The Dumbest Streamer in the Galaxy - Jerma Streams The Outer Worlds (Long Edit #1)

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how many [ __ ] we got on this ship anyhow yo i knew it i'm surrounded by [ __ ] good afternoon how are you good to see you welcome to another broadcast this is broadcast number 862. thanks for joining me we're almost at that thousand we'll be we'll be there soon we're almost at that thousand and then just like uh y2k when we cross over to from nine nine nine to one zero zero zero uh the whole stream ends forever because i don't know what the [ __ ] to do it just goes back to zero so i have to start a new channel and go from zero again that's fair i'm gonna be starting outer worlds today and that's probably what we're gonna do for the next few streams uh let's get to it there's most players who are looking for an extra challenge and hard mode enemies have had more health and do more damage than supernova you can tell that this is actually hard when supernova has patch notes i'm just i'm just gonna do normal move cursor in the right spot uh oh it's doing this thing again isn't it oh [ __ ] it's doing it's doing the ovs cursor right hold on hold on hold on i know how to fix this i know people are gonna puke because they see me i know i know don't look at my settings still doing it isn't it why is this even why is this even possible doesn't make any sense what the [ __ ] is this doing hold on scale resolution why is this scaling to 1536 by 864. all right it's in the right spot now but what did i just do the resolution no now it's like [ __ ] up again i have no idea just move on i kind of can't hold on why would this even be happening what the [ __ ] is happening all right i think it's i think it's ready to go game sucks no it's not game sucks it's streamlabs obs sucks and i say this every [ __ ] stream why do i still use this what's the why do i keep using this am i am i like a next level omega lazy where i won't just uninstall this program i had regular obs and it worked just [ __ ] fine why do i have this program there's one feature on it that's actually good and all the other ones suck i need to stop being so [ __ ] a hyper omega lazy all right i can't i can't get up i can't get upset all right back to what we were talking about before normal or hard [ __ ] why would that even happen normal's too easy hard i'll do hard all right hard hard like the scaling is just bugged out i got frank's red hot down there awesome put it on everything it's delicious i saw the video i saw the video i know like that's for the person that made that video that's for you hundreds of thousands of colonists left to drift out here forever just to keep from damaging the board's bottom line disgraceful so this is this is a which one are you scenario right all right here we go attributes body strength dexterity mind perception personality okay here we go let's do this let's let's do this the the way that it should be okay and you can see what it does on the right okay temperament improves your natural health regeneration max your strength out okay strength fx melee weapon do i okay do i want to be melee or do i want to be ranged okay intelligence is long guns persuade hack medical science and determination you need to be the low iq well not that low i don't okay i don't want this to be a stream where we laugh every time i open a dialog box because i can't even function is that possible low iq high melee next did you just next does get nexted in the game the game crashed where's my mouse what the [ __ ] oh okay that was weird i always got forced into another game charm charm effects faction reputation and companion ability cooldowns persuade lie intimidate hacks this one had a uh what are those called again social life i mean come on that's pretty good i'm pretty good at lying and i'm very good at inspiring all right had temperament navigational computer to find your temper oh i get points for doing that i bet you could fall yourself with sheer rage i mean i i'm i'm kind of hot-headed but health regen that sucks having no health regen no i'm i'm good no that's too much charm temperament is a dumb stat yeah i'm doing i want to do heavy wep no i want to do like handguns i want to be like a revolver spinner i got pretty good dexterity in real life i want weapon reload you've seen me play the connect i can move around real fast i'll have to use smaller words around you long guns i don't really care but minus 20 critical strike damage that's terrible this is below okay below average does not mean idiot it i can't go lower than that if you're below average intelligence that doesn't mean you speak in one word sentences charismatic enough to give the chance i think that's all right for his [ __ ] charismatic enough for the bits he's already you got this guy's already got me figured out there we go i got perception extra head shots and i can charm you i might not be that intelligent but is that really going to give me stupid dialogue options all right let's go i said i'm sticking with it skel [ __ ] okay low iq cowboy yeah well to be fair i don't know education wasn't the most important [ __ ] thing back in the cowboy times back back in the [ __ ] like saloon times that's a lie was that a lie okay you could probably talk your way out of a landing ticket persuade humans have a 20 chance to cower in fear for three seconds after the first time you hit them all right handguns 87.9 handgun crit chance and handgun sway all right yep i like it aptitude farmer dirt you got into this business for the tubers [Laughter] but he stayed for the plowing planting pruning and plucking i got into this business for the tubers toss ball team mascot okay that's i would probably do that now's your chance to have vengeance good dirt farm but yeah that's more accurate prefer our food can that's more accurate here's something about making yourself and a character creator everybody can relate to this i know you can if there are people watching you make yourself in a character creator and you make yourself look wicked good you almost feel like you're being judged by everybody like dude okay you know you're not like come on like you got like that chin like that like chiseled like that it's like oh uh no yeah it looks like me i think as n when you make other people in the room you ever have that problem yeah i'll make make me next make me next and you're like oh yeah okay man you look over oh i mean you you're like oh no i can't do that because i can't you you have a kind of a small mouth but i can't i don't i don't want you to i don't want you to know that so i'm just going to do this right here that's like normal that you that no you're you're just everything is normal your everything about you is completely and totally [ __ ] normal dude like oh your nose is big but like you're you're everything is completely fine and that's you i can't i i i know they have the same that's why i leave the room when they're making me oh it's your turn to make me uh you know what i got to use the bathroom and i'll just leave for 20 minutes so then they don't feel uh pressured and then they go okay that's like what his face looks like that's what his eyes look like i'm gonna try to make me this is what i think i look like but it's impossible to do that no i'm doing it to myself i'm doing the thing i just told you about to myself because i know you're watching because my my mouth doesn't go that far i don't know i have a i do have a fairly large nose i know that to be the case but it's not that it's not like bulbous it's big but it's also thin at the same time i have a really weird nose and it goes sideways i don't know i don't know i can't do it i have to leave the room for 20 minutes you guys have to make me it's an fps who cares i do this doesn't look [ __ ] anything like me it's like it's like woody harrelson all right let's go whatever i mean i guess i kind of do look a little i could be like woody harrelson's nephew i could be here we go let's move on name oh this is important this is such a bad character this is like this is that a.i created this person doesn't exist algorithm that's not what junko looks like dirt man what i'm just gonna be junko who [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] skills uh this guy kind of sucks uh he just lies i'm just the side goblin character i'm not an actual protagonist oh well all right let's play oh look at you you're lucky great scott your lucky day my friend bro i [ __ ] love rick and morty it's seated for it's incoming damn the internet did a full 180 on rick and morty like it was internet loved rick and morty and then internet [ __ ] hated rick and morty all it took was a mcdonald's sauce for everyone to hate that show what's gonna happen to you hey i've been around almost 10 years this is season 10. it's gonna turn into the simpsons eventually no i'll just quit i see we're in position good luck all right it's time any npc can die it's a good thing he got out of my way because he would have been the first this is so funny xd i'm lulling so hard is this thing working relax there you are hold up sport you guys you guys need to relax but not even like 15 minutes into the game interesting can't even see my feet this game belongs in the trash can i can't even see my feet walking game should be deleted a sprat whoa whoa i gotta react to this oh it's like a litter okay while sneaking use tall grass rocks another cover to hide from enemies he's the sneak to use to sneak past enemies or sneak up to them initiate combat adreno the awareness meters over enemy heads tell you if they are unaware of suspicious investigating or alerted so just hide oh that's the awareness meter let's get spotted did i get spotted in the tutorial whatever all right path to ship let's keep going what's going on uh you see now you've been frozen for a while i mean the game looks pretty good it's one of those games though and i'm already gonna give it a criticism but this is just a personal preference only personal preference though this is not actually meant as a game sucks mentality it's a it reminds me of the way that wildstar looked and i didn't like that style it hurt my head npc the second i have an opportunity you've tried the best now now try the rest spacers choice oh wow that stings medical five so still i'll patch you up what happened to you uh spacers what see i'm not speaking in one sentence dialogue options do i have medical five ah looks like the bleeding stopped i owe you one hope you don't mind me omitting this little exchange for my report spacer's choice doesn't like us accepting outside help how are you feeling what happened to you did i just heal him to kill him i want you to feel good i want you to be able to fight back what happened to you we were out on patrol i saw a marauder camp up in the hills thought i could take him then my gun misfired right through my side i mean what are the odds of that right just barely scrape by with my life you're hiding in a cave and you blocked off the exit you're as good as dead spacer's choice policy clearly stipulates that dead and as good as dead are two completely different properties of matter i will report that illegally grounded spacecraft if it is the last thing i do see those canisters by the entrance marauders come sniffing around in here and i can take them all out with a single shot uh [Laughter] i've got a better idea give me your gun and i'll go get help someone grounded this ship illegally well don't worry i'll take care of them for you you're an idiot give me your gun before you get yourself killed all right give me your gun yeah okay you look like you know your way around a gun got some spare ammo not counting the bullet in my side i want that one too you can have my saber too i've got