Jerma Streams - Who Will Replace ME?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] get that settled there uh don't know how many we have here two just one sec hold on working on something real quick hello how are you good to see everybody again just gotta make sure i get this settled to go here hi uh welcome to the stream everybody i'm sure a lot of you are probably pretty uh curious as to the title of the stream and yeah i've been i've been gone for a few days so let me sit down here am i am i in frame can you see me you know if i sit down here so people are probably wondering what the stream's about i've been hyping it up for a couple months now and uh of course how do you describe your retirement how do you describe that um because i've been doing this for about 10 to 12 years now and as i've gone over the last 10 years i've never really had to think about this and what i want to do even if i decide that i'm done right like even i'm done with twitch i'm done with streaming i'm done with youtube whatever it is i ain't going anywhere because the brand needs to live on permanently and i tried to figure out what that meant how do i do that how do i how do i let my legacy continue and oh do you stream for like another five to ten years i don't fucking think so i don't think so guys so what i've decided to do is over the last few months we've scoured the country trying to find who i think could potentially be able to replace me and this brand and this stream because i'm going look i'm going anywhere okay i might be stopping at some point in the future here but i ain't going anywhere this brand is not going anywhere i'm sticking around forever and i'm going to make sure of it today so without further ado what we have done is we've scoured the country various classified ads and newspapers various uh boards of who would want to take the the reign of german 95 because it's a very very important rain incredibly important rain i've been here for 12 years it's got to go on and i need a 20 royalty permanently so we have scoured the country we have a group of people that i'm willing to uh at least assess if they can handle it or not so what we're going to do is we're going to have to go ahead and go and send in number one please but who could be my replacement number one i do number one very well uh you've chosen dark souls i think is your game go ahead yes oh all right looks like we are playing some dark souls 3 here that's right okay jumping around i think maybe i'm just going to roll the whole time oh there's a guy right all right i'm gonna try to run past okay yep i'm just gonna roll here yep i'm just gonna keep rolling oh there's another guy okay oh i'm just gonna roll i'm just gonna roll past here wait what was this thing what did that say right there on that oh okay but i'm just gonna keep rolling i'm gonna roll i'm just gonna roll oh so i'm going to go around the curve here what is up here up here i think aren't there supposed to be fights in this game let's go i thought this game was hard i'm sitting the bonfire here do you know what that does yeah i'm gonna like i'm gonna light the bonfire get some uh nice save point here was it bonfire dude it rests i'm gonna rest here it rests and uh it's a checkpoint all right i'm gonna try and kill this guy he doesn't need to be alive anymore here i think uh all right let's keep on going there's a ball oh oh my god get out of the way no you guys i don't everything's fine everything's fine we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay okay we're okay okay all right what is this guy he doesn't look this this guy doesn't look very scary no i think i think i got this guy he's like on a knee like what's what's the big deal about that hey hey what are you uh what are you doing over here you just chilling it's a nice weapon um oh what is that you can't shoot me from over there that's not fair what do you think you're doing here something like that maybe i'm gonna backstab oh nothing you are you are nothing oh oh here here we go we move sword all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna remove the sword what's the worst that could happen have you played dark souls before great i have played a little dark souls this is what what is okay all right he's moving now that's all right that's all right i i just i'm gonna go back to my strategy of rolling here i think maybe and that's well i mean it's i i hear people just roll right you just you just roll and then you roll look i'm i'm doing i'm doing all right you know i think oh just keep all right i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive it's okay it's okay it's all right it's all right okay i'm gonna take a uh let's just flask here there we're all right i think i can take at least two more hits right we're all right all right yeah it's okay oh it's all right that's right i got this i got this he's all right he was supposed to roll into the roll yeah yes all right thank you in touch thank you so much thank you very much thank you can we send you number two please hey how you doing i'm doing well take a seat yeah sit down right here uh getting comfortable get how we need to get comfortable all right uh what are we gonna be playing today uh a little bit of it tetris yes all right should be able to give it here so uh perfect right there should do it for you all right play bottom interview i think it's the arrow keys by the way all right good good good number two go ahead and get started whenever you're comfortable you got it all right starting with a little a little squiggly shape a little bit of the squiggle all right i'd like to see a squiggle oh we got a little upside down tee you can fit right there all right a little bit of speed a little bit of speed what'd you say a little bit a little bit of space great and another one here all right then we got a little eyeshadow might be a little too much a little bit a little bit too much pull back on the street pull back all right all right you got it all right a little square like to see a square okay all right i'm killing this i i would watch the middle there though you gotta be careful i know i know get built up and then you don't know what you're gonna do all right good line clear good line clearly thank you very much i appreciate it it was only one but you know something that's all it takes yeah sometimes it's all it takes another line clear there all right so how long have you been a gamer for number two i've played since uh 1998 when i got my nintendo 64. what was your favorite game ever uh favorite game ever made uh probably legend of zelda ocarina of time yeah that'd be my favorite okay um i would probably say this is going to be a little controversial i like journey uh underrated by that game company yeah that's a game where you played with another person you didn't know who they were from across the world yes exactly yeah you can work well with others yes oh i love collab games for sure are you open to collaborations with other youtubers and streamers and stuff like that you can get comfortable in that in those spaces oh yeah absolutely i feel like i can get along with just uh just about anybody really okay interesting all right if you clear this whole rope then i'm gonna be very very excited all right we got two not quite enough i gotta put that one okay okay he didn't get that second roll i know i know had a couple of missing blocks there oh that was pretty good though okay yeah [Applause] absolutely i think myself is something a scientist all right very very nice very nice number two number two very nice thank you thank you very much appreciate that right off the bat number two very nice oh thank you i appreciate that you know number two that's all i think i need to see that's all you need to see that's all that is it's been an absolute pleasure absolutely yeah all right phenomenal job number two set a number three please that was very good number three how are you okay okay what are you gonna play personally oh you know like a true gamer you're gonna flip some houses how's that okay all right let me get you set up here should just be able to go like this uh right uh right here controller disconnected unfortunately you can get that clicked in please connect the controller it should be all done there we go can you play uh hit continue again oh you're going to use wsd all right you're gonna have to prove you're a real man right okay we've got some mouse action here here we go if number three is this garbage did you put this here no householder's game where you clean i'm not sure is that it is it just cleaning yeah i'm not going to say much i have to stay back i have to stay completely and completely out of this oh oh this is disgusting are there rats in this game i bet there are why do you care about that fucking hate rats unless it's a large rat that makes all the rules the fuck did he say nothing no no love it bro what is this can i take a sledgehammer to something doesn't like to rex that's very important number three i mean [Applause] charlie day and i would go way back with the rats what do i do with this i just set it places yeah if you if you if you go to the have you played housekeeper before i have never played this before so if you go ahead and head to the laptop over in the corner there we go there we go there you go laptop will give you a job to do you should just do one of the jobs if you sweet okay go ahead and do one of the jobs number three i'm gonna just number three if you could do one of the jobs number three go to browser okay yeah go to browser and then you can pick one of these or you can go to uh how affordable yeah i'd pick maybe the top left one number three if you could please all right i can't afford a number three okay go back uh oh we got the x number can't afford any of these oh is that the cheapest wow it's realistic that's okay that's pretty good in the maybe the mail all right okay there you go yep okay accept that job number three and go ahead and get started all right let's see he stole a radiator knows how to stall really well that's pretty good he's got stalling in his record but doesn't like rats that's very important okay okay i wouldn't do that yeah i wouldn't do that number three oh i'm afraid i wouldn't do that are you around like that for no reason she just twos you're playing number two's game number three playing terribly how number three can i get you to say just really quickly look at me look at me a little bit more emphasis on the look look at me look at me right here uh how do why does it rotate on its own who crafted this okay number three i think i've seen enough thank you so much i appreciate it very much appreciate it thank you for sending number four if you could i like the energy i like the energy on that one but i don't know number four don't worry yeah i'm a weird guy yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you want to play number number four oh oh oh um house flipper okay i think house house we may have crashed number four so we're gonna have to see if we can get house flipper oh okay this computer if we can get a house back yo play whatever i've played these games all the time you know this is my this is my thing you know good very good yeah yeah yeah so uh not house that's your name number four what's your favorite game of all time uh i i like scrabble right that's okay yeah it's for apple's favorite game yeah oh online online scrapping online scrapping yeah you played wordle uh yeah yeah what other portal what do you think about the new york times buying world um it's a good buy you know it's a good move for them probably yeah that's a good idea yeah really actually good take on that yeah thank you thank you you know good take on that you know makes them make some money they're probably not doing so well no i don't know people's subscriptions don't be you know who would read the newspaper anymore anyways right actually really good fucking mind on this one okay yeah yeah i'm thinking yeah yeah i'm a big thinker like like you yeah of course yeah so when you get when you load in there's a computer you can probably they crashed out but it's okay we'll we we're not gonna take this into our audition time but that's okay i mean yeah i'm i'm waiting we're hanging out with talking you know it's great yeah now this is a good this is actually really good to see how you are if this is an audience here as well so make sure you're aware that around oh we don't know you're on camera oh yeah i um i thought this was a yeah yeah i knew that okay yeah i'm ready are you actually ready for this yeah i'm ready we told everybody that we're gonna be doing that being on stream right you didn't tell people they're going to be on camera okay well i'm going to have to not not that down for you actually uh community jay because that's uh ridiculous continue game maybe you can you can load in go to the laptop and give you a playhouse house flipper before uh yeah yeah yes i like the demeanor by the way yeah yeah this is great yeah yeah no it's no big deal i mean i don't yeah yeah yeah it's great it's great i like the defeater i think the accent is there yeah i think it's good yeah i actually do think it's good before um you're impressing me so far all right so we go to the mail okay yeah yeah i played it don't worry about it oh you have it yeah i know i'm yeah i'm done no i got this are you john yeah i'm done don't worry i got this i got this don't worry about it i got this yeah [Music] i've done this yeah i'll export it celebrate it and i accept yeah easy i've done this yeah it's nothing number four you're perfect let me load all right number four you actually number four don't even worry about it we can send it number five all right we're done oh we're done you're done you're good you don't have to play house flipper go ahead go fuck all right send in number five all right high five him on the way up no you got it he was partnered he was perfect he had the exact demand he had like the yeah the exact caveman kind of committer number five howard hi good good how are you number five what are you gonna be playing for uh i'm going to be high yes i'm gonna be playing um dark souls dark souls okay yes all right on there this is house flipper uh number four uh by the way i just wanna make sure you're wearing number four is phenomenal oh i don't wanna put any pressure okay yeah um so all right let's do this this doesn't work all right let's rock and fucking roll oh left flick should be swing right click should be uh yeah block or whatever oh this is all right great number five to make sure a fall joke would be extra points oh yes yeah well you know because the jokes they they're planned what's this guy hey buddy what's up oh okay nope don't do that what's what did i do to roll again oh okay there we go yeah you know your mom doesn't love you your mom doesn't love you your mom doesn't love you there we go okay cool what were you supposed to do there he has never seen anything like that before well you know there's beggars can't be winners and choosers so that's a great thing also true oh hey hey buddy how you doing welcome to starbucks nobody asked you for the ice cream whoa whoa hey buddy what are you doing there you got my money you got my money that's something i would do yeah yeah it's you know just fucking money got my mind what is this number five favorite game of all time oh it's definitely gonna be um it was someone where you beat the people up with the the money and the cars grand theft auto i love that game which gta oh the one with the the the roman numerals of yeah you're going to go in there you're going to actually what are you supposed to do here press a i'm pressing a one uh yeah yeah that's the one where you could fly around and do the things where like the cops are after you and stuff like you go to whoa that edge oh oh don't worry ah buddy there what's up do you got my money you coming money you got my fucking money watch out for that ledge number five yeah watch out for that yeah don't fall off that ledge i don't know if it would be funny or not oh it would definitely would definitely be funny not sure yes oh my god oh my god i won right oh number five that i think i don't think i need to see you anymore okay well hey it's uh been great go and send in um six please what a classic joke that was absolutely classic but number six how are you good sir good to see you what are you gonna be doing for us today today will be dark souls well good cause number five just left you off exactly where you need to be i appear to be some sort of a knight should be an easy game uh the controller no longer functions number two broken so uh if you use wasd on the keyboard there you should be able to make it oh old school easy peasy uh and the mouse too which should work okay i'll be careful of that ledge yeah you don't want to fall off the ledge because number five i'll be honest number five did the fall joke already all right well this is gonna be too easy i'm used to beating games like broken trail oh shit no i'm fine no no no no there you go actually it can work under pressure i'm gonna put that down number six can work under pressure uh i'm some sort of a paladin this looks to be one of my black robed friends why the controller is vibrating doesn't work it feels good actually it uh is six um there's some sort of a technical six that was actually a hilarious way to go there's some sort of a technical glitch i think i don't think my controller's working right your controller is broken is that what you say well i mean i i am a hardcore gamer so what's your favorite game of all time uh oregon trail oh boy that's bad okay oh boy like people