Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids - GameNight! Se6 Ep15 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] tonight on game night Lincoln Aaron Nikki and Kevin will play eldritch horror with the under the pyramids expansion a game for one to eight brave investigators published by Fantasy Flight and designed by Corey Kanishka and Nikki Valens so join us as we journey through the sands of Egypt and the heart of Africa and try to save the world without going insane hey Aaron hey Lincoln we tell us about Elder tour under the pyramids I will I'll mostly tell you about elder tour first and then tack on the under the pyramid stuff right at the end goal elder tour is a somewhat of a reimplementation of Arkham Horror so if you have played that game you'll be familiar with the broad structure and quite a bit of the the way that this one works I would call them sister games they're not exactly the same and I'll try not to do too much compare and contrast but they're very related systems and just like Arkham Horror elder tour has four big box expansions and four small box expansion so the scariest thing about the game is you could spend $300 on collecting the holes or more it depends but you know but this is just one the base game and one big box expansion and it's a really cool thematic Egyptian you know mystery with a museum heist and an Egyptian god and everything so this is based on the works of HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos like a lot of board games are because that's a free IP that anybody can use but it's also a very rich or or you know place to set a fun game in and it's not really that scary like we made it seem it's just a horror setting David so we are investigators and there is a big evil God trying to in some way destroy or take over the world and we're gonna try and stop him or at least not go crazy and dead trying to somehow resist his evil plot that sounds slightly scary it's kind of scary the game itself won't go your your underwear is safe will not be soiled by the but we have done a lot of the setup here ourselves off camera we'll go over and double-check a little bit before we begin but each of us has an investigator here with our skills and special abilities that we will clarify or go around the table and read before we start this is the main board game game board this is the side board that comes with under the pyramids and we'll go over and explain what these spaces and paths mean as you can see there's a lot of bits and cards and components to the to a game here and keep in mind we're only using one of the eight expansions every investigator here has health and sanity which are essentially our hit points as we go around and get into trouble and fight things and have encounters and if you ever get down to zero health you are crippled or zero sanity you are insane and that's bad but it doesn't lose the game in for you these are our investigators these tokens here if you have played this game already you know that you're supposed to have this investigators standing up vertically but we feel like for on-camera it'll be a little more easy to see here laying down flat so these are our starting spaces so we have this is the entire world we have certain major cities around the world represented as well as some wilderness spaces and some sort of just non important numbered spaces around the world that can that mysterious and creepy things can happen on up here at the top we have the doom track which in this particular scenario starts at 15 if it ever gets to 0 the ancient one the evil god awakens and we go to the endgame which is harder to win than the normal way of ending the game this is the omen track which will have certain effects during the game and this as I said is the sideboard of Egypt in Africa which contains some more locations now how do we win this game every ancient one and in this case two fully get the effect of this expansion we are using nephron Kyle the dark Pharaoh has a different set of mysteries and these are cards of which we need to solve three mysteries they're essentially quests or different things that will tell us certain steps to take if we solve three mysteries we win the game hmm there won't be easy as you can guess if we reach zero on the doom track and the ancient one flips over there's a final mystery on the back of his card which is even harder to win and we have to also complete that to win the game three and three and okay so ideally we want to do this before that reaches zero usually once he flips over to essentially start the endgame our characters can be fully eliminated from the game and if we're ever all eliminated we have lost the game as well that's another way to lose the the last way to lose the game and you can tell when this is coming is if the mythos deck this is essentially our game clock if we ever have to draw one of these cards and there are none left we lose the game we draw one of these at the end of every round but usually the game will have sped along toward then before we get there ideally so we've we've assigned and investigated each player you can do that randomly or a saw or pick pick as you like we've just sort of spread out a good amount of abilities and rolls between the group every investigator has skills on their character sheet and we will describe how to roll dice and test skills but here's how we here's how a game turn will go Lincoln you are the start player as we randomly determined off camera and each turn has the following three phases the action phase where each of us will take two actions starting with the start player the encounter phase where we will then encounter something on the space that we're on and then the mythos phase where essentially we just read or a Lincoln the start player each each lead investigator as that goes around the table reads the mythos card and that has all effects on the state of the game so here are the actions you can take and again Lincoln you'll take two actions then Kevin will take two actions then mean and Nikki that's I want someone and these are the actions you always take two you can never take the same action twice during a turn the first action is pretty simple and it's move Lincoln