JESUS PEACE: THE UMPIRE - Pastor Phillip Thomas

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so glad to be here this morning and just say i'm glad to be in the service one more time amen glad to be alive glad to be here with you for those of you that are joining us for the first time whether online or here in the building we're so glad that you're with us and you are with us today and uh if you're new here my name is pastor phillip i'm the associate pastor here at world outreach church honored to serve in this position we honor our lead or senior pastors pastors mark and jennifer zee amen they are out today and traveling and so we thank god for traveling mercies and angels and camped around them and it's always an honor to stand here before you to share what i feel like the lord has dealt with me to deal with today and i just ask that you would pray pray with me and we'll dive into the word and so today is really um i really want us we're still talking about the supernatural church yeah still supernatural church and we've been on a vein specifically when we're talking about the supernatural church we know that it's not just the the body i mean the the building the church it's not the building but it's us individually as well us as individuals but also as the organism and we've been talking about the supernatural church and really the last several weeks if you haven't been i would encourage you to go back and watch even if you were here pastor mark did some phenomenal teaching on really being led by the spirit of god and understanding that he speaks you know in a still small voice and that's the voice that we should always be sensitive to the the still small voice on the inside and uh and learn how to follow that voice i believe that the day and days and times that we're living in right now it's imperative for the believer to know how to hear the voice of god and to be led by the spirit of god amen church it is important it's imperative and so today we're going to dive into a little bit about of that but specifically uh peace and allowing peace to be the umpire in your life okay we're going to talk about peace and allowing peace of god to be an umpire in your life and this may not be one of those uh shouting doing a whole bunch of cartwheels and flip sermons but it is very important that this sinks down into your ears that it is lodged in your heart because it is imperative for the believer to know how to follow peace and decision-making especially today especially in the days that we're living in knowing how to follow peace and decision making so we're going to look at the scripture and colossians um this is not an unfamiliar text colossians 3. and we'll start with verse 12 and we'll we'll go on to 15 and it says this colossians 3 12 15 therefore as the elect of god that's you holy and beloved put on tender mercies kindness humility meekness and long-suffering that'll preach right there it says bearing with one another and forgiving one another if any one has a complaint against another even as christ forgave you you also must do but above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection and then verse 15 says and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to which also you were called in one body and be thankful now when you look at this verse especially verse 15 in the amplified it's like the amplified i forgot which there's two versions of the amplified but it says this and let the peace the soul harmony which comes from christ rule or act as an umpire continually in your hearts deciding and settling with finding out finality all questions that arise in your mind in this peaceful state to which as members of christ one body you are also called to live and be thankful or appreciative and give praise to god always so it's important it says you this it's it's understood you you are the subject it says you let the peace of christ rule in your heart continually as an umpire so when we're first talking about the peace of christ it's interesting that it is specific in which god always is in in his word he's specific but he says specifically to let the peace of christ rule as an umpire and so what that indicates is that if if he's specific on the in the indication of the peace of christ that may that must also mean there's another type of peace there's another type of peace and there is and so that's what we have to understand he said he wants us to rule with the peace of christ and look what it says let's go to john john chapter 14 and 26 it says but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things 27 and it says peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you what does it say after that not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your heart be troubled when you look at that that specific portion that uh not as the world giveth when you look at that in the the passion translation it says this not the kind of fragile peace given by the world but my perfect peace and so when we're talking about let the peace of christ rule our life we're talking about god's perfect peace there is another type of peace but the scripture and john lets us know that it's fragile and that's the peace of the world well how do we differentiate the peace of the world versus the peace of christ well it's easy let me help you the peace of this world is based on comfort it's based on tranquility it's based on harmony and it's really uh it's it's it's it's it's foundation is in our sensory realm so it's in our sense so if we feel comfortable and we feel good and we feel harmony then that's the piece of this world right but the scripture