Jerma House Flipper SuperCut

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we are taking over your house your house is ours now your lives are going to change forever welcome to house flipper this game will allow you to buy renovate decorate and sell out for bits for now however you need to be content with this Shack that you can call your office and the laptop that is the command center this place is a fucking dump all right well that suck make sure there's no fucking bugs behind the wall you guys know what I'm talking about this is why I lo moving a couch or moving a bed cuz right here there's a bunch of spiders and dust and shit and I don't like it so I just like to squish them against the wall this is what I do I just I take the bed and I start I stand back here and I just like fucking Ram it into the fucking corner and I Crush all the bugs what how do I use the gun I just find a gun okay um it's fine right there this is like a scary place imagine I'm your realtor yeah come on it yeah it's me shitty Bob's rental service realtor service yeah forget about my dirty shit covered door yeah mind the chainsaw that's right on the table just don't get too close it's dangerous pliers I rip teeth out screwdrivers a handsaw I I don't do any carpentry work watch out for the rifles and guns and a sledgehammer what who I would never hire this person I would I would in fact tell people to steer clear of this person's house have you noticed that by using the gallery tab on the tablet you can choose any image from your hard disk and use it as a poster or a picture to hang on the wall you can also use the camera tab to take photos of the game and save your work okay this is giving me some ideas here okay let's get that camera out again get another good photo here okay let's test this cool all right yeah I like it just in case just in case you don't know what what it looks like me clean that photo that's my favorite H I'd like to hire your company to put my house in order I know from photos posted on face spam that my ex-boyfriend broke into my house made a huge mess and stole the radiator it is possible that something else is missing why would you steal the radiator from somebody's house oh what the fuck oh yeah and that's weird my boyfriend came in here and broke a bunch of stuff he also hasn't done the dishes in a week and he's a rapid Drinker make sure you clean the stove too I heard he did something weird there what am I buying oh shit I just bought a bed hold on no no no no how do I return this okay well I got you a new bed topic radiate I will pay you if I'm fully satisfied or you get nothing winter is coming the winters are hard and there are no radiators in my house okay I'll take I'll take care of your radiator situation at least this house is clean okay where okay radiator one need the radiator how much is this going to cost me just put like canned food just buy a bunch of like saws and put them all over the house fill his house with knives but still get the job done so and do the job really well so the guy comes home from a long day of work I had this radiator guy come in and wow he did such a great job this is the the best work I've ever had a contractor do in my life I wish I could recommend him but man he put like four knives in every one of my rooms I don't know what he's trying to tell me but damn he did a good job oh look come on see look at how nice of a person I am look it they're going to be so happy when they come back and see what I've done I'm going to get extra money what El what else is here mirror fun little baby toys no no nope nope nope wait hold I can sell their doors I don't want to earn money this way there's a day night cycle in this game you see that so what's the other task I haven't done I that's not perfect fuck okay I can breathe come on can it fit right in the front of the fucking window ah shit escape window no [Music] all right yeah you're right there needs to be an escape window that is perfect I'm so indecisive I'm sorry there that the escape window actually is pretty [Music] great right here yeah okay so I can I can jump I can get off the window if somebody somebody opens this door like for somebody like fucking smashes through here and they're like hey fuck you I'm coming in to fucking kill you I'd be like oh hands up man hold on a second man hold on and then just open the window and get out and then he has to fucking run all the way around and by that time already through the bushes with the door on the left a door on the door up on the right door up on the left I don't know no don't open the right that's M yeah there we go it's not is that in the right place yeah it's close enough it is going to paint that just in Cas hello anybody out there the dead bolts on the no it's not don't say that is [Laughter] it the dead B's not even the dead bol's on the outside a that's so funny it's so worthless it doesn't [Music] matter that's what the escape window is [Laughter] for somebody just walk up and just turn the dead Vault and I'm fucked in my own house oh bogers hope you can help me I'm retired and not in the best of health I currently own an apartment that I've been renting to students for many years oh this is going to be this is going to be a shit show this year unfortunately I rented to a bad bunch of students which turned out to not be the best decision they didn't pay on time so I went to check things out when I opened the door I almost had a heart attack the whole house was a pigy there was trash liquor bottles and mud everywhere they were laying on the kitchen floor drinking when I spoke to them they rudely told me to go away I finally got them evicted but the mess Still Remains some of the furniture and radiators are missing can you please clean up my house and make it suitable for new tenants oh my God is this all they were doing no fucking way what oh my god seriously did were they living in this house all okay I I can't knock you on this cuz this is fucking cool bed pretty cool fucking bed I'm going to tell you that you got to be fu fucking oh you've got to be kidding me somebody lived here this just they never took hello my grandma who lived with us passed away last year her room has been standing empty for many months and together with my husband we decided to rebuild it my husband needs a tool room and I dream of an extra bathroom because although our house is not small there's only one bathroom in it this is not Grandma's room maybe Grandma's room is downstairs modify walls I'm looking at the mini map I'm trying to look like down this way oh what the fuck all right here we go so they want they want to turn this into into I I wasn't paying any attention I'm sorry the chair going to be in the Way Mount the devices okay now I need to put everything back here so they had a b unscrew now let's unscrew this shit let's put the cheapest worst quality stuff here so I can keep all the money yeah didn't she say she wanted to the look nice and I yeah grandma grandma died so we're making an ultra bathroom in her memory cuz God she loveed to come in here and just drop fucking bombs in here toilet paper holder all right the to that I'm going to put that across the room though good luck bitch sold owned for wait a minute I can buy a house oh shit let's buy a new fucking house I what do I get 51,000 I'm going to buy a new house oh this is exciting okay should I get another Shack like I'm used to or should I get something with like a bunch of uh trash in the front line look at this one this one what's wrong with this one this one looks pretty good oh oh no it doesn't no it doesn't oh my God uh this is I got a new tool tying paneling okay I I can I can destroy everything okay wait wait wait wait wait let's open this up I having this over here cuz I don't want the bathroom door leading to the kitchen that's that's not all right somebody's like going to the bathroom there and they you know looks like somebody's taking a shit in this bathroom and your mother's over there cooking noodles you're going to open up this door and all of the sudden you got shit noodles I don't do well in small bathrooms I can tell you that for sure airplanes hate them no airplane bathroom for me I get to you know if I can't do like a good wide seat you know what I'm saying I'm talking like knees frayed out that's how I sit on the bathtub the B the to bed Oda ooh this is kind of sleek with pine I like the pine the pine the okay okay now it's starting to come together so now we're going to do wood uh dark walnut look at that see no no it can't can't be dark B it's got to be like cherry or something it's just it's just a wooden house look at that this is modern it's Sleek it's comfortable it's at least it's insulated all this can be changed there just nuances I just have to get the Nuance down let me fix it up let me get some light in here and we'll look at it again and don't worry it's going to be fine keep telling yourself that over and over again and maybe people will believe you it has more walls and less space than when you started that's not true oh yeah no this is a new wall but that's fine this is for the bedroom though which Swanky if you ask me all right I need I thre like AIT of Resident Evil house it looks like skin skin house FL house [Laughter] yeah it is you go up and like pinch this thing it's going to bleed I just made $200,000 beautiful let's take a look come outside come on come outside let's go outside hey you look like you're looking for a place why don't we take a little stroll here as you can see where L beautiful neighborhood really safe neighborhood there's a 0.2% crime rate here somebody ran over uh somebody ran over somebody's dog like seven years ago that's it that's it that's the only crime that's ever been here so come on in oh yeah notice something it's very open you've got your chick you got your kitchen here gas stove that is gas just in case you wondering new TV you get to keep that yeah yeah and have you open floor plan about the back yeah I don't have to go out back yeah just come over here and take a look at the bathroom as you can see beautiful beige and uh going for a real summer beach field to this whole place that's free Direct TV for life into the bathroom here this is awful no fuck the bit forget about the joke we're redoing the bathroom looking good didn't miss anything right don't you don't scream me loud loud loud okay what's that okay got it oh I love love it okay back to the back to the terrible shit joke I was doing earlier here we go okay so come in the bathroom and if you take a look mhm yeah dark and stormy what okay well yeah you you I can't just go but the bathroom door it don't matter it's a fucking video game and my favorite feature of this whole place is no what if I okay now we had some experience what if I buy this little shit Shack and just flip it immediately just just clean it up and like put a bathroom in it and that's it let's go for that I'm going to do it this place isn't an absolute just shit hole but whatever I just clean it up replace the toilets replace the walls and just turn flip it see you in 4 hours no no no no no no no give me some what time limit we're going to put a time limit on here I'm going to do this in h 10 minutes I'm selling it you understand no no 15 minutes I got 15 minutes with this house all right don't start the time yet you know before I get to get a look through I get one look through just for me to see what I'm dealing with here so it looks like we have an entryway here couple of rooms this is a little dead I like the little Den yeah um bathroom wait this is the same house how is this not the this is the same fucking house huh is this the same house no it's [Music] not this is mous they burned it down what did you do in three 2 one start the timer right now let's go fix it up 15 minutes almost there almost done with the clean there's blood everywhere like the whole family died in this house go go go go go forget about the dead bodies in the basement that have been burn to the ground uh uh uh uh um uh uh this one oh [Music] shit it's too late I'm running out of [Music] time all right I'm running out of Music That's how I know I got I don't know something's going to autoplay I don't know what the fuck it's going to be I have no [Music] idea what the hell is this room I made like a Nickelodeon [Music] room this is Sonic music I'm making a Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] bedroom I'm a real big fan he's my favorite oh my God I'm going to PE [Music] i s the [Music] door this from brocco's Modern Life it's computer you didn't have a computer in your house saxophone oh yikes um I don't I don't whatever somebody wake up PeeWee Herman his Renovations are [Music] done hey wink it's uh David R happy to be on your website uh in just a minute you're going to be seeing the final episode from Supermarket week meeting back in 1990 and then went on to do seasons actually shot in a regular Supermarket out here Valley and uh so when people were adding up all their goodies they got my head condoms and vodka and a lot of feminine hygiene what is he talking in the studio when we actually got pick up bed no I have a bed what do he all the come on come on 20 seconds bedroom check kitchen check I need a fridge I need a fridge 13 seconds fridge oh shit come on come on come on come on got it four three two one heads up I'm getting a am I going to keep more money than the one that I put two hours into wait what exactly just one bit perfect lack of one bedroom is enough for me it's a bit dirty 46,000 there's no place for our books here $447,000 I just made $111,000 in profit uh browser let's look for ooh we got a new house listing here we need an expensive one these ones are all dumpy dog shit houses I want like a good one 94,000 what I got 95,000 is that enough that's not enough but like look at this place this place is nice okay for I thought that said harambe open the kitchen up none of this closed what's this even here for means no sense I even have walls in fact the bedrooms are getting their walls taken down too cuz no closed or locked doors in my house hey Dad uh this is my this is girl I'm seeing uh her name's uh Cindy uh yeah we're just going to like hang out all right son keep that door open not even going to need to cuz there ain't going to be no fucking walls yeah we're just going to go in a study we have a big uh math test tomorrow okay like okay I can see into the room and every like 5 minutes I'm going to walk over there and just say something really embarrassing I'm just going to make sure like anytime that my son has a fucking girl over the house or whatever it doesn't matter I'm going to have I'm going to have like a stack of his old photos it's like a baby ready like birthday party when he was two and like oh oh my God he was he's in a diaper hey Cindy look look at him in a diaper isn't that funny that just be in there like studying oh what other look like thing is Dad going to do I'm just like here's like the wall you little bastard oh it didn't work what hey I hope your notebook is open why is this not working what oh that would have that was kind of that would have been funny just look in there and then Cindy would be like what's going on I'll be like I'm a multi-millionaire Sydney it don't matter I was a twitch partner for like 7even years and I had 748 million bits and I'll reach in to like try to grab his hair like I I can't reach his hair and mess it up from here oh I can't have fun with my son good up all right now I can do it there we go it's going to be impossible for him to have like a or her to have a boy girl don't matter that would not be possible and even if they go somewhere hey Dad I'm going to uh going to the bumper uh the the the go-kart uh course tonight with uh Cindy oh that sounds like fun that sounds like a lot of fun my little little tyke there I hope you have a good time which one was that again the down the street here yeah I'll be back at like by 11 by 11 okay good and I'll show up there and fucking just zoom by him and like pass my son and be like and I'll make sure I pull up right next to him in the middle of the drive and like pull my hair on grabing the hair and shake his hair on the drive and then pass him and then leave why are you Jimmy Neutron's [Laughter] dad just look at how bad this is I don't want anyone to be able to see into my house I don't know what it is with people that want look at me if you like this then I'm I'm happy and I'm glad you do but man why would you want a giant open windows and giant like oh I want a bay window huge open front space I want to be able to sit and watch TV naked or like with my underwear eating a bowl of Captain Crunch I don't want some fucking dickhead to walk by and be able to look in my house and see me there most Windows have curtains that doesn't matter though like curtains that's not going to protect you if you have like but what if like you you draw them out cuz it's sunny out oh this I have sun coming out today and you forget and you go get a bowl of Captain Crunch and you get in your underwear and you watch like SpongeBob right here and your neighbor's out there like walking his dog and you he turns around you look over and he you see him over there walking the dog and you make direct eye contact with a mouthful and you both sit there for one second and then like you go back and watch TV and you pretend you didn't see him he's walking his dog in your backyard no but what if this is in the front like I know plenty of people that have big open fronts like even right here look at this somebody could just drive by and see my neck and head walking around what if I'm singing he's going to see me singing in there he could be walking his dog right there turn and look and if I'm doing like an exercise routine right here he's going to see my balls it's going to be like jumping jack one two right there Freeze Frame it he looks over he makes direct eye contact with my penis I'm not letting that happen I'm not going to never buy a house don't buy a computer don't buy a house don't ever do that it's it's a bad idea all right let's do the garage while we're out here um what do you do to a [Music] garage this is dingy [Laughter] right well I'm trying to do it to the ground I guess I can't I'm this is come this is going to be a cool garage tile in the garage you what you want cement hold on wait wait wait wait floor panels floor panels there we go car in the garage just in case you know you car you need your car to sit on carpeted garage hey it's going to be real comfy in here it's it's an extra room all right before anybody freaks out here excuse me what is with everybody that has a house let's talk about square footage and let's talk about real estate here you why is the garage just yeah that's the garage it's just a big fucking cement wall with floors and it's huge it's a two-car garage that's fine no it's a two-car garage and it's also a four person bedroom so you'll see this going be like the baby room you know what I mean like the the the baby room can the crib can be like right over here all the baby toys all the stuff and then you have to be really quiet when you come in dad comes home I'm home dad's home it's like the kids are in here sleeping and you just pull the car in do you see what I'm talking about here now I would love to have an exercise robe you know I just don't have enough space in my house if only I had a giant room SpongeBob apparently you have finals tomorrow oh well hopefully you do well in your finals man hope you get an A+ no I don't we've talked about that before hope you get like an I hope you get like a B+ hope you get whatever grade is good enough to make you know that you did a pretty good job we didn't try too hard you know what I mean Jeremy Jeremy you why you you got a D you got a see on this test why what's why have you done that why are you come on you can do better than that and I always stood up in the middle of class and stood on my desk and would say yeah some of you guys with the a pluses oh good you can open a book and you can remember it tomorrow I create knowledge and then I pull out a fucking magic wand I do like a card trick bang right in front of them flowers come out of the cards and I get Saturday detention every week do they clap no pretty much as Stone Cold of a face as you could have like then you'd hear like maybe a cough after about 12 seconds of dead silence and then I had to sit at my own lunch table this is true by the way I swear to God like forget about like the bullshit that I just said there I actually I had to sit at my own lunch table they called it private dining so then you come out of the car I put my keys my wallet my cell phone and shh don't want to wake anybody don't I don't have to wake anybody if I come home too late baby's all right get into bed this is perfect this is absolutely perfect you guys that think this is like a bad idea imagine you could just pull your car up turn the car off and get in the bed this is my son's room not anymore where's the bathroom you you could see my face right now I wish you could see it where's the bathroom right here don't want to wake up anybody no problem own separate dad entrance to the bathroom yeah keep out this is Dad's private entrance his biohazard entrance fallout shelter that's perfect oh it's perfect there's going to be one there and one here I love it it's it's exactly what I I want so you know this is fucking the dad Zone you ain't coming in here and like you know what into here I think I want like my own dad entrance that goes to like my own dad room right like I don't want to see my family at all ever wall this off here put his door over here and like this like will be a separate dad hallway that goes into the dad's study all right so here's the so this is the dad dad entrance here secret dad entrance into the bathroom this will lead out here now we got to take care of this situation because this just goes back to here hold on fuck I'm making my like Dad shortcut Dark Souls level wait Dad just lives in the walls yeah Dad essentially is like a a pest in the house there's a family that lives oh God I'm getting lost all already I'm actually getting lost wait I forget where am I okay hold on this is I need to door here oh fuck I don't I forget what I'm doing okay where's the other rooms did I trap the baby you know I'll give you a quick little story I love spending time in the bathroom I used to remember this is before there was ever such thing as oh you know a a tablet an iPhone that didn't exist back when I was 12 years old bu it just didn't so what I would do is I would bring my whole computer into the bathroom remember this no laptops I would bring the tower the monitor keyboard and mouse into the bathroom and sit at the toilet like it was a desk should I have like a couple of those dad spy holes to like see what the family's doing in the kitchen sometimes like wa what are they eating in there pot roast maybe they'll come out tonight maybe I'll come out after dark and take the pot roast out of the fridge and warm it up in the microwave okay this is the garage I don't think I can make a dad Zone here oh fuck I can I can I can make my own dad kitchen no I don't want my own dad kitchen do I what is behind this okay there can be another room here this's my study the dad gaming room by the way I'm not going to take care of the baby get this out of here this is now a horror movie no or it's a comedy have you ever seen Mrs Doubtfire okay now imagine if Mrs Doubtfire instead of I want to get back with my family I'm going to dress up as like an old lady and be their Nanny it's I'm going to build a house in their house and like listen to them and and try to talk to them through the walls and stuff wall dad what if a single person wanted to buy this house well then you would sell the other one to somebody else and tell them it was their own house and nobody else lived there what's with the other entrance on the other side oh a rats bugs dad doesn't need doors if it's only Dad but he gets to have fun with his Fallout doors that's his favorite game oh watch out go into the chamber I need to get in the disinfecting chamber before I go into my computer room you know Dad's a tool that's a loser computer oh shit does a computer they they have computers computer Phoenix these things are so much money I don't have any money I don't know I only have 3,400 bucks this is $1,200 all right Dad can get a budget PC he doesn't need anything more than that he just wants to Dad just wants to be able to run like Quake 2 he doesn't care about anything else HD monitor [Laughter] that's so that's so big he's got to have like the the the triple monitor setup though so you can play Quake 2 in uh Nvidia 3D look at how look at how perfect this is I love it the man cave no [Laughter] Outlets this dad's spym he comes in here turns on all of his cameras he's got a camera in like fucking 12 different places there's no yeah the tower isn't here I bought it already oh noet he comes in here and pretends to play on the computer he's out of his goddamn mind yeah I remember when I used to be able to play these games I would sit right here let's do it yeah this is this this is how it's like the police are in this room in their secret room right next to like the actual room hey sure you got to catch him saying he's going to sell the drugs I need a generator to power the computer I can't afford it I can't afford a generator turbine power generator this is all my I don't have any more money why does everything have to be blue what do you no what are you talking about we have we got chocolate in here and a you're oh fuck they're right I was trying to prove you wrong look out look at how correct you actually are oh even the Shelf is blue fuck home appliances looks good refrigerator I got to have like a fucking stacked a stacked up fridge right gas just case I want to do a little bit of tailgating you know what I mean tailgating in the man cave or for like a nice foot warmer you know this thing I I believe all gas stoves have uh heat and massage come here you fucking little shit open get over here why I can't pick you up fine get IP banned fucking dumb door grenade sofa oh it's blue God God damn it it's fucking blue this feels so empty right here um I'm sorry in advance but like all right so got viewing area all right time to sell I'm ready thanks for watching that fucking fun time sell the house bought the house for $94,000 house is eight rooms you've been working in this house for 4 hours start the auction a big bedroom how sweet I don't understand what I need this kitchen for oh okay place to sleep I want a bedroom in my house but only one bedroom I'm glad that there isn't a TV in the bedroom sorry but I'm single I don't need two bedrooms pictures add character to the house I wanted one bedroom not two we need a place for books there's no big family room yes there is the bookshelf was okay but all my documents won't fit here I wanted one bedroom there's a lovely living room in this house there are too many rooms a big bedroom is another point for you I prefer two types of things than those for babies why did you put them here okay so here here's the Boomer by the way I want to rent this house to two people so it would be great if they will have a place to sleep and elegant there's no trash it's just winter the smoth family they have a baby so in this house there are also shelves for books yeah okay why is this $15,000 a bunker uncle's bunker this $115,000 what's that going on the who's that okay it's a all right this this is what the aftermath of the previous house this is what happens when Dad has the place for like 4 years and he just lets everything go and he doesn't give a fuck anymore oh let's get the bike out of here oh this is kind of a wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I get the car too why do I get the car can I sell the car hold on wait wait wait hold on I when did I buy a car this is free 2,300 bucks should I just keep the car here all right I'm going to bring the car downstairs this is going to be the centerpiece of the down of downstairs okay we're going to turn this into a mall you think I'm fucking around I'm going to have a giant room down here that's going to be a couple of stores and there going to be the car in the center like every mall so what I I want this is going to be a mall which it's not going to be I'm going to change my mind in about 35 seconds don't you guys know we come up with an idea idea here and then I start it and then something else happens something will completely throw this off and it'll turn into something else and it'll be like we'll talk about that for the rest of the stream so what did I say I wanted this to be an underground mall okay see you in 30 minutes when it's a daycare for dogs old couch let's see if I okay I'm going to try it I'm going to go for 1 2 3 4 5 six without missing a beat 78 ready oh it wasn't close enough hold on yeah okay then he's not on a pro team yet he's not on a pro FPS team yet don't ask me how that's possible look at all this shit want to see Precision fucking tool deletion here he just doesn't stop 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 why is this impressive it kind of smells like up gamer in here what's up gamer that's so that is so come on okay let's put let's just make let's flip this place I'm going to buy the most expensive house in the game and we're going to turn it into a goddamn arcade what about this lady hold on wait what she wants a house with a bunker allowing her to survive a nuclear explosion by at least half a year okay what and you currently live in Florida I live in Florida but you know I'm really concerned about a a nuke going off so this guy lives in this Liv in Massachusetts who else is left here it's that guy with the hat at zour those who are unprepared will be like zombies they will kill to survive I want to be ready for it oh wait a minute hold on they want this place for does he wants it for the zombie apocalypse what about a bunch of guns there's not one can what will I eat there's not enough food to survive a week how much fucking food do you want we will survive it's a Pity that only for a week why is this my responsibility though you understand like I'm not supposed to stalk your a bunker this is I'm selling you property put a fridge down here yeah but I do I have to stock the fridge what about pickled jar soup yeah take your McDonald's pink slime and make your own nuggets this is is the most paranoid room I've ever seen in my life I just imagine the person lying on that back here staring at the ceiling just holding in all day of [Music] breath oh suring you ever seen uh you ever seen my 600b life on TLC well there's just a bed here and this just bunch of shit everywhere and they just like eat out of a container gas let's do another thing of gas dude all it's going to take is for you to be don't smoke down here dude hopefully you know you don't have cigarettes in your body how you going to cook all this you need this microwave yeah just plug in the microwave lie down and place the microwave on your stomach and turn it on and just cook all your food just sitting there on you that guy got mad when I started to put put stuff in he was actually upset what about o there's no Oxygen down here you need need some oxygen 48,000 I bought it for $15,000 God damn it there's no kitchen okay this is fine two beds are perfect now we all have to place rice and pasta should be in here a beautiful house for sale for three bathrooms and a pool so why do I need to flip this one this one's already in great shape what if I just buy this and immediately sell it I like this place is big though what the fuck hold on hold on hold on hold on a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my god well did they catch him I don't think they caught him this bathroom's already nice we don't have to do anything to this they already did it for me all right the struggle started in the B you know I'm going to clean up the blood and Sal it look at how beautiful this is everything's so nice already so does this make you an accomplice to crime by the way let's just say that somebody called and said hey I know you you do a cleaning service and you're you flip houses and you you sell houses you need to come and I need you to do this in my house and I walked in and it was like this and I called and I I called him and I was like hey man is uh what's going on in the living room here oh I I cut my finger I was making a I was making a salad and I cut my finger and then I call the police and the police come down and they look around and they're like H okay yeah there's a lot of blood over here and then there's a salad over here with a bowl and there's a knife and then there's a carrot with blood on it what do we do and they're like oh okay I guess that's what it is and then okay so then then like 30 years later they find out that the guy murdered somebody in this house am I still an accomplish to that crime it gets you one month in the chair I don't think you would survive 30 seconds in the chair I don't know if you could do that they don't turn on the chair you just have to sit in it but what if they have to execute somebody do you just get out are you just the seat warmer for executions yes this music you can't handle the music what