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so good evening everyone so good to see you on this beautiful wednesday evening let's stand together welcome to new life church amen on this evening we're going to begin this service with prayer for 9 11. as you are aware i'm sure we're approaching the 20th anniversary of that event as a songwriter said where were you on that september day and i think that's probably those of us standing in this room most of us if not all of us can remember back very quickly where we were at when we heard the news of the attack on those towers and the other attacks that ensued and so the here this evening we want to pray we will certainly pray for the victims families 2996 people lost their lives in that those events we want to pray for healing and so this this evening let's pray first of all for healing we're also going to pray a prayer of humility and repentance and a prayer for god's kingdom to come but first of all let's pray for pray a prayer for healing certainly for our nation but those individuals and their families who suffered loss psalm 147 verse 3 says this he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds so let's pray this prayer together lord so many hearts are still hurting even 20 years later so we ask you to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds where there is loneliness or anger we pray that you will replace it with faith and hope let your promises and your presence be the healing bomb for those in pain that need it today amen in the name of jesus we pray this lord for those who need healing send your spirit to them today god those who lost their lives those families lord we pray right now that you would give them strength o god right now heal their wounds we pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let's also pray this prayer of humility and repentance verse chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 says this if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn for their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land so let's pray this prayer lord we humble ourselves before you and we confess that we are sinful people too we're not for your grace we might also be deceived by our enemy and influence to do evil things lord as a nation we have rebelled against you so god and we deserve your wrath but yet you offer forgiveness to those who repent and we ask that your holy spirit call all nations to humble repentance all our nation to humble repentance so that you can heal our land and let's pray that prayer lord heal our land right now in the name of jesus oh lord jesus we humble ourselves before you on this evening lord jesus and ask you god to come to us bring healing to our land forgive us lord jesus of our sins forgive us of our rebellion we pray in the holy and mighty and matchless name of jesus amen let's pray for this prayer for god's kingdom become to come isaiah chapter 9 verse 7 tells this of the the messiah who came jesus the christ of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end upon the throne of david and over his kingdom to ordered and established with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this so let's pray this lord you taught us to pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so lord may your kingdom come today we long for you to be on the throne of all the nations and for all things to be set right until that day we trust you will continue to invite all people to receive you as king and let's pray this together again lord your kingdom come lord your will be done on earth as it is in heaven lord we ask that your kingdom be established on this earth but also let it be established in every heart in this building tonight let it be established in the city of cabot god we pray let it be established lord jesus in the state of arkansas and that we pray that your kingdom would be established in this nation we also we continue to pray for healing lord jesus for this nation thank you god for what you're going to do over the next several days for this nation and those who cry out to you in jesus name amen would you lift your hands together right now as the praise team comes in jesus name we thank you lord and we ask for your holy spirit to move in this building let's continue that spirit of worship tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] and every chain will break his broken hearts declare his grace [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] make way before the king of keys [Music] is [Music] he's roaring with power and fighting [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] he's roaring with power [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who can stop the lord oh [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] oh [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] god is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] tonight hallelujah [Music] just continue to worship him tonight he's worthy of that amen he's worthy of that hallelujah we worship you jesus we worship you jesus [Music] you call my race [Music] who i trust [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] fire [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] here's all you need [Music] i believe [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you're my portion [Music] jesus [Music] impossible for you now [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you believe that tonight [Music] i believe you're my portion [Music] i believe more than even for jesus [Music] you are [Music] i believe you're my portion [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah i heard a preacher once say that miracles happen on ordinary days i wonder if you'll do this with me for a moment if if you absolutely need a miracle to happen in your life or somebody that you know would you lift your hand up that's the majority of him somebody around you has their hand up can you link up with them for a moment it's okay to stop in the middle of a midweek and just pray who knows today an ordinary day and a miracle could happen why don't you believe with somebody and when you pray don't look at your problem but look at the problem solver look at the miracle worker look at his power would you do that would you step over