The Jerma985 Dollhouse: Behind the Scenes

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[Music] so [Music] you know i thought of a stream a while back actually this is during the house flipper streams i was thinking about would it be funny if i were to try to actually like redecorate it like a house in real life just an open floor with paint and stuff just put up like put up make build like three or four artificial rooms and then decorate them and take you through it it would take a lot of prep but i don't think it would be too big all i would need to do is just put up like a wood and then just have like some drywall just just make like a fake room in like a studio but yet beyond studio and have like three small rooms made that can have like couches and furniture and stuff in them the doll house the germa doll house have multiple floors and it's just weird the camera zooms out i like walk up the stairs i get into the bed oh this is comfy does it have to be real life sims god damn do i have to actually write this one down imagine if i made a dollhouse cut in half sort of like set and you guys just played the sims but it was just me in a house that would be really really creepy that would be scary in a way because i would be acting like a sim i wouldn't be speaking english or anything i'd be talking like sim then you guys have to tell me what to do i would be speaking simlish and waving at you guys and stuff doing the thing where like i'm gonna my pants and like you gotta go i won't go i just pee on the floor and stuff that oh my god i have to i think we might have to do this and if i leave the house or lie down to go to bed we just do like a fake it's going times 10 speed so we'll just go to the next day and i'll like shake around like it's going 10 times speed in the bed how are you gonna deal with the fires [Laughter] this set is burning down and i'm just jumping up and down going uh yeah so this is uh the set and it's uh it's six rooms um there's two upstairs and four downstairs and this is the yard we consider the yard to be a room because it's a place where jack can put things and uh you know it's on camera people can interact there and stuff but on day one we just have rooms uh four and five for number one two three four five six so rooms four and five are the yellow room in the pink room here the yellow room um will be on day one kind of the entire living space it's the kitchen it'll be the living room it'll be uh the bedroom i guess so chad will have a little bit of a challenge trying to figure out how to make it work uh room five here is the um is the bathroom and the bathroom is smaller than every other room in the house but it's still quite large for a bathroom which chat uh seemed to notice um on the on the sim stream the sims 3 stream that we did earlier this month and um so yeah we've got like a shower toilet a little vanity and stuff but there's so much room in here that on that first day uh we won't we wouldn't be surprised to see a bed in here or some other furniture in here because there's not a ton of room in that other room and we think that's kind of funny over here this is um probably a bedroom i think we're calling it a bedroom in the software um but again you know jack can kind of do what they want so now the yellow room becomes the kitchen and living space it's like a little more comfortable and and we now have like a proper bedroom and who knows what's going to happen with that but we have a lot of furniture to fill here and then room three is that yard over there that gets unlocked and so on on day two room three is just kind of that the the grass and the fence and that and that front door um and so you know there'll be an opportunity for interactions at the at the front door uh which is important um because we have a little bit of that plan and uh there's also that window in the front so if we go and take a look at that window and so this is where the burglar is gonna come through uh but because all these walls are double walls in order to create the forced perspective it's a little awkward because the burglar is gonna have to open that outer window step inside here and then have to climb out the other yeah exactly but i think it's also kind of funny like i'm not bothered by it like i think i think it's going to be that'll work and then on day three we add rooms one and two room one becomes the bedroom uh which is that kind of maroon room up there and uh room six which was that blue room now becomes the living room so this this is really just the kitchen and then the room two is that unfinished room up there with that uh that closet wall in the back and so that's uh the storyline goes that at the end of day two the house burns down and jeremy collects the insurance money for it and uh he gets to buy a bigger house so he buys this bigger house but it has this room that was never finished and so he wants to finish the room to turn it into an office or something like that and uh so he goes up there and cleans all the junk out of it and he starts working on it and accidentally kills his neighbor's power in the process of doing that and the neighbor comes over and says what the hell is going on here and offers to help him finish the room and the other change for day three is uh in the yard in room three here we're adding um a pool so there'll be some some high jinks around the pool and the pool ladder um but yeah so that's kind of a brief overview oh we should check out the prop area yeah so this is prop storage um and it's kind of laid out by room um there's like kitchen stuff over here couch is over here bed stuff over there chairs over here so as chat purchases things uh the