Jerma Streams - GeoGuessr (Part 1)

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you don't look happy no I don't I did not look happy I brought my bit right down a lot this sound does sound now it's probably gonna drop some frames while we sit there I'm gonna just ride it out and see if we can get to play the game that I wanted to play you're gonna see glitches you're gonna see you gonna see bops you're gonna see zips turn that frown upside down I can't how am I supposed to turn a frown upside down I'm just not happy right now now I'm just gonna be the guy that sits on IRL and just talked about the world turn the screen upside down what what why not you know what let's turn the screen upside down should I just make it look like I'm like trying to hold on let's have a little bit of fun right you know why don't we have a little bit of fun like I gotta wake up this is gonna be great whoa what the whatever what's happening where am I I'm ago I was I was that I was in the Shaw parking lot and then I was the last thing I remember as I woke up like this wait hold on is there anything near me a gun all right okay try to make water come down this shirt now you talk about next level I'm not sure I'm ready for that real real acting here but why can't you clip that I don't know if mystery Miz that alright let's talk about this I'm not even gonna tweet about this stream like if you're here you're just here and when this is just this is just one of those you know once every couple months I just died this happens and to a point where I can't string him up once of a couple this happens like once every like three weeks I just don't understand it I really don't get it because let's go over the facts okay fats the last seven or eight streams have been perfect every sleeping dog stream was perfect upload speed no problems at all i streamed that game four seven six seven eight hours a stream and there was absolutely no problems right even though thought the last stream completely perfect no problems at all for a full two hours before not just checking for some reason boom today just doesn't work disposable fees and and my upload is fine apparently somehow my internet from here is getting routed into somewhere else and it's having a problem connecting to twitches servers doesn't matter which one I could I've tried every East Coast server I've tried I tried connecting to Mexico and it up my whole stream so that's not the problem Comcast wants you to play Sleeping Dogs I probably like I would I would do that someone in power doesn't want me to stream uh who I don't even know what to do I don't even look did you see what just happened right there for about four seconds I just went like this yeah I don't know what to do and I was gonna go do a wood stream I told you guys that whenever I had internet problems I was gonna go in the woods but I am like me just hanging from the ceiling right there actually just that was not I shouldn't have done that because now I feel bad like I haven't been feeling well I've been internally I've been internally sick here no I mean then I can't go do that right now I cannot I just won't be I would I would get outside and I'd walk around for 10 minutes and I would get if I feel like and I'd have to come back so what are we gonna do do I have any of the books to read what is this take a look that is personal information on it that's kind of like it's got like names and addresses mm-hmm not gonna happen on this stream I'm not what I read yes this is my password book I'm not gonna call comcast nice Dunkin Donuts what's wrong with Dunkin Donuts you got a fraud actually that condones isn't it really not that good I just looks like I look sad and defeated just read bits but that's stuff that's so I don't want it oh what a bad stream what a terrible stream this is I'm gonna just sit here and read money that people gave me what an awful stream that's not a good Street I don't want to sit here and just take money and talk about the money I just got that's not content like that that's you giving me money and he's saying thank you the stream I that's not content I don't want to do that take my shirt off now play a board game or something but I don't have any board games actually no that's not true I have I have the monopoly you know the monopoly where it gives you the four debit cards I have that but I haven't even open the box like I played Monopoly with to people that yeah you serious that's not fun I'm monopoly with two people hey what you have to be you gonna have like at least three or four people for now at least four you gotta have for you can't just play Monopoly with two people play solitaire okay okay we'll play solitaire okay um Klondike what is this why is it opening windows what are you doing what is going on here Microsoft casual what the is this what is this ad why did I just get like a virus ad from a trusted Microsoft your free week of premium on Windows starts today this is an Xbox thing okay so I don't know how ok um hold on let me let me capture this uh solitaire can you see it ok so let's get this and let's let's get this let's get this out of the way like in the corner let's do a reverse face cam there you go ok by the way I have no idea how to play solitaire I have no idea I've never played solitaire in my life and I'm talking about in my entire life I don't know how this works I know you have to put suits and numbers I hit like for instance right so we got ace for the Queen has to go over the King right like you got to go like king queen and the King has to go over the over the ACE somebody's I just got an achievement i I don't know how to play this I have no idea this was a mistake I'm gonna close the window no who told me to do this I can't even see chatting whoa hold on this is spider not solitaire solitaire solitaire why can I not say this solitaire he knows the numbers and suits yeah I mean I understand that at the very I don't really get it though I'm not playing doki-doki literature club if we don't have that we don't have the bandwidth for that right now if anything if this evens out I'm gonna play the thing that I wanted to play in the butt to begin with close this close this why I'm why is this here get out of here I don't I don't wanna play minesweeper because guess what I don't know how to play minesweeper either you won't know how I play minesweeper I'll show you I said opening like what does just windows not have minesweeper anymore does Windows 10 take off minesweeper they took it off minesweepers not on Windows 10 I have to go to Bing calm in a minesweeper Microsoft comm get Microsoft minesweeper good they're so obsessed with apps they just can't get over it hey go download the app minesweeper why why give me it get it I can't get it and won't let me get it go play pinball on virtual machine do why did I not get it don't miss out I would like information tips and offers for Microsoft products and services on my privacy policy no I don't want from you microsoft how we doing is uh how many frames that we drop so far it's not terrible go play geoguessr no that's I will never get it right hold on I can't believe I'm actually about to open geoguessr I can't believe it I can't believe it I'm actually doing this I'm actually opening up geoguessr let's explore the world single-player okay make sure we have a gigantic Google Ad on the bottom though that's important get rid of ads okay hold on wait wait wait wait wait so let me let me just how do I capture this just gonna take a second hold on guys all right window geoguessr okay I'm gonna get all these wrong just in case you're you're curious well that didn't work okay hold on all right hold on let me get it in the right spot like here right there and we don't need to capture the ad so let's not do that so let's make this a little bit bigger like this oh god what the hell is happening what have you done Jeremy all right where in the world are we guys okay so this is like a very odd it I don't even care I'm gonna make this bigger and I'm gonna make me smaller no you're not supposed to see that screen all right so let's see well let's think of where we are right now I'm gonna say if I were to take a guess here this is definitely in this is definitely not in America because will you stop what are you doing man okay that's better cuz I don't this is not an America that cars too small okay there we go alright so this is not in America I'm gonna say let's look around I think cuz look at how tiny this car is it's a one-lane road let's go far can we go can we take a step okay how far can we go we can just walk around right what I'm looking for here okay this place has it this place has electricity this place has electricity farms I think this is wait a minute farms it's on the other side here a church let's go investigate the church now look at this little road this is not in America no way 60 60 what 60 what a minute what's this sign say let's see if the sign is in English and it is not okay so this is valera and Sanner is this something Sweden Switzerland but what I don't know that I don't know that languages valera I'm gonna say like Switzerland alright let's go over here I have to click on where I think it is right I think it's like up here I'm gonna say it's like somewhere around here looks like let's find a green place Denmark maybe and leg up here I'm gonna say okay here's green let's say let's lucky what about like Lyle hammer right here let's make the guess pretty close actually that's not bad hundred miles from the curve that's that is how I got it right next round let's go this one is all right we got a wider road this time so this might be in North America got a sign up here electricity in this country too like every country has electricity I don't know about this sign over here though that's a weird sign that's not that's that's an odd sign I know what that means we go let's see what language this is that say this is in Russia that's Russia alright so we're in Russia obviously not cold Russia so we're in Russia Russia's too big what no big rush is does Russia have to be this big like seriously this Russia needs to shrink a little bit so people can do better at geoguessr well this is called Russia this is very cold Russia it's like down here I don't think it's Moscow I'm gonna set maybe it is near Moscow I'm gonna go with like right here somewhere like near like Estonia let's make the guess not bad not bad it's further out than the last one too bad I didn't get it correct sorry that's that's 3394 points I'll take it let's do another one okay okay first thing I'm gonna notice here we've got we have electricity okay I thought we were gonna have no electricity hmm okay where that's it this is not in America that's there's a sign you wouldn't see in America cars just kind of parked on the side of the road what does that say SimCorp SimCorp now let's go down this road alright people just like people just like out here just hanging out with their families doing laundry on the on the fence okay Boston what this is and I think this is gonna be if I were to take a guess here I would say this is probably I'm gonna I'm gonna say I'm gonna say South America but we're in South America looking for a sign because it's limited there's a lot of different languages okay what's this sign say okay I messed this is not is it a church it's more laundry all right um South America let's see I don't I don't know it might be Brazil but it could be someone else too could be someone else what's that say what about the guy in the truck okay over/under on this guy giving the finger out the window damn it no you would you know somebody you know one of your friends would do that and I'm like so too stretched that's better I was gonna say it like they don't even like blur the faces in this game is this South America alright I gotta make a guess here I'm gonna say this is somewhere north like Venezuela up here in like Brazil I'm gonna say it's it's in here somewhere I'm gonna say like somewhere up here this is my final answer holy that was way off Romania really I got 10 points it's alright ok this is America no other place on earth has the double solid yellow double solid dollar lines you don't mean nobody does that but nobody nobody but America has lakes but the only country in the world that has lakes nobody else has those question is we're looking for a sign definitely America I can tell you for certain cuz like an SUV is about to pass us wait a minute hold on a second I don't know about this wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a second wait a minute that's a Jeep by the way if you're paying attention this guy right here and this guy right here this whole line hates this car this guy right now is probably having a mental breakdown being behind this car if I'm this guy right here I am screaming that I'm late to work because this car is probably going like 20 miles per hour to capture this all all right this is obviously this is flat so I'm gonna say this is somewhere in the self let's see you got both hands on the wheel you get you on a phone what's with the white and green fire hydrants though I'm not sure I understand that oh I thought that was a guy standing up holding a camera I was like why is he standing on the roof of the car I was like that's not how that works is it like that isn't it unsafe all right let's it's the self it's somewhere in the southern Belt beware