The Circumstance Doesn't Determine God's Will

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] we're crushing satan's head it's time to [Music] rise [Music] is i want to share a quick testimony also this was sent to me by our brother up in portland oregon you all remember vito gimmick who pastors the church there in portland and he wrote this yesterday was yesterday yeah yesterday and he said hi curry i wanted to share a testimony with you how amazing the acknowledging what is in your book works you know that's a little booklet we got that has a cd or dvd cd to go with it it says uh it tells about a man i'm not going to give his name but it says he got possessed 18 years ago and has to stay he gotta love veto he got possessed 18 years ago and has to stay at the crazy home [Laughter] his family asked us to pray for him i gave his sister a russian version of the book acknowledging what's in you she said that when he reads it he comes back to being a normal person look at this and said he says praise god thank you for training us in the truth amen so when he reads that his mind comes clear it shows the power of the word of god i'm telling you the word of god works it is amazing how powerful it is and if people get a hold of that it will absolutely not just change their eternity but they're here and now amen so a couple of verses i'm going to give you quick you don't have to turn there but you can i'll give you the scriptures but i'm only going to be there a minute because i just want to lay some ground and some found some foundation most of you know these scriptures anyway so you probably wouldn't need to turn there jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 for i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end so you are to have an expectation of what the end is and it should be good right then shall you call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and i will hearken unto you and you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart good scripture amen now that scripture also shows that that god's thoughts toward us are good they're not of evil he expects us to have a good end amen and he doesn't expect you to have a good end and a bad now should start being good now and be good all the way through amen doesn't mean you're not going to have hardship doesn't mean there's not going to be tribulations and trials jesus said he promised us we're going to have him but he also promised us that he has overcome the world and he gave us his peace and his peace is able to be maintained in the middle of all the tribulation and all the other stupid stuff that goes on all right so now next one deuteronomy chapter 30. that's what i was quoting earlier today in the first session verse 19 says i call heaven and earth to record this day against you that i have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live that you may love the lord your god and that you may obey his voice and that you may cleave unto him for he is your life and the length of your days that you may dwell in the land which the lord swore unto thy fathers to abraham to isaac and to jacob to give them now notice this very first thing there in verse 19. i call heaven and earth to record this day against you what is he saying you're not going to blame me that's what he said him he said i'm telling you i set before you life and death blessing and cursing you are not going to put your life if it's bad back on me amen he said i'm it's being recorded right now i'm giving you the chance to choose life and blessing or death and cursing choose life he even tells us what he wants us to choose now if he tells us to choose it it means he's not forcing it on us he's not forced in life he doesn't have to force a death right there's another worker there that tries to force that so this morning i want to talk for just a few minutes and hopefully it'll be a few minutes and give you some hope anyway so but i want to talk about the fact that the circumstance does not determine god's will and you know this and it's all through the bible we know remember whenever the man brought his son to jesus brought him to his disciples first and they couldn't set him free and then they brought him to jesus and jesus set him free well that circumstance that he couldn't get free even by the disciples it was a disciple's fault it was not god's plan that the disciples failed why because he wanted that boy free he even told them to free people right so the circumstance you can't go by the circumstance and think well this is the way it worked out now see the re and i didn't think about this really uh so much whenever this was coming to me you might say but if you've noticed over the last couple of weeks there's been almost like a a theme there's been a line kind of going through you know kind of a principle or something going through all most of the messages that i'd been delivering and it has to do with the idea because it's getting so prevalent in the church that just whatever happens is god's will whatever happens when god is sovereign he's in control and honestly if he's in control he's made a mess of things so we know he's not in control he is only in control to the degree that you give him control in your life and in whatever sphere of influence you have so we can look around and see where man has not especially christians have not given god control or given him entrance into that now i'm not going to be talking a lot today necessarily about dominion and authority and things even though i'm sure that'll come out because it's the message god gave me uh when he called me into the ministry so it has a way of working into everything but what i want to emphasize is this that some people look at circumstances and they take that to be a sign and you can you can see in the old testament many times they would say well if this is the lord's will okay we're going to put out a fleece and you know if it's dry in the morning this if it's wet in the morning we'll know that okay well if you put out a fleece at night and there's dew it's going to be wet in the morning i'm just telling you ahead of time right so if you if you want to kind of rig the system now you know when to put your fleece out early in the morning okay but the whole point is that people want to look at circumstances as signs but yet we're told that things work for us when we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen so circumstances are things that are seen so you can't go by that technically good or bad you can't go by that right now it's easy to go back when it's good but many times people look at it but there's this idea in the church there's this mentality of fatalism well that's the way it's going to be it's going to work that way no matter what it's going to work this way you know even now a lot of times people talk about end times especially every time there's a big upheaval oh it's the end times it's the end times well yeah we've been living in the end times for 2000 years but we're we're closer to the end than we were 2000 years ago amen and i'm not saying this isn't the end of the end times okay i'm just saying a lot of people in the past have made statements like that and they've all been proven wrong now i will say that this is the first time in history that there is