REVIVECON21 Day 4: Evening Service of Holy Ghost Fire!

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i i'll tell you one thing i know i know the holy ghost likes a b3 organ you didn't catch that i said i know the holy ghost likes b3 organs every time they get moving he shows up victory now now people say well i know a waymaker song and that wasn't it no this was the granddaddy this is where it all started jesus made a way where there was no way he's the waymaker he's the waymaker i know it's good to sing you know even when we don't see it he's working even when we don't feel it's good i like that i'm with you but i like singing about he's the waymaker what has he done for you [Music] hallelujah [Music] now just in case you've never been around this flavor of ice cream before yeah i've never been around this before you folks are wild trust me you haven't seen anything yet i see some of you out there i've seen you in your best form what's all this running stuff well let me help you the bible says write the vision make it plain he that reads it that he that reads it may run with it you get vision you'll get a run in your step you may not have one you may not know what to do you may not know where to go but i tell you when heaven comes down glory fills your soul you get you get a touch of vision you gotta run in your step [Music] and i like back there when elijah when elijah the bible said the hand of the lord came on him what's the hand of that's the anointing of god that's the holy ghost hand of the lord came on him and he outran the king's chariot 14 miles you think these folks taking a lap do 14 miles outran the kings fastest chariots in the land the hand of the lord came on him i tear the hand of god comes on you might dance you might shout you might run all i know is if somebody runs don't get hallelujah [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] nothing else no hallelujah hallelujah you know we'd do this all night long and it'd be good but uh let's turn a corner for a little bit let's turn the corner for just a little bit go ahead and be seated for a few minutes you know what it means when i say a few minutes absolutely nothing i think somebody told me that once i'm not sure who or where but um um oh we're just getting started so i didn't get what i came for well we're not done yet i'm telling you we've had a week we've had a week it's a it's a conference what is it on the on the thing a conference like never like no other a conference like no other well we're not saying we're better than anybody else but we may we may not be just like what everybody else does we're not against them they're not against us it takes you know um like i said baskin robbins has 31 flavors there's something for everybody there's some that are going are you you folks crazy i'm not coming around you there's other folks going i've been looking for something like that for years we had a meeting years years ago we're in a meeting a lot like this but while all this is going on people are getting healed all over the people getting healed all over the building i can still see the auditorium i couldn't tell you where it was i'm thinking it was in west texas somewhere but i'm not sure but i remember seeing this older gentleman older's relative it's different than it was 25 years ago but anyway but uh he's he's just weeping back there weeping i went father i mean crowd's just going crazy i'm just i'm we're not preaching three points in the poem we're just we're kind of following where it's going and and really just going around just kind of walking around watching people getting healed we're late we weren't laying hands on people folks were just in getting in the presence of god getting healed and and folks were dancing and jumping and running and this older gentleman i went back okay he said yes i said what's wrong nothing i said why are you crying he said he said i haven't seen this in over 35 years and i thought i'd never get to see it again he says but we're back we're back we're back we're back hallelujah glory to god uh i'm gonna just go to a couple scriptures and we'll see where we end up going um let's start out in romans chapter one romans chapter one as i started to say a couple minutes ago this has been an amazing week you know if you go back through i suggest you go back and find all the all the sessions and go back through them well i heard it the first time well why do you think they came up with cassettes cds downloads why do you think they come up with all that because you don't get it the first time through i've got i've got a recording i found the other day and it's in my phone it's in a bunch of it's in with a bunch of other recordings and it was it was march 3rd no march 1st 1981 i have no idea what the meeting was i don't know what all i know is i've recognized the voice i opened it up and it was reverend kenneth e hagin brother hagin uh march 1st 1981 and uh man i'm telling you what i got going through there and i thought i was probably in the meeting most likely i was there and i've been through it probably four or five times in the past week or two but you know every time i go back through it i think wait a minute i thought i listened to this recording but i go through it again every time i go back through i get something else that's the way it is with the word it's so fully just every time you go back through so i recommend you go back through because there's been there's been some rich deposits by the holy ghost this is this is this has been a conference or i should say this is a conference because we're still in it but anyway romans chapter 1 let's start looking at verse 10. paul writing here to the romans he says now in verse 10 making requests if by any means now at length i might have a prosperous journey by the will of god to come to you okay he said i want to know i want to get it i want to get it done in the will of god prosperous journey in the will of god i've been in journeys that weren't in the will of god i don't like those he says but i uh make a request now if by any means i might have a prosperous journey by the will of god to come unto you writing to the romans now in in verse 11 for i long to see you along to say now think about this he's writing a letter to the romans which ends up being the book of romans you know sometimes folks get the impression all you need is the word all you need is the word well if all you needed the word then is the word all he had to do is just say keep reading this letter over and over and over and over and over again you're going to get everything but he said no he said i'm making requests not by any means i might have a prosperous journey by the will of god to come to you for i long to see you he says i can write to you but there's things i can bring to you that i can't write to you i can send you the word but i can bring you the spirit okay there's something about something about forsake not the assembling of yourselves there's something about gathering together there's something about not sitting home in your jammies drinking coffee and watching it online just because it's so much easier no i'm not talking to you you're here i'm not talking to you either everybody makes their own choice but stop think about that hebrew says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the man or some essence and so much the more as we see that day approaching in other words the further we go the more important it's going to be to have some good old community to hang out but now he says for i long to see you paul why do you want to see the romans you're writing the book of romans oh my goodness we've been in sunday mornings we've been on romans 7 and romans 8 for weeks now and we're you know we've just barely scratched the surface it's it's there's so much