North Vegas Forty - Jerma Streams Blitz: The League II (Long Edit #1)

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yo what you mad you didn't make the team huh well listen here you're five foot nothing a hundred and nothing but damn if you don't got passion hello hello hello hi yes we're here so for those of you that don't know had a plan today I was thinking of uh starting the ace attorneys you know I'm not gonna wait I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait because there are people probably coming in Jeremy will watching the Super Bowl well so am I there's a long list of what's going on today first of all uh free nothing Patriots just scored uh I don't have a TV I don't have cable that can watch this game and I'm not watching it right now live I'm getting the like website updates on what happened I forgot today was the Super Bowl okay I had to I did not know this last night late last night when we were like oh yeah tomorrow we're gonna do uh Ace Attorney that sounds like a good idea let's do Ace Attorney tomorrow during the Super Bowl I was like I I woke up this morning and two things happen first thing that happened is the Super Bowl is today do you know how I knew that because my entire family sent me messages telling me how excited they are and I was like what are they excited for it's like I have like 40 messages from my family and why they are they're all dressed in Patriots they saw the Super Bowl is today I forgot and so the plan was gonna play Ace Attorney but you know that's just the way it is Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright and that didn't turn out the way that I wanted to for two reasons one yes Super Bowl and I wanted to pay attention to it because the Patriots are in it that's my team you know until the Raiders get here that's my team problem two uh Ace Attorney I have I bought them all on the iPad so iPad comes in sick there's my iPad got a crack in it but it still works my splitter okay yeah I packed that one remember I packed that one I don't have the audio splitter so I couldn't capture the audio for my iPad somehow it got lost in the move it got lost in the mail thought about potentially emulating like all right I bought them all I have them all on iPad let's whatever like this idea came out last night right like Ace Attorney I didn't really plan that much on it it was like last night I bought them and like I'm gonna try it this morning and uh you see how it went um the emulators that they're all removed from the internet at least on a couple of the places that I thought because you know I oh I own the titles maybe out of desperation and then I heard that there's gonna be a PC remaster of Ace Attorney coming out very soon so I'm sitting here going oh God damn it what the [ __ ] so what I've decided to do today is I still own Ace Attorney and I can still get it to work I just have to get a new audio splitter here's an emulator no I don't want to talk about emulators no emulation not yet I'm not talking about that yet so what I've decided to do is because Super Bowls today I went through I jumped through a bunch of Hoops and I was able to get this well hold on there's like a logo one here I don't I don't want like a hold on a second I want like to show this like oh logos on here all right well you know what we'll just show the back no I'm just gonna go like this so this is what I was able to get today like let's rewind okay so all after all I was gonna play uh uh Ace Attorney and I jumped through a bunch of Hoops and I was able to get this I just Blitz the League too one of my favorite games of all time on the old generation console so you probably asking yourself I mean it is it is Patriots Day right it is like the Patriots are like gone so I made sure to get my Patriots uh clothes on today hey can you tell I I knew it was a [ __ ] goddamn Super Bowl foreign guys do you understand go Patriots it's desynced it shouldn't be what you're gonna desync me oh it is desync what a piece of crap but yeah uh Bliss the league two and even Blitz the League if you guys didn't know this is where Mortal Kombat got their horrible break the person's neck close up blood comes out of their mouth animations this is not a regular football game buy a long shot this is the game where all those crazy brutal things that happened in Mortal Kombat this is where they came from same company this game is [ __ ] hilarious it's amazing and I got it today I got this today I activated Jack's powers and I got well I had some help I don't believe you is it Mortal Kombat older uh mortal kombat's zoom in you'll see what I'm talking about once I like punch a guy in the nuts and like his balls explode like that I'm I'm not I'm just saying that that happens in this game because it does you'll understand I don't know how to put the disc inside of this PlayStation I'm not kidding this is bad how do I open this does this have discs anybody anybody know how to do this where do I put the disc in it's on the left push it in it's not on the left wait a minute hold on somebody help me hold on I gotta move some stuff for a second I thought stupid Invaders was in here where's the wait wait where did Blitz go okay no I got it [ __ ] no all right I'm turning the [ __ ] webcam on you guys have to help me here I don't get it I don't get it how do I how the [ __ ] do I put a disc in here where does it go there's nothing here there's nothing there slide it well I've never seen a PlayStation like that I'd Slide the top open no way slide it open oh [ __ ] my camera we had to activate Jax this morning I have a controller right okay let's delete two going in into the weird like Willy Wonka machine I've owned like three different PlayStation threes I've never seen a slide the top here we go welcome to Blitz the League oh no no no no no no no don't do that welcome to Blitz the League two if there's something wrong with this disc the last hour was jumping through hoops to get this oh thank God anybody score who has the ball a mentor game data installs required for Blitz yeah please don't turn off the [ __ ] PlayStation oops wait one oh [ __ ] I forgot this camera sucks you know who's got a real Monopoly on the video camera industry Logitech they are they are the kleenex of cameras it's [ __ ] there's like four cameras stalling no I got 17 I don't want you to I don't want you guys to know what the percentage is just use a cam link and a real camera I don't want to like hook up a DSLR up here I don't I don't do you guys think I what you think I want you to see my face in like 4K you think sometimes I look [ __ ] up now imagine what I would look like in every poor every pocket of my face being shown no you're not getting the Ren and Stimpy close-up camera on my face I'm sorry guys what are we at 31. where's the ball the re I can't believe I forgot the [ __ ] Super Bowl was today and then it was like a perfect it was a perfect opportunity so I streamed the last two days in a row this is three days in a row right I was gonna oh maybe I'll take today off I would have liked probably watched the Super Bowl but I can't even watch the Super Bowl so on even sidebirds that's not true I tried as hard as I could in the morning to shape them see look one two right in the right spot I mean I may have ripped I may have butchered this side a little they're not uneven they're just unorganized there's a difference that actually uneven no they're just unorganized they're uneven as [ __ ] no they're not they are they're just they just don't look right because I need a haircut and when I get a haircut they just they take them out speaking of haircuts I need to get one of those too they actually are uneven I can't my I can't buy the camera's right here you guys are right here video game is here OBS preview is over here right now I can't there's no way I can [ __ ] do this I'd have to go into the bathroom what's the percentage 65. he shouldn't I don't know I think it might have something you know what I think it is so I don't know about you guys but I have like I have like an uneven face so when I'm like turning and looking this way going like this my eyes are in a different this eye is not in the right position it's like squished in but my nose is like bigger on this side so when I'm like shaving over here I'm like blocking my view when I'm shaping over here I have like two different viewpoints because my face is uneven your face is [ __ ] up yeah so no one's face is completely even thank you Dr Phil the second quarter what is that what is the Super Bowl halftime show is that free is it free to see to watch the halftime show don't doesn't every TV channel all at the same time turn on the halftime show I thought that was like legally what happens like you're in the middle of Law and Order or something it's just like yeah you're in the right stuff baby I was born on it it just goes to it right every Network installation complete please quit the game through the PS button and restart Blitz League two you got it it's free on the CBS website but I'll go to jail if I play that right on stream you can't do that on stream that's the quickest way to go to jail any score who has the ball Patriots have the ball it's three nothing did they get a field goal I need play-by-play from you guys here we go I'm so excited this game is amazing Blitz the League two not rated interactions not rated by the ESRB so they're talking about when guys get like punched in the balls and they explode that's what they're talking about they can't rate that and by the way there's no actual NFL teams in this game it's like the Boston Brewhouse it's like the the Cincinnati Steelers there's no actual licensed teams we're probably gonna get this whole thing claimed from the we probably need to turn that off I'm sorry guys but like the whole vlog's gonna get muted we can do training camp no I gotta do the Super Bowl right now it's going on right now no training camp receiving defense yeah you have to like stick syringes in your players and stuff all right we're gonna do the watch and learn how to be a pro rushing it's a game of inches let's just let's just I gotta remind my brain you got like three hours that shit's gonna go on forever no dude it's already almost half time the stream can only be as long as the Super Bowl and then I gotta get off on my Super Bowl Patriots gear and turn the stream off it won't look right I'm so sad they didn't make a new one it's freestyle time so that's a freestyle decide how you want to fool them so right make sure it looks good okay now we're talking good job it's almost show time baby before you can hit the desk with your best ways it doesn't matter I don't know anything about football all I know is the Patriots are good Tom Brady's cool Tom Brady win Rings that's all I know I don't know anything else I know first down means that that they get to play it again right it's you get to it's like getting it's like re-spins I just made a casino reference why did I do that I don't even like the casino the casino sucks all warmed up okay hold down L2 what you can really do and your Clash mode this is what we're talking about here yep see I can slow down time and [ __ ] we're intensity on that one keep going this League's full of guys who complete each classic icon adds a pip to yourself twice on the same finish filling your unleash meter by performing a two move combo in Clash it's one is two there's three so now I can break somebody's neck this is it the sponsors are watching show them that you are worth every damn Penny get out there and unleash on the first offender that gets in your way rushing touchdown and then enter the following code XXX Circle foreign what's the code I told you that's nothing you know what I'm talking about what's up oh God this is outstanding I want five more just like that okay I just landed on his back very very it was like pillows he had other issues going on I didn't do that if I jumped as high as I could and landed directly on my back as flat as I could that wouldn't happen to me my stomach wouldn't explode gained 30 yards to fill part of the Clash meter damn that was poetry in motion keep it up it sounds like young girls you have a good arm but how are your feet I am young I think you can avoid getting planted