Jerma Streams - Cooking Simulator (Part 2)

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okay I am back so we're gonna hang out I believe what is the possess des conference it's in like an hour right 4:00 p.m. Pacific so in like two hours okay so I'm gonna play cooking simulator we're gonna lick pick up right where I left off in the mean time and then we're gonna do the pathetic conference and then that's probably I don't think I'm gonna do devolver cuz if Oliver every year kind of has it's not necessarily a live conference right it's kind of like a edited video they do like a little a special thing right but I'll be back tomorrow for square enix and what's going on what the hell's they doing and would be soft right we'll do that tomorrow as well let's get cooking simulator open mommy just chill by the way remind me when we're like 10 minutes out because I will forget and I will be late to the to the conference let's get it open you should see it on the screen very shortly like quezon right now hailer it is no one tell him anything you have to remind me I'm not gonna be able to remember are we still doing the floor soup yes corporate what do you in corporate streamer which is sooo feared right they 12 balance which one is it this one right he's not gonna no no I'm paying attention I got a clock right in front of it what's this bow hold on loud loud loud loud there we go that's better it's not as loud now okay so for those of you have no idea what the hell's going on you maybe just just still hang it out here after the Microsoft conference uh-huh this is a soup house and I got Poland with stuff already going on duck broth already got that made right why the eggs in here well there's oil in there still why what's going on all right here we go the duck is right here I got my duck broth right here and it's just few pieces of this right alright that's done full or organization yeah I I our pre-made a bunch of this shit and okay I don't know why it's doing this I just lost Fame for that that's I'm reloading that's bullshit that's absolutely fucking stupid how long till the des des just about two hours I do not deserve that let's try this again grab the soup grab a few pieces of duck okay some of the pieces of duck don't stay in I don't know why I can't I don't know why you get to can I put three in here all right these are all in here they're not moving go oh my fucking god I can't do anything about it I can't I'm gonna lose Fame every time you saw I tried I really did all right if we go I need to make a pork chop grab it do I have one ready I got one of these ready what is it uh eight what huh eight I don't remember it's eight yeah eight Chive yeah um this probably much people that are just like what the hell are you doing why is everything on the floor this game I just like throw it at him what just happened what's going on did it dump it know if dumped it died was forward dumping they didn't patch it this makes no sense they did not patch out the floor soup no way it's only been like two days okay come on I'm gonna start with the pork chops first pork chop grab one get this seasoned up it is for salt for pepper there it is for salt there's already a pork chop out here but whatever I can use it later and then it's time right six time yeah if this thing falls off a plate I'm gonna go play pick Ross okay how much oil is plenty of oil this plenty of oil in the pan already turn on get this cooked up already have the potatoes ready all right that's going on potatoes are already done over here I have my potato section right right here they're good and then okay now the duck this should be I don't know why this is not working they definitely did not patch this somebody go look at their notes is it if you have food that's been sitting out for more than four days doesn't just disappear pull it up okay it's still it's fine got it finally see it's fine that's like a four-star meal Bachelor gonna flip this in a few seconds bacio comes in next no another duck some of these pieces just don't stay in that's the issue okay this is good - yeah the strategy here is the game doesn't really care that much if your food is four or five days old so I just made a ton of shit in event got it okay what's next what was it no it's fish fish fish a fish that'll be done soon and I got the plate I got the trout I want to get this off there we go it's a pepper or thyme dill almost every time every time dill dill dill dill dill oh shit that's pepper again what how did I just do that how did I just do that I don't know how I even just did that that's cuz this two peppers and it was dill dill dill dill I think I can have it out Cayenne salt was dill well I gotta take this out I need a slate come here all right potatoes six right I need to make more of these it's not mold on it that's just spices it's seasoning I no need to make the trout I have a little to work fast on this one come on fine I don't care this is why I don't have a dill did I lose the dill do I have to buy dill again did I throw it away okay get us in the oven okay come on get in there Oh pick it up okay that's gonna cook and then I need a lemon how's that going that's doing fine where's my knife I threw it the last time I played somewhere shit this is not good didn't I throw it out the window I think I threw the knife out the window last night I have no idea I gotta buy one though okay get that cutting before is good the plate which one's gonna be done first I gotta flip that oh fuck cook you cooking thank you okay get this out and then what's the little herb that goes on it parsley I don't remember it's parsley eight six presentation is lacking but it's okay that was pretty good I didn't put horseradish on it how well well I still to make one porkchop look tomato soup I got that ready to go I have a lot of tomato soups actually don't do anything that looks fucking for gross it's not gross it's called preparation tuna cake this is almost done open okay this is salt and pepper and that's it right let's get this out of plate plate and I don't have any potatoes yeah I do same fucking thing sorry we ran out of potato chips we have baked potatoes didn't lose any fame that's fine all right let's get this tuna right salt and pepper 5 grams you got it doc I got that ready to go Ouiser there it is 1 2 3 4 5 stick it salt I wouldn't eat here yes you would oh shit a little too much it's ok rolling on the grill for how long 80 seconds aside throw it on the grill now we need lemon cut into slices four slices of lemon I got that okay one two three whatever I can clean him up tonight look I can play my watches ready how much more time almost time any more food that came in or is it just this no doc I need to make more duck broth there's the guy with the horn [Music] plus one I need that's all time just a Reagan Oh twig on top not shit salmon this is salt and pepper good thing I have one ready to go here say four or five five start a fire what's the salt running a kitchen is way too hard why funny I thought it was salt but what what's going on why am i what fucking weird mystery world is this I don't understand why was it it was already salt and pepper on it I don't when did I do that