in just a moment just a just a few seconds and pray a prayer and believe god you are greater than cancer god you are greater than covid you are greater than any sickness you are greater than the struggle in my family you are straight greater than any struggle in my finances you are a miracle worker you can save to the uttermost lord with simple faith in this room we pray and believe and ask according to your word you are able to do it god you are above able to do it you can work and begin to work even right now we trust you god we call on you we give you the praise for doing it we worship you tonight our healer our waymaker our miracle worker let me just say this he is a god that makes a way he has from the beginning of time to this present day he is a god that he makes ways when there is no way he makes a way come on lift your hands one more time with me feel the presence of the lord that just sweeps in for those that respond and are hungry for it we believe you tonight god lord your spirit is enough for us your mercy is enough for us your loving kindness is better than life we need you tonight we respond to you tonight thank you jesus it was a mantra around here for a while god can and i know somebody needs to hear that this week god can do it god is at work god will perform it he has not left you or abandoned you god can i'm not even the preacher but i feel like preaching god can do it and i am so thankful to be in his presence tonight amen i'm thankful we can come in here on a midweek and feel what we feel and experience what we experience what a great opportunity thank you for joining us tonight you may be seated thank you i'll have you stand in a moment so i gave you a forewarning on that here in a moment we'll have our our ushers come and and we'll give an opportunity to give but we're so thankful that you're here on a midweek and here in a few moments brother oda will come and he's going to deliver the word of the lord to us and we're going to just have a great time tonight i'm thankful we're thankful you're here let me give you a few announcements just a few things we we try to keep everybody up to date on things that are happening if you are not a part of the new life facebook family page uh join that because it we share things on there and so you'll see and hear some of those announcements said here and posted there as well everyone say sunday sunday is going to be a full day a great day for new life let me tell you a few things that are going to be taking place this sunday look at somebody so they're clearly no and it's not just me saying it 9 30. look at him 9 30 is tracks sunday morning we're beginning sunday tracks you can see them up on the screen what these are are classes that will take place in four different locations inside this building on four different topics they'll be taking place the next four weeks so you'll want to you get to choose this is your option do you get to choose which one you'd like to go to and this is a great opportunity to grow in a certain area that you're interested in now here's the really neat thing about these tracks this is your opportunity what you see up here this is your opportunity for the month of september when october gets here they're going to change over to four new ones so you got four new options to choose from so you don't want to miss a sunday 9 30 tracks remember that and when you get here you just go straight to your track so at 9 30 you can just come in to go straight to the prayer room if you want to go to church heritage you can go straight to the hospitality room directly behind me if you want to go to mentoring moms you can just go straight to your track whenever you get here on sunday morning at 9 30 at 10 30 we have worship service immediately following that don't forget prayer right before it is grandparents day on sunday i thought i'd get a little more clap you know a little more excitement if you love your grandparents would you give a little hand right now the kids aren't in here that's probably the loudest applause we would get i know my kids get spoiled by their grandparents that's 10 30 we'll celebrate them we've got some special things planned for that so don't forget this sunday now also as some of you may have seen beginning at four o'clock uh brother dennis would you wave your hand back there he's in the back choir is starting back up who's excited about that so new life choir is starting back up four o'clock will be practice if you're interested if you want to learn more or if you have questions or if you even doubt your singing ability go right back there to that man and he will help you out and get you connected information and so you can see him four o'clock on sunday in bennett hall is when they will practice and then at six o'clock on sunday i told you sunday is a full day six o'clock is glacia nuevo vita right here in the worship center and we're going to be doing our best to have an english translation as well so you'll want to come it'll be a great powerful night we god is doing something great in that church and that setting amen and we're excited about the spanish church and what god is doing there so please please remember that sunday is also your missions vehicle offering pledges are due on that day so make sure you turn those in to move the mission and finally last one final announcement i know that was a lot final announcement to make you aware of dinner theater is coming back and so we're we're excited uh about what'll take place the first week in december and we're gonna need some help with that so there's help needed in all sorts of areas acting uh prop building setup parking lot uh you know there's all sorts of areas that have to need help brother daryl capps will be in the lobby the next two sundays with the sign up sheet there's also a sign up thing online on the facebook family page you can sign up there but if you're interested and you want to volunteer to help in dinner theater in any regard please sign up on there and we would greatly appreciate your help all right i gave you enough time to be seated stand with me i'm sure you can go ahead and come we're gonna give you an opportunity to give and also maybe go greet somebody here in a moment let's pray right now and let's ask the lord to meet us with his