Jerma Destroys the Chocolate Industry - Jerma Streams Chocolatier (Long Edit #1)

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pleas don't do that don't do that you're contaminating my entire River please I beg you Augustine my chocolate my chocolate my beautiful chocolate hey what's up hey hey what's going on guys how you doing hey hey hey T T tap tap tap can you hear me is this thing on tap tap tap tap tap real voice wait what happened I don't know why the go XLR does this did they fix it hold on can you hear me I sound [ __ ] up I do that's good all right is why are you linking a clip of you thinking that I farted on stream once like two years ago or like a year ago or something I why even link that I have never farted on stream see a lot of you guys probably don't understand this but streamers have have direct access to be able to control when you can and cannot hear them most streamers have a button that they can just press and it just mutes the microphone now I've never farted on stream but I've farted during the stream hundreds of times I just mute the microphone and just let it go you don't even know what happened you have no idea I'm just like okay here comes one mute I could sit there for 10 seconds and just fart burp and [ __ ] and then come back and you you did not even know that I left guys I've taken entire phone calls while muted during cut scene before like oh [ __ ] I I got to make I got to make a quick phone call Mute oh we're in a cut scene who cares and then right when the cut scene's over all I got to go I got to go I got to go bye whoa whoa unmute who whoa cool cut scene guys I'm sorry he hates us no uh sorry I wasn't live yesterday uh I'm on a new medicine and the medicine is a very common medicine but I got some annoying side effects it's a stomach medicine and it made me kind of feel like [ __ ] I started taking it like 2 days ago so we're going to take it easy today I I acclimate to the new medicine this stream's going to be probably pretty short itbe a few hours maybe just going to chill and uh in the recommended Channel it was a game that was highly recommended it's a game where you make your own chocolates and you have your own chocolate company so that's exactly what we're going to do all right this is this is uh this game is going to be probably awesome or horrible depends on which one I am hoping that this is from the looks of it we get to design our own chocolates and own lattes I can't wait it's going to be [ __ ] awesome all right here we go we're going this is called chocolate decadence by Design and apparently there are like four of these is my webcam on pointing at me I hope not let's cover it to make sure we good and here at the Olive Garden you you can get two Entre for only $2.99 it's another Olive Garden game our soup salad and bread sticks are talking the town chocolate here decadence by Design all right hell is I thought that was dog food I was like how's this chocolate this it can of dog food all right welcome chocolate here welcome to the world of chocolate here Generations ago confectioner Martin bow Meister founded the chocolate company that bears his name and for over a hundred years the company has survived family squabbles hostile competitors and economic ups and downs just like the Olive Garden today in the Twin Shadows of the Great Depression in World War II the company's factories have been converted for the war effort or lie unused and The Disappearance of her husband Shawn has left Alex Tangi Fletcher unavailable to steer the company can you help them I don't what it was an intro okay oh yeah Flash Player is uninstalled it doesn't exist anymore right okay just imagine you watched it oh [ __ ] can I play this game can I play this game I don't think I can play this game is this game not going to work [ __ ] hold on please enter your name um what should my name be oh no I hope it's not flash it's it's I probably can't even play this I probably can't even play this game well okay well it's find though don't be so upset about it yet all right my name what's a choler name I don't know um Angus Angus is not to me does not scream chocolate here Angus to me screams hamburger Derma The Chocolate boy that's my name what a stupid that's a that's my full name Angus no get off of that Meme for God's sakes you're driving us mad all right Wonka Angus Khan zilly zonka silly Wonka silly silly Willy Wonka no that's just Wonka with silly silly Willie I think I kind of like silly willly silly silly willy wonderful that sounds like an old WWF character I feel like that's I feel like that's the guy that came up with dink the clown sometimes Silly Willy wonderful Silly Willy zonka I hate that no I'm not doing zilly zonka you can just add a z and make it funny keep it silly willy zonka I hate that it does make it funny Watch Me Silly Willy zonka how about silly zonka yeah silly zonka is better than willly Wonka okay silly zonka silly zonka silly silly zonka Wonka oh perfect that's like a a good like copyright free version silly zonka Wonka I don't care oh my God I thought it just didn't work from that car was just driving off the road did anybody see that that car was just skidding out of control that was like a Homer Simpson car all right we're supposed to chill look look calm down I supposed to relax for most people World War II is why is this World War II for most people World War II is finally over not for me until my husband Shawn is accounted for the war rages on wait what I won't mince words silly zonka Wonka bow Master Confections is in shambles and I simply can't focus on chocolate right now I I need someone else to manage the company you you're going okay okay you need to show me you can make chocolates and money once you have made at least $10,000 I'll make you CEO candidate and start introducing you to the board of directors that's not very much to be CEO to make $10,000 for a conglomerate company that's not to be the CEO oh it's World War II how much is $10,000 in World War II bucks like in World War II dollars like with inflation and the change of the US dollar and everything and and the the yields whatever that means how much was $10,000 now it's not billions of dollars it's probably like two 300 Grand maybe 200 Grand $145,000 that's okay that's a lot of money that's a lot of money all right so let's get started here are 100 sacks each of sugar and cocoa go see andred over at Zurich chocolate Works to turn these ingredients into chocolate you just going to hand them to me uh hey uh zilly zilly Wonka I've got I got 100 bags of sugar in the back of the truck here you are here they are just just dumped them on the ground introduce yourself to enr Rost over at Zurich chocolate Works holy [ __ ] these people are [ __ ] crazy these cars are freaking is this a one-way road is this a two-way Road why are there cars parked over here all right where do I go Zur chocolate works oh Swiss National B why okay why do they why am I on drugs when I click this Main Street oh chocolate works I feel for what Alex is going through zilly why couldn't I just made my name like Adam I feel for what Alex is going through silly zonka Wonka but boy am I excited to get these Machines working again click make chocolates and make at least five cases of basic chocolate bars basic chocolate bars make at least five cases cases per week you have 60 seconds to set our production rate what aim and click to fire ingredients match the full tray you see on the right I'll speed the machine up as you succeed and slow them down if you miss good luck why is this a [ __ ] double dare exercise what do I have to do what am I what am I doing what just happened shoots out the window and like hits a [ __ ] building next door you hear like cat scream uh-oh wasted ingredient use the full tray on the right as your guide I'll keep track of each ingredient you waste up on the right waste eight and I'll be forced to Halt production okay there we go [ __ ] I got that wrong what no no okay coming up is next is oh my God I okay I don't understand how this works these are all wrong okay I'm I have another uh almond so almond has to go over here what the [ __ ] is happening okay what I don't that one broke do I have to aim it into the slot I have to just match this but I I feel like the hit detection is [ __ ] bizarre what was what I don't I don't have any room for this I got it oh my God okay I got six cases oh what am I doing I as long as you have the needed ingredien St will keep making six cases a week that's [ __ ] stupid I didn't know what the hell I was looking at try again okay I got it I got it I got it I got I got it got it the the things are in the middle here we go all right snowball almond wait it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it literally doesn't matter you just you just have to aim it at it doesn't matter literally does not matter at [Music] all come on get it I what go go go go go go go go go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh God oh my God what do I do I have 13 cases that's good that's good that's good oh wait I thought I heard the [ __ ] Flintstones thing that's mean we I thought we were done what the [ __ ] is happening I don't have any more ingredients Bill slow down the production 15 cases per week your basic chocolate bars look delicious all products and ingredients appear in your inventory you can Mouse over items for more information okay I have 15 chocolate bar cases 85 almonds and 85 snowballs as you travel you can track how many products we're making in the status window Below in inventory levels for each ingredient we're using a Shon with colorcoded bars green means we've got plenty yellow means we're running low and red means production will soon be stalled so we always have to keep the Snowballs and the almonds up speaking of ingredients in order to keep making basic chocolate bars we'll need more sugar and cocoa soon you're going to need