Escaping from a 100 DAYS PRISON in Minecraft!

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well well well it turns out that mikey and i have been sentenced for a crime we didn't commit and locked away in a jail cell why to make matters even worse we've both been sentenced to execution in exactly 100 days [Music] jj it's not fair we have to break out you're right about that mikey but our prison labor starts soon and we need to do that first yep for today our job is to make a hundred stone axes and put them in the chests over there oh me too all right then let's try this i made a bunch wow it's a real pain making all these 100 axes right yep let's try our best okay all right it's lunch time let's eat yum yummy it's so delicious i just remembered that it's still only the first day time to exercise let's do this i'll go for a jog [Music] i'm so healthy exercise is important yeah today was rough i'm pooped yeah well it's already time for bed let's sleep 100 days in here is like nothing how are we gonna get out jj well mikey we still have 99 days we can use that time to think of an escape plan and get ourselves out of here yeah let's do it for now we'll sleep good night right good night day one today we experience the life of a prisoner we still have 99 days left which gives us enough time to come up with an escape plan and break out of here the day just started but i think i have a way out of here huh what is it today we're scheduled to make some more stone axes yeah that's right but what if we sneak in a stone pickaxe as well hmm okay and then what can we do with a single stone pickaxe well for starters we could use it to break the iron bars on the windows and bust ourselves out good thinking let's do it right away i don't want to work though let's wait a little bit [Music] all right mikey it's time to get working forced labor first i'll lay down the sticks now for the stone axe i'll quickly make another stone axe and now it's time to secretly sneak in the stone pickaxe all right mikey just keep working like normal until we go back to our cell i made a pickaxe too nice hey mikey yeah look no one's watching us you're right let's smash through the wall and break out come on hurry look it's working we're free this is amazing we're breaking through i'm so relieved it's a prison break huh almost everything's going great we're finally getting out a hundred days come on we're gonna i don't believe it a little to the side hurry move over we have to go fast is there a clearing no what the what is that a wall of lava i don't know hang on a second this is terrible does the lava just go on forever it's a sea of lava we can never leave no way i don't think breaking through the wall is gonna work we have to cover up our tracks let's go run away day two we sneakily made two stone pickaxes but when we tried to break through the outer wall we discovered an ocean of lava beyond it our escape failed huh jj see that is that the way to get out of here oh that must be the exit i feel like that's probably the front gate that's a lot of infrared lasers though can we get through all that i have an idea we'll use that gate to escape really yep day three the gate is covered in lasers but mikey says he knows what to do i know what to do tunnel under the lasers right yep so there are no lasers down there nope whoa i know wait a sec what mikey that's all bedrock ouch watch out it's hot man be careful ouch bedrock is indestructible we can't go any deeper than this this is where the digging stops seriously then in a hundred days there's no escape we can't dig out if only we were one block tall then we could get out of here it hurts we could find a way for us to shrink and fit underneath the laser but that's just wishful thinking let's give up on escaping today it's such a small hole if only we could fit through that tiny space oh well day four we tried to dig our way out but thanks to the bedrock we could only dig a shallow hole if we could shrink down we could escape through the game i'm mining for coal again jj when you stop to think about it making stone axes wasn't actually that bad no kidding coal mining any more coal up there i have a good feeling there is maybe not but that was close are you okay obsidian usually shows up next to lava try to be careful i was one step away from wasting my extra 95 days all right let's keep digging for coal day five while we were mining for coal mikey almost fell into a pool of lava close one we're back to mining for coal again there's not much time left that's true do you think we huh what's that about i found something huh check it out whoa it's flint like a fire starter hang on this time i'm the one with a good idea so listen up huh i'm listening we need to start looking for diamonds but pretend like we're looking for coal i understand but diamonds are pretty rare aren't they don't worry it'll take some time to find them but we'll only have to find three got it let's go day 12 we found a fire starter while mining for coal this might be the key to our escape mikey i found some great it's about time oh wow awesome i mean it took quite a while let's stick these up there's a lot there are four of them that's more than enough for what we need day 25 we finally found four diamonds all right it's time to start working on today's stone axes that's what we're doing and while we're at it we can craft a little something extra make it quickly now it's time there ta-da nice a diamond pickaxe we just have to wait till we're assigned to the coleman right day 27 i secretly made a diamond pickaxe we're finally back to working in the mine it took so long yeah today is our data mine for coal i was starting to get anxious so while we're pretending to do our jobs i'm going to use this pickaxe to secretly dig up 10 blocks of obsidian meanwhile mikey you pretend to dig for coal okay on it yes we got this okay that's one block down nice i still need to get the rest of it right [Music] it's night time now mikey we have everything we need to escape right here that's great ten blocks of obsidian and some flint but what are you supposed to do with all that well just keep a lookout so i don't get noticed okay just like that all right there the nether portal we can use this to make a portal and escape to another dimension we'll leave this world behind yep that's how we escape yep will it be safer for us there yep then that means we won't have to be here for our execution we're free that's the idea i'm gonna light it now open another world let's go we're breaking out we'll be free bye bye prison what a success [Music] what it's a different world what are those demons demons they're not attacking us are they gonna chase us when we turn away try it