Jurassic World Evolution: BIGGEST BATTLE ROYAL YET - ALL DINOSAURS! | Jurassic World Evolution | HD

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hello everybody and welcome back to though every time I saw in the game about to face off against each other in the amazing battle arena fighting for that championship of the reign of King if you have not seen the other battle Royales at corner then I do suggest you go and look at them the winners have always been or at least Allosaurus has would one t-rex has won one as far as the small carnivores go to love thesaurus has been victorious completely has never lost a single battle royale tournament so I thought what we could do with this one is at the arrows and also stops them maybe having a fight in here so they all just run over here if you remember the last one there was a bigger pond of water but this time it's just a tiny little pool certain dinosaurs like the sauropods well I mean if a sauropod is gonna die it's gonna dies there's no point really putting a feeder in there but stuff like the herbivores carnivores have a chance to recover health because of the dead carcasses that they can feed off however herbivores cannot so I think it's a bit unfair for us to have herbivores especially when they stand at such a little chance so what I'm gonna do is place herbivore feeders in varying locations kind of like away from the water which is where I'm assuming the carnivores are going to go now every every dinosaur that is in this battle arena has been modified the most that they possibly can obviously dinosaurs like Parasaurolophus Pachycephalosaurus have just been given different skins as they cannot fight and cannot win against anything unfortunately I know it's absolutely horrendous what we'll do is I think they've all been given like varying different types so there you go he's got the increased bone density for that one we'll give him their craft for that one and with every dinosaur being genetically modified that you know is worth it it's worth the damn I want you to place your best food you thinks gonna win 5-4 three two one start the release of all of them majungasaurus is going to be the first one in followed by a Laura Titan oh that's a lot of herbivores now there's a lot of herbivores Spiner after Spinosaurus oh these stegos sarah tops always a bit of a disappointment Oh rebecky Stiggy Styracosaurus suka - taurus all not bad Troodon I mean well they're all gonna be here every dinosaur will be here spoilers oh god it is of course a battle royal it's just a matter of try okay also bet to see who do you think is going to be the first one to bite the dust unfortunately I don't I'm betting allo allo always seems to win and I'm also bettin Dilophosaurus however with the latest deal seed we've actually got prosavana soros which could challenge Dilophosaurus for a battle and for the for the reigning championship because they'll have a source for some one reason always seems to be always still releases it oh my god how many dinosaurs over 59 dinosaurs I'm just gonna quickly go through these there we go so they're all being released is that the acro Cutlass of the heirs it's the jungle Acrocanthosaurus the bad boy itself Oh are they battling each other I think they definitely will battle each other so we got we got our own axes in the friends drinking the water and we've got a yeah 8 gallon - aw look at it there so so far oh we've got our first death we've got our first death but it was a Becky killed by a velociraptor we're gonna fight breaking out between majungasaurus and the Acrocanthosaurus we're gonna fight between iguana - oh sorry that was wait what is that - majungasaurus I mean jungle Oh three metric andesaurus I was gonna say metric on the source is fighting the Acrocanthosaurus and majungasaurus is taking on the iguana god wow the hate a dinosaur that can defend it oh we got another death spy no Raptor took out the Galibier wisdom is in the water we're gonna fight between the Allosaurus and the Baryonyx we're gonna fight between Oregon and it's take us oh and parasol is killed by Spinosaurus Giga taking on these Stegosaurus oh he's actually quite close go stagger so go whoa I should have saved this before I set this all off anymore des we've got a bleeding stinky brother like must have been attacked by a troll troll Don we got a dead oh no a dead Iguanodon oh the only one that can friggin fight back Pachycephalosaurus bitten the dust and metric and thesaurus didn't last long either what we can do now actually is going to capture mode and go into slow motion yes now we can go across the field Oh who's this we got spine a raptor against indominus rex you fool oh god with Alice or is that did he just kill poreotics Alice or is killed Baryonyx is there gonna be look at that there's nothing going on in that brain I did Oh Stegosaurus fail - Giga sorry pal de not doing bad best of running about chunking this was all we got a herbivore was in the feeder that's good to know oh okay what else anything else