during the blitz oh come on now I know you can do better than that oh it sounds like young you but that was weak sauce and you know it you know he sounds like a young and you know it give me something better something spicy this is John travolto no um it was just what I was looking for nacho assistant John Cusack you've got the D pissed off now and they're coming for you all right they're gonna be Unleashed this time and move the rice stick tour and towards an arrow when a defender's in range uh maybe you should try out for basketball I think I'm gonna snap this guy's neck when you get Unleashed that's how you do the horrible [ __ ] in college anymore I know you have it in you this isn't College anymore kid um you're not even gonna make the practice squad at this rate how the [ __ ] do I do that it's popping up in a really strange time now I know you can do better than that it's Jay Moore who did I say yeah I gotta wait for the arrow but it's like it pops up in a tenth of a second I gotta go towards the arrow [Music] I I hit him so hard that I electrocuted his brain up now you're looking like a real dude and in that end zone oh should I have to catch it God no I didn't do the code I got tackled all right Square squared why am I doing this to my own teammate [Music] that one's the keeper great job that wasn't my own teammate or two in punches all right they don't make games like this anymore you know when you just punch people on the other team or on your own team for that matter 51 seconds left in the second quarter and oh boy third and two at the uh the LA 40 like anyone cares around here is you have hands like fly paper that end zone is calling to you haul ass downfield and give the networks their play of the week okay hold out to the balls in the air press triangle to make the intended receiver do an Unleashed catch when the ball is in range that's right uh I didn't do it these guys have made out of peanut brittle I thought you said you had these bones that made it like candy floss break like five seconds later they have pretty bad lag all right [Laughter] so yeah I have to make him do it so it looked like this there we go freaking standing is it half time all right who's the halftime show oh it's half time no that's gonna be embarrassing never mind give us a halftime show uh I can't I can't do it I'm not prepared for this circle circle not Square God damn it that's a 50 000 penalty is that allowed in football uh no no and none of it is actually pain injuries Glory this is where we get to see the real pain the whole point of Blitz the League is you're trying to make the other team entered you're trying to put people out hurt them to a point where they can't play in the game anymore that's the point of this game that's not the point of American football are you gonna take the Xbox receivers what happened let me they try and catch a pass in your territory I'm sorry I thought you said you had skills well I need to know how to select a guy press X while tackling the ball okay so I have to just where's my character hey why don't you get your damn head in the game and try again um I you need to tell me who I'm where my character is how do I select a new character I knew you were the real deal looks like they're switching to the runs L2 and press X execute a dirty hit there it is dirty head that is the way to execute those fat linemen are trying to get in your effects like the large asses they are again looking good don't let up now that's a success nothing brings in the ratings like I said the quarterback with a dirty hit that quarterback and plant him into the ground damn it I didn't get him College anymore you said you had skills now prove it unless I'm trying to do it I don't have any time to go you have it in you he like gets rid of the ball immediately my grandmother can do better than that and she's in a nursing home pathetic I I know I'm the defender but look at how quickly he gets rid of the Vault second account what the hell is that were you even listening give me this guy in the game and try again I all right he throws the ball uh maybe by the time my character takes a step the ball's gone Jesus Christ grandmother can do better than that no guys I'm doing it correctly I'm holding L2 and pro I've played this game before I sacked the quarterback I'm sorry it's just the tutorial they forgot to program the quarterback to hold the ball for more than a tenth of a second yourself what the [ __ ] I'm gonna make a practice squad at this rate I'm gonna go with another guy you're not even gonna make the practice I don't know how why am I getting failures for sacking the quarterback that counts that's a dirty hit I'm seeing Jesus Christ all right unleash all the ball character presses yeah I got it foreign you nailed that one keep going that guy we didn't break any bones or hurt him all right last thing and then we're gonna do career mode I'm gonna do the whole career and the times to take for um who is the halftime show have we just have we figured it out SpongeBob it's not SpongeBob although that would be great if it was If You're Gonna Play Dirty you need to learn to call your shots hit the ball carry your hard pick the body part of your choice and make sure he doesn't yes oh yes SpongeBob is the halftime show that is absolute [ __ ] right yeah Bruce that was ribs damn that was poetry in motion keep it up injuries happen that's why the training staff Take Aim find the vein and get your comrade back on the field position your syringe using left and then juice the injured player by pressing X get a 50 or better you give steroids I think it's a separation okay we go use the left stick to place the needle as close to the middle of Target as possible the closer you get to the center the quicker your play will get back into the game [Music] all right where are we going with this sometimes the juice used to get in the middle you gotta grab hold of what's broken and right back into place then move left and right in the indicated directions when prompted get a 50 or better okay move the left stick and right stick to their respected targets once the targets are in place mimic the arrows that appear to snap the bone back into place all right on the count of three one sorry dude sorry dude all right sorry dude so there are lots of things we got campaign oh God there's a there's a whole story line here only a quarterback it's a fumble Ryan football Ryan football what was coach thinking 10 seconds left in a tie game and the nightmare cough up the football on their own 20. yeah wait is that the John Madden guy got this one in the bag Sunshine the quarterback is down looks like metaglia may have ended his career it wouldn't be the first time [Applause] you're whining I still have your other knee [Applause] it's a fumble it's a fumble foreign [Applause] [Applause] player this League's ever seen I've got every Fortune 500 company panting to get into bed with you like horny bridesmaids at the wedding of the century if you really want to rock the boat yeah okay kid we're [ __ ] on commissioner I wanted to introduce you to meet you son Maurice take a look at our next big star big star this is like the oh this is like an opening GTA cinematic positions he's a one-man walking franchise hey you know what that's his new nickname franchise well it's the evil Mafia yeah franchise I dig that well you'll certainly be the franchise player for the riot La traded up to the number one pick to take you I don't like that voice I'm sorry sir not even I won't be able to play for La good one son good one it's no joke the only place I'm gonna be at the players in my hometown you will play for the team that drafts you I'm sorry about this but my mind's made up Spongebob is where I tell you to then he'll go play Centerfield for New York they just offered him 17 million a year for seven years guaranteed that's the kind of athlete you're looking at here look everybody knows you expanded your league too quickly I mean six teams in five years come on now you're choking on it and your so-called owners raise the money for those new teams so you had to offer stock to the public and now you SpongeBob once in a lifetime Cash Cow who could save your league SpongeBob all he's asking for is to play for his hometown team they actually SpongeBob is in the halftime they're doing sweet victory thank you all for coming today is a special kidding me my client I thought this was you guys are just [ __ ] around you have been following his career as he smashed multiple Collegiate records now he's poised through the same in the league all right so let's get the questions rolling Fox one out of Scott Smith League Tribune how do you feel your presence on offense affects your teammates I think isn't quarterback the most fun quarterback's like the most fun in a football game let's go out there and deliver the passes I like to go out there and deliver good passes and let my Playmakers do the work the performance of your team I don't know what any of this means but I know that I want to be a safety I want to be the general I want to be the quarterback and I want to be the general and I want to be done safely I'm the general I'm everywhere I need to be as you can see confidence isn't an issue who's next how about the looker in the front row Jennifer Mendez my readers are wondering what did you do for fun in your youth I want agility I was the best dodgeball player in my neighborhood plus two agility on their hands okay end up thanks did you play any other sports in college yeah I play rugby as well as football twice the pain you know I want a good tackle I want to build her people this kid could have gone pro and a half dozen Sports he's just that type of athlete okay next Jeff Jones Midwest One news what's the thing most opponents don't realize about you uh I started martial arts I study martial art so I know just want to hit them to make it hurt they'll be learning soon enough huh Let's get someone who has not been called I'm watching anime what have you been focusing on in the off season I'm all about the full contact drills gotta train hard to play hard take it from me let's get it from working you're a QB with soul tackle we'll be ready to start day one who's next Ms Mendez you have another question if you had to give yourself a nickname what would it be uh nickname for the enforcer same as in Cut folks who call me the enforcer can we quote you on that okay the Laughing later all right looks like we only have time for a few more questions okay Scott go which current player do you model your game after don't hate me for this but I'm out of my game after my boy Bruno battagi we're just about out of time here let's get in one final question right there what do you want people to say about you five years from now punching five years huh that kid sure packs one hell of a punch ladies and gentlemen that's all we have time for today and I want to thank you all for coming and I hope that you so quarterback and safety I want to be able to tackle and I want to be strong this coming season why does it taunt me in every game do I have to get taunted in every [ __ ] game I play I don't know why all right blazing fast Scrambler with a lot of tackle first name kid Frank Mr Super Bowl hahaha I like that Mr Super Bowl what look at the last name already is franchise oh there he is Mister that's Dave Super Bowl missed that's perfect but what if you never get to the Super Bowl select your City all right where is it nope narrative Las Vegas the Las Vegas oh I get to name the I get to name the team for Las Vegas the Las Vegas Aces no um the loss eat this one the Las Vegas dealers yeah they're the Vegas dealers the Vegas Boomers [Laughter] Boomer the Vegas Boomers I'm not gonna beat the [ __ ] Boomers the Las Vegas super bowlers laughs no this is so dumb it was Vegas is super bowlers I can't even fit [Laughter] Mr Super Bowl of the super bowlers that word doesn't look right [Music] the last does that is that correct bottles is that weird all right the Las Vegas Super Bowls Mr Super Bowl on the team anyway that's a pretty that's pretty Vegas isn't just a bowl there has to just be like a bowl right they're super bowl of the super bowlers all right these two images this is just evolved version of George