just get diarrhea through the whole game and you lose no matter what yeah i'm having some sort of a red diarrhea problem in this game i don't know what that is but it's leaking out of my chest cavity and i sorry forth to defeat my former friend nobody's going yeah he's been working out uh he's been to the gym a couple times this week and number six i will destroy number six i will consider this if you can get through the boss door well a a does anybody know in chat anybody know can anybody say it enter say friend to enter lord of the rings no do you like lord of the rings well of course okay now what was the last time you shoot your pants number six uh just about two minutes ago actually perfect right now actually e should be to go through the door e e to enter i think you should be standing in front of me so number six is shit in your pants right now is it what you're saying uh it's a little bit frightening here there we go this is easy number one if you last more than 10 seconds of this boss i will consider it okay just just you're just supposed to click the left button thank you number six thank you so much that was a pleasure well i will be in touch thank you so much number six thank you so much number six appreciate it we'll be in touch he did get in the boss store though nobody else did nobody else has gotten in the tutorial box zone senate number seven please number seven how are you hello i'm good what are you gonna be doing for us hoping for uh you got destiny 2 on this i don't have destiny 2 at all uh will you play house flipper uh we'll do a house clipper yeah yeah okay i think you're going to probably have to use the keyboard and mouse to control his mouth madcatz controller no it's a um i think it's something a i don't know what it is okay you know you're going to play a hustler i've played i've played this game before a good bit what's going on chat today we're going to be doing more house flipper again you guys have seen this one before a couple times um i don't know if i've actually played this mission yet i think you're in the tutorial like in the house uh which by the way if you make it into the computer that would be huge nobody else has done that make it to the computer yeah like the laptop and then like this yeah i mean just to do a job or something oh okay yeah yeah well we're in the house right now it seems like turn around okay turn back around what's your what what's your name uh connor connor what uh eat pants that's your last name well middle and last yeah you're going to use pants what is that german french i'm not actually sure i haven't actually done a dna test yet okay connor eats pants wait wait hold on a minute wait wait wait wait i was on a show with you yeah i'm clean what is it do you want to continue what the fuck are you doing here wait no you're you're connor eats pants yeah you have your own channel you want me well yeah i mean you're getting a little older and like people always are like you know like connor wins germ alive lives i'm like okay well i'll apply i saw the audition and hearing so you have you are a young talented you you don't need to be here no no yeah okay okay connor eats pants i was gonna beat it eat a level you have a promising career in your own you have your own channel i know you're not going to be next german thank you thank you what is he what the fuck is he doing here did you know that it was connor eats pants number eight hi hey how are you i'm good did you see connoring's pants out there no pants no i don't i don't know why that's his name always his name that's not weird that's me i'm good uh that was weird why is he here he has a successful channel what's he doing here you have booked all these people and i'm fucking furious don't worry about that the audition is he's a smart fun guy but you know this is for the next german up with the next car yeah he said i'll go ahead and see okay i got it so what are you going to play first uh i think it's a game called dark souls okay dart you don't know what the game is but that's what you're playing okay i'm pretty sure to get you into here right here by the way you're gonna have to use keyboard and mouse keyboard and mouse all right w asd left click and right click nobody has w in this tutorial boss number eight true boss okay left click right click okay that's like a punch moving this is like a shield that's like space oh and a helmet cliff that's fun okay oh yeah you want me to go up the cliff oh hello if you can backstab here that's huge no break all right we're gonna try oops where's my sword did i lose it this is very interesting okay oh there we go i can play now okay here we go we got this we got we're in the game we're in the game this is the boss right yes okay i got this this is actually one of the bosses so if you beat this boss that's it oh oh i'm gonna i'm gonna do it oh wait oh no very close i'm beating the boss i was really close right that was very close oh man drink another try or yes oh sweet awesome okay i was like really close okay what's your favorite food my favorite food oh it's got to be like sushi or something yup yeah gross what's your second favorite food number eight uh pizza i mean why not right oh pizza pop okay yeah yeah okay okay okay okay i'm gonna get this boss here we go uh gee willockers that's a that's a really good one i mean a disney fan of heart is five points i think i was like a little closer that time it was okay yeah it was all right it was okay i'll give you one more try one more try oh my god okay i got this i got this for some deep breathing okay here we go here we go i'm ready you ready let's do it yeah if you beat this one enemy then i mean it into this boss i mean okay i i got this i got this guys oh he's up here now oh this is a little confusing every time you sit at a bonfire enemies respawn they respawn okay okay i'm coming in for it there's a punch got it block the shield oh no i got cut up okay we're coming back in we're coming back in here here we go oh oh oh oh oh my gosh just go go go go go go go come on no no no no no no first boss that's all i need to see he got the first boss you said no one else got it no one else is beating the first boss oh my gosh wow that was really exciting thank you so much hey thank you that's it that's it thank you wow thank you remember you we call you don't ever call me of course yeah for literally any reason i don't care if you're even in the hospital right now yeah okay yeah thanks wow uh number nine play set at number nine [Music] holy shit okay we're ready yeah we're right here right all right yeah okay here we are uh oh is uh number nine the controller does not work let's make that doesn't work okay you have to use keyboard mouse wasd if you're not familiar then i would ch i would choose tetris okay w-a-s-d ops okay we also you know what let's give you the fucking sword for the love of god yeah yeah i love swords because somebody took off the fucking sword yeah plug the controller in because like you can't just play dark souls without a sword on we're gonna figure this out because that i'm number i feel i feel confident that we can figure this out i think we got it do we got it now we got this controller don't work hey ask chat how to uh how to go to the menu because like they there's no sword and people just keep dying and nobody's gone to the tutorial yet does it escape it is let me help you out here number nine thank you so what the fuck where is it how do you take out how do you take out the other hand like how do you like swag well how come it's not on there sorry about this no this is this we are usually incredibly professional this is this is all right it should be there long sword where is it somebody in chat want to help us what's going on here t e like hot why where is it right arrow key right arrow key hey there we go thank you thank you thank you okay okay okay okay read message i'll read the message later you know i got oh no take the sword back out maybe i'm gonna this is dodge by the way space is very important in this game very very important okay so we're just gonna okay hey hey there buddy just gonna okay dead space space yep can't can't touch me hey hey tim oh yeah this is this is this is the brutal one left click is swaying the weapon can't get me can't get me where i'm going backwards can you no yeah no no oh god just wow two two at once really this is how this is how the day is going dark souls number nine i've gotta say uh i would like to see you get through the tutorial anymore please thank you thank you for that thank you for another chance i appreciate it number nine what's your favorite pasta favorite pasta linguini is that is that the right answer is that the right answer could be okay okay what's your favorite game of all time everyone favorite game of all time oh pokemon just just pokemon like which one red i think we're going like og i really wish i could also switch up the camera angle here but oh oh okay back to my old friend here hey buddy no let's let's talk let's be civilized people here and talk let's not use our weapons unless i'm using mine can i nope i can't yeah yeah no i should use the weapon in this game oh oh oh oh oh we're in business now yeah that's right remember i can give you a look at me oh i was like this is very this is an intense audition look at you play the game also if you could rub your belly and pat your head that would be great if you keep it give me a look at me if you're good can you give me a little bit wait look at look at you look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me all right thank you so much i appreciate it that was that was fantastic and when i said number ten don't hit your butt careful with the door they can hurt you number ten how are you i'm number ten i'm great what are you gonna be doing for us oh i'm doing some dark souls yeah everybody's uh let me ask you what's happening do you can you get through the tutorial boss's door oh yeah i mean listen uh so long as i don't have a sword i'm gonna be doing just fabulous work out here absolutely anyone know how i can get the sword uh right on the uh right the right arrow key on the keyboard right arrow let's go baby by the way oh yeah that very much space is very important this game is all about watching these oh okay all right everybody pick dark souls oh let's go baby pretty good all right okay i'm feeling pretty hot feeling pretty sexy if you beat the first boss right now i'll give you a thousand dollars oh my god let's go i need that rent money baby let's go oh shit oh yeah let's nope yes number 10. if you actually go in this door with e and be the first crossover all right i'm in a minute to win it i'm in it for the thousand let's go baby come here come here give it to me no no absolutely not let's go give it to me press e what is drink estes can we get somebody chat happily oh i do need that estes he's really gonna he's gonna index thunder is actually the first boss very very scary oh yeah he's a big boy give it to him give it to him okay all right just this is the war of attrition here come on gunder let's go grundle whoa it's all right it's all right that that was very good number ten can i get a look at me please yeah oh look at me look at me look at me look at me right here look at me perfect perfect thank you that's all we need to see we'll be in touch thank you very much appreciate it thank you number 10. senator number 11. oh number one number 11. are unless you'd rather something else please play dark souls okay number 11. i need to be very clear number 11 dark souls nobody's gone through the tutorial door can you make it through the tutorial boss's door and be the tutorial boston dark souls 3. you know what i'm definitely going to try what's your favorite pasta ooh like the noodle or all of it combined everything i like rigatoni marinara bolognese rigatoni bolognese okay that's a good answer yeah it's my favorite number 11 shit your pants of course it was last time just before i got in here sorry i didn't want to admit it very good answer actually go ahead it's keyboard and mouse wasd is to move left click is to switch your sword and spaces to dodge if you can take up that uh that controller right now if you could just control it down here well the control is broken but the the keyboard and mouse you do wasd to move w-a-s-d to move number two broke the controller and we're very upset about it damn it number two uh oh my god fuck me so hit oh great um okay i'm gonna just go down here i suppose yeah oh you didn't tell me what the attacks are oh left click is attack and space is dodged did i kill him yeah fuck yeah okay i guess i'm going this way i'm living for me again speed four what is happening you guys want to kill that's good wow maybe i will uh get through that door that's the door right there when you get up for that you can get up to that door you press e you'll fight the boss r is drink potion to heal is drink potion heal oh shit make sure you get rid of that guy yeah yeah i just got to face him you know careful careful you got it you got it you got it i'm appealed where's my health oh right there cool top left corner you play dark souls before number 11. uh no but i used to play crash bandicoot and we would call that dark souls because that game's hard as hell too go dancing you ever played crash bandicoot dude that game is ridiculous all right here's this bastard [Music] um yeah i definitely say so 11 thank you so much for your time yeah thank you we appreciate it thank you so much you can send in the next one when you get out there absolutely thank you so much number 11. uh big crash bandicoot fan big crash bandicoot what can i play you got do you want to play dark souls no we got tetris and we have uh also house flipper well i will try tetris tetris all right we got a tetris player what is what is tetris yeah wait you're asking what tetris is yeah i mean i don't know what any of these games are yeah the ones that you mentioned but tetris sounded cool you don't even know what tetris is thanks a lot for coming number 12 i appreciate it see you okay we'll be in touch we'll be in twice thank you so much for your time you sure yeah yeah that's right you don't even know when you go home you don't know what tetris is no do you know who super mario is yes thanks have a nice night thank you so much i appreciate it number 12. that was really fantastic thank you so much number 13 can come on in please how do you write with tetris hey 13 how are you good good good thank you good to see you sit down what are you doing here oh well i am gonna do tetris do you know what it is i do okay great you press the ok button here oh you can put whatever initials you want doesn't really matter all right it's just like a random website that's fine i just hit the restart button right in the middle there so you got the arrow keys it should be to move the tetris pieces around and then flip them around and down is to make it go down and number 13 i'd like to go very right up to that what's your favorite sound is well how do you flip it again it should be the right and left arrow keys the right space oh okay that that one's garbage but the next one will be better all right let's see if i can hit this down and then slide it across right no yeah that's the ticket all right we're hit to be square here so tetris is really fun because it was invented in the 1600s in russia and people would play with nothing but sticks and vodka and here we are all these years later playing interesting story is that the way that's that's history that's actually that's history yeah vladimir uh tetris north invented it and they used to play with rocks and sticks and they would try to fit it and apparently they would build whole villages this way and that's why russia is such a messed up place now number there's other reasons too economics pop but mostly i blame tetris so tetris was invented i did not know that it was actually that's a that's a war conversation oh you remember the theme song ding ding ding ding [Music] you know you know that's that's vodka right there you're gonna get a good clear here a good clear i'm gonna get it clear and clear well i think you're asking a lot for the first time but uh i'll i'll try to impress him oh it was one line though well we all got to start somewhere oh gotta start somewhere oh you got actually all right bingo bingo very nice number 13. i spent a lot of summers uh playing on my game boy i didn't have a lot of friends now i have two friends but back then i didn't have any so i had a lot of time to play because i only have like three friends too you always got to one-up me huh you're trying to be me don't forget that can i get a look at me [Music] [Applause] can i get anything can i get a can i get you saved look at me look at me again look at me number 13 that's all i need to see thank you so much number 13. thank you next time excellent accident every i wait till the door closes so we talk to you and we talk about it i mean when you're out when we talk about you after the door closed oh i thought you wanted to talk about me now no no when the door closes we talk about you you're my ear pressed to the door i hope you don't do that number four taking place send in number 14. that's no good here no you're 14 you're fortunate how are you fourteen nice to meet you nice to meet you 14. uh we have tetris here for you we might have to restart it but if you what were you gonna play first i mean i love tetris i was gonna do house flipper do you know how to play house flipper or do you want to play tetris which is better for you looks like we're going with tetris can you salvage this salvage this game right now if you