technology and systems in place that could actually allow some of the things in the book of the revelation to actually come to pass and we're seeing movement sweating now in years past all the way through history you can find talk about the antichrist this and the antichrist that and this person was an antichrist and even the apostle john said there are many antichrists and so but now we know there's one specific one that the bible talks about and i'm not talking this is not my message today right i'm not talking about end times or antichrist and who he is and all that kind of stuff uh just because i don't want to look stupid later um you know because so far you know everybody's batting zero on that um and and i get it i mean you know during hitler's time yeah i mean he made a pact with you know the church in rome and so you had you know the antichrist and you had the beast and you got the false prophet everything was lined up so if there had been a technological system who knows you know many times just like with the children of israel they had to walk around that desert several times before they could ever get in the promised land and the devil does the same thing he tries to bring things into being but sometimes the world isn't ready to accept even what he's trying to push and so it gets pushed off for another generation a generation that is weaker a generation that doesn't have the same moral stands and things like that and you can see that happening now in saying that i want us to look at circumstances because you know and i don't know any particular circumstances that any of you are going through necessarily but i do know that a lot of people do go through various circumstances uh some worse than others some if somebody heard them they go well that's no big deal i mean come on that that'd pass in a couple of days but to the person that's going through it those are long days right and so there's there's different degrees but if you're going through some circumstances that are adverse you know to your well-being then we want to kind of put those things in perspective right so um i would even read this many adverse situations now listen carefully many adversity many not all many most of even but not all many adverse situations are the result of people not taking their position of dominion in this earth and or people not taking responsibility for their lives meaning their actions and or in action so i'll see we look at the whole thing oh this is horrible that's terrible well there are things that are i don't say beyond your control but they're things that you didn't necessarily you know cause but you're in the middle of it you know have you ever had family that make bad decisions and then somehow you get caught up right in the middle of it and all of a sudden their their emergency becomes your emergency and their bad decision now becomes your responsibility to dig them out of it or help them or something and and there's times to do it and then there's times to say you know what uh you're so close to the bottom you ain't got far to fall i'm gonna let you land on your feet this time yourself maybe you're not like that but never then just think then just thank god you're not one of my children anyway now so how does a person not take their position of dominion or not take responsibility for their lives so i'm going to give you a couple of ways and if you know this you'll know what not to do right to give you a couple of them number one not praying about something just not praying about it now and understand there's different there's things to pray about and there's things to act upon but it says to pray without ceasing so you should always be in communion with god about everything you're doing is that right now that does not mean that you have to pray about everything before you step into things now if it's a major life decision yeah you probably should spend some time doing it but there are things that he commits i don't have to pray about laying hands on the sick i don't have to pray by that why he said believers lay hands on a sick i'm glad i said right if you're sick and i'm there i'll lay hands on you i don't have to pray about it i don't have to get a word from god i don't have to see if it's right or wrong it's right amen and since he doesn't want us to do anything vague because if i'm going to minister to you i'm going to lay hands on you i'm going to speak to you and i'm going to command life into your body and when i do that he doesn't want us to use vain words so my words are to have effect so therefore if you're sick and i'm there i'm going to lay hands i'm going to speak health and i'm not going to speak vain words so you're going to get healed so it's god's will you be healed is that simple all right now but you can pray about it for instance uh not we said not praying it can be about not praying about whether to do something or not to do something it can be not praying about or against a situation but even as it's developing see a lot of people funny you talk to some people and they'll say well uh you know yeah have you have you prayed about this you know this uh now you're sick and you know did you pray about it did you attack it at least when it started well no and you know i i i didn't think it was anything really and and and i i gave it 24 hours to see if it was going to go on its own or if i'm going to no all you have is take 24 hours to let it dig in and if you had attacked it at that first notice it would probably already be gone but many times people don't pray about it so and then i well you know i just you know i didn't need to pray about it i just went to the doctor and see what he said about it okay we're not even gonna go there right i could do a whole sermon i could do a whole seminar on it actually i do a seminar on it anyway so okay so number one is is not praying either for or against not praying about it when it starts letting it get a foothold and really dig in that can that that's not good okay number two and this is in everyday life this isn't necessarily connected to prayer even though it would involve prayer number two is not speaking correctly uh because you're supposed to be speaking life you're supposed to be speaking blessing you're supposed to be speaking what you desire not what you have right and so maybe you're not speaking correctly maybe you're speaking death maybe you're speaking sickness disease you know woe is me it's always bad you know if you may they're i hear they're gonna lay off at work and if anybody's gonna get laid off you watch sure is the world it'll be me right and sure is the world it'll be you right why because out of your own mouth right you volunteered yourself to be cut out if that's it and i'm going to say everybody that gets they lose their job that's how they get it i'm not saying that i'm saying that there are times when you shoot yourself in the foot and we don't need to do that amen now and i want you to understand because if you start not doing the things in this list then you will notice i'm not saying your life is going to be trouble-free not saying that at all what i'm saying is you can eliminate unnecessary suffering that you cause yourself does that make sense okay so number three not walking upright or not walking right justly say righteously