Jerma the Neck-breaker - Jerma Streams Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Long Edit #1)

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good morning what's up today we're gonna play the chronicles of riddick assault on dark athena but actually it's the chronicles of riddick escape from butcher's bay which is assault on dark athena is the game it's a remake of butcher's bay that added a campaign on top some weird development issues happened this game is a remake of the last game with a small campaign added on top so we're playing the remake this is [ __ ] arc athena is the sequel dark athena is the sequel but it has a remade butcher's bay in it go look it up there's some there's a lot of things with how assets were being sold during uh i believe was it was a thq i don't want to make this up let's see i think it was something to do with that right saw waiting room well don't worry saw two is gonna be really soon uh yeah we're gonna play i i have a confession to make though i have never seen any of the riddick movies at all i have no idea what this is i don't know all i know is that the character wears sunglasses i have no idea what's going on i remember watching the trailers for this movie back in the day there's like four of them or three of them or something it's and they were people liked him from my understanding this game is not just a movie game this is a completely new campaign that vin diesel himself oversaw am i getting that right so this is not just a movie tie-in vin diesel made this game like he made it happen he's in it he voices it he wrote all the dialogue and he programmed all the encounters so can we give it up for vin diesel for just a moment please all right are you guys ready i'm i'm ready to go i've been ready for about 25 minutes just i've have no references to make for the chronicles of reddick so making a title was impossible so i just reached into the youtuber handbook and i got a good one okay here we go this is escape from butcher's bay but it's dark athena see see see i told you there were people in chat going you idiot oh who's the idiot huh it ain't me uh literally no one did that i'm making up somebody to be angry at no one did that not one person i'm just making everybody think that there's some some person in the chat room that i'm angry at this did not happen i just want to make sure that's pretty clear all right let's go this is from 2004 by the way okay butcher's bae i'm gonna play on normal i don't want to [ __ ] this up 2004 hard guys is not the same as 2020 hard 2004 hard is you get shot once and die i'm not doing it no this is 2004 this is escape from butcher's bay what even is this bit what bit i'm picking a difficulty [Laughter] i don't understand this joke i mean what is this is this like pick a door and one of the doors is gonna have like something funny behind it difficulty bit all right i'm gonna just pick normal i don't care make fun of me you can make fun of me all stream if you want it's already done it's that's too late i can't go back you think oxy's memory is actually hannibal what's going on and all is forgiven excited this is a very highly requested game i'm excited to play this one you're already counting aren't you i said shut up i feel like he can just like duck down and slip out of this he could just go underneath the bottom bar all right here we go one person you're right one person requested this game they're gonna be really happy oh this game sucks though you don't know that who told you that you know you know how do you have any idea walk up to a character and press y to initiate dialogue mode press y to speak after selecting your response [Laughter] why did that happen uh did i game too hard okay walk up and initiate conversation hey don't [ __ ] move what about the guy behind you he's moving but jaws know he should cool down scare john's about being ripped off scare him today john's you get [ __ ] you don't move until i say so hey hold it you go where i stay when i say he stepped on his head just wanted to look around wait am i supposed to move [Music] why it's because i know why i know why i know why i know why i know why this is kind of loose that's not good i got to tape this i don't know about you guys but seriously like i i'm i'm like a [ __ ] animal when i have like a controller and i have to like tap a button when i tap like right trigger i'm actually pressing every button and i'm squeezing really hard the bat the thing that's holding the battery on is gonna fall off don't [ __ ] move you go where i say when i say i just wanted to look around this is red light green light medic jones has his back at you yeah attack him i wait what didn't he hear me how do you not hear him info sneak up behind john's and grab him by pressing left trigger to silently break his neck you can also perform a faster but louder neck break by pressing right trigger um i don't want to why don't you do it oh come i rule no it's a break is that dna protection i get in where am i get in get in there quick oh [ __ ] i got a [ __ ] kill what jump it goes into third person that's awesome oh and you got a dark souls drag down are you kidding me cigarettes that's uh yup extra content butcher bae is now available in the extra content menu i think this is too dark do i make the brightness a little bit higher make it a little bit high a little bit higher 55 it's a little better i think okay so now now what do we do inmate on the run wait you can fight hand to hand with enemies press r p to punch an lt to block try to move in different directions and punch at the same time to form different strikes even unauthorized oh my god okay i think he's dead authorized how can you be unauthorized to pick up a gun i don't understand ooh security card they already explained it yeah but i somehow my controller was like falling out and i was pres i'm trying to be very very just careful with the controller right now while in stealth mode press x for stealth you sneak silently a blue screen effect indicates that no one can see you yeah well he can't see me yeah this is kind of true this is just me in the shower man drop him hide the body it's it's completely dark hold the left bumper down and move left right or forward and lean in that direction releasing you will lean do lean mode drag a body stand close to the body and press y press y again you must be in stealth mode to do this okay there are probably other guards around hide this body in the dark or his friends will be alerted when they find him it's like hitman wait me being invisible does that make him invisible too maybe a vent overhead let's throw him in the vent leave him in the dark climb up something press why okay well i'll leave him over here this is dark you can tell when it's dark because it gets blue third person is i love that it's so funny i you know my games stopped doing that didn't they i climb up uh use a hang row look at it and press y or jump onto it by pressing a there's a hang rail above you to drop them a hanger press y okay hang real what else you got you can drop down on enemies that are far below to kill them and break your fall to your best that's so clumsy i thought it was gonna be like use your intuition to throw a batarang no no no just fall on people and kill them i mean i can't even see [Music] all right i gotta hide this guy okay we're good i mean it's very you're gonna obviously see that dude but whatever there's more to do now let's climb it again sorry this whole game looks like there's like a layer of cooking oil put on it ps3 no no no no you got it wrong you got it wrong this is the xbox 360. it's much better console than ps3 now shut up if ps3 is better no idiot a med station takes away the hurt leaves the pain there's like half lifestyle med stations i don't feel like i'm really small this nano med health unit is empty in order to refill it you need to find a refill cartridge and then replace the empty one in the nano med unit by pressing y okay oh do i have two chunks you can use this refill cartridge to restore an empty nanometer health unit press why does it do the half-life sounds i wouldn't want to use this don't you think you'd if you had like a bruised elbow don't you think you just want to let it heal in like a few days disarm regard press right trigger when he tries to hit you does it parry just take the gun got it shoot well how do you have a gun with no bullets what the hell are you doing is this just for show hold down right bumper and move around to select a weapon oh he did no that's a pack of cigarettes this gun didn't have any bullets it was on break so all right let's go i don't care if somebody finds him what does that even matter oh no somebody's gonna find him i don't care what are riddick's superpowers press right stick to initiate weapon melee attack oh he's cool he you can oh he can see in the dark all right is there only one there let's see just one this guy's just talking about how bad his day was this is the same [ __ ] that i do when i'm in like in the car and there's nobody with me i just like go off go off dude let's see it stay there forever no break his neck break his neck put this gun away break his neck left trigger good sewers could be a way out nice talking about this guy all right i've gotten right oh there's 47 bullets now we went from zero to this guy has way too many okay let's go on the sewers cool oh the gun plate oh the gunplay you know what i mean it's actually kind of terrible the dark my favorite well not my favorite do you have a flashlight for those of us that can't see in the dark rick yes you do thank you the flashlight attached to shotguns that can be used by well why does he need this the dark but what are you doing down here super guards we gotta make sure we guard the sewers did he wait did i shoot him or did he hit his head on the ceiling jumping i don't know is he dead i got a dead body [Music] turn the flashlight off don't worry he'll eventually turn this corner that's jake the dog yes it is [ __ ] he turned the light on but he killed me why did i die instantly i was trying to put the body right next to him how did i die instantly i don't understand he killed me instantly i had four health blocks [Laughter] hey what did he say i'm gonna die dude this this game's not hot this game is [ __ ] okay something else exploded why is it time right down here i don't remember this happening in the movies all right i'm [ __ ] going for it now i'm not gonna [ __ ] around i need to see all right i don't care if the game is about not seeing oh my god you know i can't think of something in a more stupid idea than to put exploding [ __ ] barrels down under the gas lines of the town yeah wait boss where should we put the sixth exploding barrel i don't know we're over the corner i wasn't shining jackass but i was asleep the whole time is this like the evil [ __ ] final enemy they already did this now play nice i gotta agree with him hmm nice try i vin diesel does this thing where he like purr talks like a kitten who can't afford vin diesel should play a cool cat in an animated movie all right can't you see him cool cat sunglasses on extra perfect yes sir i like that one okay so um we're doing this again remember you know you just run remember the rules oh come on there's no outside i feel like this is what the new star wars experience at disney