you are this guy so you start here at the pyramids this is an uncharted path this yellow dotted line we also have shift paths the white line and train paths the sort of train track looking light you can always move one space as a move action any any type of line that that is your move then if you have a train ticket or a ship ticket or both you're only allowed to keep two of these so you would never have more than two in most situations you may move additional spaces by spending these for instance you could spend a shift token to move an additional along this white ship line and you would toss out that ticket so you could string together up to three spaces if you went you know any one path then a ship or a train or two trains or two ships depending on what what types of tokens are tickets you had to spend alright so it's always 1 and then a second and or third if you have tickets to spend that's a move X can you do to ship ones if you have the appropriate tickets yes okay you can do two ships or two trio really you could do three ships right the first one doesn't cost you anything it's just your action right then the second ones if you had ship tokens yes the next type of action you can take is also related to travel and it's how you get these tickets if you are on a space that connects to a white line a ship route you can take a ship ticket this is essentially preparing for travel in fact that's what it's called prepare for travel knowing that you might want to move a fair distance by ship later your action can just be I'm taking one of these ship tickets to prepare for a later travel or I'm taking a train ticket but you have to be connected you have to be honest space that's connected to a train ticket okay out here in the middle of the ocean just don't sell train tickets right they do sell sea tickets though here at the pyramid well they do I'm sure you're on a boat you can buy it from the captain I'm sorry here you know in Indonesia they don't sell train tickets there's no train tracks there that's the prepare for travel action you essentially just take one ticket but you have to be connected to the bright type of truck free internet that's what's going on here it is yeah so have one travel related question go for it so if I've used let's say my my train ticket and I've ended up somewhere where there's also an uncharted route can I then take that route or do you have to start with them you you need to start with the head because there is no ticket that will get you hacking through the wilderness of the Uncharted path okay you you ideally want that to be your first so you must have a ticket to make your first run no you never need a ticket for smoke a but but since there is no ticket that corresponds to this it just going to never be your second or third thank you for the term I mean you pay them but it's a it's a it's a rough journey all right the the next type of type of action you can take is very simple it's rest and it's a way to recover some sanity and health if you've had some damage from an encounter or a monster we haven't even gotten to the monsters yet but if you want to repair a little damage you can rest and that's one of your two actions you cannot have a monster in the same space as you when you rest that's far too stressful take me a second here I'm skeptical in there but if you rest in any other type of space you just take one sanity and one stamina of repair listed on your character sheet is your maximum normal sanity and stamina so you can't rest to go back beyond that yeah but you can essentially repair damage the next type of action you can take is acquire assets and this is how you buy equipment this down here is the reserve it has four random items off the top of the item deck it always has a bank loan here available to buy one of these I or acquire the bank loan you have to make an influence check and I will come back to that one I explain skill checks but you simply pick one of these items and if you pass the check you acquire it you can buy a gun you can buy a magic item you can buy armor lantern whatever it is it's one item if you don't acquire one of these items you've failed the check or you really don't like one of them you can choose one of them to discard and replace it with a new one off the top of the item deck most of the time you're trying to get one of them though the bank loan is always available it is if you have trouble with influence checks and you don't think you can pass the test to get one of these you take the bank loan it's a special card and it essentially gives you free successes on your next check so you have to spend more actions and you get a debt card but if you really need to you're not gonna get that golden shotgun any other way or something you might want to take a bank loan that's already available again that action can only be taken in a city you cannot buy things at the store in the Amazon jungle no the next action the next section you can take is trade and and I may not have mentioned this clearly but we're all on the same side it's all of us against the bad monsters and evil gods this is a co-op game so if it turns out that you know that golden shotgun or whatever is best in Lincoln's hands to kill things with if we're on the same space as another investigator you can just swap items one of you has to take the action you can trade as many items or clues or other things that you have between investigators can be very useful when you need to load somebody up with weapons or something like that and speaking of items and cards the last type of action you can take is called a component action and it's essentially an action that will be on a card that you have if you have a character card that says action you may do this or your weapon says action do this or you have any sort of thing that you gain during the game might have a special action on it if it says action in bold that's an action you can take so again we all take two actions you can never take the same action twice that's the action phase then the encounter phase again in play or order we go around and have an encounter on our space a lot of times this will be encountering the space that you're on these are color-coded regions of