The Unofficial Official Jerma House Flipper International Invitational

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welcome [Music] ladies and gentlemen to the house flipper of unofficial Invitational what you see on my screen right now is the house that all of these streamers are going to have to turn into a beautiful home in 75 minutes the timer is on my stream I would be aware that streamers if you need to know it's 75 minutes hour and 15 from when I count down well let's introduce who's here first and by the way you get literally like a five second introduction so let's start whoever wants to go first go ahead just go I'm Vinnie hi that's all that's all I need oh he nailed it he got it well I was I thought we were gonna hear a shitload of people just start like yelling does he get points for that does he get graded yep I think so that was some good philosophy that was pretty good philosophy that's right but yeah so each I'll just go through it Con reads pants Sea Dog kriken Doug Doug italics Ludwig RT game Joel I almost just said Trotter but you're you're a mod um and Vine sauce Vinnie these are your synthetical order we did an alphabetical order by the way this whole thing is horseshit none of this matters don't give it away what there's no reason to stay yeah if you guys just all left right now like it would be fine like this there's no nobody wins anything nobody loses anything except I have to ask you jerma I have to ask you this this might be a stupid question but are you wearing like a toupee or something yeah you look like you look like yeah what happened more look more professional or something take points away for that yeah thank you for bringing up points let's go over it real quickly you are all going to be graded individually you're gonna give me a tour through what you thought you know like my presentation voice there's a lot of people in here who just left is it a mod yeah who it was with like streamer mode on okay sorry Jeremiah which C name was it good luck you are all going let me talk about what you're talking about Lego hair yeah that's an old one that one from 2018. all right this is like a first trial run of this event you guys are supposed to be my friend after 75 minutes which by the way everybody here is streaming so everybody has their streams going you can jump around and go see what people are doing maybe one of them isn't and then you know whatever that's all good well maybe two of them aren't three of them doesn't matter but go check it out you're gonna be seeing their process they'll be streaming it live they're all on this house and they're all going to be graded on five categories creativity is number one it's worth 35 of your total grade based on a 100 point scale it's worth 35 of your total grade complexity and structure is your second grade this is worth 25 of your total grade Audi how did you handle the walls what is your interior wall structure looks like did you do any additions how does your yard look did you did you add anything in there oh this new yard look how does your yard look cleanliness is worth 15 of your total grade so make sure look I mean look at this you got it's kind of dirty it's kind of fucked up you're gonna be graded on this 100 point scale maybe you get an F in clean maybe you get an A plus in creativity use your time wisely philosophy is worth 15 of your total grade what does philosophy mean we'll find out because I don't know either so we're going to figure that out as we go the last grade is worth ten percent and it is chats grade the mods are going to put a poll in at the end of each person's individual tour that will be a very simple A B C D or f f is always 55 points you can't go lower than 55 points do we have any questions have you revealed that you are going to build a real full-scale replica of the winning house yet this is the location no not yet but that's uh that's that's a great idea that's actually a fantastic idea in my two-page document that I sent you all four or five days ago how did you guys think I was making a joke I read the whole thing I thought it was more like Light reading though I thought I didn't realize I thought it was a creative writing piece I said I said you guys a two-page document with like with detailed instruction are we all ready oh yes again I didn't catch that I'm ready because you have 75 minutes as of the the you making me laugh as of three two one go ah do not run [Music] okay they all muted they can't hear me anymore I can hear you sure wait wait there's not how muting Works what what happened I thought everyone was gone oh hi all right well so they are on their own streams they're good I'm very curious what they do in the meantime I'm gonna just kind of show you some things about house flipper that you know we're just gonna go take a look some of you might not have ever seen this game yeah you should probably mute me because I'm just gonna be like an annoying presenter this whole time I I think I want because I want to be very surprised I don't think I want to see what they're doing I think I want to be given a fully completely secret tour because then I can get my real assessment on the grades because um we have them here and I'm ready to give them to each individual person so let me let me do some stuff let me let me see what I can do and I don't who cares about my time limit what the fuck do I care all right what I do when I I do want to ask this question of everybody that's streaming right now who's panicking the most right now right now out of all the people that are doing this who right now is like I don't fucking know what's going on please somebody help me I bet you it's all of them because they have to clean look at how fucking like dirty the yard is hey don't don't tell them this I'm going to want to see you back here too don't tell them that they're stream sniping each other they really they really shouldn't be but whatever it doesn't fucking matter so I had like a two-page detailed document about like what how things work and everything and even I'm just sitting here going wait how the fuck do you build an Edition oh so like 20 minutes ago I was in there explaining how to do an Edition because I was like wait a minute why is this not working oh that's right you can't have anything on the other side we were all we were like troubleshooting with each other like 20 minutes ago we could just sit here and watch a clock for an hour and I don't have to do anything this is perfect I should do this more often because like I can hear in the other room right a streamer freaking out being like how the fuck do I use this tool what the fuck this is this game what's wrong with this game like I can't fuck ing this up what and they didn't read the instructions the birds are just chirping oh this is nice I feel great I'm good right now hold on let me stretch first I swear to God actually like they just hold on I got a DM okay hold on hold on hold on hold on poke is in my DMs right now poke is I think on his way all right well I think poke is on his way here you got you got an hour in five minutes all right so let me just give you a quick rundown everybody is doing what I'm doing right now they're probably very far ahead of what I'm doing I wonder how many people are just panicking just sitting around biting their fingernails going I don't know what the fuck is going on I don't know what to do I will show you and I'm also here unmuted in case somebody has a question it's very important if somebody comes in here and is like hey dude can you give me please help me how do I do this again I want to be able to be here to tell them this is this isn't cheating to just ask you a question mid contest is this no no no you you you're in fact the second or third person who's done so so yeah thank God what can I do thank God okay how how do I fill in an existing hole in the house like in the concrete foundation like there's just gaps in the walls and I want to put wall in there okay so you are going to hold right click and you have build inlets or build uh walls and lintels okay I see I see people of lintels okay I feel like a lower wall is it yeah but Lynn tells you can put up you can't put them down but you can build that build tool is how you cover up gaps okay but what what if it's like a garage door or something like that because I'm I'm trying to okay let me see if it so you you wanna what I'm imagining is you want to replace the garage door is what you're saying you know I I've I found a solution okay thank you so much thank you yep you gotta be a guy from here okay thank you I'm here for an hour to be tech support that's so funny though no help no help no help you didn't help all right I didn't help that's fine tech support the time is actually ticking I heard nervousness in that voice all right let's get the tree trunk I'm gonna clean up I'm gonna do a lawn I think a lot of people are sleeping on the lawn I tried to make that really clear I did say guys the lawn is important look at the lawn the lawn only one person asked about the lawn and I'm not going to tell you who I did have one inquisitive response about the lawn what about indoor Lawns I'm not telling anybody how to make anything one of the theories was if this if people had fun doing this uh if this was a fun time for everybody is maybe expand it and do it again another time now that people have to understand the format and have include themings that you have to go by especially with house flipper 2 how slipper 2 is going to be so much more elaborate than this that I feel like that could be a lot of fun stuff I'm gonna laugh my ass off I'm gonna laugh my fucking ass off if poke shows up with like 20 minutes left and just like fucking freaks out and gets in the game and makes a banger of a house do you know what I mean like I feel like that's possible play Hell's Kitchen music yeah I'll do that when there's like five minutes left when there's like five or ten minutes left I will play Hell's Kitchen music and just start yelling at people let's let's let them work let them actually try I don't want to give pressure right now hi hey all right we're live right now there's currently 50 minutes left in the competition we started with it perfect yeah we started with an hour we went up we went up to 75 minutes so you're actually not that you you still got some time listen I read it was tomorrow and I was on an aquarium I I'm home now I'm here well the aquarium Probably sounds fucking awesome it was great it was great yeah but I don't want it in the game everything ready I'm ready to go I don't want to take him any more of your time but the house you need to open you need to open it's called Garden after the house built that's the house everybody's doing that's the house you need to build okay which one so go to the laptop go to browser go to houses that you can buy and make sure you've done the cheats to give yourself the half million dollars you can scroll down it's got a bunch of wooded Windows you're gonna get in there it's called Garden after House built that's the one right there go it say go now and get going and you're only about 10 to 15 minutes behind all right going in now oh hell yeah all right timer's gone good luck bye he's freaking out right now well if you see this and knowing that you you've lost potentially 25 30 minutes of time it's almost like what do I even do I just go through the windows I tried to give a tutorial of how to build additions but I feel like okay you know what a teacher when a teacher explains something and very clearly the whole class is quiet and everyone's like all right um can show it can you show us again this is like ah shit all right nobody got that nobody got that I have to I have to do it again Joel thinks he's almost out of time [Music] that that this is going quick oh this is I'm excited I'm so happy about this I'm having fun I'm having fun just like experiencing what I think I'm going to experience in 45 minutes poke is trying to sell the walls right now foreign spokes viewers are messing with how many minutes he has and he is Mega panicking he probably was like walking around like wow oh look at that like shark whoa look at that fish and he didn't even know that that at 75 minutes had started you know what I mean he's probably sitting there like oh whoa this is so cool he probably went to lunch probably had a wonderful lunch and just had no idea that he was being timed at the aquarium you've ruined his field trip Vinnie does not know how to spell refrigerator do we need to give everybody an extra 20 minutes you spell it okay [Music] how do you spell it how do you spell refrigerator Ludwig found the flamethrower it's possible he just ruins this whole thing then don't tell him Ludwig might accidentally click the button and burn the whole house down and then sorry he already did that oh no I don't want to read chat anymore because that's funny what you just said so I have to say it but I because I can't be but I have to be unbiased somebody said poke is painting his whole house right now with a paint color called intense rust and I I kind of have to delete that from my brain I have to pretend like I did not hear that Connor is watching a tutorial that makes me eyes that's so funny to me I can't wait to watch everybody's perspectives later does anybody have an exterior wall yet does anybody they all like this I'm gonna laugh so don't tell me I don't wanna actually don't tell me if every single person has a fucking exterior that looks like this I'm gonna laugh my ass off don't tell me I actually I'm gonna wait till chat like settles down because I don't even want to look over here because that is so goddamn funny if everybody has the exact same exterior the same exterior concrete like paint is it it might be time to change the music all right let's get let's change the music [Music] streamers had exactly 75 minutes to build a house at house flipper unfortunately only one of them will get the golden jacket we've seen some drama tonight too as poke showed up 25 minutes late this is where the part where focus is in the chair and he's like I I didn't I was at the aquarium man I don't know what the fuck was going on I I I got a beep on my phone I had to get there and I've got that fast but what we don't understand here is what was happening over on italics's stream and like it shows him just like fucking smashing his fucking desk I'm not doing this anymore I'm not doing this anymore germa all right I'm gonna get up like the violin sound okay I know what I'm doing for the next 10 minutes give me a second [Music] so show me what you got here uh uh Alex well see I'm over here and this is my bathroom [Music] the bathrooms don't you think it's a little dirty don't you think so where okay let me just warn everybody here this is a really important warning they're all going to get unmuted at the same time and everyone's going to be probably complaining and like yelling at me and saying like hey do this if I needed more time like hey dude my house sucks or like fuck you I'm gonna there's gonna be a lot of fighting I think so just be ready for everyone to unmute at the same time it's gonna be hell on Earth here who is immediately the first person that we hear being very mad at me or very upset give minus 10 points to the person that complains first we have to be very very attentive to this minus five points the person that complains first and not just like oh wow that was so hard I mean like an audible like like this was annoying you know what I mean like an audible like complaint minus five points from philosophy because of that that's right see you get it you get it you understand now we got 15 seconds here we go who whose Cuisine Reigns Supreme we will find out very shortly gone that that hurts my head I didn't know it did that oh stop just what's going on who's doing that I'm being like electrocuted utensils down pencils down pencils down oh we're doing that in the Discord to tell everybody all right pencils are down