world is going to be like oh it's me i'm the person right now because you will not get it no one has no one ever will yeah yeah yeah yeah where are we going oh yeah yeah lock me up oh wow look hey better people should watch out for those guards right just wait till they start doing this [ __ ] i can't wait for that by the way that like star wars experience where like you get like arrested and you have to like fight kylo ren that's like a four thousand dollar experience that i'm absolutely going to have so spare yourself and carry nothing but literally oh look at that look at that actor on his resume and said he could spin guns and [ __ ] this is fine leftist come on give me [ __ ] i hear a large crowd why do i hear a crowd this is going to turn into arkham asylum isn't it [Music] that was a pretty sick walk well i mean get the [ __ ] i have been taking probiotics that's supposed to help with that but whatever i won't correct you it's time for us to delouse your filthy ass don't breathe and by the way the menu is on the table on the right it's happy hour right now by the way get in there scumbag oh okay nobody likes the nobody likes the like disney world experience restaurant oh okay it'll be their downside okay flush toilet is i is i open the menu arbor outside your cell might help you locate the weak spot of this slam remember that security will notice and take action if you have weapons okay i'm gonna get why is the door open hey come talk to me for a second will you although i always supposed to be locked in here you're ridic right but there's a guy named matson talking like he knows you he's in the courtyard just by the pit okay thanks a lot dude [Music] wait did he do that [Laughter] uh that's i you can't i love games that let me do that you know that if your video game allows me even if there's a stupid little cutscene we have to run away if i can just punch a guy and get like in trouble for it like that's a i like that that's good that they did that a lot of games don't care i can't break his neck though right all right i promise i'm done i'm probably i'm done i'm done if i could break his neck because you know you do realize that if i could break his neck i would have ran around and broke everybody's neck in the whole [ __ ] entire floor he didn't want to talk to me anymore he's just like if i don't look at him i feel like i have been unfriended okay you see this face all thanks to molina waste him when they open his cell oh i'll make it worth your while when they open his cell what is he gonna do for me though i don't i mean i'm not sure if i want to agree to this because this this guy's going to be my companion or something looks like he gets his ass kicked all the time yeah i'll do it maybe okay what was the guy's name what cell is his hey what cell is molina's this game's pretty cool i i had some uh this game's i like this game this is cool all right i gotta find this this i gotta find this way to get out of here here we go look go on talk to haley he's the wise man actually he used to be a guard but he turned over to the good side okay everyone has a name oh there's hayley there's red i'm looking for the the pit looks like a way out hold on people it was elizabeth we got a link here there's some link spam here i'm streaming the chronicles of verdict ass i mean that's not that funny that's not that funny if i'm gonna get a minus two for my disney world restaurant bit then that's a minus two for like the word asses in the title booger you've got a problem huh huh go [ __ ] yourself i got him i actually hit him i don't think that was even nobody even saw nobody saw me do that [ __ ] wait they thought he did it he did it that guy did it take him back to his cell oh i'm about to impress everybody at the prison right now and you ever seen anybody do that for in your whole life no talking about me never was oh yeah no no no i mean i heard you were coming you're going to want to shave and i can get you one check my bank and you'll find one it's yours i want this guy fired for heaven trying to do a voice like mine i'm the only one that has a low gravelly voice get rid of that guy what do you want me to do what's uh what's with the links today dick ass gameplay cool yeah you cropped it [Music] wait he they electrocuted him and it electrocuted me i was standing on his body i was a conductor all right let's go open it who did he say to kill oh i didn't even listening yes i was okay promised matson promised he'd put a shiv for you in his bunk go to cell a40 and get the shiv don't give me a knife don't give me a knife don't do that i'll never get out of the tutorial it's not gonna happen if you give a if i get a knife i'm not gonna be able to leave in the toilet rust [ __ ] welcome to butcher bay hey what oh you guys want to fight do you or is this like a dialogue thing what do you want to talk about uh i'll do it too i'm new here and uh i think they want to fight do they i don't maybe oh i just parried that guy okay okay hold on watch your all right i'm gonna flush him i'm gonna try to flush him like he's too big i can't flush him all right where's the knife there's supposed to be a knife in here oh no he lied to me there's no knife in here he lied to me said there's a knife in here so i come in and get beat up and potentially [ __ ] killed go see what he has to say about it all right let's go get him minus two joke ignoring the link i'm in the middle of something yeah later hey let me explain it was rust he forced me to but but i knew those goons were no match for you i'll get your shift just have things right you have my words i want it now not compared to haley this one guys it's like i'm gonna hear everything yeah yeah that's what's happening haley it's all right i'm still gonna do the thing for you get rust and i'll help you go to your cell and wait for me better not be lying to me remember this is the last time all right as the last link of this link cooldown is going into effect after i click this it's just homer simpson like shoes homer simpson like mask sock feet things right then that like the kiosk at the mall they have like goofy [ __ ] slippers to put on that's cool which cell is mine i don't even remember i don't know which cell is mine this is a bad prison if i don't even know where i go i don't know what cell is mine i forget a34 this one all right where is he i got the shiv you wanted really what yeah if you think you're doing madsen you dealing with that my approval you're in my cell you need a blade you come to me i said you're in my cell what wrong all these cells belong to the achilles including this one now you ain't paid me for that shank so it ain't yours this dude's like a tony hawk create a character outfit i thought you were the big dog for us that's my friend you are messing with the natural order what are you just doing why did blood come out of them as well people can get her that was a ketchup packet that he spread on the wall this is actors i'm telling you responding this is not very good guard work this is we could have had like three or four opportunities just to grab the gun out of his hand like come on you can this is just go around and find the one person that's actually going to help me okay get a weapon i haley won't talk to me unless i get rid of rust and then molina seems to have messed up shabby up a real bad find and kill molina all right let's just go to the i need a weapon hey oh wait what if he doubles the money i don't know what you're after okay but haley knows how things work here check the courtyard no he didn't say like i'll double the money that you were going to get from that guy nope sorry you didn't do the double the money meme trope cliche yeah whatever that gallop hey hit him one more time i didn't want to do it in the open wait is he going to remember that he crawled out of myself he crawled in that much time to hear does somebody give this guy some medicine wait is he going to be there he's he's he's not going to still be here right does he remember that i did that does this game have like memories or what he's dead all right where's um where's the guy that i have to turn this into uh who wanted me to do this oh [ __ ] was shabby oh now molina's gone go and get your oh all right what's up thanks for wasting molina this is for you is it what is it it didn't give me anything what it would mean this is for you you didn't give me anything see wait the unofficial and universal currency you currently have five ud secret code this is a four-digit security code it opens a locked door somewhere probably inside the infirmary all right now let's go into the yard here i'm gonna laugh my ass off within like 40 minutes this guy's up here on the ground still russ will kill you unless you join him i'd like to see him try jimbo like to see him try some like rust i'd be happy to see gone all right so red wants rust gone rust wants haley gone hayley wants molina gone molina wants rust gone this is like a long math problem unlike my sats okay rust is waiting for you in aquila territory oh here we go this is this is the territory wait is it don't come here until i had a weapon all right yeah wait i don't want to be here do i you got two weapons lefty and righty all right we're looking for wah man yeah he's waiting if he's uh everyone just keeps tipping me off on this do you think this guy's just sitting there with a knife just holding it standing around the alley and everyone has told me that he's going to try to kill me i think it's time for a new strategy shall i tell you what that bastard molina did to me it's so much i don't even know where to start i killed him but this is for you thanks wait oh wait wait did this a weapon okay that's a weapon thanks all right let's go all right we're gonna go rust is waiting for me he's gonna kill me i know this now i'm gonna go to this territory i'm gonna find out what's going on over here he's here man there it is all right you let's go was that who which one of you is rust we're gonna kill you match is heading good what was that money oh i got two knuckle dusters oh my god should i probably hide these guys right whatever come on taste this [Music] okay that was a little scary but it didn't do anything that's uh don't you think you were this guy you'd probably be like oh [ __ ] it didn't work it was supposed to explode reddick i'm sorry i want that knife walk it there we go there's a green sludge on the ground that's probably acid oh [ __ ] that was i did i just like slashed him i don't know how i stabbed him you're gonna die thought it killed him damn it i thought he died from that oh you want to have an old-fashioned knife fight do you come on oh sorry about that where is the principal where's the god where's the guard i'm dead well what are the like where's the warden where's the warden come on do it i'm trying to parry him hair i'm trying it's harder than anything i cannot parry this guy i don't think i can parry him you can't parry him he's a boss fight oh oh then i'll just kill him so [ __ ] glad i'm not playing this on hard he's so good why is he so good why do i only have one step just spam i can't he's gonna kill me why do i only have this one like lunging stab all right i'm just gonna [ __ ] spam all right i'll do it fine this is taking so long hey just out of curiosity uh riddick how many tries did that take you looks like