oh did I do I must have done that like five days ago well this is no they'll be fine they don't wanna clean us though all right ten oil that's good enough alright get it in there one hour inside alright then I the potatoes I still have potatoes cooked how's this doing it's a deep bowl no I don't want that I got to turn this halfway right it's late okay then we have the lemon for lemon slices 1 2 3 4 good for get on there no ok 4 and oregano what the hell is it right down here eat up almost five stars Sam I need to be flipped right now just do it right it's literally right next to me just like slingshot it I was just more like anymore I got the potatoes already gonna play two baked potatoes and any nothing else right no just wait for this to be done grab it up and then go cook the piano what piano chop the potatoes Nigel look let's look at the picture it's too big potatoes that's it potato that's it my inventory is low on soup I gotta get ready for that what am I missing duck broth okay I got 11 minutes I gotta make I got plenty of tomato how much you spot you do I have all right run along despacho I'm gonna make duck broth duck breast and gazpacho let's get that going duck broth so I need water 1.3 liters what do you mean I can't pronounce can't pronounce what no not yet I need a other shit in here I need a carrot is what's it a carrot and an onion and then the duck breasts that's it right carrot onion and then two duck breasts and then salt the hell out of it what if I just put like five duck breasts in here and then have them forever I'll never have to cook these ever again I get like five okay now move it around a little just so I can did you guys pull the water out okay fifty fifty milliliters of duck breast okay this is good right I gotta salt the water too don't forget that how much time do I got plenty I had a loaf of bread ten that's enough salt let's go these are good these are all cooking good good good all right now we're gonna do gazpacho do I remember the dicta that this was brought to you I can't even say that fucking word let's see if I remembered it was two cucumbers three tomatoes a loaf of bread I forget the rest is it - bell peppers are three bell peppers I think it's three and that's it right where's there an onion and then one onion oh no it's just garlic garlic that's it and then I go over here grant grind it up okay then I had this shit I think it's thirty of this right and then was the other one it's like some kind of oil give me a break okay three this is fucking dumb the whole thing wouldn't spill it's salt pepper and then there's an oil with my oil right here okay and then 10 salt n pepper grind it up again that's dill oh shit oh my god okay it's done yeah right laughs everybody laugh the fleas laughs please clap alright it's done that's good it's just sitting there a little overcooked on the onions but some people like crispy onions that looks good don't need more than two we 122 50 that's good put this down for a minute I've already two more three more let's find out this might be it can I get one more in here okay that's good that should be enough almost almost laid it perfectly these are all capped up all right now I got the duck broth how much time why I got plenty of time this is fine all right I want to put the broth over here where it was before that's tomato let's get this over here I need like three or four more plates plates do not break any more right yeah I got that upgrade just get him over there I gotta be careful though cuz I will I will knock over all the tomato soup lime one more okay let's set him up move that frame rate I think I'm gonna cook like five tuna steaks too if I have time let's get all these out so I can cut them with my cutting board we're gonna skimp the absolute fuck out of this - I'm gonna have duck breasts for like a month it's gonna be great the onions doesn't need it that's fine I mean a knife nice and thin nice and thin ready check it that's so much duck all right put the knife down so tender it's all gonna fit on here it's not just give me hold on let me get another I need to get another plate that's not gonna happen I had a big plate here we go that's raw no this is what duck is supposed to look like you've had duck before it looks like this that's a couple more pieces of duck on the table it doesn't yes it does duck is like green in the middle it's not okay got my duck ready my broth is ready to be poured into the bowls is there an extra duck breast under there nice there is all right 200 they already see if I can spread that around five to fifty 20 380 Estill it'll more what's mine this one needs a little more let's transfer some of this into here and then I'm gonna cook up like a bunch of meat too easy with this don't fucking drop it all right so I got my broth I got one more breast in here where is it cut it up oops let's make this one even thinner I want paper-thin slices of duck it's still gonna minute left Jeremy no wait why not you trick your brain into think there's more food this is really good technique I'm telling you did that not even cut now I did okay haha that looks pretty good I would eat this so you got two different kinds of duck you got like breast meat and like thigh meat all right what's time to go uh what I need to do before this continues okay I got time you in the beginning 130 bucks I have a bunch of time in the beginning of this day - uncooked a versus cooked some people want raw meat I want more time at the beginning of the day maybe Fame points let's see how much is it for more time during the day better tips fast repairs uh easier where is it extended cleaning phase extended preparation phase here we go yeah that's important and then I'm gonna do the fame one more Fame points where is it where is it come on this one right here alright shitty fame is still fame yeah few day any publicity is good publicity right people really like our salmon steak and boiled potatoes so it's our dish of the day alright that's I'm gonna make like ten over okay let's get two burners going three burners going I can change the music that's good triple burner ten Oriole in each one little bit no that's fine oops okay got oil in each one let's get three salmon steaks out here one two three potatoes I'm gonna boil the fuck out of a bunch of potatoes - okay we need potatoes in the back I only have one potato so let's fill a pot with potatoes water and salt from the floor to your mouth yes it's 2020 salt or tensile I think it's 20 okay I'm gonna fit as many as I could fit in this jar potato here we go right how many can I fit in here I need at least this many that's I don't think I can fit much more no okay that's all I can fit and he's gonna cook let's hope so all right get em all going wait no no no yet yeah just pour the potatoes are these cooking some of them are give me them on whatever I'll just move them around it's fine all right I need my salmon steaks salt and pepper on each one of these throw it in there how much salt is in each one 5 and 5 right most of the puke faces salt assault I always just lose all my shit where's my salt I need an assistant to take care of this shit for me all right get him in the pants turn them