Jerma Streams - Passpartout: The Starving Artist

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hey Sammy we're a little early today about 30 minutes I owe it to you guys to be early sometimes you know I owe it to you to be early so I for every like time I was like 45 minutes late you get one minute in 6:30 right now so I give the last like 30 streams have started at like 7:00 like 37 like 27:41 minute per offense I've got a 30-year sentence so I mean they give you right now you're getting a 30-year sentence for being late now I'm not playing I'm not playing battlegrounds we got a couple of things we're doing who knows if they're going to be any good so that said welcome to the derma 95 community well sometimes sometimes all the time yeah we play are a large street no sunday is probably gonna be the IRL stream it's deleted by few thing make it worth it screen is going to be like 40 minutes because I'm going to happen it's gonna be a lot of cleanup Sunday stream is not going to be long but it'll it'll be worthwhile I hope that's a hope it will be it might just be [ __ ] awful I can testify in front of the Senate in my latest not late today well we're going to play it we're going to start today thank you really yes subs it just came in thinking not until done that we have three things that we can do today I would start until I just this [ __ ] capturecard not than men's really got me any hints on the IRL stream of course I'm going to be building a PC I'm going to be doing a PC built stream oh I've got like some parts that I picked up and I want to be able to build a new computer so we're going to be building it PC live on Twitch it's it's sponsored by a couple of companies and I hope that uh hope you guys enjoy it give you a lot of fun yeah it's a good PC bill I'm gonna give you guys one to let our different tips I guess a lot of you learn how to build computers and they're not sure how to do it so I need to make sure that I teach you guys that have properly build a PC and that's what we're gonna do on Sunday unless something really bad happens and it has to wait till after e3 because by the way I'm going to e3 if you are going to be in that los angeles convention area we had III and wills exchange information because i'm going to hit your car and then we're going to have to go to the [ __ ] precinct gonna have to find out like what I did and how I did what about what I did wrong you know anyway let's switch this over that's people have trickled in here for us to build like this and go like this and you go like that so this is a what we're going to start today I don't know how well this is going to go this might be bad it could be good this we're going to play passaport on tape which is a starving artist that's a Forte whatever have you to pronounce this pass how do how do you pronounce this pass aponte whatever mm-hmm it's a pretty good game this is a good game nice yeah yeah I'm just just seeing what people are saying okay new career comes of just seeing what people are saying act well new beginnings is a game will you paint and you sell your paintings and you got to level up and like resident mod leather jacket was just like the GS right there click the easel to start painting but that's a cash register I hold on wait that's not it either all right where's the easel right there because I get to be [ __ ] Kermit the Frog I write so I just have to start painting you can stroke sighs all right let's make it easy let's make it really easy at first you know let's okay I call this one the abyss okay and then like this guy looks like French guy apparently single-car lower canvas so overdone well he really actually knows about it I just keep going I don't understand where's the rest of height to Tori I was walking around a knife this person is gonna like this is this person's really edgy they're gonna say like wow man totally feel it see how revolutionary that's all it took did I make any money no I my head okay that's it okay here we go here we go I get the idea now this time I'm going to look into like channels I'm going to get real deep with you guys right now ready [Music] okay see right now we're doing as we're drunk we're making the Cookie Monster you think they're gonna recognize this from Sesame Street look at my guy okay cookie cookie myself red eyes what color is the Cookie Monster's actual eyeballs know how do I go back hold on no [ __ ] how do I go back I didn't do this right I didn't do this right hold on I need to go back I don't think I can go back this opposed to be a cookie oh I gotta just make this a cookie real quick what it's a blue cookie all right sometimes cookies are blue and they have like sprinkles on them this is like cherry flavoring all right hold on [Music] it's supposed to be a cookie it's paint there's no going back what does this thing do can I do anything up there like Stella painting but lift up the Sun on the background okay the metal is the Sun it's Cookie Monster with a surfboard is not [Music] and he has to be like holding a gun it's like a hand up here yeah you know Cookie Monster sometimes to carry that gun [Music] okay [Laughter] what do I do with this now okay that's it let's just let's just sell it can anybody buy this No [Music] cookies a card edge it's not gonna buy it the artist seems to know their craft you want to buy it okay so how much sixty bucks [ __ ] Attica thank God I want to leaves a hundred how do I delete paintings through this one this one's gone okay kid get that out of here does it cost money to make paintings why are you painting without passion TV drone about a horse actor received general favorite wait we're gonna have to stay like relevant right okay we got drawn horse quick [Music] quick [Music] just like that TV show got 60 bucks fine I'll take it cookies and carnage is sold for 60 degrees Celsius okay let's see this guy gonna buy this one - the guy was a latte the same guy gonna come over here and buy it I'm gonna put I'm gonna put like effort in it wait I want something fresh I'm gonna put some effort into this one those are a couple of jokes so let's go with what is how do I do any of this [ __ ] can you just this is just basic basic [ __ ] huh let's go with like a mountain I think I could do it okay okay I'm gonna make a horse until somebody buys it I'm going to take my time let's see that's like the shitty horse this is like the one the horse is gonna like actually take some time [Music] this is a cat now [ __ ] what is the horse look like this is not what a horse looks like right I mean it's kind of close those are the Striped right they can be [Music] okay [Music] now I just look sixth right let's try this one it's like take your pick Pacific this how is it oh that's it now we need to make a better horse we're gonna have to have evolved the horse here alright what is the horse space that hosts the space looks like this right like this they like big breasts and then it comes around like this how do i erase how do i how do I write wait wait wait they're prime this canvas [Music] hold on I need to be smaller than this but your primary canvas again it wasn't ready that's just like [ __ ] Gumby that was Gumby god dammit what does a [ __ ] horse look like honest to god [Music] there we go got it got it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] kangaroo Helen are you gonna have shoes on little out the way there's other legs don't worry he's like a diaper on wait wait wait wait this is you guys don't really this is like a just like a cartoon voice [Music] so secure sources nutsack hey you guys want something fresh fine I'll give it to you in a second just wait just wait to this painting this gets done these ones suck this one's gonna come together don't worry the horses have like tongues right okay get a color that's in different a different shade to make it a little bit better man jump what did that site man jumps on trampoline okay we're going to do we have to do two birds one stone here guys because we got to trampoline the background come on at least this one's gonna be colored in there's like different shades on it - I can't like zoom in it's not that easy to just do like I and you can't like undo or anything it's just like one and done smaller [Music] so I give them peoples or not like just kind of relaxing you guys relax right the clicks up sad if you like a pizza all right that's good enough all right whatever there's going to be a guy to try to leave I could [Music] okay I'm every trampolines I look like this like a guy on trampolines like let's make them like glue okay got there we go [Music] Nega that one's like kind of interesting with it these ones are going to sell obviously so I'm going to delete them what about like build I have like money right and I'm at least $150 last week I lost 20 bucks it's okay though we have to get rid what it's a download her name these ones don't gonna work we have that one oh here we go 144 dolls for this thing need to know my app taking it you think that's sorry [ __ ] idiots gonna that's like same get about the other one - this guy buys [ __ ] heart all right pebble did this for this one if this is going to really like here we go hot topic for many critics alright a support on days way of I whatever [Music] [Music] you think I thank you you cannot joke not art okay there you go see if I can see funny buys this one [Music] you like this one you're gonna help me what where's the energy dude it's so bland oh wow this one sucks please [ __ ] god help me it's not joke alright let's see if it was let's make another one the same guy ah [ __ ] out of the same guy was gonna come by it expense alright let's make here we go it's now blue sky green grass we make a house like a house here like a nice we're gonna do like we're gonna do every legs second graders art ever yeah a light tornado hits the Normandy area no cash come on quickly [ __ ] how do I get rid of that okay can be like the swirlies from the tornado [Music] okay come on just gonna make this house okay rain need rain to my fine okay and some some more interesting grass blades [Music] there we go haven't got money [Music] just paint to remove the lines yeah but I feel like I can't do that shit's too hard do it again this time I'm going to do I change like brushes do I buy anything I wonder if you did you just do this [Music] can you Commission me oh good execution thank you take it so I think I upgrade the studio eventually Normandy tornado news for you so for sale you unlocked a new tool tool unlocked which one what is this okay uh you [Music] now hold on [Music] that's his mouth [ __ ] hold on wait wait [Music] [Music] yeah there we go yeah I'm gonna sell that's like that's [ __ ] sneeze blood that's gonna give me like [ __ ] $200 um oh come on [Music] come on I got for 200 old left together good again is your to a rainbow that won't always work all right what's a rainbow rainbow is a blue green orange yellow magenta what color is it okay then I think blue is at top right in the rainbow a little thicker look it looks like this right [Music] [Music] all right that's close enough right that sort of that's what a rainbow looks like right okay whoa whoa whoa pretty who's bought this for $18 all right we're going to make this like we're going to make this like iconic controversial you don't mean like about a [Music] [ __ ] gold here [Music] a little controversy I mean no [ __ ] goals here don't I'm saying that's a [ __ ] real period piece no gold here [Music] look at resistance no no no whatever we're talking about leprechaun all right uh that's the same that's not a period yes it is because like back in the