died oh oh and Kyla saw okay we're gonna do we're gonna switch it to normal speed now this is an awesome well anything dead anything else die in well we got low health on something something's having a fight oh god what's this edmontosaurus killed I miss all indoor Raptor versus Oh Horace take it out oh there's the new comer gone already in the Raptor okay oh my God look at this it's crazy it is just so much bottles so much going on sukhov I'm is eating something that Oh God or indominus rex attacking spy no Raptor holders Carcharodontosaurus and is a or another source or is it Gigot come on what you want I think your car car we ran away the spider up to gets away but also right now Soros I have yet to see him ceratopsians Oh Taurus all has been in a fight there you see that Oh God no you're okay Steger sorry cops they're not too many there before dying I don't think oh there it is the miniature the the pica Cup champion the Dilophosaurus anymore fights anymore fight oh we got a death is that note but to pachycephalosaurus so far let's have a look we've got the old Maiasaura killed by Deinonychus I think that as yes it is and wala Soros Herrara saw is killed by the interrupter Iguanodon Oh since Silas or is killed by Serrano Soros there whoo nice it's kind of hard to check oh we got Velociraptor low health managed to survive that any more battles or lining up of animations that I can see or don't know don't know now we've never had or just thinking about looks still bleeding up poisoned blessed we've never had a herbivore make it through to the end indominus rex has always killed all of the all of these guys the humming little fight together if they're running free indominus rex has always killed all of the sauropods so if you don't mind key break guys gotta have swiggity see on the keyboard yes thank god i don't really care about this one too much it's a cheap one Dilophosaurus aren't no help could he be gone already Spiner up there looking glorious there endure raptor or is it interrupter yes interrupt to take it on a low soros whoo-hoo I don't wanna cheat I don't want to cheat and see who could win this oh my god every time I take a swiggity something happens bloody toaster came with us that time Oh interrupted not looking in good shape Oh but neither is Allosaurus could we see Dilophosaurus and Alice or disappear super early on that would be amazing maybe we'll crown another champion who's your bets on interrupter Allosaurus Oh Oh Allosaurus is Godley's god I can't believe it a reigning champion defeated by endure after ah taken out but even in not even close interrupter and live immature resources like thank you I hate you too right so it looks like we're we're gonna see oh my god I got a lineup you're gonna trolled on oh he was running the animation had started for the polar campus into rock did it oh my god oh look these two are gonna have a fight now it's the mini cook Deinonychus vs. Troodon oh it was a poison now even if Deinonychus wins this which he has he's killed them he's also poisoned so there's a high chance the dam or that I was gonna say quit on Slover but I don't have time oh god we brought the camera turned upside down oh you can't no well they have it so what have we lost what you have we lost Oh Kamara Soros has been killed by indominus rex these sins are oh no that was already dead if I remember right Deinonychus is bleeding oh the motor power source has been poisoned by the Torah now the Troodon is dead so poisoning will now no longer happen so that's good news for some of these guys wow that we've got a lot of contestants still in with a chance and the comfort of this dread notice I don't even is he drinking I think he's drinking or eating the grass I'm really not sure the sauropod State is it's not looking good the indominus rex is still roaming free low health for the Dilophosaurus he's dehydrated and he's not drinking not looking good for the reigning champions at all up them like Maiasaura killed by the puros of rapper soros of making its mark so did the Troodon actually get any kills before it died no it didn't no kills whatsoever to anything else worthy of getting kills since ad oh we've got something bad over another one dead oh oh the archaeon if the mine was actually survived quite a fair while before being killed help the interruptus on 70% has killed three probably holds the highest kill to death ratio so farmed and probably throw the entire tournament length I would say herbivores are taking a chance to drink before oh no they did may got a little bit of a chance before these Spiner after ended up coming in here so we were losing hell if they can find food but they can't really find water Oh in the rafter against water oh I mean sorry Carnotaurus oh that's the first time we've seen Carnotaurus now oh this is not looking good at all herbivores unless the hope or we got Triceratops getting a cheeky swig there a few swigs oh and snicker sarah tops for in dropped is still in it interrupter i think oh i don't run a bite oh is he