on ready here we go one two three one to why is one of the left look dirty all right potatoes that are almost done I think most of them are done I'm gonna dump Mountain finds ones I do not cook them and put them back in this one's not cook all the ones that aren't cooked are gonna go on here not cook the rest are cooked yes they are get him off okay oh fuck stuff flip and flip i forgot these don't take very long come on fucking get on there fuck you it's done I don't care whatever they're done alright turn about kill heat keep good alright potatoes dun-dun-dun turns off now this one's not done oh my fucking god why did I pick that up that happens whatever this is a fresh month good all right these ones are done they're ready to be plated I got the potatoes let me get a couple plates and two of these ready to go done this cooked now yet two of them and then this one needs to be flipped fuck it up whatever okay potatoes are almost done it's about to time to start and another plate grab potatoes first I got three of these already made I should be good to go yeah by the time this is ready 17 second clean the kitchen I don't need to clean the kitchen I'm fine all right let's start the day this person's gonna get a freshman salmon first order coming up it's gonna be burning hot yeah this is like sue me hot that's french fries and a steak it's not what I thought we were gonna make this is all ready to go all right don't fall off immediately ah steak salt and pepper it's four and four right point four and [Music] how do I turn that on baked steak that's gonna be disgusting so cut potato into sticks all I gotta make french fries okay I need more but these are still cooking Oh No just get him in the potato holder okay potatoes grad I'm just gonna get a ton of them I'm gonna make a ton of french fries like too many I'm gonna add french fries to every single dish all right that's fine we're gonna chop these up into french fries that's a steak looking why is it's a salmon filet that's done there's a salmon in here okay I got potato let's cut this all up these are gonna be just standard french fry this is gonna be like steak fries hold on Pringles thousand potatoes a second are they done alright these look these are like steak fries my games gonna crash oh god I can't give me the frialator where's my fry it later doesn't the ground over here something where's the frialator where's the front why they potatoes in the soup over here it's on the ground somewhere where the fuck is it ah wasn't it just sitting on the ground see the like steak fries all right there's a whole potato in here though unfortunately it doesn't matter I can cut it up later the oil coming up is the oil in there right yeah okay click on all right good oh I got a few minutes left I'll be fine this is good they don't take very long and then I gotta solve them up all right good almost done potatoes are done [Laughter] a sick fuck did you get that all right just like five guys that's oh look this my camouflage thing that does happen at five guys they give you like a Joe come on all right here we go already done got it bingo five-star is incoming whoo tasty duck you know I got that already what was whoa whoa whoa what's matter with it not enough pepper too much duck breast maybe not enough pepper what did I fuck of the broth I didn't fuck up the broth did I speaking of broth parent cuz look this is this has been sitting there for like at least two weeks this is gonna be fine see I must have screwed the recipe up bacio but uh it's already one in here sitting on the edge he's a good what's next I got to pick up these potatoes gonna be same and I got I'm guessing no nothing duck but this is not right this is not seasoned correctly I have so much of it to too much duck maybe given only two pieces let me see is it it's got to be something I messed up in the seasoning yeah I fucked up the broth I get to remake the broth god damn it they're not enough pepper - too much duck not enough salt well I'm gonna solve that pepper before I give it them yeah that didn't do the broth right uh talking tomato soup I get that over here all right that's good oh it's because I put way too much duck in the broth and I'll write that sucks I'll make this one perfect pepper time deal I'm gonna do it perfect I can't rinse it off okay did I pepper knots salt pepper thyme dill time bill pepper thyme dill is a deal right yeah and the horseradish when it comes out go in clown cooking all right uh you know a big bowl for this a big plate thank God with the water oh yeah I got plenty of potatoes these look actually pretty good they look like kind of yummy chips they actually do look kind of good let's stick these over here out of the way nice nice like flavor explosion Oh what the hell all right I need Duquette III kits gonna be fucked up but whatever too much duck I'm gonna go one piece it does it did it this is all fuck doesn't matter I'll fix it for tomorrow at least if I don't lose points a it's fine sin that zero horseradish and then what is it what else you need a lemon into quarters right hey our special today is is salmon oh just kidding it's actually duck five times this is the third or fourth time it's been duck doesn't even one salmon okay plate horseradish charts not burning it's good I need a horseradish right here nice lemon zone there get this one perfect and then it's parsley six this it'll be good this should be at least five stars four or five stars that's perfect yeah there we go I'm bringing it back what something something still cooking the oven is just on there you go not bad that broth again would just a little gone fool not losing points on the duck broth I'm gonna season it salt and pepper right let me get this out quickly perfect so what was wrong with the duck do I need more salt is it salt of pepper and it was assault that looks like a mess it's all I need like I solved in every corner of the room okay seasoned it up let's put some duck on here and hopefully we can at least get three stars no net zero thank God still underseasoned too much pepper and too much salt so I I needed to dilute it with water I'm here it was too much I need to the trout okay here we go duck too much salt and too much pepper see if diluting hope yep yeah it does love is not enough pepper baked trout eggs into the trout I'm gonna make this one perfect again because that I'll get more Fame points and what do you know I got this right now I'm ready to move good all right it was okay he's black black pepper pepper thyme dill other than a minute come on pepper thyme deal was time into the oven probably the spot you out should be good to go bacio but there's this live nothing out is it what time is it are you saying that he almost got me their new uh new music okay where's my trout it's not close all right I need to do porkchop I have a pork chop just sitting out yes I do what no cancelled are you doing turn off the fucking water please if I lost my mind it's nothing in here Oh almost got a perfect I need what's the it's was the seasoning salt pepper time oh my fucking god why does this have so much on it already what when did I season this okay lemon plate and lemon oh it's a little it's off