Washington this is say this is Super Saiyan Washington I mean come on we gotta do dice we're in Las Vegas and the team colors we've got to be the German 985 official colors here's the uniform holy [ __ ] that's ugly it's not that is very ugly um home uniform helmet Style yeah this is just like a uh I need to swap it so it doesn't look what what did italics say poly pocket shut up so we got Mr Super Bowl captain of the Super Bowls these pistachio ice cream man are we still at the halftime show how long is this [ __ ] agent welcome to your first week in the league franchise don't let the commish get you down you've got a sweet career ahead of you as the team captain you got to support your team play hard during games make sure everyone is training every week keep them on the best supplements you can afford and don't forget about socializing hit the club scene make a name for yourself off the field as well all right so we got the trainer roster stats lifestyle I think you can go to jail in this game if I remember you can get like arrested for like breaking stuff and punching people all right wins to advance five need I got seven division games remaining a hundred thousand dollars trainer juicing oh you can take drugs now okay training train your starting players yourself or have the teams trainer take care of it it's your call I want to do the training myself no I don't this is way too many people um a sign the trainers automatically juicing you can juice up to three players each week and different juices are more suited to different positions keep an eye on your risk meter when buying illegal drugs as risk gets higher so do the chances of getting busted by the league so should I take drugs no no we don't need to do this not yet I can bet money on my own team Max bet the Philadelphia Brawlers live up to their name for the style of play they cheat as much as they can and get away with far more than they should defensive and h.j latshaw was just another unruly Philly fan last year until a fight spilled onto the field you're just a fan and well the rest is history just like a fat guy fan that came and beat everybody up there he is they got dirty defense but they have very poor offense so they play dirty and they cheat but they don't score very many points remember it's 30 yards for a first down and I was hanging out the pool this morning before the game there he is she had a little baby the baby had a diaper then they were swimming around for a while and stuff then she took the baby out and the diaper was gone what why all right maybe I had a diaper oh I love this game the Las Vegas diapers well I didn't make the away uniform but there's no nudity what are you talking about nudity oh there's people dancing in the background oops it's all right this is the Hotline Miami team oh you dumbass God damn it no I'm going for it the Deep pass and it's all at the 31. and they bring him down beloits an opening in the defense for some real yardage on that play Hail Mary into the end zone and watch this on the [ __ ] strong with quarterback [Music] touchdown well that's a perfect example of why they call him whatever it is they call him all right now I got I gotta kick it I gotta get a field goal here feel go fake feel Go pass I need Darwin two points and it's a fake two-point conversion no they're not very many yardage I'm good first the first quarter is already over the first quarter as Las Vegas leads by eight run into someone's balls explode you just wait they left very shortly oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't forget about the bets I gotta be within five points oh my God no no no I almost got the quarterback too [ __ ] [Applause] safety it's all right they're only gonna get one point no they're going for it all right no you don't get it no such thing as past interference you understand Philadelphia has a super move where they're going to be able to hurt me real soon this one right here first down and I gotta be careful they could something bad could happen right now what the [ __ ] just happened and oh no I was trying to okay I thought that was a running play [ __ ] I'm in trouble I'm going with a slip and dip oh no [Applause] what did you do to my brain am I dead oh come on [Applause] we turned off my prank all right I gotta be careful I gotta guess I gotta make a play here what 22 yards to go [Applause] uh how about stream [Applause] why did I do that because I can no game [Applause] really you gotta be kidding me that was two tackles he dodged them both from great ones that's the difference you dodged two tackles oh no no they keep turning my brain off it's gonna be another fumble isn't it I'm gonna go with the garden left I got it I have to get like an end zone pass right now we have to go for it Eaves it deep oh my God and he's in the end zone [Applause] I did it all right just kick a field goal I don't know how to kick a field goal though just a field goal how do you do it okay it's just something [Applause] all right let's [ __ ] hurt this guy no hurt he didn't get hurt I was trying to like break his body what the [ __ ] are you doing hello nah I don't think so buddy I'm gonna pull this [ __ ] on me they all they're they're punting it he's actually punting it in this game you go for it every time in this game what are you doing it's fake it's not fake oh God damn it all right I gotta get I have to get a parody here you think that that would work but I just did it no no no no [Applause] oh I got some points there he's not so fast I could laugh him at the food court then maybe if you both tripped out a crack on the sidewalk you kind of fall forward at the same speed I mean you're still working there but who wouldn't run two points now they need to score 13 14 they get a score so I can get my money right uh how about the zone what I don't know what any of these mean I'm not gonna lie I don't know a thing about this I only knows if you punch people and you can suplex them on their back pretty and then you got your can't get a date to the problem and that's what that was but hey when you think about it I'm not the best looking corsages it's the kind of I only a mother could find beautiful does that make sense as we reach the end of the third quarter Las Vegas leads by 10. foreign Spongebob is singing The Doom OST oh [Applause] I got a full meter I'm going for it I'm going for Kill Shot here but going with the we're going with the [ __ ] total Blitz here somebody I gotta go for it [Applause] [Applause] they're in the passing Lane oh no that's my uh okay so [ __ ] this Hail Mary all the way down and I'm gonna do an Unleashed catch and catch it [Applause] why would you turn around you know here's what I'm thinking next week just let him call me balance we're gonna do okay I need to get a good I'm not gonna unleash this yet let's run the clock out all right that's first down if that were me out there I'm gonna run again it would probably make people sick especially me but I still wish I could do it what do you got to say about that see you later why did you fall down [Applause] break us back in half [Music] why am I excited about that break is back in half it's the game it's the video game doing it to me germa wants blood I'm gonna get it you'll see it I'm gonna tear somebody's leg off offensive scoring plans can I still hurt somebody you think he's trying to hurt someone come here come on you can do it you can do another touchdown taught and he's in touchdown phone we're off to a good start keep it up and you'll be drawing all the right kinds of attention I'm talking sponsors of course the better you play the more sponsors will come looking for your endorsement and that means some sweet new equipment for you and your team Jeremiah agent uh well it's kid uh Kim what's up time franchise this is Kim I'm acting on behalf of regenerating major interest if you can put in a strong performance this Sunday I can work my magic with the sponsors okay franchise must gain over 200 combined yards this is why I'm not parrying well because it's break tackle it was so low that's why I think there was only like 11 points breaking tackles I can't do them I need to I have to put this on all right now who should illegally juice offense uh I'm gonna juice this week uh trilophene decreases class drains by 25 percent I just spit all over myself everyone's so like sad about this I'm just taking a shitload of drugs We're not gonna go too crazy here go crazy no no I'm not why would I do that uh Max bet no I don't know let's do a five thousand dollar bet I'm not gonna be crazy minus 16. Las Vegas must win by more than 16 points no that's not gonna happen that's a lot I'll give a thousand dollars to it they're a better team anyways their stats are just overall better than mine you're taking this game seriously all right listen up let's focus it's really fun the Baltimore Bearcats the best player they got is running back quasi-umb he's a warrior and the spearhead of the Bearcat offense there's only one man to fear so defend the spirit attack by aiming for him okay quasi's taking a lot of pounding but he's still a sharp and lethal as hell Baltimore still three nothing Patriots in the Super Bowl and welcome to the Super Bowl party there's no party it's just me and NFL not NFL Blitz the League it's just Blitz the League to get extra money money I get extra money for injury God those are ugly oh that's an eyesore oh she didn't even catch it bench that guy oh that was two though that was two step arms good thing I trained it second down they're not gonna do the same play again they're not even gonna [ __ ] see it coming no Baltimore has the football are you kidding me how is that possible this is the guy that's the guy nice tackle and beat the [ __ ] out of him too this is the guy to describe this man unbelievable oh you fought me off I got a I got a power I'm going for it it's gonna go we're gonna go anticipate I'm gonna I'm gonna injure this dude I'm going right for his like legs he's done got him you're out of here out for 10 games that was the guy that was the intro cinematic oh I have to stop him oh the receiver's taken out of the plane and that's in this ruined his career well they're punting is [ __ ] open the hold on wait wait a pass to the right side that's first he stopped at the 21-yard line hold on wait wait open the link what are you doing what's happening oh my God that is uh okay cool that's good I'll do it the other way I want to see it from both uh sides I want the bottom to be me and the top to be him that's wonderful though do it the other way touchdown here we go and I should have full meter for the next step he's already watched watch x watch x [Applause] touchdown that's a beautiful catch now let's try to hurt someone first chance I get right here oh [Applause] there it is all right stomp on his head [ __ ] you oh this there it is there it is hold on Jesus oh what that oh Ready Player One Avatar I don't like this that's me going in the Oasis and hanging out all right uh show us hold on I need to yeah this is this is worth saving this is what I'm talking about and I'm gonna take a piss Break by the way while you stare at this image this is what I'm talking about when I say my Ready Player One Avatar I don't know how did you even do this all right I'll be right back well then before I go you know this reminds me of this looks like this looks like this is supposed to be here do you know what I mean by that how this is like what German 985 stream I'll be right back it's like a cartoon kind of 3D version of me like a YouTuber kind of thing this looks like it's I'm supposed to have this here I hate this image [Music] how did you even make this that's so weird and scary that this is possible welcome back to the show it's German 985 oops hold on welcome back it's me germa welcome back to the show side by side no I've although let me just open this fresh beer not all I look at OBS and I crack a tab and it blows out the audio every time Coke am I gonna prove it there proved it I love how the Patriots doing oh [ __ ] it's tied up it's Thai game three to three they got a field goal what they're in the name of [ __ ] God just happened they just Donkey Kong barreled they were the barrels the ball was Donkey Kong another one hold