down no he's not i think they're probably gonna stop there we go stagger start-ups getting some water the same with no the Souris getting water there before the t-rex shows up to scare everything off whew that was lucky when I was looking usually the sauropods end up dying actually I tell you what I'll place a sauropod feeder a place all over there play again so if they might have a chance but honestly don't think so Dilophosaurus is still panicking dehydrated and is also starving not looking good for the poor fellow anything else dead oh who Diplodocus has died I'm assuming indominus rex is it's the only one that can actually kill it Spinosaurus her against their Kozma Soros whoa hold on hold on and we'll go to there we go and ye okay not bad nope look at this this is nuts yeah it's him Thomas Rex just more you gotta chop and stay on there for a second oh this is cool there is seems to be a lot more herbivores ah then the rock Connor was unfortunate well at least cosmos or got a hit off before being slaughtered by a Spinosaurus oh I didn't realize you could poop 200 we got we got a death sin that Oh has died Oh Dracorex didn't even see that there don't know what killed him there it looked like the Deinonychus has died Oh a velociraptor it's oh no Velociraptor is it looks like it's gonna be out of it the poison from the Troodon is having its effect on a Deinonychus I'd say that's out or a Taurus or against the Majoris oh I'm not really expecting Taurus or to win it's even with all the abilities and defensive ever unless they stopped writing maybe oh oh or as majungasaurus gonna go in for one more hit and kill Torosaurus again it's such a shame to see the herbivores completely outmatched when it comes even when they're fully genetically randomized oh and he's dead he's dead Acrocanthosaurus surviving we do definitely have a pro Ceratosaurus that has definitely got a kill so as a velociraptor got any kills it is killed one new Deinonychus I know is definitely killed what it's killed two before it bites the dust we've got spider up to against a Giga spinosaurus but as we all know ah it's it's gonna die in what engine one ball hits I don't even think it's gonna get hit up ah there it is 57% not bad what is the attack a genetic modification to 135 plus 67 why does he even walk to her it's actually scared off oh no hazard I mean the endo rappers are plus 121 just shows that the M there needs to be some sort of fix with the scaling because it would be so cool to got impaled when he jumped there but honestly not a man ever forced and a chat and it just collapses Oh something else dead that Dracorex killed by endo Raptor I think I'm assuming that's what killed Oh Kryten Oh sores against what Oh some rather swords against Styracosaurus now this is a more fair matchup but again unfortunately because a lot of these carnivores have chances to heal unless they've already been in a fight a one on one with full health they don't stand a chance unless they stop the fight but I don't think they go to and there it is Styracosaurus taken out so we have yet to see a herbivore make a killed Iguanodon tied pretty quick looks like ah yes the Acrocanthosaurus is going for loads of kills killed the corythosaurus oh he's the prettiest dinosaur here it is making the most kills is that Carnotaurus contours had a fight with Indo Raptor he hasn't made any kills poor collar toys he's they love another fighter where is the interrupter has he been taken any damage oh-hoo indominus rex is killed for rihanna's sustained major damage is put in a fight with the t-rex or asuka bombers all then not looking good that all injured Spinosaurus is on 100% in with a good chance I might add all pros around a soros but did he kill him I'm pretty sure he didn't kill stinky Moloch he was poison though so he might have killed him very likely there's a lot of people saying that these dinosaurs have unique animations I don't think they do they they have slight variations I would not count that as unique animations if I've gotta be honest they don't they've change it a little bit but they haven't given them unique animations Dilophosaurus is a little oh oh could this be hold on could this be a victory that's going to slow the lunge could this be a victory for Steger sarah tops one of the only hopeful is actually does stand a decent chance especially interrupter has taken damage come on come on stagger startups do a hit do something kill it please come on oh poor that's it is it dead oh no it okay it's taking damage it hasn't taken heavy damage though it depends how much damage interrupted does when he does this hit whoa whoa come on who's gonna attack first oh is it out oh no oh it's killed are you kidding me oh that is such a shame no ah okay well so we've got from a high hide and pretend when Nick Vanowen or anything here we should just like click spacebar and see all the stats but alas you can't do that oh he's not looking in too good of shape is that the dread-nots this of dementia soros that seems to be the