47 All That Jesus Began to Do and to Teach - Recorded 03-10-13

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all right we're going to look at some things today and we're going to talk actually where I want to give you a couple of scriptures we're going to start in Matthew chapter four then we're going to go to mark chapter one then we're gonna look at Acts chapter one so we got a couple places we're gonna go but I also want you to get the overall picture that today we're talking about all that Jesus began both to do and to teach and he hid that whole sentence now that's all out of Acts chapter one and Luke is writing to Theophilus who was obviously a lover of God that's what Theophilus means and he is writing to him and he says that he made sure that everything that he wrote and everything that had already been written in the Gospel of Luke had been proven by Luke he had investigated he had researched it and made sure that everything he'd written was absolutely accurate and then he wrote the book of what we called the book of the Acts of the Apostles which probably would have been a taxi apostles a good name for it I think the main star there was a Holy Ghost so it's kind of more along the acts of the Holy Ghost more than the Acts of the Apostles because there's a lot of other people in there doing some things to other than just apostles so but here he is writing and he says that all that Jesus began both to do and to teach now first off when we even get into the message notice Jesus did and taught he didn't just do and he didn't just teach he did and he taught every believer should do and teach every believer should be sharing with someone at more than just say more than just in a witnessing aspect but should be disciple amor every believe you say well I don't know that much well believe it or not there's people that know less than you did all right so it ought to be easy to find so just find somebody knows less than you do and teach them bring them up to speed and then somebody will teach you a little bit more and then this whole thing just gross amen that's the way it's supposed to work now so get to picture we're starting at the very beginning of Jesus's ministry Jesus had been baptized by John and Jordan River he'd gone into the wilderness he had been tempted he overcame temptation he won the victory in temptation it says he returned in the power of the Spirit and as soon as he got kind of back on the scene then John the Baptist was almost immediately arrested and then beheaded after that as soon as John was was arrested basically Jesus started preaching now John was already preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and then Jesus picked it up immediately and said exactly the same thing we read this in Matthew chapter 4 starting in verse 17 it says and I want to emphasize certain words and the key to our ministry really has been the fact that we actually pay attention to exactly what's written and we emphasize words that most people just run past so it says in verse 17 Matthew chapter 4 from that time he noticed a word from that time what does that mean how do we say that today from then on exactly from then on so it wasn't he didn't say and at this time Jesus preached this right because then we'd say well that was one time did he preach that but he didn't say that he said from that time so basically from the very beginning of Jesus's ministry we know how he started but we also know that whatever he started with he continued all the way through amen that's that's the whole point of today okay I've already given it to you that he's what he started doing he continued doing he didn't do something one time many times when I talked to Christians and non-christians they had the idea that Jesus just went around and gave a little word here and preached the Sermon on the Mount here and did this thing over here and healed some people over there and it was all disconnected but it wasn't he was sent with the purpose he was sent to preach that the kingdom of God was at hand and inviting people to partake of that kingdom and everything he taught was about that Kingdom and literally every word every action was a demonstration of the kingdom see once you start putting this whole thing in perspective all of a sudden now it's like okay so he was just showing us how the kingdom is supposed to be operating he's showing us how people who live in the kingdom how they live this is how they live so we're gonna look at that a little bit more no Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 from that time Jesus began to preach and to say so what he said was what he preached and what he preached he began to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that means it's available it's here it can be entered into now just so you know this has really stood out to me whenever I was doing some research on this the term just the two words the kingdom is found just from Matthew to John one hundred times 100 times probably more than any other single statement basically that is a two word constructor amazing thing out of four Gospels 100 times it's mentioned and we know that even John says everything that he did and say wasn't mentioned but we know that everything he did and said was included in the kingdom of heaven is at hand right so I want you to get it get that kind of locked in then in mark chapter 1 in verse 14 it says now after that John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel now what's the gospel the good news right he wouldn't listen he wasn't preaching a sermon so much as he was preaching good news he was bringing good news he was evangelizing meaning bringing forth good news he was preaching the good news of the kingdom the rain the superiority to supremacy right the rule the government of God he was preaching the good news that God's government could be entered into and exercised upon the earth and saying so as he was preaching the kingdom this is what he would say the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the good news the gospel the good news that this is it now notice he was preaching the gospel but he was not preaching his death burial and resurrection I always have to emphasize that when we talk about the gospel normally we talk about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus that is not what he was preaching if anything he hid it for the most part hit it in parables and even hid it from his own disciples for a while and then he vanished start bringing it out when he did bring it out they didn't get it and he kept having to repeat it and they still didn't get it and they didn't even get it even when he died and he had to show back up to them and even then when he found him they were all hiding and the door was locked so he had to walk through a wall basically or walk to the door there to get in and he shows up and then it says now think about this we were last night when the rain was coming in it was awesome I turned off everything open a window and just laid there listening the rain that's I love that all right hey and that in the sound of a baby laughing it's probably my two favorite sounds a pen it's just nothing else like this and if you could get those to time just right okay so we um let's not turn off all the lights lay down open the window listen to it and just listen that rain coming down and just just appreciating God and just talking to him about the rain and the things that's going on and and it was amazing because I kept seeing just God's goodness and well I'm kind of getting off topic here but it was it was good because it was so quiet and yet the rain was there and as I was talking with God it's like rain would coming in waves and you could hear it from the far off and would finally show up and I started realizing and and started talking to God about isaiah 55:11 and has word goes forth then returned void and accomplishes what he sent it and he sends the rain his word is like rain that comes down that makes the earth produce fruit and I started reminding him of that as if he needed reminding but it's just started tell him about all that and then I'm just appreciating how he just continues to deal with people he continues to work in people's lives and it's just like us sometimes like a slow rain that you just can't get away from and it's always moving forward and that's the way his kingdom is that his kingdom starts small we know and then grows and he said the kingdom even though it starts the smallest of all seed that once it's planted it grows into a tree that all the fowls of the air can live in other words it grows into this huge thing well that's exactly kind of what this teaching has been doing is that as we move into it we start to see it it takes care of every part of life it's involved in every part of life you know we talk about divine healing that's a topic and we talk about the new man which is what was accomplished by Jesus on the cross and through his resurrection but the new man has to function in the kingdom and so there had to be a a kingdom for the new man to function in you have to realize people didn't function in the kingdom of God really before Jesus they were bits and kind of little bursts of power but they didn't walk in it Jesus showed us how to walk everyday in the kingdom had to walk free the thing about the kingdom is that it frees you from from everyday life it frees you from having to think in terms of what we're gonna eat we're gonna wear you know the bills gonna get paid once you understand the kingdom and if and if you're still having to worry about those things I can also tell you don't understand the kingdom yet and you don't understand because in the kingdom you're a king and a priest under God who is your father and you have a father who wants to take care of you he will take care of you and in this kingdom it's not it's not like the Old Covenant it's not like the old under the law where you had to perform perfectly in this kingdom it's already coming the way you activate it is simply by reading it deciding and going oh that's true and then you just do what pretty much everybody the Bible said at one point they all said let it be unto me according to your word and really that's all I want you to do today I just want you to decide father let it be unto me according to your word and then as you read the word you find out what it is and you just start letting that just be you really oh okay that's supposed to be you cannot go by based upon what has been in the past you can't I don't care if you've struggled emotionally with sin with finances with healing I don't care what are you struggling in I'm telling you today if you just simply decide to let to tell God let it be unto me according to your word if that that believing flips a switch because this kingdom is as we were talking earlier you know this kingdom is is it's voice-activated amen the principles of if you had faith as a seed you would say so the kingdom is voice-activated it is the word in your mouth as a seed you plant it and you say and once you believe and then you say it works you plant the seed you water the seed you believe and you say yeah I'm Terry that's it that's the element of everything about the kingdom of everything about the gospel of everything in Christianity you believe and you say because we are believed therefore we speak that's what it comes down to and whatever is going on in your life at some point you said it so at some point you have to just simply change your saying Amen just just take no thought say that doesn't line up for the Word of God the Word of God we have to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ amen see we don't listen we are ambassadors of a kingdom and as ambassadors we do not have the right to our personal opinion an ambassador can only say what the kingdom he represents of the nation he represents says that's the only way you do not have the right to your own opinion if somebody comes to you and says oh oh you know what do you what do you think about homosexuality I don't look well what is your position on it oh well now III can't give you my position but I will tell you the position of the kingdom that I represent it's an abomination see that's not me saying that that's I'm just representing the kingdom understand now the good thing is they can be changed there can be a change well I was born this way well guess what I was born a sinner too nezam and I had to get born again amen so how you're born listen who cares it didn't matter