salvage this game number 14 that is a monumental deal well look at where they left me just by the way before you hear that the russians played this the russians played this apparently really yeah if you can salvage this that's a huge deal number fourteen what was what's your favorite um land what's your favorite ride at disney world um i'd have to say it's a small world wrong correct try again okay um the pirate for the caribbean ride thank you all right ah not bad a salvage pretty good salvage actually you can use the keys too if it helps you i can which keys uh should be the left and right arrow keys it should be oh oh yes not bad under pressure as well this is huge under pressure here i was thrown into a game i feel like this is what happens to people 14 what's your favorite emotion my favorite emote i'd have to say s thank you that was gabe what did you lose try one more try one more i'll give you one more attempt if you were to use monkey s in a sentence how would you use it i would say i got put in the middle of a tetris game of someone else and i failed so that makes me want to go s very nice thank you very nicely thank you very much here we go by the way i've never played tetris on my screen one time um i think the game sucks it's a stupid fucking child's game well that's why i think i should have done house flipper yeah i think it's a stupid game for unintelligent people but you know well intelligent people play that must have been number 13's choice so actually you're doing actually a pretty good build up of 14. you think so oh shit oh shoot number 14. somebody help me 14. okay thank you so much for your time that i'm gonna have to i'm gonna cancel you out there i'm sorry close you out there in 14. thank you so much for coming thank you you please send a number 15. all right what are we doing uh what do you want to play for us we got dark souls uh house flipper and tetris let's play some tetris all right you want to go to tetris oh oh but who was this person they didn't they didn't i i didn't do this this is not me under pressure oh that's uh that's a great song yeah i like i like these pieces because they're small and compact like me how do i uh oh yeah okay there we go oh and the colors oh yeah yeah okay look at that you see that i wonder if you'll clear this line here oh i'll clear the line i'll clear it all the way down the line oh there we go oh we are cooking with gas right now oh i am prepared i was up all night i'm just me and some jolt coal baby oh look at this look at this i'm building a tower of love [Music] no but i was i was creating a sort of a mosaic you know a mosaic that's uh you could restart it i want to see one more okay all right how do i turn these things anyway so you should be using the left and right arrow keys uh the mouse might be a little bit trickier oh i see and then that goes in oh i see i see okay and then so i'm gonna i'm gonna nestle this guy in here i'm just gonna hug him again gently you see that you see that that was very nice yeah thank you okay very impressive yeah see this uh the original game boy was loaded with this did you have a game boy i did i won the only game i ever beat was ducktales that's a great one it was a great game you played one on nes uh no i wasn't allowed to have that because my parents don't love me i had to play it over at friend's home so i had to play it over there that's also where i got sugared cereal nothing with bran flakes and grape nuts at my place very interesting backstory yeah there's a little bit of a bio there for you all right 15. wait hold on i got to do oh it feels so good oh wait i gotta get it out okay i gotta do it oh we go 15 that's all i need to see okay all right absolutely phenomenal by the way i brought a change of pants thank god all right did everybody shift their pants before they got here is that a requirement number 16. you didn't think we had more than 10 people 16 how are you hi good how are you good i'm doing fantastic nice to meet you nice to meet you too i'm very very very happy to meet you we already have tetris going but oh okay there's also other options if you'd like to give us something cool could i could i play dark souls you absolutely could yeah all tab it's weird the controller is broken keyboard mouse wasd left click right click r is estes and space is dodge uh what's perry uh perry good fucking question what a number 16 you're the first person to ask that question so we're gonna go ahead and write that down okay first of all number 16 something you know in 16 people probably dying people pick dark souls for some reason okay and um none of them have health all right let's play some dark souls here let's get ourselves some excuse me sir i'm trying to do uh i'm trying to complete something here if you're kind of back off of me thank you number 16. what's the accent you're doing oh well i figured you know this is this is the new german right yeah why would we want the same old cookie cutter germa when we could have a new journal you know i think maybe new german could like be like a cowboy and have like a beard so you know like we want to constantly be improving right so that's why i think we should kind of keep it going but constantly strive to do better okay i guess i i follow you on that a little bit here are you willing to shave the beard well that's a difficult question i guess it depends on if it's worth it but i suppose i could park with it and you're okay with a a five percent royalties on the screen and ninety-five percent continue yeah i suppose given the numbers they're huge yeah that's what i want to figure okay just making sure we get that correct before you sign anything for anybody uh it should be easy to go through oh washi okay uh if you could be champion grinder and you're the first to do that well let's give it the old college try let's try it see we got not to give you anything to think about why you're doing this but number 16 what would you say is your favorite ride at disneyland oh that's a tough one i'd say big thunder mountain if i had to give it the old guess stay with the like country person well that's that's me and the country person thing what's your favorite food i'd say chicken fried steak that's still leading with the iron from the company listen i don't break character ever you better believe it okay i gotta look at these books okay nobody's gonna get that number 16. can i get you to say look at me loudly and put your hands in here look at me okay look at me oh hold on got a great masters here it's good for your health holy shit are you going to be younger i mean it's gundam deer it's not that hard wow number 16 number 16. all right gg you speak up here you just did it you just beat gundam no one's even got through the door i usually play on kion controller i don't know if that's a problem number 16 that was phenomenal i just have to be very i got to make sure you really wear this that beard though is that this that's you just got to go that beard has to go okay well sometimes we got to make shampoo fashions okay thank you so much that was fantastic number 16. if you send it number 17. that was phenomenal y'all come back now here i i don't know why you keep doing this country thing doesn't make sense to me because i'm literally from the east coast from like boston like i could see like in new york except number 17 please and that should round us out number 17 do we not have 17 10 is not here let me think about that number 17 is not here we have number 16 there okay that's the best we got that's what we got i mean it wasn't ever classified in the country and all the newspapers okay i this is going to take a little bit of deliberation here i have no fucking idea i'm give me if i don't know if i'm addressing this camera here but like give me a few minutes i need to think about what i'm going to do about this because there were 16 there's 16 people here that i mean i don't know i have no idea i'm going to need a few minutes give us a few minutes let me deliberate on this and think about what i want to do here and we'll be right back in just a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is uh harder than i thought it was going to be unfortunately i i knew it was going to be hard but trying to eliminate people is not my my forefront but i will do my best i'm going to have to say i've spent 10 20 minutes sitting here trying to figure out what i want to do here i'm gonna have to cut i mean number i mean number seven connor uh what are you doing here conrad's pants you gotta you have a career going for yourself for the love of god you're a young guy you've got a great career in front of you you don't got to be me be you and you you're doing you very well uh also i i mean the number 12 didn't know how to play tetris just get out of here i mean wha what are we going to do with you and then probably at the same time i mean number 16 as well we actually talked backstage he didn't want to shave his beard once and for all so i was like i mean if you're not going to shave yeah oh country germa that's not going to happen man that's all i could come up with so far i sat for 10 20 minutes remember this is me this is my shit this is my channel i have to be sure of this stuff so what's gonna have to happen here over the next uh i don't know how long it's gonna take but i i've employed a few people to try to really narrow down who i think could be the next german 985 i need some help i need some more context so let's go ahead and start episode one season one episode one final pilot one end of the series one final episode one of who will who will replace me on germany [Music] [Music] hello how are you welcome to who will replace me from germany i'm german at a5 welcome how are you i figured this would be probably hard to do so i have employed a few people uh at least a handful of people to help me do this and uh we'll go one by one to find out who who could help me decide who could replace me so we'll go back over here we have stir here nice to meet you everyone uh i've known germa a long time so i've been judging him my whole life and i feel like i'm especially qualified for this opportunity camera's over there honey i'm i apologize he's judging me uh i know i'm just i'm just ready to figure out who the new germ is i've been waiting for a new one for a long time and i hope we get you know a better result than the first one yeah uh by the way when you talk about judges i i had to bring people in because there's no way i can do this by myself it was impossible to sit there and be like oh who's better who can do it who can't do it i need experts and stur has been around for a long time he's been around for about 12 years now since the very very very beginning i'm 31 i've been around for 31 years we also have ludwig here ludwig is also part of the new school of germa fans uh he's been around for like the last few years uh ludwig thanks so much for showing up here yeah it's a pleasure um you know i'm one of the few people who actually took your role and uh and your chat tried to kill me they did so i'm just trying to make sure whoever we pick today is is not at threat to die it's really it's it's i couldn't do it when 16 people come in the room i ca it's hard to base who i can do it on i i why was that funny i don't know there's just a couple of words third there fourth judge is uh somebody a fan favorite of the channel uh two really he's my doctor he's been around since uh i can really remember uh to make sure blood pressure uh blood type and all that is is exact uh dr schmeiksen yes thank you for coming out here thank you thank you so much for inviting me to be on your panel jeremy and as you know the others might be interested in your talents but as a doctor i know germa jeremy he knows me i don't know in and out completely wow yeah blood type we're talking blood pressure he doesn't have very much time left right but me i i didn't think we were going to bring that up on the air am i dying i didn't know this i'd like to talk to you later about some german uh dr schmuckson ludwig and stir uh to judge these people because i mean we're talking about my replacement and i've been a content creator you've been a content creator for about 12 years now and trying to find the person that can take the brand to the next level uh we're gonna find that now uh by the way let's explain how this is going to work we have in front of us here we have buttons people are going to come out on stage the i i've eliminated a few people off the bat because i don't think they can handle it by the way but we have a few buttons here when we press these buttons they are going to play okay we don't all have to do it they don't believe us they makes this noise three stop three x's means you are out three yeses means you are into the next round uh this is a talent portion of this stream here i we got dr schmuckson ster ludwig i think me i'm judging you too they're all backstage right now who knows germa better than germa who exactly who would know me who would know be better than me and nobody does i know actually i don't know me at all that's why you're free you were here yeah you lose yourself sometimes i lose myself sometimes but it's okay i would like to call to the stage now you got soda right here because just like that show that we can't say it's delicious it's got soda in there uh let's can we get number one to come out on stage please [Applause] three x's means you are out three yeses means you are into the next round number one how are you i am very well how are you thank you number one how are you good great nobody's x right it's okay i i like the walk a lot that's how you walk around that's a good walk look at me somebody somebody got finally somebody got right number one what are you gonna do for us today i believe i'm gonna juggle today for you juggling maybe uh sing a few bars with my favorite song as well okay whenever you're ready we'll go and get that started thank you no pull it back pull it back that's not fair okay i just wanted the next hour to be this could you make it could you make a german noise while doing it higher higher higher oh he dropped one what do we do about that higher higher fucking right here higher can you go higher go higher no don't take that back he did not you does he think we were higher in notes [Laughter] i'm not going to say anything is that it is it here i'll try one more for you hold on great got one more here we go ready here we go [Music] that might have got me that got me wow number one number one okay chefs uh i would say uh i'm gonna have to be a yes on this one uh you know i was almost to no and i was sitting there and i was thinking he's not doing anything with the lower half of his body and then when you incorporate it the leg what i'm sorry you've been disqualified i get it i totally understand it's okay i enjoy the performance um can you explain what the thought process between uh uh was very good very good idea that is that is it's the greatest song in the world it's my favorite song could you give me just a five second interpretation of what a raid song is okay a rape song a raid song song i don't know what my status is right now it's uh dr schmuckson what do you have to say yes yes thank you number one uh i uh i just try to match things this person at the other end of the table what is your basic metabolic rate yeah so we got two two x's here i i think he pulled it back i don't know did you pull it back okay it's back up again no time left sorry okay so two two no's and two yeses i'm i'm currently at a no i i whoa whoa i don't know what you decided for me you hit my hand that was a joke pull it back i just pulled i don't that's a yes for me i think the leg the leg was fantastic honestly the leg was fantastic that's a good move we're split what do you want what do you want from our side from our delegation he's got the look uh-huh he's got the passion schmeichen i would pull it back can you do the thing one more time which thing the leg the leg or the leg juggling yeah yeah just one more one more time please spot here okay oh that's classy we're split we want a better germa no now we want a better that's three yesterday there were three s's that's three you're going through the next one thank you yes yeah number one okay you're not known for your clutch he's got one trick and two no but that's a huge deal it is number two if we get number two to come on stir you got your ex we gotta clear it now dr schmoyson yes sir you have tested all the blood pressure all the blood types all the although the different height levels and of all the patients here can you reliably say that all these people could be the next german on ed5 uh with some stipulation i think that uh they're very close okay good i'm i apologize we're calling them patients i mean some i sound one yeah i'm going home patients okay um not for you that's not for you tell us your name it's a pleasure to meet you number two my name is austin okay and uh i'm gonna play a little song for you guys okay don't what's the wrong name shouldn't i'm sorry i guess i agree you guys [Applause] all clear i think we're cleared i think we're clear number two think we're clear what are you gonna do for us today i'll play a little song for you guys okay all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with time [Music] [Applause] [Music] the real journal would have got distracted by that paused it'd be nice don't you think it's like too much though music mondays could be fun yeah i'm actually i'm rescinding music mondays let's go all right number two number two thank you so much number two very very good job number two thanks so much uh we have uh we