means walking right right so not walking upright or righteously before god on a regular consistent basis that can cause some problems now think about this the book of proverbs was written for unborn again natural people is that right they weren't born again they were natural people and the book of proverbs tells them if you do this here's how your life will go so even natural unborn again people can have a good life if they follow the principles of god's word is that right okay now as a matter of fact it told them how to conduct their daily lives so that they could be blessed and this is natural people right people that had to have signs right not born-again people not spiritual people not people that were in direct communion with god if they wanted to hear from god most of the time they had to go to a prophet or a priest or go to somebody and get a word from god they didn't have the direct connection uh just by walking with god you know that even we have because now we're in this new covenant we're reborn born again you know recreated is what i mean to say so that's another that's the third thing fourth thing by not obeying the laws of god god has laws if people don't like that and they think anything that says law oh no no law no law no okay no law in the bible is lawlessness and it is wrong and it's not godly right god has laws there is the law of faith that you operate according to the laws of faith and you benefit or you violate the laws of faith and you suffer the consequences okay there's also the law of love it's even called the royal law of love so and it is a law do you get that see laws have consequences see if it doesn't have a consequence it's not a law it's just a suggestion and so there are laws just like we would say the law of gravity right uh which works whether you like it or not and you're going to obey it whether you like it or not now you can bring in other laws that will supersede it but only for a while you cannot live in that you know superseding of the law of gravity what goes up must come down at some point okay now so you can uh your your life can have adverse situations sometimes because you're not obeying the laws of god so i want to talk about a couple of them real quick now part of this we mentioned this morning and if you were here this is that double portion i was talking about okay so the first law that most people don't understand is the law of giving now again yes finances are included in this but it's not just finances it is everything see giving has to be who you are because it's part of your nature right so jesus told natural nothing about jesus talked to natural people he did not speak to born-again spiritual people can you imagine what it must have been like for him to never be able to speak to a spiritual person can you imagine that i mean as spiritual as he was he was always talking to people on so much lower level can you imagine he must have felt like honestly like a kindergarten teacher you know it's like this is the most communion i get is you know yeah okay i'll work a miracle and feed you i mean can you imagine what it's like man i wish i could talk to somebody at some depth right talk about some of these things that that that i know about the father and really share my heart but he told me said man i got many things i want to tell you but you can't barrel so he couldn't tell him yeah oh yeah yeah that's what he did he prayed stayed in communion he had one person to talk to basically his father right i'm sure he's saying can i come home now [Laughter] anyway so but jesus told natural men to sow mark chapter four and they're right and he didn't really tell them to sow he actually talked about sewing and showed them what happens when they sow and and even says you know not even when you sow you don't always get 100 full return sometimes you get 30 sometimes you get 60 different things most that has to do with how diligent has to do with what kind of soil has to do with what kind of seed now the seed is great because it's the word of god but it's the soil that gives you the problem right so mark chapter four he talks to his followers uh and two natural men galatians 6 7. everybody knows we talked about this before it says that a man will receive whatever he sows so there it is again but remember we're talking about giving not just sowing and like we said in the first session when you think always in terms of sowing then you're really thinking not so much about the sowing as you are about the reaping because that's you so sometimes according to your need and you will sew to get back now when you sow to get back okay yeah hopefully you're helping and that's good but when you sow to get back usually that has a selfish motive to it because you're you're not one okay whatever you sow you're not wanting that back you want 30 60 or 100 fold back so it's really kind of selfish to think in terms of sowing but and and with god god is more of a giver than a sower that makes sense god so loved the world that he sowed his son well no not technically he gave and that right so he gave now but now if you think about it when you give see you're not thinking about getting back so when you give without thinking of getting back that is a pure motive and it's more of a godly motive and now but we know that giving is sowing but there's a different mindset and when you give to give you're not thinking about getting back but god's in charge of the sowing or the reaping and whatever you sow you're going to reap back so it's a law so it's going to happen so you can give so without thinking about what you're going to get back yet still in the back of your mind probably knowing i'm going to get something back does that make sense but the idea is it's like i said before um years ago god started showing me these things and i quit lending and i moved to giving because when you lend as we said the the uh the borrower is subject to the lender and whenever you see the the person that you lend to regularly you see them and all of a sudden there's this little thing in there until they pay you back you know maybe not so much in you but in them it'll be there it's just the way it is and so there be this little thing like we said before that you just it really bothers you when it's there when you see them you may not even think about what you meant them but they know it and then if they can't pay it back they start avoiding you and it can ruin a friendship and it can put that weirdness in a relationship that you just don't want so i learned a long time ago because two uh when you lend you know people let you down i mean they may even promise oh i'll pay back pay back and if they don't that day comes and then it's in your mind and so then they let you down but if you give then you're not thinking of getting it back so then if they do give it back it's a blessing but you're not always holding it against them and so there is that aspect there so the good thing is to be able to get to a place where you think in terms of giving and you you give without the thought of returning back which is what jesus even talked about right now so i want us to look at some of these circumstances uh sometimes we get into adverse circumstances a license is because we have violated these rules now there's also rules i think i might