JGLM | Dominion Life Plano Live Broadcast

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if you look at well there's several scriptures but if you look at matthew 28 as we said before mark 16 various scriptures luke 10 matthew 10 various scriptures like that they all fit into a category that i generally call the believer's job description and so this morning i just wanted to draw that out for you for some reason you know i can't explain why but for some reason i'm a very visual uh person in other words i can read something and if i can see it and read it i get it if you you know you tell it to me i can hear it but i got to think about it more to really get it so it's easier for me to just see it and especially when i write it out it helps better so i'm going to go through some things today we're talking about technically see how i can do this i'll just do it this way there we go i want to talk about the divine job descriptions this is the job descriptions that i believe it yeah i know whenever i saw this it's and it's like i saw it literally written out like this and i just drew it out exactly what i saw and so when i saw it everything just fell into place it was just so simple after that and it's never been uh confused or confusing to me once i saw this so maybe some of you are the same way and maybe it will help you see these things so and if you have paper and you want to draw this out for yourself then feel free of course to draw it out or if you have a manual it is on page 194 of your manual so you can if you don't have your manual handy you can jot that down and look at it later we're going to talk about page 194 and hopefully page 195 if we have time this morning to do it now the uh we call these our divine job descriptions right so first you have to say yep okay i'm just deciding how much of this to write so first off we are going to put with there are actually six positions here so we're just going to go down the list we'll just i'll try to make it big where you can see it okay hopefully you can see that i know it's kind of thin lettering anyway but i'll try to do it differently so now after that we're going to put a line then you would have the next one down would be jesus and the line the next one holy spirit and a line okay now the next one is going to be the christian and the lion and then we'll put satan down here believe it or not he's got a job even the devil works okay so everybody ought to have a job if the devil can work you can work okay and then we have man all right and we'll do this and i could have broke it up i guess but the whole point about this is this now obviously this is in divine order also would say and you say wait a minute why do you put man there okay this because here's the christian here's satan and this is fallen man this is redeemed man this is fallen man all right you understand so only fallen man would still be in the realm of darkness right where the enemy has pretty much free reign in their life right because they have the same nature and character inside now so you got these six positions we will do it this way just so i know you could have counted these out but we're just going to do it this way real quick now all right i'm not going to write all these other things out yeah i might have to okay we might have to so i'm going to write over here um okay that would be the oppressor right we could also put beside that a universal criminal a renegade or an enemy right all that would fall under that the next one we have would be the power executor or some people would say executor it's executor but we'll say that the next one would be the provider of trying to step off the cliff here authority okay the next one we will write up would be sick also known as the recoverer got it okay next one would be and let me make sure i get all of it okay okay i'll try to write this in there but here now remember this is part of this one the executor yeah of judgment okay uh i gotta write the rest of that executive judgment for all oppressed okay now and the last one would be you notice here we got one two three four five and then six which is the final one which yes is the enforcer didn't that sound the enforcer uh which we would also classify yeah i'm going to write that one down too just so you know a co-worker with god all right so you got one through six positions now listen carefully these are one through six positions available right these are positions available these are one through six positions available right these are the people beings filling these job descriptions do you have that so of these here all right let me do a little here let's see if i can write this out right of these yeah of these possible job descriptions which one would fit god number five exactly you got it okay so that'd be number five right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna write number five here now when you write this this job is taken you got it you can't get this job it's taken so this job is taken so we're just going to do this right here because we can't count it again because the job's already filled right you can't even apply for that one right okay so just so you know now how do we know that what scripture goes with this well one of them would be psalm 103 6. right now there's others i'm just throwing some in there just so you know how i saw this and how i still see it okay next one jesus which one of these there you go where you got it so you didn't know you're going to come to church and play a game did you all right number three right and why because he's the provider of our authority isn't that right because it's his authority and we're functioning in it now there's actually several scriptures we could give on this we could give matthew 28 18 through 20. we could give mark 16 uh let's say verse 18 but we could actually do 15 through 20 if we wanted to right and there was another 12 head yep yep of course one of the main ones is luke 10 19. behold i give you power authority isn't that right so here's three scriptures right that would all apply to this as him being the provider of authority you see how this is working right right now the next one is the holy spirit number two there you go the power executor so we got to put that in there and so we would come over here and put number two now of course for number two we would have acts 1 8 right that tells us how he provides for us and that we receive power after that he comes so that's one of them there's others and we could we could list other scriptures on here i just want to go you know have 15 different scriptures have to write them all out so the next one christian number six all right you are jumping right in here and getting it right okay number six that means that we are the enforcer of what jesus provided he provided the authority and because of that that number six that would give us what which one we could actually also borrow matthew right 28 18 right um yeah yep then also uh one others i wanted because of the wording here would also be um yeah second corinthians 6 1 which says we then as workers together with him beseech you so we are workers together with him which is why that's number six we are enforcers but we're also co-workers with god co-workers you're right we are we work together with him we join together and work together now and finally well not finally number six or number five i'm sorry uh satan number one you got it number one all right now did i yeah i marked it out okay so number one he was the oppressor and where do we know that from acts 10 38 is that right so acts 10 38 would be one scripture now you could also uh use the other scripture uh from luke where jesus talked about the woman that's bowed over whom satan hath bound these 18 years so you would have that so we got to mark that out so now you notice we're running out of jobs right all right so now there's only one thing left that's man fallen man so he's number what number four he's the sick he's the oppressed right so he is number four so he in that scripture sick or the recoverers we would say that of course is mark 16. this is just well just do it that way mark 16 especially verse 18 right so man now he is also a captive so that'd be in luke 4 18. uh so he would also be a cat so there's other scriptures you could add to this because remember we never build a doctrine off of one scripture it's always several scriptures several scriptures now but now the main thing about this okay what makes this helpful to me is that once i have this written out once i have it because in my manual i have all those written out the numbers beside them numbers here and the scriptures that go with them now i do have the scriptures that go with some of these on the other side of the page anyway right so the answers are there just in case you need to know but the reason i wrote this out because once i did this it got let's you know what let's just go ahead and mark this one out so we know that job is taken too there we go so once i did that though it got so crystal clear see now we know who god is he's the judge he's the executor the of judgment for all the oppressed so he now we can't confuse him with the oppressor see that job's already taken god can't take that job right that job's already taken by satan he's the oppressor so god's not the oppressor so never now if i have this written out i never confuse god's role the devil's role my role the holy spirit's role i never confuse it why because it's just written out isn't that simple so if you just write these things out and then yeah you might need to memorize them think about them look at them time to time things come up just remember there's already all the jobs are taken right now the real question is is this person doing their job because i guarantee it this person is right he's doing his job so it's god and so it's god exactly so now but god really only gets to do his job through us as we co-work with him that's right does that make sense i mean he's working and do you know the hardest job god has is not healing sickness or disease it's getting us to do our jobs you know if i if my staff if i had to walk around here all day and go what are you doing why aren't you doing your job where's your job what are you doing while you're over here talking why aren't you doing this man i would be exhausted at the end of the day and and i wouldn't get my job done right but that's why we have people here that i don't have to macro manage we tell them you know matter of fact many of which just said here's a job and they say how to do this figure it out you know just do the best you can all right and we try to train as much as we can but most of people are here now they didn't get trained they just got thrown in why because they came right in the middle of a battle and we were right in the middle of stuff and so we didn't get a chance to really train them all and most of them had to figure it out as they went and they've done a great job of it amen and they handle things so i don't have to so it makes my job easier so the real key here is remember every job is taken the question is are you doing your job and so it's real simple and now once people understood this you know i'd like to put this in every newspaper across the country you know just so people get their mind straight about who's causing their problems and and if they need help who they can go to right and who they can get help from amen isn't this simple yeah and okay that took 15 minutes roughly just to draw this out and put all these things out so it's real simple just memorize these write them down put them in your manual if you don't have your manual handy you write them down and when you get back to your manual write those out you can take a picture of it if you want whatever but it is in your manual but you do have to fill it out it's not filled out in your manual all right everybody got that okay now what i don't have is an eraser or anything else here we go i may need some paper towels or something because that is useless so where everybody got it okay all right all right now let's get this get this try get this in there we go it smells pretty good okay now i'll just wait for somebody