how you're born what counts is how you're born again amen and you're born again according to incorruptible seed according to the Word of God right which is and now you are recreated in true holiness and righteousness after the one that created you after Jesus Christ after God himself amen no no so God he says look at Acts chapter one and here's what we actually kind of get the title for today here Luke is writing in verse 1 he says the former traders have I made both the office of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach now we could stand there for a while or stop there for a while and preach first sometime all that Jesus began Nino's 'never says he stopped he began to do and to teach he started something that he passed on you're going to see that in just a minute but he began both to do and to teach and now watch this verse 2 until now until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandments unto the Apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God hey you know even and this is a yeah this is when I got on the the rain thing will ago because I member laying there thinking forty days Jesus is he's been dead three days he rises from the dead he shows up at their gathering and for the next forty days he just talks to them shares with them and starts and it says he spoke of the things notice he didn't just say he spoke about stuff it didn't say he answered questions you would think now this man Jesus rises from the dead and you would think he's there forty days then I mean that's a long time you got plenty of time to ask questions you you got things that after the initial shock and you're thinking okay you know always wondered about this what about two and it doesn't say what all they did but it said he spoke to them and it said later that he explained to them all things out of the law and the prophets of how Christ had to suffer and it told it all about him but notice here it says that he spoke to them about the kingdom of God think about that for 40 days he explained the kingdom and that would explain why they acted the way they did right after the day of Pentecost I mean these these men acted different after the day of Pentecost and they they acted they went Paul's writing and we talked about this but in some of the other teachings you know here he has chained to a Roman guard and he's he's talking like he's the boss you know I mean I'm sure the guard is thinking I hear I'm guarding you know I'm your guard to make sure you don't get away and Paul the second I'm sure glad I got you as my bodyguard so I don't just get swamped by people you know it's just a whole different mindset you know I'm saying yeah I mean he's writing letters about and this guard is thinking about how I couldn't have to have this job much longer because he's gonna go before Caesar and they're they're gonna I'm cutting his head off so this is going to end pretty quick and then Paul sitting there right and saying yeah I know the church needs me and I really want to go on but right now I think the church needs me too much so I don't know I probably stay around a while I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna die yet I'll just stay here and do my job like he was in control of whether he died or not what he was and so but it shows different perspectives and you can be right around the kingdom of God and not see it it can be all around you and people can be experiencing it and yet you're just kind of standing go well you know what's the big deal and so here he says for 40 everything about that forty days going into detail on the kingdom of God you know I've only taught on it six or seven times here now I taught on a couple of years ago about the kingdom parables and things but not 40 days and not all the time I mean literally staying sitting here and sending out for food and coming back in and that kind of thing I mean it's you know there's a couple hours here and there but for 40 days speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God look at Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 starting in verse 16 you know this pass running through several places but I just want you get an overall view of what's going on Jesus has picked up now John is dead he starts to preach then we kind of move forward and talk about how Jesus died and when he came back what he did for forty days but when he first started it says from from in Matthew Ford we're going to go to Luke 4 don't worry but in Matthew 4:17 says from that time Jesus began to preach him to say so then you look at Luke 4 and this was really the first time he started preaching yeah and it said in Matthew 4 that he started preaching that the game of heaven is here so if we look at Luke 4 you think okay where's that at where's the kingdom at that what's all through it but again if you don't understand it you won't see it but he says in Luke 4 verse 16 and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read now I'm just gonna stop right there first off you noticed we're talking about the son of God I would say he was pretty smart when you say Mao says in him is hidden all the treasure or the treasures of wisdom and knowledge right I think he'd be pretty smart and he still went to church now you know he didn't go expecting to learn anything I mean honestly he probably thought I'm going to sit through another one and they're gonna tell it wrong you know because I was there when it happened I know what happened you know he was thinking that right but he still went yeah and then you wonder why he said how long have to suffer you well there it is right there you know cuz see we say put up with and he says suffer his same thing but notice it said he stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and we had opened the book he found the place where he's written now do you realize they would have taken a little while to find that place because Isaiah was on a scroll and you had to roll that thing out and go all the way through and he had to go to all the way all the way to what we called chapter 61 and there weren't any chapter numbers there so it wasn't like he had to just turn and keep seeing numbers I mean he had to actually read it yet okay it's further down yeah no it's not there yet it would take a little bit of time to pull through these girls plus there was a ritual in handling the scrolls you know it wasn't just something where they just tossed it down and kind of went through it I mean there was you know before they grabbed it if I'm not mistaken they had to wash their hands and do all this stuff and his ritual and he said he stood up to read and there was delivered in the book of the prophet Isaiah and we need to open the book he found the place where it was written no we know that's in Isaiah 61 and this is where he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor the good news to the poor what good news the good news of the kingdom you see he wasn't preaching the good news of his death burial resurrection remember that he was preaching the good news that God's kingdom was finally here now remember Exodus 19:6 we just read he said if you will obey me and keep my statutes and walk in my covenant then you will be a kingdom of priests the he was saying there is a kingdom coming and that's what they wanted but they wanted it physically and when they asked him and I remember this they said when the kingdom of God comes how will it come what's good we know he said well it's not gonna come about observation he said it's like the Holy Spirit that comes you you see the leaves Russell used to see those things but you don't see it it's not going to show up they're not going to march in and take over it's gonna be of the spirit it's gonna be in the heart it's going to change things and you can see the results of it but it's not a kingdom like you would think and he said you're gonna be a kingdom of priests you're gonna be a kingdom for me that is going to worship me and my presence is going to be everywhere amen you with me so far okay now three weeks okay all right let's look on he says the spear the Lord is upon if you don't I'm talking about don't worry about it that's okay the spear the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord now watch and he closed the book as soon as as soon as he said to preach the acceptable year the Lord that's when he finished it right then he didn't go on why because the very next part of that same last verse he said the vengeance of our God to preach the vengeance of our God he didn't that's not what he preached he wasn't preaching to vengeance he was preaching the good news of the kingdom that God's reign was there and the only people to get the vengeance of the ones that don't accept the good news and it wasn't time for the vengeance at that point right now at that point it was set off to a future date and now he's saying I'm here to tell you good things some good news right of this kingdom now you say well where is the kingdom in there easy first off the kingdom is preaching the gospel to the poor why what good news of the kingdom didn't he say blessed her user poor one for yours is the kingdom of heaven so if he's going to preach the gospel the good news to the poor he's got to preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the poor to tell him guess what you have a heavenly father you don't have to worry about paying your bills in a sense of all we're gonna make it we're not gonna make it we're going to starve what's going to happen to us I'm not gonna have to go into debt and you know yeah so you know mortgage off things so that I can stay out of debt or be in debt so far and go into servitude because they would sir they would sell themselves in a servitude for so many years and he said listen poor you you got a heavenly father he will take care of you trust him he wants to take care of you and when you do when you seek first the kingdom of God and his right his right standing then all these things will be added to you you're not have to chase them you can't outrun them yeah that that's that's a better promise than even they had on the Old Covenant now he goes on and he says two priests acceptable year of the Lord and he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him why because they weren't useless to hear and so he preached that why because they knew that related to a specific time when the kingdom of God was at hand and he began to say unto them notice he's already sat down everybody's looking at him you can kind of forget the idea of he's sitting down everybody just stare and it's quiet he looks at him kind of like what what and he looks at him and says this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears and you're hearing right now notice they were all looking at him and all bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth and they said is not this joseph´s son and he said unto them you will surely say unto me this proverb physician heal thyself what so ever we've heard done in Capernaum do also here in your own country and he said unto them verily I say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country but I tell you of a truth many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias when the heaven was shut up three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land now notice he's going back to their history and he says but unto none of them was Elias in save unto Sarepta a city of Sidon unto a woman that was a widow in other words somebody wasn't even part of the Covenant at this point they in other words you got all the Land of Israel going under a drought and a famine and here he sends them to a to a Gentile and many lepers were in Israel in the time of Alicia's the prophet and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian what's he doing he's hitting at their nationality he's saying you think just because you're of Israel you got it made and here God overlooks you and sent his prophets to people that were outside the Covenant so just because you think you're in the Covenant don't think that you have a handle on it or that nothing matters now because you're in and all they in the synagogue when they heard these things were filled with wrath me you notice it went from what in about six verses in six verses it went from an all bearing witness and wondered at the gracious words had proceeded out of his mouth - and when they heard these things they were filled with wrath I'm Tina didn't take but a second for the crowd to turn on you I mean