its off it's okay it's fine it's just barely hanging on the edge actually presentation-wise it looks pretty good parsley right yeah why with the fish car where's the fish where did it go we fell into the ground I don't see it anywhere okay well that's fantastic great I'm glad okay what just came in come on hurry up go go go go go go come on 30 seconds 20 seconds it's almost done I had to get it out was still fine not gonna lose points all right we got the pork chop that's it which need the potatoes we just need them cooked chip potatoes I don't have any of those we'll just use these plate that's way too many and I can fix him off done it was potatoes sir I'm not gonna lose any points that's it right anymore I'll clean up Matt I'll get I'll make this one perfect I have to and I mean like the best I could possibly do I got I don't have another one I was made all right hold on salt pepper let's get on both out here these two gonna be good they both just salt and pepper this one I already got the boiled potatoes this one is not it's not clean but it's okay speaking of clean is this clean No ten and here too much oil but it's fine all right so now I'm gonna get these going salt and pepper on both is five on both oars at 4 on both five on this one five on both come on I did it five times why do you do that I clearly just clicked on it salt and this goes on the grill this goes in the pan all right let's go bang get it on all right now I need to do I get the potatoes if this one's already done and then into lemon into slices four slices done flip it yeah yeah yeah it was - back there how's it going pretty good make lemon fries our aggressions probably be kind of good almost down flip and flip it now same deal over here uh not quite I definitely have to flip it again though take a look at that char I know it's a beautiful char this beautiful bird shit all over this girl I'm gonna flip it okay good let it cook the rest this one's almost going to take off put on a plate almost let's get this down and I needed what do you need with this just two potatoes for that one and then this one needs the lemon slices and oregano you got it the Moscow Moscow Bethesda is starting no it's not starting I keep looking over here and I seen but that's the hurry starting in five minutes done okay this is just lemon slices lemon slices and then oregano how many eight that's you for the end of the day that's perfect that's a lot of points good how does a full five star not have more points all right I think we probably gonna get a new recipe here salmon steak hanging out over whatever throatily all right I need to do some cleaning just put everything in the sink is this plane this is not clean let's get that set turn off the stove this is clean this is fine there's a salmon distill in there all right let's get the repairman all these potatoes are they cooked no put them back and I put them back it's so much John I gotta get the bucket clean up the floor all right that's in its out its in karat on the ground send this for food it's not gonna work it sell them to send okay I can clean that up put it back up there nothing in the ground up here there's a couple of these things and that should be good a little bit over here all right dump it set this back up oh I would throw these away but I don't want to I'm yeah I will it's a fucking mess over here it's an absolute mess what is happening with this why does he keep doing this how much time plenty I'm gonna stick this down and look in person beeping the horn he's gonna drive me insane let's watch the counter put the horseradish over here see I'm cleaning you guys think I'm not gonna clean I'm gonna get a repairman in here because this is all messed up this looks like crap I can't believe Todd Howard just announced rap movie 3 I'd be interesting that would be really strange let me put this away in the mop watch off of the floor no muss fills right no okay now I need repair I'm gonna fix all this bullshit in here need a new fridge yeah fix that just fix everything fix this fix this fix the frialator fix the stove anything else you be repaired I don't think so what if I counter I can't fix the counter yeah I can fix the counter money well spent how much time I ran all right so I have to I need to make some shit I gotta make some stuff let's move this cayenne pepper back over here I need a little spice rack how am i doing on soups I need to make another guess pachi oh no this looks like enough three three I need maybe I got plenty tomato I gotta make some duck this is all junk I think it's just not made right this is junk unfortunately I had to do that when is the pathetic conference it is in I think like 30 minutes 40 minutes let me check what you said what just happened what just what's going on did it happen uh that's great in 90 minutes yes we got plenty of time that just broke this raspberry juice I need to just get rid of this because this is just caught every time I put this down it just causes a problem I have to carry this around with me [Music] okay good well now I have more shit to clean up that's great I'm gonna make a good spot you don't know dunk let's try this again 1.3 and then what 12 salt 12 pepper and two ducks that's what the recipe was last time so I'll season this up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 it's 12 and 12 I think oh maybe 10 but it's ok if it's a little bit over again I'm missing the salt again yet again I have no idea what the salt is I'm just gonna buy five of them and put them in every corner I don't care they're two cents I'm gonna do the same thing pepper there'll always be one no matter where I am there we go okay let me clean this up my bucket still standing that was weird in the bucket potato rack no I need this over here the sponge is gonna give me like anxiety I can't have that you can't have like blueberry juice all over the place okay up down I need another bottle of vinegar right and then I can make the duck and we can get gone spatula bring it back all right this is looking a little better it's my salt and pepper always put it right next to each other clean clean clean Weiser blend in here we good I think that's it now I'm gonna make the broth for the duck one carrot one onion I've already salt and peppered this haven't I I have not are you sure god damnit sorry no I did I did I did I did didn't I do this I did didn't I put pepper in there do I need pepper in there just pepper no pepper okay duck it's too duck breasts and that's it and you started out yeah that'll be fine Howard is watching you play this on stage oops and you imagine didn't level up all right is the critic it gonna come today so I can finally do this we got to fame three and then it was immediately ripped from us a real tuna steak is the dish of the day you got it it means a simmer overnight all right tuna steak let's get them out salt them up okay salt pepper in every location good it's five and five it's that good good good put it on the ground it hits don't worry it'll hit the ground there's plenty of time for this tuna stick to hit the ground eat at least half of these will two out of four will be on the ground thought Howard just said the new Elder Scrolls