word speak to us and let's ask his blessing on this service in jesus name would you pray with me lord thank you so much for what you're doing at new life thank you so much for the great things that are taking place now and the great things that are to come lord we pray your hand of blessing and help on this service we pray you would anoint the word and anoint brother odel as he speaks in our ears to hear it lord we pray over this gathering in this moment that your hand would be on it it would propel us into your purpose for your kingdom in jesus name and everyone said amen amen step out from where you are you can come and bring your tithing you're offering any gifts that you'd like to bring you can come drop it in one of these baskets up front go greet somebody right now go find two people shake their hand fist bump them tell them it's good to see them here tonight and you may be seated you get back to your seat now this may be a shock to some people but preachers need encouragement i know that's surprising right even a preacher needs encouragement sometime and the man that we're going to bring tonight that's going to come speak to us on this midweek is an encourager of preachers we are so thankful to have his ministry he and his wife and his family here in this church we are blessed to have the oddles amen would you welcome brother odol as he comes to deliver the word of lord to us i just checked with him he said go to 9 30. well i'll tell you what i'll do i i came from california to here and right now in california it's only 5 30 not bad well i've traveled quite a bit around the country been in all 50 states traveled in a lot of countries in europe a lot of countries in the middle east and far west and i'd like to collect things as i go i like to read read newspapers get the local newspaper and read about everything and uh brother shirley just surely probably know what i'm what i'm talking about right now when i say we would go into a town spend the night and i would go around looking for buildings for churches so i could see that would be a good building right there for a church now god send somebody here to this town right brother yeah that thing well i also look for things that would be interesting and what i'm fixing to say has absolutely nothing to do with what i'm going to preach about say that right now nothing to do with it but the bible tells us laughter does good like a medicine right i just want to read you some things that i have seen they're classified ads actual classified ads from newspapers one of them says here it is illiterate write today for free help auto repair service free pickup and delivery try us once you'll never go anywhere again i'm not sure about that one but that's how they feel another one said dog for sale eats anything and is fond of children i don't know that i want that dog my house stock up and save limit one dinner special turkey two dollars and 35 cents chicken or beef two dollars and 25 cents children two dollars that is an actual classified ad in the newspaper another one says we do not tear your clothing with machinery we do it carefully by hand another one's looking for an honest man who says man honest will take anything use car ad put this in there i said use cars why go elsewhere to be cheated come here first another one put this ad in there said wanted man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink that's exactly what he said let me read one more we will oil your sewing machine and adjust your tension in your home for one dollar as i said that has absolutely nothing to what i'm going to speak about today but we can smile sometimes can we when you don't feel like doing anything else smile when you're sick and you're hurting read some jokes or something and smile it'll really help you out i'm speaking tonight if you're turning your bibles with me to isaiah chapter 53 verse 6. let me tell you what i'm talking about now it's 3 3 50. no that's time has passed okay isaiah 53 and 6 it says this all we like sheep have gone astray all we like sheep there is a comparison there between us and sheep now we're just like sheep and if we can find out what sheep are really like we'll find out how god thinks about us because he calls us the sheep of his pasture now there are 92 animals mentioned in the bible from ant to worm include such animals as the owl the bat the bear the bee the camel the deer the eagle the frog the grasshopper the horse the lion the ox the peacock the rooster spider and the stork and sheep for some reason god selected the sheep to use an example of us his people he likens his people to sheep the question big question is why why did god choose sheep and i'm here to tell you i do not know i have no answer for that question until i got to studying about sheep and shepherds spending a lot of times going to the holy land as you all know i've been there 29 times going throughout the land of israel asking talking to shepherds talking to people who know that land and i've been finding out a little thing there that makes some sense after a while psalm 78 and 52 the bible tells us but god made his own people to go forth like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock john 10 and 11 turns it the other direction he says i am the good shepherd the good shepherd giveth his life for their sheep so you have the parallel there works both ways god the shepherd people the sheep and from that and from a lot of persuading and a lot of talking to me i wrote a book and the book is entitled sheep talk from the 23rd psalm i entitled it that because if you will look at the 23rd psalm it's made up of six verses what's the very first words of the 23rd psalm 23 and 1. can you repeat them simple the lord is my shepherd now i ask you who's talking sheep are talking you say sheep are talking brother animals talk absolutely they do if you've ever been out in the woods hunting you'll hear this call from over here of an animal and after a while you hear an answer over here they're talking to each other this one over here says he's coming and he's got a big gun it's over he said thanks everybody keep still the hunters coming in now you got to get into the world of those animals to understand what they're talking about but animals do talk and right here in the 