some money visit near De doorf chocolates to turn your chocolates Into Cash welcome silly zanka Wonka step inside to review my prices why why is this a cafeteria once inside click sell all I'll take your products and you'll get the cash this this sounds like I'm in the middle of car in sorcery this is people dumping gold coins on the counter here's what I'm willing to pay for your items so so $85 for that's it for 15 cases of chocolate bars that's [ __ ] horrible oh [ __ ] that's each okay I got 1,200 bucks thank you for stopping by silly zanka Wonka it is is always my pleasure to offer the best prices for Quality chocolates now go back and speak with Alex you can find her at the band Hoff the main rail station here in Zurich okay is it hard H or soft H is it Zurich or Zurich Zurich okay so okay we got we still we're making we're making chocolate though Bic making 15 chocolate bars for week we have enough ingredients for 5 weeks it is currently July [Music] 4th [Music] wait we're not in America never mind sorry we're in like we out of America all right where we going the rail station University bhof well done a Alex Adam whatever you've made some chocolates and you've made some money with the factory now operational I suspect you'll be needing ingredients soon it's time to restock your inventory of cocoa and sugar I'm going to give you $5,000 thank you show me you're ready to take over by doubling my investment oh now go see Verena Zoo brigin here at Main Street Market about buying some of what you need c caca for [ __ ] sake whatever it's the bean the chocolate bean okay so we have to go see uh in Main Street all right thanks for the 5 grand Main Street Market purchase sugar click on the sugar inside it's all I have these days and buy enough to make sure that you've got at least 200 sacks on hand look under this this drugs in a bag you have not yet okay I need this so how many do I need I'm selling sacks of sugar for $7 each and to the number of sacks you'd like below and click by okay so I have how many do I have 80 what was it 85 so I need how many sacks do I want 200 at least 200 sacks on hand I can just buy 200 no 115 116 wait why what do you mean why 117 look down literally says 200 yeah I know but I I I already had like 85 I already had like 85 sacks I didn't use them all what the [ __ ] you guys just got in my head kaca is only available near the equator click map travel to doua Cameroon and see my friend Tom Dongo there she'll be able to fix you up with the caca you need where's my inventory I [ __ ] told you I had I already had like a 100 why is everybody yelling at me well it's fine all right map this menu click map to travel to where's map oh my God okay holy [ __ ] okay travel to Cameroon okay this trip will take one week and cost 420 20 bucks oh [ __ ] okay all right all right all right right and now I have to go go to the market I feel like they're going to SAR over this mountain it's like a jump you've come to the right place for cacao silly zilly Wonka buy enough so that you could got at least 200 sacks I'm selling sacks of caca for $1 each how many do I have I got 200 I should I should probably buy enough I'm going to buy another 100 okay terrific now get back to Zurich and see Alex that poor woman she truly believes she'll be able to find her husband you have to admire her spirit though I think you're starting to get the hang of things silly zilly Wonka which is good because I need to leave soon next make your way back over to Main Street Market Brena has a new ingredient you can use to make a new recipe something that's always good for business where travels fast I assume you're here to purchase some of my milk which just arrived soon as you have milk sugar and cacao in your inventory visit the factory here in Zurich to make a new recipe milk chocolate bars how much milk should I have should I buy like 100 milk milks all right I'm going to buy one well I don't have that much money how many milk should I like 25 25 milks all right let's go to the factory okay here we go cck change recipe select milk chocolate bars and make as many as you can more complicated recipes mean higher profits keep trying until you set production to at least 10 cases change recipe oh [ __ ] Creations you do not currently have any space villain recipe for your own Creations but I can make my own chocolate all right here we go milk chocol chocolate bars silky milk chocolate slightly sweeter than our dark chocolate offerings okay use this one oh God [ __ ] damn it I hate this I hate I don't want to do the [ __ ] revolvers going around okay whatever let's go almond here almond here almond here here milk snowball milk milk almond milk milk almond good milk milk almond almond snowball snowball snowball almond snowball um milk um almond um milk uh um okay we're good I need um I need a St I um okay I'm good [ __ ] okay it's going faster he's doing it faster who needs milk good okay milk almond okay 13 cases a week it's to I don't just move okay 15 cases a week nice work silly jelly bonka take 10 cases of those chocolate milk bars to Londa GX at St Peter Church here in town I trust you'll find her in quite generous all right okay a low on milk I need milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk you need to have at least 10 cases of milk chocolate bars on him once you do so go see yeah I know as long as I have the ingredients it'll make it oh way too low on milk that's not going to happen way too low on milk can I how much can I afford I can't go anywhere though all right we're good that's fine that's fine this game's kind of fun how delightful I'm going to take 10 cases of your milk chocolate bars and give you $3,000 as well as 200 sacks of caramel in return I want you to go back and see endri rast as long as you have caramel sugar and cacao and stock you'll be able to make chocolate bars with caramel and I hear that endr has a new Gizmo at the factory that he's eager to show you you have on hand everything we need to make chocolate bars with caramel Click Change recipe like chocolate with caramel and make as many as you can also some good news I've just wired up a recycler for our machines if you don't want to use what's in your gun simply fire the ingredient at the recycler no more unnecessary waste thank you I'm starting to get the hang of this although I'll never be as fast as you want me to be I promise this is as fast as I'll ever be I will never be faster than this I promise I guarantee you so many people right now are just sit watching here going like God his APM is so [ __ ] bad doesn't matter I have to guys I still have to count on my fingers to get to like 15 come on fill it up fill it yeah I it takes I have to it takes me time to process info if I need to like sub if I need to add like I still count with my fingers I do and I know a lot of you do too you now know how to make three chocolate recipes you can travel buy ingredients and sell your products as a profit once you built your cash on hand to at least 10 grand Alex will be ready to hand you the Reigns of the company good luck right all right who wants to what do I got I have 18 cases of chocolate bars and caramel who likes those you're well on your way siles wono zanka I don't I'm going to say [ __ ] Adam and I'm going to get it wrong as long as you got the needed ingredients in your inventory your factory will crank out chocolates as you travel I heard that Alex will be ready to make a move as soon as you have 10,000 ooh ooh oh boy this is over 449 a case that's eight grand I all right I get the factory now let's sell it all [ __ ] it how many do I have how many do I have five cases and 30 cases all right here got 30 cases of this [ __ ] get look look at this I'm already at 15 I came back here with extra all right let's do it sell all oh well I wanted to check silly zonka Wonka you've done it you've shown your prowers at making chocolates and making money now he simply must go ready or not the company's in your hands as I promised you are now the official CEO candidate of bow Meister Confections there are five other members of the ball Master convention's board of directors you're going to need to work with them each of them one by one to convince them that you are capable of being our CEO some you find easier to work with than others but they are all good people why you speaking like in like second person for me is weird I am off to launch my search for Shawn I'll be in like why I'm like she's reading a novel through my head I'll be in touch as I can and you should and you should also keep an eye out on your travels for my assistant Rick Fontaine if necessary the rest of the board and I will be able to get messages to you through Rick right now you need to go see my uncle Felix ball Meister in cave town I think he's the best board member to begin with also I understand that he's been working on some secret projects that may have a significant impact on our business I know you can do it silly zonka Wonka good luck all right we're making wait is we're spending 2500 bucks a week is that how much I'm making I'm confused all right Quest log you're ready talk to Felix here we go 447 bucks uh if you're trying to find Felix head over to Cape Town manufacturing I sell oh my God sell all about $21,000 welcome to South Africa silly Wonka zonka I'm hopeful that you will indeed be able to steer our company through these these rough modern Waters while the war was raging I've been experimenting here with this old Chocolate Factory you see I love chocolate as much as the next guy but my latest passion is coffee it's my personal belief that coffee and coffee products represent a new frontier for our company I just need a bit more time to Iron Out The Kinks of these coffee machines you need to keep expanding your repertoire of chocolate offerings and building up your business we making coffee in the meantime would you do something for me grab some peanuts