and john lets us know that that's a fragile piece because that type of peace is based on your external situations and so if everything around you feels good then you got peace and if everything around you is going to according to your plan then you have peace but that is fragile because it's based on outward circumstances and it's based on the sensory realm and we know that we walk by faith and not by sight and so we can't base our piece on what's going on around us because we know we live in a fallen world we know that second corinthians 4 lets us know that the the enemy is the god of this world and so because he's the god of this world we know it's chaos and so because there's chaos by the world's definition there is lack of peace but when we're talking about the peace of christ he said the peace i give to you the peace i leave that's the jesus piece that's god's peace and the peace that he has given us it is not based on external situations but it is a gift from god it's a supernatural sustaining peace it doesn't shift based on comfort and it doesn't shift based on external situations but it's a supernatural supernatural gift from god now we know that if it's a gift from god then that means it has to be obtained by faith it has to be obtained by faith and how do we know that it's uh it's perfect well the scripture lets us know that all good and perfect things come from god so he said in john peace i give to you well if he gave it to us and he is perfect and everything that comes from him has his characteristics that means it's perfect so the peace that he gives to us is perfect peace it's perfect and that is the peace that he wants us to live by that's the peace that he wants to be the umpire in our life so we have to make sure first of all when we're talking about peace that we're not trying to slap a worldly definition on a godly thing okay we got to make sure we're not slapping a worldly definition on the godly things so so so how how you say well okay so we we understand that this supernatural peace the peace from god that is described in john that he gave to us it comes from him he said well how do i know that i have that well he said this in isaiah what'd he say in 26 3 isaiah 26 and 3 he said you will be kept in perfect peace when your mind has stayed on him you keep your mind on jesus i say that all the time to keep your mind on jesus you keep your mind on jesus you will be in perfect peace and that perfect peace is what shall rule god determine your course of action you can always always remain in that perfect peace by just keeping your mind stayed on god amen church and so so what he's saying is saying that let the peace of christ act as an umpire in your life act as an umpire somebody say is that why you got that striped shirt on kind of but like it kind of fit so i was like let me just throw this on okay but seriously we've got to allow the peace of god to be the umpire so when we when you think about an umpire um well there wasn't baseball in paul's time so he's not talking about that type of umpire but um it's it's similar too but in in in the context you know you have the uh the umpire in that time and we know that paul made a lot of sports references and metaphors in the time you know we wrestle not run the race you know fight the good fight all of those different things they're sports metaphors but specifically when he's talking about this piece along that piece to be an umpire you know it's it's in reference to basically the greco-roman fighting type things or the olympiad or the olympics that took place at that time and and when you look at the uh the context historically the umpire was the decision maker so when it came to like the javelin and and the hurdles and running and a lot of the same sports that we still have in the chariot races you had the umpire there that was watching and whether at the finish line and he made the call and once he made the call that was it right and that decided who won who lost you know even in baseball it decides who's in and who's out and so what we're saying right now that you've got to allow the peace of god to be the determiner of whether or not you do or don't do something do you hear what i'm saying you got to allow that perfect peace that he gave to you that he gave to me as a gift to be the deciding factor to be the umpire to blow the whistle whether or not to do something or to not do something you've got to allow that that perfect peace and so and so so just as patience is a byproduct of peace uh i mean patience is a byproduct of faith peace is always an accompanier to god's will peace always follows the will of god it's always like you will never be in the will of god and not have peace you will always find peace it's like the with what it's always together peace always accompanies the will of god and so the the reality is is that when you're making a decision you've got to check on the inside whether or not you've got peace about it if you do not have peace about it that's probably god telling you that you ain't supposed to be doing that you aren't supposed to be going there you aren't supposed to be saying that it's the peace of god it's the peace of god and there is the because god's will is perfect his peace is always there there's peace in his yeses and there's peace in his nose there's peace and his stops and there's peace in his goals that kind of rhymed right there but it's true it's it always accompanies it and that's what we got to follow that's what we got to know and and and what we talked about the peace of god and i'm just this is like a little side tangent again we talked about the