the board the green cards here have spaces for herbs Aria encounters texts for Markham and no San Francisco in North America and Buenos Aires in South America the purple cards have Asia and Australia the orange ones have Europe these black cards have these minor cities around the board and the C spaces and the green spaces in the wilderness so basically all the smaller miscellaneous spaces and I'll get to the Egypt I'm sorry expansion specific stuff but there are a specific deck of cards for that board as well actually two specific decks of cards for that so if you're encountering the space that you're on you would draw that card for instance if I was here at the bent pyramid and read that text it'll tell you what happens it could be good or bad it could require you to make a skill check this is a game of see what happens and do what the card says most of the time it could give you items it could cause a monster it could cause something good it could cause something bad it's a it's a sort of random encounter all the time kind of thing but every card is divided into three areas and you read the area for the space that you're in if there is a monster on your space here's a monster that we haven't encountered yet but you must encounter the monster first before you get to the space or any other type of encounter generally this will be a combat I'll come back to that a moment if you defeat or otherwise deal with the monster and he's no longer on the space then you get to go on and either draw a card or have another type of encounter the other type of encounter we will have most often besides encountering the space that we're on or the monsters that we are fighting is a research encounter and that is when we're trying to pick up a clue from the space that we're on like I said we're all investigators and we're trying to solve this mystery of how to stop the big evil from destroying the world so clues are our big weapon to try and do that at generally if you go to a space with a clue and we'll be doing this throughout the entire game you have to have a research encounter to try and obtain that clue there's a whole separate deck for that you just flip it over and you read the type of space that you're on either a city a wilderness space green or a sea space blue and you have to again generally pass a test or do something to obtain that clue and if you do you just keep the clue with you I'll tell you the ways you can use clues but they're very important weapons in our fight to win this game so we've all done our two actions we've all had an encounter maybe we've got good or bad things happening because of that and then we flip over the top card of the mythos deck this deck is specifically built according to the ancient warm sheet to be a little easy at the beginning and quite a bit harder at the end so we never shuffle or reorder this deck and I'm going to use some sample cards instead of showing you what the game is really gonna have in store for us but when you flip over a mythos card you essentially just read it top to bottom and IVs are what the symbols on it mean the first symbol that may or may not be there is the omen track and if that symbol appears you move this disk clockwise just so if Kevin moved it to that blue symbol we would check if any open gates had that symbol we don't even have any gates yet because we haven't finished setting up everything if gates matched that symbol we moved the doom track forward one for every symbol that matches so open gates are a bad thing we'll come back to that this by the way is called advancing doom this is called retreating doom if it goes this way that's good for us and it advances our it sort of staves off the evil progression of the game it's much more common for it to advance towards the end of the game the next symbol that could appear on the card is this red reckoning symbol certain cards including the ancient one which I'll tell you about in just a second may have this symbol and that's when certain things will happen so if I flipped over or we flipped over a mythos card that has this symbol in this case two things happen number one because this is the dark Pharaoh we all must advance a space towards the bent pyramid space or lose a sanity for resisting that call the call of the dark Pharaoh towards us we all must go to Egypt there might be other cards in play that have that reckoning symbol and we would have to process their effect whatever it is the other effect that he has is if you're on a space with one of his cultists you immediately lose a health or sanity so those are bad effects that may happen when the reckoning symbol comes the next symbol is the gate symbol and that would be these we would flip over one and place it where it says those are as we now know bad because every time that symbol comes up the doom track will advance I will explain shortly how to close those and and stop that from happening this symbol this sort of brown symbol with tentacles on it is a monster surge if there are any gates that match the current symbol on the omen track then each of those gates gets the correct number of monsters in our four player game it's actually two monsters per each gate if there are no gates that match that another gate opens up the next symbol that may or may not appear is the magnifying glass that's actually sort of good for us because it means spawn a clue we look at a clue it tells us a space on the board in this case it's number 15 it might also say a city or the heart of Africa or whatever the name of a space is and we just place it there that is good because as I said we can go get encounters to go pick those up the last couple things that could be on mythos card are a rumor which is a very detailed and dangerous type of mythos card it'll tell you where to put the rumor token and what you have to do to pass or that rumor there they can be very dangerous and cause you to even lose the game if you don't do them right and they might tell you to place certain tokens these eldritch tokens out there to to mark some something then the last part of its card is the event or text if there is any down here at the bottom and that just might be something simple like place a cultist monster or you all