dread that seems to be a Brockie so indominus rex isn't anywhere to be seen oh god that must be a dead oh no he's still alive Dilophosaurus still alive but whoa oh the phone Doris Rex died what killed it fighting Acrocanthosaurus that is not Carcharodontosaurus Acrocanthosaurus oh and I cook at the sources all right Oh No hold on no I'm getting confused I'm getting so confused right so Carcharodontosaurus killed notice source and Carnotaurus is killing hi younger soros but Acrocanthosaurus is my favorite where is he is that him yes how many kids you got son three oh you what tell you what you're making your kills stand out your being memorable yeah t-rex somebody kills you got buddy none a pacifist t-rex it has taken damage though so there you have it if the sauropods can actually manage to get to the water and get a drink because that they should be able to eat as well and they might win because indominus rex is gone pentaceratops against majungasaurus but again carnivores only seemed to want to fight when they're on decent health so these are there's a lot of like and kind of sources and stuff alive there's a Crichton a source over there and no oh sorry we didn't kill no the source mister cold syrup elta and there you go there's pentaceratops you fight the dose suka - over here on 17% health just trying to heal up does not want to do another fight kendra soros is all no how's it gonna kill Oh Dom was hoping it might have had a kill there that is a shame interrupts on 84% squaring off against a is a card under source constant why could I highlight it let's go well nope I can't seem to fight it like click on it it's not highlighting but I'm assuming interrupts it would not start a fight if it could not finish it so I'm sure he's probably got the most kills at this time 5 kills is Carcharodontosaurus gonna do another bite oh I don't know it was that it's raw is it glitched out or something we still got Triceratops you still got ankylosaurus we've got a decent roster of herbivorous dinosaurs oh there's another bite taking us out to 29% oh and scares him off I can't even what didn't why could I highlight you at all okay you're on 34 mm he woulda lost that although interruptus gaining health quick for ya he would have lost that big time thank God it was definitely run away for a reason oh and the Deinonychus and velociraptor have passed away including the Dilophosaurus so there we go the reigning little champion has lost meaning that pro cerrados the newest dinosaur has wound the little nothing can challenge him except for Indo Raptor and at this point he's in good stead oh god what's wrong that something didn't sound too healthy oh oh oh no but major Sora's dying is it hungry and thirsty hungry and thirsty vague of a mention sores is out Brachiosaurus is gonna follow suit it depends upon a saucy opana sources fed they just need water they need these carnivores to move away and unfortunately they're not dying Oh Triceratops takes a big hit from a shorter source Oh gets another hit but it's just not enough Triceratops doesn't have enough genetic modifications to allow it to take on a carnival with maxing up still only 21 attack genes and 36 defense whereas a serrata source is able to get 53 attack genes and 29 defense genes meaning the Triceratops could only get what seven more defense and unfortunately it's taken out by something like a Ceratosaurus seems such a shame Spinosaurus is in the best stead with our hundred percent and two killers oh there we go I can finally select you again only has one kill a hard on the source Asuka - is fighting a Giga he was yeah he's just been bitten and down back to 17 percent this wasn't a fight that supervirus really wanted to be a part of I would say maybe he was thirsty and that's why I came over here but we all know in ourselves that the AI is not programmed that way he basically came over here because Giga said come over here I want to kill you and that's the way that program for ji-sook Amaya's did up 89 attack and 29 defense so the same as cerrado but better but unfortunately cancer gig with a hood didn't even take any damage from the sukkah - Acrocanthosaurus back on oh honey big carnivals on a hundred percent we've got cenicero tops still needs water and it just can't get over there 36 and 36 so again even if it was on 100% it's not looking at the best of August tell you what I'm gonna do something that no person should be doing or interfere and that's right I'm good in the herbivores because they made it this far and I want to honestly want them to try and win it's bloody ridiculous we will have water spots all over the place unfortunate it's a little bit too late for these sauropods but other dinosaurs like how younger so a Kentrosaurus stuff like that Oh are we gonna fight between Acrocanthosaurus calls for a capture mode Acrocanthosaurus and Spinosaurus on the body of a Cosmo so who do you thinks gonna win Oh would be cool if wears a dress apart three sound effect though Oh spinosaur goes in for another hit come on