on what is this one this one is is also as detailed uh there are more okay guys you it's getting to a point where people aren't when they search me they're not gonna know what the real one is let's just put them all up on the screen eventually here hold let me go let me just like let me get to the end of this I have 200 images of your face I don't want you to have that many faces [Applause] got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and that's a full meter the conversion is good speaking of full meter got it back and so at halftime break his [ __ ] neck really I don't really follow football that well considering if you think about it first and 30. the New England Patriots are in the Super Bowl right now and I have a browser tab open just seeing how this works so I mean I'm not that much of a big fan of the sport I do think it's interesting sometimes cheerleaders they really are doing just like kind of the dumbest dances to me this is mocap okay am I gonna shut this team up again I didn't even catch it holy [ __ ] I ran out of gas it's okay maniac they just go all over the place this romaniac wide open this land Planet I'm not getting underneath I know he's a professional president you don't know if he uses Unleashed professional there's a surprise myself no that's what I'm talking about I survived oh that crunch was louder than my morning Branford so the defender just exploded up can't like my morning bran flakes but in reverse the rambling Boomer is the best part of the game everything is a boomer everything is a boomer all adults over the age of like 30 have Boomers he drops back End Zone and it's intercepted keeps his feet moving and he's done God damn it was a bad pass but it really was a good pass it just went to the wrong gun so it it was a bad pastor of the right guy but a good pastor who are in the background perfect passes just our you know they're perfect for the wrong team [Applause] covers it up [Applause] are you running there that was so abrupt uh oh man [Applause] let me play if the ball would have gotten to him before the defender [Applause] he just bounced off the ropes and I just uh why won't they make another one of these seriously I don't even give a [ __ ] about football really but 43. oh God I would play this all day we're down still fourth and long they really need a big play here come back come back come back that's just getting embarrassing that's embarrassing touchdown it's a new image what the hell is going on is it possible we're making progress wait just wait wait sorry shout out give me the achievement for the shout out thank you [Applause] that's a fumble Las Vegas makes the recovery I just like spinning wheelhouse Captain first and goal can I do a 40 Point shout out or 38 Point shadow [Applause] across the plane I swear it's gonna turn around right now you [ __ ] game I'm not the 36 points [Applause] get it step on his head [Applause] the announcer trunk no the announcer is doing a John Madden impersonation John Madden left side okay okay [Applause] yeah it's Frank Caliendo he was on Mad TV and he did a perfect one-to-one John Madden instruction it was pretty ridiculous what was that pass is there a replay feature what the hell was this I underhanded that ball like 45 yards 50 yards okay a bowling ball what are we going for uh how about many no Razzle go into the end zone and that'll do it Las Vegas will take this one should have bet the money [Applause] it's the fourth quarter in the Super Bowl tied at three well during the cutscene I'm gonna get these saved I'm gonna put them on screen I have a seat you're gonna go play with that new Hot Shot franchise why the [ __ ] would I want to play there his team's in division three because I happen to know that the nightmare is going to cut you at the end of this season let's put them up here along with that big contract of yours that's why they traded up to draft Max Carson oh man [ __ ] them you might get picked up by another team for a fraction of your current salary or you can go play with franchise keep your deal as is just tell me one thing what's in it for you [Music] okay like there's too many of these many of them I swear to God I'm not kidding I don't know you call me like a weirdo if you want but I I feel like I look in the mirror and this is what I look like sometimes I'll take a selfie with an iPhone and this is what the image will be I swear that one's not even this one is not even you didn't even try to change it to the other photo you just mutated my face it's like look at okay this one is the agent this one's an agent too that you're getting a little weird and this one is just I yep I want to be unstoppable what is going on okay I'm standing looking into a pond in a dramatic part of the movie and somebody dropped a pebble right in the middle of my face in the water well there are a million images in the but that's what happens when people just putting in links all right let's go fourth quarter what a boring super awesome Patriots scored I was gonna say what a boring Super Bowl three to three for the whole game Patriots up 10-3 seven minutes remaining in the last quarter I mean Tom Brady really is just so unbelievable the Houston rioters have been the division three punching bag since they joined the league three years ago that might be changing this year since they drafted running back Dawn L Sullivan in the first round running back an effective one-two punch his Wicked first to speed followed by a stiff arm jab and he ain't afraid to hit below the belt so if we want to shut down Houston we need to knock out Solomon okay time to kill this guy uh Pro they got a strong running game but their con is their speed how does that make any sense how can you have a slow strong running team good evening everyone it's a dirty head start off the bat and I can let's go what's the name of the drain [Applause] swamp him stop him oh that's him questions this guy's leadership bacon just look to a play like that all right I gotta take him out see that that was me that's called me waiting for you and now I got a meter where are the refs yeah where are the Reps why would you do that I had punt return and oh God [Applause] keeps his feet moving [Applause] all right now we talk In The End Zone that's the kind of run back you dream of as a special teams player went white during that return upon punt returned from the end zone that the guy didn't catch to run back for a touchdown Welcome to Hell I got it come on man a little I got it I actually got it fourth down oh [ __ ] that punting [ __ ] somebody catch it I always figure they're not gonna do it [Applause] all right it's an opportunity here couldn't couldn't plop through it he's got better stats than I do half back Crush I have the drug my hat back is on drugs can't plow through that even with drugs that sucks do it again I like their chances here on Third and short damn it I promise you can feel that one tomorrow [ __ ] you actually got through [ __ ] it I'm going for it hit it franchise gives his team a new set of downs he lets it fly the ball gets there too late or should I say the defender got there I just got clothes lined [ __ ] second I gotta get this now [Applause] it's all right here comes hey this is they're not they got one play [ __ ] out of here laughs [Applause] first and 30. 23-yard line oh I can't look at that right wait get in there touchdown I got an unleash Vegas give themselves some more breathing room with that score all right somebody just said break come on injury yes makes the recovery yeah out [Applause] touchdown Las Vegas adds to their lead somebody just said who would ever move to Las Vegas it's a [ __ ] Wasteland why would you move to Vegas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why did I just get that I didn't get a chance to move anger I'm angry he's at they can tell I'm angry I don't know what the hat back here it is let's go [Applause] thank God oh no thank God I'm running by law as we reach the end that's please include that image on a shirt that's no I don't want to put that on there why run to the left side stop him he stopped holy [ __ ] they're gonna get a touchdown that was wild the catch was doing the Scamper for the TD was even better laughs damn it who was that it's Robbie I think it's a separation looking for the big play got it oh there it is [Applause] what's the colors the colors are supposed to be the German 985 twitch YouTuber colors look they don't really look that good on uh on that they look like it's an ice cream cone but that's okay right into my guy they don't look good on anything well it looks good on a digital screen as like a character oh God damn it [Applause] [Applause] you stopped my unleash how would you stop my unleash I was holding L2 he stops my Unleashed impressive to me he stopped him a few points [Applause] it's legitimately impossible for them it's impossible stop Miami I'm gonna be kidding me goes way downfield and it's caught at the 15. turns on a dime full line touchdown quick kill someone before it ends [Applause] Patriots win Super Bowl did they still like a minute left right [Applause] no he uses Unleashed I'm Gonna Get It game over and as time expires Las Vegas will take this one two minute warning for the Super Bowl win by more than 20 points I've done it two games in a row but that's a lot of money to bet [ __ ] it the Milwaukee hounds used to be a bunch of Semi-Pro Misfits but quarterback Conrad Damon has made them the High Caliber team to beat in division three not bad for a guy who drives a military assault vehicle damn good receiver cool make no mistake this guy's a deadly bastard so hit him hard and hit him off all right okay easy there guy what what is this shitty Twisted Metal reject we have to get rid of him look at how long his body is [Applause] almost almost going for the gold oh that deserves a taunt that deserves a talk how do I taunt touchdown well that's a perfect example of why they call him whatever it is they call how's Super Bowl going one minute left Patriots have the ball fourth and one at La 24 really field goal for the Patriots okay foreign so the the Rams have one minute well it's not it's not impossible just improbable oh nice interception [Applause] see you later [Applause] he's the kind of play that keeps a quarterback awake at night amazing play by the defense Cox chugged all the frames oh geez I don't know what that was what did I just hurt oh [Applause] not only is that illegal but that's how you find yourself in a jail cell Tom Brady just grew an extra finger to put on his sixth ring is it actually over 18. damn it I was like trying to be there sorry holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] up bad [Applause] wow last time Patriots winning eight seconds what the hell are you saying 39-yard line pass and it's complete at the seven yard line so that's it Patriots win the Super Bowl foreign [Applause] the New England Patriots have won the Super Bowl let me see for the tenth time in a row first down there it is I can't believe they did it [Music] yeah it's uh congratulations you can now you essentially now Tom Brady is when Tom Brady eventually like dies I can do 50 years he's won so many Super Bowls they're gonna like Futurama here he'll be doing like press conferences still oh he fell down and turned his parade off no that was me Brady now has the final Stone you guys everyone should be concerned about this thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] I'm sorry foreign games the whole season you get from making me lose and be stupid and taunt you that's what you get from me taunting you one more good dirty head and I'll have enough to try to pick up what happened my guy just stopped moving oh [ __ ] the button [Applause] oh stay up stay up I use some great moves to make guys miss on that run okay give me a cut give me a cut there's missed assignment in the secondary and he's in touchdown how did you not catch that covers it up honest to God how did you not get that where was this guy going beautiful move why did he run that way I ran him that way [ __ ] me not this time [Applause] and that pass is knocked down damn right we only have four more Downs to work with I here it is Red Zone we're gonna go run right up the offense just keep