to bring me something to wipe this off with somebody's getting it i have faith in them somebody's getting it i'm not using my shirt sleeve to do that lashes about too good no i'm not gonna do that okay we got it we got one all right hannah to the rescue amen all right thank you miss hannah thank you ma'am i could have brought a coke with you too but yeah just kidding don't bring me one i'm good i'm good i've already erased god's job [Music] okay we'll see how good all this erases not that great actually oh that's taken care of there we go let's see let me try and step off this thing okay that is quite a mess we'll see how it dries out all right now so did that help you just to clarify i mean you hopefully you already knew this but does it help you to clarify for me just helps clarify sometimes just to write things out like that now so let's do the next part the next part is i don't know if i'm gonna be able to write all these out just because i don't have enough room but we talked about our divine job descriptions so now we want to talk about the divine flow chart the divine flow chart over the years over the centuries over the eons the divine flow and the divine flow chart has been altered right so when we started i'll just draw some of these out this was the beginning this was original creation all right so we could actually i guess put those there we go all right now so the divine flow at that time would have been now i understand writing these out there is a certain limitation to it because of the nature of god right but we would say that the divine flow to begin with would have been god talking about god the father okay there we go the next one in line technically would have been jesus so we could have actually put him here and it could have went out that way but i'm just trying to show and it's not now they agree in one but jesus said my father is greater than me so we're going to do that all right we'll just put it this way now the next one down would be the holy spirit right now again i'm not diminishing these i'm just saying because basically when you have this you have that right so everybody's in agreement i'm not diminishing jesus or the holy spirit i'm just trying to put him in an order that you kind of see how things flow now after that was adam do you give that and then after that we're angels you get that because man was created above angels right and for a little while he was made lower than angels whenever he what fell do you get that so here you got angels now because satan was a fallen angel technically he would have been there also see this is why satan went to adam and said you know and try to get adam and eve to doubt god's word and say did god really say because here god said one thing satan's saying something else and whoever adam obeys that becomes his god so that's why satan wanted adam to listen to him and wanted them to do what he said so that now now notice this this is original creation all right now b so we're going to go across we'll just do b here now this would be after the fall there we go now after the fall now guess what uh you still have the original three right you have god and we'll just do it this way father and then you have son jesus and then you have holy spirit okay so now that's all just that it's just like this nothing nothing changed in what is called the godhead right nothing changed after the fall now but now notice after the fall next in line came satan you got that because even the angels couldn't couldn't even do anything um and and actually connected and see here we got angels and then satan but here after this there was satan but they were he was on the same level as angels because why because even his principalities and things like that that fell with him would have been classified there does that make sense yes okay now after that of course is what because we still got the same people you just got to rearrange them why because of their position so now you have adam so the only thing that really changed is here right now now adam is fallen here he was in god's original position original creation after the fall you got that pretty simple you see what happened at the fall there was a change it did not affect heaven in that sense all right but it did affect the earth so this would be the heaven part this would be the earth part and so now satan has been elevated at that point right now and what i do my joke there we go okay so so if you got that if you need pictures take it quick because i'm fixing to start okay okay so going this again so we're going to move all this maybe i should start here i'll start up here okay now remember it is in your manual you say i don't have a manual uh they're in the bookstore you can get one if you want one okay i'll tell you if you don't have one you don't want one they are in the book store you still go to the bookstore open to page 194 and write it all down real quick and not buy them not by the page 194 or 195. that way you don't have to buy it you can yeah you can open it up take a picture of it okay so there you go i didn't do this to try to sell manuals i'm doing this to try to help you so now so now we've already gone through the original creation and then we did after the fall so now see yep okay jesus's mission right now when that when he came right his job now you have now watch this now you have god oh i didn't erase that hang on that's still raining down there there we go okay so there you have father okay okay father there we go now he's father okay now that would have been the religious term my father father okay now notice after that because of god now you have holy spirit you say well wait what happened to jesus uh remember he became a man right so now you have jesus but now notice this now we're talking this is heaven essentially then jesus came and of course the holy spirit working through him and like i said there's some limitations to drawing this out because of the spirit uh the element of the spirit there but now notice right after this now you have because now we're talking heaven and earth not right in the earth you're no earth sorry about that and now here is satan right and where is man because man's the only job the only person left now he's here why because satan has been elevated out of position over man so now this is now where is jesus right because remember now we have in jesus mission we have jesus he came and became man am i right he became what we were so we could become what he was amen seated with him in heavenly places do you see this so now this is jesus's mission he came this is why he was on the earth this is a situation he identified with fallen man but he was walking with god so he brought god's powers to bear and he walked with god amen but he's still related to fallen man right because he had to he he identified with follow me and put that away and he had to pay the price of fall of men amen now so now you have yeah we can go to this others here now you got d which is finished right so this is what jesus accomplished right now notice this one with this one yep there we go now you have let me get them all make sure i have everything here yep okay so now you have god right and notice right with god now because you have to remember and this is the hard part about drawing this because now you have the holy spirit but now he is not necessarily there because he's here on earth so you have this line here where he is working in earth right but now notice now you have um let me get them all right let's see if i can do this what you're good yep that's what i thought okay there we go so here next you have because it is finished jesus went back to the father and is seated and guess what do you see that when jesus ascended you ascended amen amen and that what he said i mean everything i'm saying here is just scripture i'm just drawing it out in picture form now notice here under technically right in here and here is the holy spirit right but now we're seated with him at the right hand of the father is that right okay so but that's a heavenly remember these are this is the divine flow chart now beyond that next okay because we still have satan and where is he at because he would be coming next here right and then notice this also now you have below him you still have natural or what we would say unredeemed carnal man exactly so now you've seen there's these basically these four positions okay and these four now you saw the first two then jesus's mission came did this and then when he said it's finished and went back now he did this so he replaced man or returned man to the original position but now notice you've got redeemed man which is of the family of god and you've got natural unredeemed man which is still under satan's darkness amen now he doesn't have authority technically he has ability but he get this he doesn't have to have authority over man why because unredeemed man has his nature if he has his nature he doesn't need authority the man you wind the clock you walk off the clock keeps ticking right it's the same thing with satan satan gave man fallen man the man who obeyed him his nature he want he wound his clock he walks off he satan doesn't even have to do it he's already set it in motion because they have the same nature see fallen man accomplishes satan's will without even thinking about it see when you were unsaved you didn't pray to satan hopefully i mean i know some people do right but hopefully you didn't pray to satan you didn't even think about satan you didn't every day you go oh i just want to do your will because you're my god nobody does it well i'm not saying nobody but most people don't do that is that right right but now notice here's the thing man if you can get this i'm telling this this is so powerful when you were unsaved you did not dwell upon doing the will of your master because you had his nature you automatically did his will why do you think that changes just because you changed god's when you change gods and you got god's nature why do you think you have to focus on doing the will of god why don't you just let the nature of god in you just live his nature out through you and you will do his will without you always having to focus on yourself and go hope i'm doing it right am i doing it right maybe i'm not doing it right god i just want to do your will god would just want to do your will no he put his nature into you so you can do his will automatically it's automatic in you now the way it becomes automatic is getting your mind renewed to what that will is because you're used to doing the old will the will of satan you're used to doing his will but and what you're and your mind has to be renewed so that when your mind is renewed you know what the will of god is automatically and it lines up with your spirit because your mind controls your body your spirit doesn't control your body your spirit should control your mind your mind should control your body with most people their mind controls their body but their mind is not renewed so even though they can be born again in spirit they still have actions at times because they're trained to think that way that actually brings harm on themselves and they end up so into the flesh and of the flesh if you sow to the flesh you have the flesh reap corruption destruction and they're right but it once your mind is renewed now your mind dictates your body and your body actually cause does the will of god that's called doing righteousness amen but it should be a natural thing we've made this thing hard everything jesus talked about he said listen my sheep hear my voice and the voice of another they'll not follow think about that but tell me a christian that you know of offhand that never has to think about or deal with following the voice of the enemy and i have people all the time god you know uh well they actually when they're talking about the enemy they always end up saying you know satan keeps trying to tempt me to do this satan keeps trying to tempt me to do that he's always he never leaves me alone i always he's always talking and trying to get me to do things why would you even listen to him when especially when you know it's the devil when you know