lose a sanity or someone gets an item so those are all the things that can be on a mythos card and we just read them from top to bottom and then we are done with the turn and we pass the lead investigator token which we're just gonna probably always call the start player token a one cool strategic thing about this game is you can actually pass it to the player of your choice unlike a lot of games where it just goes clockwise around the table that could be important for instance if you want me to move first because I have to get to Mickey's space and give her my weapons so then she can go fight whatever monster you can strategize that a little bit so you can choose who becomes the star that's discussion yeah okay sometimes it's not that important sometimes it is but you know so you if you someone needs to get somewhere for a certain thing to happen first you can choose or it could just be Lincoln every time if it doesn't matter no way that's guys gonna get us hey it's Monterey Jack man very briefly there will happen a lot during the game let's look at Nikki's character real quick she has lore 3 that's the first skill on everybody's a skill sheet character sheet and it's the purple book icon that means in most lower checks if some if a card tells her to make a lore check she rolls three dice into our dice tree there and you're always looking for fives and sixes she got one success on that lore check thanks generally that's enough to pass the Lord check that she passed that skill check but if it was a strength check she only rolls one die and so on a 5 or 6 she passes another one before she sails that's how you make a skill check a lot of times you'll have a weapon or an item that will give you more dice one thing you can do with clues although generally I don't recommend this unless it's a super critical check is use it to re-roll a die clues are very important for a general combat against a zombie or cultists or something like that that's kind of a waste of a clue but if it's you know the the it's the combat that makes the difference on whether we get to a very critical rumor or something it might be worth it so if Nickey had rolled three dice for a very critical check and failed them all she could spend a clue to re-roll one die of depending on him depending on any special rules but it might be worth it in a certain in any certain situation there are ways to improve certain skills so if Nikki had an encounter that improved her wil skill to three instead of two she would take a little token that just increases her will well there's tokens for each ones there's also tokens that will degrade or impair your skill we'll just deal with that when it comes up it's pretty clear from the encounter text combat with a monster is a type of skill roll skill check monsters will have I'll use my sample monster down here most monsters will generally have a horror rating where you make a will check and then a combat rating where you make a strength check we will deal with that when we come to our first combat but that's generally what they'll have your will first and then your strength after that nephron call the dark Pharaoh because he's an Egyptian you know spell guy his cultists actually have lore in place of their strengths combat so you you need actually lore to deal with them a little more than strength in this game and that sort of brings us into our Egypt more our expansion board for under the pyramids some things that are different from the base game so we have the sideboard of new locations that we can go to how do we get to them it tells us right here that the pyramids are adjacent to these spaces here where there are dotted lines so Lincoln's character starts here and can actually just travel to these spaces from the pyramids it tells you space 17 which is over here in India you could take a train to Cairo so you just sort of have to remember that Cairo is adjacent here but it says it on the board the heart of Africa space is also adjacent to Nile River and space 10 over here in Africa is adjacent to the Sahara Desert so once you make that move you're here on this board you're drawing these encounter cards and you have special movement here there's one new type of path that I did not explain because it only exists on this board and that's a local path this green dotted line it's a free movement it does not cost an action so even if you did not take an action a move action during your turn you can still move from Alexandria back to the pyramids or the bent pyramid back to the pyramids or Cairo to the pyramids etc so you essentially can take a free move on this board along one of these green dotted lines and then still take your other two actions if you wanted to so these are called what this is called uncharted pippin these are local paths but you notice there is an uncharted path here there is a couple of train paths there those are train paths the white ones you're right there see I'm sorry I totally miss spoke that there are sea paths from Cairo to 17 and from Telemar no to the Nile River good thing you can see that there are special encounters here for this red zone in this gray zone these are new encounter cards and we are almost ready to roll and before we get going and explain one more thing I will just go through the setup like I said we did most of it already off-camera but I'm just gonna go through so everybody knows these are the pre games that are you good that you do we've placed the game board we've organized all of our tokens we've chosen and placed our player investigators so we've received our starting possessions health and sanity we will go through and me more starting possessions and read our special skills right before we start we determined the ancient one again its nephron Khan he's specific to our under the pyramids expansion his special set up as part of this expansion includes a mystery this is a new thing in this expansion didn't exist in the base game it includes setting aside these three monsters which would normally be in the monster Cup it's almost never really a cup it's usually a bag or a bowl or the box lid or something but the rules refer to it as a monster Cup and Nikki's gonna be in charge of drawing monsters out of