September 5th, 2021 - Dr. Joshua Bulger

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] come on how many you want to see your dream resurrected amen i'm telling you there's nothing impossible with god feel like you've messed up so much that god has a plan b for your life god never has an alternate plan for your life amen you might say well pastor you don't know what i've done let me tell you something every book sometimes has a few bad chapters but your life story is not over yet amen you're the one you're the one that has control on what the outcome of your life is going to be and i'm telling you if you will build your life on the word of god and protect that word i mean demand it don't say you don't let it go because things get hard you don't compromise because things get a little tough or a little bit tight but you hold on to the word of god with everything that you have let me tell you something when you hold on to the word of god with everything that you have you will possess the promises [Music] hallelujah [Music] i was lost in shame could knock it past my [Music] i'm so glad he changed [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] it's all over me i'm so glad it changed [Music] [Applause] there is [Applause] is is [Applause] is i am who i am written down in glory and it's my there is my [Applause] is oh oh thank you [Music] i was buried beneath my sin who could carry that kind of weight it was my turn [Music] [Music] i try [Music] it was glorious day out of the heart [Applause] jesus [Music] out of that [Applause] oh [Music] my sin was heavy my chains break out the weight of your glory i [Music] needed to [Music] is is out of the darkness into your glorious day come on let's sing that bridge again sing that part again i need to arrest [Music] my sin me heavy but chains break at the weight of your glory i need to tell you [Music] cause when you call me [Applause] is hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord have you been set free this morning thank you [Music] you go before i know that you've even [Music] my [Music] my victory [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] restore my faith and all i did was [Music] and all i did was [Music] and all i did [Music] was oh jesus [Music] all i did [Music] [Music] is [Music] glory and praise for jesus jesus oh all i did was hallelujah [Music] [Applause] so much better your way hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you knew where i left me you re-introduced me to your amazing love picked up my pieces put me back together you are the defender of my [Music] me [Music] you put me back together [Applause] you knew oh my [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] me so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] defenders [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh oh it's free yes i am in my father's house [Music] there's a place for me i'm a child of god yes i i have chosen i am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am i am oh is is [Applause] [Applause] there's a place [Applause] foreign [Music] hallelujah is this thing working amen hallelujah i didn't want to blow you out of the room by shouting too loud so amen isn't it good to be in the house of the lord amen [Music] you don't have to wait all week to do this you can be in the house of the lord in your house amen amen i want you to turn and shake hands with a couple of people and bless them and make you and you may be seated [Music] hallelujah [Music] well it's that time of the year again where we're starting the bible college and so we're going to be starting wednesday at 1926 south conyer just go down walnut come to conyer right there on the corner 1926 south conyer now i'll i'll meet my wife and i will meet with you after church because we have got a little bit of confusion because we thought we were going to start a couple of weeks ago but that didn't happen but now we are getting ready and we're going to have two classes one on covenant how many of you know that this bible right here it says old testament and new testament how many of you realize that it's all about covenant because that's what it means amen so just think of this the bible says in three different places in the old testament that god is going to hold on to his memory for you and me to a thousand generations even if a generation was only 40 years just thinking that's 40 000 years amen so obviously generations are a little bit longer today but god is holding on to that covenant promise for you and me the second class that we're going to offer is a class on intimacy with god now in the day we're living in right now boy i'll tell you what we need to really hear the voice of god we need to be led by the spirit and so anybody that's interested in this you can just come to 1926 south conyer or you can meet with us after service this morning we'll be right out there by the the table where they serve the coffee and everything amen all right let's get to some serious business we're receiving worship this morning in the area of the thing that god has blessed us with in the area of finances now let's just come to some conclusions [Music] would anybody argue with us in this church you shouldn't that tithing is a biblical principle [Music] when you stop thinking about this tithing actually was instituted before the law amen so tithing is the part the ten percent the tenth that belongs to the lord but now let's just talk about seed because it's interesting that the scripture that we quote all the time out of luke 6 38 [Music] and it says this given it shall be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over with the way that you measure out that's the way that it's measured to you now do you know when it comes to giving did you know that your faith is on the line and here's the thing that that is so interesting to me did you know that i've never asked god for any seed to sow that i didn't get it remember the bible says this he gives seed to the sower [Music] so by using your faith because you know we've got this project and truthfully by now we ought to have five million [Music] that that got us silent by now there ought to be people in this ministry that have been taught the word of god that you ought to be multi-millionaires because deuteronomy says that he's given you the power to get wealth that through the sign of your wealth it's a revealing of his covenant to a thousand generations but we know that some people grab hold of that just like some people grab hold of healing and receive it and some are waiting on god to do it [Music] he's already done it remember that word that jesus used on the cross he said it is finished every responsibility that god had was paid for through the blood of jesus christ [Music] and so when we have a promise to a thousand generations god cannot lie now it's interesting in the amplified let me just read this and then i'm gonna i'm gonna turn this over but 6 38 i'm in the wrong book matthew doesn't work well it does work but not for this matthew 6 38 okay listen to this give and gifts will be given to you good measure press down shaken together and running over will they pour into the pouch