it's it's amazing how fast that can happen and says then he rose up and thrust him out of the city and led him out let him under the brow the hill we're up on we're on there city was built that they might cast him down headlong everyone throw him headfirst off the cliff and the funny thing is because you read on this whole story here it says at one point that he actually he went with him he got right to the edge and then it says he turned around and walked through their midst I mean you know and I'm absolutely convinced cuz he didn't have to go with him he could have broke away from him you know I mean he had some power right and I really think as they were because it says they were kind of carrying him out I'm sure they were jostling around and kind of pushing and somebody's got him by the arm and oh yeah let's just throw him over this blasphemer this you know thing that person and thinks he's something I'm sure they're carrying him out and he's walking with her the whole time you know he's calm you know he's peaceful you know he's not he you know he knows he's not gonna die like that why cause he knows Psalm 22 and says he's gonna be pierced so he knows that anyway it's gonna happen and so he's they're leading him out and all the way out I'm sure he's saying you're you really think you're gonna do this you you really you really want to do this don't you see this shows you your heart he's it and he went right with him to the edge when he got there he said all right I just see that was just like Abraham raising that knife they he was given them a chance to repent and they had from the time they were in the synagogue until they got to the edge of the cliff and he left he gave them enough rope to hang himself he proved their heart got him right to the edge and when he got there he goes alright well I gave you a chance and he just ran walks away and you know wonder what what were they thinking when he just not I'm done here and walks off now what he preached without him out of Isaiah 60:1 saluted me to Isaiah 61 because we know it was in the kingdom so let's go back and read this as a 61:1 says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives in the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn and notice these next few passages to anoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified and they shall build the old waste they shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the waste cities the desolations of many generations they didn't realize that if they had just accepted him this was what was coming this was what was available it's what he was trying to bring in and strangers shall stand in feed your flocks and the sons of the aliens shall be your Plowman and your vine dressers but you know notice right here but you shall be named the priests of the Lord men shall call you the ministers of our God you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles and in their glory shall you boast yourselves for your shame you shall have a double in other words you're not gonna have shame anymore and what shame has cost you I'm going to give you double back and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double everlasting joy shall be unto them for I the Lord love judgment I hate robbery for burnt offering that's why Jesus turned over the tables in the temple why because they were robbing the people just so they could buy animals for the offering he said I hate that whenever you extort whenever you charge to a high price or something like that and I will direct their work in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them and their seed shell be known among two Gentiles and their offspring among the people all that see them shall acknowledge them in a notice this next part that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed that doesn't have sound like galatians under the seed not seed as of many but as of one even Christ and your in him and then we go back Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 he says and I'm repeating this again now you'd have to turn back there unless you want to Matthew 4:17 says from that time Jesus began to preach and say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now if you look at Matthew 4 and you go all the way through to verse 24 from 18 on from 18 to 22 it just talks about the twelve disciples now again owner I want to remind you what are we talking about today what we're talking about what Jesus began both to do and to teach right look at verse 23 I guess you do need to turn back there sorry or you can listen okay Matthew 4:23 and Jesus went about all Galilee where'd he go all Galilee okay doing what teaching in their synagogues and what preaching the what the gospel the good news of what the kingdom right so he went to all Galilee you'll notice synagogues is plural he went through all Galilee he went to every city went everywhere through there went to every synagogue he came across and what did he preach to them he taught and he preached the kingdom of God and they're right that the kingdom of heaven was at hand now imagine walking in and saying alright I'm really glad to be here today I'm here to announce to you what you've been waiting for is here and that's me right say they probably weren't they he probably kind of had him up to the point where he said it was him right and probably go okay what's going to hell we got a new move going we got something what the Spirit of God knows it because you got immersed in 400 years since there's been a prophet right and John the Baptist people thought was he a prophet we think he's a prophet he could be a prophet right but we're not sure because he never would be - you know - specific and so they're wondering is this a new time as God is our new move going is God bringing something what's going on and then all of a sudden he says well I'm everything you've been waiting for is here and it's all in me you know at that point he probably lost him right well they probably thought well who do you think you are and they're right and that's what every religious person thinks about a person who walks in right standing with God and knows who they are that's what they always think who do you think you are ya think you think I just loves you special no I think he loves you too you just won't take it right for the most of the time that's where it works and then watch what he did he he taught in their synagogues preaching the gospel the good news of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people why because you can't preach the kingdom without demonstrating it you want to know what goes on in the kingdom he did it healed the sick raise the dead cast out devils all that stuff he did it now and his fame verse 24 went throughout we're all Syria and they brought unto Him what all sick now all means there's none left right now think about that everywhere he goes when he leaves nobody's sick there anymore what does that look like heaven and I write that Kingdom exactly that's what that's the way it's supposed to look when the kingdom is in in force in an area there should be no sickness or disease and then there shouldn't be people having to go down and borrow money to pay their mortgage that they don't know how they're gonna have to pay that back and all they're doing is putting things off and putting things off why because the kingdom is God's reign and rule it's his government over your life it's you doing the things though it's you doing things the way God wants them done amen in that simple now he says he goes on here they brought on him all sick people that were taken with various diseases and torments and those and those which were possessed with devils and those which were lunatic and those that had the palsy and what'd he do he healed them them who all them right all the sick and those right that had diseases torments and those that were possessed with devils and those of a lunatic and those that had palsy and He healed him that means everybody all the sick all the demon-possessed everybody was free amen no Matthew chapter 5 let's look at what Jesus began both to do and teach now we just didn't Matthew 4 so 5 adding that far free to go ahead because why are we looking at what Jesus began to do in to teach I really I'm really trying to emphasize he didn't ever he never did anything different he didn't change he just preached the kingdom of heaven is at hand he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and that's all he did for his entire ministry he just went about preaching the kingdom teaching about it everything he realized everything he taught was taught from the kingdom everything he taught was kingdom perspective and he taught he preached and then he demonstrated that's what he began to do and to teach okay now verse 1 Matthew 5:1 and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto Him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven right now notice what he said if you're poor in spirit I got good news for you the kingdom of heaven is yours amen and then what he's saying no watch then it says that's in verse 3 now you go down to verse 10 you're gonna see this all the way through blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake why for theirs is the kingdom of heaven again king of heaven over and over again he gets in listen if you're being put down why cuz you're living right that's okay the kingdom is yours don't worry about what they say the kingdom is yours don't listen the people that are blasting you and talking about you and saying these things about you because you're living right and you're say and they're calling you you know whatever they may call you Pharisees legalist or whatever it is whatever they're calling you don't worry about it the king is going to take care of you they're the ones that are begging God to show up they're the ones that are begging God to pay their bills and begging God for in their car so you asking God for something and he said you're not that you're the people who God takes care of one because you expect him to mine because that's the kingdom it come on because you're seeking God's kingdom his rule his government first and when you seek his government and his way of doing things and his right standing now think about that in Matthew six we'll see it here in a second he talks about that he says in Matthew 6 he says seek ye first the kingdom and his a kingdom of God and His righteousness now here in American especially here in Texas we have a big immigration situation and people always talk about it it's a major political you know hot potato kind of thing and it's amazing because when you look at immigration you've got legal immigrants and you've got illegal immigrants legal immigrants can take part in the benefits of a country right illegals technically can't I mean I know there's some differences now and you know if they go to a hospital they can get help and that kind of stuff in you know I wouldn't turn away help to anybody that's hurting anyway I mean that's just you know you help people and you know pain and hunger that kind of stuff don't know there's no national boundaries now and in saying that many if even if an illegal immigrant comes over and then tries to get into the system okay they're they're trying to become legal so to speak one so that they can take part in the benefits of being a legal citizen but then you have illegal immigrants that that come over in it and they had they because they're afraid they're gonna get deported and so they they really can't participate in the benefits of the nation that we have so meant too many times we have people in the kingdom of God that don't realize the benefits that we have in the kingdom and what we can partake of and we cannot mean when I say we cannot we do not learn how to access the benefits of that kingdom you know we and why because we keep thinking oh it's all after we die it's all over there and as long as you put it all then you can't get it here but once you realize that now is the kingdom in the sense that the kingdom is available now listen I'm not listen there will be a point I believe when Jesus will physically spiritually in fullness reign on this earth his enemies we put it under his feet he will reign there will be a part of there will be a full manifestation or as they would say a consummation of the kingdom of God right on earth that's one now we operate in faith in the fact that we operate like the kingdom like that's already here right now in the spirit it is