in that that letter to the romans but he wrote it to them and then he said i long to see you he says for i long to see you why what do you want to do then i may impart to you i long to see that i may impart to you some spiritual gift some spiritual gift some supernatural spiritual endowment some dose of the holy ghost some measure of the spirit of god something tangible out of heaven the word is wonderful never negate negate the word nothing like that but bottom line is everything god's ever done he's done by the word and the spirit. in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light it wasn't just the word it wasn't just the spirit it's the spirit out moving upon the face of the waters and god said be let there be when the word and the spirit came together you got the plan and you got the confirmer so anyway so paul wrote and he said i long to see you that i may impart to you some spiritual gift some supernatural spiritual endowment some measure of the holy ghost i don't know about you i've had people try to tell me for years when you get filled with the holy ghost you got all there is i said honey you got to me too late because i tell you i've had doses of the holy ghost i've had measures of the spirit of god i've had deposits made into my life ever since i got born again and then i got baptized in the holy ghost and then and then traveling down the road every now and then god or there'll be an encounter with the holy ghost and something gets deposited and it's something i don't think you can get any other way now i understand i understand god can do some things in extenuating circumstances he can do some things through the internet he can move into wherever you are if you're in another place or you're in a hospital or you can't get out or you're not able to i get that and and i'll get to that i think in a minute but you'll find you can get the same dose of the holy ghost in your hospital room or in in you know if you're uh you know if you're you're bedridden and you can't get out or something like that or you know you're you're in fear of of the the the pandemic out there and you just don't feel like you can go out that's fine no condemnation over that you can get the same thing there but i'll tell you what you get there it'll raise you up out of that whole mess but now now he says he said i long to see you there what verse 11 i believe it is he says writing to the romans i long to see you that i may impart to you some spiritual gift to the end you make sis to the end the end result that you may be established to the end you might be made steady sturdy unmovable he says i want to get you something i'm sending you the word but i want to get to you because i got something i want to impart to you now paul didn't walk around with his bag over his shoulder passing out gifts you know i'm gonna give you this one give you god didn't give anybody the the authority to just go around picking out what what gift they wanted to give to somebody and and then you know why because they'd give it to their friends wouldn't give it to their enemies you know people getting they'd be passing out gifts and getting in the flesh over it so he didn't do that paul didn't walk around saying you know i'm gonna i'm gonna come with a bag over my shoulders i'm going to be like santa claus i'm going to come and i'm going to give everybody a gift i'm going to see if you've been good or bad no he said i long to see that i may impart to you some spiritual gift some supernatural measured dose of the holy ghost bottom line is he said was basically saying i can't pick and choose what i give to you all i can come all i can do is get in there in the in in flesh and blood and bone and and let the holy ghost ministry through me and i can bring some things to you by um presence that i couldn't bring to you any other way and i believe we're coming into a day like that where we're going to see sometimes when there's going to be services and folks the holy ghost is going to fall he's going to invade people are going to get measures of the spirit of god they're going to get doses of the holy ghost they're going to get their lives changed in services we're right on the edge of some of that god's just she's just checking around to see places where he can do that okay you're not going to you're not going to be you've got if you've got god on a time schedule you're probably going to have a hard time with that because there are some things you got to stick around a little bit longer you got on got him on a time clock that's all you're going to get is what the time clock has but i'll tell you what if we're willing to say god i want you so bad i'll take whatever it is and i'll spend whatever i got to spend to get there i've got so anyway but um you know for myself where paul said this i long to see that i may impart to you some spiritual gift there's something about impartations something about god imparting things and anything you can get into excess over you can get into extreme you can get into air you get in you can push anything over the edge but let's go back take a look at that he said i'm writing to you the word but i need to get to you where i can impart something by the holy ghost all right now in looking at that um i i remember um you know i i gave my life to jesus in 1970 november 1972 and by um basically september of uh uh 1974 uh god long story god supernaturally got me uh in connection with brother hagin reverend kenneth hagin he was starting rain it was the first year had 58 students that graduated i think we started with 75 ended up with about 58 we're in a little wooden chapel up on north part of sheridan and i i mean i'd heard the name kenneth hagin i didn't know anything about him didn't know who he was i didn't go to the school because i wanted to get around him i just read the brochure that came in the mail and and somehow my parents got on the mailing list and i packed three suitcases got on a plane flew to tulsa and uh went to school i was about two weeks late didn't know what in the world i was getting into you know and and uh but you know but brother hey brother hagin was in he was in oh at least one week out of every month come and do a full week morning and night full week we got him we we got him you know for nine solid months we got brother hagin on a consistent basis he come in and he just teach and a lot of the books that are out right now are things he taught in that first year a lot of things but uh uh i can remember you know there's so many things he'd teach certain things and you know i mean i i grew up sort of in church i just didn't go very often and so i didn't have a lot to unlearn because i never learned anything to start with and uh but you know but he teach these things and boy he he just kicked over all my sacred cows he everything i did believe i found out was wrong and so i'd have to trade all that in and take truth take the bible but i remember we got to the last week of school and brother hagin we man we'd we had services boy we had services oh my goodness we had so i can still remember times of brother hagin he's he's teaching on spiritual gifts uh doing a whole series on spiritual gifts of the spirit and and uh he's teaching on discerning of spirits and we're just a little wooden chapel you know and uh he's teaching along and there's a little bit of a platform there's some there's an organ on one side a piano on the other and some plants up there you know silk plants i guess and all of a sudden uh he stops and he stops and he's been teaching on discerning his spirits he stops and he looks and he goes huh he's looking where there's nothing huh oh oh okay okay oh okay i got uh i got that uh i got that uh okay oh yeah i get that well all of us are going what's he looking at they didn't do that in the church