is is wrong with this guy the guy that killed the person why did he undo all the lights this will cover my tracks I'm going to remove all the light bulbs no you just that's annoying you didn't do anything you're just irritating they'll never catch me when I remove the electrical device in the ceiling oh that's right oh that's right I slashed the person in the stomach probably should have thrown away that carpet how devilish sh me to remove the light bulbs okay I can understand this maybe he maybe they killed the person with the light bulbs maybe they smashed him up I understand now okay so the person took all the light bulbs out of the fixtures crushed them all up in a bag and dumped them on the ground and then power bombed the person ECW style onto the light bulbs that would make sense turn it into a haunted house all right I wonder what exactly happens here when you sell a place that doesn't really need to be changed it's it's been designed it's got a good design team that worked on it counter is uneven it's fine it's fine what do you mean it's uneven God damn it okay hold on this isn't even a problem I can't I can't fix it it's not possible look this is never going in here ever again the way it was a God damn it once you get it out you can never get it back in can you it's not going to ever go in that way again do you understand this I can't fix this see there's nothing I can do I I'm never going to hear the end of this so I have to do it I'm just pulling it out like two [Laughter] in just it's not flush with the wall anymore I don't care it's over it doesn't matter this is not our problem if they don't like the way the if they don't like the way that it is they can just look somebody they just bring your like fat husband into here to go like this just he'll just stuff his leg and waist into the wall and smoosh him back they can do it one by one I'm not big enough to do that see it's like you don't you can't even notice this one's out no they're all out you can't even tell stalled by an amateur this is worse than the murder look somebody died in here you're your number one concern should not be oh no it's uneven it was an old person look Grandpa got fucking they pulled the all right I I know what happened this is what happened okay you don't even need a detective here do you soly see how this just was this was like this was lying down on the ground somebody slingshot Grandpa into the table cuz they wanted the insurance money I understand so this was knocked over here blood all of this Grandpa was asleep in the chair facing this way rocking back and forth the old bastard grandson came over pulled him back tight tight tight tight let him go and he flew smashed his mouth on the table rolled over on his back head hit the blight bulb shattered it and his brain bled out all over here and everywhere all over the whole table and that's how he died that shit's dangerous man don't fuck around I broke my collone when I was 2 years old on one of these not specifically a rocking chair but on one of those lazy boys that can go rock rock rock rock those big rocking lazy boys I was standing on top of it facing this part of the chair so I was standing like this and I was just going rock rock rock and it went too far and I forward necked myself like my legs came over and kicked me in the back of the head is there an Easter egg in this house do I actually have to find a dead body no that would that would increase the rating of this game this game is rated E for everyone guys putting a dead body inside of a closet in this game would be the equivalent of putting one random one random like FW in a children's counting game like oh yeah the whole game is is just a kids counting game where you pick numbers and oh one two three and then randomly after like an hour of playing you just hear in the background fuck I want to rent this house to two people so it would be great for some reason people love to watch TV so it' be nice to have one in the house there's no TV in this entire [Music] house hold on wait wait babies love to put their hands in their mouth when they're playing on the floor so everything needs to be in top order do they find Blood on the ground okay well that's a $30,000 profit I'll take it what about okay but this one this is a huge house I feel like we can do so a lot of work with this one how much money is this 161 buy it all right what's the entrance where I look like shit tear it down I'm want to make my own damn house okay so regardless what everybody says about this it's all coming down why I'm not sure yet I'm sure I'll figure that out as we go look did okay did Picasso know what painting he was going to paint when he made Star KN no he just started painting is was Van go supposed to know exactly what he was painting no just he saw it and just was painting it as he saw it I only need one bedroom do you understand in the house of a real man is no place for children's toys that's the guy we're selling to by the way he's going to love it in the house of a strong independent women there's no room for Stuff of for little snots what the fuck are they talking about great pictures yeah no we didn't like that we didn't like that no pictures yeah we're we're going to do what typically would be downstairs is going upstairs it what's the big problem with the upstairs kitchen why is that such a problem uh why is that such a big deal why why does nobody do that oh you cooked with garlic down here good luck it's going to fill the whole house now you cook upstairs with a vent that leads out this way no one's going to smell anything yeah let me just move my fridge oven dishwasher up the stairs why haven't you you keep talking about it okay let's go more people are going to start doing this I just started a trend like me or not hey like me or not yeah I just started a trend so this kitchen is going to be a huge open kitchen this is everything I've ever dreamed of having my own like Chef apartment up here yeah fuck this watch this one guys you'll see it's going to be nice there going to be a nice light gray on the a light White just hold on you'll see it's an 80s Diner good good no don't do that it's not worth it Diner fine fuck it you want to make this you want to make the joke fine I'm running a business upstairs the whole thing's a diner you come upstairs and now I run a business you just have to walk through my foyer to get here this is this is the company this is the bathroom is fine cuz all the I like this I love this idea I love this idea having my own upstairs business bathroom upstairs business bathroom associated with an upstairs business that is a diner that means we got to have one of those open kitchens where people can look in and see me going like get the fucking steak on there yeah all right all right all right I everyone that wants to try to tell me that this this is actually starting to look like an E3 booth for all right you no no no no no no no no no I'm I'm I'm GNA I'm going to commit you have to commit sorry I'm committing all right we're having E3 upstairs I'm having my own video game conference in my house fuck the diner fuck the dentist office we're doing our own video game conference upstairs something's off about the E3 Booth I really just need to put a bunch of computers up here I wish I could put a guy a really overly enthusiastic guy to stand here and tell me about the games that are on display and you guys I've been playing you guys this whole time didn't think I was turning this into an ice cream shop but you know that's just how just next level that I'm thinking here now we need to build some kind of device where I can have a counter sit on the sofa back here it's just a guy sitting on his sofa and he gets up hold what do you want you want vanilla okay I got that he just stands up and opens the freezer what if I just sell Bibles no it's going to have to be these the candles there's no you know how they have the sizes up there this is the size small no these are the ice creams this is to show you how they look got raspberry blue raspberry banana strawberry and well this would be this is strawberry this is strawberry you idiot I got to not paint cans yeah but the paint cans take up too much space pain cans take up so much space where am I supposed to put them paint cans but where are they going to go oh God damn it am I actually going to do this no it is ice cream but it has to be behind the counter and it's God damn it this is perfect you're right how are people going to see the flavors I don't know I there's no way I have to put them up I could just I could just take a picture yeah oh fuck me man like I used this is going to take like two hours this is going to take such a long time I can't take a picture of this and like put it over here have to do that like 70 times no I'm going to put them all here's what Happ this is what this is exactly what's happening I'm going to put all them down take a picture and post it on the front it's going to go right here across this or on the Whiteboard all right I got it got it got we got to have a clean background though let's get all the paints fuck me why am I doing this so this is the I could do like somebody said put a bowling alley in the garage here I could do that that's easy I think I think that's a close enough I have too many pins turn off the light no we're going to do a bowling light oh this I got 15 pins here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 clean the carpet no that's you want me to clean the carpet you want an authentic bowling alley you want clean carpets that's not going to happen it looks like a that looks like a bowling alley that does doesn't it with the lines on the top it just looks like it could be you don't need I need these though I have to have them hurry up it's not I'm already halfway there so many recipes at least I'll have a place to store my files hey hey how come you don't have over places restore my files D you do thank you the fruit loop house there's not too much orange I'm going to fix it FR I can't get over that Fruit Loop house we just missing the green that's it okay honestly how demented would you have to actually be to do this in your house if you know somebody that has a room like this in their house they are demented this is the type of person that like practices their evil laugh in the mirror for like 4 hours a day and they still haven't gotten it right oh every I love this room I'm just imagining a huge heavy ass bowling ball that you fucking Gunn down this arkway and it just smashes into the wall every time and you don't fix it you pay somebody else to come fix it like once a month what the fuck do you care you're a sicko no what am I don't clean the window are you out of your mind for the guy that sprays the shoes for a living clean this window no the guy that owns the place the guy that for some reason always looks like he's PPA across his whole body he's not going to do that a guy that you and your friends have told yourselves had joked about would you ever a pay to smell him no it's it going to be 50 bucks for me to smell that guy that's going to be me and I'm I can choose how I want to live my life just because something is a little off the beaten path a little grimy a little under the weather it's that's you know that's part of it's charm the guy that comes over that I was talking about that guy that sprays the shoes that if the arcade machine is broken he comes over and he walks over he's like yeah what are you kids doing over here sir the arcade machine it doesn't work anymore oh yeah yeah have fun kids and he goes back to what he was doing it's like oh thanks man uh all right we need yellow this is going to be a it's going to look like a Best Buy but it's not going to be a Best Buy because I don't want them to think that I I'm putting their trademark on my stream but it's absolutely going to be a Best Buy let's go ahead and get the logo here I'm going to paint this blue don't [Laughter] worry where am I going to sleep should I just turn this into a copyright dog shit stream should I get like an ice cream our name and put it right [Music] there no it can't I can't just put this all over the oh that was so much money that's not worth it whatever into the Best Buy let's paint this wall this the only artwork they [Music] have now we're getting into some weird performance artist bullshit welome to the ice cream store hey do you like the waste $330,000 cuz that's what I just did okay stop it stop it make a Hot Topic okay fine well make a Hot Topic easy enough by the way fuck the bathroom it's now a Pet Smart Best Buy Hot Topic petmart Cold Stone I'm going to get fucking sued this one could be like jales the little donkeys look like JBL here [Music] see this is like the the mice where they have like the cage all the rats in it and stuff or this could be little kittens these are whatever you want whatever you want to say this is the world's worst petmart well what do you want me to do what what am I supposed to do about that there's the this is where you buy the animal this is where you you go to The Grooming to get your dog groomed and this is where the only bathroom in the whole house is go with the blue carpet it always works out when you do blue and PetSmart what am I talking about it always works out with you duu in PetSmart I'm lost all motor functions as you can see it is my house is simply my normal house on the outside and a nice neighborhood but once we go in I've turned my house into a mall okay so you come on in this is the neighborhood Mall make sure to close the door behind you hot topic on the right followed by Best Buy all kinds of weird shit is in here you can get your favorite video game t-shirts you can get Mario smoking a joint in here on a shirt or fight club remember that movie Tyler Jordan punched himself in the fucking face dud dud that was probably really loud I'm sorry and he here your like fetish shit if you want it in case you want that you Best Buy sells computers TVs mice gaming rigs it's a pretty good store Burger King here in case you get uh hungry you want a little snack make sure these are on yes they are pickles fork knife for those of you that want it to the left here you've got the bowling alley punching you and your friend up to four people can play here's your seat you get your lane here there okay this is also the garage but I don't have a car so who needs it and then if you take a out uh over here on the second level of our mall that's right it's a two it's a two layer Mall sayin one layer shit we don't just have a Best Buy what else we got up here up there oh we got a petmart too for all your dog food cat food can buy yourself a new cat or a dog or a bunny out of the Pets Smart you've got a holiday in here in case you want to take a rest be aware that there's no privacy but it is still $80 a night and here we have uh gera's ice Creamery because we didn't get a name for this one a Cold Stone by the way don't tell anybody that you did this because I don't want to have to pay a fine so who who wants it this this cost $70,000 let's see start the auction I don't have any place to cook homes for rent should have a minimum of two bathrooms what bedrooms would be useful a house without a bathroom something's not right sorry but I'm single so I don't need two bedrooms a big bedroom how sweet there's no place to around my clothes sa they're out bitting each other holy shit there's a lot of pictures oh my God $230,000 can I open his house and spray in what was I doing ruining all of his prer Ah that's what I thought I need gravel single colored gravel ooh it's not right I'm going to plant like a a Quaker Oat rice cake in your lawn I'm just doing this for fun you know I got half a million in the bank I'm just here for fun Imagine like you the guy comes out hey uh this looks fucking terrible look at all this weed still you're just dropping the same color yeah I'm uh I'm I'm just doing it for fun well get the fuck out of here can you recommend me somebody that actually cares uh yeah probably have a good day haven't you ever seen one punch man no I don't watch anime what do you guys think is the next step of the internet 100% Wireless I don't want that any other like fucking Boomers in this chat like actually scared of like 7g we're going to start growing horns and like the telecom companies will all spin it you know what I mean they'll be like a hearing well you know the thing is everyone has started to grow two extra eyes but now you can see twice as good I see that as a plus yeah the the senator from New York would like to ask a question yeah uh so they got four eyes now but two of them throw up blood every 6 hours well I think that's just progress you know that's a cool straw man wait what if you had eyes that had blood coming out of him that were extra eyes because of 7g Wireless technology I don't think that's a straw man I think that's a real man what the hell is a straw man ah well welcome to the world of politic that's just fucking God I I my heart hurts fuck Jesus Christ how do I stop that can I was it it was never that loud before wow the master yeah but the master turns everything down like oh what were you saying again what were you saying huh please only use the sledgehammer what no what Hammer sound I Didn't Do It wuss streamer yells at his fans don't ever say that I I'm a wuss especially to somebody that's doing no sedation colonoscopy H I'm my what that just makes you look stupid no that's the hardest Flex of 2019 yeah I'm going to prove to you guys that I'm not a w by doing no fucking sedation colonoscopy and yeah then what are you going to say then this is a nice Garden no no no no I don't like this this gives me anxiety this is like anxiety here I don't like this I don't it just does I don't something about it I don't like it too much just give me one giant Cactus and that's it I don't want all this other stuff I feel like they're all looking at me they're all like alive and shit I'm sorry okay oh look at how much more of this shit there is I got to fill pool up I remember having an above ground pool and this is what you did you had to just put the hose in there and just let it run it took like 3 weeks why does it take so long are you putting it through a brda filter first this some sick fuck that does that you know it I don't even have to fucking pretend that's not real there's some like weirdo that has like purified water in their pool in case they get thirsty yeah you can just go underwater and just go that's actually kind of fucking cool all right I'm going to do this very efficiently cuz I got to mow the whole lawn what am I going to get for this like 20 bucks cuz that's okay when I used to door too be a lawn mower salesman I would mow Lawns when I was younger and you got $20 to do the person's entire yard how was it worth it let's see was I getting advantage taken of me yeah there you go son there's a $20 bill thanks for the backbreaking fucking 4 and 1 half hours of work that's $20 so you can take that to the arcade yeah I can take it to the arcade yeah you can take it to the thank you for the arcade buddy Mr Stewart is the name that I'm being given on the dream pretend person joke why are you mowing a lawn with a weed whacker because I can't I don't have a lawn mower this thing sucks using a corner edger to mow an entire lawn imagine looking out the window and seeing this sorry ass guy out here just mowing with an edger that just kind of reminds does anybody else do this where so you like a trip or something that you've like wanted to do or planned for a long time you have all these like ideas of how it's going to go like go to like a water park or like Disney World or something and you go you have you think about like weeks in advance like all this shit that you're going to do and how much fucking fun it's going to be and how amazing you're going to try this and you're going to try that that this restaurant seems cool but try that one and then you get there and you do like two things and you're like this is this is stupid this sucks the most fun just kind of happens when you just don't even you accidentally have it it's like you go to the Disney World and instead of the ride that you wanted to ride and getting off it and being like that was fun no no there's like a clown in the street that's like juggling and you love it and you like this is fucking great that's the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life stop sputter walking what you what is sputter walk Walking I feel like is that is that sputter walking like I have to cuz look it doesn't look look look look look look look look look look look look look watch ready it doesn't get at all you see look behind me there's like I I I have to spotter walk look it's not done right here see look at that fuck yeah I'm wrong am I wrong cuz it looks like it's not cutting them all down fuck I'm wrong I thought I I was not cutting all them down God damn it I hate being wrong I no I'm not wrong I'm not wrong fuck I I hate I can't be wrong no I can't be wrong about anything uh no it's actually um uh somehow you're wrong and I I'm going to explain with insane uh jumping through hoops to figure out a way that you're wrong and I'm right cuz I can't be wrong that's not possible no way that's not never I've never been wrong in my life this this poop like elephant [Music] poop where you go spray him I I okay look I can I can't imagine if you this is like your bedroom right here right or like right here can you imagine just throwing cans of soda out your open window if if I ever threw a can on the ground it would cause me physical pain not only not only because of the ability to scrape the DNA off of the mouth part I'm not you know fuck that not only being able to CAU and swab the top of that and fucking get me but that it's it's rude and bad and you think I'm making that up oh look at question marks what the fuck is this weirdo streamer talking about there was somebody that found like gum all over the ground and shit and picked up random stuff and did DNA testing on it and made people out of it they like went and got gum and like tested it and made what they think the person looked like I swear to God this is real no I'm not having an episode this is what do you mean what I'm having an episode no no no not you know I'm not saying like they made a human out of like finding gum in the trash I'm saying that somebody did like a scientific research thing where they took samples from like stuff in the trash and gum that was chewed up underneath like seats and shit and they did a DNA like genetic code of what that person may look like what if you're on there what if that's you how do they know it's my hair nerd well if signs ever gets to a point where they can genetically take your entire code from that hair they'll be able to know that yeah you ordered four Big Macs last night you were in line at that McDonald's and you got four Big Macs you can't hide that anymore they'll have like some Big Mac juice saliva and you like that dripped out onto the ground and they'll be able to tell the quantity of Big Macs that you ate because of the like enzymes in your saliva give it like another 500 years oh by the way I forgot to say this the uh the the one of the cock maintenance like technician people they told me that the reason why we having problems is because of the kids playing Call of Duty it's those damn video games clogging up the toilet hey you in there yeah what are you doing in there for so long nothing just I have to go to the bathroom get off of fucking Call of Duty come on we got to go to church invisible line shit I'll get the little piece of tape and do that after I'll do it right now I'll do it right now I got it I got it I got it I got the line I'll do it no no no no it's uh no it's tur Turf not tape not a turd no not a turd okay I don't like it it's I I I feel I feel scared in here this is not like I don't feel comfortable in here I feel really uncomfortable in this room it's actually causing me real like anxiety it is I'm not comfortable right now I got to take I got to do something about this [Music] now I feel really bad right now quick get it on there I it's something about this room it's the room that's doing it I don't understand anybody else like feels horrible right now he's having a nightmare I'm having a nightmare it's like P it's PT that's what it is it's this shit it's like oh a local radio said that he was under the influence and then he found his way over into the barber shop and he and they saw the police were notified later that evening he saw himself with a revolver in his head and it was that's what what's happening I hate this I'm going to wrap it up here in a few minutes going for about 5 hours I'm very tired but I had a lot of fun it's fun to come back why did I just what the fuck am I [Music] doing I'm typing in redit it's like Reddit why is my this is my browser I what oh wow that' be great if I had this much fucking money in like Firefox no but I'm honestly just sitting here for a few minutes just to take a look and we look pretty clean we got the green light green means go red means stop yellow means I don't know what to do I don't know what to do should I go really faster so he pit the fucking brakes all right now let's go for real that was just a teaser for you and that was a teaser for the internet being actually fine well all right I'm not going to hold my breath we got this piece of crap but I don't want to do that one this is here's the big one this is the big one oh my God dude imagine living across the street to this you know we were really thinking about selling in a year or two but uh our property value can you at least get rid of the fucking bricks how do I get rid of them what do I how do I what do I do what do I do how do you get rid of the all dude I did like I just tried to like Spade side down like shovel vertical on his head oh my God that would have been horrendous I have to get a vision here this place is huge this is a ridiculously large project see you guys in 9 hours I can't believe he actually played for nine hours fuck nice and clean all right we're making progress can I stop the night cycle I only want it to be Day game time we're disabled got it my immersion no one's going to be out here at 4:00 in the morning doing gardening stuff all right yeah and oh JMA makes another generalization about the gardeners apparently according to Jeremy they're all old ladies and they only work in the day he's a monster did you hear what he said no I will tell you you know gardening takes a considerable amount of skill uh is one reason why I know this I used to help my grandmother do it oh there he goes again I used to help my grandmother do it and I would be trying to even just something as simple as planting I actually getting the soil ready and then plant it's hard to do that it has to be the right consistency it has to really hold it up it's got to be because you can really make it look like crap that was a nice story nice story yeah let me tell you something guys gardening is is is is difficult to do and here's why the soil you know you got to get it in the the you got to get it could fall it could fall over in the soil that's it that's the whole story did I tell you guys that I'm really into sardines lately I don't think we had that conversation I've been I've been mashing them up and then putting it on toast it's pretty damn good really good for you too why not just buy tuna cuz uh sardines have uh more selenium and they're also not a predatory fish so they don't have as much um Mercury welcome to the school of ger thought you made that up no welcome to gardening school first things first welcome to gardening school put your tools away everybody put your fucking tools away who ate sardines this morning raise your hands none of you none of you none how old are you guys all everybody in the room is over over 55 uh Grandma Tilly what did you have for breakfast this morning well uh before I planted my uh my Macadamia I had a small two EG wrong wrong I want all of you to go home and I want you to eat sardines for breakfast tomorrow all of you yeah what what is it what is it Edna I'm allergic to sardines do it anyways all right so let me this is what my this is my vision here my vision is to have I think I want don't do anything yet I need to like I'm I need to like block it out do mini golf no have a mini golf course what a dumb house what a stupid house you're the guy with the mini golf course in his house should there be mini golf in the house too should there this be one no you don't this is what happened last time last time I was doing this it was like what about like a pizza oven yeah Pizza Oven let's make the whole house Pizza Oven everyone's getting in my head don't let them get in your head don't let them get in there I'm in should okay well let's have a staircase to build up into our neighbor's yard hey Bob hey what are you doing up there Chad oh you know just trying to reach God that's all got a thing or two to say to him hey why y to see if you can get tomorrow's lottery numbers okay B this is so dumb uh hey Bob what is it Ted you got a rope no fuck oh I hate it I it can't be there it can't be there it can't be there I can't leave that it's going to fucking drive me [Music] crazy all right now how do I get rid of this one I can't go straight up because I have to jump over here I going to delete this oh God hold on wait wait I think I can make it all right so here's the plan shit oh that's not good I got I got to go up higher than this God fuck no I F I have to restart this fucking whole thing is there any way it's oh there has to be a way I can delete this why did I fucking do this I can't reset it no no no I can do it oh just get me up there slow I'm trying to go too fast am I bumping into something I'm making like these giant Towers just to delete somebody I saw one person said leave one and it just fucked up the whole thing okay how far until the there's going to have to be a part two to that I just wanted to make make a garden and somebody had to say mini golf and then like my like fucking clown meter went to a thousand I was doing fine okay slow thank God I have to think this through think it through I've got to go up but then how do I delete these okay so the idea here's the idea if I can build this this way a couple more make it clean so I can keep I can actually walk on this the cleaner this is the better cuz then I can actually use it and walk backwards and delete it okay I did it it's done now I just have to we're going to go down here and then no which one what do I do first I've made a yeah I've made this a puzzle game my heart should not be beating this fast what's wrong with me why all right I'm doing it I'm going for it I got it I'm so paranoid cuz if I fall now see look at I fucked it up there it's all right everybody calm down oh mini golf I'm going to build stairs now just going to Nowhere we have to go now we have to go from here all the way up and then all the way [Laughter] down if I don't make me laugh if I fall off right now you understand that the whole thing was to get this one Tower and if I fall off I have to do it again cuz I made two now fucking Jesus and then I have to make three and then I have to make four don't where am I I oh no where am I what what am I standing on okay I made it I made it I can't jump okay here we go okay I'm good I want I want like God I want I'll take anybody want some wine I think I'm going to get glass of wine yeah go get go go get some wine I'm going to need your help here I'm going to need your help in creating this Garden in the comment section what do you think I should put in the next episode a tree a moat you decide is so much Z fighting on that fence what do you mean Z fighting he does I don't I have no idea I have no idea what you're talking about I don't know what Z fighting is the oh the grass in the back why would I know what Z fighting means means it's like being in the doctor's office doctor comes in do you know what this tool is uh I don't know is is it a stethoscope no stupid why do you not know that it's a hydroscope what are you stupid you're pretty dumb he's like looking away while he's doing like an exam H so everything seems fine um doctor doctor my stomach is hurting you're you're touching my neck oh sorry sorry I was looking at chat uh what what' you come in for what would his alert sounds be a flatline hey thank you flatliners welcome to the flatliners am I okay yeah he come he comes in your leg hooked up you're like just had surgery you sitting there all of a sudden the Flatline comes on there something wrong what's happening thank you B D Duck 21666 25 months wel go to the flatlining patience yeah you're just Flatline didn't you oh thank you hey waa a 20 a 32 month sub just came in from oh hey Doc should poison the patient that's a funny username but no seriously take those uh once every four hours oh you baited chat you know you don't understand it doesn't work I'm not going to use the the saw on his bone on his leg that's not going to work it's not going to fix his uh it's not going to fix his gallbladder do it do it do it oh my God all right fine right see oh did I just get you baited come on get in there right there right wait right there right here oh come on what do you mean clear the path there's nothing in the