right but it's not being manifest in other words one because the vengeance of our God does not be an enforced where he is it says that every knee shall bow we sing that song today well some knees are going to bow willingly right that that's our knees hopefully we about our knee willingly but there will come a point that if you don't bow your knee willingly your need will be bowed for you right there will be a you know that's gonna happen I'm sure somebody has ideas on it as far as I'm concerned you know it could be an angel or anything else going to stand behind you when you stand before God and go no no no you're not gonna stand here and they're gonna put their foot in the back of your knee and they're gonna push you down the ground they're gonna know you will kneel before this king and God you will kneel before him why because every knee shall bow right so at some point everything's going to bow just depends on whether you're gonna do it willingly or unwillingly right now and that's in the future right now he's not making you bow your knee unwillingly and now he is saying you're you're able to come into this thing you're willingly bowing your knee and you can benefit from the kingdom now even in this world one because you're an ambassador you're not from here you're from heaven I said this Wednesday night I was really torn about even Reap reaching that message today why because to me I don't know if it is some of you this way but to me it kind of encapsulated things and really drove it home and one of the things I want you to realize is that if you get a hold of this you have to realize you are not born of this world now you are born from the kingdom of heaven you are born from heaven amen you're in this world but you're not of this world right now let me ask it and I was listening something this week as a matter of fact if you and I think even the example I gave was about like in Haiti in Haiti you can have the American Embassy Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere there is people starving there dying it's bad they're living on the streets they're living especially after the earthquake and all the stuff that happened it's bad yet you go to the American Embassy there and you walk into their kitchen you walk into their their pantry they got food stacked up their food that they have seven-course meals you know every meal I mean they are taking care of one because an ambassador is not dependent upon the wealth or the the position or the the resources of the place they are they are blessed by the resources of where they're from you give that and when you realize that you are an ambassador from the kingdom of God you do not have to bow under the circumstances of this world you're in this world but you're not of it amen the kingdom of heaven has resources that are at your disposal and you can live that way in the middle of a recession in the middle of a depression in the middle of whatever else you can live that way if now listen if you don't identify with this world if you identify with this world then you're going to have the resources of this world you are limited by the identification that you decide to have you you limit yourself according to where you identify yourself with if you identify yourself with the world you're going to suffer like everybody else when the stocks go down or when the economy goes down you're going to suffer right along with them one because you look at this world system as your source and as your resource but if you understand that you are born from heaven and you are sent here as an ambassador to represent the kingdom of God then you do have to go to the same thing they do you understand now here's the beauty of it you should be so walking in the goodness of the kingdom and the resources of the kingdom that you you as an individual are able to take on families to take on people around you that are suffering and feed them and take care of them we were going down to the David hoping meeting yesterday or I'm sorry Friday evening we stopped at a 7-eleven and as I was getting back in the car a man came up and asked for some food expert when I asked for money for food and so I reached in my pocket and pulled out well I was there and hand it to him and you know that didn't count it first that kind stuff but I hand it to him and when I hand it to him I could kind of see what it was I don't know exactly I was kind of guessing but I saw what it was and got back in the car my wife said would you what he want I said what he wanted money and so we talked about a little bit and I said and we got over to the meeting and we set there in the parking lot for a little bit and I was talking about it and I kept going back to this guy and I thought it does something to a man when he has to beg men were never meant to beg I've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread it does we were meant to have dominion over this earth man was meant to walk in Dominion not begging and when a man has to go to begging it does something to their psyche it does something to them and it it tries it tries it doesn't always but it tries to take away a person's dignity because that's what the enemy wants that's one thing I learned from dr. Summerall and even from the times I said under Kayla's room the devil is always trying to remove man's dignity God brings back dignity you always see the the pictures in the the movies and things and it's a good representation of when people come up like but Marion Magnum she comes up at Jesus's feet and drops at his feet and crying and tears and all this stuff going on and and you can just picture him you know he didn't stand there and go yeah that's what you are do he wouldn't like that you can picture him reach down and touch your chin and raise her face up and look her in the eye and say woman why are you doing this stand up get up get up on your feet one Jesus brought dignity back to man he didn't bring pride and arrogance but he brought dignity every human should have dignity and part of our goal part of our job probably what are you going to call it part of our purpose on this earth is to give dignity back to people you know not not to look at a person that's asking on the corner for money or a handout and look at them like there you go you know once you get a job you know no give them dignity you know encourage them and let them know you know just look at them and to speak to them and just time you know what the Spirit of the Living God want you to know you're not going to be this way are your life if you would just turn to him if you listen to him he has so much more for you and raise them up and bring them dignity and not put them down and not get back in your car and think wow I'm glad that's not me now see that's what the Pharisees did and so we have to realize our purpose is to bring dignity Beca not not just to tell her oh you're okay no they're probably not okay but we can get them okay we can bring them into the kingdom of God and let them know this is not about religion there's not about do's and don'ts Jesus got on to people a whole lot more for what they didn't do then for what they did do right if we're going to make mistakes it's going to be generally more if you're a Christian it's going more and what you don't do rather than what you did do whatever God condemned Sodom and Gomorrah it wasn't for the homosexuality it was because go back and read it it was because they did not take care of the poor of their City it's because they didn't feed the poor and clothe the naked it wasn't because of the sin they were doing in that sense is because they were doing two major sin of not loving God and loving your fellow man as yourself that's what really got to it and all that other stuff slow because if you're not living done you're not living man guess who you're looking at all-time you're looking at you and you become self-centered and self-serving and all of a sudden it's all about pleasure and it's all about what you want and what you can have and what and and you know thank God I'm not like that person and he said that's that's not how you're supposed to be so he says here remember we're talking about why Jesus begin to do and to teach then it says in where we in verse 10 but if you go down to Matthew chapter 5 we're still in Matthew five and go down to verse 19 jesus said whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments and shall teach men so break them and teachers here that do and teach in other words if you know this is the negative side of doing and teaching if you're doing wrong and teaching others to do wrong he shall be called the least in what the kingdom of heaven was Jesus preaching about the kingdom of heaven still preaching the kingdom see we call this what the Sermon on the Mount and it was he saw you know we say that sometimes and we lose sight of the fact that it might have been where it was preached it was on the Mount but it was about to Kingdom Jesus preached the kingdom he was always trying to tell you live in the kingdom live listen if you live in the kingdom he says that these things we go through work a a mightier weight of glory in us only as long as we don't look at the things that are going on and we look at the things that are unseen right he said no words I want you to see what other people doesn't see I want you to see the kingdom I want you to see that when you're suffering these things going on here that the reason that's going to work a better way to glory in you is because you're not paying attention to the world and the things that are going on you're focused on seeking the kingdom he told us all the time do this do that stir up the fire it's in doing these things but he said he only told us to seek one thing the kingdom seek the kingdom go after the kingdom he didn't say seek power he didn't say seek anointings he didn't say seek Mantle's he said you seek the kingdom to write it and the seek the kingdom of God and his right standing when you do that when you have right standing with God and with his kingdom then you can participate in the benefits of that kingdom well because the kingdom is at hand to work for you now he says but whosoever shall do and teach them not just doing and not just teach them do and teach these Commandments the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven in that simple you want to know how to operate in the kingdom of heavens very simple just do and teach just do and teach what he said and you do him don't just teach him but do him also right he says for I say unto you that except your righteousness now look he's talked about the kingdom and righteousness in there right and then what he talked about Matthew 6:33 see first kingdom God his righteousness and here he's talking about the kingdom and God's righteousness here he's talked about your righteous but it will go to gods in just a second that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven still preaching the kingdom now how can your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees I mean can't they they live by the letter of the law they did everything just so perfect it was wrong I realize it they did it so perfect it was wrong and and yet he said no your righteousness can't be in the fact that you do everything just right your righteousness has to be based on the fact that you know that without him you can't do anything right and no matter what you do even if you did it right you're going to be doing it wrong because you're we doing wrong out of a wrong motive but once you are in him and once you come to him and accept that then at that point his righteousness becomes your righteousness at that point when you realize you know what everything he did I get credit for right and that's why he wants you to do a whole bunch of stuff now because now everything you do he gets credit for you see that everything he did you get credit for so now he wants you to do good works in front of men's let your light shine before men that they may see your good works so they can glorify your father in heaven one so that he can get credit for it in that simple it's not so you get more credit it you're got credit you got the credit of what he did right which is much better than you can do but once you accept that now everything you're doing he gets credit for so you should do as much as you can it's not a matter of well how much do I have to do not you probably not even in the in the game you know if you're still thinking that way you should be thinking in terms