medical five i'll take it out where am i you hit your head or something you're an emerald veil we're a spacer's choice community edgewater's a little ways down to get one pretty place in the veil all right i'm off ooh cool kill him no not yet he was he was useful to me he gave me a gun shoot it but if i don't want it should i shoot it i guess i'm damaged [Applause] what their food due to complications stemming from being revived after an extended hibernation your brain processes time differently pressing the tactical time dilation button slows down the world giving you time to think as well as take action so this is like the vat system you have a limited time in this mode standing still drains your ttd meter very slowly while moving and attacks drain it faster the ttd meter refreshes slowly over time npc all right all right that's two npcs dead double wait what was it does it dump oh there's a double jump space is like a dodge double jumping uh double tapping is a dodge hacking and picking locks your hacking and lock pick skills help you get into places you're not meant to be if your skill is high enough to break the security you'll see how many mag pics or shunts you need and how long it will take two seconds to pick this this is two headed melee i don't need i don't do two-handed daylight imagine getting shot in the head and going huh where did that come from so that's just slows down the time all right i get boy don't know where you came from stranger but you best keep your head down kill kale kill no and worse landing violators landing in the veil without using an official space's choice landing pad i'd slap him with a fine if it weren't for all these marauders shambling about all right let me be clear about something very very quickly this is my ship that we're talking about right that's mine right okay let it go it's a planning violation mine no way once we've dealt with these marauders i'm hunting that sick freak down guess i'll have to give you a zero on my customer satisfaction survey you know um looks like i'm gonna have to give you a zero your your [ __ ] linkedin account your yelp review seriously but those marauders you know what you're right it's time we cross those marauders off find whoever owns that ship and file a full report then it's gonna be [ __ ] laminating we swear but they have armor they have arm if i attack they have armor i'm gonna get destroyed they have like rifles they don't have armor on their head it doesn't matter this is they're going to find out this is my ship what do i do this is they're going to find out this is my ship they have to hide the bodies you can fast travel to locations you have unlocked by opening your map and selecting your destinations this is this is not my ship oh you know what i can appreciate helen this is let me appreciate something in the game so far pause it in other games that are like this like the fallout style kind of first person rpg type games it takes forever to kill an npc i shot that person in the head twice they were instantly dead that's i kind of appreciate that a little marauder salmon fingers is dangerous for your health did i kill this is that where's the computer's brain smile for my surveillance device marauder i am tracking your every move really oh did they get me i am ada the autonomous digital astrogator of this vessel please be informed that i am authorized to use violent retribution against unwanted solicitors can you lie to computers appropriated equipment failure to do so will result in your immediate destruction the lies don't work on computers they don't understand that what that even means they just they're it's binary they you know zero one zero one one zero zero zero they don't understand like the the nuances of of telling fibs how would they know that what are you going to do self-destruct [Laughter] there's something supposed to be happening you are still here my deception protocols have failed oh you think you can lie to me you express disappointment yeah you can't lie don't you computers can't [ __ ] lie is this hot this vessel is the registered property of captain alex hawthorne i thought was supposed to meet me when i landed hawthorne's dead i'm sorry your captain's a red smear under my escape pod i understand i will require some time to process this information i am programmed to take orders exclusively from captain hawthorne if i accept your orders then you must be captain hawthorne do you understand dumb nod and smile yes just excellent okay welcome back captain hawthorne unfortunately our engine is currently inoperable our main drive suffered a critical power failure and we were forced to make an emergency landing oh no the main drive's power regulator has been irreparably damaged and must be replaced i doubt i'll find a part like that just sitting in a garage how could you be a dumb engineer that's kind of doesn't make any sense astutely observed however the probability of locating a power regulator within a worker settlement falls within acceptable parameters have you ever played man vs machine jeremy power regulators are sometimes employed in the electrical networks of worker settlements this cartridge identifies you alex hawthorne as the registered proprietor and captain of the unreliable captain hawthorne are the unreliable i like it knock it off with this captain hawthorne nonsense no i like it thank you best of luck in your search for a power regulator try to stay alive this time congratulations you've gained enough experience to go on a level up every time you level up yeah yeah you improve your skill spending a skill point on a core skill improves all the specialized skills in that group i'm just going to do i'm going to do like speed or health i'm going to say health yeah i mean 50 base health and how you can't go wrong there skills i want to do yeah let's make sure we have 30 lying in 30 intimidate handguns yeah i want to [ __ ] it yeah you've unlocked location hit effects for tactical time dilation hitting enemies in different locations during ttd maims or cripples those body parts try different locations see what different effects happen you've unlocked a dialogue combat skill when attacking the correct type of target they are automatically debilitated dialogue combat all right i'm ready go find a part i'll be with you friend i'm ernie i was about to head shopping racers choice department of human resources town sent me hereabouts to check on the guards oh the guards now it seems to me seems to me they're all dead ryan tell me what happened here the guards accidentally brutally shot themselves while on patrol i don't like your tell yeah they accidentally brutally shot themselves accidentally brutally shot themselves huh unbelievable second time this month can't just leave company property scattered about blade down on the dirt good idea and clean up the ship uh clean up this ship i'm an official spacers choice spacecraft on an official spacers choice landing pad do i look like an auto mechanical sanitation unit the answer to both questions is no no no i can't i can't i can't do it can't kill everybody but you can scare everybody this guy's not even scared feel good you killed everybody in dark wood i did not kill everyone in darkwood i killed like three npcs two maybe one on accident i like that okay is there like a big revolver in this game tell me if there's a big one-handed revolver if there's not i'm going to uninstall it again wait i thought that just a town leader but when i shot that guy in the head i heard like no that is a town leader i don't know why all right so this is edgewater is the town what is this thing coffin that's kind of weird what i'm doing i never got your name i'm junko nice to meet you i'm alex hawthorne captain of the unreliable what is taking on an identity pleased to make your acquaintanceship i'd shake your hand but i've been hauling corpses you don't want none of that identity theft name silas from junior day one junior in humor like a comedian no i ain't that fancy i just dig what's wrong with my character my character just snaps into being an idiot sometimes i'm lying to people and taking identities and introducing myself as other characters and being like really high iq type [ __ ] and then i'm just like junior in yo in comedy i understand this switch is just flipping every like other conversation you're pretending to be dumb it's just you no it's in the trunk he's pretending to be dumb look you obviously ain't a worker what's your racket you're a smuggler freelancer uh it depends on the work you offer me a job you you've offered edgewater is a company town board owned and operated that includes the cemetery none of us own our grave sites we rent them from the company renting means money money means paperwork paperwork means signatures some of our families become a might delinquent in paying their dues you see you're making people pay for their own grave company policy it was up to me i'd put the whole town 10 feet under free of charge well that's [ __ ] up what a psycho i'm the psycho bodies won't bury themselves you know i'll yeah i'll do it four workers still haven't paid up phyllis conrad and martin abernathy he's a special case you may want to twist his arm a little why he just is look i don't want to get into it just make sure he pays up uh i'll be back click click click click click click click click click oh where elo all right town all right town leader that's where i got confused this was hovering over his head that i shot in the head and i thought it was his name that makes okay now i get it keep your distance friend sick house is now click click click click click click i appreciate the company and all but you really ought to leave you don't want to be seen around me why because i'm sick i'm in about as much trouble as i can be no reason you ought to be tarnished by association i don't give a [ __ ] i'm what am i being watched the walls talk is all any of us breaks company protocol boss is gonna hear about it from six different mouths you think i care about maybe you don't know this but there's a real simple reason you don't talk to the plagued you don't want what we've got well you get the plague medical and dumb you should get really drunk alcohol kills germs i i'm not allowed to leave the sick house even if i were i shouldn't be at the container what a shitty diagnosis oh wait i could be like a really stupid doctor i like that that's fun to me i didn't know that that was possible uh i'm not only allowed to leave would be not allowed to leave i don't want to spread what i've got i'll bring this up company always tells us but i didn't want to fall sick with plague maybe i should have worked harder maybe i should have taken more pride in my work that's ridiculous you can't blame yourself because you get you got sick you can't wait i really wish you wouldn't say those sorts of things people could be listening and i'm holding the gun i'm feeling a touch faint i've got 38 points on him i'd like to be alone for a spell don't you know my points can you see my points oh sorry like i'm like a snake guys don't do quick fast movements in front of me i will strike what the hell is going on out here please fire me company ammo what the [ __ ] are you shooting at is it the rats coming out and this person's freaking out all right so is there anybody else in here what's this mechanical sentry this is not stealing how is this not stealing this is not stealing this is not stealing how something's not right why this why are you coming after me what did i do something's not right where why you have your gun up and just crawling at me [Applause] you guys really really don't like rats holy [ __ ] this is super rat i've been feeling pretty lowly they're shooting people the boss catches it [Music] my god