there when we need them but there's a few special Egyptian ones set aside during his setup we've put all the rest of the monsters into the cup we've separated all our decks including these new expansion and counter decks we've built the mythos deck each ancient one tells you how many cards to put in the first third middle third and bottom third of the deck I'm glad we double-checked this because the doom is actually supposed to start at 12 and not 15 someone definitely would have corrected us there the game would have been a little longer than it should have the rules here say 15 is the example but of I did not look at our 12 there and we would have noticed that halfway through and been very sad very scary then he is very scary he's already he's already very angry they'd have been very sad because we're like oh crap were three closer than we thought yeah we just had to like jump ahead in the middle of the game The Omen track does start on the green icon which what do we have there we place the top four assets here we spawn the number of gates indicated on the reference card via this card is different for each number of players so with more players it might be more gates with less players it might be less but and let me tell you one more rule with the Egyptian I'm sorry under the pyramids expansion the Egyptian gates are stacked on the top of the gate stack so one thing we as the investigators might want to is rushed towards this board because these ones are gonna open first before the rest of the world starts getting stuff Nikki's gonna find right now and it's going to be here in Egypt most likely is the Nile River and whenever you flip open a gate you add one monster to it and it is fire vampire Nile rivers over there in the river there we go denial and Fire vampire yep finite vampire we place the active expedition token expeditious on the space that corresponds to oh I this is the I didn't explain this because it's one of the things we just deal with as it comes up the active expedition is whatever space this corresponds to the Himalayas so if you get to this space this is another type of encounter you can have it's a special it's called a complex encounter and the other type of complex encounter is an Otherworld encounter mmm if you got to for instance the Nile River which is the only open gate right now you instead of encountering the Nile River and having the normal card encounter there you go through this gate and try to close it as we know keeping gates open is bad because it will continue to advance the doom track so we do want to get there defeat or deal with the fire vampire and close that gate eventually and that's how you do it you have a complex encounter on the Otherworld deck which is over here that's the other type of encounter I didn't mention during encounters but they are as you might guess a little tougher than just an encounter in Buenos Aires or you know on your boat during a siege or journey would you say they're complex they are complex they are not simple encounters they might even have multiple steps or multiple cards involved flavors lots of flavor there will be so much flavor alright we spawned a number of clues which means again just drawing them from here and placing them on the space indicated Sydney Sydney and the pyramids in societies flip you don't get that automatically you still have to have the encounter and and yeah look for the clue and then the final step of the normal game setup is flipping the first mystery of the ancient one again we need to solve three of these to win the game and then the last step of the expansion or really the first step of the expansion a setup is a prelude card so I'm going to read both of those and then we are ready here's our mystery keep in mind we need to complete three of these to win okay the black wind a vicious tempestuous storm wreaks havoc upon the people and lands of Egypt leaving not but the desolate wasteland in its wake and yet it may only be masking an even deadlier threat when this card enters play place one eldritch token on each of the following spaces Kevin you grab those yeah it was the asylum but did Alex Andrea the bent pyramid Cairo and tow Amarna as an encounter an investigator on a space with an eldritch token may attempt to banish the black wind from Egypt he draws and resolves a black winged special encounter at the end of the mythos phase if there are eldritch tokens on this card equal to half the number of players so we only need to do two of them solve this mystery and I will have to find those special encounters and pull them out and find out what they do tell it to tell tell el-amarna we got some trouble in River City alright the now one more detail added to the game by the expansion is the prelude card and in this case it's the prelude the titular prelude would under the pyramids no it's not prelude to the afternoon fun it is it's the one that says well we already knew this because it sets up the Egypt sideboard it let us stack the gates on on top of the age of two ones on top we need to spawn one monster on the active expedition space No that one what oh there's a riot riot that's normal people we can deal and predict a riot well they got red eyes and one monster a bent pyramid oh they do look angry this action just hand the last part of the prelude card is this adventure this is a very cool and thematic thing this is a multi-step adventure where we will succeed or fail at different bits of it and this is the last bit of theme from the Egyptian location this is the museum heist adventure framed for theft the talisman of logit an amulet meant to protect the pharaohs in the afterlife has been stolen the police suspect a man named Erik Weisz but your gut tells you he is innocent when this card invented enters play place an adventure token on Cairo city of the night I'm gonna have to find that when this adventure is completed the active investigator gains the Erik Weisz unique asset we have that in the deck over here then draw a random museum heist to adventure there's two branches that this could take and it's random as an encounter an investigator on Cairo oh this is it I already familyadventure joking sorry you can attempt a influenced action so it's just