what does this say is that in English of course convening okay we've got an RV so this is absolutely the self sidewalk closed yeah yeah Atlanta will go down a little bit further on the street and see let's go outside this person's but this beautiful house here and see somebody somebody kind of smashed up your front door there is that broken or I don't know looks like it's under renovations could be Florida no outlet Lake juicy lake juicy ok this is DEP I'm gonna make my I'm gonna make my guess this is I think this is somewhere on the Georgia and Florida line I'm gonna say I'm gonna say you know what let's just straight up just let's just say Jacksonville I think it's it gonna be right here somewhere Orlando close juju see lake this is fun I've never played this game before this is fun alright I can tell this is probably in alright you can tell that this one is absolutely in a area that's potentially underdeveloped because this image is like a bitmap image from like two or three years ago this they don't have like the nice image this is probably from a underdeveloped country because this is an underdeveloped picture I mean we're like in 2001 bitmap image here they drove this car down this road but at least two or three years ago says copyright 2017 how this was this picture was taken in 2017 with what camera did you take it with like a an original Nokia this is probably either deep south United States or I don't know Ireland is it Ireland Scotland this is Ireland only this is Ireland mm-hmm look at that this is Ireland let's see what's in here okay that I'm dead I was maybe puke what's with the kid hold on why it is what happened why did it just get so clear and okay that it's my internet that's why so all the I said about how it's it was because my internet I because I'm from an underdeveloped Internet Ireland final answer no no no no no no no no no no no no zoom in that's not Ireland that's Canada I'm gonna say it's right I'm gonna say in right up here all right it's New Zealand no it's yeah New Zealand I think come on it but how was I ever supposed to get in New Zealand let's take a look at my summary your total score would game finished well done your score is 2-1 twelve thousand one hundred forty-one I got to I got three out of five were pretty spot-on a couple of major major mistakes but how was I supposed to know New Zealand and Ireland in the same thing play the same map or try another map speedrun okay I'll try speedrun here let's try another map well the same map okay here we go ten seconds on each one one two three four this is how Hawaii is Hawaii Hawaii this is Hawaii right here I'm gonna say Honolulu right there Gus done it was Thailand okay next round go go ten seconds electricity America forest forty miles per hour oh I'm gonna say Iowa yes done not bad no it's okay there was America it was Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Iowa same country doesn't matter next one go whoa boy is this in a business in the world or is this this exists Spanish okay Spanish uh I see okay Spain Brazil pero pero final answer Oh close Argentina I was gonna say that's great all right go go big woods not American just he may be there could be actually no definitely not look at these lines what are these lines under see these lines before I've driven all over this country now this is not America that's got a lot of woods woodsy huge Road look very McDonald that's how you know no this is not in America I don't believe that for a second this is Canada this is Canada this is rusev right here in Canada wait that's Russia hold on right here in Canada this is up in Alberta make the guess now don't don't like favorite this page Sweden you earned another 95 points play the next round let's go what on earth is this place again not America huge mountains 2014 image what's behind all right this is uh this is um this is up in Sweden again this is up in Switzerland right leg up here Sweden right here done Africa and South Africa alright we didn't do that good this is look at all these I got like one right again alright this time I'm gonna take some time why this is fun how come I never played this what's that say sick sick chub Germany like is that does si like sich this is Germany mmm-hmm they're done welcome to Germany Gaara dig in oh yeah this is again this is absolutely Germany what's up just to just to make sure I got it right let's go down this street smarty let's go what's the kid doing hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just need to confirm the way that this is lanois welcome to Germany welcome mother says welcome to Germany no that says Villa hood no this is France France but we're in France welcome to Germany okay where where are we going here where is it I don't know where it is though we're done I know I know there it is vessel the is it where is it I need to get it exactly VARs her dunce no not ver dunce why is it not coming up on the map I thought it was like Eastern Eastern France where the is Verdun ah Oh up must got it I was really close actually it's right here this is Volvo fees both Eze I had it you guys didn't I had it Germany say look it says sprechen sie Deutsch right here sprechen sie Deutsch not all right what is to sign I don't know what that means we're in Germany no not where's this Miami you know that's that's Megami okay not Miami that wha majani what's mojo me I'm gonna say Asian somewhere in Asia just take a look what that sign says but Jame it's a bread shop but Yami means bread in India Megami is badami bread in Indian what's the Indian language what is that person still everyone's saying Poland I was gonna say India because Mikami what is the Indian language Poland what the is mojo me start giving me answers don't give me all right let's go Paulette final answer holy I almost what is majani what am i what are we looking at here okay this is an odd place to start this is somebody just took a picture in like a building development it just give I'm looking something up here I want to look I want to see what hold on where's whoops wrong thing weather what what is Megami much Yami it doesn't that doesn't exist it's not a word they keep telling me it's telling me to look from Miami it whatever how's my internet doing oh look at that still terrible alright um I'm gonna say this is very this is a really strange road we're in this could be I don't know I mean this could be this could be this could be like Italy this could be Italy what does that say pilgrim now this is not Italy this is like Alabama yeah I'm gonna say Alabama I just saw a pickup truck oh yeah this is this is like deep Texas this is Alabama Texas you can always tell because if there are more than three trucks this is this Alabama let's good luck I'm gonna go for Alabama well Louisiana like Montgomery Alabama if it's Calgary Canada why is Canada the deep self I had the red continent right okay snow snow snow II snowy got it another one of these weird signs oh wait was this holy look at that sky okay but we got snow it's sweet okay that's Canada Sweden I would say right outside of Stockholm Thank You Spain these little tiny cars okay no this is it this is America this is California Florida this looks like California sir I can't even see what that says we good we got to get a good sign here stuck got twenty-one stuttgart21 is this like a like a strip club no what is that I thought it was I was saying you 21 and older cab kick bikes guys in business suits I don't know man there's palm trees like this this is the United States no wait wait wait what does this sign say no this is this is a child America trim experiment L I'm just this is somewhere somewhere in South America Mexico it's definitely North America was it Atencio Boston this is this is Mexico this is like somewhere on the Texas line like Robin I'm gonna say like somewhere like around here like El Paso like up in something like Paso Texas or it's like moved down here Tucson I'm gonna say El Paso like right on the line here [Music] well it's it is not it is that it is Barcelona there are too many points at stake well it's hard how he supposed know where everywhere on earth is by looking at a building and a couple of cars does that say yeah it says stop those rodents and I thought those I thought that was like the Beatles and mice and what language is interred at South Hawks station him and Jen ant all the languages that I know I'm not zooming in cuz I don't know what that says I'm zooming is if I wanna see what was on the I want to see if there's any stickers or he printouts this everybody pasted it on there this is Europe Soph this is this is Eastern Europe no no this is Western Europe that's what I meant this is like France or Italy yeah this is France yeah but we're in France can be like a street sign the same lady is in a stockade I swear to God go into your local sandwich shop your local sub shop chances are this woman is on a poster in that sandwich shop with like a hero instead of a bottle of perfume I swear to God what's wrong with the chin I don't know that I'm telling you I I am gonna go I'm gonna go to the sandwich place that I'm talking about I'm gonna take a picture of that girl instead of a bottle of perfume it's a sandwich but where are we okay hold on ven du ven du Vin do ven do this is India then do Indian Pizza eatin pizza anywhere any town named and found I know it's in France but I want to get the try to get the closest I came to like a town let's see this is definitely in like a more city oriented part of France so it's not Paris we'd see the Eiffel Tower it's like 16,000 feet tall I'm gonna say this is probably this is probably a port town this is probably a coastal town if I were to take a guess this this seems coastal to me which coast I don't know I'm gonna say over here hold on let me just make sure let's double check and see if we can see the the 500 story tall Eiffel Tower we'll go down here we can't this is an opportunity for me to get a perfect score here Auto motto cool okay I'm looking over like this gigantic thing montreal center village Centerville Centerville Johnsonville yeah this is where they make the sausages this is where they make the sausages okay I'm interested I'm going for it right here bingo it's Paris where was the giant Tower it's not Canada close enough I was gonna pick up here too well this is this is empty why do I want to pick like Nevada or New Mexico or something this is definitely so this is definitely Southwest I'm getting a Southwestern feel from this or I'm getting like tiny London town this is either like Southwest United States or little itty bitty tiny London town but which this is absolutely tiny London town look at this car yeah this is tough this is little London town that car doesn't even fit two people well but that's actual size what's that say aunt Generale maybe this is not London time it's European though okay we got a weird lightning bolt road sign oh man this place this might be like country in mmm mail boys mail boy route delinquent is this France again this is just like France country melt let's mail mail boys let's see if there's a mail boys in the country in France look of a mail boy just find green mail boy Rudy long Quinn long Quinn Lockwood won't quit no that's Luke Han not long Quan goddamnit I thought we just had it this one's gonna be close though oh come on all right let's got to find another green let's go with okay Luke Juan long gone Lu Don mail boy Luke Juan Luke LeBlanc long long John it we gotta go I got ad a get a pick one let's go with a closest one that I could think all right we got we got down here let's I'm gonna go with law leung kwan-yuen here somewhere uh but like how about Norton AntiVirus let's let's try this one if only I had looked up here mail boy ah I had the right idea I just didn't look in every green spot next round this is United States they're their cars on this side of the road yes of there are because I'm on it this is self this is this is clay south this is this is clay not dirt clay and do you guys know where the largest amount of clay under soil there is in the United States it's a weird fact that I know from when I was in high school we are in fact in Tucson Arizona worth the shot India snow okay lots of snow big snow mounds with large grassy knolls look at the horizon here okay this is obviously people on the right side of the road this looks European 2012 man that snow is so beautiful it's amazing that the snow can pile up that high and have vegetation grow on it it's really interesting I think that's no must you know must have built up there for thousands of years where are we here gonna sign let's take a look at it and see what it says what does that say oh come on panshin pigeon Center panshin Khan for pension Khan for this is not America what was the top say I don't you see I'm torn because I feel like I've driven down this road in gta5 and seen this exact imagery if it's Los Santos now there's too much snow camping hey this might be Eastern European wow we're just driving into the lake does it no no none all right what does that say okay it looks like prices are gonna fall six percent once we cross this threshold here but overall it looks like we're up about $700 so that's okay this is alright let's go with let's go Eastern European we got like Ukraine Lithuania Romania I think it's I think this is up here in like I want to say like Ukraine I'm gonna say I'm