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[Music] hi can I get two rooms we'd love to help you out today do you work here to be honest I don't work here I'm part of a mental institution say we're having a danger up here it doesn't mean I can't get you a room my name is David okay maybe you can just look at my reservation it's under dobrik that's the stapler again let me ask you will there be [ __ ] in your room if you want to take a look sir make sure everything is okay oh that's ridiculous I am against you with your manager do improvise comedy it's all dead are you on ecstasy what did you park hey baby I've been seeing a fine lady like you in ages I don't know you got a boyfriend but I'm pretty single I look at this guy's [ __ ] hey man I was trying to pick that woman up you come on [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] are you pregnant you're pregnant is where girls and boy oh it's a bore and three do me a favor and not shave we're talking one of the mirror hold honesty that's a box in trends okay this guy's where we have twink in the city house right here's I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him because there may be a murder at some point okay if someone called me and was like Alex killed someone I'd be like okay it's time I thought it would be later but it's what every minute wants Jason do you have that line I have the same ones mine's a little underneath situation your daughter walks home she brings home Todd well I'd have no problem with that how those I mean she's bringing him home because she's dating him financially I don't know if that would be so great for the three-level what are you gonna do the day you walk it on your kid masturbating I won't walk down making masturbating no not walking I'm a master masturbator everybody's movements got masturbates I hear the Taylor Swift in there but I don't go in how do you know in big mix masturbator there's a little star on the sky in a twinkle I don't like you some Spanish right now it's a great word and it's your mantra durka durka oh stop oh stop everything all over town now you repeat this higher Dirk de after everybody in town oh you know what I mean you know it's many STDs is it even clean to sit next to her Peas he's a chlamydia he's a crab he's a lost thermal well it's not even a disease any crab in one day we got crabs on that yes and I not take care of her so I turn into a lobster I've been to this place before I got my little girls ears pierced you're a father Jason everyone a garage you thinks you're an idiot oh my god that's horrible you did a great job but I would punch me in the face Carmelita ever seen a statue have I seen it David he swore to me you know it's mine he a great man his name is Lou melody come in and he destroyed all the buildings in here and build the biggest skyscraper and that's not the only thing he destroyed what do you mean Carmelita is what I think first New Year's resolutions you got going I'm gonna learn my kids names what do you think their names are but I think I thought it was Joe and Christopher their mom said it's not what are the names I haven't written down no I have Joe and Kristen 850 dollars and it's in there for 15 seconds this is like permanent damage like yeah actually I don't think I'm gonna use it too hard to cut together I'm not trying to make it pieced together and I got single I said I would try to piece it together just wouldn't go just didn't come magic can I blindfold you real quick no I want to find Folger but I'll blindfold you and when Liza sees this you can be a judge of whether or not it's you're gonna be safe trust her she's just don't work out three Prison gate what are these days I'm gonna get your money you're following my protein what door I don't like the babe it's fine no I don't like this I don't what you do that what does it feel like Carmelina is this your first time at an airport thousands you think about the $30,000 i giving this year firmly I'm just following you to your day I'm surprised it didn't stop me for his bomb what what are you saying this bomb okay it's always good to freshen up before I fly who are that wait harmony that can make an extra few bucks than first class holy this Airport is you I haven't seen anything this big since Kobe Bryant been to be over and it's private jet chrome later how did you even get hums well actually David I'm the co pilot or the copilot yes the pilot play with all the instruments and I play with you Oh David I'm so concerned I'll be much better when I get on the flight and get my your peanuts no my piece I really need some okay Carmelita we're gonna miss our flight oh this is every prank on you - you want to go on a date sometime maybe I have a boyfriend Yeah right whatever I'll see you later anyway you suck I want you to cup your hand [Laughter] here's the menu for the Chinese store what do you want to eat let's open the menu that says the stores open what are you doing Jason come on you kidding I can just buy you dinner another voice if you can't keep eating these this isn't good she's gonna notice no Jason just come on you're embarrassing know if you're actually my mom what's my biggest fear your biggest fear is your penis Oh tiny penis [ __ ] fear of spiders is it still like this liar no I know I tried to get you an operation for a bigger penis we tried but the doctor said there was nothing there was no you're not my dad and I'm from Slovakia oh my god can you believe this guy started dating the beautiful Liza the one and only funniest girl on the interweb and then he turns into a real jerk and working out yeah I have a big job what's your job I dragged her over you drive for uber yes except it's better given that so manly I push the car the entire way who is the president of your country Mark Wahlberg Mark Wahlberg is such a global box office star that everyone just handed the keys to Slovakia salokya yeah earlier you're from a different country changes all the time so the Russians don't know what we're up to change the name of your country a lot you know drinking Josh oh yeah in your country they call drinking John no no no it's different than my codeine in my good they call it my low in the honest making me some breakfast that'd be great all right go grab some