it's him right just don't even listen to him i remember one time way back years ago kenneth copeland was talking about it and he was he was so funny you know he just said um he went to god and said god the devil's just bothering me and bothering me he keeps talking he keeps doing he's constantly tempting me and he's doing these things and and you know i don't know what to do and god said well obey him like you obey me and he he said what do you mean he said you don't obey me why do you obey him and he said his whole thinking had to turn amen so but it's just me because we listen you begin to obey the voice you listen to imagine that jesus said my sheep hear my voice in the voice of a stranger another one they will not hear they won't even hear it why because you should be having the voice of god in your head through the scripture if you meditate in the scripture to the point where man you don't even hear the devil's voice i mean think about that see we live so far below our inheritance we live so far below what he has provided neither the father the son nor the holy ghost ever expected you to get born again and then live the rest of your life tormented between the voice of god the voice of satan temptation pulled in this direction put no you kill that thing you make a once for all decision that's called sanctification and then you live it out now he may come around from time to time and just see if you're serious about it but it sure shouldn't be every five minutes of your day amen if he's come around that often it's because he's used to you listening and when you stop listening it's amazing people say well how do how do i get rid of these devils stop doing what they want to do you know it's amazing when you stop doing the things your old friends wanted to do they quit hanging around you it's the same thing with devils you the devils only hang around you because you do what they want to do see birds of a feather flock together if you do what devil's like then you can call yourself a christian all day long you're gonna have problem with devils amen that's why you need to watch what you do you need to watch these things and because the enemy is always he's not trying to get you to stand up and deny christ he just wants to get you one degree off because one degree off today he can wait a long time he's a spirit he's gonna be around and if he can get you one degree off he's not trying to get you to change everything today he knows that 10 years down the road you'll be way off and he doesn't even have to deal with you he can just get you one degree off and if you head that direction he can turn and walk off right and and because you're already set so the key is get make sure you're on course listening to what god said functioning what he said and move forward and when you do that that's why jesus said you know there's a narrow way and a broad way the narrow way leads to life so you walk in that narrow path i'm not talking about legalism i'm talking about life there is a path unto life and many try to go in but few find it amen so now did this did this help you at all right do you see because if you can with me again it's a visual thing if i can see it and then it just registers then there's never a question about who's doing what and there's never a question about where we are you do realize here because of where you are he's under your feet and our job is to put him under jesus's feet amen all legally satan has been declared to be under jesus's feet but the bible says but yet we don't see all things under his feet why because he is seated at the right hand of the father waiting until his enemies be made his footstool that's what the bible says right so he is seated until his enemies had been made his footstool is that right so now but it tells us that in uh romans chapter 16 i think it's verse 20 it actually says that the very god of peace shall bruise satan crush satan under your feet shortly under your feet so before he can be now legally he's put under jesus's feet but experientially before he can be put under jesus's feet you got to make sure he's under your feet and because you're his body and the more of god's people jesus people more of jesus's body that put satan under their feet when you put him under your feet he goes under his feet you get it so if you're not going to walk on him that's a part that that is not being put under jesus's feet amen do you see that so our job is to make sure that he's always under our feet that we we don't give him any advantage that we don't give him any opportunity that we give him no ground right that these are all just scriptures of the bible and so we have to remain vigilant sober minded why because we have an enemy an adversary the devil that goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour he can't devour everybody he's seeking the ones that will allow him to devour them it's your choice whether you be that type of person or and the amazing thing is god and the devil because the devil wants to be god right he wants to be god so he imitates god that's why he goes about as a roaring lion right why because jesus is the roaring lion he is the lion of the tribe of judah amen and the devil goes about seeking whom he may devour but god the eyes of the lord roam two and four upon the face of the earth seeking those in whom he may show himself strong see how the devil is trying to imitate god he's going about looking for people he can destroy but god's going about looking for people that he can show himself strong through and daniel says and and his people the people that know their god shall be strong and do exploits think about that if you know your god you're going to be strong and do exploits strong stronghold in his strength and in the power of the lord and in the might of his strength not in your own strength amen and that's letting christ live in you so that it's no longer you that live but christ who lives in you amen right did you get anything out of this this morning all right all right well yeah amen all right well now we are going to take a quick break and we're going to start back about 10 o'clock uh and but get up get around meet people you know go to the bookstore look in the manual take pictures okay other than that god bless you we'll be back shortly amen hey guys hey i just wanted to welcome you i'm curry blake general hey everyone and welcome to dominion life church we are so glad you could join us today it is our desire to accurately declare and demonstrate the gospel of jesus christ so we can reproduce disciples who walk in the fullness and fulfill the great commission we would like to stay connected with you and give you an opportunity to become a member therefore allowing us to pray for your specific needs you do not have to be here physically to join or be a member of our church so you are welcome to join membership from wherever you are there are three ways you can access our membership you can download the jglm app from the app store and google play right on your phone you can also go to dominionlifechurch.org and click on join the church third you may fill out a physical membership form right here in our lobby at dominion life church if you're interested in becoming a certified divine healing technician starting or joining a life team please visit startlifeteams.com forward slash locate there you will also find links to our weekly get started calls and our q a calls the get started calls are every tuesday at 8 30 pm central standard time and the q a calls are every thursday at 8 30 pm central standard time we are pleased to announce that we have several events that we will be hosting through the rest of 2021. please be sure to check the schedule at jglm.org or our jglm app for a list of all events and to register for each as space is limited all our events are free to attend but registration is required so be sure to register for each event by going to schedule jglm.org you can also register through the jglm app by clicking on the links for the events registration is now open to sign up for the north carolina dht seminar hosted by brother curry blake this will be held at lake junaluska august 20th through 22nd brother curry will be hosting a dominion life seminar in lake charles louisiana august 26 to the 28th you can find more information by going to the schedule tab at jglm.org we are so excited to see what god is going to do during our month-long healing for everyone campaign this will be september 1st through september 30th there will be an evening teaching and healing service monday through thursday from 6 to 8 pm right here at dominion life church be sure to register for every night that you plan to attend we will be hosting our annual leaders summit on october 20th this event is by invitation only if you are in leadership you will receive an email with a personal invite by which you may register we look forward to seeing everyone at our annual conference this year which will be held in lewisville texas october 21st through the 23rd this conference is open to all but registration is required all of our events are free to attend but registration is required so be sure to register for each event by going to the schedule at jglm.org you may also register through the jglm app by clicking on the links for each event we wanted to inform you of several ways you can partner with us through giving you can give online at jglm.org or dominionlifechurch.org and click on give you can also give through the jglm app or you can text to give by texting the keyword jglm and the amount to 833-245-6345 if you want to give by check please make it payable to jglm or dominion life church so that's it for our announcements how's everybody doing if i could just get you all to stand up if you don't know the person next to you just introduce yourself if you do know them then just begin to speak life over them in jesus name speak healing and wholeness over them in jesus name peace and joy the blood of the lamb just bless them this morning [Music] who's excited to praise jesus this morning hallelujah just lift your hands and pray with me this morning thank you jesus we enter your gates with thanksgiving we enter your courts with praise you are worthy you are worthy we bless your mighty name we bless your mighty name [Music] you are faithful your faithfulness endures from generation to generation thank you jesus thank you [Music] jesus you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be praised the only one that's worthy hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name jesus jesus you've been faithful you've been faithful you've been faithful [Music] you are worthy thank you jesus [Music] we lift up your name this morning we say thank you jesus we gather to praise you to worship you to exalt your name now if you're excited to worship jesus this morning say hallelujah [Music] [Music] from all you children come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy a taste of his goodness find what you're looking for [Music] is in him bring all your sickness bring your diseases is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] praise god praise god for all my blessings flow praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] free [Music] [Music] the world praise god praise god for a moment blessings for [Music] praising praise him for the wonders of his love praise god [Music] praise god for [Music] jesus giving praise praise god praise god for whom all blessings flows praise [Music] praise god praise [Music] is the world is he gave us [Music] now it is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] we praise you we praise you you are worth you are worth praise [Music] we praise you we praise you [Music] you are worth your worth [Music] there's no one like you god there's no one like you god you deserve you deserve at all [Music] come on he deserves our praise don't be shy though lift your voice [Music] you are worthless [Music] such an awesome god such an awesome god [Music] [Music] so there is power in his blood [Music] [Music] is making all things [Music] more than i deserve yours a better word [Music] [Music] the precious blood of christ speaks [Music] a robe of