formed by the bosom of your robe and used as a bag for with the measure you deal out with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others it will be measured back to you do you know what that means it means that you use your coat it's actually a word for apron in order to hold all of the benefits and blessings that god is putting in your hands to be able to sow more seed i'm telling you right now we we [Music] we should already have any amount of money that is needed in order to do the things that god has called this ministry to do it ought to already be in the bank amen we need to raise the level of our expectation and because you're not thinking about gifts to yourself you're thinking about gifts to be given use your faith and set your faith for something that you can't do in the natural realm you set your faith for something that is totally impossible except god does it through you amen amen so anybody that needs an envelope have you already been served by the ushers anybody needs an envelope amen would you all stand with me please amen [Music] we're going to use a couple of books on the bible college on david oyedepo and he read two listen to me he read two books god's will is prosperity by gloria copeland and the laws of prosperity by kenneth copeland and to this day he said that this was an 83 or 87 that he never ever sweat over finances ever again he was commanded by god to buy 1500 acres outside of lagos nigeria [Music] he got it into his head that leasing all of that property to farmers in the church and other people would be a way to stimulate the financial growth so that eventually they would be able to build god says i didn't tell you to do that [Music] god supplied the money to buy that property then when he got ready to build the building that they have now that seats right at 60 000 people which they minister six or seven services every sunday was the money was already in the bank before they built the building now they're getting ready and they've been working on building a hundred thousand seat auditorium the money is already in the account before they build i'm telling you god is on your side and god wants to do something miraculous through you but without faith it is impossible to please god so set your faith for something that you cannot do on your own what have you got to lose except the blessing and benefit of having that coming into you so that you can deposit it in for the work of the ministry amen west coast is doing a good work man let's possess the valley amen let's be an influence in the city of california in that state of california let's be an influence all over the world hallelujah by our testimony of what god has done amen as i pray you come forward and you deposit your offerings unto the lord amen father thank you so much we just bless you today we just thank you the benefits and blessings are coming into everybody that father that you're pouring out upon all of us that have set our faith for thousands hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars lord you're going to put it through our hands because lord we have proven that we can be trusted in this area we thank you father we thank you and we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you lord by our actions by our attitude by the abundance that is in our heart to do we thank you for that father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be blessed be blessed be blessed in jesus name amen pastor josh amen [Music] hallelujah thank you doctor what a blessing amen to be in the courts of our god amen the bible says one day in his courts come on let me know it's better than a thousand anywhere else amen come on how many of you have found how sweet it is how beautiful it is to be in the presence of god amen stretch your hands towards these holy tithes and offerings those of you at home amen stretch your hands are you giving online stretch your hands today heavenly father lord i lift lord these holy tithes and offerings before you lord what an honor and what a privilege to be able to give to the king of kings in the lord of lords lord we are happy people we are grateful people lord we are cheerful people lord because you have filled our lives so with everything that is good and lord we know lord that you have plenty more mighty god to put in store for us and i just pray lord bless the tithe or bless the giver bless your people lord whatever it is lord that they're believing for lord whatever it is lord that they have need of lord i pray lord let these let their obedience and the love lord attach to these gifts lord may it produce the harvest lord that they seek and i thank you for that lord i pray blessings upon them lord in jesus name and you agree with that shout amen amen thanks sir praise god amen amen amen god bless you may be seated today now i am so honored amen to be here thank you worship team you know to be in the house of the lord i know that uh some of you might be here for the first time we welcome you today to west coast believer center thank you for being with us thank you for being our guest today those of you that are watching amen through our telecast god bless you we love you i pray for those of you that are on vacation amen we some of our staff they're like go on vacation enjoy your weekend amen thank you for being here with us amen we pray that god will minister to you and your loved ones wherever you're at amen we are divinely connected and we're so honored amen to be able to come into the house of the lord how many know there's some countries where you have to do this underground how many know we started getting a taste for that last year but how many know we ain't going underground we're going public with jesus amen amen we're gonna we're gonna allow the lord to do what he wants to do amen in us and through us and we're so blessed amen that you chose to be here with us today you know i'm so honored amen to have some wonderful friends of mine here and they're no strangers to this house whatsoever this is family to us um but pastor alfonso and miss sheila would you please come up here and just greet the people today man come on i can't have them here and not have you greet them i'll get it listen thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you pastor josh well good morning us alfonso and i were coming over here driving this morning we were talking about how good god is he's good to us all the time amen all the time well we had the privilege of being here actually you've been here a little bit already over a week awesome and we get to be fed don't get me wrong we we enjoy feeding but it's it's more a blessing to get fed amen and so uh last week we went to pastor kathy waters a church and um she finally got saved she did and um hallelujah praise the lord then uh we said well we're gonna go to pastor josh and juliana's next sunday and so we we're always privileged not honored to be here and whether whether we minister or not like pastor said it's good to be with family and um you know we miss our home church we miss our home church our family there but it was a blessing we actually came out uh someone blessed us to be a blessing to someone else