JAWS IN SEA WORLD!! - Jaws Unleashed - Gameplay Mission 2 (PS2) || HD

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Oh buddy Oh God find an ID card open the gate yeah I know I know I've got to find it hello everybody and welcome back I'm thinking beaver and we're just gonna eat some things first just to get some health I don't know what they even are there like stingrays okay now what we need to do is break out here so we need to find the dude with the keycard we use a shark visionless sensor I think Rosie Oh ROG come on shark be clever I don't even know if my if I'm picking them up so charging that up unless it's like that okay oh there he is there he is he's like you know what I love my job I get a HelpOut nature and get it boy oh yeah coming with me boy come on check me out oh my clever shark and I'm gonna rip it apart I'm eat your ID card so I can scan me belly there he is you're gonna supply me with plenty of systems okay let's go oh can I break this oh no I can't okay well thanks dude see you later oh no they closed it oh that clever okay okay okay well even was that he was here wasn't he I have to go find another one are you kidding me and he realized this was a speed soar thing there he is okay did not catch on to what I was doing say hello hello let me out yeah I'm stuck in the feet and cake come on don't well have thrown him but I'm stuck I'm just come on come on get out get out dude you know I thought I'd be out of this level I know what to do there we go I did the thing but I'm still stuck get out yeah okay finally right where are you you're in the water somewhere oh my god they've got harpoonist sin there oh why this is a research facility unless they're now like you know what we're gonna we're gonna kill him I know how to do this this is bloody hard work come here I'm not getting in there again you're coming with me boy oh there you go thank you right I'm not holding on to you any longer god damn it okay go go go George Gregan aid I'm trying the frames per seconds are incredibly slow come on finally there we go and even know what this is we're gonna destroy it okay we couldn't destroy the glass free their shock free the shock oh that shots gonna be free it is going to read you don't worry your shark activists I would never eat you unless you're a hostage throw it is that what I was supposed to do I do not know okay let's have a look I just felt like doing it okay what's oh my god this harpoonist sin here I gotta find a way out unless I can just get through this way in just much yeah smash is about yeah I thought so let me out Bush and Bush hey Jose checkpoint cleared oh I will smash this glass oh is the Dolphins in here oh there is I'm so sorry I've gotta win you I've got like this must be the objective here just to smash it smash it I'm just gonna keep smashing of what I think maybe just one part there we go oh this is it went wild hello thank you that was quick are we still breaking out or is it just loading oh we're still breaking out okay okay see I'm good at this game I know what to do I've seen people play it before I've got to it right so I know you have to kill like you have to is a boss fight in this I wonder if it's now Oh whoa poor dude Oh flung off to the side as well Oh bless him is what you get for supporting SeaWorld okay right let's get down the water warning your health is low oh it died all right oh so good what killed me I've got no idea I lost all my help like so quick right okay I gotta find a way out way out wait is it in here let me have a look I can't see you from now oh that there's an exit right this way can I get through here yeah awesome oh no that's the way I came oh okay never mind I feel like it's through one of these oh that piranhas we've let them out oops jaws killed by piranhas water way to go going here this does nothing okay no no no leave me alone damn fish now smash this glass Oh God there they are again huh you're scared of piranhas douche trying to find anything hold on the main objectives here ish is it it's it's old ready to smash down the door is that it is it this yeah this is it there is through it hits are you gonna take yeah there we go awesome I am freedom freedom or Chi the new freedom Machado okay where's me ejective next oh it's behind here what's behind door number one it's Joyce of this these doors watertight mmm there we go oh we trim doors here we go I'm part of the show now mom look at me bush what's in here bevy it come on it oh I see I see the charge meter for the yeah it's down there oh there's a dolphins I'm so sorry this is its jaws three except for the Dolphins died he's not gonna make it oh what's this license plate ma'am thousand points and upgrade my shock with that one dolphins oh no I don't want to do I have to birth no jawanda dolphin Oh free yeah off you go I'm trying to free you damn it fine you know what they haven't attacked me yet so I'm okay Boosh there we go what's inside this door you found a note Oh God Jesus money killer whale dude I know like orcas killer whales all the time but oh right that's it that's it I'm cutting you off dude I got him oh the Dolphins are coming to his aid Boosh oh we try to get me you try to get me he's gone around me he's gone whoa what was that he did like a jump in the water okay this is it this is my