people in the morph suit movers will come back here pick the item and then we'll go through the front door and install the item inside the house wherever chat said to put it or as close to it as possible we have these you can see these tvs here these tvs are acting as the windows and so we have some video files that'll play there that'll show the time of day and that sort of thing uh we've got all this plumbing back here because some of the fixtures in the house actually work um so it's kind of a it's it's been a interesting process to watch the house evolve from like just this shell of plywood into a finished like living space and it's been a ton of fun as we've just kind of kept thinking of things and adding things and that sort of thing like for instance in the bathroom we have the toilet and that toilet uh is is uh not like a functioning toilet but we do want the ability for it to break and so we're adding a bidet to like a like a really shallow bidet to the inside of the toilet so that from backstage here they can turn the water on and cause it to start spurting water in the air and that'll be something he has to deal with so here we are upstairs you notice all the doorways open inward that's that they don't conflict with each other in the hallways where there's there's two doorways like if this opened inward it wouldn't have room to open so all the doorways open outward but they all open in such a direction that you can see the person on camera as they open the door which is really important in here is the safe which has yet to be covered by the artwork but that's uh um that's where the money will be that causes the conflict between jeremy and his neighbor and the priest and the lawyers and locksmith and all the people involved in that scene so black drape so you don't see the walls in the head-on shots and stuff there's actually a ton of drape that goes up on the set um the drape budget is like insane actually i never thought we'd spend this much money on black fabric before but um yeah that's how it works so the clown car for the clowns to ride in on when when jeremy's um happiness meter gets too low we have clowns that come to follow him around until they like revive his happiness meter so this is the car that they'll come in on in order to to greet him it's back here this is the green room um right now it's kind of a temporary office uh for me and it's like a little uh eating space we have another catering space that we'll see over there but we've got a couch here we're adding one or two other couches there'll be a program monitor back here so that the people that are not on set can see what's going on um and if they come up with an improv idea they can just kind of go out there and do it this is also where the costumes will be stored in a little changing room in the back here so uh you're just back here and you're watching something you're like wouldn't it be really funny if the encyclopedia salesman showed up right now you can go find a costume put it on and then head out there and do it this was our this is this space has been our office space for the last month month and a half basically so um there's like nothing in here now but you can see we have the whiteboard up and we had tables set up in here and this is our office space now i've kind of moved over into the green room and everyone else is out on the main floor so anyway yeah that's that's the tour yeah there's the tour my mother wanted me to be a dentist so this sink actually works it does the water's on right now but it does work i don't want to mess with it um they also have the ability to randomly turn the sprayer on very good very good um this is unbelievable when we were sitting around just talking about this and going over like the what was gonna happen this is like what i wanted but it was like holy there's no way this is gonna happen like there's no way it's ever gonna happen this is unbelievable like unfucking believable so this this room gets added on day two so on day two this becomes the bedroom mount fiji what is this that's just like the built-in alexa screen saver thing but we have custom uh like daytime nighttime rainy backgrounds there's three three fake windows in the house that have tvs which is the one that breaks uh this is the one that brings you this one through yeah this is the one you're going through all right so the glass will be installed and uh so what we're gonna put like a thing over here we're gonna put a mattress behind it yeah if not whatever i'll do so the people at goodwill told me that um no one has ever purchased as much as we had wow and that was on the first day we've we had three days with the stuff from google oh my god uh so we're hoping there's a piano yeah it's an organ does it work it works yeah it works it works it does god i was messing with it the other day yeah i can't wait to mess with you so it's gonna be somebody just gonna be sitting back here and just be like okay they're taking the uh they're taking the san francisco bridge uh picture get it up so there's yeah gonna be two televisions back here that have basically like pick orders for the people that are back here to unbelievable yeah this is um all of the case storage back here we have more to come back here but this kind of gives you an idea of how much stuff is up in the ceiling right these are all all lift motors and that's a lot of um this is minecraft uh steel blocks for something we have uh these tables will be on this is temporary dining because i i have your stream room set up in the dining room so i got to clean up some stuff in there and then that's fine so we've got this couch and we have a second couch in here and then