that's how we ended up coming and then we got blessed again praise the lord god is just good and so tomorrow we'll be celebrating 15 years of marriage and it's only by it's i give god all the glory and honor for that so we were blessed by that and i'm like wow this is good and like you want to go home but then again it's like well i enjoy where we are right now because we get to relax you know and just do nothing you know sometimes as ministers it's hard not to do nothing because we're always doing something amen whether it's for ministering to people where we're preaching to people whether we're we're going out to the hospital and laying hands on the sick blurs guarded expecting them to recover in the name of jesus because the bible says you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover it's not that they're going to and maybe it shall recover in the name of jesus so that means that we got a healing god we got a god praise the lord that heals we got a god that makes free hallelujah so i'm gonna just let you know i got a little bit of going on right now preaching because i haven't done it in a week so you just gotta understand where i am it's already in my heart it's already in my spirit it never dies and never let's go so just look at me right now because i gotta give myself some praise hallelujah [Music] [Applause] i just a little bit excited oh praise the lord i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house thank you lord of the lord i'm telling you being in the house of god there's nothing like it you come together with people of light precious faith and join and worship the one and only true god his name is jesus yes ain't nobody like my chief come on hallelujah there's a little song in my heart can i sing to sing it sing it [Music] our destination is to heaven amen oh there it is i know our you let them know you're going to be with jesus so if anybody want to know where i'm going i'm going to be with my lord i got a work still to do here my time's not up yet but i know where i'm going oh glory to god if you want to know where i'm going where i am going [Music] if anybody asks you where i'm going where i am going [Music] soon [Music] i'm going up yonder i'm going up beyond [Music] going up yonder to with my lord i'm going up yonder this little old school i'm going up i'm going up yonder to be with my lord if anybody ask you where i'm going where i am going [Music] so if anybody wants to know anybody ask you where i'm going you tell them where i am going [Applause] i'm going up beyond i'm going up beyond to be with my lord i'm going up beyond [Applause] i'm going up beyond i'm going up beyond to be with my love if anybody asks you where i'm going where i am going [Music] if anybody asks you [Music] where i'm going [Music] where i am going [Music] soon you gotta tell them i'm going up beyond i'm going up beyond oh i'm going up beyond to be with my lord thank you jesus hallelujah praise the lord [Applause] often it is sad it's dangerous to give the microphone to other preachers but we feel like we're at home we would not do this just because for the sake of doing it but i couldn't help but started looking around not only in the realm of the natural but in the realm of the spirit my eyes were spiritually open moments ago and the spirit of the lord began to speak to me and said tell the people tell the people look and see what i have done look and see what is being done by the avenue of faith and by walking and living by faith but all look into the realm of the spirit those things that has been spoken as it concerns to this next place you're moving into the place is already there in the realm of the spirit call it in you must call it in you must call it in every moment of the day you must declare in decree in agreement what when spoken by the man and the woman of god reinforce that by declaring it and by doing that the lord wants me to tell you through the spirit pastor he says that you will speed up the manifestation of that which god wants if you would dare to take the step of faith and believe and they'll procrastinate the lord would say how big is your want to how big is your dream how big can you dream how big can you believe how step out there the lord would say and watch that what man thought would be impossible with the critics that said it would never happen especially in the state especially with everything that's going on but i'm here to tell you i'm about to demonstrate my glory and my power and my anointing upon this place for i have destined this church i have destined this church to be one that would lead the way in to the best the blessings of the lord financially financially [Music] the transfer has begun in this church [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] church hallelujah lord your word says that as we believe in you we will be established we believe your prophets so shall we prosper lord your word says you don't do anything lord unless you first reveal it to your prophets and lord you've been speaking to this house you've been speaking to this congregation lord through so many amazing voices lord that you sent mighty god lord for such a time as this and lord they're all saying the same thing lord we are ready mighty god we are ready to possess all that you have promised lord not only for this ministry but for our lives our families our homes lord we thank you lord that this is our receiving time lord that we receive everything lord that you promised everything lord that you've birthed in our hearts mighty god everything that you've authored lord we receive it by faith trusting in who you are you've never lied to us lord you're not going to start now mighty god hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord you know people of god i know it's easy for many of you you're people of the word and as you read your bible you know that we see the signs we know what season it is nobody knows the day or the hour that the rapture is going to happen but we definitely can tell the season jesus said the same way you can tell the weather you can tell the season the same way you can tell if it's going to rain or if it's going to be sunny you're going to know the season the way you can tell the seasons he said you're going to be able to know he said when it's right there and we know according to this word it's right here it's at the door there are still things that god said he's going to do i believe there's a great falling in to the family god before there's going to be a great falling away i believe that i've never seen people so hungry for god amen and there are things that god has spoken not only to the visions of the houses of god around the world but there are things that god has spoken to every one of you things that god said i'm going to do this in your life i'm going to do this in your marriage in your home in your time and i know some of you are looking at this bible going lord i don't see how you can do what you said because i feel it how many of you as christians you feel the need you know that it's running out the clock is running out and there's an urgency where we can't be wasted there's no time to waste we've wasted so many