have skipped them over not in too much okay um there's another one here but i want to give you another scripture first in romans chapter 12 verse 6 we mentioned this also in the first session having then i know i preached almost half the message first session so having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministering or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorts on exhortation or he that giveth let him do it with simplicity notice up until then it says if you do this do it this way if you do it do this and you wait on it but here he says and if you give now here's the first one he actually gives a way of doing it he says if you give give with simplicity and what does that mean don't blow a trumpet and tell everybody i'm feeding the poor notice you know and you don't make it a big deal right you if anything you don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing right so now next one i could go off on that by itself but we'll just believe that it says if you give let him do it with simplicity but now notice that's a motivational gift as we talk there are people who live to give there are other people who don't necessarily think of it that way but they'll give and they're hospitable and they help and they do things but it says he that rules with diligence he that shows mercy with cheerfulness now if you only act or if you only let me sit this way if you only give as an act of sowing then you'll only sow when you have a need because you think so you don't think so and you think receiving reaping and so you start to think in terms of well i'm going to i need so i'm going to sew but until you see the need you don't sow because you're not thinking of it but when you think giving you can give all the time see here's one of the things whenever you when your mentality is sowing and reaping then the problem is when you think you have enough you quit sowing and see but when you give you give consistently right mainly but see that when you can give consistently and again i'm not talking about giving in to the church or tithing i'm talking about in life i'm talking about feeding the hunger i'm talking about clothing the naked i'm talking about helping people that are down and out helping people that need help and some people you know not just down and out some people you wouldn't know they needed and i'm not talking about just things i'm talking about a kind word i'm talking about an encouragement on exhortation you can exhort a person to move forward you can encourage a person it's amazing what one good word of encouragement will do in a person's life and especially when you start doing it on a regular basis and then god starts using that and he knows he can speak through you to speak to the server or you know the gas station attendant or you know the the person at the counter or whatever it is then he will start prophesying through you and he'll start speaking things and you'll say things to them that you didn't even have an idea about saying and they'll look at you like how did you know that you know and it'll impact them and they'll remember that and then i mean little little acts i i was at a it's funny there's a walmart that we used to go to and we had moved so we didn't go over there much but when we lived over there actually george and george was well he wasn't with me when i did this but uh we went in later and i went in this deal and we got all these tubs because we were moving from near that walmart to another place so we're moving so i've got all these plastic tubs i bought like i think 15 or 20 of them something like that there's a stack of them right and so i'm i carry them out and the whenever the girl when i started to check out the girl was going through and she was counting them and then she rang it up and so because you know they always kind of you can tell them but they're still going to count them and so the girl counted them and then when she rang it up and then i went to the car and then well actually i made it all the way home and started unloading all stuff and i started packing up and then i found the receipt and i looked at the receipt and i found out there was uh they they did not ring up 10 of those things i mean it was it was it was a big number right and so they didn't ring them up or it didn't get rung up i guess the way she planned it and so i thought okay so i hung on to the receipt and then like the next day i was back over there so because trump seems to be on walmart every day anyway but so i go back in there and i went over and i saw the girl and so i went over to her and i said yesterday i checked out and i've got this many tubs and i said but you only rang up this many i said so i need to pay for the other 10. and she it it did not compute i mean she was like do do i yeah what happened i'm like i left with more tubs than i paid for ah oh well i and so i'm like so i just want to pay for the other 10. and she didn't know how to do that and i said well there's the numbers just type that in and ring up 10 and we'll be good and you know and so so she calls over the csm the customer service manager and tries to explain to him what's going on right and he's like so you you you've already you want to go get tubs you want to pay for 10 more i said no no i already got the 10. they didn't get rung up and now i want to pay for them and he said that's that's never happened and i said what's never happened he said somebody came in and paid for something that they already had and i'm like okay that here i am see ya you know no no no these are not the droids you're looking for no um that and and but they're talk and so we you know they started talking they said and it's funny because she's ringing it up and then she says so why why did you do this and i said why don't i do what why did you come back in and pay and i'm like she said because nobody would have known i said well i don't know and god would have known i said it's pretty simple and she said and she said what but but that's i would that's never happened before before nobody's ever come in and did this and i said well i don't know what to tell you i'm sorry there's not more honest people i don't know what to tell you i said cause i'm pretty sure it's happened before you know at least getting out without it so yeah we go through this and then so then i leave and then like two or three days later i'm back you know it's about a week later i'm back over there with george so we walk in and we're going through and we come out and the girl is like two things over you know two checkout stands and she sees me and starts waving at me and then she walks over and tells the girl you know what this man did and she goes this is an honest man and i'm like at least in one occasion you know that's why i try you know but but she went on about this and it made such an impact and then one time then after that me and my wife once and sit this way i've never i've not mentioned i'm a preacher or anything else to her right i just told him you know god would see and i would know so there you go and so we're going through there and this woman is telling my wife how good a man i am which my wife needed to hear she needed to know that so but that's anyway and my wife said well you know he's a preacher and she goes no i didn't know that