a I'm sorry I did an influence skill test so you have to succeed it were your orange handshake action and if you do you gain Erik Weisz and we go on to step 2 if you pass here they release Erik into your custody on the condition that you apprehend the thief mmm so that is a multi-step adventure that we can also ignore or complete as we choose tada the game is finally set up and we can start Lincoln why don't you tell us what your character is and maybe what your special items and skills are can I ask before yes what are the what did these values mean tell me dice you roll okay I'm Monterey Jack he's pretty delicious delicious easy is the archeologist eye for an action I may discard 100 to retreat doom by one or discard the top part of the expedition counter deck and perform one additional action after resolving an expedition encounter gain one relic unique asset to find a treasure like that I'll risk a few poisoned darts what no one ever heard how's that sort of that he's like young jack traveled the world his father's archaeological expedition so he goes there's some goods good somatic stuff what do you got Kevin I'm mark Harrigan this soldier my action is you and one monster on your space each lose one health you cannot become delayed or gain a detained condition unless you choose to and my little flavor Texas I'm walking out there doing I'm taking this book anyone who wants to stop me welcome to try he was booked you're not so you're not so good with spells he didn't read his cards that's okay just tell us what they are so the bolt I got a bullwhip I get to cry automatic item weapon game +1 strength during combat encounters you may reroll one dive when resolving a strength test during a common encounter and then a treasure map a unique asset it's a trinket when you gain this card from the deck place one random couldn't face up and on this card ok so I guess I should yes come to resolving a location encounter or an expedition encounter on that space flip this car so it's wherever eight Alexandria well in mine it's really an ellipsis yes I'm also you get to do what when you do it says when you after resolving a location counter or any expedition counter on that space flip this card oh sweet okay if anything to elder tells you that you will flip a card you're not allowed to look at the back of that because this isn't actually a clue this is just telling you it's just telling you what space yeah the backs of the cards are secret if you have a double sided card you're not supposed to look at the back until you were told to and why all right so we had the soldier I am Jacqueline find the psychic Morrell psycho as an action I may trade any number of clues with an investigator on any space so I can psychically send or receive clues around the board unlike normally you have to be on the space this guy's gonna have some trouble receiving and I can also if another investigator gains a non-common condition I can look at the back of the card and gain a clue so if you gain a condition that's some special cards over here a to non-common I can actually read the back of it and I have I start with a flesh ward spell which will prevent me some from losing some health or actually any investigator once per round if I pass it all right Miki's characterís I am Mandy Thompson the researcher and I got in action I can draw two clues from the clue pool spawn one of them been discard the other also after resolving a research encounter if if you gained if you gained exactly one clue from the encounter gain one additional clue that's pretty great okay and then my little quote is I will find a way to end the horror I will not stop searching so when she discards that clue the - does it go out of the cup and wait yes yeah we empty out the whole thingy from the way she'll essentially okay and I got know thy enemy as a unique asset and this is one of those carts that I can't that's right you don't know yet so it's a task whenever you gain a clue during a research encounter place one Eldridge token on this card then you may flip the card okay so as soon as you do a successful research you'll find out what the back of that is and then I got a magnifying glass it's a trinket so once per round you are another investigator on the space may spend one clue to reroll any number of dice when resolving a test so that's I called them skill checks a few times but a test is when you're rolling your dice trying to pass something and that's much better than spending a cloture we roll one die you could reroll all the dice that failed which especially for some big important thing might be really cool okay Lincoln you are the lead investigator you're already here in the pyramids but before we have encounters you have two actions you can start us off try to get some items maybe somewhere for that forty five automatic it's two you have to you have to be enough city to try and get items okay dude maybe you want to go to Alexandria or oh I'm going to Cairo so you go here and then it's a free element it's a free action because it's a local path which one you want to go - it's good Cairo all right yeah that's war neck oh that's no action sorry now you enjoy this right yeah then let's go for it this you try yeah what's your influence it's a - so I get to roll two holes nice got to succeed on both or if you succeed on one you can just take one of these items okay and in your second action not to repeat that one yes I know would you like to flush one of these cards out of the row and you put something else up there we have a dagger award evil service let's do it again sir so what am I gonna no but you're sort of prepping the row for the next person if this is what to get rid of in there no no they're actually all pretty decent cool then I know I won't monkey with that all right this one's just no this one's just a scroll that adds one to this die when brezza holding a spell oh that's pretty good alright okay so with second actually you don't need to rest you can't trade you could keep moving if you want to go don't want to deal with whatever that is on yeah but that's during the encounter I'm just trying to think if you have any other actions you don't want to rest you want to trade oh I'm in a city I could