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[Music] we bought the [ __ ] necessary because I'm your sister it's teaching us how to make cocaine this has been smuggled from it's just a vacuum-sealed dude where'd you get it from we put the vacuum seal on it so you can transport it across the country and there's no drug residue no dogs could sniff it you should do that with your money I don't sell drugs so what is this Jeff had the idea yesterday he wants to egg his ex-girlfriend's billboards I wouldn't do that why I literally almost fell off its top bro to criminals in one spot Jeff since you've been to jail did you ever meet people like Dom oh no they separate the sexes let's talk about the time you went to prison let's start what did you go to jail for I've been arrested seven guys this is Jeff's mugshot just to prove to you guys he was actually in jail how long did you go to prison for the longest was four months okay now that you're out how do you feel horrible coming up with ideas for videos I wish I was back in jail yeah I've made a few dumb decisions in my life you know I learned my lesson this guy makes dumb decisions every night but they're not drug dealing it's better than we're on our way to a party Jeff's ex girlfriend is there I don't like these types of videos because you keep saying man you're gonna beat up everyone at the party hold you accountable when you walk in there and you go hey David who are you planning on fighting don't say that bro you're the weakest people now feel the other one see if you like this one better [Laughter] how about for round two we do pickup line I really know any pickup lines and they're really to use I just asked you to type in a series of numbers okay so the first thing is type in the number of the street that you grew up on add that the year that your mother was born in my movies here do want to get out of needed here Jeff liked Ryan's big game because usually girls will just come out to be like oh my god you're so handsome but this girl was not giving him like the time of day she's trying to spit game and the beach ball comes over in like this goes don't worry babe I'll protect Jason look I'm I scare the [ __ ] out of job now taking up new friends of the airport just to be nice this is my friend Jeff he's also an ex-convict so while he was in New York I renovated his apartment so he would feel right at home this is Jeff's apartment before pretty simple basic apartment and then this is just apartment after you mean a lot to us well you're gonna [ __ ] pull out a gun and shoot I did a little bit of a makeover here apartment get the [ __ ] out of here would you do we're going there oh my god in there I don't know I know you don't like talking about this but you did go to prison yes sometimes it's tough to transition into normal life so I did something to make you feel it's good to be home what is that you like my punch you you're a good-looking guy thank you - thank you how are you Bob your slap work let me see you have 400 the nurse who delivered I never thought you got plastic surgery I don't have it I know but your cheeks are very full yeah I don't know what that is it's just would you ever cheat on your girlfriend yeah yeah the other day you said you cheat on your girlfriend yeah that's all you put in the vlog out-of-context little my question was would you cheat on your girlfriend joke it was sarcasm and you cut out the sarcasm part but what's the sarcasm part would you cheat on your girlfriend no sarcastic yeah it's hard man it's hard doing comedy like this you know no I look at myself in the mirror and I'm like I don't like this guy he's too good-looking you say that it's not about looks it's about personality so we're gonna put that to the test we're gonna make a tinder profile for Mike but use Jeff's pictures so when Mike meets up with his date and doesn't look anything like his profile I'll have to use that charming personality to win her over well Seth to Thor three dates for tonight tonight yeah the profile for Jeff's tinder aka my very juicy what's your opening lies that forgive me if this is forward but when are you free for the best first date of your life it's really good you can get away with that and you can misspell the word high and still so [ __ ] you it looks like Jessica but maybe she's catfishing I also don't like that different she might even not question it she might be like just a little bit shorter than I was oh my god she's right back here he goes here he goes hey nice to meet you too they're sitting down to the ice-cream missing something does he actually what like you a hundred percent That's not me in there after ten minutes I brought in the real Jeff I asked her if she would prefer to continue the day with Mike or start over with Jeff she trims Jeff that sucks Jeff wins Michael is so upset right now that was one of the best first dates I've ever been on in my life he had no [ __ ] idea that I wasn't Jeff she picked you she liked you more yeah didn't like you more she wanted to be fair and giving you a chance Jeff walked her home I told you that so you can relate to me like hot girls poop Jeff 100% they don't not the hop not like models No thank you sir you've been serious 100% dude why would I tell tall girl this it wasn't real really hard like being a supermodel