HUNTING WHALES!!! ALL Assassin's Creed Harpoon Hunts Including The White Whale/Moby Dick!!!

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together this is the first Oh oh god what's this oh god what's this what's this what's this what's this what's this this is good hello everybody on the game you're welcome to hunting things as pirates um we have like an enemy boat where we need to be over there is the bull shark so this is sasses creed black flag if you didn't know I what I was sick I've been playing this - I like I've completed oh yes so we're just gonna wait for these boats to go the other way yeah I tried to normal after my throat is almost fully healed so that's great although every now and again I seem to bleed down it which is fantastic so I've never done these how please before because I didn't realize that if you did them then they actually stay so now I'm doing them so he's down here somewhere I think we're bull sharks here oh what's that it's right there with the dolphins so we can begin the harpooning strike it Oh should we do it oh I'm excited it's the first one we're done let's go now I do I have everything maxed except for the harpoon itself looks like oh there it is there's the bull shark okay oh my god it's huge now bull sharks are like the most aggressive sharks because they've really high levels of testosterone if you didn't know so uh I have full like the boat upgrade upgraded I have 40 harpoon so that's fully upgraded but what we don't have is the damage on the harpoon so oh oh there we go there we go it's going okay so we just we just throw is that what we do we just throw it's the head oh there we go oh this seems pretty easy I say that and then it's moved come on then ah one more two more two more one more come on die bull shock awesome oh my god it's so bloody we did it we killed an innocent creature well not really this thing killed many men that's a big bull shock Jebus so that is we got bull shark skin and a bone because sharks have bones and the next one I think we'll go for is I'll fast forward and I think it's too far away no it's not right here so I am going to fast travel here and they will have the Hammerhead BRB peeps so here we go yes there I think I'm getting a bit I'm guessing it's the great hammerhead which actually can I think grow almost as big as a great why'd I just say this game is absolutely beautiful like I love the way it looks and I really enjoyed playing it it's a shame of just being like sick this whole time so we're gonna stop stop stop - Tata Tata yep again harpooning let's see so in this game you can do bull sharks you can hunt hammerheads you can have great whites orcas um-hum box and the white whale which I'm hoping all to do in this one episode so here we are we call that we did in multiples but like I don't know who's is no point so this is the great hat or just it's called hammerhead but it's gonna be a great one yeah okay there we go go on for a ride come on ISA hammerhead the bull shock didn't do anything I didn't fight back this one will oh oh I love you Julie yeah Oh how's miss okay okay good Amy where he's going not below I'm yeah oh oh god what zoom and did it get its break with that fin did a pretty low Asst oh my god it's Ricky oh god there it is Ernest oh no oh no it's coming it's coming it's going Jason shark oh my god oh this is cruel okay okay let's keep an eye on him oh is it where's that shark fin come on come on oh there is okay come on come towards me dude missed him come on oh my god I'm awful this to kill the bottom oh my god come on only a couple more only a couple more Jesus I'm dreading when I come up to the bloody whales hey don't like that very much he don't he's a farmer shower oh come on okay come on I got this I got this match yes there we go Oh God is a big one isn't he look at that Ivy's dead holy crap okay he's massive what the hell I'm gonna grow though [ __ ] okay I guess so oh we've got a shark outfit we could wear now right so the next one on our list is the great white now how far away is what is that's another bull shark oh here it is great white shark there we go okay I'm gonna set the market there and we're gonna fast travel though so be right back I am not gonna lie the only reason I got this game was for this cuz like you could hunt sharks and stuff and like I have a pirate ship that's awesome so looks like this one is gonna be restricted seas you guys were like the Asians who were shark finning in Australian waters oh god if they see us okay we're gonna slow down I know oh there we just see the jump oh my god okay let's do this ready the way the great white shot okay he's surely gonna attack like the Hammerhead can you believe people really did this this is nuts would you do it would you would you oh that's good okay doesn't sink oh he's big Oh oh my good god it's huge there we go okay come on let's do this okay there that's too that's too that's too okay I missed that one come on lower lower lower you fool oh god oh god we broke it you broke it where is it he's coming for it oh my okay okay come on then come on then right now come on oh oh just missed him just missed him it's close though oh come on it's like I I throw it but it goes somewhere else damn it oh my god I'm not gonna enjoy when it comes to the whales Rosie come on let's keep an eye oh my good lord I give me a shock Bugsy you know right okay oh I don't like it okay see you soon gotcha come on I'm not losing you sorry there - two in a row that's good it's the heck three in a row okay okay we're gonna be careful I'm not having them jump scare me like that again he's coming for it got him come on Wow Oh what dude he's massive oh we got 24 