peace of god that's not based on our external external challenges it's not based on anything and so what a misnomer is often times when we think about the peace of god is that the peace of god does not mean the absence of challenges the peace of god does not mean the absence of troubles hurdles you know challenges and things that you've got to deal with no the peace of god will sustain you through the challenges through the hurdles when it looks like well everybody is losing their mind and you've got the peace it's the supernatural piece why because it's perfect and that type of piece it surpasses all understanding it surpasses all understanding and so that is the that's what you have to understand about the the peace of god is that it doesn't eliminate trouble but it sustains you through the trouble it sustains you while you while you're going through that's the the you know when we talk about the leading and that's and that lets us know right there you know when we talk about the leading uh uh of christ the leading of the spirit he says um what is it in psalms 23 let me look it up real quick so i can quote it right i'll be like well you should have memorized it but anyways the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he make me to lie down in green pastures what does he do he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul what else he leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake so he's always leading leading you to righteousness leading you to still waters he's not leading you into trouble he's not leading you in the heartache he's not leading you into sickness we said well what it says yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they what they comfort me that means that even that's just i'm getting ahead of myself but that's okay this was so good about the grace of god is that even when we don't follow the leading of the holy spirit thank god he he has his rod and his staff to comfort us while we walk through the valley of the shadow of death because sometimes we make a decision that is not always the leading of the holy spirit but it doesn't mean that he just leaves us high and dry no he walks through it with us that he has his ron and staff on the side of us to comfort us not to beat us not to make us feel bad about the decision not to you know make us feel guilty but he comforts us and then in the midst of that he still prepares a table in the presence of our enemies that means he still provides for us even when we don't make the right choice and we ignore the leading but he always leads us into the path of righteousness and leads us besides the still waters and so so when when when when when we're talking about being led by the spirit of god we know that peace it serves as your umpire and so either peace is present or it's disturbed okay if peace is there you know that your your heart is in the right place but if peace is not there then something is not lining up and that is what we need to check so this is the scripture in galatians says we live in the spirit let us walk in the spirit that means it's a choice when he's saying if we live in the spirit it's not saying like as a question but it's implying since since you are saved you are saved if you are saved you have the spirit of god inside of you since you are saved and the spirit resides in you it behooves you to walk in the spirit and you walk in the spirit by being led by the spirit why why do why can we rest assured in the leading of the spirit why both number one he says he's the spirit of truth he leads and guides us into all truth and so that that context of all you know in the english it's a brief it's called a predeterminer pronoun that means you can't use the word all if it's not encompassing that thing so if the spirit is saying i will lead you into all truth that means that it encompasses everything pertaining to truth he will lead you on that and if he's leading you in that then there will be peace that follows that leading and so what we have to understand just to come home with you is that he wants to lead you in everything repeat after me the holy spirit wants to lead me in everything he wants to lead you and everything every decision that you make he desires to lead you actually he is leading you he is leading you you've got to know his leading this goes back to what pastor mark was saying about the still small voice you've got to be sensitive to the promptings and the impressions and the leadings of the holy spirit he wants to lead you in all things he wants to lead you in buying a car he wants to lead you in and buying or building your house he wants to lead you in in business deals and and uh in transactions and acquisitions or whatever the case may be he wants to lead you in dating he does single people he wants to lead you in that you talking to somebody and it's like it ain't settling that's the holy spirit trying to tell you that ain't the one she ain't it brother he ain't it sister that ain't it that is not the move he wants to lead you in that he wants to lead you in marriage he wants to lead you and whether or not you take a job what options you have he wants to lead you in what school what university to attend and if you're already in a university he wants to lead you in what classes to take i wish i would have learned that it would have saved me a lot of withdrawals from my transcript don't judge me had i been led i wouldn't have those w's but anyways god is good but he wants to lead you i he he wants to and i i i say this and here hear me out because this is not trying to stir the pot but he wants to even lead you in your medical