it going here in the Red Zone oh they lose yards touchdown Jeremiah Was there with him Rage Quit Jet Set Radio Were You There When I explode the guy's balls thank you it's like a fumble Las Vegas has the football touchdown it didn't happen but first down all right I got an Unleashed let's take the quarterback out of the game and out of the season and now I'm in gonna be funny about it touch down Milwaukee yeah where you got you got a little prize you got 13 points good for you God get it caring so much about trying to kill the quarterback oh [Applause] I thought she was so hard in the food oh look at me let's go with uh uh the the PS to put my controller turned off is that a battery I need battery right now the offense looking at first and 30. I mean this one fits right Now where's the USB that's right here [Applause] all right I'm plugged back in um how do I do this why is it not just sinking why is that the sink got it okay [Applause] hey yeah that's not fair that's fine yeah you get to play against a non-opponent for a minute [Applause] what conversion is no good I intercepted the ball did he throw it in I know [Laughter] how do I wish I could slow this down I don't know all right let's just throw an end zone pass he's got it 58 points let's get him [Applause] oh my God what are you doing we're about to make it into the the next we're about to win agent franchise how's my main man you feeling pumped because I'm feeling pumped this is it you're a big bucks baby your first commercial shoot you just suit up and do everything I tell you and let the cameraman do the rest nail this and we will have the sponsors eating out of our hands okay I gotta score at least three touchdowns 4-0 uh Las Vegas must remember more than 23 points Max bet this week we've got the Detroit Devils Once Upon a Time this was a pretty good team but there's a cancer in that locker room and his name is Cookie Wallace on a good day cookie is one of the best receivers in the game receiver thing is ain't having as many good days as he used to and of course he blames everyone else for his screw-ups so the team sucks but he's I don't understand so maybe I should leave him in the game should I just not try to hurt him if the team sucks when he's on it I should leave him be this team has been making some noise let's hope they can keep it up and now let's get ready for the kickoff come on why does that keep happening okay whoever that is 82 [ __ ] you 82. that was ridiculous come on now Dan oh oh that's a neck tweak cut it cut it somebody cut it and he's just short of the first all right I gotta run I have to I'm gonna do a QB snake oh he made it here on time I'm just running I'm gonna walk over the I'm walking over the line right now three two one go the ball comes loose Detroit God damn it it's all right kill somebody already I I got killed oh damnity Unleashed to catch it it's a free catch if you unleash [Applause] and then I fumbled the ball this is the turnaround right here they're kind they're pretty rough you're all right buddy next play [Applause] there it is let's bring it back don't taunt just score the [ __ ] touchdown oh my touchdown beautiful run after the catch clearly he was not going to be satisfied with just the reception I got to think Take the Lead got his team six points look up codes uh I mean I'm oh no oh no oh no no cause I was looking at the chat touchdown I gotta I gotta run it I gotta pass and run out of bounds I have to get that otherwise I'm gonna get bubbled again [Applause] stay no out of bounds please possessions and so at the end of one quarter wow that was lucky leads by six [Applause] goes way down field touchdown injury time no I wanted to select it but I couldn't get it here we go no I let me hit him let me hit him I'm getting in my way did that just happen that just happened it just becomes easy to this guy he lets it Fly and he makes the crap oh man okay Wallace if they would just get out of my way and let me tackle him I would have tackled them two plays ago he was right in my line of sight I haven't Unleashed and some guy bumped into it and Megan is hard for me guys get out of my [ __ ] way I'm the captain I say when I say goes who gets the ball oh man he got tattooed uh you got the smelling salts yeah yeah oh no oh that's not good that's not good oh God this is not going well he's going wrong and it's complete at the 46 yard Unleashed just ran into each other that's what happens get it that's enough for the first down who wins in the Unleashed fight and that passes Detroit leads by seven that was an Unleashed catch it's supposed to be guaranteed all right injure injury oh no why it's not fair kill him break his back yes he's too good get rid of him stay down cookie has made every single play he's made every single touchdown not anymore you're out I'm so amped up right now I gotta win I gotta go 5-0 I just [ __ ] up oh the receiver's taken out of the plate seriously how could you let your cat you you were holding on to me and his eyes never stop looking for daylight how did you let that happen tackled him and he just walked off [Applause] I pressed it too early I'm just like pissed off at like cookie whatever his name is down okay I need this two-point conversion I need it bad very very badly very badly oh yeah [Applause] Pokey heard him he's back in he's injured make it work make it happen look at that stamina it's terrible and I have a I'm gonna let's go for him again there he is I don't think he knows what hit him thank you there's no way you're gonna get 40 goddamn yards see you later and I've got an unleash as we reach the end of the third quarter now I need a two-point conversion yeah I do it's a crowd again you explain to me how during an unleash this guy is able to dirty hit me still and that's incomplete the defender got a hand on it let's go for a run oh no no no I'm entering my Unleashed he's out cold come on we got to get him out of here my unleash why is it get stopped every time play get a nap touchdown and the conversion is no good [Music] [Applause] oh hello [Applause] yes oh yes I'm so involved done out for the season I'm getting too pumped up over this game first first in goal that's it get that [ __ ] ball fumbling there it is loose Detroit how on Earth did you not recovery oh that's unbelievable I can't how there's three of you running around in a circle around it pick it up take him he's out of bounds all right one yard line don't let him run up the middle should I say the defender got there early this is bad though this is very bad I'm in my own end zone you're right let me see good I gotta get out of my own end zone now I got two timeouts oh [ __ ] I have no meter back to back [Applause] throw complete the 26-yard line franchise oops I know that's okay over 300 yards on the day he Fades back launches the 38-yard line and the big hit brings him down Las Vegas how many yards to go he'll look to throw Eaves and deep yes okay just kick it oh I'm so excited I'm so happy I'm still I'm gonna be undefeated the extra point is good oh so I'm getting way too invested in this turns on a dime Goodbye Oh I felt that one in my bones it was better than the actual Super Bowl killed a man and won the game yeah all right we got a call hey there I just got off the phone with the sponsors they love what they saw doing the commercial shoot we did a little negotiating and they're throwing in some additional gear for your team you can thank me later was killing a man worth that money franchise good news I've been working my magic have you make that end zone you're a [ __ ] this Sunday think you can do that what am I saying of course you can do that you're the franchise oh God uh so I have to get a gain 50 plus yards on a single play all right what about drugs what can I take for drugs okay I just accidentally took them I don't even know what they are I just took a handful of random drugs and I don't know what they do I don't know after that last one I can't believe I gotta get my [ __ ] together right uh let me take a piss and grab another Coke everyone says again yeah I've I slammed that last Coke and now I gotta pee it out I just realized something holy [ __ ] is it a good time to be a Boston sports fan the Red Sox just won the World Series Patriots just won the Super Bowl wow I just realized that right now no you didn't well I mean am I just realizing this yeah because the Patriots just like 40 minutes ago won the Super Bowl play in the Cincinnati Crusaders this week Hallelujah near by far is free safety Ezekiel Freeman Ezekiel could be playing division one ball but he claims God told him to be a crusader come Sunday morning he's reveling in the good book Sunday afternoon he raises hell all right I have to make a 50-yard play [Applause] just shut it down God come on he was a lightning bolt that was ridiculous catch [Applause] stuffed I just got stuffed touchdown all right no two-pointed version just get the field goal like man K used to joke watch out for the golf bag what watch out for the puddle what's up yeah [Applause] and tell him to do every John Madden stumble he's ever done get it three get it no what a play they did to me the yardage on that play there it is broken neck what'd I do no he just went invented the wrong way I was there I made the right play watch this huh Jesus Jesus said so your first mistake still got me out of the way just make it there you got it coming to any taunting let's get it touchdown no don't let him in there knock them down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] interception perfect turn it around watch this bingo [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] oh come on what happened here the guy I didn't want to throw it a square as I what the [ __ ] oh well it's okay I'll get it back right now that ball back damn it watch this guy on the left this guy's coming up how many does it take you're gonna have to do timeout I don't see timeout do you have any timeouts I'll take it one second give me a break no and with the first half of the books Las Vegas leads by seven unless he activates his thing he's dead okay this is nothing [Applause] [Applause] how QQ is right to you get some more lotion ordered I'm doing hands no matter how much it is next third and now let's just call it a vigorous hand training [Applause] oh this is just salmon jumping out of water [Laughter] okay going for a field goal right I'll take it I'm still ahead oh [ __ ] did I get it the field goal is good I have a guy who's in pain from a big head you might say how do you know probably because he's crying on the inside that's the kind of guy and after the game the trainers got to open them up blow dry his queen or something like that I'm not making most of this stuff up but I just can't explain you that at first foreign what a catch that was [Applause] needs that bad the conversion is good now game's Out Of Reach watch this bright side Las Vegas what football did I just scoop slam somebody and they dropped the ball [Applause] quite trailing late in the game and giving it up the worst kind of I need to see that again what happened here so he's he backs up he okay so he just kind of flicks the ball from his left hand it was supposed to go to the guy right in the middle and I'm in the middle of doing like a slam to some guy that what a hero not only does he belly to backup like somebody he also recovers the football first and goal it's gut check time while in the seven yard line trick play look at this one check this out it's gonna be all over the place that was perfectly executed July he actually got up I'm very surprised they are one in four just seeing their chances of winning fly out the window back to pass under pressure it's intercepted Ezekiel Freeman is hard to stop one of the QB's in his sights he does that game in and game just consistent great play I mean watch this game a long time two or 300 players have ever seen just that I can remember 350.350 I was gonna run but then I got scared because he hadn't Unleashed and I was scared he was going to hurt my quarterback which is the main player of the campaign and I thought it was gonna be out for like five games and then I had panic I panicked [Applause] thank you defensive play incomplete get that shitty hands the receiver couldn't