day people thought that you could get [ __ ] gold at the end of a rainbow people used to actually go do that back in like the 1400s they would get in their horse and buggy and they would go to the [ __ ] end of the rainbow but guess what there is no end of the rainbow with optical illusions of all these [ __ ] idiots will like go and look for gold in California and then we're going to find it it is at the period piece we're talking about like the 1400s shoes for dogs is that what you said what is that one of those shoes okay we'll get a drug dog look at that see this guy get this [ __ ] guy get it history focus I'm going to take a notice of my activities except did somebody breed this somebody's taking notice about this Oh God that would be pretty funny all right we got to do make something abstract okay you got it [Music] and you because somebody's like sleeping in there and then we got yeah [Music] well I just turning with like a leprechaun like no clothes no future rainbow and then he don't I mean [Music] I'm making look at McDonald's logo this issue and then you know spray the whole thing in blood you know that's like that's like by blood all right good [Music] I got a hold for you Jackson Pollock yeah he didn't used to do that I'm gonna do there we go two hundred two hundred dollars to this I told you I knew what I was doing I didn't same guys bought every single painting I'll take okay [Music] almost okay [Music] [Music] okay I am we're gonna do okay but let's do night she almost askew um let's I'm going to paint like a snowy mountain wild iceberg crashes into ship the iceberg stinks I don't care I'm not gonna do that [ __ ] he's a guy he's a guy that's a great he's a guy buys every single [ __ ] one of my paintings thanks dude world where the past passport of a new face and the art scene is started to spread across the city okay let's do it let's do it let's do an actual mountain I mean I'm gonna try to make a good painting even though I don't have any big tool this one's going to be called like like Alaskan morning okay everybody chill we're going to do Alaskan morning [Music] no I wanted to be blue No [Music] Alaskan morning everybody needs to be blue as well it's gonna be like a darker you going crazy or is there no sound oh they definitely sound [ __ ] I like clicked over to make sure they was sound and I did that oh well whatever [Music] Alaskan morning to take my time with this one I want a lot of money for this [Music] okay now we need another one in the blue bar in the background I mean like this one's very far away the outline there [Music] that I don't I'm going to I'm going to make this are going to make this more shapely if you like a few minutes to make this a little more shapely invited to this widget would just like getting the base down here I could get rid of that thing because it's just making people make throw-up noises that's all it does we're okay get some fine fine line work here you lose hands you see to [ __ ] tear your hands like this before to do this [ __ ] by the way I don't have a [ __ ] tablet like if you think I'm like using a tablet to draw that a disadvantage okay I got lots of money I'm good and then the back the campus needs to be I'm gonna make the back way I need like some smokiness ear I mean no that's that's after but would even be a little bit of cloudy smoking a little just a little bit of smoking [Music] these are stars at the starry night my starry like you know starring afternoon let's know this is snow way too much snow is going to call this Alaskan blizzard okay so there's that snow it's really smelling heavy I'm going to call this one bundle up in Alaska okay we need like okay here we go that's a little bit darker you know they got like really dirty snow in Alaska you know that was I thought that looks good okay sweet blending there is no blending you show me with a blending tool is that's like at this is the moon I thought I [ __ ] it up nope sorry that's mud [Music] you [Music] we make sure we have an accurate representation of the moon it's important I'm not going to be I'm not gonna [ __ ] you guys now that's what it looks like the real [ __ ] telescope [Music] [ __ ] damnit life for prison blocks who cares okay um we need a house we need a very small house over here [Music] somebody has like their house built like right on like an edge like this yeah to be like they're like deck or something how that works [Music] just quit while I'm ahead what are you talking about and little chimney know what you're like if bright-green [ __ ] hug it's alright it's okay people can have like you look they have a weird painting they were weird painted house now I'm [ __ ] self-conscious you guys have me self-conscious now I don't like that but you get the idea like that's what it looks like okay there's their house [Music] it's just the paint stream know that there's and he's got to have like a balcony his balconies be going to be coming up this way cuz how is how would he see was like beautiful landscape he wouldn't unless he had like a [ __ ] balcony that we going to be standing like right color again like is standing on his balcony [Music] and make sure he's like [ __ ] smashing up that middle finger because this [ __ ] just throws wife off the [ __ ] cliff I mean [Music] you know he didn't want to sign those [ __ ] divorce papers [Music] falling and what he did what he didn't know what everybody didn't understand it was like the guy that like he was cheating on him right and like the guy that was like we got a guy headed here to would be like I want like I want this I want this be a red guy cuz he's like mad he's like on the roof I must [ __ ] smash his head fry it back [Music] yeah Zadok you can't cheat on your wife ever again he's got horns too okay cuz this guy's like Satan okay there we go that's bet what else can happen we'll just be a fire on my the mountains sure why not [Music] okay that's fine Satan's punishing him for doing what he did [Music] Alaskan blast Winston this is gonna make money alaskan sin come on he took his wife to like a retreat he's like cheating on her he's like I gotta get rid of her off the [ __ ] mountaintop it's like a [ __ ] 42 takes $4,200 a night here Satan comes up behind frying pans in fact I've had 2500 bucks 880 she want to do I said I sell this [ __ ] $1,000 do it somebody might come over and give me more I'm doing it 880 girl someone important is planning to visit soon oh [ __ ] I have to have a good painting all right get this this joke is not funny anymore like it just causes me like to hear noises yeah how avoid talking delete this I can't delete it I don't think I can get rid of this [ __ ] somebody again I'm not in the red how do I kill eat this painting it won't let me go get this out of here like that it was funny for like five seconds okay this is gonna be good I'm going to call this one that self-portrait okay I'm going to draw I'm going to try to draw my actual face meet Jeremy it was like how I see myself I'm going to try okay Hey [Music] a little thicker [Music] [Music] we're going for self-portrait [Music] [Music] okay that's that like : I need a little bit no ice no no no no no no no I don't like it no that was opposed to be like smile lines now just gonna think this is like I like a cream stat how do I guess how do I delete this I don't like like it might be actually white okay that's my self-portrait I mean okay I need this now either blue now it's better hey thank you - somebody's people will give them money hold on hey thank you saucy for the three bucks build a PC in a clown costume I don't think I will but thank you this videos is very much appreciated does he know despina with 15 bucks as won some money betting on the UK election system for my favorite streamer also how the [ __ ] is that a horse well this is from like like this from like 25 minutes ago so he's referring to the horse thank you for the 15 bucks so glad you won some money it was a horse though don't get me wrong about the horse also thank you to gummy monks seeking blue mostly lost and a Lulu key so the bits mostly lost gave 342 bits yes the California Gold Rush you 14:49 okay but thank you guys every thanks for the bits very much appreciate it you guys rock and put some clouds behind me when I get cloudy today cloudy day and this is gonna hold up this is going to be important [Music] iPhone [ __ ] damn it what hold on give it was that good you real high okay Amazon name is on Friday I don't know my password I was literally talking on my Amazon Prime password so we're gonna do that later anyway this is a cell phone and it's gonna be the flash they could even write the [ __ ] fake ones come on give me like no now it just looks like I'm like intently looking you get the idea right let's put the Apple logo on here isn't there there's a bite out of the Apple logo right yeah no the Apple whatever you understand there you go is uh watching something in the duck [Laughter] it does look like a lightness bed come on think this guy asked to buy it buy it come on somebody buy it for a hundred and twenty six dollars good old George my mo my biggest fans how much money do I have I got 1,600 that has to be something I can do it can i buy anything can I like upgrade anything that I do anything that was the mote that was Bor than any of the others you need to keep good art up for the important person I let's just get a bus Gibson let's get some [ __ ] done okay um we're gonna do is gonna be a holiday-themed one okay holiday-themed let's go with we're going to make the slavers [Music] so down here there's going to be like all the like all the little boys and girls and I mean like everybody's just like down here they're like pointing puffs legs every gesture got one kid another kid yeah I see it mommy look it's good like it'll be like a bunch of different people here I want to make sure like I don't like a book ruin this forget is that that makes my green they're all pointing up I guess alarm is way longer this is like this is like children of the world you don't mean like everyone's like pointing their shadow we're gonna do two hands two hands on this guy goes oh [ __ ] I've turned them into like [ __ ] wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man uh-huh you were gonna point this way [Music] [Laughter] [Music] they just keep going on here hi well it's like though what's like someone look up what's this looks like the UN symbol what is it cuz I'm gonna draw like this excited in the river comes and see this nose it's like the world it'll like the children of the world what's like the UN symbol is this a you I'm going to just I'm gonna guess what the symbol of the UN is I don't have any [ __ ] idea it's got to have like a symbol okay so I'm gonna say it's like it is it a little ribbon the UN is a UN simple a blue ribbon as I get it and there's just a little ribbon and then it says like UN in the center right I was sure I think I think it's nothing like that [Music] yeah there you go this is the symbol of the world coming together in turmoil as times and we have Santa Santa's like gray let's get the beard first that beard for Santa and his head to blur this way oh it's big sin is like an old man that period looks like a snuff is okay he's really bad [ __ ] he's naked well it's sad isn't cause supposed to be naked right up [ __ ] look I didn't mean to look and look it's got to come together just wait just wait there's like no naked crepe no no no just I'm gonna redo the beard I just have to get this first let's get [ __ ] bathtub all of it babies that is it's code on his big red cape this Anna's got like a [ __ ] cape