map is at least five at least five times what do you say at least five as big as me five Germans shit I just let this sit here like that all right hold on fucking ruined it I think how cooked is it is it overcooked it looks alright you're wasting more duck no I'm not it's fine get four or five plates over there and I can start the day I gotta get my tuna steaks ready last month okay I got my broth just set them up in a row here we good to go we need more detail all right let's start pouring it here we go the onions a little burnt but I don't think it'll be too much of a problem to 25 30 long as it's over 220 it's good 290 that's a little over 270 I can spread this out a little bit more that's good all right good duck is cut give me a plate how much time five minutes I can prepare the tuna steaks as well slow and steady don't explode all right tuna steaks these have all been salted now I have to just grill them up I'm gonna put them all on at the same time now give me a plate transfer them all what did I tell you there's at least one well that one was dropped into a double we have one at it for hit the gun twice does that count that's good now I need lemons right lemons into into squares let four slices on each lemon eighty four lemons get them on the cutting board excellent four into fours not gonna move this shit out of the way I can't do that go these have to be good they do I should be able to get these two three four what are you doing to me what happened that one's a little jacked up but it's fine all right lemons are done steaks Oh saved nice is this cooking yes all right I also need how much what do I need parsley I actually forget what it is but hey now that we're almost done with that I'm gonna get my broth is already done my straight of soup I have because spot you I have borscht I think I'm gonna get a couple of these out - there's always a herring always season these up I don't remember what it is it's I mean a big plate pepper at time and bill okay p TD pepper thyme dill well he's gonna be perfect Todd is beating up somebody in the audience so okay sure he is that one's not done well the edge of that needs to be cooked a little more okay let's put this gun all right now in my the meantime pepper thyme dill pepper time dill okay pepper tiny time is done done steaks are ready now I just need time I'll trade you get these in the oven two at a time I'm putting a stamp on them I can do two at a time right we're open okay let's go woof I'm ready right off the bat right off the bat perfect I just need to cut and lemon into quarters anyone you guys are obsessed with Todd you just are do you think Mike Todd ever just like reads a twitch chat and just sits there and goes this is really strange what do you think he knows what everybody says you don't think maybe he just doesn't do social media it doesn't look at all when these come out horseradish I need two of these get it done I can't even imagine what it would be like to be like Todd Howard sometimes I open up my Twitter and like somebody will like draw a picture of me with like spit coming out of my nose and like shit all over me I mean oh can you imagine being Todd Howard people like draw me like five feet tall like a clown and like puking and stuff I can't even imagine all right this is all cut all right now I just need plate season it up I need horseradish on this and then we can get out of here goddamnit did I actually get it on the blemish I fucked it up it's alright and then this is just parsley how many six all right this one I'm gonna season this one up too what was so wrong with that what was wrong with that it was perfect no you didn't cut there was a problem with the lemon quarters what was wrong with it it was fine what was wrong with that seriously you didn't like how it was cut the hell are you talking about I can hit play just gonna get this ready to go and move it that's salmon I don't have any salmon mood and was a parsley it's once I'm gonna move this over here cuz it's done now I need the salmon which is I have two potatoes already done here I got salmon fillet just cook it up easy well you could go back to card but tell you what are you talking about go back to Cod I didn't play Cod that's way too much oil that's alright still edible we small orders I got them all ready you come on - potatoes he's equipped no I don't want that one put that one back that one's dirty that one's like a burnt can I try I'm gonna try this through here we go one that's not burnt this looks good if I don't want to use the horrible ones I'm not going to spatula where are you Tod's Ronnie are you guys doing what is four-prong with you guys you guys are so excited for this conference you guys are just so raring to go I'm sorry to say they're gonna announce like a new hat in the Elder Scrolls online and they've reducing the price of the the reducing the price of like all in-game purchases then blades by like 8% that's that's what you get and then Todd's gonna sneeze into a napkin and turn it around and it's gonna be like just gonna say like the Elder Scrolls six on it it's gonna like blood he's like Oh 12news I don't know why he has blood his nose severed up I said where I kind of hope that he does know never mind I was gonna just say something stupid he comes out and does like the Pend over Jim Carrey thing where he like talks with his butt all right it's a duck worth it I think this is good we remade the duck nice okay good we're so close to getting that extra star french fries and steak I don't have that ready to go so welcome to make it turn the grill on salt and pepper get it on there quick good alright ah I still have the potatoes but the junk these are so junky hold on Lisa if I can cut these into fries and then salt them get a plate if I can atleast make these look nice than it should be fine let's go with this how many should I get like the four or five of them cut them into into little fries and then salt them up they should be good okay they might turn this the knife I cut these into fries is that not doing anything why all right why did that work in the old one did oh who cares why can't I cut these they're not salted I got it I got it I got it I got it enjoy good enough you guys have lost your minds Todd did this Todd said that Todd did this Todd went here todd has the flu got this ready to go this should be perfect and I need a oregano so it's for slice isn't than oregano I'm so ready for this shit I need one two three four and then oregano and I got the duck ready to go right there - this should be I might get to level three here it's gonna be level three Todd just taught and all the Todd's we're now todd todd achieved you're getting a little you're getting Smurfs here huh wait how many of these do I have to do to two ducks that's a three grab me another one all right back-to-back let's see there's enough two ducks one so excited everyone can't wait for this I can't wait either I can't wait to see you I wonder what they're gonna do oh fuck you game that's such bullshit that's gonna bring me down oh my god can just get this off the fucking table what the fuck I thought I've wasted two perfectly good soups give me a break why those are