From Generation to Generation - Bro. J.H. Osborne

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book of psalms 78 i'm going to read verses 1 through i might even read through 8. so join me there if you would please i'm going to read it but this won't save you but if i can preach it maybe it will help a little give ear on my people to my law and incline your ears to the words of my mouth i want you to listen to me david said incline give me here give me your attention i will open my mouth in a parable i will utter dark sayings of old i'm gonna tell you some old stuff he says which we have heard and known and our fathers told us i'm gonna be repeating some stuff that my father told me about he said i'm just gonna now give me ear this generation because i want to i want to tell you some stuff that my father told me and we will not hide them from their children showing to the generation to come the praises of the lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done for he established a testimony in jacob and appointed a law in israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children that the generations of to come might know them even the children which should be born who should arise and declare them to their children that they might set their hope in god and not forget the works of god but keep his commandments he says the reason i'm doing all of this the reason i'm saying all this the reason i want your ear i really want you to pay attention to me he said the reason that i'm doing this to tell you some old things that their fathers told us the eighth verse gives the justification for doing it the reason i'm doing he says and might not be as their fathers a stubborn and rebellious generation a generations that set not their hearts a right and whose spirit was not steadfast in god now he said if you're going to be steadfast in god and you want your heart to be right and you don't want to be stubborn and rebellious then give me an ear and i'm going to tell you what my father told me let's lift our hands and love the lord for his word thank you for your word today god it's forever settled in heaven we may debate it we may fuss and fight dear god but your word is settled how do you help us today god to minister the settled word of god to let the word dwell richly in us this afternoon lord that the holy ghost would have a way in our lives hallelujah help the preacher today to do his do your will dear god for your word shall not return to your void but accomplish the purpose for which it was sent i'll thank you for it and praise you in advance dear god for what you will do in my heart in jesus name i pray amen amen you may be seated i want to minister to you on from generation to generation and also i want to emphasize the legacy of paying it forward the term generation gap was coined in 1960 due to the tremendous amount of children that were born from 1946-1964 after world war ii all the men came back home there's there's a great deal of children being born i'm sure you can understand why those boring during that time are referred to as the baby baby boomers and although there have been gaps in the decades prior to that i think the gap within between the older and the younger generation generally speaking was very minimal there's always been a suspected gap of values and a gap of attitudes and outlooks and taste and you know a gap of customs and clothing and style and music and a gap in even trying to understand the older the other generation whether it's a young generation trying to understand the older the older the younger there's that gap that is there a lack of communication and obviously there's a technology gap between the generations today and i'm the first to conclude that some of those gaps are insurmountable given my best effort on my best day i may not be able to bridge all those gaps i'm sorry as i can be but i don't understand you if i took a teenager to my house and invited him to go through my closet and pick out a suit and a shirt and a tie and a pair of shoes he would come out very apologetic saying thanks but no thanks it's too old for me it's not stylish it's outdated it's not cutting edge it's old-fashioned it's too baggy you know people don't wear that anymore sister osborne will try to give our daughter kelly something and uh she's forever trying to give her something and uh it'll be something very usable something we paid quite a bit of money for and it's just no longer something we need or we bought something else to replace it or what have you trying to cut back and invariably kelly would say mom you know she hates to say it you know but she'll go kind of back and forth you know like how do i say this to your mother but she'll say mom i really appreciate it but you know i really don't need it you know and i don't want it and and so sister osmond would get her feelings hurt his mom's a kind of tender around that edge you know when you try to give your daughter something her daughter says thanks but no thanks you know you don't want it you know she ought to take it then sell it or take it and do something with it you know but she'll say thanks but no thanks i really don't i can't use it and sister i will then will get on me why couldn't she use that it's beautiful it would look perfect in her house she could put it over by the window she could put a couple magazines by it you know it'd be a perfect thing to set over here and put she's got all the ways that it should fit into my daughter's life but my daughter doesn't want it you know she just doesn't want it you know and now then i'm horrible picking out tides i'm the horrible top picker out there you know i mean i find a tie that i think is so cool and i really