from the market here in cavet town make 20 cases of chocolate pars with peanuts and deliver them to Florian Amil at University of Zurich 20 okay I need I need peanuts I will holy [ __ ] penuts is so expensive what does it take to I I don't have the wait haggle wait how do I get out I can't leave okay wait there we go let's haggle haggle uh did you have something to chat about are you joking these prices are insane I'm not asking for Lots but I want you to do something about your prices is it me or your prices way out of line compared to other places I'm going to buy from you I'm just hoping you might be able to help Tad with your prices imagine walking into a place is it me or are you what do you mean is it you are are you talking to a bunch of people in the market trying to get everybody on board hey is it just me or are these prices out of line compared to other places waiting for somebody to be like yeah it is a little expensive it is a little expensive isn't it got it since I'm in such a good mood today I'll cut you a deal that's a pretty good deal last scene in Cape Town for 86 per sec let's we need I should buy a shitload of them then if I got a deal TR I just buy $15,000 worth of peanuts they don't go bad do they wait can I just take these and sell them ow that hurt can I just take these and sell them in a different like country could I immediately get $8 like5 haggle more okay you're nuts if you think I'll buy anything at these prices and I like look around I like wink at everybody cuz I'm buying peanuts he didn't like that okay all right all right all right fine fine fine okay let's do 50 no I could I could afford 100 let's just I'll do 100 that's a lot of money it's a big investment now that your CEO candidate you'll be able to haggle at Shops and markets be careful though if you say the right thing hag Lin can result in better prices but you can also insult merchants and cause their prices to move the wrong way too all right all right we don't want to spend too much money let's go back let's make the chocolate with peanuts and make $100 million penis is expensive what are you talking about all right let's make let's make a few sales huh I got 18 cases here look at that let's do it oh [ __ ] I could haggle wait can iy hey can I have that back give me that back please I'd I'd like a refund oh you'd like to return you'd like a re you yeah I'd like to Let's cancel that transaction please and can we do it again but I'd love to do business with you your prices are ridiculous God damn it this is what they're making right now change that recipe I want to make peanuts chocolate bars of peanuts use this one good luck all right I got to make this one good Mr Green returns so this is just peanut here we go I'm going to try to do this fast good good good good good good good good he's going to speed it up on me he's speeding up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] good more more more more more more more more more more oh [ __ ] I keep thinking that's the end you imagine like a guy in a factory sit there screaming that it's like we can only go so fast more more more more he's he's on a PA system too he's not even he's not even down there he's up with the glass wall looking down I want more more more peanuts more chocolate go fast that guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] does he know that these machines are automated like which maintaining the machines we're making sure everything worked you know like we can only set it to go at a certain speed what does he think we're doing 18 a week we need more we need more gas all right I'm going to get 18 how many I need 20K ah [ __ ] whatever he starts like playing like the peeee Herman music through the PA and it's like oh this got this guy doesn't [ __ ] get it that's going to come through really like garbled and shitty like yeah I I'll give you guys some motivation and give me [Applause] more it's like this guy's doing this like that you be like a [ __ ] grandfather would do that you like this song He leans in to do that he's the one doing that with his mouth ah University of zerk my dear friend Felix ball Meister told me to expect something sweet do you have any idea what he might have been talking about I have chocolate all over my mouth with an empty container of chocolates and I go I don't know what I don't know here's a card that he sent you that's like that's classic classic like Looney Tunes humor sus it is not it's not even [ __ ] close okay it's guy smiling it's a guy smiling it's not even close I think I need to how do I make time go by can I should I just travel somewhere and buy some more stuff I don't really want to take I don't okay I don't want to take an airplane to a different continent so a day can go by is there can I not can I Quest yeah I I I I only have I my production is 20 a week 18 a week I need 20 you have to travel oh god well where should I go make the Chocolat again I guess I make chocolate oh okay yeah let's go go go go go go more come on more come on come on [ __ ] I'm so holy [ __ ] that was loud I'm sorry I just [ __ ] it up why do I feel like this is a weird part of an IQ test to figure out like how fast my brain can work or something right okay we get 16 cases he's sucking for his teeth 18 cases there it is I now have 36 I need more peanuts let's go to the university you've made my day Sanka Wonka do you know how hard it was to get a hold of peanuts during the war these chocolates are simply delightful did I know you didn't give any money do yourself a favor take another 30 cases of these delightful chocolate bars with peanuts to Dudu Z nikosi in Cape Town you can find her up on the table Mountain I know she'll love the chocolates and she's usually up on the latest news how many do I have oh I need more I don't I don't have enough peanuts you're just this is a front for you smuggling drugs all right I can I can I'm going to do the chocolate I can do this again [ __ ] wait no I don't I can make 18 a week me flying takes how many weeks wait doesn't take weeks to fly yes it does why this trip will take a you spent a week in an airplane teleport this is the 1940s oh I yeah that would take a while it's 194 yeah okay I I don't know why I figured it was like today they had planes yeah they had planes but the planes had like I don't know the planes had the same technology that has the whirly thing on the top of the comedy hat it's like the same technology they had delicious listen I understand that Vina Zuri has been stalking all kinds of new ingredients I imagine you may just find some new useful things on your next visit what I just got a tip and I didn't even [ __ ] pay attention I just that so much that I just that was like1 $20,000 what did they just say what did they what did they just say I just was staring at that person with my mouth open and they told me something very important and then I just got back on the plane I wasn't even paying attention what was it I wasn't paying attention either what did what what did the game just say somebody had to have been paying attention to what the game said I was tabbed out what tab back in help go to the factory this the factory here oh oh no it said buy ingredients oh hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're just a person I've been looking for I happen to have a glut of sugar I'm trying to offload I'd be willing to exchange a thousand sacks of sugar for a mere 18 cases of chocolate bars with mint does that make a deal Let's Make a Deal I have to buy the mint from you oh I see so this is so I have to like just buy mint from you and come back and and you give me all your sugar what you meant to say is you have a glut of mint and you don't care about the sugar CU it's so cheap so you're going to mind game me into buying a shitload of the expensive herb from you to then think that I'm going to come back and get a lot of the cheap thing that you don't care about well uh do I look like a fool want eight 18 cases well I think we can make some money with this so I'm going to get 30 cases no more than that let's make some mint 50 cases no enough for 2 weeks and I'm I usually around 18 15 to 18 let's just say like 40 cases okay how much sugar do I have I I while I'm here I might as well get some milk last scene 32 to 42 89 to 111 that's no that's expensive hazelnuts 152 in Cape Town so what's going on here that's good for milk I'm going to get 100 I'm no no no no no no no no I'm going to get [ __ ] 500 is that too much 300 is that too much 200 is probably 200 and how I'm all right I'm good I'm good I'm good let's go back and get the recipe for the mint come back and get a th000 this is running out who the hell is this is this a guy on the plane sitting next to me haggling is tricky but buying low and selling high is the secret to success in the Confections business silly zonka Wonga thank you why why is that guy like slugworth thing me get out of here I don't care about you like weird he's going to tempt me with something later he's going to be like let me tell you something how about you sell it to me sell the company to me CEO all right 18K I need uh chocolate Works change the recipe mint refreshing and delicious pure chocolate infused with fresh mint I love that I love that I don't you want that right now good that's a full stack starting to get the hang of this just stop talking 12 okay come on you can do better than that you can do better than that God damn it I missed all right that's that's that's 19 cases as long as you have the needed 21 actually ooh okay bring 18 cases of chocolate bar with mint to Gavin in cave town all right I'm running out of materials low on mint do I have enough to uh low on mint okay I need mint how much mint do I have only 19 I got to go can I get mint from here no you've got like oranges and [ __ ] lemons oranges sugar I'm about to get 1,000 sugar for free 18K I got it let's go back there I'm going to my