perfectly fine what's the last thing one more duck I have another gazpacho don't I yeah I do finally some soups 150 yes finally level three what's the last thing I got spot you already got it right here ready to go blow on soups the steak dinner no tuna it's a gazpacho my butt I like saying gas bacio finally a tuna I just hear gas that's not a good sign one two three four and then it is oregano give me a perfect score on this one please I'll take it I love how rowdy everybody is right now over this III Tod conference I would have had it too that's such a that sucks this sucks I have to make that from scratch now let me just do the steak quickly salt pepper get on the grill I think people are more excited for Todd Howard to just walk on the stage and they are about the games he may or may not be announcing okay I need the French fries and I let's just dump these for a second potatoes on this why they all falling off the plate flip salt I actually kind of want to eat those one two three go okay everything's good this is what it is this is just burners on alright now I need to make a I need to make the borscht onion carrot parsley beetroot I forget what it's like how many is it I've made it in so long it's chicken broth a thousand seven hundred how's this looking almost done at that and then it's solved right let me look at the recipe 20 grams 20 grams oh yeah I forgot it's like ridiculously seasoned the screen fell yeah you guys really trying to tell me that the titantron fell down thank God I have one more of those but I'm gonna make this first looks good MoneyGram that this is so salt intensive people actually eat this this is like a thousand milligrams of salt per serving it's like drinking salt no no I do just get them away like magnetic god damnit am i cooking anything no nothing's cooking right alright I get by into the bottle this shit what a pain in the ass salt pepper again do it again mr. salt let's head all right this is parsley carrot five beats and an onion if I think that's it cook it go what else we need to get it's about you already here it's right there fucking crazy he just ordered come on hurry up I got that here a good idea it's already ready new order of what tomato soup [Music] I'm so excited 20 lemons now that's the right amount of lemons see making some good money looking onion take it out and this is tomato right yep you know Christmas right this very remanded is that the songs play [Music] hurry hurry hurry perfect timing I actually have to take that out enough come on hurry good saved it apparently it was perfect all right duck careful with this duck broth right era it's last one hopefully nobody else or does it and hopefully that goes through and I got the last tune-up just hopefully wait where's the list do you know oh come on it's another duck I still have just a full herring that nobody ordered get I'm gonna pee my pants I gotta piss really bad I can't make sure I pee before the conference what are we tea modest what doc I guess I could just make it right now I need to duck well shit you got it I need 10 10 and then 1 carrot 1 onion eighty-three countdown on the screen let's get it on the screen no I don't I don't care no I care about III I just don't care about the countdown to III I know what's gonna happen that's one more extra pepper that's fun all right now I need parsley and a carrot right now carrot an onion and then put the two duck breasts in here as well and then grind it up we good I need two of these that's it what help what hell happened over here skipping interconnecting words now here's a song he's a clean yeah good mom what's been your guys favorite part about e3 so far and I need full paragraphs if what you write is less than four sentences you're getting banned from the channel todd todd todd todd todd todd todd todd at least I can use these anybody a Todd fan here oh I don't think so I think you're in short company there all right get that onion is one of these duck breasts not cookin now get the onion out the reason heaven Keanu Reeves is part of my favorite part of all the things they showed at e3 this year when he came out on stage and made the references to the game that I liked I thought it was really fun see I did a paragraph I did I pretty much only needed to have like two or three words there but I told you you're gonna get banned if you don't do at least four senses I'm not gonna get bad you might someone would okay take this out I just need to do the broth for the bro get the duck breast out cut serve I've really been feeling indifferent about e3 so far I'm not really a Microsoft fan so the entire show just went past me yesterday I only saw the soccer football conference for the FIFA game and that was the kind of awful not gonna lie all right let's drop it up the etad comes out in a Terminator costume do-do-do-do-do they making a new Terminator game I'd fucking play it I wonder if they're still gonna be whatever the game is still gonna be using the tell-tale engine from like 2007 find out soon enough all right it's time it's time to the critic is coming today I got to get everything ready to go whatever the critic wants I got to make fresh I do have some bowls to put out I got duck here he's weird Fame level three I have a full halibut ready I've got my potato crisps let me get some bowls out cuz I need the broth I'm ready for the critic need bacio I gotta make a lot of shit here don't I yeah the boar should be fine I can't fit it into three or four plates and then I need to make some Bochy all gasp at Show his fat joke a spot show every time I say gazpacho some of you guys have like your veins pop out of your forehead calm down it's okay just relax it's not worth get upset over like when people call me okay for instance but my my streamer persona video game online media name is Gemma Jeremih 985 right don't forget it either I get called sometimes Gemma oh hey Jeremy Jeremy it's all right what am I gonna corrupt that's fine it's too much in that one people have different way to pronounce things I know some people are freaking out about pouring with the handle don't worry it's alright it's even call me German you can call me Jeremiah call me Joe all right I need a bunch of uh the g1 I need to make a little bit more Gemma that's good enough take this out hopefully there's not more than two forests tomorrow hopefully the critic doesn't want it just remake the soup again with the same pot I need more chicken stock if that's good let's just see if it works he's all empty why am I still holding onto these then this how grandmother's usually make the food these the same thing over and over again now that's still good Stella delicious no no we don't need to go to the grocery store the grim of the beets are green an extra flavor people need chew you eat cheese that's got mold on it I mean it's hitting it's hitting all the onions and shit you're happy you're happy here the onions are you glad you had the onions are you happy you had the onions huh are you glad you had the onions I have a so good time anybody knows that that the reference to you get 600 fucking million dollars from my pretend Monopoly bank account that I pretend to send to you through telepathic