righteousness [Music] through the night this is [Music] [Music] [Music] it's making all things [Music] your blood speaks a better word [Music] my history [Music] it covers me with destinies oh it's making all things right your precious blood of christ it's rewriting my history you are my future and my past it covers me with destiny yes it's making all things the precious blood of christ it's re-writing my history yeah it's cold as me with destiny oh it's making all things right the precious blood of christ come on it's rewriting my [Music] as history with destinies it's making all things [Music] the precious blood of christ [Music] is [Music] every chain is broken oh it's making all things [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] it's making all things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus jesus [Music] oh there's power in your blood all this power in your blood [Music] yes there's power in your blood there's power in your blood is this power in your blood [Music] [Music] speaks [Music] you have broken every [Music] you've made all things right with the precious word of christ that speaks [Music] there is power on your blood there is power in your blood there is power in your blood there is [Music] [Music] there is power in your [Music] amen amen hallelujah so this morning it's our privilege to partake of communion so as soon as the ushers release you you can come and grab the elements and then um hang on to them while you're at your seat and at the end we're all going to partake together amen [Music] [Music] you are worthy once you grab the elements you can be seated and then just wait or you can be seated now as well [Music] jesus so [Music] i cast my mind [Music] [Music] his hands is [Music] is entrenched in tears kneeling him down in joseph stone the entrance [Music] and all [Music] his name forever foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the king [Music] name forever more foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the blazing [Music] [Music] my gaze transferred on jesus space he shall return in rows of [Music] among the saints on jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] will foreign your grace [Music] [Music] yes thank you jesus amen praise him praise him so i really encourage you to just engage your hearts right now as we remember what jesus did for us we thank you lord we just we remember we come together in remembrance on that night lord that that you were scourged you broke your body completely so that ours could be made whole we thank you lord for those stripes that you took to take away our sickness our disease lord to take away the effects of sin so we we bless this bread together we partake of it in remembrance of what you did lord and we thank you you may take the bread and supper was ended he took the cup and gave thanks and said this is the blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for the remission of sin and we thank you lord we thank you thank you for not just covering our sin but removing it lord we thank you lord we just acknowledge what this new covenant means it says all that is yours is ours and all that is ours is yours god we hold nothing back because you held nothing back from us so so we just consecrate ourselves to you because you shed that precious blood for us so we thank you lord you may partake of the blood amen everybody just stand to your feet just begin to say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus you've set us free you jesus the sun sets free is free indeed [Music] [Music] [Music] you're so worthy of our praises [Music] you're so worthy of all [Music] you're so worthy of [Music] you're so worthy of our praise we give you praise [Music] [Music] grace [Music] god is good yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] can separate your steadfast love we can't escape cause your faithfulness in this scene you're so full of grace and mercy we sing you're so good come on god you're so good you're so good you're so good yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] my answers have been restored forgiveness [Music] you're so good [Music] you're so good [Music] all the time [Music] well there's never been anyone [Music] is [Music] hope is rising like the sun [Music] my [Music] you're so good [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're so good [Music] oh god you're so good oh god you're so good you're so good soon let's sing this one more time together oh god you're so good come on lift your voices you're so good oh god you're so good you're so good [Music] hallelujah [Music] father we just thank you for your word lord we thank you that it is the truth lord that we have it to stand on lord anything that we have are going through in life lord the answers are found in your word lord because what you say you mean father you are faithful and you don't take back what you say so we just thank you lord that you are so so good to us you are the same god yesterday today and forevermore lord we just praise you father thank you for making us righteous lord through your son we love you jesus we praise your holy name thank you for making us white as snow lord and it is our honor lord to be your hands and feet to this world help us be more like jesus lord in the everyday lord we thank you for transforming us for renewing us and we will continue to just go about our father's business in this world we praise you we love you and in jesus name we pray amen amen well good morning everyone welcome to dominion life church so is there any first time guests with us this morning great awesome thanks for joining us so glad that you came and we just welcome anyone joining us live as well thanks for joining us so at this time all the children are dismissed if you sign them up for the children's ministry and you can pick them up before the healing line after the service so if you haven't heard all of our announcements they were announced before worship if you missed those and you joined us later you can find all of our events at jjlm.org under schedule brother curry is currently teaching the dht in north carolina and we've heard some awesome awesome things there was about 900 people registered so it was a lot of people a lot of people already getting healed and the servant healing services tonight there so we just bless them and i know it's a great time over there um so i do oh sorry it is now time to receive this morning's offering so if you would like to give you can make checks payable to dominion life church or john g lake ministries or you can give through our website at jjalon.org or through our jglm app so if you haven't downloaded our app please do it's we'll make sure that you're connected with all of our resources every event we have and it's a great way to give on there and you can just find out all the information through our app so please download it if you haven't already but we just thank you father that this offering is blessed and will do so much to advance your kingdom here on earth so i would like to read a testimony while the offering is being received so this testimony says on friday i woke up and was having severe chest pains right in the middle of my chest and it would come and go but was very painful i was also having bad headaches a little runny nose and i was just not feeling good i knew that i was getting sick for sure finally on sunday my co-worker convinced me to leave work and go to the urgent care to at least rule out covet so i agreed to that and thank god that i did i didn't have covet but they went ahead and did the chest x-ray next thing i know the urgent care doctor is calling and asking me which hospital i want to go to because i have i don't know this medical term but pneumothorax which is a collapsed lung and if i let it go untreated it would kill me so naturally i started crying and freaking out and i thought i was dying i came to the methodist clear lake because that's where my sister works let me tell you this has been the most stressful and scary last couple of days thank god i've had my sister by my side every step of the way she's been so selfless and compassionate and loving to me and i don't know what i do without her i had a team of prayer warriors one person in particular that i've never even met in person who called me minutes before they were about to put a chest tube in me to get the air out of my lung called me and prayed with me over the phone she had explained to me that she is from the john g lake ministries church one of the most powerful prayers ever prayed asking god to heal me heal my body heal my lungs that literally resulted in a miracle right before they were about to make the incision to put the tube in the doctor took one more look at the screen and said stop it's getting smaller we don't have to put the tubes in this girl tell me that's not a miracle and that prayer doesn't work when you have faith i'm still in shock praise god praise god god is so good and from the sounds of it this person has not even been connected with our ministry doesn't know our message but it doesn't matter because god cares he's a compassionate god and whether you're a believer or not he wants you well and he intended for you to walk in divine health here on earth so we just praise him for that and we do want ask that if you guys have testimonies please please submit them it's very easy just go to dht dhtraining.com testify and that way we have all of your testimonies and we can read them and bless you all with them and make sure that you're encouraged and edified so that is all i have for you this morning but without further ado here is brother othniel that will share with us hey man thank you jenny and good morning god bless you all thank you for being here this morning is everybody happy amen there's nothing like the joy of the lord it gives you strength did you know that i read it somewhere in a pretty important book it's uh it's true it's true joy is a choice you can choose it or you cannot choose it but god is good did y'all enjoy ministering to the lord this morning and worship yeah yeah it's good yeah i had fun over there too praise god well um i just want to just make just a few quick announcements uh maybe one or two as we start this morning these weren't this didn't make it to the video announcements but uh just generally if you would like to join any phase or any part or serve here at dominion life church the way to do that would be to go to dominionlifechurch.org click on community from the menu tab and then join a group and then you can click on any of the volunteer groups and so we're always looking for help in many different areas um it's required that you're a member um and to work with the not junior high that's what i did for 12 years to work with um the kids um we would ask that you would have been here for i think it's anywhere from four to six months or something like that and then there's background checks and all that stuff and um but uh any other ministry um it is we are it's free to serve uh it's open to serve um worship team um i don't know some people think like the worship team is closed but it's not we're open for new people to come and join uh singers uh musicians dancers um uh so uh we we're open and again all it's all the same go to dominionlifechurch.org and then there's there's a volunteers uh forms that you can fill out or just join a group and you'll see it all there listed so there's that and then i sent out an email this week about the end injustice meeting that we're going to be having on the 28th of this month and it's going to be a saturday afternoon evening start at 6 30 and it's going to be a time of prayer also with some some brief sharing instruction from uh one of our sisters in the lord who has been working with um human trafficking to end human trafficking um primarily of young and teens um and uh sister rana she's been working with them for a few years for eight years so that's a little more than a few double that so eight years and so she's going to share how we can get involved as the body of christ it's not it's not the world's job to fix the world it's the body of christ it's jesus job it's god's job that's why he sent his only