i grew up in and pretty soon he said i'll get right back with you says i got there's an angel i've been praying about some things and he brought the answer to him he says uh let me let me talk to him get those answers and i'll be right back with you i thought what have i gotten myself into oh my lord and he got the rest of whatever he was getting and he never did tell us what it was he said okay now he just picked up on the sentence he left off on and we're all sitting there you know with our you know mouse hanging open and anyway so this is how the year went we get to the last week and then bro i remember brother hagin said all right now he says we're gone come back tomorrow and be prepared we're going to have a laying out of hand service well i didn't know what that was i mean i'd seen a little bit of it through the year but again we didn't do that in the church i grew up in the only time i had hands laid on me was when i was in trouble over something you know and there were a couple instances some of the deacons but anyway but anyway so um he said come back we're going to have a laying down of hand service i thought okay and he said i'm going to lay hands on everybody it's about they're about to graduate i'm going to i'm going to sit i'm going to lay hands on you we're going to have a a a impartation we're going to have a service here i thought i don't know what this is all about but everything else you've shared with me has been right so i'll take whatever this is to make a long story short we came in the next day and then he started lining us up across the front and a lot of the guys who had a spouse that wasn't coming to school they could bring their spouse with them and so he starts laying hands on people and i remember he started out and uh and start out in the very first first ones he said now lord as we lay hands on these graduates and these graduates lord i prayed and he prayed a number of things out he said though i pray and he said and i pray and i pray that you'll impart to them i pray that you'll impart to them that same spirit of faith that you put in me so many years ago now you have to understand i didn't know anything about i didn't have a clue what he was talking about when he landed on that i thought i don't know anything else but one thing i know is if there's something that man's got it's something to do with faith and whatever it is i need all i can get i've been hearing faith taught for nine solid months i'd heard so many directions of faith i'd heard so many facets of faith i'd heard so many laws of faith concepts precepts i'd heard so much i was so confused i said god i've heard everything i don't have a clue what any of it means anymore i've heard way too much you know i got to get it sorted out but when he said lord i ask and i pray that you'll impart to them and i didn't know what that meant but all i said under my breath i said god i don't get this i don't understand it this is new to me okay i'm clueless but all i know is i've watched that man and what whatever this is i want some of that i want some of that and i'll tell you what i can still remember he came by he laid hands on each one of us he laid hands on me i didn't fall i didn't have a vision i didn't hear a voice i didn't see an angel i didn't have any nothing nothing real supernatural happened but i tell you all of a sudden all of a sudden i noticed over the next week or two all of a sudden faith began to become real to me it had gone from a mechanics of faith a formula of faith to a spirit of faith something had changed something got on the inside of me something i couldn't define it i couldn't explain it but all of a sudden there was something in me that just basically said there's nothing that's impossible whatever god tells me to do i'm going to do it wherever he sends me i'm going to go if he sends me to the nations i'm going to go don't care how much it costs he's got enough money don't care what price i'm going to have to pay don't care what price i'm going to have to pay something got on the inside of me and i realized down the road that it was that what he'd prayed lord i pray that you'll impart to them that same spirit of faith that you put into me so many years ago an impartation changed the course of my life i wasn't looking for it i didn't even know what it was but you know you go through the scriptures and god did a lot by impartations holy ghost deposits you know my goodness you go back you know god did he's done things deposits impartations like that god's done it by uh by his presence you know i think it was maybe somebody said recently maybe it's pastor sam i'm not sure somebody said recently talked about going into lakewood church pastor john osteen's church down there in houston you know joel's there now but joel came from john joel's wonderful but you need to admit john and i can still remember in fact pastor sam and i were in the same meeting the same year at the same time january 1975 i didn't know anything about missions didn't know anything about missions you know i mean i'm just i'm just trying to get through bible school and you know just just trying to pass my classes and whatever and uh but all i know is i walked in that building there was a big map of the world up in the front little lights all over it big map up there and um and all i know was i walked in there and there was something the only way i can describe it is you know some things are taught but some things have got to be caught and there was something so tangible about that i couldn't explain it but years later you know i mean if you're around here much you know we're consumed with missions i mean you cut us we bleed missions we're consumed this is this is revive21 you got that but it's it's a it's an offshoot from from 20 years of fire for the nations okay this we're not this is not instead of a missions conference this is a different uh dimension of emissions conference you can't you can't take us out of missions you can't take missions out of us that's just part of that's our that's our dna the word the spirit and the world so anyway um it's the late years down the road somebody said where did you get this you know at that particular time brother hagin was plowing across america he's raising up a generation of leaders doing what he's called to do but he didn't say an awful lot about nations about missions he did that just was not his message at the time and so people asked me years later said where did you get where did you get the the being consumed with missions where did where did you get that were you you know it was it just a call or whatever and i started to say i don't know and i heard myself say i got it in lakewood church in 1975 i walked in there and something god made a deposit just the presence of god in that building made a deposit in my life there are certain things you can just get by by presence number is the 11th chapter my goodness you know moses back there he's got he's got a can you imagine a church of three million people and not one born again you think you've got trouble a church of three million people not one not one born again new birth not available three million people having all kinds of trouble finally he says in numbers the 11th chapter he says god why did you do this to me why did you do this to me god if you haven't got an answer for this please please just kill me he did king james god just just kill me kill me god's going no i think i got a better idea he said go find seventy elders that you that you perceive to be elders go find 70 bring them all together and when i come down by my spirit when my spirit comes down there when my presence comes down among you i'll take some of what's on you and i'll put it on them what happened he says you just get them in my presence and i'll make sure they get