decisions he wants to lead you in that vaccine or no vaccine what to take and what doctor to go to and all of that he wants to lead you in that and what you have to do is follow peace we don't follow people i have a written down there are so many p's there's only one p we need to follow that's peace where would i where do i write that down at maybe i maybe it got deleted no it's not here he don't he does you don't you're not led by panic you're not led by pressure you're not led by politics you're not led by prices you're not led by preference you're not led by people and even profits [Applause] you're led by peace it's by peace and so many times we make decisions based off of pressure well i feel like i got to do this and that's not that's not faith that's haste we don't make decisions out of haste well time is one and i gotta make no no no no where's the peace at you follow peace you know we don't make decisions based on panic well hysteria and all the stuff that's going on oh oh the world is collapsing ah everything is going away ah i gotta do this and i gotta sell this and i gotta do this and no no no no no that's not my decision maker my decision maker is the perfect piece that comes from christ and because my mind has stayed on him i know that i'm always in perfect peace and if i'm always in perfect peace then that means i am susceptible to the leading of that peace and allowing that peace to be an umpire we're not led by prices because sometimes you'll the holy spirit may say go ahead and do this you'll be like oh that costs way too much i can't do that lord do you see that sticker price and he said but i didn't tell you to be led by the price tag i told you to be led by peace and he will lead you in to exactly what the perfect world see this is what you have to understand peace always accompanies the will of god so if you're in the will of god you have peace but in the will of god also is provision and protection so if you follow peace you follow the will of god you're in the will of god you will always have provision and you'll always have protection so if the peace of god is leading me to do something that is beyond my financial realm that's okay because i walk by faith and not by sight and i know if i follow the will of god then i'm in this perfect will that means i'll have provision for the thing and i have protection for the thing so i don't have to worry about the finances i don't have to worry if i'm going to be taken care of or not i have peace and that peace is enough to sustain me in my goal it's enough to sustain you stop looking at the prices that is not what you're led by you're led by peace you're led by peace you're led by peace we're not led by people we're not led by people people aren't the decision maker you know it's just like this it's like at a game you got the refs you know you got the umpire but you know in the stadium there's always about half the crowd that think they arrest too that's a travel you can't even see you all the way in the bleach and like that's a foul that's holding that's that just always want to be a ref have a seat but we also have people in our lives that always want to be the umpire in our decision-making well i don't know if you should do that well i don't know it just makes me nervous well it don't matter what you feel i've got peace about it and sometimes and you hear me out sometimes it comes from a sincere place because a lot of times you you you get advice and direction from the people that love you the most your family your sister your brother your parents your cousins those that really care about you but that cannot override the peace of god and sometimes they may say no you should do this but god is saying no i want you to do that and you've got to allow the peace of god be the umpire and not the people in your life do you hear what i'm saying you got to check on the inside and i don't even i'll even throw this out to parents it's important to start teaching your kids to follow peace now if they are saved they can follow peace you tell them okay when when the other kids were being mean at school what were you feeling what did you get on the inside you know they're gonna say it wasn't right you follow that don't ignore what don't ignore that that is that is the that's the piece of god trying to tell you don't be a part of that that peace of god that is the peace of god they can learn at an early age and guess what what happens when they turn teenagers and then they're dealing with peer pressure that same piece that told them not to be mean in second grade will be that same disruption of peace when somebody's trying to get them to smoke weed when somebody's trying to get them to lay down and have sex that same disturb like oh i should be here well we'll disrupt them be like i know i should not be here drinking you start at an early age start them at second grade and even if they're teenagers now it's not too late it's our job to steward that in them so that they will always live a life being led by peace it's our responsibility to be led by peace you know i could i can guarantee you i mean i and hear me out this is not to be you know whatever but even in in like you know i believe every every now and then it's not i mean it is necessary to to go sit down with the past like i just i need a meeting with the pastor i need to tell them all my troubles i got all this going on and nine times out of ten we're going to sit there and listen and the first question we're going to ask what is peace telling you what are you getting on the inside he's like well you know he's telling me i probably shouldn't do that