Easy To Do Tempura

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and welcome to another episode of Novi kitchen and bar we are with Messrs sushi chef he wrote about a high hero good morning morning how are you and today it's very early it's almost almost 9 o'clock now so video user types I'm wake up today we have a lot of you fans out there we've given some great ideas and although this is nothing this recipe is nothing that that's special is something that they've asked us to do before and basically is this assorted tempura and you being a master sushi chef a lot of people don't know that you're so qualified also in the kitchen because that's what you started out as first so so you want to talk about this dish today a little bit here today actually what you want to do a sort of mental and put up these okay so I have a seafood and he are the squeak and then the string this is all a stretch dough ready you kind as gallops and then she was right here in a vegetables I'm going to use asparagus let the batter pepper and the onions and broccoli carrots and this is it's not very popular for the tempura but this will quell so let's try this one okay nothing is going on okay then I also piece of the nori border controls for the decoration is going to listen so first we're gonna step to the clean up the squeak and at this school we bought actually the other day yeah we showed everybody when you bless your fresh squid you can - probably made you at your local market right okay bye you're so calm okay how much you can buy the screen already in touch you can buy from our local market everything okay very good so let's begin if I sniff I might possibly clean up sweet there's a bit of foam - OH yeah a lot of you at home when you're doing to impor you got to make sure that whatever item you're frying doesn't have any water because water meets any hot scalding oil it's actually not good at all come on this one what part is this that's part of the help sort of feed and eyes and then the most is right here okay and this is actually looks like a head or a holder is standing in India right and then he has a little bit this kind of sort of cellphone stopping always in here take all these pots okay what's interesting I never see another form and then I just want to open up this thing this and here they have a looks like a plastic yeah exactly no does look like plastic and then taking notes that NP r-- you know this one like this then I'm going to take off the skin just rips off like that ah yes and then tickles a little bit more water or can have a little bit of ink in this into the hub when I use for this one or tempura okay I like this one here and then also this one you can bring a bit corrupt first decide okay then people don't most prey today take my Bible okay I want to disrupt the tempura - okay so what do you do with this part can you suck right along you can you can use it to leave this is this - you can use it and on to place it a little bit too much for the combinations all right this one not that one's garbage okay this bit faster actually you can use it for that so but I going to make off another dish so I'm just going to keep this one on the side okay okay so step is we'll flip this up okay suppose like here Casper Alice this one is the bottom is very hard which I want to cut off a little bit too like one each and it's also very kind of big cleanups somewhere someone some of that is skinny somewhat about the peak so this one is to be so I want to do calculus so that's not in the bottom side so choose is your - yeah okay so I have a two piece here so I'm going to do another one same way oh you can actually cut into the half - okay talk to you know rediff have fun the policies of in the concealer size tell me this okay listen here and then the broccoli actually is already coming to the size but it's a river to be so I just coming to the house and cats capacitor filter see a lot of Japanese restaurant they use like a yam like a sweet potato a seat of potatoes everyone - and today we don't have it but that's shiitake mushroom and also the like mushroom and almost stuff and little ego bronze apron is nice before the temple also okay okay then coming to our know not too thick there's not too thin it is much when a to psi is giving me and the opponents I'm going to make this one like this what I wanted to speak for is not going to suppress okay so action so I'm going to this one uses to speak oh yeah after you can cut it please okay and make some props it's a great technique I never seen this before yes okay so then after you put in the tempura batter and then he's not gonna separate okay so I'm gonna keep this thing nice two pieces right here okay and this is actually not really you know popular for the tempura but I set up the OPA usually we do a lot of MOBA Oh buddy right bottom put our power over tonight today so let's try this one okay let's try this one okay we're going to make the tempura batter and this is been proper that you can buy from the Japanese market an Asian market and they're going to use colder water okay I sorta yeah we want to mention something real quick a lot of people don't realize it but you need as cold as water as possible mix it when the tempura batter so when the batter hits oil it gives a much different reaction that's very firm but I also tell our fans out there what's the difference between regular flour and tempura flour I checked in Francona has a cornstarch and egg yolk to make the moment also butter okay and butter all right nice these are more of a crunch and cornstarch all right so what do we do what some measurements here here this is actually almost