like it i get it home it goes with nothing it's off color it doesn't go with anything since rather than pick out a tie and i will wear it out it goes with everything you know i can wear it with plaid stripes no matter what you put it on it looks good you know and so i got some of these ties that i picked out and i took them to church you know and i hung them back in the men's classroom back there see you guys like to have one of these ties here it's one of the pastor's ties i actually wore them you know once and uh the sister of maybe not wear it anymore so i wore the tie once you know and then maybe somebody'd like to have a tie and they hung back there until they got cobwebs on them and they and finally some old boy coming and said what's his ties back here i said take one if you want it cause he dresses like a rodeo clown so it really looked pretty good on him anyway you know he don't uh you know it's not real stylish to begin with looked like he mugged a scarecrow so he's got all kinds of stuff on you know so i was kind of embarrassed that he thought one was cool let me see here what's the time is i can man jesus i guess the generation gap has given birth to the estate sale men and women have collected what they deemed worthy of spending their lives and fortunes collecting only to have their heirs decide they don't want it and their values are just too far apart so it ends up an ad in the paper saying mom died and dad died now we're having an estate sale we're going to sell everything in their estate we're going to auction it off because there's just nothing that we really want out of all this stuff that they gave their lives collecting they gave their lives spending and buying and picking up here and there and then the next generation has no want for it or no need for it to many the radical change from one generation to the next generation the gap has just become insurmountable and i will never understand them so many people just give up you might ask yourself this question this morning i think it'd be a good question i talked to myself quite a bit it doesn't hurt anything you know the lord counsels with himself he never talks to anybody else about it he just counsels with himself says rama say who you talking to that's i'm talking to myself i'm the only person that listens and and really cares one way or the other so i do a lot of self uh talking to myself and so you might ask yourself this question this morning what could i gather from my years of living that i could pass on to the sons and daughters of the next generation now you understand it would have to be precious it'd have to be valued and it would have to be timeless it can't be something that could be dated very easily you know it would have to be it would have to be timeless so as not to end up being treated as like some cheap trinket in a yard sale somewhere what could i gather with my life that would actually prove to be valuable and treasured by by my by my my by the next generation or by my by my children david gave us that in these passages of scripture that he read he said i'm going to open my mouth and i'm going to tell you some dark sayings of old and i'm not going to hide them from their children i'm going to tell you what my father told me and i'm going to show that to the generation to come the praises of the lord his strength and wonderful works that he has done for he established a testimony of jacob and appointed a law in israel that he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children that the generation to come might know them even the children that should be born you understand as an older generation the younger generation around you still have children in you that have not been born yet and that generation will never know unless you tell the generation that's alive right now so you're not only teaching the generation that's alive but you're teaching the generation that's alive so they can teach the generation that's not even born yet that's what david is saying what i'm going to tell you you need to know it so you can tell it to your children i'm going to tell you what my father told me i'm going to tell you what i'm going to tell you what my father told me now you've got children locked up inside of you some of you do some of you hope you don't but some of you still do and some children locked up inside even these young people these children got children inside of them and if you don't teach the children then they'll have nothing to teach their children that they might set their hope in god and not forget the works of god and keep his commandments now also when i am old and gray-headed oh god forsake me not until i've shown thy strength unto the generations then the power even to the one that is to come the lord said to israel when he was giving them the criteria for what they could eat i know this sounds a little strange but i'll try to hook these two together that'll be my job he said you can eat things that that that have a cloven foot foot and a cloven hoof and you can eat things that chew the cud and you can also eat things that have scales on it scales cut and cloven foot or what you could eat as far as meat was concerned and so uh he had that criteria for things that are clean clothing foot means it has a split hoof the hoof is split like this and so a camel chews the cut but it doesn't have a split hook so you couldn't eat camel a hog has a split hoof but it doesn't chew the cud so you couldn't eat a hog that's a bad deal right there because i i'm loving hog you know i'm loving bacon and ribs and you know pork chops and things like that so i would have done very well man if you could make vegetables taste like bacon we'd be the healthiest nation on