there you go no charge i won't even charge you for that a lot of the questions that you have if you ask yourself do i have peace about this or is my piece disturbed that is your answer right there it's just that simple and a lot of times the error of a lot of believers is that god is disrupting the peace in us and we say lord just give me peace about this situation no he's telling you no he's disrupting the peace in that situation for a reason you want him to co-sign on your will and he's saying that ain't my will that ain't my plan i'll share a story with you guys recently i mean i have so many stories about following the piece but recently you know um we just had a baby and uh so uh last year uh yolanda's mother passed away and for those of you that don't know she is from sweden and so uh that was during covet and it was you know her mother was in sweden and so this whole time we have not been able to have a ceremony just to honor her mother's passing and that is you know something that we desire to do yolanda has sisters that live in all different parts of the world a sister that lives in kenya we're here in america she has family so everywhere so just getting everybody together is not like hey on saturday we're going to come together like it's not that easy and especially not that easy during coping and all restrictions and tests and all this other kind of stuff and so uh we had made a decision the family had gotten together we got on a call and said okay um in shoe in in in july we're gonna all come together and go to sweden and we're gonna have this the ceremony or whatever and we'll all be together everybody's time worked out it was everything and so that was it and so we had made the decision and as we were going along it was like okay but i was like something's not sitting right and so i i wrestle so every day i'd be like yo you know no after about a week i sat on it because and this is just transparency right i'm like this is my wife's mother whom she was very close to who she hadn't been able to see i'm getting this disruption of peace about going to sweden not on vacation not on just a leisure trip but to go honor her mother whom she hadn't seen and so i was wrestling on the inside was like how do i tell her that i don't have peace about this trip and so i'm like uh i'm not at first i was like i i i ain't gonna do that y'all crazy this is me and god i'm like god like what what what you like are you like what because i know how i would feel i'm like what do you say like okay so anyways praise you the lord so so after about a week like i'm like okay let me just let me take it in prayer let me take it a prayer let me take it in prayer prayer and i were praying there was nothing it wasn't moving so then i started asking line i'm like you know hey um you got to change your tone hey hey so about this trip and i asked like what what are you feeling like do you do you have peace about it or what what are you getting because i trust the holy ghost and her she's like you know it's not she's like i don't have a red light but i don't have a green light either i'm like it's kind of what i got i'm like well let's just kind of let's sit on it let's let's let's let's sit up and if you've heard you know we talk about red light red light means stop right i mean stop you you don't go yellow light is more like proceed with caution and then green light is go you got a green light and that's kind of how the holy spirit leads your peace measure like if you ain't got no peace that means stop or it means you know it's not right it doesn't necessarily mean stop i mean it's not right but yellow proceed with caution so we basically both kind of had that yellow so we're like we're going to proceed with caution and so we proceeded with caution that means we kept like making plans in that direction and but we were just kind of still checking so i'm like here i'm like making plans to this is before revive take off work i'm going to be out two weeks i'm still kind of making plans and every day you know i'm still not getting a green light so every day we would come back together and it's like you getting anything and i'm like i ain't it's not it's it's not giving what it's supposed to gave so it was still like at that yellow it was still like a yellow so i was still proceeding with caution proceeding with caution she was two we were checking in with each other every day and that was it so i just kind of left it alone shiloh was born we knew that we had to get her passport so as soon as we got out the hospital that next week we went to the post office took passport pictures which that is really hard with the baby that is like two weeks old a week old trust me we have to take like 17 and we sent them all in because they were like this is not going to work so we're doing all this and we're like going through the process and tickets it's that we haven't booked the tickets yet but ticket prices are going up so here we are there's that there's the peace but then there's prices like okay lord if we don't book today it's going to be five thousand dollars it's gonna the prices are going up can't be led by that you can't be led by that i'm like i told yolanda like i don't i don't have peace i don't have peace with it yet so you know i at this point i'm starting to utilize the word and the word is like just rest the word cast your cares on me probably care for you my yoke is these burning legs so i'm like you know what i ain't carrying this i am not carrying this so i literally cast the care i'm like lord if you want us to go we're supposed to go i will know well no and really we already didn't