sixteen five housing offices okay I'm going to do a little by little so and a half over the cost and for the tempura we want it to be a light so kind of more liquidy and the tempura right now Oh so not too thick even not two things right you need a little digestible okay this is good okay okay this is a pop-up as down and they're all in regions right here okay so now from here we're ready to try like it's a negative fry but before I want to show you tempura sauce dipping sauce okay ingredient is actually right here we're going to do it as an 8 ounce water and two owns meaning and two on soy sauce okay it's the basic ingredients and you mix them all in a bowl or you had a cooking first right put into the that's that small mixing pot okay go straight into okay that's enough water it was here and then to awesome meeting and to long soy sauce okay okay that's it I'm a simple and it queued up so basically heat it up until a boil here yes but then you're done won it that's it and then you call it down and then actually I've seen many restaurants they serve a cold human in the cooler or they do actually after I made this one you can keep in the cooler bellissimo just porky but I've seen it when you use salt with the tempura unit here oh sure right okay so I'm going to just keep in the wall okay after at the same time I'm gonna start heated up okay so today we are going to do Manya the way it's not a fryer so temperature you need to control okay yeah on the restaurant we always have a deep fryer that's got a thermostat on there so it's much easier it just set it in and later I want to show what defines between the I mean dia when holes get ready okay so this is pretty much a hole right now so I'm going to put this on in the tempo rubato just brush a little bit so now you can see temple without the silver in the bottom very slowly coming up yeah there's a little too cold right yes when it's ready you just basically drop this tempura batter and it comes up right away how soon sometimes is too hot it doesn't make it to the bottom too hot even now tempura but I'm not going down yeah I'm pressing exactly because I gotta sauce is ready to start boiling okay so I'm gonna live with you absolutely okay so a prophetess would be ready okay now we have it on low heat just to keep the temperature yeah it's ready okay perfect vegetable stock okay just look at the batter real quick here oh can you show the consistency of it with your fingers shawl thick that is alright so it's pretty runny yeah yeah okay good good it's Tuttle okay Saigon - onions typical sight remember cows that's what I was yeah right away you can tell the battery's light when you can see the vegetable right through it and isn't really cling on to it it's a perfect consistency now if our fans at home don't have chopsticks or not proficient at using chopsticks what do you recommend just what can you use instead of chopsticks at home can I use the tongs okay or maybe you can looking good here's a fingernail we don't recommend that that's only for you but this is actually one of the 15 degrees that you need to keep the oil temperature Church that's only not over the cone going down so you cannot be putting it too much stuff in at one time okay okay so okay that's a lot of people control hold it I'm not sure so actually you can hear that this is that's out yeah the crackling noise or the oil yeah and what chef heroes had also at home many people make that mistake of putting too much at one time put less I mean there's no rush I'm creating a nice dinner for your fan friends and family there's no there's no problem with taking the time and doing a little at a time hey gosh you touched a little bit and then I don't know if you wanted to I think I need to buy low anyway the vegetables not here it's not so much the problem is that and then Carol actually this is done already you can you can tell very old scrunchie also you can do it a touch a little bit and then it is either way too soft so that's ready where it's funny we don't even have this on the menu here oh and it looks so beautiful okay it's going on okay okay right so I'm gonna go to the property and broccoli is a you need one technique Lisa you know there has a lot of force yeah don't put too much you know stuck inside of the broccoli you too much tempura fry whether stuck in inside something doesn't who doesn't cook all the way you when you eating it yes it's like wrong I put the whole way but magneto salt take it away yeah shake as much as you can sure and you got to it's a good point there's been actually one-sided contra apartheid nice we can see that all right okay I just put in the one fight yeah and the other side actually uses it's cooked it's got a bright bright red color as you'll see it's nice isn't that another news challenges dunya here we're done this before a bomb with a girl but okay possibly sound only one side a tempura batter interesting again let's try here's our water okay really nice here oh it's really really nice kept ties with one of my with a here we'll maybe dish to make yes actually when I wasn't upon possible face can put our position was my sponsor for design oh really start to the others but Reverend beside a station together I moved to in frustration right interesting I'm learning so much about you as we film these videos you know hey that's nice also it should be done already so present that already yeah you can see the Little Dipper I just put a temper about the only one site and then shiny inside just like this you can see that a nice cutout looks nice and presentation-wise we don't have exactly zero nothing like it's working and people at home they don't