she goes yeah he passes the church and she goes well i have to visit over there well i've never seen her here but anyway i don't know why i'm telling you that anyway i don't know what it was but sometimes and just that event okay that was probably i don't know seventy dollars something like that fifty seventy dollars around through there but it made such an impact on that person that she talked to her manager now i can go in that store and i'm telling you every time i walk in there hey how you doing i mean they still don't know my name because i never told them my name but they wave and it's funny because that is the same store that at one point i was walking through there and there was a girl that came up to me and she said excuse me and i said yeah and she said aren't you a preacher and i'm like yeah and she goes yes i watch you on tv i'm like oh okay well i hope it's a blessing she goes i do my son needs prayer can you pray for me and i started praying for her right there in the in the deal and then she leaves and by this time my wife my wife was shopping she was going over and so i was going to go catch up with her and then i start to leave and go and this girl goes and gets two of her friends and they come back and have me pray for each one of her friends and then she brings one girl back after i'm still trying to walk off and catch up with my wife and my wife is looking for me my phone's ringing going you know where are you and i thought once i'm over here talking to some girls um so i figured that's you know it'd probably be better to explain what was going on in person so but one of the girls she brought over there was a muslim and i'm talking about full muslim right and so and she had me pray for her and she graciously went through you know and i knew not to touch her anything so i was praying commanded name of jesus you know issa and so it was funny because and she was very polite and very thankful and now even if i go there now now all of them see me and start talking to me right and but we moved away from there so i hardly ever go over there anymore but an incident like that all i'm saying is that one incident can impact you don't know how many people because how many other people had that woman said you know in the break room you know i had a guy come in today and pay for stuff that he'd already taken out and i mean stuff like that gets around so all i'm saying is that a good word of encouragement or just doing the right thing can have an impact beyond what you ever think right so now um yeah but if you if you're if you're getting back into the giving part giving has to do with the need of the other person see sowing has to do with your need giving has to do with the need of the other person so you can you give and you give righteously not expecting it back even though god's watching and he'll pay it back but that's not what you're thinking about right so now watch um yeah given has to do the need of the other person which is what makes it unselfish if you only give as an act of sowing your sowing generally in selfishness now i know that's been played up because preachers want to play on that to get you to give and so they'll promise all the benefits because they don't emphasize the godly character of just giving right and so they have to tell you you know if you give right now you know a double portion of my morning will come on you i mean it's ridiculous the stuff that is out there and so but giving now listen carefully see lending is one thing sowing is another thing but giving shows it shows god that you trust him to take care of you i mean because you're not thinking in terms of investment i'm giving so i can get back you're showing you can trust god and it shows him you trust him right and so and if you look uh dr simral did excellent teaching on these things where he says and shows through scripture how many times that god said now i know because somebody did something because abraham was going to offer up isaac and god said no when you raise his hand he said stop he said now i know that you fear me why why because abraham was willing to give even the life of his promised son right so now to the scripture here matthew 6 31. therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or where with all shall we be clothed for after all these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knows that you have need of all these things but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you added hear that seek first notice he doesn't see he he says don't seek those things if you seek god these things will come but if you seek those things whatever you work for you've got to work to keep that make sense but god will cause these blessings that's what we talked in the first session god will cause the blessings to overtake you now number four b this is point b on the four things that people sometimes don't do number four b is this not obeying the laws of health see people want to reap the benefits of the blessing of god but not but they want to violate the laws of health and the laws out there real simple it's just nutrition exercise and rest that's all there is to it getting the right amount right time that kind of stuff so i'm not going to belabor it but i will tell you this if you don't take responsibility over for your life over your life and for your life you will have to go to somebody who has taken responsibility and who will take and respond who will take responsibility for your life and usually that person has done it ahead of time because they're already prepared for when you come does that make sense so if you don't take responsibility for your own life you're going to end up going to somebody who will have to accept that responsibility of your life and prepare ahead of time and it's either going to be me or somebody like me or it's going to be a doctor or it's going to be somebody who has spent a good portion of their life training studying learning something that can produce what you need for your life the best thing is for you to learn to take responsibility for your own life amen and you can't violate now listen you can't violate the laws of god on a consistent basis and not suffer some of the consequences now i will tell you i most of you know my eating habits are not great okay um it's amazing because if you knew what i knew about nutrition and that stuff then it would really be a shame okay um because i know a lot more about it because i used to focus on it and trained and you know around chinese herbalism and new various things that you could do and even some of the native american herbs and things that are here um so i know these things and and i was a trainer at bally's back during the president and first ladies if y'all remember way back then uh the old fitness play i was a floor trainer and i taught people how to train and how to exercise and do all those things and so i know it which makes it worse that i don't do it right but the bottom line is that you have to have these things now what i have learned is that you can if you are fulfilling god's call in your life and i'm not telling you to take advantage but if you're fulfilling the call of god in your life then you can do things for a while and not suffer the bad effects of them during that time for instance because when i