hang on to him [ __ ] out of my company I thought I had the guy back there 44-yard line and so they're forced to turn the ball over ball spotted at the 34-yard line I'll take another touchdown thanks a lot good job Robbie Robbie touchdown a really outstanding run he blew past Defenders and found some room to run excellent work let's go for an injury thousand ribs how do those feel you actually want to buy this I don't blame you it's one it's a very first and 30. it's a very fun game regardless if it's a football game it's one of those uh franchises that kind of disappeared because they did Blitz Blitz the League The Blitz too it was in the arcades too not this but I'm a blitz being in the arcade sure he doesn't get that one but I would love them to take a year off of Mortal Kombat instead of Las Vegas sometimes two years that's wide open for the big play and it's complete at the 30-yard line the ball comes loose Cincinnati makes the recovery so they took a break from Mortal Kombat and made another Blitz there were some great arcade sports games I don't like the simulation [Applause] never gonna happen yeah there was The Bigs there was Blitz NBA Street was another amazing game why they only make these simulation games now what happened to the Fun Arcade sports games oh but the receiver never had a chance he got humbled because of the licensing well there's no license for this game at all there's no NFL teams there's no license here these are all made up teams [Applause] NBA Street Volume 2 is the best sports game ever made oh no please don't catch that Bender says nothing doing and so Las Vegas will take this one Mario Strikers was a great soccer game it was all these games lived in like the PlayStation 3 Wii era PS2 PS3 why there been no none next-gen is so much opportunity to make one of those to make them way better a new NBA Street look at like the technology increases and the amount of things it'd be so much better [Music] sure thing beautiful where would you like for me to sign don't uh don't do it hey how old is Patton hey I want one too she a Wraith [Laughter] uh oh here comes the jealousy Arc here and stop stop get that right on [ __ ] stop this just poison me what was it what happened a franchise you're good but I can do things for you your coaches and trainers can't ask around in the locker room they'll know who I am keep keep that body of yours healthy and I'll be in touch don't cheat on Kim I'm not gonna is there another is there another image laughs that's amazing all right this is against the Cleveland Steamers we play the Cleveland Steamers on Sunday the best way best West wide receiver extraordinaire and Richard it's almost like the bad guy in a Hong Kong action movie Hong Kong action moves off the field too shows got styled but he has one problem half the team is doing his wife what what that that's how you're gonna end that okay [Applause] Championship both teams are ready I got a championship incoming here [Applause] all right there you go yeah I I I got you I got you you don't think I see you [Applause] lead that one oh that could have been a big play if the ball would have gotten to him before the defender why does your team look like bubblegum because I tried to make it my stupid colors it's awful on and the away jersey he looks bad everywhere stopping into each other don't please don't catch it the [ __ ] did I do how was that such a bad throw San Diego calm down oh no what the heck did I do really go a long way after the fact he did look at that play they just did to me thank God two people that's the guy foreign it's time to put him out for good what about [Applause] runs it outside he's brought down at the eight yards touchdown incoming blocked my enemies see ya touchdowns [Applause] never in The Bigs you could break the scoreboard yeah you could do a lot of cool [ __ ] I just need to catch that I don't know that was inhuman no game Biggs didn't have a story mode yeah this is weird it has it protects itself for some real yardage on that play just think about it what [Applause] touchdown Cleveland tackle them he fumbled the ball to a teammate that was standing in the end zone it's all right we're still in the game I got timeouts nobody just decides to go get that foreign that was a waste of an unleash because it didn't do anything check out holy [ __ ] video game [Applause] touchdown just first watch that receiver double coverage don't let him get anywhere then you can pass it all you want touchdown Steamers I [ __ ] can't believe that [ __ ] and the extra point is the hell happened there and with the first half Cleveland leads by three what I want to see it what happened how did he even get that all right we're gonna have to talk about this guys about this stupid nut the ball is loose Las Vegas all right I'm not gonna have that happen he lets it Fly and the ball gets there too late or should I say the defender got there early oh the screamer is steaming mad accept it [Applause] I don't think there's any secrets I'm getting really unlucky here turnovers are a main reasons he's unlucky unlucky I got a bursting goal and he's and he's dropped off [ __ ] this is my house this is my house watch this [ __ ] you're done touchdown Cleveland no I'm 6-0 right now [Applause] that's the best possible thing that could happen choke slam no wrong button get up oh I was trying to Circle oh God damn it I'm so angry about that first down 30 yards that was a touchdown right there and I pressed Square I was trying for a circle [Applause] Las Vegas gets it back [Applause] get it to Robbie same thing he's trying to punch it in here Robbie same deal they have to feel better about catching up [Applause] oh I so badly need to upgrade those hands I should have just said kept the money I should have saved the money that's like the third fumble I've done this game [Applause] serious I tried to select them apparently he wasn't the closest person I would have selected him and pressed triangle I can't get a first down here all right now that's going the other way turnover could be a momentum shifter all right played smart I was just gonna do Hail Mary that would not be smart got it nice okay I got I got like four blips for that I really really needed those look at that I almost have a full meter again I've watched more of this today than the actual Studio end of the third quarter now thank you for joining me because you better post Super Bowl mode right now if you watched get that bump get that bumper who's got it retains possession I got a full meter I gotta get this ball back and I'm gonna go touchdown right here look at how far the ball is okay he hasn't Unleashed as well do I let the receiver catch and try to hurry he wasted it [Applause] is a nasty hip right there and very well it's a big head where are my points for this how come I'm not getting any meter those aren't dirty if I get a touchdown here the game is going to be fairly Out Of Reach that's got to be a solid run here [Applause] oh no okay it's nothing serious it is though hey buddy come on let's get you out of here foreign how close am I [Applause] no good that's no good that was a perfect kick what happened it didn't aim I thought the game aims for you he's got an Unleashed this is not this is very very bad well there was no kicking tutorial it's loose come on he jumped over the ball jumped over the ball this is where I put the game away right here I didn't do nothing just stay in the zone outside of the Zone in the zone get in the zone thank you looking for room on the right side there's an easy open field reception and he's down at the 25 yards he's known for it must be tough to be something it's just a bad bad bad come on defense he drops back pressure no what how do you catch it how is that possible right up your ass I was right up your ass I can't believe it [Applause] why did I just do that [Applause] I just did I just timed up that's not what I wanted to do though so he rage back come on out of Bounds at the three yard line out of bounds Henry I'm [ __ ] believable I gotta Make This I Gotta Have It Happen 7 28 29 30. I just need I gotta run it back for a touchdown I have to run it back I have no meter I have to instantly run out of bounds no no okay okay all right let's go let's go I just hiccuped and almost threw up okay here we go there's it right [Applause] and as time expires Cleveland will take this one uh my first loss this season I gave them a timeout hey but my character was like poison right so that's why I wasn't as good oh do I answer this call franchise this is it baby division three championships division two really want to generate headlines you won't win you will put Damon in his place during this game okay I gotta land a dirty hit on Damon during the division three championship this is the championship game I made it to the championship all right I got everyone's on drugs this game all right I gotta take a bunch of drugs we generate two stamina each play that they're on the field yup Robbie resistant to injury and wide receiver Shepherd is going to take the turbo bar Terrain look at how much better of a team I am Max bet it's the [ __ ] goddamn Super Bowl win by 16 points I'm gonna just I'm gonna crush them it's the quarterback I gotta land a hit on the quarterback now I'd like to like this is like I don't know about you but I'm ready I mean guys in that case they're trying to tackle the guy who caught it boom I start eight percent am I dropping frames what the hell all right so this is the it's the quarterback that I need to work on first down and 30. very good quarterback it's really hard to do that that was a good [ __ ] pass he just got in my goddamn way just get him you're not gonna actually who's the foot is that is that my foot what what to me why oh yeah baby [Laughter] yeah you're not gonna be dancing this weekend guard come on I'm gonna hurt you you gotta stay still that's unfucking believable he'll be back come on over I lost you a poop joke [Music] then they were swimming around for a while or something then she took the baby out and the diaper how did you do that yeah oh I know I'm behind already first goddamn Exchange I'm gonna lose the change [Applause] that was so [ __ ] funny he lets it fly yeah it's okay that was a beautiful play Red Zone we're gonna go for a run power it in defense goes into their Red Zone package foreign didn't I take resistant drugs why is everybody getting hurt shattered Timmy took too many drugs last game so now they're all [ __ ] up because they're on drugs it's gonna be a miracle if I win this game I don't even know what to say speaking of disaster let's might as well just do it thank God I'll take it that's fine what a beautiful Passage thank you that spiral I can't throw a spiral for the light for me put your hands oh it's okay it's fine [Applause] not good not good I still get a guy in the back no [Applause] why here let me help you this is so unfair retains because the point am I gonna have not enough people to play the game it really might be that they're on too many drugs [Applause] by the way it was like a guy in the back fell down anyone could do to stop dude just tripped and snow this really is the Peewee leagues third down ball here it comes touchdown hounds I got a bunch of like random dudes from like the double A leagues in my lineup right now it's not me [Applause] not a bad return let's do crosses all right finally [Applause] there it is that's what they call a textbook execution goal line touchdown still haven't seen x-ray ball crush resident sleeper I haven't Unleashed see if I can get the ball back give me that ball back nice that's exactly what I needed to have gonna punt it oh [ __ ] they're punting it they had a long way to go that's right good run here come on [Applause] [Applause] thank you wide open beautiful don't even need to use an Unleashed lost track of it and he's in the end zone can you do anything else besides the beer chug uh yeah yeah you can I just don't know the code and the codes you have it gives you a blip so that's why I'm doing it by the way speaking of blips injury incoming [Applause] yes perfect recovery thank God it's going my way championship game okay oh close call looking for the big play and the defender says nothing new I can get a field