begotten son right for god so loved the world he sent his sons that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have everlasting life he didn't send his son into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved right and so we as his body here on the earth um we have a job to do we have a job to live and walk like jesus would walk if he was here in the flesh and the truth of the matter is we're going to what we're going to talk about this this morning is the truth of the matter is um you're the flesh that he chooses to walk in today think about that you're the flesh that he chooses to walk in today i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me in the life that i live i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave his life for me that's that's born again that's believer that's new creation that's child of god son of god that's who we are that's who we are and so um we're going to talk a little bit about it's it's really going to be um i hope to be the conclusion of of what i started a couple weeks ago um and as i was going through it again just going through the scriptures i was like man there's a lot of scripture on this and so um i'm going to do a lot of scripture reading so if you don't like reading the bible then you're probably not going to like this morning but if you love the word of god then it'll be food to your soul so [Music] and it's funny too because the um for the 9 a.m uh brother michael chose a message from curry that basically was the new man and um he talked a l not a lot but he talked some about what i was planning to talk about this morning and i'm like man that's not fair you know how does old you know old school video curry say everything that i wanted to say but we're still going to preach this out because i think there's other things in this that i believe the lord once wants to come out god has been really been impressing on my heart in the last seasons um just about this this place of of no compromise and consecration as as anne had led us this morning in communion and talking about how through the blood of jesus we've been consecrated and paul urges us to offer our our bodies the living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto the lord this is our spiritual act of worship or our reasonable act of worship unto the living god i've been really just settling into this this reality of having no compromise or no mixture you know what i mean by mixture you know jesus talks about how leaven can a little a little leaven can leaven the whole lump how a little bit of compromise can throw the whole thing off right you know and there's you know 11 is used in in both you know in a bad way and a good way in in scripture um but uh but there is a reality that we have to be on guard that we do not love the things of the world first john this actually wasn't what i was going it wasn't one of my scriptures um i believe it's in first john four um thank you jesus and it's it's it's uh john talking i believe it's first john 4 where it talks about the love of the world anyone who loves the world the love how can the love of the father is not in him is it two to what oh 15. here we go first john 2 15 it says do not love the world or the things in the world for anyone who loves the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world is passing away in the lust of it but he who does the will of god abides forever um that's what that's how jesus lived that's what jesus taught now again there's no contradiction when we hear for god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son right because the love that god has of the world is to redeem and reconcile the world the love that we had for the world was to engage in all the lust and the pride of the world to desire the things of the world right so we have to understand that this world needs reconciled the things of the world the systems of the world need redeemed man's best efforts to create a utopian society or at least just a good society pales in comparison to the kingdom of heaven which we are called to pray come and be done here on earth so john with confidence can write do not love the world don't love the things of the world you're not here for the things of the world well maybe in the beginning when the world was perfect and sin had not corrupted everything but now the things in the world have come under a curse and it's our job to liberate those things from the curse that's why in romans chapter 8 it talks about how all creation is groaning waiting for the sons of god to be made manifest why because the the creation was subject to futility not willingly but because of him who is subjected in hope why so that we can redeem it so that we can restore it but if you're just simply engaging in it you're not redeeming and you're not restoring and this is where like a lot of people i've heard this quite a bit where you know um some people will say well jesus hung out with the prostitutes in the centers and attack collectors 100 i totally get it but he wasn't hanging out he wasn't like playing cards like all right hit me you know he wasn't just hanging because when you actually look almost all the places that he visited somebody was getting delivered somebody was getting touched remember zacchaeus jesus is like hey i need to have dinner at your house is this the key yeah the wee little man right the hobbit he said i need to have dinner at your house so he comes and has dinner at his house and what happens he's like man i will repay everything that i stole sevenfold i'm gonna give half of what i own to the poor and he says he says the salvation has come to this home so he wasn't just hanging just to hang he was with them to bring light to them to redeem and to record that's the mission that jesus was sent on and we've been given the same mission per jesus's words in the same way the father has sent me now i send you to redeem and to restore i mean paul writes he says listen do not be deceived don't be deceived bad company will corrupt good character don't be deceived don't think well you know i you know it's cool i'm i'm you know it they won't they won't sway me either way if you're hanging out just to hang out man you got to be careful because even in the same sense paul shares when somebody falls into sin or falls into you know a a horrible pit or place he says let him who is spiritual restore him but take he to himself let lest he fall in the same manner right that listen i'm not at any any any frame the imagination teaching that you should feel vulnerable to the things you are around you but when you engage in such a way where you're just like okay we're just hanging you're usually not on on guard you're not usually guarding your heart you're letting the passage of fun and whatever just go in and out you saying like when you're hanging when you're just hanging you're not really like what is this person saying are they you know should i be worried about that no you're usually just like whatever comes goes i mean you know what i'm talking about you know those those some of those people you can get around and sometimes they can like start to push the buttons and start to go slight direction and you're like whoa whoa whoa and you find yourself like man that's what i used to do and i no no hold on i'm not talking about something egregious something i'm just talking about just getting into folly you know just get into foolish things you know like years ago you know when the lord um this is a while back the lord really convicted me about you know how i um and i think i've shared this here before uh growing up i we used to um we used to call it cracking on each other but we would like bag on each other and like make fun of each other and whoever you know you know got the crowd laughing the most in the at the other person's expense you won well i was constantly the winner and my tongue was was sharp man i could like i could i could cut you up man and people would be rolling people would be i mean my timing was like boom i could just tear you down and and for me it was all in the sake of like you know hey we're just cracking it's just fun and this and that well what happened was i couldn't look at a person without seeing their flaws or seeing something that's funny or foolish or you know and so me and my brothers i mean that's where i learned it from me and my brothers would crack on each other and make each other laugh and uh and it just it it permeated how i saw people how i thought and i didn't i didn't realize it until you know the lord convicted me of it and i said wow that that's pretty horrible because i don't i'm not supposed to see anyone according to the flesh i'm supposed to regard them according to the spirit and actually we'll get into that scripture um and and the lord had to to to deliver me from that and i said i submit inspiration lord that's not you don't want me to be seeing people this way you want me to see them as you designed them holy blameless and above reproach before the foundations of the world you know see them with lifted hands honoring the king believer or unbeliever that's how i see them man i see the potential of the shed blood over their life and what they look like born again that's how i'm called to see them and and but there were times where i would i would come and hang out with my brothers and and they weren't there yet and then they would just start going off and you know joking and and then i'd feel myself being pulled back into that you know either and it starts off with me just laughing at it like oh yeah and then and then then my mind is like oh yeah but this that this is really funny you know and then you're like then you're going to want to say something and i've had to catch myself so many times and go you know what lord no you know and then so i just i don't even let myself engage so when when if i mean i mean they haven't done this in a long time but when i would be around them and they would start going that direction i would just not funny or or walk away because that ain't that ain't come on listen you you have to you have to we have to really wrap our minds around the reality that whatever you submit yourself to you are submitting jesus christ to also or or it's not true that christ is in you or that scripture that it's no longer i that lived but christ that lives in me is not true if what i do he's not there if where i go he's not there if what i engage in he's not engaging in also then that scripture is not true but it is true let god be true and every man a liar it is christ in you christ in me the hope of glory so i i had to really condition my mind and train my mind to go wait a minute when i engage in something i'm bringing christ into that so it really began to shift and change what i allowed myself to involve myself into like well i don't want to engage in that what jesus christ the resurrected christ do that watch that say that laugh at that and it really kind of helps put things into perspective for you like we have to see that we have to believe that because the reality of us believing that is the reality of us fulfilling john 14 12. think about that the reality us of never separating ourselves from god knowing that in everything i do i live and move and have my being in him then there's no account or no no um desire or temptation for me to separate myself but when i engage in these things that are that are the love of the world the lust of the eye the pride of life the lust of the flesh what i just what we often do and we do this subconsciously and we we we subconsciously don't think jesus is there and that's why we're allowed to engage in something that he never would see our job isn't to tell you what to think like hey what should i what should i do what should i do no our job is to train you to teach you how to think with the mind of christ that everything you can you can you can filter through the mind of christ and it's very simple i know it's been trivialized it's been talked about it's been overplayed but it's but it's still true what would jesus do think about this the resurrected christ the resurrected christ the one who is sitting on the throne because that's the one who