gonna go like Belarus Croatia damn it it's alright we go to school and this looks American this is very American this is a very American but the rock worship center we are in the south what does that say can you get in closer the rock join us here Sunday at 4:00 the rock worship experience Dwayne Johnson scream into a microphone somewhere in the sky I'm gonna say let's see depends with that guy go I need to get a look at that guy where did he go that guy was just a ghost where did he go right there what did what's on this shirt he's got hey looks like a basketball jersey was it say give me the team name goddamn it I'm not gonna get it it's at the southern United States churches on every street 35 miles per hour mmm this is tough all right here this is how you know that we are at we're in the Bible Belt church Church church Church okay I think I've made my decision Kansas Oklahoma Mississippi it's gonna be in maybe Tennessee this is like Tennessee I'm going with I'm going with Tennessee like Knoxville not bad not bad this this was Charlotte no what what happened hey what not bad what's close Carolina what just happened what the man pull his pants up this guy his is like pants down like that was just gone wait a minute hold on hold on hold on we need to get a little bit we need to get a full picture here okay he's he's behind the car comes up from behind the car his shirt comes up his pants come down pants come back up again he's changing back here what are they doing okay I think this is this is also this is also America I think yeah this seems to be this is let's keep going I should've looked at what it was written on the wall there uh Alabama at Detroit Alabama the desert desert alarma this might not be America I gotta have my duals Natasha okay this is this is South America I think or somebody writes some weird coordinate on the wall here was that saying Mase soon do a thing let me do with my hand it's just like causing me distress apparently what's his sign say gah bruh Lara Bok this is the beginning of goldeneye except it's a triangle you know James bond-like freezes and he goes like this it's a the same thing what does this sign supposed to be saying let's take a look this is probably Spain but I don't think so palm trees man and Argentina well what was the name of this that signs our bond is our bond I'm gonna say it's down here let's go with like let's go thright like here see if I'm right god damn it it was Spain again it was Barcelona again I it's but ow Barcelona of every place there are 50 trillion different locations that could give us and we'd get Barcelona again this is baby is Barcelona that was Paris again twice - what is this a weed enclosure in the San Diego Zoo what is in here okay I'm not gonna lie this looks like the entrance to a quest area in World of Warcraft doesn't it like it that looks like I'm going in there and that's a quest this is like a big World of Warcraft zone all right where are we it's not Paris this is way too way to vegetables to be Paris what's this hot tub no dad this is way too vegetable to be Paris no way this is Paris hmm this is like beautiful though imagine this was your house look at this the world is your oyster there's so much stuff this thing you can do it's just so you must open up your door every day and just be like these roads - I would think I was gonna crash off these roads yeah I would it be panic attacking on this road this is a cartoon Road you veer off this look at this you can't take your car up here you have to walk this is the big tourney twisty windy roads that are in movies where the guy flies off the edge driver no that's just look okay you're telling me that this up coming up here you think that this you want to drive on this this is the Superman ride of Steel this is what you see going up that rollercoaster you want to drive up here and take this turn look at this I'm just I kind of want to stick around and just look at it oh yeah well yeah that sure was fun oh yeah but let's take this turn oh what's that a raccoon you go all the way down you're never gonna no one's gonna find you what are you doing a moose comes from over here not be alive that's for sure if this is Barcelona I'm gonna be very mad now this is this is definitely like Chile but I still I'm curious I want to get to the top of the mountain my answer is Chile but I want to get up here electricity yeah lots of it that's a weird tree these roads go on for miles yeah I'm gonna say Chile again here we go here's another watch out for somebody's cat you know I'm saying if you're on this road and you could who knows somebody's cat could just jump over here one two and you're like Jesus Christ like that you're gonna smash into that cat this that's too narrow Oh get the out of here why does it thank God it's safe stated me oh no it didn't let's go the other way though this is this is this is chilly you could run over a cat I don't I'm not running over a cat I'm gonna do everything possible to not have that happen and guess what it's it's just it's just a reaction right if a family of turkeys crosses the road here you're gonna hit the brake and you might rip the wheel and then good luck to forensics all right let's it's chilly chilly chilly right here on the mountain right in the mountain right here this is Italy we're in Italy is this told you this is this is probably America maybe not I mean you have a straight name Brandon straight I don't know very many Brandon's from Barcelona neighborhood crime watch we immediately get all suspicious persons on activities to our police digit okay blank this is a neighborhood crime watch this is America this is probably this you know this is probably somewhere in the Northeast oh look another one neighborhood crime watch we're watching you know what it means when they have these signs up that means like the the old crabby lady that you know that lives on your street every once in a while maybe will peer out this window you know she'll just be like all right okay back to reading like what is that effort what does that actually mean this is northeast this is definitely somewhere in northern america look just in case you were curious all right let's um pee Patch doll wait I wait a minute where is that peaches peaches this was a pretty nice neighborhood Donnelly this is not Georgia this is to northern feeling for Georgia let's see what this guys doing I thought he was doing the Spock I thought he's doing the live long and prosper now the people just like people waters yeah we're gonna get some really good ladder growth this season I can feel it make sure you pick them when they're babies these obviously oh my god this is definitely in the United States all right I think I'm gonna make a decision here let's get up to like the town center is it okay if there is a baseball field at some point left or right then this is northeastern America yellow if you see a baseball field hot weather yeah watering ladders I mean it's got to be nice weather so see now they're all like person people's names there it is there it is I've made my decision this is in Connecticut Seattle Southwest this is self this is Northwest Washington Seattle Southwest plumbing hey can I go back no no no go forward resume the game Southwest plumbing in the northwest and I thought we were in the Northeast that's a plant from geoguessr they did that on purpose at least I got the right country okay this one is this is Europe you know what I've realized just by just hanging out dealing with this terrible internet and playing geoguessr a lot of places on earth are like this aren't they just gigantic green open fields and a small road that goes for dozens and dozens and dozens of miles what do you think this guy's internet is like then I'm complaining about mine this dude's probably gonna be on satellite internet now we go for a car here red okay it's recycling was that is it a well the buys are an adventure game puzzle over here I feel like I need to go up to that and press e to turn it and this will open interesting alright let's keep going I'm not gonna do Barcelona even though it probably is now he can't stream it that guy that guy has problem streaming too so it was a sign right there what was it that's gigantic and there's a huge moat is this man-made doesn't look like it but how is that how it is possible the sewer water system where does his end Jesus man what are those grapes yeah that's see the grapes are coffee I think that's coffee grounds this might be a coffee ground farm hmm interesting this is in the middle of nowhere wherever it is this is in the middle of nowhere there's nothing here I can't even get like a sign wait it was back it up there was something on that sign back there what does that say blurry I can't determine what country this is in I don't think this is in the United States though I've got a clear image here maybe of this pullback I can't die to sky even no idea what the hell that says I'm not sure this is France or I mean look at their are their tractors over here lumber this is a lumberyard I don't think there's very many lumber yards there we go good thing comes to those who wait amber Mill Maryland bingo we're gonna get a perfect score Hall in Boston okay amber Hill Maryland gotta find amber Hill Maryland man I gotta get a hundred percent here I didn't think this is even in the country okay Maryland amber mill Maryland amber mill I'm gonna say it's one of these green spots let's go right here Bowie amber mill amber Milt it's pointing this way so amber mill might be over here no amber mill might be amber mill Maryland is tiny so here I mean if it's just Boston we're talking about like we got to get to a highway here amber mill now this is two City Bethesda its Bethesda out there amber Hill Aspen Hill Aspen am Aspen Hill amber hill that's that is playing phonetically with me right now amber Hill Chapel Hill Holland thin Tattershall where is this place over here let's check this way Frostburg old feels more oh there's mark Dave Madison Orange I don't know we're not even in Maryland anymore Augusta we're in Virginia now oh god damn it where is this place Bronks out of the planet you what are you talking about wrong side of the planet Boston Maryland amber Hill Hollywood Hollywood what wasn't even real Charlotte Hill this is Rhode Island no that's not Rhode Island how about west friendship all right I'm just gonna pick one eye it's definitely one of these green places in Maryland here Baltimore let's just go with I'm just gonna go with like a green spot like right here something like right here like Aspen Hill that's the closest one make the guess hold on before you say anything New York New Hampshire New Haven New Boston new Maryland you give him like you telling me that they go this way to go to Maryland go that way to go to Boston and and then you have a name in Maryland where I was looking called Aspen Hill looking for Amber Hill did America just take copy and paste everything from London and England and paste it over here and just pretended like is the same different places yeah it's called New England but why is it New York then why is it New Hampshire I was wondering there's no like logging companies in Maryland there are no gigantic open pastures where dudes a sawn giant trees and like Washington DC I don't even matter I made all Ryan's belt that's good luck well well okay because they're in England well speaking of England that's not where we are right now we are in Gibbs Gibbs custom I thought cushioning Gibbs custom gunsmithing where we are definitely not okay hold on let me see quality craftsmanship for the sportsman hunter and collector okay well they had the name of the town here and they took that they took them off what is it what talent was it Icarus Icarus Idaho Oh Manhattan England this could be Manhattan England no wonder alright post office where's the post office in Manhattan but I I already got it so it doesn't matter this Manhattan men is it Manhattan Idaho I made the dick arrest Idaho does this look like Manhattan that's he could have been right I don't even think guns are legal in the state of New York are they a guns legal in New York this is Beautiful by the way wherever the we are now this is Ireland no this is like Greenland Iceland Iceland no get Iceland I win I was selected Iceland inspired no didn't you didn't you guys go to school the Greenland is called Greenland cuz the Vikings wanted all the idiots to go to Greenland because it's it's icy and shitty in Greenland and then they named this place Iceland because of how wonderful and beautiful and tropical it is that they've lied to everybody so everyone would go move to Greenland to go well you should I gotta go to breelan that sounds great has he gotten a single one right yeah I've gotten like at least 30% of them predominantly correct yeah was they born because the tropical environment was great Church this is southern maybe not this could be South America let's see what does this say they're setting up this is a Fair coming in that's they're setting up a fair this is that this is one of those lines like a zipper you know that thing that you get in it like turns you upside down and just setting up that was that say can't see okay this is probably say this isn't America I'm getting like an Indiana Idaho vibe from this place what is this you trying to cheat me out of this is it say the name of the town right there UFA okay