"Send away the crowd" Bro. JH Osborne

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today Peter preached 10 availment acts 2:38 I'm sure you know that very well but then it acts it was about 34 words to repent be baptized in Jesus name for the mission of sins you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost about 34 words then Luke writes and with many of the words in other words it took more words to do this than it took to do that cause acts 2:38 is a matter of minutes if you repent of your sins and turn around and walk in another direction and you get water baptized in Jesus name kind of a failure the baptism the Holy Ghost in a matter of minutes well it takes 34 words to describe what you need to do to be saved from sin but then with many of the words did he testify and exhort saying save yourself now the 38 verse will save you from sin then he said there's another connecting saving that goes on to this save yourself from this untoward generation this is something that your parents can't do your husband can do your wife can't do your kin can't do the pastor can do the church can't do nobody around you can do it is they save yourself from this untoward generation this is a improper generation it is an adverse generation it is a perverse generation it is an indecent generation generation it is a generation that is not keeping with accept standards it is a generation that is contrary to your interest it is no asset to you but it is a liability to you and it takes more words to describe the fact that you need to save yourself from this generation that is a great liability to you and it is upon your shoulders and your responsibility to do that so be my contention this morning that if you want to survive acts 2:38 there is something you alone must do you must save yourself from this untoward generation it'll be my intention to show you how to do that you know fathers are great at at at Commandments tie your shoes then mother will teach you how fathers just hate to do it but mama say make two rabbit ears and wrap around that one you know pull it tight so I'm going to let's give you a commandment save yourself and will do my best this morning the taking it's not that complicated it really isn't but if you can't do it see I want your feet to touch gold [Music] because if they don't touch kill nothing else matters in your life your feet never get on gold nothing else matters [Applause] because your feet will walk on fire and brimstone or they will walk on gold so I want to be your friend I really do I'm gonna do my best to do that I'm trying to save myself really I'm to tell you what I need to tell you a preach to you so I will save myself so set all that it won't take this long it really doesn't take some more words but it doesn't take more time in the book of Mark the fourth chapter verses 35 and 36 mark 4 verse 35 and 36 and the same day when the even was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side and when they had sent the way the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and there were also with him other little ships now Julie it's the rising of a storm you know the story jesus sleeping the disciples awakening him Jesus speaking peace be still that takes the spotlight of the story if Hollywood was making this scene it would follow the activity it would follow the spectacular it would follow the the greatness and the animation of the storm and Jesus asleep you can picture it in your mind I don't care about that today because I'm not Hollywood it's not where most of the action is but and after you do away with that there's not much meat left on the bone but there is a little piece way down on the end of an otherwise bare bone that reads like this when they had set sent away the multitude I will preach to you this morning send away the crowd listen if to our hands to love the Lord thank you Jesus for what you do and what you have done thank you for loving us when we were unlovable thank you for choosing us we did not choose you you picked us out of 3 billion people you're the lover of our soul today God helped me just to get rid of this and laid upon the shoulders that I've have a heart in an ear to hear I thank you for loving us and caring about us I think you you will speak to my heart today and make me a better man for your glory and the edification of your body we lift up your head and the body comes with it help us still lift up the head Jesus Christ in Jesus name I pray amen amen you may be seated I would like to take you back just one chapter from our text to the 3rd chapter of the same book but just one chapter prior to the fourth chapter that I read from today the Pharisees were talking counsel as to how they might destroy Jesus because he had healed a man on the Sabbath day and in the third chapter that third chapter in the seventh verse but Jesus withdrew himself because they were planning on killing him and he wasn't ready for that to happen yet he would through him and his disciples to the sea and a great multitude of from Galilee followed him and from Judea and from Jerusalem and from at a meal and from beyond Jordan and about tyre and about Sidon a great multitude when they had heard with what great things he did it came to him and he spake into his disciples that he small ship should wait on him because of the multitude lest they ship from him for he had healed many and so much that they pressed upon him for to touch him as many as had plagues and unclean spirits when they saw him fell down before him and cried saying thou art the Son of God and he straitly charged them that they should not make him known thirty verse and he goeth up into a mountain and he calleth unto him whom he would and they came to him and he ordained twelve that they should be with him that he might send