23rd psalm it is the sheep talking about the shepherd you'll find in the first three verses psalm 23 1 2 and 3 the sheep talk about the shepherd the lord is my shepherd that's what i want he maketh me to he does this he's talking about him the last three verses four five and six the lamb the sheep are talking to the shepherd thou preparest the table before being president and talking to the shepherd what he does could it possibly be from this psalm we could learn something that we should spend a pretty good amount of time talking about the shepherd and a good part of time talking to the shepherd amen bro that's good preaching you never hear that yet heavy now if you can find the relationship between the sheep and that the bible tells us in isaiah 53 and 6 if you turn there isaiah 53 and 6. let me read this to you all we like sheep hear that all we like sheep have gone astray so god is there's one thing i learned i've learned and maybe that's self-taught that way i'm real smart uh you're smarter than anything you teach yourself aren't you know better than anybody else because i taught it but i found this out you've got to understand god looks at the kingdom of his kingdom different than we do we look this direction to each other god looks down on us anytime you read in the bible where it says the kingdom of heaven is like you're getting a vision of what god sees as he looks upon his kingdom and god says this is what i see the kingdom of heaven is like under this and then that now if we can find out from here look at what it says here in isaiah 53 and 6. oh we like sheep have gone astray we've gone to our own area verse 7 look at this one he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before his shearers is done so he openeth not his mouth what is that in their bible about what's that about he's led as a lamb to the slaughter doesn't open his mouth i didn't understand that until i was in the country of jordan one time at a rest stop on one of our trips to israel we went over to israel to jordan we stopped at the rest stop there and after a while a pickup truck backed up to to the place there on the in the back of that pickup truck was a goat and a little lamb he was bringing them to the market they took them off of there and i stood i watched i wonder what are they going to do with a goat and a lamb they went behind the building and here i went right behind them i'm following i want to find out what what are they going to do they were going to go back there and prepare these animals to kill them and provide meat from them i watched them as they went into this particular little room the sloping floor of the grain in the middle of it the the man laid the goat down put his foot upon him grabbed his neck and pulled it back opened his throat and slit his throat so he could bleed out but when he did that that goat screamed and hollered and kicked and did all kind everything till the very last bit of life left him he was hollering and carrying on then he brought the lamb he laid the lamb down there pulled his head back slit his throat and this is what the lamb did he just went he never made a sound the bible tells us he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before his years is done there is a picture of what god did for us he could have called thousands of angels to deliver him off of that cross if he wanted to but like a lamb he's led there and he never opened his mouth he didn't say anything about it god is a good shepherd to us as she praise god now if you can find the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep you can see so much of the bible the scripture is what it's saying about god and his people my guide i had over there is that time his name was elijah actual name was elias alya sabah call him elijah elijah would was one of the best guides i've ever seen and heard he knew the scriptures so well and we were we were riding along and after a while he started started doing his thing again he would say joseph stop the bus stop the bus he stopped the bus he said come here danny i want to teach you the bible got off the bus walked over there here was four shepherds all sitting together hundreds of sheep around about him and i don't know how many there was there was a crowd of sheep i don't know several hundred and i asked one of the shepherds i said would you go off and call your sheep he left before he was setting went through that whole crowd of sheep way off by himself turned around and called a name a single name and in that whole crowd of sheep that one sheep lifted his head up turn around look and hit her right for his shepherd does it the bible that you know what that tells me the bible is true when it says my sheep know my voice they learn it they know it how to with hundreds of them every lamb of that shepherd has its own name you name your dogs and cats don't you how many's got more than one animal home okay is that who i think it is brother what's what's what the dog what's his name and what else no see he's got three and each of them have their single name why don't you just call them all dogs yeah and each individual has their own name and they would call them by their single name god is trying to tell me and i want to tell you i don't care how big the crowd is i don't care how many there are he knows you by your name he knows you by them and then we're driving down the road a little further and again elijah said daddy get off the bus i want to show you something we want to teach you the bible we got off of there and he said come here and watch this we went over there and here was a a you that had just give birth to a little lamb and she was still bloody and the lamb was bloody but the shepherd had that lamb held tight to him and i said uh well what's going on here and he said well uh this is what this is what they do every time that a lamb is born the shepherd picks up that lamb pulls it to his bosom squeeze it tight enough that he can feel the heartbeat of the lamb and the lamb can feel the heartbeat of the shepherd he gives him his name at this time and begins to call him by that name begins to sing to him and talk to him and after three days he for for three days he holds that lamb only puts him down in time to nurse and when he gets through he puts the lamb down