a deposit of something you read later in the 11th chapter and says the holy ghost came on them and they'll all they all started prophesying and they just didn't stop i mean the hand of the lord came on them but god did it by his presence man there was a there was a guy uh interesting guy crazy prophet but great wonderful guy ed dufresne you met him too all right and uh long story short we we we god connected to us with what you talk about opposites he's this wild crazy prophet and i'm this dignified teacher and somehow god put us in the same meetings and for a year one week out of every month for a year we went he took us and we did a meeting with him somewhere and all i know is at the end of that year at the end of that year god had deposited something in us something in us that i'd never had before there was a dimension of the things of the spirit of god there was a boldness to obey the holy ghost there was a hunger to have a flow of the holy ghost and he didn't lay hands on us and prophesy that over us he didn't predict it he did anything else he just got up demonstrated the holy ghost but we were in meetings with i mean i remember meetings when the glory of god was so thick you got if you got up in the whole front area of the church you couldn't walk up here if you came up in here you'd go down under the power of god i got towards i heard somebody else saying this was it luke i don't know somebody somebody was saying maybe marcus one of the two that said that you're in a you're in a meeting and get your whole leg was sore and you couldn't was that you yeah and somebody said well no wonder you're on the floor all day i did that i got up after a meeting and and i got up i thought oh man i heard all over i've got what's wrong with me not black and blue and we're with a group called faith creation and i said man i don't know why i hurt so bad they said well no wonder you fell over the monitor speakers about four or five times off the edge of the platform you're on the floor all the time you fell off i fell off the back of the platform into the plants said no wonder you're black and blue you spent the whole night on the floor you couldn't stand up but that presence there was a god will make deposits sometimes just by his presence i mean stop think about what we just had just a few minutes ago waymaker there was a presence if you knew enough to grab hold of that there are some some things god would have deposited right in there i've been in meetings i was in a meeting in miami did a meeting brother hagin's having a holy ghost meeting down there got down in that meeting i said god i just need something i don't know exactly what happened but all i knew is before long i came to and i was under the i was under like the second or third row i was under the chairs and uh finally found my way out and i you know see i'm swiss i'm dignified okay we we are a dignified culture but but somebody said i think today you know i'll rephrase it myself dignity is not a fruit of the spirit luke you said you lost your dignity at 17 years old see i waited till i was 21 but no 24 whatever but you know but dignity is not you you can lose your dignity and you can still be okay dignity is not a fruit of the spirit yeah i'll lose my reputation well i would hope so jesus made himself of no reputation sometimes you need to lose your reputation and your dignity to find the will and plan of god i'm going somewhere with this believe it or not so so anyway but i left that meeting i'm in miami i went out and found my car i don't know where my wife was i don't you weren't with me at that meeting for some reason that was unusual maybe you weren't i forgot you at the meeting i don't know i don't know all i know is the next thing i know i'm in my car my rental car and i'm driving down this four-lane highway try to find my hotel i'm on the wrong side of a four-lane highway i'm just i'm just trucking along just having the one most wonderful time trying to find my you know thank god i didn't get pulled over or hit anybody but you know it's just but but all i'm say is that me there's something about that meeting something got deposited we're gonna meet we did a meeting in lansing michigan with this crazy woman mama vicki vicki jamison peterson okay my wife's spiritual mama and uh we did this meeting in in it uh oh goodness was it living word what was the name of the church i think it was living where the church some friends of ours pastored there and we did this meeting week of meetings we started out and and vicki was just man she was just flowing with the holy ghost and she she looked at me and i said i tell you what vicky let's i'll make you a deal we're going to trade off services mornings and nights and i said i tell you what we'll trade these meetings off but i said if i've got anything you tell me i'm not going to tell you if i got anything you tell me and i'll take a look but i'm telling you what we sat in those meetings for a week we got to the end of that meeting and something happened i mean the holy ghost would come on us she'd walk by you know she'd walk by and she she's just this most elegant elegant crazy but she's elegant and she'd walk by and she'd you know she would you know he'd be on the end of the of the pew there and she'd come by and she'd just be you know exhorting and sharing with us and but she'd put her hands on us like that believed in the laying out of hands and she'd put her hands on us and she'd just talk and talk and talk and well she's doing that and all of a sudden i find myself sliding down out of the seat and on the floor and and you know and this went on all week long i mean every service we're doing floor time and i still remember we finished that meeting and uh we uh there were there was the two of us uh pastor janet myself and david ellis was with us and we're gonna we're going just a few miles over to my sister and brother-in-law's house we're gonna go have have lunch with them driving over there's about maybe an hour or something like that and i remember telling the two with me i said because we're leaving there going back to tulsa and then we're going from tulsa to a place called new braunfels texas and i said we're going to do a meeting down there and i said get ready for anything because i don't know what's going on something's going on something's going on and uh we got into that church pastor don duncan got to that church new braunfels texas nicest pastor i finally told him i said pastor i don't want to tear your church on please forget we get in there and i'm telling you what we get up to minister the word all of a sudden the holy ghost would fall just fall and when he started when he fell people are falling out of their chairs their fault people are falling you know all over all over the floor people and the meeting went on we went out four five six nights there there were other churches that were closing their services down coming over place was packed full of people i know there's one particular pastor i finally met him later on i looked over he's in the in the line the ministry line he's doing somersaults back and forth across the front i looked at the pastor i said i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't even i didn't start it i don't know how to stop this thing people were getting so drunk in the holy ghost they were carrying folks out of the building and that's that was the beginning of probably a five six seven year uh direction when the holy ghost what happened we got into a meeting and and there we're in the beginning of what we called a joy move well i wouldn't have known how to get in that i'm dignified i wouldn't know i wouldn't have a clue how to get in that but we got over into a place where god could make deposits and that was through the laying out of hands and god saturated