path the path is already written come on I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best at what I do I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best at what I do okay hold on symmetrical house what what I like symmetry with plants yeah can we make we'll make a little Pond here Everyone likes to just talk shit that looks stupid that looks terrible I think that not even good you should have have this kind of plant and then you should bury that one in the sand what an ugly display you should see my [Laughter] display Power Ranger bad guy voice do Zordon Power Rangers it's it me Zordon Matilda has landed on Earth she's trying to take it over I yeah yeah yeah I can't believe that I mean this looks like shit you think it looks like shit because of this the house needs work you know we're going on inside out there's a bug on me no there's not Jesus Christ I'm out of my mind I'm something wrong with my brain don't that oh that does look good o that was like your mother came over to give her a tour of your new place and everything looks so nice and pretty and you cleaned up but for some reason something a coin drops on the ground and it rolls underneath the couch and you have the panic attack where she's going to look under the couch and she's like oh let me get that coin no don't I'll get it and you try to race her to get the coin everything's in slow motion and she finds all the dirt that you sweep under the couch because you don't feel like putting into the trash the stream's never going to turn off it's all right guys I I ate sardines today they actually get they literally literally give you superpowers have I had them on crackers I have not I've had it on toast though that that would a great idea I can't wait to do that tomorrow streamer ate sardines once and is now hooked for Life him like today I give you superpowers I had him today what a placebo effect I could do anything I think I could I think I could probably fly drma get do not get up there no it's s Dan today man I think I think I can do it I'm telling you this this is the big house this is the one to go all in I went all in this stream will not stop until it's all done all in I I'm going all in at the fucking table dude I've got 36 bucks at that table all in everybody at the table is going to be like oh that's a lot what the hell is he thinking but it's going to be the greatest thing I've ever done in this game it's going to be really well done we're not going to put like a Best Buy in here it's going to be a beautiful fantastic actually made house with a wonderful garden wonderful backyard play area patio with a barbecue a small circus not not a big one a small circus a dog park and maybe a gym it's going to be a fun it's going to be a regular just house this looks like just could be a big living room now what is this second weird brick room this is not a bedroom bathroom what what would what the hell would room why would there be brick all right up here this sucks there's no rooms and go come on fill up that [Music] bucket come on Anderson family okay that's it is it the Family Guy house it's not a Family Guy let me look this up it's not Family Guy the Family Guy house is white it [Laughter] is the roof the roof is also the same hey Quagmire can you pull the car in the garage okay sure think B I do that all the time oh you're all about sex aren't you Quagmire all right let me lay grass down in the last few places and then we can go in the house by the way I don't give a shit about anything inside of this house I've never had a house like this I've never had a garden I'm just trying to make a cool Garden I've never had one before I've never had a cool Garden should water walls I've never had this Bunch money to make whatever I want you have you have fuck I Gardens play play some windmill I've never had a garden before that looks good look at that that kind of ties the whole thing together now it's finally mini gol is he really doing the the family guide house where'd you get that info I didn't say that that's not info from me I'm not kidding it does look like the Family Guy house even from the inside oh my God oh my God it is the Family Guy house here's the door that like pet it's me and then this couch and the TV and the stairs and then the kitchen this Ultra generic well we have to mute it a little bit because look at the fucking clown circus that's outside we have to have a normal house on the inside and this is too boring for you is it too boring here you go you you want your fucking you want your donut house here each room is themed around a different fucking filling I always hate when people have Windows into the bathrooms especially you go to somebody I don't maybe some of you guys have a house like this you go to somebody's house just make sure it wasn't crushed who has a window in the bathroom at penile level where you're peeing and there's a window that is at like it's at like Balls level if that thing is not closed if there's no curtain or even curtains I feel like somebody can see right through it I have this weird fucked up fear of peeing in somebody's house that has a a peen a window and for some reason I just think of like the the the curtain or the blinds somebody you know how you know if you go far enough away from blinds you can kind of see a little bit I just have feel like somebody can is going to see right through one of the little cracks of a venetian blind and just see my penis you should have bought a table first Lois we should put toet in the dining room oh I'm freaking genius oh my fucking god so let's take look inside your new home you don't have to knock here you own the place come on in this is yours close the door behind you so don't get too much drafty in here ah how's that to your left your space your area your gaming Lounge I had a perfect opportunity to do like a pretend Skype with Grandma show her the house thing okay you're walking up you see Grandma this is the neighborhood oh wow that looks great what that over there on the right side oh you oh here here I want to see that is said are those real animals people are calling me a liar already I haven't even spoken I haven't even talked yet what can you read my mind can you read my lie mind look look look look click link click link I don't want to what is this I don't want to click this when does that when does a house flippers DLC come up no I didn't they were doing like an HGTV thing right is that out hold on I got to fucking play this all right all right all right all right how about this I'll give you a date on Wednesday the 19th of course of August M I will play house flippers HGTV fucking DLC okay doesn't matter what the fuck I'm doing on Wednesday whatever it is it's off the table that's in like a few weeks put okay well whatever uh I I was going to I Really Want to play Desperado it's free today that's it's off the table now right it's today the 19th today's the N all right you promised you promis you promise all right all right I don't whatever I if I'm going to be held to my word which I hope I am I'm I'm gonna play house flippers HGTV DLC I gotta be held to my word all right well I had this whole cowboy costume over here that I was going to put on today uh those last time we played house flipper HGT well this is the house this is Garden flipper actually last time we played this I made this sick Garden this is pretty sick oh yeah right it's the Family Guy house this is supposed to be the Griffin house I forgot this is an expensive ass house what else was back here a grill right right nice that's a pretty good gamer that's a gamer fridge that's a huge gamer fridge and don't aren't these actually connected to Plumbing too by the way those you think you think this is just a funny joke for the stream no there's actual Plumbing down here oh this is where it happened right this is where it was I feel like I'm in some old historic house like like an old streamer house this is where he did the worst impression of of 2018 yeah I remember it was was right here wow this is super historic welcome to your first job in Sunset Bay are you ready to help John and Nicole renovate the house of their dreams while the house is small the view is amazing you'll have to make some decisions when it comes to room Arrangement The Shack under the house is especially problematic good luck there's four people buried there all right what this looks like is this looks like like Dad built this part of the house himself and we have like an a Hansel and gredle trail of how he started to get really exhausted and fuck the whole thing up it led into here and then he got like shitfaced and threw the remaining wood into the shed I can't do this I'm already like 80 grand in the hole get the HGTV guys to come just have them come fix it I just have look I promise I'll cry when you reveal the house if you come and do it please I promise I'll do a massive POG face when you reveal I'll freak out I'll rent in a circle and scream I'll take my shirt off and just Sprint around yelling I'll take both my hands and grab the cameraman's lens pull it in and go yeah what what why do everybody keep linking things what is all this okay hold on I need to go over this because this is fucking me up this is this is freaking me out I need to go over this address it address it address it address it just hold on I'm going to address it that's not that's yeah I did it yeah whatever that's me addressing it play disc skipping noises say I dropped it down the stairs floppy disc sounds hahaa that's so stupid yes say you heard it I showed it off on Periscope or no shit okay hold on this is like next level faking people's they're saying I'm going to record my I'm going play house flipper yeah inspect element yeah and and then you guys can link to it yeah yeah wait a minute I'll get a good one okay I'm rendering the clip I need to Twitch clip of this I mean you guys are really you guys are really trying at this point with the fake website the fake fucking text the fake everything fake text inspect element yeah it was fake I don't even need to inspect element I got fucking online x-ray vision ask me if I'm a liar again say did you say did you lie about the clip what's the question did I lie about the clip well the thing is we have to take care of everybody we have to make sure that we get down and with our hands dirty and we get everybody on the right page I also think that we can make it happen as long as you stick with me there you go there's your answer uh Senator Albertson have you ever eaten glass for fun here's the thing my favorite dog that I've ever had little Pho and I'll tell you he was a good dog I'm a good dog and if I can be your Senator again I would be such a good boy uh Senator Elberton is there a is there a full shit in your underwear right fucking now right now yes or no you know the tricky thing about trying to fix this country is just my goodness we got to get everybody back to work I will yield the rest of my time uh uh Mr Alberton uh what can you tell me about school well the thing about school we got to really get in there and I'm got to change everything about we got to get we got to reform our schools we got to make sure everyone's prepared absolutely Mr Albertson there's a video of you punching a guy in the face at a bar in downtown Boston all right I got to play the game I'm like getting to the sidetracked all right atam chandelier TV corner cabinet what's a TV corner cabinet all right well where all right where the couch this is way too far away you can't see shit from here you want the TV over here uh wait next to the people are going to be like walking in the way and shit why would you ever want that you want an Adam chandeler okay well let's put the TV in this shitty place they want it clean this wait there's one more window I didn't clean I forgot one window bunker I forgot wait photographing wait it's doing before and after photos oh wow nothing you didn't change shit that's not all it is is okay I hired a cleaning company let's take a look at your new house a cleaning company came and picked up the wood all right what if I okay we got to go hold on to this one the next house that's really really full of trash and dirt and shit I want to try to put it all in the same room so when they do the before and after picture it's even worse why does everybody love what's what the obsession with wood when I see like a nice carpet I'm like oh I like that it's soft it stays warm your feet aren't cold everybody I don't know what it is everybody loves wood I don't when you step on wood you you walk around a house that was predominantly wood I've lived in one it's it's it's just in every room I don't it's like I'm playing basketball in my house it's easy to clean yeah but I know but then you get up you obsess over it cuz it's really nice wood is expensive real wood wooden floors are expensive so anytime that you drop anything or touch a piece of Grease like a small crumb lands on the floor you grab it you're like fuck lick your finger no no no no no no no God please just give me a multicolored shitty carpet that I can just dump shit on it doesn't even matter and just run a vacuum over it once a year how many stains on that carpet you will have you'll never know there could be a 100 hidden in the fucking awesome carpeted multifiber colored just like in there you can't even tell I could probably do a full piss onto some of these carpets and have you guys come in and examine it and be like wow this is perfectly fine by the way every day I could probably piss on it every fucking day for a year and you would come in and you would you had no idea where it was would smell no it wouldn't I would bringing somebody in a room hey what do you what do you think about this room it's like it stinks like piss in here what's this guy trying to get me to do hey come on in here can you hey can see if you can find it the piss cuz that's all I smell Derma hates plants no I love plants I love a garden I love tending to tomatoes I love growing my own tomato tomatoes and and eating them I love plants eat a tomato on stream that's so funny how I have to prove that if any streamer ever says anything they have to always prove it on stream you know I really like uh I'm a big fan of buffalo chicken eat buffalo chicken on stream prove it liar okay uh I like I like um I like reading books liar read a whole book on stream I I guarantee you haven't read a book at all this whole year well okay I read it on stream I guess I wish I had an electric stove I don't like gas stoves I don't you guys know me I don't like gas it freaks me out something about electricity is so much safer to me in my brain than like gas think about all like the movies and TV shows and like scar things about gas that shit ignites watch out it's going to explode what's the worst thing that like electricity that like will Ferell like electrocuted himself in the fucking Christmas movie this house didn't explode wait maybe it did maybe it did did it you cause a fire yeah but it's not okay it could it could cause a fire sure and then the fire will take a little while to spread at least 50 to 60 seconds right if you have like electricity oven if it starts all right an explosion is an instant it explodes your house fire is a fire it starts somewhere and spreads you have time gas in a house the house explodes you don't have time you you have enough time to go you don't have enough if there if there elect electricity fire you can be like all right get the fucking get out let's do something about it quick out out out okay do this get the get the fire extinguisher like it's not just scream like if you hear that or smell gas it's it's like immediately that like iPhone fucking like which by the way why the fuck do people have that as an alarm what what why do you wake your yeah like the that iPhone like alert notification thing yeah this all right so if if you smell gas literally what goes through my head is this it's I'm dead I'm dead in 5 seconds I'm going to die in 5 seconds okay done I've prepared you for your yard sale complete the job you may not complete the job but there look I got tons of money money I don't care about the money I just care about making a statement yeah all you did was remove my things still here's an idea maybe we should demolish the two walls and knock it down knock it down knock the whole thing down whole thing should be an open floor plan including the bathrooms knock it down I'm talking Square build tool in The Sims no rooms made what are you doing I'm doing my interior designing what are you doing besides criticizing a genius at work [Applause] broken pipe it looks like the radiator iip wait gas no it's water okay the leak needs to be stopped there should be a water supply valve is this like a like a puppeteer station there's just wall here wall there this where the family crouches down and has like puppet Knight yeah I'm sorry if you have a dedicated puppetry room and I guarantee you you got five or six big plants in your house you want to put you want to make that bet you want to put that money down this is a bathroom house that's a good idea God damn it am I going to get like addicted to house flipper again I think I might I don't know are we are we going to be streaming this tomorrow oh no what have you done why did you remind me that I promised to play this you know what happens I get stuck here real voice yeah this is like kind of wait if you called me at like 6 o' in the afternoon and I answer the phone I'd be like what's up be like this hey what's going on what you doing n nothing s sorry I might sound a little horse I was acting on Twitch for a while yeah you play Mario Maker 2 yet dude yeah it's fucking suck it's a wicked good acting game yeah yeah hey come over you can come over in like an hour fucking tired from you know missing a jump over and over again but it did fucking kills on Twitch man I can't I don't I'm not going to be able to fit it I can't go in like that I can't that would be the most what are you a lizard yeah well you know I a fucking lizard so I have to have uh moisture in the bedroom at all times I wife you still have to spray me with a bottle this is a much better solution I think am I getting U money points for this let me check look down there progress I'm not I'm not getting any progress you mean credit score it's I'm lying down here seeing all this in this restaurant they monitor your credit and give you free email alerts and put it on your sweatshirt and you see the your t-shirts shit now you all heard it it worked like 20 like 15 years later it still worked congratulations it's it still fucking worked good work ad campaign team you deserve all of you deserve to get at least a 20 30% raise all of you wherever you are now I don't care where you are and that ban I hope they I hope they're absolutely killing it I hope the last EP they dropped has like fucking 500 million plays on Spotify I really hope that the band broke up after the commercials oh that's really sad that makes me feel bad really no did they all I just read was all the like everyone's talking about this band and then somebody just wrote this is a fucking mess holy shit no I'm not okay paint with the natural base 6% what do you mean 6% this not enough walls in this house to do this wait is there another house oh Jesus Christ just enough room to be able to paint on all sides that's four this is 4 8 12 16 20 okay build a maze that's another one I want I could do I could build a maze I'm going to build a maze in one of the all right welcome to fucking house flipper week I'm sorry I'm I think maybe at least a thousand people just put their hands in the air when God damn it build them all together will that be more space but like we can do that yep we can do do we can all right we can do like a MC rib system that works yeah it works okay there we go now we're going now we're cooking with gasos no scary decorations uh this guy's got like a Ru Goldberg machine in his house whenever he turns on the garage it's like it's like an egg that just drops and scrs around the gears we're almost there did all right we're there we're there we're there we're there okay we're done done done done done done done I can do it let's go the job is complete let's see the before and after the the garage looks nice that do look that bad all right hold on we we got all right link cool down begins now link cool down begins now with every single vtuber ever every single one every sing single one and germa and germa can you imagine I wonder how do you get like an avatar do I do like an avatar stream if I were to do an avatar stream I would kind of want to get like a custom one where it was just like a big green slime and the whole stream I'm just like role playing as this slime ball guy that's just like I I like need to take breaks every like 10 minutes is that Mr greens Slime Guy hey welcome to twitch. tv/ Slime Guy TV and then I and then I could just that I would just be like a different person like German 995 has his life and his friends but fucking Mr slime I'll be I'll be a fucking vtuber you guys will come in and tell me all this like fucked up shit that the that Mr slimes did and I'll just be like I don't know perfect example I used to use Grandpa as a way to swear on the channel 10 years ago so oh yeah I'm ready for this one you remember that because it wasn't me it was Grandpa oh I didn't say that I didn't say shut the fuck up you fucking stupid idiots none of you guys have any idea what you're talking about like no that wasn't me that was I could say whatever I wanted and I was just nice Mr Nice Guy Jeremy slimy motherfucker yeah and if anybody found me you better you better not say a single thing in chat besides talking about how disgusting Mr slime is I want you all to hate watch that scam I'm just going to go off and everyone just like be wicked mean this guy's a fucking idiot oh Mr slime what a piece of shit oh he's gross look he just like strot boogers and just I don't want a chat room now here's the real kicker here what if Mr slime becomes more popular than Jeremy what what do I do then that's kind of what I'm afraid of and then I have to stop being germa and like retire as germa and then be Mr slime it be Han Montana something like this and like shut up shut up and get out of here get slimed and that I would B that's the person I would be banning it is far too big for this interior let's replace it with something I hope it becomes more popular than me I do I really hope so I hope hope Mr slime I hope green Mr Green greens becomes a huge star I like Mr slimes more than I like germa already well good go make him famous if we guess right will you tell us if we are right um I think you'll know I don't know very many other people that are currently streaming as a slime character on Twitch although I mean I may have just like started one of your careers like oh I got to get on this right now slime slime slime slime slime slime Avatar slime Avatar start it and now they're going to be people are going to be looking for it welcome to the Slime crew you don't know anybody in your whole life that can do that I'm the only one so go find the one that's doing the fake one that's likeah not even fucking close you're not even close all right it's the Halloween house it's the Halloween house I get it okay sure well here's the thing about this game um that's just a scary person in the house this is a game where I flip houses and buy property and stuff this is not in any particular Universe there's somebody in this house run get out now it has to be this Mr slime's Halloween house fine I will make Mr slime's Halloween house okay what if I just did like a a a a walk like that Geral walk thing that you guys always put down but as the Slime any joke I tell this is where it's going to be really interesting because any joke I tell on the Slime stream I'm going to tell it on my stream too we'll see who's funnier all right turn the light turn the lamp on look at that all the lights flicker don't they the lights flicker I I I can't do this one I can't do the lights are going to flicker all the time all right where's the boss that I have to like smash his head in with the Mallet in the basement who's in here bury it burying the coffin will probably break the curse on this house wait what oh nice wa all right cool I got a house now make a casino I don't think I can even make a casino I'll try your house is a casino make it a hotel a casino hotel make the actual house ridiculously smaller than the house okay wait I kind of like that idea I like that idea I like that idea I want to do that okay that's what I want to do first make a normal house you know that is what an interesting concept Jeremy why don't you just make a house make it like look good and really show us like what you would do when you if you designed a [Applause] house I mean should I ban that guy I mean they're fucking huge there's only one game down here one huge game of blackjack that's so big there like 15 people can play what mirror is on the walls make a fun house why did you pick the poop colored table I don't know make a fun house mirror how quickly would you go crazy if all your walls are mirrors he's a vampire wait I thought vampires weren't supposed to be able to see the reflection oh yes yes okay we're I'm not going to do the whole house like this that would be be so painful to me it would I would it would cause me physical pain I think I can't do the whole house get the bigger mirror okay this is the mirror house this is the mirror house mirror house got got got hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot oh no no no no no no no no I I can't dude the whole house is a mirror we're going to be here for so long you know how long that's going to take it's going to be like a portal gun house oh shit okay all right I'm sorry everybody that's not going to want this to happen I'm sorry everybody oh HGTV presents interesting houses better be your permanent residence yeah you know we decided on having full of mirrors just so I can kind of see everything always make sure like nothing was wrong in the house I really got like a lot of inspiration from uh insects you know they have like 100 eyes trying to mimic that in my real life I mean I get a little nauseous I get a little nauseous but it's worth it peeing is hard though I can't tell off the toil when I'm peeing into is real one or one of the mirrors hard to pee what I did is I just turned the whole bottom into a urinal this bathtub works pretty well nine more voices to go that's right oh I already hate it oh I hate it it's not even done I don't like it the music's driving me insane what should I put on instead I remember that sound what did you do on your Wednesday afternoon I watched a crazy guy uh mirror every wall in his house uh dude just um like you were ghosted me that you'd rather do that than like hang out with me yeah all right this stream is going to make somebody sick how do I get out out of here what this song is killing me how do I get out I am I have to get the fuck out this song came on and it fucked up everything he's going psycho I'm kind of man it's like this is difficult to do and not have like a a freak out oh I can't I can't look at it I can't look at it I feel like this is what it would be like if I was in a human fish tank do you know how we put shit in a fish tank just like uh fish like coral and a little castle human plant a computer sofa and uh chair oh I I now I know where I am this I know my surroundings I just open up my mouth and just like meat just falls down why am I seeing a bunch of finally crack time crack time crack time finally it's crack time do you just are you just sitting there waiting to smoke crack like you've got your crack on the table and your crack pipe or your crack device he's just sitting there like a napkin is laid out in front of you come on come on start the stream dude he's late I can't smoke this crack until he's here God damn it oh life life oh yeah refuel that's so much faster than Mo the lawn and I pull the goggles down and look over hey Jim there's a hot one today this is so much faster this is so much faster why clean when you could just burn your house down you're the neighbor looking in here oh my God Mike's finally lost his mind uh you know by the way uh Jim that tree's kind of hanging a little bit far over on my uh side of the property don't you think by the way flip us around and pretend I'm you saying that I what I meant to say was I'll take care of it I I I did it in the reverse way you get it Jim you get it we're funnies we know each other I play Hey ch oh shit the new P update the fucking hose you got to land it directly on their fucking head nice I love this fucking Target map that's enough of the green I think it looks good I don't want the wood though remember I'm I'm a carpet guy I know you know punching punch him punch him get him kick his ass right I know that wasn't meant to be a joke I know don't make the Crickets thing okay floor floor panels and covering here we go Green carpet no I like a like a like a gray a gray or a little blue some gray carpet [Music] I think I'm into the the this one can blend in pretty well ibody let the dog in this is just like what the this is what you hear if you're fucking Mike's neighbor hey Jim just throwing my trash out the Second Story window trying to land it into the trash can have a good day what else is that's all I have in my room everyone thinks dude I wonder what's like in any interesting shit in like a streamer room no uh this like trash bag this Elmo and like a bunch of cords and shit that's not a Torture Me Elmo no I don't know why that's in here I really don't know okay can I nominate just the portion of the mirrors for worst stream in 2020 like I can I do that just that portion just like that like 30 minutes that's all everything else has been really fun but like I hurt my my body hurts from that my like whole body hurts cigarette house something house something house cigarette house do not say that because I will make like a filter and then the actual cigarette and then the yellow I'll make the cigarette house stop I I'm not doing Mir to okay oh this room is ugly sorry sorry okay this a 12-year-old room what I want to know the 12-year-old that has a triple monitor gamer room setup hey what what what is what do I always say if that's the case how many plants they got in there how many plants they got in the corner of their houses when I was a kid I had this whole shitbox HP computer that the tint was wrong and it got really hot it was the shittiest computer ever and it got super hot and I was sweat in my room all the time I play Diablo I on it and Team Fortress classic make the Green Room meat wads room this is the aquatine house isn't this frylock's room doesn't he have like a cool computer this is frylock's room this is meatwad's room and then this is shak's room this is the TVs right here no no more cartoon houses I don't want to make a family guy I don't want to make the Simpsons I don't make aquatine I don't understand why you're an idiot and I'm going to throw this thing on the floor and it's going to explode and I don't know what you're talking about man I think you need to shut your mouth the little guy has the mouth on him I think that's too bad what's going on in here I get to F I'm I'm going I'm I'm leaving I'm I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm out I'm out I'm out I'll see you tomorrow I was so bad I have to fucking end the stream I have to turn the stream off cuz that was so awful all right time to get to work okay so I I I have to take a wall down I cannot this is this can't be meatwad's room but I have practiced The Voice okay what are you doing sh get out of my room I don't want you my room shake no I don't think so I think I want to get out of my room I've been working on the voice as of yeah it took me about four hours to get that correct but I have to I can't do this this has to change this is I can't this cannot be the aquatine house I'm sorry I have to get rid of this I have to take this wall down this cannot be an aquatine house no no it's not happening I don't care all every house cannot be a car cartoon house not every it's not going to be do Family Guy Do The Simpsons do aquatine do the American Dad house no this is my house all right what if what if the house is just a giant garage what okay what if this is a house for a car like you pull the car in and you pull the car in you turn right and then you drive straight and you pull in into the bedroom and you just sleep in the car and if you have to go to the bathroom you have to like drive into another room and like just pee out your window okay this house makes sense in some weird dystopian future where we have to stay in our cars cuz there are like there are like weird aliens outside that will like implant themselves in your brain if you get out of your car this is post 5G world I mean I mean I'm talking more about like it's like aliens and the aliens don't understand the cards for some reason right that's the that's like the weird lot of the movie is like for some strange reason the aliens do not understand cars and they they're afraid of them they won't go near them kind of like how in Ah that's a spoiler oh I was going to make a direct reference to a movie but it's the whole the whole thing