have a couple of one no for instance here um you know i'll take it back if you can answer this question well i mean you already got three yeses but you know maybe you can make your case um really why do you want to be germa yeah well i just feel like you know teaching kids how to how to farm properly and uh and maintain their farms would be the best way to use my streaming services and taking over for germa i mean what a great audience just got a good point did they oh you said it was you can't just keep going can i ask you a question how tall are you i'm 5'8 perfect perfect uh dr schmuckson have anything to add to that yes i i i actually um number two i thought that was polymorphically austin awesome so uh i i guess it's a goal that's a goal yeah yeah yeah you know what one exactly but i'll take all three no that's a yes that's it yes you're going on to the next round all right thank you guys i want to make sure that it's great job you can't just fucking press the button like over and over again like that's fucking i don't want him to be the new you that's annoying you're better than that you're annoying you're you're annoying i'm here for you can you switch seats with him potentially are we all clear i'll be good i'll be can we send out number three please or whoever's in the line here i'll just pick whichever person holy smokes we got number three here wow i'm here look at me he's got to look at me right right you you have nice arms right jeremiah no i've got arms yeah oh yeah are you in the gym more than once a week i mean home gym okay home gym you got a home gym that's pretty good so number three uh what are you going to do for us it seems like you're already going to have an idea here well i mean still walking is pretty much an atmospheric uh talent so normally it's for creating an illusion of uh you know heightened magic okay without the actual magic how tall are you right now you know taller than you okay i hear you're fighting but i can teach you that's that's fucked up in your retirement you can be as tall as me because i am also fighting oh yeah how tall did the stilts make you is it seven foot um about eight foot okay it's a lot of foot right all right are you are you gonna do a routine for you gonna walk around or um more or less uh it's kind of like i said it's more of an atmospheric talent where you can more or less do photo ops in a world that we all live in mean you uh i can reach taller things so i feel like i'm an improved germa and as you can see i'm also firma firm up [Applause] way away don't clap yet what excuse me we're allowed to have our own reveal what's your fursona my persona is a wolf whoa okay all right you know what i will actually from earlier i want to correct a mistake that i made i said i didn't like rats i want to make it clear that i do like rats as long as i am the large rat that makes all the rules interesting uh is that why you have a wolf tail on sir you know what the internet is very limited on what you can buy in two-day shipping okay it's a global road trip yeah we've got we've got two no's here i think oh no what can i do what can i do tell me dr schmuckson what do you what do you got here well uh can you let's see turn to your left please raise your right arm uh make a raspberry noise uh no sorry i'm so sorry number three that is unless we can come up with some kind of agreement that's i'm sorry that's where your journey ends here i mean i was gonna give you free lessons on still walking but i mean oh i can still take them i can still take them i'll pay all right very exorbitantly was that very absorbently i pay extra nice number three i'm so sorry there's nothing i could do yeah thank you number three i i appreciate your heightened performance thank you so much for the chance thank you so much number three very fast that's actually phenomenal uh a very good truck it would it would have been fun to see him hold something out of reach from you and then you jump at it i'm gonna press your ex okay sorry i'm sorry that was just an idea i was uh let's go ahead and send in the next one please who's uh who's up on tap here's your b number i believe number doctor if you clear your ex please number four hello hey okay hi number four how are you i'm doing good you how are you i'm great yeah you were kind of a weird guy in the first round next one to no one huh yeah it does so true thank you thank you so true number four what are you gonna do i like this guy hey how's it going good what are you doing for us today i'm gonna do a little cat dog cat dog i can't talk like the show no it's not like the show it's just just cat dog cat dog i'll take it at face value i'll take it at facebook okay love it enjoy it yeah great it'll be great number four what are you doing hello cat dog you want me to be doing cat he's doing a cat dog i don't know what that's going to give an artist the stage dog iii today and no one questions that so you know just give them a shot that's true we're playing cat dog number four yeah before one three but cat's on [Music] [Applause] he's a bad dog [Applause] absolutely fantastic performance i think the best we've seen all night we can all agree that was that was great well i i have the feeling that he suffers from dermatitis but um having that very interesting dermatitis i'm good i i i'm am i the only ex here do you you get german titus from eating ass what's that sorry what is that no just from eating x that's what he from eating ass he's speaking about the posterior do we have a 2 v2 here we haven't i you know the ass talk pulled me out can you make some more barking noises please wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a second wait a second do we do we have a 2v2 here no i pulled it it's just it's just you i think that uh do not enjoy this what what i'm not sure about but an old aging german wouldn't know the new one if it i mean the cat and the dog thing that was kind of weird like i don't know if cats and dogs and shit like he's he was weird in the first phase and you didn't like the other guy for the tail well i'm noticing said it was a wall like what about auto think about auto get your hands off me can i ask you a question sure what what do you think about like a stream where you pretend to fight yourself like a like a psychopath i'm not a psycho no i'm just cool isn't that a cool stream idea i mean it's cool it's a cool idea but like this is like fighting yourself as an animal he's a little too weird for me i think that's why we like him yeah if we're all in agreement gentlemen do am i going to am i getting vetoed out here it's i don't want i'm sensing that in general you're not ready to let go times change man number four congratulations you move on to the next round [Applause] uh [Music] number five how are you good good good how are you how are you i'm doing fantastic uh we're doing well uh welcome to the stream of course welcome again for the second time yeah yeah i see a guitar what's that mean here well they they handed it to me uh backstage and said that if i don't play it then i can't get any coffee cheetos or chicken which i was promised here okay that's a good that's a good call back i think that's pretty good chicken that's great what are you going to do for us i i am uh supposedly i'm going to be playing a song that uh my mother broke me your mother okay yeah okay so it was the hardest song i've ever had to learn in my entire life you know let's go ahead and hear it all right hopefully it is all right electric guitar holy smokes [Music] my mom doesn't love me she does it [Music] i just want some coffee cheetos and chicken number five number five before you get off stage i just want to say it looks like every judge has said uh he said no emphatically no emphatically yeah yeah absolutely absolutely rubbish don't do this stupid but that's a different shot that's a different show number five we really think that eventually going forward here that you could probably do more with you know maybe eventually i think there's a reason she didn't love you [Music] yeah schweinstein someone needs to tell him well i just have to say this that i i i would like to see you improve your talent however i do appreciate that and we've all been through things where you know your heart expands as much as it can but then right oh excuse me yeah maybe next year maybe next year i'm so sorry i i think you have a talent you have what it takes but maybe not for this exact setting but you're so smart you're so good you're so talented well you everyone should cry during this segment i'm always sad everybody needs to cry to earth you shouldn't encourage him i would i would i would pick up a new hobby no you have to really cry otherwise i don't believe it [Laughter] thank you so much number five you're so so you're so you're such a fucking angel [Applause] thank you number six please come out please we'll send your uh oh number six we have a little bit of the thing for number six oh yeah uh so our number six we have a small package for number six uh i see just to see small package yeah already germa hey that's nice wow talked to doctors watson earlier so [Laughter] it's a small beach town that leads right into the atlantic ocean and has the oldest boardwalk in all of america my father opened this candy shop in 1956 and he built it into the place that it is today sadly he passed away in 2012 and since then i took over the helm of the candy shop i'm actually such a large germa fan that i named our specialty chocolate fudge after him the jolly german sadly it's one of our least popular items the one major issue with running a shop in beach town is that basically all of my business comes during the summer that means that nine months out of the year i have almost nothing to do hearing that germa's retiring i believe this would be the perfect job for me to spend the rest of my time during the years okay let's go let's go ahead and bring them out what an interesting story that was you got it number six number six what an interesting story number six hello how are you how you doing number six how are you i'm excellent how are you doing today fantastically how are you i'm wonderful i'm good how are you i guess we're going to go through this a few times yes can i chime in wondering how you're doing today um beyond mediocre great okay what are you doing for us today uh today i will be doing a yoda impersonation oh yoda i love that from the star wars star from the star wars right all right excellent favorite star wars movie sorry what's your favorite star wars movie has to be empire strikes back okay okay i only watch the prequels but that's fun that's fun it is where yoda showed up so you take a moment you're gonna do yoda to get into character oh okay sure germa eat ass do you [Laughter] question pending is question for me feet [Laughter] follow-up question do i have a follow-up okay what's your follow-up pressure your own ass do you eat can i press yours i've had enough of this no i'm enjoying this this is good sure do you hear the crowd the crowd loves him the crowd wants to see him rule of threes give him a third give us another germa yeah what i claim you to be five eight with shoes five eight with dress shoes just like everybody else here because it's a you it gives you an extra own what are you without shoes five seven why not just say five seven because that's don't do that one play that one back oh man five eight you claim to be five eight with dress shoes full of shit you are i want more i want my nose from the original sangha right that line yeah all right i'm just going to rejoice can we please keep our hands to ourselves i'm going to press that one for ludwig because i don't think he should press yes german familiar do you look yeah see like you in a spider-man movie [Applause] anybody schmeichen schmuckson do you want to try to switch us or oh let's see i just i i just want to know one thing are the ears dry cleanable i regularly swap them okay that was forward that was forward that was that was not yoda that was not yoda based that was that was not yoda based character for what yoda's speech patterns are speaking no we got three previously number six i'm so sorry good luck on the candy store i heard it i hope it goes well how dare you it's again that's not not too late for me to oh i'm gone it's time for me just number six thank you so much that was unbelievable goodbye and thank you it's about way too dank i guess maybe are clapping is it loud no i think it was a second before wow oh unfortunately number one yoda do you have one i could probably do it yo let me try you sound like the sweetest chef i believe i heard a yodel yoda a little wait hold on am i lit i must uh we must go to the store what does he say not that you both can't do it wait hold on oh yes we must uh learn you the force we will that was good don't tell us it's good i feel like we are the judges do you think it was a good ducker we are we don't you can't actually go over there one two three judges uh-huh okay who's i think it was all right all right we need to clear the x's clear we're exiting you oh are you why do you have to go like this when you do yoda boy you don't i think that's what you're doing that makes it bad is that my fault yeah i yeah you're doing a chicken that is walking i got a phone here and i'm ready to call somebody okay okay i is that a threat [Laughter] oh he's on the phone again guys oh my god okay so we've got a i think there's a piano player coming up here if they take a second longer to get set up which is not their responsibility i'm buzzing okay i think we're bringing the next uh next person number eight how are you very good very good very good what are you what are you what are you doing here well i'm a big musical theater fan okay so i know you've all heard maybe like cats the musical but you know i'm just really inspired by you jeremy i'm being honest and um off mini musical it's rats the mini stage reading so i want to present it to you here hopefully so you can like pick it up and you know like do something with it i really want to go to broadway but like this is you're the first person to see this i put a lot of work into it so okay yeah this is you wrote this oh no it's totally germa's creation yeah it's a lie i bring it to life it's like he made shrek and you're doing shrek the musical theater adaption absolutely dance to the song i have a dramatic stage reading and then um yeah an improv jazz piano performance okay i'm really hoping yeah you'll enjoy it kind of like you have the goal take with it and then we'll see how it goes yeah absolutely you get away off the floor awesome all right put this here and we'll start with the dance yeah go for it you wrote a musical no i made a video with 3d movie maker and it sucked people on tech talk about it was funny i'm huge on tick tock by the way okay i checked it's not i mean we're the friends we pray at night we stop at night with the rats i'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules [Music] music please dramatic reading of the rats is done by germa impersonating wounded bow we pray at night we stalk at night where are the rats i'm the giant rat that makes all the rules rats rats with the rats cake and ice peter is on its way peter you've been such a good boy this year oh my god open up your presents and then we'll [Applause] he's gonna play something on the keyboard [Music] test the tune out make sure the tune is okay yeah check check all right okay arpeggio is that what that is yeah i have no idea a connoisseur true connoisseur [Music] by night we pray at [Music] i was about to clap i was getting ready [Music] [Music] [Music] you would have buzzed him by now if he wasn't so good at it this is painful for you but that's going to break [Music] [Music] happy birthday it's company's birthday but i'll take it it's all right it's your birthday happy birthday i'm 37 this year 37. wow all right thank you all right thank you thank you so much thank you so much that was really exciting for me that's the first time number eight thank you so much so that was phenomenal number eight we have one x from ludwig and i'm very curious why yeah i want to talk to you directly of course you're selling yourself short i'm thinking you kanye west lady gaga okay steve jobs you're doing things that german dreams of that night right he falls asleep wishing he could sing and dance like that you don't know how much that means to me like it's been years you know just like trying and trying and trying i mean this might be my big break i want you to know this no is another door opening what about this now what's that what are you thinking i'm having tell me what you're having trouble with maybe we can work this out the keyboard coming out okay it was a little too dragged out i was a little you're saying no to the voice of a genre wait first of all i might be able to like work on that we have to you know number eight i know i know but i'm having trouble i think i'm gonna have to phone a friend let's go ahead let's go ahead and call let's go can i phone a friend here just get some advice here i it's very tricky that keyboard was fantastic but it was a little drowned it was a little drawn out not like what's happening right now can we can we you're a great darling i appreciate that can we connect to kit boga please i'm phoning a friend here 444. i think we're a little split on this i don't know why you flew me here why would you be getting a ring if you're hello kit boga hi this is german 985 calling from uh through some cell service device i want to get your advice on something what all right who is this it's german german 985 germa oh hey are you watching the