he says now that lamb will follow no one else because we know he knows my voice i know his voice the bible tells us right here in the scripture that they would never follow another they would not go after somebody else let god pull us close to his bosom to where we feel his heart beat and he feels our heartbeat praise god now i have a little particular situation that i don't like and that's when a new person comes in right off the street i'll tell you about an incident but i'm why it bothered me his name was i'll call him steve because that's his name and i was asked to preach the funeral of his father they didn't go to church anywhere steve and his family didn't go to church anywhere and uh the undertaker called me said reverend uh you said you would preach anybody's funeral i said yes that's what i do when i would go into a town to start a new church three people i would talk to i'd go to the mayor and i'd ask the mayor i said now mayor uh anything you your you need for the city let me know our church will try our best to get it for you and then i went to the police chief and i said anything we can do for you and so forth then i would go to the undertaker and i went with the undertaker to tell look you're going to have funerals well they don't have a preacher let me be their preacher you just call me and i'll preach their funeral and it won't cost anything at all and this was one of those times i was called i didn't know the family but i went there and saw them steve the young boy had uh was a hippie had hair all the way down to his belt line down his back and after i'd preached the funeral talked to the family steve came to church the next sunday and i'd given specific instruction i knew he was coming i gave a specific instruction to the church don't any of you ever talk to steve leave him alone because i'm telling sometimes the first thing we want to do is try to clean them up and ask them why are you doing that don't you have anything better to do than wear hair like that what's wrong no leave him alone yes he came the first sunday his hair is down out to his belt line two sundays laters it's about halfway up his back two more sundays later to his neck two more sundays after that he had a haircut like i did i have only doesn't have an open spot in the top there's something about what we need to do is take that new convert bring them to the bosom of the church love them talk to them visit with him show them love that's what they're needing anyway they don't need criticism they can get that anywhere in the world they need somebody just to love them and that's our job that's our job to pull them to the bosom of the church love them praise god oh hallelujah and uh he carries that lamb holes into his bosom and goes on now the bible says here in psalm 23 the first one the lord is my shepherd what do i see i see this lamb standing at the gate at the fence line there he's looking over to these lambs over these sheep over here and he hollers at him said hey who's your shepherd what's your shepherd like that lamb talks back to him and tells him about his shepherd he said well who's yours he said the lord is my shepherd i shall not want wow what is contained in that i shall not want you have two every one of us has two things our wants and our needs that's all you've got things you want things you need now go home tonight and go through the house and start labeling them want that's a want well i i don't really need it but i wanted it i want that the biggest possessions we have are wants very little do we have needs jesus said take no thought you only need clothes to wear a house to live in a food to eat that's all you really need all the rest of them is nothing but a bunch of wants i want a new boat i want a new car and you know what happens sometimes when we get all those possessions we measure someone's spirituality by their possessions and we do it paul what do you think about brother john i saw him down there he's getting him a new mercedes yeah yeah his wife didn't want it so she wanted the cadillac so he got her a new cadillac boy they're really blessed of god in his house he's moving into a 4 000 square foot house and he's got all of this have you seen that suit he's got on i saw the other day a picture and i'm going to tell you who it is i saw a picture of a preacher who had just preached and i was talking about he he had his pair of shoes laying next to him there and i was able to take that picture there and spread it and zero in and i read the name of the shoe so inquisitive me i went over and plugged that name in i want to check those shoes because they're talking about uh-huh so it only cost 1700 for that pair of shoes oh he's blessed of god that's not a sign of the blessings of god that's not a sign of your spirituality by far it's not a sign of your spirituality in spite of everything we like to think that the sinner in the cadillac is more blessed of god than a saint in a jeep but that's not true give me a saint and a jeep any day the center of the cat with a cadillac has no sign of spirituality and that's not spiritual friends and like you can't measure to somebody else don't measure us among ourselves please i you getting bible college you know guys hey what kind of suits you got whoa i said mine are all french made really brother really yes sir what's the label of it j.c penney ask the world who is your shepherd and then tell them who your shepherd is this the lord is my shepherd it's personal it's possessive it's a swedish word in the psalm my shepherd the lord is a shepherd that's true the lord is the shepherd that's true the lord is a good shepherd that's true the lord is the chief shepherd that's true but more than that the lord is my shepherd he's my shepherd oh thank god i know i know the shepherd tonight if you don't know the shepherd friend you've got a life ahead of you that's the greatest thing you've ever experienced let god be the shepherd of your life [Applause] since he's my shepherd he's active in every moment of my life from its birth to its death is that correct uh that's 7 52 that was july 52nd okay how in the world is god going to know you and i and our feelings and all this how's god going to understand us if you'll understand how shepherds give birth to sheep hear me sheep