the planet you know man i'd really be i'd be eating them vegetables all the time you know because i love i'm a bacon connoisseur i love bacon you can't hardly mess bacon up for me but they couldn't have no bacon because a hog if i could teach a hog to chew the cud maybe i could eat some hog you know i put some wrinklies in his mouth maybe he'd chew on it a while and i could find some way to eat him you know but the old testament couldn't eat no pig meat because pig don't chew the cud you know i don't chew on the cut how many know what you on the cut is you even know what that is see only about a third of them maybe not even a third of the people even know what chewing the cut is see a a cow will eat all day a cow will just eat and swallow cow don't have teeth by the way just pull the grass up and eat eat and eat and swallow and eat swallow and eat and swallow and eat swallow and eat swallow and then after a while after eating someone you want to cut this you don't know what a cut bless your heart you're going to learn a lot with me being here you're going to learn a lot less stuff really help you in your ministry eating and so after a while after the cow gets done eating you'll see them go over and lay down the shade someplace they'll sit over going because they've got three stomachs now some of you would be really in trouble if you have three stomachs because you you're doing pretty good with one right now but they have three of them you know and so they bring back up what they do is they bring the grass back up that they have eaten all day in the form of a wad or a cud and then they re-chew it because they don't chew it when they first eat it but they bring it back up and they re they reach you what they have eaten is called to ruminate that's a much better word than cud because it's hard to work cut into your everyday language you know but you could talk about ruminating is ruminating a good word for you learn a new word more words you learn the better you can think with because you think with words see so you need a mental vocabulary not like some of these basketball football players that go to interview them you know they got a vocabulary of about 12 words you know they start saying you know what i mean know what i mean no we don't know what you mean because you haven't explained it yet you know so i gotta watch myself so when you ruminate when you ruminate that means you bring it back up again you bring it back up again ruminating is bringing back up again and see god said i want you to eat anything that just eats and swallows it but never brings it back up again because i want folks to go to church and he hear the word of god and eat the word of god then out in the parking lot i want them to ruminate i want them to bring it back up again because i don't want them to live holy in church then live like the devil on the outside i want them to live one way in church and not another way i want them when they get to school i want them to ruminate what they've heard in sunday school i want them to bring it back up now god said i want you to eat anything that just eats and swallows it don't ever bring it back up again so if you put this in your children once you get the word of god in your child when you teach them the things of god you know they can't get away from that because of rumination they will bring that back up again but they got to have something to bring back up again so you got to teach your children as one heritage you've got to teach one generation's got to teach the next generation so they've got a cud they got they can ruminate something they can bring something back up again that you've said unto them the bible talks about the bible talks about tying it around the book of proverbs 20 chapter you read it right there in the bible say right in there i read around the 20th chapter somewhere around there it'll talk about what talk about give the word of god it says when they sleep it'll keep them when they get up when they walk it will talk to them because when you put the word of god in a child one generation puts the word of god in a child he can run but he can never get away from the word of god why because once you you tie it around his neck the word tied around a second you lit up yourself and it means that you the cud when you tie it around their neck i don't care where they go or where they're going or what they're going on in their life it's tied around their neck and they get on the hog pin and they start ruminating you know they start bringing back up and thinking about what god has said you know and your children you know one generation puts it into the next generation they can't get away from cause now you've tied it around their neck and they can run here they can backslide and go any place they want to go but when they're sitting on the back of the hog pin and they're off in another country or some strange land in a fire country suddenly they start ruminating they start bringing up what mama said they bring them like daddy said they start bringing up god said i don't want you to eat something that don't ruminate i want you to eat something he said i want you put it in your children put it in so they can put it in their children so when you when your children get out and somebody hands them a a some joint or hands them some liquor or all of a sudden they ruminate what the preacher said they ruminate what the word of god said they ruminate what mama said they ruminate what daddy said but if they don't have anything to bring back up again then they eat with the hogs because they got nothing to comes back up again in their lives so having your child i know sometimes some people teach you you'll think your kids don't and even the