myself and my wife and uh man we had meetings we had holy ghost meetings right here in uh tulsa 21st street one friday night a month for a number of years people come from we'd have seven eight hundred people dr we had folks drive from illinois drive all day get there for the meeting turn around drive all night getting back home half the time they'd stop part way back middle of the night and they had to stop because nobody was sober enough to drive they had to wait until somebody could sober up in the holy ghost to be able to drive the rest of the way back home but it was the beginning of something we had some friends told us later said those meetings changed our lives because that was they said all we know is that was a we we got we got our feet in a mini revival well what started that impartation didn't ask for it didn't want it didn't even know if i liked it i didn't know if i believed it i said god i don't even know if this is scriptural you're gonna have to show this to me in the bible well you challenge him like that hang on but but you know god there's different ways god i mean association this i mean not this we if we just had another week you go back over this to uh uh second kings the second chapter where elijah has gone and found elisha plowing with 12 yoke of oxen he with the 12th cast his mantle upon him and then took it back and elijah said i need to go do this and this and this he said i don't care what you do do anything you want to do but don't forget what i did to you don't forget the mantle that just came on your life don't you forget what came on you so he does that and then he goes and he's with him in training 11 years oh would god this upcoming generation have that kind of patience 11 years 11 years what's he doing he's washing his donkeys carrying his suitcases you know but what's he doing 11 years he's he's 11 years he's watching the mantle 11 years listen to me 11 years he's not concerned about the man he's concerned about the mantle 11 years he's watching the mantle 11 years he's watching the mantle and finally they crossed over jordan and elisha elijah said to elisha you've been faithful what do you want he said i'll tell you what i want i want he said i want all of you one translation something to the effect i want all i want all of you reproduced in me he said i want a double portion of what's on you what's he looking for impartation he's looking for an impartation and i love what elijah said he said well you've asked a hard thing gone hard and asking but he said i'll tell you what he understood the principle i'll tell you what he said if you uh if you see me when i go if you don't see me you're getting nothing that guy's gonna sleep with one eye open from the now on i mean you know he said what if he goes in the middle of the night he said if you see me when i go you'll get that he said i'm on you like a coat of paint man you are not getting away from me and all of a sudden okay all of a sudden here comes here man we started we started out sunday night talking about the fire of god we're singing about the fire of god all of a sudden here comes the chariot of fire and the horseman thereof and elisha elijah got over in there and he just took off but when he took off he threw down his mantle elijah wasn't concerned about that all the other schools of the prophets are going where's the man where's the man and elijah's going oh elijah's going i don't care where the man is i want the mantle not concerned about where the man is i i'm not looking for the mechanics of this thing i'm looking for the spirit of it i don't want what who he was i want what he carried and i want double what he said he said if i watched him when he left he said he left and i saw him go to the point i'd go pick the mantle up oh man he walked back over wrapped it together i really thought that's where we're going this week maybe next year where is the lord god of elijah think about that though the question wasn't where is the lord god of elijah who are the elijahs of god where are the ones who are the ones that'll train up the next generation we're the ones that'll be patient and not train up a bunch of wimps remember he said i'm going to gilgal stay here i'm not leaving you can't get i'm you can't get rid of me you know i'm going to i'm going to jericho stay here as the lord god lives you're not getting rid of me i'm going to jordan stay here he couldn't shake that guy it's not just where's the lord god it's where's the elijah's of god but my question is where are the elijahs of god we're the ones that will be patient for 11 years and say i'm going to learn how to work with this anointing i'm going to learn the ways of the spirit i'm going to learn not only the word but i'm going to learn the holy ghost anyway that's another message but where was i oh impartation he got an impartation notice what he said he didn't say when when i'm ready to go i'll come have a laying on a hand service could have but he said i'll tell you what when i'm go if you just if you see me when i go you'll get it what's he saying he what he's saying is you're gonna have to stay close to me until i leave no matter how long that takes because some things are imparted by association there were schools of prophets everywhere and they just stood back and watched but the one with the calls on him said um no i'm going to stick around until i get what i'm supposed to get impartation but let's let's just cover a few more things then we're going to go a different direction then there's there's back that other part about god can make deposits you know there's there's over you go to hebrews i believe the sixth chapter talks about the the basic doctrines of christ and one of them being the doctrine of laying out of hands well you lay hands on people who get healed you lay hands on people they get filled with the holy ghost you lay hands on people they get a good fresh refilling you lay hands on people you know they laid hands on the uh when they you know raised up the the deacons in the in in the book of acts uh what sixth chapter i think it was they raised them all up found these men full of the holy ghost and in power and they laid their hands on them separated them and you know paul wrote to timothy and said neglect not the gift which was in thee which was given thee by prophecy by the laying on of hands of the presbytery you know and strip the gift which is in me by the laying out of my hands so there's a whole doctrine of laying out of hands we narrow it down to one little thing but i'll tell you what there's a lot it's not a cure-all it doesn't fix everything but there's a lot god will do through the laying out of hands the jesus don't get any other way man i remember oh so many times we were in a meeting and we're in a meeting in bob nichols bob nichols church fort worth all right and brother hagin's do a meeting and my pastor janet and i we we you know we just went ahead and we drove down there we went to the meeting and and this is in this uh great church down there and um we're open i think we're up in the balcony and i can still remember brother hagin he's preaching on signs you know you get what you preach he's preaching on signs preaching signs but then he went like a half hour and then 45 minutes and then an hour and then an hour and 15 then an hour and 30 by then the crowd's thinning out well by an hour and a half all the unbelief's gone and you've got folks that are hungry and and then all of a sudden all of a sudden the holy ghost came on him and he began fl he stepped over in that prophet's flow he had been all along to some degree but he stepped over into a dimension of the prophet's office that was on his life and he began to flow on that and he began to minister to people concerning signs and things in their lives and and uh um