are generally born in the wintertime and the shepherd has a birthing barn birthing shed and when the lamb is about to deliver that little little one he takes that you and puts her inside that barn then he gets inside the barn he takes his winter coat off he takes his heavy shirt off if he's got big wool pants he lays them aside he strips down gets on his hands and knees and gets on the level of the sheep because he wants that temperature to be good for the sheep not for him and once he gets that temperature at that level he knows it's at the right level god how you how does god know our feeling he does he's attempting at all points like we are he knows us he knows all about us how does he know all about us well one day god was in his home that heavenly place the place you and i want to go to he was up there one day and then he decided i got to lay aside this raw life he laid aside those kingly robes he laid aside all that place where he was living and he came down and got down among us just like you and i born in a bethlehem manger down there he comes down and he gets to be just like the god almighty who spun the heavens and the earth comes down and lives among it just like us and he's touched by the feeling of our infirmity because he's just like we are god how can you leave all of that he said i want to know how it is to be you my shepherd knows me in every phase of my life he knows my name he knows my need he knows my wants he knew me before i was born he shaped me in my mother's womb he assisted in my delivery he knows my thoughts before i thank them now you've got to understand that god knows everything about you because he came down and became one of us did jesus cry as a baby he sure did did he phone skin his knees and blood come out of his knee yes just like us did he get hungry yes did he get thirsty yes the god who created all the waters of the world thirsted from just like it i thirst he's had it this is the god we have this is the shepherd that we have we better thank god we've got the shepherd and we can say the lord is my shepherd god speaks in languages we can understand look at psalm 23 turn there if you would please the 23rd psalm and uh read something that's interesting i thought about it and took it out and looked it up the lord is my shepherd i shall not want something about sheep why he chose sheep i have no idea because sheep are the dumbest animals in the world you ever go to a circus or fair somewhere and find trained sheep nope they train bears they train ox they train lions they train tigers they train monkeys they don't train sheep because sheep are too dumb now why did he compare us to sheep he knew what he was doing he picked the right one yeah because all of us just like sheep were going astray but you have to speak simple words to sheep now brother weatherly's language from that great degree that he got up there he can do those big words out there the sheep would look at him and go what because sheep don't understand that kind of talk look look at this the lord first verse the lord is my shepherd i shall not want nine words eight of them one syllable verse two there are sixteen words in verse two eleven of them are one syllable verse 3 16 words one syllable in 13. verse 4 is 30 words 26 of them are one syllable verse 5 there's 22 words 15 are one syllable verse 6 there's 25 words and 22 of them are one syllable 118 words in the 23rd psalm and 94 of them are one syllable because sheep has to have it clearly said to them god speaks to us like sheep you want to know how to be saved i'm going to tell you something very simple number one repent now that's not hard everybody understands that i mean you know just say i'm sorry you repent wouldn't it be i'm glad god did this and told peter to preach what he did he could have he could have chosen a lot of other things brother nate what if god had said you can't get into heaven unless you got a full head of hair we when we in trouble boy we in trouble you too jason you too you're in trouble what if god it says you've got to give a million dollars to the church i'm out come out god said look i'm going to keep it as simple as i can make it peter tell them how simple it is okay man and brother and what shall we do they said peter said okay repent and sometimes people say oh that's too silly that's too simple no we're sheep we're dumb we got to keep it simple okay we'll get the repentance now what do i do be baptized now you just take them put them down in the water and bring them up that's not hard that's not difficult you don't have to have a theology degree that don't know that i mean you don't have to go to college for 16 years to know you just put them under the water bring them back up repent be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth so what peter says now look when you put them down put them down and say in the name of jesus christ and raise them up that's all he asked you to do and then he said i'll take it from there take it from there that's all i want you you mean preacher that's all i got to do to be saved it's a simple because we're sheep it's got to be simple repent okay i understand that be baptized i got to understand that what else that's it and let god do his part and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost oh friend because we are sheep it's so simple it's not difficult you sometimes we take new people that we're witnessing too and and we think we need to explain to them daniel 70 weeks uh explain to them all about uh the revelations and the white horse and the green horse and the black horse and all the horses and and how all this happens and the false prophet and all that we didn't know get off of that just be simple with them repent that's it it's not hard because we're sheep he's got to keep it simple it's at eight o'clock already can you do it give me just a few more minutes please uh oh god i only got three hours worth of stuff here and i know what to do with it oh okay let's look at verse two and i want you to do this with me the first part of it uh six words he maketh me to lie down say it with me he maketh me to lie down now wait a minute brother you mean to tell me he makes the sheep lay down yes he makes them for one simple reason sheep are so dumb they don't know when to stop