another rooster they respect you now wait wait wait wait why what's going on right now am i am i supposed to be hiding from these but they have laser eyes i've just stepped heaven back up i don't know what we do by the way this is my kill [ __ ] he's [ __ ] looked at me let's try to break his neck and run i hate good games give me freedom cuz i can die i just don't stop all right i'm just leaving fine here we go goodbye am i a bad guy now do people think i'm bad rust is gone you should go talk to haley okay show yourself [ __ ] dude i think you got him back up bro i'm gonna blow oh [ __ ] wait oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i gotta go that was something man hey thanks no don't break everybody's neck i need npcs it's gonna be like dark souls where if you kill all the npcs like the game sucks i'm done get the gun i can't get the gun the guy electrocuted my it said unauthorized access i can't get the gun it's locked break this guy's neck no i can't kill everybody i'm sorry i can't i didn't do that right i didn't do that you did i did not do that he forgot he blacked out and did it all right where's my reward where are you hey i heard you rejected habit what do you want to know about the pit looks like a way out way out sure raise some hell raise some hell and they throw you down and if you want to get through the infirmary gates there's this hack name's boulder he owes me 150. turn 50. talk to him split it with you no i understood it all right talk to boulder to get into the infirmary older it was booger where's boulder do the vin diesel voice funny man uh you must have just i've done it like five times fine i wanted to know that snape let me change it all right i can't do it anymore it's snape again you just want either i just i can't do it it's it's always going to be snape i have to delete that from my mind let's do a little bit no it's i let's see in an hour just stay for an hour you'll figure it out i can't all right where's boulder hey hayley says you owe him he should get that money from you riddick you screwed my bet on rush when you figure it out yeah i don't know what that means yourself by betting against me now the infirmary looks like a thumbnail you look like how i feel like [ __ ] okay go on through hurry up open all right now what do i have to go i have to find a a necklace that's going to give me powers what do i do i don't i'm not going to do it something's going on in here uh oh just wait here for the dock and don't you [ __ ] dare move that sounds like a guy that never gets to say swears in his parents house what part hey didn't you understand i'm stu i'm waiting for the doctor what the [ __ ] is wrong with you or oh you know i could be the doctor okay get out of here what's going on with this guy stomach cramps take care of that he just lit that guy up he lit that guy up all right i feel bad now i feel bad now that guy ate all the bullets i feel terrible that guy inhaled all of them okay all right just hit here don't you [ __ ] dare move okay i have to i have to address this somebody went snaps fingers snaps fingers hey funny guy do the funny voices like shpee get out of here shut up and wait no where's this doctor what i have the code i think the door came down and crushed me just waiting for the dock and don't you [ __ ] all right i need to obviously distract them somehow the doctor's never coming or am i just so impatient that i can't do this what does the doctor look like all right don't break the doctor's neck when he opens the door don't break the doctor's neck when he opens the door don't break the doctor's neck when he opens the door he's gonna write on the chalkboard a thousand times [Music] i mean this is dark in the dark you can't see anything [Music] what's going on what is happening i think that guy's stuck in the door [Music] oh damn security code that means i can leave got it what what are you just standing there die die oh that was the doctor i see okay some type of weird laboratory machine this looks like that thing at dave and buster's that you ride the roller coaster why is that still in dave and buster's by the way that [ __ ] was really really interesting probably 15 years ago that like that was this vr now you don't have to watch like a tv screen while your seat moves and now i'm up top all right so is anybody up here i don't even need the help and now i'm up top all right so is there anybody up here oh oh [ __ ] okay wait for him to walk by permanent health upgrade are you serious all right do i want to pick skiing roller coaster or i'm in an airplane um that was all right brazilian strength makes you stronger than you you're way too close you're too close yeah don't do that again that's it again or you're gonna be real sorry done gun i can't pick up the gun the dna look how look guys look ready look i can't i can't i can't i can't i cannot pick up the gun i don't have the dna qualification whatever the hell it is look look at luck hey attention right and block a all personnel keep the standard riot procedure and awaits riot going on of course all right give me up there i'm going right right right going on i guess hey i just didn't justin oh outsmarted again [Music] who's killed me all right does this guy have tranquilizer darts let's head again instantly all right you know what [ __ ] it gotta stay in the dark no i get this is a stealth part of the mission where you can you instantly die i get it the main frame security will be tight like mm-hmm challenge that's the kind of voice that you use when it's like one o'clock in the morning and you're talking to like a significant other or like you know person of interest like we get late at night and you're just like talking like that like what's up yeah just hanging out just chilling i don't know why we people do that it's just it's to sound like sexy i don't i don't know what it means why do we do that like i very clearly could just put my head up and be like yeah hey yeah yeah yeah you're ready i think i supposed to be down here how does this guy happen give me the dna on the schedule wait he didn't have it on him give me that i want your staff hold on i can use guns now no things oh yeah they do i never had any gun training in my life i lost the cqc training though god i'm so stupid all right well i didn't know they were gonna pour in here all right bring it on okay give me all the ammo how do i reload the gun wait gun oh cool i got gun gun grenade what oh i'm dead you like that i can't even see me down here dude you can't he didn't see me down there that's ridiculous you got a key code owner shotgun better i'll take the shotgun over everything else my favorite weapon wait was this a oh that's a vent to go into i have to destroy this i'm like trying to crawl in it what do i have to do with this did i miss something use the screwdriver i'm just going to climb i guess yeah okay climb wait i might be able to jump on top of people this might be fun gonna go that way but wait can i jump on somebody's head no all right we'll just go from here to there just don't even don't even do it just go wait it's my opportunity is that this is my opportunity to do it yeah not here but i know he's around what why didn't that work didn't say you could jump on people's heads i feel like i was lied to turn back prisoner 542-11136-2 how did you have this no [ __ ] way you have more reaction time than me on that one but i get to try this again go walk over here both of you idiots he's being body blocked he wants going on here he's so bad he wants to come he's gonna work he desperately wants to keep looking but this guy keeps getting in his way just let him do an investigation someone's here i didn't mean to jump through yourself i'm gonna i'm gonna die i'm dead god damn it well they wouldn't walk obviously they couldn't get the guy to move security breach in maine there's a heel right there just got to kill this guy one two three one one three six two what i hear another guy shooting against a pre-fire where is he oh did i get him i don't know did i get him i still hear the metal gear solid music [Music] he's up i don't know where is he i don't know where he is he's right okay i see him but how the [ __ ] am i gonna aim over there i have an idea [Music] how are they seeing me what where am i where they should have been through we try to shoot me through the great these three great i gotta take it fast what would what would riddick do what a shitty movie so i used to play paintball when i was a kid i was so scared i didn't wait i so badly didn't want to get hit that the whole game i would just stay in one spot and just kind of peek out and go and then just immediately get back in am i dead okay you can connect again please thank you okay i can't shoot him through the grape but he can shoot me through the great i'm not [ __ ] around anymore i'm done i'm done with this [ __ ] i'm just [ __ ] lightened up i'm just lighting them up you know what i mean i fell through the grave come on let's go get shot dude i'm supposed to be able to see in the dark okay but how's this doesn't make any sense ridiculous will see in the dark not yet who said that i was blending into the environment that guy was actually not a person he was like a wall oh ass grenade take cover you do that for fun or i don't okay wait there's a little more gas over here give me a checkpoint can we go back to like punching inmates and like laughing at toilets all right this looks like a boss area i'm gonna use gun okay thanks nice dodging oh why am i the boss you know what i mean like that's how you would dodge the boss i'm the boss and he just he's the one that's playing the game why did he explode can i leave hello everybody gone oh [ __ ] this one guy oh my god he's right here oh my god he's gonna hit me once i'm gonna die where are you there's another guy where's the other guy there's a there's another guy oh no it's the space marine this is so lame hold on wait let me reload why am i holding a gun like this oh come on i have to shoot him in the back oh there's the grenade all right i'm going over here i'm already almost dead okay i got him stand still for a second all right nice i'm in the dark right now okay he can't see me he's getting is he getting closer or further away destroy the lights oh [ __ ] where oh there he is you can't see me right i'm invisible i thought it was invisible man just anything i got him holy [ __ ] he's so easy oh you just have to shoot him in the back once oh okay i think he's still in there hey xbox off it's not an xbox one they weren't smart about back then special task forces are now entering the cell block what am i turning on what did i do all right let's go oh oh that's a turret shooting at me where is it that's just a big bright light i don't even know where it is is that a turret there was a guy hiding in the shadows too i'm telling you more and more every day i feel like an npc playing the game with the protagonist fighting me switching turret settings from tranquilizing to lethal all right turn it down where's another turret a turret right there yep turn off the light where's the guy that's here oh he's dead all right he's dead he's dead he said he's dead where am i supposed to be going turn off all the lights i need them though because i can't see [ __ ] either i'm just making the game harder for myself i can't see in the dark