that's the the the disease is from the rats i still need to track down people that oh money i have to switch quests oh yeah there we go okay so i'm tracking it now yes mr thompson i'm fine mr thompson oh this is the one that he warned me about whoa uh did uh did mr thompson send you uh will you tell mr thompson i'll be right at my post tomorrow uh bright and early tomorrow because i'm definitely not plagued as spry is a spring chicken that's old abernathy you want to tell me what's got you so nervous you're some sort of wandering alienist walking into a man's own domicile pestering him about his mental state let's just i'm gonna cut the [ __ ] here i'm here to collect your feet silas knows doesn't he that's why he sent you that's why he wants me to pay up yeah he told me everything how long do you think you could keep it a secret i mean seriously sounds like he's already told you you may as well hear it from me i'm dying i'm not long for this world it's plague has to be silas knows he knows i got one foot in my grave and now he wants to charge me for the other one i'm sorry to hear that you're being paranoid i'm sure it's all very tragic and heartbreaking pay me so i can get out of here that's so that's so rude but would a dumb doctor gunslinger that took one class of engineering before he dropped out of college say this i don't think so you are oh wow first time anyone's ever told me that i'll pay your fees i don't want any trouble from silas but if you could see your way to freelancing for me i could really use the help hmm that depends on what you need couple hours out of your day and some light second story work that's all there's a cacha anthracillin tucked away in the old community center powerful stuff stronger than what we got i'm a doctor i'm into this i need you to break in nab that medicine and bring it back to me but thievery is something that i am absolutely for in these games you oblige me with your haste you're taking an awful risk trusting me you know i could just flip if the marauders offered me triple what their ass what you're paying me i'm just gonna you know i'm giving you up i know that but i got nobody else to turn to marauders don't make deals well then that's on them you don't want to make a deal with me fine you know how that goes the barber shop i see you're also a a doctor a medical profession please don't touch anything your hands are probably crawling with germs okay physical hygiene recapitulates moral hygiene i can show you my hands listening to you makes my head hurt an intimidating dumb doctor that is a pathological liar i like this character uh i could show you my hands look here they are no thank you that's quite all right i've seen enough body parts in my line of work we're both doctors i'm conrad you will report to me if your hair fails to meet spacer's choice aesthetic standards payout ah gravesite fees silas and i had talked about this at length i thought i'd made it clear my pecuniary situation precludes the necessary restitutions uh i don't understand a word you said i mean that i can't possibly pay my gravesite fees i simply cannot afford it i am a blemish on the prosperity of our fair settlement when i expire i expect silas to toss my body into a ditch i just sneezed uh you have a very loose definition of the word prosperity that's some quality drama conrad you should audition that's quality thank you no i despise the cereals tell silas i can't afford to pay and that i fully expect to have my medical rights revoked for this dereliction medical rights just give silas an iou forehead hang on what would medical some time ago i fell ill with the plague does everybody have the plague by the grace of the law and through my own hard work i'd proven worthy of treatment frankly i don't imagine i'll earn that right a second time the barber work hasn't been profitable you see i've had to keep this old place running with my own savings just kidding not a bad idea but i'd need some kind of collateral my pair of lucky clippers no that won't do yes it will where are they your idea intrigues me but i'm afraid i don't have anything to give silas i'm open to suggestions i'll let you know if i can think of anything much obliged are those them well i'll trade you you just take this uh somebody's outside is it the guard wait it is the guard so i have to collect from you fancy threads that some kind of hibernation suit wait this is this is the guy i have to come collect from you hey you know that money that you were looking for i need it from you give it to me dude i should just click click click you know what i mean but i'm not gonna getting an idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot just kill them after you do their quest no i'm not just gonna ruin everything yeah sure oh just shoot the barber the [ __ ] head yeah that's gonna ruin the rest of the whole game whatever make it quick tenderfoot i'm busy gravesite fees i'm here to collect [ __ ] sila's still on about that here take the fees i'd appreciate it if you didn't tell reed i was late on my payment i'm gonna tell them these papers aren't signed in your name because they're not my fees and not my gravesite guy i worked with shot himself i paid the bill uh yeah that's kind of you i guess i could do without the sarcasm wasn't acting out of the goodness of my heart law requires delinquent gravesite fees to be paid by the deceased party's closest living relative which meant me shame though eugene was a good worker he said they'd chuckle woke up one morning and put her around through his upper story is this a murderer the kid was doing all right at his desk we all thought he was an upstanding receptionist that must be tough eugene wasn't family i thought you said that you were the closest living relative yeah i was the closest living person relative to his body at time of death i'm the one who found him you see so i pay the fines suicide's a crime what the legal term is irreparable damage to company property what eugene did to himself was vandalism what that's [ __ ] ridiculous what are they going to do arrest his corpse you can't be serious you can't be certain in fact i'm a little upset eugene didn't think things through in other words edgewater would have been penalized pretty hard whatever eugene was worth as an asset we would have had to pay out of pocket to spacer's choice he was a person not an asset well excuse you i'll have you know eugene was an asset to us all may his adams be commended to the law all i know is silas asked me for eugene's gravesite fees which means he was approved for burial which means his papers went through which means the town's in the clear i'm just glad to put this whole ugly affair behind me eugene can rest his bones in peace and the rest of us can get on with our own lives eugene wasn't a guard right because i uh there was a couple of one of the guards brutally accidentally shot themselves earlier okay i don't think so um okay i'll get back to you i'll let you get back to work thanks for the money decipher the code uh personal files theater buried last night reed asked me not to report his death in our quarterlies sounds fair to me was asked to prepare a statement or something for the other workers been thinking about it don't know what to tell them don't end up like theater do your work show up wear a smile and you'll get your medical privileges i knew it there's a [ __ ] murder this was a murder i paid his burial fees didn't i let the dead sleep oh wait the person's name was eugene never mind sorry sorry for the immediate accusation that's not even the person's name and i'm about to you killed theodore you shot him with your own gun and then you paid for it uh you're talking the person's name was theodore not eugene it was oh sorry i already i know but you what about collateral do you have a look at the back room or something what is this letter from phyllis conrad receptionist shot himself this is bad company's going to have to call it for what it is destruction of spacers choice property eugene was an asset and somebody has to pay his body price this is going to ruin us so i was thinking that we'd pawn off his teeth eugene had a full set of gold teeth heirlooms passed down his family or something you're processing his body right just dig around and pry them out we sell the teeth somewhere nice and quiet use the bits to pay his body price and nobody's the wiser what do you think don't write back in fact don't talk to me at all just give me a special signal next time you see me waggle your eyebrows would you look at that conspiracy conspiracy to commit to commit teeth fraud got you okay so the buried without the teeth oh i've got my eye on you you're going to owe a lot more than like 30 bucks oh [ __ ] i didn't mean to do that okay so you can't don't aim guns in people's heads got it so whis uh ludwig he's stationed as a guard at the landing pad southeast of edgewater okay talk to conrad should i though i feel like i shouldn't i feel like that's not gonna work what can i do for you oh i'm not medical smart enough i know about eugene why not use his teeth as collateral for your gravesite fees you know about eugene how i don't know were you snooping around in my things or was it just dumb luck eugene's golden teeth were a family heirloom representing three generations of poor dental hygiene [ __ ] he took them to his grave [ __ ] they didn't they i'm sure they were probably worth a few bits more than a few those teeth were his personal savings i can't ask silas to dig up a man's body and pry a few teeth loose from his jaw just to pay my bills can i yeah yes i suppose i must here you are gravesite papers are fixed with my signature and an iou i'm told he killed himself what happened eugene was not a suicide he put a bullet in his brain yes but that's largely a technicality i was the one who prepared eugene's body for interment i discovered symptoms of the plague on his corpse and i discovered medicine in his pocket lots of medicine eugene overdosed on adrena time which is known to cause psychosis and paranoia as possible side effects the paranoia drove him to take his own life hmm i started this dirt it's a miracle of bureaucracy if eugene's death were filed as a suicide we'd all pay the price for his crime we can all thank our lucky stars the young eugene was hopped up on medication and suffered its predictable side effect i included it all in my official report i'd like to think i saved edgewater a great deal of money we never could have paid the fines associated with a suicide who's responsible for this i'm a pretty good liar i could probably go lie to them and take care of everything capitalism bad hungry roasted turkey dinner good what what are you saying this is kind of fun just kind of walking around and investigating and talking to people it's really it's doing it for my koala brain all right you thank the law i've been repositioning backup for months i guess the boss finally came to his senses i just shot all these swung attraction well let me see your wrestling stance that's i want to make sure you're up to snuff gravesite fees cut to the chase i told silence i'd pay my dues if he agreed to join the resistance guess this means he's finally heard the calling you seem confused i'm talking about mechanical soldier cold heartless automatons made of iron and lies uh well [ __ ] me oh they mean to just you wait are toe mechanicals otto what can i do to stop the coming apocalypse you can gird yourself for the armor of righteousness soldier from this moment on you are a proud member of the resistance all right let's join the scout reputation rolling around the junkyard just behind our beloved town this scout must not be permitted to return to its base of operations cross it off deal with them reports scout give