is in us the one who is in you is the resurrected christ and it becomes very simple the question is would jesus do that and and we get you know uh emails and we're more than happy to help guide people along the way but at some point we have to have our senses trained to discern good from evil because some people really based off what they do next base based off of what so-and-so says i just really need to know what so-and-so says i just really need to know what so-and-so says what do you think about this well i'm like well but what does the word of god say well yeah but i just really i you know then there's no butt like i don't understand because so-and-so could be wrong but the word is true it's settled in heaven so it makes things so simple you know with everything that's going on with the the vaccine passports and and and people possibly losing their jobs i've had to write a few um what do you call those um exemption uh medic not medical religious exemptions and um you know and but it's it's still you can hear a lot of concern and fear in the tone of people and you know but this is this is this is my livelihood and this is and i'm like you know i would love to do this would love to help out but you man you you have to be rock solid on who's your livelihood because they can take all this stuff away but then so then who's your sustainer who's your satisfier who's your provision and we have to be rock solid on that reality and so but again it it it just it's really simple you know i know we've we've we've come we've not fought against but we've spoken out against you know um certain things that we're mandated and forced to do and and honestly you know for me the reason why i never you know wore a mask was because the resurrected christ would never wear a mask he just he wouldn't the resurrected christ jesus lord savior master of above all authority you mean he's masking up for what reason to make you feel better [Music] now i think he would much rather touch you and make you feel better than to you know allow fear to exist in our midst and and and well how could you say that well how many times did he touch the leper and and to to to take it a step further who did he tell to then go in and touch lepers his disciples not just the 12 but also the 70 and whoever else so totally and that's earth jesus that's before the cross jesus now we're talking about resurrected jesus who lives in you all authority all power seated at the right hand of glory that dude's wearing a mask that dude's getting the the shot so again it becomes simple and we don't have to answer every question you just have to funnel it through the resurrected christ because it's something that we've taught and it's something we've said and and i just pray that it sinks in on a degree that it probably has never before that it says um love has been perfected among us in this that we have boldness on the day of judgment because as he is so are we when in this world so as he is how is he is he touched he's is he touched by infirmity is he touched by sickness is he touched by disorder is he touched by fear is he touched by any of those things as he is so are we in this world and because that just because it hasn't been every believer's reality does not make it true because the reality is god's will and it's written in scripture god's will is that all be saved would anyone disagree is it not written in the bible that it's god's will that all be saved come to the knowledge of the truth yes and yet not all will be saved so what's what's the determining and deciding factor our choice so i can choose to receive salvation which is choosing to know the father and to know the son which is everlasting life or i could choose my own way which is separate from the father there's no gray there's no great and the reality is revelations two and three jesus is affirming that there's no gray there's no middle there's no fence there's no lukewarm it doesn't exist and these things are important for us to because again we're training us how um um how to think through the mind of christ now we are fully consecrated with no compromise as unto the lord that was a long intro turn with me to first corinthians chapter nine you never planned those things out you just kind of just go where you feel the lord is leading you to go according to his word it's actually one of the scriptures i believe um i close i i closed with um last time i spoke but first corinthians chapter 9 verse 23-27 and paul is stating this to the corinthians he says i do all things for the sake of the gospel think about that i do all things for the sake of the good news of the lord jesus christ so that i may become a fellow partaker of it so what he does he does for the sake of the gospel so that he can also partake of the gospel interesting so if you're not doing the gospel you probably ain't partaking of it oops well that's why jesus says my food is to do the will of my father okay it says do you not know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize run in such a way that you may win everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things and all things who's that who's been an athlete in the room who's ever been an athlete trained as an athlete so you know what i'm talking about like if you've ever trained at any level or you know higher level where it's you know you're it's uh organized and and you got to train your body you know junk and junk out is what they would tell us you put junk in you're going to get junk out of your body no you can't go to jack in the box and and and fill up on one dollar tacos and then go and compete in a game and expect for you to play at your your your peak performance you know you got to fill your body with good things so that your muscles can fire and you you have stamina and you have all those things that that is that are necessary to compete but he says everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control and it takes a lot of self-control i remember for a long period of my of my life when i was competing i didn't eat things like mayonnaise no fried food limited on breads like basically anything that yeah sugar all that stuff like for years that's why it's so easy for me today to like pass that stuff by oh you want a cupcake you want a piece of cake i'm like nah i'm good you know soda like whatever you know i don't need it for a long period i you i mean as an athlete you shouldn't drink it anyway as a human you shouldn't drink it but he's done yeah he's done with it but um and you could probably throw sweet tea right next time you're like sacrilege no um but again but the whole point i'm trying to make here is that um it it it takes self-control and you know actually one of the manifestations of the fruit of the holy spirit is what self-discipline self-control you have the ability to say no you have the ability to say stop you have the ability to say no more you have that ability whether or not you use it that's up to you it's up to you man god has given us all things he's given us every necessary tool not only to defeat the enemy but to walk as a as a manifested son of god and if i'm not there yet it's not his fault because i'll never stand before the lord and go hey you just didn't do enough but a lot of people are living like that well god if you would have just touched me if you would have just appeared to me if you would have just jesus tells a story about that he goes hey abraham you know uh la um the the rich man he didn't give his name but abraham and lazarus we know their name and he's like i'm tormented in this flame go dip your finger in some water and touch my tongue i'm thirsty and he's like nah there's a great divide can't do it well uh uh go back and tell my brothers lest they also come to this place and he goes yo check this out they they have the the moses and the in the law or moses and the prophets have them hear them and he goes oh no no no send lazarus back because if they see someone raised from the dead a miracle a sign a wonder then surely they'll and he goes no no they won't because what happened when they let raise lazarus from the dead a lot a lot believed so i'm not taking away a lot believe and that's awesome because we know that those miracles are signs those wonders are signs healing is a sign to the unbeliever that god is who he says he is and his word is true amen so i'm not discrediting the the sign the sign is is awesome but not everybody follows the signs i mean just drive in texas for about 10 minutes not everybody follows the signs i'm like it says 70 miles an hour oh lord not everybody follows the signs and that's the truth moon lazarus raised us from the dead they're like we gotta kill him cause people are believe the dude raised from the dead and they're like we gotta kill him because people are believing like at what at what point do you just go okay people are coming up from the dead people are getting healed pharisees we need to rethink some things i mean jesus raised from the dead and they knew he raised from the dead and they pay off the the uh the centurions not to say anything i mean you're like my goodness so sometimes if somebody chooses unbelief there's no there's nothing that we can do to make them choose otherwise they have to choose they have to choose how did i get there from self-control oh choice your choice everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things in all things i mean i think a lot of us have to commit just just lord i i choose lord i thank you for the fruit of self-control and i choose self-control in all things i choose temperance in all things and some of us just need to like receive that and let that be our confession i choose to be temperate i choose that and watch what happens when grace comes and meets you in that place of you your choice helps to make it your reality they then do it to receive a perishable wreath but we imperishable therefore i run in such a way as is not without aim i box in such a way as not beating the air but i discipline my body and make it my slave so that after i have preached to others i myself will not be disqualified i mean that's that's huge this statement that that paul is making is huge he's saying after i've done after i've preached the gospel and i've planted churches and i've done all these things if i've not partaken of the gospel in my own heart if i've not disciplined my own body if i've not allowed myself to be tempered if i've not made my body a slave and not allow my body to dictate what i'm going to do that at the end of it all that i might be disqualified that would be so lame to stand before him and say lord didn't we didn't i and didn't i help people didn't i do this and didn't i do that he says i i didn't know you i don't know you i don't know you that would be so bunk and that's why as i'm saying that's why revelations two and three exists because that's jesus coming to the church and saying you got to shore up some things you got to show up you're doing some good things you're doing some not so good things i need you to repent and get back to the reality of what you're called to this gospel i need you to get back in line i need you to move because then if you don't it didn't end well for all of them it didn't end well except for one who was pretty good all throughout they didn't in will for all for the rest if they had not repented so i'm saying it's so important that we think and move with the mind of christ that we do not allow any compromise at all at all and i praise god for for those who have gone before us who've done it the way that they did it thank god for their lives and many people who have sown into us and and into you but if i'm not producing what jesus prophesied that i can produce then i need to go back and just discover okay what do i need to do you get what i'm saying like like we honor like i honor my my mom and dad i honor for the them for the foundation they gave me but at some point i had to i had to look unto jesus the author and finisher of my faith and say okay what is it that i'm supposed to do how am i supposed to live and then i got into his word and i saw it and i said okay there's no turning back i have decided to follow