pencils are down pencils are down pencils are down I've never been more stressed in my entire life me too man guys this is fucked germa I gotta say I uh I didn't realize how quick 75 minutes was it is pretty quick it sounded so long during the prep I was like that's that's like 10 minutes per room that's easy it's like 30 minutes per room from learning the game while doing it hold on hold on hold on yeah we we we can so poke is still going poke has been given special uh time because poke showed up 30 minutes late um so poke is still building right now he's got about 20 minutes left let me let me let's let's ask the group how are you all doing do you guys want an extra 10 to 15 minutes I so did you take an extra five well poke you are you poke you have like an extra it's almost 25 minutes [Music] you know just to put those final touches on just to make sure it's just right I would actually like no extra time because I think everybody else has um messed up and I don't think five minutes will help me I need like 45. yeah so I selfishly I selfishly think that the people yeah some people could use five to ten I couldn't I need three hours you should get out of here because you have like an extra 20 minutes to build I I mean I'm down to take the L yeah I'm not gonna lose but I mean I'm certainly gonna lose that's not what takes don't see me I got some crazy design all right all right all right two minus two were you guys are stressed as I was did you ask me oh yeah miserable God damn the first one Joel it is you so Joel if you would if you could turn on your uh your screen on Discord no don't worry about that don't worry about that no now what I did here is I made sure that even though my house is flaws I made sure to point them out to kind of get a bit of a you know like be aware there's some issues here since a trip hazard in here sure now as you watch the bathroom here I did an interior decorating here that shows that I got a sense of humor in the you know face of Terror so I didn't install a toilet but I installed a hole here instead okay or a bucket if you prefer I installed a poop knife for the the willing and a plate of brownies now if you might notice there's a picture will in the fall looking at you yeah the courage there's only uh to encourage you know fecal content but as you can see yes to that note of that you know uh be careful be aware so that that on the right that that's somebody uh defecating is what I'm being is that what that is no it's art as you can see there's an alien in here and you go in here and you notice wow there's a lot of going on there's a bit of a Sci-Fi theme there's a UFO sci-fi theme yes and better check this out oh all right I I I like it I like that I like the radio yeah what is on the road like aliens I don't like aliens so you know say no to alien abduction there's a little cabin abducted there's some corn for the alien and as you can see here there's the guy from Toy Story Gary okay and you know I got a little gleeby-dooby guy and a toilet too but uh this is gonna be playing throughout your house tour and gonna irritate you so I'm basically telling you that if you're impervious to migraines this is great but if you're not then you know whatever but anyway that's just the bottom floor here now there's two options here you can check out the amazing maze or the hidden Green gobbler room can we can we go to the uh the PlayStation one Green gobbler room you got it this is the Green gobbler and as you can see picture Willem Dafoe you go in here whoa Shrine dedicated to the man so as you've all heard German chat um William no it's oh fuck I fucked up is that what is that said is it Jack Nicholson up there no that's willing to fall anyway he died this year and I want to make sure that everybody remembers he died of gas so over here there's the poisonous gas storage where William the foe was turned into the Green Goblin um there's an air conditioning unit here that lets you smoke the gas to turn into Spider-Man I'm putting down a complexity grade here I do very much enjoy the Green Goblin uh room I think it was a very good creative Choice what I what I'm very uh I think I'm upset with here is the fact that that's Jack Nicholson's picture up there not actually Williamsville and over on the right there that's uh can you get in close to that please yeah that picture this yep just get him real close and just stand still for a second because I want people to be able to see this as it uh offers a little bit here uh yeah that's I'm gonna give you a little bit of points deducted from that because this is one of my least favorite images on the internet so I'm gonna deduct a few points for you from that one for your uh for your philosophy well I do I do like the vision I'm a big fan of the vision anyway all right we've seen it as you can see here there's the gas from there and once you've ingested the gas the the mass starts talking to you and you can stand in front of the mirror and it goes you know Spider-Man so they made an entire Green Goblin room yeah so that's a Green gobbler um I like it want to show this off uh put a little reference to uh product points I don't deduct points I don't know what it is all right trying so hard to put that image on the screen it looks well that just like actually scared me there's another person behind me can we just listen to the audio for a second I just cannot get just into the I this is going to be a part of your grade because philosophy I'm yeah I want to turn your volume up I want to hear that [Music] yeah I got it uh somebody died but it's okay because you know life and death is kind of synonymous with each other um and through death life comes so we're growing corn here from it oh a garden actually Garden you okay yes and we it's also solar powered so it's you know it's environmentally healthy okay but anyway speaking of gardens I made sure to include a little puzzle because we all like mind puzzles right so we're gonna move on here um and this is the amazing this is the amazing mace by the way right I think oh it's all the grass but all right you know I'm gonna open your stream okay yeah yeah and you're like my God I have solved the mace okay germa germa this is for you buddy because I know someone has a special day coming up you solve the maze you've done the brain puzzle and ladies and gentlemen happy birthday Jeremy happy 60th we are so proud of you buddy [Music] hey I have a racing cake thank you it is my birthday in months and months from now that's right oh that's and that's not how tall I am but you're getting points removed for creativity for that one because the short joke is I think well the 60th birthday Jerry well on its way out all right wait wait wait go go back to the table for a second uh-huh and what what is this this is a this is a cake this is a little racing cake buddy yeah so you like racing cakes okay I actually Anna I'm gonna pull you back a few points on I'm gonna pull you back a few points on philosophy on this one because I actually don't really like raisins that much at all so that's a good light that's a blunder you like the spider though right the spider is cool but raisins I'm not a I'm not a big one thanks for reinstating all my points buddy you're my friend wait there's another area okay all right yeah final area here that I want to show off because germa you like twister you know Timeless game right twister do you like wall twister yeah I I guess it would be I figured you figured this shit out because I ran out of time anyway as you can see look at that Auto that's right please give me 10 points for being so caring anybody that has Auto in their house gets an extra two or three points at least on every category that's right and I put some Bob bits in because you know I'm sure you like ball pits these are real ball pits by the way what is to the right what is down there is that like a air conditioner that that's a printer because yeah we all like to print shit you know it's wicked funny my printer's actually on the ground like that and you get points for you get points for creativity for that one all right my printer is actually on the ground just like that a bunch of spiders in the ceiling but don't worry the spider infestation problem is mostly resolved though um cleanliness well well don't worry about that germa because we're about to go a little meta here okay ready ladies and gentlemen Beware of the boggler and there's a little star reference there so no he's not here doesn't matter because germa it's your streamer room oh you got your Reddit shelf over here you know check that out you got your whole thing you're eating a chicken egg a tomato and you love uh that tomato sorry sorry I do tomatoes I'm sorry that's that's yes yeah but whatever that's that's fine but check this out uh it's nice milk and there's a big milk bucket and as you can see on the floor it's infested with rats friendly rats mind you okay they look that looks cool what's that poster can you get in closer and just Freeze Frame it on there it's like this is the this is the flavors what's your flavor now you're you are a gamer so you like seeds of Victory uh-huh cashews of chaos cashews no nuts of Destruction I definitely not cash these for sure Gourmet Trail mixer I actually don't eat very many gamer snacks but I do appreciate the fact that you're trying to like And subscribe uh well you can't do that on Twitch and I pretty much only predominantly use twitch and that's minus points for uh complexity because that my spine looked a little weird there so uh I wanted to have a theme various themes here and one of them was an OSHA violation so as you can see OSHA top 10 violations we're gonna be cooking guns and we're going to be using a sink here and enjoy the sink drink are those plenty of shots are those what's on the ground what's all over the ground are those propane tanks explosives yeah that's what I thought okay well as you can see you know there's some accidents here but we got shotguns there's a toxic Hazard there's a chocolate and eggs been cooked up too chocolate and eggs but here's what gets interesting because there's not only explosive it's Radioactive It's radioactive really sell and to really sell this house home Jeremy I just want to tell you one thing yeah what's better than a baby with a gun and peace near a fireplace with explosives I think I think there are quite a few things that are that would be better than that I think uh I think philosophy might have to take a little bit of a nosedive on this one just because that's that's very dangerous and uh and there's also somebody's severed limb over there as well I believe I mean I if it's dangerous I don't know if good would be the answer but dangerous is definitely up there but you could make points for creativity aneuristically fun yeah I see I feel on you I feel you I think I'm ready to grade you okay I think I'm ready remember remember happy 60th for creativity I'm going to give you because of the amount of objects that you placed the amount of individual objects that had to be physically placed you're going to get a 94. for your for your creativity okay 94 for creativity I think you actually did quite a lot your complexity is also going to be a little bit High because your complexity isn't I you you there was a full thought out Maze part of this house which gives you some points the complexity of you know germa is not as tall as this door I mean and like you know the Green Goblin I um it's not that complex I uh I do appreciate the fact that you did put a gnome next to that to be able to show that I am in fact over you know uh more than four feet tall that's unrelated this is unrelated and if you feel that way that's not deductible on point I'm gonna give you an eight I'm gonna give you an 82. on complexity and structure uh the spiders are gonna take some points off unfortunately because it's you know you didn't clean that up beforehand also I think that having explosives everywhere could be very dangerous and make a big mess I'm gonna have to give you a 75 on cleanliness your philosophy and theming I'm going to give you a I'm going to give you an 86 okay I think you deserve an 86. I think that was a solid B well I'll give you I'm gonna give you a 90. actually because you did have you did have a pretty good theme here as much as I uh you know the Green Goblin yeah you had a pretty good theme chat what is your grade you have to pick but it has to be 95 85 75 65 now those are your choices wow Chad is saying a 95 from chat for Joel wow Joel that brings your total grade that is worth 10 of your total grade Joel you are at an 87.6 is your final grade that's a B plus okay okay if you think mine is the best that's not going to be the case because you know well we'll see yeah we'll see we'll see but but I just want to thank you all for you know looking at my house and I want to thank uh the bugler himself for gaming such a high high honestly the the lower bit rate actually added to it for me it really did oh yeah thanks a lot y'all y'all it was a pleasure uh thank you for showing your house it was phenomenal everybody say thank you to Joel uh I hope you had fun okay um so I the Discord screen sharing is kind of giving me a seizure but that's fine I can still do the tour on my chat doesn't see it so I'm fine to suffer okay are you sure yeah because it looks it looks pretty good just bear in mind that I'm fighting that for you when you're grading I got it I got it I got you all right we're ready how you doing all right so let's have a look let's have a look how clean the garden is you know we've I've gone for a minimalist approach with the garden um by minimalist you removed everything well yeah but that's what I thought it meant I would have I would have liked I would have liked some Shrubbery if it was possible I would have liked a little bit of uh I left this one in here yeah okay uh mainly because I couldn't remove it um so I did leave that in okay so you are you ready for the tour I am I am ready I love what you're spending a lot of time in the outside what the fuck is happening here you've got the green Eminem thinking about societal collapse and balls all right and I love how you there's like the ad of the person who actually like where you got that picture from so it's good credit you got credit there that's actually very thoughtful of you you're interested in the office here on this channel okay um we have an image of me pointing the to the enter uh oh that's you at the entrance I'm so sorry that uh I have other so you actually you did you did an exterior I will give you credit for that you did a very elaborate exterior you are essentially the guy that we all are here to impress and I noticed that in a lot of my favorite countries they tend to have pictures of the guy in charge on walls so I thought well why don't I mimic that and have the you know the biggest mural be of the guy in charge right but you you uh I'm gonna get to donkey a little bit of points on this because you went less like Rembrandt painting to show how how interesting and amazing I Look to more like the guy melting at the end of Indiana Jones um I think that's a little that's a little bit of a of a point deduction uh but it was the first one it was the first one that came up on Google um what did you type what did you type what do you mean that's the first thing that came up on Google what did you type into Google it's it's the Japanese Google it's different it's it's a different Google all right okay I'm feeling it if you tried it now it wouldn't work uh this is left by the previous contractor this isn't me even though it's the color of the paint of the outside of the house you didn't do that they leave stuff all the time right so why are you laughing this is serious because this is not even this is not even a house this is just it's just walls with giant like pictures on them all right let's go no no this is this is so much more than that okay all right I'll let you know what I have okay most of all I