them forth to preach it was evening time and there were people who had come and the list of their heritage is listed there they were from Galilee from from Judea from tamiya from Jerusalem from the other side of Jordan from tyre from sudden all all of these people it was a composite of a mixed multitude it was not one city that came but they came from all the cities around about it was an aggregate of human needs pains and sufferings it was a mass of nameless faces the Bible said they were pushing and shoving and reaching and pressing to the point that Jesus was going to be pressed into the sea the crowd found him for the healing of their plagues I just want you to understand were not truth seekers they had no interest in Jesus himself only what he could do for them they were not pressing wrong in desiring some revelation they were not there to sit down and be taught and to be explained parables and what have you they were not hungry for salvation but whether physical needs to be met and they were not in love with Jesus they were just a means to an end he was not the end this was the loaves and fishes munch and they were consumed with her flesh it was just a pods pods of people from everywhere it was just a a mixed bag of needs and people it was all kinds of men and women together had gathered together in a kind of crowd you know there were folks who where they were praised as women from Judea there were folks from Galilee there were folks of enemy that is the the city of Edom he saw two fornicators there were people from Jerusalem who were somewhat peaceful they were the other side of Jordan those were the descenders they were from tyre which means hostile and at maseri to Lacy's they were from Sidon which means to lie in wait or to the hundred a chase so there were a composite group of people there all kinds both good and bad had all lumped together to come and get their need smith from jesus when the day was ended the bible said he called out whom he would I'll take you I'll take you I'll take you I'll take you not you but I will take you and it will take you he picked out 12 and he took them to a mountain and there the Bible said he ordained them that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach telling you I want you to stay with me I have ordained you I've called you this is the calling of the twelve not just disciples but they would be apostles they would be the twelve closest I chose you to be with me and I'm gonna send you forth to preach so out of that mixed bag of people let's watch it again this thing will take a long time so don't feel like you're gonna take a steamy pill some of this this this this will take a long time but I have ordained you and I want you to be with me and and I want you to preach you gonna be a preacher and I'm gonna send you four out of all of this mixed bag of heathens and praisers and fornicators and worldly folks and peaceful folks and descending folks and hostile folks and adversary folks and shanghaied folks and hunters and and and and traitors I picked out all of that composite group of people I chose twelve to be with me and I want you I have ordained you to preach it was the next day that I read for you because then the multitude came together again so the next day they're back so they could not so much as even eat bread same multitude back again they're growing in clamoring crowd this great multitude was thronging and pushing and shoving because they have heard the great things that Jesus had done healings and deliverance and plagues and Devils cast out miracles performed and the same day when the evening come jesus said to them or to those twelve he had called out let us go to the other side let us put some distance between us and them I want to take you somewhere where you have never been before I want to let take you on a journey into some new territory let's take a trip into the dark unknown let's leave the familiar and go to the unfamiliar you need to see and I want to show you things you've never seen before you have watched the crowd experience my power and now I want you to experience the supernatural power before we go to the other side I want you to send the crowd away because I want you to be with me thank you Jesus you need to remember that I chose you out of that crowd yesterday and that same crowd is back again all familiar faces to you well I want you not me to tell that crowd to go home the crowd is to place in constant pressure to compel the restraining influence that's overpowered some of the pressures of daily life that crowded on you it's the stress and demands of others the urgency of schedules the schools and bills and families and peers that the crowd into your life that was the crowd that these 12 were a part of yesterday but today I have called you out of that crowd to be with me now you must go and tell that crowd to go home it sounds so easy really you know if they were all strangers but now then you've got friends and neighbors co-workers Jesus mother and brethren are there you've got schoolmates girlfriends club members there's a doping crowd out there there's the clique crowd that you belong to and the overpowering and compelling influence of crowd is tremendous when you have to walk away from Jesus for a moment before you can go to the other side you've got to walk up to people whom you were a part of yesterday and tell them go home I'm not going with you now that's not as easy to do is it easy for me to preach you got to walk up to a familiar face that's you ran with yesterday and say something happened to me last night God call me out he made me ecclesia call me out from among you took me up on a mountain and call me to preach and now I've got a walk up to you face to face flat-footed look in your eyes and say you need to go home and I'm not going