parents you say they don't listen and nothing's been said i talked to them a tears minds they don't do a bit of good you know but what you're doing is you're putting it in their heart because cows just eat and swallow eat and swallow eat and swallow they don't really they don't really taste it you know they just even swallow it you can't tell what's going in the heart of a child but when they get outside the church because you can't go with them everywhere you know they'll finally get the age you're going to put them on that big old bus out there and and butch will be in there and he'll have his nose pressed up against the window looking out at his got two teeth gone head looked like a road map scar tissue all over burr haircut you know and you put your little girl on there a little filly dress you think oh my goodness butch is on there you know whoever's on there you know some goofy looking kid you know nose all pressed up the wood making ugly faces out the window there's your little girl all frilly looking like all that you know she gets on the church bus and you go and cry your eyes out you know your only hope that she'll ruminate if she'll bring back up what you taught her and told her and instructed her and give her and also cloven hoof cloven hook cloven hoof gives stability to your life flat hoof don't give you any stability but you got a clothing hoof you can run up the side of a mountain you see them mountain goats run up the side of a mountain you know you look at their hooves it's cloven it's cut in the middle and when they sit down it spreads out and gives them a good foundation he said i don't want anything they don't have a good foundation and don't eat anything that doesn't ruminate and i want everything that's got scales on it couldn't eat no catfish because it's got to have scales on it scales are your protection it's the armor that you put on but nothing can pierce through it so if you put armor on your children you put scales on your children you give them a good stability with a cloven hoof and you teach them how to the word of god then they ruminate they bring that back up in the times of trouble and hardship is when mama can't be there and daddy can't be there there's something brought back up in their spirit that keeps them from going to the world keeps them from buying into the lies of the devil you know because i remember what i was taught in sunday school i remember the choir song i remember the teaching of the word of god i remember bible study i remember we went to conference i remember we went to the congress i remember we were there and that's what i heard that's what i said and i can't get away from it because god tied it around my neck tied it around my neck everywhere i go it's there i don't want i'm trying to get away from god but i can get away from my parents but i can't get away from god because i keep ruminating i keep remembering what the lord said i keep remembering what my sunday school lesson was i keep remembering what the choir is saying i keep remembering i keep ruminating i can't get away from it i remember in my father's house i remember in my father's house i remember in my father's house how we used to eat i'm bringing it back up and god said don't need anything that don't have scales on it it's got to have a cloven hook and it's got to ruminate if you get that on the inside of you it'll stabilize you david said give me your ear i'm going to tell you something old you know there was a some people in the new testament they want to hear some new thing all the time all this interest some new thing they know credibility into the old things they give me credibility and things that have been said so i'm going to tell you an old thing he said listen to me because i'm trying to keep you from being like the former generation i want you to be like the former generation i want you to be different i want god to touch your life and inspire you and you have something great for god david what might he have left to the next generation i'll tell you what he said i'm going to give you i got an old shepherd's pouch over here it's got a couple of smooth stones left over a little deal i had you know i think i'll leave that to the next generation oh i said you know man i got i got i got an old sling i used to have i practice a practice sling you know and i'm going to give that to my kids and what about my shepherd's staff or a goat skin of water from the well in bethlehem i'm going to give you the quill that i used to write psalms or maybe an original copy of one of my beautiful psalms i'm going to leave to a generation maybe the ephod that i wore while i danced around the ark you know where that would have all gone yard sale ain't nobody going to keep no quill young people got ball points now they won't want no quill shepherd's pouch i think would have mange on it by now anybody going to hang that thing up david says i ain't going to leave you know that stuff ain't going to leave me now that stuff he said i'm just going to tell you what my father told me because what my father told me has been keeping me all these years and i'm going to tell you what my dad told me so you can tell your children and the children that are yet to be born listen to our hands and love the lord let's lift our hands and love the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i think about you know you don't hear preach much about but because there's not much in it but the bible says that noah lived 350 years after the flood most of us know about the first part of noah's life you know uh in the building of the ark and uh all that that he went through but the mama said he lived 350 years after the flood he said 350 years is a pretty good i mean