jesus so i make my body a slave my body is slave to my spirit not my spirit slave to my body because at the end of it all i will not be disqualified this this life is but a vapor y'all this butt of vapor and to put so much stock in this world here and now it's it's it's a trivial pursuit because it goes like that that's why paul says do not sow he says he who sows into the spirit will of the spirit reap life everlasting but if you sow into the flesh you shall reap corruption and and we think that when he says flesh he's just talking about sin no he's talking about anything that's that's carnal the love of the world proverbs 13 8 we're talking about our conduct no compromise it says poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline but he who regards reproof will be honored that's where we need to be like i i i've told this i've said this on my wednesday night group i've said it to people who are close to me and i stick i stick by it and i stand by it i do not mind i actually enjoy being corrected that's how much i desire to be in the truth i welcome reproof i welcome rebuke i welcome it because if you're telling me the truth then that's where i want to be that's right i don't want to spend another moment sitting on what i think is right if it's not producing life so please help me love me in in that way love me in that way so that i can get right so that i can be in the truth poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline but he who regards reproof will be honored second corinthians 5 14 through 21 this is where we're just going to get into to just hardcore scripture paul says for the love of christ controls me or controls us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died and he died for all jesus so that they who live might no longer live for themselves he died so that as you live in this world you no longer live for yourself but for him who died and rose again on our behalf therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh even though we have known christ according to the flesh yet now we know him in this way no longer what a amazing statement it's it's incred he's come to a conclusion and this conclusion is that we who live no longer live for ourselves but we live for him i know it's it's a hard it's for for some of us it might be a hard change to make because we've lived most of our lives living for both and yet jesus clearly says if you want to be my disciple you have to deny yourself take up your cross daily and follow me daily it's a daily laying things down and picking things up picking him up picking up truth and walking out truth it's a daily surrender first john 4 17. i already quoted this this is love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world as he is so are we in this world so if we're living no longer for ourselves but we're living for him or in other places in him and in another place through him which him pre-cross or post-cross post-resurrected jesus that's the one who we're living through living in living from in us the hope of glory going back to second corinthians 5 verse 17 it says therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creature the old things passed away behold new things have come now all these things are from god who reconciled us to himself through christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation namely that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself not counting their trespasses against them he has committed to us the word of reconciliation therefore we are ambassadors of christ we are ambassadors of christ we represent christ like we are sent on his behalf to litigate for him as an ambassador would thinking about all the think about the things that an ambassador has has uh immunity from diplomatic immunity like where they go with sovereign soil i mean do you do you ever recall or hearing something like that ever in the bible wherever your foot shall i will give you the abrahamic blessing i mean it's it's the fulfillment and that's why he uses this this type of language about being an ambassador for christ as though god were making an appeal through us through you we baggle you on we beg you on behalf of christ be reconciled to god he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of god in him that's who we are it's who we are it's what we have each person in this room has the ministry of reconciliation each person in this room and listening online has the word of reconciliation and each person in this room and online has become righteous a righteous ambassador on behalf of christ reconciling the world back to him ii peter chapter 1. starting in verse 3 seeing that his divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellence or virtue let me read that first part again he says seeing that his divine power has granted to us everything so what is it that has granted us everything it was through his what somebody said it divine power is his power matched by anything or anyone in the universe so that which he has given to us the starting place for him to us was his divine power it's through his divine power that we have been granted everything pertaining to life and godliness show me your limitation from god's standpoint there is none the only limitation is that we perceive those limitations and we lack self-discipline or we lack the ability to stay steadfast it's always we're always the variable we've always been the variable the earth is the way it is because of one man that's what the bible tells us it doesn't credit eve it credits adam and then it credits the second adam with restoring us so god's not the culprit man is we've always been but god did something in us through the cross that we don't have to be tossed around that we don't have to be given over to the things of this world and that's why all these things that we're reading through my desire my hope is that you you you hear them you read them and you affirm yourself in them that you see yourself in them that you go man as he is so am i in this world that is going to be true of me i'm going to let go of anything that tries to talk me out of that position out of that reality out of that power he's given to me all things that pertain to life and godliness by his his divine power lord i'm not gonna let anything talk me out of that not my experiences not what people say not what people do we have to be that steadfast and come to that conclusion we talk about no compromise right pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellence for by these he has granted to us his precious and magnificent promises so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust so there's a way for us to escape the corruption that's in the world and it's these exceedingly great and precious promises this is divine power that is given to us all things pertaining to life in godliness i just have to partake i have to remain and i have to abide now for this very reason also applying all diligence there's that word again discipline diligence right so i need to do something god did something and i need to do something but the something that i need to do is just to refrain from the junk of the world that's what i need to do but for some it's so difficult because we're it's it's familiar it's like those old pair of jeans that you probably should have got rid of a long time ago but they just fit so well you know no they're old get some new get some new genes some holy ghost genes applying all diligence in your faith supply moral excellence and in your moral excellence knowledge and in your knowledge self-control there's that word and in your self-control perseverance and perseverance godliness and in godliness brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness love for if these qualities are yours and are increasing they render you neither useless nor unfruitful think about that and another translation says baron if there's any barrenness in your life in your ministry what you're doing in your in your living and you're serving be reminded of this that by his exceedingly great and precious promises when we abide and we and we apply these things he says that we will neither be useless or barren nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our lord jesus christ and if i have knowledge i can stop destruction according to hosea because god's people are destroyed not because god's not faithful not because he's not powerful not because he's not love not because he's not with us not because he's not for us it's because hosea says a lack of knowledge and then he goes on to say when i gave you the the knowledge you rejected it why because of the the nice form-fitting jeans those nice jeans those old jeans god wants to give you a new pair and you're like but these ones are just they're nice well but i got the new shirt but i like these he's like no i i i want you head to toe head to toe all in clothed in christ clothed in righteousness this is good news for he who lacks these qualities is blind so if these things are lacking it's due to blindness or short-sightedness having forgotten his purification from his former sins think about that i mean like what about your old life is so amazing that you're not willing to lay the whole thing down to embrace his new life and he says listen if if if this is not your reality it's because of blindness it's because you've forgotten that that that that that old life wasn't working that's why you came to christ jesus in the first place because the old life ain't working it's never worked it's never fulfilled anybody and it's interesting how often we can get drawn into it and he says here he says listen it's due to short-sightedness you've forgotten and maybe not completely forgotten that you were cleansed by the blood but maybe in certain areas maybe in certain areas you just you know you forgot that jesus died to redeem your your thought life he jesus died to redeem your uh you know your fun life jesus died to redeem you know every part the reconciliation of ministry of reconciliation we've been given is uh spirit soul and body our soul our mind our thoughts our imagination he died to redeem all of it therefore brethren be all the more diligent to make certain about his calling and choosing you for as long as you practice these things you will never stumble oh no bro it's impossible it's impossible to stumble man we'll always stumble well somebody got to go back in time and tell peter somebody got to tell john somebody better tell paul because they're all saying the same thing because they got it from the same one precious holy spirit he's speaking the same thing for as long as you practice these things you will never stumble for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our lord savior and jesus christ will be abundantly supplied to you i remember when i read that i think i heard it preached first and then i went back and i just like camped there and i was like my whole life i've been told that you know you're going to miss it it's just a matter of when you know you're always bound you just you're going to be bound to do that and you know you just gotta you know oh man i'm trying i'm trying to think of this saying oh it's so it's it's horrible yeah never be perfect you'll never but but the one i'm thinking of is uh god jesus came not to make you sinless but so that you can sin less or something some something stupid like that and i was like you know but when when your mind is unrenewed you're like yeah because all you because you're condemned right you're condemned and so and so in condemnation you're like okay yeah that makes sense and so and then grace then gets greasy and sloppy and yet we're not to continue in grace of that or continuing sin so that grace may have bound and i remember when i when i when i heard this taught i was like oh my gosh that there's literally something that i can do which is basically remaining in him and believing that i have received these exceedingly great and precious promises and disciplining my life and by doing so i can never stumble [Applause] so i'm going to believe what the bible says because this is settled in heaven heaven's like yeah earth is like [Music] my experience that's