they'll run themselves to death and kill themselves without taking time to rest i know this by experience pastoring a church a whole missions church in spartanburg south carolina we're trying to get the church started and get it going and everything i was invited to go to oklahoma city my friend brother knock and preach our youth revival and i went out there and preached the youth revival on the way back i stopped in st louis at my sister's home to spend the night before we came on back to spartanburg and during the night i got sick i passed out in the floor and uh they called the ambulance and i remember say don't don't don't take me to the hospital don't take me to the hospital i'll be all right i passed out again the next thing i remember was that's a siren i'm in i'm in i'm an ambulance don't don't enter me don't put me in the hospital don't put me in the hospital and i passed out again and then i got there and and the doctors were standing around me i heard him tell my wife and said we don't know what it is but if we don't operate right now he's going to die and i said don't let them operate on me don't let them operate on me i went out next thing i remember seeing this great bill circular light above me i said what are they doing they're going to operate on you no don't let them operate on me don't let them operate on me and uh they did they operated on me and uh i'm laying in the hospital bed there and feeling having my own little pity party and i said god i don't understand why why am i here i'm starting a new church from scratch only by myself i don't have help from anybody anywhere and i'm working a full-time job to make ends meet and they've asked me to come preach a revival and i did and here i am come busy can't you and the lord spoke to me said yes you're busy you're too busy lay down talk to me he maketh me to lie down brother brother missionary you know what i'm talking about there's times you just run yourself to the very end you tie the knot at the end of it and the knot slips through and you're just about to crash you've run yourself to death and god says okay lay down buddy just just we're going to park it for a while you have to do that to sheep or they'll just run themselves to death they'll kill themself he makes me to lie down quit complaining about god making you lay down and stop i'm preaching to myself tonight because a year ago i was doing fine came in off the golf course and i had had a nice day at the golf course with my friends and everything and the next day i'm on an ambulance on my way to the hospital with covet 19 24 days i was in the hospital two times the doctors said they almost lost me i came to death two times and when i finally went home the doctor himself called me at the house so i don't know how you're doing so you're a miracle i don't know how he pulls you through we almost lost you twice i no more than got rid of that covet 19 and just just a week or so later pneumonia hits me double pneumonia both lungs back to the hospital we go and uh god what's going on uh set up and rest about all i could get from him just shut up my wrist got out of that and then my pain started in the right leg something happened in my back pants nerve something then i had to have an operation in the back that got all healed up and then i got the shingles i'm standing before you here tonight full-blooded full loaded with shingles and i don't know one after another after another after another and sometimes god is saying look i'm going to put you down i'm going to make you rest you're going to stop don't worry about the times when god pulls the rug out from under you and just makes you stop god said it's time to rest why do i rest so i can start again so i can go all over again he maketh me he maketh me to lie down in green pastures i gotta skip through here and uh that's two weeks stuff here i don't know what i'm gonna do with all this oh jesus stop the clock well let me just tell you this you ever have all these things happen to you and you think the devil's mad at you that is so totally wrong the devil is not mad at you he's mad at god and he'd like to get god if he could but he can't so he said then i'll get his children you know the closest thing to you besides your wife or your husband is your kids so the devil's not mad at you he's mad at god he wants to get god god kicked him out of heaven and he doesn't like it he's mad at god but he can't get god so he said i'll get his kids in i'll do the arm so this is what happens to us sometimes and all these things oh hold on hold on yeah this is what i like yeah though i walked through the valley of the shadow of death you heard that that is a real place in israel between jericho and jerusalem is the valley of the shadow of death it's a real place it's called that because the valley is shaped real real steep and the sun only comes to the bottom of the valley about two hours a day the rest of the time it's in shadows and the wall the landscape runner is real soft sandstone what these would do they would go into that valley because they know the shepherd and all them is coming through here they go into the valley and go over to the side there and they would carve out a place in the side of that wall that they could stand in and nobody sees them and that's why he's in the shadow and it's called the valley of the shadow of death death wait's down here but i gotta got you thinking about that it's not called the valley of death and people always say that's that's death man that's terrible i'm walking through the valley of death no no no no it's not the valley of death it's the valley of the shadow of death shadows never hurt the first person a shadow has never hurt you why are you scared of shadows they're just shadows so if i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i've been there i was there last year walked right through that valley but there's one thing i like about it as a sheep the shepherd is always with you yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death thou art with me so quit worrying about that valleys are nothing more than how to get from one house how one mountaintop to another and anyway you just got to go down and go back up the other valley of the shadow of death shadows they don't they're they're not dangerous