of time you can have a half a minute you have to have a second half an hour which cannot have a half a moment a moment is the smallest indivisible portion of time it's called an Atmos of time for we get from which we get the word Adam that Adam cannot be divided in half to get to Adams you can split an atom but you don't get two atoms out of it take electron Neutron proton and you can split that but you don't get a half an atom because it's a smallest indivisible portion of matter so a moment is like an atom cannot be divided you get a moment of time and it's a very quick moment that goes by very fleeting that you have to make a decision you have to decide what you're going to do with your life because you don't get 1/2 Owen back you don't get it let me put it like this the family unit is the smallest indivisible portion of society if you split a family do you get a half a family no it's a smallest indivisible portion of society when you split an atom that tends to split all the atoms around it that's why it's called the atom bomb because we learn how to split the atom when you split an atom that splits everything around it and causes great destruction and chaos in human life is lost because you have to split the atom when you split a family what does that do don't get a half a family she may get the dog you get the cat but that no split the family when you split a family what is that it splits everything around it then so it's cousins nieces nephews aunts uncles everything gets split around so this this small individual proportions of time these crossroads that you are brought to in your life it's like an animus like a moment see Adam lived 930 because everything else is the result of that moment right there so the moment you do what you do everything else will be the result of that moment in time when you're standing in church and you decide to walk out the door sort of coming to the altar that's one moment in time but it may result in all the rest of your life will be the result of that moment you only get eight or ten of them who you going to marry where you going to go to church what your job is going to be that will all the rest of your life will be determined by those moments in your life if the devil will give you the years if you'll just give him those moments because he understand the years are the results of the moments a little bad does not be good right here if you're still in court with me here you get a few moments in your life that's all you get and all the rest of your life will be results of those moments so give God the moments in all your years will be fine but if you give the devil your moments all the rest of your years will be chaos and confusion so getting to those crisis in your life are necessary that you do the right thing that you come to the right conclusion because the rest of your life may hinge on what you decide to do at that very moment of your life David got through those moments by these wives that he not here again I'm not recommending you get a wife for every moment that comes in your life I'm just telling you these moments were were were parables these moments were these these wives he's given you are examples of what you need to fall in love with when you get in that place in your life when the decision has to be made you've got to come to grips with something in your life that will get you through those moments and you'll come out on the other side with great years to be lived David this first wife Michael and he married was the wife of his youth young people you can listen to me for just a moment I certainly appreciate it I believe and will try to help you her name means who is like God or there's nobody like God let me speak to you young people David was now stepping out of the sheep's coat and he's stepping into the limelight of the world's a transition time for David he was going from being living with sheep and living in a sheep's coat that he's moving to the palace I mean there's no intermediary for for him he was not you know graduating up little bundle getting his own room getting his own house getting his own apartment I mean he went from living in a cave in the sheep's coat all the way to the palace and silk sheets his life was going to dramatically change it was going to be different than he had ever imagined it could be he was going from eating from eating around the sheep and eating cheese and crackers he is moving all the way up to silk sheets and and in a palace food and and in pheasant under glass and having all kinds of glory Lily leaving aside is a shepherd garment he's going to put on a royal apparel he's going to put on armor he was going to be a great man of God but it was a great transition for him it hard to make the transition as sometimes in youth from being at this place and being in that place because things Chaput happen in young people in case you in parents don't know things happen as they grow up and as they get older there are things there all kinds of things released in their body that changed them you know and one minute they can't stand boys and boys cannot stand girls and it seems like one week later they can't live without them you're wondering what on earth happen to you you know there's something released in their body you know that changed the whole perspective of their lives it's just a moment in time but you better make the right decision in that moment or you'll live the rest of your life in chaos and hardship you know you know David is now it coming in living his life is going to transition and he needs to know that there is nobody like God maybe a good time right now for our young Peters raise your hands and I want you to understand that there is nobody like God go ahead you raise your hands your hands up there is nobody like God you listen to me then there is nobody like God the same God that will take care of you in the Sheep Bowl will take care of you if you move to the palace the same God that took you in grade school will take care of you and you move to high school same God that took care of you in high school will take care of you when you get in college cuz there ain't nobody like