I'm about to say is a spoiler who cares who cares no you don't understand people care about this shit do you know how much direct email I've gotten about spoilering like the order the Rings I've gotten like seven pieces of fan mail that were not fan mail at all by the way they lied in the subject and was like dude such a huge fan click me I i' love you and I'm like oh cool fan and I click it it's like you fucking asshole fuck you dude I I was on the last book and I had no idea that Sauron was the ey piece of shit okay wait it's like in the menu like the devs okay I I got to tell you about this I'm so fucking annoyed with this movie we got to continue game we got move the bird box spoilers click here if you want to see them because I got to tell this my review in the movie I'm going to tell you the whole movie in the movie Bird Box this these this aliens invade Earth or something and you can't look at them they haven't they didn't figure out that like you have eyelids you cannot look at them if you look at them you're in big fucking trouble you're you're in a lot of trouble if you look at them but for some reason they didn't figure out that if everyone walks around with their eyes closed they can just walk around like stab people that don't ever see it coming oh wait no the whole point of the movie was the birds in the Box the birds like chirped when they were around oh yeah the writers figured that part out that's right yeah the writers like figured out a way and make it so like they couldn't just walk up and stab people right okay where was I going with this what what are you guys doing to me why' you guys say that thing about Bird Box what what did you do that for he's pretending for views no that's what happened long story short in the movie Bird Box you have to keep your eyes closed and the aliens have not figured out a fucking way of how to like got to get somebody to open their eyes so they don't know they just stand around until you open your eyes so imagine like that your eyes or the car that happens in the movie Signs no it doesn't basement leads into a larger room and then a bathroom okay there's a bathroom down here this should just be the house should I just have a dummy house upstairs for like the burglar to go into if there's ever like a burglary or something just a fake house with a bunch of fake money and then my house is down here custom paint images yeah yeah I like that I like that have the dummy house on top of the real house and I'm going to put like a bunch of diamonds and shit in here and this room's going to be the the the pre room to my actual house and I'm going to put like a sign up here that just just like toxic fucking toxic waste or like elect electrified room do not touch handle it's perfect TV right here and you just like go in here and sit and watch where would a kitchen be uh you would just order McDonald's every day I know a lot of you guys are are talking a lot of some talking some serious shit right now but if you woke up and you kind of like went to the bathroom and you opened up a door and there was like a McDonald's play place in one of the behind one of the doors in your house you don't think that you would go in there and just fuck around all the time hamster yeah the hamster house imagine if you could go into a person-sized hamster wheel and just Sprint around your house and smash the fuck into walls and you'd be fine not big enough the all right I can fix that this is fixable honey we've got to take the wall down so I can fit my hamster bed um I can't can we just get a a regular mattress that we no excuse me uh you did not say McDonald's play place this why never do your own project this is one of those scenarios where it's just like okay let's start our project here we go we've got our tools cut to the ambulance cut to in the in the emergency room where I'm like on like five different machines shit is it big enough all right you can reach it's not big enough it's not big enough it's not wait can I turn the other way you're fine you're fine you can fit in here just only open this one and then duck and then kind of get your body inside of it and then and then get you close you have to close this one first and then leave it's fine the person using this is going to be like this tall anyways yeah you yeah oh then I know we can put little Cloud artwork all over here yeah yeah like every baby boys room in America cloud cloud cloud rainbow frog demon this is a perfect perfect fake Ikea room where you lean over here and you go oh and you touch this and it's Hollow it's like Bo boom boom boom oh shit oh this is not a real okay you if you you come in here all right here we go I got I got I got I got two minutes I got to figure out what I want to steal in this house okay go I'm in I'm in I'm in what's in this room okay we got H fucking nothing uh DVD player I got to get the fuck I have to get out of the house now DVD player no I'm this house sucks wrong one who uses a DVD player in 2020 this house sucks put it somewhere like random that like there's no reason why you would care to look over here okay yeah here's what I'm going to have this this is the plan I'm going to put like a a $200,000 painting behind the wicked shitty stove like down here all you need to do is just move the plastic Ikea furniture and it's like holy shit there's a Mona Lisa step back here I you got to give him at least something you're making a crack den no this is a fake house upstairs and then the real house is downstairs which I guess could be a front for a drug operation now that I think about it yes you I guess like ding dong what's going on here oh uh nothing yeah nothing actually you're [Music] right what's going on downstairs yeah you don't have to go down there it's just it's just storage that's what the fake room for before the real room is for this is going to be a bunch of boxes and storage guys I'm five steps ahead of you always the same voice don't you get it whenever I'm talking about somebody that's not me they either sound like this they sound like this or they sound like like this there's only three other people that I've referenced it's always the same three people that's that's the easiest way for me to differentiate that it's not me talking cuz if I go think about that right if I don't like make some type of differential voice to I'm talking I'm a different person speaking then me saying this uh yeah yeah the paint looks good look at that paint yeah okay good job with that paint hey welcome to the drug Den I do drugs downstairs hey officer yeah come on in yeah go don't look downstairs though there's drugs everywhere down there H that's a storage just storage down there you understand how that doesn't work now slime slime everyone Riot everyone Riot if you could do me a favor stop rioting that would be awesome I would be so good on radio you all know it if like streaming ever doesn't work out I'm just going to go to the radio station I'm just going to be like I can I have an interview uh you sure you you apply through through our website portal no okay I guess we have we have a position open come sit down okay I will so can you tell me about yourself a little of course I can I grew up in Massachusetts in a small town God Boston okay uh what are you what are you interested in well I'll tell you I love talking I love talking to people I'm a people person you need some body to read the news I'm that guy I also like video games I grew up on them my entire life okay can you this is just us in the room here together I can't turn it off let me do my thing make please please make a booger house I'm going to have to respectfully Decline and by the way if you're going to take 95 I would avoid it and I would just throw shit in there that like somebody would hear make sure you take the rotary a a while wait I I'm fired I got fired the door rips open you fucked up a word you're fired uh just take the Rotary on Second Street come on Gwen coming up next we have the news by uh Jake Stevenson he's coming up here and one of you guys would be like what hold the fuck on what did he just who is that toy boat toy boat toy boat don't do don't say toy boat toy boat toy boo toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy Bo oh yeah he still can do it I could fucking read the weather if you gave me a script I'll do it make them of red explosive barrels I can't I want to make him yellow I I can I wait I can make red if explosive barrels yeah all right so don't fuck around down here yeah you turn this corner and this is anybody it doesn't matter who you are if you've ever played a single video game in your entire life if you are in someone's house and you walk down these stairs and you see that this is a video game setup with poison barrels and an explosive Barrel I'm not going down here just build an FPS house house no don't this idea can't change no I don't want to put like explosive make an FPS house it's perfect it's so funny that was such a good idea no I can't make like a I can't make the in the house you're the shooter FPS you're in I can't like oh you got to go in here it's like pubg explosive Barrel of weapons God damn it it's a prank video house this house is becoming a lot of different [Laughter] things yeah the person's going to come in here they're going to get chased around this house by a guy in a gorilla suit they're always so huddled down in front of the little screen they have she oh they are they're coming in like why do you have one screen how come you don't have it way bigger why is it like y why you like eight people hovering over and looking at somebody else's monitor why we put it up on the fucking wall dude I know that some of that is because they're in the hotel room next door but that doesn't make any sense to me because if there's 10 people all like laughing their ass off and talking in the hotel room next door wouldn't you hear that if you were in the adjacent room like can you imagine like you hear like a a dingdong at your door and you hear like who is it it's it's the pizza delivery gorilla I'm the pizza delivery gorilla uh I just heard that over there all right I get come on in [Music] you hey guy you're in a cool gorilla somebody you know is there are you thanks for the pizza dude I I didn't order a pizza not throw the pizza at him don't throw the fucking pizza at me dude don't then like booom slam the door I can't get over the prank house this really is this is not even a prank house this is a a really shitty prank house oh coming in here oh this one on what oh there like wood what the heck that's weird that's kind of an odd thing toilet paper haaha in place in the place of of of stuff I'm on TV I'm on TV where is it I'm going to go here and um bar down there let's go there the wouldn't thing yeah that's yeah feel Wicked fucking Wicked nervous now what's going on um I think I'm I got to put in the condition what's wrong now something's really wrong W weird house man what is this crazy looking thing not a real clock not a real clock not a real clock it's a child's clock I'm going to die I'm dead I'm already dead I've already died because I looked up here I'm dead I don't like this why do I have to keep playing the music that makes me freaking anxious I know it's the OST but you do have to have the full soundtrack with when there's 10 seconds left in the game I just want to hear the songs I don't want to hear the sped up scary you're going to lose song right after it do the toad do toad falling off the map I that's what I think it is it's a Tasmanian devil where I have to go all out for it try it again who who who who who NOP I tried twice hard I try one more time oh I won't do it again I can't I can probably do it without yelling shit you can't unless you can't it's not possible you have to when you say when you say out loud you have to be that person's actual voice you nobody can do that uh this is an FPS house like okay I come in here oh look there's like a item over here in the item spot oh was like it's 10 ammo weird fucked up kitchen like guy like up two monsters boom boom like a turn this way like somebody jumps through here weird clock and weird room and then into the garage down the stairs I already I did I did it already I don't know how this is somehow worse than the mirror house to me yeah this is worse than the mirror house I don't like it down here this is supposed to be my dream house here we go this is my dream house that means I have a fixture built into the structure that is a bathroom that I can go take a shit and play video games on like I used to do when I was like a kid used to what what question marks when I was when I was younger up until probably I was like 20 whenever like laptops became small enough to use I used to bring my entire computer into the bathroom and set the whole thing up and just be on the computer Compu and play games and shit while I took a shit and then I had to take all of it out and after I was satisfied and done going and I was it was over the daunting task of now I have to redo my whole computer setup for like maybe like an hour and 12 minutes worth of enjoyment I'm aware it looks like a cathedral that what do you think we are this is I'm on the throne here man this is a sacred fucking room I know it looks like the a Binding of Isaac Angel room but forget about that it is an angel room for me okay spy [Laughter] headquarters no this is the prank room no this is the prank room ah sitting here using the bathroom and doing your business and then reaching into the pickle jar I think might be one of the most heinous things I've think I've ever thought of these shouldn't be in the jar like this any of these jars should not be touched this has to be before you actually do your thing not after Never After only before remember that nice this is such a swaggy apartment don't haha me come on what what do you think I'm think I'm serious I'm gonna I'm GNA put on like a Limp Biscuit song and I'm gonna crack my Foundation this whole wall is going to blow backwards somebody said porn room porn room yeah okay what are you going to put porn on go to Pornhub and put a tab on every single one of these and then just blast the AC and what how how long you're going to do this for yeah I put the would put the AC down to uh that 58 okay here we go who who am I am I trying to catch by the way with this oh this room now has a completely different context that I don't want any I thought I want this to be just like the weird porn room in the basement of your house it's hidden down here it was supposed to be my dream house but it's actually just the hidden like pornographic theater no I don't want to put webcams all over the room that's e that makes this fucking weird why would I have webcams all over my fucking room like this no no no no no nope no no no no no okay if if somebody was in this room and they watching Infinity war in max volume here we go I'm going to watch Infinity War at max volume I'll talk to you later don't you feel like that they turn it on and you would hear like you'd be like holy shit and You' get out of the house you'd come back down here like 3 months later hey I haven't heard from him in a while is he is he all right he opened this up and a skeleton on the bed it killed him it killed this motherfucker okay hold on this is like what I imagine hearing from upstairs hold on a second I got to get I got to get the thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] here fucking God damn it just trying to cook fucking [Music] dinner Destiny arrives all the same and it's here I am here and the thing oh know [Music] that snap of my fingers I could make the whole world turn to shit what are you watching it's we're still on Thanos Thanos turns in right in looks right in the camera what are you watching ooh sounds spooky Freddy Krueger Freddy Freddy Freddy Krueger oh wow it looks like I can see into your nightmares can I why don't you come down here and I'll just fuck you up oh you can wake up soon can't you but not on my watch slash motherfucker slash Mr Satan is Freddy Krueger the same voice well I think that me and Goku are going to find ourselves in trouble here look out for my Jin Buu hey motherfucker I'm going to come over there and I'm going to slash your face in this nightmare don't tell Goku that I'll slash your face in your dreams every voice is the same there's only like eight voices and when I come down to the ring you better believe oh that I will slash that motherfucker in his dreams inside of the Ringo and then when my Jin Buu scoop slams me down into the bathtub part of the blood coming out of me I will be able to fly away and don't tell anybody Goku that I will never see the lot of day again Southern preacher well I'll tell you something Goku uh last time that I was at this sermon we told the Lord that he was going to come down to that ring and when he came down to that ring Goku we were going to cast out SA and slash him in his nightmare and then drag him to hell where he belongs goofy well I'll tell you something Mickey we have to be careful if Donald is in a lot of trouble down in that ring I need to get down to that ring well Mickey well Mickey Donald seems like he's in a little bit of trouble down in that ring we got to get in there and I'm going to tell you another thing about the Democrats they're coming at us they're going to take us on they're going to come down there in the ring and I'm going to be stop I'm going to get going to get into a car I'm going to drive over there and we're going to stop them that's the best part and then we're going to slash them in their nightmares and they're going to bring him down to hell too where they belong come on down to the ring and face me you won't Goku I know you won't and if you saw your face here a again you godfear and bastard I will drag you out of here never show your face in my castle again which is a church I know I just said Castle you think I give a shit Goku oh hey Jimmy I just want to tell you that I Arthur Jimmy what I meant to say Arthur is get him to hell I have a plan to cast Satan out of my Halls that plan needs to be done right Arthur you can't just Rob an entire gold van without me and without including me and you didn't even include Goku or Vegeta how can you expect us to K care about that Sora what we're going to do is we're going to break up the banks we don't need them there's no reason to have a bank Bernie I agree completely with you I know I know I know Bernie Venom what we also should do is we should make socialized healthcare too yes that's what that's what I'm saying we you can stay as long as you want I don't know why I would be afraid of you there's no reason why I would be afraid of you there's no reason why I would be afraid of you I think we agree on most things wa wait why we agree on everything it seems when can I eat somebody not doing that we're not doing that this is the Cyber Punk house I'm just waiting to look out this window and like bang it's a bird like a seagull that smashes kak on ree's face hey see next week man this is the kind of YouTube video that I watch those you that saying who why do you watch like you watch wood cutting videos yes if there was a I clean windows video I would watch it these are kids videos no there's no surprise eggs and those are stupid this is cool this is adult surprise eggs okay like power washing videos it's like oh yeah really get in there and like get that get that grout oh yeah get the grout man that's the same thing as open that thing open it oh Spider-Man's in there yes open another one how's it different he's I'm not high I swear to God he's I am not I really am not stop it stop it stop it you're freaking me out man I'm not I'm not you're freaking me out stop I'm going to turn the stream off I think you're freaking me out I'm freaked out what the fuck dude I I don't I really don't like Windows like this I'm sorry I don't I there has to be a curtain here the amount of times that I've like passed out on my couch just like naked everybody can just look into your entire house I don't want you to see me cooking like macaroni and cheese and shit like get the fuck out of here chill this is not that looks bad this apartment is from like 2100 they have an air conditioner from 19 80 interesting look at the fridge look at this like and then look you got like a a grandma radiator Cold Cold Plus ice water temperature temperature in a jar fridge mode thermometer mode or shopping mode what what kind of fridge is this put it in fridge mode your milk is spoiling I only buy Shelf stable milk so okay kid I only buy shelf stable milk like shelf stable almond milk those of you guys that are from England all you uh English isn't that don't they keep milk like room temperature or something isn't like milk in a box they don't they drinking cold milk is weird to Europeans right why is every think I'm so weird this is like a thing you are I am not even weird I'm not I talked to my mother on the phone last night and she told me I wasn't she said I was perfect I was a perfect special boy I said thank you mom so sorry my mother knows more than you this is after I told her that I peed all of my iPhone oh my God I have to get mad about this I am very mad very very very mad at Apple Apple that's right I'm I'm I'm coming after you with a with a little bit of with a little bit of a fucking problem here a little bit of a rant here so did you see what they announced you see they announced the the iPhone 12 mini the little phone the little fucking phone that I talked about how badly I wanted they made the they made the iPhone SE okay iPhone SE was a iPhone 4 chassis right they come up with the iPhone SE 2 uh we're not going to make it the that smaller chassis anymore it's now a big chassis okay well what the fuck I I got that one that's what I got I got an iPhone SE the new one cuz that's the smallest they're ever going to make it then these fucking God damn it they made the they made a a tiny phone they made the little one that iPhone 12 mini why did you do I just got the SE what the fuck are you doing why did they wait so long to announce that like why don't they announced that shit like a year ago like what the hell I'm so annoyed by that first world problems yeah I'm just saying like why would they do that they came up with a SE and then they like oh by the way here's the little one that you wanted and that's by the way it's like it's like 1,00 bucks I don't even know how much it is it's probably that much okay I have a question if I went into like the Apple Store and I said hey uh I I I broke my iPhone my iPhone's broken I have like Apple Care I can get a new one right I I can I can I can I like get a new one can I like get a new Apple mini for free is that how that works well uh that depends what happened to it I I dropped it downstairs oh wow that that's exactly what we cover yeah I dropped it I I fell down the stairs and it went crashed see look at the broken screen are you sure you didn't piss on it no no no no of course not why would I discusting no I didn't you trying to give me a piss phone no no of course not of course I wouldn't oh shit no what no I have to every individual book has to be moved oh my God this is cyber Punk only bathroom a cyberpunk bathroom a Denton shower this I don't think this looks like unsafe to me yeah I want I want that shower we're going to have to cyber Punk this thing you know cyber Punk's coming out in like a week or so man everyone get I'm so I'm look excited for it I'm not going to play it on this stream you probably won't see it ever let's go hype for cyberpunk 2077 I don't hate this at all I think this is actually really cool or your order now that's a collector's edition I could get behind if the collector's edition G just gave you a new toilet that you could install I'd actually be into that that'd be kind of cool new offer add Derma suus as an emote to double your debt I've been seeing this picture a lot recently and I don't get it I don't understand and you know what I'm actually happy this picture is making the rounds and you guys are meing the absolute hell out of this picture can anybody tell me why because this looks better than the original so by all means please please spread this around please make every meme possible make this the top search thing cuz that look looks better than the actual original picture new emote no that a new emote that would be so terrifying maybe like a a BTV emote any that here's the problem any emote that's added that's a real sub emote you can use anywhere on this website so I know you guys will spam that in channels and and you'll you'll give you'll give us a bad reputation like oh here's like this germa sus emote fucking smile like scary Community again wow can't wait to like pretend to like like these guys until they leave what the fuck is this link all right what is it okay we're getting some weird links today what the fuck what oh ah this makes me uncomfortable to look at I don't even want to put this on stream this is like this is weird it's like morphing ah oh ah Jesus Christ yeah I know why do you guys make this stuff I'm supposed to be the weird guy I'm the I'm the weird guy right all right well yes I did make like a pretend electric execution chair in my apartment yes but I didn't finish I was going to put like a nice picture of a bird up here that is what would happen it would use all the power in the building the building would turn off okay I need more furniture this sucks I want you know what you know what I've always wanted and you guys can think I'm crazy for this but am I I've always wanted to be lying in bed and have a sort of a lower ceiling and have a big TV up here but it would what if it fell and and crushed you you're just lying here you're lying here just like this watching like a nature documentary those monkeys are funny and then they just the the police find you what the hell happened here why is he lying on his back and he's is he I don't know how did this how did this happen I cannot see we need to get like three of the top FBI detectives to come out here cuz I have no fucking idea how this dude died here it's a sex put it up here okay I don't know what happened I've I talked about this a month or so ago or a few weeks ago this stream has become just to I never used to talk like this before never never never ever think back like a year or two ago never would you hear these words come out of my I would never say the word sex swing on my stream a year ago I'd be like holy shit I'm not saying that out loud what the fuck I think you guys may have like infiltrated my brain how do you explain all this oh it's for it's for decoration oh you have this like electri a chair that you set in you turn it on and electrocutes you yes it's for decoration what's the swing up here for like this like sex swing it's for decoration what are these you you have you have like a modded arcade cabinet with like 10,000 porn games on it for decoration oh okay the TV that bends down while you lie on your back in bed is that for decoration uh yes but it functions and you watch TV on it yes so it's not a decoration it's it it has a practical use no yes this is the kind of place that like if you like if Mom comes over she can't touch anything this is why you can't have that shit man oh I have like porn Here porn stuff porn thing porn sex this sex that it's like oh mom's coming over well Mom you can't touch anything you have to literally sit in the waiting room and here's I'll put a bed here like there's you can't have all this stuff hold on I just want to see mom you Mom you can never come over my house and this is an apartment too this is a smaller this is kind of a small apartment you have like the living area and everyone can see everything you can't no one can ever come over your house you can't have like a porn swing small in the sense that like everything is visible from everywhere in the entire besides a bathroom you can't have a porn swing just in your bed area up here in a in an apartment like this he's a millionaire streamer okay so hold on I'm the millionaire streamer but you guys are talking about wanting to install a porn sex swing up in your Loft how much do you think a like professionally installed porn swing costs it can't be less it's probably more than $1,000 way more probably it's yeah it's probably like 3 to 5K why do I know I don't know I I'm asking chat you guys are the you guys are the the Zorn Masters it's $6,000 for that okay but I'm the millionaire streamer you guys are the the 6K porn Zorn swing streamers you're not but I said streamer you get the idea this is fine I can just like I don't know I can run around this circle here really easily that's good nany's looking in there right now Greg come here come here come here Greg Greg come here come the dude in that Loft that we can see is like fucking running in circles right now what no he's not look look dude look look look holy shit what the fuck is he doing I don't know he does weird shit in there all the time he was putting up like a swing too earlier we call somebody who are we going to call what what's our jurisdiction I don't know I just feel like maybe we should no no no no we we we're we're like we're like 2 miles away Nancy just stop looking out just stop looking at in that window he's going up the stairs stop looking I don't want to even know about it don't tell me about it he just turned his TV on he's lying down I think why does he not have curtains this is so fucked up didn't have curtain no he doesn't why he's weird he putting the TV down okay all right okay I'm I'm I'm not looking anymore what Whata what what let me see let me see no no don't look don't look it's fuck no no wait no no no don't look let me see what he's doing over there oh Jesus why did he I told you to stop looking through the sky's window I can't but he wanted I'm sorry you do this shit I'm not doing this I I we're moving we don't have look we don't have to move I just we don't have to move yes we do the the temptation to look at this guy doing crazy shit is off the charts we're moving two floors down so we don't have to see him anymore he's he's inflating his cheeks on the window he knows we're watching he's doing the thing that the kids do this would be have they made a movie like this before I think they have right haven't they well like the guy across the apartment is doing crazy shit and it's like they keep looking through the window and seeing him what he he what is he doing oh my God Nancy oh my God I don't know what he's doing I think he knows we're watching NY nany nany I think he's looking over here he installed the thing on a wall and says relax why do we need to relax is he talking about us he must be looking he why did he do that why would he build that oh that was a weird sleep I didn't get much sleep that was terrifying dcy wake up I I what's going on out the window what are you talking about what do you mean he's standing there still he's still standing there looking out the window no he's no way no it's impossible he was doing that last night he hasn't moved what do you mean he hasn't moved he hasn't Nancy he hasn't moved in a full like seven or 8 hours he's just looking right over at our window oh Jesus wait he's moving see what's he doing Nancy I think he's leaving his apartment Nancy nany nany I don't know what to do you going to play more tear down uh probably not no I'm leaving I'm leaving this I'm leaving see no I'm mov to a different house I want to do a different house that was fun little DLC but I'm moving to a different house you know what the worst part about this oh you all know you all know what I'm about to do and I know it's going to make people really really uncomfortable here we go you know that it's not going to be that simple it's going to be this keep Roaches for the saw trap room oh shit oh my God what am I cleaning for yeah I got to move trash and stuff oh oh shit what am I doing yep okay good this would be like this would be like the you get eaten alive by bugs room the best part about this is the fact that you can't remove windows in this game so oh make your choice here in room with bugs are going to eat your eyes until you get the key this just like in a Suburban neighborhood okay how about like you have to fold a certain amount of t-shirts you don't fold 10 t-shirts correctly like they do at Old Navy in 2 minutes the room will filled with gas if you do not fold the laundry in 20 minutes or less your roommate will be very mad at you your husband will be upset your wife will be very frustrated with you I stole this joke from chat make your choice kylo Ren no not every low voice is kylo Ren not every low kind of mumbly voices you know what why don't want you make an edit where you just listen listen to me make an edit with saw talking instead of kylo Ren in different scenes you could probably find plenty eclips that would make sense and do the vice versa do it the other way you could probably replace saw talking with a bunch of scenes in Star Wars and it would probably go seamlessly together oh look at this this is one of those like best part about the s movies is when like they they open the door they open the door like this and they see kind of whatever it is and it goes it zooms in like all sepia and fucked up and it like shows all the like the wires yeah I like this already you need to you need to