production is going to Halt for a little bit but let's go one of your factories is stalled you need to have enough ingredients on here to keep the Machinery running while you travel so they can continue to produce chocolates for you to sell throw your M over the factory status into bow to find out where to buy the ingredients you need ooh I got a trophy chocolate historical society's upand comecer cup presented to a budding choler who has arrived with a big splash on the chocolate making scene oh thanks all right here we go horrific these chocolate bars are mint are perfect here are a thousand sacks of sugar and mint is cheaper now you dick because I bought it all he's dumped it all on me should I make some more mint I'm going full on give me a b de I'm going to walk away I am not so easily swayed um you simply need to do something for me now or no no no he didn't like that times are tough but they are t for everyone myself included if you're you're nut I heard good things about this place hey if you don't like the prices you're welcome to take your business elsewhere you joking they're [Laughter] insane okay go visit Felix ball Meister in cavet town he has something exciting to share oh thanks it's okay he went back to normal need some evidence of your creative ability we've been building a secret Test Kitchen in Iceland far away from the watchful eyes of our competitors this is where you will have the chance to invent your own recipes to bring to Market go to Iceland now my nephew Teddy will welcome you grab one sack of whatever ingredients you're carrying and I'll explain more hold on so if I keep making this guy angry will it be like $500,000 for one sugar all right I have to go back I got to go back let me go to let me go to Zerg [ __ ] I need to buy stuff I got to go back to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got back to Zer oh [ __ ] 350 all right let's do it how many cases do I have 22 Bingo okay I want to bring like an orange or a lemon or something are your prices completely stable I don't me to tell you how to do your business but is it stable God damn it I'm so bad at that I have caramel I want these lemons previously seen for $100 and Zer for 100 why are you why is it $181 now I'll get a few oranges at market price at market value I'm going to get 10 sacks of AR oranges I need more oh let's get some almonds yeah oh that's a steel that's a steel 20 okay I'm going to get 100 Stacks I want one lemon I know that was stupid I know who cares I they told me to bring ingredients why I just bought one I just wanted one cuz I want to bring one to Iceland let's go secret Test Kitchen what this is like a sad I don't like this can we say can we help him I this like I don't that's like really really making me sad save him I can't Uncle Felix speaks quite highly of you silly zonka Wonka we have a sophisticated operation here where you will be able to create your own recipes we offer feedback on the marketability of your inventions and you can name and design your products I hope it's scrumptious once your recipes are entered into the corporate recipe book you'll be free to manufacture and of course sell your own creation with success you'll be given the chance to create more recipes and stay on track to earn the board's endorsement as CEO it looks like you have some ingredients we haven't seen before we'll grab one sack of each so it'll be available for use in our test kitchens oh I can't wait for you to make the bo scrumptious chocolate all right select the ingredients to use from the drawers click taste it and we'll give you some feedback on what you got all right what we got coffee all right chocolate chocolate just tripled chocolate without something to sweeten It Rock coaca has a bitter taste try something sweeter no only chocolate Dairy without a little Variety in your recipe you may as well be selling wrong ingredients all right fruits sugar nuts flavors okay how about chocolate double chocolate with lemon this combination works for me ooh next step is design name and describe your creation dark chocolate double double chocolate with lemon what the [ __ ] I like it when it has the little slots on it this would be weird it's a lemon bar lemon it's got to be orange in the middle oh look at that hold on look at that hold on it's going to be bright yellow like that this is like a piece of coal it's just a piece of charcoal oh yep yep yep yep oh yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy and this is going to be like Crunchies no should there be no Crunchies on it no Crunchies it's just a lemon bar I love the divots too yep the divots are perfect and that in the middle that's it's it's it's a it's viscous in the middle dark chocolate and lemon name your recipe lemon uh lemon head that's already exists uh something something something good something quick something that'll catch everybody something that people want to buy and eat lemon dark chocolate lemon the urinal bar no midnight lemon now a urinal cake would be like bright pink I will make a urinal cake all right how about um who keeps pissing by the way somebody keeps peeing into a r re name oh lemon Sun lemon sour sweet tart dark tart art tart tart tart of the Moon description [Laughter] whatever that's imagine reading that description at the chocolate store it's like holy [ __ ] they that they did that in notepad and they didn't even give a [ __ ] I want to describe it velvety jock chocolate in encom poates a smooth sour lemon tart velvety dark chocolate with a creamy uh sour lemon Center heart of the moon what oh [ __ ] okay cool so it's two dark chocolate cocoa with lemon somebody get this guy to Nestle just wait till you see some of my [ __ ] concoction this one wait another one you do not currently have any space available for in the in the recipe book what yeah I want to come inside anyways what do you mean what if it was just milk sugar and or okay I just made like orange juice this this is an Orange Julius how about peanuts mint and cocoa what do you think about that oh it's classic what do mean yuck yeah what about chocolate start over I want more spaces chocolate no no chocolate no chocolate I want milk sugar and orange yeah a creamsicle that would be awesome all right well whatever I'm I have my my taste of the Moon whatever it's called hello silly zonka Waka I'm Rick Alex's assistant I'll keep you posed from time to time with messages from Alex and the other board members Alex is doing okay she hasn't learned much about Shawn but that woman just will not give up at any event congratulations on the invention of your first recipe make sure somebody got punched somebody just got punched in the face did you hear that somebody just got [ __ ] blasted it was like a punch sound make sure that you see Analise Ros and Zurich as soon as you were able to manufacture some of those tart of the Moon she's been known to pay top dollar to the first to be the first to offer a new recipe at her shop okay you I'm not going to sell these to you then I'll be back with my tar of the Moon I need lemons oh my God I don't have any lemons [ __ ] well you have to make something what do I have milk chocolate bars yeah you I have to make something I have to make with caramel just buy the lemons not at $255 a lemon all right we're going to check on we're going to see I got to go get some more Coco Coco how is this cheap no it's not cheap previously for $1 your prices went up can we H whatever I'm just buying it I'm not [ __ ] around I already have almonds oh I can make almond stuff Capital sweets holy [ __ ] yeah what about uh here I heard a rumor that you were considering expanding your offerings to include some new product lines is that true don't believe everything you read on the Internet it's so nice to see people passionate about sweets again don't you think sure I stop by your dispensary today your butt tender whatever that is I think I should all right I I got my production's good I'm going to head out of here I've got we'll sell the penis ones I'll go from here to here back to zor and I'm going to buy the [ __ ] lemons what about the bank we recently expanded our operations and are going to be celebrating our success soon I'm looking for something sweet to serve during the event would you accept an order from me if you bring 20 cases of chocolate bars with lemon I will pay you $5,000 to $750 per case what that's that's a worst that's like a worse window than Comcast used to have when they used to come out to do like work it will be there between uh 12 and 6 okay what which is an excellent price as I'm sure you will agree will you bring me the chocolates $115,000 but that I I don't even know what that even I don't know what I'm getting out of this I will pay you $ 15,000 oh I'll take it all right let's make our secret Lemon Let's make our secret lemon recipe here we go I need lemens first oh God damn it I can't haggle I need to do this I'm doing it I don't even care I'm buying at Market I did I'm already done this one's easy to do [ __ ] God damn it I got two overas with it come on come on come on come on here comes the Bell the Bell The Bell the Bell here comes the Bell oh I got it I got it nice 22 cases per week there's my 22 cases of my [ __ ] of the Moon my secret recipe our little party is fast approaching how are my 20 cases of chocolate bars with lemon coming along they right here I'm am I out of sugar no no no no okay okay all right all right all right all right but she will buy these wait a minute you've created your own products tar to the Moon absolutely delicious I sure hope that they appreciate you with that company of yours I'm going to give you $110,000 for the first 10 cases [Music] uh yeah I'll take another I'll take another 4,300 [Music] bucks and I want take these too another 10 [ __ ] th000 these have got caramel in them you like caramel don't you another $3,400 wipe it out sell all didn't think I was going to be