it's like three lifetimes he lived after the flood you know and you have to ask yourself you know what you did before the flood you spent about 120 years building an ark and you know got all the animals on board and i know 40 days and 40 nights and they spent probably about 100 days in ark all together you know i know all about that and building an altar and all about that but then you live 350 years after that three lifetimes after that i'm just wondering what he did well he did like a lot of people the bible said he built an ark for the saving of his house and after his house was saved he didn't have a lot of concern i don't mean to destroy any confidence you have in noah i'm just saying he lived 350 years after the flood you can read it right there in your bible there ain't nothing there because sometimes the past outpulls the future and you know when no one i could see the grandkids going over saying mama don't just go back over to papa's house no more don't take us back over to papa noah she's going to take us up that snake and ark again anything smells funny inside there you know and i've heard all the stories about where the ox were and where the goat was and where where time when mrs noah slept in the basement while he slept in the top floor and i've heard all about troubles and struggles and hardship you know we don't want to go up there anymore mama take us back over there again his old tools are hanging in the shed over there and they're rusting away and nobody wants to hear the story anymore you know so what does noah do when nobody wants to hear the story of the past because he has no vision for the future really so he plants him a vineyard and grows him some grapes makes him some wine gets liquored up goes to bed and goes to sleep and you got 350 years to live he would have thought he's this is the important part he's the only man on planet earth that has ever talked to god he's the only man in the world that knows how to build an altar the only man on the planet that knows what kind of sacrifice she's offered to god the only man on the planet that understands the covenant that god has made with the world and he lays in his bed drunk noah you're going to live 350 years but the tragedy of that is he never connects with the next generation he just doesn't because he's connected to the past with such a passion of all the years he spent building the ark and now he knows it's never going to be used again it's never going to come afloot again the animals are never going to come again you're never going to be locked up again and he's poured his life into the past but he has no vision for the future and what is the future the future is the tower of babel men begin to build a tower because they're so disconnected from the past that no one no one's the only one that can do it he's because he's the only one that knows it's locked up inside of him and yet he doesn't make a connection with the next generation because the past always outpulls the future in an older generation their minds go back but nothing goes to the future david's trying to change that mindset i'm going to tell you what my daddy told me i'm going to tell you what god you know noah should have been teaching bible studies i will tell you what god is through the storm obedience to the word of god i'm going to tell you how we survived it came out on the other side obedience to the word of god i'm going to tell you like god told me be faithful and be obedient in the midst of storms i know we're in a wicked and perverse generation but i want you to know the power and the might of god that god preserved us through those 40 days god took care of us see you ought to be telling it noah you ought to be preaching it not laying in bed intoxicated with the past you ought to be telling the story to the next generation so that generation can tell it to the next generation but the whole generations of the old testament is so pathetic and so devoid of any kind of value or any kind of worth that the first generation of the new testament is a wicked and perverse generation the next is a sin the bible calls him a sinful generation in fact peter gets so bold as to somebody of pentecost save yourself from this untoward generation because nothing got connected to them nothing was brought out that connected this generation and so that generation became the christ killers because there was no father the bible said in the very end the malachi writes his last verse he says until i can get the fathers back to the sons and the sons back to the fathers until i can get fathers talking to sons and sons talking to fathers until i get them to the point that the fathers will tell the glory and the wondrous works of god i'll just shut heaven down for 400 years and we got a generation that knew nothing about the wonders of god and the glory of god that's why parents have to teach your children you have to tell your children so they got something to remember something to ruminate about nehemiah said to those when he was building a wall around around the temple he's going to build a wall around the city of god and nobody raised up and raised an eyebrow when they built the temple but they go to and fortify it and build walls around it he said i'm going to tell you why you arabians and you other mess don't want these walls built around there he said because you have no memories in here you don't have no memories in here but he says i remember how it used to be i remember where the priest used to be i remember when the lambs come in i remember where i remember i remember i got memories in here and if you'll give your children memories they'll build walls around their memories there'll be walls around the church because they