go overseas and i travel and minister uh we go sometimes months at a time and it's long hours and it's you know tiring and that kind of stuff and you can get physically exhausted you can go through all stuff and with my nutrition not being all that great anyway it's amazing i sat down not too long ago and was talking my wife about this and we looked at it and we looked at what i normally eat say in a week which is what i normally eat all the time because they pretty much the same all the time there is no nutrition in anything i eat i don't know how i'm still living other than the grace of god i don't know what that's like because i look at it i'm like there is not enough enough nutrition in in this stuff to keep me going how do i keep going it has to be just the grace of god all right but now that i see that i can't keep taking advantage of that because now i'm taking advantage of the grace of god you understand what i'm saying so so you know you try to work out do the stuff yeah and it doesn't help that my wife is a great cook that just doesn't help it's really hard to say no i'm not what is that oh okay yeah i'll start tomorrow we're good first of the year is coming up i'll just put it off till the end gotta get through thanksgiving and christmas and surely there's another holiday shortly after that but anyway so but but you have to obey the laws of health at some point or you're going to go to somebody that has prepared does that make sense it's just so many times our circumstances are adverse circumstances because of things that we have done because if you sow to the flesh you will of the flesh reap destruction isn't that right corruption any right so there is responsibility there now that's not to say that every sickness is the result of a sin or even bad sowing sometimes it's just a flat-out attack and sometimes it's different things that are going on and so god is always there but we should never look at the circumstance to be indicative of god's will well i'm in the position i'm in i'm in the condition i'm in because this is god's will uh you know i have this disease because it's god's will because he's teaching me to have compassion or what it is well jesus was full of compassion and there's no record of him ever being sick all right now the next one is number four c okay and that means not obeying the laws of peace and this is probably as big as uh the laws of health because the law of peace now understand this has more to do with your soul but it will affect your body because the state of your soul affects your body right and many diseases are not just psychosomatic meaning when people say psychosomatic they think well it's not it's only in your head it's not really in your body you know you're a hypochondriac or it's not real psychosomatic doesn't necessarily mean that it just means mind over the body is really what it the word means and so your mind causes certain things to happen in your body your mind will cause certain chemicals to release and that kind of stuff and that's what makes you laugh makes you happy makes you sad and that kind of stuff based on what you look at what you focus on and but it can release actual chemicals that will have a detrimental effect on your body you know a lot of people especially in high risk or high stress situations they're uh cortisol levels and things like that cortisone cortisol uh levels are very high and it's constant which has a detrimental effect on your physical body and so when people they think well you know i had this rush of adrenaline okay that's good but usually a rush of adrenaline also causes an increase at least periodically or for a short period of time it also causes a an increase in blood pressure and once blood pressure goes up even if it comes back down it has stretched the blood vessels to a position that makes them weaker and so there's a lasting effect on this now of course god can overcome all of this right but i'm just saying that you have to realize that if you are in a if you're a person who is always mad always angry i can tell you that you are weakening your physical system and you're going to have a lot of other things going on in your body and you can't even blame it on the devil your body is doing it to yourself because you are making yourself be in that frame of mind right so this is violating the laws of peace so whenever you want to uh what you want is you want to walk in the peace of god you want to walk into you know we know from galatians 5 we talked about that one of the fruit of the spirit is peace jesus said the peace that i have i leave with you not peace that the world has see the peace that the world has is due to a lack of conflict if there's a lack of conflict the world is at peace but what the peace that jesus gives us is peace in the middle of conflict so that means when everybody else's blood pressure goes up years can remain the same so and that has an effect on your body does this make sense to you so i'm trying to show you see we have to realize we are spirit soul and body we are connected to heaven but at the same time we're connected to earth amen and so there has to be this interaction but you can and as i said before you have a spiritual immune system and an emotional or a mental immune system and a physical immune system and it's in that order and if your spiritual immune system is operating high function then it can actually override the other two and you will carry on and not get sick when a normal person would get sick right because of the spiritual immune system now but that's you're not expected to live in that all the time and so that should be only periods of time now so uh we what we need to find out are what are the laws of peace okay i'm going to give you a couple of them right the first one forgiveness forgiveness is the law of peace i know this doesn't necessarily sound logical but it is if you get to the inner workings of it when you forgive it switches off anger and it switches off some of the chemicals that would normally be being put out and so there is an act when you forgive yes it releases them but it also benefits you and releases you right because if you don't forgive and you hang on to that thing they can go on and do whatever they're going to do in life and yet you're still hanging on to it and every day you do that thing is still building and puts pressure on you physically emotionally and spiritually because you can't walk with god and walk in unforgiveness do you understand that we are to forgive even as he forgave us so we're in a direct violation so that's one of the things so you have to remember you have to forgive uh notice people that have not trespassed against you okay or people that yeah that offended you put it that way because we say trespass i think okay how did it but you have to forgive people that have offended you even if maybe they didn't mean to maybe they didn't mean to who cares it's affecting you so you have to forgive to get that off of you does that make sense so now notice the people that have not trespassed against you they don't need forgiveness why because they haven't done anything they don't need for from you they don't need it they might still need it from god but still those that need it tend to be the ones that you don't want to give it to that make