beat yourself in a staring contest if one of you blinks the shotgun R to the back of your head will go off make your choice I kind of want to put surround a room with these yeah that's another trap room red by glass very breakable but we don't know is all the glass when it breaks will trigger gas in the room something something something something gas something something this going to be something gas something gas you have 10 minutes you have 5 minutes gas in 10 minutes gas I'll fill the room you have only 10 minutes to escape the gas in this room there's gas if you breathe in the ass you're going to die around your neck is a key you need to unlock the device around your neck or out gas enter the room don't breathe the gas I have filled this room with gas and not the gas that you are used to I filled this one with sewer gas it stinks in this room I farted gas in this room and it's full of f gas don't breathe in the gas who funny haha get rid of this fucking toy I got to pee I'll be right back pee time oh fuck I was oh fuck I have a I have shit oh fuck I forgot I have a new thing oh shit I didn't get it ready fuck I I did get it ready yes I did ladies and gentlemen I am pleased to present I am pleased to announce a new BRB screen lots of people are asking what was going to happen to the community content artwork well ladies and gentlemen may I present to you the new and improved BRB screen with artwork that Cycles what do you say about that I'll be right back yes you could thank lazy Luke uh for putting this together and you could also thank uh Yen win for making the animation here give him a sex swing no webcam webcams all over the place this is so stupid what's my favorite Warcraft faction um it's the Goblins that's that that's really I don't know why I took me that long to say that goblins oh we're not talking about Warcraft right now I didn't buy shadowlands I'm not going to play shadowlands I don't own shadowlands why would I buy shadowlands why would I ever play shadowlands what would the point be I I'm not going to I'm not going to play shadowlands are you serious no fuck that you know I'm never going to play that game never going to buy it I didn't buy it why would I buy it I've never bought it I've never I don't own it oh you you bought Shadowland I of course I didn't why I buy Shadowland okay like don't ban that person like actually ban that person like you going to say that to me okay he bought shadowlands and he plays it no he doesn't oh my God ban everyone that says that would I buy that shut up H oh no he's he's he's us lighting Us in this room you go on to and you're going to and you're going to have to quickly in one minute G like the streamer if you do not gas like the streamer and he doesn't feel gas but in 10 seconds or less the room is going to fill with gas no this is just this is like propane that's not even the gas that we're talking about this is just actually gas for your grill if you don't cook that steak perfectly on the gas grill if you don't cook that steak perfectly on grill then that your grill is going to your phood not going to taste good then I'm going to you all right I'm not I'm not going to do any more gas references anymore you know what the best part about this whole little routine here I don't think I've even said it as amount the amount of times that they actually say it in the Saw movies if you count the amount of times that the word gas is has been said this stream I bet you they said it more times over the course of that series okay this bet is weird because somebody's going to have to watch all 18 Saw movies back to back and put a time stamp of every time they say the word gas who the hell who's none of nobody wants to do that that's like 30 hours of time just control F the script I will I'll do it no no that's too much but but what if the what if this ad lipping of the word gas what if it's not the whole thing you got to what if it's ad lied there's definitely a few ad libing times they walk in the room they go smells like gas in here and that wasn't in the script I'm willing to put up I'm willing to put up okay no no no two um all right I'm put this is two this $250 million if I'm wrong added to the debt if I'm right pull it and I get to I get that 250 mil gas doesn't appear once in the original movie script what okay hold on this is the this is the first part of the script greetings and welcome I trust that you are all wondering where you are I can assure you that while your location is not important what these walls offer for you is important salvation if you earn it 3 hours from now the door to this house will open unfortunately you only have 2 hours to live by now you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent you've been breathing it since you arrived that counts as gas that counts nerve agent counts as gas nerve agent counts that counts we you got to give me a a feel yes it does yes it does breathe okay if you if he says the word breathing in if the words breathe in a certain fume that is a gaslike fume nerve gas come on he probably says that like 30 times throughout that movie you have to give me that one it counts it does count the word breathing comes up eight times and isn't related to gas yes it is why would you say the words breathing what is he saying what is he referring to what you're breathing in right now is fresh air I opened up the window to make sure you got some fresh air so you could breathe in the fresh air a breathe in the scented candle are you kidding me no every time he says the words breathing in that counts I'm sorry that I'm going to pull the deal if that's not true the deal was about the word no come on sorry sorry nerve agent nerve agent yes nerve agent give me a break what is it okay let me ask you chat let me ask you a question what is a nerve agent what is it what is it it can be liquid interesting that's not liquid in that movie it's a poisonous what a toothpaste no it's not nerve agents can be aerosol a vapor oh no now what is vapor vapor is gas it's it's water that's been turned into gas now we're not playing semantics with this one you know exactly what I'm talking about sof filter play the game in with the soft filter no no I going to ruin wa it's on shit [Laughter] fuck I thought you talking about turn I thought you saying turn it on for the rest of the stream and it would have stayed on number of times a character says the word gas in all the Saw movies saw one zero saw two four they don't say it again till saw seven and they say it three times but what about the other stuff like nerve agent or fumes or toxic fume it's got to be like 20 times hey wake up okay can you hear me yeah fuck you are this guy go let's do C yes there's one what is this and welcome yes two unfortunately you only have 2 hours to live right now you are breathing in the deadly ner you've beening it since you arrived here those of you from any with the Tokyo subway attacks we'll know its devastating effects on the human body the only way to overcome it and walk out that door or is to find an antidote several are hidden around this house one is you okay that's not fair it's not fair it's a nerve agent they he probably says the word nerve 2500 times in that movie in this room I have cooked 16 lbs of bacon but you are smelling right now of bacon fumes I left to a point to make you sick to your stomach you probably smelt it all the way upstairs when I was cooking it you got really excited you rush down the stairs only to be locked into the room it's too much fumes German noise [Music] mixtape [Music] this video is 3 minutes long I've actually [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seen do a times two speed I feel like I'm hurting people am I hurting people I feel this hurts is everyone [Music] okay oh somebody let out all the bugs somebody let out all like the cartoon bugs I can't I I can't listen to this anymore I can't listen to this one anymore I can't this is too this too much I L five for a second that's like how much I have to pee right now I'm going to pee out of [Music] my what what the fuck play one round of Deal or No Deal and get whatever you win off the debt no fuck that that game sucks it's going to be $100 that the chance to win on Deal or No Deal is so bad it's it's such a dumb game there's one $1 million case one 500,000 1 750 and 1250 right there's 30 cases isn't there it's statistically you're never going to get those cases statistically you're going to get something less than $2 $3,000 ow do a face cam face cam oh put a face cam on everybody loves face cam here we go I'm picking case number one choose six cases 20 all right excellent that's okay 21 excellent that's a $5 that's it get get it out of here eight excellent that's not excellent that's not excellent that's Terri that's horrible No Deal oh very brave time for the next round 200,000 losing $200,000 cases that's a that fucking sucks nine excellent there goes one cent or that's $2 million I wonder if I should take it no deal I'm going to have a fucking million dollars in this case round excellent holy shit or no de No Deal bra no deal I'm I'm going to be good round this was times 100 right Unlucky 13 get rid of it oh Deal or No Deal oh very brave time for the next round get rid of the 25 16 get rid of 25 nice all right all right or No Deal there is a there is a 33% chance to have $750,000 times 100 24 get rid of it nice one Deal or No Deal why would I take the deal no deal no deal Spirit time for the next round I'm keeping my original case oh it's all right that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot that's times 100 what's that 50 million double nothing times 200 or it's all wi this is it let's go times 200 one nice one okay good good no deal there is a 1 2 3 4 5 six there round there's a I got to get rid of another one of these if I get rid of one or two more of these it's a 50/50 shot to get something good oh fuck you the million's still there the million's still there nice one No Deal One in four chance that it's a million which is 200 million off the debt oh Deal or No Deal oh very brave 10 bucks in the fucking case $1,400 taking off the debt it would have been 50 million triple nothing but double the dead if you lose oh something if something on the left side is picked it's a lose okay anything on the left side this is bad 15 oh my fucking God come on no don't do this don't do this 21 good three oh nice one no that's not nice it's not a nice one dude oh Deal or No Deal oh very brave time for the next round excellent no that's not excellent I better the million better be in this case or I'm going to be very upset oh oh no this is bad oh my fucking God I'm ruined I'm ruined but I still I get 200,000 could be in that case nice one come on I'm holding the 200 I'm holding it nice one I'm holding the 200 no deal no deal the spirit time for the next round oh shit this is this is looking really Grim boys and girls excellent okay one and five now or no deal no deal that's the spirit time round oh Deal or No Deal all that I could have just said no and nothing would have happened and it would have been fine I could have just said no had a $50 million win and then I it's over I just I doubled it no oh no oh well Derma it's here's a homeless challenge if Derma posts on Twitter I have a big dumpy and doesn't delete it then all offers made today are off the table if not they stay and an extra $100 are added wait if I tweet right now I have a big dumpy how much does that remove so like I have I have to write I have a big dumpy and if I bring up the fact that I was put on to do that the deal gets pulled away like I have to act like I wanted to write that if I say well because chat made me in a tweet later or like in another stream or something no no no deal nope no deal now that means I have to tweet which I fucking that's not going to happen this is a Halloween party with a saw theme well not quite considering they' have to be Jello shots in every one of these rooms who even likes jell shots they're disgusting who's the first person that thought that was cool to do that no who eats them that thinks they're good they're terrible and they're always made by somebody that you know oh I made jello shots and it's just like pure just straight fucking vodka doesn't even taste like anything it's just like you just put like ground up Jello-O in like gelatin with like vodka with like you did you made this wrong you made it wrong it's gross and it just it the jelly Vodka it's disgusting it's horrible and the and the and the jello they always come they're always they're always not ready yet what's up with that even though you you you go to like a Halloween party and they're not quite fucking ready yet like they're just barely being taken out of the fridge and they're not ready oh he and they're still in the in the jello tray so oh I got to like dig my you got to dig my finger in there and like pull one out and it's bleeding over the top of the tray uh thanks I guess and it's kind of already melting in my hand oh this is horrible this is gross oh cool jello shot thanks dude airplane food bit let me get the microphone and stand up for a second Halloween's a fun time but I mean come on what's going on with those jellous shots dude I know this guy knows back here this guy yeah the guy that just screamed you like those I got something to tell you man sit down for this one by the way Tim if you think of using that toilet for anything besides throw up the gas turns on regardless any liquid that goes in will activate the trigger at the bottom of the toilet don't you dare pee in there plus it's not connected to any real Plumbing so I'd have a real problem in my hands if you who shit in there or peed in there don't do it that's a choice that I'm telling you not to make only if PUK in there in custom art like I mean I could put fuck just a bunch of pictures of like the actor like the jigsaw actual his mask off and stuff just everywhere oh God that's huge that's too big I can't even fit this anywhere this is different still from I feel like we're watching we're watching the movies this is just stills of different huge home theaters that are playing the movie when you come down when you walk down the hallway I about a voice crack when you walk down the hallway you can enjoy some of my best work saw three we be playing on the wall until your number is called watch that movie it's really good I tear a guy's fucking eyes out halfway through the film enjoy yourself till it's too late don't even don't even think about leaving don't don't don't leave that you know there's going to be a bomb of trash to your neck if you go another step further I swear to God bch one step further a home alone paint can's going to swing down and smash you in your fucking teeth no you can't just leave you can't just can't you can't just got come [Music] [Laughter] back H I think it's done I don't think there's anything else I want to do this I don't think there's anything else I want to do to this think there's anything [Laughter] else so so much for the secret of who the jigsaw killer is it's if this guy come in the front door here we are o already what is this a mirror for you to a mirror for you to look at your shelf that's a photo of me or some no I mean it's a photo of some guy I just find him very very handsome and very smart incredibly talented I don't know who that is least continue to make your choice by going through the door watch out for the TVs you will sit and you will wait until your Deli number is called No Pro alone please I'm kidding What's your name is called you will open the door you will go to your ignated room number let's say You're Number Four you'll be in here terrible room the eye contact room you will sit down and look in the mirror the first to Blink Moses the shotgun will blow your skull cap outside into the window outside the open window by the way that shit's going to go all over the neighbor's house which I that's pretty that's really disgusting fucked up one of my favorite tests he was was used in four or five of the movies trying to get through the sharp object without dying of blood being removed from your body door will close on your left there will be a still image from shot two pretty good this next room is terrible disgusting dastardly you have one minute in this room to be able to fold 10 t-shirts the way they do that old Navy if you do not have perfect square shirts yes will fill the room killing you in under one minute oh right here just don't go in that room don't go in that room get out room get out get out there one get out of get out don't go in there is a very interesting one indeed because this is your test Michael this is your test the sh Exel on the entire reason why I brought you you here in the first place the door has just locked behind you you thought this was a tour your test begins now I know how much you don't like smelly smells I know how much you think it's disgusting beetles and bugs you wouldn't touch them when you were a child now you must because if you cannot be in this room for more than one minute gas gas the gas will start flowing only after you PUK though I got to make that really clear I've been talking for a while only after you puke if you puke into that toilet gasas the room gasas G will fill the roof make your choice will you stand the smelly smells for 10 minutes or will you puke into the toilet fill the with gas gas gas gasas gas gas g g make your choice no no I just wanted to play a game with house flipper what the fuck no dude [Music] no uh I had to kind of redo some stuff you notice I have half a million that's because I cheated CU I haven't opened this game in a year and to do a lot of the luxury stuff I think you need a lot of money I also am missing a tool I don't know what it is you sound weird today okay all right luxury flipper here we go so apparently how this works is we have to do like jobs for luxury clients kind of looks like the Sims and then I think I don't know I think we can buy real estate out here turn wiggle your treble in your base on your computer when's the last time you did that why is everybody blame me for me sounding weird have you ever changed the dial on the bass on your on your equalizer you might be like negative 8 Bas right now and be like everything sounds like shit how come the whole world sounds like shit change the bass on your vocal cords okay let me you know what I've never tried let me see how low I can actually get without making like a funny joke voice hey hey hey hey hey hey hey everybody how are you hey everybody how are you doing I'm doing really good how are you that's not I mean that's kind of weird sounding it kind of got jokey there at the end yeah hey hey how hey how do you do a low voice without being jokey everything has to be cleaned as if nothing had happened here how much time do I have all Pizza on the bad my dad's record oh you must you must be 20 I have kind of a messy desk and even back when I was like 18 19 20 21 you yeah I had a kind of a messy room but I would never put a a cooked pizza out of the box in my bed okay bunch of takeout containers bunch of uh a bunch of baby trays like to separate baby food a bed between two pizzas is a cow's [Music] own Nobody Does this and if you do no no nobody has a party like this would you sit at this fucking table there's bird shit all over here somehow I don't even know how I'm not going to sit at this table I'm okay maybe I would come to this party but I would be standing and I'm going to wear those little booties that like the Comcast guy puts on on his shoes before he comes in your house I'm literally going to wear those remember please comment on the bug you swallowed does it taste better I said that eight years ago I said eight I didn't just it didn't just happen last weekend I don't even remember what you're talking about stop going back and ratioing old tweets of mine I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about you're talking about a tweet from like 2012 all right this is clean so what's left there's nothing left and if it's one bag of Fritos that I'm sorry you can fuck right off oh is this the end of the movie where there's there is the bag of Doritos on the ground and the door opens and it's the mom and dad and it's the the car is coming down the road and they've almost got the whole house clean and right when the door opens foot slides back under the couch and they always make a comment of how really clean the house is and they kind of see they kind of see the kid or whatever Slide the foot and they go huh I was waiting for one of those movies for them to walk in be like huh whoa wow you really what is that is that lilac we don't have lilac in this house you motherfucker where're all the kids you're grounded or I would yeah no if I knew that that was happening I would play along I'd walk up to shit right yeah let me turn the camera on for this this I I here's the window s I'd be like you know I really have to clean this place ah where do I not really I'm not naked I'm right here I would walk around and like smell I'd like I'd go to like the door handle and I'd be like oh yeah that is clean I did I remember cleaning that when I I remember cleaning that some yeah I did with fresh lemon I'd be like honey you know what the house is so clean I remember cleaning this house before we left let's eat off the floor today yeah everyone sit down on the floor let's eat off the floor right right son Dad Dad to like make his point ends up like getting like a fucking bacterial infection from like eating a sandwich off the ground it's the Solo cups on the table no it's not dude bro why would you get rid of the Solo cups dude stream fortnite for 500k off the debt the only way I will ever stream fortnite is if I do the fortnite joke and I'll tell it to you again because I just in case it ever happened I'm going to be in like a backwards hat with big sunglasses on in like a like a tank top I'm going to be in like a like a a lit up room and in the the room I'm just going to be sitting there with a vape pen or like a big Vaper and I'm just going to vape and play fortnite and I'm going to have I don't I don't know why I think this is kind of funny but I'm going to make my like I'm going to put my voice changer on just like a tiny bit and just like talk shit to people while I play and slowly over time the whole room is going to like in the face cam there going to be like face cam at the bottom slowly over time you're going to notice that it's just like you you can it's starting to get way too foggy in there and it's going to get to a point where you can't see me anymore I'm I'm covered in fucking fug and then you're going to start to hear like the fire alarm and the stream is going to end when like a fireman breaks down the drywall behind me I have I've talked about that making that joke for like four years and I've just never done it you could probably go back to time stamps of me talking about this from like 2015 16 to sell 41 objects in here I have to sell the entire place oh jeez what about this all this stuff is could be repurposed though you could like spin this around connect the two pieces and make it a bed it's called House Flipper I know what it's called oh you condescending little comment what did I make last time after like doing a little bit of uh tutorial stuff I the saw house right I have no idea what I'm going to do now at some point I was going to be like this improv yell at a few words and uh a place and an actor H uh snow uh Sheldon from Breaking Bad and um doctor's office okay all right really quick question do you think Sheldon would be a meth user character in Breaking mad or a meth Creator that's a tricky one it could go either way this window has one purpose and that's to jump up here open it like this Crouch lift and fart out of here because you don't want anyone in the house to know you did it uh the Walker family trusted the wrong people when it came to working on their new home okay Benjamin a very gentleman didn't manage to keep them in check and his wife Naomi had to step in when she'd gotten back from a business trip she was astonished by the state of the house at this point they need a true professional who be I want to do this one what happened what did you what did you hire the Tasmanian devil my love you see what they've done I couldn't stop them couldn't stop them we'll get this fixed in no time together you don't understand you are the new contractor guy and he he's got a big mouth his mouth is mouth is the size of his whole body and he spins and he was holding a hammer could you check if it's still fine I hid in the bathroom for 4 hours purple the Tasmanian Devil's purple yeah what what do you mean he's not purple what are you talking about did they really push the sofa off the ramp wait who did I do this I cannot believe it I think me and this guy work for the same company cuz I feel like I did that shit to people when I played this before Oh I'm thinking about his I'm thinking about his his little fucking son there the little dizzy dizzy devil is Tasmanian Tasmanian Devil's bastard son or something I have no idea no I didn't come up with this in a dream this is a character in Tiny Tunes see that's who came through their house so if two Tasmanian Devil characters have they did just scream at each other and run around the house and they spin around new topic please please twitch ban him you the worst thing we talked about on the stream is that is how in quotes how does the Tasmanian devil have sex that's where you draw the line the last time I played this game I put a sex swing upstairs Imagine The Sounds he would [Music] make I don't think they would be very different I don't think it would be different I'm curious what does he sound like tonight we go on a rampage with the Tasmanian devil no we [Music] don't okay so that's what the Tasman devil just sounds like eleph so I'm going to assume it would be a little [Applause] [Music] slower [Music] okay right interesting all right for those Folks at home if you want go ahead and do your own little fun little project what you do is you take you take what we just did and you have you make two of those tracks and then you make pitch one of them up or pitch one of them down doesn't matter there I'm not going to do it here do the tutorial I was about to Tasmanian Devil I was about to scream Tasmanian devil on you I was going to drop that on the stream I was about to drop right on the stream a fullon Tasmanian devil but I've talked about it before and I'm not going to no we've done this routine before well not that last one exactly but this one you cannot do a Tasmanian devil impression unless you go 100% Allin as hard as you can you can't half ass a Tasmanian devil you go all in or don't do it at all wait do you you you actually have the clip you already all right so how long ago is this this clip that you're about to hear was from like a year or two ago a lot of you guys might not have heard it this is me trying to do the Tasmanian devil going all [Music] in you can't do it and and I laughed at the end but these different streams you want me to go all in I'll go all in I stand up did I do this on two separate streams like more than like 6 months apart I can't do it again I'm not doing it with a face cam are you kidding me [Music] no mute this mute this because I want to be able to have this as a I don't want you to have any sound in the background okay I'm G to pass out no I don't think that was really I don't think that was good I don't think that was good that was even close that was just the guy from Star Wars that was the Frog guy from Star Wars that was not the Tasmanian devil that was I was just shaking my face that was not even close not even close that's not even fucking close cuz listen to the other one the other one is so much better cuz the Tasmanian devil has a very distinct he goes like [Music] right see like the the pitch changes and stuff this is just me shaking my face and screaming play them together it will be perfect oh my God you're right it actually would be I got to get this queued [Music] up okay I'm done we're not doing this anymore you want to go all in I'll go all in no I'm not go what you want to go all in wor stream 2021 get out of here get out of here get out of here B him get out of here get out of here get out of here and ban them Christmas is coming that's right rewi get this out of here the door isn't lined up idiot the door is not lined up oh no what's your best halflife 2 impersonation I'm just that I'm just a kid at lunch iot I've talked about it but I'm this I'm the kid at lunch hey Jeremy do do can you do an owl and everybody laughs I do a wolf and then I get detention I get in trouble do you don't get in trouble I'm the one that has to take the the blow there I have to hold the burden oh my God look at how depressing this is for me just hold on whoa just think one day germa won't be popular he'll just be another old the guy in the supermarket we might not even recognize him in the future holy shit wow oh my God oh my God that is so that's so sad I just got like a weird image of me pushing a super like a cart just kind of looking at the sails and stuff and being like Oh that's that's all those grapes are on sale and then I get to the counter and I'm just like excuse me and my teeth like both my dentures fell out excuse me you'll be that old in 25 years yeah 25 years is a long time think about years of your life and how much of it you've lived but how much of it have you actually lived how much have you truly been a sentient person that had decision-making skills I I think under 10 years old you don't even know like that you don't even really know you're a person under five right you don't really start making like actual kind of memories that you hold on to till you're over 5 to 10 years old so your first 10 years you barely even have lived it at what point do you stop being sentient I don't know but I mean like what what brain activity right continues what's the theory there it kind of freaks me out cuz like your brain still has electrical impulse like activity after you you pass away doesn't it so what happens there cuz your brain slows down do you like live for like a 100 million years or something like in your Slow Down slow low electrical impulse brain that only lasts a couple hours well that only lasts a couple hours to to you but what does that feel like cuz think about it when you dream you only dream for like 5 seconds I that stuff freaks me out to a point where like I kind of like the second that I'm dead smash my head with a cender block Crush my head with a cender block I don't want to like live for an eternity in my own weird like electrical impulse brain thing CU like what if they do what if they're too what if okay in the 10 seconds that it takes for like Uncle Gary to come up with the cinder block and just Crush my head I may have lived for a 100,000 years already in my slow down electrical impulse kind of passing brain not to mention Uncle Gary the people in there you know I've only told Uncle Gary I told this to hey Uncle Gary make sure when I die make sure I die the second that I have Flatline you smash my head with a cender block G what if the doctor's like what are you doing put that down that's another 100,000 years understand I got to do this I might live for 500 million years and I'll be sitting there after year number a million I'm going to be like I don't I don't know what happened Gary didn't fucking finish the job apparently what what does house flier do this to you dude just paint the walls I don't know cuz Okay I go off I pop the fuck off when I play house flipper you know why cuz it's one of the only times where my brain gets to this is just a background thing going on and it is occupying it's occupying the part of my brain right it's almost like my like the crazy part of my brain now can come out because the part that's that's keeping the crazy Gary in there is now being occupied painting walls and that's usually the he's the defense just can you imagine okay and here there he there he goes he's passed and like somebody picks up a cinder block from behind like the table and it's just like holy shit Bro oh you don't understand he told me he didn't want to stay stuck in a DMT flooded brain chemical dream I had to okay paint brawl All Right paint brawls music if I don't like this I'm not even kidding you're gone what the hell is going on this reminds me of my first day in garage band Resident Evil basement theme all right prepare [Music] okay yeah let get rid of that guy this sucks banned for an hour I'm about to get approached by the Radio Shack employee hey hey hey hey hey can I help you somebody said to put this on and I'm going to tell you right now that it's just they're trying to be there was it was they're making a funny joke here I don't know they just decided to tell me to put this on they're I want you to ban them it's the Cantina Star Wars song just ban the person for an hour it's like oh Cantina by Star Wars uh I thought I thought this song was saying I want to shake you boom boom ba I want to shake you boom boom ba I had no idea what they were saying I thought I was want to shake you boom boom all right time ban me do I get banned ban me I get I have to get banned no that song that song goes so that song slow kids can you