right you know show me one holy man who's ever never stumbled it's irrelevant because this is what god says this is what the holy spirit is saying and he's not going to contradict himself he's not going to come you know 2 000 years later and say well you know it's different now he's not so we just we we really have to settle the word of god because any new we do not despise prophecy but any new prophet prophecy that contradicts what he's already declared we have to test it we have to and that's that's what the bible tells us to do test it all test it all line it up to the word if it if it's if it if it's um if it works with the word and it's in alignment in agreement then you go okay i'll heat it let's go let's run with that and so this has been given to us as a a a plumb line to help keep us straight because this is what this what brother curry was i don't know when i was shot a year ago maybe was saying he's talking about the new man our new creation who we are in christ jesus this is consistent with our new life in him if you're born again if you're a follower of jesus christ this ought to be your reality this is not for super christian status this is for normal christian living he doesn't say if you want to be a super christian and the anointed man of god the man of the hour so everybody knows your name do these things he says no this is what you're called to if you're in him this is the normal life that you're called to live every day this isn't events we have to get beyond i know brother curry actually just talked about this a little bit ago we have to get beyond event christianity no it's every day it's it's a new and living way this is what's consistent with our new nature in christ jesus and i know i'm reiterating a lot of things i reiterated for you know a couple two weeks ago but it's it's important that we get affirmed and established in this so that we're not pulled away do you want to never stumble again yes do you here's the pathway jesus made the way he took sin out of you so that you don't have to obey it anymore he made you a slave of righteousness so that you could no longer don't have to be a slave to sin he took your old nature and nailed it to the tree crucified it so that you did not have to obey its its desires anymore he put his holy spirit in you so that the holy spirit wars against the desires of the sin nature around us man he that's that's what peter means but he's given to us all things pertaining to life and godliness that we can manifest our identity in connection with the resurrected christ the resurrected christ fiery eyes all power all authority at the right hand of god whose blood is as we think speaking a better word than the blood of bulls and ghosts speaking a better word than that of abel you talk about our nature proverbs 28 1 tells us it says the wicked flee when no one is pursuing but the righteous are as bold as a lion this morning what the curry mentioned about how jesus is the line of the tribe of judah he's the lion of the tribe of judah and we who are righteous are as bold as the lion as a lion and i would suggest that you're as bold as the lion of the tribe of judah why because as he is you have to connect those dots every time if it's consistent in him it must be consistent in you that's how you have to think if this is the way he thinks this is the way he lives then it must be consistent with the way i live or well the way i live must be consistent with the way he is i mean right there the way i live must be consistent with the way he is and i don't always do it but i can look at this i can read this and i can agree with it and i can say this will be my reality and i will discipline my body i will make the tough choices it's all a matter of choice the difference between somebody mightily used by god and someone not is the choice of that person to be used by god elijah had a choice confront ahab or not he chose to trust the lord shadrach meshach and abednego had a choice stand in the midst of the fiery furnace or not or bow like everyone else for convenience because hey you know you know if i maybe if i don't get tossed in the fire maybe there's a lot more people that i could probably you know encourage about the lord who is god you know it would it would make sense for me to die in the fire if i can you know if i can just bow and then like you know then go out and like teach he just lost all credibility so what's so good about your god if you can't even protect you from the fire if you're willing to take the knee to save your life so what's special about your god and i'm so thankful that they didn't regard themselves or regard the mission as more important they regarded their relationship as more important or i i said that probably weird what they would perceived the mission would be because they knew uh-uh no bow no compromise we're coming back to no compromise they said no compromise we will not bow because the lord has said the lord has spoken and guess what he redeems them from the fire he pulls them out of the fire and it shakes a nation god's way is always better the other way seems right but there's a way that seems right to man and it's it's about never putting god in that box do not put god in the box well god i don't see how we're going to do this and if they do this and if they do that how are we going to do this and well i guess our god is just not big enough no he's big enough if he needs you somewhere he can get you there if you need to be somewhere he'll get you there i mean there's so many stories god tells a man you know go to go to the airport pack your bags go to the airport it's like god ain't got no ticket go pack your bags go to the airport okay all right lord i'm here at the airport going to that stall i i don't have to pee go into the stall all right goes into the stall and that one right there close the door all right goes and close the doors all right come out opens it he's in a whole other country and he goes and preaches the gospel the only limitation is that we perceive these limitations that we've already perceived and preconditioned our hearts that god is limited by the world by the elements by facts by chemistry by biology by all those things geography he's not limited by anything he created it you think he can't supersede it absolutely he can and he wants to for you he wants you to believe and have such trust in him so that you never compromise it's easy it is it's so easy jesus if you ain't saying it now if you ain't doing it now then i won't pick it up i don't need it i'm gonna follow you i'm gonna trust you it doesn't make any sense to trust him to say you trust him with your eternal soul but hold back your life living here like he can't do something with that like he can't touch it like he can't bless it like he can't redeem it you trust him with your eternal soul your spirit that lives forever and you're worried about what how he can feed you and clothe you think about that which which lasts longer your your body here on earth or your soul for all eternity i kind of gave you the answer i'm telling you it's it's easy it's easy if you're able to trust him with something that is forever you mean you it's harder for you to trust him with something that's temporal it just it requires a choice you are the temple of god say that say i am the temple of god christ lives in me it is no longer i that live [Applause] but christ in me the hope of glory you believe that i've just trained you how to think as he is so are you now you're you are so needed in this world to live like how he is regardless of your age regardless of your your gender one or the other regardless how much money you make how much money you don't have your position your education none of that matters it doesn't matter what matters is are you born again do you love him are you in him is he in you and do you believe him do you have faith in him because we what he can do with that is amazing amen amen i think i'm done but i certainly have like three or four more pages of scripture to read um so this is what we're gonna do if you need healing in your body stand up and if you can't stand up in the name of jesus stand up [Music] if you need healing in your body stand up and those who are watching online if you need healing in your body stand up unless you're driving don't stand up in the name of jesus don't stand up thank you jesus so i've just talked for the last i don't know i don't know how i've been talking for a long time about the reality of no limitation in you as the body of christ it says the holy spirit if he dwells in you he will quicken to life your mortal body and it's not just any spirit it's the holy spirit it's the same spirit he is the same spirit that raised the lord jesus christ from the dead he dwells inside your body now right now this very moment and i believe he's touching you right now he's quickening your mortal body right now some of you have already felt his presence i know it i believe it he's coming in jesus name hallelujah so those around you preferably not your spouse not that there's anything wrong with that but somebody around around these people that are standing lay a hand on them and do what jesus said don't take five minutes 15 seconds come on you you can't hear a message that we just talked about about who we are and what we've been given and not do what jesus said to do because as he is so are you right now to set people free to reconcile people back to the father so as they're doing that i'm gonna pray for people who are online right now in the name of jesus in the spirit i release you right now from your infirmity i release you from your disease i release you from your pain i declare healing and life to you right now in the name of jesus right now terminal things right now will go every harassing spirit right now will go and i set you free in the name of the lord jesus christ you are healed be healed be healed and be free now if there's something in this room it's something you couldn't do and even watching online something you couldn't do some way to test test it right now let us testify what god is doing in jesus name yeah healed yes healed in jesus name anybody else anybody else healed healed in jesus name healed healed in jesus name thank you father right now thank you father thank you father if there's still work to be done keep standing if there's still work to be done in your body keep standing okay we've got one two three okay all right hit him again not literally [Applause] hit that thing again remember we're not convincing god we're declaring and commanding the body to line up right now and it's going to line up because jesus is lord thank you father thank you jesus jesus is lord lord over his church you are the healer you are the restorer thank you lord amen now check it again check it again round two what's going on thank you father round two some change if there's some change we've okay we got some change amen some change thank you lord thank you father well check this out what does the word of god say believers lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so are you going to recover yes the seed is sown you shall recover in jesus name brother ron's got a testimony about that he's got an awesome testimony about that he we were hitting them i mean for what 10 minutes commanding that that thing to move move move move and let it little did we know in the spirit it moved right but he he walked out of this place with pain woke up the next day done why because the seed is sown and god is true god is true his word is true we have faith in his word we have faith in what he's done not in our faith he is faithful amen so i bless you now in the name of the lord jesus christ may you walk in accordance to the truth of what god has declared over your life be an ambassador be as he is in this world here and now be blessed and reconcile men back to the father amen amen bless you you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 6,605
Rating: 4.9827585 out of 5
Id: F0uhbM2Iy80
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Length: 184min 33sec (11073 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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