at all and i mean i'm really skipping here now can can you give me just another two hours ah oh yeah oh that's so good i want oh i like this thou anoint us my head with oil you read that okay now to understand these things you cannot think of them with a 21st century mind can't think nothing makes sense i'll show you when you pray enter into your closet and pray in secret what's a closet no no you're thinking of 21st century we've got to go back to their time the closet then was the rooftop where they would go and pray in secret their closet the rooftop does that explain acts chapter 10 where peter is on the rooftop praying and the sheed is let down yes he was in his closet of prayer so you've got to understand to understand the bible you've got to get out of this 21st century thinking and go back 2 000 years to see what they're talking about and the shepherd have said the sheep says thou anointest my head with oil i stopped and asked the shepherd one day i said you put oil on sheep oh he said yes we do why you put where did you put it put it right on your head why well you see rams the rams haven't and i know this should be a fact you all know this if you know anything about animals rams are territorial beings they get back up and ram their heads together right am i telling the truth yeah they pound their heads together they do that the shepherd says when he sees a couple of those rams down they're backing up and putting their heads together he said well i can solve that he just takes that oil and goes over pours it on the top of his head pours it on the top of his head go ahead fellas they back up they run together they hit they just slide off try it again they hit they just slide off and after a while they said well there's nothing coming from this we're going to quit this stuff and then they back off and quit we are so like sheep you ever feel like butting heads with somebody have you ever butt heads with somebody they talked about it in the book of first corinthians that's about taking a brother to court sooner soon they're brothers there's not even anyone among you that can settle this no i'm suing him i'm suing him the best thing that could ever happen to two people in the church that just can't get along with each other oil is a type of the holy spirit just pour a little bit of the holy spirit on his head pour a little bit of spirit on his head and let him go at it they'll quit it after a while the holy ghost will solve a lot of our problems if we'll just let it thou anoint us my head with oil my cup runneth over well i'll have to i've got to quit surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life in the holy land shepherds operated with two dogs the shepherd always leads the flock you drive goats you lead sheep now you have to answer that for yourself are you being driven are you being led oh me if they have to drive you on everything you're a goat they let god lead us now what was i going to talk about what oh that's two dogs so what this shepherd would do one dog would be on this side and another dog would be on the other side and then the shepherd with the flock he's leading the flock along this dog over here who's called mercy is watching any any lamb get out of line a little bit mercy gets over there gets you back in line any lamb on the other side that begins to under goodness goes and gets him come on come on come on come on get back david said the psalmist said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life i have same times the goodness of god kept me lined up i've seen other times the mercy of god would keep me lined up goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and then the climax of it we're going to dwell in the house of the lord forever the journey's over the valley's over the hills are over the animals the the scare is over all this is over we're going to enter into that day of perfect rest praise god one more little thing the bible tells us he is the door of the sheepfold right the sheepfold in israel was made largely of stones put in a big circle with just one place open in the front there that was the door the shepherd would get all of his sheep into the sheepfold at night then the shepherd had had to go to sleep so he would lay across the door no sheep was going to leave that sheepfold without going through the shepherd none of them they couldn't get out they had a shepherd there sometimes you might want to just throw your hands up and quit and leave the sheepfold you'll have to go right through the body of the lord jesus christ to get out of this thing he knows every lamb that's in there and he knows every lamb that tries to leave if you're in the sheepfold tonight for goodness sakes don't leave it don't try to get out of it this is the simplest way of going to heaven that you've ever thought of it's so simple god just wants us to live for him and he will die for us so that we can live for him let us pray our father we thank you tonight for your word oh lord may something be said tonight god it would encourage us to know though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death and i know i'm here tonight lord that's where i'm at and and i know it i'm i'm standing in pain i'm sinning and hurting i'm standing in trouble but oh god i know this one good thing thou art with me you're right here beside me you've never left me alone you're always there day and night you're there i can trust you you prepare a table before me right in the very presence of my enemy and you anoint my head with oil my cuff runs over guide us and direct us as sheep oh lord we pray in jesus name we ask we'll thank you lord in the name of the lord god bless you can we thank brother odell tonight stand with us as you're dismissed tonight would you go find one or two people and tell them something you remembered from tonight from the word you're dismissed in jesus name thank you for being at new life tonight we'll see you at 9 30 on sunday morning for sunday tracks in jesus name
Channel: New Life Church Cabot
Views: 45
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Id: dTKF5qoMyLk
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Length: 82min 4sec (4924 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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