years but you can come to a place where you think oh man i don't think god's going to do what he said now i'm just gonna run this clock out see what happens but as far as what you know you heard from god it's kind of like i don't really see it being able to happen in this time frame i'm gonna tell you what god told me now i never talked to god like that because i know god always what he said he always has but i remember him telling me this last year because i'm like lord you've given me a vision and i know it came from you because lord it makes me look crazy if god gives you a vision it don't make you look crazy you probably didn't hear from god amen i'm not talking about you alphabet who started prophesying to you that is crazy but i'm talking about when you know god's authored something you cannot do it without him that's when you know god's in it but the lord told me this he said i did not give you that vision to motivate you and i'm here to tell you god did not tell you what he told you he's going to do in your life just to motivate you with no intention of seeing it come to pass like dangling in front of you like a character say just keep on going forward amen but when you get to hey i'm sorry you know it didn't happen but here's heaven for you no god said i'm gonna do everything i told you i'm going to fulfill everything that i ever said everything that i've ever ever of authored everything that i've ever prophesied to you placed within you i'm telling you god is going to do it and he's going to do it in this time in this season of your life and that's why we have to avoid the distractions and the attractions distractions will pull you away from god attractions will take you from the perfect will of god to some subverted will of god i'm watching a lot of people that went from playing varsity down to the freshman team and in the words of one of my spiritual sons this morning told me this been with me for a while he said daddy go i ain't going nowhere he said everything he said good that's happened to me has happened in this church he said i got saved here he said i got married here i got filled with the holy ghost here he goes i found my life here he said there's nothing missing and nothing broken in my life why would i leave my church if this church supplies everything he said that i've needed to be me come on give that man a hand clap love you son because we're living in a time church listen let me just exhort you for a second that spirit of prophecy is resting up here all right lord i'll just go with you you know as i was getting ready today i wore this shirt i didn't wear this shirt forever part of it was because i couldn't fit in this shirt forever i became a full gospel preacher still still still a little full but i'm working on something i'm working on but i ironed this shirt and right after i got done ironing it's all ironed and perfect i put it on and i looked down and i was like man what did i look like a chewed up fly i'm like man my sugar don't wrinkle no i told you i just hired this thing so i earned it again anyway look a little wrinkled to me now and the lord began to speak to me as i was coming to church he said i'm coming back for a church that without spot wrinkling blemish i'm like don't come out don't come now i'm like all right lord if you wanted to tell me this you didn't need to use a shirt to illustrate this to me the sleeves anyways anyways he said i'm coming back for a church that was is without spot wrinkle or blemish i'm coming back for a church that has won i'm coming back for a church that is united in heart in faith and in purpose now the only way that can happen is there's got to be a purge judgment always begins in the house of the lord and the bible says if we judge ourselves what happens we won't be judged amen and every one of us it's a time where god's saying look at yourself right now examine yourself because we're living in a world that's saying check out everybody else let's dig into everybody else's past and see if we can find anything to destroy them with we all have a past but the lord said i'm coming back for this church he said there's just one one with me one with purpose the bible says there's nothing that the people cannot do when they're won come on that's that's in the book of genesis tower of babel the lord said man these people they can build their tower to heaven when they're one when they're of one mind one language come on it's amazing what happens when you're all saying the same things like what the prophet prophesied about speaking you know living by faith believing in faith standing in faith what happens is what we read about in the book of acts where the people were one and what happened the bible says they had all things common they had the same testimony god was blessing them in an extravagant way people were getting saved in an extravagant way increase was on them in an extravagant way favor was on them with god and man in an extravagant way at the beginning of the church he poured out his spirit on all flesh and he said i'm doing in the last days upon the young the old let me see just because you all doesn't mean your story is over you still got the work to do amen old is just a state of mind amen if you don't i don't like the word old season sounds so much better but let me tell you this church there's something that's just been resonating my spirit for for over a year and it's been resonating inside of me as a leader and i'll just put it out here i keep reading about david's mighty men god just kept on putting that in front of me and because you know my forte is big time leadership i build pastors and leaders that's really where i flow the lord brought up david's mighty men they came to him the bible says there was 400 and they were in debt they were distressed and they were discontented we would say it this way in today's vernacular broke busted and disgusted they they have some issues but the bible says that they joined themselves to david and they made him their leader let me tell you something only god can join you to a leader anybody that comes to you and says hey join yourself to me you need to run anyone that would try to pull you away from a leader you need to run i don't care if that you call that person brother or sister that's exactly right that's right the bible they call it judas and jezebels and the bible says that they joined themselves to him and then when you when you read about david's mighty men 300 of them did things that were just phenomenal when it came to being the bible talks about them and it mentions how so and so man of war family men of war men of war fit for the battle men that could hit you with a rock in your forehead with the right hand or the left knew how to shoot a bow arrow it beats you with a jawbone of a jackass if that's what they needed to do we're talking about men that were skillful men that understood the times the bible said they understood the time that they were in but there's something that stood out that god has just highlighted to me for over a year and i have not been able to shake it and it's something that i've been praying for everyone that's connected with me and i've