he has white too right he dead something's like flying in his dead corpse over the children of the United Nations to show them like there is no [ __ ] hope some sick [ __ ] is like trying to do to the world since not even safe they like flying him over the world to let me that's so terrible no this is alive don't worry Santa's alive boys and girls oh no gold no future no gold no future that's huge sit in a hat right he's like one of those like goofy hats I can't man this is Tim this is a goose got too dark [Music] nothing to show up [Music] [Laughter] and somebody I'm gonna [ __ ] cry man and somebody like baited like naked to like steak dick is out you shouldn't like be like till I make it even more embarrassing oh why oh this is [ __ ] terrible oh this is awesome like in his pants now they need fans right now look see okay he's good he's good he's got his extant underwear on God oh you guys are [ __ ] too much he's gonna Santa speed alone he's fine whoo nice song where I got filled is it taking way too much time on this bad boy this is taking too much time old man yells at cloud ship at the wrong color [Music] okay going to get this done these red shoes [Music] get his face it stays done toboggan all right Santa's Santa's all right then go see okay I was trying to give a fun like what how do you like the tiger he's small he's got like that I'm dead eyes although oh this is getting too intense [Music] oh no no no you can't be smiling there we go all right ah kind of like this fill this in a little bit this is a sleigh so glad to have like this one bit like trim right no passion I know it's probably gonna say that he's they're like little stripes right but now I just [ __ ] enough it didn't look like he cross-legged like somebody threw ah I can't do it hold on wait wait wait wait wait a minute I need to get these need to go out this is a race I'm not drawing the [ __ ] reindeer do you think too long imagine this is the ring here like this reindeer attaches this is not his body being [ __ ] dragged across the sky by like [ __ ] chain this is this is the sleigh Oh God okay that this is a play I'm gonna have like [ __ ] all over like piss all over all right um [ __ ] that guy I got it we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go let's make the [ __ ] sky I should make this guy first I didn't like the insane has been dead for a long time all right that's it solver like that we can't spend any more time on this there's no gold no future there you go that has a lot of passion in it come on [Music] let's early gave him a [ __ ] leprechaun hats god damn it we gotta wait for we gotta have like more than one painting up so let's just look wait hold on bingo bingo $1,200 nice unbelievable I love it we just made a lot of money good execution he's the same guy I hate her so much money all right um this time we're going to go we're going to go simple with this one I'm going to call this one squares in a field okay squares in a field squares in a field this one going to be abstract we're not looking for any real sense of direction here this players in a field okay I just want stuff up here [ __ ] just has to be up here guys like I got up I gotta have like more than two or three paintings up just have this one up here like it will sell somebody's idiot will come over and buy it okay squares infield got it done square squares the square squares in a field thanks Bill field filled with mes whatever how they spell field I got it was fun squares and squares squares in a field again keep going I got to do more come on hold somebody gave $15 somebody what's going on here oh [ __ ] I don't have one painting for like the VIP it squares in a field oh [ __ ] waitwhat progress to the next act like I was to buy it hold on wait wait wait a spark of life squares in a field the hipsters are having a meeting to discuss your rising popularity okay the daily bagel this is squares on the field bypass important it was only recently that I heard of Pat's a party of quirky young artists with a passion for growth they walked down the crime stricken alley I embraced the air of unhealthy mold before being entranced by the piece on the table from a distance I was struck with the craftsmanship as I approached the piece my heart fluttered with excitement as I came closer it assured in a sense of childish happiness upon closer inspection the intriguing details of the dark teal contrasted by the profusion of lime reminded me of my home the use of green clearly represents earlier poisonous relationships all in all squares and fields is a good effort that support has a lot of potential I can certainly recommend my Raiders to visit paths a fortune in the future ok master the craft closed for $58 and like Santa dead in a sleigh was 1,200 bucks I've got my own studio now unlocked a new tool the pen tool all right so there's more there's more to the game got it cool not what I do anything else I will honk how much money do I have I currently has 2,600 bucks 27 almost okay rent great I think a rent went up to anything else be interacted with now this is a more controlled approach whoo okay nice that actually is a lot easier okay so trash this um I'm going to go with is my first painting in my new studio as it have been my dream we're going to do dreams dreams of aspiration you know I made it and when I got my first twitch subscriber I thought I thought the same way too reams of aspirations we're going to put that on paper then we're going to see what that looks like dreams of aspirations is what happens when you you make it and when you [ __ ] steal it you've made it you do it like a success but I did what I would this is what I would paint come on it's got to come to come to me I gotta believe give me a second is going to come to me putting myself in that mindset again like the tickets with the first subscriber on Twitch yeah no no that was that was a joke that was okay no no you know what you're keeping it okay but that's for me that's not for you yeah I'll care to get rid of it I can't get rid of it [ __ ] whatever this time we're going to do the real one because that was like that was like the knee-jerk reaction now we're going to do like the real [Music] [Music] to the sky [Music] these clouds we're up in the sky here I need to make sure I can make sure you guys have never we need to be aware this is the sky okay [Music] after the pencils I call but it's got waste time [Music] holy [ __ ] it took to click three hundred dollars a month to live here who scores in a field part to do the background first yeah but like I know I just freaked out because I didn't make sure you guys are aware of how I felt and I got my first ever twitch subscriber it's a rainy day that day clouds are in the sky I like to think was man today was not good car was out of gas - the last time I wasn't going to live like that anymore but through the darkness I saw those multiple Suns and in my mind I knew I was doing the right thing I was going to reach it I was going to make it I've reached my face up into those clouds honey I'm gonna do it sure take it [Music] I want to get up there as fast as I could and make my eyes I've got different color so maybe you could actually see them and that's as I was going up should I thank you can hold on and upon my ascension let's try one [ __ ] snap selfie [Music] me going like yes like putting my fist down here I mean just for some reason I'd be able to remember this moment forever [Music] it just kind of look like I'm being cooked in a pan with eggs yeah itself so we're poaching eggs because I'm glad you got to see me getting like poached like with it with my [ __ ] favorite food oh okay there we go that's what I felt like bled that first day ascending up into the eggs [Music] I didn't fill my skin in what was it dreams dreams of aspiration this one this one's gonna be just completely oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] it all up I just grabbed at the screen whoops yeah I still see okay I'm just going to go straight up I'm not not gonna think no think nothing no thinking allowed here I'm not thinking about [Music] that you feel it flowing cream got done another one another one Nothe come on right right it Matalin one more so I'm not talking I'm like really trying to concentrate in my art [Music] i what I'm doing it [Music] okay I got my creative juices out of it now let's actually let's actually do it [Music] what was a little thing in the news [Music] that's excellent thirty bucks with this I need to talk no more [ __ ] around to make money I'm gonna lose the only thing to take motive was the just [ __ ] coil nobody wanted anything else really I won't invest in this whatever you say Georgie oh it's ignored Oh God never trust a purple just gave a hundred bucks like two or three minutes ago somebody give you hundred thousand in real life and I didn't even see it what a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I am NOT anybody Thank You purple for the hundred dollars turma you're asleep wake up this is your subconscious reaching out to you am I awake am i asleep I don't know but thank you never trust purple you are very very very much an investor in this string your view invested in one of these paintings more than one so thank you also a hole of one zombie earlier I did say hello but they say those squares are going to haunt us all but thank you for $15 much appreciated much love and back we go I won't invest in this if I'm asleep then what are we interesting like okay people starting to wear like wigs and [ __ ] now I going to be the make me pick proper okay let's start with um actually home can i let's go with green i want to do a pond we're gonna do a pawn to some product what's in the background first this was gonna be conned so it's gonna green no eggs cause disease according well [ __ ] that I'm doing my pond the way that I want start this let's get some blue in here [Music] and this does it move every bird's-eye view of the punch okay there you go that's that you're liking a little bit extra little thing over here like you know it tapers off a little bit doesn't like exact it could be a stream - could be a stream and like if they have like divots and dents and [ __ ] right okay so now [Music] some lily pads resisted a few I'm going to go to light green for these bill [Music] couple dark green ones [Music] okay that looks alright let's make let's make it a little more detailed not at the same color hold on you but okay that's fine [Music] okay no [ __ ] and is a lily pad just twister for colorblind people no it's not yeah think about art guys it takes a little while before it goes those are going to be a double piece that's what you [ __ ] that's existence you uncultured idiots don't understand and sees you that this is not only there's a top-down picture of a pond it's also the McCleary a-- that's inside the pond this is you know you know when the Glary is that the thing when you go into like a dirty pond and you can like kill you it's like it's a it's a disease like a parasite that's the parasite as well as the pond it's a double period piece so thank you sorry i'm gonna continue my work now please rush off so here we go go with school this color blue to the outline here as I might get a nice little beach to it clean that up bring that over here looks pretty good so far I'm gonna say I mean some people might not agree but I think I think it was all right [ __ ] I'm losing money I have to just has to be a good one no [ __ ] around how do you draw a frog I need like a to do like yellow frogs um [ __ ] must be like a little [Music] you just take focus sombreros this was