stream kit right now uh so i'm just trying to finish this 200 word essay so but yeah yeah okay so i got a guy up here he's number eight he played the piano he's really funny he's really interesting i need i need some input on if you think that he could move on to the next round as the next german have you been paying attention to the stream at all i mean i it kind of depends you want my opinion or do you i need your opinion you're one of the two calls i can make there's one more person i can call which you'll see very soon enough i'm not really that good under pressure well uh i need it now that that guy clearly is though uh number eight clearly clearly is no uh so okay okay i'll tell you what whoever said money can't solve your problems must have not had enough money to solve them right ariana grande ariana grundy did you like number eight or not like what does that mean he says i want it i got it i want it i got it i feel like this is this is you yeah what do you want i want my replacement kit it's hard to do i love ariana grande okay wait what yeah he loves ariana grande put him through that's your criteria is if they like ariana grande is pass them through she's really popular she's hot she's hot she's popping off kit thanks for absolutely nothing she's hot don't spill that soda sponsor i got some input number eight oh yeah we have a yes from dr schmuckson is that what it is yeah well um all i have to say i almost had me in tears but they just have to say quite uber gerrymaniac definitely uber jeremy thank you that means a lot number eight i'm gonna have to tell you congratulations you've moved on to the next round you earned it really good really good good thank you thank you so much i really won't let you down guys the limit this is going places this guy's the limit yeah thank you thank you number eight you've moved on to the next round i didn't like him one bit honestly why did you say yes he couldn't take it you could tell why would you vote yes he would shatter at any negativity why would you say just like a germa i don't shatter negativity i'm oh that's a good that's right macquarie look where he's going right now i take a lot of shit i feel like you're not listening to what kit said he said ariana grande he said no then he said yes it was hard to tell i won it i got it clear your uh boards please we have the next person coming up where's my chapstick i'm about to freak the fuck out negativity i've got some on my lips i don't excuse me all right number nine is out here now number nine how are you welcome to the screen number nine it works don't tap it please audio issues that's a good german one there we go hi hi number nine hi how are you i am doing excellent are you excited i am literally shaking right you've moved this far number nine we need a we need a wow factor here okay i'm gonna bring it uh you know i considered myself to be a a dancer so a dancer a dancer something of a dancer like a dancer it's a reference it is that's it that's a baiter yeah that is it peter so you're going to do a dance routine or yes i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to show you some break dancing here today i'm going to just just use the entire area break it down for you guys a little bit show you my moves are you aware the real germa cannot break dance that's bullshit i can uh yeah it's debatable uh i've been inspired by some of his work uh i it looks like he's gonna hold the stage and he's actually gonna preview it i don't know how i'm gonna follow this get out of the way get out of the way what did you sir stir what did you say i said the real germa can not break dance okay i think he can that wasn't me it was mostly the speed you went oh wow i hope he didn't break something we all hope that you have better than that but i wish you luck i scrape i scraped my fucking knee the next stream in three months number nine can you do better than that let's find out good luck here we go [Music] oh yeah all right all right this is a classic okay let's get up i don't want to let's should we get up should we stand up let's head out [Music] i'll have stand i'll do this all right all right warming up running at such rapid pace around the crown the crown that's a crab that's that's very that's that's good that's very good [Music] oh like a bit of a stumble okay i thought he's gonna oh wait wait he's got more oh oh holy shit well that's the same thing but twice [Music] what what's the problem what did she say no we got two notes i immediately knowed no wait wait wait wait we stumbled that was fucking phenomenal thank you could i go ahead as an avid german viewer sometimes germa has through break dancing not been able to stream for extended periods of time and when i saw you fall i had a that's a raven moment where you were the germa and you hurt yourself where's my streamer right what do you think about that you have people depending on you you can't hurt yourself totally first safety is key yeah safety is number one number two i'm like a starfish when it comes to like repairing any sort of my body so just like quick recovery like day or two in the hospital just like dr schmoyerson what did can you what about starfish's doctor well i i think he's relating to something um that has to do with uh uh you know bones and and tendons and so on growing back uh but i don't think that that works if you become paraplegic it's doctor wait doctor sportsman what's his blood type is he is he amy i believe he's oh okay that's a big problem okay i believe he's old oh that's a big problem have you donated before your universal donor yes yes yes i have donated blood we are unfortunately we're split again i'm gonna i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to call it alex on this one he fell that's the rule only got a few of these i thought it was phenomenal i think you guys are out of your mind i still get why you get a ring when you call someone because it's calling them and springing in their house okay do we have italics hello are you there um oh wait it's ringing it's ringing i think he's dodging your calls he's got caller id i we need an outside opinion i don't think i i think he's got what it takes it's alex hey you hear me now can hear you now it's alex uh you're on germa's uh not not got talent that would be a copyright infringement you're on uh who will play that kid that's another copyright in front who will replace me welcome italics welcome to the show uh we have number nine you guys can hear me yes yes i'm number 17. you guys already do the interviews yes we did you weren't here yeah well number seven you you were not available so we just kind of caught you so sorry dude are you watching right now do you see who's on stage right now um listen it i'll just be real yeah it doesn't even fucking matter who you guys pick because um all the plus twos are chat memes nowadays yeah so where's the test to see which of these contestants can pick the correct one guy comment interesting okay well so what you uh you you're asking if he can pick a one guy comment at a chat and that should be able to to fix if you can do it yeah i mean so number one i got a question for you yes so if there's three comments in chat one of them says uh you're a loser okay the second one says hey like shit into a into a bedpan and show it on stream and the third person says hey germa like you should play destiny 2 pvp which one are you going to read i'm going to i'm going to go with number three and i'm going to take that advice and and let the haters build me up it's a very very good idea very good idea thank you very good italics thank you so much for the uh for the input um but i think we have our decision here one last thing okay yeah i just want to say i've been watching and i can't tell them apart because i i think the ultimate test should be who looks the best wearing a chest brace playing vr so if you could just get one of those on stage right now hang on hang up breaking up hang up on him call us breaking up i can't hear you hang up on him yeah i couldn't hear anything i couldn't hear anything i'm a size medium if that matters no one was talking to you be clear i with that input i think that i think he goes through you go you like the picking the destiny 2 comment i think i think he's got what it takes i think he does i'm just asking questions can you do a little wordplay with me yes of course i want you to finish i'm gonna say a word and you say a second word okay doll house cat mouse one for two there it is bingo go on bingo number nine you're moving on to the next thank you so much thank you so much i won't let you down thank you thank you so much for the audio sucks i don't know what happened did the call break up i'm so sorry i'm so sorry call broke up fmv game audio right you're reading that one guy comment that was literally one guy there was only one guy that was like a hundred i'm pretty sure in between all that i heard like germa is great jerome is doing fantastic and then you read the one audio this guy wants to play destiny 2. destiny 2 i i can't let get it get it close up here i will never ever ever play destiny 2 pvp ever it's not what are you doing he said he's like crawling over okay uh can we send the next person in please number ten number ten number ten double digits that was pretty cool where are you from oh i'm from san francisco you have a microphone fuck me so i'm from san francisco born and raised great okay so from san francisco from the uh the town of the bay that's right so you're here to replace me of course ultimately right yes only out of pure admiration though okay cool it's your turn to retire i feel it i'm gonna ask you a few questions we all feel it please would you ever play vr games yes would you ever play destiny 2 pvp no okay good good answer your ex is on one more question sir uh what is your are you uh what is your blood pressure and i'm warning you that's a trick question okay uh my blood pressure is absolutely excellent it's the healthiest blood pressure i think anyone who's ever recorded it's a good donald trump until today my blood pressure is excellent okay so number 10 what are you going to do for us today well i have this um this talent that i developed into a skill over the last handful of years it all began one day i was in a absolute delirium and i i demanded uh for my friends to feed me uh coffee cheetos and chicken and afterward i completely lost my mind i went into a fuke state for the next couple of minutes sure and um i found out that uh this is what i did and i'd like to show you now thank you okay just in a few minutes sure take as much time as you need so he's doing what he did in a few states and if you extend but no longer in a few states dr schmuckson what's up take it off what's a fuse let's go it's one of those states where it's kind of purposeful he's getting naked actually what is he doing what what are you doing you take your shirt his shirt's off what the fuck are you doing [Music] it's probably so loud this is your talent you're doing great it's a skill i made so what exactly are you doing it's obvious well if you if you pay close enough attention can i actually get a camera close up here if you play close enough attention you can see the the fat from my my luscious love handles actually sticking to the wood as i press down and then as i come up from the mid back interesting it takes a lot of confidence to come on stage and know the wood was correct for this well you know this could have played against your shirt off on stage let's be honest and uh that's that's what i have for you today wow that's it okay i'm floored great job number 10. thank you very much very nice you can put your shirt back on thank you number 10. thank you so much for your time uh i'm a no on this one because i think that was just revolting and disgusting i'd never do something like that in my life i don't want the next german 985 to be like lying on the ground and farting on camera i think was wrong i think with the hot tub meta coming up and rising we're going to need some more of this bravado some more of like a more sexual comedy drama i've been looking for for years more blue humor more okay i feel like in the dollhouse you publicly shit yourself yeah but you're above that i mean i don't take my clothes off like on stream it's fair schmuckson do we have any i'm a little conflicted on this one guys um you know physically and so that was ridiculous enough that you could be germa yeah however i was a little you know i mean watching things kind of squish make squish noises on the floor i i i just i i have to say i'm conflicted so um i just don't know doctor i'm with you here i'm not as set in stone as stir seems to be so i don't know i think that i wouldn't do don't worry okay all right don't you think there's like something maybe he could do after the show to convince you to fart in front of me what are you talking about like fart in the parking lot there's a lot of things can i what is that supposed to mean like he's gonna fart in the parking lot in front of him she's like part of his face this is a final kind of test for me i want you to imagine you're a substitute teacher and the kids are getting rowdy yeah yeah make a noise to have them silence down the floor as yours you have a few seconds good call ludwig no i'm pulling mine back i'm following my back whoa don't you think that this would be an i don't have to convince you anymore the rest of you this would be an important skill for a german to have if you were going to go to a water i don't get to convince anyone there's only one x right now he pulled back as well oh you have made it through the next round thank you number ten very very nice sounds appreciate gentlemen have a great day back to the big time back to the no wait i'm out we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good that was true that was tough you're just a bit tall i thought you think it's too tall yeah yeah um smidge i mean i'm five five seven five eight with shoes you're five seven i'm five eight with shoes i feel like you can round up to six jeremy we've been over this we've been over this doctor doctor you've measured my height a dozen times yes i have how tall am i actually i don't know you will never take your shoes off so you know it doesn't make that easy when you're measuring someone's height and you have like submitted record you're my dog you do it with shoes you can you can ordinarily do it with shoes but uh let's just say there's something that uh he's kind of hiding from us in the shoes oh okay but how tall am i a doctor with shoes what's in the shoes germa nothing just what's in the shoes what's in the damn shoes germa would you guys uh why is it such a weird persecution bullshit i have shoes on i've dressed i wear dress shoes to the doctor is that weird kind of to make sure i'm over five eight and a half i'm cringing no you're not you would go like this i'm pogging there we go you're pogging about with shoes you can save that whenever you want all right anyways five shoes stop another piano there's only been two like pianos other people not the second piano for the whole this is gonna have to be better than other piano now that's what i call music number eleven right this is eleven yeah big one one number eleven if you're ready to come out we're ready to see you hello number 11. hey how are you guys very good uh i i noticed your dark souls play through you didn't really know what you were doing hopefully you know what you're doing with the piano i sure hope so too yeah i hope so too yeah what are you going to do for us number 11 uh well i'm actually going to play you a ballad a nice pretty song okay i thought i'd change it up a little bit can i ask you a question of course if you were hungry late at night what would you order from mcdonald's oh boy specific i have a signature uh chicken plain small fries snack size and minimic flurry wow m mcflurry just enough calories to pass that's exactly right yes well go ahead please yeah we're really excited to see that your piano work i love how it's calorie count not like what okay so what what what song you're gonna do for us he already caught up to ballad but what what balance it's it's a ballad a the music speaks for itself can you put a rash on my back it's called a strange room a strange room no wait look what this get the shit out of me no i'm good it's nothing and he kept going that's really good that's big that actually you tried to fuck him up didn't work don't you press that button i'll be pissed [Music] around my shoulders [Music] i gave you a big fish no it was a good finish no pull it back pull it back that was unfair convince me stop with them making me make my decisions listen did everybody want them we all buzzed can i ask you a couple questions where where did you serve your mission you know it's so funny to say that because i'm actually ex-mormon ah yeah i spotted it you spotted it i spotted it how did you spot something that's obvious germa i'm white and i play piano i think that's a dead game you said the word church too oh it's not a church ah yeah is it not no it's a it's an original it's a cover by my favorite band when did you i thought it was the church i thought that was really good when i turned 18. no don't don't do 20 questions it's just a couple it's not that big of a deal no more questions ago no more questions i i do have a question though just that doesn't really relate to what the others have been talking about but could you do that standing on your head actually in amadeus how he does it turned over can we get some of that i don't listen i'm the only one that didn't say no i thought that was phenomenal i thought