with you I'm out of your club I may never see you again I enjoyed our time together but it's over I'm going with Jesus and I can't go home with you because you understand the crowds not going over they're not going to another place they're not going to be with Jesus it's this crowd that only came to get what they needed from Jesus that you have to tell goodbye I'm sorry mom you can go ahead and break my plate and rent my room cuz I'm coming home sorry that I won't be a part of your business any longer I'm sorry you know it's not easy to do to tell mom and dad goodbye if they're not gonna live for God that you're sorry you can't hobnob with them you can't run I'm not saying you have to abandon your parents I'm just saying you can't run with them you can't run with them I'm sorry as I can be but you've got to tell the crowd goodbye because if you can't conquer the untoward generation your acts 2:38 experience will not last very long because the crowd is not on your side the crowd is not going and if you hang around with them long enough you won't be going either he knew the only way to save the twelve was to get him away from the crowd and take them someplace else because if you stay over here the craft you'll be back in the midst of them again tomorrow and your experience of me calling you anointing you declaring I called you to preach you're now an apostle of the Lord I'm gonna lay the foundation upon your shoulders you will be on the twelve the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem but it will never happen if you don't tell the crowd to go home you know I'm not going with you I'm sorry I'm sorry I belong to your club but here's my patch here's my card I'm not going home with you I'm just not if you can't send the crowd away you're gonna have problems all of your life all of your life you'll help because the crowd is not going they're not a part of you now one of the most important things you can do if you repent of your sins and your water baptized in Jesus name and you're feeling the baptism the Holy Ghost if you don't tell that crowd out there goodbye it won't be long they'll suck you right back into it and your acts 2:38 experience will be drained out of your life they will SAP your strength I'll tell you when you get the Holy Ghost you walk out those doors and you tell that crowd out there I'm not going with you anymore I was a part of you yesterday but God call me out of that God call me he picked me he chose me out of that same crowd but I've got to tell you today I'm sorry mama you've got to go home daddy I'm not going girlfriend there's no rain backing I'm not going with you I loved you we had a good time together we had a weawy weawy forget about forget about going to the other side for a moment before God can take you someplace you've never been first of all he's got to get you along with him he said I gonna put some separation between you and the crowd because I chose you out of it yesterday and that same crowd is back again today and I know if we don't get out of here it won't be long you'll see familiar faces you'll see folks you ran with yesterday and I want you to go not gonna do it I'm not gonna send the crown away let's just save yourself from that untoward generation that generation that's not like you now God's called you out of that generation now you have to tell them send home the crowd I'll be waiting for you over here we'll find out if you can do it or not because if you if I look up and you're back in the crowd again we ain't going nowhere we can't go to the other side I want to put some distance between you and the crowd that's why you took them to the other side you want to go places you've never been you want God to show you things yes it's shown anybody else you want to have revelation you want God to protect you and show you how to take care of your family take care of your wife and Minister your children and have an influence over your family you want that in your life surely you too then you better send the crown away because the crown is not adaptable to that they will not do that you know when you're a part of a crowd you have to forfeit a lot of things if you've ever looked at a riot or you've looked at a protest which you all you got to do is read the newspapers and turn on the television there's one going on somewhere some are carrying placards or something you know protests and everything you know when they interview the people that are protesting it's always so pathetic most of them don't even know why well we just know what what's going on what's your reason for protesting you know why you out here let's you leave your job get out of it well yes this long things are wrong you know well what is it this wrong well I don't know ask Fred only he knows what's wrong you know ask Fred over there he don't know what's wrong you know it's a guy with a bullhorn over here telling everybody right because when you become a part of the crowd you have got to give up your morals morals mean what is right and wrong because you can't be a part of a mass unless you're willing to give up your individuality you have morals you have values you have your own personality you have things that you think are right and things that you think are wrong when you get in a crowd you got to give it all up because you're now part of a mass you take the mass mindset you take the mass right or wrong you take the mass values you take the mass morals or you can't be a part of the crowd you can't even reason when you're a part of a crowd but you lose your reasoning listen to them and they try to explain why they're protesting while they're in a riot you see yeah they just say bust out when does you know when they go in and haul stuff out you know and you've probably seen that before I'm sure you have you see a