read my dis verse you woman what do I mean your dis verse the way you posted it in chat you do I actually have to read this um sure when I when do I come in I want to come in yo Geral your redditor your Rhymes are lacad ascal you're not a real competitor your flow is so slow can't even keep Tempo but when it comes to delivering mediocre streams you're so far on top you're gonna get vertigo I thought you let the react dny stuff on YouTube your IQ is so high can't Sol a one by one Rubik's Cube give me another one give me another one you got more anybody got any more dis tracks for me I'll do them let me see them give them to me all right yo offer your brain looks like it's made out of goo ain't nothing stopping me from hitting you with a shoe people call me crazy that shit's far too lazy open up the fridge I serve up a plate of haze C I'm dead I'm I'm gone hate I don't know I no I should have said I should have said after you I get you the the world's going to go hazy like I'm going to get you like after you get hit with the shoe I fucked it up I don't know why there was a fridge involved Ser of hazy all right all right let's go Hey listen what J you're short as fuck you look like you pooped your pants yeah JY you're getting dissed and that's on all right that one was bad give me some give me a real one scared of my disc no it wasn't even a real one CN cinnamon finnon oh finnon feminine all Venom H Hawk Venom cinnamon Fe what is what is this this is not even a rap what are you writing shitting pissing and fting and shitting pissing and fting and shitting all right goodbye germa's got no rap game his stream's a lame he smoked crack cocaine like he ain't no one to blame hey I rap so fast I eat ass like groceries and German 95 can't even spit shit close to me all right right that was all right all right Nice N I'll give you another one call me sanitizer cuz I'll Wipe Out the germa more sterilizing than a dose of madna you're what the fuck the Rhymes are on point here you get to re you get to write them I have to come up with a so much slower than you do do I have to do this one to Hey listen to me you got no job streaming ain't work your paychecks like your hype man you're coming up short vomiting lines like the SLE of Oreos why you always single man where are your hoes you're psycho and smelly I'll call you a rat but never have I seen a rodent so fucking fat okay okay what toy boo toy boat toy boat no soap just cope be smelling like a f Cloud germa talking with his mouth too loud two foot Too Tall and never getting higher vocal Cotes sound like a squirr and tire sliding in the cringe streams when vids of the year were voted on recently I am Invincible turn on autotune oh boy you guys are fucking going to derail this whole thing aren't you hold on give me a second hello hello is it on oh shit it's not even on fuck I didn't even turn it on [Music] [Laughter] fuck that was really bad I thought it was on I thought I was safe I thought I was so so safe I got a new monitor so my shit's I can't really read it that well cuz everything is so small on the screen so it's actually kind of hard for me to read it I'm at like 144p no 11440 P oh gee germa the WMA cuz he's slimy he calls his crew the Boston Beatles more like the Boston ladybugs my rhy so sweet and variable I call it Ebola Coca-Cola his flows so bad and sleeve of Oreos get thrown up all over the bed most crude thing to come from Boston since the movie Tad I would say worse but I'm scared he's too hot would send him into his death bed Can't Rap much longer ain't got the character count but when it comes to rap battles Victors I don't think there's any doubt oh oh don't do that do the tasm autotune the Tas oh oh my God okay this is going to put me out this is it oh it's the Tasmanian devil time with the fucking autotune on full [Music] blast tasmian devil I'm going for it here we go no no I I I just heard that in my head it hurt this is the Tasmanian devil in the electric chair okay I this is not doesn't sound right at all this is like Tasmanian Devil is it was tried is on death row for like the times that he's killed like fucking 50 people with his tornado how much l all right um people I'm going to be known as the fucking guy that's on Dr drugs every stream and I don't even do them so we're done after this and how many times have I done this where I go okay you know wa look at me I can't I have to move on all right here's a message this was okay this Auto mod held this one for bullying why hold on why I'm reading this one this one is held by automod for bullying let's go yes somebody stop me please one two three you sound like the Tasmanian devil when you rap shitting and farting your streams are so bad I'd rather listen to screaming and fing go back to ger craft you fucking lunatic I I'm sorry if I weren't such a prick I fill the room with gas g g g g g now I'm feeling kind of goofy oh help me God there's so much gas but this one's not even this one's like not even good one to one to check the mic let's see you're a mess man you're a bucking disaster I'm serving a primes just call me Grill Master your rap is so weak you ain't got no flows cartoon slipping on a banana peel better the banana Rose 5' three influen of wannabe call yourself an e- clown but you ain't even funny after you diss you're not even going to survive I'll eat up your ass call me 985 get Freddy get Freddy to write something Freddy if Freddy writes me a saw rap I will do it I I will do it in the saw voice no pressure on Freddy by the way Freddy if you're like no I don't want to fucking do that Freddy you write like a saw rap I'll do it and I will release it on stream you just ruined Freddy's DMS no turn off your DMs Freddy Freddy go private for like a week and then we'll talk I'm not going to put the music on times two speed just okay here's what you can do wait 20 minutes go open up the vaud and then watch this part in times two speed you need to talk in half speed to match oh come on don't give me more stupid routines to do now I have to do this so I was thinking of putting white up on the background here and you guys tell me if you think it's a good enough color I think it's going to look really nice maybe eventually we can put some paintings up on the walls I think that will come out [Music] good upstairs however I think we have to do something something a little more elaborate of what kind of chairs do you think we should put on here oh this is not the chairs it's the paint [Music] menu let me search for it see h a i that's what I was saying to you earlier this one with the green that's going to look so good here okay I think I have enough chairs [Music] [Music] [Music] there hey does anybody see the new Marvel movie is it any [Music] good okay all right all right I need it CLI give it to me can somebody do that at uh get that at times too okay speed time two upstairs however I oh my God I think it works I think it works upstairs however I think we have to do something a little more elaborate maybe a couple of chairs here on either side but what kind of chairs do you think we should put on here oh this is not the chairs it's the paint menu that will come out good I think it needs to be a little faster chairs here on either side but what kind of chairs do you think we should put on here oh this is not the chairs it's the paint menu okay that's a little too fast time to do it in the reverse here we go what do you think I think over here yep yep yep yep y yep yep yep right here right here here here here what should I do should I do blue should I do this blue this blue right here good yep that's not going to work it's too hard to go fast what if I did a genie stream Where I Was a genie and I was granting wishes to people I feel like the only thing I would be able to do I know this wouldn't work cuz we would have to have people like kind of pre-screen their Genie wishes because I mean realistically Genie can I have some money uh yes absolutely I could give you money that's the extent of what I can do I can't really do anything else Juni I really need my uh my driveway paved H I guess I could try I I don't what else would I be able to do I wouldn't be able to do anything else you have to interpret the wishes like a genie does okay so how I would interpret that one oh great powerful Genie German 985 I would love for you to power wash my driveway your wish is my command but then I send you an invoice yeah it's a service that you have to that you're paying for so you being a genie means you just become a contract labor worker I mean what else would I I what else would you do oh great and powerful Genie I wish for you to go down a hill a big hill in the neighborhood on a sled okay I could I could probably do that right but I couldn't do much else you could wish for me to oh great and powerful Genie I wish for you to go to David Busters and have a fun 2hour evening I guess I could do that that I there's not much I can really do what are these wishes I'm just saying what I wouldn't be able to fix very many things you know it's like oh I wish for this I wish for that oh Joe great you like you wouldn't be able to wish for like world peace or anything with me I I wouldn't be able to do it I'm not a genie why does your microphone sound so weird today I I covered it in Vaseline and and covered it in like oils and olive oil and stuff I was trying to get like a a nice smoother sound I don't think it worked J please wish my best friend my silly my silly fluffball a happy birthday for the 27th please they are your biggest fan and it's all they want for their birthday happy birthday silly fluffball here if you have a birthday within the next 3 to six business months happy birthday to all those May birthdays happy birthday to all those June birthdays happy birthday to all those July and August and September and donor and Vixen and then we're going to wrap back around and take at the White House yeah that's an old meme do any of you know what that is chat's way too young to know what that is you kind of are maybe you are you are way that's way too young for yeah is that the funny scream guy he didn't even all right he he went like yeah everybody fucking freaked out like what no really think about that he became this meme joke guy because he l literally said we're going to go to Michigan and Oregon and I'm doing a PumpUp speech and we're going to go and we're going to win next time yeah this guy's a fucking Looney Tune this guy's fucked up oh can you step and dog shit in this game oh that's too bad it would have been kind of funny if it was like again I've said this is a very relevant time for me to bring this up I have to say it again when was the last time you stepped in dog shit it hasn't I I don't think it's happened since I was probably like 13 I it's it's never happened to me I don't think it's maybe like ever maybe once or twice ever what what why did is this place did were there like animal parties in here or something why there's there's dog tracks there's bird feathers everywhere there's like piss on the ground were they just hanging out in here okay I just got to pick up all the trash what the fuck what's happening who's calling me seriously there's a dog in my house I can't keep him for Jasper's safety why is there a dog up here will you catch it in the air I got it I got it I got it don't go up there please don't go up there all right all right let me see it all right fetch wait how many of these can I use will are they going to catch it do you want to do you want some of this do you want to play with the okay there's a fucking bald eagle in this neighborhood like this this is freaking me out bunnies rodents reptiles you mean to tell me that I could have a just a house full of birds reptiles and snakes and spiders hold on can I just have like a 100 spiders what is all this oh my God watch out watch out watch out get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way I feel like I'm a moving company that just brought all the shit in here put it in here and just left wait I thought wasn't part of the charge that you were going to help me assemble nope it's like if an AI played the game it does look like that it does the AI just knows it has to do one specific task that's fucking funny whatever that progress meter is going to this would take like six fucking hours if I were to do this legit don't you want those 6 hours to be spent making our own house not somebody else's don't you get it what is this oh my God can you imagine I thought that Cannon just shot at me so you hire somebody to come clean and rearrange your whole house and the whole time they're going I got to hurry the fuck up I got to clean my house I got to take care of my house I got to rearrange my furniture so they do a half ass job on your house I'm sad that the court stream never happened me too that joke is long long dead though unfortunately oh there's probably a lot of you that don't know what I'm talking about or what Chad is talking about either uh years ago I um I killed Santa on stream so hey Merry fucking Christmas everybody fuck out of here Santa and the joke was I was going to go to court for it and get tried for the murder of Santa and Santa I we were going to have lawyers Santa 's lawyer was going to sing all the prosecution I was going to be up he was going to be cross-examining Witnesses and stuff and he was going to be singing the whole thing um at the end it was going to be up to you guys if I was guilty or innocent and the punishment was going to be the judge was going to smash the gavl down and say like I sentenced you to three Minecraft streams in a row and he's going to SM smash thing and everyone's going to freak out everyone's going to put a fucking screaming everyone's going to start crying and stuff um and that was going to be the joke and I had to played Minecraft three times there you goes the whole thing cuz there's just no way it's happening like ever that was so much faster that was so much faster I'm so glad that I can do that he's looking for a spy where is he and I fly fucking forward and he backstabs me after all this bullshit that's good enough for now all right let's clean hey I come on I was the I was the master at being able to fake sick so I didn't have to go to school no I feel I just like feel terrible oh fuck oh you don't feel good no I can't go to school you said fuck to your mom no I'm just saying I was oh fuck do I don't have any more water where's the where's my water this I got to change this outside as well you should play that play Where Is My Water what you fucking iPad gamer from 2012 what are you talking about you know what I wanted to do I wanted to watch a shitload of mobile ads but we're going to have to do that in really small doses because they are insane I don't think we could do that for three hours I think we would all have it would make us sick as an avid iPad game connoisseur let me tell you that some of the most ridiculous insane bullshit that I've ever seen in my whole life happened while I was watching an iPad game ad or a phone ad you want to talk about an a computer generating random shit this is it but some of them are so so godamn funny they're so funny that I think it deserves a stream night Jerry these are loadbearing walls if you doing a Seinfeld thing where they build a house or something I I feel like that wait didn't this happen in Drake and Josh no you it's a load bearing wall Josh how was I supposed to they really are Jerry and fucking George how was I supposed to know that a door was supposed to be there Josh no other one other way around there's supposed to be a door over there that's George holy shit I need some light in here cuz this is what where even am I where's the door oh no Drake you forgot to put the door on where uh actually where's the door where is there a door okay I this is temporary where did it go what the fuck just happened oh my goodness somebody punched me in the face why is it fucking Walgreens now all right just whatever I am very very stunned right now how fast can you do that fuck out of here no one can no one can compare not one person I dominate that market this happens all the fucking time I just sit there I have this little thing that sits on my chest let's go through a couple of these maybe I maybe one or two of them okay that's me asleep be aware of that I am asleep and apparently I'm watching free money to quit your job I don't know where this came from getting rich on government money this is and I I just fall asleep to stuff and I watch stuff it could be anything there's more there's more there's more of these guys I'm telling you I will fall asleep to shit and just it'll be on for 6 hours and I'll I will absorb it I fallen asleep to 6 hour I oh my God what a perfect opportunity to talk about this so today what I fell asleep to as an iPad kid Andy I fell asleep to I don't know was a food eating video one of those videos people eating food and I I I guess I fell asleep and I woke I kind of woke up cuz Otto was in the bed and I heard like like crunching shit and I'm like OT is eating something what's he eating no he's not what's he getting into and I open my eyes and look at the dog and he's fine he's just sitting there sleeping and the audio stopped but it it there were no more eating sounds so I was like what the fuck was that I must have been been having like a weird dream so I didn't care and I went back to bed and I heard it again I heard this crazy eating sounds and I'm like 's getting into like the trash what's happening and no it was over here the iPad was on the other end of the bed just Auto playing shit and I kept thinking it was Auto eating food in the bed it had to been going on for at least four or 5 hours because it was dark when it happened the first time and the Sun was shining the second time I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me I don't know what I what's I don't know why I keep doing this by the way if you want to know who that is that's that's Matthew Lesco who he's actually like a really really nice guy really really like awesome awesome dude really just wanted to like help people and shit he's a great person that that little documentary that Vice did is wonderful I really recommend you watch it I've seen it I didn't fall asleep to it I've seen it it's he's actually he was actually a really really good guy all right you have broken neck Okay so is this real was this a holly is this real I don't think this is did I fall sleep to this I might have I don't know I I really don't know I don't know I I may I might have I actually might have this is this could be a real photo I really probably did oh it's not real it could be I I it actually could be I'm not even kidding like I I sometimes those like eating videos I just like watch one I go whoa what this whoa and then I just and they all play what does your YouTube recommended look like it's it's crazy I actually have to go in and delete all of my search history and watch History because eventually it gets to be fucking nightmares it's just crazy the recommendations I get if I don't reset it it it's just all over the place just wild wild shit from every genre you need to show us right now no I don't just show you I don't I don't know I don't want you guys know what videos I've watched that's I don't that's freaking me out because I I'm not embarrassed by like something weird showing up I'm embarrassed by the volume of eating videos that are going to be there and I that's kind of I don't I don't know if I like that I the volume of like people eating or like drinking liquids really fast it's going to be a it's going to be predominantly there we won't judge you oh please that's you guys are in the game you guys are in the business of judging me you guys are that's what you are here for that's you are in the business of judging me especially with things like this maybe I'll do it I'll go look and see it's like weird not today though I maybe like on Friday no you're just going to watch normal videos on Thursday you will know if it's full of shit if it's regular ass videos okay I just told you the all the fucking stuff that I watch and if on Friday I'm like hey take a look at my YouTube recommended yes it's normal see it's like oh how to build a birdh house and um top 10 Marvel characters who you could be like you're going to be like full of shit you guys know what I was looking at so I can't hide that it's going to be like Kathy Mitchell Express 101 Kathy Mitchell the turbo cooker Kathy Mitchell the snackmaster Kathy Mitchell infomercial Kathy Mitchell infomercial long version I swear huh why am I naked when did I do that what the fuck is this what is this from somebody said why are your nipples so high I need to investigate hold on I need to investigate this I need this to be investigated this is so confusing yeah what the fuck like up here that doesn't look right that doesn't look right I don't care it doesn't matter what this door is I don't care let me just finish the fucking house already I knocked down five walls stop you bringing me back to my Minecraft days it's been 3 hours I'll fix it later I need to put animals in here this is the one everyone's talking about I don't why would I be fucking watching the oh dude Cruz is definitely going back there somewhere I don't know no windows in the bathroom no I don't want that zero no windows in my fucking bathroom I don't want a window in the bathroom what so the window in the curtains can be closed permanently and never ever opened ever for any reason ever never opened why would I want a bathroom window what are you talking about ever you want me to put a window here for it to permanently be closed and never have the curtains opened ever yeah no fuck that fuck this yeah fuck this I why would you want a window here I don't want a window in my bathroom oh and I don't know anything about design I don't know anything about how the world Works look at that take a look that's a nice bathroom it's fine there's nothing wrong with it oh but well you need to rotate this show start Banning them and my Axe and my bow and my Axe and my bow activate Sleeper Agent code onion ring it's actually kind of fun and funny that I will I will you know spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on shows and the biggest memes that come out of these this channel is like I found an onion ring in my French fries and I'm the guy from the Among Us sus guy it can just I think can it just sit on the ground right I just sit there right that's fine should I just do two turtles or should I do two snakes over here Turtle iguana and two snakes you look like a fish yeah fucking whatever what is it cuz my mouth goes like this cuz my mouth goes like that my lips I have like these I have like a fish mouth yeah you don't think I know that you know you think I know I like a mouth that like goes like too far this way don't think i' I've never seen that before you don't think I've never looked at that before I can breathe underwater you can't what if I just lifted up my like neck over here and it was just gills just like bing bing bing bing bing bing okay Jim Carry settle down okay we're going to leave that for now I'll come back to this okay so now I need to figure out where I'm going to have have my leisure time and I think this is going to be an aquarium in here by the way that's going to be the aquarium room my fucking eye is fucked up all right I need this I need a long counter are you allergic to reptiles no I'm fine this is way too short it's like a shoe rack dude you blink like a reptile I also go like this every 15 seconds I probably am a reptile all right what about rodents B uh all right we need some I need a cat I take the Bengal kitten um scrumptious chevous or mischievous perfect little perfect David Octavius uh European okay Eiffel for the Eiffel Tower Peaches I like that peaches um sweetie hello sweetie morbius all right hold on I don't want to have too many that'ss I don't have too many pets do not go outside no no no no nobody's going outside everyone's staying right here and how come no one's used the fun cat thing there's a shit in the sink there is not a shit in the sink watch out watch out watch out get over the other way you're not supposed to be over here please go over there here look what I got the fucking bunny went to go get it and you didn't so somebody said I love how you're putting the gross animals down here where a he's right there I see him oh what the fuck you have the same eyes as the Among Us guy cuz we're the same person what about husco I think husco need husco needs a lot of room yep all right husco we're going to get you a good family all right everybody let's find husco home you monster what I'm I'm I'm getting them in Better Homes copium what do you mean uh what well I'm taking care of them until we can find them I'm fostering them until we can find them better homes oh I'm not deleting them it does not say delete this dog it says find a home I'm not no what are you talking about they're going to a new home a new home this doesn't say a new death this doesn't say a new shelter they're going to a new home home h o m e h o m e h o m e h o m it doesn't say heaven it doesn't say no find a new h o m e home it says home you're being so gaset right now I know and they deserve to be fucking yelled at he's so happy I'm so happy thank God where is Molly you're looking for the perfect couple visit our Joe and Lily say the locals Inseparable since childhood happily married and good ranchers too and yes sir they're doing so good yet the locals don't know what this morning Joe and Lily found their Barn damaged and their favorite cow Molly was gone the couple might be able to handle one of these issues but two of at once is too much let's go what do we have to go find a cow oh should I remove the drain pipe how what are you doing over there on with the drain pipe I don't know I just figured I would move it it's kind of an eyesore oh my look there's chickens what what house building paint gun what's the paint gun what okay this is all most of these tools are new all right change size well this is way faster okay cool gra what about the Drone all right where am I am I the Drone can I fly the Drone in the house you can okay that's weird what happened what the fuck that thing's a cheap piece of shit wait I could just buy one wait what do you mean I can buy a cow why then just looking out and there is a cow here okay all right I if I have like three alpacas four cows and like two goats uh the neighborhood is going to act oh my God okay we're good okay we need a spot for you this is not big enough you need a way bigger space than this no fuck my bed I don't care we get we may have you need more room it's 500 bucks this $3,000 I'm I'm working on it I'm trying no this is like wet concrete watch out no no all right this is going to be I need a door yeah like a a garage door you okay it's like a car garage I know but will it'll you put the C in your garage dude just wait r wasn't built in a [Music] day shit it's going to roll into the somebody's whoa there it goes just took out that would have been bad this looks like by High School what what are you talking are you a horse this looks just like my high school all right that looks good I'm starting to get it looks so it's a Minecraft house somebody came into this universe with the Minecraft tools make a corn maze all right I'll do that in the backyard that's a good idea I like that PL versus Zombies map yeah I could do two rows of sunflowers and then just that's a good idea too I don't care if my whole house looks like this as long as I got my square pool that's all I care about feel like a guy in the neighborhood that went is going way too far on Halloween no no well you don't understand every window has to have demon Fire come out of it every 10 minutes yeah I have no idea how to fucking swim roulette table okay no yeah this is perfect I'll put that somewhere else in a minute wait I can wait I can make a casino [Music] all right this is going to be a farm and a casino at the same time this is a saw death trap it's not done if you were constructing a house and somebody walked over and saw the frame and went hey uh you're making a saw death trap oh the the house is not done right all right if I'm walking in I want misters I want kind of scented misters to be spraying at an angle here and here right at the door I want to get coated by like a nice gentle mist of some kind of fragrance and uh by the way I don't want a window in here this is this is for me to come in down sit down with some nice lights you're going to get I'm CO2 I'm going to be what they'll be I'll put a vent [Music] see that's so that's not enough see you'll be fine I i' I've got a vent it's not an interrogation room what interrogation room has marbled blue like pool walls what are you talking about I've never seen an interrogation room on on any television shows or any movie that took place inside of an indoor pool facility here are you happy there you happy now no no I am not making the SpongeBob kitchen that it it might look identical right now but I can assure you this is not the SpongeBob kitchen but now I feel like it kind of has to be we can stick with the [Music] blue a squid word it's com it's kind of coming together what's in this [Music] corner these are all horse tools yeah but it it looks fine so this is going to have to be Mr Krab's office no I'm not making the whole crusty crab I'm not making the entire what about my farm Church Casino all right I'll make the whole crusty crab fine fine do you don't think I will you don't think I'll make the whole entire crusty crab down to the last down to the last touch down to the last like buffing out the last scratch no I'm not doing this this this is way to I'll do like 90% of it all right let me at least finish this room why is it so [Music] loud mhm yeah what do I happened to the farm animals um I got bullied into making the Crusty Crab get a plank in voice you want me to do plank the SpongeBob I don't know if that was a little deeper maybe say my leg my leg my leg ow did I get the part the front door of the Crusty Crab is right in it's right here it's right in the front the whole floor is green my I'm not going to read that you fucking crazy why did you write that all the things to right down into a chat room and press enter it's just an immediate response immediate response you didn't even take one second it was like oh yeah the the floor of the Crusty Crab is green I look over for 3 seconds not you didn't even take not even 2 seconds my shit is green sometimes wait a minute guys guys I could have just made my own fucking building why have I decided to turn this residential house into the Crusty Crab I could have just made the Crusty Crab from scratch well now it's too [Music] late I'm sorry this looks like you know those game makers that are on you know you can just get it like oh download this game making Studio this is you just downloaded a game maker Studio but you just opened up Unity for the first time and this is what you came up with for the first and you have no experience at all [Music] zero and and you're 12 just like oh look at my room that I made yeah there's chairs and there's a chair but hey you got to start somewhere and when you first make this room and you get really into it and you go wow that was actually really cool that was really fun and you end up making something like this which is a up from that and then you end up making a room like [Music] this which isn't done yet this place looks nothing like the Crusty Crab period fuck you hey come on dude come trying the gorillas are at Coachella right now are you serious oh shit okay crusty grab let's let's focus on one room at a time please I just all right I just typed in crusty crab Coachella nice just wait till I get the ambient Lighting in here you are going to shit your pants this one's kind of freaking me out I don't like it it's like too much going on I need ambient Lighting in here quick I need really cool ambient Lighting in here as soon as humanly possible yeah yeah [Music] yeah I'm not comfortable in here yet this feels like a fake room for a prank show oh yes come right this way Mr Albertson come over here come to our beautiful Spa it's like oh okay they're going to someone's going to do something's going to fuck with me here the walls are going to collapse and like a bunch of like gorillas are going to attack me in here yeah and everybody was telling me that this was not going to even look remotely like the Crusty Crab and we're not even done finishing touches is all that matter why do I feel like I'm walking through one of those like Disney experiences where it's the Crusty Who whoo I can actually walk around the Crusty Crab this is so cool and then it's just a store in here it's just a huge gift shop with tons of toys and and and plushes and and stickers and and you can eat here you can sit here and eat here but hey but those of you that just joined us and some of you that have been here for some you that have been here for a while have not seen all of it so of course this is this we're not done this is obviously um SpongeBob's office SpongeBob's work area he's the cook we got the window here need a little bit of cleaning up here there's a lot to do here but wait till you see Mr Krab's office I am telling you right