now that's gonna be an awesome fair look at how many rides they got setting up over here that's gonna be so awesome man wherever this is you got a lot of great little fairs and carnivals and stuff and two museums right next to each other is the ticket booth or that's where they're gonna know the petting zoo we'll probably over here like you can pet the horses and thank you for visiting do Barry do Barry do Barry Indiana where it do Barry do Barry the spirit of you the spirit of country okay hold on you can't the spirit of Indiana the spirit of Idaho the spirit of country home of the world's largest chuck wagon what state are you in a TV financial cooperatives intern Dube every data Dube every Hotel East first second I thought that's at East Asia co-op unlike village of do Barry do Barry Hall no heavy truck parking on the streets in the village of Dewberry in accordance with heavy truck law why can't you just say in accordance with the state to Barry this is like Kansas oh it's just this is Canada this is Canada that's the Canadian flag Canada Dewberry Canada Canada Dewberry Canada where are you do berry cuz it Kansas alright this kid is too big look at how huge Canada is good fine Dewberry in this gigantic place Du Barry there's no way I'm gonna find this it's not Quebec it's over here it's in country not Vancouver Du Barry Dawson's Creek Du Barry Dewberry Dewberry No Alberta it might be in here fort Dewberry little Dewberry like newfoundland no this is cold man it's like over here Calgary it's gotta be like right here somewhere man give me a Dewberry can we find a road finder we might be able find a road man cuz I could find like oh he's like number 11 here's like I 45 or whatever and I couldn't find it from there Dewberry somebody just said the population of Dewberry is like a hundred people how the am I gonna find this maple creek Medicine Hat Dewberry uh do they're all many berries many berries at this getting close we have to be getting close there's a lot of berries here that has to be a hint right [Music] we'll get this one exact I just need to find it you boo Barry where is it [Laughter] do Barry I might have to even zoom in a little more to get blueberry but we had many berries over here so it has to be close to that right it has to be calgary it's definitely in here big stone Alaska Dewberry Dewberry Dewberry Dewberry come on let me get a 100 percent points [Music] mmm that has to be in like the green look at how green this is I have to get this I'm gonna try I'm gonna go one more time here we go okay there's so many more that I missed by zooming in like two or three more times just looking do you see this many berries I'm gonna go from many berries up right there with me right there stick to the roads [Laughter] where the are you do Barry look at this this Calgary it's not in Calgary where is it where's member Barry's stick to the roads we'll find it many berries it has to be like right here somewhere done more wool Chester Medicine Hat I give up I give up I just give up I give up I got I can't I gotta go we got to go I'm gonna get a lot of points so it doesn't matter I give up meant many berries Lloyd Meister I didn't whatever I got I got a lot of points for that it's fine go straight up from many berries it's too many tongues all right what do we got why am i addicted to this game yeah yeah sorry that the stream is dropping 20% of every frame I'm sorry nothing I can do about it though just look to Europe II you sure French sand sand Blake oxen his oxen a country sand flakes and lake oxen Sand Lake James French sounds like a French name like I said we're looking for Sand Lake oxen wait hold on Bolton board North Morton Parrish north north and Morton north north north Morton Morton what does this say North Morton from North Morton North Norton wait a minute didn't I already denied look at Norton did wasn't I do they make the Norton joke in the UK where it was Norton remember I was like ah Norton AntiVirus and I made the terrible joke where is it North Morton no okay North Morton I don't know if this is in this might not be in this might be in like Scotland or something let's just take a look north Morton New Castle is a fair this looks like a trail so I'm gonna assume this is probably in this area here or one of these areas north no let's start at the top Fort Morton Fort William Croix this there's so many little towns my neck hurts have I been like cranking my neck this whole time can I talk to James French I'm gonna I'm gonna we're gonna have to put we're gonna drop a pin here let's say it's like up here just drop a pin make the guess oh you I was gonna look down there to whatever I got enough points okay this is there's a Domino's Pizza it's like a jewelry store is it this is the UK so we're in the UK again so we're in Clarendon Clarendon Clarendon UK all right can i narrow that down even further Domino's wait wait wait wait wait what are they used for currency so this is this is British that's the Great British lira UK again the great British Graham home is like it's blurry homemade poison yeah you get your poison is homemade is if we just put a bunch of bleach in a cup all right click what are we looking for cluck clarin Clandon clarendon we're in Clarendon we're in the UK is this George this is Swinton Square and claritin there's a lot of information here that I can keep looking for let's see Deli delicious can't discern what that says weird light um let's just scream down this road yes go ahead keep making the joke I'm driving into oncoming traffic okay okay I thought I thought for a second that the Google GPS guy was driving this way all right Clarendon was it like a hospital Manchester no that's wait a minute so it's around Greater Manchester okay okay I think we can start to piece it together Manchester which is here all right here we go we're looking for Clarendon Clarendon rid of Manchester Swinton ha that's Carrington its corrington clam dude loss of spring head Chatterton you know it's like funny I'm probably passing over some of your towns mmm I like going over some of your towns have I already passed over your house is it twirl okay just school I already forgot the name of the place Congleton they all these names sound the same Congleton wimpleton Ron golden Carrington yeah let's go throw a dart into Manchester and just be like who cares it's like right here somewhere it's over I ain't gonna look anymore it's done it's like right here Manchester I'm gonna say let's just get it like right like here make the guests that's not even I I did it I did it I did it see without this like terrible outlier here this would have been a really really good score just pretend this didn't happen I was really close on every single one of these except for this stupid one where I made I had a look I made an Iceland joke and I immediately clicked it as a good joke this would have been up here less than a kilometer you did a good job reading that side of the bus yeah well if I didn't read this out of the most of what I say there's a Greater Manchester all right one more time one more time oh by the way let me move this for a second by the way tomorrow night hopefully my internet is not up I'm gonna do everything possible to try to make that not reality but tomorrow I'm gonna be playing games with Vinny and crackin me Vinny and Kraken are gonna play some multiplayer games tomorrow night it should be interesting that's the plan tomorrow the plan was I was going to start this weird PlayStation 2 game tonight but we're gonna have to do some finagling so that'll be fun but that game we're gonna Michigan report from Hell is the next video game that I'm gonna be playing by myself so I don't know when that's gonna happen because tomorrow night is gonna be something else and who knows I might be routing through the same carrier I'm gonna have to figure out some kind of solution but yes that's on the plan tomorrow night and then Michigan report from hell this weekend I'll I'll try to do a I'll try to do like a Saturday or a Sunday stream just to make sure that we can start it and then depending how fun it is we keep doing PlayStation 2 there's a lot of random games a lot of things people have requested over the last few weeks but yeah so I'm gonna probably do one or two more of these and then we'll chill I'll read the bits we'll hang out for like for like another hour it still has not fixed itself over two straight hours of doing this and I was doing a twitch test broadcast for about 45 minutes before the stream started so this is like really really pissing me off at this point it's unbelievable oh yeah I want to do this can't even see that okay no I can see the check now I can see you thank you for your patience by the way I know this is really annoying for everybody seriously it's like every week there's something else I really am like truly sorry that half the time so I don't know if stream might not work today I'm moving to the next place that gets G August that it's in the next few months I'm gonna try as hard as they can to get out of here it's just there's nothing I can do about it I've had my internet fixed and broken and fixed and broken and fixed and broken and fixed and rerouted routed we gotta fix it at the plant all your node is up that's how this happened dozen times in two-and-a-half years so it's really really irritating oh my god I actually and the Internet is actually dying we're down to like 100k can even see me and yes can you guys see me okay let's bring this back bring it back I was really looking forward to the game tonight - don't look up anything about the game we're playing because you'd go if you if you don't have even seen anything on it it's really better if we all experience it together because it seems really really fun can you can you speak up all right so where are we this is where I'm moving - um okay lots of rocks lots of rubble what's next I always want to say South America for these places but it always ends up being incorrect every time I think it's South America its Spain or Sweden okay I'm not gonna lie it's as if I was in a dream when I looked at that I mean that was me reading a sign in a dream okay this is like this is like Poland not Poland it's this is definitely Eastern European though I would assume what's that what city is that okay I was just gonna say Stonehenge but that would be incorrect okay there it is Stonehenge that's a major city in Poland let's get to that city won't take long can I even get over there I have no idea lots of small cars to that one that was fairly large um what kind of sign is that it's just too blue no don't even say it I was gonna I was gonna make like a reddit upvote comment we've got a drive in here for your Oh see I already I just did it so you know I I just said it what is all of the throat here compactor reddit interesting I don't know don't know what that says as on the phone we're gonna throw we're gonna throw a dart here in Poland okay these are crypto currencies have we got patience pays off this is a day care I don't I can't I can't I can't place any of this and you I don't know I don't know any of these I you know people say that you know like reading Chinese and learning English learning Japanese and I don't think I could ever speak this language I really don't think so I'm not sure you could ever teach me how to say any of these things there's a lot going on here all right it's poets Poland so we're gonna academia academia Preds school the car well that's a preschool all right I can learn I've already learning I already see it's academia preschool you got an echo ecology Pro Phil Laak Ditka what show are you NAS ed Poland I can't learn I'm gonna say pull in look at all the Loveland pretty close my hero academia don't bring up anime again here we are in a gigantic open field I think this might be the War of the Worlds said because I mean this is one of the shots from back that's one of the monsters got another monster I'm sorry that was bad I'm gonna move on from that one no more jokes for me for the rest of the night this tree looks like a cartoon is it see like two eyes and like lipstick this is somebody made like a tree cartoon what is that interesting I don't know oh it's flowers it's okay it's just a quiz it's just flowers okay I thought that was like the Kirby tree that tree looks like a pretty good anime but I don't know okay here we go here we go here's another it looks like we're in we're in Russia this is bad a Penta but remember Russia is as big as the whole earth so you can't just throw a stone in Russia but if you if you get Russia and geoguessr just just be happy that you placed yourself in Russia because there's no way you're ever gonna get more than like 500 points it's just too big it's the biggest place on earth take a look at the map here okay you see the map you've got like North America here this is the United States this is Canada Canada and Alaska like Canada is also in the same realm Canada is the North American Russia look at this place this is the whole world here this is as big as Africa it's bigger than everything it's huge you'll never Russia's huge so here we go Russia just take the guess and I'll get where's this Ukraine now this is Russia this is like the missus right on the tip here right in the coast of Russia right this yeah whatever good luck next round uh okay more open fields actually not bad I mean it wasn't it was not