get it try to get a ticket yeah train you not turning water can only get there trains connected all right interactions all right so I'm hearing I can only move once so I know why I want to go to Tunguska you could go there man get that clue at the pyramids shop first if you're gonna because you can't buy theirs that's right you can do your actions in any order so you should all right do any of those tests my strengths are will well this is a gun that you already have ya ever gun you should get it for me they're actually all none were great for you because these are our extra weapons this one is immediately discard a monster on any space with toughness 3 or less but you need to successes for that one and what's the what's that what am i what's killing my test the orange one influence not to you can just take the bank loan which would give you two automatic successes then I have a debt card and you have a debt card but what happens with it is some kind of thing that I mean I'm still paying student loans oh no it's not it ain't already I got to tell you that it is they didn't work on this guy oh whatever the reckoning symbol comes up you have to flip it over some men come to collect but hey it's free money and free now pay later yeah they're gonna follow you from Istanbul all across the world yes I know you will no I'll just I'll leave I'm happy with my equipment all right I don't want to get any debt right now maybe later but you're not gonna get into if you're gonna roll for one of you could just roll let's roll for this the scroll rosetta scroll what is it scale for though it's always orange to acquire an item always it's a single he's rolling so I could take anything that I ain't right earn that to true dice he has two influences you got one success dagger or an arcane scroll weapon no you can use the one highest bonus when you resolve it they're equal really yes or I could take the scroll or you think either one and trade it away to somebody but you got one success you can get a bankroll you could always do that the bank will be all alone pink roll get it I'll take the dagger and I'll give it to somebody else that seems good flip the next card off all this is an arrow do he adds to to your strength during combat encounters so you get to roll to more dying no no I just dance too doesn't it or do you hate it's too nice to exercise that's cool oh yeah and she keeps it in there boom there is the slight reason that he might want to have two different weapons is one's magical there might be certain monsters that only a magical weapon would give we have there's a 4 that is a 4 for some messy guide oh for sure it is a 4 it's an ally or that let's use anybody can anybody roll for dice yet No thank you close Nikki's got three he lets you investigators in your space roll one additional die when resolving tests except when resolving other world encounters so he's like a plus 1 die to everything the fellow yeah think we want to throw it's decent all right what's your second action I'm gonna move I suppose I don't disagree there I will go to the pyramids be a train doing then you're gonna go into yes do I want to stay here and try to get this clue I that's considered the one who's gonna get there all right I go I did take a crazy train ticket well I'm far away from everything so I'm going to take a ship ticket and prepare for a double move later and then I'm gonna now I'm gonna shop in San Francisco do do an asset wonderful market it's got great stores here oh I could this arcane scroll could be very good for me so if I get no successes I'll take that bank loan Oh read you guys guys aren't gonna beat me up for no dad he's making a pact I know goes which makes me take the debt condition but it gives me too immediate successes to add to my successes so if I had gotten to I could boost it up to four and get the urban guy I'm gonna take Ward evil which is a service this is he's my friend ward and last name evil Cleveland when you gain this card immediately disk immediately this card one monster of your choice on any space with toughness three or less yeah it's pretty good then discard this card the ghost has toughness to the vampire has toughness to and the riot has toughness and I've never done this as well but I think this is probably the worst one right because it's right on the gate it also has a high strength level so I do think I'm gonna ward away the fire vampire it just goes back into the bag and I'm done with my actions but now there's gonna be guys coming after me to pay my debt muscle muscle you've gained one strength you may roll one die when resolving a strength test cool hmm Nikki you two actions yeah I am her name's Nikki 2x2 I'm trying to decide if I should go do a clue thing so I can get my known enemy card turned over that's very handy or I should just start heading to you need to get a boat token a bokken yeah to get to down to Sydney here right so I can I'm gonna buy a boat ticket sure I think there's some you ready Oh boat ticket what ticket a slow boat to China oh she's already anyone else and then I'm for my movement you don't have to but you can well she if she wants good Sydney she can get there now because now she has the tech right or I tried for one of these things I don't have any weapons but I don't know if I'm really any good you know really the fighter the fighters are on that side of the table your thinker No No thank you stuff I love another fighter ooh two successes either go to Sydney or make the wrong let's okay I'm gonna roll three die for my influence to try and get this arcane scroll okay well just roll you can pick something else yeah you if you recognize the target a specific company's a parachute success so it is the scroll I get the scroll she will take and then replace it and she's done with her actions a ninja squirrel as I heard it it's an axe axe is for sale all of you strength during combat encounters you may spend to sanity to reroll any number of dice when resolving a strength test during a combat encounter crazy I forgot to say when I explained this action right at the beginning if she had rolled three successes let's say you can actually get more than one card off of here she could if she had rolled to all three