that's a shadow [ __ ] hey get off all right i got him oh i need tape i where i don't i don't know where it is why is it super dark now what hap what happened where the [ __ ] am i did i turn off the lights on my stream huh who is i don't understand what's going on how did i get over here wasn't somebody over here there was a guy here where's my gun what happened i don't i don't i do it [Applause] oh [ __ ] that light off get that light up get this light up turn that light off oh wait that's outside you can't do that turn this one off it was a [ __ ] turret of course it was i don't instantly lose like three bars i didn't do anything look at my health man oh my god you guys already playing hard no i i shot that guy like four times i still can't figure out what's happening to that guy tranquilizing to leave this dude just explodes where is it right here i got it all right don't let this guy kill me he doesn't even know where i am oh oh why did i just panic all right i don't want to visit where's the turret i know there's one over here somewhere isn't there wait there's a guy all right hold on wait for the guy wait it's explosive is that an explosive it's not an explosive [ __ ] i thought it was a barrel uh those bullets came from behind me why where is that they hit the their that's behind something behind me it ricocheted oh dude [ __ ] this i got it okay good attack where is it is that it yep okay there's another one all right i'm gonna get those safety in the bathroom i wish there was a heel in the bathroom i don't know what that is but i'm gonna take it what is that oh nano med cartridge i'm just using the light i don't care i can't see anything i'm using the light it makes it worse never mind oh [ __ ] he's coming down the hallway he's coming down the hall he's coming down the hallways where is he he's coming down the hall just wait for him what the [ __ ] this wise guy can see me that just actually hurt my chest that just scared the [ __ ] out of me go back and heal oh all right i'm going i'm just [ __ ] going fast i know where they are the game has an auto i gotta turn the auto aim off that's the problem where is it where is it where is it okay now go heal all right i feel more calm okay all right i'm not going to let this guy kill me this time i'm not going to blow it he's just waiting i didn't get him in the head all right hold on he's dead good ow this i think a turret over here all right let's [ __ ] go need to calm the hacks into opening it who's the hacks are you a hat i think i needed that guy are you alive get up do you have a thing on you does that guy have a thing on him i need you to come with me and open this door over here oh no my one hacker grenade you this is so hard to control where's the other one he's right over there come on wait i need a hacker hacker wait he just opened the door holy [ __ ] he opened the door i got in give me a checkpoint i did i i couldn't i tried okay i got you back point checkpoint yes what it ain't the fall that gets here i would love it if the credits just rolled there's a slow close-up to vin diesel's face his eyes are wide open and he's just [ __ ] dead i do have an a would that actually work if there was a person underneath you and you fell and you landed right on them would they die okay what if it was like five people i'm talking like you have one two three four five and you're like you're like the sixth person still no damage to flashlight power source due to impact estimated time to failure six minutes um this is a timed mission [Music] what is it gollum what was that oh [ __ ] oh my god it really is [Applause] oh my goodness this just turned into a completely different video game in the last 30 seconds i feel like i'm playing killing floor all right go go go go go go go go go estimated time to failure oh no okay what do i i don't know what the goal is why don't bullets work anymore on these explosive barrels okay i think it's scripted it's not actually five to minutes say we're good we're good estimated time three minutes maria i don't really know where to go this hit i think i got it did i get it this looks new i think this is new this is new no wait which are you kidding me this i found it i found it i found it oh my god i have no where am i supposed to go keep turning left you will get there that's gonna put me in a circle find the exit from the pit estimated well this is not good okay so if this goes over here i can go up but that just leads me back up anyways right or should i go this way it's a broken no that just leads me back up okay right here so what's going on here can i jump up can i like blast through this can i open this the hole power source failure okay i'm sorry but no no no no no you're talking about this hole right here this [ __ ] hole here that's not i don't fit through there i don't need bullets i can't fit through this hole you have to squeeze through i i definitely cannot make it through there there's a way up through the top is there i don't see anything it's the longest one minute i think i've ever seen stop going down here in the first place explore the first floor okay this is the first floor please plea i have do i guys have no idea where to go i have to jump up on like the banisters okay i found it i i went every single place put here come on give me a break i'm fighting i'm finding somebody in the dark the lights could turn on this could end up being like a little kid i don't know i can't maybe it'll be loading with actual bullets and [ __ ] yeah it could be an exit to narc land from here okay good good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fine fine fine i know where to go estimated sure give me the lord give me the story i don't i don't care about any of that i just want to hold on over here it's over here hey you open that up okay good we we've done it all right what does he want wait did he just do the suicide squad joker no he is he's going ah yeah aim better get out of here you won't survive long dripping blood that dwells well thank you so much for that idea what you won't survive long i thought he was embossed get me back my blessed voice box oh god not another one of these i think i ended up with a broken elbow after that one all right let's go you cured my you cured my hangover but you gave me a broken arm all right so what does he want to be pope joe seems to be able to help you if you can find his blessed voice box do you have to go down it's a radio just find it okay i'm gonna see if i can find it no this is what the flares are for god damn it you know how awesome this game must have been to develop imagine being a game designer and a world designer and you only have to make a walkway right here nothing else matters everything else doesn't need to be rendered you could hide so much [ __ ] in the darkness speaking of the darkness somebody right in front of me okay i picked them back up nope got it where is it i can hear it i hear this damn thing a great commitment i'm waiting thank you let's go out this is gonna he's gonna give me night vision wait is he gonna give me the thing so i can actually see in the dark that would be awesome here you go my minister is here i'm mom the dwellers don't make me ask again you only need to unravel this mystery somebody got it thanks why am i thanking you for getting a reference to a game that is true riddick your destiny lies elsewhere i really feel like the only way you can talk like this is if you lie down in bed with your chin down you have been blind you have to have just woken up you have to just open your eyes and put the bike in front of you i sound like this sometimes in the morning i said auto voice with your new shined eyes you can see in the dark press up to toggle night vision on and off that's not very good why don't i just get night vision goggles i wouldn't have to completely ruin my body and have a weird surgery and [ __ ] just put on night vision goggles they're better than this what year does this take place night vision goggles have to exist right this is 20 20 20 220 2203 it's gonna be a real pain in the ass once we go up 100. like how do you say two like okay the year two thousand one hundred and six twenty one oh six twenty one oh six twenty one six so how do you well how you gonna say that yeah once it gets like 200 like 2 645 26.45 yeah i guess it's not that hard i really don't like this this just reminds me of putting on 3d glasses and looking at the regular world and not the screen turn up the gamma i could does the character even have a goal i just have night vision find the exit into pigsville he's just like all right get out of here ready go have some fun with your new 3d glasses okay this is fun what was it what do i do what's the point of this whole universe wait i came from this way it's [ __ ] mazes i just spit all over the monitor right now whatever this doesn't even help this doesn't help this doesn't help me i would rather have the flashlight on turn the gamma up i will i will i will i feel like that's cheating oh my god a ladder thank you oh light thank god turn up the gamer you sardine baseboard hangers should be up ahead that hurts don't use that up here something's going on here i'm gonna take a look wasn't that guy just when he came out of like the bathroom the lights on no how could he see in the dark does everybody have the riddick 3d glasses power wait he was actually in the bathroom hopefully wait i can open all oh i can open all the lockers ooh money what do you even spend the money on well you know what this actually really reminds me of this is i feel like i'm really drunk looking for my hotel room which one is two for one no i find it is up here oh there's a rifle in there let me really close one eye and get really really close um two and two that's not it move i want to open this one there's going to be a secret in these yep the wolf moves amongst you i have a civilian outfit now i am now dressed as him cool see all right cool i know you i mean i know you you're ridden what's the point of having these clothes on if i don't wear a mask i'm very recognizable this is why i need to get a boy i have to get a fake beard these guys recognize me what is this one two all right that hurts my eyes what the hell are you doing the gun i don't have a gun anymore i'm fine i don't like how these guys walking at me 6 12 17. i talk how you doing how you doing i'm all right show yourself i got a point with your [ __ ] name on it man the guy go find him t-pose and die what somebody's [ __ ] with me he's like i'm just being annoying i'm just ringing everybody's doorbells and then running away oh okay 9 7 12. have you heard anything about that riddick no okay see ya no i haven't heard anything in fact so if wouldn't everybody know that i have a really low voice how does vin diesel do a higher voice if he doesn't want people you know how does he do like that how does he go like this can he i feel like diesel he wouldn't i don't think he'd be able to do it what am i doing just get out right i just have to leave this is like find a way out there's something to do with the codes that i'm seeing like the hamburger codes i feel like it is it's a hole oh i'm saying hole where where where i don't see a hole cool down really what the [ __ ] dude come on i was just trying to show off on instagram leave me alone we have a really boring [ __ ] job we