twelve-year-old boy he walks the buses out when it comes out with a box of Pampers what's up with that you know is that the best you could do what you take pampers for I don't know just good girls just got all caught up in the excitement no you can't even reason walk inside and look around a little bit there might be something besides pampers but you're a when you get in a crowd and you have no values and you can't reason as to what you're doing and what you do it cuz if you take a twelve-year-old boy and he'll break a window in a grocery store and comes out not with a box of Pampers you come out with something valuable to a 12 year old cuz he can still reason but when you're part of a mob there's no ryu got to give that up you just gotta get him to the mob do what they do be like they are because you can't be a part of a crowd and be an individual a man has a natural tendency to to to imitation and when you get in a crowd you just imitate over by this there you don't have to have a justification board it unifies and makes everybody common you got to give up your belief system what you believe is right what should is wrong it doesn't matter now because you've been a part of a crowd crowds are incapable of reasoning Europe you've been robbed of your personality do you think for a moment that when the crowd cried crucify him crucify him crucify him crucify him in Pilate said why he's done nothing wrong crucify him crucify him crucify him reason you can't sit down and be logical or reasonable because you're part of a crowd if they could have cut and I believe this I'm as presented for your belief if they would have called that crowd in one at a time sit down let me explain to you let's be reasonable because the Bible said come let us reason together that come let us be radical together not come let's bust out windows and take a bundle Pampers helmets to be reasonable Sal with each one of them as individuals and reason with him what has he done wrong where is the Ararat that he should die they would not have said crucify him wouldn't have said that as individuals no right-thinking person would have ever said I'm Sofia they only done that to Echenique this to immolate this the cry of the one beside them and they became this mob mentality well you have to give up right and wrong and you give up values and you give up your reasoning power just to be a part of a crowd that crowd as individuals would have never crucified Jesus I'm persuaded of that because they would have been reasonable Pilate couldn't understand it he's done nothing wrong there's nothing but justified for crucifixion if you get a reason with him for a moment they would have never done that but because they were in a crowd they're in a mob mentality you give all that up to be a part of that see when you're a part of the crowd of the world you have to give up some things you may have standards and you may have values and you may have morals and this is right and that is wrong and you may have everything going in your way but when you get in the crowd things jesus knew that I've called you out of that because I can't make aunt make an apostle out of you I can't make a preacher out of you I can't make someone they can walk with me if you're gonna be a part of that because I've called you unto me not unto the crowd and he realized that crowd is back if I don't put some distance between them and the crowd it won't be long til they would have lost their calling let her rattle around in your mind just a moment remember you're in the church the ecclesia call out of the world you're a part of the church you can't be a part of the church and a part of the crowd you have to pick one that's why with many other words more than just a 34 that will give you salvation I'm not trivializing salvation I'm just saying it took 34 words to explain to you what you needed to do to repent of your sins to be saved Jesus Christ paid the price and he offered salvation to every man through the 38th chapter the book of Acts but it took a lot of other words which we don't have I wish we did that he exhorted them saying save yourself from this untoward generation and I would present to you this morning that the way you save yourself is to send the crowd away doesn't you come up out of that water speak in other tongues your first job if you go back to that crowd that same gut punch you ran with them before you got saved that same drink and open crowd you wish oh I'm saved now I ain't gonna do that stuff no more you go do that stuff no more that tell that crowd to go home you are not gonna run with them any longer they're not gonna be a part of your life you're not gonna be a part of your life and look I don't care how close you were I don't care how bad but they were in the world I don't care how much they supported you and took care of you when God calls you out of the crowd and ordained you and cause you to be one of his children you have got to send the crowd away gotta send gotta do it gotta do it you're gonna do it in my opinion it absolutely is essential that you send the crowd away because if you don't it will suck you back into that same crowd again and you'll be just like you were before God called you out of it that's why you said let's put some distance between you and the crowd but before that I want to see if you've got what it takes to walk up to the people you were close to that you ran with say you need to go home and I'm not going with you sorry gods call me Alan and he's given me a job he's gonna make something out of me you're gonna do something with me but he's not gonna do it with me if I'm running with the same group I've always been running with does he call me out of that call me out of that I didn't call me out of darkness into his marvelous light it was marvelous light thank you Jesus thank