man i remember all of a sudden he looked up and he saw us up in the balcony if i remember right i couldn't say for sure he said mark janet come down here i need to minister to you we're on our way anything anytime the holy ghost is flowing i'm going to get some i'm going to get some if somebody else doesn't want theirs i'll take theirs and mine if the holy ghost is moving i'm going to get some i am a spiritual glutton i don't just like the holy ghost i'm consumed with the holy ghost if the holy ghost isn't around i'm leaving when he goes i go i'm like wigglesworth you know he followed the shout when the shout left he left on the other side when the holy ghost leaves i leave i'm not interested if he's not there i'm not interested he's the confirmer of the word so anyway we got down there to the front and we're up on kind of a look if i remember right some kind of a big you know platform maybe like this and uh so here's brother hagin and so the two of us are up there he's gonna he's gonna minister to us and uh so there's two catchers behind us because it's hard platform you know the catcher behind each one of us and then the two of us and then brother hagin and then ragine wilson who was gonna help hold brother hagin up so we're getting a long line of people you know and all i know is he put his hands on us and he began to prophesy he prophesied things concerning really some things that we haven't even done yet we will we will hallelujah heard brother hagin on a recording the other day he said the lord spoke to him he says well it's been 40 years and i've almost got you to the place where he'll step into some things i thought 40 years i'm right on time but anyway he said um he's he's pr he's prophesying over us some things concerning things we'll operate things we'll do uh spiritual gifts will flow in all these things some we have since then but uh uh but uh but not to the degree we're going to yeah not to the degree not the location not the place not there's just a whole lot well why was this spoken 40 years ago i don't know i don't know but when special faith works it doesn't have a timeline on it sometimes sometimes it's spoken one day and it comes to pass a generation later you just don't know but i'll tell you what all i know is he prophesied some things over us and all of a sudden all of a sudden i've still got the recording somewhere and you can hear this you know and i can remember the reason i remember is because the catchers went down we went down brother hagin went down ray jean went down we've got like eight people piled up on the middle of that platform and somewhere down underneath everybody is my wife and myself and we finally were able to all get up went back to our seats we saw brother hagin later and he said what'd you do i said what do you mean he said he said did you pull me down i said no he said you pulled me down on top of you i said no why would i do that he said i don't know i just feel like somebody grabbed hold of something inside me and pulled me and when they did i fell on top of you and somebody fell on top of me and i thought yeah because i was up there for an impartation eyes up there for an impartation i'll tell you what i knew the day had come that you'd leave but when you led you might have left but you the man left but the mantle stayed i was i was there for some impartation i'm not saying i'd get all of what he had but there's got to be some what he had that i could get because there's plenty to go around we went to a meeting in longmont colorado same thing man he got to the end of the service he called up you know all the ministers come up i thought there i am again i if there's something to be gotten i'm going to get it you deserve it no but i'm i'm a glutton i am so hungry i i thought i got to get this because like elijah said i need a double portion if i got a double portion i can help twice as many people it's not for fame or fortune it's for results so so i mean we're in this line there new creation church longmont still there and brother hagin he's laying on hands on folks and i don't know it was like somebody hit me in the head with the two by four i didn't i mean it wasn't like a painful i just went down and i thought that a little while later i thought i better get up man i better get up because probably people are starting to get up off the floor by now i got i started to get up and i look i'm the only one there i don't know where everybody went i don't know when everybody went but i was the last one up there i to this day i have no idea how long i was on the floor but i'm telling you god was doing some holy ghost surgery he was doing some holy ghost impartations into me it wasn't like god i want this this and this is not a burger king thing you know it's not have it your way it's like or maybe that's an old one i don't know but anyway but i know all i know is every time i go into a meeting where the holy ghost is moving and i'll put it this way i'll get into a holy meeting where the spirit of god's moving and even if i'm doing the ministering hose the waters gets wet too and there's always there's always some hard-headed person in there just won't take something i told god if they won't take it i'll take it and i've been in meetings where i'll lay hands on people and they just with their mind they'd push it back i'd do it again they'd push it back about the third time all of a sudden i'd fall back they just backed it up about three times and hit me and i thought oh i got that another deposit said all that say this we're going to have a laying on a hand service tonight [Music] we're going to we you know i mean paul didn't decide who got what he just said basically i'll come supply the hands god supplies the holy ghost and you supply the vessel and god god god will do something and um you know i just i wondered if we were going to get to this this week i wasn't real sure um but this afternoon it just kind of got stirring i'm so convinced for the temperature has been rising and the hunger has been increasing and there's a pull of the spirit of god and there are those even in this place that are going back to this location or that location but they're going back with some equipment they didn't come with they're going to take back some loads of the holy ghost there'll be some deposit some will show up instantly some will show up over a period of time but there's going to be many places where there'll be much that will be shown and in the days to come when there is a global revival there will be those that will be carrying the glorious load of the spirit of god changing lives hallelujah glory to god praise god praise god praise god now again things like this are always optional uh they're always optional okay somebody shouldn't feel compelled i don't know if i believe in all that it's fine there's no condemnation with that but these things should be optional but i'll just say if you say i want i want i want that you know i've had people come up years ago come up and say oh brother i want your anointing i said stay away from me i'm getting my money you're not getting my anointing i've got a lot left to do you go find your home i'll pray god will increase what's on you pray he'll give you an extra dose of something but you're not getting what's on oh no no way no uh-uh so you know we ought not to be a bunch of vultures going trying to get somebody's anointing what we ought to be doing is following the holy ghost saying god whatever's on my life i want to increase i want a double of it you follow you find elisha you know yeah spirit of elijah doth rest on elisha but if you follow that through elijah operated primarily in special faith elisha worked primarily in working in miracles they had their own flow they had their own flavor but god used them in different ways we don't