now you are about to be floored with how accurate this is but here's the bathroom though there's another uh Grill that's there's a second grill right old virtual world there's another uh oven right there it's too big you know the craziest part about this house is there is an entire upstairs that has bedrooms and bathrooms in [Music] it and it's sealed off forever never to be opened make sure you add a secret ladder to the upstairs crack attic yeah I'm going to hide that though because I I don't want anybody to see it so I'm going to hide it like over here I'm not even sure I can get upstairs ever again I'm serious I don't think I can get up [Music] there what where am I what the hell perfect fuck all right what is did I do it again I don't care nice look like the chandelier here ah I hate I hate this picture it's so stupid hold on hold on I'm I'm going to make I'm going to make a bloodborne room I'm going to make a a Dark Souls I'm going to make a from software room dude what is this your grave vampire Gera grave in the Crusty [Music] Crab this is fucked up yeah he wanted to be he wanted to be put into a casket in his Sanctuary room he's not in there he just really liked this place oh my God all right that one had that's going I don't this this is why would why do you have this why do you have this already like why do you own this I don't I can't understand why you would own this image I want to put like a big flood light on that I hate this so much you know honestly though I'll be honest I've come to terms over the years with uh just how truly fucking strange my face can look sometimes and it's I just it's funny I don't even care that that's not even a that's not even me yeah I can't all right I I think I'm done I think I'm done I think we we've gone we've gone a little bit too far no one's going to eat here you okay wait maybe they shouldn't be in this room the health department is going to be [Laughter] pissed I can't do it I've been to selling this little house but right now it's totally a mess I need someone to clean it up we through interior designer for the first and last time she over decorated the house left the windows to let the fresh air in which wouldn't be that bad if only a raccoon didn't take it as an invitation to pay a visit the aftermath is in the pictures all right simple job easy money it's going to tutorial let's see how bad is it I kind of feel like this is the kind of thing that somebody would do to post a Reddit but they did it themselves guys a fucking raccoon got in my house it was fucked up and look what it did I would not I would not like do this on I would use like a mop that's so I love that there's like this progression here I have a rag if was coming to clean up uh my house for a job and I was like oh okay cool so you getting ready to get started like yep and then just walking around going like this it' be like oh shit you don't have we have a mop oh watch out that raccoon really like fucked up this kitchen imagine the raccoon just jump out and started fucking biting my face right now just like this person loves fish by the way this is a very this is a fish house this is a they got a theme here just want to fuck with them real quick they'll never find that look like like a year uh just how far can I throw I hope somebody in the neighborhood was looking out the window cuz that would be fucking awesome to see that can you imagine seeing that out your front window you're like what's what is the neighbor doing with the trash bag and he just like throws it across his whole yard gets it in and like jumps and screams all right do you open up your window like if if I'm over if I'm in this house do you pull the window up and go nice what does that mean like what are you why are you looking at me why why are you looking at me through your window I don't know what right like hey excuse me uh why the fuck are you looking at me I don't know this will drive me insane if this is right here on the bed on the headboard all you would hear would just be oh it would be in your nightmares it would be in your dreams I cannot have an analog clock in my house forget about the joke in the meme about me not being able to read it when I was high that time but seriously this sound I hear it everywhere I could be in I could be across the entire room I could be in a different room entirely I'll still hear it I know some people that's like a like nice like rhythmic therapeutic some people like that sound oh get that a get it away from me Captain Hook [Laughter] Andy [Laughter] don't make me laugh hard anymore I I laughed so hard last night I'm in pain what this is a bad placement on this Bo that's so that's such a funny specific fucking reference like do you still have the pirate shirt on no that's that thing was wet by the way when I took it off I don't want to be gross to anybody but that was disgusting dude was marinated uh yeah time time to eat dinner let's let me sit down at my nice like breakfast nook oh there's a fucking microwave right in front of me that microwave placement is ass look I was hired to come clean the house no no I wasn't that was the last job I'm sorry I'm doing this wrong uh I got the two jobs melded together I'm here to unpack not to clean and I'm cleaning not unpacking correctly there was a communication breakdown somewhere in those emails hey you hear something I'm sorry but I can't work under these conditions actually like kind of a hear me out on this man just listen hear me out on this this is like is this a really that bad of a place to put this in reality I kind of feel like if I get home bunch of ships going on all day and it's like oh fuck oh shit it's 8:00 all right I'm good I'm good I'm good all right what's going on at 8:00 all right I know immediately I going to take my phone out you know what fucking digital bullshit no I let's go back to let's go back to the fucking physical analog media put this outside you're a crackhead dude could I you know it would be awesome if somebody made a clock house yesterday all right so I got to let me rearrange that's where the microwave goes I know okay okay okay what are these different fucking like spell ingredients you think it's kind of funny that cooking is essentially like making a spell like like a witch and a a brew oh two two crabs legs what pinch of turmeric and three leaves of bay we we're witches we are witches all of us burn him at the Stak burn him burn him a witch he's a witch but my goodness the uh the stew he made was fantastic I haven't tasted carrots like this in ages but you see how he made it he had a de Boiling Pot with a cauldron uh excuse me yeah you did a great job with everything but um why why were the clocks put H why were there clocks under the deck I think I'm good I got three stars let's go 2,400 coins got 5,000 bucks what can I buy with this can I where where where am I by the way whose house is this this is this my house what's happening wait what whose house is this this house is fucking crazy okay we're either doing the dungeon Quest or my room is a mess I think we know what one we're doing the state of the bedroom I can't let him move in while it looks like that the little upside down emoji that's ex that is perfect so could you clean it up I don't even know where to start let's take a look I thought did he drive into the house what happened oh no no no this is this the garage or is this like the fucking kitchen oh okay I think this is the garage uh it's not a dungeon it's a like a game room burn out when exiting is that what it is hold on dude that's okay I want to laugh really hard right now but I'm holding it in because the left side of my stomach is killing me from yesterday but yeah that is that might not be going in that that is probably going out can you do the PeeWee Herman dance to this please I was only under obligation to do the PeeWee Herman dance uh one time and I did it and that clip will live until all all the servers are turned off on the internet whenever that is and in a thousand years if the servers are still turned on if if you you can still use the internet in 10,000 years that clip will still exist isn't that fucking terrifying there there'll be people that that would be making fun of me 10,000 years from now I can't believe he did the P Herman d That's How aliens left I don't know who still who lives here in 10,000 years is it humans he's getting existential he's getting existential 10,000 years from now think about how many people will have existed it's going to be crazy think of the database of just of like the trillions of fucking people that have lived are you retiring because you have to leave to your home planet yes I've collected the data that I need thank you for being so Cooperative during my time here on Earth I very much appreciate it my findings will go to the Grand Emperor my brain will be removed and Blended up and then spread across a microscope and then connect it to three or 4 thousand different computers to make sure they don't miss anything so I bid you AO delete the bed I please delete the bed I'm going to barf if I look at it [Laughter] delete the bed don't clean the bed I don't know if I'm clean I don't know yeah I don't know dude I think if I come in here and I see that I will text the dude and say hey um look I I am just going to throw the bed away and I'm willing to even like go like half with you on it because like I ain't fucking touching that man like you can take a little bit out but I ain't touching it what is that this dude didn't put like a turd on his bookshelf right yeah I'm uh saving that one for later I just want to make sure I keep it for a while I wish the trash bag exploded when you did that at the bottom of the stairs like what like Master Shake in aquatine anything's done in here oh there's another room I didn't see thank goodness I looked at it Captain Hook I can't get over it it's so stupid but it's true I hate that noise so yeah that's fine I I have maybe a little I may a little Captain Hook it's all right the overwhelming majority of drites are freaky hey freak freaky freak but respectful come on Freaky Friday you know what I okay in a situation like let's say all right like let's say me and stir I'm just going to name a random person that I know we like ran into each other at full speed and he became me and I became him I I'm telling you in that situation I not fucking around I am going to say look stir uh right now I'm I'm you and you're me and I'm going to go sit down in a in a comfortable spot and give myself like a like like 10 ft by 10 ft space where I get myself a telephone um get myself like food and stuff I am not moving I'm not doing anything I'm not touching any of their stuff I'm not going to go and I'm I'm literally going to sit in a fucking spot until we figure it out I'm not going anywhere we are going to we are going to sit there and we're going to figure it out no like oh my God no I live stirs life no no no no no no no stir you and I sit the fuck down we're not going anywhere until this is done yeah knowing stir the second we switch bodies it's like whoa freaky Friday we just switched bodies okay let's by the time I say okay hold on a sec by the time the S comes out he's already sprinted out of the room what Looney Tunes character are you uh I think Daffy Duck and I very very connected all the cartoon ducks I I I I relate to I got Donald Duck oh my goodness I get it I get it everything enrages me I'm just everything I I'm so annoyed by so many fucking things in this world uh Daffy Duck I like I like just having fun I don't give a fuck about very many things whatever uh Duckman you know what I mean uh what other fictional ducks are there the duck oh yeah if if you're a fictional duck I probably relate to you Darkwing Duck absolutely can I put this up right Scrooge McDuck 100% what about pidduck I don't know anything about Psyduck besides am I is this is this wrong but like when I when I hear I see a yellow duck sduck is a yellow duck and and I see his hands up on his head both of his hands are on his on his temples kind of going is that the right character yeah he's dumb and always has a migraine uh I probably could if you asked me to give you like a three-word sentence on who I am dumb with a bunch of migraines that's that that you could that could come out I don't know how completely accurate that is I'm dumb a lot into a lot of things but yeah I relate do you like Boston cream pies no I don't like custard I I don't like the kind of custard that's in a Boston cream pie you're fake Bostonian well let me give you can I give you the reasons why I this this is this is not just for this type of food I like for like like a a sweet dessert I don't want it to be there's a point where it's either it's in that weird in between of being too thin but thick at the same time and I don't like that it's still kind it's it's V it's like a viscous liquid it's not fluffy I really only like fluffy stuff kind of like a custard type sweets I don't really like runny like custard is kind of it's not it's got a weird kind of gel kind of texture to it I like fluffy you either got to go one or the other fluffy or all the way it's like a it's like a liquid like a milkshake or something that in between is just something I I don't really like what about yeah pudding pudding is kind of like that too I know I'm not a big fan of pudding it's like that gelatin kind of texture but but wait wait a second wait if you transform pudding into frozen pudding like a pudding pop it it is now a different substance it's no longer that weird kind of cold gel like substance it is now a frozen pudding pop and oh my God guys they don't really make them anymore but all you need is a package of chocolate pudding a package of vanilla instant pudding you just mix it up with milk it's so easy to do put it into like a little a little Piper thing to like like squeeze it into a um into a mold for popsicles put a couple sticks in it and let me tell you right now that's oh my God you make your own pudding pops did you grow up in the 50s you just don't get it and that's all right and I understand but you just don't get it and if you will if you have one and it's okay if you just you don't get it yeah let's make sure that uh the most amount of people get attacked by the most amount of Seagulls let's put them like as close to over here as possible why tables in the sand um CU it's Beach it's a beach theme it's particle board yeah yeah make a uh make a make a place for the kids to play but make sure it's the cheapest shit possible um excuse me uh sir for for an extra $6 we could make it not particle board I don't give a fuck okay he's trying so hard to be funny like look ready oh my God I put this funny thing in here I better see a ton of XDS it was wicked funny you know it's really funny and I know that like the the the meme germa is a cartoon character right I know I've seen it all uh but it is kind of funny that I I genuinely do think that Dr teeth and the Mayhem is one of the like the best my favorite bands I think they have like great music I just like Dr teth a lot he's Dr T is one of my favorite Muppets he might even be my favorite Muppet I love the way I just love the way he talks I love that like well let excuse me let me say something really I do say it's kind of like that Goku it I love that love that kind of style of um character grown ass man loves The Muppets can you picture you got to see it in your mind can you picture it's easy and hard to it's not hard to find can you picture that can you picture that hey Floyd Take a verse just go listen to cand you picture that right now just do it right now they've performed that song live weren't they at okay am I misremembering this or was Dr Tey Electric Mayhem one of the Bands That performed at Coachella a few years ago that's real right they actually did that didn't they you're off your rocker right now I swear to God they were at some major Music Festival you one gu yourself no I I I I think that's accurate let me see I really think that's that's a real thing Dr Teeth live okay they've they've been at the lands lands conert 2016 they've been uh no they definitely they've been somewhere they've been a lot of places Dr Teeth live I'm going just write Coachella Muppets at Coachella I'm this is a Reddit thread I'm pretty sure Dr teeth and electric May play Outside Lands a few years back huh that's not a no it's not a muppet Festival well it wasn't Coachella but it was it was like a big Music Festival The Wiggles are at a lot of concerts too The Wiggles perform at Coachella you got to shake you got to shake you got to shake your hips when you get out of bed move around I would do one show though get exhausted hate it and never do it again and I would I would have them like kill me off or something like canonically kill me introducing the new performer hey everybody it's me oh sorry we like we he didn't want to do it anymore he we have to uh we have to canonically kill uh germa as the new uh fucking children's performer JMA go get some sleep D I just woke up like 45 minutes ago go get hey dude go get some sleep man you've been up you think I've been up all night I've been playing house all night I can't stop right now I am current this is not actually happening I'm having a very Vivid lucid dream that oh yeah playing a house Lev 2 today oh I thought I was going to be really late but thank God I made it on time it was one of it's one of those literal dreams it's a literal dream I hate those oh let me try something ow no I'm here I'm here God my eye fucking hurts now thanks ow the crowd screams in Applause is that not where you wanted this I think this is the floor all right hold on I may I may have messed up wait where do you want this oh I'm sorry I okay we're good every we're good we're good we're good good this this is a satisfying Tik Tock compilation [Laughter] game hey I'll tell you the new meta is have you know talk about whatever you want to talk about but just have a a house flipper wall being painted that's perfect you could create the new meta right now why did you even say that you should just you should Sprint right now to your computer and start making the like like facts videos well I can't believe this happened in Walmart video D Tik Tok at like YouTube shorts I told you like I told you I thought I was going crazy when I was watching them one time so I just didn't watch them ever again I swear to God I I for like 30 or 40 minutes I was just scrolling and then I was like I think I'm going crazy so I just never did it again this a telephone what please give me just give me a minute give me what please give me a second give you do you know what I'm saying some of you God damn it okay just wait this looked like like a calculator or like an old telephone like a landline from back here do you see this bump that looks like a phone and then this is the place where the phone goes or it does yeah this is this looks like a telephone I thought this was a telephone as I'm looking around like okay what's over here what's over there like this is a telephone in my head pizza rolls or Bagels hm probably Pizza Bagels feel like there's a lot more going on there plus pizza rolls tend to be a little too hot I have the problem I've ever and I don't really eat pizza rolls any I can't remember the last time I had a pizza roll but thing that I do remember when eating them was they would come out of the you know whatever toaster r or microw what have you made them I don't I don't it's been so long I don't even remember how you make them they would come out so so hot and you couldn't eat them for like 40 minutes and then finally when you thought it was cool enough you took a bite and they were cold in the middle or like they were like lukewarm and it's like God damn it there's a there's a perfect period that you have to eat a pizza roll and it's like four total minutes where you you can actually eat them grow up somebody said fair this is a grown ass man complaining about pizza rolls yeah I'm a grown ass man and but I I did just clarify that I don't I haven't had a pizza roll I cannot remember the last time I ate one so I yeah I'm a grown ass man telling you that I when I was younger in my younger years yes yeah and you know what whatever if I feel like eating a pizza roll if I'm 60 what is is the is the checkout clerk going to tell me no um excuse me sir yes uh these are pizza rolls these are for children okay you can go ahead and shut the fuck up and put them in the goddamn B cu I don't want to hear okay I'm a grown ass fucking man wait what is this is this a thing this is actually like this is actually like kind of cool cuz it's a drain here I I've never seen a shower that didn't wasn't like enclosed it's just open that's kind of cool though I kind of like that a lot cuz sometimes just simply like pulling over the curtain and I mean I guess the curtain would be here and here you definitely want a curtain just walking in here yeah I'm ready to take my shower I'm just standing here naked all right I got money how much does some of this stuff cost how much is a banana $10 for a banana I make some extra money by renting my garage to aspiring band it's nothing big usually but last weekend the meowing Stones gave a concert from my garage can you imagine the Afterparty went so wild that my living room is in a sorry state to be honest but the front man offered to pay for everything so it's the perfect time to modernize the interior a bit can't wait to see my new and clean living room oh my God they fucking trashed the place who's who's like bare feet of these who's walk who like walked around in pain who's walking around in like paint just walking around the whole house okay I get this part this this part makes sense to me right I get this let's play some detective work this is slices of pizza in broken bottles this okay I this this is fine but once you take it inside that's when you've crossed you've crossed too many lines oh yeah you you crossed way too many lines the second that you want to go into the oh You' crossed way too many lines holy shit never mind we had such a blast but you can probably tell that by the look of the house wish I was in saw that concert why I do too if I knew you earlier I would totally invite you I mean it was like an open entry anyways but I would like bug you until you'd say you're definitely coming and the concert was amazing I got to tell you I thought they were kidding I don't think we know each other gave the most Ador adorable thing I've ever seen oh I almost forgot I'm not calling just to give you a recap of the concert of the year no no I'm calling cuz my roommate asked me to tell you she wants to have nothing done in her room it's the one on the right when you go upstairs but let me tell you something if there's going to be another P 100% you're the first person who's going to know or maybe the second this person PUK 100% that's the like the fucking thing up okay out here right okay so you were out here where were you oh no okay where you started over here I think this is the drummer okay so the drummer of rocks the fuck out we're talking like and then and then like the wow it hit the fucking the what the the six fucking cocktails you've had are just coming up on you and like the probably eight cigarettes you've had in the last 25 minutes so he gets up slips cuz fucking come on man somebody puts some shit here and he slips on it takes another step step oh yeah yeah see you later thanks for coming slip again slip and people like oh fuck he's just slipped it's all right though he'll be fine takes a couple walks somebody else slips in front of him he probably like helps whoa you okay yeah I'm good like they slip a couple more times he's doing all right he gets to hear it slips again gets to hear it slip Li again how many times this guy like slide okay then this way this way this way all the way around here does he knock all this shit over maybe he's grabbing he gets to hear do I peuk with the fucking toilet or do I peek with the sink or do I PE the bathroom I don't know cuz this one I Pi the bathroom nope he made it I have to clean the house but first of all I wanted to make a comment um that was very funny that imagining like imagining hiring like a like a contractor to do something and I I've never met this person before and it's like oh yeah they come oh yeah wow look at this oh yeah yeah nice to meet you shake hand nice to meet you yeah they was like we had a party uh last night why wasn't I invited I wish I could have gone yeah um yes what's your what's your name Jerry okay so let's I'll investigate the other ones all right this this person here is standing here and they're very clearly standing their feet are together I don't know if they like sneezed out this or they spilt it or whatever or if they would I don't know like I don't know what they were doing where did they end up going they went this way somebody at some point I don't know if that's blood but so there's a shattering of a table in this blood it's this person this person okay I know what happened this person got shitfaced and took a bunch of drugs or something and they they like jumped through a table and everybody like screamed and cheered and stuff like oh my God bro and he started fleeing and he's like he's in his bare feet we going to get out of here and the footprint stop yeah the whoever this is they elbow Dro through this table and then they got they they're gone he started doing a handstand okay I have to I got to clean this the blood would be more Brown now yeah all right we wait we got CSI Andy over here n no it's inaccurate it' be brown you stop saying Andy it's it's been burned into my brain like I told you guys before it's just a new way to have like like Mafia titles we talked about this like oh yeah what's his name yeah that's fucking Gary the schnaz schnaz Andy oh that's they hey they they call him they call him Frankie the chair because when he he sits down and when he stands up you know you're fucking dead chair Andy so please it's it's we've modernized it a little yeah they call this guy a fucking ice pick Bobby the ice pick ice pick Andy oh although now that I think about it if if I was like a like a like the mafia and and and I was chair Andy I feel like that would not be as hard-hitting as like you know like Ricky the chair so yeah that's true oh who is your mob team uh chair Andy ice pick Andy uh that's uh that's a fruit punch Andy that's uh oh and he's called that because cuz he kills people by drowning them in Fruit Punch uh fruit punch Andy we have trash bag Andy we have uh we have ice skating Andy yeah it doesn't really hit as hard does it can you do the giant enemy spider no no that that'll be in the uh The drma Greatest Hits volume one is it going to have one volume is it going to be three fucking tracks it is going to be $75 this is that would be in the clearance bin at Walmart yeah I no no by by the way that is never happening they both tried to go in at the same time until your grandkids want some easy money no I I am protecting it I it's no nope no grand kids are going to be able to do anything no no no no no grandkid like 3,000 years from now is is going to you know be like you know what we're take we're going to we're going to add like more like fucking germa content no not happening no I'm making a clause in and that's just says uh if you want to use me like far into the future when I'm gone this is going to be one line it's going to say no period space fuck you that's it I'll leave him a tape you know that's just like hello grandkids it's time to start your treasure hunt we already talked about this they aren't getting shit they getting a treasure hunt you're treating your grandkids like a Saw movie hello again kids it's me Grandpa before uze a treasure map but it's rigged to explode if you touch it grandkids what you need to be very aware of in this house that you've just inherited is when you pick up that paper underneath the treasure map gas bill will be underneath it it hasn't been paid in 9 years good luck remember when you said you wanted a huge lizard and wanted to give it its own bedroom in your house I I did say that those words did come out of my mouth J yeah I'm I'm kind of I'm I'm kind of a big lizard fan what would you name the [Music] lizard Lloyd and then if there's ever like a like you know like a a danger ever like a a situation where like I need to fight I open up Lloyd's room and I just go Lloyd get him and Lloyd just fucking runs down the stairs as a dinosaur and attacks and then right after like he he's it's like oh wow he's so excited I just and I throw him a raw chicken and he just like would Lloyd live upstairs or downstairs Lloyd would be able to pick whatever room Lloyd wanted to live in Lloyd would go in the front door and be like and I'll be like all right this is the one I just looked I just looked over in chat and just I don't know how many people were on board for that one is this Lloyd's room no Lloyd needs way more space I would rather have Lloyd sleep in the bedroom no Lloyd's Lloyd's like sleeping in in Lloyd sleeping in my room he's going to have a huge dog bed he's going to have a bowl with a bone on it that says Lloyd and it's going to be red you should sleep in the dog bed Lloyd gets to sleep in the bed proposition is simple you make the renovation I make the sale ready for your first proper house flip please do a fortnite stream no this this is not going to be I'm never playing for fortnite ever again that's I just have to be very clear with you although I will say I was thinking about I I've i' I've completely abandoned Twitter by the way I just don't use it I I don't social media I'm just I don't use it I'm done with it but I was I I was thinking about just saying and this is all I was going to write and I'm I'm on this kick right now because it's relevant and I wrote and I was going to say I Chang my answer willly Wonka will get get into fortnite before The Three Stooges that was it that's all I was going to say Lego fortnite yeah I just I'm not I don't no I just don't guys I don't play like FPS games that much anymore and I don't like BRS I I I've been very much very vocal about how I'm I'm not a br guy at all I don't like him I don't like playing him cuz and again it's not like oh what the what the fuck fuck you dude no I'm just terrible at them and in a be are when there's a 100 people and you're one of the first nine people to die and the other eight people were eating a sandwich and forgot that they fucking queued it's not fun hey I'll tell you what my game is my kind of game house flipper yeah one of my most played games on stream and look at this this is this is so fucking awesome I just I get to clean pick up trash break walls build like fucking houses and make like little fun things look at like hamster statues this is way my speed this is way more than I I care I care more about this than anything else TF2 youth to house flipper retirement ah I wouldn't have it any other way I love this game I love this franchise I love just clicking stuff and moving tables around and and like taking walls down and building like custom stuff yep no other game has to release I'm I'm happy I'm content I would not want this is giving me anxiety just doing that that's fuck I that would I wouldn't be able to do that cuz there's a lot of glass you can walk on like this but this is kind of just a sky window this is freak me out just you have a contractor over your house you look up and there a guy with a fucking like like a fucking introversive vacuum just jumping trying to stomp through the window it's like what are you stop what are you doing what you stop doing this I'm reading chat I okay everyone thought I was just being weird I was reading chat holding the button down remember I read chat so okay if I'm going I if I'm looking over to to the monitor where you guys are I'm not looking at the screen I can't be my I don't have four eyes there's no way this dump has internet dude yeah what why not why not a there dude there's no way this dump yeah yeah we'll see if you call it a dump in 20 minutes there's a plank still on the door I love that it doesn't matter what the game is everything is back seatable it doesn't matter that's so funny everything is back seatable I could be brushing my teeth on camera and somebody in this chat would say well you know according to the American Dental Association you need to brush your top and bottom for at least 2 minutes that was 1 minute and 45 seconds um skill issue imagine washing your hands that every day just like smashed my teeth it's a it's a a p mirror I don't know why that's there hold on I don't like this either this is just like fucking weird wait a second hold on if somebody was out here walking by they wouldn't be able to see the mirror and see me in the bathroom taking a shit in the mirror right what's the what are the angles like here I love this so much I would love to live here I love the sun just hitting me in the face I love just baking in the sun I actually would be afraid to live here because I would on the first day I move in be like yes finally just I get to be on the roof and just lie in the Sun and I think I would die on the first day cuz I would just lie here and be like yeah and then I would just fall asleep and just like die oops I'm G to keep it we want to