been praying this over myself too when you go from faithfulness come on how many faithfulness is entry level when you go from faithfulness you should be reaching for a place called loyalty beyond faithfulness and the loyalty david's men stepped into a loyal place to where david if he even said you know what man i'm craving a glass of water from inside of the gate he didn't ask them to do something they just heard their shepherd's heart and man they reached for what they had they went behind enemy lines to get him a glass of water risk their lives for this because they love their leaders so much it's like if it's important to him it's important to me well that's a lot different than the woman breaking the alabaster box and people saying it's a waste because she gave it to jesus that's another message she discerned this season she was she wasn't even his disciple yet she understood where he was getting ready to go and she prepared him for it when they came back and said david this is what you desired and this is what we brought david said i can't drink this he said your lives are worth more than me than this now i'm going to tell you when you have a leader that loves you more than they love you for who you are more than what you can do for them you better hang on to that kind of leader all the days of your life amen amen be seated for just a moment church and i'll say this i just it's just a different kind of sunday how many of you have always wanted to be in a great church i can tell you this when you find great pastors you'll find great church amen and it's amazing what you'll find when you're in those places that god has called you to be but again the thing man that's been resonating so strong inside of my heart is that the bible when it mentions david's mighty men pastor alfonso it says they were not of a double heart a double heart now how many of you know what it says over in james you know about a person being double-minded what does it say about a person that's double-minded they are what how stable in how many ways so a double-minded man or woman is what in what now if your head when your head is double and you're unstable in every way what happens when a person has a double heart it's a whole different ballgame when it comes down to to when your heart is given to two different things two different people two different places how many know that's how adultery comes in that's how betrayal comes in that's how unfaithfulness comes in it's when someone has a double heart it's when they've allowed this to be shared with someone that it wasn't supposed to be shared with and the reason why david's men were mighty was because their hearts were so committed to the leader and what god had put within a leader's heart to do that they were willing to live and die for that cause not so much for the leader but for the cause of the leader they would have died for that leader too but but that's how committed they were their hearts were all in and we're living in a time where satan's trying to mess with people's heads and mess with people's hearts let me tell you something if you've got a double mind and a double heart man that's double jeopardy right there you're going you're going to have some serious issues amen not only you're going to be unstable in your way which means your way means simply this unstable in all the ways your way is simply your past your present uh conduct what you've done what you're doing and what you're continuing to do that's your ways the bible says there's a way that seems right to a man now let me tell you something there's a way that seems right there's a way that is right and that's the path we want to be on that path that leads us straight into the perfect will of the father for our lives and what's awesome is that that perfect will is available to us every single day and it's about dedicating every day to the lord it's making every day a sacrifice to god every day i present myself before the lord every morning me and my wife amen i can sum up what we pray and what we do basically what we tell god is god we are yours to command today lord we'll go wherever you want us to go we'll do whatever you want us to do we'll say whatever you want us to say we're yours and we submit to that and because of that we woke up today and you know where we woke up at and the perfect will of god for our lives but i can tell you it began back in 1992 when we made a decision every day we're going to be in the perfect will of god i might not be perfect in the perfect will of god but i'm on my way to perfection amen i'm still a work in progress but every day i'm gonna be in the perfect will of god and every day i'm gonna encounter a better version of myself than i was yesterday amen this is how you grow and who you are this is how you go from being faithful into being loyal this is how you go from being used in one area to god will use you in greater areas amen but there are no shortcuts when it comes to loyalty amen there are certain things that you have a right to church through the power of connection david's men were mighty because they were connected to their leader who was mighty and what was on him began to operate in them and this is what my firm belief is that when you're connected with the right people now granted this is my prayer is god i want the people lord that you've trusted to our care our little lambs i want them to go further go farther be better become greater than anything lord we've ever been that's my ambition is my ambition is god let them excel lord let them rise quicker lord let them accomplish lord what took me years to accomplish lord let them accomplish it so much quicker that's growth that's love amen and i know that there's many of you right now that man you your face is towards god with everything that you have and you're saying lord what do you want me to do in this season some of you already know you just need to do it you just need to settle it in your heart you know what i'm all in and the thing that will help you is if you become accountable to something or somebody and do what you know you're called to do dive in because jesus is coming soon in church we we're just experiencing the beginning of sorrows this is just the beginning and i understand that we've seen things this last year that we've never seen on this planet we've never seen so many things i mean when was the last time you seen people fighting for socialism i'm not going to go political i'm just saying censor me who would have ever thought that people would want censorship who would have ever thought that a virus could shut down the world who would have ever thought that there would be so much hate that people would have towards each other based upon the color of their skin or based upon what they believe come on pastor come on so uh pastor it's racist it's been there but we've never seen it like we've seen it right now and we've made a lot of progress church over the years i'm talking about the this ain't the 60s but we're seeing things amplified so much he said oh pastor why are you going down this path we never seen fear grip the world on the scale that we've seen it grip the world last year now