need to be carbon copies if we had carbon copies we just need one no we just need the holy ghost let him work through us that's enough for now let's stand to our feet and um i just think this is a really good way to finish this meeting out to get everybody loaded up and launched out and and sent back home even if it's only across town so how many here say i uh yeah i want uh i want to i want to i want a dose i want this i want the spirit of god to impart whatever he so desires paul didn't make the decision he just supplied the hands i want the holy ghost and i want him to deposit something in me i want to go home with something i didn't come with [Music] impartations operations demonstrations of the spirit of god hallelujah hallelujah well i think we're out ahead of time we had to lift our hands and thank god [Music] glory to god glory to god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to god well we don't get our voices a little higher there thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you hallelujah good hallelujah glory to god okay ushers if you'll just let's just start over here somebody goes what about us well the last shall be first don't hang on so let's just start over here and just line folks up anybody so desires and we'll work our way across the front i'm gonna yeah yeah hallelujah and uh i'm gonna i'm gonna ask pastor janet to get on one end down there she's had the fire got on her in her hands for years hallelujah was that amazing last night or what glory to god and then uh pastor sam's gonna come up and join in the middle over here and i'll just go to the other end and uh um yeah there's something else about that hallelujah glory to god sam you got something okay um hallelujah got something stirring thank god for the holy ghost glory to god hallelujah glory to god well i i i don't know what this is but for these three young men amazing services this week in the mornings i'm telling you what the word the spirit the direction the depth and uh for uh uh for uh brother uh pastor uh marcus and and luke and pastor phillip y'all come down here for a minute hallelujah [Music] these guys already carry mantles yeah just step down there if it's all right and and uh hallelujah hallelujah yeah just kind of see if you can keep him on his feet if possible if not we'll drink and we'll drag it back up and then uh pastor sam if you just there's just something there's something there's something i there's something i know we'll just see we'll see if you're what you're picking up here and then and there's phillip and there's step right up these guys are pretty unstable i don't know what i'm concerned about him everybody reach your hands out here let's have a corporate faith there's coming a lifting off a lifting off you've been carrying something that's been holding you down and weighing you down it's it's going to lift off of you by the time you get back home it'll be gone it will be gone it'll be literally lifted off you'll be like a breath of fresh air and you're like thank god i don't have to do that anymore i don't have to fret over that anymore i don't have to think about that anymore it'll be gone it'll be lifted off [Music] oh [Music] you know i know you you can try to interpret things you can try to over spiritualize things you know i understand that but but you know i really believe god god's just smart enough to know that things go generations you know you know when i started ministry i was a sprinter i just wanted to finish the first hundred yards got a little ways down the road and i thought no this is bigger than a sprint i need this is a this is a mile i need to be i need to i need to slow down a little bit and make a mile out of it i got a little ways down the road and i thought no that's still not good enough i need to be a i need to be a uh uh cross country cross country runner you know uh they spent a lot of time i've gotten to the place now i realized the first one was okay second one was okay third one was okay but the fourth one is when all of a sudden you realize this is not a sprint it's not a mile it's not a marathon it's a it's it's a it's a it's a relay if we don't hand off if we don't hand off we do our 100 and quit or our two mile and we quit or marathon we could if we don't if we don't get over into the into the relay which means you got something in your hands and and god's going to somehow in part pass that on to other people and you know you know there's something about that and again you know i i can't prove this out you can't disprove it i can't prove it but there's something about i believe god has ways to pass things through generations and i believe there's times that he'll you know you can put a you can put money in a cd and let it sit there for 50 years what's he going to do is just going to keep drawing interest i believe god's put some things in a lot of folks and if we're faithful with that we can get to where all of a sudden not only can we get the benefit out of that but we we can find ways to pass that baton on to another generation and and i was thinking about pastor sam here in in the times with dr sumrall john osteen and look at the people god has has uh let us have time around and they prayed for us laid hands on us i i think they were i think they were planting some things for another generation and it wasn't for us to choose what to do with it but it's time it's time for these things to stone your bangles decay it is time for these things to become and be pulled up out of the dimensions of the spirit and handed off like a baton to the next generation and ah my key solace decay oh and they won't operate just like us but they'll take what we had and they'll walk in a double of it oh now you think you got your path figured out here for the last for the next next little while but uh but there's coming a jerk just like you were going in a direction and you get to the end of the chain and it's like a dog running after somebody and it gets to the end of that chain and it just jerks them back don't be fearful when that happens it's just a large change in your direction just just just moving in a little bit different direction that that's just going to just be a little stunner for just a moment but then there's gonna be a run after that there'll be a release after that there'll be a release a release now you weren't real sure how far this was going to really take you in fact you actually uh have thought about over several times well you know i just wonder how long this is going to go how long is this going to happen where is this going to take me and thinking about where is this going to take me well it's going to take you and it's going to take you all the way through because you've stepped over into that which i have prepared for you and i have brought to you so that you might walk in the fullness of it and be the light that i called you to be even when you were a child run to me now remember remember what i what i told you even before you got hooked up with this guy and and you're wondering how how's that gonna ever fit how's it gonna ever fit but but you don't know anywhere near the end you just got the beginning and you're going to look back and say oh yeah that's how it fits that's how it fits so don't fret over it don't think about it don't think well i'm with my husband i'm going to serve i'm going to do what my husband said no no no what what he showed you it'll it'll fit it'll fit yeah it'll be achilles glory let me do this real quick yeah go ahead get started yeah i need the couple from buffalo uh uh uh yeah joelle kevin and joelle kevin joel buffalo people come over here if they can pastor buffalo now i saw something in the spirit i was earlier and i just looked down and i saw you guys and and and the lord showed me something about where he's about