Best Ever Lobster Tower Roll | How To Make Sushi Series | GRAPHIC

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hey we are here to the jetter oh it's a lesson on beep oh that's a camera man's favorite of grace my favorite lazy way we are coming to hear today how many gradients alright see what they got here today [Music] by the fresh clams mussels bone crabs tilapia Bunty shrimp here [Music] all right we wanted to get a nice not this small one or you need a little bit bigger right wow that's really big I think it's too big right here yeah yeah we don't need that big thick one out here oh let's take a look at that you take one out [Music] that one's huge there's like five pounds or more wow that that guy is huge [Music] right alright look at this bad boy this one right here yeah [Music] so I guess it's like around two pounds right what is [Music] while three pounds 3.32 pounds program funding everyone good afternoon here son come back to my kitchen oh are you but it got a really delicious roll coming up today it's called the lobster tower roll looks like the lotto now when novia was open you should be called the Apertura hmm named after the building there we're located in but this is a variation of that very very similar here let's go through the ingredients main good at it is a Maine lobster right and this mean lobster was eleven dollars and eight cents a pound weight over just three pounds like three point three two pounds altogether is just under thirty seven dollars and these clothes are huge oh yeah hero as always let's cut the wrong hands let the claws breathe a little bit lobsters been in captivity for quite a long time and this is of course as a male females I'm sure they're returning back to the ocean is huge so I spotted us here okay yes Scotty young and the whole Ninja masago sesame seeds especially my own Ito sauce okay and I'm gonna use a tempura batter so this one's actually inside and outside all those lobster right so inside the tempura lobster and outside the kind of steam and it mix with the masago and spice my own okay tempura break it was one of our best sellers people screaming the restaurant and ordered all the time it's a quite a big role too soon all right yeah what's the first step the first step I want to do take ooh tear out okay and this one go for the tempura okay and the the crop going to be steep okay so go outside of that all righty all right so let's dispatch it the right way this much enjoy it would ya on the center okay well you hold on just say thank you for the lobster don't think like a fool you know okay that was thank you very much okay you don't go for the steam this one had a lot of liquid inside auntie hell I wanted to make something good okay okay sir so what's the next step here yeah except I'm not a fling about gotta live like somebody about that so there was a question how to clean the cutting board here or what's the best way to clean the cutting board just gonna little worked out okay how about I wash it okay just watch it with some detergent right yeah I do p-please so this is a lobsters blood actually clear it's a step also gonna do a to cross going to the schema do a steamie now how long here oh five three four minutes it's a little bit close the bigger so let's do four minutes okay yeah so why don't we doing the steaming grow I'm gonna take out that meats okay I'm gonna stale right I use my scissor more better more easier more and more safe you can do a cut to all those side with our night instead you can use the serum it's more easy and more safe so and these are a special scissors yeah for the kitchen scissors it just says oh yeah of course you know even not a steaming yet it's hard to take off the show sure having the meat you know not easy this one so in this case I gonna use that maybe do some other knife so you can restart it so still not with some moving vendors yeah so taking off like that so so in this case you can put that little steamer hole shot short time too it's more easier taking off that needs out yeah you sit up still the same student a nurse right I hope it was worth moving maybe no whoa okay [Applause] this is a faint and then I gotta make a tempura so first I'm gonna cut into the cuff then I'm gonna put a skewer I better straight they make any tempura okay Hey steam steam crow we're to start the tempura a little bit thicker right here yeah better just time from dinner with Chico seems to skew eyes a little bit to wait to roll then a couple of qo so just got the better with rhodium nice way to the right like I want to go with the him yeah just cut into right now why did you didn't come more right up making more evenly this is Motyka right it's to fix me these are the two you know right then I have another prophet too long yes I go to I could make it little bit more shot up okay yeah my Corolla situation a fryer fryer situation parts yeah as far as I'm okay nothing problem with that my flight was way too small so I wanna make a little bit shorter temper is ready ready I just have like that here just like that little lighter salt and pepper and need it right yeah why not no let me show you guys with is just like house skewers pretty hot yeah yeah it's hot whole thing was inside a little water the next one is uh asparagus yeah even you know my board was just more nice you do you need to put flour on it and you said no because it's already dry yeah it's a very small unit is it's very very dry it's not either necessary put the powder okay even though meat given at me time you're gonna need okay then you try the lobster meat very well without skip it's all right but when you make it at to put up it's so much of a peasant there's no good he just forgot is already food until I started up into the asparagus can put in low such a bra is ready not to eat meat okay for 3700 officers really not much meat at all think about it yes you got the tails here it's no match at all then you got two pieces of cloth talk about why it's so expensive a little meat in the knuckles here mmm it's like not more than five ounces of meat that tennis this is crazy okay this one meat home little so this is where you get