you Jesus let me go it all sounds so simple you know let the crowd want with us everyday life you know even over in the book of XS God understood this in the book of XS for pete's sake whoever Peters look of Exodus actually this is the coming out book listen to this this is amazing to me it's amazing of course they don't take much to amaze me I'm very amazing there's no such word as any I'm very easily amazed is better well thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil why didn't you just say don't sin same thing you know just don't sin it no matter if you're by yourself or with a multitude but he he specifically says thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline from many to rest judgment this is a courtroom scene the NIV says do not follow the crowd and doing wrong when you give testimony in a lawsuit do not pervert judgment by siding with the crowd tell my courtroom scene and in this courtroom if there's 12 of you and 11 them besides you says guilty that doesn't mean you have to say guilty too because if you say guilty too and your heart tells you he's really innocent you have perverted judgment that's not justice just to say guilty because everybody else said guilty or just say innocent because everybody else said is you have now perverted so don't sin when you're in a multitude a lot of folks around you're saying one thing because they say one thing that doesn't mean you have to say it or they do one thing that doesn't mean you have to do it or they go one place that doesn't mean you have to go because you don't deduct it says thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil why would he put that in there just say don't do evil because he understood that when you're in a multitude the tendency is to agree with the multitude cuz you don't want to be the oddball you don't want to be the person that's contrary to the multitude you know and everybody lookin at you because you said innocent and they all said he was guilty so the tendency is to agree cuz your reasoning doesn't matter anymore when you're in a multitude your values your moral of right and wrong doesn't mean anymore when you're a multitude because the tendency is to go the way of the multitude but what happens is you pervert your testimony now you have twisted your testimony around to agree with those that are around you let me say this when you're around other people if somebody asked you why you dress like you dress you don't have an answer for or you tend to dress like they dress I'm just saying this now I'm not gonna tell you water is gonna say you dress like they dress although you have a conviction that you shouldn't be dressing like they dress you have now perverted your testimony you have ruined your testimony because you agree with the multitude you went ahead sided with him rather than say because we believe a woman on a dress like a woman man I'll just you know whatever you know I bet if you don't do that you have perverted your testimony you cannot testify to the goodness of God and the grace of God that he calls you out of the multitude and set you aside to be different so do not send in a multitude because he understood multitude sins are easy because everybody's doing it yeah everybody so that mitigates the transgression you're like Adam it was that woman to the woman it was the serpent you know it's somehow if everybody was doing it it mitigates it makes it not as bad it's not as bad in a mob if one person goes in and gets the box of papers that's not as bad cause everybody's in there getting something you know so you think that makes it less because it's easy to sin in a multitude so the people you're gonna hang with will make it easier or harder for you to pervert your testimony [Music] you know we have no testimony you come back to church because the devil will beat you with the fact that you don't live it out there he'll tempt you to do it and get you to do it then accuse you of doing it well he's a liar he's a that's the way he would know you get it that's the way he works people do everything in the world he gets you to do it then after you do it you'll see you're worthless you're no good your back slid you're away from God God's not pleased with you you're the one that got me to do it don't stand that a multitude you either hang with people that are an asset to you or the liability to you they either gonna take you to heaven help you go to heaven or they gonna help you to go to hell one way or the other there's no middle ground you either tell him to go home or you go home with them that's what he told his disciples you tell the crowd to go home or you can go home with and I'll pick 12 more out here this is not easy to do I get it it's not easy to do especially if you're young that's why young men and young women are so vulnerable because they need the endorsement of other young men and young women they want to be liked they want to be accepted so you tend to follow the multitude but remember it perverts your testimony you don't have a testimony to that crowd any longer because they've got you just like them so if you can't say goodbye I don't care how pretty she is or I'll handsome he maybe you are better served just say go home I'm sorry God's call me to do something great for him and I will not pervert my testimony just because the crown has perverted theirs this is an untoward generation this is generations not for you it is against you and everything you've been taught everything you have experienced it is contrary to it and if you become involved with them they will rob you of your extra 38 experience they will violate your moral because you've got to give up certain things to be a part of the crowd you cannot keep your individuality and be a part of a crowd does that make sense you can't be an individual