making money business is saved now I can afford the lemons from this lady all right I'm going for I'm just going for it blow on lemons what the [ __ ] are you talking about go go oh look at the speed look at the speed on this one oops it's okay it's fine it's fine it's fine who cares what I got 25 22 23 23 cases let's go I'll take the 15th ,000 back up to over 55k awesome we're making strides here be careful around here silly zonka Wonka not everyone you come across is to be trusted Like Me Oh you mean like her he's selling lemons for $165 each listen silly zonka Wonka I'm willing to pay you in advance all right I'll give you $20,000 right now if you here to make 32 cases of chocolate bars with lemon I I would love to 32 cases what do I have now all right I need another 17 18 19 17 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 I need 15 more lemons [ __ ] no I'm I'm good I'm good oh come on dude really God damn it it's confusing sometimes full stack come on full stack yes what a day what a day at the factory 24 what do I have now 27 I need more how many lemons do I have eight okay I need more lemons I need more lemons give me more do it again just wait a week no that was so quick and I got a bad RNG bad RNG right here this sucks bad RNG horrible RNG terrible oh my God come on [ __ ] it's okay is that 25 again he's gaming chat sh yeah I was gaming all right 32 cases of chocolate bars and lemon at uh matter horn at matter horn where the hell is he oh okay Al the way these chocolate bars with lemon are all for me from Florian Amo he shouldn't have but I'm certainly glad that he did 70k all right and I still have some left over so we're going to sell him no we're not no we're going to go somewhere else I am a man of simple tastes silly zonka Wonka I have had the pleasure of sampling your basic chocolate bars and I would like very much to place a large order if I promise to pay you $5,000 I guarantee a better price than you will find anywhere else will you bring me 40 cases just want basic chocolate bars for 5 grand this is a scam I guys a fake mustache scam that's 40 cases how many cases how many that's was it like 1 to 200 per case I can do that on the market are you willing to take an order from me I'm willing to pay you $112,000 for 15 cases of chocolate bars with almonds I've been hearing rumors that almonds are available again somewhere and I've got a craving let's go I I have almonds I bought them remember yep I bought them specifically to get ready that's an expensive craving no I just want I I I'll give you like over $110,000 if you can give me some chocolate although people have prob paid more for Less [ __ ] [ __ ] going fast too fast it's going too fast it's going too fast oh my God to slow it down please oh more more more R out of ingredients I'm actually going to leave that 25 cases a week that's as good as I'm going to get there it is dang $882,000 nice all right all right what do I need I need 25 making I need 25 a week I've got I have enough for a couple weeks all right I have enough to go back and forth once all right there's one more Quest here on the mountain need to place in order for 11 cases of chocolate bars with orange to be delivered to floran Amal here at the University I'll give you 12,000 right now so he sent her like $115,000 worth of chocolate and now she's sending him $112,000 worth of chocolate I mean a a simple like thank you note would be good you don't have to do that are they going to keep just going back and forth with uh with with oranges I will 11 oh no I won't I don't want to lose the 25 a week you don't lose it I have to change the recipe though it saves your best oh [ __ ] that's cool all right with orange use this recipe how many how much inventory do I have I had nine oranges okay do you sell oranges of course you do and and I'm going to buy them from you you it makes me angry that I have to keep purchasing [ __ ] from you the only person in town all right let's make it good full stack wonderful wonderful stuff wonderful stuff [ __ ] it's okay whole stack again nice I that feels so good this mini game I this mini game is stupid but I kind of like it for no reason I hated it initially I hated it that was stupid many almonds why am I making almonds making almonds uh I guess I'm making them almonds I that could have been an orange it's a it's orange on the screen I wasn't paying attention Okay well let's change that you you'll buy these you prices are terrible it look like oranges change recipe orange use this one go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] full stack full stack full stack full stack nope full stack give me a full stack I'm so close ah no I'm not going to get it [ __ ] slow it down Henry I don't know what your name is it's all right that's enough 21 cases so let's get over here and deliver from ursul for me this gives me hope silly zonka Wonka I'm certainly in your debt I got a lot of almonds now all right we're going to we're going to travel I need to put something else in the we got I I got to put something just default with caramel okay use this one I need Coco a lot of it that dude was sus not everyone's to be trusted all right I'm going to go to I need to get Coco we're going to we're going to travel to uh dalala ZKA WKA I understand that Felix bow Meister has finally got his coffee machines up and running you should make your way to Cape Town manufacturing visit him as soon as you're able to it's like Toby McGuire your prices keep going up it was 11 then it was 29 and now it's 33 35 okay okay I see you know what I seem to recall slightly better prices at your competitors you a week ago she knows your business is nothing without her she wants her [Laughter] cut it's true I mean it's true she knows that your business is nothing I'll take 200 this sugar is wow wow I'll take a thousand of them no I'll take I'll take 2,000 I'll take 3,000 I'll never have to buy sugar again ooh now we got a buyer here orange they love oranges in in duala apparently this is $400 a [Music] case I'm not selling the almonds you don't know anything about a secret Test Kitchen where bow Confections is working on developing new recipes do you you know way too much okay go down to Cave Town ooh I got the Rowena Bower Memorial plate of Distinction conferred on those players who have made at least eight different chocolate products and put 50 cents and a nickel into every half mile there's a machine of these at Disney World wow good thing I turned the hand crank well enough I love those things by the way congrats you piece of [ __ ] all right how much are you how much are you willing to pay oh boy oh boy this is a lot of money we're going to haggle here you think you could see your way to offering me a bit more for these products I I expected to hear better prices from you my [Music] friend all right let's do it I have 36 cases of this [ __ ] oh boy that's a lot of money wow that's so much we're tapping into the market as high as it's going to [Music] be 20 a 206 in duala just I'm over 100k hell yeah Sly zonka bka are you excited as I am I've been tinkering with these coffee machines for eons it's finally time to get them into operation I you will to make the trip to Hawaii I have a contact there who will supply us with the ingredients we need to make marketable coffee yeah excellent travel to Hawaii and go see hili pipo at the Open Air Market buy a bunch of Kona coffee cream and sugar for our experiment come back back and see me I'll give you some cash for your trip for the ingredients I don't have to do I just have money is disappearing in my account I don't have to do anything my hands are up just like oh God okay all right wait wait wait what about the prices here I mean the these are pretty cheap almonds this guy hates me I'm not going to haggle 22 lowest it's been is 25 you got to buy you got to you got to strike there the market anything else here before I leave all right I'm going to go to Hawaii what do I have in my inventory all right there's still plenty of production going on I got plenty of production with caramel this is a long trip I have enough to go there and come back $818 haggle for haggle for haggle for mint mint mint what for 80 $80 mint is cheap mint sucks man with over $117,000 in bank account scared to spend $800 I mean I'm I'm trying to make money here that's too much that's too much for Min I'll do 20 no that's too much I'm buying 50 and that's it no more no that's 4,000 fine scammed I didn't get scammed I'm fine all right let's go to Hawaii 818 bucks two full weeks you're after con of coffee cream and sugar a expanding into coffee production by any chance Hawaii is the best place for you my friend to show you what I mean I'm going to give you free of charge 75 sacks of Kona coffee wow is a hot dog thought was hot dogs normally you can buy con of coffee directly from Ka Co kaawa laa Plantation next door everything else you need you will find here in my shop okay there a new item cream oh man I got hey your mint is a little high butchard well whatever I tried oranges wait a minute this is cheap this is cheap look going to haggle please please please give me a better deal please okay d i just begged him and I now I'm going to buy everything now let's buy a thousand of these I got I have I got the cash for it let's go no that's is that too much 500 should I just go all out and buy like a thousand of each one of these that's so much look at these hazelnuts they're so cheap here 170 150 to 290 previously seen for I buy more sugar oh the cocoa holy [ __ ] i' I'm I'm dropping my net worth by half but I mean I need it more this is I I I have another thousand stop what do you mean stop no no no no no I you need I need chocolate for almost every single recipe every single one if I can get it cheap here I'm going to be get three goddamn thousand of them in fact no okay okay all right all right all right all right all right he just gave me