this is a television stand so that you can watch the program as it's going on oh nice the idea is the actors can be here and see something happen and be like oh like maybe i should get in there yeah let me throw this costume on and get it there and so this area back here is a changing room this is this little box that's perfect so we'll have you know costumes that's just trash back there i'm sorry i was talking about this this little rook right here is there a reason why that's not cleaned up yeah we've got like you know refreshments and stuff in here and we have uh catering uh catering will be here all day every day during the shoot so there's two meals a day plus there's snacks in between so that'll be over in the dining room uh i gotta i have just a small issue here yeah was the um diet sprite no it's all right it's cool just um everything that's fine just stop somebody can get on that that would be great perfect for me i thought i had that i thought i had that written down somewhere i lost all the pipe and drape and i'm now basically halfway up the tv i don't know why like uh i'm like when the camera is here i'm just like getting let me do something that is absolutely ridiculous this is the this is this is the first thing who's i don't know who's in the second floor bobby's in the second floor walking around that's so funny it looks like seinfeld you disappear between the rooms i'm just imagining like jerry it's like cramer's entrance yeah like this is that's ridiculous that's insane this is unbelievable this is unbelievable yes absolutely because like there'll be people down here there'll be people in here there'll be somebody up here right like it's that's the the the half cup yeah exactly yeah exactly we can go for each of the days for each of the houses we can come back to this shop and see what's going on inside the house and what stuff's been placed that's unbelievable well this is going to be a hell of a hell of an experiment yeah let's see how it plays out this is what like a year's worth of time and thought and processing does right yeah we've been talking about this show for a year has anybody done anything like this like in any sense in the forum i i don't i mean people have done some interesting stuff on twitch but with like the concepts of uh all of all the old spice did this thing one time where they controlled a guy walking around you remember that yeah yeah he was like in the woods and they like and they had him like moving around and yeah he was like he had like gopros all over him and stuff and it was a pretty interesting concept but uh i don't know if anyone's done anything like this before um because it's stupid it's like it's too much money and it's uh it's a lot of man hours and effort a lot of moving well stupid's part of the wrong word because i i i think it's kind of funny what's the craziest thing you have like preset that they can do the first thing that they can probably do is i think when the fire happens because i'm getting front of the window so like that the crazy thing that's going to happen is be going through a glass window which people are going to be like but they're not there's going to be gifts of that everywhere yeah they don't vote for that but the vote the first thing they do by voting is so a bear comes like shows up eventually right these people sniff around the outside and come in the house and like they can have these fights a bear and the weather's one of the things we're gonna have some props where he's just gonna like beat the out of me and like it's gonna bring all my stuff down and nice um look at there's gonna be a pool so one of the things we're gonna do is we're gonna let them take the ladder out of the pool so what i think will pop up on the screen that just says like remove ladder and people can say yes or no and you're stuck and they'll just take the ladder out and then i'm gonna put it back in i'm just gonna be like nah excuse me excuse me you're not you know you're not doing this in this game like no i'm not i'm not gonna let you do that oh the thought was to have one of the npcs be in there and give them the option so like one of the npc actors we have coming in over the next couple of days they're just like swimming around like like somebody help like panicking and like i hear it and i'm like you deleted the ladder you idiot have to choose like there's like tons of options there's tons there's like a hundred pieces of furniture over there right so it's like yeah you got a lot to look at and i don't know like designing the house i guess the first eggs yeah yeah so they're gonna be able to see what's available uh over the next like you know the three streams so i don't wanna overwhelm people on the first day with like what the this is like a huge house so we're only doing like two rums so and it's only gonna be probably like an hour like two or three hours uh just to get people to know how the extension works if i press this button what does it do and also we need to make sure that the extension link can actually handle it right so they'll have let's say the extension just explodes on the first day right traffic wise just traffic wise it gets absolutely killed and we have the whole next day with the developer of the extension who will be available the whole day to like all right here's what we need to change to make it so the second or third days are fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not like a fire alarm can you guys hear that yeah just uh just uh leave it over there for now this is a lift over here i told you i'm in the dumpster there there's a there's a maybe it may not be a lift for some reason over here i don't know so there