chance Boosh run oh no did he get me who retail whip me I need help okay help help help oh no do not target that Oh a license plate yeah okay never mind where is it where is it Oh God he's right behind me this way to try it okay where are you oh he keeps hitting me stop it huh you know what you right I'm actually you know what I'm just gonna jump you he's gonna jump you I've got teeth should we try something look I'm putting on a show damn it there you go see you little dolphin friend wasn't so lucky come here you I'm gonna tell what you so hard hold on I got an idea hello do this oh that didn't really work did it where is he where is he where is he come on Shamu let's rock it oh you dare whack me Oh what you I think I stunned him I think I'll activin stun them I did Proactive are you gonna bite and tear oh god he's called the huge hole in them this is really fun I need health and eat health Oh God yeah I know I know I know there are there we go Ecco the Dolphin where Shamu there he is Boosh but I need to tell weapon I can paralyze him oh did I get his fin off oh my god this game is brutal Oh almost out of almost Adam once Adam come on I got this charge charge and bite bite bite and tear and tear bite and tear bite and chew ah let go Jonah welcome boys is made me bleed out nobody makes me bleed my own blood get away you know what I haven't eaten yet bloody license plate yeah the dolphins are still after me Boosh I want I want to get away dolphin I want to whack him you know what you what you son okay okay dolphin nothing I think I would just stay behind him likes you okay now oh now you've just realized yeah bit slow to the get go on to their son who always come after me hey oh god I'm gonna die I'm gonna die come on health health health health health yeah awesome I'm not dying in this boss dude I put away too much effort for this I got him I got him I got him come on come on come on yeah there we go let's keep going let's keep going keep it up keep it up kid oh oh oh he's gonna turn around he's turn around okay it's time Jim Bob Waterston always turning away dude I'm gonna tell with you as well oh Sh hey hello do you like the show are we having fun yeah no he's coming back he's coming back oh come on come on in son come on in son we're circling each other once oh he try to dive on me dude I'll do that oh no no no no I haven't hit him in a while I need to get some good hits in oh oh hello for her tasty treat you just wanna be this is an audience participation although it's much welcome okay he's after me ready Bush you see that I'm Way better than Shamu you should pay me until I get him oh I want to I want to land on him don't be so good although if you think Cheeta cool I'm trying to get some cool skills on you all right then when you're almost dead anyway Oh Oh bless his poor killer whale I don't know why I'm Joss is gonna depend on her against it we could team up join me ready I'm gonna take off your back BAM this is what I don't stir them or anything when to do that it's charging Boosh that's it boy look now the whales like now I can free them yeah oh Jesus what are you waiting to this game oh there is no real threat to the safety of our vacationers of course not Amity I assure you that we are doing everything within our power to deal with this issue I'm gonna eat them on.i the mayor is absolutely correct the threat is minimal and will soon have the shark tracked and captured with the use of our Aurora to research vessel really what you mean those who died mr. mayor we have too much invested to be careless until the Beast is captured or better yet killed my employees will be on alert and Brody you better get to him before I do if you want him alive through so is okay I thought I was a decision it was like who do you want to side with Brody or or this guy cuz that would be cool okay I want Brody to catch me and then it'd give me lots of hugs and kisses I'm gonna have a lovely time together so what what's this one open ocean South huh is this the one with the whale I feel like there's a whale one I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna get all the hidden things because I think there's a lot of this is just sort of open world so it's kind of it's like it's a mission but it's open so you could travel all around it look at all the creases and crannies and stuff I think Oh press select button in order to access the map the vanity okay the column of light indicates a side challenge oh so it is open world side challenges appear as white triangles on both the map and the radar you can activate side challenges by swimming into the book into the boy so basically this will be like kill this boat or you know swim to this quick okay after you complete a level of a side challenge a checkpoint will be saved this is a save anchor R or save your partner's there are three save ankh is located around Amity Island swimming into these anchors allow you to say progress without completing it okay next story mission appears in both the map on the radar as a red dot you can access the next story mission at any time you can also reenter completing missions to access new side challenges jaysus we're all those white triangles side missions oh but now I'm a shark now I can do whatever I want yeah so it is open world oh this is cool oh