goal just don't screw it up field goal field goal okay so is am I going to aim this in the right place [Applause] it's good don't let them get a touchdown there's 11 seconds left [Applause] nothing has a dirty hit he really executed on that play it took a big step down the field nice work that didn't count as a late hit all right I'm running it out of bounds no I'm not I'm running it into the end zone all right I gotta I gotta play the uh boundaries here because first and third he's very we're in snow weather vulnerable cannot fumble the ball it's fine I'm okay with that get in there it's the same guy a second injury Robbie is out again stay down this guy is made out of jelly there's no way he's made out of like rubber bands or something right side you're fat push him over all right Rob is back did I actually just do that [Applause] it's just wasted time I mean those guys the same thing you say about a hooker isn't it what the [ __ ] is happening he drops back throws left he's got it get up [ __ ] up and he's in touchdown I'm not sure you're gonna be able to see the testicles sorry guys it goes way downfield it's complete sorry there's no way ahead aggressive run yeah that's what I was trying to get a hit on the quarterback I would have had that guy I'm the safety I shouldn't be doing that play I was doing it anyways I guess whatever I got it actually [ __ ] block the field though it's the end of the third yes oh my okay that's a weight off my shoulders by the way I understand that that reaction was as if somebody was dropping a couch and I was on the other side I got I got it I got it going for the goal oh nearly picked off what a huge play that would have been for this defense all right now I'm just being an [ __ ] what Robbie no oh man he got a tattoo uh you got the smelling salts he tried so hard never mind he tried he was such an integral part of the team and he's dead we gotta win this one oh he should be careful it's all right his memory will live on when we beat when we win the championship game and it's good to get out of Pee Wee leagues and to go into the like baby division from PP from Peewee to wee wee this is a good player dude this is it oh no that's the guess the quarterback [Laughter] [Applause] up to the season now this game is unwinnable for them they have a backup quarterback in right now why don't we kill him we gotta get revenge for uh for Robbie what are you talking about don't do that you don't want revenge for the broken shattered neck that they gave to Robbie what the hell is that what the hell was that [Applause] [ __ ] was that well that passes [Applause] he's gonna level the receiver's book show lasers are amazing things okay so well now this just became a game looks like they'll try an onside kick here damn [Applause] let's pick it up pick it up oh that was close uh I should get it because I have the Unleashed Championship comes to Las Vegas wanna see something funny [Applause] oh this doesn't run the clock out oh right never mind yeah on their home turf good job I I forgot that I thought the clock was gonna run out [Applause] he's going long and it's hauled in at the 14-yard line and the defender plants him it was such a bomb pass it's your last play don't matter I'm not supposed to give you a touchdown because it's fun [Applause] and I got one second I want to hurt somebody Championship win Las Vegas wins the Division three championship and will move up to division two both your A and B samples came back positive son this is [ __ ] he's never used thyroids in his life you're trying to bend him over because he wouldn't play For Your Precious La riot you know franchise I can make this go away well if you play for the riot and sign a six-year contract oh I got a I got [ __ ] you no deal whoa they're conspiring against me that's what's going on if the sponsors here you flunked the drug test man I ain't flunked no [ __ ] drug test except you probably did because we've been taking drugs the whole season okay oh [ __ ] Ultra null is on the FBI's banned substance list in fact I'm surprised you've probably taken a drug every other game franchise you're under arrest Correctional Facility Mr franchise ordinarily I don't like having celebrities in my prison however you're a happy exception man what's this well it just so happens next month we're having our annual football game against the super max facility down the road and you just became my ringer son ain't no movie I ain't playing in some prison game you can play and be out of here in time for training camp or you can refuse and piss away the next two years making license plates so what do you say Super Bowl two get out of jail sounds good to me Milltown Correctional versus the super max prison team there's a reason we've ever beaten the super max prison team oh God and it's guys like Carl Turpin should have made that hell hold their home interpret to serve in time for 23 counts of aggravated assault no helmets either [Music] too bad we can't leave turbids Shackled this is wild oh God this is ridiculous okay so there's no kickoff there we go all right watch out for the guy on the left first and 45. got it touchdown right there first play of the game get it got it I there's no field goal you have to do a two-point conversion take the shoulder out that's always the most devastating one is this it what I forgot how [ __ ] awful that was all right we're good got it got it still no nobody touched me nobody touched me oh what's it uh beer Chuck nice it's all right 14-0 come on man we gotta do this all day let's get up man come on that's not the same voice actor that's a completely different voice gotta do this all day hey is he going with it got it nice that's a fumble recovery hit no helmets [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Cox is being stupid [ __ ] I was trying to knock him down I was trying to just jump into him everybody does like the [ __ ] emote oh [Laughter] [ __ ] that's a safety where are we what the where was that oh my God that was bad oh this is bad oh the game's the game broke this is this is all glitched out did I just enter I can't get out of here okay can we uh maybe relax for a second and something is [ __ ] up with this controller I think something's going on weird I lost um I don't see any player icons [ __ ] see what I'm saying what the hell's going on who's oh like this is weird did I win yeah something ain't right some paint right one I won the game too that's unfortunate yeah I got soft locked somehow I knew something weird was going on I lost the player icons it should be back to normal right yes now I see icons again that was very weird I'll just beat him again just win I don't understand we're gonna his hand foreign I agree 16. oh another exploded call upon and we're gonna make it even get the [ __ ] up was that the arm was that the arm that he did that with that was the with the busted sir that was with the [ __ ] up shoulder too that's so funny thank you and go wide open touchdown really there are no uh yeah there's no there's no kicker there's no punts there's no kicking it's just Play No field goals that was beautiful he anticipated that over the exact moment that he needed to and this should get another touchdown right here you know what [ __ ] it watch this no that's me [Laughter] that my back hurts after that oh come on laughs oh that was [ __ ] ridiculous [Laughter] I was gonna go for a QB sneak and go and get enough free touchdown um up up in the old End Zone in the sky oh my God come on man like um this this is like doing it for me somehow I'm like what the hell was that oh [Laughter] really no how big is this field this is I would this is the second time first time I had a ghost interception and [ __ ] up the game and I was up by like 14 points now I was up by 14 points again and they broke my neck and ruined my career and then that you're still okay I need to get these the off it's a 50 yard field you only get one possession you can't get over that stupid uh [ __ ] me I love this game what about you [Music] you know how to do it what what are the other ones so that's man crush knockout is square square triangle triangle all right can somebody explain to me why we just both did the same thing and they have two extra points I don't get it what happens oh the safety the stuff right the safety in the beginning of the game right right right of course of course come for the elbow no it's just it was the forearm again oh no no there it is another shoulder yeah kick him in the shoulder Mortal Kombat wishes it was this gross but this is what I was talking about when I was talking about how the new Mortal Kombat games after this game came out they started doing that like disgusting stuff why this dude you didn't have to do you guys fell oh I [ __ ] don't even know what to say foreign exploded no I don't even know what I did I try to no no it's the same guy same guy same shoulder foreign they got the ball back nope you think I could see that I could smell you from a mile away thank you yeah nowhere I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up no Jeremy what the heck are you doing just try to catch it like I'm so hell-bent on da whatever [ __ ] trying to like dive into him and it's okay now we are on a completely even playing field it's got a goddamn power here thank you we both have Unleashed I don't want to use my unleash I want him to probably use it here what is that me it's not me I thought that was the end of the career again thank God so now I have it let's see if I can convert this nice play that's exactly what I wanted no it was for the team he did it for the team that was the guy that did the super tackle oops no just play a game of football without having one of my bones explode okay there's a reason everybody it's just like a 40 chance that if you get tackled your collarbone is going to blow up just I gotta and he's the quarterback I'm the quarterback and I'm the safety uh can I put him on the bench for the game I have to keep him a wave all completely away from Harm's Way yeah that bone heals in like five rounds if you get any injury it's over now I'm so terrified to even get involved in a play because if I roll over out of bed like an old lady I'm gonna get hurt [Music] no no he's the quarterback okay seriously how am I with a quarterback I just said oh come on he keeps dying okay so um I'm gonna run at every play I'm just gonna hand it off to and they're gonna take the fall from me don't run it um when I pass it if I get hit it's over I need to have the my like half back run and do like quick little slant plays see like it's everyone's mid head of [ __ ] paper oh no it's that mean guy who cares about this dude just get the touchdown there he is again that guy inmate two seven four five nine four eight six six two five two seven eight four doing a great job now you're out forever foreign that's me right now if there were if I had the ball still who cares forget about like the jobbers like the Hulk Hogan used to fight like a nameless dude don't catch that who cares about what the warm-up matches [ __ ] everyone's getting this skull fracture what are they feeding us in here whatever it is it's not nutritious at all nice catch Tucker my character cannot put his hands in the ball I'm serious at this point I just have to run the clock out and try to play defense and on defense two I can fall the wrong way I can roll the wrong way in so many ways this goes wrong explain yeah fumble oh okay fumble yes [Laughter] okay don't just run just run it I don't I don't have to play I just have to survive this quarterback survived I could potentially turn it over no I'm not going to do that I think it took a half right eighteen to zero first quarter time all they have to do is kill me but as long as I keep myself out of Harm's Way it's not gonna happen I gotta kill that guy I know I know I know I gotta kill this guy doesn't matter use it I don't even be using my own leash and Jeremy why are you passing I feel like this is probably the one they're not gonna get any Phantom players we're not going to get any broken necks he jumped over don't do any unnecessary Dives with that character nice okay things are looking up rushing attack get rid of the ball just don't be right foreign oh my God my