God ain't nobody like God in your life you don't need to change God's just because you transition from one place to another place it's the same God that took care of you when you were a kid and you were a toddler it's the same God will take care of you when you find your mate you need to fall in love with the idea and the concept there is nobody like God note saying with me there is nobody similarly not saying that you since is none the Newton single syllable words there is nobody like God sit with me there is nobody it was a very pretty pathetic I thought wow I want you to see left there was nobody like God there is nobody like God let's give the Lord a good hand for being nobody like him he's the great unlike Davidson I want you to know wherever you go whatever your life may be whether I'm writing poetry for sheep or whether I'm girded on the sword of spirit there is nobody like God in my life you need to fall in love with Michael you know for years amid some have you been dating her but you need to marry her you to marry the idea that there is nobody like God and I am not changing God's just because I have changed something in my life just because something has changed in my life I refuse to change I don't need another God I don't need a bigger God I don't need a more powerful God I've got it omnipotent God now he got me through the sheep bull now he will take care of me when I moved to the palace thank you nobody like goddess get a lot of good hand there ain't nobody like God I know that for myself there is nobody like God nobody nobody like God your girlfriend is not like God your boyfriend is not like dogs in fact if he's not saved and you take him to the curb sometimes boys get married you know that fall in love with a girl and give up on God like she becomes the goddess I guess in your life Wow see that really played well I don't care how in love you get you have to remember there is nobody not him or her that is like God nobody not God that's what Michael talked David I am the fact David in your life that you remember there's nobody like God to whom were you liking me he is the great unlike there's nobody like God therefore you have to stay in love with him even though transitions come in your life and things change in your life and hormones are released in your life you have to remember my first allegiance is to the one to whom there was no one like him and she got him through that transition from the sheep's coat moving into the palace nobody like you didn't fall in love with Michael and you either married that idea but wife number two was was Abigail and she's the wipe those Willis experience because nothing we can all agree you know the day of your marriage to Michael is a greatest day of your life you've come to conclusion and go do this and I ain't gonna do that I'm going to live for God then we'll serve God all the days of my life and and I'm in love with God but there come a day you know when you won't be a national hero your life will no longer be the theme songs some dim-witted girls being the tambourine singing songs about you not wonderful you are there come a day with the Vino tambourines been beaten and nobody will be singing let's cut let us adore him and your name only carved in the park bench here on the local oak tree and you will not be a national hero that date will come you can put this down your Bible enjoy and relish the warmth of friends and families they surround you and rejoice in your victories to celebrate the defeat your foes and get to know this that not every enemy will come dressed as a defiant giant fall from a single rock from your pathetic sling there come a wilderness experience into every life it will try you in ways you've never before experienced it's it's a transition it's a time that you move from the sheep boat you moved into the palace and David doesn't have any middle he doesn't have any medium you can tell by his life he's never medium he's just either all in or he's all out he's either in a sheep boat or he's in a palace now then his father-in-law has driven him from the palace and now he's in the wilderness he goes from the palace from a sheep boat to the palace now he's gone to the wilderness another great transition in his life it is now it is now the saddest time at a commentary on a man that has been so great he's been driven there by the jealous rage of his father Lord David has this ragtag army they're now living in caves and dense and there's no warm beds there's no loving Michael there's no peace no security there's no hope there's no Palace food he's gone he doesn't have any his transition is all the way from you know pheasant under glass to roots you know it berries and sleeping in caves no cold dark caves with bats flying around his head you know he does he doesn't have any he doesn't just move gradually just leaks over into this not by his own will but by the doings of life sometimes it takes you from the palace that everything is going beautiful everything is wonderful everything is glorious in your life and you can wake up one morning and you find yourself in a wilderness where nobody's singing a song about you and it appears that nobody even cares one way or the other about your life it's a horrible thing to go through that in some of your some of you have not experienced that yet but if God lets you live and you will experience a wilderness experience in your life and there was a man in Amman who's whose possessions were in Carmel and while David while David was in the Willis with his men David had a tender heart he was a killer but he had he had a tender heart towards people and maybe treat him right the crossbeam lime you know David had a tender-hearted and there was a man who had his his Shepherds were in the wilderness there and they were taking care of the flock and they knew shepherds were not exactly commandos or anything they're shepherds you know Shepherds hookers take care of sheep and David told his men watch out for them you know there's this marauding bands come through here steal the Sheep and and great havoc in their lives and just just kind of watch out for them you know and so David's men