fantastic oh no they will turn into frogs just wait everybody don't have a meltdown they're gonna be frogs in a very few seconds so all you need to do to make a frog is it need to have a raised head and big eyes to watch you guys didn't think these are going to be frogs yeah what do you think now oh these aren't frogs huh really you don't think there's a frog's now not frog to me not frog huh [Music] not frogs huh okay this three frogs up here and we're going to have somebody's like space down dead floating no no no violence no controversy just the double period people that I was talking about okay now let's get like a like a little picnic up here you know so we're gonna picnic is hole of one zombie thank you that's $15 I walked away for five seconds there god damn UFOs on the facility - no that was a frog by the frogs looking in the sky because the somebody's taking a picture from the sky a helicopters driving by somebody's leaning out the window there's like the [ __ ] like the CDC is like driving by to make sure they take leg of all the ponds in the country or some animal this is taking too long I know [ __ ] you right it is I can't cut cuts it should get that that pod picnic [Music] there's like the quick Nick I got an umbrella here [Music] and how do you do a picnic it isn't like it's a go it's the checkerboard right this is just like a shitty American flag hold on not not anymore good is that connected up here would sticks all right there's there's the picnic - the tablecloth what hold on wait a minute wait a minute tablecloth do you put a tablecloth down you sittin like a picnic blanket is it is it a tablecloth it is right here the picnic baskets so you go like let's make a lettuce in there or something so you know it's like this food in here put a little line down the middle here okay that's been then an umbrella on this side [Music] here we go okay I gotta sell this I can't spending more time we going to delete the other two nobody wants them slug no no no go down with a Murdock we need oh just a little bit of blood in the water so you know people wouldn't know what the [ __ ] this was supposed to be about just a little bit of blood in the water just so people understand leggo that it's supposed to be like a piece about like disease in the water gonna have a good name [Music] no I wrote that as I'm making this joke [ __ ] um [ __ ] [Music] ah [Music] toxic thoughts on the aquifer on zero get [ __ ] booked a robot out of here picnic in the swamp all right 1,800 bucks yeah I need the money like right now as do another one like that good this one's gonna be a little faster this is gonna be called chainsaw murderer okay chainsaw murderer I wonder how this one moves down you know I'm going to be a little bit quiet for this one [ __ ] it needs to be a background okay we got it okay I'm going to do the arms first because this is like [Music] here custody in this is not god damn it hold on [Music] okay I got it like I just need this there we go Justin I have to get that leg ooh okay this is just a reference this is not like an actual done this is just for reference I'm going to paint over this I did I need to get the pieces in place we're again [Music] we got to do with these quick I need more money [Music] I think it's [ __ ] evil mustache [Music] okay we're done [Music] okay Mortal Kombat 11 that's a good better murder asleep okay uh how about too complex for me what you going to some dark places now that's [ __ ] Mortal Kombat that guy is like who's the guy who's like the funny mustache in Mortal Kombat somebody who's like a big funny mustache doesn't have a big funny mustache sure who wouldn't like stupid [Music] that's like Johnny Cage okay you're gonna buy this I only invest in clean paintings how does it know how does it know that that's a guy getting like like a tack to the chain so dumb sick [ __ ] is going to come and buy it I know it hmm go like this background first um videos lady come on you know you're like the crazy one I knew it much to my liking I knew this like a weird [ __ ] load he was gonna bite [Music] okay how about this one's gonna be called pay attention okay Hey or no like other you want I'll do you one better this was gonna be called find where's where's Walter it's gonna be this one okay but you guys are gonna know you guys you guys will know where Walter is because you're obviously here in the stream and like you're watching me put Walter where I want to put them where's Walter put it like we're gonna make a scene first think like a city with some roads the road going out here road going this way cities of cityscape over here it's a good City city scape nothing like two different dimensions right now by the way where's Walter [Music] you Zota say it looks like the unzipping company okay I might is not going to use the pen you know I really should see okay put some lines here these are the roads that's just kind of cool-looking already why you liking this because it's two different place it's two different places okay so guys everybody close your eyes everybody close your eyes for the next like 15 minutes because I'm going to put I'm putting down Walter right now and I don't want you get you know that you guys are gonna know what it it so everybody close your eyes I'm putting down Walter don't [ __ ] look do not look everybody everybody is closed got it okay I'm putting Walter is don't look for the next like 20 minutes okay keep your eyes closed [Music] don't open your [ __ ] eyes please I know somebody just did you no cheating this just looks like the same car is doing this it's like flying off the [ __ ] Road this is Rainbow Road [Music] now Wow look I'll get to you in a second drawing the mouse is like so I'm just like a rushing don't look [Music] [Music] all right you can look at a second hold on [Music] we can throw you guys off okay don't open your eyes yet [Music] okay you can open your eyes so where's Walter Walter because it might not know Walter is has a black mustache and black eyes so I mean like good luck finding Walter where is he okay that's fine yeah black mustache and black eyes I mean that that you where is he founded yeah nice job top left you got it nice job pet but you guys already like new this is like this is not for you where's Walter I feel like that one's gonna sell let's keep going just I'm going to make like just like a city yeah she [ __ ] loved it thank you she'll take that home to her kids and her kids will eat that [ __ ] up trust me I got a session with detailed one of the city's and nobility I got I got a please was one of the city's nobilities or I'm gonna have to do all right so he's not gonna be like a George Washington type right I'm gonna have to do like a guy like a George Washington sitting like down in a chair I got to make this one right just like those old paintings and be like kind of let's go to like ground in the back right it was always like if now is that kind of like this color wasn't it that's way too dark no that's good okay I need to show him my mind like how I can do like detail work so let's go with sitting the chair here we go [Music] this is not the chair guys this is not that this is not the person I'm painting he's definitely like some kind of [ __ ] Muppets so he's going to be no [Music] you [Music] that's not a powdered wig is this one of the nobles is going to look like is like offensive to this guy oh you cut this like frizzy ass [ __ ] up hair okay now there's a powdered wig sitting this is just for reference I'm going to be I'm going to clean this up in a minute don't worry sitting in the chair all right let's get look at we getting some like good clothes on him they're supposed to go ah [ __ ] okay I got it quiet I have to get this [ __ ] painting done now because they somebody's gonna come in soon I'm not gonna have anything it's gonna be in like navy blue pants or something right like light here we go this is very like reek in a crown shoes [Music] okay I'm going to separate this a little bit just so you can see that it is two different shoes all right Turkey no it's not a [ __ ] Turkey just watching cousin Jean no it's [ __ ] regal well real comfortable Jean perfect no it's not a [ __ ] turkey no gonna be like you [Music] I got it it's because it was like his but I mean now he's gonna have like a like a maroon coat on I'm gonna put like buttons on this [ __ ] he's going to look great you're gonna have like something like weird [ __ ] up here like this like they'll be like like shoulder Pratt didn't mean like a because it's the same color as a [ __ ] background they're like okay he's like an esteemed [ __ ] Steve Noble he has like those big shoulder pads okay let's give him like a little bit of like decoration here like like now at the same College background [Music] here he really actually is turning into a [ __ ] clown but that's okay it's not a big deal there's a jacket famously armless oh [ __ ] I forgot to give him arms okay if he can fix it later yes and like stuff right here right now they have like tassels and [ __ ] like oh like no this is just me he's pretending a circus ring leader but whatever mistakes is the most important part yes [Music] I dislike the Regal guys okay that's not bad the chair in the background has to be colored in otherwise what is it otherwise look to give his two pairs like this is a chair guys this is the chair and he's sitting it [ __ ] [Music] this is going to be like - would be a different color and I need to like add like legs for the chair [Music] kind of like a guy on force like a horse and a guy costume [Music] horse and a guy costume this is fine I'm just going to remove this I'll cover that in a minute damn it why can I go back alright let's fix the hair and then I have to be right back for like four legs to whom in it so just like a look at this monstrosity we're not done with this by the way I still need to do a couple things so just give me one second I have to go pee and there's something there's one very specific thing I have to take care of so I'll be right back don't don't leave okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay come back turn this off bring this back of here sorry about that but I got a new washer and dryer and I needed to talk to somebody about like what like I was getting set up it's like a gas dryer so like you guys can't [ __ ] around so give me what are we doing so I we think shush this time like don't tell don't tell me what [Music] a washer and dryer got a new washer and dryer I did alright um we need to do some little bit of tone work here no he needs to have arms anybody catch the guy's name like what was the guy's name it was like the dudes name that was like the Admiral whatever what am i doing don't tell them to tone the butt cheeks that's a good I will [Music] how would you be sitting like this by the way I'm just realizing what the [ __ ] I'm doing you can't sit like this you can't be still able to see this you would be able to get like kicked out of his position as Admiral we're on four different planes here by the way so it was color right yeah you come down like here sir it's a little too small form with it's already roll the sleeves up replete stuff [ __ ] out of people okay just a little bit longer you gonna have like the cops - right yeah no no that's I'm doing he's a big crazy cups [Music] where's this body oh ok alright I think that's good right maybe a little bit touch-up [Music] we're going to cat Fozzy as here [Music] now I can't touch it up it's alright here we go alright that looks all right that's not that's okay guys the nobleman I don't want to sell this month I want to leave this