that's oh where are my jaws oh I see so I'm going straight forward towards a anchor let's see just double-check that yeah I can see it on the map cool okay well let's try one side mission before we in this episode I think it's straight over here I think this is the closest one done and done Oh a great hammerhead oh dude you don't mess with those guys ah oh do you this is it the side mission what's a side mission but side challenge three baby patrol bloodbath kill three Life Guards before they escape level one press dot to begin okay you ready guys mama look at our walk oh they have cool little cutscenes that's nice Dada Dada oh you do be swimming contest you're all doomed okay so they're coming up to me okay so I want to click are to to just sort of pluck them that's what I want to do and realize that was the thing you realize you could do that Hey all right yeah dude you can't just get away and you know what I should have done I should have waited okay well this is it yeah I should have waited for them that's why I should've done I'm gonna get you tell you what I know what to do I'm gonna throw you out to see get over there guilty more like God well I've already thrown one out oh yeah good one more like God I'm trying here is your the 100 you use this you sorry let me finish you off Ram you look dead yet yay you're beating the challenge we should try the next level press start a trial what side challenge 3 blue bar killed for lifeguards level 2 oh oh my god - it gets harder ok so what I got it what I know now I've got to do is so wait I've got to wait for them to swim out as far as they can it just got away cuz that's as fast as they go I'm gonna go for the straggler I'm a mom right do they see that are they swimming backwards now isn't that right above me you know I can't even see ya that's women back he'll do Ahmad look I am at the beach are you gonna swim back no you're not okay so go one more oh god they got the Coast Guard involved yeah you should try another level kill five D hell is this the final one this is red you can't get more redder than red okay to be super stealthy this time this I love this game oh my god I wish I was a kid so what you want to do really is sort of throw them that's a little otter I'm gonna wait for them to get further out yeah I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab this straggler I'm not no not kill formal well they still going do they notice I don't even know yeah kill three bull this is easy actually the plucking method is really good Oh God alright okay how many more well she's she's severely incapacitated hell no you don't you're not going away from me okay oh no no you know NIDA I know okay you do know it's gonna cost me time volleyball peep points come on two more yeah oh it about person miles okay where's the other one no you don't owe kill one more close the wall it through oh they won't let out crap where is it where are you love I'm so sorry let me finish off hey I've got you do you want to say hello to your friends there we go Oh what I failed it's in my mouth I've got one in my mouth okay that's soaked it's cuz I didn't kill him faster live life God's escaped my ass oh dude one more time but I did that you saw that life gods escape that we didn't did I just go I think I might have went beyond the challenge like if I went out of area that could have been it okay this is so much fun though oh did you look back there did you like this this is support oh god is lost enough I landed quickly don't worry okay it's all silver um there you go okay oh god they're getting away quick okay right here we go son no wait yeah kill three more I'm onto you kill three more oh there she is come on no don't don't swim away don't some way come on we'll just keep them all away whoever gets closest to the beach gets next eaten yeah you know get out that way where's the next one damn it oh this is tricky kill two more don't warm up yeah your Dean and we completed all levels awesome do I get anything for that don't go back over does it say anything or is that just like a side challenge oh I'm seeing opportunity here dude who are they oh damn it I didn't get to do it oh I did it perfect when I was fighting the killer whale oh no I want to do I just want to do it I just wanna I just wanna jump on the boat like George you steer like a goddamn boat Boosh know that now you do it yeah you want out of the water now whatever okay let's check do we get anything for this hit me green now no that's it it's just so there's no point in the side challenger I didn't see me get any points though as a thing counted awesome okay guys I'm gonna swim to the next story mission what I'll see you in the other Vic next video your joint later like until next time I'll see you later bye [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 12,824,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaws unleashed, jaws unleashed ps2, jaws, jaws game, jaws unleashed game, jaws the game, ps2 jaws, ps2 jaws game, shark game full play through, gameplay, mission, all missions, story, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, hd, killer shark, jaws movie, giant squid, boss, boss missions
Id: 9-zw4Hp5F8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2016
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