you did a great job i don't i don't listen to any of these jokers i thought that was great well thank you you know what my problem is he's absolutely delightful yeah a pleasure to be around you want to know what my problem is that doesn't work right second piano guy well you can't play a piano more than what this is the 16 people stir there's so many instruments i just feel like you're riding the coattails of the success you saw from the backstage anybody changing their vote or is this it i think he's i think he's too sweet too sweet number 11 you're apparently too nice of a person you're too good and nice of a person to take the moniker of me who is also a nice person who tries to be like nice to everybody and like be cool to like his friends like his doctor and everything and like have fun listen to all of that please okay number 11 i'm so sorry no no bob i i wanted you thank you please go live a fantastic healthy life that's right you do this number 11 thank you so much thank you stars that's unfortunate i thought he had what itself apparently not i didn't want to ruin a a young boy's life i thought he had what it took that's unfortunate i mean because he was an ex-mormon who cares i said it had nothing to do with the mormon oh it definitely did it was because he was too sweet a year on twitch he'd be hitting the pipe i can't see him i'm wrong uh he's not unhinged enough maybe he wasn't as unhinged but maybe there's a new era of like a nice like that is that is not the new era we're gonna play animal crossing today i played animal crossing when it came out that was the biggest mistake of your career no it wasn't it's a fun sweet cute game with like animals and like the kk slider goes like and it's like oh wow what a fucking fun game what's exactly what you're doing right now what do you think he's doing that he might no he would he would be much more awesome at night behavior sorry professor thank you doctor he's a doctor for god they're just the same are they this he could be both can you be both are you a professor as well yeah actually i am a professor as well that's true technically what does technically mean technically means a lot of different things and i don't choose to name them okay all right he's a doctor he's a professor he's everything we're playing 20 questions now so yeah i mean you were going off on ludwig for asking that guy questions he said [Laughter] there's like the pronounce how to pronounce yeah it's ludwig but but i don't go by that good wig okay you know how it's just call them ludwig it's easy who do we got coming up next number 13 i believe number 13. lucky number 13. number 13. what do you got for us coming out here all right [Music] here we go by the way let's make it really clear uh the nearest hospital are we gonna find that because uh he might hurt somebody uh-huh medical kit is in the back fly out there we we do have a doctor right here on the on the other side i feel it's slipping i tend not to let it hit myself i'd rather feel like okay so we should we should duck oh so he doesn't like you have quick reflexes though quick enough we're gonna yeah yeah so are you are you gonna do a routine with those nunchucks i'd like to um okay so anybody any of the judges any backstory like you were the russian guy you talked about russia and tetris oh yes uh did you forget forget my russian history what you like you had a it washed over you like you forgot what you did in the previous segment no he reminded me of my russian history uh with tetris uh my history with nunchucks is a lot more limited my grandma used to just call me the poor man's bruce lee when i was a kid okay she was off her meds a lot but i took it to heart and i decided to pick up the nunchucks in in his honor interesting beautiful yeah yeah this is the thing that stayed with me have you ever hit yourself with a nuts with the nunchucks yes okay it's kind of a hazard it's gonna happen was it was it it was a commuter cycles if you ride long enough you're going to fall if you chuck long enough okay were there more than three people in the room that thought it was funny only alone yeah i like to do really unsafe stuff when i'm alone yeah that sounds like embarrassed was it on purpose in that case did you do it no no okay no what once so you're gonna do a routine with the nunchucks and and okay i'd like to yeah for sure number 13 whenever you're ready for sure thank you i do dangerous shit that's pretty cool yeah i jumped through a window and no wow that's true actually that's true you did you have a history of that oh god all right [Music] is oh whoa wow that's what a flip looks like there's two one give us one more whoa oh man no way who wouldn't want to do that that was a tease but that was good that was very good wow very good number 13. do we have any x's at all on this table i'm afraid not number 13 that was phenomenal that was unbelievable i if somebody would take my place doing something i mean that was that was if you would hit your nuts once in a while it'd be funny but big airborne oh thank you so much okay do we got coming up next oh another another another chair sitter don't but don't don't call them chair sitters that's bullshit it's they're a musician i'm just gonna sit on my chair doesn't still streamers did he that's his i sit in the chair and i play like i don't i was gonna say among us but i never played that game i see i see you walking around on vr i i saw you walking earlier i know that you can do more i don't know that they can they obviously can because they're dancing and moving around playing things sorry are we gonna are you implying that you don't know if they could walk around i feel like when you see them come on the stage like that's the only time they do it like everywhere else someone's carrying i don't know if they're standing when they're outside the camera that's completely inaccurate that this is a talent that they are showing it could be like an fdr like you never know it could be it's a talent solo so there's a streaming world in the other world there's a swimming world yeah doctor you know very well or maybe this is the only world well according to according to the metaverse we'll be all on the same world soon well some of us if you get the uh like the sims 2 um you know level of graphics and interaction with the goggles that are out here i see yeah now maybe sims one level of graphical integrity yeah okay you're hung up on the graphics but not the connectivity of all mankind and everybody has no legs it's very odd it's very good it's going to take off though i think so i really do so in what year are we all floating heads 20 80 we're like 50 years too early yeah yeah we're about 50 years too early i would say so what do we got we got number uh number don't buzz unless somebody is actually here i fucking told you 14 how are you welcome to the show stop clear them all 14 how are you welcome hi hi i'm gonna punch you in the face as hard as i can hi let's go you want to go i fourteen how are you doing i i'm going to play the piano wow piano where did you learn to say wow piano that's that was it was genuine that was not genuine snatching can i do it can i take can i take can i take it again cut i'm so sad that he didn't get through wow piano um number everybody quiet yes sorry number 14 hi what are you going to do for us today i'm going to play the piano wow okay let's see that one coming don't listen to them you know i'm actually named after a pianist myself what are you playing oh i get it number 14 the only person that matters on this stage is me okay if i like what you're doing i'm worth like a hundred votes these guys are just here for fucking fluff don't listen to this bullshit yes you have a little bit of a thing that you that the package presented to us right he couldn't trust his own mind that's why there's a video we want to see the video first we'll watch the video first my name is joseph kostetsky i'm 29 and i've been running an arcade named joseph's palace for the past few years ever since i was a young boy i loved playing video games i i remember i would play marvel vs capcom 2 with all my friends at my house and we'd post tournaments i loved doing this so much that i wanted to open my own arcade and share my love of video games with the community however with arcades becoming more and more obsolete i need a better way to promote my business and because germa's fan base is so large i think i can use this channel to really promote my arcade i found germa as just another guy who likes video games especially the older ones and i feel like that makes me a good candidate for this job [Applause] don't clap don't clap that was beautiful so you own an arcade yes i own an arcade and how's that going for you so far uh not so good that's why i'm here so what what do you think that you come onto the show and get the channel and then yes convert it to some arcade players right would you stream arcade gameplay well i i view it one in the same i feel like this channel can really be a sponsor for my arcade okay you you said marvel vs capcom any other games you ever play any super smash brothers super smash bros is my uh absolute favorite would you play destiny 2 pvp stop saying that because people will use it and start writing in chat all the time okay uh what are you gonna play for us uh i'm going to play the piano okay let's let's go ahead and let you do it it's the least interesting part of you [Applause] now you pull that fucking shit back because look at how good that is so i can do it again [Music] [Music] see if he can keep a straight face [Applause] he gave me one stare [Music] number 14 thank you so much that was phenomenal thank you we're at an impasse we have two no's and uh two guesses i mean you are the third piano guy yes uh i could be convinced with an overhand amadeus uh over the top on the day it's like the song no like the movie in the movie amadeus he plays like this while he's drunk oh okay to show his skills as a virtuoso yes can can you do can you get any uh to convince these two idiots yes could could you do something else something a little bit more of a fast pace too well actually a little faster sure my problem was it was a bit too fast you see fur elise was wrote in four elise and it was actually really supposed to be a tender loving song that picked up at times like the heights of relationships but also slowed down like the lows right and i didn't feel the passion come through although the notes did right what a beautiful story okay he's got a point number 14. that was a phenomenal phenomenal time of the piano but after hearing from some of the judges i only know what video game music is what do you got he played he's played like 6 000 hours of path my favorite genre is video game music i don't understand what you're doing up there i'm just trying my best i think you got i think you got a great future ahead of you i just got i i just don't really listen to it i thought that was quite lovely quite lovely but i have a question for you that might make my decision do you have a bone spur on the left interior of your right mandible no he's a liar [Music] number 14 i'm so sorry you got a great look i think he looked at the great look you got to look at the part but apparently having a piano is an automatic no from like two people but i don't want you to quit okay what is it joseph's arcade joseph can be a big thing it can be a big thing for me i want you to know that no i'm gonna say can you hear me joseph's arcade one day it's gonna be huge and thank you just for the opportunity to get a chance to get out there wait what do we have right joseph's arcade and piano line they're going to be talking about your arcade in the big time we lost our monitor it's in the big leagues okay listen what do we have thank you thank you that was very very very much thank you i think all right very much fucking around thank you you were seriously such a great you should have been the first player you just honestly sorry it was the order yeah it was a great job yeah it really was it happened like that in squid game too but that was such a phenomenal piano the order matters the order does matter germa because it's because a good germ was lucky that's true i would you say what was my character you said i was like 10 luck in like five charisma yeah no you're you're like 10 skill okay my dnd character was what like if i were to make one i i said you would be you would put everything in charisma and everything else is a dumb step okay by the way the myriad is a great uh show going on it's myriad oh fuck off you're not getting a plug who's coming up next we got number 15 i think coming up here yeah uh 15 should be running against getting down to it getting down to it number 15 go ahead and come on out we'll uh we'll see what you got here you do hunch a little bit yeah hello 15. hello are we clear uh clear your exes by the way how how are you am i clear all right we're doing great how are you 15. 15 what what are you going to do for us today uh you got something you got no piano by the way so you can be happy i like the fumbling the fumbling is like exactly yeah i think it's just intricate can good afternoon uh my my ability is uh doing um slightly obscure impressions of people uh saying very specific things okay uh can you do any serial characters cereal characters any serial mascots like uh great that's a yes for me you don't need to impress me anymore the uh the tank yeah yeah that's very good why is there uh why do you have an accent now before i was doing you i've learned your voice but i am i'm new here so this is oh okay so you're comfortable to speak where are you from um i'm from uh stockton stock oh stock sweden yeah california oh never mind great you're from california okay california so what are you what are you going to do exactly for us today um the first one is a great shakespearean actor peter o'toole doing a rap okay i used to knew a bitch named eric wright we used to go around and fuck the hoes at night take down the motherfucking gangsters [Laughter] why are there no other accents [Applause] for halloween candy bitter honey blow pop [Laughter] charleston shoe what is that one that was good that was good yeah excellent excellent dateline keith morrison you watched dateline describing genital wart syndrome oh god somebody please awards they kind of look a little like cauliflower that is from um actual website okay um gary busey you sort of look like the gary i've heard that gary busey william defoe you know oh god but right yeah i i mean my teeth i got big teeth let's hear it i made that myself oh wait what what is what is that a piece of paper with sharpies oh it's paper i thought it was actually fake teeth he looks like uh jim carrey from donald trump all right all right the imposter is sass i took it back i'm sorry you have to say no that was great because i you know at the end of the day impressions are great but germa really defaults to one always and it says donald trump can you do it donald can you do a donald trump could you do donald trump saying that you're a better streamer than germa is what have we got one ex [Music] let me try and bring you to my side i'm 100 yes number one right a hundred percent yeah you to me you're the next german you had a serial mascot character that's a huge point that's like nine out of ten we're almost there all of your references are dated i don't know what you're talking about i have not a single clue and that's the extra point to get to tense oh that's good you know how do you know how harrison ford he's like still he was interested how do you not know where harrison ford is still making movies yeah for like old women okay so so what you you're you're a yes i yes you have something else you were going to say can you do fantastic can you do can you do a yoda [Music] doctor doctor what do you think about this hello smelling number 15 um i i i'm afraid it's gonna have to be a no but i thank you for your accuracy number 15. it looks like we've got three no's please i'm begging you you're the only one who can turn this give me a one sentence pitch on why i should switch i i think i gave some pretty good reasons i'm defaulting back to serial character all of his references just because you know what i think germa is intimidated by him being good at the stuff he's not good at hey no no just because you know what a serial character is does not mean that you should take over your channel you know what it's a ludwig oh sorry i got double x i didn't mean to tease you like that number 15. goodbye i'm so sorry thank you it was a pleasure though i loved tony the tiger you just watched but just because you know what a serial character that doesn't mean oh you know what tony the tigers have left you know the last one right now that was like i can't wait for this one right i can't do it it's like tony tiger at the end i was all that was all 16 that what what do you wait no no wait i don't know what are you doing here connor hey yeah i know everybody just had chances when they come back okay maybe uh i don't have a talent or anything no no go go go connor go well i yeah no for sure man uh oh is it red oh connor you have your own listen play the sad music i'm 5 8 with shoes dog hey hey wait connor connor stay with me play the sad musically connor you're a young guy and you've got to think a great future in front of you i'm 37. i'm 45 years older than you i think that you have a lot of comedy you have a lot of really good sticks and i think you're a really nice guy but you ain't me and you never will be be you and be the best you that you get is that is that one x or three that's all there is