agriculture is you can do this oh is that it they're calling off the fight yep that's it it it looks like Acrocanthosaurus is in a worse state than this - all t-rex against spino Raptor oh look at the dead super virus in the background there right now these are very good dinosaurs spine raptor has killed a lot t-rex has yet to get a kill or did you see it slide in there lining up the animation oh whoops showing some damage now in the spider after spider up does pretty good again one more hit before they cancel that battle or interrupt it looks like he's squaring up to cerrado soros oh no strata source is just eating never mind spider I've just still needs to get a hit him is he gonna do it though come on t-rex is showing no sign of damage maybe a little bit of bleed on the snout there up majungasaurus coming into black of giving a middle heroic speech that he needs possibly in the rough feels like a new which one connect you boss Oh lovely and there it goes t-rex so oh well POTUS or is having a drink he survived Oh beautiful okay so t-rex is on 34% spine - 38 spider up - would have won that fight meaning that t-rex a champion in a previous battle royale may not win this so Brachiosaurus is out of it angler daucus is out of it and this dread noctis who soo needs both water and food is probably gonna die memento source is almost there Apatosaurus is on the recovery of all the sauropods apart will our first ever possible her before when actually it's guaranteed it is a guaranteed winner polar cap was killed by endo Raptor did he even do any damage to him no interrupts his jenandmart 142 attack and 40 defense more than a triceratops seems a bit ridiculous Carcharodontosaurus wanting the fight V matchup unfortunately interrupter seems to be able to heal quicker than Carcharodontosaurus even though even though their fight unless Cosmo more attack 191 interrupter 230 485 defense against 82 interrupter it basically supersedes a crook oh sorry Carcharodontosaurus in every which way so he's knocking when even though it's 54 56 is pretty close interrupter was only didn't one bite though that is the difference he's done to and Oh that's been taken until all 20% 23% Oh would I probably gonna call off the fight now unless or unless interrupted him get him one more hit [Music] there it is there it is bringing interruptus kill total up to seven and hold on I wanna do this in slow motion let's see and you have to wait for the animation to line up wait for it you'll see exactly when it clocks in and there it is he slides across the grass jumps on the side of carcharodontosaurus pushes him over ah that is glorious a man like a snake whew that would've been a cool design to have like pigs like some sort of rattlesnake on the top of the head and there you go yeah why not make interactive venomous it looks like it would be venomous and there you go that's the battle over for car dinosaurs he got only one kill but that is still more than the t-rex who's got zero kills oh i'm kyla saw against a Spinosaurus in fact to find a source may have taken it what's the encana sources defense and 32 the Spinosaurus is 477 it's Oh what does that more defense I suppose in total but really that's the only genetic modifications you can do to it damn that sucks or at least have experience so maybe the more they battle then they're better in fight at fighting that would be a good idea well major and I Carla sources taken out unfortunately we're gonna file between Oh quite honest oars and majungasaurus so for katana source has done no damage to a dozen ninety one defense though against seventy nine so it's still not a much and what's the attack hundred and seventy two against it's got over a hundred attack on it that like you can say yeah it's got more defense but I'm the Joker sources all put through an attack on it it's not fair in the slightest an almond piece that's super heavy warming its weight about stands literally no chance didn't do any damage to a frail in comparison majungasaurus on it just it just felt he didn't even have to kill it died in the fight Majorca sources actually do really well for kills the underdog is showing Acrocanthosaurus is still licking its wounds from that fight from the Gator I think it was he's still trying to heal sorta source out 100% majungasaurus on a hundred percent o pro rata source is still in danger from the Indo Raptor that's why he's hidden in the trees to try to get him news like nope drying out the source is probably going to die now is he settling down to die nope food and water it's just so picky just can't win Apatosaurus however is almost fully healed it looks Oh t-rex on seventy-two percent against a cornered Taurus on a hundred percent let's have a look at the stats hundred ninety eight attack against seventy-seven defense t-rex is better in every which way o interrupts or against oh no no it didn't stand a chance the poor bugger oh that's so sad well we're here let's see in slow motion Pro Allosaurus jumps up is gonna die oh god it was Ivan hasn't even