listen they just had the olympics right isn't it amazing how you can have olympics to where you have people that man they set the max of what someone has ever been able to do with the natural body run this fast and no one has ever run that fast before recorded i'm saying jump a distance you know jump a height you know that's greater than any human being has ever done before that's recorded but isn't it amazing how when somebody breaks that mark it just seems like everybody begins to break that mark i mean what i'm talking about just seems like once one person can run that you know the two minute mile or whatever you know everybody's doing it now huh because the barrier's been broken right and so we can see how those things move you forward same thing with you as a christian some of you men you start serving god and yeah there's been some resistance but man you've been pushing through and every time you've pushed through you've found yourself in a better place with god every time you've pushed through you found god showing up and showing out amen every time you push through god's proven to you time and time again you can trust me child i love you i'm with you amen we can do this amen every single time now if we can recognize that on that scale and with those examples let me tell you something just because you've never seen what you've seen before last year does not mean that's the worst you're going to ever see listen to what i'm warning you about because this is what god was speaking to me on the way to church he said this kind of fear last year he said that is not the fullness of the spirit of fear he said just no one's ever seen it manifested this broad he said well this is the beginning it's the beginning he said well why are you bringing that up pastor so that you won't be afraid we're not into fear now let me give you a scripture here because i don't like you coming to church not getting no scripture even if god's taken a certain way but look at this second timothy chapter 1 verse 7. second timothy 1 7. there's just certain things god cannot give you church how many you can't give somebody something you don't have right like sickness do you think god has any sickness jesus only been sick one time and that was for all of us and it didn't last but three days i think it's kind of like joe rogan hey man he don't whip that thing all right everybody quit all right three days on the come on how three days put every curse down every sickness down every disease down he took it man how many know kind of like chuck norris amen got bit by a snake he said three days later the snake died that's kind of what happened with our jesus how many know man he went into hell and gave the double the devil a weapon put a smack on the devil the devil's still rubbing his head today because of how much jesus crushed that skull amen that's why he hates the name of jesus because every time he hears that name come on he knows that there's coming a day when the one that broke him is coming back amen to deal with his future in that lake of fire jesus isn't coming as the lamb that was slain he's coming back as the lion of the tribe of judah church he's coming back as a victorious king he's coming back amen and he's coming back for you and i and we're going to be with him forever amen we're on the winning side of this but i'll tell you if anything would mess you up it'd be you thinking god's giving you something he doesn't have he doesn't have sickness and he cannot and never will use fear on you second timothy 1 7 for god hath not everybody say hath not given us the spirit of fear it is a spirit i'm gonna tell you right now as a christian the only fear in your life should be the fear of the lord and let me define the fear of the lord to love what god loves and to hate what god hates that's the fear of the lord you don't have to fear a good father amen to fear him means to honor him and the way that we honor him is by making what jesus did on the cross worth it because he paid a price so that we can do a service for him he paid a price so that you can serve him amen there's coming today real soon will we get an answer for that service and i'm looking forward to that day i'm looking forward to that white throne i'm looking forward to god judging me judging my works judging everything i've ever done i'm looking forward that you say pastor aren't you afraid have you done everything right no i haven't but that's not what i'm being judged for i'm being judged for everything i did for love and i'm telling you i i i pray to god that i stand in front of that throne for a long time i want to be able to throw many crowns before him don't you i want him to say well done thou good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the lord i want to hear well done i don't want him look at me and go well huh we want to be found faithful yes but no sir he says god's not giving us a spirit of fear but what has he given us power come on power we have dunamis dynamite power we have holy ghost power come on we've got this power inside of us this treasure inside of these human vessels we have this power to destroy yokes and to remove burdens we have the power of jesus name to where in his name we can cast out devils in his name we can heal the sick in his name demons tremble i'm telling you we have power and we have the power of the word of god the faithful promises of god amen a book of truth amen a book of promises and we have the blood of jesus [Music] that though our sins were as scarlet his blood is washed as white as snow oh and i love this scripture with the blood of christ it cleanseth come on not it washed you one time it cleansed it there's a flow church there's a flow on you it cleanseth you from all unrighteousness that blood is what gives us the right to do what we do that blood allows me to come before the throne of god anytime i choose to i have entrance by the blood because of the blood the devil can't touch me and ain't been able to touch my kids amen because of the blood amen that is upon our lives all those generational curses that were laid up from my fathers and my forefathers they have no hold on me because the bloodline has been replaced [Applause] you been washed in the blood oh we have the power to bind and to loose we have the power to take what's going on in heaven and make it happen in the earth come on how many know we have angel armies that have been sent to minister unto us who are heirs of salvation the bible says that they hearken diligently to the voice of god's word that's why it's important you say this and not other things got to speak the word god works with the word the angels respond to the word he's not giving us a spirit of fear power love what's the one thing man that you would some love up as now we know god is love but how effective is love how often does it fail what come on i think everybody knows that how often love never fails why because god is love god never fails and i'm telling you right now if you're going to survive in this hour you better protect your loved one don't allow what you treasure or what's precious to become common because all the hard times and because of all the negativity