if you start crying i think you've got a great future you're a really young smart man and like security i mean i'm pretending to cry right now but like he should never have gotten up here he should have been removed immediately understand anybody like we all cry on these shows security should have taken about immediately no what's going on thank you for the opportunity yeah there was no opportunity in the first place you have conor mcgregor read the room you're your own you're your own channel you don't need another channel unless you want to try your yoda oh he's got a yoga [Music] all right we've got some more deliberation to do ladies and gentlemen we'll be right back i think i'm looking at the right camera for part three of who will i can't who who is gonna be drama next shut up who will replace me you should call it 986. no so we'll replace me coming back soon in a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right okay okay seeing a little bit of uh people talk about number 15 seeing 15 bring 15 back where's 15 we had a deliberation we have four judges 15 was eliminated and that's how you have to handle that 15 impressions are one thing but demeanor way that you talk way that you act you can't just say oh 15 should go through he was a great guy he was really funny don't oh you say that now what you voted no too well to tack on dreamer memory you were talking about how he medically just doesn't even line up medically he has bone spur reserve um here's the thing um in order to play german he has to have the physical as well as the exactly and listen to the doctor for god's sakes he's a doctor well well they're probably americans they don't do that no yeah and i mean i mean obviously the thing to match jeremy is just be a total maniac but but but you know on the other side you have to survive him well what you mean like many like i'm a funny guy right like like surviving germa yeah that sounds maniacal um the total loony yeah wacko job like yeah okay all right superman 15 is gone he was funny he was nice but maybe didn't have what it took to be the next 985 so what we're going to do now to narrow it down even more we have to be certain the final round until you yes you vote for who is the next german 985 we're going to bring out the contestants that we pass through and they are going to read a very important passage the germacraft copy pasta passage however they do it we are going to vote for it how well they do it how smartly how energetically we are going to vote for them as well this is the final round to the final whoever goes through this round it's not the final round it's the final round and then you get to decide who wins we're going to narrow this down to three to be clear you can't decide 15 wins the penultimate round is here let's let's see uh goddess guys can we please bring out number one to read the germa craft coffee pasta to see if they have what it takes yeah i'm just glad to see you read the ancient text hello hello welcome back hello why do you have like a like a like a water like office water like a dixie cup cider it's cider okay are you ready to read the german coffee pasta number one you've made it this far are you ready is it an iphone 12 max or 11 max say that iphone who cares android doesn't matter the private sponsorship i have shut up hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft the series where i play minecraft this is gonna be a single player let's play and when i say let's play i use that term pretty loosely because i am an idiot in this game you're going to see lots of fails you're going to see lots of triumphs at least i'm open so go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee a cup of cocoa i got apple cider right here freshly brewed let me take a sip it's a good cider oh you nailed it man i would not watch you play minecraft why would you play why would i why would you watch me play minecraft it's a fucking horrible content i mean either of you based on what i just heard i'm not watching you if you okay number one yes if you took over yes what would be your number one video game to play on the first day man that is a good question minecraft maybe no no i don't want to press it i don't want to press it no no no say anything else number one please you get a redo that's a really good question uh don't say dark souls either because nobody got through this tutorial i'm just kidding don't say that either it's a good gag but for real though rand were to live forever and you took it off um you know first game you'd play death's door holy shit that's a pass for me i don't even know what that is oh you got to play death's door the bird why the bird the bird so good that's the bird yeah you know what this is yeah what's death's door you're a bird and it's like a roguelike and you got to go around and maybe other guys that made titan souls i don't know if you ever played that yeah you're kind of like a reaper bird chat it wasn't made 40 years ago so you might have missed it nobody saves the world that's that's another one maybe i would play you heard of this one jeremy's known for a lot of his bigger streams what big ideas would you bring to the table in 2022 and 2023 exactly wow that's really putting me on the spot um let's see uh maybe outside how about uh while i would be playing i would also be getting a massage okay he goes through okay are we all getting a question i think if you have a question asking me that's what the massage that's funny that's actually funny that's funny if you could approve upon one thing the current german might not excel at what do you think you could do better i don't think i would stutter as much oh shit okay i am getting close to president hey they asked you know i'm sorry i i that was good i like i want i want hey look at me and i want it good and i want it now look at me he goes on welcome to the final round number one fuck yeah i love that guy number one goes on to the final to let the first guy go through but he should say well it was so good it was i it was that it was actually very good maybe i'm going to start i'm going to hit the next day with harder questions please do tougher questions so number two we got uh coming out here we have a package for number two uh i guess some life story or something we have to hear like all these shows do you hear their fucking life story great i can't wait to hear that life story and everybody cry good play i'm austin s faulkner and i've been running a farm for the last 30 years down in the heart of the country i come from a long lineage of farmers and we've owned this plot of land for the last 200 years and running it with my wife abby and my two sons gregory and johnny has been an absolute joy gregory my youngest absolutely loves this guy shouting phrases like look at me and my ass at the dinner table i don't quite know what that means but my son keeps telling me that this guy is a millionaire saying things like this on the internet every week teaching today's youth how to properly run a farm through my streaming would be a dream come true and i heard that jeremy's retiring so i feel like i'm the right man for the job [Music] okay so let's go ahead all right let's bring out number two number two welcome to the stream how are you welcome for the third time i'm doing well you got a farm we just heard about that yeah it's a beautiful farm should come visit some time i would love to be retiring right hey fresh milk we could trade we could trade spots you could run the farm i could run your channel hey that's easy 25 goes to me are you not concerned how the farm would end up if germa were in control uh i think it'd be a lot of more uh on uh on the farm all right yeah true he said [Music] sorry anyway if you want to do your monologue can we please hear germa craft copy pasta please and it better be fucking good hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the very first episode of germacraft the series where i play minecraft now this is going to be a single player let's play and when i say let's play i use that term [Music] because i'm an idiot in this game now you're going to see a lot of fails and a lot of triumphs i'm hoping so grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee hot cup of cocoa i got a glass of apple cider right here freshly brewed let me take a sip some really good that's good cider it's a really good fix noise faces that was a good sip noise all right thank you thank you that was a very good sip noise thank you i appreciate that so we got we got two and two here yeah can i feel the question i would love to feel the questions yeah yeah for sure i think a lot of german's content revolves around creative ideas what would you do about the situation in ukraine right now jesus christ um that's a kind of a touchy subject uh but uh just say look at me and it'll be fine yeah i'll just say uh look at me look at me no that that's what you do that you go to ukraine you go look at me look at me distracted from all their problems now you know what biden and putin kiss in harmony oh boy yeah i talked to the police doctor i think he's got what it takes well i'm sure that he's arrived farm fresh i i do think that you have talent i i just don't know if it's the kind of idiocy that we need oh no but uh what the fuck yeah i'm gonna remain a no based on your foreign policy no hey well i tried number two you were such a great presence i you guys don't know anything what do you know about me we gotta eliminate someone all right and this guy's just walking around look at me like anyone can do it am i the next germa can i chime in this man's 36 with no kids yeah you have a future ahead of you yeah and it's your family there's a reason he's able to do this at 36 yeah because he doesn't have one so we want someone who comes in to also not have a family that is more important i don't want to be tied down with real world issues you got to play video games all day what a loser would do you're a winner thank you i appreciate that i got 10 years on everybody at this table besides of course the wonderful doctor it depends on what you mean 10 years on that's true you're going to take 10 years from all of us all right i don't have kids but you know i'm thinking i'm thinking about it i've you know i'm 36 37 this year you know you think about kids one day one day one day maybe we can have one soon get your hands off of me before i switch seats with turn your ex off before we get in trouble by production all right number four please come on number four for your german crap copy pasta what's cat dog cat dog you okay before you go everybody has put you through but me yeah and you're doing like a really like caveman interpretation of my channel and me and it's so true i don't i don't think that's like appropriate i don't think i'm that stupid but you made it all the way to the bottom do you think i'm stupid i don't think you're stupid what do you think i am i think you're very smart okay i'm like walking in phoenix and joking thank you number four oops can you give us a germacraft copy pasta please if i may please hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft this is the series where i play minecraft this is a single player let's play and when i say let's play i use that term pretty loosely because i am an idiot in this game you're going to see lots of fails you're going to see lots of triumphs at least i'm hoping so go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee hot cup of cocoa i got apple cider right here freshly brewed let me take a ship that's good i thought he was pretty good let me take a shit yeah but he's got a mic he's got a microphone and he's sean connery was it take never mind was it was it what no no way no way you don't put this guy all the way through and then get him out in the last round there was no dog mark where was the meow i thought it was a ship no it's not a ship but you you're actually pretty good you're actually really good i don't know if i agree with these three okay so i'm sorry we wanted to get him through you whine and convict now we want to eliminate him and you're wanting convection but or do you want to tell us what to do that was a good german crap coffee pasta hit it with some questions tell me okay convince me if you were okay so you're at you're in line at the dunkin donuts drive-through your number four in line good question good question it's a good question you're number four in line you're at dunkin donuts donkeys yeah you want a large iced blueberry with easy ice you're number four in line do you when you get to the counter are you happy or are you sad how do you interact with the barista at dunkin donuts i thought the question would be because i'm number four and all i've ever wanted to be is number one germa and i'm sad for the blueberries because the blueberries didn't have to die for me what right why are they dying they deserve to live why are you saying right okay and are you crazy i'm sad that they would serve it to me i would agree to serve it to me but wait would you drink the whole thing in an hour fuck yeah it takes me six hours to drink coffee i drink a full coffee in about six or seven hours that is true also what was the whole blueberry thing are we gonna just glaze over that he was sad for the blueberries but i mean you harvest them you take them you take their lives you know no do you take their lives i don't i mean you're a vegan sorry doctor do blueberries have sentient lives i think they're plants um and i i have to tell you that you know i i don't know if you uh are able to uh go through for me i'd love to send you through you know what i can do i can actually give you a referral for therapy okay yeah if you need it and it's i'll be right back here in the back of the stage after the show okay that's great okay sir yeah so like some so that's one two a doctor is that a no oh oh there it is okay number four okay i don't know you're i think you're out number four i think that's always new to see i got it i'm sorry i'm sorry motherfucker don't pray don't miss it but don't be so mad by the way my car is not in the parking lot so i don't like here my car is not in the parking lot i i think his car is in the parking lot if you want to keep his feet he's got a he's got a green sedan and it's uh it's got a vanity plate it says uh path of exile do you know like two things about me and one of them's not even true i don't i don't have a driver's license oh you fought me out because you've i've known you for so long i know you're better than anyone that's with the path guys uh can we uh can we bring out number eight please uh eight should be coming out right now you have the big sus guy license plate with your jeep wrangler [Music] number eight yeah all right there it is all right made it all the way to here [Music] hi number eight welcome back hello hello we are ready to hear your germacraft copy pasta interpretation hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft series where i play minecraft he forgot his life so when i say let's play i uh very loosely because it was just an idiot at this game it's going to be a lot of triumphs a lot of fails or at least i'm hoping i pulled back i want to reiterate something he said yeah it's going to be a lot of triumphs a lot of fails i'm hoping he's hoping for a lot of fails entertainment that's entertainment value he's right i don't think that's all right what have we got i think he is tarnishing your legacy why but what i would never by miss speaking you mixed up a couple words you had to look but it's hard no one has had to look you had to look i gotta call it alex we probably can't get that back yeah um i'm just bringing a different new twist everyone's looking for like what's the new about the new german new jersey i honestly let me be honest with you play it play the play the crying music if you could i think that's not crying music they can only cry to the song music crime music please i think that honestly you came up with with the piano you had he had the rats number one piano guy he had the ah he had the right the rat song he knew the rat song who who knew the rat song out of anybody here i'm i don't he's the only one that knew the rat song and he did it by ha [Applause] it's it's hard to cry i must admit i felt something for the rats i did that's why you were always a yes for me i think you've convinced me his past failures make up for his current failures how do we get you two on board [Music] oh do you want to do the rat song again wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] what color is your hair your color your hair looks kind of black i'm pretty sure it's your color it's just the lighting i didn't pick that up the first few minutes you didn't you didn't pick that up that is it's obviously brown i can't fix it it's kind of black it's kind of black oh jeremy you're on my side oh your hair is black your hair is black get the fuck out of here jeremiah you're come on some hair dye you heard him get the fuck out of here man don't do it like that sorry i'm sorry i got upset your hair eyes behave yourself it was at four nose i'll take mine back just to be able to say to chat that i backtracked and i didn't give you a note because i want to make sure people know that i'm like on both sides and i never am part of any argument that i always am on both sides of every argument so everyone agrees with me every time you know so thank you for coming appreciate it thank you always always correct on every argument you know no i never on one side or the other when i'm on everybody's side you know i loved the song though it was a great song see you on broadway only person that knew the rat song thank