of you know what God has been so good to me what in the world can I do to show him how much I appreciate that and he said what you can't see him he said what we weren't even build me what kind of huge building or are you going to build me he said man the earth does not footstool heaven is where up mines my throne and the earth does not foot what are you going to build me that can consume me right is it you're not so you can't do that right how can you show God you love him by loving your Trouble Man you or as he that does righteous right he it does what is right he that does righteousness it is righteous right things that you can do to make yourself more effective you purge yourself the Bible says of certain things to make yourself a vessel unto honor that's what the Bible says that's not what you know YouTube and Internet theologians say but that's what the Bible says and the Bible says that you can do things to make yourself more effective now you can't do one thing to make God love you more you cannot do one thing to make God love you right but you can do some things to actually receive that love matter of fact you have to do things to receive that love right he can make it available but he's not gonna make you take it right but the fact that you do take it even that is the grace of God in your life the fact that he made it available right the fact that he gave you the opportunity so again all this goes back to the to the well as I was saying about Steve Hill because I want to get off that for a second but he came along and started preaching repent turn back to God do you know the Bible says to set your affections on things that are above and they're right actions and I'll tell you this if you set your affections on things of this world right now if you that's what you've been doing you're cold toward God right because the world generates coldness toward God that's what happens and wherever you set your affections whatever you want well you know I just don't feel like I love God that much what are you watching what are you listening to it's a choice turn the TV off get your Bible out and if you got it on CD or what it is that's fine too if you get it on your computer and go talk to your whatever that's that's good but it's amazing you know you might actually have more time to pray if you just turn that stupid box off anyway right and have just more time to spend with God and listen I'm not I'm not coming along you know when those preachers that says there were you you know yours tell what household the devil has because of the horns that are sticking out the top called the TV antenna everything I was raising Pentecostalism right and they tell you can kill everybody that's captured by the devil because their house has a Devil's horns sticking out the top that's back when you had back when you had television antennas and things like that and even the rabbit ears that was a Devil's horns ass so but I'm telling you there comes a point where you need to turn that stuff off yeah now I mean because I'll put on something just have something playing sometimes but I put on preaching I put on a DVD a CD or something and put it on one and even now even lately because I want to I've decided to set my affections on things above and in certain areas especially right now focusing on the kingdom so a lot of times because there's not a lot of teaching out there on the kingdom not a whole lot there's there's some here and there but almost all of it goes back to some human type of thing you know rather than what God's trying to do and so a lot of times when I think I want to listen to something and I thought what did there's nothing to listen to and so I just turned off and study because when that happens I spend a whole lot more time with God and just talking with him I think and a lot of Revelation comes out and you start thinking yeah okay just a scripture he'll hit you with something and it was come alive now he goes on here and he says but he that does the will of my father which is in heaven will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name let's just take this piece by piece many will say to me to Jesus in that day what day the day of his vengeance the day of the Lord the day that you stand before him when the consummation right it's at some point in the future right many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and in your name have cast out devils and in your name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me you that work iniquity now I will tell you right now I've been in the church about three decades now at least that I've been purposely in the church and before that the other two decades before that I was raised in the church whether I want to be there or not so and all that time I've never seen a time that more fulfills this I've never seen a time where it more where it can be more fulfilled where people think and or preaching that you can live like the world live like the devil do anything it doesn't matter and still walking the power of God and and because God will use you that that means you're okay you notice Jesus did not say you liar you didn't prophesy my name you didn't do mighty work so he didn't say that right now with what's going on in the church this is the best scripture that cat encapsulates what is going on there are people who are saying sin Paul said right there Santos in the more you sin the more grace abound so sin why because when you do it it's not sin anymore you can do anything it doesn't matter anymore he said them because of that and and now you can you can operate freely and power and and it's amazing people are living in sin and people are getting healed right and people said well how does that work because God loves the people and he'll use anybody a little let him and people don't realize that that just because God uses you doesn't mean you're right with God you give that just because God uses you does not mean you're right with God that's why he said listen Paul say examine yourselves examine yourselves whether you be in the faith that means that it's a possibility you might not be and he wrote that to the churches he said examine yourself whether you're in the faith make sure that you're there examine all these things hold fast was true you know throw out the garbage but hold fast what's true check these things out now listen if nothing mattered he wouldn't tell you to examine yourself he said we are warning every man teaching every man if nothing mattered why would you need to warn anybody I'll tell you as long as God has me here I will stand for righteousness for for living a life of gratitude toward God which means living a life clean before God right and and then listen I'll tell you right now if you're not born again or even if you've been born again you claim to be a Christian and your life is full of sin I'm telling you right now there is hope for you you can decide to live for God you can decide right now to get rid of that and do give that to him and he will absolutely can cleanse you it's already paid for but you still have to pick it up give that you've still got to pick it up it's it's it's done and you say well you know but if I died it is this what I go to have that kind of stuff do you really want to set that marker there and hope you're right and hope that that marker is where you put it it's so much better to live free to live clean before God to live pure before God it is not hard and you think you don't know you know I'm bound whatever I'm telling you if God can set me free and change my life there is not a person under the Sun of my voice that is too hard for him to change amen there's not on life too hard too messed up too far gone so he says and in thy name done many wonderful works and then I'll profess them I never knew you depart from me you that work iniquity look at iniquity sin and its results iniquity you that work iniquity they said we're doing mighty works were prophesying he said yeah and you're working iniquity you're still living in sin you're doing it and all these things are happening is it and I never knew you what because you can't know God and keep living in iniquity you can't do it there's an old saying a praying man doesn't sin and the sinning man doesn't pray why because you run from God you're just like Adam the more you mess up you'll run from God you won't run with him you you won't want to walk with him and talk with him you'll run and hide from him and eventually you'll grow cold and eventually you'll be totally gone you'll just disappear therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock the rain descended the floods came the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sin and the rain descended floods came winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it noticing these two things the only difference one man did the words of Jesus and the other didn't that's the only difference it wouldn't well god ordained you to fall and you just and he didn't say that at all he said you decide if you're gonna fall or stand based on whether you take my words and do them and he said if you do them guess what you're a wise man and if you don't you're a fool is that what he says you can't get around that the one good thing about Jesus he was pretty plain spoken right yeah you knew you knew where he stood okay that's the word when when Kim was here recently that's when we were riding and talking as Wendy exists one thing but you crazy nobody ever has to worry about where you stand he said people know right where you stand all the time I said yeah if you ask me I'll tell you and matter of fact if you wait around long if I tell you without me asking without you asking me I'll tell you anyway and he started laughing cuz yeah that's true he's so but why because you need to know where people stand you know it's time to stand for God it's time to stand up for God it's time to stand and say this is who God is this is what he said then it's in Matthew 8 we're gonna go over just a couple more here Matthew 8 in verse 10 it says when Jesus heard it never talked about the Centurions servant when Jesus heard it what - Centurion said he marveled and said unto them that followed that was his disciples nosing around verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel he said man I hadn't found this kind of faith among God's covenant people and here you got a Roman centurion the oppressor of God's people and he knows more about faith then God's own people does and I say unto you now watch what he says he says it's again almost the same thing he said when he first preached and Luke 4 that many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob where in the kingdom of heaven what's he still preaching the kingdom of heaven everything he did was filtered to the king of heaven get that when you read anything in the New Testament he was talking about the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness the children of the kingdom there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth jesus said unto the Centurion go your way as you have believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in his self same hour notice again you see a preaching he's talking about the kingdom of heaven and a healing you see that always together what Jesus began both to do and to teach Matthew chapter 9 now we're gonna bring it home to you now so we're not nail it down to the point where you can't get away from it all right Matthew chapter 9 verse 35 and Jesus went about all the cities and villages did he pick some already go everywhere he went to all of them what was he doing teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news the gospel of the kingdom the rule of God the superiority of God right in doing what and healing every sickness and every disease among the people he went to every city taught in every synagogue and healed every sickness and every disease among the people right why because his kingdom shall rule over all in there right he was he was making it available to all what Jesus began to do and teach Luke chapter 4 now when the Sun was setting verse 40 now when the Sun was setting all day that had any sick with various diseases brought them unto him and watch and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them any sick laid his hands on every one of them and healed them healed them who everyone that laid hands on which was all the sick so he healed everybody you got that healed everybody wasn't some of them he didn't