got its foot up what's it doing yep just like aurora soros it's gonna die the same way interrupter takes out two of the carnival dlc dinosaurs look at that look a damn dead there you go well this interrupter is proven to be MVP how many kills not nine or eight eight kills wow he actually did take damage from the pro rata source so not too bad the last small carnivore dies three kills had ninety - attack though pretty decent t-rex are low health again - Ceratosaurus although its Arcana tourist contours might lose to the t-rex I don't even think the Carnotaurus has a killed oh no it does it does t-rex is down to 17 percent it really depends I think they probably gonna call it right yep there it is there it is so that probably both will die too something with a hundred percent like a Giga we have 13 dinosaurs left and I've got to say only four of them are herbivores Apatosaurus is already one because he cannot be killed and I'm assuming he's not gonna die of starvation but it depends a hundred percent sinus arrow tops with only 95 attack oh for God's sake and no DiPaola sores with ninety one attack an eighty nine defense it's definitely gonna hit something and you with a hundred and fifteen attack and 70 defense pretty decent but still not on par with the carnivores that we have left alright well I think it's about time that we just cleared up all these dead bodies shall we no verbal I think has got a kill yet not a single one and here we go no dupatta soros or no destroy sorry facing up against interrupted it's already dead like hold on let's get that into an amazing capture mode yep look at that stood literally no chance didn't do a single hit interrupter kicks it over and that goes for the air and killed it oh you've got a fight majungasaurus and Giga oh I'm going to play some better bigger already have a pity to the twice because on 70% and makjang resources on 63% comfort you would think that would mean that he'd be better right because he's a hundred slang comfortable but fighting but it looks like that's probably gonna end that bottle or you got another fight just over there between a hundred percent majungasaurus Camptosaurus and an 82 percent car no yeah I don't think it's gonna go well for the Carnotaurus bash the new animation they're not too bad it's a shame that that animation isn't like it's it's just for Acrocanthosaurus because it'd be really cool for Carnotaurus to be able to lunge in and headbutt as well with those horns and its name literally means like horned bull I think all it does is bite or endure after always checking out the competition who's it gonna win is he gonna fight the winner is or look at him he's already like a zucchini BAM there's another hit from the acro come Taurus still looking well it's another fight on the exact road ed looks around asaurus there and they're probably gonna end up there as well I think Carla Taurus has moved a much quicker in his spot than Acrocanthosaurus took take a while to get that oh it's a kill for the Acrocanthosaurus whoa did not see that coming wow they echo and down he goes Acrocanthosaurus kills her on a torus right let's see how many kills the contours get one and a croqueta source for Oh looking pretty decent oh oh we got a fight between spider up and serrata sores yeah I don't think ah the flying kick of a spine eruptive and hold on Oh nut let's not waste our time here let's go slow-motion I want to see what it looks like with a spine wrap that goes for a kill in slow motion look at that is so cool-looking there it is there it is he's clocked in oh no that - aw just collapse Oh interrupter vs. Spinosaurus oh this will be an interesting one BAM up up looks like interrupts is gonna win but it is very close look at that I'm gonna interrupt the winds by this always could bite it in two or at least crush it like his head's but three times as big his mouths three times as big you could shove his entire future of interruptus head and neck in his entire mouth to crush it and it's you know the way that fighting is that literally facing each other so don't you have a go at me saying interrupted stealthy and Libby be he's right here 29% against a 39% they would have another rematch yes Spinosaurus would die Oh Oh t-rex taking off my junk asaurus what's this Medusa was just Ford friggin I can't remove was yeah that is sneaky t-rex is first kill he's going to be on a dinosaur that has actually really badly wounded already so majungasaurus has 172 biggest one and seven nine one nine eight seven seven so my new source has two extra defense with t-rex has like 20 extra time and there we goes t-rexes first kill and we need to do this again as always yeah this is so much better like this oh there you go the Skinner are just like don't take beyond just yet and crushes yes oh he's off he's off scared by t-rex who's contemplating life apparently what did I just do but just killed somebody and that was T Rex's first kill there you have it alright time to close off the other regions whether or not dinosaurs and force