you so much you fuck you fuck you for not knowing that i just didn't know you had black hair i thought it was one yeah that's a shame i hate those can we bring out number nine please welcome welcome back thank you how are you feeling great still shaking a little bit it might have been the three cups of coffee i've had today but hey yeah we're here we're here and we're partying but not the crack that we all smoked before going nevermind go ahead whenever uh if you want to do number nine if you want to do german craft copy pasta i hope you i hope you're prepared i am prepared uh that right there there's a camera here does it get the cameras all over you number nine hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft the series where i play minecraft this is going to be a single player let's play and when i say let's play i use that term pretty loosely because i'm an idiot in this game you're gonna see lots of fails you're gonna see lots of triumphs at least i'm hoping so go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee a cup of cocoa i got apple cider right here freshly brewed let me take a sip that's some good china that was amazing amazing that was amazing amazing number nine i have one question okay do you brew cider is that like a thing you can yeah i mean like people brewing why would he know this because he's going to be the next germa you know i i the answer to that question i would brew my own cider and i would just figure it out but you just got a pie in the face clown gotcha clown guy can you get your hands off me you clown you've been touching me all day i can't put my hands down thank you very much that was sharp he backed you up did you hear that what do you think i said is that the clown he backed you up real quick oh excuse me number nine you got no exes wow yeah we had some safety concerns oh i think i don't appreciate that he's a dick i'm concerned about another like like you're a suck-up germa that you're just gonna take over where he left off and not improve at all okay like you're really like thank you for that yeah doctor uh sir uh could you just turn around in a circle for a minute please thank you okay there was no reason for that oh okay that's great it was just just one but uh happy to see you did you like what you saw the real drummer has a diamond dinosaur dumpling so honestly you're an inspiring performer and i'm excited to see you in the final round thank you so much congratulations you guys thank you thank you good luck sir you're in chat's hands i think we're up clear number ten come on out oh well it's left sir it's hot mike is hot how's it going it's good how are you guys doing finals who would have thought yeah number 10. yeah you're the what you're the you're the lion you're back uh farting that's right i am the backbone man yeah i think that's on brandon sorry for keeping you here oh uh what what it's okay a lot of people got to go home by now so well you know i'm chilling i'm doing great okay okay well you know back farting was one thing i'm excited to see you do this coffee pasta if you want to yeah let's do it what you got the floor hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft the series where i play minecraft this is going to be a single player let's play and when i say let's play i use that term pretty loosely because i am an idiot in this game you're going to see lots of fails lots of triumphs at least i'm hoping so grab yourself a hot cup of cocoa hot cup of coffee i have apple cider right here freshly brewed let me take a sip cider he made sound effect he made a sound effect i i like the tea very effectively well you know to me it was just more of like like an npr read you know like i'm listening to radio and they're about to introduce the next song more than a in a let's play let's play you know so i i it's tough because you got the bar you get the back farting you got the look you got the energy i just i don't know if you got what it takes to be able to order four sandwiches for mcdonald's to eat it and shit your pants really what makes you say that i do something about it i'm so sorry i'm sorry you missed me yesterday you're pretty fucking vicious what is your mcdonald's order if i could ask you my mcdonald's yeah that's four big macs and uh two flurries that's it that's all i need that's not bad for that no i i think the fries are actually pretty overrated there no lie yeah i i have a question for germa sure i think this needs to be cleared up and should have been cleared up earlier how many takes did you do on the original minecraft episode one before you were like that's the one how many takes i can tell like the way it's written i can tell like you were it was bubbling you know like you didn't do it first take i mean it was worth 10 takes er look let me be real to the entire audience watching every youtuber that you've ever heard in your whole life they spend two fucking hours doing their intro and they hate it they hate every single take they do hello ladies welcome to episode one of germacraft they fucking retake it 10 times because what and you hated his first take let's get a second take second take two take tyler i appreciate the opportunity thank you hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to episode one of jordan it's the same it's the same it's the same no it's not let them go let them go let's get one more from the top please from the top from the top and really think about it i pull it back and you're under water and you're and you're fine you're having plenty of fun you're numbered number 10 you're underwater underwater [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one how are you talking underwater how are you talking about people this is unrealistic it was like subnautica or something like that no it's minecraft like unrealistic ways to like go about this this is like before it makes sense if he's underwater i think honestly i think you have what it takes unfortunately these two knuckleheads well it's two two i know these two wait what are you doing what are you doing is that a is it a nose there that's a no no okay um so number ten i think you really have what it took oh well thank you very much sir i heard you wax poetic i heard you talk from the heart i heard intelligence of a new degree so no way it's your fucking hand that's fair thank you i appreciate that doctor wait wait wait don't be dead you haven't cried yet you know i um i came out here just a couple years ago to make a career at twitch because i i just love you know i mean you're such a young audience and they're really yeah they'll give you tons of attention yeah you know stroke the ego and i i'm just looking for that yeah that's how you win it now when you're still not crying you just you're quite happy cry though yeah i know it's fucking sad i feel your pain it's sad you're crying make sure you like put it on like the screen that he's crying so we get extra ratings or something people like people cry on these shows oh god hey buddy you have what it takes for what it takes to be a shining star somewhere in your life dr schmuckson please diagnose him don't give up sir wgbh is looking oh that's not even that's boston he's right pbs is your pbs can we please send out number 13. if they're still working these buzzers reset the buzzers if we click [Music] hey so so groovy this is getting me in the mood okay thirteen sure i was gonna get a great smile hi thirteen how are you doing well how are you doing what thirteen you made it all the way to the end how do you feel surprised surprised but with the nunchucks in the nuts that was a great joke i i didn't think it was gonna uh you know make the cut don't think so no no but i'm pleasantly surprised it was a good pre-planned joke uh and i liked it a lot and sometimes you got to think fasten your feet do the pog face pog what's the pog he's got it don't even are you serious is that it that's a pogba face he did it right he's like no he's doing this oh he's going he the that's literally it right there that's it that's it that's it hold that hold that you cannot buzz him he he took him five seconds that was good that was good he took him five seconds good all right number 13. if you could do the german craft coffee pasta i would love to hear hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first episode of german craft the series i play minecraft now this is going to be a single player let's play about when i use that term let's play i use that term loosely because i am an idiot in this game now you're going to see lots of triumphs lots of fails even more triumphs well at least i'm hoping so so let's grab a nice hot cup of coffee nice hot cup of cocoa i got a nice hot cup of cider right here it's invisible but freshly brewed oh that's good cider i think i think coming in with a christopher walken is actually pretty brave he dropped it halfway through because i mean you might have but seriously if you come in with a walk-in it's going to be good and that was a good walk-in it started was great that was a huge german uh you if you if you do germa craft coffee pasta walk-in uh-huh wow that's at least five or six extra points we're off to a good start yes we are can we get uh can you do like can you do like the cowbell routine just just to be sure i'm ready i'm ready to know you don't press the button i got a fever and the only prescription is more germa okay gotta have it gotta have it yeah he's got a christopher my pants on one leg at a time nobody busts this guy the only difference is after i've got my pants on i replace germa okay he's got a he's got an absolutely that's better than my trump that's better than my bernie that's better than myself is that jrr walking oh that's phenomenal number 13. i don't really i mean cat please everybody can't please everyone he said himself don't know i'm kidding he's talking about i'm good i'm happy i took it back i took it back it was the moment number 13 you've made it to the final three that is the final great celebration i'm sorry i'll take it back guys again celebration jog in place thank you very much we do have our five three done we are we are i think we have our actual final fruit all right i love to hear that so we're going to take one final break and then guess what you decide on who replaces me on german 985 slash german 985 we'll be right back in about 2-3 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're back uh if we could please bring the uh three finalists out on stage please if we could that would be one and nine and thirteen hello one nine and thirteen how are you you are the finalists for who will replace me german 995 on my twitch channel how do you feel very well good good shaking shaking well unfortunately the judges here now no longer have a say because it's now your say they don't have a mic but that's okay everybody in the chat right now there will be a poll to decide of these three 1 9 and 13. who takes the germa 985 moniker there will be a poll in chat it's for you to decide you get the final decision one nine or thirteen maybe look forward to the poll maybe maybe maybe give some pizzazz at the end you know give a little show them why you deserve it one go ahead one what do you got right nine what do you got 13 what are you doing is it batman was that jojo oh josh i am [Music] we've got a very this is ridiculous okay come on what's up all right right now between one percentage point germa i'm looking at this one percentage point it's narrow one vote could take this one vote is deciding who wins number nine can you step forward one move back now thank you number one step forward two step left three step right three cha cha daddy oh real smooth step back and and so back okay what are we at right now for the poll let's see it this is your german 985 you are deciding right now [Music] one nine or thirteen future one of the biggest channels on all of twitch my goodness gracious i think it's gonna double the projections i don't know i don't know what to even do all three of these guys are a better pick for german on a5 absolutely and i don't want you guys to forget us no when you ascend to godhood i would love to collab still because i think i'll be even bigger you see totes collab that's great ladies and gentlemen we have the winner it's charming toast the winner of the who will replace me germa 985 show is number one step forward now step back number nine step forward it's number 13. number 13 is the winner for the whole world replacement drama 995. [Applause] number 13. 55 of the vote unbelievable majority it was a it was a majority new germa new germa this is incredible [Applause] i love this guy [Music] wait a second wait what [Music] you think you have what it takes to be me you think you do i know well that's interesting because if you think that you have what it takes to be me then you need to have what it takes to beat me because you're going against the master now you gotta go against one to be one me everybody understands this i'm not going to let this channel go very very loosely we had like a like a process oh there's a process the process is i got to see if you have what it really takes ladies and gentlemen if you think you've got what it takes we will find out right now uh on you think you can beat me you think you can beat me i know i can beat you i don't know what i'm going to do you know you could beat me go ahead and cue the music good good luck weird monopoly man like a swedish monopoly man what is planned you guys synchronize this are you doing it so well nobody beats me at my own game this is incredible [Music] these moves whoa whoa new jeremiah canceled something's happening can you do this though number 13. there's no window sure there's no window oh oh perfectly excellent i don't think so i don't think so like if andrew garfield swinging what's the boat say what's up chatters you decide new german or old germa which one you picking sweat [Music] nobody replaces me nobody i'll be here forever this hardly seems fair no that's not how it works what do you mean no just get the fuck out of here fuck up eater fuck it no fuck off you lose sweet what was that six hours get the fuck out just go fucking back why are we all here if you were just gonna walk on stage just go fuck off no it's you you you decided you come to the show and you beat me for a little while and i win no no it's called being a sore loser ah no it's not this needs to be fixed really judges why what can we do what power do we have ludwig you know pop get the fuck fucked up for this yeah what a fucking week it's my life your life listen what do you want to fuck are you going to fight what do you think it's fucking funny is he ready to throw he thinks oh yeah he could take me too oh you think he'd take me yeah that's fun yeah let's get this shit off fuck off idiot no this is good this is good tv if it works for jake paul it'll work for us i'm actually pissed off because like this guy thinks he's fucking got what it takes okay you want to fucking go okay it's off let's go oh shit give me that fucking number what is this these pants are too fucking tight oh come on uh okay all right get involved let's go 13. i'm rooting for you baby shut up plug those pants off [Laughter] your team baby i don't know which one's which real journal come here what who else should i do hey there you go that's real german no no wait wait let's cut the shit can you thirteen can you stop for a moment he's not fucking through there can you stop for a moment he's gotta be firing he's gotta be i'm i'm jeremy no don't listen no yeah can you can you this is the actor i you the real deal okay do the thing do the thing like prove it do the thing you do german do the thing you do i can fucking do that obviously i've known you dr schmoyer that i've known for a long time yes it's him what absolutely no this guy this gets boys you can still see hours we're going to pick this right now okay no it's me it's me it's not this idiot we're going to figure we hired this guy we're going to figure out who it is there is no reason for violence over here going out of the way all right all we have to do please please doctor you know look at me guns hurt stir i've lived for 10 years we've eyes tf2 look at me look at me look at me that's me i just want you to know you can google all that he knows nothing i could tell who it was the whole time what oh you shot good job you shot him ah you fucker i'm gonna haunt you for the rest of my life don't listen to this fraud ah somebody call an ambulance no we don't need it no you're a doctor just gonna help you hey it's all right we shot the fake german real germa you we can't you're back baby we can't i'm sorry he's trying to mess with you i'm sorry i tried to mess with you why that guy is me i don't know he did it okay joe you you can't do this well guys new german real german real german real drama let's get this imposter out of here thank you germa [Music] oh my god yeah this guy hit it looking forward to playing lots of minecraft epic fails even more epic crimes what can i say happy fails and fun jeremy's back baby glad we got that imposter though that was scary i think we're clear [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 208,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma and ster, jerma and star, jerma and ludwig, jerma and etalyx, jerma who will replace me, who will replace me jerma, jerma live stream, jerma talent show, jerma live action, jerma live, jerma bit, jerma's got talent
Id: Qr7d3ZRk7sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 241min 21sec (14481 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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