me some points got a weak spot in their midsections i think the technical term is um the blue glowy square thing and i put my hand up and put it over my mouth and go die robot liquid ludwig miller spotted a forward scouter mechanical army north of the landing pad let's do it liquid is it volcano in this game instant letter grid can i play with the lava like in those youtube videos that you relax to it looks like putty like hot silly putty uh i was under attack i'm sorry but i was actually under attack so there's a scout over here should i sneak up on it hello searching for repair bay error navigation systems failed unable to comply then a good smack won't fix navigation systems operational optimal path toward repair bay detected initiating self-diagnostics whoa hey don't you owe me something for the repairs spacer's choice reminds all colonists that serving the spacer's choice family is the highest possible reward i have been programmed to deliver this pre-approved message all right bye kill it no why do i kill it quest is to kill it but why but for what i need to know why i don't just kill people and things for no reason got a pretty good shot though it's for the robot takeover you're on i'm joined the resistance well i'm just gonna lie to him you wanted to worry about that scout anymore you beat that scout to scrap with its own legs told to drop the cables out its head case actually don't tell me rather use my imagination you're a passing fair soldier i'm looking for 857 but you are one and the enemy is legion what you need is a new equalizer a weapon to strike fear in their cold mechanical hearts cantina lavatory behind one of the toilets that's where i've kept it hidden all these years you hide your secret weapon in a bathroom sharp ain't it the lavatory is the very last place a mechanical has need to enter i mean it's an accurate statement leadership yeah i want to be like a dumb engineer doctor scientist in brackets how is that being affected by something else it's the suit peter stupid engineer stupid doctor stupid scientist does that that doesn't make any sense stupid [ __ ] idiot dumb [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] doctor of dumb [ __ ] scientists the [ __ ] find ludwig's secret weapon but what is it return to ludwig [ __ ] idiot scientist can't even get over a railing give me a break nice frame rate loser i have a 1080 yes i have a i have a one oh mega lol eight omega lol yes i can't wait to see it please spam it i'd love for you to do it here's the package feast your eyes soldier this here is a genuine spacers choice injury customizing unit designed to deliver a lethal blast of electrical discharge so what's next time's come for you to journey down into the black heart of the enemy's camp i'm talking about the old geothermal plant unfortunately the old plant lies outside my board given jurisdiction you'll need to get a passcode from the boss reed thompson i get it you want me to go undercover as a mechanical and learn their ways you got plucked kid but no can't risk having you go native i need you to get us the brain of a mechanical well not exactly a brain logic module anatomically speaking what we're looking for is a logic module there's the rub if a mechanical breaks down the logic module fries so you can't rip one out of its corpse you're gonna have to find an intact model somehow seems simple enough if you die horribly i will pour out a can of zero g to your memory okay you've gotten a weapon modification to install mods at a workbench to upgrade your weapons changing damage type adding a scope improving rate of fire and more all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna pee so i'll be right back in about two minutes see in a sec something interesting to note is my character is very stupid uh so he's only done the first tutorial story mission i've just been walking around looking at stuff and doing side quests for an hour just kind of realizing that now die robot speak with reed ludwig wants you to head to the region's geothermal plant for an important mission but to gain entry to the plant you need to get the passcode from reed thompson who runs the town of edgewater i also have to return to silas let's do that first i bet your piss is cold i think that doesn't that mean i'm dead that means i'm not alive that makes no sense cold pee i mean maybe if you like pissed into the air at like minus 40 degrees outside maybe uh we need to talk about eugene yeah what about him you first i know you buried him well yeah that's what i'm contractually obligated to do what's this about open your mouth let me see your teeth he's got solid gold teeth could be worth something if you pulled him out yeah funny thing eugene's body ain't where it's supposed to be that's hilarious we were supposed to commend his body to the earth i had his grave all dug up and ready right and so i thought i'll just rest my eyes a bit when i woke up his body was gone life spirited away vanished the footprints nearby suggested that eugene was stolen by marauders or he rose from the dead okay keep an eye on let me know if you find anything how about those fees you run into any trouble uh i'm all done paperwork fees and signatures reliable work from a freelancer that's going to take some getting used to i don't want to be a bother here but i went i went out of my way for this and i'll buy you a drink sometime i was hoping you'd give me like something i kind of want you to helmet uh something more tangible suppose you've earned it one good turn deserves another yeah i want more than that as i'm counting the money oh abernathy was trying to hide his illness am i a tattletail yeah abernathy was sick with the plague that's disgusting i shook hands with the guy he was convinced that you knew what no if i knew he was sick i would have had him report it i needed his fees because of his name hey for abernathy he was at the top of my list you see i think i just sentenced that guy to death your reputation with a faction has changed if enemies are hostile but your reputation isn't kill on sight leaving for a few days will calm things down okay all right speak with reed let's do that uh ten thousand bits just came in that was a ten thousand from a turtle duck that's a one hundred dollar bit drop thank you turtledoc hey jeremy i've been watching your streams and videos for many years your content is and has been helping me get through some real tough times of dealing with depression and anxiety even when everything seems like crap these streams never fail to make me laugh i'm finally on the path to getting better so i just wanted to give something back and thank you for bringing joy to all of us that's i'm really great that that's awesome to hear that you're starting to get better that's the most important thing of this whole message here that's great news thank you so much for the [ __ ] hundred dollars it's never necessary to do that i appreciate it nonetheless i wish you happy days and happy health but what about the night time that too this music sounds like breaking bad yeah it does that's insanely accurate try using small words seems we've got a guess hi uh are you read i was told i should talk to you you must be the town boss so i'll wait until you finish but you were saying miss holcomb it's just what bess needs is a proper refurbish and i do wish you'd stop referring to our cannery as best personification of company property is strictly contrary to the spacers choice code of conduct my apologies i am not in the habit of allowing my guests to witness such a row now what can i do for you well you are you're very clearly wearing an evil guy hat i don't trust you because you're wearing this hat it's that brimmed hat that has the rounded top if this was a little higher and squared you'd you're you're a billionaire you're like an eccentric billionaire but no you're a bad guy with this add-on are you reid i'm reid thompson outpost administrator i cannot help but notice you are not in uniform shut up idiot uh uniform what are you talking about shirt pants work boots company approved colors i look down i'm just naked honorable apparel i'm sorry mr mr breed i didn't realize uh let's skip the small talk i've got a ship that needs a power regulator i think you may have the wrong idea i need that but i also need the yeah i need them only regulator we got is hooked up to the town transformer mr tobson ain't liable to be keen on dismantling it i beg your pardon how do you see the most difficultly not keen on any such thing i can't let you have our power regulator but i happen to know of another one and i happen to know exactly how you may retrieve it without frying yourself in the process um let's hear it there's a power regulator in the old botanical lab it's mostly abandoned so all that power is being squandered go down to the geothermal plant reroute power from the botanical district over to us once their power's shut down you can have their regulator and be along on your way wait don't i need i need to go here anyways the geothermal plant was built by our owners spacer's choice lit up the whole veil once upon a time most of the veil is now abandoned all that power is going to waste uh and you want all that power going to your canary we could use the power cannery's been struggling if we don't ramp up productivity the company might cut us loose and interesting saying the um let's say you're saying it with an english accent i guess you know the english yeah that makes sense uh okay i suppose that's fair i was not entirely sure how to tell you this the botanical labs are not legally inhabited but there are people who live there uh what a surprise i never would have guessed i am not trying to pull one over on you friend you were bound to run into them sooner or later the people living in the botanical labs they're deserters former workers i need them back at their posts i need them to come home spock is a liar if you want me to solve your deserted problems i charge by the head good lord no i don't want you killing anyone least of all them huh my hope is that by cutting off their power you will convince those deserters to come back to town before you go to the plant i want you to stop by the botanical lab oh you didn't move to their leader adelaide tell her the power's about to go and that it's time her band of deserters came back to town what if they don't want to come back how will i recognize adelaide adelaide's older than the other deserters she'll have floating text above her model from what i understand you can read a camp looks to her for leadership they must have left them for a reason why'd they go that reason was me i asked too much and pushed too hard but i am ready to make amends if they are willing to return to the fold we belong to one community the spacers choice family if we dissolve into factions then we will all perish separately adelaide will understand that i can't make any problems of course i understand completely here let me give you the passcode to the geothermal plant a sign of good faith for so politely listening to me as i ramble on we got die robot are you setting off for the veil because i know my way around i mean in case you want a guide i mean if that's all right with you mr thompson i hesitate to part ways with miss holcomb but i cannot deny that she is talented and may prove useful to you okay i can use the company i don't need help ah it's just a it's just a person that's just gonna walk around with me and shoot other enemies with me so why not great i got my wrenches and diagnosticators and hairpins and engine tape so i'm all set well i am glad to hear that best of luck to you and thank you again for your help it is a lot to ask of a stranger she's just going to be walking around going like need ammo watch it