one up because but somebody really important is gonna come in and look at it I don't want to sell it I don't care what this guy wants to pay for it this guy's not a noble he doesn't need one it just looks like this guy smiley looking about the [ __ ] like doesn't want this painting good get out of here get out of my shop too complex for me sad that's good that means that this guy's [ __ ] brain is too small to understand my immense work she looks my chronology I don't think is Noble oh that's so much money though uh $2,400 is it worth it or should I keep it up there because that's like the best one I've done no get out of here 24 something right lookit let's get another one let's get let's get another one going 2,300 no no not yet I need a good piece for when the guy actually comes in that's the one I'm keeping you look at look at look into another one and I got one hey hold on okay you gotta just like a little thing boy hey what's up what's this hey hey hey hey what's this one gonna pull the barbell of a blink it is a snowstorm [ __ ] laughing about a little bit and I would add but I happen to have it uh Calvin and Hobbes reference there is here's my guy right here I usually sell to this guy this one's gonna be kind of morbid but just bear with me here no I don't tell this one's going to be up here a piece just so you guys are aware yeah [Music] we call global warming global warming 2025 and we're gonna have like like a little map but just but just people know just people are aware this is going to be like a bap of California like I'm half of the United States so this is the United States right here and like this is where California is supposed to be and then [ __ ] is [ __ ] gone I mean just gone underwater [Music] like [ __ ] underwater Florida underwater Massachusetts underwater USA's on fire - this is like I pulled out a little bit like the suppose you'd be I'm gonna pull out and like boom like this is that that's like the big bird's eye view of like the world I mean it's like the United States and there's a little bit close to global warming to 2025 switch 2050 now I might be like 2075 this one is going to Apple sell this one and get rid of this one that's joke on stuff [Music] and this one's gonna be called I don't understand well done you come in here like often and just don't get any work at all I don't know why you keep coming into my [ __ ] store that's optimistic this is gonna be called summer dream it's gonna be an ice cream cone gonna be a beautiful ice cream cone look like a nice gooey background bad colors [ __ ] off George who you want it don't you take it Mary see Mary understands global warming you guys don't even going to understand what this is when you do I mean like you'll know why they called me the [ __ ] art major [Music] [Music] this one's gonna be a good bang I know my art [ __ ] terminology ice-cream macro pretty good to an Afghan no not going to sell it lack of complexity but it's still good yes I don't understand what's fine done draw Otto well thank you hold one zombie you can like a quite a bit of money at this point so thank you I also think YouTube la six one three holy Mac also gives two dollars the only photograph of first American President George Washington yes it is he wants the ice cream one two hundred dollars done get the [ __ ] out of here I'm not selling that between remote we're bad colors that's fine never transfer file also get five dollars again and gave ten dollars so as [ __ ] I looked what what reality do you live in what people look like this a [ __ ] weird one but thanks again for both for the extra $15 on top of your hundred already and then fire and TV as well thanks for the bits guy you guys drunk alright I want to fill my studio here let's do mmm I'm going to call this one the funeral yeah the funeral she even went up to 2600 no I [ __ ] should but no the funeral we're like [Music] that's got to be done this is like the whole there's a hole in the ground put a look with a darker green on the edges so it's like you know it's like dug up and we do the dark green [ __ ] well whatever okay there's a hole but is don't keep coming back I don't know Don sure you can have it you really want the ice cream picture the businessmen are beginning to recognize my potential didn't know this is a creative stream you know sometimes we do create a sphere all right so this you could have put the sky I'm going to be a little dreary to the little just a little not that Jerry but it's okay put some trees back here I'm going to be very detailed no I should I think I really should just do this okay I'm going to sell that and it's gonna be the next level who lifts a lot of money tree back here public trade okay that's all I need easiest way to make it for you guys is just do this grab a spray paint tool and just like make like [ __ ] wig hair leave this way to make tree there's your tip 2600 I got the colors in [ __ ] I think I'm gonna sell it nah can't not yet this one sell sells I want no that's the best painting I've made that has to be here but when like the DeNoble comes in I made that specifically for him okay so they got the trees they're making looks like this draw the priest is priest right first look at the coffin in there yeah [Music] but I'm making in jokes on this one this is this wood this is literally just like a funeral I'm not gonna make any any any jokes and bad taste this is just a depiction of death in modern America you know which is a depiction not making [ __ ] field training in a gravestone social media replacing parenting social video says no man is text on this is just ok hmm have some family members dug around books would it say on the cast usually has like something on it right no that's fine hmm kind of goop okay I'd like people standing around they have to be all dressed in black now look at their hands up right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jenny that's they got this events like a family [Music] I don't want you to bite it and then of course of course of course you have the dinosaur pasture [Music] standing behind here [Music] okay yeah oh they have like this finger this is a joke hold on you guys understand it's the dinosaur funeral okay until he's got like a big ass - he's like facing this way so the tails gonna be up there get out of here doing wrong color great see this is like it's going backwards he's pretty much like lying down to do this this tale we're gonna put a little detail work on the tail don't worry I got you guys she's looking at stuck don't worry what do you I'm going to fix the affected Emily I'm talking I said don't worry [Music] I'm saving the other painting because I that's like a good painting people who want to drop like two three thousand dollars on it so I don't want to sell it I wanted to be the one that's there when the VIP comes in [Music] I'll tell this one okay an example teeth go there we are there is there's the pasture dinosaur I'm going to have to sound up there too for detail see this is nice little bit more detailed work on him was making like really pop I mean he looks like he has hair [ __ ] the most not selling the [ __ ] painting please leave me alone about it [Music] they're praying over mud so it's a cat of the casket and it did that hats and fiddles do they do you wear like you wear like I had a feel like a pastor do you know no you don't even need to [ __ ] tear up they wouldn't be [Music] [Music] there's this little hand okay look he's about to push the gravestone and I know this is just this is just like t-rex grave vandals it looks like he's about to [ __ ] Jenner was looking up at him like he doesn't belong look at he died they're looking up at him like this guy doesn't belong and he's about to shove the tombstone in there this is just like vandal t-rex at a Funeral okay that's it okay that was good that little bit of blood his teeth just so they know he's a [ __ ] vicious t-rex but he's just here here to like pay his respects to others in the ground okay good i funeral Randall you're a vandal and that this girl Oh God did your head over in a funeral funeral vandals Randall Rex funeral vandal Randall Rex no rattle Rex's funeral vandal rent a funeral vandal Randall T wreck Randall the Vandal Randall the funeral vandal t-rex I like that that's his quote you know anything like that's like that's his Randle t-rex but he's Randall the funeral Vandal Kyra there you go there this one's gonna be good this is a German Rumble character he would have to be in I would agree there you go there it is hopefully somebody buys with that painting look at the see how much I've improved my shitty paint 2300 no we're gonna pass right now somebody that that was the first bid [Music] unday the noble will come someday move higher than 2025 18th no George your pockets are not deep enough you've been getting out with the entire time who's this game [ __ ] sucks there's no it's it's charming I like this Dame she's right I'm not signing my painting somebody just made a very good point I'm not signing these paintings somebody could just buy this and sign their name on it it is their painting [ __ ] I gotta start doing that how do you mean this games not good this game took like drawing shitty Mouse mspaint drawings and made of the game and it's funny i think it's fun this is a game it's [ __ ] just it wasn't like an 8 bucks like this game is more fun than like any game I played in the last like two weeks I mean like pub G was bruised alright but like I'm in there come on this is this it gives fun alright and they made a dick yet no that's so that's cheap we don't cheap new cheap jokes I could easily draw like a penis league team but I'm not going to do that that's a cheap joke and plus I might get in trouble for that because switch TV may not appreciate me making like penis references on the screen so no sorry good cheap all right TV drama bought a horse actor received a horse actor much around any more courses no more horses what can I do next [Music] how about what's to like well have a look it's like a candle above the bedroom set hold on wait 23 [ __ ] off it's gotta be like 24 like a cozy bedroom 26 draw a batboy okay somebody want me to draw Otto I can do that that's fine what's your Auto like playing room crap Otto's easy this will sell for just people look [ __ ] this is this paintings gonna sell because people just love dogs for some reason if you show a dog on camera you get like money like doesn't make any sense why might watch this I'm going to draw a picture of Otto and somebody here's gonna pay like over $1,000 for the Otto is he's a black dog so I'm gonna be looking towards the camera small is an auto [Music] we've got like brown face here still around here I added a canvas on we're doing finesse work which could zoom in that's the one thing you can do 20600 no doesn't tell me I probably should just sell this soon looks got like a mush 23 I got a salad 2,300 bucks I'll take it I need this table painting and that's no one's got any higher than that I had to do it I made money [Music] now you know I can do the eyes later just call this thing we gon put extra Brown there make the eyes [Music] Otto Otto there we go now he's gonna be looking over here is um what it is cause we'll just come over for reference right here is like a $3,000 3 grand no that means someone will go higher I'm gonna Paul have a little talk coming down here like this back legs this one he kind of looks like a sheep but my dog he looks like a sheep anyways he really does he looks like a little sheepdog he's a big bum that's fine [Music] no I'm not going to sell I assume it's probably 10 grand