all the meat from the town this can't be more than literally five or six ounces of meat except steamed and cooked thick so step I've got to do start to shredding claw meat making some that used to up to the restaurant I do mixer a bit too close okay right today just do with lobster meat hundred percent I represent outdoor sort of stuff this is a very very expensive role all together the products together close to forty dollars what would you sell us for in a restaurant at least three times the amount 120 bucks well well at least 80 80 120 of course you can't really multiply by three but low flow meters or Biddy have you seen the Box he's double it's not easy to carry in this room yeah because we're price and it's a lot of work to have this fresh lobster sitting around and make this I says I should tell the truth but it's cruise in the restaurant yeah I shouldn't tell oh I should tell tell the truth if I tell the truth truth is Summer Sun not later used in the Maine lobster but I add in the another product okay okay that's only I can tell whether you slip a lobster so they prob so well and also the you know the of course you know making amount wise the crab crab meat Wow alright special not taught me a nice killers yeah yes yeah well it could be the chrome crawfish was kind of type of the meat so they're making them out you know how do you say as we said thirty forty dollars cost right yeah 120 rows for one little expensive right okay so sure that one and it was Korean and Marcello here just for the color and the puss I'm gonna do the spicy mayo here then I'm gonna add tempura flakes way to make it crunchy we are going to do mix with here then later I want to put on the top a little bit - okay so it's on the previous video how do I make these so now see little crunchy oh yeah you can hear the crunch the freshness yeah this is one of the most part of the rows that we had in novi called the operates our raw masago is of course they have a lead round black one today I don't have a red one but I did was a really nice car - okay brighto gonna use that seaweed oh just the size cut off the top a little bit so this rice is koshihikari rice right the best you can buy is our favorite at all yep California even just a steamed rice how so the best ones from Japan from al-qaeda that we tried all that was good so it's all good yes and then lobster and asparagus asparagus that's not too easy enough I need a full bottle is enough okay ready robust at all nice nice yep it's cross-cutting to the house I think eita pieces he pieces even though that it officially stuff on I spent eight pieces yes please she beautiful yeah more than other lobster meat perfectly fried here oh oh all right if you overcook was all it was no good you know what Amit's hold on cookies always no good then I'm gonna put these stuff on each piece because you cannot to see this car anymore yeah let's go look let's look at this beautiful lobster it'll be really nice amount in the tail it's good a money or I thought would be less you know what almost what I was worried about and now tempura Bay and butterfly could be right there that's all not that's all you're gonna put spicy mayo in there it's awesome okay and I'm gonna put that just a little bit of scallion funny scary young or chopped over I could write maybe cookie cilantro so any kind of good if you don't know Scottie okay let's hear oh I miss nice to help you honor the sushi bar mmm I miss making this role though looks fabulous folks beautiful side also agent well thank you so much maybe otherwise like this vid home and give it a thumbs up comment below share it don't forget to subscribe thank you so much for being here and I will see you soon thank you think of us our hero mr. Miyagi 50 bucks by the way I told you about that Karate Kid they have their whole after you know they have the holsters and YouTube originals let me tell you yeah the remake you yeah yes it's a remake I'll put the description below just underneath great great series can't wait to see the next one coming up anyways here oh let's try this I'm super excited can't wait Wow I can just imagine and I know we say it all the time but trust me this thing looks so good enjoy hero hmm well full minute overflow it's always laughs at writing those worth a $37 well $37 oh gee I cheap write our cost let's take a look full of lobster okay now just right to amount over the rice not many nice where they hmm yeah this one actually no it's a lower amount of anaerobic zone - I think they're some customer eating separately mm-hmm let me tell you this is so good something about spicy mailed an eel sauce it just works so good together the lobster inside you saw how much lobsters it's a huge amount that's why I can talk there's a little bit of the crunch from the panko mmm actually another panko break yeah from the tempura flakes are really really good I enjoy it huge bite oh yeah the best part for all you at home is you can make this - not that hard right so you can you can cut into them maybe little more water mm-hmm cool at the restaurant I know you did it in ten pieces as you see yeah but it's a little bit more video - mm-hmm and we didn't even use real crap it's like imitation crab on the top remember like a crab salad seems huge don't take a look here have another piece did you have a vision it seems so big you've no home we need this most people can eat that all at once I buddy hmm so good mmm one of the best things I've had that you made excellent mmm I love the crunch at the end with the sauce everything is just perfect here thank you so much again there's a roll Lord inside out low serosa yes double-double so so good in and out in and out alright see you soon here thank you
Channel: Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef
Views: 326,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiro terada, hiroyuki terada, master sushi chef, master sushi chef hiroyuki terada, sushi master, how to make sushi, diy sushi, best sushi chef in the world, Graphic, How to dispatch lobster
Id: emOMl71lHyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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