coffee buy the ingredients for a cup of Joe and then take it back to Felix at Cape Town oh waa hold on yeah that's a good price [Music] I need sugar I have what do you mean I don't have sugar I have tons of it buy more sugar you literally just bought 3,000 sugar yeah but they were only $1 more expensive and I got haggled down more [Music] sugar I have 5,800 sugar and I all right I'm done why are you listening to chat I don't know oh cool this this game is cool I like this game here we go silly zonka Wonka we've already received an order for 20 cases of our first coffee product cup of joe he's willing to share a new coffee recipe in exchange for these coffees I have you to check out my coffee machines click to make coffee crank them up oh [ __ ] here we go sugar cream in a hot dog bun use this one make coffee aim and fire ingredients to form rows of at least three ingredients on the moving conveyor belt wait hold I I got I have to comprehend this matched ingredients will fill the coffee making Machinery on the right matches of more than three ingredients in a row will earn bonuses um all right I yeah how is this I don't I'm I I need to see how it works wait what's going on oh God wait it's okay so you just you just have to match them up what come on I get it I get it I get it give me I need sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar oh [ __ ] I hate this it's okay hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog I need more oh [ __ ] I need 24 cases this I'm I'm doing so terribly but I'm getting a lot 27 cases nice okay low on coffee oh [ __ ] [ __ ] so now we have to go back to Zurich I'm I'm almost out of uh caramel I got to start making money guys I got to make some money silly zanka Wonka I keep thinking he's talking about like the tricks rabbit like silly rabbit tricks are for kids a silly zanka Wonka Alex would like a word with you she'll be waiting for you at A's Rock in the secret Port of luru please go find her there as soon as you can wouldn't she like on a wait what Australia that's going to be like a million dollars to get there so you have taken the plunge and begin to manufacture coffee products as I promised Felix in exchange for 20 cases I like to give you this recipe for Mocha one of my favorite hot drinks ooh this one is cocoa milk and hot dogs nice I can't wait to pick my own custom coffee that's worth it holy [ __ ] I have 67 cases hey so you got to make some money right bang 36 cases of this coffee you know what I got a new product here you [ __ ] all right well I got to change this away from caramel play the game with your feet what the [ __ ] are you talking about uh I'm going to do almonds I have a lot of almonds let's use this one I need to get more coffee take only one week to get to Australia I wonder if they like coffee in Australia do they sell might they might sell coffee beans in Australia limes I want one I'm glad to see you again silly zonka Wonka I've not found out much yet but I have good reason to believe that Shawn is still alive the board of directors is most pleased with the Market's reaction to your tart of the Moon and we've decided to award you another space in our corporate recipe book excellent Test Kitchen time let's go you need to be sure to create new recipes as you awarded spaces in the recipe book this will be a critical part of proving to the board that you are capable of being our CEO also you will find wonderful wild limes here at kawaki's limes this is the only place in the world where you can buy limes keep up the great work I hope you have some more news soon this only place place in the world in the world how do you haggle with somebody that how do you haggle with somebody that has um the only inventory on Earth this is one of my favorite places to buy ingredients as your prices are no it's not my favorite one of my favorites it's the only favorite cuz none of them exist times are tough but they're tough for everyone you're charging tourist prices here do something for me beg I'm not going to beg [ __ ] no 400 at least I got one what's wrong oh I need coffee [ __ ] I got to fly across the whole world to get coffee no I need to go to what was I doing Test Kitchen buy the honey oh this hurts to buy that many I'm seriously this this lady is taking so much of my money all right Test Kitchen I got cream I'm going to do chocolate cream lime I'm going to call it the urinal cake he almost said okay Cape Town no first I could get more beans this is the only place in the world I can get beans I'm going for it silly ZKA Wonka the the board wants to make sure that you keep an earo for any opportunity to take ownership of retail locations one benefit you might not know about is the ability to accept special orders they are a fantastic way to bump up your margins I had a feeling you were expanding into coffees based on those ingredients you purchased from me a while back I'd be willing to give you $25,000 if you deliver 75 cases of Cupa Joe and 75 cases of mocha here to me what do you say what that's not enough 75 cases oh that's that's [ __ ] price went up do I dare haggle with this guy for his [ __ ] hot dog buns if I get it I'm I'll buy a thousand of them what a marvelous day what a marvelous day well I heard my prices are fair don't you you don't agree I'd really like to get my ingredients here can you help me out at all with the prices yes yes yes yes fine I'm not going to make a dime at these prices hope you're happy but I will how many can I afford 200 I get 300 oh my God that's so much money I can afford it I'm broke but no I'm not I've got 7500 bucks that's a lot all right but how how do I make a mocha mocha is just milk I got tons of IT Coco tons of it all right I can make a ton of mocha mocha the polar bear is gone looks like you have some ingredients we haven't seen before we'll grab one stack of each so it be available for your snar kitchen cream lime and lemon Sprite bar Sprite where's the chocolate why does it have to be a chocolate it's just a bar make it Sprite just a Sprite bar wait hold on milk or cream seven up seven up bar urinal cake yeah does that have to be Sprite urinal cake so we have to make this uh like what's what are the Sprite colors what does the Sprite even look like it's white and it's white right white and green green yellow [Music] white I can't dude this so stupid that's like I need it to be a brighter yellow than that there we go that looks like a urinal cake yeah that's absolutely a urinal cake okay Sprite urinal cake but wait hold on thin line thick line ooh no no I think the bottom I think that that kind of looks like a sponge okay I like it sponge bar it's detergent it's a tide pod uh detergent bar like a it's a dishwashing you put it in the dishwasher Sprite pod are you sure you want to add this permanently yes lemon lime and milk what I thought it was supposed to be sugar no I thought that was sugar that's not sugar lemon lime and milk oh this is going to be gross no sweetener at all all right get me the [ __ ] away from lemons I'm I no more lemon based Confections right what we're going to previously seen this is going to be very expensive by the way okay I need to sell coffee to somebody who wants coffee who wants coffee hey do anybody want coffee I can get you to Morocco silly zanka Wonka where I can assure you you'll find new ingredients and new contacts to help grow your business are you willing to do something for me in exchange for safe patches to tan geers uh sure wonderful all you need to do is bring me 10 cases of chocolate bar with hazelnuts I'll track you down in a few weeks to collect the chocolates and once you've handed them over I'll make sure that you got your way to get to Tangers all right I need 10 chocolate hazelnut oh my God 565 I got 139 cases of coffee this is the almost the first six figure sale of the [ __ ] evening I haggle I could get to like 600 to 700 139 let's go I'll take I'll take $80,000 follow please okay there goes Homer Simpson I wonder how Alex is farting I don't know why I said that all right I got I sold the coffee I'm good now I need I need hazelnuts do I have hazelnuts I don't have any do you sell hazelnut here you do for an insane price no sorry no we're going to back to zer you've successfully invented your new product you've launched our new line of coffees I'm glad to see how well things are going for the company you need to earn the respect of all the board members as soon as you've been able to learn and manufacture Five Coffee recipes as well as taking over at least one retail location you have my endorsement okay oh one other thing uh Florian emal was most pleased with a cuper Joe and has placed an order for 75 cases of mocha he's going to pay $50,000 um yes yes please uh right here and then here and then right here oh come I'm trying to put it in there whatever 20 30 cases is fine I don't care 30 is actually really good 31 32 holy [ __ ] he want 75 cases that's 32 a week I need more coffee beans I could sell this right now 28 that's pretty good that's pretty pretty good for this chocolate with almond that's the highest price I've ever seen I'm going for it here we go that's the most money I've ever had we get a PE break soon yes not right this second but you will soon holy [ __ ] this a lot of money ah oh I want to sell it to her right now no no not not not the mocha not the mocha that's a really good price though all right University I'm pretty sure that I placed an order with Felix with 75 cases where's my coffee oh um we're working on it I've never made it with hazelnuts I need 10 right [ __ ] I'm I need to like sit back in my chair to get a better view come on come on I I need a come on hurry up [ __ ] all right that was not good that was bad okay o I got the mocha here we go that's $50,000 let me get get get me to a [ __ ] million how much mocha do I have left I got a lot of mocha left holy [ __ ] stop everything stop everything is that going to