good either let me fix my leg my Geoff's recently wonderfully washed hair good sign is this also Russia this might also be Russia I don't know that is that that's not Russian though is it that doesn't look Russian yeah it is okay this is Russia again I mean look at this go up this way please go up there why am I not allowed up there I don't think this is Russia though this is maybe this is on the border of Russia and it's like hey go to Russia that way buddy now this is not Russia this is 100% not Russia this is like Bermuda on a cloudy day religious symbols this might be I don't know I need to get too late like a town I need to see something a sign or something a person in place there is a sign right up here turn around look backwards on it though okay that's like somebody doing a sock puppet what is this a sign of just turn it and big turn okay another one same just here comes a big turn with the one Road that's here I'm gonna go back to elementary school why because all right you can't give me when 70% of all these places look like the inpainting painting that's in the frame that you buy when you want to go buy a frame this is just default painting go to Target and go find a frame this is in the frame this image here this is 75% of every place yeah okay hosted if somebody said chat has gotten it every time yeah cuz guess what you can type into Google James French and find the exact town of where he is you guys can look at the business names and type in like UK Larry's automotive and it'll tell you the name of the town I can't do that that's cheating it's a Skyrim it's Europe but I just don't know where it's not Russia I can't like skip ahead there we go alright let's take a look it's just a game dude no it is it's real life it is real life is it a game or is that you're looking at real life right now we are taking a trip you don't even need to go IRL can just go to geoguessr and look around somewhere in Norway uh this is not Norway this is gonna be Italy or something this is Italy this is somewhere a country in Italy all right we got a sign load I can't see if I were to take a guess let me see or maybe even it's somewhere in here it's gonna be like Croatia Italy or like Bulgaria let's just throw the stone here I'm gonna say like Albania we're in the country let's go like here oh okay where's Greece okay this is not Norway we told you I'm not like true I don't want to like see then I don't want to see the answers what is this car what is going on here I need to know what's in this car I don't care about where we are they're like animals in there or something whatever all right we're on the left side of the road which means this is not America so where is this I see a sign here we'll get a little bit closer Iowa Kerry Hot Springs turbo chats gotten it every single time it's not like right now you can type in our Kerry hot springs into Google and get the exact location on a map and then sit there and tell me how stupid I am enhance have what carry Hot Springs but this is not let me take a look let's get a bigger picture here Oh salty I mean I don't know there's a little bit of soy sauce there that's not like there's only enough salt in that soy sauce that I hate soy sauce I'm not gonna make this don't even get me started that much I don't like soy sauce it's just hey would you like to add some smelly acid to your food sure go ahead put some on got one right here oh wait we got this thing called soy sauce oh you're gonna love it you see what happens is everything you put it on makes your food stink like whoa that smells put that in your mouth and eat it and taqaddas like malt vinegar mixed with dirt please enjoy enjoy it rata rata he Cory Wyatt re I mean this sounds is the sounds kind of Island New Zealand Hawaii Island this is not Hawaii I turn down that road no see if I get a better picture Australia like in New Zealand so yeah like it I don't know let's see there's a sign here - when wet yep don't you dare off I was gonna say how dare you yes when wet your car will tip over all right what about the cars I'm gonna say New Zealand that's good I'm gonna go down here there's something up here alright there's another business up here of some sort I don't know it's somebody's somebody's house and their mobile drug van you see breaking dead I love that show there we go we got that's creepy I'm not cheating earth-moving truck and bobcat hire earthmoving why is this blurred out is this a swear word why is that blurred it's interesting you know it's weird they blur half the and then they don't blur the other half phone sale let's go down further I've got another sign I'm gonna make my decision here after this next sign we good we gotta make it good make a choice all right farmlands Eastern Bay dressage group that doesn't tell me anything next event you do that again I swear to God I swear to God I'm okay I'm gonna say New Zealand I'm gonna say Nelson New Zealand I got it I got it I've been saying New Zealand this whole time and I got it just not in the right place all right country horses we got courses horses zebra pigs and that's pretty much all that's there I'm not gonna say this is America yet you'll know that it's America if there's a ton of zebra pigs you'll notice them no nothing nothing you can tell me what they're like the bays in the window no this feels Southwest United States commotion over here the Patriots Jersey no this is not New England this feels Southwest or Ireland or Scotland or something I'm gonna say Scotland yeah look at this place look at look at look at this Harry Potter house this is definitely Scotland in fact you would be able to fool me if you told me that they filmed what's the guy what's the house in the Dennett in and the Deathly Hallows when they go who's whose house is this in Harry Potter that's the guy that they drank all the the the Polyjuice potion and they all turn into Harry and they go into this house I think that one's dead Godric's Hollow yeah or I see like every UK show that's a reality show where they got travels from place to place and finds thing that this is uh I travel from place to place and find thing oh well that's an antique isn't it 2000 years old I went to this little little kitschy shop down in Glasgow but this is one of those shows we're watching it right now I'm looking for a thing do you do have that thing and how much is that thing worth the show don't go 30 here you're in deep trouble yeah let's just pick oh wait no no no don't don't jump to conclusions here this we could find a sign and we can find a little place we could find it the map there's a main street it's come down here we'll find a town center or something I want to get this one closed I already got look at my points this is the last one but this is decent amount of points so far decent at these people's houses or are we on a life-sized Monopoly board not sure give me a sign there we go Jupiter and para digits this is not England man this is not England somebody said England and Scotland and you're an idiot who said Scotland someone you guys made a Harry Potter reference stupid it's pain no this is like Norway or something this is one of the smaller European countries they're also driving on the right I'm doing the thing I'm doing the Leanback thing now this place looks cool though I like it this place I would love to live in this house yeah let's go for it let's make the choice we're going for I'm gonna say like the Netherlands like oh this that could be in Amsterdam II kinda never Lindsay mmm I don't think it's Germany Denmark Copenhagen Amster dalinda in here somewhere Dumbledore right here whoa closed cheating how did I cheat all right you can't look at my score got so over because Russia is too big to be allowed on the test can you do this and just exclude Russia and Canada you know if you could exclude this and this this would be a lot easier new planet try another map what is the other what does that mean trying them map no I still I still have this going in the background don't I that's not good I actually still have the game I was gonna play just still in the background alright hold on let's see embark on the official map famous places this is gonna be real bad guys I'm seriously not kidding I'm not gonna get any of these I don't know anything I doubt that I don't know any of these places not one I dunno oh wait a minute hold on is this Candyland looking place what is it oh it's not Taj Mahal that's the Kremlin right that's this is the Kremlin this is this is the Russian Kremlin well what am I supposed to say how do I guess oh oh I don't know okay I just have to I don't know what that is in Russia though I have no idea where this is in Russia it's candy I know that's what I'm saying it looks like one of the stops on Candyland let's go look at it I mean that's a pretty cool looking building I don't know where it is though I mean in Moscow let's just I'm gonna say it's in Moscow good luck it is it's right there bingo next round please Ivan I don't have any idea not a single clue this is some this is like a crypt the Coliseum's is this the Colosseum have no idea I don't know what this is maybe somebody'll have like a brochure in their hands that's what I'm hoping for hi this is wait this is a Mayan temple hold on let me get it let me get in here somebody's gotta have a brochure in their hands come on god damn it we're looking for the guy holding the paper that says welcome this is where Diablo 1 starts I don't know what this is I really don't this is some temple to some ancient temple I know it's tied nope that is not that is nope incorrect incorrect that is the that is the Angkor Wat next round okay I think I know what this is yeah I know it look at how many look at all these tourists we are currently in the Vatican all right this is a goat speaking of Jesus there he is coming in and out of existence this is the Vatican Embassy where is the stop in Candyland it's like thrombosed candy cane watch I don't know where this is why does everything have to be candy it's in Italy I know I know it's it's right here where it's its own little like it's the Vatican is its own Disney World it's its own place where is it I swear it's like it's it's its own section and it's it's it it's a giant City where the is it okay hey hey guys oh I sneezed thank you I got it yeah it was right there no but I would've got that if I didn't sneeze that made me good that allergies are really crazy this year man all right we go we got this is Buckingham Palace I don't know where that is though I don't know I don't know where Buckingham Palace is it does look like bloodborne that look is really cool actually I don't even know what that's corrected on I'd have been to Buckingham Palace or a bit English fir'd here it is all right Oxford Buckingham Buckingham oh what the what hey where are we now look how many cars are here there's no parking spots you just drive up and get out I won't understand look at these people look crashed into each other look at this guy crashed oh this guy crashed get all these people that American flag no this is not America this isn't France this is that thing that Napoleon built because he was so small he had to make everyone think I'll huge II was I don't know where it is though this is like the how the arch too long whatever it is nice reaction yeah right miss Paris I knew it was I just don't know where the it was I won't do that yeah this is fun landmark is this I have no idea what this is is this a state prison no I'll get it out of here it is this is what this is it this is it right here okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what does this say we are in Spain okay this is the Spanish castle of Ferdinand the forth nobody lived here and this is the Spanish Congress played out here for a while this is where they enacted okay now I'm in the building I'm on top of the building this is in fact just a little bit of quick reference for you if you're a played blood-borne this is one of the secret secret levels that you can get to as you see here you go towards the old king and then and you go through this walkway what was his name the boss from blood-borne King um the guy that has the big slashes and then you go through and the Karthus this is Karthus keep that was that was Dark Souls 3 no it wasn't that was blood-borne this is where you fight him is you fight him on the roof of Karthus this is that was that was not doc 203 that was blood point okay okay you got a Dreamcast back here I do I don't know what this is but I'm gonna say sped Spain right here there it is and it is the chocolate cafe like come on what I assumed in at first it was just chocolate cafe and this was a huge thing I was like wait okay the chocolate cafe it's a pretty odd building to be a chocolate factory it's the music School of Music okay alright we are in there it is that's the Taj Mahal that's a hundred points and that's where I'll be ending this right here where is the Taj Mahal I don't I know it's in one of these places I'm in Moscow its Mumbai Dubai No think about it for a minute ohayo come on get that air all right um I'm not sure though if I were to take a guess um I don't I just I just don't know where the Taj Mahal is I don't know where the Taj Mahal is I'm not sure where it is tell me where the it is where is the Taj Mahal located what state and city she was supposed to just say it no wonder why I've disabled it Siri and this is like