sense why because you got something against them now right they trespass they offended you you don't do it well that's the very people you need to make sure you forgive why because that's eating away at you even while you're holding on to it so yes jesus said uh you know the well don't need physicians the sick do so look at them as a sick and you're the physician and you're going to release them by forgiving them and now you can walk in the law of peace which maintains health not just in your body but in your life in your mental being you ever try to sit and watch something maybe and the whole time your mind is somewhere else and it's about this situation that situation what we're gonna do about this it can be fear it can be worry it can be unforgiving all these things are a lack of peace and they all have the same effect you don't walk in peace god wants us to walk in peace so and now if you don't forgive soon you'll be the sick that needs healing and that a lot of times that has to do with somebody saying well doctors can't pinpoint this they don't know what's going on or the doctor said i'm in stress i'm under too much i don't understand that it's amazing because you can think it's amazing you you can think you're in peace and yet internally you're not right and you know something's not right you just don't know what it is but even how you doing oh i'm great you know blessed to the lord highly favored you get all that you got all the spiel you know it doesn't matter if you're saying it if it's not true in your life so jesus said that if you know that someone has something against you you go to them you don't wait for them to come to you if you know they have something against you right or wrong well i didn't do anything i'm not going to go no if they have a perceived thing against you then you should at least go and go you know what did i do let's get it maybe you did do something you didn't realize it right either way i didn't do anything to them but they can name what you did right and maybe to you you think really that's what you're upset about that's nothing they're like then why is it so hard for you to say i'm sorry okay don't shout me down now just cause i'm preaching good okay galatians chapter 5 verse 22 says but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance or which actually means self-control discipline against such there is no law notice all these words you say these words and you if you know what they are which most everybody here does when you say them there's a level of peace that comes with each word because you think love automatic see love is not a if love is a color it's not going to be red that makes sense i mean you know you think different colors have different effects on people and that kind of stuff red is always this you know kind of an anger color right it'd be you know blue or i don't know whatever makes you you know feel good man i don't know what it is but generally like a you know some type of blue because that's why the ocean tends to give people peace one of the reasons so you have that in it when you say love when you say joy joy see that's a positive that's a it's a light thing all these words are light right peace again there it is again long suffering now that doesn't always sound light okay but notice right after that gentleness see even saying gentleness just kind of makes you go you know just gentle right so goodness a good it's a positive it's a light thing faith meekness see meekness is when you when you hear meekness you don't think ah you know you don't think that way why because that's not meek any right meek you think somebody that it's calm cool collected got it together holding it together even if inside they're going or you know what's going on but you just see them right temperance again self-control the bible says that a man that has control of his own self is better than a man that can take a strong city isn't that something if you have control of yourself you know some of the greatest deliverances most people ever have is to be delivered from themself yeah i mean that's that's better than the legion of demons coming out of a person sometimes right some people you think if you got rid of yourself bigger than a legion right so all of these fruit portray an overall demeanor an attitude and here's the real key a personal atmosphere imagine that we all have a personal atmosphere it's like if you were in outer space and yet on a spacesuit in that space suit that's your own personal atmosphere every person has their own atmosphere and your atmosphere can be good it can be bad what it is but you determine it it's not what as you've always heard it's not what happens you know to you it's how you respond to it isn't that right and so you can learn and now notice this didn't happen automatically if this happened automatically we wouldn't even be talking about it it doesn't happen automatically you have to actually in those situations you have to recognize i need to exercise self-control at this point i need to shut my mouth uh you know and and honestly i'll tell you being on television being in the limelight and that kind of stuff and you know going into a store and people recognizing you or going somewhere to eat and they recognize you and they look at you and point at you or that kind of stuff and then they come over and talk to you and you're like thank god i was nice to the server you know because they would have heard it i mean you all heard well i'm not going to bring it up anyway there was there was a famous preacher who got on an airline with his wife and his wife had a fight with one of the attendants and it if he was just average person that that happens every day for somebody and you don't hear about it but because he's all over the internet and everything it went all over the internet he didn't even do it his wife did it and that's something and yet his name was brought into wife of televangelist or whatever it is so you never know who's watching if you thought that your life was being watched and recorded and people knew you you might actually exercise a little more self-control or maybe you wouldn't i don't know maybe you're kind of like hey that's you know i'm good with it so whatever it is so just don't do anything you're ashamed of it's pretty simple so but it's not what happens to you it's how you react to it think about this jesus reacted to his cousin's murder john the baptist by going out and healing the sick he didn't you know he didn't say herod dropped dead because he'd dropped dead but he didn't do that he why because he knew he wasn't fighting against flesh and blood see that's what we have to remember so many christians today don't remember the fact that there is an enemy and it's not somebody you're looking at that there's an enemy behind that thing that's that's causing it it was it was a devil behind the pharisees that religious spirit that wanted to kill jesus and so jesus did not retaliate in the flesh you know there's always saying the best revenge is living well well maybe that's a good way to live you know if you have to think about revenge necessarily so a large part of peace has to do with your attitude toward god now listen carefully if you blame god for everything that happens to you you cannot have the peace that jesus