is 400 men they kind of they kind of watched out from outer corner I watched these men make sure everybody hurt someone harms or tries to stealing a sheep or hurt the Shepherd's you know they watch them all the time they were in the Willers and now then the Shepherd's have taken the Sheep back to Carmel and David hears that things are going well for those shepherds and they're shearing the sheep and a man the name of naval has owned all the sheep and the shepherds and it's his flock and now he's doing well and his flocks have all survived and his shepherds have all done well and the shearing the Sheep so David's get tired of roots and berries and you know and eat whatever you can eat pick it up off the ground whatever you know Hicker nuts and you know now ninjas want some food you know you can eat well anyway so David since known as men over there to navel and said I see we've come to you on a good day everything seems to be going good for you he said my our master David over here just wondering if you would have some food for you he said we took care of your sheep and your Shepherd while they were in the wilderness we saw to it nobody harm them or hurt them and you didn't lose any of your flock and we just watched out for them and we're not charging you for that we just thought maybe this is a good day it looks like four years here new sheep you got plenty of food whatever you've got in hand if you just have some food in him I mean David has gone from being a prince to a beggar he's a beggar now I'm begging for stuff and he said what have you got in hand we don't we don't want to menu or anything if you got cheese you got whatever you got you know we'll take we don't have to be lamb chops you know we'll whatever you got in hand we'd like to have it David is hungry and we're hungry and we watched out for your sheep and we just thought maybe out of kindness your heart you would share a little of your wealth and a little bit blessing with us and so and and Nabal looked up at him and says who is David you know one day they're writing songs about you and the next day they don't even know you do you ever walk down the mall have somebody cross over the exact like I didn't know you you know one day they're all over you like a wet shirt you open up a couple days later act like you don't even know you I know you don't do that this stares back in and apples they do that now then they I mean one day you're coming in there kissing on you hugging on slobbering all over you like is the best thing never come to town you walk in next week and they're changing aisles on you it was David's life you know now that people that one day they're saying you know he's Davis halls killed a thousand David kills tens of thousands you know now they're saying who is David don't even know him you know he said we don't know he could be a runaway slave so it is he could be a runaway slave so the men go home and they tell David now you got an understatement David could go in transition very quickly he doesn't have any sense of humor he doesn't have any he doesn't have a medium yes high and he has low no medium he has large EF extra-large he has no medium and when the men come home and they to David we did as you said the man's name is enable and he said he doesn't know who David is that you could be a runaway slave so David now the commando comes out any man he doesn't write a poem about it he doesn't write a song about it a sonnet you know now then David's anger rises up in him and he said gird your swords on because he doesn't have a medium he doesn't have let's see if I can go talk to him and work things out you know this is full-blown now you know we're going to war one day I'm begging for cheese the next day I'm killing everybody that's got breath in them in that neighborhood so the Bible is kind of like a soap opera kind of like one cuz there's lots of stuff going on now here's why we get all attention to women because I said this is a drama now this is drama it lots of you know soap operas I don't I'm sorry watching about heard about them and uh you know there's a lot of stuff going on a soap opera somebody's in the hospital dines would be me beeping somebody's locked in the trunk of a car over in some desert island someplace somebody over here is handcuffed you know they're right there's a lot of sickness which is back and forth all the time and the Bible does that it it's kind of a soap opera SH that's popping out a word I just made it up kind of soap opera SH because it's got a lot of stuff going on now you got David over here he's mad as a hornet you know he's got his he's got his sword girded on he gets on that black stallion and he says his man Girja swords on we're going to go over there and I'm going to introduce myself to him he's not going to give him a business card or anything he's got it on the end of his sword he gets on his black stallion I mean he's whipping that horse like a killing horse you know and a horse is scribing out man his pleasure the sparks flying off his hoofs his nostrils are opened up like sucking air in you know and horses leaning out man he's flipping that thing he's going for all he is worth getting ready to introduce himself to a man named naval when he gets done introducing himself there he's killing everything in his camp his sheep his family his children everybody and his men are along with him now you got to leave this picture right here you with David he's on his horse he strived out of nod right here see I'm with you but nothing okay now here's the soap opera begins you got to leave that right there because it's going to have a commercial then in between the commercial the going over here to Naples Camp Davis campus over here and some of the men come over to Abigail his wife navels wife and say you know what you're ignorant husband did last night is to say that we said navel hit the word navel means fool you know what your food will husband did David's men come over here and all they wanted was some cheese whatever you had leftover that's all he wanted and your crazy husband said he didn't know who David was and he sent the man back in the empty handed and