these guys closer and closer together a fight between Giga and Indo Raptor oh oh that's right majungasaurus ford gig ear right that let seems to be two bites on the giggle so interrupts uses the inner of this should be in for a fight park and possibly another one so I don't think I thought kicker was gonna do well I haven't seen much of it it has two kills probably the reason why Oh 1933 thus interrupter could have died oh oh no he takes off he's cover will give another cup of that give him that I should say I'm so used to call me dinosaur you know well there you go interrupt is not looking 200 Apatosaurus comes out and gets the kill stops on his heed bless it Oh Rex what is going on why did you decide to do that he's just gonna die oh that is that was poor planning on the in the Raptors path there are you doing son yeah he's gonna die he's gonna die G just took on and Giga did not win well maybe it's because he's too aggressive and there he goes hold on we'll see in slow-motion the t-rex a t-rex take on lovely crunch of the head look at that getting the detail Blair little bit of grass oh they're touching snouts they all look at me like please know I've made a mistake yeah lovely Oh gorgeous so that is the second kill for the t-rex bless it didn't stand much of a chance did it and down it goes lovely t-rex you have anything to say about that why are we still here [Music] just suffering so the t-rex now has two kills and has not even been damaged with those two kills just finishing off other things so interrupt him how many kills did he get in the end so close to ten got nine kills killed a lot and I mean a lot of dinosaurs a lot of big ones as well egg gave you could have chosen a Wicca foe and is probably dead already yep 25% if a dinosaur takes 40 oh wait a second well he did something even though its death will maybe not be in vain because now that he's will clear a wounded I can't even talk it's been almost an hour guys yeah probably chop this up quite a bit because in between vowels there's a lot of like there's a whole lot of nothing happening there you go just as I thought senator sinus arrow tops is dead and I add I think four kills Fergie good oh no three the Apatosaurus now is just too scared to eat or drink because everybody is up here next to him it must smell really good I gotta give it to him what kind of Cologne does he use oh we've got another fight where you've got another Oh a Kirk and the sword again spider Raptor already you can see the gashes on the Acrocanthosaurus his neck it's not looking good from spine Eruptor I don't even know what his attack is 206 it can I know for a fact that a Gurkha no sauce isn't gonna have that he's already on 27% now spine erupt with more attack more defence unfortunately Acrocanthosaurus comes to her untimely end against spine eruptive is it gonna have a death animation nope it just flops well there you go it made it to basically the semi-finals somehow chunking a source has made it Gigot alternative having a 582 can 71 it looks like t-rex it might witness who will be crowned champion it might even be a putter source but I don't think so he's too scared to eat because everybody's next to his warden feeder so spine I 151 t-rex on 71 Kika on 79 it read depends between those two who's gonna win and then oh you've got splatter up throws but I think spine after might win this guy's I think it might win Oh t-rex of 42 is Spider 151 surely t-rex is gonna have one more bite of it before they end this battle and there it is 21 against a 42 Giga and a spider up to need to have a fight because that would bring both of their health quite far down and that's what they were gonna kill each other nope don't want to do it you've made friends at the dress park three well that's I'm very glad of it it's very big of you to do so there you go and that via POTUS or out unless we have some sort of intervention here the Apatosaurus is done 24% starving dehydrated uncomfortable and now dying I couldn't think of a more horrible way to go one of these guys could be worse one this could be it 61% against a hundred percent spine Eruptor I feel like has the best chance of winning this but already taken down the 65% that takes it lower than a majority of the other ones if spinosaur can get one more hit in it could bring it down and then these two over there I can have a fight as well the Giga and the t-rex so 64 percent against 25 I hope that spinosaur can do one more I don't really don't look and when ah there you go that's it that that should be it out and will we for the first time ever be able to see a kill from spider Raptor no of course not yes I did it you're dead I forgot to mention how many kills did this spino get three kills a valiant effort that takes us down to the last fall we've got Giga on a hundred t-rex a 92 spider up in 71 and a Chungking asaurus still on a hundred percent if he's the last one surviving and a t-rex is on really low health he might win it could you believe that that would be crazy all right t-rex taking