remember where they got the holy ghost down they remember where they were baptized they remember where they used to stand in the choir they remember their sunday school class they remember but because those children will build walls around their memories he said you folks don't want walls because you got no memories you got no memorials here he says i remember when the armies marched out i remember when they marched in and i want to see that again so we're building walls around it because we're preserving our memories you want your children to love god and build walls around it let them have memories in the house of god build memories with them they're they're the wall builders the arabians had no memories there you have no memorials here that's why you don't want any wall you won't help build us walls because you have no memories here and we're going to build walls around the things that i remember the goodness of god and the mercies of god when you get one generation connected to another generation you know there has to be some legacy that this generation would want to give to their children legacy is something transmitted or received from an ancestor an elder a birthright a heritage a set of ideas beliefs and values and morals something that's acquired without any compensation it betters your position it gives you higher ground and it gives you profit if you leave them money you know what they'll do they'll spend it you leave them a car they don't want your lead sled they'll trade it off for something you know you leave them the farm they'll sell it divide it up put condos on it you leave them your wardrobe yeah go ahead and put that baby in a trash bag it'll be sitting on goodwill's front porch before you get cold what are you going to leave them david i'm going to tell them the wondrous works of god i'm going to tell them the power of god i'm going to tell them about what god done for me i'm going to tell him how great he is how wonderful he is how marvelous he is and how much i love him how good he's been to me so they can tell it to their children and they can tell it to the children that are not even born yet i'm not going to leave them any kind of an article my mother she's who i owe all of my heritage to and uh i'll close she she was a great woman we didn't we we were i didn't know we were poor because nobody ever mentioned it to us but looking back on it i knew we were now we didn't have no bathtub i didn't have a bath i was like 11. i mean i had a bath but it was it wasn't like no bathtub you know it was just my mother gave me spit baths all the time and she you don't know what a spit bath is either but you're not very comfortable anyway we'd be spending on the corner because we didn't have no car we have to ride downtown on a bus and we'd stand on the corner and she'd looking down at me and she'd see something in my ear or something she'd take her handkerchief and watered up and ream your ear out with that crank that handkerchief back in there and pull it through one side the other and clean the mirrors out you know and i hated that you know because after she gets done it feels funny back in there and it's like feels like your ears are all wet you know so she'd give me a spitbath center waiting for the bus we'd get a bus there then we have to take go downtown indianapolis on sunday or whenever it was and stand down there with a bunch of thugs and and people drinking liquor out of paper bags and we stand on the street going to get a transfer come all the way back out of east new york street then get off at the bus walk up get off the bus walk about three blocks to church church wasn't over there's probably eleven o'clock something like that we'd pray you know doesn't do the holy ghost and go back out on the street corner walk again go downtown indianapolis get there about 1 30 in the morning catch another bus black dark at night back down home walk about three blocks and get home never miss the service in my life cars would drive by us and no one ever picked us up never if i did that today if i drove by some one of my saints standing on a street car catching a bus just drove by and waved at them you know that'd be the last time i'd ever seen be nothing but tail lights from then on you know i would never see them coming again you know so but that my mother never mentioned it i just looked back on announcement why didn't somebody pick us up and take us home you know but nobody ever did but that didn't stop my mother and she never said a word about it she just took me to church every revival prayer meeting bible study everything we was on the bus she made my clothes and we just ride the bus ride the bus but she taught me how to be faithful taught me how to love god and and every now and then i ruminate that my mother died in a car wreck in 71 and i gave everything that she owned and ever the house and every all the furniture everything to my sister because my sister never had anything and she always lived in a broke downhouse trailer and so i gave her her husband the house all the furniture everything i took nothing that my mother had because what my mother had put in my heart in that legacy meant more than a lamp or a doily or a i'm not saying something wrong with having some memento or something you know but i just had so much of her in me that i didn't think i needed anything else out of her life i didn't anything else out of her life you know and now and then i ruminate my mother would say you know i'd ruminate what she said i would ruminate what god had put in her heart and i would my dad my dad wasn't much of a talker he was more of a doer you know he he would he would whip me and uh he believed in timeout time out the whip is all he