David is on his way and he's going to introduce himself to you your family and to David he's a killing machine Abigail so Abigail does what all women do she begins to cook she begins to she gets let me let me read what she does cuz the way to a man's heart she begins to do she gets 200 loaves of bread she gets five sheep ready dressed I don't mean she put half some clothes which is ready dressed she dressed them she cut them all up and got him all dressed you know she got five sheep ready dressed she got five measures of parts corn she got a hundred clusters of raisins she got 200 cakes of figs man she's getting a lump he's got 400 min to feed and in a moment she rallies it all together she gets all this then where'd she get she gets two bottles of wine now let that roll around a little bit 200 loaves of bread I'm cheap Bob measures of meal 100 clusters of raisins two cakes of figs try tearing your Baba you read it for yourself and two bottles of wine two bottles of wine for 500 men just eat just eat 200 loaves of bread this is a woman moment a very cagey she's got that little checkered tablecloth got that CD player when that King Cole on their unforgettable you and she's just got two bottles of wine one for her and one for David these other guys can you know drank stumpwater whatever they gonna drink more except yeah so she gets on her donkey and here she comes see it's kind of a soap opera because dave is still coming on his horse she gets on her donkey with all this paraphernalia all this food hanging off of her you know sheep and bread and raisin cakes and two bottles of wine a checkered tablecloth little CD calming music you know here she comes she little donkeys just kind of going like that you know catch him she's trying to cut him off at the pass you know before he gets here so finally the stallion meets the donkey and the Bible said she likes it down low for it because that's how women get down they light down men climb down women light down that's what girls need to learn how to get out of the car you don't get out of a car like that you light down you light in and you light down you know so she lights down off of her donkey and David climbs down off of his stallion and the stallion is glad but the donkey because it probably saved his life too as he arrived him on the ground abigail comes over and falls down at his feet says oh great man of God she said you don't want to be a fool bihter God will take care of all your enemies for you why would you want to fight your own Wars and your own battles so Abigail's it's pretty cagey you know but she can make a she could to make a hero out of a God it get ready to be a killer you know and she calmed him down thank you for coming Abigail you saved me from disobedience you're a great woman you're a great woman thank you for coming to me how do you need to eat just so happens I am I got some lamb chops I got some desert figs of raisins I got some I got some loaves of bread getting a man all up here they're all salivating right now the corners are mound I get ready you know David you come over here with me special Jim this is not you know bomb-making all this that part I'm making up right there because Lord didn't think of when he's riding the Bible so I had to and she want is hard she won his heart I'm extrapolating that's a better word like Scrabble a knee she won David's heart so David stopped his murderous feelings her name means my father is joy I was rocked to sleep with joy I was raised on joy my house was full of joy and when you're in the wilderness you need to have some joy but back in your life and God sent a joy back to David that stopped his murderous instincts to kill everything that would rise up against him because the Willers will SAP the joy out of your life you have no peace but having healed puts all that back into your life Abigail goes back home what time is it Abigail goes back home and her husband has had a drunken party he's been drinking all day so she don't want to talk to him because he's a and now he's a this drunk is worse than ever you know nothing like a drunken to try to deal with him the reason with him so she wasted the morning till he has sobered up and then she explains to him what had happened the night before David was on his way to kill everybody me you everybody was going to die because you're such a fool he would not give him some cheese and crackers and a little bit of lamb you set him this is what I would have said a bagillion say cause her father was joy but she told her husband exactly how was he was so compounded wanted happen so dumb about it but what had happened the Bible said his heart turned to stone and God killed him hello Abby this is Dave we're yet hero who died Mabel died your husband died and the Bible said he said oh praise the Lord well he said oh praise Allah he started dancing rejoicing worship thank God thank God thank God God sorry to hear that Abby is such a he was a it was a good man he was a good man sorry I'm sorry about your grief what you doing after the funeral the having a dinner it's a church yeah what about after the dinner just gonna go home I want to ask you something Abby will you marry me now that's not exactly like it happened but it's pretty close they don't even wait the husband to get cold yet he's he's called her up one two kids right it's right in your Bible he he calls her up and ask him if now that your husband's then he says Oh bless the Lord take a bit of he's a cut of meat you know he's a is something David it's happened you know he blesses the Lord for God killing a husband so he can have her his wife so he marries Abigail and he gets joy back in his life again it's just a lesson to be learned that you will have a wilderness experience things will go south in your life the wheels will come off of everything you thought was going to take you to the promised land you know there will be times when people won't know you may be times when you cannot express how you feel to other people it's that kind of feeling that I don't even know how to say what I'm going through I don't know how to talk about it because the transition has been so great