change what if I just sit here and make hazelnut chocolate for like the next 2 weeks will it stay there I'm going to try it sell now and then make [Music] more I this I this I got to do this well I'm going I'm be quiet come on hurry up ah [ __ ] I missed I'm so annoyed by that come on I'm getting way too excited over this by the way there it is this is very exciting to apparently to me all right I'm doing it again God damn it I'm making a lot of mistakes in this [Music] one holy [ __ ] that was insane RNG look at that RNG that was just three in a row holy [ __ ] 20 that's my best so far no all right wasn't somebody going to meet me to buy this from me almost out of hazel nuts let's just have them produce this and I'll come back and this lady will buy them for in same prices every time I got a lot of mocha Let's Get r of it [Music] now sell it now sell now sell now sell now sell keep 10 for the quest bon bon I no no no yeah that's right she's gonna track me down isn't she didn't she say I'm gonna track you down here we go I couldn't be more pleased with these chocolate bars with hazelnut you will find your way to Tangers shortly and I will also give you 5,000 for your troubles there it is listen since you'll be on your way there soon are you willing to deliver 12 cases of chocolate bars with orange to jalali Abu there he will pay you handsomely um sure what happened what happened it's the only place you can buy them what happened just bought a thousand limes all right let's see okay let's try to haggle cuz if I can I already got a th000 at that good price if she goes up doesn't matter I already got a th000 of them I know that your prices are not set in stone what a marvelous day I know that your prices are not set in stone I wasn't Bor yesterday my prices are reasonable um please please please please get what you pay for give me a better deal where I walk buzz off I don't care I already bought a thousand of them I'm just seeing if you were going to go lower cuz if you were I would have bought more but I look at the price price I already got them at no returns no refunds you I'm that you can't just add the price retroactively I already got them bye and and by the way hi I never have to come back here again I bought a thousand of them Karen we can now start production of my Sprite lemon lime sponges come on give me a stack give me a stack [Music] come on [ __ ] give me a stack got it okay good give me a stack oh whatever filthy mouth sound waves 20 is fine all right so this is going to just be punching my Sprite sponges so now doesn't somebody really like to buy new [ __ ] who is it that's all that's worth it's a shitty product okay um I need chocolate bars with orange I got to get coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee first coffee first coffee coffee coffee you literally made a [ __ ] sponge yeah but they don't know that until they eat it [ __ ] these suck can you come down again and you come down again give me a break okay that's a big break I have to buy a thousand I'm going to say [Music] 500 more than that I can afford it that's that's very cheap money is gone it'll come right back when I sell 500 cases of coffee oh my God you all thought I was not going to make out like an absolute Bandit 534 is look at that I'm not [ __ ] around I'll take the 50 Grand I sell the sponges I have to they're terrible whoa cayenne pepper wait you got k 1,200 bucks for a cayenne pepper what would I chocolate hot pepper chocolate this is a big investment this is a huge that's a major investment okay we're doing hot hot pepper chocolate what do you mean scammed what are you talking about there this is like an insane item wait did I was I not supposed to wait that's a lot they're a hot item right now make prank chocolate just pepper okay what if I just made pepper pepper pepper pepper pepper milk chocolate and just burn people's mouths wait I see you've expanded operations to include coffee in my opinion the world's best coffee beans are found in Havana Cuba I'd be willing to get you passage to Cuba and hand over a recipe for Cafe Conlee that uses those beans if you're willing to set aside some of your first batch from me we've got a deal here's the recipe for Cafe Con Leche oh my God we've got Cuban coffee uh-huh when you get to Havana track down China famosa at Havana coffee beans you can buy the coffee beans you'll need from her I pleased report that I'm ready to harvest a new crop of a new crop of cocoa I will sell some of my wonderful crops to you if you're willing to take an order for me 25 cases of Special Reserve 66% African caca do not worry you'll be well compensated let's go [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right I I'm I'm going to lose money I'm going to run into money I have a bunch of quest I need to get back to all right let I got to I have to get this let me slow down back to Zerg that's not a bad price I need money and just get rid of this junk talk to Felix bow Meister at Cape Town oh okay Orange bars I need to make orange chocolate bars and then I need to talk to this person in Cuba and then make 25 cases of Special Reserve 66% we're going to do that now over the course of the next week or two so let's start the production on can I get rid of this Nickelodeon Gak and just throw it away like I how do I delete these recipes they're horrendous they're awful orange chocolate I have enough to do it let's just make one let's just make it [ __ ] just always one step behind always one step behind always one step behind all right whatever he's just like me feels bad man what pleas Anka Wonka Alexandra and the other members of the board have noticed how well your Creations are doing in the market and so they have decided to award you another space in the recipe book all right this one's not going to be [ __ ] gross this one's not going to be disgusting I'm going to make an um one that actually has flavor it isn't just milk and lemons and limes or just no sugar anything I'm going to make a good chocolate a good one but first going to pause the game we're going to take a break I'm going to go pee I'll be right back hello all right 12 cases of chocolate bars with orange I just got that now we got I only need to send 12 so I can sell 19 187 650 403 12 I can sell seven okay that's that Quest now I need to bring this one 25 cases of Special Reserve let's do that right now Special Reserve use this one all right this one's going to be very expensive it's going too fast I'm having trouble aiming more than I am actually the recipe it's going way too [ __ ] fast slow it down slow it down please they don't want you to get more than like 25 they really don't more more more okay so I have 25 of the how much of these are worth been waiting to taste what you have created for my Coco delightful here's $40,000 holy [ __ ] nice all right all right all right right that was a lot that was for 25 cases that was so that what a premium that was was they were 90 before you can do better than that no you can't that's not bad we're going to just constantly have production of this I got to get a new coffee on the market here they I think people are getting sick of me me selling them mocha oh [ __ ] I can sell this right now I don't think I want to do this right here no somewhere else let's do the next quest which was we had to drop off this here we haven't been here before I had word of your arrival and your Chocolat here's 15 thou oh scrp 15,000 bucks good you need new Confections what we got that's new Moroccan coffee $347 $347 bucks ah you're killing me this is the good [ __ ] I know it is all right I'm going to go broke if I don't relax greetings sillies wonka wonka I'm not on the board but I indeed a Tangi Alexandra is my younger sister Alex suggest that you and I might find it mutually beneficial to work together to start I have a recipe here that uses your our very own Moroccan coffee I'm willing to hand you the recipe and pay you 10,000 uh in an advance for an order of 40 cases sure new recipe Arabian bold maybe I don't maybe I should just say [ __ ] chocolate and to make coffee what if I told you I was able to offer you a new ingredient to use in your recipes are you willing to bring me just two cases of chocolates if I let you know about a newly available sounds like scam just two cases of chocolate that's it well what if I give him just standard default chocolate okay fine terrific if you head over to sug Market you will find that Magdalene gelder is now stocking raspberries use them to make chocolate bars with raspberry and be sure to come back with the two cases you promised oh [ __ ] why did he have to say that for them to unlock I was already here nice that's expensive but whatever okay hold on I just saw 80,000 you like to keep quite a bit of coffee around for our guest here at the hotel Tangers will to pay you a premium $80,000 once you deliver 65 cases of your Cupa Joe mocha and Arabian bold wait 65 of each Cupa Joe is cheap to make mil is cheap to make but Arabian bold uses the new beans that's not worth it oh no no deal that's not worth it feel bad for this guy he just wants two cases of chocolate with raspberry I could just never come back here could I just not come back here again all right what else do I got all right Cuba right we got to go to the we got to go to Cuba all right we got Havana coffee beans you were sent by shaa mudia well she has impeccable taste so welcome I raised the finest coffee cfee beans in the country and my prices are fair now you didn't think Miss mudar did this all a favor you'll need to repay her with 24 of your Cafe Conlee as soon as you can [ __ ] I have so much coffee I don't have enough to do any of this stuff I can do like 40 50 oh there a casino we got some great slot machines in here silly zonka Wonka but this is an exclusive Casino if you'd be willing to bring me 35 cases you're [ __ ] of the Moon I could see my way getting you on the list you