walk in circles i'm trying to spice it up a little have you heard anything about that riddick it's definitely something to do with like the him all right don't be weird they'll kill you i'm just gonna ring until somebody answers i'll find the right npc when i ring every doorbell oh i found it hey hey hi there hi i'm having a lot of butthead reactions i'm noticing today uh okay man bye see you later uh okay ventilation i can't touch it why is that locked up why why why why why why why why why i need a tool where you guys have a tool on you this is not gonna work why would i do this please remain where you are hey man [Laughter] hey man okay i need to find abbott wait can i use his head okay give me a break i need to get abbott's eyes but how am i going to bring him over there i'm not going to be able to bring him over here are you serious i'm going to drag him through the whole level where i'm looking for abbott so you tell me i have to kill abbott bring him over scan his face take his head am i a sicko what do you want me to take the guy's head off i'm gonna get that guy's eyes over there remember germa 985 me i'm the sicko right i'm the [ __ ] weird guy you just like cut his head off and bring it with you okay wait a minute what about his what about abbott's broom can i go take a pair of his glasses can i take a pic wait there's got to be like a picture of abbott smiling with like his son or daughter or something right just take the photo and scan the eyes in the photo he said he has to have his own locker room thing right he's the guy behind the wait it's the guy that's stuck in the door he's the stuck guy oh well how do i don't do that they think it's weird and they'll kill you okay this door okay where was door stuck guy this is he's down here right i have to set the i have to do the alarm first wait so i have to actually do the alarm first why would i why would that have i have to fight my way through everybody you have to start killing people um all right i'm gonna just do it [Applause] god damn it goes out of my head take the lights out what's going on hey bondo hey where's abbott abbott well he's got the fancy place up there he's not keen on visitors habit only answers for his delivery who's delivery what deliveries mostly guns shipments come pretty regular like okay he needs he wants a guns did somebody talk to me somebody open the door i just want to friend anybody i want anyone to open the [ __ ] door just i just give me anything please leave me alone you've heard me enough already i'm busy never people must have cameras because they know i'm coming and they just don't like me good day good day good day good day why would we want to we're on the australian floor well i don't understand why are they saying good day leave me alone i'm on duty hi there kind of like that guy [Laughter] okay that was fun i guess i'll pick up the weapon case i'm on duty abbott oh okay i gave you ready who is it i got a package finally must be my new rifle enter you have a door before a door can you believe this guy who the [ __ ] in my apartment me i just i just buzzed in man hey look i have i have a package of rifles for you you've just opened the door for me man run [ __ ] [Laughter] good person no we're you're dead [ __ ] me oh he knows who i am okay who else is in here it was a person i told you it was a person how long you've been here long enough yeah look at the he's not there was he was the closest [ __ ] sucker just learn how to do this for a living going somewhere with my prisoner john's but not today oh no the double double cross why not just kill him i don't understand why let him go like just get rid of just shoot him some never shine he's dead no there i am hey there's the fall joke he finally did it it took him two and a half three hours let me get the hell out of here i made the hell out of here [ __ ] brian this is really good mime in here let's watch the show he didn't give me [ __ ] opportunity to make my youtube joke oh [ __ ] there is no talking oh i wanted this was gonna just turn and talk what the i'm getting the [ __ ] out of here you think you can contain ridic big [ __ ] mistake whatever that guy what are you doing i don't know okay i have no idea i have a horrible horrible attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that means if there's not constant action a constant conflict i go i lose my mind point is what this is a super prison underneath the prison over there down to the mountain is like a third or fourth layer are we gonna get to see like the dante's inferno of prison structure centurion hey ready let's go time to get into the ring what why set it up sure a fight will cost you five uds challenge him yeah you come back here you you you you it's hard to say you stray away like that like that guy that centaurian know i'm ready to beat the [ __ ] out of you this feels bad that sounds like he's old why would i pick the oldest weakest frailest guy in here all right we have a fight we have a fight he infamous riddick against herman and remember the infamous riddick versus this other guy who cares he's dead nobody cares about him he's [ __ ] guaranteed to die he's infamous the infamous mr riddick what happened did i just lose to harmon next time come ready to fight i can't ah i have to [ __ ] focus one you're not step out of the circle yeah hey rule three she rule one and two where's the [ __ ] comedy you had an opportunity out of the circle he went out of the circle i did win five bucks and i'll suggest a new fighter you win the show you're 20 bucks richer yeah bring me the next one next is bassem you'll find him in the courtyard i am i didn't do anything what i can't like wave my [ __ ] arms around what if i i'm gonna get so sick of this [ __ ] don't wave your arms around in front of the cameras no [ __ ] in the recreation area what i got a custom-made bloody sharp shiv cuts through a belly like a soft-boiled egg 30 bucks i'll take it i'll take it here take care man i'll see take the cash and hide it in the usual place nice where's this person i'm supposed to be hey looky here i didn't do anything wait am i about he's clean how where is it that's the question that you need to ask where is the ship no don't do it again he's not going to find it this time right he's clean i said i want to take it out and just be like haha you missed it where's this guy there's a person here i'm supposed to be fighting aha you missed it yeah hey when does the prison level end um after about 10 to 12 hours i think swearing whatever they kick you guys it's still bs look what i look what i smuggled in here that's bs and you know it hey i swear on my mother look what are you gonna punch the bullets out of the air oh yes wait which one do you guys want to fight me you got a problem yeah i do this reynolds blessings don't come free 20 yeah uh sure i'll do it i'll find anything i'm trying who would i have to find somebody that stole the list he's in charge here get out of here maestro quezias is our man i okay i guess i gotta go over here who has the list do you have a list on you i need a list good lingster it's connected and about yeah it's been 20 minutes this is not even me though you know what i mean this is not even me this is just it's just ridic holding these all right yeah who knows what's going on here get lost okay who knows you know i can kill it how did i miss it stop i'm not wait this is the guy so you want to fight me that's good because i can use the prize money see you in the ring punk i stabbed this guy in the ring i heard of that thing of course that's what i'm going to kind of like i did it wrong i didn't even do it right i was supposed to stab him in the neck and i stepped i need to get him hey man want to try your luck with the dice yes bingo bingo bingo bingo you lose man what i didn't pick 12 reason i ask is because i want to know if jagger valance is still around i almost feel like that every single character in this game is doing a vin diesel impression they were told that in the voice acting booth balances that's true that's awesome that's hysterical i hope that's the case but don't kill him i'll make sure he knows i'm the center of that message all right so i have to put poison somebody's food fight a guy how many missions do i have okay go talk to dog bone go beat up the fighter find out who took the list find the red tube where jagger valance is and poison a guy okay uh i'm gonna go over here bye dude they're gonna be a problem why it's really broke so small man he kind i haven't even noticed that the whole time you have a quest oh i just want to see this guy have a mission to do my god i have so many missions i have no idea what they are i'm just gonna walk around and aimlessly try to figure out one of them we have to go to the dining hall i have to fight the guy in the circle go to the dining hall poison a guy get the red vile talk to gulag where's gulag it's two like three people want me to kill two people get my red two back from the ppps let's go that's [ __ ] that's 16 to one you win how much money this guy's gotta love what sixty it was five bucks 16 to one that has made it all back and then some see you later all right this is for killing harmon who the [ __ ] is this guy should i have to kill him okay nobody cares right oh i got poison poison's food poisonous food poisonous food poisonous food is that the guy whose food do i poison it's this guy oh [ __ ] off man we're busy oh hey by the way can i tell you the shlop is delicious today he's he'll he's going hey look this is your food right over here it's so good this is eat this is your food over here eat eat eat eat [ __ ] off man we're busy eat he's so busy he's practicing whatever moonwalking i don't know what he's doing he'll eventually get there can i talk to anybody else yeah get lost nobody likes me right he's eating the wrong food he just ate somebody else's food that's not even the poison one i think this guy just feels bad tell him oh i i'll pay back his death quest completed a club and a shiv here it is i'm gonna use my gambling wings on something oh dude i got a [ __ ] cloak i just wanted to look at it how do we do that transaction is how what i want to know so i can't look at it but he can hand it to me stop following me i got important stuff to stop yeah you like that holy [ __ ] that's a lot of money wait the it's the i got the dude i got the map all right let's go you want some free advice buddy if you're carrying something stay away from the gods in the yard they'll search you without a second thought i can blast it hey i'm from [ __ ] boston god gods get those gods out of the ad eat your food [ __ ] off man we're busy to eat the [ __ ] breakfast man sit down and eat please off man we're busy eat this sit up wait somebody else is eating his food yeah get lost no hey sit down and [ __ ] eat before i get bored and start killing everybody in here man [ __ ] off man we're busy i can't [ __ ] man we're busy come back when you have the whole snitch list i've got it don't i have the snitch list map this map shows the location of the secret stash far back of the feedboard behind a loose panel really ah and there it is and i've got i got a pro i've got a protractor and i got fake halloween blood the tube that was stolen from gulag injector a syringe by used by some drug addict he's not gonna eat i have to like get him