know but i was just like well no so i i left it alone wasn't even think we weren't talking about every day one sunday morning i was uh i got up early and it was like six and i'm like you know what i'm just gonna go take some laps around the block and so i'm like walking around i got a little worship music on trying to get rid of the stomach and everything and so i'm walking and i'm kind of warming up my voice because i gotta sing and i mean on the inside clear as day if it's not quite it's not right i'm like huh so i'm like still i'm kind of still jogging or whatever and again it was like if it's not quite it's not right and i knew exactly what that meant i knew exactly i knew exactly what it was in reference to so i'm like okay like that ain't like it got loud it was louder on the inside for me and i was like okay lord you ain't playing so i uh i got home she got shot showered came here for church and then that sunday pastor mark taught on how to be led and he thought about if he like went down the whole list and i was like really like you all in my business you want my business you all of my business so he uh he hit on that i was like okay like you just confirmed everything you just said to me so i told you lana i said okay this is what happened i explained to her i was like we can't go we can't go she's like you know she's like i get it and she's like i i got the same thing she's like i'm i'm in agreement she's like my flesh wants to go because i haven't seen my sisters i haven't had the chance to really mourn and grieve um i haven't seen the tomb i haven't seen my mother like she passed on face time with her so in her her her natural feelings are all of these things but then there's that peace that doesn't make sense to what's going on natural but that's what we made a choice to be led by so she's like i will call my sisters and let them know that we aren't coming and we'll just have to figure out something so i was like okay so we did that and uh i was like yo are you good and she's like i'm good you know i just trust in the peace and so that was that well come the time we were supposed to go two things number one we didn't have shiloh's passport we did the expedited passport time which means it should have came by the beginning of july we were leaving the mid-july it her passport didn't come to almost august so we wouldn't have been able to get on the plane because you have to have a passport for everybody also one of the biggest uh coming back to the states everybody would have had to test negative for covet and it was five of us going four of us had to get tested if you're two or older and so the problem we were all gonna be in one house and so just the probability of that if one of us got stuck we all would have got stuck and i'm like i can't get stuck because i got revived and like a week after this my pictures on that poster i got to be in tulsa i cannot be in stockholm or wherever amsterdam whatever and yolanda had pre-season training two a days she had to be back as the director so we're like we were like okay but if we have peace we'll know it's okay there was no peace and so we didn't have shiloh's passport so that money would have been gone because we can't go none of us could have gone but then also yolanda's sister had a trip scheduled in gambia that uh who where we were staying she was the one that heading up all the all the arrangements well when she was she was supposed to leave out and then we were going to get there the same day and then go to a place well she end up getting stuck in gambia couldn't get out because they uh they had situation there and basically said she tested positive we don't know if that was true or not um but they held her there she had to stay in gambia for several weeks had to get a hold of the swedish embassy to get her out it was all this meant and the thing is had we had not followed peace number one we wouldn't have got there but even if we had shiloh's passport we would have been stuck in sweden nowhere to go no place to be not the whole family there anyways because of the situations and that is like when we found all that we're like i am so glad we followed peace we didn't follow pressure we didn't follow prices we didn't follow other things it was simply following the peace of god it saved us from a whole bunch of turmoil saved us a whole bunch of stress we could have gotten stuck have we been able to go there but we weren't even going to be able to go there so that would have been like five six thousand dollars but i don't need five or six thousand dollars in a credit i need that in my bank account so what you talking about i got kids but all of that in the leading what is peace communicating to you and i challenge you today what is peace communicating to you what is peace communicating to you about the job what is peace communicating to you about that relationship what is peace communicating to you about that business transaction is it there or is it disturbed you've got to follow that you've got to follow that this is something that in the days and the times that we're living in is so important it's detrimental because that peace it'll protect you it'll protect you i have another story trying to think about the time i have another story i'm gonna share the story i'll make it fast my wife as she was here she was like skip all the details you tell too many details i'm a very detailed storyteller she is a get to the point but i feel like you need to have the imagery that i you know you need you need to see it the way i see it so you can understand so i'm gonna make this really quick so i was in college and i'm