eyes had a heart attack I seriously thought I was going to do this all over again look at how far we are in the game where are my it's getting weird again I don't have uh no it's getting weird people have walking in Ram directions and [ __ ] okay I gotta stop them here and that should begin Bingo pretty sick no timeout I don't know what did I just do what play was that what play was that it's actually half time he was like oh [ __ ] I've got this ball you take it you actually have to play through all four quarters like this all right they don't get a touchdown it's game over no it's not true it's close turn over I'm done perfect Derma is so stressed he hasn't made a joke in like an hour yeah cause I I want to get out of the prison Arc oh I broke his spine if I punch him in the face how do you that was some Mortal Kombat uppercut [ __ ] there who does that doesn't let it move the Scorpion does turnover hubris I'm up by a lot though [Music] Boomer overconfidence wait is that no no I don't know it doesn't matter I'm gonna buy so much it doesn't matter I don't want this fourth quarter we're almost done really let's go that guy's dead I was trying to talk run and it's the same stick as duke if it doesn't show up on the screen you joke instead hey that look is so good but holy [ __ ] was it bad [Laughter] I got this that looked real cool for how bad it actually was go all right I need to stop this nonsense and [ __ ] win the goddamn game again he tried he jumped up again he's like two more touchdowns oh my God what a [ __ ] hero don't do it you got it no I didn't you ran out of gas it's okay we're going right up the middle I can't imagine if I broke my back there I would have [ __ ] my pants okay I don't the play doesn't matter just get rid of it I win it's over early release awareness pleased with your good behavior and has arranged for your sentence to be reduced to time served you're free that was the real Super Bowl trade offer to be traded hey Ashman oh what oh I can get Cho from all right that's insane why would you want this why would you give this to me oh I can pick anybody from I see from the last division all right who do I got a B minus for wide receiver what do I need Improvement here wide receiver Wallace look at that that's a huge upgrade we're gonna go with Wallace wait hold on this this is this is Cookie wasn't isn't he bad doesn't cookie bring like the whole team down the only thing okay the only thing that'll happen if I bring on Cho is everybody will like sleep with his wife right it's tough to get rid of a B minus for an A minus I'd rather get rid of like a c for an a defensive what a latch Shaw this is a defensive tackle kind of necessary I'm gonna take Joe or the tackle C plus versus an A minus way more strength yeah we need some more defense I'm going for uh I'm going for latcha Robbie's dead to get rid of him dump Robbie's corpse don't Robbie's corpse I mean this is true he's dead was Sullivan a team player we have to bury him he's he died plus an A minus halfback is ridiculous done I know we're gonna we keep him for the meme but guys the halfback is one of the most important players in the whole field Robbie's gone it's an A minus halfback he saw his neck explode um I just want to make sure that everyone's aware of this Robbie got injured every five plays so he was actually really on the field maybe like like 50 to 60 percent of the time so did you really like Robbie maybe he did make a few good plays but I mean there you go hey hey look who's back sorry I couldn't pick you up personally from the slam but I've been busy trying to line you up some new sponsors you do know all the old sponsors bailed when you were convicted right but don't worry because you work your magic on the field I'll do mine off the field and I will be forgiven Sullivan there we go okay Sullivan's gonna take decreased Clash drain that sounds pretty good for a half back turbo bar drain slower that's really good for a half back yeah wait what's with the team risky oh no I just got in trouble for taking drugs how do I take those off oh [ __ ] I just got out of prison I can't remove it I am going back to jail I think Los Angeles Riot is the next game they're a much better team look how much better of a team they are let's go finally we get to play the Los Angeles riot our beloved commissioner's Dream Team the captain of this gang of all stars is Bruno Battaglia veteran linebacker and all around [ __ ] Battaglia surgically upgraded his elbow with a titanium replacement not good considering the man already wrote the book on cheap shots every Sunday he writes another chapter all right be careful titanium bionic elbow guy [Applause] good luck see you later [Applause] quarterback and not too many guys are going to escape when that is that's what they pay the big bucks for I mean it's right up the middle and if they if they really got managing they throw manhole covers around like they were throwing mantles holy [ __ ] you still got it thank God I got away from him and there he is when's the next bathroom break oh there probably will not be a bathroom break oh my goodness where you at where are you at oops he's got all the time in the world kill him kill that quarterback [Applause] yes well and then hunting [Applause] wow and he's tackled at the 35. so at the end of one I could have turned that into something crazy Las Vegas leads by seven goes way downfield and he makes the ground what's going on [Music] [Applause] Sullivan with a [ __ ] beautiful catch you should be able to run it right in all right it's okay is this tongue yeah oh yeah we're tearing up the field here see look at his tongue was left out of his hanging out what do you see that Las Vegas covers it up he drops back the throw he's got it [Applause] [Laughter] Kane is your brother big series of downs upcoming he Fades back touchdown different celebrations dead La riot better team you don't got the chemistry that I do you got the stats on paper but you don't get the heart I do see you in the second half I figured it was gonna be difficult it was like a one in four team that I had trouble with not like the LA rival somehow [Music] I'm gonna bingo [Applause] did I just break that tackle oh no [Music] oh my God it's just a sprained neck it's not a broken thing it's not a broken neck I was about to be very sad he's going long who the hell was that whoever there are they getting a raise well what's this at Las Vegas better than L.A all right quarterback is in the game again this is oh that's why that's why I get it foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you where are you going why did he run that way turns on a dime LED I got a Sonic Unleashed they do too it comes in the third quarter last play of the quarter and Eaves and deep fight no no no no no oh he's out for four games come on that's they're only like five seven games in a season that's not good number 80's gonna have to step up that's Ashwin who's the half back right now Cox all right let's hope he gets his let's hope he gets like his and they can't convert no don't do an onside kick how do I change that [Applause] this is the last game of the night this is gonna be the last game of the night that is what's gonna happen third down and long fragrance is probably a pretty good stopping place to beat uh Los Angeles as Las Vegas oops we will pick back up with this game because I I'm having a blast I love it and we're probably about probably about halfway in front of the campaign in the next uh game or two did I get a ball crush yet yes I did a few times now it's not good he held on to it and he's not injured good got his revenge the offense trying to finish off the drive here on paper they have enough weapons to make this a cake boss and he's in um um hold on what is it I need to do one more right I haven't done Knockouts square square triangle triangle should be it [Applause] [Music] got it right you know what like [ __ ] field goal blocks and now let's just call it third into waves Los Angeles retains possessions he got it okay I think I can stop it right here he takes it inside wide open and he's got it what a beautiful turnaround and there goes another broken frog wrist and that's the end of the game uh I get one more play here Hail Mary into the end zone see if I can win by like 50 points [Applause] complete at the six yard line get in there Cox I'm pretty sure I think that's like the antagonist in the whole game the ones that lost hell ain't gonna forgive one way or another I'm gonna get that [ __ ] Commission slow down two shots in a row Sands you over the hill slow down yo franchise I gotta say I'm pretty surprised to see you hanging with Sans I figured you want this guy dead that's four shots of vodka wait he doesn't know does he know what he doesn't know what don't listen to this fool he's full of [ __ ] punch in face three two oh man get the [ __ ] up I wanna knock your ass back down again oh yeah time to party [Music] I'm gonna find uh oh I gotta tell you this is not the way to endure yourself the potential new clients sponsors are willing to overlook an arrest record but they still want winners um dude I'm like [ __ ] eight and one hey man hey you got a call from Tara a while back I know what she sounds like but trust me you're gonna want to meet with this girl Chicago with all kinds of [ __ ] and if she really likes what she sees she could be a real freak I think that's Cox I know what I mean oh it's Bruno calling me now when you're ready to leave that piece of [ __ ] team of yours and join the riot give me a call yeah I know the right people I'm up hey franchise got time for a meeting today you're gonna like it you racked up over 200 yards on offense last Sunday and that got another big sponsor beating down our door for your endorsement what are the pro cleats Shoes by Turf Pros all right injuries I need this is where we need to okay I need uh d7's got a broken collarbone two games out one game out get as many staff on him as I can all right that's uh I think it's a good stopping point for now and I'm sorry to all the Ace Attorney fans but uh I kind of want I think I want to beat this it's so fun I I had what a blast this was uh after this Ace Attorney yes I will try to get that to work but uh that's gonna be the end of two nights stream so thank you all for watching really appreciate it uh grimoir for the five dollars and five cents thank you grimoire hey germa I work at a vet in Vegas and Like A year ago when you announced your move I dreamed that I saw Otto at work and instantly recognized him because I've seen Otto's big adventure one and two dozens of times what we're spamming the link here what's going on this is another if it I would put this on the stream but I don't I want people to be able to go to bed tonight you know I would really love it if people could like be able to go to sleep tonight let's see if I can get this on the screen I apologize to anybody that uh wanted to go to sleep because here it is here's a strange video it's over on both monitors now and it's freaking me out I have to take it off that's my transition into the Green Goblin uh but thank you for more lost local Las Vegas vet hey scar thanks for the one dollar so I'm not sure if I should tell you this uh but this man approached me and said he was a top 1000 streamer or something and he threatened to snap my back in half it's just that [ __ ] image of my face and that it's that's like it's like this one no it's this one it's this one it's this one it's this one it's not that one it's this one but with like the other guys whatever this one does this looks like a different person all the other ones have looked like me but it's weird how the bottom of my face doesn't even look like a face this doesn't even look like it could be me this is some weird cousin booger eating stream why did I read that uh have a great rest of your night everybody and congrats to the New England Patriots on winning the Super Bowl your New England Patriots good night everybody
Channel: Skye4
Views: 141,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma
Id: yw8f5CWx43g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 8sec (10088 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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