means as a joke I mean I said nobody knows that I don't think anybody knows now it's not from Family Guy there's the 6100 people here not one person knows this that's not the Simpsons I'm not saying it again well it looks like I got to keep my money it was from this xbox conference yeah Phil came out and was talking about how are you happy you had the onions are you glad you had the onions all right what am i doing I got time perfect all right uh what was I making uh this no this is help burnt this is not even making the soup correctly guys that's not gonna work um I gotta keep prepping a gazpacho special get this right I'm walking around like an idiot that's um Curb Your Enthusiasm yep you got hold on there you go spend it wisely and I get didn't go in 13:30 right yes and then was that supposed to be sought and pepper at every station there is shit I thought I didn't get it come on get in there what whatever you gotta get a new joke to pass the time I'm not like a joke factory guys what do I want to say I can't just produce just turn the webcam on no I can't I can't just produce under fucking circumstance I gots gotta be natural oh you want to turn the fucking wave come on start dancing why would I ever do that what do you think I am a vessel and maybe in your like fucking fanfiction this is all part completely it was loud all right so I think I'm pretty much ready for the day I got that I'm gonna make up some listen meal of the day see I said I dumped the hot soup all over me don't isn't it look isn't that like a ten out of ten hysterical piece of human comedy give me the bucket here comes the critic I'm gonna press the credit and then at that point it's gonna be time for the Bethesda electronic conference we'll see what the fuck they introduced I'm so looking forward to it my whole life has been leading up to this moment when I get to see Todd Howard come out on stage clap and go I can't wait it's gonna happen up this first thing is gonna do all right I think I'm ready to go I am whatever I'm not gonna make the meet beforehand because if he wants me it has to be fresh I can't just give the critic to crap from the freezer alright we go this is it more exciting than e3 that was a nine hundred and sixteen dollars does that mope another than I've ever had I've never received that kind of paycheck writer we got some skills all right cheap products of liquids fame boost is it like a one where critics are less critical taste tolerance is already up derp purrs and gourmets have their expectations lowered is it but is it it is a derp er oh I was gonna explain a dream you're right yep yep yep I was gonna talk about dream so I don't how many of you other guys do this or not but sometimes this happens to be and it happened like over the course of a few nights so a few nights ago I had a dream that I broke my brother's golf clubs I don't know why I just had a dream that I was like golfing and I snapped the head off I was trying to derive too hard and I was really embarrassed and I was really scared about it I was like holy shit this is bad I just broke my brother's fucking like driver it was like golf club or something so I broke it and then I woke up and I thought that it was real and after like 2 or 3 hours it wasn't really that real anymore I was like oh whatever that's weird and it was that did that happened that it not happened whatever and I forgot about it but like two days later I had another dream where I've replaced the golf clubs and it was so I'd like I went to the store and I bought golf clubs and I brought them back and I gave them to my brother so I woke up and I I'm not kidding I thought that I'd I did a perfect like dream loop where I honestly - goodness still even to this day think it may even be real like a day later it was so real that I broke the clubs replaced them over two days and I was gonna text him be like hey like I replaced your golf clubs like that I just wanted like you got him right I don't know why my brain was gonna text him that like this morning uh you guys ever have like a complete loop where you finish a complete story arc in your brain and you thought it was real over the course of a couple days that may not have even been a dream okay here we go I definitely want that you're just insane you're just freaked at least I replaced him let's go with less spices alright this is it I fucked this up last time bad you don't have a brother spot you okay this cuz I gotta be ready those of you that don't know this game if you don't give the critic at least a four star dish he removes almost a hundred and fifty points from your score and it takes like two hours to come back it's really bad but I don't even play golf I don't even do that I don't play golf at all ever let's get right to it I need to prepare let's go of course it's porkchop's two thing one thing they don't have ready to be made but this is not the critics I don't really care that much about it this is what pepper PTD right salt pepper and thyme no it's SBT for for SBT time where is it that's why is it not on my station you're right gone what what do you what do you - no I just clearly did it I clearly just put it on there you gotta kidding me alright 30 these take a long time so get it in there and then I also have the potatoes right yeah if they're already over here she's got to wait for that to cook just stare at it I get one customer in the store all right whatever it is I'm making it fresh for the critic now should have it to be baked they gotta be baked just chunked up the potatoes that's eleven okay I keep making that mistake I swear to god it's alright alright Chung come up into 50 gram slices I lose this knife every single day is it on the ground I can't cut it on here get out of the way [Laughter] it's not the critic I don't care that techniques not gonna work here good all right salt III III III what I mean III III in 30 minutes if that's not right now it's in 30 minutes I'm not missing it no you guys it's not even time the pre-show why do I want to watch the pre-show I am the pre-show it's not wrong hey what wait what just happened to the view account if you can't just went to zero Oh nobody's in watch it anymore nobody's here they all left I think I see the freesia zero viewers well shit hey came back did you but why was the pre-show is it any good I knew you'd come back and you're gonna come back to this channel I mean come on I can't serve it on this very day I got assault these excuse me yeah we've already talked about our III impressions what what more would you like me to say what do I think is gonna happen if it des des I want to give me my like insider information that I don't have I'm gonna pay extra for the pre-show you don't the pay anything the pre-show I would be happy if we got a game that had magic in it like with a wand it's brilliant is this the verdict no make sure you start screaming when it's time because I will forget then I'm gonna be late to the conference alright this is salmon yeah I got potatoes already done what's the big thing this year besides the Xbox Alexa was that it what is what do you what is that endo gonna show new splash brothers person cyberpunk yeah but we've already seen