not just demons sometimes it's your families it's your relatives dealing with stuff that you don't deal with because you are a christian they have said that you ain't all freaked out like them because you have jesus and you ain't afraid but i'm here to tell you if you stay in love you will never find yourself in fear fear has to do fear can only be found whether self-preservation where you care about yourself that's the only way you fear you fear you're going to die you feel you're going to catch this you fear this is going to happen you fear you remove self what do you fear nothing you say well how does love affect fear the bible says perfect love god's love casts out how much all fear it dispels it what did jesus say is going to happen in this time during this this this uh you know the beginning of sorrows what was the thing what was the last thing jesus said within that what was the thing that he said would begin to happen to men after mass deception of believers say it again the love of many will begin to cool off now the bible says you know what they're going to be a lot of people getting suckered come on you're going to get deceived and it says that people's love walks going to get altered now this is what i see when it comes to god saying watch your love walk is your value system's getting ready to change if you don't watch it you're going to start treating your spouse different you can start treating your parents different you're gonna start treating your church different you're gonna start treating your pastors different you're gonna start treating the things of god different the things that you love this is how you know if you're getting taken are the things that you loved last year or have they increased or decreased those of you at home yeah i'm asking you that same question has your passion increased or has it decreased because the only way that satan gets things to change is if he can change your heart and again that's why god keeps telling me man tell my people do not be of a double heart a double heart is just saying god i love you but then you having a heart of fear that says but i don't trust god i love you lord when you're good to me but god man i got some things man that i just don't know you can handle we've got to protect ourselves god's not giving us a spirit of fear but power love love and what what's a sound mind it's a mind that is established on the word of god god said i will keep in perfect peace he who's mind come on is trusting is steadfast in you god's looking for people that don't look at what they see and believe it because i'm here to tell you some things you see are a mirage church and sometimes our perceptions off based on what we see we don't walk by sight we walk by faith we walk by the word of god faith in the word of god and i'm just going to sum it up by saying this it's us trusting god at his word i'm here to tell you pray for revelation amen for god to show you his power in your life show you how much that power is available to you i'm telling you it's there it's there for you it's there to help you it's there to help your family i'm telling you the power of god it's in you amen tap into that power it's what you need right now amen you've been crying out i need some help i'm telling you where the hell comes from it comes from him and that power it's in you the bible says that if the same spirit that raised christ from the dead dwells where in you he'll do what he'll quicken your what your mortal body see ain't got nothing to fear when you know man there's one inside of you that's greater than anything against you amen to where something does come how many know it is not going to stay there amen because the greater one lives inside of you now if the holy ghost can raise the dead trust me he can raise you out of whatever it is that the devil is trying to put you in you must all pastor i've been kind of in a rut lately let me tell you something a rut is a coffin with the ends kicked out god don't want you no right god wants you moving forward and this is the reason why because when your life has momentum with god you will not be easily stopped when the things that are happening right now are happening you're going to keep on moving forward how many no man when a train has momentum man that thing can go through a brick wall but when the train doesn't have momentum you can stick a one inch square block of wood underneath the you know the the track and that train won't move and right now the devil's got little one-inch blocks that have some christians just paralyzed it's like they're not going forward with god they're not going backwards they're not doing nothing they're not becoming nothing it's like everything that god started is stalled and if that describes where you're at just ask god to help you amen make a choice it's all about a choice amen but god says i'll give you power love he said pastor i don't know if god could love me there's stuff i'm doing i shouldn't be doing let me tell you something he loves you he loves you so much no matter what you've done what you're doing he loves you right now for who you are and because he loves you right now for who you are he won't let you stay the way you are sound mind sound mind means that you don't have nothing to fear this is what a sound mind does i heard someone say it like this fear knocked at the door faith answered and nobody was there [Music] when you answer with your faith it's amazing how things begin to happen for you you receive this word today amen come on give the lord a hand clap for praise hallelujah amen pastor juliana as my wife's coming i just want to say west coast i love you guys so much i'm committed to your success amen i want to see you experience everything that god promised you and i know that right now i'm just going to add this what we've been praying about we know that right now cities have been attacking folks like it's nobody's business especially marriages i'm telling you if you've been under attack lately don't feel like you're the only one the enemy knows his time is short and what he's after is that power of agreement that you have and you got to recognize that enemy for wherever that enemy may be come together amen and release that 10 000 to flight anointing amen let god be with you amen don't allow things to to uh to disturb you i'm just telling you that we know that our enemy knows his time is short and he's looking for ways to try to just trip us up but how many know man we know the one that's with us is greater again than the one that's against us amen i love you west coast appreciate you so much i do want to say also thank you for your prayers thursday night i ministered down in burbank at a at a spanish church they've been asking me to come for a couple years we had an amazing time they thank you for sharing us with them amen we had a great great service down there it was awesome amen i love you oh i need it [Music] amen he did a great job it was a little spanish church and it was all in spanish so he had an interpreter it was great he did he did a great job um thank god he didn't try to speak spanish he just had an interpreter which is really just really good amen