zoomed in I can't I don't know this is Siri what city is the Taj Mahal located in I don't know what that is where's Agra all right we got yes cities are you talking about all right I don't know what I've no idea it's a big clock that's Big Ben yeah that's Big Ben Big Ben big no there's the Statue of Superman let's go see when when he saved the earth status lost the wrong Ricola and SISTAR's yeah you might want to turn to get the cameras gonna go this way man wait a minute all right well I need a little bit of we're gonna do some context here is this guy taking a picture of these two he's not so let's I want to see what he's taking a picture of so he's facing this way cameras pointed at about 45 degrees he's taking a picture of this building or this probably this livings made of solid gold people who tried to steal that okay dog spotted oh wow that is such a cute dog that looks like Otto all right this is I know where this is this is France got it got it next round I know this is this is the Atlantic Ocean the person that's wearing this camera is like nine feet tall what the hell is this supposed to be showing me stop there's Niagara Falls wait no I know what this is this is Alka try to I just saw it somebody Chie cheated Alcatraz okay all right Alcatraz is like in the middle of the ocean somewhere right isn't it like an evil underground lair where is it it's like an evil evil underground lair in the middle of the ocean but where that's Hawaii this is what the earth looks like where is it there it is nope where are you Alcatraz Alcatraz Alcatraz Alcatraz there it is Alcatraz Alcatraz how could found it got it restaurant in garden namaste the fire whoa Ironforge all right where are we I'm going to see I'm wrapping it up here this is the last one I'm an intelligent streamer no I'm just no no I'm not a well-traveled streamer was a difference you think I pay attention didn't you think I pay attention you think I pay attention to in geography no I was like throwing spitballs at my friend we should do this thing we would take these these we would take a tube a paper towel tube and we would chew on toilet paper from the bathroom and you'd get a wad that was as thick as a golf ball and he'd stick it in the end of the part of the paper towel tube and then you could go and it was like she was an explosion and I didn't do don't do this I didn't do that that did not happen I didn't never did that one time don't ever do that don't ever do that no but no one no one no one's gonna think that's funny or cool regardless of how much I laugh at it it's a joke I didn't that's a joke on top of a joke don't do that you gotta get in lots of trouble you're gonna think it's real funny until you sitting in the principal's office and he's scolding you and giving you saturday detention what is that who was that I don't know what this is where are we I just had where was that statue I just walked by it the images could be a little better holy oh wait a minute some okay stop doing that I think I know what this is Buckingham Palace no it's not Candyland I know I'm kidding it's a joke they have the they have the big fur hats no this is not a Trump property all right this is interesting though my never seen this before what is going on is it guys stabbing this guy's got a club I really don't know what it is though I can't even guess it's a really cool looking building don't I what is this I want to get a better view of this but I can't if the camera won't let me get in a better spot see how it's just throws me the other way it's like Tron trying to get to the plaque that might be in front of this guy just to the right of this car yeah that could can you not get that close to this statue or something I don't understand there are 2200 people watching me dick around I I wish I could do more than this but this is all I can do right now because this Internet is a piece of laughing it's something all right help me out here I have no idea what this is it's Prague Alcatraz its Alcatraz this is some good gameplay it is gameplay Siri wears Prag Czech Republic okay directions yeah let me get driving directions to Czech Republic sure I'll what where are we going where are we starting directions from here this is not actually gonna give me directions is it I have to swim to Prague the Czech Republic there are you kidding me Wow am I supposed to do this there's no giant bridge that you can walk across oh this is the dumbest thing ever it no okay it's saying I can't find it okay can't just drive a choir I Drive across the ocean there you go there it is alright be the summary I cheated on two or three of these what was this one in California oh that was alcohol all right that that's enough dipping around on my 20% framerate drop stream this is geoguessr if you want to try it and play it's free it's easy let's go over here over here again I apologize for not being able to do the thing that I wanted to do tonight it's irritating and it's I wish there was something I could do but I can't then I was gonna go on an impromptu journey stream but that didn't happen okay so thanks for sticking around tomorrow night the plan is I'm gonna play with Vinnie and Craig and we're gonna dick around in some multiplayer games might be fun should be fun should be interesting to say the least hopefully it's worth watching and we're gonna do the credits so thank you everybody for subscribing and research grabbing during this awful stream well know art hold on this technically awful stream I had there was it this was fun seto but yeah by the way I've got let me mention this real quick both of them start much later than I do so to like kind of combine powers and all of us start at the same time Vinnie doesn't start streaming until late krikey doesn't start streaming too late so we're probably gonna start somewhere around like 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time between like 9:00 and 10:00 because that's like when they start their streams around like at that time and it's kind of you know kind of a 2v1 situation I start at 7:00 they both start at like 10:00 I got you know I got voted off the island you know because so we have to start around 9:00 9:30 10:00 it's Friday night though so I don't think it'll be that big of a problem so see you tomorrow I'm gonna play multiple games with those two dudes yeah r.i.p EU sorry guys I'll make it up to the EU crowd this weekend I'll do an early stream because we couldn't really do anything today and I've been sick for the last like three days so over the weekend I have to get up really early on Sunday so Sunday at I'll be up at like 9 a.m. Eastern Time on Sunday so we'll be able to I'll stream so I'll probably stream like 11 a.m. Eastern Time on Sunday so and well that's where we will start doing Michigan report from hill anyways let's do the credits again thanks everybody for sticking around them hopefully I'll see you soon and let me get to those credits wherever the they are my stream labs turned off yeah and I'm sorry I get frustrated with that I just did I don't like when you know I want to do a stream and hey guys let's stream I'm gonna stream and just a kid can't happen it just boils my blood because I want to I want to hang out I want to do things I want to cuz man like I think about this what happens if there's somehow like internet problems or something goes wrong during like the polygraph stream that streams gonna call some money you know and what if it's a guy a shot you're dropping like 30% of every frame yeah don't worry about it though like that I don't hate that knowing that that could be a possibility but I had fun tonight so anyways here come the credits thank you to all the new subs and all the old subs much love to you guys here they come hey thanks a lot - Virgil but Heldrich Alfred Artie Jamie - 8:03 scientifc use o ty lady McMahon's adept CC Tim masta Apollo how is baby formed k link 180 inky space cadet gala mine drain world rain drain railroad drain world Foxfire mint ram knee Shaun the prawn it Sweeney Kenny 22 Bob Bob drank Topsy cone rhubarb 74 lawyer gnostic geeks hyena dip apple man 971 2 min dev joshua gas can BRB green tea freaky ghost bed pie man ShamWow DJ candy mr. face age of new Balaji duce the gamer dead Oded oh the beer hunter coffee eager wrote meal RAM bones major cluster F you say fetus track star lab Agathe alle hosts rat goobers munch nose bite 1 2 2 3 flip esteem parting jet sunny n mu means move guy with the hair private tickles not Vega zippy go smile austin alright pupper are on fire Optimus 27,000 207 no that's 27,000 power beastie talamanca re um startles Cooper de trooper chess master Penn do silliman DJ Emmys CL hammer area official leo sab Walter White's forehead chivalry boiled sheep Ross bomb terrible's in Jed leather jacket red blue freak gut rush and Sarge Sarge switch Sarge's twitch yeah it's a hard game thank you guys welcome back in welcome to new ones as well thanks for your subs and now the bits thank you for your bits turn this up a little so you can hear the music alright let's go over these from earlier close that window I'll make this bigger okay your name was in the credits but I said it wrong um what's going on with bits here I cannot only see bits from like 25 minutes ago does this have something to do with the stream up hold on strange let me just open this back up again huh now I only have bits from 40 minutes ago hold on I might be able to get them streams dead shouldn't be I should still be here I feel like sometimes when the stream has massive issues sometimes it just doesn't hold on let me try to get it from here from the actual source nope no that's unfortunate yeah the only thing that was recorded was anything from 40 minutes ago the string didn't go down did it okay hold on at any point over the over the last three hours to the stream go down because that's why this would maybe happen that's annoying Malik didn't so why is why did stream lapse not keep anything from 40 minutes ago past 40 minutes ago a lot like may 9th they said yeah I can't even load anything god damn it give me a break well it skipped once or twice but never really fully went down well I have I have a handful here I'm sorry guys your name wasn't in the credits or something yeah there's just been connection problems this whole entire night why does twitch let this happen it's I actually contacted twitch about this they said that there's nothing that they can do on their end this is a routing problem by me jumping onto a carrier and coming through it being redirected four or five times through different carriers across the country and it just for some reason sometimes just will not function I don't know maybe twitch is having issues - I don't like I can't speak to that but if you gave bits earlier more than an hour or two ago thank you so much I'm sorry that they were deleted I try my best to make that not a reality but sometimes it is and all I can say is sorry thank you guys but we will do at least the ones that are here that I can see bold cactus thank you both cactus lad for the 25 cents hey Jem I have nothing to give you today but my thanks you give me hope hope and creativity there's so many people out there that do the same thing every day mind numbingly so and they get insanely popular it's the fact that he would rather be original and niche than crazy popular that gives me hope the only way I knew to repay that happiness that hope was to give you things that made me happy that's my favorite games well I'm out of bits so I guess farewell for now thank you both cactus man I just kind of I just kind of do the things that I've want to do if those things get me 20,000 compare reviewers than they do if they don't then they don't if those things get me money than they give me money if they don't they don't it's not I don't have any other motives besides I just kind of want to do the things that I think are interesting and that's it is there an official suggestion box yes on the discord there is a recommendations channel just throw in there a game and your reason why or even a stream idea doesn't have to necessarily be a video game stream it could be something else but thank you bold appreciate it man luxury uh V tae-hee thanks for the 25 cents getting drunk makes everything you say 8 times funnier what would normally make me giggle makes me cry tears of laughter no you go I hate that word giggle you know how people have a word that they hate my god this tonight they don't where the word sounds giggle is that word for me that word sucks oh yeah well I was like giggling like blah I hate that word something just it just sounds like you should be blowing bubbles out of your mouth but thank you luxurious a Terrell Akron I know tar how are you doing tere Tara Tara thanks to the two-box streamer becomes top 1000 streamer and stops trying on his stream and resorts to IRL and geoguessr how long till we get a stream of you browsing your own reddit and watching funny mean compilation videos I'd I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna watch I don't even know what you're referring to but I'm not gonna do that Thank You Samuel Sish with a $1 German expensive 24-hour fortnight stream when also when will you make pickle German emo you promised yeah I told you you guys had to pick what day it was gonna be cuz you get that emote for three days so you need to collectively figure out what week you want pickle Rick