are two reasons why i wanted to do this show and there are only two one is to have a realistic grizzly bear come and attack like a few times and the other is to watch three or four people in the black spandex suits carry furniture around it's the only reason why i wanted to do the show he's not exaggerating i mean that i really do i've heard this for two years so like this is important this is important the grizzly bear costume needs to be perfect and it's hockey equipment what the is this it's a big padded thing like it's a bike it's a guard oh my god oh my god this is amazing he's gonna look insane in this by the way because he's like six five is it big enough to bit him yeah i gave him i gave him all his dimensions depending on how padded this claw is i want to take a swipe directly to my head my god this is like this is like a wolverine oh my gosh how is he gonna do this this is literally this is a vulvary this is this is a this is literally like a gigantic like hyena [Laughter] you look ferocious oh it smells terrible yes it really does it really just smells it smells like dirty clothes these are just soup bags i think that's why maybe we shouldn't like be like look at how gross their costumes are i can when i pull this out i can literally stand like this and i can just go like freeze up and like here it is you know what i mean like what the that how did that go yeah it's funny it's funny that there's a bowl with mac and cheese inside the pot uh i got a diva moment up with these very very clean i need these to be washed not hard to do soap and hot water and and dawn soap specifically you're not trusting yourself did you get the [Laughter] you take the plate out put the you put the waffle on the plate you put it up here and you like you know you know what would be funny he does it for like you do it for like two seconds and then you take it oh [Laughter] i got that on camera that was directly on camera i'll eat them [Laughter] holy we can get different places you can also so yeah we need to talk about uh the the edna storyline here right so edna shows up with a gift basket and then do we give chat the option to send her away to invite her to make cookies to chat okay it's political to you yeah at this point i don't think this should be even an option to invite her in because she's at the door and like is important it's gonna be like no go home if you want to have force needs to bake cookies with you you could just be piping and like insult her flirt with her like so we're gonna make cookies no matter what but like it just might get really [Applause] i weird that you just you just you just air this horror of stupidity [Applause] and then i was like ow i'm so sorry i said that i'm sorry [Applause] [Applause] it's so bad when i was sitting down like realistic foley of somebody into water [Applause] you know that sound if that's like a public bathroom washing your hands and you'll just hear that thing no no way so uh death is triggered by someone low on hunger energy whatever it is long enough either it's a thing like you're for multiple days they've not dealt with you being hungry and we're like all right let's send in death and then you know we call death in death is the whole event you then have the option of either begging bribing or yeah flirting and then like well i can't learn if i'm dead it's yeah it's kind of funny what happens like you're curled up and he like rises you up and then you're like you have an option on how you deal with that moment before that's like home with me yeah it's the time to go and you're like i will come with you in the bedroom beg ride and of course of course they're going to choose for it you could just be dead but what about it okay what's the scenario if i don't come back blindfold no all three of us who wants to be in the river [Applause] potentially of another thing dying too if you if for some reason that doesn't come up naturally no we can make it come up the problem is more like at the party we have someone die in another room and death shows up to take them and they're begging and like the camera's like [Applause] [Applause] those bits are fine because it doesn't require audiences at all you guys can like decide on your own practice your home like this fine uncle uncle ted gets upset that you were so excited that he died and so excited for the money five hundred dollars an inheritance 750 dollars i misread i need my classes 750 from dear uncle ted there's like uh so one of the ones that we actually just added was uh ted's old furniture so uncle ted's dead now and you can like inherent his furniture for free um and i think that'd be a great opportunity to have ted's ghost haunt your house and like come back and take the furniture and he's angry about it yeah because he's like yeah yeah i think it's an actor i mean i i'm not playing ted if you want you want a cameo a hacker he could visit the dark web [Applause] never died [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's what i mean that's why this is so funny because ted would just show up be like i didn't die i don't know [Applause] you're literally crazy so costume-wise are we okay what is it uh yeah just show up in his work clothes like yeah just relax yeah i can literally just be whatever you like but if they could even cycle to like something else like if it was like they could cycle to liquid and like he had his own needs bar right like that might be kind of fun to like have us be given two different directions but it would probably at this point that's probably way too difficult that measures there are different species um we'd have to reset the needs bar for no [Music] [Applause] to happen there