out of his like animation loop he's in i can't punch him i'm gonna get attacked i'm gonna reload the area all right i'm gonna come back i'm going to actually softlock your entire game is going to be ruined what now these guys are all still dead no he's just not going to sit down and eat [ __ ] off man we're busy all right well i'm going to go turn in this [ __ ] whatever if i can't do all the quests so i have the i gotta go talk to gulag hey hey hey hey you just made my day here take this whole lot of nothing good work i got the money back from banks hey here's a little bonus now if you need i don't want any i want money that's that get drug okay two-ton won't deal unless you do two things for him get his injector back and defeat the guy in the ring all right we have the injector where's two tongue futon he's in here isn't he oh i love [ __ ] thanks dude you don't know how much i needed this now beat the guy up now i just need but seem host and we'll have smooth sailing hey waste them in the ring for me would ya all right now i want to fight i want to go back to centurion say something cute streamer oh i know the rules you didn't tell me i couldn't bring a weapon to the fight did you there was no rule that said i couldn't bring a spiked club redo your rules i'm here to help you he's called saw two wow let's go kill this guy him in the diner yeah let's go kill this guy yeah i know who that guy is that guy talked a lot of [ __ ] but he didn't even read the rulebook wait you mean i could have brought a gun yup you're stupid i'm going to do i'm going to try to finish it with a parry too i want to try to i want to bury this thing in his head he finally ate it yup okay and you i'll see you in the ring so you're the ridic they talk about yeah all right you got yourself a fight you'll see you would ring nice all right let's go it's just vince mcmahon you're gonna rot and by the way you're far local streamer stuns the entire mcmahon family okay bring him on i'm gonna just make a bunch of money i'll kill everybody in this prison if i have to got your challenge keep making them stronger and stronger hey folks we're in luck the spectacular nobody knows that they can bring a weapon and his 16 kills in the circle this guy has a weapon fight oh [ __ ] this guy in front of rules [Laughter] oh no they're getting smarter like three wait give me that can i pick this up is it illegal i got it cool wait mine's cooler i like mine yeah i like mine mine looks like a counter strike it looks like i spent a lot of money on that only kusa is left oh no and i doubt you're gonna be able to take him but if you want to try he's in the courtyard all right i'll take him blub him i'm you don't think i'm going to club the next guy don't go near that he's going to search me hey kuso see you in the ring hey kuso i'll see you in the ring hey kuso hey kuso i'll make hey hey kuso get him just bring me one of those [Music] actually i have to collect one of the bugs i thought i was illegal hey kuso ah you wanna fight me huh i'm gonna crack your [ __ ] skull now go back to centerian i'll see you in the ring okay okay look out for you you're so strong yeah oh look around he's so strong that's what i would be doing right now it would piss him off so much wait put your pull both hands in the ear with your palms facing out and kind of shake them back and forth while you lean your shoulders oh yeah people [ __ ] hate that moth mom where am i supposed to get one i i can't get him off i'm in violation you see what's happening here i can't do it you have to press why what happened i i what i have one i got one how did i get one i didn't do anything two tongue two tongue ah baby that's a fine specimen he's gonna smoke a moth check it out this is what i got for you something good buy one bottle of poison buy three grams of g smack somebody's gonna fly i'll take it i'll take it i don't know yeah it's the heavy stuff man wait see you in the ring take care of all your unfinished [ __ ] you're about to die oh he's doing the thing that says like hey man the game's about to progress you're about to progress in the game and get ready get a set of works are you sure that you want to move on to the final chapter this guy thinks he's going to bring a knife to a club fight or he might be the reason why he's the strongest opponent is because he has a club himself against the meat grinder he's got his own little nickname all right so you've killed all the best fighters nobody can beat me now there's only one really one and that's bam and he's one dangerous prophecy what do you mean bam where's where is he is he down here where do i find bam it's me yes you are i have a problem oxy will probably send abbott down for you that is if you win i mean will he now we have unfinished business and he's dead so what's the deal riddick you're going to fight or not it's five years and i shoot him in the face with a shotgun like 10 times oh fight let's go wait they have to bring this guy down from upper management does he realize he's about to get [ __ ] clubbed i bet this is what you've all been expecting huh okay it's like that's the [ __ ] that you try to avoid at a kid's birthday party when you put the blindfold on him you give him a big stick and it's like all right spin him around the kid just stop [ __ ] oh look out he's he's gonna hit one of the other kids i did knock him out of the circle though that's true we have unfinished business i can't handle this much right now all right the turrets shot him to death all right all right all right i bet this is what you've all been all right let's go club [Applause] holy [ __ ] this guy's good he's gonna beat me and have a weapon don't let him win this guy well i feel like this guy should have talked what's happening you've had your fight come with us what's going on why did that guy not speak they dragged him out here like [ __ ] uh what's the guy's name from rocky drogo he didn't even get to say anything call drogo right no what was this what's his name talk to me ivan oh yes ivan drago oh [ __ ] a club i know what that is you're not still mad about before are you there is a fury within you riddick set it free what okay he does have superpowers you guys lied to me i thought you guys just said he like could see in the dark what's he look green screen oh [ __ ] club fight come on i need to parry what you can't parry bosses [Music] i win no surveillance wait do i want my club or his club buy club access granted doors are the doors open the door this door it's an open door why i don't know what was the point of that oh this no that was a club all right this guy keeps coming back so we're gonna take him with us i'm not gonna let this guy come back for like a third time come on get up here oh wait wait wait wait wait there's a ride there's a ride over here there's a ride all right whoever is editing this vid i want you to take a second where is editing this video make sure you put in like a roller coaster going down with a bunch of people screaming and happiness right there no club allowed okay but what about this is the ultimate test i can't bring my club in there but can i bring this dead body through no no clubs allowed damn it i really thought it was gonna happen no body's allowed either i have to put the club away hey talk to cuellar all right he runs all right well i'm back i'm just back here i couldn't escape come back when you have the whole snitch what am i doing back in the prison what am i doing back here all right hold on wait wait wait wait lost his glasses in the mines they might be in the upper mines okay let's see all the blue skins dead okay i have to go down to the mines you've got a special key card from abbott it ought to open some door probably into the work pass whoa seeing a lot of germa dot dot dots oh yeah i forgot i was supposed to delete channel points i forgot thanks for reminding me oh well i see that i said that they have successfully ruined the chat room it's on it's nothing there now it's just unreadable purple text okay really wanted to have a nice chat room but i guess that's just not gonna be the case okay is the key card does the guy have anything if you find my glasses okay fine glasses go uh surrender scumbag who is surrendering i don't want that guy to be dead no i did the dark souls they kill me so i can do just kill me kill me with you i don't want that guy to die i was going to break his neck but it didn't work so what happened access granted and then he came after me dude quick touch the reactor okay so two doors they both have bad guys in them i have to get down to the mines somehow uh if i open this door this guy freaks out so i have to go on this one i have to i still have points but i guarantee they really have the description there's probably people that have that's why is that hard to say i guess you actually saw me through the wall if you find my glasses if we [ __ ] it up is are we safe i think we're safe yeah are you gonna punch him he's not going to throw a punch is he this [ __ ] reset okay so should i just run through the door like who cares i have to stealth stealth well look i i just i opened the door and the guy goes sorry for some boxes pretty watch i found him [Music] why do these guys all have laser sights on him [Music] do i have to go over here like i'm going to climb up someone's here how would you even know that how would you know that there's no way you could have known i didn't do anything nothing here wait vent tool right i don't know a real wink it's been disabled it's not there they can't trick me that just been disabled months oh did i make it to the mines no no winks no no no no no no no i don't have any clothes on i cannot do what you ask someone's here i'm going to check can i get him come on holy [ __ ] i got him oh that hurt i need the dna okay um this is the harry potter ride the exact image of when voldemort's sitting on the rock and there's two or three people it's that ride at universal you end up coming down the you ease drop on a conversation they have right here in this exact spot i'm not making a joke that's just a reality that's i just had to say it because that's what i saw that's just i'm just i'm telling you that's what it is when you go there you're gonna be like oh [ __ ] that's right correct okay i'll enter the correct code minus two i've never been to universal all right inmate on the run come on stop it oh straight to the space i didn't get it close it close it close it move out of the way what correct code was the door closed i forgot i was in here oh my lord i'm not soft locked i got it i'll get it right now oh that was pretty cool let's dump them i don't want me to fall and i know everyone thinks that everyone's waiting for i know everyone's waiting for it to happen so i'm just gonna stop because i know everyone thinks that's what i'm doing and i'm not gonna give you that i'm not doing it i'm not going to fall off no that's not what i'm doing climb climb climb climb where though on the there's a gun on the bridge i can't pick it up get that gun all right good did i really actually have to do that hey watch it can't touch it i really do feel like i should have a gun at this point is there one of those big things right here there is all right so i what am i missing here i can't take any of the lights out who was it was it [ __ ] everyone's talking about