find that the uh the the the concept okay first of all right okay wait before you go any further is there Furniture in your house yes okay so um [Music] thing hold on why is calm Nintendo music playing right now I thought you did that I got yeah where do you want to go in the Maze do you want to go forward or do you want to turn I would like to turn right because I see that this is a little bit of a structural Integrity complexity issue up here what's going on here this is part of the the frights I left this here but that's intentional yeah I left this year I could I just I'm remodeled the entire floor I had to knock down all the walls I had to border off everything I got rid of all the windows they're all gone and I left this here as a as a kind of a Keepsake of the previous owner it was kind enough to sell me this house um I wanted to just have something also it's terrifying when you walk in because you know the fact that you could scrape your head boom like that you know I mean that dictated I'm gonna I'm gonna let you slide on that one because that was an unbelievable bullshit that was unbelievable oh let's just slide on that one so you want to turn right I would like to turn right we like to keep progressing forward I would like to continue to go forward yes I would okay I would like you to stop and go back okay I would like you to quickly explain what is going on with the wall on the left here as you can see by the mini map we don't look at it too much there but this is purely just here as you saw them I should have pointed this I saw the mini bathroom when you said that okay all right I'll I'll keep my mouth shut I would like for you to turn right okay okay I would like you to go in this room I'd like you to just okay so this is what was this gonna be oh no this is the whole point it's just like the signal that you've gone the wrong way oh but you didn't put like a piece of cheese down on the ground creativity points deducted by two why would I reward them for going the wrong way they're idiots cheese not on the ground that's deducted by two points and creativity clearly see that it's not painted thus you must not go this way Connor there's no cheese on the ground I'm sorry hey like I say it it hurts to be in your house I feel like my shoulders are like I feel like go like this when I'm in your house the point that's the point of the house okay you're not supposed to be comfortable it's my house get out of my house okay all right keep going all right so here's we have another meme it's Sky raisins and jalapenos is I would like to move forward I would like to do would you like to keep going forward or would you like to turn I want to turn right down this keep going just through here all right we have because why is it getting Tighter and Tighter and Tighter in here yeah I did that on purpose I'm trying to make it as little room as possible okay I don't know what that is but you just keep going for that that looks good okay this Yoda the Yoda you gotta get some creative points before is that pizza is a cat with a pizza it is peanut butter you left another paint bucket on the ground Connor oh no oh Connor Connor your complexity and structure grade right now is a 65. oh I'm sorry um I'm sorry it is we're gonna I gotta get your grades up here this is these are Joel's let's clear those because I I we're at a 68 in in complexity right now okay so now you this is the second time you've used this image I just want to make sure that's clear good actually but it is third it's an illusion it's an Illusions don't come through you're like well I just came this way there's no way this is oh did I go the wrong way perhaps right okay okay we could continue we are good to continue I'm getting my grades correct here so far okay I'm good to continue what is that what what can you what you can use that what does that mean use what do you mean press e on that what does that mean oh okay okay all right I get it again I'll change it to me there we go there we go oh yeah right I think that changes your creativity is I I got your creativity so far to 72 that's a c it's a breath of c c minus I think you can really try all right it can go higher yeah I just want to let you know that your philosophy right now I'm gonna give you a 95. the reason why you're getting a 95 in philosophy is because you took this concept of walls and Maze and you made it your entire house I've yet to see a piece of furniture by the way I've yet to see a piece of furniture by the way you will see Furniture don't you worry uh so we'll go forward and we can go this way but there's nothing you can just stand here and contemplate you can also get a good view of this meme which says I'll allow you to read it I look at the blood ocean sometimes and think for real that's where the government is sending me in a windowless submarine as capital punishment for the greater good of the human race there is something outside I'm gonna have to give you a 71 creativity I I could I couldn't even tell I couldn't read what's going on here it's very clean it's very clean I mean it has to be the whole thing is yellow walls it kind of has you have to get a 100 for clean well no other life form can live here actually there's so much asbestos and paint it's actually important I'm gonna do the skill check real quick hold up can you not even go through your house no it was like I said it's a skill check so anyone real game is going past this point oh okay that's actually kind of cool and so now I really take the concept of uh uncomfortable you know kind of an Alleyways to an extreme here by making it literally just you know it's it's the limit you can actually walk um I'm actually surprised you did this in an hour by the way oh yeah this is crazy right you did this in an hour yeah I did I I painted all the fucking walls I'm a psychopath I hate myself yeah you painted all the walls you really did you painted every single wall this color so I'm very curious about what's up here on the right and that's why I'd like for you to go open this right door yeah yeah okay we got in the uh that's pretty cool keep going the maze gets even even more uncomfortable now now we're just with it's such a complex maze it's so easy to get lost okay complexity is easily 100 I think actually uh that's just my rating complexity might have to go up a little okay so there's a stair here and the best part about this stair when you go up it it's purely aesthetic because it's completely useless there's nothing up here no no no no no there is there is absolutely is okay all right well that I like the aesthetic it's not going to change your score or anything but I like the aesthetic okay what the fuck is this and now you got a Scooby Doo you got a Scooby-Doo meme in here you're gonna take your philosophy down if I have a few points you go through now that's where the doors come into effect I'm trying to constrict it with a new map what did you fucking make all right it's a new it's a new way through here this is that Final Fantasy all right Final Fantasy what is going on okay so where is the furniture where is the furniture show me the furniture show me the room with the furniture right now this is the final are you sure you want to continue we give you a chance to end it all because it can be tough this is the and also I couldn't build a wall here uh but this is your final get out if you and also you get yeah so you you I actually kind of like that you made the haunted house thing where like if you want to leave it's like no no you can get out of here like like I'm scared there's an exit here I get it okay I like it are you really sure you want to see what's coming up because it's it's bad yeah that changes all right here we go is this the final round oh um there's another room there's of course there's another room but this is the this is the prelude um it says I'll let you I'll let you read this all right sometimes the side if you can't even a chick it's Sea Dog VA Scrump Dill dumpsters dump truck this is your live reaction to that okay I can give you I'm gonna give you an extra point in complexity I took some points down for creativity uh there's also there's there's uh this plants this plant matter on the ground I'm gonna read down on cleanliness a little bit here this plant matter in the in the in Jaws so that's extremely clean because we're not there's no dirt it's all self-contained it's like not a speck of look do you see any of the dirt outside because I don't it's extremely clean there's no windows we need some oxygen Generation all right what's the last room let's see it there's actually another door but you just like put walls up and put doors on them and like made a gigantic fucking amazing room it's a philosophy at 100 points that's the furniture it's one couch all right all right I'm gonna have to here we go no no it's the casting couch the Shrek is signaling what could be happening here okay all right I'm gonna have to I I do appreciate the maze the maze is very very interesting I don't look if you were to tell me I got an hour and 20 minutes to do something I don't know if it's an elaborate maze would be the first thing I would do I would focus on building a room uh you don't have any room exact rooms you've got you've got you've got zero rooms you've got it's all one room oh no no this is one room this is two rooms so here's three rooms so I'm gonna give you here's about here's my grades for you and we're gonna get chats great chat if we can go ahead and get chats radius remember it's A B C or D all right A plus I I actually I got you I here's what I got you at I got you at a 70 for I got you to see for creativity well actually I'm gonna give you 75. I think that you had you had a I like the maze idea I'll give you 75 creativity I've got you at a 69 for complexity because uh I mean it's arguably the most complex uh house that you'll see all day I mean the amount of walls and redecoration and painting it's extremely complex I got you at an 86 for cleanliness I've got you at an 85 for philosophy because I do think you had a you did have a pretty uh you had a good theme Here you've stuck with the theme completely okay I I just if I may if I may ask what they're cleanliness I mean I I find it hard to believe it's not a hundred not to you know to obviously disagree with your ruling and then this but I just wear with those 14 points where are they going uh so the cleanliness problem was there was two paint cans on the ground and the issue with the paint cans is you did you'd had a good cover for the first one but the second one was there also skill checked I'll give you I'll give you an 89 for all right thank you thank you I think that works and then chat's grade is uh nobody can get lower than a 60 uh Conor I'm sorry they've given you an F what yeah they get I I don't like the maze you didn't like the maze what do you do I could give him an F how they don't like the maze I don't know I liked it your overall grade is actually not that bad your overall grade is a 75.6 that's a full C for somebody that woke up at four o'clock in the morning to do this and learned how to play the game an hour ago actually great fucking job seriously that's actually you didn't really appreciate that is folks still building folk is still going did no one did anybody tell him to stop [Laughter] you need to stop building folk you need to stop building folk you have to stop building he's just going we tried we picked it like three times that's so funny all right so this is italics all right welcome to my plot uh we've got Turf laid down on the entire plot you won't find any weeds first of all that's a false flap that's a full clap for it but I can't believe he actually did this in in 60 minutes 70 minutes this is uh 100 clean backyard wow and I'll show you the uh the corner as well the turf changes as it gets in the back but it's still Turf okay so there won't there's no like there's no little ugly dirt spots we have a nice Suburban yard that we can have the kids go out and play that sounds great all right so I'm you're starting off at uh cleanliness we're at 100 right now by the way now let me take you inside so I just learned how to play house flipper yesterday and I was under the impression that this is a house flipper competition so I have um okay all right that's oh that's pretty damn good I have to tell you that's actually for complexity's sake oh yeah yeah all right yeah italics you're you are I'll tell you I gotta listen I gotta tell you how complex this was like a world first documented ability to do what you're seeing here it's it's not on how did you even get the furniture to go upside down um hours of trying to figure out how to do it after we did it on accident okay okay all right I'm feeling it I put in the training I put in the work I put in the preparation um but we we knocked down all the walls and gave it some you know little Flair you got you got a nice little sliding door so far you and Joel you and Joel had different uh walls so far except you might be noticing uh everybody's using the same paint everyone's got the same paint that's because it's landlord beige you know it's just this way to start with we got some um water flowing uphill because this is the the house that is flipped okay and we got like a nice little dining area there's a a piano here so that you can enjoy an elegant presentation with your friends while you're having some food beautiful you even got these seats did you do this through the whole house well yes but you're kind you're looking at the whole house uh the majority of the time was spent making sure that all the little details like the exterior were taken care of and clean it's it's extremely clean look at that sheen on the wood you're the first person to show sheen on wood by the way like we have a second floor paint job we got paneling on the first exterior actually put in some some windows and some sliding doors and like a proper front door okay got a nice little seating area with a big screen TV and some speakers is that an award on the table yeah that's my award for getting first place oh that's confident yeah that philosophy I'm gonna have to give you a 95 on that right now right that what that's honest to God that's a philosophy that is a Vibe and it's Europe very high right now I just want to make sure you know that thank you I appreciate being recognized but sometimes but sometimes overconfidence can be a little bit of a downfall so philosophy is going from a 95 to a 93. look I can fill it with oh you actually can go upside down oh yeah wait do I do that again hold on I'm sorry I gotta apologize we presented the um the house in the wrong way I I want to make sure I win the house flipper competition italics I don't know if anyone's gonna beat you come close if you'd like to sit and enjoy the TV or check on the neighbors outside through the front window yeah that was I mean I don't I mean what do I do about this this bad this is this was Connor's grades hold on a second here we got you out of creativity we got you out I got you out of 95 for creativity I got you at 100 for complexity I've got you at a 100 for cleanliness although this can come down from here I'm gonna I'm gonna emphasize brevity in my presentation um you've you've seen it this is it at the the house flipped house I I think so chat what's your grade go ahead and give it a B C or D uh I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that for your complexity complexity carries this the whole time I think that you being able to flip that and turn it the way that was an unbelievably huge deal one of the reasons why you're going to be up there pretty high is because of the flip reveal not just the fact that you did flip it but the fact that I and everybody watching built entirely upside down it was built entirely up Center here was put upside down all right that was a phenomenal phenomenon specifically cannot uh do it without being upside down and the way that you get upside down is actually so secret that