but i think if you clearly then show if we just recorded like your heads so that we have and then i can make the same sort of overlay we did for that yeah exactly i would say like after they take control of him it should probably be another maybe 10 to 20 minutes of like total time to do a few actions to buy one or two things maybe so he does so so they get actions as him still during the party oh it would be funny to spend all your money and that's a request and then yeah you make a big point for you like they buy the most expensive and like but like people are just like okay let's go get those yes i find it like your cash reserves we buy something else right after yeah it's not my money put it up again oh my god maybe not everything but a lot of like the smaller stuff that'll like stack up i know how i get back into the house how many morphs do we have yeah oh we have a large yeah we have a large that's unused [Applause] it's like the bear gets angry for some reason i keep buying items and then you break in you take off the morph suit yeah germa it wasn't for that stinking bear outside i feel like a scooby doo would have gotten better you try to steal the show yeah you keep like following ludwig around and like doing stuff [Applause] wait a minute [Applause] of that room's totally empty new game you know or something no delete yeah delete delete the save yeah go back and play the footage from day one exactly wake up in front of the house and then and then pan up and fade the black and that'll be the end it's like a loop three options delete save yes that dream was to me like gladiator versus like warrior or something like fighting in the bedroom i think and like i could get up and be like no you're doing a shaver he got up [Applause] so like they'll just be doing like something in the room and i'm just either very happy about it more so we were talking about a safe place to insert pregnant right um that's away from the rest of the technology and stuff so one thought that we have is around the dream scene especially because if the idea is for them not to interact with you it can't just be one thing there has to be someone oh yeah so um can we if if you are either the gladiator or the warrior and you're the cowboy can we just come up with two different scenarios for a good scene and a bad scene that could happen with those i don't know if that makes sense what color are the morphsuits we're gonna say what if we had someone with black morphs so like moving as i was like do what i say that's right go through the door now oh yeah what the i'm being controlled that actually it's not a bad idea to be a morph suit but the i also i want like a visual too like something that's supposed to be there i want ludwig as a cowboy there's no confusion on whether this is just the sexy nurse at night actually yeah okay you could you could even come in as cowboy and like i think to sell the dream it makes a lot of sense and good and bad is that picked by chat like dream versus so i think having people come in a morph suit and then like to signify that he's sleepwalking they're like putting his arms up yeah they're just like right like he'll actually be walking but they'll have like the whole like one guy can hold the arms up i do love the idea of like the the puppets here of the shadow man like moving you around like a zombie yeah yeah that's probably even more where it is where it's like okay how about directing you i've directed the puppets right now so i'm gonna pick them up yeah yeah how many are we gonna need for that i'm going to punch you two yeah once like open doors and stuff and help them like it also fits them actually because during five pages the only time that the puppets come out so doing that yeah it's broken the paradigm yeah the dream has broken the reality [Laughter] [Music] yeah so i think just cowboy with the sword they put you on the toilet did we make fun of you for yourself oh he pooped his pants oh no everybody saw it yeah i'll be sitting there going like reacting to it yeah just play it like a scenario you're not talking you're just kind of reacting i'm just like you're asleep the entire time wait professional photographer photographer yes i am operating all the microphones so any audio you hear on stream comes from this console and this laptop wireless microphones are all set for all the actors and i have this wonderful soundboard with a variety of far selections to fit the scenario so i can do one of those i can give you one of those i got something a little wetter i can kind of go in that direction um so i am making the sound magic so this is our video production trailer so we're taking all the camera feeds into this trailer and distributing them out throughout the entire set we're feeding different tvs monitors the live stream we've got some graphics computers doing a bunch of stuff to create this awesome game and this is where all the video stuff happens nine you're working right now can you push into his face scott give me another move ready 13. kraken is ready and take 13. give me something are we having a bunch of people in room 4 for the end of this bit push and go to sleep let me know when to sit and cry my question is are the the multitude of people that we're having in room for for the end of the bit are they ready um i can get them ready right now yeah this is working are we going to sleep here yep go to sleep once all right stand by to sleep and three two one go to sleep and kill his mic okay go dream sequence uh the kraken is coming your way jib 30 13. dissolve 13 ready for curriculums mike open craigslist in the room we slowly bring in lines 30 12. get that shot on eleven eleven eleven take eleven can we use the shotgun and take twelve three eight yeah okay hold getting type of three eight twelve three jib right twelve take twelve already jib take jib jib is working running dream type now bad dream ready take eight thirteen to follow through the next room take 13. can i start putting these people in the kitchen oh yeah okay have them come between rooms three and four into the kitchen are we showing them right now it looks to me like you gotta go don't show the kitchen no do not show the kitchen they're just loading we need to get that tv thing out of the way yeah get what happen to move the tv stand ready ready crank it's mike's a little hot the jib is working i don't know what needs moved out of the way nope that's good it's good 38 heck of tight on him 88 take 8. 