with a testimony and still be a part of a crowd because the crowd demands that you yield some things to be a part of them be a part of them I graduated from high school I had an algebra teacher by the name of mrs. Shay Cole she had a son called ed chicle he's one of my best friends we graduated and he had a lot of the guys like girls I graduated with over to his house and yeah he invited me to come over so I did I walked over I knew it wasn't a church gathering I knew that but I went and as soon as I walked in the door it handed me a bottle of beer I can see it right now I'm I'll be 77 my birthday case you're wondering I was 18 I can almost feel the coolness of the bottle it was a long neck I never had one in my hand in my life I said I don't drink oh yeah come on sorry graduation no come on come on it's graduation time I looked at all my peers and they all had one in their hands and I took it I wish I could tell you I was stronger than that was better than that no that wasn't I took it and walked around with it for a little while and they were all laughing and having a great time you know and I knew I knew I knew same right and I took one sip of it one sip taste is almost still in my mouth I hate it because I knew with one simp my testimony was gone I looked around for some place to put it I couldn't find any place too many people I didn't want him to see me set it down someone in the kitchen and it was a door over behind the table I didn't know what was in there open the door and it stares and went down to a basement I stepped inside the door I said that bottle down the stairs I turned around and walked out the back door and I never went back I still remember that like it was yesterday that I wasn't strong enough to send it away I just took it cuz I wanted to be accepted I wanted them to feel like I was part I didn't want them to look at me and think I was odd because I didn't drink I didn't want them to I don't know I just became a part of the crowd for a few moments it's like a get rid of it but it's easier to take than it is to get rid of cuz I'm standing here all these decades later telling you about it you're still as fresh in my mind is anything I've ever done in my life that I perverted my testimony cuz they all said it's okay even though I knew it was not but when you're in the crowd the pressure is so great that you do things you would never do alone that's why you have to send crowd away I should have turned out when I saw it I should have never went to begin with because I knew it wouldn't the chairs grab me we're not gonna pray before we heat nobody's gonna talk about Jesus I knew that but then my friends were there Edie was there and he became the reason for the story I'm telling you I should have walked up to Eddie Shaco and said I'm sorry and you're not gonna have to separate I can't be your friend anymore I just can't too much pressure too much it's not as easy said than done young people I know that and some of you older folks need to cut some strings to cause you're running with folks that are not an asset to your life not an asset to your life I'm not talking trying to win them to the Lord to understand I'm not talking about taking that to try to win I talk to running with him you know what I mean you're smarter than oh I'm running with him till I go on vacation with him hobnobbing with him spending every weekend with them can you know I'm trying to you know first thing you know it'll pervert your testimony they'll get you to do something you shouldn't have done they don't believe anything else you have to say because you're just like up now you're just like them now isn't amazing up close isn't amazing it's see I'm amazed by trivial things this thing must amaze me then when they got to the promised land and they're ready to go over Jordan that Ruben and GAD said I don't think we want to go good grief men all the way from 400 years in Egypt slime pits making bricks for the Pharaohs treasure houses all the babies being thrown into the Red Sea on the male babies and dying can we walk through wilderness and drink water and out of rocks and ate manna we've lost a whole generation trying to get to this point and you mean to tell me you don't want to go for all this holy and righteous what's the matter with you well I get it Ruben you're as weak as water your daddy said you take the path of least resistance so I see why you don't want to go you don't like to fight you want the easy way out of everything I get it Ruben you don't want to go but dad he's not the strongest tribes of Israel if I ever said he has the eyes and he has eyes like a lion his eyes in the front of his head he's a predator you know the prey have side of their head because they got to watch out for the guy with eyes in the front of his head and in front of your head you focus so just looking around for somebody that can focus you know once a lion gets after a deer he don't give up and go after five or six he's focused on that one deer or that one antelope but the prey they have eyes the rabbit has eyes inside of his head because he could look out for the Fox in every direction dad's face is like a lion the Bible said he's a predator he can handle the buckler he can handle the spear he got around like a deer he's everything Israel needs yet the weakest tribe and the strongest tribe have agreed they're not gonna go over now how did that happen I will tell you when they camped around the tabernacle four sides of north south east and west two of each tribe camped together for forty years guess who camped together for forty years bingo again Reuben and when you hang with somebody for 40 years it's not long you're as weak as they are dad did not bring Reuben up but Reuben RUP dad down because that's what happens when you get in the crowd you don't bring the