it isn't even on the wiki for this game we discovered it on accident what do you mean we like I um I practiced yesterday so I could understand how to play the game you know I got familiar with it okay okay I I thought you meant like somebody in chat told you to do that no I I flipped upside down and then we spent an hour and a half trying to figure out okay all right all right that's all right here you go here are your grades you got a 95 for creativity you get 100 for complexity you get a 100 for cleanliness this is a very good this is a very good grade your philosophy is a 93 the only thing that I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna bring it down to a 90 and I'll tell you one reason why the whole house was built around going upside down everything and there's no second floor and there's no basement and the garage that's fair but I thought that having quality individual rooms would make up for instead of having like a bunch of things scattered around you know I went through quality over quantity you did which is why you still got an A and you know what I'm making a 92. nobody can get it 100. that this is the cleanest yard you will see today that is that's a huge deal dude because seriously like having a fully clean yard with grass planted big deal this this took almost one third of the total time yeah your total final grade congratulations italics you are currently The Head of the Class with a 96.5 I'll take it I appreciate it 96.5 for italics was a hell of a job 96.5 uh well yeah well I rounded it up now that I've gotten scored I can share my secret yeah if you if you have cheats enabled then you type you don't even have to open a window you can just type it into the game grav y That's how you flip it that's the graph sheet can you can you before you go real quick can you just give the philosophy on what is going on with the the red and the kind of metal here because that's one thing that I'm kind of reconsidering well we were going for something that um had kind of a classic Vibe but you'll notice that it does match the interior a little bit like we have this uh this wallpaper here with the the skulls like the the day of the door everybody's calling you a cheater yeah that didn't work we're all cheaters hey I didn't say you couldn't premise of the game I didn't say you couldn't do these things if anything he spent the extra time to figure that out so that's uh that's that's the grid you got a 96.5 coming up next who is whose house is next I believe it is Vinnie Vinnie I believe you or believe you are next thank you attacks congratulations for being ahead of the class so far I appreciate it I think cheating is uh not fair and yeah I'm ready I'm ready yeah it's ironic coming from the person who got like 30 extra minutes to build compared to the road 20 of those he was at the aquarium everybody all right it's all right we gave him the time of any please begin sure well first of all germa thank you so much for having me um it's really just a pleasure to be here um I would like to emphasize that I did not cheat while making my uh house slipper house okay and uh so what you'll be seeing today is legitimate um now the yard isn't really liquid right now so yeah the yard is your basic yard it's just kind of you know natural it's just I left it natural I gave a little Koi pond okay nothing nothing special in there um but still nice I can tell you the feature of the house is you know we got some nice paint um let me take you inside so as you can see here I've got furniture you do have furniture sure I've got a picture of my family okay um I've got my favorite Ducks from Animal Crossing oh so you see it's like a proper home I have uh there's Simon Cowell and uh Howard the Duck so lots of important people in my life okay so this is more this is more of a personal touch it is it's rustic I'm going for The Rustic feel and you can see we even got a nice accent wall um we don't go in this room wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute go back we don't go in this room what do you mean it's just it's not a room I would recommend going in open that door open that door I need to see the whole house foreign [Music] don't show me that again so so in here we have the um the hybrid kitchen and Chef and bathroom Okay shower so there's a nice carpet here um for the the bathroom kitchen you've got a nice toilet you got uh an iPad right next to the toilet good you may need that I use it a lot um urinal so when you're cooking and you know you're busy on the stove here you can take a quick piss use your soap and go back to cooking and the carpet is just a really nice feature because it it just makes it comfortable because when you're when you're cooking you're in a kitchen um you're moving around a lot so the carpet really takes some of the some of the wear off of that equation I do appreciate it I do appreciate they like the throw up fucking color that you have for the carpet that's very nice it hides all this it hides all the potential kitchen mess [Music] that's fine and piss stains and and the like and also uh the gray Leno show is the greatest late night show of all time yeah so then as you know so I'll show you the upstairs real quick so you know I didn't quite go back that sadly how many times we've seen this image already am we which one that one is no that's just like a type of image no the one on the left oh that's just me like put through a filter a couple times Connor are you you're watching right now right there's a version of my face that has this same face on on his Japanese Google yeah not on Japanese Google sorry oh okay oh okay all right yeah there's definitely a nice uh vibe to the room I tried to find sand flooring but I like this better um I have some photos I was gonna do a little photo gallery of the evolution of our image together um from Pax like six years ago five years ago to the most recent thing because we're buddies you know me you and kriken were good buddies yeah and and so anyway this is my alien um Norse and he's smiling here's the gamer uh chair the desk back to the gamer chair why uh there's a gun next to the gamer chair I'm just I'm just asking a question about it what uh what do you want to know about it visor gotten next to the gamers here [Music] why isn't there a gun next to the gamer chair okay here okay okay fair um here's the bed and uh why is the mirror is surrounding some surrounding mirrors well this is I mean this is the implication really more than anything are you a vampire I mean some some would say yes who can't see their vampires can't see the reflection or something why would you have mirrors everywhere wait a second wait a second uh this is clicking right now this is clicking right now um but okay I think it is are you are these all here for you so anyways down this way I'll show you another uh cool uh feature of the house so you know there's toilets pretty much in every main room um but then here we have probably I don't know the Grimace room you could call it there was an accident something something happened here but uh there is a toilet and we'll go back to the wall go back to the wall that that is that that's Mr is that Mr dink yeah well he's purple and I feel like him and Grimace probably had like something to do with each other I don't know what but I'm trying to find out the connection I want to interject for a second here I do have to drop a couple points on philosophy and creativity because I'm saying I'm seeing a theme that did you paint the outside of the house purple because this Grimace room existed and that was the first thing you did and then you said shit I can't just make a Grimace house no I started with the Grimace room yeah yeah I knew the Grimace room would have to be okay like really important to the room and uh we got the summoning Circle here well it's more of a summoning Cube but it worked I spent a lot of time trying to get can you go to the garage it's all rustic and nice there's nothing in there but can you go to the left of the garage oh Vinnie oh Vinnie Vinnie oh Vinnie sturdy back there it's pretty dirty back there hey germa can you take a look on Japanese Google real quick and check um for a photo of you if you wouldn't mind anyway so yeah the Mr dink uh connection is really really interesting isn't it that connection I actually do like the Mr dink Vinnie good shit I liked your philosophy I thought your creativity was great I love the fact that you have your multi-kitchen bathroom area fantastic I'm going to give you an extra point in philosophy on that one your cleanliness could be a little bit higher I'll give you a 90 because it was just that one area but I mean actually never mind you shouldn't have shown me that room more than once uh because I forgot it existed in this blood all over the walls you got to see in cleanliness uh all right so here you go chat what are you going to get Vinnie's house the vote is pretty much locked in at this point although a lot of people want to give you an A but it seems like the class is going to give you a b so it's a tough listen I'll cop to it it is a tough act to follow metallics you did something amazing with your house whether or not I agree with the method um that's a tough back to follow Vinnie Benny I I think you might be pleasantly surprised by this grid you got an 83.8 [Music] you got a solid B that's a solid B yeah I'll take it all right yeah uh can we get uh anybody anybody have anything to say yep I think you got robbed I think that was easily an a house I agree I loved it I quite appreciate the crime scene and all the blood on the walls thank you like you know it really adds something unexpected in your home you know German if we have a private room do you is it really your right to barge in there and start looking around oh shit that's a good point yeah rude private room it was he didn't want that to be seen okay I didn't do like a New York City box apartment actually no me I'm sorry to say there is no base I enjoyed yeah all right uh Kraken are you ready yeah welcome everyone um yeah this is my house uh yeah first first time in in this game uh so you know learned a lot on the Fly and I know the first thing you're thinking is yeah you know compared to some of the other uh yards this seems like it's a little bit it's kind of dirty Craig and this is very dirty and you'd be right but also what would if I told you it was intentional and then some of this trash was left here with a very uh important message okay well I'm gonna have to honestly I'm gonna have to start you out at like a 60 for cleanliness just because of what we know so far but I'm willing to change it and that's that's all I I'm looking to hear all right just you know open mind and that's that what you see here huh a fallout shelter okay are you saying that uh maybe something like the this world that we're in is kind of a post-apocalyptic one per chance and maybe there's like some some mess out here left from you know the the fucking fall of humanity okay maybe have you thought about that I I haven't thought about it I'm also thinking about potentially you forgetting how much time is left and just going oh shit there's a lot of trash outside I have to pretend I have to come up with a story or maybe this was the point all along and let me welcome you inside to uh are you familiar by the way with the uh the whole you know Barbie movie Oppenheimer um kind of uh you know double feature thing that's been going on the internet very topical everyone's all looking forward to it I know that the Barbie movie is coming out Oppenheimer movie is coming out the same same day oh it's coming on the same day all right okay I get it I get it I get it that's the whole thing uh so I thought what if we made a fallout shelter right because Oppenheimer that was themed after Barbie oh okay yeah Let It Go all right we're still percolating here so welcome on in this is the first room we have uh and you'll see that there's each room uh in this house is themed after a different uh just kind of fun concept right something that that I think Barbie would enjoy or you'd want in a fallout shelter should the Oppenheimer uh bombs fall you know at any minute so this is the first one any questions feel free to ask I have one question and it is did you and Vinnie use the same wallpaper uh I don't think he used this one did he I I will say there's a good chance this wallpaper yes no we did use the same I you'll notice there's more than one wallpaper in this house and that's because like I mentioned each oh is a different theme and so this is the neon room okay uh we have a little TV here like you know uh tv Mike from Willy Wonka what happened here and hop over this uh what happened here well this is the fish room as you can see um so we have a little uh fish here in the corner and that's it uh now we're gonna move on to this is the love room this is the love room yes yeah uh we got fairy lights we got some chocolate and is there a reason why the chocolate and the lights are not on a on a structure of any kind like on a table we only had one of those nuts for the fish okay they're turns out takes a lot of time to keep adding you know furniture and it's better to focus in my mind on the the philosophy and the spirit of a room this is the snow room uh we have a friend and uh snow is cold so we have a uh you know a fridge which is also used in Fallout shelters to escape bombs like in Indiana Jones so I love it I love the snow room great uh moving on we have uh this is the neon room and over here in the corner we have my little rat rat friends uh they have their water bowl and a nice little bed of course we keep oh cool we don't want them to get out and make a mess so we take them out one at a time something happened with the wallpaper back there there's some wallpaper issues I see there's also some structural complexity issues I think that are maybe bringing a little bit of the points down um speaking of look uh we can fill the rat's cage with food that's a cute thing right look at that honestly first person to incorporate an animal like an animal enclosure we've seen a couple rats but we have not seen an actual animal enclosure yet so right I'm gonna have to give you something we have now we're entering the dog room [Music] you started this with a philosophy of 95 because you told me at the entrance that this was a Barbie Oppenheimer house did that change in your process give me your philosophy on this like did that change when halfway through may I counter you with this does Barbie not have a dog I don't know does Bob we have a dog I don't know either but probably right so uh this is the Good Dog room um I was thinking of all the fun things that Barbie would like to have in in her Playhouse you know and so I couldn't find many props related to dogs so I do have a nice dog light down here but um that's all we got so over here every good house to use the toilet um and this is an outhouse that you put in behind this yeah well I didn't we didn't have it uh Plumbing working um so I did have to just kind of drill a hole in the wall and throw the Outhouse outside we also have the piss buckets for oh those are P those are you're not getting higher than a 60 and cleanliness this is not happening I'm sorry correct buckets for them they're not on the ground like I can show you the broom thing again if you want to confirm but they aren't you know I'm gonna give you some points in creativity because that's actually funny uh but you you're not getting higher than a 60 in cleanliness it's just impossible just wait till you see the rest of the place and I think you may be you'll be changing your tune okay uh speaking of cleanliness this is the plant room um I know you said that you were excited that there was a garden um from one of the earlier contestants and I thought what about if the garden was inside and also uh in case the zombies come you know this is again a fallout shelter at the end of the day and so we have a an ammo box and machine gun for uh