13. dissolve room four 30-10 i'm staying here on room four [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how do we get out of here they put him back to sleep we wake up in daytime oh yeah [Music] ready 10 take ten three nine take nine kill the dream sequence supposed to go back to sleep right now is he gonna go back to the sleep yeah he should say and put him to sleep in three two one put him to sleep 37 just go to sleep right there sleep right there pass out just pass it oh pretty seven take seven take 13 and stand by seven again and three two one dissolve seven there give me this i'm going today it's all right it's all right it's all right it's all right i got it i got this what the oh oh [Music] get over here god damn it things jammed ah whatever okay it's all right it's fine it's fine it's fine it's all right everything's gonna be fine everything's gonna be fine everything's gonna be just fine everything's gonna be fine everything just come here come here i can't hit him what are you doing what the are you talking about oh it's in the door somebody's in the door i can't fight this you're a big fire i don't know if i can do this all right i'm coming at you no no no no no no i don't want to fight him he's huge he's huge he's a huge guy he's a huge fire stay keep waiting ah good so let's first get a guest list for the party is dead uncle type coming oh yeah yes walk by during one of those night scenes yeah do people see him or is he just no one of them i just want him to like one of the nights and i'm asleep on tv just walks through the house exactly yeah and then he just leaks that's funny and he's good and he just like leaves through a wall or something like that what if i woke up and i was like ted oh ted good to see you like you're a ghost this time and i'm acting i'm treating you like you're a real person and you're just like you knock the spoons to the ground yeah so let's go through it ludwig are you there as the burglar as amelia or as yourself it's well doesn't are we still doing the party leading to us evicting him yes so it has to be massive unless we have emilia victim which would also be kind of fun yeah then all of our graphics it just says the ludwig show the wig doll house yeah the amelia dollhouse i think it's i think it's olympic i think it's new so okay kit which of your characters is coming whatever you want i say edna it's gotta be in there edna would be transformed right there on that mic um whether yeah wait what about the neighbor who's like gets his electricity stolen yeah yeah if he's that he's a diy sleepover since he's already like been in the house and he's in handcuffs we talked yesterday about keeping those two characters completely separate yeah yeah cause burglar to me is like like a sims joke like the burglar was coming to the house and he's stealing something that's like a sims oh god i'm so sorry oh dude yeah i think it'd be funny if the clown paints on me yeah yeah yeah okay for sure because it's just like [Music] no you will died you might think that that's a funny idea until you run it for 40 minutes wait a minute and then you want to down yeah hold on you got to lose that cigar and then we got two more for you does the camera catch you going outside and taking the hat off or like the bear head off yeah like get the head off and then the hair goes on and then he's an actor i'm a magic so he he goes he's the bear at the party and he goes outside and we don't have to follow him like this we don't care that he goes outside he's just he's just outside he's going to take the hell he's going to take the head off you guys can be in a wide and you're going to have to be in a wiper a lot of this too many people he's just going to be out in the lawn with the hat off and he's going to light a cigar smoking in the lawn as as the actor that plays the bear the bear and also the clown yeah and and it's not like oh we need to like get close up with him right he's just there he's just there and he's doing it yeah he's going to do it uh vinny is there are we doing the gorilla there yeah because don't you come in with the six pack yeah all right six pack bananas yeah earlier in the day you get caught i guess he's gonna catch her at the net i mean he's gonna take me back and then we're gonna like exchange six packs yeah he hands me the bananas do you bring him back as a guest or does randy as the animal handler bring the gorilla to the party i thought they were saying well i thought earlier they were saying he did okay it doesn't matter yeah but who do you who do you want to go to the party do you want to go with parties the priest as like the handler or has the sale you gonna be on day three um the guests show up they're mingling they're talking jeremy's walking from room to room and we're hearing people in their conversations as they go from room to room and i think that the dynamics of people moving