crown up the crowd brings you down and the next thing you know you're as weak as water because you hung with them a little too long you fool around with a bullet now you don't want to go in they're not going in they talk to you and they're not going in you set around campfires roasted marshmallows made hot dogs and your kids hobnob with Ruben nights and the next thing you know your kids and your family don't want to go to heaven they don't want to go go ahead stand with me they don't want to go they don't want to go it's because you run with them a little too long and a little too long you can't sit around the campfire with them because your children will think you've endorsed them the next thing you know they don't want to go either the strongest became like the weakest because they camp together for 40 long years now they don't want to go over that's the price you pay for not sending the crowd away you'll lose your appetite for heaven you lose your appetite for Church you lose your appetite for the songs of the choir you lose your appetite and you forfeit your listen to me I'm done you forfeit your testimony to be a witness that's why the Lord said I'll put some distance between these 12 and that multitude now you go tell them I could tell them to go home but that don't get it out of your heart you go tell them you need to go back where you came from and I'm not going I didn't say it was easy I said it save yourself from this generation who's not an asset to me [Music] crowds cost you so much it was young lady in our church her name is Pam take your last name she's one of the prettiest girls you have ever seen very very pretty young girl very pretty and the next thing you know she's modeling some designers got a hold of her and she's modeling doesn't have time to come to church and help because she's making more money than you can even think about as a young lady beautiful young lady next thing you know she's on the cover of Seventeen magazine the magazine for young ladies 70 on the cover of it beautiful young lady next thing I hear from her she's in Paris and she's walking the runways the designers demands for her she's here she's there she's over this place she's in this country she's working for this when she's flying here and there next thing you know she's taken a few drugs yeah she can't sleep at night you know the end of her was she came back didn't know she was home again but it found out she was in the City Hospital in the mental institution part and I went to see her she was laying on a concrete bed step off the floor it was the old General Hospital of where they took indigent people that could not pay she's laying there she's got straps around both arms her legs are strapped to the bottom of the bed her hair is all disheveled her face is older than her age coz sin takes a toll on you types of toll [Music] all I could see was a beautiful young lady and join the crowd well when she's laying there on that concrete bed there's no crowd on Hiltner there's no designers come to see her Paris is not there Germany's not there there's no runway there's just a hallway at least in nowhere because that's how the crowd leaves you once you're not pretty anymore once you have nothing once they've sucked the life out of you once they've taken everything that you've got once they have robbed you because Satan is a waster he wastes everything you've got everything you've got he sucks it out of you then he leaves you laying on a concrete bed as an indigent in an old brokedown Hospital and your prettiness is gone and your flawless skin is gone now you have sores and scabs and needle marks up and down your arm and you can't think and you can't reason because the crowd has script you and left you alone that's why I'm trying to save you from that you don't see yourself as that right now the reason you don't see yourself as that right now is because the crowd is not done with you yet they're not finished yet because when they are finished you will be a shell of your former self there's some folks in here need me this altar right now and you need to buckle up and get a spine and tell the crowd go home and I'm not going with you God has called me to something better he's going to take me to the other side he's going to take me someplace where you can't go I will not pervert my testimony I would not leave the fact that I've been born again of water and spirit I want to be holy dress holy act holy talk holy I don't care what you offer me I'm not gonna take it from the crowd I'm gonna come to church I'm gonna be faithful to God I'm gonna get here on time I'm gonna get here early I'm gonna stay late I'm gonna worship I'm gonna praise God I'm gonna sing in the choir I don't care what you think I don't care what you're going I don't care what your rule is I don't care what you consider right and wrong I haven't settled in my heart once and for all I ask for me I'm gonna live for God I want to serve the Lord and I am NOT gonna pervert my testimony because of some $3 message I've got from the world some young people need to get out here this altar right now the world's gonna take you down I don't care how much Holy Ghost you think you've got I don't care how close to God you think you're walking this world there's many other words did he say save yourselves from this son your parents can't save you pastor can't save you okay nobody save you but you Jesus is not gonna send the crown home that's the job of those that have been called out of the ground to send that crowd whole you can't send it home it won't go home the next day it'll be back and the next day it'll be back and the next day it'll be back and it will suck the life out of your life and God calling you want them out to a hill of beans cuz you've given up for the voice of the crowd you will lose