i have a couple of announcements and i wanted to give you an amazing praise report we still have registrations open for the red lines men retreat men if you can go make it an important thing to go and be with other men of god to hear the word to to have a life-changing experience you know we have josh barclay from um mark mark mark barclay ministries coming to give you guys a word that's the first time uh since we started doing this that he's gonna be there for those for a camping trip so uh please make sure that you guys go for this retreat it's gonna be great there's still registration you can go online there's also a sku you are code out in the back all you have to do is put it with your phone and it'll take you straight to how you can register it's one of the easiest things and then this uh this thursday we have a few young men um in our in our youth group that would really like to go but uh finances are um a difficulty for them so uh for their families you know either they're one reason or their parents aren't able to do the whole thing or part of it and so the youth group is going to do a fundraiser for them on thursday night so you guys come i don't know what it's going to be i think it's nacho boats or something like that to sell afterwards so that they can sponsor kit these some of these youth and also if you are wanting to sponsor um a youth for the retreat please see pastors right here and they can help you out on that amen so i have we also have the bible study the sacred church bible study that's still going on it's in the back if you want to sign up and our partnership class the last one if of the year the first day the last partnership of the year the first session starts so please make sure you ask minister andrew about that or call the church office and they'll give you more information on that amen with that we are going to receive our we're going to receive our pledge i mean our building fund and if we could if you still have not added um got to do your pledge if you would like a pledge card go ahead and ask them for one or if you're prepared to give your pledge today and we've said several times throughout this time we started this the last week of july i think it was july 28th our first offering and we have a goal our first goal um let me see i have my numbers down because i want to make sure i'm right our first goal was to have 500 000 in 180 days which was six months which is january 22nd our goal is to have five hundred thousand we're doing this in phases our first face is five hundred and so that was our first goal and when we took the pledge when we our first august 1st we received our first offering and we received the pledge amounts and our pledged amount is five hundred thousand nine hundred five hundred ninety six thousand six hundred and eighty two dollars west pledge give yourself a hand a round of applause amen amen [Applause] that goal of 500 000 is to be reached by january 22nd and as of today i want to show where we are out at in five weeks a hundred thousand and eleven dollars in five weeks five weeks a hundred thousand has come in in five weeks now i know for a fact we're going to raise that reach that 500 000 goal by january 22nd that is 20 in and so every service we are offering we are giving you the opportunity because some people have given have already given their pledge some people are doing it every week some people are you know once a month so we want to make sure that we give the opportunity because so if you wonder well how come nobody goes up sometimes or how come only one person went up that's because people have been doing it they're they're um you know doing it during the week calling it in there's also a way you can do it online you can go to our website you push the pledge donation you could fill out a pledge card there or you can actually not just fill out a pledge card there you can actually give towards your building pledge you can do that it was really cool because we're checking it out this weekend and let me tell you something god cares so much about what you're wanting to do he really does my husband and i put a pledge in as well and god has already brought so much finances in so that we're able to give to our pledge god is doing that above and beyond what we are what our income is and he can do that for you because he cares about you amen we're standing and we're believing with you that you are going to receive those things um this is what um i wanted to read this to you this is second corinthians uh verse second corinthians nine verse six it says this what the whole chapter is in his own mind and purpose in his heart not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion for god loves he takes pleasure and prizes above other things and is unwilling to abandon her to do without a cheerful that's me joyous that's me prompt to do it that's me giver whose heart is in their giving whose heart is in their giving yesterday on our way home my husband and i were praying we uh merced or somewhere we had a run real quick because i needed to get a dvd from best buy over there that was just really important there was nowhere else in the but anyways um so i had to go get it and on the way back we're driving on the way back we're driving and we just we just began to pray for not only you but we begin to pray for all the seeds that we've sown and we begin to pray and we begin to ask the lord and and remind him of the giving that we've done not because we're saying hey god check us out no because we're saying lord we're giving we're sowing we're we're doing those things that you've asked us to do oh lord i can't wait for it to come back to us lord and we were just so thankful amen so go ahead and if you have your pledge card and if you would like a pledge card raise your hand or if you're ready to give your pledge you come on up right now amen father i thank you so much lord that these givers are cheerful these givers are prompt to do it lord that these people lord their heart is in their giving lord you take pleasure in the prosperity of your servant our lord you take pleasure in your servants lord that do those things that you've asked them to do father lord i ask that you would bring seed to the sowers today in jesus mighty name amen amen go ahead and stand with me i just saw up there in that balcony david and rita i love you guys so much amen our friends from sacramento amen don't get to see them that often but anyways they are so loved sorry put you on the spot just saw you up there right now father lord we just praise you and our lord and i just speak psalms 91 over this congregation lord that you would bless them that they would have a wonderful week that lord that opportunities would come to them father lord that they would be a blessing to others and lord i speak opportunities on them to be blessed in jesus mighty name amen god bless you and we love you
Channel: West Coast Believers Center Int.
Views: 77
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5BV35Da-TAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 17sec (6437 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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