bank bank bank she's gonna take like nine bullets that's all it's for she'll draw like the attack of two or three enemies while i can shoot them it's worth having if you've gained a companion there are characters that join you and your adventures and help in a variety of ways their skills enhance your skills they increase your carrying capacity you can unlock special companion combat abilities with the inspiration skill right like i said it's someone to walk around with you and just absorb enemy attacks wait i'm trying to like open his private door oops i thought that was the way out we better clear out of mr thompson's office before we talk i mean you could have not said that right in front of him now he knows we're going to talk about him save the game and shoot i'm not why would i do that my character does not have any inspiration to to do that we better clear out of mr thompson's office are you really that paranoid well i guess maybe this camera's sorry what can we chat oops companions man i thought you said no i you just want to get out of here and you likely don't want to tag along like me it's just mr thompson has his own view on matters on account of it's his job and and what all but that's not the only side of the tail that's just black masking tape above the top there's you can't there's nothing there's no visual here you can't see through these there's a costume whose is a costume of she's cosplaying as pavardi parvati from outer worlds if i want to deal with this i want to just go do the quest i don't really i don't really want to talk you're you're a companion right now i'm going to there's probably going to be another companion in like an hour that i'm going to replace you with so i know you're going to tell me your entire story i don't really want to hear it mr thompson person's a gear it does its job quiet-like if it squeaks or stutters it gets replaced the deserters are decent folk i knew some of them before they left okay this town's got issues i don't know it's hard here especially for them that don't fit in so well we're one big spacers choice family but every family's got the one the rest whisper about mr thompson's aiming to take away their power they'll have no lights to see nor heat to cook they'll be at the mercy of marauders or worse i think you should talk to the town's vicar about it max his name is okay what do we need to talk to the vicar about flipping a switch in your power mill about if what mr thompson proposes to do is upright leaving miss mcdevitt's vote to their fate their neighbors can and maybe he can think of something else to try he used to go walking outside town maybe he found something that'll help it's just an idea that's all i'll think about all right let's talk is it you yes what is it you're an outsider fantastic vicar maximilian de soto at your service or vicar max if you're the sorter prefers brevity and miss holcomb as well how rare to see you out and with a complete stranger just tagging along vicar de soto i so rarely get new people to talk to name your poison anything at all spiritual counseling this season's toss ball predictions the quickest way out of town what sort of spiritual advice do you offer here they who are not satisfied with their work are satisfied with nothing no how about um work fortifies the spirit true exhaustion awaits idle hands i was i was asking what your religion is the osi teaches that the grand architect set a perfect system in motion at the beginning of time contentment is found by accepting one's role in that grand plan how much to put in a good word for me with the grand architect you know unofficial like that's not how it works the grand architect has no concern for us beyond setting the plan in motion i don't get it obviously look if we can figure out how to read the grand plan we can more perfectly align ourselves to it bringing everyone peace okay well first there's the matter of the dumb rights and animals sacrifices i'm kidding i'm kidding don't you know how stupid i am why would you say that to truly understand the metaphysics involved takes years of study and contemplation uh vivardi wanted okay i thought you would talk to him what you wanted to speak to me miss holcomb that's not what happened every time i've tried to engage you in cause you're doing look at the floor answer in single words and slink away i can't imagine what would be so grave as to drive her to my mission what has mr thompson asked you to do you can't lie where's where's go get groceries cut power to desert as if you could answer quickly we're in a hurry i can see why that troubles here this holcomb has a soft heart always has if you believe the talk can pavardi get that treated by a saw bones i see today we'll be conversing without metaphors i'd guess her condition is incurable it's unlikely to be fatal but she may feel more heartache than most could you maybe stop talking about me like i'm some kind of weird bug sorry oh right can we wrap this up there's two or three people speaking through me does she have shaw bones hey can we wrap this up that we got we're in a hurry what do you advise assuming your goal is to save as many as possible then you should bring everyone together send the power to edgewater and convince the deserters to return to the fold bring everyone together send the power to edgewater and convince the deserters to so you want me to do the thing that i was told to do isn't that what he wants me to do so you want me to do that too i'm not doing it now i'm going to go against it i'm my own president we talked to the president we talked to the religion president i'm my own president i'm doing my own thing i'll keep that in mind if it were as easy as a few soothing words in the right ears i'm sure it would have been done already consider it's a challenge if you don't mind a bit of unsolicited advice be cautious on your way to the geothermal plant it is not as safe as you might assume i've been outside i'm not impressed i can handle myself the marauders i met when i ventured outside the walls might agree with you would you like to come with me snuck up on me while i was dutifully hunting for a banned book in a collector's library barely escaped with my life but you see one of the reasons i transferred here was to get my hands on that heretical text that is town president religion requirement for me president i'd pay quite a handsome sum for the book really why would a vicar be after a banned heretical book i just want to keep the writing out of layman's hands spell crafting lines wouldn't do for such information to fall into public consumption seems like the authorities would be interested to hear that you're after this contraband maybe i'll get your book and sell it to somebody else i can assure you you won't find another willing to risk imprisonment to possess this book ignore anyone willing to pay the price i can offer right compelling argument glad we see eye to eye it's a handwritten journal a faded blue cover with the name embacono handwritten in the lower corner i'll mark where i saw it on your map assuming you're serious it depends how serious you are yeah thank you if you retrieve it you can always find me here in all capitals kill a [ __ ] npc holy [ __ ] jesus why kill an npc i'm i must be fed with bloodshed am i having fun yeah it's i'm having fun it's interesting so far i feel like i'm just getting started so i don't really have you know we're only like two hours into the game that's pretty early he doesn't want to kill people no i don't want to just i don't want to just take a sh i don't think a dog [ __ ] on my play through you guys want me to like lob a grenade into that guy's office it's like okay then i just diarrhea on my [ __ ] playthrough all right am i hurt oh my god hey can you be like a mine detector can you detect mines for me who's that marauder here we go i told you here we go good exactly what i thought was gonna happen i gotta be more careful because this is on hard makeshift low pressure suit what is that you can repair weapons and armor at a workbench using weapon and armor parts players with engineering skill can repair their gear without the need of a workbench what's wrong with me this needs to be repaired increase your medical skills to unlock more drug mixing slots that can hold all types of consumables not just adreno each slot is mixed into every puff of the inhaler for a combined effect wait i can breathe in like spread how do you inhale bread ooh can i open this i'm not smart enough to open this sleep all right should we sleep sleep for no don't sleep resting in a bed is relaxing and moves time forward and supernova difficulty can only rest in your bed on your ship that way that's probably terrible sleep for a week he's not killing everyone get mad get mad i'm not killing everyone move along stranger we don't want any trouble well you have a sniper rifle and we're standing right next to each other so i'm at the advantage i don't know you whatever you're looking for it ain't here move along i'm looking for uh adelaide i need answers answers huh you must be one of those philosophicals already got ourselves one of those i'm looking for the geothermal plant where's the uh plant a geo what look plants ain't my purview die you're better off asking after battle you're dealing with an imbecile here dealing with any start wandering around my camp know that i got my sights i'm at i am of an intelligence level higher than this you don't know what a jury a geothermal plant is wow unbelievable over in the hot house attending crop enough with the questions no offense but i've got a lot on my mind but i can pretend to we've all got problems explains why you're still yammering on at me no i'm sorry that was unworthy lady named zoe went missing some nights ago just up and vanished without a trace the quick turn now i'm pacing around wondering if marauders got to her i'll go look i'll keep an eye out it's not like zoey to go wandering figured she might be out scavenging but that ain't exactly her talent can't imagine where she's gone fails a wide place she could be anywhere wow holy [ __ ] that's horrendous could do without the gallows humor uh this is a deserter if you're hungry stefan's got supplies so do you oops oh no you oh no okay thief no i look i'm only a thief when i can't be seen doing it chicken if you're hungry there's meat turning on the spit outside if you're bearing illness find a place to lay your head down and i'll fetch you chickens whatever your troubles can you pet chicken leave them at the gates and be welcomed here any questions dear what's that smell that'd be the garden dear you're standing in a garden also fertilizer so mind your boots uh looks like you made uh a home for yourself here a home for anyone who's ever turned their backs on edgewater a home for those of us with nowhere left to go and nothing to lose so like the spores of the puffball cast on the wind and a lighting on fresh soil we put down new roots that's too dumb even if you were dumb you wouldn't say this my goodness all right you just charming you have to do the tuber choice uh i was sent to make peace with you reed thompson you hear on behalf of that cold-eyed reptile let's hear it wait what's reid's idea he's a he's a lizard i didn't know that oh reed asked you to consider coming back to town he's willing to make amends something about coming back to town or losing power i wasn't really listening i can't say i blame you reed is positively soporific like everything else that comes out of edgewater that peace offering is canned i and my own are living just fine out here by ourselves this is serious i'm about to cut off your power this is serious you're doing this for reed why for money for money money your camp has a power regulator i needed to repair