your sense of what is right and wrong Saint will deceive you and lie to you every day of your life until he leaves you ramshackle nothing laying on the trash heap of Satan God has called you to something better than that you are better than that young lady if that boy is not living for God he's not serving the Lord here to give his ring back to him do you say listen I'm not gonna live the rest of my life with somebody that's not an asset to my life somebody doesn't I can't walk with somebody I do not agree with and I will not prefer my testimony just to have you I will not my god is worth more than that I have more value than that I am worth more than then I love God send the crown away before you climb in the boat with Jesus he wants to take you someplace you've never been before he must have taken to a deeper walk or closer walk he want to show you how you can steal storms in your life cuz when you're going through the storm the crowd won't be there hallelujah how do they come on send the crowd away in your heart don't walk out these doors they go back to that same bunch that robs you of your spirituality send that crowd away then you can go someplace you've never been before do not prefer your testimony do not agree with the world just because they all said it's alright no they say it's all right to smoke dope it's alright to vape it's all right to go to hook of ours it's alright to that crazy just because they said it's okay doesn't mean you have to agree with them because if you agree with them you have perverted your testimony you know better than it it's not that you don't know you know you've been taught this church has taught you better than that you need to live better than they live what you've been taught believe God trust God you know what the Word of God says give it up surrender don't fool with it in love get away from it put some distance between you and it stop riding with them the first thing you know Ruben who's weak as water will drag you down and you won't won't even go to heaven you want to have your fun while you're here but you're greater than that and you're better than that send the crowd away send them home send them home I know you have an association with them but break that Association they go on there anymore I'm not doing that anymore God's changed my life give me a fresh station give me fresh hope hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] because you'll say I don't know what's wrong with me I'll tell what's wrong with you the crowd has robbed you of reason robbed you of reason does any reasonable person will understand the crowds not on your side once they rob you of everything you've got in value they will abandon you it will abandon you the crowd won't be there when your tears who you're meet both day and night crowd won't be there when you're in rehab trying to get you life back together it won't come business you yeah when you're in the hospital with a disease they won't be around your bed praying for you cuz they don't have reason anymore they can't they're not Reaper they're part of a crowd if you go be a part of it [Music] with many other words [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] why don't you find somebody to put your arm around right now come on the Sun is simply says we want more we're gonna leave the crown behind and we're gonna follow Jesus we want more oh come on pray for one another save yourself from this untoward generation [Applause] [Music] we won come on make a declaration your life right now I'm gonna try I'm gonna try a lot in the sand oh shut up a whole lot in the sand right here I'm not gonna be with the crowd any longer I'm not gonna hang with the crowd any longer it's not about [Music] Oh hi Oh [Music] come on sugar right there it's all about [Music] what I've seen it's all about you from my heart to the heavens Jesus be the same answer it's all about yes it's all about from my heart to the heavens Jesus Peter since it's all about you yes it's all about let me see you say from my heart to the heavens Jesus before that yes she you'll see [Music] [Music] those [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on lift your hands as we in this service say Jesus be the center of your church Jesus speed sensor [Music] heavy knee shall bow every tongue shall confess you Jesus geez can we'll say the name Jesus Jesus [Music] come on one more time let's think the law for the message we've heard today come on what a powerful message god help us to send the crown home god help us to send those things oh god they want to trip us up and want to make a small to logout we want to send those things home Lord God so we can be alone with you Lord God saw a relationship can grow strong with you come on somebody tell the Lord Lord I want you to be strong in my life I want you to reveal things like Bishop Ozma said I want you to reveal things to me Lord I want you to make things known to me Lord I want revelation in my life and I know I can't have it within the crowd it's gotta be me and you alone with you at the center of it all Jesus a sinner of it all put your hands together you're thankful for Bishop Osbourne you're thankful for the ministry of the Osmonds we get to do this all over again tonight so at six o'clock prayers at 5:30 a man a name and what a mighty move of the Holy Ghost have you felt like you got a spirit of change within you oh I think Thank You Bishop thank you so much for the word that you brought to our church a timely needed in the season that we're in today find somebody hug and neck shake a hand
Channel: mds
Views: 2,511
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic preaching Holy Ghost fac Maryville Pentecost
Id: 5WRGoTjw7sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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