I have to probably get up to $10,000 for the guy comes in and critiques my stuff now Otto has like brown feet and the ground pause Oh kinda has like chicken feet it's okay has like big bird feet from Sesame Street but don't worry I keep saying don't worry the name of the stream so a holy Maggie you want to make like a video of this just title it like passaport a - don't worry and I'm in this game just his name is don't worry that's all you need to do so a thousand times I've got a little bit of brown back here a little dusting of brown like beer there a little bit of brown his back will spray it on there to make it better I get a little bit cleaner looking fashionable shoes fit off fashionable shoes for dogs right [ __ ] autumns most shoes that's ok I'm gonna be like big blue like Sonic the Hedgehog shoes you know I had to do this I'm going to name it like dog shoes those social media things that pop up do they honestly even mean anything or is it just one of those stupid things a game to do sometimes it gives you funny little news tidbits that don't matter at all is that what's going on now they're all up at three thousand it's fine I'm going to put some birds in the sky and that will be fine okay very nice them like like little aces okay does a fashionable shoes get a couple of birds out here that's telling you guys I'm about to make Birds bet : shut up everybody shut up for a second don't [ __ ] say anything I did it wrong I'm gonna have a nicer sky too you guys know it's how to make a bird it's hard because I don't have to control don't so what these are like birds in the distance I learned this when I was like the [ __ ] 4th grade see that's good enough dog shoes are in somebody buy painted by a delinquent what are you talking get at it thin clouds another birth I didn't like it yeah god damn it why oh my god 2,500 bucks so I don't forget that opportunity again all right look I've we have to be getting close to like the VIP how much money do I have eighty seven hundred bucks 8,700 I got but I got the good ten grand I denied 3k not on that one all right let's do I'm gonna offer 29 for the dog no he didn't [Music] let's do it let's do like a nice like a nice close-up of a bottle of wine I like that idea so we're going to do a close-up them is going to be a lot of depth of field the backgrounds going to be blurry and we're going to be using a nice telephoto lens so it's going to look very very much right the forefront judging by the rule of thirds in photography and videography I'm going to have the base be here coming up into the top right there so we'll go with a nice clean I'd say like dark purple come up with it like here that's okay then just change this label a little don't you worry about that get that nice and clean nobody cares what you're buying [Music] put the label on there let's make a little gray [Music] here that's a really nice depth-of-field look I like it a lot looks really great I'm gonna have to meet the whole thing to be this color though I'm going to layer it around very nice effect there I really like it tree to the top here this is what I went up the top it's just a label we're concerned about it has to be the writing of the label let's get like a nice tree on here and it's like a nice wispy tree that shows that we're from Lyon country or like a willow tree but it's go-to called willow tree wine and it's going to be very abstract it's going to be very take this [Music] WillowTree one [Music] [Music] look at that [ __ ] artistic integrity going right up in the tree it's the base of the tree [Music] and we're only seeing a small part of that label so see it's going to keep going that way [Music] and eat my [ __ ] got dad at home there's my is [ __ ] this wine is [ __ ] in 1721 that's a year a little bit more we're going to clean this up a little bit here we got to get one of these glues to really show the label one up there here too okay then up here is going to be surely a little bit more than blue up here so you know that's where they go get into the top of that wine bottle come back that the field of Kubrick then I step the field on this table here looking the tables right there like this is it it's okay they look at look at this I'm going to put a [ __ ] box of apples on this table behind it so it's like damn you're close but you're still getting everything you're on telephoto we're getting two different things here [Music] so right this is the very front of the table bag of apples right here look at this check this out easy [ __ ] fruit salad I'm going to find this don't worry you're going to find it then definition on these apples [Music] this animal is a [ __ ] it does bugs in it who cares and I think that's perfect maybe put a tablecloth down - yeah one tablecloth like right here [Music] okay like I like it except I kind of wanted to be this color [Music] [Music] I like it working knife to fork and knife [Music] what sigh what sigh does it go on right what time the night goes on the left or no no no light and that goes on the right spoon goes on the left you get spoon and fork that go knife is on the other side smoothies pork and the plate is right in the middle on the plate we're going to be a [ __ ] steak [Music] beautiful and some greens - I'm getting hungry and they did wine glass course I do wine glass right over the next I'm so excited this is such a good [ __ ] sating it really is perfect wine glasses right here with a little bit of that vintage in there you know I'm saying [Music] oh it's perfect it's perfect it's perfect [Music] is that a glass for ants will do in perspective here see the background is all blurred out we're doing perspective alright now I'm going to sign it Scott dammit this is too big [Music] $1400 some [ __ ] idiots gonna buy it don't worry no I don't worry rose lemons video don't worry David estrellas don't worry [Music] [Music] Thank You cigarettes forgetting for the $2,100 thank you very much I'm not useless together you gave money to not that was let's go 2100 the noble ladies are loving fat supporting 3,500 bucks now they went up hello cigarette thank you for me 10 bucks sent off for the original of the grave defiling dinosaur ten dollars thank you dude I thank you also for the bits also iconoclastic how many times is dawn walked into your studio look at the one painting and said I couldn't understand why does it keep doing that yeah dawn by the time I figured you've been in here so many times like you've probably figured out that you don't get it so stop coming in here you have to prevent spending money Don keeps coming in here and driving it with gas in his car he spends like [ __ ] this guy probably spends like a hundred bucks a week to come here and not understand this one painting uh should I make Don okay let me make Don a simple painting you're right we'll make it right when we get abstract we'll get colorful for Dunne's tiny [ __ ] brain look here we go okay I'm gonna call this one that gangly squirrel call this one cotton candy swirl [Music] there you go done cotton candy swirl caution we Carnival crimes some candy [ __ ] I can't invest in this much detail I didn't say I don't want to sign that one [ __ ] that's what dawn dawn could sign it with his name really ever sign his work I did sign my work no this one can't be sold we need to make sure we can level up in this painting is good okay have a I'm gonna do a starry night sky all right you know what I'm gonna try to replicate I'm going to open up starry night we're going to do a starry night from Vincent van Gogh give me a second I want to look it up in English I'm going to try to replicate it starry night your mom Vincent van Gogh try to copy it word for word let's get it on my other screen here and then and then guess what [ __ ] I'm gonna sign it to the side this thing alright let's go a starry night can I do it so looks like it's done is it all [ __ ] up but whatever way it starts off with blue here this color blue disappear start like that and then [Music] this fills out down here [Music] kind of does the same thing like here [Music] then there's like the [ __ ] like a Hogwarts is like on the left I need the other one [Music] like curls [Music] okay and that comes over here this leg does the same thing okay Johnson here so I'm doesn't like it okay it was on your brain [ __ ] cutie and that comes across this also goes up here like that I mean the darker one to go up here [Music] this hey add him the rest is the rest is like it's what's going to put this here as a placeholder [Music] this trails off a little bit more - it goes like okay now to Hogwarts Hogwarts is a black castle looking thing and this is one side here [Music] spike that comes up to like another like spike which goes like up to like a power [Music] then a little slain thing this like right here fill this in [Music] Brown in here - I'll get it don't worry don't worry here you [Music] getting it looks pretty close guys I'm sorry to say this but like this [ __ ] is real close and I'm not even I'm not even done [Music] and then was like a couple of towns over here right so we need to do some buildings there like a very delicate glue down here like houses we clean this up dump fret like some green grass over here dark green whatever there's a [ __ ] painting sucks by the way like what a shitty painting when it what is the story nighty what is it what about it but some like chimneys all this stuff like this here Rea in there to just like you know make it look like I tried just like I did like a church that serve right here that that comes over there look straight up okay that's good looks good looking good so far need a little bit of brown in here a little bit Brown of a room and it's freaking that comes up like a little flames a little bit like yeah I mean like I can't look I'm not doing with what I can work with okay I'm using with what I can work with and like it this is what I have to work with so sorry sorry guy there's a little red house down here should we get that in there okay now we're going to do the the most important [ __ ] which is the starry night the star is in the starry night so it looks like what's oblique let's get the mo the mood is over here it's just like right here right there [Music] there you go okay call that in [ __ ] hold on no no it's ruined to put notes on I'm gonna do the ship behind it it looks weird plasma behind it let's go look it's like a white plasma kind of like a peach plasma it's going through right there okay no [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] game that's my fault something took my fault right there okay there's that one let's draw the moon [Music] moon actually I can do this they want a hand I want to free I want to free of all this one [ __ ] close enough the paintings it's like a piece of [ __ ] anyways who cared like that [Music] whatever it's okay it don't matter there's one two three this book a one two three let's get all these spots one up here one left right here [Music] right next to me here right here - to the left [Music] and that one one two right here then too close look I don't have a [ __ ] landscape canvas so whatever they're going to put one more here and one more here and then we do a couple of circles and Reginald little ones they kind of just go in the middle like this this one's a little bigger some reason don't ask me why a little bigger too small okay this is one last one in here and that's it ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching this wonderful paint stream there's a starry night five event agenda they accept accepted by me because I'm signing it down here it was like this is not