got a deal you have absolutely a deal I just to bring 35 of my gross unsweetened disgusting chocolates to you my specialty and I get to play in the casino holy [ __ ] I cannot wait to do this I need 35 cases of [ __ ] of the Moon we'll go do that now I want to get into the casino I'm not sure if you realized this silly zonka Wonka but ingredients do not last forever what if you are storing an ingredient that you are not using it will expire and disappear from your inventory over time um how long does it last Thousand Lives the peppers okay I got to start making stuff I'm not buying any more ingredients I have a th000 limes we got to get rid of these I need to make a lime Cuban coffee with cayen pepper imagine the smell [ __ ] okay hold on I need to take care of this first we're going to sell this this is a good price all right I need to go to the coffee M uh makery and do 24 cases of Cafe Lake L we have to change our coffee first of all we're going to the Test Kitchen first though a Cuban Cayenne lime coffee I don't think customers are going to appreciate fruit in their coffee well they're going to go bad so we have to use them how about Cuban Cayenne honey hazelnut Cuban coffee with a hint of Honey Cuban coffee cayenne pepper how about just plain old sugar no honey I like this yeah this this is I think this is going to be delicious go oh [ __ ] okay here we go this is Cuban Cayenne honey that base is going to be a dark cream a nice dark Cuban coffee color like that with the richness falling to the bottom of the of the glass should it be the TV static yeah I want the richness falling to the bottom this is the beer you send back at the bar cuz the POR was horrible right there perfect ooh that looks spicy look at that that looks pretty sick to me that's cayenne pepper flakes sprinkled on top of the Cuban coffee with a drizzle of Honey on top to negate some of the harshness of the cayenne peppers I got to give it a cool name [Laughter] I can't whatever it's not blood it's cayenne pepper flakes hey grow up hey grow up how does that sound grow up okay it's called cleaner clock cleaner the clock cleaner the Cuban clock cleaner this [ __ ] cleans your clock when you take a sip youve never heard that term before like you're going to get you're going to get your clock cleaned it means you're going to get like knocked over like knocked out cleaning some cleaning your clock got is wait am I making this up let me look it up cleaning someone's clock what does it mean give someone a beating defeat or surpass someone decide yeah it means you're getting like the [ __ ] kicked out of you cleaning you're getting your clock clean the Cuban clock cleaner why can I not have a longer description I want to make like a stupid just dumb marketing thing red it's red it's red red red what it's kayenne pepper say it 10 times f that looks good to me the Cuban clock cleaner okay for a second I thought I didn't put the Cuban beans in it I can't wait to make this this thing this look look at how expensive this ingredient is this is a delicacy this is going to go for like [ __ ] five grand a pop let's go I'm very pleased with the way things are going I hope you are as well I understand that ly Lana has a coffee recipe that may be quite valuable for us I also know that he's a fan of Special Reserve 66 would you take 3 cases yeah all right get this out of here we are making our new recipe a Cuban clock cleaner oh the question is who is making who's buying cases of pre-made coffee I don't know [ __ ] oh my God I [ __ ] that up oh my God this is actually hard to aim by the way it's really annoying come on hurry hurry hurry there's a big one right here oh my God it's so annoying to aim this lag on the cursor it's weird where's my Cuban coffee all right I need more Cuban coffee more peppers and more honey all the doubters I'd like you all to take one step back and realize that I'm about this is like literally I'm going to make more money I've ever made in my entire life in 1 second here it comes that's 134,000 that's six figure sale right there I said 5K that's close enough and we're going to hold on to this I got to come load this [ __ ] up with supplies we got to go to duala I need honey and Cuban coffee let's go that's look at how good that thing is I get I might get to a million before I turn the stream off back to havano say Cuban clock cleaner five times fast Cuban clock cleaner Cuban clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner cub and clock cleaner I win inflation is upon us surely it seems like every few months it costs more to get from one poort to another those beans oh you know you heard about my secret drink didn't you yeah I need a lot of these this is this is going to be very expensive but you got to spend money to make money I need cayenne peppers here we go you've honored your end of the deal I'll be honor mine you are welcome to gamble here oh no Hal lucky would you like to try a traditional slot machine or play hideand-seek for money come on bean what I win what did I win I didn't say what I won broke even all right I'm taking this down to 70 70,000 [Music] coin broke even again know I don't where's the line here I don't know how this works that this is not a winning spin come on 25,000 25,000 25,000 again more coins all right one more that's it last all right get out I want let's play hide-and-seek raise or lower your bet and press start the more you wager the more I'll place in these boxes open boxes and stop at any time to keep the money you've uncovered but uncover a whammy and I'll keep it all there's more than $100,000 in these boxes okay what did I put in 20 oh [ __ ] you there's only three of [Music] them oh my god get up this is going for 4,000 it's all right I made it all back immediately holy [ __ ] okay just keep making these just keep making these quick buy ingredients and get the [ __ ] over there peppers and honey how much is this honey going for yeah I have to pay the premium on it cuz I need to make I have to pay the premium pay the premium I need Peppers we're going I have to pay the premium they're worth so much I got beans should I get more beans oh yeah yes of course not that many 50 more okay and some more honey no yeah all right I need Peppers where are the peppers in duala silly zanka how do you like to make an easy 60,000 I'm going to be doing some work in duala for the next couple of months I'd be staying at the the banjo hotel if you show up before I leave with 60 cases of mocha I'll pay you the outrageous sum of 60,000 yeah I think I already have that holy [ __ ] I had it in my inventory all right Peppers they're very expensive but it's worth it I have to buy this I'm not going to be able to have enough money to travel 50 I can do 60 cases okay here we go holy [ __ ] people they you want these these T of the Moon these things [Music] suck and the M's going going for a lot too here yeah sell it all all right now we just I'm going to bank money we're going to go back to all right they worse they're not as bad as the Sprite they are not as bad as the Sprite that's true o given to you for successfully marketing three of your own Creations oh [ __ ] oh man oh man oh man oh man this $300,000 it was worth it absolutely worth it I have enough for next week too all right that's it that's enough all right I'm done I'm done I'm done how much did I spend how much I lose imagine going into a casino and just taking $300,000 into the casino and put like just having going to a table and putting a $60,000 bet going okay okay okay and then you don't lose you you go you break like even you lose a little bit and you go okay I'm done and you just [ __ ] run out of the casino like what are you doing that's chocolate business baby okay I'm going to save it here I'm going to call it here this we'll pick we'll pick this up tomorrow we'll pick this up tomorrow I will stream for longer tomorrow I don't want to my stomach is kind of being weird I'm getting used to some side effects and I'm getting very excited we will pick this up tomorrow and I'm going to I'm going to make sure I have some some stuff my stomach I'll eat something and I'll be able to sit here for much longer didn't want to not stream today though this I'm very excited about this I can't I'm we're playing this tomorrow I'll see you guys tomorrow good night goodbye he's just farting he's muting and farting he's muting and farting and muting and farting he doesn't deny it no you know what I'll tell you the truth you want to know the truth I have never not one time farted during a stream it's never happened happened ever well I never farted while I was sitting here streaming I'm sure I have many times when I take a break I leave the door I close the door the mic is muted and I just I'm like I have to I think I have to so I've never done it sitting here though where's the Pokemon clip yeah the Pokemon Club is not real it it's it's a weird movement that I did or something I didn't why would I have like I would have laughed okay I want to watch it again real [Music] quick watch it again real [Music] quick I mean that I you think you think I farted on you're talking that's a I I have a care that [ __ ] watch I I didn't but holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] like I did guys I would have told you if I farted I would have told you right that's what everybody says I wouldn't even care I would have laughed and told you if I farted I again I don't care all right thank you for the subs everybody seriously it's an insane amount of people thanks a lot as always and uh I will see you guys tomorrow have a wonderful rest of your evening good night goodbye take care of yourselves
Channel: Skye4
Views: 127,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma
Id: 6op2fyJlHX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 41sec (6281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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