a part of fraternity alpha phi fraternity incorporated and i um at the time in 2006 i was a i mean i'm i was pretty much a big deal i mean it's fine [Laughter] i mean i don't know how else to say it but let's uh i was the chapter president and um we were starting a new semester it was in january and uh we had a martin luther king celebration martin luther king was a part of our illustrious fraternity so in that day we had a gospel service a prayer service and like all the choirs came but then that night all the chapters ou uco langston osu osu was having uh basically it was like a college you know party or whatever call it a party i know i know it's okay it's okay so i'm like oh my god so um so uh we were going we had left the service we were at tgi fridays all our chapter brothers from ou langston and my school ucl were there and we're eating up fridays and like okay we gotta go to osu tonight for that uh you know the party that we like uh osu always just some just they always came there in stillwater they always came to everything that we had they would drive all the way to norman they'd drive to edmond they would always come but we really never went up there because it's too far still water is far so we said so we're like okay we're going to go so we're sitting at fridays and i'm sitting there and i have a frat brother in front of me paul he was right in front of me and he was like phil y'all got to go and i was like ah i don't know i don't know if i should go that's like i'm not really feeling it which is very un that's not my normal because like again i was a big deal but then also like i was a like like i was like a stepper i was like in the like i would always be like me and my line brother we were always like leading the lines which i mean that probably doesn't make sense to a lot of people but we were the lead like steph so like we kind of made the decisions and so they were like phil you got to go feel you got to go you got to go you got to go i was like me and harold was like i just i just don't want to go i just don't feel good about going i don't know how to describe it i didn't know peace like this but i knew god i was raised in church and i knew god i knew if something wasn't right you just you just aware of that and so paul was sitting in front of me he was like i'mma pay for everybody's food and everything because i want everybody to go i'm like you can pay for my food i was like well and then i knew our our sorority sisters the aks they were coming down from wichita so like everybody like this is about to be a big deal and they're like the caves are coming down from kansas and y'all just gonna stay at home i was like okay okay i'll i'll go i'll let me go home and let me take a shower and then i'll i'll be there i'm gonna go i'm gonna go they're like all right they're like the fields going we're all going they call me phil so like the field's going we're all going i said i wasn't gonna make this long but i i'm sorry it's just you gotta have the details okay so so my chapter said the phil's going we're going so i said all right i'm gonna go home take a shower so i got home took a shower and i could i know peace i was like i cannot i cannot go i i can't i cannot go can't go so i called my alarm brother um harold and i was like i i can't go bro he was like well if you ain't going i ain't going he's like if y'all ain't going if we ain't going to chapter and going they're like what about the caves and everybody i was like we're not going i'm like well i can't go i'm not going to go i'm like it's saturday and i need to be on time for church anyway so so i didn't go so i actually decided to do laundry that night and so the chapter we called the brothers from ou they were all waiting at my chapter brother's house they were all waiting for me to say yes and i said no so my chapter brothers didn't go the brothers from ou went ahead and decided to go anyways they're like phil you whack you this blah i can't believe this [Music] and i remember uh paul was like man this is my last semester i'm going to law school after this and he's like i'm done this is my last semester go around so anyways they decided to go they went and everything was cool they went to that and then they had like a after set at a hotel and everybody went to that you had to be invited to come to that you had to be important so so obviously if i would have went i would have been there clearly uh thanks uh but so they had this they had the gathering and uh i'm almost done but it was only you could only get in if you were invited well uh other people wanted to get in and uh my friend brothers wouldn't let them in now if you understand my old personality i put away all things i was very also very like if we're gonna do something if we say you can't come in you're not coming in like i would have been the first one at the door like you're not coming in like i would be the main one in the face like you ain't getting in here and i dare you to try but i wasn't there so anyways there's a guy that wanted to come in he couldn't come in they wouldn't let him in so he goes to his car he grabs a gun he comes back to that hotel room there's a big suite holds open the door and just blindly starts shooting the frat brother that was sitting in front of me that was going to law school got hit in the stomach another one of my frat brothers got hit also in the stomach and in the leg the fat brother that got hit in the leg was met a flight from stillwater to o.u health science center the fret brother that sat in front of me that bought all our food that was headed to law school died he died so i get a call at 