know they go to resonate look they forgot the battery this whole side will be absurd hahaha or in the hallway in the Baathist you cannot see what do you know yeah we do any which one yeah well okay so children is coming up nice and you know only one side mmm crunchy yes nice nice wait coming up okay is what a pickle here I think we need to put this on a menu looks so good you know that so before I have to start with us see who I'm going to take it out of this afraid stuff okay take it off okay so seafood yes seafood is actually are going to use another tempura flour here okay scallops it's a little bit this is derivative 2 to 2 T so I'm going to cut it to 1/2 and 1/4 keeping the temple of all that okay industry and so and for those of you don't know the reason why I put it in Flour first against the product we're going to be frying it so it catches the flower it catches the the batter the batter mix so if not we'll just run right off the product itself so this kind of helps the mixed batter right here to it okay speed some people do an egg wash right before the flower but not in tempura cooking it's beautiful first I going to do scallops okay scallops ops very good love scallops one of my favorites Eva yeah I love those girls and fell off and Cassini yes yes and yes and then next one leave us when you fry these how like I guess you fry more weight with a gun 100% put all the way okay cool sure he everything might be better destructor a lot of water in there all very cool Oh and then we don't I love the father tangible object rental dude now shake it a little bit when you drop it in the oil so it doesn't stick together yeah it's nice speak I was just hit but before going to sleep I'm gonna clean up one more time with her it is probably in the tail always I'm hero back in the day when I used to work in another Japanese restaurant waitin to important actually you wished you would actually add some outer crunchy part to it you know you as a shrimp is cooking you actually put some fried stuff on the crunchy stuff to it but so and you make it stick use another like a spoon and you're thinking about right make the flour and then you actually get lah okay these kind of sprinkle on that right yeah I did in another way we actually took a spoon we held the shrimp but we dropped it in there like between the shrimp to the side of the pot uh-huh and you make it stick that way to it you know interesting so this is another way is the shortcut okay I like this part much easier looks like you're eating yeah little sloppy but I love it who cares it's good I doubt customers waiting and they're hungry I see the outside of the shrimp it's got that crunchy stuff on trudeau but it's not too much but it's my city just enough okay I'll do a little bit of this real quick beautiful okay I want be snotty okay what half at halfway I can throw a bottle at you see okay and then right nice great Japanese hello so I go fishing put it back I love it very very nice we've got a nice happy family here okay okay so now set off on the bait Tikku O'Neill's taking filter button hey I want your guests joking on there so let me ask you when you're plating this how do you know what goes on the bottom first what's your new journey i material like potatoes carrots what kind of stuff hold on no more bulky things like the things are more blockage I and then Shri until this kind of telling the best it's okay from to make like a almost like all standing all right okay so this your Center right here I a couple of things are going to avoid to stop in that so - she was like okay all right okay squeeze and let's one one key I'll be fine just come tonight - visit us in discrete to three looks very habits the color is also you know then I love the technique that you only do half the red pepper and the kal looks really nice on a squeak and then screed off and tethered seaweed okay one more kill it's a little bit startled actually whipped okay this is so beautiful subtle dipping sauce ready okay so I thought and told this is a beautiful hero you know every time we do these videos besides you make me how very hungry I'm getting more impressed and more impressed absolutely beautiful well thank you so much again for a wonderful recipe I hope you guys liked it out there thanks for your ideas as always please give us a great big thumbs up please share it and comment below and keep sending us your ideas and we'll see in the next episode thank you and our favorite part of all the tasting part pasted box okay yeah give us what does that mean that I can appreciate I'll get ugly okay and that's what they say when you walked in some Japanese restaurants how did they see when you're walking oh okay Oh yesterday was it yeah what is that me America Oh welcome okay it sounds very similar all right so what are you going for countless carry it Oh about just some time I mean cuckoo no not too much yeah true nice leave that Oswin how nice a bit you have to like your own cooking it'd be a shame if you didn't cook good imagine that a fielding cook good at all and then you have to eat your own food also today we'll just in a simple and processes without also you can mix without trying to the daikon but ok also dangerous ok if you already saw that up another kind of flavor not gonna fit nicely I think I've seen the daikon radish and tempura roll up like the sauce beautiful well thank you so much thank you arigato
Channel: Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef
Views: 2,885,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sLfKZ-aAANw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2015
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