believed in so anyway but he wasn't he wasn't bad i worked with him all my life but i come home with a bicycle one time i'd found out by the street i just found it laying out the street and come back in the bike and my dad said where'd you get that bicycle i said i found it out here by the street he said it belongs to somebody i said but i don't know who it belongs to he said you can't keep stuff just because you don't know who it belongs to you know it's not yours don't you he said you got to build your life and what you know is what you you can't build your life from what you don't know you got to build your life around what you do know and you do know it's not yours put the bicycle back some kid's gonna come get his bicycle so i took the bicycle back he died in 1991. two or three weeks ago i was in myers it's a department store kind of like k-mart what have you they got this automatic things where you pay yourself you know i'm sure you use all that stuff you know and i had the exact change first time my life ever had exact change so i put my change in there run my money in there my bills in there you know and ding ding ding got my receipt you know picked up my little whatever it was i looked down in the in the in the the dollar return trade and there was a dollar bill in there it's like the lottery you know i recently got that dollar bill said man this is my lucky day you know i started to walk out my dad talked to me because i had rationalized with myself i'd give it back to the person but i don't know whose it is and all of a sudden i ruminated and the cud came up my dad's been dead since 91 and he talked to me just like he walked up by mommy's side he says so you're going to build your life around what you don't know huh you do know it's not yours though don't you i say yeah i know it's not mine but i don't know whose it is he said put the bicycle back so i walked over to a girl who's kind of around a little system over there you know i told god i said she's not going to give it back she's going to buy her up she's going to buy her a wendy's or something with it you know because nobody knows whose it is nobody knows whose it is my dad said but it's not yours give it to her and let god judge her with what she does with it so i walked over him very reluctantly i gave it to her you know it was just a dollar it was just a dollar i understand you can't get away from it once once your parent puts it in you you know and ties it around your neck he'd been dead since 91 for pete's sake when can you get over that you can't get over it you know once it gets tied around your neck you can go anywhere and you can be as old as dirt and you're still thinking about what your dad told you and he's in the grave and he still talks to me and my mother still talks to me because the bible said when you sleep it will keep you and when you walk it will talk to you when i lay on my bed at night i think about the goodness of god and how great my mother was how wonderful my dad was and then when i get up in the morning and start walking it talks with me and it keeps going stand on it keeps me everywhere i go because that generation tried to teach their generation some values and some worth and i appreciate all these greyheads and all you folks that have that have given your lives and given your thoughts and given your testimonies and your goodness because you have loved this amazing truth you know for wild mustangs to survive those wild mustangs have to have a mustang lover somebody's got to love them you know for whales to survive whales need a lover people that love whales now i like them but i don't love them or anything you know but these folks that love them they'll get out there and on row boats you know and try to stop people from killing them you know because for whales to survive they got to have a lover you know i guess for anything to survive it's got to have somebody that loves it you see a guy going down the road he's got an old car on a trailer back there it's rusted it's a rust bucket you know wind is all busted out seats sticking up cushions all like they exploded inside it you know he's got a smile on his face and a hundred dollar bill wouldn't wipe off you know he found he's found a treasure you know what he's an old car lover and for old cars to survive he's got to have a lover [Music] and for truth to survive it needs a lover somebody's gotta love the truth you gotta love the truth enough to preserve it take care of it teach it to your children for anything in this world to survive just gotta find a lover and i'm glad in you folks truth has found a lover and truth survives because people love it but there's the generation that doesn't love the truth therefore they think it won't survive but it's always weathered enough storms and enough problems and circumstances something that we can do be blessed of god the bible said when samson was brought out of prison they took a lad to lead him here come a lad in a samson walking out little bitty guy great big guy come walking out samson says would you show me where i can put my hands on the pillars on which this building rests a little boy showed him where to put his hands at and we'll close with this samson had power but he had no vision the little boy had vision but he had no power and when you take one generation with power and another generation with vision and they take hold of hands [Music] they do more in their death than samson did all of his life because two generations connected together
Channel: Atlanta West Pentecostal Church
Views: 260
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: c4PGbX2fXTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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