the funny pickle Ricky mode for three days and then it's gone I'm not gonna be the one to tell you that somebody else is but I'm not gonna play fortnight fortnight but thanks man thank you spree Oh for the $0.50 Auto is the best dog in the world yes he is he is one of my favorite things on earth Thank You spree off thank you mostly lost for the one dollar clearly you didn't pay attention in English you didn't pay attention to in English I see what you doing thank you dude thank you snooze for the 25 cents I have to donate in order for you to watch this video this is this is probably a snort wet toilet paper prank vine you know um I'm actually kind of sad that vine disappeared there was some you know six seconds and having videos cut off at perfect times when something happens or a point of action or a point of discussion or a contention point and the video ends because then you have to think about what happens after that what happens next those six second clips were so funny there were so many funny vines I'm not I'm not and I'm not talking look look I'm not talking about I'm not talking about like the vine stars okay not like the vine stars which essentially of people doing snapchats no I'm talking about people that made the collectively interesting and funny vines perfectly cut screams no vine was equal parts terrible and amazing for everyone or to like god I wish I never watched that there was at least one like I'm not sure where that was I don't know I don't laugh like that I don't think anybody laughs like that I don't know why you would have that come out of your mouth for any reason most I don't know what I was doing I can't even explain it to you it was like somebody laughing but played in Reverse that was somebody doing a funny look I'm but joking I'm an evil funny laughing guy and then you played it in Reverse anyways a Dyer oh thank to the five bucks German check out wipeout Oh Mega Collection for psvr it's amazing I'll give it a look show that line that would be that that would be a vine thank you no let's go for the five bucks hey Germans want to say that I'm going through the long difficult process to fix a lifelong medical issue I have that I can't mention her Al's chat will lose this and everyone will get muted and your speech about spoiled milk the other day really inspired me not to dwell on what could have been and instead work on making this of hand I was dealt into something livable love you Turnbull thanks man thank you no let's go for the five bucks whatever you going through hopefully you get it under control speaking with somebody that has a lifelong medical illness that will never go away it's incurable I understand where you coming from so again you just kind of have to like you said you just have to you have this thing this problem this issue and you deal with it as best as you can and the more you dwell on an issue that you have the less time that is you trying to solve it and trying to fix it and keep you know move on with your life some of them are more crippling than others now that there is a scale for you know different problems and illnesses and issues that you know yes I'm sometimes it's hard and then nearly impossible to overcome but you have to try you know manage but yeah manage I wish you the best of luck man take care of yourself thank you for the five dollars also thank you to luxury of itay again for the 25 cents jeremy 985 it is 325 a.m. for EU folks you streams make me smile from ear to ear and you managed to be naturally entertaining without even trying these are my last bits have a fantastic night thank you you have a great night to get some get some well-deserved rest I apologize to all the EU folks that stay up till 2 3 4 o'clock in the morning for these streams thank you for watching mostly lost thanks for the $1 well I'll just read owned 8 my message then were you really looking in Maryland for a place with a sign pointing to Maryland oh yeah I mean I don't know it said Maryland is that way so I figured it was close enough to Maryland where I could click in Maryland and it would be in Maryland or at least close enough where I would get a hundred points buddy what are you clipping here what is this so the email thing that's why you didn't even pay $20 for that emote you did not pay $20 for that and nobody even heard it because my eye was muted look for $20 that's a shitty mode for $5 that's a bad emote there's a difference but thank you nonetheless appreciate it thank you mostly less for the 100 Thank You tombola for the 20 cents so no that's your name Thank You tombola 20 for the $1 hey German my name is Tom Oh tom Oh as I said tombola hey Tom all right there you go I have a watchin for around 3 to 4 years super happy to finally catch your stream Newcastle UK represent and we actually nearly clicked on your your tongue earlier so and you make pretty good beer too from what I hear I just want to say you're a huge inspiration so much so that I've been writing a webcomic for a year now called strange world and I included glue man in a minor cameo I hope to see you stream again soon now the inconceivable glue man thank you Tom and thanks for sticking around and watching for this long and good luck with your webcomic strange world strange world it's the name of the company but I'm not seeing a lot of German expensives right now is that I have poor control over my finances 25 dollars a month I'm sorry thank you though appreciate it Tom hey snoozin copter thanks for the $1 finish the drawing I promised you to remind you that if you're ever going to make that trading card thing I want to be a part of it don't forget to contact me if you didn't do it just forget what I said here's the drawing though they sent to you on Twitter let's see what did that just say what did that just say to me hold on a second hi and this has nothing to do with the picture you sent me I just got the strangest image I want to say looking this up right now what does this mean I apparently just apparently exceeded my rate limit on Twitter and I couldn't load his tweet what the does that mean apparently I have you're only allowed 100 API calls per hour what what is that is there like a and is there something else to go I don't I did a virus scan I'd like three of them I don't have any viruses okay let me try clicking that again okay now I can see it now I can see it no I got limited somehow okay let's see the picture oh well now you even got Gascoigne back there my favorite video games this is awesome dude thanks Chrono Trigger blood-borne Neverhood mario RPG pac-man auto Super Meat Boy the engineer this is great man thank you for this this is incredible but yes that thing that I was talking about the trading card thing won't be something we'll talk to we're not talking about that yet we're doing that probably at some point late summer there's a few other things I want to get done first before I even think about it but it is it is on the cards for over the summer time probably let's keep going though show the pic here's the paper there you go I'm gonna save this let's throw it on switz throw it on streem like pretty much all my favorite video games ever that's awesome dude thank you you got all my favorite games thanks a lot man neverhood is so great it really is too bad that armikrog really wasn't at all neverhood was like a nine or a ten of the ten for me and armikrog was like a six unfortunately they needed more time and apparently more money but I still will love the Neverhood forever thank you dude moving right along we got we here here we are bit slave thanks for 25 cents well like I said I'll redo my bits I'm getting shipped out in five days to basic training seven half weeks of basic training four weeks of aircrew training which involves survival evasion resistance and escape training which teaches me how to evade capture and how to be a POWs need be damn man damn good luck that sounds like a lot of work hopefully you do very well thank you dude thank you die TRO for the $1 hey German check out wipeout a mega collection tonight this is a double spend here will do I will check it out we got a place in what psvr I have to get a 5 I already have a vibe it's just in a box do you see my Dreamcast back there that's ready to go bit slave again thanks on 25 cents also you are legally required to write to me while I'm in basic training I expect you to hand write all the stream transcripts with chat included also I'm going to hold it to you that you show grad when that time comes I will try to catch all the streams I can until I'm off to basic yeah yeah we have to get like a congratulations dream the right to be every day transcribe all the streams oh he's such a pain in the ass that would be such a mess think about how hard it is for me to speak when I go off and just start talking sentences sometimes don't even they run into each other they don't make any sense it would cost a lot of money to pay somebody to transcribe a stream even one but good luck man good luck to you thank you spree Oh for the two dollars and fifty cents I have been sick for a few days and had a horrible week but this stream made me feel better and it was really fun thank you thanks Bri oh thank you the Pat marcin's for the 25 cents twitch let me watch another ad so I can read Oh Nate pogchamp educational bits did you know that come on did you know that there's something about doki-doki and then something about it's a heartbeat we don't but that's a bit that's up that's a Voldemort word that's a band Voldemort word on the stream though so but thank you for the 25 cents Andy GSW thanks for the $1 my polish mates say mojama majani is a chocolate company much love from the UK thank you Andy yeah but Johnny I just I figured it was like we were somewhere in India appreciate it though hey K link thanks for the $1 man clink 180 since my bits were lost I'll try to retype my message the best I can remember I'm the almost didn't graduate a guy from last week oh thanks to your advice in words of encouragement I'm able to walk on Saturday yeah I gave a sub and bits as major thanks and his sort of celebration sorry to hear that your internet and health issues haven't been the best lately but this dream was a blast despite it being a total disaster thank you keep on inspiring others and just being a great guy all around you did it you did it get that to bubble man congratulations dude I'm glad it worked out awesome man that makes me that makes me really happy I'm glad you figured it out thank you clink for your $1 - thank you sir dub for the 30 cents a germ I've been watching your streams for about a month and you're already my favorite streamer thanks for making days better thanks for watching mr. dub didn't hear for about a month hopefully you're enjoying yourself hopefully you like it I stick around does more of that we're gonna be doing soon thank you sir job bit slave again thanks to the 25 cents also if my dad gets on the German Rumble I will cry no your dad's not gonna be in the German Rumble I'm gonna like I'm gonna squash that fantasy no like you know dad won't be in the German Rumble is something that has nothing to do with anything what is it I this is I thought this is the snort it's not the snort it's something else I don't know what this is what the is going on here hi gal I didn't mute because I want to see what the this is what am i watching this is this your dad is this your debt and this is no this is not dad this is my guy speaking Russian I don't know this is thank you thank you snoozing coffee for the $1 one of the funniest cutoff noises I know is this [Laughter] that's up let's this guy with a squirrel on his windshield it's like it's a dead squirrel or something and he he like puts his windshield wipers on his that comes into him I'm my goodness that sucks here I'll put it here I don't know I don't know what this is like that's crazy how somebody already liked it that wow that's next level man thank you thank you Jeannie boy for the 25 cents I remember when you first read my twitch comment out loud back when you were playing obscure with italics the comments said that you should restart the game and watch the first cutscene since you didn't know where to go what to do you didn't comply but I wanted you to know it still made me feel cozy and warm with PSU streams really put a smile on my no one there we go PS your streams really put a smile on my face keep it up sorry we disappointed you an obscure but we also were drinking at Alex and I were I believe I was drinking whiskey that night so I know I may have gotten a little lost thank you Jeannie that you boneless bacon for the one dollar would you consider doing a shadow of war stream I want to see the relationships you develop with the orcs you meet um already did shadow 4 streamed it a few times actually we did at least three or four shadow of war streams I didn't beat the game but put probably 2030 hours into most of the outdoor world it was really fun I thank you boneless bacon Thank You grizzly 1624 the 25 cents somebody should do a case study on you regarding the duality of man one minute you're giving out genuinely helpful advice and wisdom but in as fast as a second later you could be sitting there thinking that alcatraz is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean yeah okay okay come on Thank You grizzly thank you pina chip for the $1 yo germ is live lol thanks Steve Thank