them what does anything like new that we'd never seen before starfield oh yeah they're making a star-filled i completely forgot about that I wonder if I wonder if they're gonna show any gameplay you just activated my Alexa I'm sorry I forgot I'm on like I'm on new speakers at full blast right now how loud do you guys watch this stream you guys have like a sub woofer and you just blast it to the low tones in my voice come out really well I don't know my spatulas my coffee chef come on finish finish so I can go see Bethesda Todd just did a backflip I bet you he can do a backflip I'd really think he can he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that can do like aerials and backflips and I found out why I see him on a tramp trapeze doesn't he he comes out in one of those like circus onesies he's like a kind of like trapeze kind of guys I think he's a nerd you can be a nerd and still use a trapeze I'm not sure what was so bad about that hey toes all right here we go food critics are ordering this is a big deal I can't screw this up whatever it is I'm making it fresh No we did it I got a level up Newfane level duck coming up what happened over here why whatever tea break please yeah what wouldn't get ready 20 minutes right almost at the end of this day we're almost done I'm not gonna be late where's the I already made duck where's it where did I put the duck oh my god give me a fucking break Oh it wouldn't be Germa if he wasn't late I wasn't late today I was 10 to 15 minutes ready early ready for the conference stop again I don't care it's not ready flip it I think we where is it what oh okay hold on I made a little gravy just to make it taste a little better it's frozen solid alright and the time but I've just been being a dickhead I could have just done this normally and done it correctly and had a normal amount of stars I can't put this in just finish it in the oven I already want it doesn't matter oh Jesus there's a lot of other stuff here okay hold on once the critical leaves okay I spot you over Brad and salmon salmon salmon salmon where's the salmon tonight it's cookin it's in the oven yeah but it's like it buried some way down here I think mustard on it well I don't care I already beat it it doesn't matter I need the salmon right now why I'm getting a lot of orders right now this is not good um all right steak let's just get this out and ready No pant pant heaven I'm going as fast as I can okay what else uh I need the doc doc doc doc doc doc I gotta talk flip it no no it's done oh my god it's just by chance fucking fist my fan where's the spatula I'm so bad all right it's fine all right get us on get this on got it almost a steak all right what 57 seconds [Laughter] you got serve this this goes back immediately good enough three day old vid set plus three fame all right this has gotta come out now I got the salmon salmon salmon salmon writer let me go bacio come on in took a giant bite out of that potato two three four done fifteen minutes all right all right what's up oh don't look up what wait it will be down a second one more second tomato tomato gazpacho its are still good get a lot of orders immediately here good all right nothing that I got to do the duck whatever comes in next who cares spot you is really good apparently Oh time time time time what I got four minutes two ducks no that's all right I got enough get out of there I only have one duck breast in here I'm an idiot just cut it thin all right good two bowls now that goes enough to after after lately did I think that was going to work did I honestly think that was gonna happen 500 Oh now that's gonna cause a fire that's gonna cause a fire can I do before the fire starts fifty-five steel a stainless steel pot what was wrong I just gave you one that was fine what was wrong with this one not enough duck not enough pepper too much onion the other one was fine it came from the same Bowl oh no that's my I had a potato at vertebra what do I need I need a trout to spot you I got one more the spot just been killing it today it's been really good apparently the conference I know I know I'm going to go there are most of the day and then I can take two or three minute break and we'll come back into the property what's the last thing I need oh my god another duck I got a good I have to get out of here uh oh my god this is the longest day ever hold on wait wait wait wait wait um just that's okay what do you need you need duck uh porkchop baked potatoes so we're gonna fry the potatoes and okay put everything in there are you got a lemon right here perfect shot okay lemon then there's the potatoes potato potatoes I'm good all right uh I need to make up broth for the broth duck broth let's go go go I'm kind of panicking right now freaking out anything in here get in III I know I know I know I don't know any 3:3 no not time pepper pepper bun how are you doing the trout's not even cooking okay good come on hurry up what's going on what's wrong this is no duck in their slavery hold on we'll figure it out good enough okay I plate three plates one grab some of these throw it out there hurry up that's really bad but it doesn't matter let's go I know I know I know III I know what time check how much time nine minutes that's enough time for me to finish this duck shit okay go who cares just get it in a bowl right now ball ball ball I need a bowl if I still have one of these I do perfect why are there fucking million orders right now this is the longest day ever what's the trouble with the trout with the trout 30 seconds I don't even know it is a fly fly fly fly fly fly like like okay plate and then the lemon right lemon was a lemon and it's a parsley or something right well zero seconds left I got it it's about oh you're killing me here I have to go watch III okay fucking can't even just hit certain wrong cares it's a lot of fun it's okay guys it's about you quick quick look okay I can do this real quick it's about you right yep with my lid what's my lid what's my lid was my letter I don't want to make any more duck we're smile and I don't know where the latest I III is on no it's not how many was talking I get six minutes oil no one would eat this it's too much oil pick up get good all right I don't need to do another gazpacho wait I need the oil III I've no I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going last thing is the duck no it's the tuna I can't do that I'm just trying to get to the end of the day this is taking forever they announce what's happening right now no it's not I'm going I'm going I'm going I got a p2 all right what's what's the last thing salmon go four minutes done this is a fucking joke this is a joke it's a joke I gotta pee my pants alright I'm going all right I'll be back up we're back we're back I'm gonna put it on screen so you can dodge you to miss anything
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 84,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, jerma cooking, jerma cooking simulator, cooking simulator, pc
Id: 7qqq2N4yq_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 48sec (9888 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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