2 30 3 o'clock in the morning hey there was a shooting at the party i didn't know if you knew this there's actually somebody from ucl they're like we didn't see none of the alphas here from uco but we just want to let you know craig got here paul got hit so i'm calling everybody trying to figure out what's going on all the ou chapter there at the hospital so that sunday we all go to my dad's church all my chapter brothers we all come to church and we pray and then afterwards i was going to ou health science to see craig on my way to see craig to see how he's doing on my way there that's when i got the call that paul had died he died 3.89 gpa headed to law school doing going to do major things and i sit back and i'm like had i not followed that piece it's not even i wonder i know i wouldn't be standing here today it's not a wonder i know because i would have been at that door telling folks you're not getting in and wishing somebody would have said something about it me and harold we talked about it all everybody in my chapter none of them went because we didn't go and that in and of it when i was studying this message i was just reflected on that even when i didn't know the holy ghost was leading me because once i got saved peace was inside of me that peace he gave to me and and i and and god he had to do a lot more to get me to follow it but that peace of god will protect you from some crazy stuff it'll protect you maybe i should just hold on okay maybe you're late to work i'd rather you get a up then something happened to you in a car accident you've got to follow peace he's always trying to lead you and guide you the thing he says he knows all truth so he already knows he'll show you things because he knows what's ahead even when you don't he knew what was ahead at that party that's why he was disturbing the peace so much on my inside where i was like i can't go let peace be the umpire in your life let peace guide and be your decision maker in the days to come we don't know what's going on we know we're living in the last days you better let peace be your umpire this message is for us let peace be our umpire can we give the lord a hand of praise hallelujah thank god for peace it's not something you have to be scared about you don't have to wonder about well how do i know if i'm how do i know how do i know i have the peace of god keep your mind on jesus he'll keep you in perfect peace he'll give you the peace that surpasses all understanding lean that into your own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways and he what he'll direct your path he'll show you where to go he'll show you where to stop he'll show you where to park he'll show you where to run he'll show you where to turn that's what he does and if you're here today or if you're watching online you say you know what i want that piece well it's easy all you have to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus christ died for your sins and that he rose you believe that you're saved and once you say you're saved the holy spirit that leads and guides you into all truth he comes inside and he'll lead you he'll lead you in peace and so if you're saying you know what i want to i want to guarantee that i have that umpire on the inside it's real simple just repeat after me jesus i accept you as my lord and my savior i believe that you died that you rose for me and that you're coming back again i accept you into my life and i accept the gift of peace that you give and i make the choice to let that peace govern rule my life and my decision making i thank you by faith i am your sheep and you are my shepherd and your voice is the only voice that i listen to i thank you in jesus name let's give the lord a handclap of praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let peace be your umpire keep that with you chew on that feed on that god is good amen hey if you're a first time guest thank you for joining us today thank you for being with us we are glad that you're here and text the word welcome to 918-215-7066 we have a free gift that we would love to give to you in our cafe just to say thank you for joining us if you're joining us online for the first time thank you for being a part of our service hope that something that was shared today penetrated your heart your soul your mind something that will carry you on your journey i believe that we all can be like paul we can finish our race run our race with joy finish our course by always following peace we can all have that same that same declaration statement at the end of our life because of that peace amen let us stand tomorrow's labor day so the offices will be closed those prayer groups that usually meet on mondays we will not be here so enjoy the holiday also we won't have noon hour sessions but always check those alerts don't assume every alert is the same because there might be some time where we get on to uh to pray so make sure as you are getting those alerts that you check that out amen let's say are y'all happy all right okay praise you the lord i'm like oh my gosh the story just no we that's the we're we're happy in the lord we're happy in the lord we just learn we learn from those illustrations amen all right let's say our vision statement together one two three we live by the word we're led by the spirit we love the world you are dismissed have a great sunday and the rest of your labor day weekend
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 239
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: XpbzdvE8e-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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