my ship seem like the right thing to do my reasons are my own just like my twitter profile it's in my bio it's in my biography when you get when you go to my twitter if you're going down to the plant you should divert power away from edgewater and toward our end of the grid think about it you'd be liberating an entire town from a lifetime of service to that odious cannery seems the sort of thing a hero would do hero to you maybe i'm looking for a power regulator reed promised me yours cannery's got a regulator you want ship parts you ought to rip them out of the cannery's guts and leave us be let's say i help you what happens to edgewater life in edgewater grinds to a halt the cannery shuts down workers desert in droves and our own little camp grows and thrives you all doing drugs here yeah like you're doing drugs cause i'm considering it i trust you will listen to your conscience favorite what should we do where are we headed i don't know you tell me you mean about the mission being too clean let's leave let's do first let's get this [ __ ] out of the way i can either divert the power to edge water or i cannot divert the power to edge water we have to make a decision look if i'm gonna give you power then i may as well take all the money because i mean that look that that's fair i do the really dangerous mission and i sacrifice myself and make it so you get power diverted to you but i take all the money in your houses that's fair zoe's journal well today's the day zoe today is the day you take your destiny in your own hands i've been listening to grace talk about the marauder threat bands of wild free-spirited bandits living in camps out in the hills barrel fires probably mounted the heads of their enemies on spikes as a warning to people like me free many rules i bet they could take the whole region i've been talking away some of uh food i've come to some spare cans of tuna you should last me a couple weeks so you went there willingly i got odds those marauders will let me throw in with them if i dangle a couple syringes of adrena time before their eyes this is gonna be great bandit queen zoe's origin story has just begun i'm gonna have a whole gang of marauders at my back uh maybe i can even score some rizzos well that's new info what about this uh no more edgewater for me no more cannery no more jumpsuits and gloves yes mams and would you like anothers i don't know why i'm writing this down for posterity's sake [ __ ] the canary i don't think i'll ever have to look back in this journal who cares i'm gonna go be a marauder and so i got sick everybody gets sick well okay i got sick and i grabbed a little too much adrenal time is that really a crime i gotta treat myself when i'm sick don't i whatever happened to personal responsibility in surviving by one's own bootstraps oh but you misappropriated one box of adrena time and you suddenly you're committing larceny pet chicken pet chicken pet chicken all right what about let me take a look at this stuff here let me we're gonna do die robot [ __ ] it wait where'd it go um where's the sec where's the other pistol though am i out of my mind oh this is the companions weapons how do i take these from you can i take these i need this all right give me this can i go to her inventory click her name at the top uh what i mean her name at the top junko where oh my god it's like another that event i thought it was gonna be like another inventory okay here's the companion i didn't know it's gonna be like on the menu i thought it was gonna be like up here or like inventory like oh pavardi's menu whatever give me this here i'll take this instead i have to replace it with something i take the machine gun give me this back actually give me this too you take this shitty stuff i want your stuff okay good let's go get that thermo nuclear fast driving car all right let's go it's still a light pistol oh megalo whatever you can laugh i i'm not should i not go this way do i have no life region no i do it's very slow though you can level up the health regen that's not a bad idea go [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] there's a lot of people all right um is there like a melee kill can i sneak up on these guys and like slit their mechanical throats don't just go out there why are you just going out there you just keep you continue to die i only have how many balls do i have not very many what the hell would that do do i did i divert power what did i just do did i divert power to the what i just press i hope i didn't just do anything self diagnostics complete navigation systems operational combat systems operational it's not the best choice it's the spacer's choice okay why are you not attacking me hostile actions towards spacer's choice mechanics are contrary to logical directive conclusion hostile auto mechanicals must be effective in compliance with spacer's choice problems you know what's going on all defective photo mechanicals must be permanently dismantled please allow me to assist earth affirmative mechanism protocols loaded awaiting confirmation yeah confirmation granted i like the sound of that go for it go take out all those mechanicals that are bad found some strange modifications to their logic modules somebody [ __ ] with them and made them aggressive filed the report but my supervisor told me not to worry about it said the company knew what it was doing let me forget about any alleged modifications i wrote this down so somebody would see it got my hands on a logic module time to do a little bit of experimentation borrowed a copy of the young spacers guide to mechanical engineering i think it's volume three i need something to read down in the pit hop in pit you're not real you're not real he's in the pit where is he he's just down here mind the steam you're liable to get scalded thanks for the input uh engineering 15 shut off the steam valve good oh i can uh it's a scope should i put a scope on a shotgun would that be stupid oh [ __ ] that was actually pretty scary okay this is too scary turn it off all right hold on hold on a second do i why why do i have two different markers there's that one and then there's this one why are there two markers move mouse over the markers to see where they are well what they are is this but the same objective though oh did i get baited oh oh well all right well i'm just going to go back up here aim at the markers in the world yeah security chiefs corpse and logic module oh right because the guy that's screaming let's get the module it's behind this though how the [ __ ] do i get in there the corpse has the key all right uh security officers corpse i need to get up here and down this way so what's the correct way to go this way i have to go up the stairs around somehow over here and then up i guess i don't know this i turned on the [ __ ] ooze elevator [ __ ] damn it man this is the thing that i've repaired it's killing this guy it's killing him just kill it no no load safe load safe load save where is it which one is it quick save quick save auto save this one at 3 19 right here give me the key card thank you and give me your machine gun fine module let's go now i got dye robot head back to uh the landing pad deliver the logic module to ludwig got it now it's either divert power or divert power i mean now which one of these am i gonna do who do i want to say what city do i care about this is a good this is a very good question i mean why am i leaving what about the guy at the bottom of the pit i guess there was the guy there uh let me go look for that guy i have to find a way down to you i'm coming i'm coming down you're not real you're not really the second i thought this is the guy from the beginning of the game scram phantoms where you can talk the phantom's never talked before i knew i shouldn't have eaten that sprat raw see higgins this is why you must always boil your sprats before ingesting all right slow down what's going on clearly i mistook you for one of the phantoms of my imagination which terrorized me on occasion chester d higgins the d stands for definitely not insane i use it as a reminder uh how long you been down here hard to say by my reckoning higgins has been here somewhere between two weeks and forever oh higgins has been many things over the years sprat wrangler saltuna critic aetherwave personality chairman of the board galactic defender sisty pig tycoon i've come a long way for someone who started off as a simple engineer right here in this plant oh you we have that in common you and i are both engineers i specialize in auto mechanicals drones sentries that's a good talking point paired them maintained upgraded did it all from my old workroom just over in the next section right was that before after you became a sisty pig tycoon how do you stop look i don't want to fall into any trouble with the mechanicals if they wise up to our plans they will come for us with prodding irons i'm not afraid of any mechanicals i can't even spell mechanicals or you can help me and i won't feed you to the sprats your call diamond persuading is the way you know you remind me of myself back when i was an intergalactic adventurer i discovered a flaw their hostility levels were hardwired to maximum there's no changing that but you could rewrite their targeting protocol so they attack each other instead no wonder they're so angry somebody messed around with their logic modules yes that's exactly it i see you're also versed in the noble art of mechanical engineering that wasn't dumb that was just engine there's a behavior control terminal in the other room it should have options to change how the mechanicals act including whom they shoot at oh now that reminds me you'll need my passcode to access the behavior control terminal here let me just write it down oh [ __ ] actually hang on i forgot what you were going to say me too time to divert power uh just go [ __ ] yourself i don't care anymore all right uh let's take your impact hammer because it's mine now and your lubricant mine do i want to save the botanical garden place or do i want to save the high taxes workers are made out of gold bars i'm not sure what i want to do reprogram the bots they don't attack you then i already do that i did it to one of them should i just flip a coin should i let fake decide maybe i should let fate decide redirect power wait wait wait wait wait wait did i just do it i didn't get a choice safety failures detected high likelihood of moderate severe structural damage redirecting power is an irreversible procedure power redirection functions failed manual override required please activate all three electrical track switches oh it's those things those things i have to activate oh god the goo tanks of course you're gonna put me on a mission where i have to go activate the goo tanks i should have just done them got it okay flip a coin go to go to and just type in two and then press enter 50 times and then whatever it is once we do this there's hey mr whoa look i know you want your power regulator and all she's like wait don't do this i need to talk to you do you understand what you're about to do i know exactly what i'm doing uh well what's your name i don't think you should cut off edward's power i think it would be cruel well i'm sorry that just sort of came out all at once didn't she want water's hurting we've been losing workers year after year and corporate hardly ever sends replacements there's barely enough saltoona to fill our bellies anymore but the town's got some good people in it decent hard-working folk just living their lives the only way they know how they don't deserve to be punished well this isn't like fallout 3 but i'm not i'm not like nuking a city i'm just turning their power off i'm just i'm just turning off their power temporarily and then we'll