throughout the house will obviously change these conversations a lot right and so that that's gonna be funny how do we get to the eviction for me to get evicted it would be like i'd have to have negative money or or they just would just kick me out of the household i mean we're gonna have a lawyer at the party there might be a legal reason why you need me yeah how does that make sense like why does it become your house is that a reason yeah we had an idea we do we have a sequence where ludwig approaches the attorney and then the attorney calls the policeman and says hey uh and maybe that's when they get the option to eventually agree and they choose a victim and then and then the attorney goes to the policeman and says hey we have we have eviction papers for this guy like uh you need to get him out of here and so then he drags you out of the house past ludwig and the attorney and you're like taunting him or whatever as as they go by because you just got in the house and he gets pulled out and then we sting to the party with the new logo and now it's your face in the corner and it's your house and they get new options but it's it's you like the title was never clear so you had this house but he owns all the land and it was like when you bought the house you didn't buy it with a clean tire yeah yeah like he owns like two lots he just never realizes so he has a lawyer do some research the lawyer comes back and that way you get blueprints you got like plot they're like look right here like this or like part of your house is on my property yeah i mean kind of revealed that amelia is ludwig so it could also just be spurned oh yeah from oh that's a good idea yeah cause you because you could because you are it's you right yeah it's your character so you could be kind of annoyed how i've treated your character and how messy the house is like next time don't stand me up maybe go on dates that you keep you can also you can jump to the party as amelia and then have dramatic reveal really take off your little like thing joker it's you it's been a meeting i thought it was doing disgusting things to you and goes to randy and says i need to get around i'm mad at this guy i've got to get him evicted yeah my neighbor i think i just take to his land and brandon says i'll take care of this ghost emilia i'm doing that as amelia goes to kit and kit as the police officer says okay i'll take care of this handcuffs jeremy drags him out of the house as you spit vile things in him while he goes by and then a reveal and then you reveal and when you and when you when you when you reveal that's when you sting to the ludwig dollhouse and now it's it's the ludwig dollhouse we you change the lowers they're still wearing the make sure so at what point does the eviction poll happen is it when is it when ludwig goes to talk to randy we put up we put up the option i think either we have that moment first we know it's an option because of that or it becomes an option because they voted for it so if if he has an interaction with randy about do i have any legal grounds to sue does it make sense for chad to vote for an option for me at that point though because aren't all options through germa and no no option should be a vic myself i mean they're also like handicap stuff like random happening yeah so we could just be that a big german will now happen yeah somehow it'll it'll find its way like fate you know yeah so yeah is he still gonna be in the green room like watching this and talking yeah so uh this is i wouldn't do it like that that's i don't even sound like that so we need to see it we should be in here like i don't know man that was pretty fun i mean we could not be like instead of an evict drama blah blah blah it could be a talk to a lawyer talk to amelia talk to so-and-so and then that whatever conversation that is just instantly funnels into that and there's something about though there's something about making chat because they'll do it they'll do it right away they'll do it so i guess we could i could just kick everyone out and then like just do something chad tells me to do and then crash and then we could just do a work then i think we should do two or three full cycles so i can do invite so i can be on camera moving stuff we can also do buy mode within the day yeah during the shift well yeah coming on camera three times is enough time people digest that like i'll i'll be doing like weird movements and stuff people are gonna be like are you doing the morphs without your head i'm gonna move with it off yeah but you'll just move so weird yeah and maybe you like something up too you just knocked it off like i'm not very good at this yeah like it's very clear i don't want to give it more fun it might be funny it's like they have the camera guy go back because the morphs you guys stand at the back and wait with the items and they're watching they're always watching and that would be kind of cool for the chat to see like what all has been going on this whole time is that we have the monitors we have like this we have like a thousand pieces of furniture right now we're gonna test you in a more suit tonight okay but you're gonna be moving while he's sleeping i'm gonna be like one of the more what if you like break the camera drop dropper you're supposed to character carry and get in his face yeah the idea is like i'm not good at this like i'm not a morph suit shadow person and the rest of the morph suits get upset like visibly upset like i think the progression is it's gonna be revealed what is the reveal what's the reveal the reveal is somehow i get sat down and my mask gets pulled off and it's me and i would have gotten away with it too i