You techno toast for the 25 cents 99% sure my bits got devoured by the Comcast goblins so here it is again didn't you say you bought a hotspot or something have you tried streaming with that yet to see if that would work I was like glad to hear you feelin better hopefully you'll be back to wonder-percent soon thank you techno and yes hotspot streaming is is gonna be a thing the only problem is I I'm still not feeling that great so I didn't want to oh yeah I'm gonna go do like a funny joke II would stream I have fairly left my house in three days and let alone do I want to get up and go out in the woods for three hours you know what I mean like it's just not something I wanted to do today but yes those will happen do not worry thank you techno toast techno toasty let's techno toast X hey 13th Anya thanks to the $5 hey friend hey friend germ oh I'm so glad you got the recommendation Channel up on discord did you see the post i made about majesty if not i'll just keep giving you bits until you play it well you don't have to you don't have too many more you can now never get me bits ever again because yes I have put Majesty on the list of games I'm going to play seems like a fun game seems like we could have some fun in there but thank you 13th onion for your final five dollars ever thanks to the base double oh eight thanks to the three bucks hey Jeremy since my messages didn't go through we want to know if you saw the portrait I made of you love the stream by the way but it was great fun although it was horrible love you boobie the portrait I may have refreshed my memory the portrait I probably may have thank you the base for your three bucks and refresh my memory please bit slave thanks to the 25 cents if not dad in Rumble then bit slave Rumble No now you guys want to be like a tag team I'll put like airplanes on your shirts this is not happening by the way this is not happening these are all hypothetical what-if scenarios thank you the jack for 7/3 for the $2.50 seems good we have exclamation dab we need exclamation dad we don't need that thank you the bass double O eight for the one dollar by the way you can find the portrait I did for you in the discord creative channel just so you know hashtag sneeze I'm gonna have a look at that later cuz I don't know my discord password and I'm logged out do you have like a Twitter do you like a tweeter you need to tweet at me cuz I don't Heidi to like log back into my discord I don't know what the password is I don't know what any of my passwords are and it's a trend guys that's because I don't there is so complicated and I mean like my passwords aren't 1-2-3 pizza my passwords are insane so I don't know them and it can be really obnoxious what I'm saying like for instance I had two real aughh into my Hulu account and I wasn't near my computer and I wasn't near a like my my source my password I have a little I got a little book of tricks I got my little password book that I keep physical not on my computer I'm not stupid and I didn't know what my Hulu password was and there was no way I could get into my Hulu cuz I wasn't here yeah Hulu watch Law & Order somewhere man old man has to write down his passwords yes he does but thank you bomb was bacon again for the $1 well they were at least two DLC packs along with two new tribes so it would be cool to see you return to it someday truck DD interesting interesting DLC is a weird it's a weird thing man because sometimes DLC comes out way I mean I'm not saying it's the case with this but games I wish that DLC came out within like a month or two of a games release I find myself just done with a game and then whoa all this really awesome DLC came out a year later or like eight months later it's like I don't really care anymore I wish it would be like here's the game and then bang bang like 45 days go by here's a DLC pack that we like ready to launch I just don't I don't like to go I have trouble going back to games I've like they'd already been done with for a year or more than like at least six months or so that's gonna be shitty DLC then yeah I mean there's an argument to be made for both sides of that fine I think within three months like it's like the rim what was the UM okay to get the game would burn out way too quick yeah but still I just lose interest in games and then I don't really want to go back and play them after I've been done with them the problem is that all DLC will just be cut content yeah that's true because then you'd it you'd run into scenarios where game companies would release DLC that's essentially on disk DLC no you don't the files already but you have to pay for it in 30 days I can see how that would be bad I'm just impatient hey Corgi thanks to the 25 cents you having a giggle made yes you made me say my least favorite word hey Samuel stitch thanks to the $1 so you're gonna do a dark souls remastered stream right you should take a shot every time you die that'd be fun Jeremy expensive no I'm not I'm not doing that good I cannot drink and play those games all those games requires so much focus and patience if you have even like two beers that whole experience goes upside down Schmidty storm thanks for the $1 hi there's another guy that's about to graduate you've been there for a lot of the years of getting through school on both YouTube and twitch your talks about figuring life out have been inspiring as well helps me not worry about it thank you for doing what you do min Thank You Schmidty I don't I don't like to think that I'm some like Oracle or some guru I've in fact I think it's probably opposite but I I am you know I've done the things that you guys are doing I have done them I'm probably at least five if not ten years older than most people here so I mean that's not monumental but I remember what it was like being in like college and stressing every goddamn day I remember what that was like i'ma go what it was like to miss class and like need to have a paper due for late in three days and you have nine words written so if I can hey if I can tell you anyway that I did it if you can take it with a grain of salt and I'm sure there's a lot of other people that you talk to that have advice and have you know if it lived through those experiences that you can talk to as well Germans old older oh yeah you gotta add an ER there but thank you Smitty appreciate it Thank You Samuel search for the $1 yes I will answer the question I will be playing Dark Souls remastered Thank You bit slave for the 25 cents tag-team Rumble yes it's happening it's set in stone I'll see you in court no no we're not doing that I'm not doing dad and son tag-team Thank You Corgi for the 25 cents love you stream your creative and entertaining Thank You Corky appreciate that thanks men the 13th on the index with a $6 they say yay also you didn't finish my comment cuz I said I'd give you bits if you played it too oh well I haven't played it yet you know that it still hasn't happened yet I'm going to play it eventually it does not you know this is this is a premature $6 here Thank You onion for your six bucks dr. clay thanks to the $1 oh I don't really have much to say but it's gonna say thanks for being awesome hope your internet recovers as well as you hope you both feel better it's crazy that it's still going I'm still the bed here it's still dropping frames all over the place it's barely you can barely hold up is just in the red the whole time I have dropped 222 thousand frames thirty thirty percent of every frame that this stream is streamed has not it just dropped thirty percent of every frame must it must be so annoying Thank You Garfield Abunda killa for the 25 cents the Garf cult grows german i've had a good amount of german subbies substantials come to me baring their souls two of Garf religion they're helping me with the book we just finished the cover you're getting this book sometime in next 20 years without warning yeah Garfield they're off like 50 books of you already you know how many compilations Jim Davis is released over the years I bet you there are more than 50 Garfield books I might be wrong but I could be right and even without looking it up you know that it could be right possible Thank You mr. peanut for the $1 subbies today I took my last final of college thanks for the countless hours of great entertainment over the last few years I hope you did well mr. peanut hope you got straight a-pluses thanks man thanks for sticking around the bass double the weight thanks for the $1 I've sent you a tweeter okay I'll check it out I will check it out the 13th on the impacts of the bun Darla hey have you been to California I love California California's one of my favorite places California is in my like top five favorite states I've been to California dozens of times I've been to the west coast dozens and dozens of times I love the west coast it's great thank you Emperor's or on for the 25 cents my mother and I just enjoyed your youtube compilation of your old paint stream thanks for the laughs god bless you and italics thank you Thank You Empress Iran and and mom and last but not least finally finally finally finally roar dong geul thanks for the $1 hey you should really play mountain blade warband the animations are hilarious there are a lot of funny screams and [Laughter] does anybody else find it funny that a recommendation from me is considered top-tier because there are a lot of funny screams like oh wow funny screams oh nice it's funny because when you said that I actually said oh alright cool funny screams count me in man it's a fantasy medieval sandbox where you build an army and kill bandits and build a kingdom it's really fun it's one of the best stream games I can think of please play it funny story I've actually I was gonna stream mountain blade warband I got in I learned how to you know walk up Locke left walk right I I did all the tutorial you don't you get on the horse you shoot off the view ship you know bow and arrow I did the training and then I just kind of couldn't figure out Oh what the to do I was on like a the there was a gonna overworld map where you like move around and I it confused me I mean one of your streams was 70% of you kicking NPCs off of cliffs so they scream that was a different case though that was the the kick in Might and Magic is the whole reason to play that game but it's not like I've written it off completely Mountain blade it's just I got it but just was it didn't grab me after the tutorial bit slave thanks to the $0.25 mod dad I'm not modding at nope not modding death 13th onion thanks to the $1 awesome you should come to Ventura never been to Ventura never even heard of it unless you put an ace in front of that in which case what a great movie what a great collection of movies two of them and finally is Sensei thanks to the $1.20 thanks for the laughs thank you for the dollar and 20 cents and with that I will see you guys tomorrow pray that these internet problems are done and and I can actually stream a real thing tomorrow because what a pain in the ass what a pain in the ass all right let me check my Twitter I want to see this picture before I go oh I hope induct my phone it's directions to the Czech Republic that's funny in the open ah wait so did my twitter my mentions and we've got oh my god oh my god that is wow you guys is so talented seriously I get like this awesome incredible hey here's all your favorite videogame characters all like Alderaan really well and took a bunch of time and now here's like a photorealistic image of your face that I painted you guys are talented man no no you did not let you guys like all doctors you're all artists thank you so much for these thank you bass Thank You snoozin I need to let you show this on okay I can't hold on my hair let's let's get that I can only could only be on Twitter on my phone I don't know I put I don't know my Twitter password is I can't login I could only be all logged into my phone here that's awesome there yeah I can only be logged into my phone I feel like I don't like all these things I'm so bad at Twitter next slide alright last two donations mu means mu and coffee of the monday killa thanks with your $1 and you 25 cents respectively mu means mu you thought it was over but little do you know that soldier boy we're not doing soldier boy lyrics Thank You Garfield Aman take a look at the 25 cents 50 books of me though this is the first German themed book it's chock-full the zoombinis and frogs good night guys I will see you tomorrow I I really this is gonna be so dumb if I can't strain tomorrow it's that's just not only is it a pain in the ass for me but I'm like up other people's schedules cuz like Vinnie and Kraken we're like all playing together alright no nope I'm not doing that anymore yeah I know we planned this but sorry do something else I hope it's fixed by tomorrow I hope it late I can at least stream tomorrow but goodnight guys I'll see you tomorrow we'll try take care have a great rest you night
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 69,810
Rating: 4.9124885 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, Ster/Jerma Stream Archive, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma facecam, facecam, jerma talking, jerma geoguessr, geoguessr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 24sec (12984 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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