pick and choose who got it who didn't he healed them all and devils also came out of many crying out and saying thou art the Christ the Son of God and He rebuking them suffered them not to speak for they knew that he was the Christ so now we know he was definitely not healing or showing sons to prove who he was or he let the demons speak and when it was day and notice he went through the whole night basically and when he was day he departed went into a desert place and the people sought him and came unto him and stayed him over fleas stay don't go anywhere that he should not depart from them and he said unto them I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also what does that mean that means he was preaching the kingdom of God there right he's a fact gotta preach the kingdom of God to other cities also that means what he just preached there was also the kingdom of God so again he was preaching the kingdom of God but he just healed everybody and he said I've got to go to other cities what so in other words I've been preaching the kingdom of God and I got to go to other cities yet he'd already been to every city right did it said there just before that he'd already been to every city every synagogue teaching preaching and he said I've got to preach the kingdom of God to other cities also for therefore and my sin this is the reason I was saying to preach the kingdom of God the good news of God's rule the good news of God's government how he does things his supremacy and this is why I was sent you know people say well he was sent to seek and to save that which was lost yeah and that comes under the auspices of preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God why because you can't preach the kingdom of God without seeking and saving that which is lost is he well you know he came to destroy the works of the devil yeah that's what preaching the gospel of the kingdom does it destroys the works of the devil see everything falls under that canopy that once you realize that there is a spiritual Kingdom that you're if you're born again that you're a part of and because of that you can walk different then anybody else has ever walked except Jesus he's the only one that's walked in this to any real degree and yet he is waiting as I've already showed you he is waiting for a and he's already prophesied there shall be a kingdom of priests what Kingdom do you think that is it's us he said I have made you Kings kingdom of priests I've made you kings and priests unto our God in that right when are we kings and priests now we're these kings and priests rule he says they shall reign on earth in Ephesian in revelation 5:10 would you give that not in heaven let me just say this how many of y'all well maybe you know a jam but if you remember 1975 okay softly our faith is there hey in 1975 that part of the main picture from 1975 was the last helicopter leaving from atop the American Embassy in Saigon if you remember Vietnam War was it was over that helicopter that picture was on everything right now I was I was young I was what 16 something like that that picture was always on the news as on newspapers everything in that picture basically without saying it said America lost Vietnam that's what that picture said why because they had to evacuate by helicopter the Ambassador from the American Embassy listen if if these consummation of what God is trying to do is going to end up with him jerking us out of here he lost understand me I'm not saying he's not going to take us out of here all right think wouldn't me remember what Jesus said when he talked about Lazarus he said this sickness shall not end in death did Lazarus died yeah was Jesus lying know what because that's not the end right so he didn't say Lazarus wouldn't die right now put that understanding with what I just said I'm not saying we're not getting taken out of here right I'm just saying that's not the end why because he says we shall reign on this earth you give that God put man on this earth to have dominion if it got to a point where God said I have to take you out of here he's lost you give that but if he can no I'm not saying he did no you might have to remove us so he can do some stuff and bring us back to a better much better place right okay I can go with that but I'm saying if the idea is just for us to go to heaven and spend the rest of eternity there then God basically has said okay I give up the earth to Satan that's not God God doesn't lose amen he it he's going to have a kingdom of priests that rule on this earth now how much you're gonna rule is up to what you do now because when he comes he's going to reward every man according to their works it's gonna be very simple and if you've been faithful over one city he'll put you over five and if you've been afraid to over two cities and put you over ten so pretty much here this is your chance to decide what you want to do in the future and how much faith you walk in how much of the kingdom of God you understand like that kid in other words all he's saying is show me what you can do with your area and make it like heaven on earth and if you do that then if you're faithful over that when you get it then I'll put you over these others - he's just saying just act like it's already here that's what faith is it's just acting like it's already done you got that it's it's that simple you just act like it's already done so that's how we live in this thing now that's how you live in the Kim you say well how do I make this happen I was talking with some young minute David over meeting the other day and apparently David had mentioned a situation between he and I years ago when I was up in Canada and he well for lack of giving any details I just said this way he came to my room and we discussed some things and then apparently he talked about that okay and he told some people about that and so what they were at this meeting so they came to me and said tell me about this how did that happen worried to do it and so we talked a little bit about it and it's funny because they said how do you do this and I've never thought about it I didn't think about it but as I said it's funny because have you never thought about it I had never figured out how to do it that make sense but then as I was talking to them it was coming out of my mouth how to do it and I thought yeah but it was literally by revelation and at the same time I'm checking it you know you have filters and then this is your final filter okay and I'm checking it and I'm like yeah yeah and then they're like oh yeah I got that but I'll tell you walking in the spirit don't have to be weird but it is as easy as making the decision to walk there it's that easy and when you decided it now what you the problem is you decide what the barriers are okay you have to start removing the barriers to a normal man a wall would be a barrier to Jesus it wasn't right they didn't even slow them down it's the same thing that's walking in the spirit you have to decide what are your barriers in other words what can you believe in other words what can you let me tell you here's what you can believe what can you not do because if you if you can name something you can't do that's your barrier of belief do you get that you have to decide that barriers not there well hopefully we'll get a chance to talk a little bit more about it later on I want to hurry though I want to get this to you he said I must preach the gospel the kingdom the kingdom of God to other cities also therefore I'm sent he preached in verse 44 and he preached in the synagogue's of Galilee Matthew 10 verse 5 these twelve Jesus did what sent forth if you look at the word sent forth it's a offshoot of the word Epis telo or apostle so he apostille them sent them forth on a particular mission and commanded them you listen he didn't suggest he commanded and he said go not in the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel verse 7 as you go hear that as you go preach what he's supposed to preach saying he didn't just say go and preach preach good sermons he says go and preach and here's what you are to say that kingdom of heaven is at hand wait a minute in that Jesus's message and then what he was preaching yeah and he told his disciples preach the same thing don't change your message you get that you know what the biggest problem among new ministers young ministers you know what it is looking for that revelation that's going to put them on the map they're looking for that one teaching that's going to explode them that's going to have people writing to them it's gonna have people flocking to them and it is getting that one reveler that nobody else has ever gotten you know and I'm telling you if nobody else has ever gotten it there's a reason probably ok generally speaking I mean I know he can bring things out but I'm telling you there are certain people in the world that I've been around that are so far off and they are so sure that they have a revelation and it's and they think that's what's going to make them and that's all they talk about and they think they think if I keep preaching that eventually it's gonna put me on the map it's going to make me somebody and I'm gonna be in the ministry to where I'm supposed to be and I'm gonna have people flocking to me I'm telling you that is a dangerous thing to do I'm not saying don't get revelation but I'll tell you sometimes it's best to start with other people's revelation first one of the things that I thank God for Kenneth Hagin early on he was in the you know he's part of the voice of healing movement I don't if you knew that or not but he was part of the voice of England he lived right over here in Garland Texas I got a street address where he lived that when he was here a bunch of them I went to the old voice and other their addresses were listed you can go out and see their houses many were still there today other people lived there so don't go rubbing on the house trying to get the anointing right okay man Oh might not want the latest anointing that's been there okay but he said when we started he said that all those guys in the voice of even most of them and he was right they all built their ministry on a gift he said because of those gifts he said they almost every one of them in there he said I made a decision from the beginning I would base my ministry on the Word of God and I would stick to the word no matter what and he had some amazing visitations he had some amazing revelations I mean amazing stuff right and you know he's even been called the father of the of the Word of Faith Movement or a word faith movement so I mean what he him just sticking to the word put him on the map right you want to get on the map you want to make your place you're shooting for fame fortune whatever else it is okay look I'll tell you if you're gonna do that anyway stick to stick to the word one because that's the only way God can promote you you you say what he said you confess him before men he'll confess you I mean Jesus said he'll confess you before his Heavenly Father you have to stay on the word no matter what don't go for a special revelation just go for what the word says just be a faithful minister of the word amen present the gospel of the kingdom of God present the gospel that Jesus preached stay on the Word of God don't get weird don't try to be somebody I'm telling listen the harder you try to be somebody the longer it's going to take you to be somebody amen I'm just telling you the sooner you died of that and just want to help people you'll grow faster but that's the truth that's truth I'm telling if you keep trying to be somebody in trying to get the spotlight or be something or do something I'm telling you're stifling your own growth because God said I really want to work through you but I can really can't what because I'm trying to grow you up remember Sampson had a great anointing a great calling but he didn't have the character to stand under it he had to have that you gotta have the character to stand under it or else that anointing that that what people call the anointing and that gifting and that that calling can destroy you go for the Gopher character go for the truth go for fruit it's pretty God go for loving God and loving people stay solid stay straight don't don't have to get weird don't have to be somebody I mean listen when you're somebody god notices you but guess what the devil does too and very honestly if you're trying to be somebody you don't have the character yet to stand the heat