Jessie's Roll | Reverse Inside Out Nori-less Sushi Roll

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here's on are you how does a loon everyone good afternoon we got a fantastic dish today yes so I don't know what's going what is it's called let's call it Jesse's roams this she's little what about remember the song in the 80s called Jesse's girl oh yeah who's Jesse we have no idea so I kind of like this the delicious looking ingredients that it raises have people under hood you know how got to be looks like yeah yeah so Ben green is here main ingredient is of course salmon going today and here the shrimp under-15 yeah this is you 15 and 15 15 pieces you have found I want to put a skewer and the boy first tear the mayonnaise the masago wasabi scallion and a cola okay yeah it's a first step but so step will be skewered okay I have a five piece should be alright you guys gonna hear some knocking noise or doing some construction or sir yes is sewn unavoidable but it's going to keep continuing through so what I start worrying already so I'm gonna put this one in today hot water okay it's gonna be two three minutes this shampoo is ready I'm gonna put into ice water okay same pieces get cooling down so now I can take it off the skewer [Music] these are really big really nice a shrink they don't yeah then take off shop [Music] [Music] I'm gonna use this piece I'm gonna use this piece on the top okay the middle - so this I gotta use this sleep on the top and these two for the inside so this one Oh taking all this stuff your Vania yep I've been not this one actually I wanna do going to be in the middle okay the same way well they think you games a pivot all look [Music] okay this is what on top these tools going to be inside so I don't need a tail kinds the huff and took the beam this first I'm gonna make rossabi my oh here oh sorry into the my oh no I'm good Abdul design in here a oranjee masago in here little bit of scallion little bit more be my own myself as well just a mix this so little Stevie yes okay now I going to slice up to disassemble sable same as like a nori seaweed right so like this way this one's all the way one piece someone should know no one piece come on cut a pizza yes look at this here oh wow all right how many pieces is there about about 10 coming in what 10 pieces you 4 5 6 7 8 9 no about 30 pieces 27 to 30 yes yeah okay let's start all rolling up the little beetle eyes okay this time we're either going to inside the reverse you know yeah like that I have a nori less reverse whoa very complicated to say that's why I just call it Jesse's wrong hero just so she's are very complicated okay computer one aren't all women complicated here yeah or do more company can right yeah that's my feel that's a desert right yeah beautiful ingredients complicated but gonna be beautiful and delicious site well and you see the comments everyone says my voice sounds like well those people do castings yep okay something like that right you see those comments yeah I'll go back all the time right here so a lot of fell according to a lot of house how come here oh my shut up oh I know yep too bad Luba if you don't like to watch it go watch heroes channel I don't have a problem here yeah here's a tune oh sorry but there yeah once who said that they recognize my voice from those casting couch video results yeah we're watching too many of those videos yeah alright see how this is gonna be done not press too much just one stuff is coming out II did this years ago I'd know me right yeah you did something very similar to us and okay yeah and here's one before mm-hmm we just never made a video from it that I can remember yeah I just put take that to Blair or some a picture yeah that's it the moment I just put restless arm on the inside I put something vegetable something and then II ground go top that's all I meant okay like that and just think is just take a little bit water okay and I jump on the top this one's going to the in the middle oh this wrong is unbelievable no anti that it's not a big food it but it yeah that's good they take this time to thank our patrons supporters as well hey train calm look up diaries of a massive sushi chef you can help support hero over there yep and just so you know a lot of you guys want to visit but if your patron Sporto we make it much easier to come and see us right yes and the picture in videos a little bit though sometimes more like a detail in more detail we don't do that much anything pretty much not much editing right yes more longer longer more detail of course more some time graphic all right these times I have to think about the others right I get according to the half you know how I want to do do let me make the shape you're gonna call this the orange roll hero everything's an orange what angel digital yeah right yeah Sam his oranges shrimpies orange occurs orange the masako's orange look at that you know Mary this orange I see okay we can use a red door Toriko misako instead of the orange - yeah today we just when we have oranges oh wow you did it this role must melt in your mouth you know we'll see you eat everything just so soft first salmon the shrimp inside shrimp on top sobbing male gives a little cake so do you think your Jessie's role you should know beautiful huh this is a work of art yeah and I can just imagine what's gonna taste like we're gonna stick to that indicate a beautiful feasible creation beautiful hair son thank you so much I can't you try this CP is like this video give it a thumbs up comment below shared don't forget to subscribe and tell us forgot the name right Jessie's role okay here oh yeah oh good I want to see you soon bye bye oh my goodness again wait to taste this role Jessie's wrong okay let's go for here okay enjoy and take a diesel into sports okay hmm does it taste as good as it looks no taste is looking the textures are different okay after getting a salmon sashimi with the world texture inside and because he had shrimp hmm we wrote the humble lot of salmon right I got salmon sashimi raw you think you get this one on the end okay kind of mess it up with my chopstick hmm you're right just like eating salmon sashimi then you have texture at the end because usually the faster you eat rice right exactly well see with outside seaweed but still very good mmm I really enjoy this here hmm I love it very very good hmm after the salmon you got the shrimp and then of course on the finishing nothing curl that's what I just had not delicious nice texture there's a little bit of kick from the wasabi males method that's wrong and they could prefer maybe a little stronger but it tastes itself does everything work so good here's none thank you so much I grew up like this see you soon thank you
Channel: Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef
Views: 974,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiro terada, hiroyuki terada, master sushi chef, master sushi chef hiroyuki terada, sushi master, how to make sushi, diy sushi, best sushi chef in the world, salmon sushi roll, inside out sushi roll, how to slice salmon for sushi, how to roll sushi roll
Id: EeUMA14OujU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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