just regarding the place you know what I think would really help stop an intrusion by zombies is having full walls I think that would help um with maybe a weapon aiming from a different floor uh so I'm gonna have to give you a little bit of a dock on that now what if I threw this out there Plants versus Zombies I gave you a point in Philosophy for that all right great um and then moving on this is the Mexico room uh we have uh kind of the you know Day of the Dead theme cool uh with this Garland and little skull and then over here uh a full-on spooky guy um so you know I just really want to make sure that each room here felt like its own world its own world just like the Barbie and the Oppenheimer movie right yeah you see my vision yeah uh then I got back on track with the theme of the Oppenheimer thing with like uh kind of a um like a generator gas generator right uh some boots which you would probably need in the Wasteland uh moving on we have a cute cat uh portrait that I found on the shop and just couldn't help but put in the very cute in my building yeah it's very cute with the guns everybody has like a gun with a chair well you would you naturally hang your gun up uh when you kicking back it just reminds you of your own mortality like Oppenheimer does from that movie I believe is going to be a bit dark so I thought a nice little brooding corn would be good this little spider over there though to keep it keep it light um and then this of course is bringing us to uh the end of the tour um which by the way I don't know if you noticed this was amazed the whole time I was gonna say where are the doors somebody said does Barbie not have doors the doors uh were made because as I mentioned uh someone uh me this is their first experience with this game and first built the walls and then later didn't realize the doors were a thing until after uh you know using the sledgehammer tool but I think it adds to kind of The Rustic feel of you know finding your way through a maze right you sort of did the reverse of oh my God Mom and Dad are coming home we have to clean up the place so you kind of did like oh my God Mom and Dad are coming home we have to build a fucking house all right finally though we gotta go to the we gotta go to the upstairs see uh because I want to see them well Feast your eyes on the point of this whole maze uh uh all about Good Vibes over here and so what is better than good vibe especially at the end of the world at the The Apocalypse of time uh we know what toilet paper is going to be the most valuable thing so I just wanted to kind of uh pay homage to that and have kind of a nice you know day new Mont if you will kind of wrapping everything up here as you come to the top you did get a point in cleanliness because of the toilet paper there so there's one point in cleanliness you got a 61. can you look at the ceiling okay look down okay I just was seeing what was on the ground if you had anything it was is this is default uh the default floor on the ground well I think since I went through a lot of effort uh putting up wallpaper on literally every other wall um I really I kind of thought the ending being a more uh minimal uh kind of you know good vibe room all right crack and I can tell you what I got over here so far I got you at an 80 I got you an 85 for creativity because you really pulled me in with the whole Oppenheimer Barbie house yeah and I dropped some scores elsewhere because it turned out that that was just a bait and switch and you um you grabbed us and um unfortunately if your whole house had been a Barbie house it probably would have been a lot higher I just would be I'm just gonna be completely honest with you although the philosophy of you making individual rooms in individual spaces that were completely disconnected from each other did have to take you some time and you stuck with that philosophy so I'm gonna you got an 87 for philosophy wow thank you you got 76 for complexity and 61 for cleanliness and chat has given you they're still deciding but it looks like they're going to give you a c all right you'd be you got a 78.4 that's a c plus hey almost a b all right I'll take it um I will say you hit the nail on the head with uh the Oppenheimer Barbie house uh kind of being abandoned halfway through for the multiple room thing that's exactly what happened that's what I figured um I started with that vision and I thought oh this is going to be great and then uh kind of got carried away I believe with each of these rooms so uh you know you hit the nail on the head there and I think if I could go back I would have just done hey honestly your first thing philosophy you being at an 87 for philosophy uh you yeah you were on the right track it's just timing and first time playing it but I completely get it that's a good job it was very wonderful presentation very wonderful house everybody should be clapping right now please thank you Kraken thank you yeah this has been a pleasure uh you're outside it's very dirty you're you're outside it's very dirty like you but out of everybody I know it's part of the theme but you have the worst outside I would say and I I mean that in the nicest way possible open the garage please as there's no nice way to say that I did clean this side though look Vinnie okay oh shit you did clean that side Joel is the only one really that actually used utilized the garage that's true this is true Joel was sitting at an 87 right now poke is ready to go right now and Ludwig will be right after poke poke how are you great okay how are you I'm doing fantastic I'm so glad you're actually here I'm I'm so looking forward to your house I'm really happy you actually got to be here for this so I hope no I really thought it was tomorrow but no this is great dates times yeah it's it's hard it's easy to get it all messed up right hi and welcome to my house I uh look at my door this is my beautiful house I've worked on um this is my first time playing too uh I you know I had no past experience uh on the way here I woke up my roommate he you know he went on my PC did everything for me the tutorial everything and I just took over and I I'm here's what I got let's take a look at the outside the outside is a little dirty poke it's a little dirty on the outside I didn't really have time to clean the outside you know okay all right okay it's not about what is out anyways it's about what is inside I think that matters you know um can we start with the garage we do we have to kinda because I want to see if there's anything in it [Music] do you hear the sound by the way I hear that sound yeah okay all right so it's the cars can fit in here yeah you I mean it's it's good it's clean you can fit cars if you really wanted to so I went for like a lime green design you know and if people look at I mean since the since the house isn't really done fully you know what's wrong with having a few placeholders you know so is the uh are these other how is this what the house could look like eventually is what's on the exterior I don't know I mean those houses look great whatever houses these are they look phenomenal it just messes with your imagination a little bit it's like an optical illusion so here's let's just go in the front this is the front of the house right here this is the front door yep you know let's put some music on so I went with like a I went with like a like a airport [Music] all right so you made an airport in okay give me the philosophy on that I mean when you're rich you could really do anything you really want and this is for the for the people out there who just want to get what they want you know and some people want to Willy Wonka house some people want a fact you know some people really just want an airport poking your elbow the city player I think this something wrong with it I think it's skipping a little okay now this is we're all streamers here we're all streamers here and I made sure to make one of the houses really relatable to all of them this is the streamer room I now I didn't have any photos on my PC I only had sponsor photos so these are just these are the different sponsors you've had throughout the last year you have one of those banned lawn chairs the most uncomfortable those things make sweaty red fucking marks all over your whole body I'm gonna have to take some points off for that really uh they make sweaty red bands across your whole body it's horrible but I'm gonna have to give you some points with complexity though you're you're your score is your score is very high right now there's a triple PC Set uh dual people have dual PC setups and here this house we have the triple PC because these are all three individual computers yes okay interesting so do you can you can you pump through like multiple games are you trying to do multiple streams what it's to stream the streaming PC now here's the kitchen garage doors or your doors yeah I mean we all learn from rust you know how to really protect yourself and why would you not want a like a like you know yeah I I I did would you where'd you get the flashlight from [Music] it's uh it's music what this is just a picture of who's that a picture of just some inspiration to get like just get back to work got it you know what I mean got it I do like the wallpaper in here it's very creative thank you thank you can I see what's the painting on the ball here on this this side wall if you turn the left it's a window oh that's a window oh that would be beautiful yard every house needs air well turn around let me see the beautiful yard again turn around look at the yard that to the right where that is yeah that look that's exactly what that looks like on the wall now go back go back inside and take a look out I just wanna oh that's what it looks like it's it's transparent it's weird it's where the lake is um like kind of an optical illusion kind of like a mirage sometimes that's weird it looks good though let's go upstairs yeah let's take a look upstairs tip what the fuck is that we don't want to go down there what is going on down there all right this is uh the Realtors one of the Realtors son oh okay I like it I like it I do appreciate it so the the floor uh Vinnie and kriken had this on their walls so it's really nice that you actually made them rugs on the ground yeah I think that's pretty good philosophical reason to do that thank you I couldn't find any lights but wait that's a that's what came up when I searched for lights if you're wondering these don't turn on either [Music] do you okay poke very important question do you have a bathroom yes I'll get that right now [Music] music so here's the bathroom come on like behind you or this is the bathroom here where do you go to the bathroom if I have to piss where do I go um [Music] all right so what is there is that a security camera well you want to have safety and that's the actual design of the room is [Music] going that what what's in that room what's in that room this one yeah okay all right you're gonna have to get an extra few points for that you have to get a few points for that you actually tricked me okay you get a few you get a few more points for that all right what what is it what's the say on the wall room room okay so you've got and what's that is that a it's a photo of ninja I don't have nothing on this PC so Conor did also by sort of I'm sorry I can't talk I can't even hear myself Conor did a similar if you stand that way and then open it and it won't hit you go all right yeah go just turn all the turn off yeah because we never can talk is that question mark to signify the Riddler whoa that's just it's a really you know I don't think the image loaded that would make sense it's probably an error yeah and honestly this imagine you came in and where would you know you'd have no idea how to get there it would throw me off because it did throw me off because I actually did not know if it was a real room or not so you got me uh all right so I'll give you the grades the grades that I have for you so far I really did like your airport philosophy the reason why your philosophy is so much higher is you have a 95 in philosophy because thank you thank you I'm getting inside kind of your head a little bit here because you're you you get back you're like fuck I'm 30 40 minutes late I need to do something I'm gonna do an airport and it's like no you know what fucking I'm gonna change it from the airport to like an anti-burglar house and then you're like fuck it I'm gonna put your garage doors everywhere you you were like up against the clock and yes you made it happen and the philosophy of you making that happen and adding these comedic elements is what puts you out of 95. philosophy unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately [Music] sorry I I was waiting for a sound effect sorry you're the guitar your your cleanliness was pretty much zero I was very dirty outside um it was filthy out there it looks like he took a little bit of less time I'm gonna end this trash that's a trash bag right there well it's not a trash bag what is that it's a Oh I thought that I thought that was a trash bag okay uh but anyways that's it you gotta you got a 60 for cleanliness it was very dirty and I they're dirty enough where I can't Overlook it uh I would probably give you like a maybe like a 65 because if if you just go outside and just take a look around this paint cans I know this wood the fire the flame store ran out yeah and like the scaffolding is still there I yeah I think you nailed it I think you knocked it out of the park uh it just was very dirty so that's gonna hurt your grade a lot but Chad has given you an a which is a 95. so we here's where you stand now you stand poke you add a creativity of 95 that is an a complexity of an 83 now the reason why I give the I just the the big paintings on the wall I mean he said you even said it yourself you didn't even know what images you had on this computer so yes that's I got to bring some points down for that so that's an 83 for complexity uh plus having a garage door for every single door is it's you know it took us a while you know to open them and then they're very loud uh but your philosophy was a 95. your cleanliness was a 65 and chat gave you a 95. with the grand total poke your grade in total with this music in the background is oh wow all right so you are at an overall grade of 87.5 which puts you Joel had 87.6 oh wow it was it was the cleanliness is what killed you London yeah that's worth 15 no I'll take that damn 80 87. 