figure it out okay uh reed tells me edgewater is going to die without workers in power the deserters are a community i can't just destroy what they built i think i'm ready to make my decision sorry i didn't mean to babble on like that i just i felt like i had to say something don't worry about it i was barely listening to you oh well okay then i made that really clear that i was very heavily listening i'm i'm like i'm a dick all right here we go redirect power redirect power to edgewater redirect power to botanical laboratory all right let me flip a coin i got i've got my nivea lip balm if it heads is no no i'm gonna okay is it weird that i'm just going by how much i liked traversing the town it has nothing to do with any of the stuff going on it's just which town do i think is more interesting to be like walk around it power regulator is now safe to remove from botanical laboratory edge water saw tuna cannery power regulator is now operating at optimal capacity now give me the power regulator uh where is the open door code is it outside remember you literally would have to only have two conversations to make the deserters come back and then edgewater gets better uh thanks for the advice person who's played through the game already appreciate it and he's wrong is he i don't know all right so uh where's the uh oh i have to go actually to the lab and go get it oh that i don't want to do that that i don't like that i have to go i have to go to into the place that i just destroyed i don't want to i can't just like there's not a core that i just take from inside the lab that's i don't like this you can't just text them to break up right but are they gonna be hostile i'll just lie do i can i put my lie to 50 so i can just tell them i didn't do it their power got diverted somehow and i'm just coming to check on them you got your lights are still on you're fine oh that's not a good that guy's got a rifle yeah [ __ ] up what happened i know i heard the news okay everybody keeps staring at me it's not my fault the power's dead yes it is you did it this person did it miss parvati was this person here hey you're uh what um how are you ha hi hi hello are you uh that's the beginning of every one of my streams how are you keeping that's how every intro starts great just great i've been trying to keep stuff running just like you only i'm not so wait they didn't kick you out did they oh gosh no i i'm just along with this fella here i've seen you wandering around here you don't look like you're coming from town i'm just trying to get my ship off the ground never heard it phrased in such a way before i guess we're all trying to get our ships off the ground ain't we sorry i just wasn't sure if you were from town or if you were one of us something's been chewing at me you see what's wrong fact is i've been well lying to everybody here camp thinks i'm a mechanical genius but i couldn't fix a busted chair don't tell them i like this okay i like this guy uh never too late to start learning i can give you a couple of pointers we could both be lying idiot engineers i'll take all the help i can get i set my mind to learning the craft of the engineer you see i want to make something of myself you ever heard of the young spacers guide to mechanical engineering comes in a set of three if i had my hands on one of those data pads i could teach myself the ins and outs my dad kept a copy with him when he was working in the cannery i know the old community center kept the copy should find another one back in town if you could find me even one of those pads i'd be greatly obliged one give me money too i'll pay you for every pad you bring me if by some miracle you can bring me the full set i'll give you something pretty i've been saving for a lucky day oh you're gonna have to go to the town right you have to go to uh edge the i don't i don't remember the name of the time i swear to god edge don't tell me i i'm not gonna let this [ __ ] me up edge stone hedge stone edge edge edge uh what was it called edge hall edge edge wood is it edge wood edge water edge water right you're all gonna be in edge water soon oh wait this is i get to just take their power that's the thing about growing old your eyes start to fail elsewise i would have seen you for the snake that you are chopped you into pieces and roasted you on a spit this is all you're doing cutting off my power killing off my garden without refrigeration my food will spoil and my flock will starve i wanna ask you this in private away from the eyes didn't call myself a slave you do not see me lose my temper tell me why did you do it lie give me a lie damn it this isn't personal adelaide i need your power regular i don't know i like pressing buttons i guess are you really this moronical or are you just putting on airs listen here wholehead i'm only gonna say this once go talk to grace and thomas look them in the eye and tell them their life here is over and the only thing left to do is go back to edge water this is now your responsibility and you tell reed thompson that i will never return to edgewater i would rather die among my flowers than live under his management different scenario what if i go back and kill reed thompson and then you i i take over the town and i'll be nice to everybody you offering the cross read off huh this some sort of twisted reparation for what you've done wait what i can do just looking for a chance to sow some chaos he'll read if you must what talk him into leaving if you can he and i are not sharing the same form hold on am i doing a double cross on a double cross kill reed if you must what happened to you all this anger had to come from somewhere my son worked in that cannery when the plague started coming he was one of the first to fall sick we had a store of medicine locked away but reed refused to treat him said my boy didn't deserve treatment said the medicine would have been wasted on him yeah so we get rid of the bad guy we unify everybody and i run the place and left all right yeah fine remove free from edgewater i think we got a deal okay guys look you know i got good news and bad news look the good news is that you have to leave what happened the bad news is that i'm going to kill reed and i'm going to be your boss no other way reverse that marauders can't see us in the dark wild canids on the other hand uh go back to edge of water the matter's been weighing on me i'm staying put until i know what's become a zoey oh don't even please don't want that question haunting me all the way back to the cannery i don't want to do that quest really i have to do that go back to edgewater i've been thinking about going back i'm not much use to anybody here i get sick thinking about working at the cannery i can't do that again don't worry i mentioned those manuals on mechanical engineering oh come on suppose if i had one of those i could go back to read and make a real case for myself all right let's go get zoe you can't be far right only 340 only 343 feet kill reed first well i need the power regulator kill reed then kill her kill them both kill them come back well you did it yup uh that's just absolute chaos all right so hold on i'm not gonna touch anything i'm gonna go get rid of reed let's go get rid of reed i'm a man of my word i'm a man of my word temporarily right so i'm gonna go get rid of reed i'm gonna come back i did that i told you i was going to do that and i did i also come up with new ideas on the fly all the time and second idea is get rid of you too now what if i tell reed about the plan that i'm coming to kill him could i double cross the double cross and then double cross her and then come back and just get double cross again can i just bounce back and forth watch out what's going on wait wait wait who all these people what are they doing outside this town what just happened why are they on the [ __ ] main road just fast travel fast travel didn't exist [ __ ] 100 years ago so no okay you know it comes a time when you have to understand that they're just in here you didn't do anything actually i did it you watched it was me i did it okay all right reed i'm not even gonna mess around i'm just not sure i can talk to him or should i just go in there and just just get him all right all right reed all right reed keep saying all right reed all right listen reed all right reed [Laughter] all right what if i kill him and then just drop him outside the window so it looks like he fell backwards through the glass and tripped and like broke through the glass this was a fine day friend power flows through our town like a cool stream of water i trust adelaide's people have seen their way to reason so when can i expect them back at their posts let me ask you something go ahead have you taken a look around your town lately it is my job to keep two eyes on my town i am the steward of this place and this is my watch post your town's falling apart reid i wish you wouldn't say things like that hmm you know what dude okay i'm thinking real thinking real hard about it i expect you wouldn't understand you don't see the town as i do when i stand at my window and look out over mine don't do it now here's what i see i see decent loyal hard-working people i see a family we are all part of the spacers choice family we are all doing what we were brought into this world to do this is a spacers choice town we're all part of the spacers choice family here loyalty's got nothing to do with it then this is good old-fashioned gratitude how long have you worked here for i'm trying to remember 25 years 26 when you get to my age the years just rush by i remember looking out this window and seeing the veils spread out from horizon to horizon we're a sprawling town they were booming this is a handmade talk people change spacer's choice will always be here our work won't ever end i take comfort in that how do i kill him without you guys knowing i spoke to adelaide she won't be coming back as long as you're here then we are at an impasse stewardship over this town has been entrusted to me by spacer's choice i have made my share of mistakes but i have done my best for this town the town's terrified of leg everybody asked me to steal medicine for him you let adelaide's son die her son got sick with plague couple years back company never gave us enough medication to treat the whole town so i had to choose you see adelaide's child or someone else's she's never forgiven me i don't expect she ever will [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no no no no we're getting we're getting bad guy exposition actually he's not bad guy make it liar maybe it's time for you step down i am a spacers choice man my father was a spacers choice man edgewater may not look like much to some buttoned-up freelancer but it is my home and you made fun of me attack well i tried what do i say that attack how do you think about this i gotta think about this what a great time to learn about companion perks what you just killed killed who mr thompson reed thompson you know my boss i can't oh i need to leave i need to get away from here i need to get away from you no no no no no no reed was i can't get lost don't take this the wrong way or anything but i don't ever want to see you again when did she go she can't just teleport out oh hold on let me see what's in let me see what's in reid's personal like weapon stat holy [ __ ] i'll take it so wait is she gone no that was just like an in the moment like get away get away get out of here get lost but are they gonna tell everybody i gotta put the hat on now because i'm you now now i'm the villain she's not gonna come back well [ __ ] i think i have to sleep in this bed i have a hat though yeah uh yeah i no i don't i don't think i can reload that would that's cheating i i said what i said i said