shade we want to shade our feet that's it nothing else I want my legs down to be completely like transparently white and I want the other half to be like a a a tan this looks bad yeah yeah it why if you walked into this house is the first thing you say going to go this is bad bad sign what's going to happen is the person is going to turn you around they say oh turn around please turn yeah you want to turn around yeah turn around and open the door okay what do you want you want me to get something yeah I want you to leave oh okay you want me to leave like and then come back in fuck out of here fuck out of here and don't fucking come back what the fuck dude what did I do that guy's a fucking asshole no you're the asshole no you're the asshole all right I agree with you on that one that needs to be somewhere else all right let's go uh there assembly missions there are some houses now all right H yeah the game is here here it is leave hello there sleeping of the work you put in the house you flipped for me huh you deserve some time to rest it turned out great you clearly have a future in the house flipping business and that's why I want to tell you about something there's a site where you can look for rundown houses just buy them do your magic and put them on sale I got a computer chip in my quality you'll find buyers in no time he's like he's outside the window some of the profit with you it should be enough for you to buy your own house to flip if you want to of course take care and good luck with your all right is he going is he does he call me again I don't know if I can do this [Laughter] one all right I'll admit the first two were real the the second two were not what is going on oh I have to make it the right time oh fuck ah do it again this dude is on substances I'm fine hope he calls me again he keeps giving me money he keeps giving me money this guy keeps waking up amnes for me huh you deserve some time to rest it turned out great no just go backwards [Music] [Applause] no all right let's get another phone [Music] call all right let's do some detective work so I see slipped walked this is coming down the stairs so what happened what is going on in here Smurf crime scene oh no what happened dude holy shit I just realized something holy shit yeah wait did we bring this up I don't remember it's been a while Smurfs are Andes and Mafia people right did we talk did we talk about this I forget isn't it like book Smurf uh like Sneezy Smurf Papa Smurf construction Smurf like science scientist Smurf they have like they name themselves like Andes oh the spray Works spray Works wicked good slopen Heimer that sounds like a great Elden ring DLC character name when I play the game again say something for my dad it's his birthday well uh Mr milky gorilla happy birthday from me German 985 and I don't know if if you knew uh you know what your son or daughter's username was but you do now and I hope I just didn't cause a family problem I don't know it's family meeting well what do you I don't I don't know I don't know anybody's names I I know you bu when I look over here I see your username that's I don't know oh that of course your name is like a Craig I don't know that I I'm going to call you milky gorilla cuz that's what your name is on my screen dad just peeled out of the driveway that's the I love that so much that is such a good I love it yeah let me do this one real quick cuz I feel like I can make some money fast only the bedroom is it the attic right Jesus good morning my dear yeah here's $20,000 while she talks I got a new book read it with me very well spoken even as a toddler now he RS by himself of course doesn't need Grandma's help at all what the fuck yeah speedrun my ass well I I saw the I saw the train station and I got excited what do you mean huh what do you mean huh that that's a guys that's a phrase that what that hey that mean come on you know what that means that means you're full of shit like oh yeah you're going to do it yeah my ass you're going to speedrun it that means bullshit that means you're you're full of shit did you mean it that way yeah what now you see I meant it I me it a different way yeah a different way to say that would have been speed running you're full of it speed running the room you're full of it if we were in the 50s maybe some of those H what are you talking about I feel like I use that phrase a lot you know what's really interesting because everything is so Anonymous and there's no I have no idea who any of you are there could be like a 40-year-old man and like a like a 20-year-old in here at the same time and the 40-year-old man and the 20-year-old could you know you you you're connecting on this you know you've all said Omega La at the same time see the generations aren't so different you both set omegalol together look look 1 2 3 look at all these 40 50 50 50y old 40y old 40 40 40 50 50 50 20 20 60 60 60 40 40 40 see you guys you guys are can get along what are you talking about this is Hey Arnold's room yeah what was up with Hey Arnold he had like a Sci-Fi room didn't he he pressed a button and his room became cool the mechanics and the engineering that went behind that room were unbelievable hey there short man it's me Grandpa remember everybody that's introduced has to say it's me and then say who they are that's how it works I need to make sure you know what character I'm trying to do so I have to say it's me like fucking Super Mario it's so weird that we can recognize objects uh be careful every time I start talking like that people yell at me and people say you're a weirdo be careful remember when I talked about like isn't it ridiculous that we have memories like you can just you can recall information like a hard drive like we have we have snapshots in our brains that are that are locked in there at be careful you might get called a weirdo this room is done oh shit Harry I home alone myself got to move a little got to you know a big deal oh what's that oh what's that oh oh yeah you oh you want me to you want me to play you want me to join you want you want to join up hey hey yeah I'll join up what do you want me to join up with I didn't put the buttons on yet okay land sculpting wait I an idea sometimes in Inspiration Just Hits and you have to take it okay inspiration just hit I have to take it uh I'm going to have this house be on like a 200t tall mountain in this neighborhood okay if this house is like 1,000 ft in the air does that increase or decrease this guy's house do you think that decreases the value of this person's house yeah decrease decrease because no one around here can get solar that's so funny decrease decrease no sunlight should I try to block the Sun from the whole neighborhood they're going to have to hold like a fucking town hall meeting about my house I'm going to I'm going to cause like crop damage with this property all right are you calling your real estate agent if you look out the window and you see this happening or do you assume this person has superpowers and you go out there and try to befriend this person to be their sidekick cuz there has to be like there's got to be a normal person's sidekick right it it's going to be fucking me guys up here alone the dude's up here alone by the way remember that he's up here alone there's no like superhero team with this guy I am going to get a laptop and hold the laptop in my hands and walk over to this person and talk about like oh I'm just like working on some tech stuff what what's going on over there neighbor I'm just working on some tech stuff and then immediately this this guy's going to go oh really teex stuff and he's going to want me to be his like Tech sidekick that calls in into his headset and helps him sneak into the like the tunnel system uhoh he's going into a Joel inspiration period this is ridiculous I can't do this right can I can I build my house on top of this other person's house oh my fucking god you're got to be kidding me let's go like squirt off here yeah I this is fine and do clean up on it later all right now let's build the house oh shit the height limit for like actual structures oh wait am I just am I might the actual border here make it a pit in the middle can I do trees on top let's see cuz I okay looks like there are building limitations and asset imitations limitate what am I talking about okay so certain things can be built to Infinity building material can only go about like I mean this is stilling really high land sculpting maybe land holes makes the most sense oh my God okay hold on a second can I just do a little bit okay I think I know what the problem is is I have to pull this back because I'm at the border of the actual land so I think we have to we have to have at least enough room where I can physically walk in front of the house Jesus okay I may have made a a very big mistake this yeah this person is living across from a themed Amphitheater I just make stadium seating and have a stage here and put like B musical instruments on it little bro is living in a diarama it actually kind of looks cool though it looks like it's intentional so I'm going to keep it this all looks intentional very important before all the court documents start filling my mailbox cuz there's no way I there's no way if you have a place like this where there's no way I'm not getting sued by like at least a thousand people at the same time you know what I mean we're talking about like the water company we're talking about the like the the 10 neighbors that came together in the neighborhood we're talking about the city the city like zoning uh group we're talking about the I mean there are like at least five government agencies that are going to shot this down at the same time and that they might actually run into each other so like you know the the the the city kind of zoning group might like send the email at the same time that the the like class action of the neighborhood tries at the same time and it's like well which one is going to happen like cuz we got to we can't do them all at the same time it'll take 30 years to litigate this this is how you really freaking neighbor out you go all right well well while he's while he's mowing the lawn you I finally that runs your head over it's all about hiding it's all about hiding the imperfections ask any artist that you know and say hey like what what what is what are you what are you doing okay good good point that's a great point that I just made I'm very glad I made it this is my first stream I'm very concerned everybody at the same time working as intended you need a toilet paper roll we look let me show you something I at some look I got a 3090 at some point cuz I know what all this stuff kind of does uh this is just testing dude look it's it's a stream house okay if I put okay if I put like a computer back here if I just put a computer back here and like a desk oh it's like like the content house oh I love it I I don't know how much I can actually do but now there's another agency that's that's here now we got to worry about all the animals all right again remember I'm the guy with the laptop over here and I'm looking I'm like I I'm I'm taking I'm taking my barrels out just just to make sure I can see what the fuck this guy's doing and I look over and he's doing this okay and all of a sudden he goes be blessed my son oh shit he's got a force field oh no how do I remove all this I'm hitting z a bunch I don't know how far back I can go with undo I actually think I have to restart because I don't think I can get rid of these what if I sell this house can I sell this house okay well we were just testing we're testing we're testing all right let me just put a bed here and save it visible trash ooh I think I crashed nope I can remove it this is how you do it okay cool cool cool cool cool good good good there's two slices of pizza left oh there only one slice a pizza left bro which one of us is going to eat it how many did you have I had two I had three and the and then somebody over there had three but they say they had two you lying fuck and then you take it don't do that be honest and then we start counting and we figured out was you build a mini Peter Griffin that's five blocks I could I mean it would it would just be two green sticks on top of a sort of a larger white group of sticks that's it do it now okay all right geez all right you I okay I'll make Peter Griffin that's a little too hey all of you haters are all starting to kind of go wait a minute okay I see it uh okay and he he's going to have his hands on his hips I wasted a lot of time on that but there it was Peter Griffin look there there are probably so many of you that have played games like this that have these kind of creative Tools in it who just saw what I did and that gave you the inspiration to go oh okay hold on don't erase him don't erase him don't erase him oh shit what I don't what am I going to do [Music] there's an undo and redo in this game isn't that pretty POG that hurt this is just a huge crane okay there were there were city laws to every single house in the entire city has to have a roof so this is just made out of plywood and a crane just dropped it on top what the hell is he doing testing the tools out all right I kind of like where this is going I like where this is going Jesus Christ the fuck is gone up goddamn other side of the street what is he doing in there Frank stop looking out the window at the neighbor honey honey he's got seven doors now maybe he's got seven doors he's got seven fucking doors on his house one those weren't there yesterday probably a fucking warlock you're thinking too much into it he's probably just renovating St fucking renovating nobody can build a door in less than that many doors in less than 12 hours not of you fucking out of your mind yeah don't worry we'll be checking in on that guy later what does he have to say about the about the Midway point of the house how does he feel about the finished product check it out soon oh Jesus I didn't I say this is just what happens I just wanted to build a little house to test with the tools and what how the fuck did this happen the door's open hone the door's open who cares if the door is open you don't understand I can see him in there looks he's got he's got a white shirt man just seems today you noticed that all you see honey on TV these days it's just violence sex what happened to those values we had now we got people like this moving in across the street being fucking weird we used to rely on those fucking values honey lucky I'm still around me to make sure this neighborhood doesn't fall apart luy this me a guy what a nice family can I not Place doors in the in in this wall needs to be one more row oh fuck I'm look look at this how go stop working look it's perfect it fits perfect L I don't understand oh okay this is the bathroom no this is the bedroom oh you got nature in your bedroom check it out watch this so many people that were like making this there like a bunch of you in Discord calls right now like laughing and making fun of me and shit like look how shitty this is yeah he sucks dude he so fucking dumb and then you just and then I did this and you just saw like this part where it's like the curved here and it's like the nature and like somebody in that call just smashed their fucking hands on their desk and they be like God damn it like it's good no he sucks fuck no what a wonderful morning that was the start of a horror movie is it going to be like a beer like a dresser this stone is pissing me off I know it's I know it's pissing you all off cuz it's pissing me off it's too much Stone I need a good bedroom [Music] floor oh there's Modern Aliens hold on let's watch this for a second wonder how long these [Music] are off secret let's go it's just turning into a maze that's so funny endless trap where could you walk through oops oops oops oops with proper lighting and cues and the you could make a haunted house this be candy there's just trail of candy everywhere you making a lethal company level should I just put doors everywhere and just walk around decorate it and hum Pure Imagination there is no life I know you compare with Pure Imagination [Music] [Music] can you hear this s is so fucking loud he has loudspeakers what is that song I'm going over there let's do I need like red yeah there we go look at that let's see let's see how Wild this looks this is going to make me [Laughter] puke that's a little much what's the camera for do you like watermelon I I do I like watermelon juice watermelon juice is awesome I know it's just just it's just sugar water that's all it is but it's great what does this even look like from the outside this looks like a fucking Counter Strike Trouble in Terrorist Town map it should be longer than that this should fall for like at least 5 Seconds yeah there has to be places where it's you just fail and you can't because if I if you do play then there has to be places where you just fail you fall it's over kind of like the same concept that like stir and poke did where it's just I'm sorry you lost Choose Your Own Adventure house there should be something that looks really scary that you think you're going to hit but you don't spikes is going to be a glass pane here under the glass pane is going to be spikes and whether that's an image of just spikes pointing up it's like oh my God I'm going to hit the fucking spikes no I don't even know where I am where am I I don't even know how to get out of my own house what where is this I don't understand honey honey look honey he's fucking flying it's going to take like a 100 hours to make this this should be the starting point I think because if this is the starting point then it could be a nice oh look hey welcome welcome to the game welcome to the challenge rest up you're going to need it and you go through this door here which leads you to what what is right here perfect actually perfect because then this nope not perfect Stanley took the door on his left it's true is he making a hospital for all the elves that fell out of their [Laughter] beds where how do you get Hospital from this hey guys welcome to the elf Hospital Footprints Footprints are going to go and lead people in the wrong direction resize perfect cuz I'm just going to draw Frank sucks I can't fit the S FR suck what are you what are you talking about what Frank Frank sucks there we go no I cuz I I want him to open the door I don't want the door to open it I [Music] want come with me and you'll be in a world of Pure Imagination what do I want to work on which what what room I'm going to leave it up to you guys because this is going to take a very long time but I'm willing to mess with this build for a while also I I'm willing to mess with this build not only on stream let me ask you a question this is for you let's let's get a let's get a poll in the chat would you prefer the next time I play house flipper 2 there is and insanely elaborate this this routine plays out but it's finished and I do it and you get to experience it like and you kind of tell me where to go cuz that'll also help me learn the game a lot more too so I can make the like Frank sucks fun house and then you guys can go through it and you can guide Frank through and I'll go full RP and we'll play the music should I finish the Frank sucks house off stream cuz I wanted do the whole thing I want to I want to play scary music I want to be like what H come on I'm going over there I'm going over there watch it for all I'm going to do the rest of it off stream and I'm going to expand it and make it like 10 times bigger and more ridiculous I don't want you to see it because I want you to help me play through it after I put like a week or two into that house there going to be an entire Choose Your Own Adventure game inside of house flipper a laundry basket all right do you use a laundry basket or do you throw all the laundry into the laundry room onto the ground and use it as a gigantic laundry basket both based how did I not get it right by now what's the point of this one this is some kind of malicious compliance type shit here raid from RT game what's going on RT thanks for the raid welcome RT Gamers ow my arm that fucking hurts so bad are you guys all right thanks for the radio appreciate it was RT was RT playing house flipper too yeah oh yeah oh Pokemon just chilling playing Pokemon very cool uh my favorite Pokemon is snarler from uh what gen gen three there one that hisses hisses like a snake but it looks like a fox it's got like a weird snake shaped body but it has like a fox face and nose and it wears like a little like a little Top Hat I guess in all capitals what are what are you talking about I'm I'm telling you about my favorite Pokemon snarler okay Grandpa it's time to come back inside yeah I played that game and I S snar Rock was my favorite that used to be on Charlie Chaplain show my crew is moving here we're a group of video content creators influencers if you will and we got lucky when my uncle offered to rent us his spacious Seaside house he's a sailor and he's rarely ever home so it isn't in the best shape but I'm sure it will be perfect for our needs once it gets fixed which is where you come in what do we need mostly some cleaning and refreshing the walls definitely replacing old furniture oh and unpacking our stuff there better be a shitload of pizza boxes on the ground right thanks for helping us and if you're you're interested in gaming technology fashion and makeup or just want to relax sometime subscribe to our channels gaming technology fashion makeup they've got the entire that's the Four Horsemen of the YouTube apocalypse I love the beach houses I'm such a fucking I when I make it to like 70 years old this I'm going to I want this even if I only I I'm going like rent a house that does this for like like a year you're sucker for beach houses I I really am my whole guys I I belong on the beach I belong on the beach I got a lot of sand in Vegas but let's go over what my my life looks like just my life my wardrobe is tank Talk Tank Tick Tock tank tops shorts and sandals sometimes just comfy shorts and t-shirts that all my outfits have beach outfits all of them I like having like some like sound during sleep right just having these just here and that just just would put me to sleep every single night I like to bake in the sun I love the sun I love I Vegas is great for that you know just sit out there let the sun hit you in the face for like 20 30 40 minutes just let it just hit you I just want to I just want to sit there with with a fucking Corona in my hand and just get the get the sunburn outline of the Corona on my body while I'm lying there just a lime in it just like sip on it it fall asleep with sunglasses down on my nose so I get like weird double eyes sunburn there's like it's a weird spot where there's two other eyes on my face I want it avocado is objectively nasty guacamole is is amazing a good guacamole is great fresh right there I could understand your opinion on that in a few scenarios because sometimes avocado can be a little mushy and if it's there too much on a sandwich or too much on something you get that kind of I I get it but if it's good it's not a whole lot just kind of adds to it also avocado if if it's a slice tends to just shoot out of the bread like a cannon you'll take a bite of avocado sandwich with like you know turkey and whatever and the avocado shoots across the fucking room that's a skill issue oh it absolutely is but I don't really I don't want to play Dark Souls when I eat a sandwich yeah can I can I get Dark Souls on Ry the the chef in the back just starts taking the ingredients and fucking throwing them at you yeah wait what what comes on the Dark Souls on Ry it's uh avocado turkey ham uh thousand island dressing and uh a side of fries I'll take that all right here we go and the guy just just Crow Hops and throws a fucking slab of ham at your head weren't you making a Peter Family Guy I mean yeah I was like 3 hours ago but that the plan changed a few times mom's weekly book club in the Middle with the kitchen chairs all right should we should we like have a book club where we we we've read a fake book we just sit there and pretend and like I talk about it and you guys give takes on the book that we' read so like the 10 people that come into the chat are just like what the fuck what book is this print up a f fake label remember the Pegasus King thing imagine doing that with a book and just reading pretending to read it like you guys are all on on the first page right let's go how about a real book club you uncultured swine a real book club requires not only all of you to read a book I it means I do too and I'm sorry Garfield Fox Trot uh and uh you know non seiter they take a little bit more precedence over that yeah this is the person who whose turn it is to talk about the book The chapter and it's a swivel chair so they have to like address each person oh you have a question about that yeah John what did you think oh interesting yeah Mary that's a good point about how the character developed something weird this is a scary house to me this was placed here very very very quickly because I was down the street Clyde's colonoscopy why would we why would we read that book yeah and this fucking thing is like 7 100 manuscript Pages it's a thousand Pages this is an epic this is a huge story what did it want to actually it's kind of close I thought I was fucking this whole thing up but that was very close it's just the table goes [Music] here that's killing me somebody said imagine dropping your phone behind the bed if you drop something back here it's you you cannot get it you need to get a you need to get a construction worker to help you yeah if something falls back here not too far for you to get under there you are fucked what if you can't reach it what if it's something what if it falls in it's like in that corner you're going to have to lift the bed up if it falls directly in that corner you might like really not be able to get in there shit there's too much stuff in here what is he even talking into must be a book club dude it wants another desk in here how are you supposed to do this it wants another desk in here what what am I missing something in particular what I don't it's this it one wants it in this room hold on I got to figure out this puzzle I'm so intrigued by this welcome back guys to microwave City we test out microwaves there are nine videos on this channel total but I mean these videos get two or three million views a month forever I'm the fucking genius came up with the microwave channel oh my God they're they're Tech techically two different rooms they're technically two different rooms this is not a closet this is a different room I thought this was a closet for this room so in in this in this room you want a dresser a mirror and a wardrobe that's why everybody was Pepe laughing I was like no I was like this is the this is not two different rooms this the same this the same room put the microwave AB above the dresser free what imagine having to go like all right hey man you want some pizza rolls hey bro perfect spot to microwave the burritos I this is one of the greatest sound effects that paint tack sound are there ASMR videos of of a dude just painting a wall with the fucking gain up all the way cuz I'll start making it this is going to totally transform this whole room look sometimes all you need is a little bit of paint yeah so the vi that that video is is a just a just a completely just white walled room and it's me with a roller and a bunch of paint and the video starts and it's like okay we're going to do some painting guys just a poster okay if I take the poster back will it have the wallpaper behind it I wonder oh but anyway so uh I'm in a room with a big roller and just painting and the whole the whole idea with this video is this video is like four to 5 plus 6 hours long the comments on the video are turned off and I paint all the walls and then I lie down on the ground and every like there's like four people come in with rollers and just paint the whole ground and and me while I'm on the ground and I just lie there for like another 30 straight minutes and somebody's going to wake up to that video and be like what the fuck happened the whole room is green he's green too lying like he's lying like a pencil on the ground and the ground is green you imagine starting that video imagine skipping through that video okay guys it's uh me Jeremy I'm here to uh going to be painting some walls it's going to be green lime green just like a nice fresh squeeze of lime juice uh join me it just relax for a little while maybe this help you get to sleep and and then you skip to like 4 and a half hours in and I'm on the ground all the walls are green and I'm covered in the green paint like I'm part of the ground put ger of Venus on the sphere isn't it like a a shitload of money to put up there for like a minute could you put what are the limitations of what you can put up there cuz i' I've heard of all kinds of shit being put up there could you theoretically be like hey yeah I'll pay for it um here's my YouTube video of me doing like a makeup tutorial somebody streams from it there's like fortnite gameplay on there with a a face cam in the corner but because of the way that the like the LEDs or whatever are and the spherical nature of the ball their face cam is just ridiculously distorted they have like a huge head and like a huge nose and stuff the spere is 450,000 for 1 day 650,000 for 1 week there's definitely limitations on it you can't just be like hey I got a million dollars can I stream to every Vegas person's commute be like no bro get the fuck out of here shut the fuck up no I wouldn't want to do again I would want to do a like be in a wizard costume and do an elaborate routine where you're like casting spells and stuff you're like it's me the weather wiard I'm going to try as hard as I can Las Vegas to try to make snow here we go like lightning coming out of his fingers up into the fucking sphere oh find out what the weather is going to be if it's going to rain right let's say it's going to rain at like between 2 and 4:00 like we Vegas doesn't get a lot of rain we get sometimes it's like not very much but can you imagine like getting the forecast like okay the according to like the AI weather forecast at 3:00 it's going to start raining so between 1 and 3:30 1 and 4 p.m. the weather Wizard's going to be in there fucking shooting like lightning bolts up and it's going to hit the top of the sphere and he's like do a whole routine and then it finally starts and be like I did it I did it I control the universe do you think people on their commute would would do do you think no one would give a fuck it doesn't have audio it just it would look like a wizard trapped in a bubble just yelling and then it would just rain context would be lost holy shit this thing is like a bloodborne weapon babe it's time for you to it's time to game in the closet hey you don't need very much space to game I'll tell you all I needed all I needed just get like give me give me just like a fucking flashlight I could do it I could lie down you could literally be in a tiny little spot I could be under the blankets with a flashlight just sitting there in like a two like I think a 6 inch space and I a game a game boy you don't need very much space to game especially with the switch nowadays and the the the stream upper decker the next day it's supposed to must be sunny and there's a a guy dressed in a different like a different costume he's like he's got orange robes on ladies and gentlemen of Las Vegas it is I the sun wizard heard that the rain wizard has been tormenting the city not anymore orange beams coming out and it's then then it clears the rain clears Sun wizard versus the rain Wizard and then they have to have a wizard battle in the sphere and what you do is you contact all the Las Vegas weather places and say don't tell anybody what the weather is tell me so then when the wiard when the Wizards have the fucking battle the rain and the sun wizard have a battle in there people are just like holy shit who's going to win what happens I guys I don't know how to design any I I just know how to talk about like I know how to like make up Wizards fighting in my head I don't know how to do anything else I could I could sit there and write for like an hour like 3 or 4 hours and have like three or four pages about like Wizards fighting in the sphere but I I don't I can't do I can't fix this I don't know how to do this they got a a huge battle in the sphere it's like holy shit the sun wizard just like he just electrocuted him he just punched him in the face they're flying around attacking each other with like wizard spells and then all of a sudden the fucking Sun wizard flies back against the fucking side of the sphere disintegrates and explodes from the light come out of the rain Wizard's hands and then it starts to rain in real [Laughter] life
Channel: 2ndJerma
Views: 133,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, stream, highlight, jerma house flipper, house flipper, jerma compilation
Id: lK05Ppw7VBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 399min 12sec (23952 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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