87.5 nice job thank you I loved it yeah did you do is that another sponsor I don't I don't remember this I think so yeah it was actually funky the garage having to wait for the garage doors every time oh my God it's torture it's like the idea of like each of the the first two notes playing from each individual radio that is in every room did you put that did you put that in or is that just there yeah oh my God if you were upstairs in that home and someone was at the door you probably wouldn't make it in time I don't think anyone is no one's by the way I love that he painted the whole outside of the house just like spearmint green this took half the time all right are you ready yep so Ludwig I do have to tell you uh very importantly there is you did get a minus two deduction to philosophy right off the bat I'm sorry because we we had a thing with the when I unmuted everybody the first person to complain was the one that was going to get minus two points on their philosophy and I think the first thing you said was like uh fuck this this was stupid no I didn't say that I would never say that I forget what he said but it was very funny but I am I'm willing I'm willing to to scrub those points being deducted look it's fine because I think I'm gonna score 100 in philosophy and so with 98 it's still an A plus re okay so you're really confident what I want you to focus on is history okay history you know what they say about history you know what they say if you do not learn from history it is doomed to repeat itself got it you ever heard that I have many times oh yeah that's me that said that and and uh and so today we are going to do in homage okay to H H ohms do you know who that is I don't well I'll I'll show you I'll show you because because first and foremost um he's an American okay can you hear that music I cannot hear the music you don't hear like the national anthem playing I don't I can put the national anthem on over here if you want me to no you're fine you're fine okay okay oh say can you see by the dawn's early like this is our American garage okay uh and and it's where we are starting our story today to explain who H.H Holmes is because at the end of the day this is a history lesson for you to learn to not repeat what was done in the past starting with the garage already a good start yep starting with a garage here so H.H Holmes uh was an American uh and I made this garage to dedicate to him um oof oh you just blew it up no it was a it's an explosive entry it's like oh okay okay yeah let me actually do a little bit of uh sound turned on this is our American garage red white and blue filled with the American flag of course uh we have our our turrets um which is gonna come in handy a little bit later when we when we learn more about HH Holmes who again you don't know about right that is a brand new person I don't even know who that is great brand new person love that love that so let's let's talk more about it as we enter the backyard and you can see here look at the walls right painted all the way through looks really nice yeah um uh do not enter ooh okay no no doors no doors on the back it's nope because the house was a confusing design because H.H Holmes germa this is where I should uh tell you he was America's first serial killer uh oh okay okay he uh fell into some affluence through his family and through killing the leader of a pharmacy and taking over said Pharmacy and through that was able to create the Murder Castle this feels like a book report Ludwig new history so it doesn't repeat itself yeah go on we're here so the Myrtle The Murder Castle and uh much like this project was developed very quickly by many different developers uh and for me to emulate that I took suggestions for my chat okay to uh to create this so so you'll notice the the long uh winding narrow Halls it's like a Gmod map that hasn't had textures put on it uh White all the way through very clean mind you it's very clean I will say you're starting at 100. paint everywhere no spots missed at all done yeah none at all um it's a maze house though it's it it's it's not amazed so that's and that's and I knew you'd say that because there's been a lot of maze houses today haven't there have been there but there have been at least two H.H Holmes used several different contractors to make his house that way no individual except for him knew the layout of the home he would then use it as a hotel during the Chicago world fair that people would stay at and from the second floor he would have a a trap door to bring people to the first floor okay that's from my hero Academia what does it have to do with it did you hear what I said germa yeah but what does have to do with H.H Holmes my hero Academia well don't worry about this this is just to show the explosiveness of the trap door bro all right that's pretty cool that's actually pretty cool okay I'm gonna have to get we're starting a little bit High here yeah that was you use the environment to make something happen and I'm gonna you're you're actually pretty high I thought I thought it was just I thought it was just a White House at first okay do you got me that was gonna be embarrassing um you you gotta be embarrassing I'm actually here now you got me now the way H.H Holmes would kill all his victims was by having them go through a trapdoor into the basement whether it be eaten alive by rats really that's terrifying yeah that's horrifying yeah your cleanliness just went down horrifying ten points I tried to work for it's it's the rat room it's the rat room they're located within the rat room but there are rats in your house so yeah we have to be fair but it's in the trapped or rat room where you're supposed to kill people so it makes sense that the rats are here what's on the wall there uh this is uh if looks good kill you know what I mean um uh that okay so this is where this is where what so you could be is that a poker table blackjack table what's over there what's the philosophy for that being in here I figure the rats would get bored and I wanted to put a poker table for them to play poker at okay all right um this is this is uh I hope an eye-opening yeah about the dangers of the past and how not knowing them could make them happen in the future and what I want you to understand you're gonna kill me what does that mean are you ready this is educational it's educational all right I want to teach you to just be wary in the future if you ever go to a hotel make sure it's from a reputable Source okay because you could end up in HH Holmes Murder Castle oh sh that's the end of the tour oh all right shit okay we have a few questions yep um yeah please please go ahead two I have a few important questions number one where's the bathroom uh that's a great question the bathroom let me bring it to you right now right here okay so you did okay so this is a bathroom this is the toilet bathroom I I've so here's what I've got so far I like the fact that you did the garage a lot of people just didn't even you there's only two or three people that even step foot in the garage it seems uh I do appreciate the fact that the garage is done so Chad is going to be great in your house right now I'm going to give you my grades that I have so far and you can argue with me if you want we can go through it I have you create a wooden dare so creativity I got you in 85. the fuck 85. why 85. you hate me I got you to creativity 85 for a couple of specific reasons one okay I like the philosophy the philosophy is actually where you're gonna get some points back here because you you took you took a theme and you your whole house is a gigantic I got a gigantic history lesson that's really interesting like I gave you a 93. I give you a 93 for for philosophy you also includes the minus two you have 91.95 you have a 91 in philosophy all right I got my final grades for you Ludwig and don't worry you know I don't think you're gonna be disappointed okay okay so philosophy you get a 91 that's an a that's an A minus and we had an awesome history lesson it was I I really do enjoy the fact that you utilize the garage you didn't just go over there and into the house and not do anything with it with the all the pieces you used all the pieces you're an 85 85. look at this look at this over here is painted all right I'll give you I'm going to give you a couple extra points for complexity I I painted in every available corner yeah your cleanliness is only a 90 because of it was rats and I know that's on theme and on brand and every story it's part of the story I'll give you a 92 on cleanliness you get a 91 philosophy 92 cleanliness 80 complexity 85 creativity and chat's great is a 60. so is that the worst check rate for anyone today that's the worst chat grade that can possibly go out and they must have it out for you for some reason I don't know why you are at an 83.2 for your final score that is a b and nearly B minus how does that stack up you're kind of right in the middle I do appreciate the the whole the so here's thing about theming so everyone else that had a theme they didn't stick with it a lot of the theming was kind of all you know okay we're starting with this theme but we're moving on to other themes your entire theme was this HH Holmes serial killer house hey I learned something today that I didn't know before that's all that matters actually actually a true statement uh we got coming up next is I believe it is Doug Doug is next right Doug Doug we are ready for your presentation now look I enjoyed hearing Ludwig's origin story as much as the next guy there have been some great houses here today but germa I'm ready to take you to the happiest place on Earth okay land a legally distinct version of Disneyland with everybody's favorite mascot Dicky Mouse uh nigerma what is your favorite ride at Disneyland goofy oh that isn't a character um Space Mountain that is down for construction unfortunately as we walk into Main Street Avenue you're going to notice lots of shops lots of different areas of dougney land you're going to notice uh Goofy's Castle as well as the Epcot Center and all of those lovely houses around Main Street that we all know and love as you walk down Disneyland I mean dudney land Avenue very beautiful the walls are fully painted wow okay looking good Let's uh let's start Hometown everybody loves Toontown um you have all your favorite characters yeah like Goofy and docky and um cow yeah yeah so the cow I love the cow is one of my favorite characters notice the cartoon flooring really evokes that feeling of like you've been transported into a cartoon world um and chat this might be a bit scary we're gonna head into Haunted Mansion next oh shit you're gonna notice that Haunted Mansion is actually yes Sea Dog amaze and as we go in oh God sorry sorry um there's terrifying photos up on the walls you don't know which direction you're going you're moving left and right where the hell is uh this oh look at how scary oh another ghost this place is terrifying right really really gets you into the mood not even for children because of how scary this is I genuinely don't remember where the ending is even let me pause for one second you made an actual maze caught her in your face was just like a curly cue with with pictures from your computer it was very good but this is a this is what is this slander no no I'm just saying this is like the first real Maze of the night of the four or five minutes my maze oh come off of it you're real amazing look at the mini map oh mini map okay I just met Doug duck for the first time like fucking a month ago all right you'll find out all right go ahead oh I'm back to the entrance okay that's not a bit I'm okay hold on we'll get to the end one sec all right um as you continue along the Haunted Mansion it gets scary and scarier did the creators of dudney Land even finish this maze is there anything actually waiting at the end is it going to be as scary as those ghosts have been until finally you go even farther and you reveal Jared fogle's bedroom with a children's bed in front of it ah truly a haunted ride any man or child would love that's pretty funny any questions on Haunted Mansion that I honestly yeah first of all you're the first person you're the first person that made a real Maze Look at the mini-map look at the mini map go back to the Maze and go into the mini map you had actual places where you couldn't really go and then you had to go through a different spot you got lost in your own maze that that's a disaster complexity intentionally right that comes complexity I got you at a 98 right now by the way a 98. so as you leave the Haunted Mansion uh you're a little spooked right you need something to chill out with maybe you want to go to Tomorrowland the future of tomorrow or whatever Walt Disney said now Tomorrowland is uh all of the highest technology that uh we could find uh there's all this technological cubes this technological cubes look at these Tech cubes I think it's a cabinet there's technological paintings which I don't think anybody else had the walls fully tiled with some of the most cyberpunk Tomorrowland stuff you can find and a bed I do have furniture in this house yes okay I I do have a question yes what is the philosophy of the placement of the technological cubes because they look a little scattered yeah have you um seen the movie Alien yes it was random I just put them everywhere oh okay okay all right um let's head back downstairs I want to show you our backyard okay other people tried to make prim and proper little boring Lawns nobody likes that nobody likes Suburbia what you want is Adventureland this outdoor has a mix of different plants and foliage it even have a swimming pool that the the deep end has a swimming pool Adventureland is something for everybody look at this bonsai tree pretty cool right this is actually a pretty damn good backyard there we go I I I'm I am I am I don't know Doug Doug this is this is looking pretty solid uh okay can I can I can can you do me a favor yeah could you go to the garage again sorry you mean what garage I would like you to go to the garage are you talking about germ reversal Studios that place is a dump my Park is much better don't go anywhere near Universal I want you to open the garage the standards at German reversal studios are very subpar I don't even think they have a ride in here okay I appreciate the fact that you hid the garage but that Park sucks yeah there's not much in that there's not much in that Park not much in that Park the parking lot there's a parking lot yeah I took out the garage door and put in a wall oh okay all right but why is there a door to the part how a car is supposed to get in here dog dog dog what's that right there in the lower left next to the door oh boy um that somebody um Miss to park their car in the wrong spot Doug the door is not tucked up the door is not even in the frame either oh but that's again some Rogue driver yeah have you been to Disneyland have you been to the parking lot these people do not know how to drive I do appreciate the parking sign though that is very nice I do love it it is parking for a Segway can we go into the box can we go into the ball pit oh yeah yeah so one of our most popular rides is ball pitland and if you've been wondering where the bathroom is don't worry Splash Mountain had you covered I was just gonna ask it multiple pools that you can swim and Frolic in and if you need to go to the bathroom we do have a urinal at the very end if you can kind of jump up yeah are you are you peeing out of the water to get to that um I think if you jump across you could sort of time it in bursts what about anything if you take a shit you can go in the pool so nobody is swimming in these pools well I was sort of thinking maybe the middle one would be the shit pool and then splash mountain is the first and the third okay I get you so so only so one of these is used as a place to go to use the bathroom and the other ones can be used as a pool that's that's I'm pretty sure if we put enough chlorine in these nobody's is going to notice so I'm going to dock you on cleanliness for a minute that's filthy uh I'm gonna have to drop you on the cleanliness have you ever been you know like a wave pool those things are bright yellow all right everybody just puts up with it that's part of the amusement park experience I am torn because you have philosophically probably one of the best I would say one of the best grades here philosophically speaking this is wonderful and I'm trying to figure out is this a 95 is this a higher score is this a 96 we've got Epcot but in um every other contestant has been spot checked on the corner next to the garage it's true can we see the corner of the garage dog Corner oh oh right right yeah see that as part of our Adventureland expansion was left untidy let's check it oh um I have no everybody neglected The Hooligans at this point everybody needs to get in there and kick him out where if and if the park is successful enough we will purchase germ reversal Studios and just kick them out of here this has gone on too long I'm gonna give you a 100 on creativity because I really think you deserve it I think I think I think you actually deserve a perfect score for creativity uh I think you absolutely nailed it this took you had to bring in custom things here and I think you absolutely crushed it on complexity I'm going to give you a 94. there was some there was some doors that weren't really in their own place they have some walls that