even my say I got I like it my signature is way cool than this I'm just doing a shitty one my signatures not this shitty it's cool I have like a very beautiful signature I'm just doing it for Decca joke the last two signings old shitty and I could do much better but that don't that my signatures way prettier princess pretty good [Music] here I go starting no one understands something this complex you don't understand a [ __ ] starry night that one looks good that one looks good don't tell me that that one doesn't look it that's always the best one I've done with my up against the clock 2600 henceforth this is my favorite artist no you can do better than least it's worth it I know it's worth money no one's going to buy the candy cane thing so I'm going to just complete it so like [ __ ] it you can Monalisa dawn is trash value 1500 no I kind of like delete this one yeah no one's like that well do we have to do something even simpler for Donna we're going to okay but it's going to do with like the zebra close-up like whatever it doesn't even matter this let's just make this [ __ ] like abstract an odd but like simple enough where dawn will buy it for like 40 bucks they're whatever 26:50 you got it no one understands something this conflict why it's like nothing and watch this stupid [ __ ] lady's gonna come in tickets amazing and buy for like a thousand dollars 4,200 nope she's going to buy it seem think it's amazing the most liberal choice of color God what does he want then I don't understand [Music] I this is so basically you can't like this you have to buy this done interesting lack of effort sure but like I don't get it I don't get it why would we buy it just use conservative colors let's just greens and blues it's so easy here he comes no that's not done you'll love this one so I have to keep it here I'm up to $12,000 no I guess I want to spend money do you get I wish you could spend money on stuff apparently it's too much detail sure okay I want to see more focus on the craft let's just go with like go with like Christmas I don't know I've no idea what he wants gonna do go pink [Music] no no it feels great gray and like some like a brown get done in here and have them buy my terrible painting Boop [Music] ah I need to get rid of the best come on [Music] get started Nike to get out so I can see [Music] I'm about to delete this one nobody wants pizza power [Music] I'm hungry shut up hungry big time I'm going to paint how I feel [Music] what about just a new planet discovered composition appears to be 90% cookie-cookie planet how could you hate the cookie planet there's no way you could cookie planet got it easy right like it's just chocolate chip [ __ ] up chocolate chip cookie would be like this color right I guess sure it's a little on the light side but it's okay you make a cookie plant gum you got to have like another couple of planets back here though [ __ ] we've got this okay I got it spaces say too many stars in it right now oh well don't matter ah just add a couple of planets and gun [Music] don't want to buy it 66 block [Music] $66 finally down again dawn is really dropping the money to paintings that are all for done thank God and this one's just gone to diddle to get deleted Don now I can finally leave the businessmen looking forward to a stock market introduction okay they make like a stock market pay story with like a red line try that I'd be the game pretty much so let's do this right like [Music] [Music] to pluck it mark that going up [Music] sucks way up [ __ ] hello that's okay come on where's the VIP blares the VIP it is a metaphor the markets are like up with it they're not they're not up there going down oh go with Nikki knows is picking up a red nose holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna be called Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse I'm seriously about to sell this [ __ ] $4,300 like I mean I have to yeah I'm selling it I did it all right like a Mickey Mouse somebody wants to buy Mickey Mouse already know hey bozo buzz' thank you for Lee Tendo this most terrifying things I've ever seen the arse bag I want it thank you uh Pablo welcome dick welcome back ball as well McCabe get rid of the stock market the one at least somebody wanted it for a thousand it make really creepy painting alright fine let's go with I'm going to try to make a scary [ __ ] painting one that's actually creepy in it like it will disturb us I kind of already did it but like I want to do it again this one's going to be unbearable like it's going to be like [ __ ] man I don't want to look at this [Music] right fine you gonna buy it [Music] there's no more art in my studio I just realized this by the way guys [ __ ] it no I got to make something good I don't care what it said Oh No why can't I move why can't I move no just its Rick wait dawn was the critic the whole time oh no oh god okay no anyway my way I think it did it his letter regards an amazing business opportunity I'm impressed your piece Oreo cookie crumb crispy is amazing if what you use alabaster is probably the best I've ever seen you put down a lot of time in your art which drives up the price tremendously super spine I like to present to you an opportunity to move to a proper place you'll need only the best clients and be able to make great deals I own the building but I got a great space just for you only a fool would say none let's go act 3 wolf of paint Street baby now I'm in like a high I only have three slots today unlock anything I get like a new thing anyway $18,000 move to a new place but I don't get anything [Music] I don't like this I want like a new thing to do hmm all right let's go time to take my time okay let's go right now nobody's like bothering me nobody's coming up here I'm just going to sell them like online properly okay look this makes a good one let's make a couple good ones here let's make no move the first painting in here a pool pool party just one okay this one is called pool party we need like gray ray and then we need like a little lip to the pool okay pool party oh no we're gonna call this beach day beach day we're gonna draw a shark in here get some good waves don't music's got can musics good to every if every Beach has like a little foam [ __ ] in the front right when like a wave crashes Alec that's a big wave coming in number we call this one wave crash in motion okay pick up the crabs down here little lobsters [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm like I'm nervous I got this like new job I got this new job and I got those all this pressure to make like a great painting how much do the bills here a month hold on how the [ __ ] it much to the cost a liver its 275 dollars a month that's fine lobsters don't go on the beach right on we're going to be a guy looks normal thousand dollars a month actually that's great anyway there's gonna be a lot of detail on this one it'll be like people in the water it's gonna be like shark I'm gonna put a snorkel coming up will be something else on the beaches lobster is way too big but it's too late they've like linked like little antennas yeah Eddie I don't know does gonna be like just like a nice like pretty little snorkel coming up and like the water right here that okay cool ah gnar a little nervous about this shark shark fin ghost shark fin fill it up like this yeah that's fine in the water you only themselves guys going to get [ __ ] swarmed by shark let's get some eyes tears in these eyes [Music] this is going to be Beach that is beach day okay that's good I love a boat here - I like sailboat sail boat would be nice go with like a light blue yeah it's like another shark that's okay what is this what is it what is this what did I just do what the [ __ ] is this no it is another shark [ __ ] me I can fix this [Music] nah that's whatever that's fine carrots that's fine I'm trying to concentrate all right that we are guys snorkeling it's a pretty good first piece so with the Ming's dry good let's rush it all right there it is the first one not what happens somebody actually come up here do I have to oh [ __ ] okay hold on [Music] $4,000 Kevin yeah sure okay this is going to be called rock band I'm going to make a rock this one's called rock band rock band anybody get that [ __ ] joke remission by hearing crickets right now but nobody nobody laughed at that joke Kevin again like okay thanks for the jizz thanks for the last guys like the ladies thanks for the [ __ ] sympathy last now is going to make a piece piece pizza everybody loves pizza right no I got an idea ooh this is so good nobody take this because I guess this is like a this is for real it's like really [ __ ] cool idea there's gonna be like a whole like a like American obesity like fat people thing watch this money like this is like sharp at the end you know I mean like this is [ __ ] sharp nobody take this I gotta sign this one I'm making sure I sign this one like this is like a six stab here anime is like stabbing because like Americans eat like [ __ ] tomb you know it's like it's killing Americans it's killing us because it there's like the nice ones you don't mean like if we're getting kill by our own food this is so good don't [ __ ] take this I'm going to submit this I'm going to submit this to [ __ ] like the food and health legs organ organization does you watch can you see the something like a campaign for like bit like ad like your healthy advocates like 1200 calories like look Elizabeth this is doing to us was really doctored let's believe they make this look good to hear because gonna be defeats us offices in blood this pizza sauce this is the pizza sauce I could put the crust on and we're going to we're going to put some toppings on it okay put cheese on there too can't have this without cheese and cheese god I got just keeping food references I'm [ __ ] starving I'll clean it up don't worry look across [ __ ] okay no pepperonis I think I think so peppers represent audience this is what I want right now I'm making what I want to eat for food drugs right now I'm so hungry see but it's blood it's didn't that a cool I'm gonna get some onions on there and we have to have like statistics over here it just pretend it's like a magazine patron magazine enter the page and it's like bunch of [ __ ] here you know like what like it you know every day the average American consumes 4,200 pounds of pizza a year let's stop the madness America they have that little on this page remember this is the middle the middle of the magazine spread you know here is going to be like the logo for the logo the company's logo Center for Disease Control I think it's like a blue ribbon with the text on okay and I guess that's that's good so they go is our little magazine spread light lunch sign it I don't need to sign that one that's as part of a bag of Dean's bread does it for this person's sign their magazine cover complex incomprehensible well you didn't read the text of the boat [ __ ] yeah you whatever you say you you fat [ __ ] like you're the one that's like trying to tell me but I shouldn't do get out of here this is too much detail I'll get out oh what a have whatever you say you fat [ __ ] you don't get it what he's the critic I like our magazine spread I think it looks good calm down Jeremy I'm calm guys only going to circle a bunch are the colors chosen at random no I'm supposed to be part of like a big design team nothing but abstract are we talking about else we'll be working like a company I'm like a designer for a magazine of whatever the [ __ ] this is right whatever let go simple again we're gonna go like no no we're gonna go very simple