had i would have gotten away with the two it wasn't for you the shadow guys close the door and you're not expecting it and you just walk into the door and it goes day you're in the room still they leave they close the door behind them you go to leave and it's locked and you're like what the and then you wake up and you're like we make it day time yeah we make daytime you could just make a huge noise that wakes me up right because it's implied that i'm sleeping while it's happening and like you're sleeping every time you do it yeah so if you just make a huge clatter and then i just i get up and then the other morph guys are just mad at you so they pin you down because you so egregiously up the previous two by cycles i think starting though with just the two in the room is a really good shot of like the suit guy trying to leave and then you waking up and then the others come in and they're like i know you're not one of us yeah that's the like all of the morph suit guys get them guys so all right he gets revealed now what so this was when we had the three options of either you know delete the save which is go back to day one oh yeah cause that yeah that was i thought that might be funny to have just reset and we have a video for that now but we've already kind of had the legal bit i don't really yeah i don't think you want more lawyers uh i don't know how you can make like or i mean do we even give them do we just do we just do i just yell out like delete the save like delete the save and like they'll be using yeah just like you can put something on the screen like germa is exit are you sure exit game and they give them a choice yes or no you know what i mean like and then if they hit no it can be like undertale where you just keep doing it over and over and over again and if they say no he just says no just do it like 20 times do it like 10 times and then finally hit yes and then boom like you guys just start from day one yeah like we'll start up and just play that but if you should play the mod or do you like something oh we have i have i have something where it's literally just the beginning of the first vod and then it like fades to black and you can hear his audio just a tiny bit and then the audio fades and then it's the end we worked on that last night yeah first yeah if it does so for a while is it still just you guys repeating the same thing i think it's just us everyone holding him down me with the mask and then him just saying delete the save there's nothing else to watch you guys can mess around with the audio too make it distorted and like freak out destroy the audience can you like glitch the screen yeah like shake each time have the camera start shaking you could do the storm setting what is everyone else doing while you're yeah how about the power of the storm i think we're just kind of frozen like we're there but we're just kind of frozen minutes and minutes but like if they keep saying no you're like this could be frozen for a long time yeah i mean it'll be funny it's art the longer it goes like other people like the clown come in comes in like can you please delete the save file oh that's true yeah yeah if they keep going everyone just walks in yeah it's like i deleted it this is getting really sad now this is from this prison i like this like like people will cry it's time so i can feel it so i can live like a family i think they're gonna say yes the first time keep pushing in 13. nice and slow 88 take eight you keep pushing it two eight ready thirteen take thirteen ready eight take eight three thirteen take thirteen ready eight take eight [Music] 13. they go to sleep in three two one kill their mics and dissolve 13. kills mics all the mics tell them to stop backstage i'm gonna stop 37 are we going to buy another josh is burglar ready i have not quite yet i need i need 30 seconds okay so we're not going to go to buy mode yep just let him do this okay backstage is ready for burglar are we not getting audio of this right now are they all cleared so we did some kind of doing some weird dissolves just hang in there tell jeremy just confirming you heard backstage is ready for burglar fantastic tv top all right he's asleep 37 dissolved as soon as he can all right burglar time rail three yard three take three pretty nine i'm staying on three for now that was wild they really want us to call the bear is there any way can we get a bear just a peek again i can give me five seconds okay it could even just be the head right [Music] 20 seconds this is going to be tight with the bear all right take your time be ready not yet do not bring them yet we're not gonna go in yet we're just making sure we can fit okay he's gonna call now the viewers voted for him to call bear let him know okay i can't see or hear that monitor so i just bring he just paid seven ten take ten i don't think so i think it's just his head it's nice can we get the bear to poke through one more time ready 10. i need 15 seconds yep someone should stick their hand down and help this one here give him a fist bump camera guy give him a fist bump keep him fist bump give him the fist bump did hey what are the other morphs dude i think that's too complicated up the stairs okay backstage is ready [Music] backstage [Music] go go go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 2ndJerma
Views: 192,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, stream, highlight, Jerma985 Dollhouse, The Dollhouse, BTS, Behind the Scenes, Coinbase, The Sims, EA, Maxis
Id: J3gS25zShpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 37sec (4357 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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