were constructurally had some problems the garage had wasn't anything there there also was the problem with the the dirt and the debris to the left of the garage but I do think it was phenomenal I love it I think it was fantastic I think you're going to get probably at least an a Chad is also giving you an A so you that is also that is a full night that is a 95 from chat thank you you've got a you've got a great great score here let's figure it out you're gonna be uh pretty high probably top of the class I'd say pretty high 94 in complexity a 90 in cleanliness of that back area really gets everybody philosophy I feel like you did a lot with your philosophy here I think it's a little low hey and you got to admit with the doors consistent consistent philosophy throughout I'm going to give you a 97 for philosophy let's go let's go I really think that it should be somewhere or higher than a day and then chat's great is also an a which puts you at a grand total of 96 .0 thank you chef italics is currently at 96.5 both 96's you both should be very proud of yourselves for your creativity complexity cleanliness wonderful wonderful job Doug that was fucking phenomenal thank you all right so we got one more we have Connor eats pants it's the last one but no oh oh my God why could I not think you know why no get Jared off the screen get Jared Jared jump scared me Jared jump scared me it's because it's because I'm looking over at my sheet and because we've moved you you're like not on the sheet over here anymore so you're like out of my brain all right it's your turn RT I promise I promise I promise I promise I promise all right let's let's get it let's get it let's get it let me get odd up for this it's actually okay um going at the spot I did because I think with my house here is going to be a little anticipation because I actually gonna quote germa here if your whole house is a Barbie house it would have been a lot higher it's true there's a view in kraken's house um no I've actually produced a no no Barbie Dream House are based on the old dollhouse toys um for you to play with today um let's make our way on side but first and foremost haven't just left this out here what do you mean you haven't left it out here 's some strawberry ice cream take with you we thought about it oh we thought about it thematically holy shit so let's step on holy shit was to try and get the classic feel of a traditional Barbie playhouse you know so it's a bit plasticky feeling as you go through it but the colors uniform have a little Elegance of style you have your nice Windows you have your lights a little bit of air to kind of get in here Retro TV kind of because you would you would have like kind of old toys based on this like kind of little old things that you stick in the house when you play with one of these toys that's back in the day you know like I tried to kind of really base it on kind of like the earlier ones from the 60s when Mattel were making these way way back so we've actually got Open Access back just so you can kind of get your hands in there you know if you're playing with as a kid you've got your kitchen unit of course you can play with it too you also have a complete poolside Beach area we've sanded down a lot in the garden here but also some grassy patches just to try and make it look distinct gotta get the Barbie Brandon in here as well sure okay you get a lot of stickers of Barbie in these old place that's too just to really kind of hammer home what it is you know they're big on the brand and they were back in the day we got we built our own little bench here assemble this so you can just have it like a nice little hold on pause for a second pause but this is all very wonderful you've even got the little dirt you've got the dirt under the bench because your legs are going to kick some of it away you know we thought about that yeah that's just like you you've shaped it you've sculpted this this is this is a sculpture this is a sculpture you've made okay continue you're way too kind you're way too kind we have like a more little sticker of Barbie here as well just so she greets you when you're coming in the door you have a lot of these things just as you go about Mouse uh if we take a look upstairs we tried again to just try and give this kind of an open feel and we got all the essentials here is all the batteries closed um you know because you know better be famous for our fashion through the years we really want to make sure that we have that as part of it here is a classic kind of style bedroom went for a bit of an urban feel maybe in the back a bit but also kind of want to keep it true to Barbie have that in here was the were the walls not being pink a time constraint no no it was actually it was a deliberate choice we wanted a kind of the contrasting background because it makes these walls pop more if you actually have a brick wall on the back it's what in a lot of Urban Dwellings you'll kind of get that look and actually they Incorporated that in some of the classic Barbie dream houses I'll have you know my grandmother had one is that true someone look that up is that true somebody looked that up if it's true I'll I'll put it higher I would have a wardrobe room here as well of course because you know you can go through your outfits um now we do have one bit now this is classic and I debate is doing it this way okay um there is a extensive use of stickers in old Barbie homes especially for details like toilets and that because you only get so much plastic in this set so you really yes they make use of sticker elements for some of these features in the house because otherwise it'll just ramp up the retail price and I want to try and stay true to the vision of it being a toy and you know affordable in that sense what wig look this is a history lesson and it's not about a guy that murdered people this is the majority of the house here um we can hop back outside we have working lights as well we wired all these up they work you have working lights are you the only one that made working lights in the whole game no wait somebody else did sure did somebody else have working lights I don't think anybody had working functioning electricity I did I just forgot to show it but oh okay all right he's already killed me sorry you've already died already now we can just sit by the pool with our lovely strawberry ice cream and just soak in the day we have flowers All Over the Garden yeah like can I see the flowers yeah of course like we have a lot like on the purple ones here we have these kind of like this border Edge guard all these kind of plastic pots and I kind of want it's weird because I'm trying to represent this feel in a bit of plastic as we kind of go about the property um because again I like the toys were the reference point for this stock up on some more strawberry ice cream uh RT can you open the garage please so I did think about the garage in official dream houses back in the day the garage would actually be sold separately as would Barbie's car so it's not included it's not included uh I actually wanted to remove the garage entirely in the property because to kind of hammer home that idea of it being sold separately um because it wouldn't be included that would be a separate playset and that and we were focused on Barbie's Dream Clubhouse here can you check the corner to the left of the garage uh the corner to the left of the garage sure thing hang on just one sec it's clean oh you keep you get to keep the 100 on clean no don't worry attention to detail like you know I I want to keep the garden kind of nice pristine and proper um I really like actually I kind of like adding the sand in this um as we were going about too I just thought I'd add it a bit just sort of a bit of contrast from like kind of just modern Suburbia that you're getting here and like everyone just doing kind of grassy Gardens I thought it would look a bit more distinct and against the idea of kind of dream Clubhouse and thinking of the beach and things like that yeah the bit the sand is bringing me to the beach that's really wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful thank you very much uh I have to I'm I'm fighting with giving you a 98 or a 100 on creativity I'm trying to uh the 98. oh it's a 99. it's an oh my God you're all right your creativity I'm giving you 99. you're so kind your complexity I'm giving you an 89 and it's not because it's not a complex house it's because it's it's a it's a more it's it's a home this is a regular home it's not very it's not a very complex home this is a home this is like modeled after those old Barbie toys which is exactly after the old Barbie toys so you don't actually want too much clutter in there exactly I've tried I've tried to kind of push over though and add as much details as I can like stuff with the lights and that that's true um just to kind of make it look nice but your philosophy you've got a 100. that this I think you've you nailed it on sticking with a theme you pulled the theme the whole time there's not a whole lot of structural problems it's very very nicely made all the wiring works in the house everything works that's a 100 for philosophy that's a 100 for cleanliness this is going to be you're gonna be it's gonna be close or you might be ahead of the class we're gonna see what Chad's greatest no chat is expect this honestly Chad is unanimously giving you an an a in 95. oh my God so I think it's very possible we'll do a little bit of the math here hold on a second we got you at 99. are you way too kind chat thank you mention 90 for complexity ladies and gentlemen RT game is currently at The Head of the Class with a 96.65 one tenth of a point higher than this Alex oh my God five tenths of a point higher than Doug Doug freaking dare you that I don't want to be a buzz kill but Doug knee land does own the rights to Barbie and we will be sending you a seasoned assist oh that's true that's true look the two people who might beat me italics and the Barbie house both cheating the law legally this is there can be a brand opportunity Mattel is very powerful as I imagine Doug Newland is our lawyers will talk right we can work something out here all right that was fucking phenomenal RT uh thanks very much you're way too kind thank you everyone it's unbelievable because it is it's really good RT yeah good good job thank you so much everybody did a great job come on like uh with people's skill levels in the game and some people woke up an hour before and some people with timings trying to get everyone this was a lot of fun thanks everybody so much we got one more we've got con reads pants's house so you said you you have a theme that you're going through you said I have a theme I'm it's not exactly like a home that you well I guess you do live in it if you're like I guess someone who's invited to it but okay it's not like it's not like a not like a family home uh it's a it's an orphanage um okay specifically it's a hundred thieves cash up orphanage uh is what we've made here and if you're wondering about the windows the boards are supposed to be there okay um they're supposed to be there so that you know people don't leave um but yeah so that those are there for a reason but I I can show you the home check it out in the front yard again it's an orphanage so you can't really expect it to always like look so great outside there was some digging there's some digging that didn't get done there you can listen we'll get to it we'll get to it anyways okay and the boards are uh you're you're out of 75 for Clinton awards are there for a reason okay so here we walk in and this is the main room as you can see it's uh red we have a couch Connor we made the same house and I was just sitting there chatting to people oh yeah yeah I could show you my house that I made okay well I have a light switch that's actually fucking hilarious uh this is the girls room okay or uh this is the girl's room we can fit two um we have things girls like in here like a Barbie Dream House love Hassan um this doll and Taylor Swift okay uh so yeah the girls love it [Music] this is the boys room we have things boys like like the main characters in Michael Bay Transformers movies like Shia LaBeouf and Mark Wahlberg um oh I know Camaro because like Bumblebee and that's just like a window is it a window or is it is it a pic can you can you get closer for us it's a window I can't I don't know how to crack any Crouch uh I don't think you can the kid might have actually put that on the wall next to him to simulate oh no I see okay this was an accident there's supposed to be like a door here fortunately we won't get into that okay this is the hunter thieves cash app kitchen juvie we have uh brought to you by courage JD and we have courage on the wall we have a nice sink perfect this is where you get the jig and then I I'm gonna get okay I'm for creativity I mean you may I I'm gonna give you so far I'm gonna I got you at an 80. okay I get your daddy so far we'll keep getting that up don't worry okay this is the back door here is the repurposed from a Sears that shut down we kind of just took the glass sliding door we like the blue um but yeah so that that's that again it's it's tough to get funding for an orphanage so they have kind of make make what's going on with the window well is there a window you got a window here uh next to the door yeah to the right yeah no like this one yeah is that part of another window or is that it's just lighting natural lighting well the the sun is the sun is due south so it's it's not hitting you this way well at this time of day of course but yeah I mean all right so what what do you got uh oh you are the first person to use the house yeah I think that's worth at least a couple points in philosophy and his son's there somewhere anyways uh upstairs we have we have a couple different usages the main usage of upstairs is the playroom you'll see it in the corner but okay kind of just having like the the owner's bed is right there okay and we want to keep it like motivating for the kids so like we have Ted lasso on the wall kids love Ted lasso uh this is uh just the bath it's I says uh I see the that we press e to do something yeah well it's where you close it says call that's where the kid that's oh okay okay is there any uh is there a bathroom what right here so that's a wait so that's a bathroom there's no toilet it's what they use well okay you're not even look in the room I dude you have a bucket oh there's a okay that's right okay all right all right all right I see I see I see we're not trying to kill the kids okay all right so now this is like where whoever runs the house with sleep I guess like nude shot or somebody um this is the this is the playroom now I know this looks bad but kids will be kids boys will be boys sometimes things get roughed up okay that's we're at we're at it where you you your score is unfortunately falling after that it's unfortunately falling it's a lot of a lot of a lot of dings if the kids are happy then I'm happy and that's what matters I don't even need the score anyways this is the playroom we have a lot of toys for the kids here okay um well you can actually hold them yeah you throw it and like they fetch it and then they come back this Weaponry there's some security cameras you have okay okay so we have we have a sponsors can I see the garage could I see the garage in the interior of the garage here we have another toy we have like an outlet with a fork Jesus Christ okay um your philosophy had to come down a little of course you have a the garage it will get there okay so I wanted to show you this we do like this is still here uh why is it all clean but when the kids turn 14 that's where they go drink okay what's in the garage I gotta see the garage oh yeah that's it the garage this is uh where we get streaming setups so if they're going to be in the orphanage they want to become streamers obviously and is there anything in the garage of course oh shit okay