white backdrop overly detailed overly detailed okay thanks that's I like that one I'm gonna call be called global warming to the reckoning [Music] this is just [ __ ] Salida and carnage this is global warming - this gun is still just burning down it's all destroyed all of it is destroyed but he doesn't care he's in the sun's pure [ __ ] madness he's still destroying it even though it's already destroyed what's going on with this okay oh yeah I mean like Trump Tower talking about global warming maybe I'm not that's not a good idea yeah okay just getting political nice cast luck calm down with the details of god I'm gonna get fired I didn't do the ice cream gun I wanted to make today and I didn't [Music] fine I'll give you what you want this one is going to be cute it's going to be clean it's gonna be fun your cup god I hate these people I hate these guys you just want to [ __ ] an ice-cream I get it I get it this is what you want you want like sprinkles on it too don't you chocolate sprinkles [ __ ] no that's like a sad ice-cream cone [ __ ] come on fix that just confirmed having boobs that's hot I'm getting some drips down here there how is that for you somebody actually wants to buy that okay Benjamin wants to buy that $150 French guide yeah here fine I'll conform I'll conform summer fun get rid of this one nobody wants this nobody wants to like hear the truth this is much distractions like ice cream cones and [ __ ] pizzas take look at that they just want distractions I sold out and I'm working for a marketing company now okay fine that's what they want let's see how this does let's see how this does see take a look and see how well this one goes I kind of hack it to be like so this is a little like this this is what you want this is what is this what he wants me to do 21 to 23 24 five six seven and eight 29 30 31 [ __ ] 32 33 34 35 36 okay I mean like honestly like well I 36 states I mean let's go over the ones of like that who cares it who cares about like let's just delete something who cares about like Nevada Utah Colorado Kansas Missouri Idaho Illinois the Georgia South Carolina North Carolina I don't think we do without Maine Alaska you know who cares see that's 36 46 and 48 and get rid of Montana and Wyoming okay so that's the ones I just removed so that's fine hey what the [ __ ] okay I'm kidding I'm kidding everywhere all Americans why my state survived yeah these are the new states guys are you're going to have to move you're gonna have to move to it one of the places I didn't say money strikes other than 50 strikes I don't know no the 13 stripes of 13 colonies okay that's [ __ ] good the 13 stripes for the 13 colonies right how many do we have here 1 2 3 4 5 + 2 5 2 13 colonies so what's colonies were getting rid of we're going to get rid of I guess garroted let's go to Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire of Massachusetts no no no no Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire New York Delaware Pennsylvania and Virginia today okay that's fine that's good it's [ __ ] a happy happy [ __ ] birthday this revised the USA the most expensive one so far you [ __ ] me give me a [ __ ] break give me a goddamn break what the hell this happening like no one like my computer looks plumped up I have to go back up in the real Oh Chet because my lost connection to Chet just draw flags just keep drawing flag drop I keep drawing American flag I feel like that's gonna work honest to god I really do we're gonna do it we're going to draw another American flag just end with a slightly different color how many games in swagat how sloppy it looks like that you know who gives a [ __ ] it's gonna work that this is the American flag that was like in the dryer for too long it's colors have faded a little now this is one of the American flags that you get from like your great great great grand grand Pappy's house and it's like in a box and it's faded it all [ __ ] up let's do this 50 50 states right keep going later on oh [ __ ] a French guy just came in the French guy came in he's not gonna want it of course the [ __ ] is French guy hates the American flag get him out of here get out of here you French bastard where are the [ __ ] Patriots oh look at this guy player this guy what he's wearing the flag you are wearing the American flag don't [ __ ] tell me that [ __ ] he's wearing an American flag suit and he doesn't like the [ __ ] American flag holy [ __ ] okay I only invest in clean paintings what the [ __ ] okay I'm gonna make this one at least clean looking guy in a [ __ ] American flag suit doesn't want the American flag and he said it looks like [ __ ] what a [ __ ] [ __ ] is discount black Jesus discount like calm down with the details but you only think you had faith like ah I guarantee I wait under Japan absolutely horrible alright hey God get this Japan right it's Oh French guy was this one sure this the discount flag sold for a discount price at least why am i doing flag position what is Ireland I should know this I have like Irish family this is Ireland right is this Ireland I think it is why the colors wrong okay it's [ __ ] Ireland no I gotta get rid of Japanese flag hey we got an Irish guy here thanks dude get rid of this thing what are the swags are going to make [Music] right the first time I heard those the fuzzbucket great British flag are like I'm just from memory just only from memory I'm going to try to make flags the British flag if I'm not mistaken is like this right then it has like the crisscross like like this right and then it puts white - isn't it like this am I correct this is this the British flag I'm doing this so badly I'll [ __ ] again I don't care there's angle it then that's Austin Powers I'm French what does I want to throw the British flag actually actually looks like I was kind of close but not really I forgot the thing in the middle I forgot the thing in the middle so pardon me alright France France France France French is blue red white and blue Kevin wants to keep the skies by flags good it's like this right I think so do I have a backwards I think I have backwards because remember it's gonna be facing this way I think it's like this right okay good friend that's not friend it's sexy well the help of red white and gray let me see that's right I have it right I had it right you guys we're talking about they have look it's good this guy wants this play all right so this is this canvas is not landscape so I'm doing it as if it's landscape so when it said you're turning it to the right you're essentially you're flipping it over you mean like you look at it landscape like till your head to the left that's what it looks like there's no flag is like a piece of [ __ ] not like 8 by 11 even I mean it's not like a [ __ ] like piece of paper like an 8 by 10 piece of sheet of paper South Africa I can't even I can't even pretend to know what the South African flag looks like let me look it up right no I can't no I've no idea no I don't know but Nepal is vertical no stop flags go horizontal Wow all right so I can't do this like this I'll try so that's why it goes like this so Jesus man so it's like a bird mouth like this it's red in the middle remember flip it you look at it horizontal not vertical okay all right what's in this stuff that's like this little symbols too like a circle with like well that's the wrong one I'm doing this wrong it's upside down that's okay whatever it's oh this looks like this guess I don't care we're doing it sounds like us what what hold on what happened 50 years later money talks that was Passepartout's baht oh I'm dead it was it used to buy not British flag these are the worst paintings I made the whole time where's the dinosaur [ __ ] vandal where's uh it's so huge tremendous why just like a Donald Trump game making art for clients they depict like it a tricked into this one look at these two should not be here obviously I understand this is my spread this is Otto that deserves to be here the dead Santa with the UN deserves to be here where's Walter sucks these the worst paintings I made besides like one or two of these did I actually get the bad ending that I die and not make enough art I don't get it okay I thought I drew that like I did not see he signs it this guy sign okay they all sign don't whatever they all side it up gods they did didn't they none of these paintings have signatures by the way don't sign yours [ __ ] god damn it they all did sign it one person is going to have forgotten and not done it I beat the game I win I did the art until I died thank you for playing passepartout a keep on painting this is cute this is cute I'm going to stop stamping the recommendation on this one I am I there's any like after credits scene or what have a good life lot of French people apparently like my work I don't see any of the other guys or is it can I go anymore um continue costas all right well that's a good place to end I think these are all your customers Oh so I was mostly French mostly French customers a couple of like wait ladies I don't this guy who is this like weird weirdo and I remember that guy being in here I don't check one thing because I want to make sure I give the wholehearted stamp of approval to this game okay once a steam closed that ah all right uh would go for about four hours I think that's a pretty good stopping point but I do say George doesn't care George never cares why can I not I have to close this for a second hold on it's like an open steam backup all right uh so this game currently is on Steam right now for $8.50 yes I highly recommend this game sit around with your friends draw do paint [ __ ] and it's fun that was a cute little experience like for our game like three to four hours but if we didn't just draw flags for like 35 minutes then it probably maybe would have been like another hour or so but for less than ten bucks that was a fun cute little experience recommend for sure and yeah Hoss paint with your friends I never said I did not say that I said paint with your friends do not this quote me but yeah I laughing a bit I will see you guys tomorrow hopefully you enjoyed the stream that was fun one I had some fun and tomorrow we this is quite a few options for tomorrow and then someday I want to do an IRL thing so take care of buddy I don't think there's anything after the credits let's just like exits what's going to make main menu just to make sure you're not missing anything after the crit and don't okay the game new career okay yeah so there you go love that just click those buttons do that act 3 so you can I guess you can just redo the third X but it's all the same damn thing you just get more money and no big deal what you can just keep going from here I guess you can just like endlessly play and if I want to buy alright so the flag from Nepal is worth $6,000 that's the most out of any painting ever cool ok that's good to know thanks everybody for watching I'm going to close out and I'll see you guys soon much love we'll see you tomorrow get some stuff potentially to do tomorrow together we've got some stuff to think about couple of games play thanks for watching take care everybody he's good thank somebody for watching subscribing also good hand up Dan be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 52,603
Rating: 4.840735 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jemra full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, passpartout, jerma passpartout
Id: RGHxsPaOuc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 39sec (13419 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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