harpoons left we got this we got this God so much blood we lost game now we have a no we haven't come on oh Jesus okay I knew I was given us all the bubbles hilarious Larry is there is okay secure the room got him okay only a few more heads and a few more heads there we go oh damn son so that's it that's the biggest shark you can hunt how BIG's you're gonna be when we lift them out Jesus are you sure that's not like a baby Megalodon okay guys we our next hunt is going to be I think the I would imagine like the killer whale would be the next one up what we got we got the there's a killer whale and here is the humpback so I'm just gonna set my coordinates and I'm gonna sail because I actually don't haven't discovered any of this land so I'll be right back let's go Hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] huff huff here we go so this is it oh there it is oh my god well that one was tiny unless we're hunting a pod Oh excited our lad let's gone right I would not do this in real life ever I've G oh my good lord look at it a killer whale would you really hunt a killer whale do people do this at the one - it's gonna wreck me like that's so clever in real life okay in the head okay there we go free fast angry good don't watch yeah another one another one could just just kill it just do quickly oh my god before it does something for dives it's week eight oh god oh no oh no oh no that fin yeah yeah definitely as long as in charge towards me like everything else oh oh oh it's spyhopping he's coming oh my whoa not likely my friend that was clever though you like how to look to see where it was oh my god is it's nothing again the rope okay tie the rope to the harpoon again let's do this where is he oh my god the Seas black there it is oh no I missed it oh god no for Jesus thank you dangerous yes dangerous you kidding me where is he where is he oh there we go come on come on come towards me come towards me come on come on you got this Oh God darling two more yeah no more that's it we did it killer killer holy crap Wow how how big was that right okay looks like night setting in so I'm gonna wait till daylight approaches for us to do our last one I'll just see where it is what's our last row because we need to do the white whale although I don't know how like the white whale isn't it's like an online event and when other people spot the white whale then you do to tech like the apparently something like that I'm not sure how work so um I'm gonna sail towards the humpback and wait till it's daytime so I'll see you in a minute welcome to the morning and there's been some British ships firing on some Spanish ships over there um they have a little mini war we we're going whaling a thing that people used to do you know why oil that's right we used to like light lamps with whale oil can you believe it nowadays we just use electricity we don't really have lumps I guess yeah I guess we kind of do but uh so this is the humpback whale humpbacks are known to be kind of just harmless to anyone but if we attack it I bet it's gonna want to kill us so we're walking ships we have oh we got some Spanish ships oh there it is Jesus okay it's ready that's um Oh should we hunt it it's a little bit closer let's go oh my god this is going to be interesting and a beautiful morning Sun the second to final hunt a big huge comeback oh yeah there it is there there it is look how placid it is it's just having fun do we really want to kill such a nice creature because wait till he gets close oh my god oh it's gone it's gone I think oh I think I can just see it yeah there it is it's got to come up to breathe it's a mammal oh it's coming around boo hoo hoo hoo oh my god that's beautiful I love it do we want to go we don't really want to that's the thing we don't want to but we like letting people did this people die doing this right so what we're learning how kind of they did it okay here comes here it comes but well I missed it great Oh he's dived down stay sharp lads does he know I went for him and I missed okay there is no Brit bow is it coming I can't tell I can't see okay please tell me he's not being aggressive damn it I missed again I am awful at this I'm so sorry guys stay sharp lads together this is the first oh god what's this oh god what's this what's this what's this what's this what's this this is are we on have we got him it's a heck we got him we got him okay tyll tyll tyll [ __ ] ducks - shocked - oh this is an easy one there's an easy one it's gone straight oh no now he's turning it comes barely see it Oh God not the tail not the tail oh darling come on hold on striving and striving okay where is he look up of bubbles always coming close oh did we get him yeah we got him come on nice Wow there we go Oh Oh what was that was that just him pulling really quickly that lag that's a one more and think one more Sun it oh we got oh it just took a some one reason to take a while to sink in yeah there is no way a boat would bury the whole of that that is bigger than the boat a great cat right oh it is so that is the the humpback down now all we have to do is hunt down the elusive Moby Dick um now apparently there is no it doesn't appear on the map like it doesn't appear on here but people have said places to go and then it'll be like all of a sudden Oh Moby Dick appears so I'm gonna head off to some of those locations and let's test our look so I'll be right back [Music] Oh oh it is oh my god we found Moby Dick that's not Moby Dick where is it I finally found out an hour of searching yes it's right here Oh oh my god I'm so happy you have no idea how long wait for this guy's I was searching literally I've searched all up here all up here