you've actually got a garage you have a garage set up that's shocking streamer set up all right face cams those are nice face cams and there's been the perfect place to see somebody's face perfect I know she's on 100 thieves yeah I think congratulations for making a garage first of all that's uh thank you of course and what what why would you not utilize the garage that's what's the computer it was silly is that just a regular computer that's a streaming computer okay they're melee players okay totally cool cool okay so we're gonna have chat get the grade up for you they can uh do it I can give you what I I see like let's not pretend like there's not an effort made on the lawn because like as you can see the turf here the kids lay it out they mow it they try so you didn't do that no the kids do it oh okay so you didn't do that um it's a part of the okay yeah that's fair all right what do we got what do we got for a chat score uh A B C or D you can't go lower than a 60. um I'm not saying that for any particular reasons or anything I'm just I just wanted to make sure I said it all right I got you 75 for creativity I I do I do I think it's a solid C I do like the idea of I love it so what gets what gets a 75 for creativity like over like what what did like the what did like the maze get oh you're talking about Connor's maze yeah like just like just like yeah just so I have like a comparison Conor's maze got a also 75. for Creative okay well that all right that's yeah I I would like you to open the front door uh in the front the reason why the 75 is for creativity is because this space although clean and although nicely you know decorated it the the creativity there's a kitchen there in the way the kitchen's supposed to be it's a nice home it's a nice house you made it's a nice interior I love the idea that you've replicated uh this this uh this home this house it's I believe I believe that's a good uh but creatively speaking I think I could have used a little bit more a little bit more paint on the walls Maybe not maybe not so much red uh and I I would say that 75 is a pretty fair score for creativity complexity I'm gonna I'm Gonna Give You 64 for complexity because your favorite operating system is the Nintendo 64. I figured that that was a good thing to give you I think that was your favorite you called it an operating system yeah operating system yeah no that's my favorite probably it is probably right I gave you I gave you a 60 unfortunately I give you a 60 for cleanliness just because it's uh the wall all the boards and it was there it always will be boys a lot of the yeah these kids a lot of the walls were kind of missing pieces uh there's still that notices on the front it's it wasn't really cleaned up properly uh but uh it really shows the state of our orphanages really that I mean it's not really that makes sense that's fair I mean I'm glad I can bring awareness to it Chad has given you a b Chad has given you an 85. that's great is an 85 I'll take V I got you I'm gonna give you a 78 on philosophy because I think I like I like the I like the you you fulfilled your philosophy the whole place was built on this one's theme you didn't make you know whatever the 100 thieves you know front door and then have a completely different interior you did stick with the theme in the philosophy so I'm going to give you a c plus for that one and we'll we can get your dog bald side [Music] I have to give you your final grade now your grade is as of right now you got a 76 for creativity I've got you at 64 for complexity and structure I've got you at 60. I'm Gonna Give You 64 for cleanliness because that's also you know might as well because it's 64. it's your favorite console as Fair that makes sense I'm Gonna Give You 78 for philosophy and then an 85 for chats grade which gets you to a grand total of 72.4 you got a that's a full-on that is more than passing that's very well is that higher or lower than the other Connor uh the other Corner got a 75.6 robbed that's fine let's get the final grades on here because I people need to see them and we're going to do it in uh in order of top of the class done now if you got if you're there's no bottom this is cruel but how else do we do this without it being real big I bet you feel bigger than this yeah all right here we go with a 96.65 RT game is your is your head of the class honestly in shock thank you so much dessert I was gonna complain but it looks so good thank you thank you I was honestly I'm still gonna complain a second I'm just kidding at 96 point 55 is italics um I think we should just wrap up congrats massive congrats you're so cool with 96.05 we have Doug Doug so those are your those are your top scores that's everybody that got an A effectively with an 87.65 we have Joel not last ooh with at 7.5 with poke 87.5 you guys were neck and neck wait can I take that one percent he gave me or no oh that's right hold on wait wait wait you did you did offer the friend the friend points how are we gonna do that what am I supposed to do well uh sorry what you said you wanted you wanted to give zero point something points to friend points okay how about this how about this uh I will give as very generous and I just want to say you know thanks thank you for that I can be part of this I just want to say this I think poke gets a zero point five extra friend point zero point five so that would be no no change at all no difference that's right hey I'll take it I'll take it in second place if any one below me wants to combine our scores to take first place as a tie I think I'm open to that too I'd like to give all my points to Connor eats pants into help his orphanage because I believe yeah thank you in helping the youth well we're not exchanging them now are we look I'm the teacher you can't just give grades to each other just wait till I get it all on paper I'm standing on my chair right now captain my captain I give it to Connor teacher I'd like to give a full letter grade to uh Mike over there like that's not how this works all right here we go ready all right well then keep it rolling let's keep going what if we were to write germa's house all of us no that's what we're doing yeah but I didn't even I wasn't competing I was like literally walking in circles did you have 75 minutes to make it I had 75 minutes to explain to chat how this process was going and answering questions how many hours do you have on you you have more hours on this game than all was combined I have two or three thousand hours in this game I would I would demolish any of you in a challenge yeah uh what do you guys you guys down for round two and hustle for two comes out yeah of course yeah I'll be a part of it I'll be in I'll be in it next time we'll get you competing let's go watch me see me with an a fucking plus all right we have used a Ludwig oh yeah hold on hold on let me see we got 83.2 is Ludwig you had a drinking corner for 14 year olds you lose quite a few philosophy points with the 14 year old drinking corner I think that that's I think that's fair okay we got uh yeah yeah Doug did use it but hey but Doug's maze room was a real maze it wasn't just walls put up in random locations down gigantic always we have 78 seven and this is not a bad thing we got 70 it's no it's not it's not cracking we got you at a 78.45 that's a c plus I was there oh no video no no Vinnie is higher Vinnie is higher he's down here Vinnie was Vinnie's at 83.8 so he is higher than you Ludwig I'm sorry oh yeah he's got it he's really good it was really good underneath you Kraken we have with a with a 75.6 we have Sea Dog thank you this was awesome presentation honestly it was just you went through your computer and just typed in you typed into the windows search bar dot PNG you know I think I went the extra mile with the decoration and the sheer amount of walls um it was just it was tough I was I was just it was a lot of laws and then a 72.4 which is a 72 a c still it is right or is it C minus uh C minus yeah that's conrades pants at a 72.4 that's a 1.667 GPA right did I literally get last place oh yeah you got dead last there is no last place there's no last place there's objectively lessons there's no last place your philosophy put your dog in the game Grandma show us your house give me a second okay asshole okay okay sure rate this one let's see what you guys think punks I'm actually gonna show you something oh no no no no no no no no we're gonna get I want a real grade and you better give me a real grid I want to like pre-built ones [Music] German you should oh did you just have a 180 in your opinions I think you just did oh it just got is this it got silenced correctly this is the wrong building am I am I wrong to say there's a sign clipping through the roof why don't we take you through what's this oh five minutes Krusty Krab that looks pretty interesting doesn't it through the front door as you see this house is perfectly the sign is in the perfect location going through here we've got the galley grub there is your ordering station Squidward sits right here unbelievably complex complexity philosophy theming idea of the bathtub being the thing that he sits behind this is don't worry about this this is uh there's no don't have to worry about that uh this is hold on what why there's a futuristic space just wait just wait just wait just wait go look at what the Krusty Krab looks like it looks like this no it is pretty accurate to the Krusty Krab I'll give you that oh crusty Krab this is where SpongeBob this is the window in the corner the kitchen's pretty good what's that I want to say that again it's pretty good yeah where's like that's that weird corner foreign I got tired when I did this and I was like I have to go I'm tired but it's always hard to make crusty Krab's office it was hard to do it because they forgot the freezer yeah that's all right sorry and this was you made this in 45 minutes somebody hacked my computer and did this part uh this house looks like a Gmod map on TTT can you go through those doors yeah wait what what is going on oh this is somebody hacked my computer into this and yes I did I I did this in 45 minutes yes did you make a vampire Shrine to yourself yeah fucking of weird I know I wish I was a vampire too how much time did Jeremy have on this house 45.5 plus about three and a half hours you have clocked in like 65 000 hours I I have barely played this game all right and I'm trying to get extra points here at them and I'm just saying with the amount of time you you know from this game you should have been able to shit out of Mona Lisa in no time but no Gary no SpongeBob no Nosferatu you're not going to make it in Hollywood no speratu excuse me that's a good point no no he did make the whole vampire he does have a nose Frost yeah he did actually have a vampire why we're doing the grade and I I think the mods are sharing that chats vote is coming with an F unfortunately no that's bullshit you don't deserve an F but it is the majority of the voters creativity what do you got for me creativity I think 90 a 90 okay yeah complexity I think I think um it was there's some like cool elements like the door the sliding doors [Music] um like even like the posters I think are kind of cool but but if you open up look at the interior of the Krusty Krab you wouldn't have put these here Ludwig you told us specifically just now to look up images of the Interior so I did and they're all rectangular like the interior the Crusty Crab is one big rectangle that's true you know let's go with maybe 85 for complexity fuck yeah we should divide the score by how much time was spent making the item 45 minutes plus four hours four hours well I think chat's vote went into account that because they gave him an F I know I think I think yeah Sergeant go ahead okay yeah I took longer doing this but I wasn't timed I sat around we we watched like three or four YouTube videos we went off on like a food tangent there was like at least two or three hours of that stream where I wasn't even playing House Flipper the the one thing that we're going to talk about deeply is cleanliness yeah yeah and how how yeah the trough was for the animals that we I put this in the last second that's right in front of the menu as well what is dirty here every look at how everything is perfectly clean you made it you made a restaurant with a trough inside I could put my hand on the wall damn scores look at this even the bathroom the bathroom is immaculate look at every single one of it and no shit's in here no piss buckets in here these are all clean I think it's I think it's not clean though the fact that you're shitting in an open everyone you're sitting next to someone there's no there's no look you've got a ventilation system here ventilation oh it's a toilet why are the toilet stalls are there any doors yeah that's not clean at all because you can't put that on oh but did you have Fred in your playthrough oh you're so cute okay [Music] let's get a grade let's get a grade can our a grades all give us a cleanliness score whoever got an A can you give out a score for cleanliness and we'll find an average zero here at Connor you're obviously a c great thank you very much because I gave his maze mustard House of 76. um worse than the Maize mustard house that's true honestly honestly after tonight after tonight and then all this drama in this community and this you know cataclysm that has happened the only reasonable thing I can see happening from now on is if Jeremiah individually goes through every person and pretends they are the winner and congratulations you won't work first place so we all get validation from this so we can pretend and feel good maybe just a DM that I can screenshot yeah I will DM everybody saying you did a great job it ain't nothing better than the Krusty Krab that will be in yeah well and you can you can you can crop it you can profit you can craft that message and frame it what about in here we're just coming in you can come in here like dip your hands in there is there any indication that the water is here like how do we look around look see and did you have teleportation powers at least all right you didn't even know I had that okay bumping up philosophy to 93 for that we have our we have our final scores then okay so what do you do the calculation creativity 90 okay complexity 80 okay philosophy 93 93 cleanliness 90 flat 90 flat cleanliness are you guys agreeing on that that's what Doug said I mean I'm down to lower it I think it's fair 88. 888 is that fair I can do 88 I can do 88 okay there is no check read check grade 60. all right so uh that puts me at an 84.65 yeah I did something I fundamentally disagree let me just uh let me just like sneak my way in here real quick oh sorry dropped your cleanliness to 80 Flats 80. where am I sit here oh right above here right above any right below poke honestly that's pretty clear yeah middle of the pack 84.65 that looks all right to me imagine you're doing an exam and the teacher just takes at the end it's like I just better than you yeah what about bodycast still didn't still didn't even do like top five that's right the teacher didn't even get top five she's like how the hell did you do it's so good tell me all right uh that was really interesting uh I think I had a lot of fun hopefully everybody else did technically speaking I I think it yeah maybe we could drop the amount that people can do a tour because some people was like eight minutes then it was like fifteen six twelve I think we could probably make it so it's like you get 12 minutes and that's it but um I had a blast that was a lot of fun if you guys liked it I would love to do another one get some other streamers too get some more people involved
Channel: 2ndJerma
Views: 361,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, stream, highlight
Id: QjRnhlqC5ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 19sec (8659 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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