wait talking about me no showers for us tonight okay well i'm obviously supposed to be here but now what i can go through there wait climb this is there a light switch in here that has to be right oh my god i need his body no his body his body [Music] i would have had it i all right i would have had it it would have had it why would you kick him forward oh my god riddick that's the oh he's stealthy huh why would you boot him towards the people that's the stupidest thing you can do so we're gonna not do any weapon we're gonna just break his neck with our bare hands oh [ __ ] no no fine just kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me just do it i can't believe it it is kind of kylo ren isn't it wait climb up somebody said holy [ __ ] climb up it's still dark nice it's dark over here now what oh what i jump can i get there can i grab that the bars yeah that's what i was trying to grab i'm gonna wait till he turns around wait hold on well nothing here keep looking hmm trying to do the batman attack am i actually supposed to do that grab the parts there's no prop though all right no more hubris no more [ __ ] around no more hubris just go on the bars yes yes yes yes yes yes yes the pit i know i know i know i know i know it's wild can you believe what this guy riddick did yeah i heard if he takes his glasses off there's a big red ray that shoots out of his eyes oh my god everything was so blurry i tried to keep going and he turned around he has to be pretending hey adjust your tv screen what happened who even who even shot at me i don't this guy dude he just ripped through one of his teammates he didn't even give a [ __ ] he blew that guy away he [ __ ] murdered him okay now where dude okay i don't understand why it's doing this i want to check who's there press left left left i'm i'm forward okay that's real dumb why would they do that it's not left you have to hold up where the hell am i now oh no but i wonder if i cannot see where i'm going i will end up in a fall i get to bring that one back from like 2017. [ __ ] but where am i actually though i could go up right i'm going to see me up here is this oh my god oh don't fall in there was that hard yeah it was because i i was trying to press the up you have to press up instead of left and the whole thing gets blurry hey look this game was made in 2004 okay it doesn't have the same quality of life improvements that we have in like 2020. up you can see me in here it's two other then i'll the guy in front of me too there's a guy straight ahead [ __ ] it you know what i mean just go straight away from all right i'm gonna try go kill this guy should i jump down and break his neck he might be the only one on there i think he's the only one down here this is the loser's point of view i noticed something would you notice you didn't notice anything what the [ __ ] are you talking about are you noticed what nothing here all right [ __ ] i'm done with you i'm i've had it just go you can't just go do you see why i'm just go just go all right bam that guy for life i can run faster than the bullets [ __ ] it he's gonna phantom for life hey don't shine on my [ __ ] face all right this guy i gotta holy [ __ ] okay go go go go go get through get through get through get through [Applause] you can do it and well i i need a healing location this dude right here is a pain in my ass and i can't i can't get out here without him hearing me so i've got to be very quick about it and i've got a batman kill this guy are you ready [Music] what that was a tuber reaction no that was a sure that was really annoying whatever it was oh [ __ ] why would you climb that you guys wanted me to play this out hard oh no [ __ ] way okay um am i lit up like a christmas tree am i just do am i it's can i see my eyes why can't they see me from so far away what's the game plan here you have to get out the window or something yes go don't doubt listen to them the goal is to get to the other side over here is he still there okay okay okay okay okay what the [ __ ] was that turn it's an instant turn i'm ready hold on i'm currently invisible but is he still there oh my there the other guy's here now is my opportunity to go right [ __ ] off oh huh is that facing what direction is he facing did i save him all right i saved him thanks man lonzo and void left me alone with this hack hey the fastest way down is through this door okay thanks all right this is so there's a sharpshooter guard over here that's that the guy got it okay um i have to make it past this without dying oh wait i don't know what this turn it yes i don't know what i'm guessing i got the card okay bye hey hey what are you doing what's he's fighting me for i didn't do anything i mean i ag wrote him what are you talking about wait i had didn't i have to club out when i talked to him the first time all right place your bets is it going to crush me on the ceiling if i get on this i just had to be sure about it all right i don't think this i really don't think this fault image in this game i don't there is just a little okay so now from here right here mine entrance ventilation hatch i think i just used the tool right sick the hell is this for looks like a half-life map now where the hell am i all right i'm it's an elevator i get in this uh okay code incorrect please enter correct code deeper down to the mining core this is not the mining core so why did i go in this vent what the hell did i go on the vent for is that like a shortcut to get back right wait there's a person out here did they not see that he's gonna just fire a gun and fence at me oh god this is the worst possible place to be right now i can't get out there this is sitting duck this is the worst i can't even run okay well now i there's a guy here let's wait for the guy to go by so i don't kick the great in front of him he heard it no he doesn't care all right where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i i don't know where i am where am i where am i oh this sucks wait this is through like another dream tunnel where the hell am i going well nothing here keep looking okay i have him now what i don't know where he is found him it's up there oh i i'm leaning is all right you know what [ __ ] it i'm going this way okay what's up i need to turn off this van holy [ __ ] i have ground that guy up i gotta turn the fan off wait the fan's off there's a body in it you go in okay i'm going in i did it wait wait a minute wait this is the fan the guy was looking why did that matter why did that matter when you turn that fan off like go in the fan what happened security check wait i was already in here am i [ __ ] yeah i think i am just run wait did i went through the enti was that like the exit you leave and when you're done i can just go i can't just go i can't go back to the elevator okay where's the elevator from here wait dude i what the hell am i even doing in the mines in the first place what the hell am i doing here can i get up there is there a way i can get up there like jump up there because i want to be up there yeah i'm [ __ ] confused as hell it also doesn't feel like that it also doesn't help that i feel like i have a concussion when i'm playing this game all right we're back here we're good didn't i kill this guy apparently not all right we're back here so now i went up i'm not gonna go up in that vent what is over here i just think i have to go deeper into the mine not climb around and vents go the other way in the vent yeah people must think i'm really really stupid because i'm not touching the guns but i can't okay so that's we're going this way that's just the door i went in that vent right there no this is not right okay so here we are again is there another vent can i climb anything because there's nothing here there's a tunnel in between the vents wait hold on let me just check this because i just jumped right in after this surface panel oh come on now come on now down the fan no i went down the fan last time and it was a big mistake there's nothing on wait is there like a vent in the middle of fans or something i mean i remember i kicked this and i freaked out but there's another wait this is vent andy what no this is just i'm this is where i was i have no idea where to go i don't know what to do you can use the service panel to turn the lights off so you can get past the robot didn't i just do that i just did that though right so technically i wait it's a lie okay guides hold on as a guide what does it say is this better not be like a screamer or something i'll be pissed if it is ignore the door at the end of this hall go back to the junction once the guard has been taken care of talk to the inmate mosley will tell you about a possible way to get into the mines probably knows but now he's one of the blue skins as a result kill him when you end the conversation this can be done easily by standing behind him and killing him go back to the junction and choose a door to your left you'll have to be extremely careful here because his entire court is being patrolled by one of the guards check his body there's a key card on his body all right we're gonna go find mosley we're gonna go to the door on the left and find the key card wait i already did that explore the upper balcony just watch the ending on youtube no i'm not gonna watch the ending on youtube why would i do that i'm going in the wait what's this what's that this is i think this is like a vent i can go and look at this there's two vents no the link was two or three pages wait oh hold on okay hold on no okay this is the elevator turn around stand in front of the right elevator shaft wait for a small platform to appear above you and jump on it when it's close enough you must now wait to be transported to a lower la hey okay we gotta go back to the elevator i this is all wrong back to that elevator and go down instead of up all right where the hell is that elevator from here power security work i don't know what is that [ __ ] elevator i have no clue where that elevator is dump down the fan and go to the elevator all right [Music] are the elevators right here i just do this right what what wait no no i have to go this to the right no okay okay yeah yeah but wait does this take me to where i want to go through the elevator thing this map is kind of a mess okay should i use it or should i climb up through the vents you missed it you're going backwards wrong elevator this is the bridge you couldn't get the gun on you were already here i walked past it what do you mean how you need to go to the elevator that you got squished in yeah isn't it don't i have to go through here though and like stealth to the left and climb up that thing yeah that's what i no yes no you genuinely i have no idea dude i'm half blind and every every vent is the same vent and if i open this door this guy instantly kills me oh this game is really fun until right now so climb up this [ __ ] again no no don't you're going the wrong way no it's this the right way right this has been such like a mess of going in circles i don't even know where that elevator that one that i jumped on the test squishiness of i don't know where it is watch the video of how to beat this now hold on rick roll but with a different link so people can't memorize it that's hysterical thank you no no no no wait wait wait wait wait where am i okay all right all right all