get lost because and i think that's cheating in a game that where you have choices that you have to make i feel like reverting on one of those choices is kind of going against the nature of the game that's the only likable character in the game [Laughter] [Music] is that true that can't be true so what do i want to do now let's see if i gotta find zoey find the three volumes companion max says the journal was wait a minute hold on companion that guy's a companion hey well we get a new friend oh man that's [ __ ] funny kill them both i still haven't decided what i'm gonna do how do i know they're all dead i wish i had my companion that says that's the last of them she'll be back all right time for a new game guys we're gonna have a new companion we're gonna get the priest he probably has magic powers as for my book collection i can't bear to part with it don't want those books maulding in some contraband lonker like chat currently is over the loss of their favorite character who they deem to be the only likable person in the game but i find that to be an untrue statement so i stashed them all away in a cave by the river no i didn't do that to chat members i stashed the books i died through them all in a river to be honest it's rare to see a place that doesn't have poverty we're on rare playthrough now guys you are encumbered oh no of course i am all right let's eat a bunch of food just eat the bag of bread bring some drink just drink how many viewers did he lose by not resetting uh i don't know how many viewers did he lose i can't believe he told tabardi to get out of here hi that's a shiny and purple i thought it was i don't know something to look at i just got killed by an insect bug repeller zap thing journal all right new companion see that doesn't even who cares nothing's wrong not everybody has to have the same companion just wait until he does his first magic spell and i think everyone's gonna have their minds changed this guy's gonna cast fireballs and [ __ ] and you guys are oh this guy's awesome actually he's gonna be casting fireballs ice bolts shadow vaults isn't magic in this game if you've come to ask forgiveness for reid thompson's murder i'm afraid osi theology has little to say on the matter does everybody know i killed him what are you talking about murderer i didn't do anything i was told it was a stranger come to town i see no other strangers about but the workers of edgewater may not be the most reliable witnesses of course how dare you you know what how dare you accuse me of something like that i should leave i should just leave i mean i got your book but i should get out of here no no wait wait wait wait wait this is fantastic well worth all the sacrifices i wait what the [ __ ] is this is this french i can't [ __ ] read french it's a law forsaken joke is what it is french huh i was so high and mighty preaching to the yokels about following the plan while fighting it at every turn you guys said this guy sucks are you sure he's [ __ ] nuts you're overreacting a bit don't you think over overreacting do you have any idea how many years i spent in no you couldn't possibly know could you i've spent my life searching for the keys to unlocking the secrets of the universal equation that underlies the plan i had hoped this book held some of those answers i became so desperate i even got myself assigned to this plague residency to find the damn thing all the time and suffering i've spent liars we're both liars i mean is he is he met are you into medicine i think i'm gonna get along just fine at least still have your mission work here to give you a like meaningful purpose why did you think the book held the secrets you're looking for this has to be some kind of cosmic retribution what were you why do you think it is the author had some interesting theories about man's perception of reality that i thought could be applied to our attempts to decipher the plan unfortunately he was also one of the founders of the philosophists school of thought so the book is banned in this colony a vikar searching for a banned book that's a bad example the story of my life mostly people are not aware of this but we've not discovered any new insights into the plan for a long long time i had an idea that we should welcome the truth no matter where we found it i had the worst idea to share my thoughts with the superior and that's how i ended up assigned prison duty so if everybody knows that foolishness an inmate bend my ear with stories of an original bakonu journal why wouldn't they arrest me what is that philosophism's a false religion that stands in contradiction to almost everything we know to be true they believe all is chaos in stark contrast to osi's belief in the plan where's their place like most of the philosopher's perversion of bokonu's thoughts came more than a century after his death what i need to do now is to find a translator obviously but to do that i'll first need to secure transport i got you you have a ship perhaps i could make myself of use to your crew i think so you need to ride out of town i wouldn't mind a ship hand certainly i already gave you most of my money but i can offer you free spiritual counseling and i'd be happy to watch your back hey that's pretty handy or any blunt instrument really i'm also a passable gun hand if it comes to that i can usually talk my way out of conflict though yep that's this is oh this is mine i'm fairly competent at hacking computers as well and he's a computer hacker is that all part of your training let's go fantastic let me get my things in order and i'll catch up with you i shall see you on the ship captain all right now let's return to we have to do zoey right find zoey there's always way i can come back to this guy i have the thing for you you mentioned a logic module i found one bang up work soldier you're a credit to your uniform so this is it then the key to humanity's victory over the mechanical hordes i'm guessing you want something tactile so here's a couple of bits for your trouble and a little something to remember me by and a shock stick cool thanks i'm kidding it's always far away damn fast travel fast travel fast travel is this the entire map no probably not it's probably different areas this guys this game is like two to three hundred hours long just to do these story missions if you did them as fast as possible the whole game takes about 700 hours to complete all right let's scout it out i knew that was gonna happen it's okay this thing's [ __ ] amazing all right i'm only going to use sniper rifle now oh that's a lot of people oh that's gonna kill me isn't it oh [ __ ] they're at me oh [ __ ] what's that that's why they ran away [Laughter] okay new plan we're gonna stealth into this room you see anybody why don't i have a button that i can press in every action game ever made after 2014 to go and see everything through the walls to see every interactable object and see all people in all things that i can activate every five seconds they what the [ __ ] is going on he tripped on his own mind why does that detect me doesn't that make no sense all right well let's try this again this time i hope they don't trip their own minds oh no i'm fine zoe joey get out of here get me out get me out get me up [ __ ] what do you mean i need proof find proof on zoe's corpse you found zoe then promptly killed her you could probably tell grace you found her that way but you should probably see if you can find anything on zoe's corpse that grace might recognize oh come on what i have to sneak back in i have to sneak back in the compound to take something ah okay hold on i can't [ __ ] believe i missed oh my god i can't i can't be trusted ah all right don't break my [ __ ] legs please oh my [ __ ] god where did i save it good writer just shoot better i'll make a wall it's not it's not oh mega wall worthy if i miss a shot okay that's just regular lul worthy no no no no no no i don't want to yeah i do i'm not in the lightest of humors right now uh zoey's not coming back you want to expand on that yes she went feral i had to put her down i was hoping you wouldn't say that i was really hoping you'd better not be spinning me a story i could bring back her body if you want might have to make a few trips jesus yeah that belonged to her well enough guess there's no arguing with you you pretty much did my job for me least i could do is pay you for your trouble let me know if i can do something for you i got money for that too all right uh i gotta find this guy's book but but but but unfortunately it's time to turn the stream off we're gonna play i i feel like i'm just getting into it now uh first impression so far feels like feels like there's i this might i don't i don't know if this is a it might just be talking complete [ __ ] here in the first few hours of the game but there it did it seems like there are i thought there weren't going to be that many interesting choices but it seems like there are i didn't mean killing the guy like that's something you can do seems like there's a couple of optional things you can do for each major mission which is kind of interesting i guess it does feel like it may have maybe if they had like an extra year or two it'd be expanded on but i don't know yet i don't know we'll see but i am in i'm interested enough to play it again tomorrow it's more limited than i was hoping for just more fallout type choices yeah i'm like it's kind of hard to pass judgment on a game like this in the first three four hours so a couple of interesting things just happened so oh all right that's pretty [ __ ] cool some interesting developments you can kill this person you can kill that person you can do their mission you can cut off the power you i mean that's cool but we'll see if it continues but i cannot pass judgment on it yet i feel like it's too early you don't play games you're just too terrible for it to count as playing i beat the last boss the last true boss insecure in under 100 tries just i mean i'm just going to throw that out there have you done that yet did you do that yet have you done that just because i just need to know i actually did that i mean yeah i'm not i'm talking with one guy under a hundred oh becca one oh megalo i don't know why i go mega lola i just i think it's so funny i'd like to love that emo because it's such it could it could be used legitimately or as a total overreaction to anything it's great it has so many uses why is it funnier than lul i just it's because it's supposed to there's a lot there's a lot of layers there sad vega thanks for the 250 this is the best dumb rp playthrough i've ever seen he really nailed the role of being an idiot down to full chat but my character's not even stupid though he's an engineer he's a medic he's a scientist and he's a liar you have to be smart to lie well don't read don't read that negative comment don't read it germa you only read the negative comments don't read it out loud don't read it you sucked her i'm like [ __ ] i shouldn't have read that damn it goodnight guys i'll see you tomorrow have a great rest of night [Music] i don't know how much longer we'll i don't know how i don't know how much longer we'll keep your wits about you keep your wits about you keep your wits about you stop copying each other clearly you heard her say that keep your wits about you keep your wits about you keep your wits about you i don't know how much longer will last without power thank you
Channel: Skye4
Views: 126,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma, The Outer Worlds, Outer Worlds, Jerma The Outer Worlds, Jerma Outer Worlds
Id: IYGQxyb1r7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 20sec (6440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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