and not being able to [ __ ] we're in a rage room alone on the clock this isn't the purge you can't just kill us [Laughter] [Laughter] someone just commented and they said wow just Botox looks really good this is for everybody commented saying we're overweight and we're all and we're ugly does anyone actually ever called you any of those I'm doing it for the we are the ones who make a better day so let's start vlogging you see two years ago you would have put that in but which one of you is like the craziest story that's happened in the last year I haven't done anything there's one time I went to Vegas and I paid $500 for a [ __ ] Jesus Christ yeah my brother really needed the money a new idea you can decide to play or now I'm gonna give you guys $100 each and for the next week I will randomly shoot you guys with my paintball gun one shot one shot dollars and make a hilarious video I'm down Chris is a magician he's doing some magic all right what are you doing I'm gonna test their connection where did you feel it Jeff oh my hey Jeff open your eyes oh [ __ ] oh my god yes why would you put your mouth so wide you have to go there you could [ __ ] him up you could punch but why does your mouth end up on his testicles gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] gone sounds like you do something different with this guy isn't wrong with it but are you going there to have oral sex [Laughter] I'm gonna be driving Jeff's gonna be Missy just like Natalie and then we're gonna come across to this stop sign and I'm gonna see an old lady crossing the street there is the old lady crossing the street and then Jack it's gonna get out of the car I'm gonna walk over [Music] have you ever done steroids I'm gonna [ __ ] answer that in your video Jesus playing around a new girl you're thinking too much girl help go help across scariest part is that she hit you here when we told her to shoot you in the leg it's about 1 a.m. right now we have a serious drive ahead of us what are we doing Jeff we're gonna pick up my best friend from jail he's been away for four years he's rehabilitated he learned his lesson I'm partially the reason why he's in there I've been through a lot of [ __ ] like legit best friends we grew up together and he went to jail for a long time and I didn't and I made it in Hollywood now I'm famous and rich for what you [ __ ] see are you ever gonna go back to crime I ain't going back to prison brother there bring girls out of the beach now Jeff does we need someone that's a very come on Jeff smile I feel an apology video in the next year no really today we're standing outside of a place where Jeff conducts a lot of business illegally no I do not it [ __ ] reeks a wheeze yeah look at the busy schedule look at this Jeff who the [ __ ] is Marc I wrote that and that was the job I keep that there an accident Marc actually guys suck if someone found you here right you'd go back to jail time for a science experiment at the park and flip really quick really quick that is a lot of it in there buddy just remember we love you imagine everyone on Planet just disappears and it's just us in this ferris wheel please mom is about to get here from the airport and he said when she walks them through here gonna see Jeff and I don't know your mom right now I'm sorry are you in the Quran at all he would never admit it no I blocked her out but mentally as soon as she dated one of my friends I don't see her as I can't even see her anymore I just hear a little voice and I look over there just Scott sitting there looks so [ __ ] sexy bro how do you do this is that your dick must be tiny your dick has to be doesn't see everything's perfect set for one thing your dick I'm not go 3 2 1 go Wow I take it back Oh sex with you tonight I definitely wasn't cool but I took a lot of time a lot of work and then I became good and then what happen you forgot what about you are you cool yeah you're cool in high school yeah are you nuts [Laughter] let's go back and visit your Dean I [ __ ] hate that guy why I don't ever see I would like to visit him now guys do if the cops ask you guys questions you you didn't say anything back there are you gonna talk to the cop I think we got a snitch here and what happens to snitches hopped in the car apparently of a huge house every one of our friends watches all your videos all the time you mean the world - I appreciate is it true that you get Botox 19 years old do you think your girlfriend's here's career singing ah did you have sex with James Charles outside of the Vernon Hills Dunkin Donuts this bill long [ __ ] day I don't care they're notorious for throwing out all the doughnuts at the end of it I understand what you mean waiting then why did I bring this knife [ __ ] millionaires all of us what the [ __ ] we doing in fact I'm scared when she comes to surgery at 9:00 a.m. and he tested my face there were no signs of Botox so [ __ ] you and [ __ ] you he said that there could have been Botox but it was probably a couple years ago because then he wouldn't be a little notice do you think this is real what are you [ __ ] idiot look at this [Music]
Channel: REWIND
Views: 6,299,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8lMlD6YilKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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