yesterday I was full of hope and full of life and full of joy and full of peace and now here I am in the wilderness and I've got no joy and I've got no peace and nobody will give me anything nobody seems to know me and David's only way to deal with any of that was going a killing spree you know it and sometimes you hurt other people when you feel her you because hurting people tend to hurt people you know that's that's just kind of how it works you know and there will be a wilderness experience in your life if you don't get back into the house of God let Abigail put some joy back into your life because the joy of the Lord is your strength you know that if you don't have any joy you don't have any strength and you tend to hurt other people that are around you in my last command music gladden comes they would leave and then will take long with my last wife although it's one of the one of the probably most difficult wives in his life you know because darker guilt can scarcely be found on pages of Holy Word then Davis guilt it did taking another man's wife produced a child he wasn't in love with her it was just a rooftop romance he looked off the rooftop and saw her you know and water he was used to getting what he wanted and so he brought her had her brought to his house and he spent the evening with her he didn't love her it was just women things should have been a war with his with his men but he decided to stay home because warriors and armies would go out to defeat other armies that's how you increase your your your kingdom by defeating other military people if you built your tax base up and you built your kingdom up but David was so big he didn't need anything else so I wouldn't go to war I didn't care to go fight the well meeting I got everything I need so he stayed home and slept walk out of the rooftop you know the story so best Sheba bathing herself wanted her brought her to him had a baby by her then the baby got sick because God was not pleased with him and he prayed that God would save the baby don't kill the babies don't kill the boy please God I'm begging for his office my fault God don't don't charge the boy with my guilt in my sin but heaven was brass God said I'm going to forgive you what you've done I'm sorry to say the boy's gonna die you don't have a prayer left to save this child and the baby died I guess they had the funeral caskets come in all sizes you know I buried a few babies it's always a sad thing see if child died never have an opportunity to grow wealth or enjoy the pleasures of adolescence or teenage years just die because of someone else's transgression baby died David washed himself and grooms his self and came back in say could you set some food on the table for me services you're an odd man all the time your baby was sick and dying you you wouldn't groom yourself or wash now that the child's dead here like another man you know the person he made that famous statement I can't bring him back to me but I I can go to him and David in his usual the way he deals with a life called up Bathsheba and asked her if she would marry and she did her name means the daughter of an oath of an oath sometimes when you've broken your oath with God you've broken your vow to God you fall back in love with Bathsheba because she's the renewing of your oath she's renewing of your commitment to God because there's been a failure in your life and fallen short she's the one who gets you through that failure because she's been brought up by an oath she comes into your life and causes you David you need to get back to God I know what she's sending him but I could imagine her being born of an oath would say to David you need to repent of this and get back to God you need to renew your covenant with the Lord David renew your oath with God get back in a good relationship with God you know that's what you need when you fail just need to renew your commitment to God and vowed to God because that's what God does he you no man can fall or woman can fall that doesn't mean Dave is a perfect example of a person who makes it through from the sheep's bow to the palace to the wilderness to his greatest failure he gets through it all and in the end out of his greatest failure because he renews his covenant and his oath with God he produces the wisest man that had ever lived Koston Bathsheba and David come solomon it goes to show you that even in failure you can't produce wisdom even in failure you can produce something that's glorious even in failure you can produce the one that will build a temple that if any man prays toward it God will hear their prayer all born at the greatest failure of a man because he renewed his covenant and his commitment with God she stand with me please I don't know you I don't know where you are what you've done what your life is like or your hopes and dreams are I don't know but I have to believe this morning there are young people who are going through transitional times in their lives you don't even understand what your own body is doing because the things you didn't like now you do like things you couldn't stand now you desire may be long with your boy or girl or your graduating or your stepping out into some unknown arena but you've never been there before and you need desperately in this moment of your life you need Michael in your life because there is nobody like God that will get you through that place that you're in if you're in a wilderness today and you would know and it's like you don't have anyone to talk to no one understands if you did talk to them it's just a wilderness where you've isolated or insulated yourself and no one will give to you you feel like you're in that place no one can help you there is an Abigail spirit that puts joy back into your life even though it seems to have all leaked out or this afternoon perhaps you're looking at your life at a life where you may have failed may have failed in your marriage here's the only way to repair marriages is free I'm gonna give it to you and I'm done the baby's got to be buried you got to bury the past that may be represented the past you can't carry the past around with you all your life your