Jenna's Rachet Fashion Boutique: My Boyfriend

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CinnamonBunzAttack72 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey friends first of all close-minded eyeshadow people can leave hi I'll provide an eyeshadow people there is no easy way for you to follow up what happened last week I'm completely overwhelmed with their response that I got from that video and thank you so much for liking it and enjoying it I'm glad you did my skin is okay and I think most of it has to do with the fact that you guys prayed for me you know thank you for your praise I've done two of these videos I made myself an outfit Marvel's Kermit and Peach outfits and ever since I made that one people were asking me to make Julian my boyfriend and outfit so I was trying to think of what I wanted to make for him and I was like I should do a Disney Princess I should make him interests hello Julian who's your favorite Disney Princess and he says Princess Peach and I was like that's not a Disney Princess but I respect your wishes so that's what I'm gonna do today I am going to make Julian into Princess Peach like Nintendo Princess Peach do you want to come in here and say are you excited yeah yeah Elsa that's the first one that comes to mind this is the picture that I'm going to use for my inspiration and we went to the fabric store much to Julian's love the fabric store what do you think about this alright this is kind of ambitious but I think I'm going to make hoop skirt first so what I'm going to attempt to do is I use a piece of scrap fabric from my other fashion boutique video and I have this hula hoop left over from our conjoined twins video I'm going to tie these strengths of the hoop and then this waistband for Julian make a little hoop skirt you're gonna be the prettiest princess in all the land Jolie every week I make a giant mess room in my house no up in the middle and then tie that around your waist and see what happens no no that's not no oh my dress I'll do that wow this goes under your dress no this good I like this no it goes under your like this cuz I can clip my mat and my cellular phone like right right there no that worked out 10 times better than I thought it was going to I did get like some tulle and petticoat material to somehow try and make this skirt a little more full I know this is by no means enough to actually make it that way but I'm hoping if I like [ __ ] with it a little bit it will be so I think I'm gonna glue this stay with me to the waistband of the hoop skirt under stress wish me luck Oh Julie why did you tie it so high thank you for making this but I appreciate you can't leave this word no you're a [ __ ] genius I do this oh you're gonna be such a pretty princess alright I'm gonna move on to the dress are you excited Wow Julian I sadly realized ooh you have some jazz going on I did not estimate how much fabric I would need and correctly so we decided to skip on some of the back material so that I can make you a top well do that are you gonna break it stop sorry this much to make the top with I could put like a dark pink panel in the back maybe I mean your skirt looks really good though you look like a little cupcake I mean you're looking pretty nice I'm gonna make you some sleeves and a little collar starting to come together here Jenny's ratchet fashion Stallone we're gonna make your boyfriend into your girlfriend that's a pretty pretty princess I'm gonna start working on these hip things I think my plan is to just make like two clothes and I bought some stuffing I'm just gonna stuff them but they're all complete I've been giving some serious thought to these sleeves and I think I thought of a way to bypass making actual sleeves with an elastic to poof him up all I have is a rubber band and I don't think that will fit around Julian's bicep but I think I'm gonna try to do is create pillows for his shoulder and then either hot glue them or velcro them to his shirt so that they look like sleeves but they are in fact not I'm limited to this very strange piece of fabric shape I'm gonna do the best okay so I finished one sleeve even though it's just a shoulder boom wow it looks like a pillow okay stop at the dog talk pretty alright I've made it to decorating finally I have some papers I'm gonna make Princess Peach's crown with this is what I could find in terms of making a large jewel for the front with some glitter glue and these big jewels I think I'm going to use for the crown and the earrings well one thing's for sure you're gonna be glittery in the chest it's not perfect but I couldn't find a jewel this much oh it's getting hot all over the table block right I made your earrings for this but it's really exciting for earrings yes these super-strong magnets so they can really pinch the [ __ ] out of your ears oh baby it's gonna look pretty drinks done we just need your crown thought I have weight gloves somewhere but you're just gonna have to imagine the weight gloves because I didn't have any absolutely even if I did have white gloves they wouldn't pick your hands damn good-looking princess Julian stop doing that you're gonna break it how do you like it I think it's nice I like it because it's like incredibly dysfunctional Julian does the outside match the inside finally I think he looks so pretty Gillian I take ten out of ten what would you rate your Jennifer a fashion boutique experience 9.5 give us a while its lady did you break it like a tornado princess that's actually that's give us like one good hard twirl this is a great dress for the ball because I could go to the ball and wear this dress but I can also fit like a beach ball in the dress too so it's like a double ball here my fanny packs I just need some zippers install decorative this is functional this is the only functional part of this outfit and then up here we got three carrot carrot it's just Ruby gold blue you like your earrings yeah chose the back because he added in these extra fabric panels so you can't see the tool you're not to be able to fit that through the door and fit through doors so you have to like that's like making a key that's not compatible for keyholes if you have to pick it up sideways PTU like you daddy in that dress yes she likes it would you ever come back oh yeah I'm in high demand dazzle us Julian be a princess put that back no your other one looks hysterical it's hanging on for dear life trying to commit suicide these look like chicken wings proud of you love happy to be where I am right I love these this is all I wanted to do my free time so thank you for letting me do it with you so look at me I am the princess now you sure you subscribe to my channel because everyone say / Thursday yeah I hope that you liked this because it's one of the most requested branch of fashion boutiques yeah after I did me in the dog servers like you did this this is your fault are you okay now I want to ask you who your favorite Disney Princesses you can say you oh I'm sorry I'll see you guys next week bye friends bye the beach no princess
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 5,454,275
Rating: 4.9812794 out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, how to, the face, trick people, what girls, how girls, makeup, drunk makeup, tutorial, girlfriend, kermit, mr marbles, humor, parody, skit, sketch, rachet, fashion, boutique, boyfriend, julien, solomita, princess, peach, cosplay, outfit, costume, diy, make, sew, hot glue, dress, gown, funniest, best, craft, dog, disney, project, fun, salon, hair, nails, shoes, underwear, eyebrows, eyelashes, 100, coats, bathroom, shower, car, art, school, vlog, channel, eyeshadow, liner, mascara, ball, kitchen
Id: _8iQoimAlqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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