that the devil can bring on you you don't want that kind of attention amen stay hidden stay hidden Christ stay hidden him thank God promote you let him put you in place if he puts you there nobody can do anything about it but if God but if you put yourself there you won't last long you won't last long so he says as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at him then watch what he tells him to do heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils in there what he did he said just go be me just go be me don't preach a different message preached the same message you've heard me preach it preach what I say then do what I did right all that Jesus began to do in to teach that's all he didn't just say he just said now I want you guys to go and begin to do and teach and then what he's doing in this simple is this not the simplest thing you ever heard I mean I was amazed how simple is you know he says now and there's a good part freely you have received freely give you don't have to pick and choose you have to figure out who and when and how and no just go just go be Jesus just go and teach and do and just just be free in the kingdom of God right no what are we talking about what Jesus began to do and teach now we're talking about what Jesus did and taught and what his followers didn't taught right you see that's passed on down now you've heard this before this is not new right and I'm I'll be on for you I'm thankful for that I'm thankful for the fact that God keeps giving me different ways to say the same thing amen and that you keep coming to hear it amen and hopefully when you hear it it gets to be a part of you and then you can go out and do it alright now listen you can start at any time and it will grow like anything else everything in the kingdom is just like the kingdom and it all grows from a seed it starts small and then grows a lot of it just has to do with would you keep showing up will you keep doing what you've been doing and let it grow right are you gonna get in a hurry and try to do some weird thing because I'll tell you you go after visions and stuff the devil will show you stuff he will give you visions he'll give you revelations right Mary Baker Eddy had a revelation right and she started Christian Sons which is not Christian nor science all right Oh Charles T Russell same thing started the Jehovah Witnesses had a revelation and started a cult that is taking people to a place they don't even believe exists right you get that don't go for for this you know well I want to see a vision I want to see an angel listen he said that angels are sent to you to minister to you right to minister for those who are the heirs of salvation they work for you then every year said oh god I won't see an angel and God finally give because you ask him he'll do it eventually but when they finally show up interesting wonder what do you want I don't want to see you he's like are you kidding me you're more important than I am I'm an angel I'm a Messenger of God you're a son huh I wish I could be a son do you get that you say well what makes you think that because we're gonna judge angels and you don't judge what you're below you judge what you're above you give that so they wish they knew what you knew it says that we're going to teach them that things of God right that they learn from us what it's like to be in this thing called the church the ecclesia you know the ecclesia it's like the senate it's like being on the cabinet for the president where we are to help administrate the government of God I mean that's who you are that's why you have to be trained up that's why this is a training center right this is not a religious place it's a training center you get that it's a kingdom training center it teaches you how to be kings and priests as a when one person said this is training for reigning amen you got that yeah finishing up here notice he says here Luke chapter 9 verse 1 then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and acure disciples or cure disease that server that probably disciple security unfortunately I've just reading up above that how many of you are a disciple you're a disciple a man all right yeah you're a disciple not a disease now that you brought that up just for a second here all right do you know why you have to walk in love especially with your brother when Jesus said listen all men will know you're my disciples because of your love for one another he didn't say for your love for the world then you should love the world right I'm not giving you excuse to hate the world are the people of the world anyway right but you should love one another he said different no you're my disciple because of how you love one another do you know why you should love one another why you should forgive one another why why you shouldn't he says Paul writing to the church he said listen you buy turn in James T he said you bite you devour one another think about that one part one Christian is biting and devouring another Christian do you know okay if we took every member of the body of Christ and said every one of you is one cell in the body of Christ you know what they call it when one cell in the body rebels against another cell in the body it's called cancer that's why you're supposed to live in forgiveness why because if you don't if you're the one biting and devouring you're the cancer you get that that's why you should live that's why you forgive men what because if they say things against you it will come back on them but you don't go after them and let that curse go back to no God don't let it god they don't know what you're doing God that they obviously don't know who they are they don't know the power of the word god I forgive them for what they said to me what why me good god I don't want them to be destroyed I don't want them to be eaten up God forgive them that's why you didn't forgive this listen forgiveness is not going to counseling it okay I'm going to forgive my mother I'm gonna get forgive my father and I want to that's not forgiveness right forgiveness is Living Dead you that you just died definitely somebody says stuff it gives me I don't get mad I forgive quick one because I don't want them to suffer for that one because I've been I've been forgiven if God doesn't hold anything against me who cares what you hold against me I don't I don't really don't care what you think about me either way I don't care why I'm dead to that I'm dead dear to your accenture I'm dead to your to your critiques or your criticisms and I'm dead dear to your flattery so you can't be dead to warning up the other it's all part of the same thing you like me you don't like me I don't care all that matters is that I say what he said that's all that counts is that I'm a faithful reproduced Amen yeah that so he says any now he gave them power and authority over all devils to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God what he sent him to do preach the kingdom of God he didn't say go preach a good sermons didn't say go preacher newest revelry he said preach the kingdom of God preached the government God to rule gun which means to preach means as you may have heard me say to proclaim with a gravity solemnity and an authority so that the proclamation must be listened to and obeyed your orders speak with authority one he spoke as one with authority not to scribes and Pharisees you are to speak with that authority why because you represent him he he represents the kingdom you preached the kingdom you got to preach it the same way now he says here it says preach she sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick to heal to cure make well and hold the sick you know the sick their their work for sick is SNA and it means to be feeble and any sense in order to help anybody at whatever level sitting whatever level of sickness or disease right headache terminal cancer doesn't matter anywhere in there set them free what is the kingdom we're talking about we're not talking about your power we're talking about not talking about how much you fast how much you pray how much how spiritual you are that only impresses undead humans right doesn't impress dead Christians anywhere and not at all you get that but he said you preached that he said you you heal the sick set them free doesn't matter it's all the kingdom power you set him free he said take nothing for your journey neither stays her script nor bread no money neither have two coats whatever house you enter into there bud and dents depart whosoever will not receive you when you go out shake off the dust from your feet in verse six and they departed and what they who the disciples and went through the towns doing what preaching the gospel and healing everywhere what gospel gospel of the kingdom right and then finally last one I don't even wait for this last one okay all right he says Luke chapter 9 verse 10 and the Apostles when they were returned told him all that they had done it was what they taught and did and he took them and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called b'seder and the people when they knew it followed him and he received them and spoke unto them of the kingdom of God what did he talk to him about the kingdom oh did you know that the kingdom of God was so much in all these verses always there and every time it talked about what he talked about it always said he talked about the kingdom he didn't just preach right he didn't preach justice some of the mounts and run the plains he didn't preach all this thing he preached the gospel of the kingdom and every time he had a chance to talk somebody he'd talk about to eat him when he talked to Nicodemus he said you're you're a teacher of Israel and you're not far from the kingdom you're that close and they're right he said but if you want in you gotta get born again and he said how does that happen he goes I mean you're a teacher of Israel you don't understand this you get that even to him he was talking about the kingdom everything was the kingdom they follow him and he spoken them of the kingdom of God and healed them that had need of healing why because he was teaching and doing so he healed them that notice notice how he healed and he healed them that had great faith said what it says doesn't say that and He healed them that gave a vow offering no it doesn't say that does it hmm it says it healed them that had need of healing why because that's how the kingdom operates the king people in the kingdom see people in need and go to him so what can I do for you as I see you I see you got a thing you've been coughing and air to me cough I see blood on your handkerchief what is that and they said well what would I what I need is you know yeah I got I got tuberculosis but what I need is I really need I need food I'm hungry okay we can handle both of that right it's not either/or is it we can handle both of that yeah yes and what you've got is enough you understand that I can't say it enough what you have is enough Jesus fit a multitude with a couple of pieces of brick a little boy's lunch he took his lunch that boy wasn't a caterer like I said Wednesday one Nicator he didn't come out it will we should call him Roach coach you know you know I'm talking about you know food truck okay he didn't drive up in a food truck he wasn't trying to cater he came up with his lunch and Jesus said what do we got in the crowd comes to him and says he looks at me because we well what is this and his disciple said look look at these people send him away there's too many sent him home so then go get somebody before they start fainting on us it sent him home and Jesus said hmm you feed him and I've sudden I mean I'll send a rock to it take five hundred pennies worth you realize that was a year and a half wages he said there's so many here take as a year and a half to feed these people he said and Jesus said no you feed him they said we've got that kind of money he said what have you got and and apparently the little boy was standing with food and I'm sure he's probably Judas there give me a hint here's what we got we got a see what you got in his sack here yeah there's two yeah got some fish and some bread okay and Jesus said that's enough you know she never said there wasn't enough he never said oh man if we just had three fish so close if we just had three fish I could have done a miracle he didn't say that right he he said what you've got is enough he said give it any and he he said he looked up into heaven it won't he looked up into heaven