right all right all right everybody calm down how am i gonna get into this vent go up behind you i can't how am i gonna do that go to the right end of it oh my god did i do that on purpose no i did not i was trying to get the prompt to say to climb an event and it wouldn't happen and i can't jump in the [ __ ] thing oh my god oh he's not gonna beat the game well if all right in a game that's about being not able to see anything don't you think you'd want it to be pretty clear no [ __ ] that's completely the opposite of what we're talking about in a game where you can't see anything uh whatever i it doesn't matter i don't think i can even get over here i'm really not sure i can get over to this do i have to can i press like a button you have to jump no i don't please tell me you're [ __ ] lying to me you're lying to me i can't believe it i can't do it i can't get in there i'm [ __ ] screwed i have to go through that door where the big guy is and sneak over but the guy just has a gun pointed at me you know what this [Laughter] just go holy [ __ ] he's finally not look don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't turn don't take 19 13 yeah that's right jointing come on over here come on surrender don't you come over here and say that to my face jointing okay good good good i'm gonna finally get there i'm gonna finally get there i'm not gonna be soft locked anymore ah go go go go go go forward okay shh someone's here all right i did it did you do a vin diesel impression wait no this is this part too remember this part how much i hated this [ __ ] at least one of these guys has to be they're just in the same spot waiting for me he's still here i know you've left probably for a while and i know i progressed but then i soft locked myself then i had to come back here oh this is gonna be impossible isn't it there's two guys just here okay okay okay is it possible to when they're right there i can batman i they just saw me instantly riddick is the easiest guy to see apparently it's just really easy to see don't know how he didn't see that that apparently you didn't see me do that he shot his own friend in the head can you please come over here so i can just melee harry attack you i want to get out of this zone so bad i can't run for it he'll kill me now he's running the [ __ ] away where is he is my opportunity go here finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally give me yes oh yes thank god thank god yeah there you remember this guy this is the guy remember mostly oh yes okay for the love of goodness okay we have to go down now time for progress game progress game progress jump down there's not a whole lot of fall damage but i don't want to just die oh i can jump on that bad guy a good guy he had a coin i told him stay off my lap what the hell happened to you hey he had a [ __ ] train gun all right you want to buy the gun yeah i will take the tranquilizer gun for 30 uh i was just saying 30 quid tranquilizer gun can be used to electroshock enemies they would recover fairly quickly unless you neutralize them by pressing right trigger nice okay cool now what the hell does this matter mining core finally my god check who's there you're screaming can i get a head shot from down here oh i can um what do i do about this dude i can't like smash the thing on his back turn it off turn off philly turn off the lights lights i thought that just trying to see if i could like smash the thing on his back because it took one shot last time yeah yeah yeah body detected yeah yeah he's actually moving oh get the [ __ ] away from me dude this way okay and go thank you all right we're good all right so we got a ladder that way but what's down here super hard boss time upper mindset no did i just wait did i just go back up i don't want to do that this is the air yeah this is the same area from last time not using guns no this game does this fun thing that makes it so electrocute so if you pick one up the way that the big mech guy is walking is where i have to go the big mac i didn't say that as a big mech the big mech what was deactivated dude where is this guy going is this technically in the dark okay just stay right here don't [ __ ] move you have to be that i didn't do anything i didn't do anything i stayed completely still you didn't i was crouched i guess i was what was the explosion wait there was a valve so i pressed the fell why is everything an explosion that doesn't make any sense is there a tripwire that i'm crossing valve what the [ __ ] i don't get it why is that there what is it there for you're still alive it's just impossible all right i'm [ __ ] out of here oh no i'm not okay okay that wasn't even close okay um i can't open i can't do anything with the panel i don't have a screwdriver watch look look look everyone's screaming at me to open the panel it doesn't do anything shoot the lights with the tranquilizer guns it's not gonna do anything why is this electricity turn the lights off okay watch see it doesn't do anything it just turns off the real defense and i got lied to again it's okay wait explode them explode them good idea great idea got it he's alive right listen listen i know i tried to blow them up because i thought the explosion was gonna [ __ ] kill i figured that an explosion was going to kill people it doesn't kill anybody but me i'm the only one who targets even if that guy's standing next to him it doesn't do anything shut up i'm talking to people leave me alone where it's really awkward how they just kind of dump you and put where like where the hell am i okay wait should i blow it up i can blow it up i can blow it up i can blow it up i should do it not yet where's the big guy where's the huge guy where's the huge guy yeah i'm sorry this is like top 10 ugliest games i've ever played i'm hey do you see that thing in front of you okay i'm gonna climb this [ __ ] i'm not no don't tell me to go touch the valve i'm not touching the valve i can't climb this all right i'm just going to go this way renda foe friend or foe friend or foe oh yeah i didn't kill him i didn't kill him i didn't kill him i didn't kill him he's alive he'll get up in a second things down here work the same as up there reddick this is ron perlman stop you give you get you don't want to get what i can give jagger it's that paper i suspect you're right i did this to him there's a sealed off area at the end of this card get into the sealed off area okay i have him now god damn it man yeah you like that i have a shield peek out your nose and you're dead celibate he actually this is like a barricade do you think you have a team how did i miss that come out come out wherever you are [Music] good all right we're good nice job oh god look at all this [ __ ] over here what was that what was that anybody else in here one guy oh god oh god that was oh that was not good it was bad that was very bad it was gross jesus what the [ __ ] why are they just please tell me i have a checkpoint right there what the hell is that why oh my god you gotta be [ __ ] so much for that idea he's invincible oh why would they just put a guy just right there it's not like why i can't even stealth behind that it's just he's there did you dead by shoot kill you kill this guy oh okay just where is he has to be dead yeah everybody is good okay keypad granted oh keep what does it say keep doors shut at all costs ghastly i hate this this looks horrible just blow this no don't blow it up get me out please i don't know i won't make a joke ever again i promise okay we're good all right package delivered he's dead no all right what's up where are you that small cave is actually right above the home of a breed of creatures large and vicious ones there'd be chaos if something were to open up a hole i'm probably gonna call it here if you take me with you no nothing slows me down score see i kind of want to play the team here's my good face i don't know why i want to keep playing you'll need to reach him i'll meet you at the spaceport all right you got it is there no fast way to get the hell out of here get to tower 19 and get a bomb to get to tower 19 head back from the mining core to the mine entrance then use the code to activate the elevator and go back up to the work pass oh i have to go all the way back yeah all right so here's what's gonna happen you're so close to finishing one hour max wait is that for real heck no that's not accurate is it true like maybe 45 minutes 20 minutes is it actually true am i getting one god because i'll just finish it now you may be like halfway through okay i'm not going to laugh i i think that this game is actually pretty fun goofy that's why can i not say the word goofy what about saw uh saw two is gonna be played according to how long to beat you've got about two hours left all right well we'll just do this tomorrow we'll finish it up and maybe we'll do something else and just chill for like an hour or two but for now that's gonna be it [Music] stupid i gotta figure out i gotta tape this [ __ ] back you won't beat this tomorrow dark athena oh that's right well let's at least get to the end of butcher's bay salt on dark athena sucks well we don't have to play it goodbye take care thanks for watching i said this i had a lot of fun i had way more fun playing this than i expected somebody just dropped 50 dollars it was goobery juice thanks for the 50 bucks and they say please play this this is oh you didn't did you oh yeah you did we're going to watch this after the credits thanks and i want to say thanks to peaceful haley for five subs i mean i'm like trembling right now what is going on do i still have like youtube videos playing why did i not delete hold on why did i not delete this from last time i don't know why i don't what's wrong with me don't know what is wrong with me i don't know why i i just turn the stream off and just [ __ ] hold the power button on my computer down hey guys so uh just take a minute after the stream clean it up like what am i doing why do i do this to myself okay here we go this is what you actually wanted to see this is the reddit it's nothing to do with reddit my [ __ ] chest hurts from laughing at this [ __ ] i had to have a trial run to see you if i really started laughing hard at something after coming back um all right here we go you ready three two one play all right whoever is editing this video i want you to take a second where was editing this video [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here all right i'll see you tomorrow [Laughter] that's good that's worth it thanks a lot guys good night goodbye and we'll see you later take care go talk to vent andy and give him the pack of smokes he gives you a map go talk to vent andy and to andy you can't even i can't even you guys are too much
Channel: Skye4
Views: 109,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma, Jerma Riddick, The Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick, Escape from Butcher Bay, EfBB, Jerma The Chronicles of Riddick, Jerma Escape from Butcher Bay, Jerma EfBB, Jerma The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Jerma Butcher Bay, Butcher Bay, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Id: PAr5cTIWKw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 19sec (7999 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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