promised you can't because you can't have peace toward coming from a person that you're blaming everything bad that happens so medical studies have proved that people that think that god is against them or that he is a source of their problems tend to be sicker more often than normal and tend to be mentally depressed more than average if you think god's going to get you and he's going to do this to you he's looking for a reason to smite you then you tend to be have walk in fear you you don't understand the love of god and you tend to walk more uh have more mental depression and even more physical sickness this is a it's a medical study which you know i'm just telling you because that's what came out i don't agree with all of them but this actually makes sense people who believe that god loves them and has their best interest at heart and believes that god is for them and intends to bless them tend to live healthier happier more joyful lives that that right there should be enough reason for you to see god as he really is and start to believe that he loves you enough that he sent his son amen remember this always remember this a judge pronounces judgment based on a violation of an established law the judge does not carry out the sentence the judge is not responsible for the violation nor for the punishment why because all he does is prescribe is he sentences a a certain uh judgment or punishment that is already written down he's not just making it up he has to go back and say this crime at this level requires this level of punishment so all of that is technically out of his hands and that's why we have a jury to decide in that now again talking kind of natural and spiritual same time so the judge is now noticing the judge does not carry out the sentence the judge is not responsible for the violation nor for the punishment is that right why because the person is responsible is the person that violated the law so a true judge a just judge does not deliver a sentence based upon his emotions toward the person or the seriousness of the violation he works within a specified limited sentencing system god is the judge of heaven and earth he is a just judge he will do what is right amen now here's the good news he's also merciful and you can ask for mercy and you can receive mercy but the main thing about this is this don't blame god for your circumstance for your situation for your problem he is your helper not your enemy he's not the accuser amen he is not the accuser do you know okay first off and i got to finish right here i've already gone over what i've planned on going the word uh well i can get it right the word demon the actual english word demon is not in the king james bible okay it's devils is what they call them and a devil the word devil comes from two greek words dia and balos or diablo which is a word for devil also in spanish so you have diabolos dia means through balos means to throw or to penetrate they would say okay now just like when we talk about casting out devils ek balo to throw out okay and it and it has the idea of throwing now the word diablo dia bolos what we call a demon which the word in greek is demonos or diamondos and it it that's the word for demon but for devil it's diabolos or diablo like i said now that word literally means and and the way it's used throughout history in greek in ancient greek was like a person chipping through a wall with a hammer and chisel that they just keep cutting because the word daya or dia means to to cut through okay and bolos means to make the penetration in other words what it means is this here's how the devil works he keeps chipping away until he gets through that's how demons work they come at you and they chip away and they chip away and they chip away and they keep going until they finally break through and you agree with them and you're tired and you give up and you don't fight that's why we are told to resist now that is exactly what the devil who is the god of this world system has done in society years ago there were certain moral standards and he has systematically been chipping away and chipping away and chipping away until he has finally in some areas broken through completely especially in the areas of like marriage and life because now marriage is redefined by the world not by god god still has the idea of one man one woman right that's marriage then they've also chipped away at the idea of the very concept of life when is there life and they say oh it's only this or it's only at that point but god said before you were even formed in your mother's womb i knew you right so we agree that it is at conception and we understand how certain people always change terminology because they say oh i'm pro-choice when it should be death because that's the only choice they ever make and so but then you say well and it's funny i'm pro-life are pro-choice wait a minute those aren't opposites so it's pro-life or pro-death simple as that and god hadn't changed on that but the enemy is continually chipping away trying to get through to the point where none of those moral standards are any longer seen to be the same do you know and i've actually already reported this to you i was talking george last night well i told you about canada but now they're attempting to do the same thing in australia and that is this they're trying to pass a law that no person no preacher no minister no christian can pray for a person that has either well let me put it this way they cannot pray for a person that that identifies as an opposite gender from what they were born now what that means is this in canada and australia they're attempting it in australia which means we're next that's all it means is that they say that if a person has identified if a person was born male but identifies as a female then even get this even if that person comes to anybody christian preacher counselor whoever and says i want to go back to normal i want to go back to what i was i want to go back to that would you pray for me if you pray you go to jail five years if you pray if they ask you not if you walk up and go oh you're wrong and you ought to be this and i'm gonna pray that this happened to you and you no no no if they walk listen if they walk in a church and ask the pastor to pray that they be set free and the pastor prays that pastor can be arrested and that church shut down now you watch what's going to happen that's a sting operation waiting to happen where they send people into churches asking for prayer and as soon as you do it they shut you down i'm telling you what we're seeing in the world today is not an attack against economies or political ideologies it isn't a it is a spiritual attack against the church because we are the only thing that continues to hold moral ground and that's where our battle is going to stay but we have to fight it in the spirit not against flesh and blood that means if you know what's going on turn off the news quit getting mad at everybody and start praying amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 17,538
Rating: 4.9017859 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 5uiiPrjCgU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 12sec (3912 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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