such all I go online does this place was partly hotspot then some more over here is a hot spot and then we had like here was a hot spot all this area a man I finally like I just fast traveled here and then BOOM yeah I found more we dig this is gonna be epic look at white whale Zee white whale although he is very wise oh and this is like a this is like a limited time event only so uh will you shut up singing we're doing something here well harpooning whales okay guys are you ready here we go where is it was that white whale oh there is there's the white whale oh my god I just want to look at it I don't know if I'm gonna find another one of these like in a while okay you know this is based on real thing if you didn't know Moby Dick was a real face of a real white whale it was eventually killed but my god had destroyed so many boats and at the time it's a shame because like you don't want it killed it's too beautiful beast look at it just just look at it oh my leg oh oh god is it gonna no I missed again he knows I miss okay okay writing I don't know Spears dipping quite a bit anything oh there it is there it is there he is stop a bow is he coming is he going to attack I haven't heard him yet so what do you tag I hope not patients really patients here oh god no he's coming oh it's beautiful oh my god did a lot of damage I got it though it didn't count multiple harpoons parry that attack okay give me orchid did those at the UH okay shut it yeah burn oh I see blood coming towards me oh god there it is funny I am we've got him front right tire yourself out come on god oh god oh god come on beautiful let's do this let's go around who random why will you hide in the budget the tail but to tail Oh God the tail the tail or tail slaps come on always David all we just got him in the tail there there is it wow he's - he takes a lot of hits oh he's coming up okay we need to parry this yeah secure the road yeah beautiful right tire yourself out oh when you got 24 of these I'm gonna make every one count where is he where is he where you get them over whatever it is okay watch out for that tail I'm still doing this dog tail but there's a lot of damage if we forget seems really good like oh it's just gotten telus dived okay where is it where is it is it coming straight up err it's coming straight up again really good yeah Oh II don't know if I got it ah in the fight come on in djibouti you like it in the back don't lie the face is hurt oh god it's such a cruel thing oh god he's gonna hit us Oh God well you know that's fine you can get you can damage it bones give or easy is it coming up he's not coming up and where is he oh there it is I say him off the starboard bow see the blood but I don't see it oh there it is there is one more time I think it's done there we go we did it well we dick is slain oh my god now that was awesome look how big it is Jesus no way with that boat we have to lift it with TOEFL straight over harpoon and kill each type of sea animal yeah we did it we kill things beautiful well guys that's gonna rub the video we finally found it I was kind of worried cuz this game is like - it's like two years old now I think so and because this was like an online event I thought ah maybe they won't do it anymore but thankfully they do like this it still keeps on going apparently respawns or relocates every 10 hours and there's also like royal sisters white whales to hunt and there's other things to do as well like a convoy like royal convoys I think but I think that's my favorite I like so when you complete an area oh it frees up and you see everything in it ooh so if you really want to be a completionist you could do that but I mean I've heard the bull shark we've heard this the hammerhead the great white shark the killer whale the humpback whale and then finally Moby Dick itself now that was fun I think to get like the whale a costume you need it's a little I think you need like three three whale skins if I just like click start you need to just go to it here Edward upgrades outfits and I think the Whaler shark of it which we've got now and the Whaler I think you need I think you need three Moby Dick's yeah I think you do well guys thank you enjoyed watching this video it's been loads of fun leave a like and until next time this took ages to do cuz I like I spent three or four days straight just playing this to be able to rattle off like all the hunts I cuz I thought maybe you need to complete the game and I don't know how true that is but might as well anyway but if you are interested in like hunting stuff like that and the game itself is actually not too bad the the ship the ship fighting combat is really loads of fun and the game is gorgeous to look at um apart from like I don't know maybe the graphics other people it's got very like like final era ps2 feel about it like the hair especially for like the graphics on the ocean are gorgeous and like the fact that you can hunt stuff it's like the reverse of hungry shark world a Hungry Shark evolution you have enjoyed the video I'm gonna show it now leave a like until next time I'll see you later why [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 4,794,433
Rating: 4.7684503 out of 5
Keywords: assassins creed whale hunt, harpoon hunts, shark hunting, whale hunting, all hunts, black flag, shark attack, whale attack, white whale, white whale location, moby dick attack, moby dick, moby dick hunt, epic, funny, crazy, pirate, all huntings, all harpoon animals, harpooning activites, humpback whale, great white shark, bull shark, hammerhead shark
Id: hkBA2GC4yrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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