on the Giga spino raptor and Spinosaurus took on each other now it's t-rex in hiccup with spider after just like falling in here I call a hit the back because he knows whoever wins this one he's gonna end up fighting him so I don't know look at that lovely grass in it gorgeous huh yeah that's a better shot with spine oh he's chunking asuras I don't even know where it is I think it's behind there run off that way I think right guys who do you think is gonna win this is it for fourth place everything after this kind of gets a medal Oh kick it takes two fights oh he's still gonna come back though he's still gonna come back Spiner after is watching oh because I think I don't know if these are gonna win i think Spiner Upton knows he knows he's won because whoever ends up losing this if they do end up actually fighting to the death here oh they don't oh that was probably for the best actually because finer Opta is in much better health situation or in a much better health situation than these two so if they were one of these rules to kill each other then it would just leave him and Spiner off the left and spinner Upton knows he's gonna win oh no no no you made it so far oh he's gonna be bitten straight down at 45% you might get ahead there you go takes another 69% but oh hold on well we know how this one's gonna end he's gonna die we know how put that one we don't know so we just need one more bite here Oh Oh spider Raptor looking on lower like Oh 35% way should it go and do a bite right yeah there we go maybe he's gonna have to do another one as well cuz 35% that's a big difference that to me says it's fine I've just got to do one more and unfortunately well there goes chunking vas a big t-rex might win cuz he took no damage out of that fight and then one of these might end up dying pretty sure a spider after has to do one more hit is he is he takes ages to finally get to this big because they just loaf around they don't want to keep on fighting you see it's not like the glory days when this game first released oh God 32% against a 36% good it could happen t-rex might end up winning this one will just enclose them even closer together and they're finally finishing out I think this means 58-51 I think this means the t-rex is probably going to be the winner but you know I suppose I'll have to see don't you see what they do I am completely fried after this oh my god my voice after this I don't think I gotta get done I've tried to record as many videos as possible before I head off to the land of neon but I order they're not killing each other oh my god never mind never mind I'm just slowly trying to bring them into here and they're really not having any of this there we go very near together that's it I think that's look at this mess but there we are t-rex on 100 spent around 34 and kick it on 22 I think we might know who's gonna win this one well apparently they don't even want to try and take on the t-rex they've obviously got some personal beef I don't know maybe somebody is dating somebody's sister here I don't know I'm gonna stay out of it but either way it's ended up in bloodshed and spider up to Odin again like a spider is on zero health apparently and spider up two died of old age age 37 oh oh wow all of it attacking jeans cost it its life even though it got to the semi-finals and got six kills I'm actually kind of glad that happened because it wouldn't have won against the t-rex it's just it died a hero oh that's interesting I must have I must have haven't said so they still died of old age so three kills lifespan 85 plus 22 T again deep losses you did get plus 20 so he did actually live a little bit longer and t-rex takes the number one spot if you said t-rex well you're no fun because t-rex Wilma last one this way interrupter did manage to kill off the last little carnival of small carnival which was proselyte essaouira so that's an honorable mention there Apatosaurus and another honorable mention did end up dying of starvation once we had to end up making the arena's smaller and even then actually was just stuck up here with all the carnival so he was not eating and that ends the third battle royale we've ever had I think maybe the fourth I'm not sure you guys enjoyed this video leave a like and until next time I'll see you later or both
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 4,570,234
Rating: 4.8450556 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution Battle Royale, dinosaur battles, jurassic world evolution, jurassic world, evolution, gameplay, part 1, all dinosaurs, Jurassic World Evolution: BIGGEST BATTLE ROYAL YET - ALL DINOSAURS! | Jurassic World Evolution | HD, playthrough, walkthrough, gamingbeaver, complete, dinosaur game, dinosaurs, battle, dinosaur fights, death duels, jurassic world game, jurassic world fallen kingdom, fallen kingdom, jurassic, indominus rex, spinosaurus, t.rex, gigantosaurus, raptors
Id: P2SgR-NJbm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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