past failures your past can't carry it around with it it's too much weight there's got to be a funeral in your life you sir if you failed did your wife has got to bury that baby it's so do you because if you're going to dig it up and bring it out every whipstitch your marriage is never going to survive somewhere in the life you've got to bury the past and you've got to marry the present because the present is all you have got the past is gone irreparable you can't I call it back you cannot rewrite history now you have to marry what you've got it just so happens is who having the best sheet as what you got it she's an oat and you've got to recommit yourself to one another to marriage I don't know you're married oh I don't know where you're at in your life but I know this if you want a future you got to bury the past you got to fall in love with what you've got right now this moment what do you have and that's each other you to fall in love with each other and you're both in your commitment and your vows to God because without that that past will halt your life bury the past marry the present and produce a future she bow your head with me god I do not know these people I do not know where they are I don't know whether they're in transition from the sheep coat to the palace or whether they've been driven from the palace to the Willard's I do not know where they've come out of the wilderness to some kind of failure in their life but I know that these three things will get them through it and that is knowing there's nobody like God and the joy of the Lord is your strength and that my peace I give it to thee not as the world giveth give I D for in the world you shall have tribulation but you be of good comfort I've overcome the world you need to make your valve back to God and back to your family again now somewhere in this message I have ministered to you this is your moment this is your moment this is your Atmos your atom of time count split it this is your moment you can walk out the door but you can come to this altar it will take a man or a woman to do this it will take a brave stout hearted square-shouldered young man and a young lady who is purpose in her heart to live for God to do this but I want you to come I want you to be man enough and woman enough and boy and up and girl up to step out of your seat and say God I'm in a wilderness or God I'm in a transition period in my life for God I've made a mistake and I need to renew my vows I covenant with God that's what I need to do that's what I need to do that's what I need to do thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you need to get your wife by the hand and you have any kind of promise at all you can get your wife by the hand your young people by the hand young people around them we're going to pray for our young people first of all that they may not be in transition right now but they will be in their lives they're going to step out of one arena over into another one and in that transition they need to take God with them that God that got them to where they are right now God would take when will you lay your hands on a young person here can you get around them and lay your hands on a young person if there's enough just lay your hands on somebody they just need this help it comes from people that are going to pray with them and it's strengthened their lives we don't know what tomorrow holds but I do know that there's going to be trouble it's going to be hardships in their lives they're going to be confused how to do in their lives I want you to pray right now that they will come to grips with that that there is nobody like God there is nobody like me to take God with me I need to fall in love I need to fall in love with Michael I need to take her as as there's nobody like God with me I want to take God with God that I knew in the cradle rolled the God that I've known all my life that God did my parents taught me about the God my pastor is hammered into my head the God that I know is real I want that God to go with me I want that God to be my my size I'm fixed to get a job I fix go to work at a secular society and I need a God that will take care of me and watch over me and not that the perversions of the world strangle my life and suffocate me I don't want my breath sucked out of my life by some carnal reasoning or some carnal thought oh God put your hand over these young people God put your hands up on their lives give them strength their God I let them fall in love with Michael let them fall in love with a concept an idea that there is nobody like God there's not another human being not a girl nor a boy regardless of how friendly help you pretty or how handsome maybe there is nobody can replace God in my life I have purposed in my heart I will live for God I will live for God I will live for God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus somebody in the wilderness this morning just raise your hand right now I'm in the wilderness right now I'm kind of in a wilderness place right now in my life anybody in the wilderness Valley will us a couple of people back here to with us all right what about marriage what about family won't you raise your hand we just want to pray for you this will pray for your life the pray for you life was to pray for you lay hands on this couple right here slightly their hands so they are we're going to pray we're going to believe God they put its hand some on their lives upon their family somebody in a wilderness over here you're in the wilderness over here lay your hands on somebody we're gonna pray a prayer of faith we're gonna believe God that he's going to work something out how do you I want some joy back in their lives god I want you to put joy and hope back in their lives I want joy and hope back in their lives god I can't even take it [Music]
Channel: New Life Church Cabot
Views: 3,348
Rating: 4.52 out of 5
Keywords: tim gaddy, jh osborne, nlc, nlc cabot, new life, new life church, new life church cabot, all the king's wives, may 2017, go2017
Id: 2WhPxVQoabc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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