cereal that's why smoke in my face I blow your I might still this woman's back she look like she's not paying attention she paid attention I didn't say anything what you're looking at how little where's this from oh this this is Chanel Chanel I got it under home shopping Chanel home shopping channels is dance w o DW founded this organization yes W Stanford [ __ ] women and shoes finally opened like on the right side of my channel David one last question before I go make the vlog yeah okay we're having any turbulence in the plane but everything's gonna be fine do even you're nervous [Laughter] [Music] okay now we have special let the healing properties of the dirt of the huge if you think this is too much hey grandpa your dentures are falling outs oh I am 43 years old sir do you need to put your hearing aid oh no come it was a real low blow but I guess that's what I should expect from big dick what do you bring up blow Jason is that why your face is so pair of stilts so I can see who's talking to me that's cool the pair of stilts would get you to see me but it won't get you to see your kids more than once a week hey I heard your parents came down on Christmas morning and saw you and thought Santa Claus left someone behind Oh at least my parents are still alive Oh save it I swear to god I'll never talk to you again it's fake it's gotta be fated I swear to god I'll wreck he was a human being I will hit you with my car save it it's not done I know you need content you got me scared go over there where'd you go I'm right here waiting camouflage so that's why I couldn't see you confuse have you ever been to war private no sir I've never been a war I've been to hell and back so many times I gotta calm down do you know why you wear camouflage maggot sir yes sir so the enemy can't see me know it so I can come on your back and no one will see dick you're tough maggot no sir I don't think I'm tough won't let me tell you something you ain't Lynn do you have a bow constrictor wrapped around you so hard you come out your own you look like a spa to me you boys go ahead gets me homeless sir yes sir mmm maybe I'm not sure you might still be a spy I couldn't tell from that kiss gotta think about it I think I need to do one more Willy Wonka just called he wants you to come in for the late shift Oh oh that's funny because your ex-wife actually just called - oh yeah what she said I couldn't hear I think she bugged on me because in the background I just heard her another dude you talking about about sex for a god I can't find his penis oh he cannot find anything so how are your kids by the way oh maybe I should be asking you didn't you just get out of kindergarten with them because I did and for their class presentation they showed a poster of how much they hate their dad Jason and I wanted to have a little bit of fun today so we hired a couple people off Craigslist to play paparazzi and jigs he's gonna walk around Hollywood Boulevard pretend like he's the most famous guy on the planet I get it like problem a wonderful person I reach a lot of different demographics guys guys I'm trying to get a 60 stick nugget here guys why don't you ask that question about by now I know Gary's a great ass don't ask about his wife still please really dude that's his job really you know I'm not allowed to see my kids how dare you know that come on come on ten years ago it's fine between me and my random kid change I can't be picking up kids guys I'm trying to get a Frappuccino guys fun guys guys - thank you what did you say about my man I took lots of meds today I do porn yeah no your daughter's gonna be in college one day or she'll never be in college why I can't afford it I'm already talking Wyatt out of college actually no like last night head write a paper overs gonna go to college I'm just hoping no one ever mentions college so that so when he graduates high school hope you like a word all my friends go dude comes up to me my name is Daniel I was like I'll call Daniel go go go go go and then he came up waiter was like yo I got this gasolina man and I took two hits but I ended up qtu my jacket you're smoking gasoline yeah dude that's Arlena what it was gasoline Oh how'd you know that cuz you said it you have two kids your boy is ten your girl is seven which one's your favorite the boy really hey I like you do Elmo you live in this building how old are you Alma yeah we're your parents wych-elm oh it's okay if you don't have parents hey you know what I have a good idea I have this guy who looks pretending he's my dad and he's coming over maybe he can be here it is the best bunker you can buy on almost four years old though I don't think you should be drinking how was that how do you feel [Applause] [Music] a couple days ago I had to hold Jason if he wants to become the best vlogger he s have quick reflexes I'm gonna put him to the test now I'm just drunk yes no you can't tell what the picture is yeah you can look at the picture now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] which is weird because ice is the world I know I've never seen your eyes [Music] [Laughter] No [Music] little morning rise into the treatment line me up that cigarette nice shoes on my feet I got to fire it's crazy big swing from they got to fund a reason while my money's all gone and I got a donation and I can still get [Music] I can play the kids are like a mother yeah bills to try to learn you gotta learn if I get run over I got my get shot never start will start I got just killing off my cheese now I have to battle with no brutal prove it take a small example take a tip from me pip taking all your money give it up to charity you loves but I got it still with my reach I'm the sub lifestyle still trip from Long Beach Pat it comes back to you you probably get what you deserve try and get that you found a guesser loves what i got dont start oh right your feeling when the dead skin side love is Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's pretty good needs work [Music]
Channel: REWIND
Views: 5,552,994
Rating: 4.903738 out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, jason nash carmelita, jason, nash, dobrik, best, moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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