it says literally an ax and a blippo to look up and to see he was seeing something what was he listen he had brandy had fish in his hands he was blessing it but he was looking at the things that are unseen he wasn't looking at us seen and when he was looking down saying he what was he saying he was seeing a multitude fit he was sitting that was sitting down on the grass after all that was good ain't picking their teeth at home and that Jesus he can throw a party and they right and he's looking at saying father I thank you and I bless this bread and what I do and he turn a hand to them and as they passed it out guess what it kept multiplying but they just started with what they had whatever you've got well I'll have enough power yeah you do use what you got given what you got guess what look up to heaven and blessed father I thank you for the talents for the gifts for the power for whatever you've given me I thank you fortune even and I will use it and I will do my best to try to die empty but you can't why cuz no matter what you give to him He pours back more if you're gonna die empty you gotta give it and that before he can give it back named him that's what he wants and he said just just we want to take up the offering this isn't an offering thing right I'm trying to help you if you see this it's the kingdom that's the way the kingdom offer in the kingdom nobody goes hungry the problem is God can't get his church to bring the kingdom to the hungry that's when he says when you throw a feast don't throw it amongst people that you know and like or no one don't like okay go out and call the people they can't repay you I thought about that listen I want to do that I don't know how we do this I don't know how I want to I want to get a hold of them I'm thinking Baker's you know the barbecue place that's just what I think I'm saying yeah well we I want to hold him and say will you cater a picnic and they have that that cement thing down downtown you know where they meet in the or see the clothes and stuff out there let's get them to bring their catering truck and we can cater a picnic for the homeless amen I mean cuz I mean they got food licenses they we don't have to have it and we just they we can set up the tables and we can line them up and they can come through and they can have good old Texas barbecue and we'll give them some sweet tears you know coax or something right and and take them through there and feed them amen and the funny thing was I'm thinking we'd use it and you know think about well what's it gonna cost didn't come up at first I'm like yes my mind's getting renewed I'm excited amen so that's what I want to do I wants to check on that I wants to see what we need to do to to make it happen amen and we just feed him but that's what Jesus said right and he said when you when you feel don't call the people that can pay for it call the people that can't pay and that's cater a good picnic for him amen let's show them God's love let's not just talk about it so all right it's gonna be good yeah I'm 10 you ever gonna see some amazing things going through this little building you're gonna see some amazing things going on it why because we're gonna do what the Bible says amen and it's just going to work and people gonna go how do you do that we don't know yeah we don't have a clue all we know is kingdom it's just Jesus being king and we're just Kings under him and we're just doing this stuff and we just bless it and more shows up amen all right finally I know this third family out of it okay or more after this he told us to stop his feed to multitude five loaves two fishes he was trying Ned listen what was he what was the purpose why was he doing that number one two people need were hungry what was he trying to show him he was trying to teach his disciples to look to God as their resource right for help not to look to their limited natural resource amen that's kingdom mentality if he could teach them listen don't look at what you got look at what the people need and when you realize what the people need then whatever you've got has to grow to meet that you give that that's Kingdom mentality no I'm excited about this as you might be able to tell okay and the reason I'm excited see we've been preaching really full time like this since 2000 as most of you know we've been teaching these principles every Prince Fahd just talked to you this morning we've been practicing in the DHD in there right that's why they're not new to something because we teach you start with what you are you know with where you are start with what you've got you read you don't look at you you look at the people's need right you don't look at the writ of the problem you don't go in try to find their problem you set them free it isn't this goodness all all these principles aren't they all in the DHD now whenever I started preaching this I didn't see it as Kingdom principles per se I saw what I found to be truths that I saw in the Word of God that had to deal with healing do you know how blessed I am because I got to preach to you the truth no matter what I find you got that I have to that's I can't do anything else I'm so thankful that in preaching for the last 13 years I've never found something in the Bible that disavows what I've preached before you see what I'm saying what I'm preaching today on the kingdom just enhances what we've been preaching we've been preaching Kingdom all along didn't even know it you see that do you see what I'm saying there it's good to not have to come in and go sorry what I taught two years ago scratch that yeah I found something here that totally just no that's what I told you Dan wasn't drew this is true you notice I've never had to do that you know what a blessing that is did not have to retract something and it shows that God has had his hand in what we've been teaching for the last 13 years and then it is it is growing you know Jesus grew in stature and in favor with God and man and his even his revelation his understanding his been able to preach it group and as we grow to be more like him the same thing should be taking place in our life and and and it shouldn't just be our heads understanding but our lives should be lining up and I'm telling you I could sit down with you I don't have time today I've already gone way too long but I can tell you right now if you sit down and I had time to sit and talk with you about my life and the things that we see even things that I'm seeing from time to time they just show up our life is lining up I don't even pray for stuff anymore I hadn't prayed for stuff in a long time for anything and even our staff we say I tell them what do you need make a list and they give me the list and that's okay find out what's going to cost let's let's get it let's go after it and we do it and you know we we do that and everything we need we get amen what that's Kingdom why cuz this isn't this isn't creep like ministries it's not even technically John G Lake ministries it's Jesus's Kingdom and so we're just learning how to walk in that and I'm I'm the one that I'm trying to lead by example but I'm trying to learn and show them the staff everybody here how to walk this out you know and and you know hopefully any mistakes will be made I'll make them first or they can correct them and go on without making amen but so far it's been good amen we've been learning we've been seeing God do stuff it's amazing I'm like a kid playing I mean it's just a fun most accurate most fun thing okay his most funnest the you know but it's good to walk in the kingdom and it's not because I'm a preacher I'm telling this works for you you know because number one you're a preacher too it's not about doing preachers about being ambassadors of the kingdom the kingdom should be seen in your life and then so just take off those boundaries be listen I told the people Wednesday night I know it says no stuff I repent for lying okay okay I just got to say this I told the people I think it was Wednesday sometime I know it all blurs down because they don't preach sermons what comes out comes out what would you do if somebody like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or whoever super rich all right just mega rich people came to you and said you know I don't know why but I just like you I don't know why it is but I'm ten yard behind you and whatever you want to do right now what do you want to do Wednesday was Wednesday why do you want to end it to school yeah so that's why I blends yeah because the school gets it too what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail if you knew you could do anything you wanted to do where could you see yourself in five years where would you see yourself in ten years where do you see yourself what would you see yourself being and honestly if you see yourself being in other words if your vision is self-centered I'm not talking about that because if that's true then you hadn't got the vision of God's kingdom yet but if you're thinking in terms of we could be I could be in India planting Bible schools I could be in Africa teaching seminars and conferences I could I could be in Haiti building orphanages then now you got two they got Kingdom mentality okay yeah but if if you could think that way if this person was going to back you you can do anything I'm telling you the one that backs you is much richer is much more able and they won't they won't back off from you if you say something you know they you know they won't they won't oh well you can't talk about that I'll withhold my finances God didn't like that he'll correct you maybe I'll keep feeding you you know keep taking care of you all I'm saying is now's the time do stuff now let your light shine now don't wait it's not for the other side it's for this side these are the people in great darkness that needs to see a great light shine these are the people amen your your light is gonna pale in comparison to what's in heaven here's in the darkness of this earth is where your light needs to shine amen and whatever it is that you could do for God whatever is you would desire to do for God whatever is in your heart just do it just step out start with where you are with what you got amen let's pray father I thank you right now for your word your word is truth and we thank you Father that we don't have to reinvent it we don't have to repackage it we just constantly refers back to it father we thank you we bless you and I thank you right now that these people having set under the voice of your spirit right now have a greater understanding of your kingdom and of what Jesus did and of how he passed this great opportunity to us to again preach and demonstrate your kingdom throughout this earth it's a father I thank you right now as just part of being an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven I have the pleasure to tell you that your requisition for healthcare has been approved there right now in Jesus name you're healed healed and whole done done in the name of Jesus now I will remind your body right now that it must line up with the Word of God and it must line up now and it will function correctly and it will do its job in Jesus name right now in the name of Jesus Father we thank you we praise you for it we pray we bless these people father you blessed them and what can I do but bless those whom you've already blessed so father I thank you for your blessing throughout their life and father we right now in the name of Jesus we bless our neighbors for providing backup music while I preach we bless them more and we thank you Lord that they will find a much better place where they're going at the end of this month and you will bless them with a good building and a good place and a good thing that'll be good for that they can reach the people that they are called to reach and we bless them in Jesus name so bid amen I mean well you are free free to go free to stay free indeed exactly the Sun has set you free now a son is repeating that okay and so you're free to stay sit go whatever you need to do but we will go from there so where is what we're good oh the net god bless y'all we'll see y'all wednesday wednesday at 6:30 life team i'm sorry
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 13,539
Rating: 4.9234447 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: _nqbaj8UGN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 3sec (6483 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2013
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