to take you because you think you're on a path you're on the road you got kind of got some things figured out okay we got this figured out we're on this road but you're about to run into a detour that's going to turn you not around but turn you sideways and it's like it's just like you know we've been driving through all this detour traffic around here you know you you're going to turn sideways you can say wait a minute we were we're we're going what's this turn in business but you're going to find out that that turn's going to put you on a different path it's going to put you on a wider road it's going to give you a favor that you that that you haven't experienced because you've been struggling with that with favor and you said where's the favor you know i know god calls me where's the favor well listen it's going to come but you're going to have to take that little detour first it's just gonna be you'll know it you'll know it don't fear it you'll know it won't be that big a deal but once you do it you're gonna say all right we're on the highway now and there's gonna be some favor that's gonna come to you and it's going to come now listen to this it's going to come in in a strange form because it's almost like you're not going to be able to do i trust this do i trust this because this is just too good do i really trust this well listen you're going to know now by the spirit of god you can you're going to be able to accept what's going to be given to you and you'll be able to walk out what god has for you in a greater dimension so don't get trapped by this detour and think something's wrong it's not no it's not it's just just a little jog no big deal it's going to bring you where you need to be father bless bless jesus hallelujah glory glory hallelujah that it yes all right well pastor janice gonna get on one end pastor sam's gonna get in the middle and uh i'm gonna get on the other end but uh i want these three gentlemen that did the morning sessions each one come with one of us just come just come along with us just come with us somebody join with pastor janet somebody hook up log on with pastor sam and i'm down here on the other end down here hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you come with me down here on the end how about that hallelujah [Music] [Music] five on us on us on us on us on us on us on us on us on us [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost [Music] fill me with the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] the holy [Music] i need the holy [Music] with the holy ghost i need the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] fill it with the holy ghost [Music] i need the holy ghost i need the holy ghost [Applause] with the holy ghost [Music] hi [Music] us [Applause] [Music] oh on us start a new revival on us [Music] [Music] i need the holy [Music] fill me with the holy ghost [Music] fill me with the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] i need the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost i need the holy [Music] fill me with the holy ghost [Music] fill me with the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye on us [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] so [Music] just like you did it before you know what we are ready for more and just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before lord we are ready [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] just like your [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for [Music] fill us with your holy ghost and fire i need the [Music] [Music] the fill me with the holy ghost the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] fire [Applause] [Music] hungry [Music] i [Applause] on us [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before oh lord when you already form your fire just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before we are [Music] did it foreign lord we are ready for more just like you did it before look we are ready for more [Applause] just like you did it before lord we are ready for just like you did it before [Music] [Music] [Applause] just like you did just like you did it before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need the holy ghost i need the holy ghost [Music] the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright [Music] ah fire [Music] fire fire [Music] get ready [Music] are you up already [Music] shhh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we're glory [Music] so [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] shhh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] that's why there's revive 22. i guess i don't know [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] so [Applause] there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i need the holy ghost [Applause] the holy ghost i need the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] fill me with the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] fill me [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fired [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] i need the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] me [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] fire fall fire [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] everyone in this room fills with the holy i need the holy ghost [Music] oh i need the holy ghost the holy ghost [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] [Music] sometimes i gotta dance dance dance in the holy ghost dancing in the holy ghost dancing the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] what a mighty good time i believe some things were imparted tonight [Music] i believe it this was not just a hype service this was not just a crazy a wild service this is a marked moment this is a marked moment and it's important that when you leave that you keep stirring on the inside what the holy ghost did to you for you today tonight do you hear what i'm saying there are some things that were imparted tonight that revived you into the place into the space where the holy ghost been trying to get you to go there were some things broken off tonight that free you that will give you the boldness to step out and do what he's called you to do and i just think we ought to give one more time the lord a wonderful arrival praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well what a time we have had this entire week and i just believe we've been revived i believe we've been revived i want to say thank you to each and every one of you who have come and been apart and gave your supply thank you to the staff that has worked diligently to do all this our children's workers that are still working with your kids right now thank you for their time their sacrifice on behalf of pastors mark and janet they went ahead i just wanted to say they went ahead and stepped out uh they had to put their dog to to rest this afternoon yeah at five o'clock today so cherokee so they're headed out to just kind of take some time but on behalf of pastors mark and janet i want to say thank you thank you for coming thank you for being here to all the pastors the speakers luke marcus pastor eddie pastor sam all of the services are available on youtube you can watch them i would encourage you to watch re-watch re-watch over and over and over again and let the holy spirit speak to you but that is it that is revive21 have a blessed rest of your night sober up before you drive and we will see you next year be blessed [Music] you
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 523
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: blhRiH7u4U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 28sec (7528 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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