for a second mikey okay look jj here i go wait mikey look away ready huh i think it followed you over here let's go back run away i'm outta here see mikey if we take our eyes off them they'll run up to us and attack see no let's go back huh wait what [Music] the jail guards captured us day 33 we tried to escape to another world using a portal but unfortunately the guards caught us i think they're planning on sending us somewhere else as a punishment oh no we've been sentenced to an entire month in the punishment cell a whole month we only had 100 days until our execution here's what we can do we have to spend some time in here thinking about how to escape we're going to need a really good plan now plus at least we have some books that's true we got this we got this day 34 we managed to get ourselves confined to the punishment cell for an entire month we spent the whole month brainstorming trying our best to come up with a new escape plan mikey i've got it what is it we can use these books to escape for real yep they're just a couple materials we'll need to collect first plus we need to get through a few more weeks and then we're out of here too oh yeah hang in there we can do this day 48 we've been reading books during our time locked in the punishment cell we may have found some useful information that'll help us escape we just have to wait for two more weeks then we're finally getting out of here we finished our punishment awesome all right jj what do we need to collect we're gonna escape right there's hardly any time left first things first a brewing stand hopefully we'll be able to find one hidden somewhere in the prison are you planning on making a potion yep you got it i think there's a specific potion that'll let us walk right out of here oh okay let's find a brewing stand day 65 we've finally been released from the punishment cell if we're going to escape we need to find a brewing stand it's lunch time now oh hey over here i think i found a brewing stand oh i see it it's a brewing stand yep i knew it nice let's grab it on it [Applause] [Music] a brewing stand sweet that's it we're done nope there's still work to be done to make the potions we need to collect a secret ingredient dandelions dandelions really yup where are they i'm pretty sure there's a vip room in this prison i remember seeing a flower bed somewhere near there we can give that a try i'll volunteer to clean up the vip room day 70 we were able to find a brewing stand but to make our potions we still need to find some dandelions let's go want to show you something what come over here in my locker see that's where you put it that's not just a brewing stand in there look inside the chest whoa a pile of iron yeah this is a result of all our sneaking around the coal mine there's so much here nice yeah we can use this to make armor for our escape if things get violent we can always armor up i have wood too oh mikey you held on to that you sly dog all right then let's craft some armor and save it for later it'll come in handy definitely yeah there's one [Music] two there let's store everything in this chest nice we're so prepared day 76 we used up the iron we smuggled out of the coal mine to make suits of armor we've finally been assigned to clean up the vip room great lucky us the vip room must be around here somewhere this place raw this is the vip room for the prison it's cooler than i thought impressive let's hurry sure whoa check it out this is the vip room it's covered in flowers we need to collect a hundred dandelions but we can't act suspicious or the guards will suspect something just take ten a day this is for the potions right right let's pick some flowers oh a dandelion nice we're gonna be executed on our 100th day so we need to get these flowers back to the room quickly but we can only take 10 at a time let's do it day 80 we were finally assigned the vip room our plan is to collect 10 dandelions a day all right mikey we finally have a hundred dandelions let's make some potions finally but we still have one problem it's gonna take a lot of time for the potions to brew what today is day 89 they may not be finished in time for day 100. what happens if it doesn't finish in time if it doesn't finish we'll be executed we need to hurry jj i better start brewing i'll mix in all 100 dandelions day 89 we finally have a hundred dandelions but it'll take a while to process all of them we really need to finish these potions on time how is it all done no not yet the potions might not finish in time come on potions just wait bro please day 97 the potions still aren't ready will they finish on time the execution is tomorrow morning what mikey huh the execution's at 9 00 a.m no way what do we do are we out of time they're still brewing please finish on time day 99 only one day remains at 9 00 am tomorrow we'll be executed i'm not sure if the potions will be done in time the day of our execution has finally arrived day 100 how are the potions looking well [Music] they're done they're ready look really i couldn't sleep last night oh wow it's almost nine so the guards are coming quick let's drink these potions okay three two one oh i'll drink mine nice look mikey we're small now what happened oh you're right wow we're tiny well mikey should we hide under the table for now i don't think they'll notice us down here yeah let's hide let's hide from the guard [Music] ah the guard's here look out wait he'll see us it's fine just keep quiet and stay here really you think so whoa huh did he notice us is it safe jj see he's gone for real he never noticed us [Music] mikey that's the jailbreak siren this is bad come on oh no we need to get this armor on right away here thanks we got this let's hurry time to break free we're small enough to fit through these narrow openings now oh whoa whoa i think we can break out yeah come on jailbreak you're here this is the place this is the place with all the lasers we can't get through it's all bedrock underneath it's fine mikey things are different this time around wow dig through here it's bedrock huh what's the plan don't worry mikey we're small enough to fit under here now check it out wait what do you mean last time we were too big but now we can walk right underneath oh whoa awesome we're out we're free now we still need to run mikey leave before the guards come right let's hurry this means we successfully broke out of prison wow we evaded our own execution but don't forget to like and subscribe thanks let's scram if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 14,982,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 69rAYdEJbsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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