she could have gotten that scroll plus the 45 on like that you're not limited to a single card you can buy as many items as your successes allow you but she got her scroll there's access for sale now we're all gonna have an encounter linking your first what type of encounter are you having I guess they'll deal a little bit one you want to deal with the yet lack wind or the museum heist or the city of Cairo you have lots of choices do I want more people with me with any of these other things it doesn't really matter they're all no they're all pretty individual let's do the heist okay uniq will do how's your influence it's an influence again if you succeed we go you get Eric Weiss as a friend and we go on to step your and in Eric Weiss winters if he fails don't you still take him but you have to solve it or something what was the you're mentioning this earlier no there's no there's just failures pass or nothing at the end this is an encounter you know you just have to get one yeah okay so you get the ally and Ariel ice he is you roll an additional die when doing a lure or observation test and you cannot become delayed or detained unless you choose to that's nice in addition why don't you just roll a die and how about on even we'll go to the first museum heist card and on the HOD we'll go to the second one because it's random you thought we're going to museum heist card to a lead at Tel Amarna you suspect that after the heist the thief took refuge in this ruins of the ancient city of akka Totten the city is home to many wonders but you hope to find the thief as well when this card enters play place an adventure car token on tell el-amarna when this adventure is completed talent on the line the active investigator gains a relic unique asset then draw the chase on the river adventure after investigator resolves the location encounter on tell el-amarna the investigation leads to the discovery of the thief's hideout unfortunately the thief manages to escape and flee down the river leaving behind in some of his Hall so we have to resolve a location and counter-intel Amaro all right Kevin what's your good job Monterey Jack well I'm doing the the research research on the pyramid for the clue you are in a wilderness space the pyramid so you'll read the middle wilderness section of that research encounter card your skin is beginning to rot where an apparition of nephron car touched you in a dream whoa show me where he touched you on the doll they spent two health to carve the infection from your arm if you spend the health you the flesh crumbles to sand gain this clue if you do not spend the health gain a diseased condition well they're pretty healthy if I may be stupid but I'm pretty brawny so very brawny I think I want to take the health and carve off part of my body which is this sounds terrible to get the clue so I will sacrifice to health into the blood bowl yes and you can always get them back by resting hey wait let's try I'll try my flesh ward to spell once program when an investigator would lose health I'm a test lor okay give me four dice please if I pass prevent that investigator from losing up to two health and then flip this card you pass anyway that's this will be fun here's what happens with zero successes oh wow something inside my chest shifts painfully the chosen investigator loses one health unless he gains an internal injury condition holy guacomole finish you're still very healthy don't worry too much about it then I flip this over now we know that bad things can happen for that welcome don't even worry about where am I I'm just in San Francisco so I don't have any special things I will read San Francisco on one of these cards San Francisco poison is slowly killing African Explorer Julius Marsden you asked him to tell you what he knows making influence check if you pass he shares his experience improve one skill of your choice Thanks so I get to take one of these tokens and improve one of my influence now I'll let you guys fight I didn't improve influence which makes me better at you know gaining allies and buying the identities things like that so that's now skill 3 so then he dies oh yeah well you know I couldn't save him I just talked Vicki encounter where I got nothing going on side so Shanghai Shanghai and I read Shanghai yeah a Taoist wizard gives you no no no it's a drug not a cat they can protect your mind through time if your spirit is strong so just showing my will icon if you pass so you guys forever yeah yeah no look the location of an ancient text in one to tome unique asset if you fail your mind breaks gained a madness conditional boy all right so I'm old your to dice for will and don't don't fail I'm gonna go a little crazy so unique assets are a specific type of card and it's a tome yes to talk to me Julie tones mister to me suck it to me listen to me it's like a tome second John's sake its unique right yes bullwhip dolet I to another one where there is something on the back but you can't do it until you do the thing on the front no don't look at that it's a cryptic cryptic text triptych text alright we've all done our encounters Lincoln's gonna read the in photos which again should start off somewhat easy but we'll see so what's the first symbol at the top if there is a move the disk e to the blue E okay yeah so the omen track has moved there is an open gate corresponding to that so move the doom track one hey maybe we start on e well yeah we started on 12 next the reckoning symbol right that's gonna do three things at least Oh anyone no one's on a space with cultists that's that's this one good news everyone must move one space towards the bent pyramid or lose a sanity hey this is actually good for some of us because we sort of want to go towards this I'm gonna go ahead and take the free move towards let's see 1 2 3 4 1 2 actually this Way's quicker isn't it 1 2 3 4 and 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah this is ways quicker do you have it has to be towards there's a short - but if that's shorter than that one I think do I go there you either go there or lose a sanity should I go there I mean we know that there are 3 more gates are gonna open in Egypt or in this board so I'd say sure take me down for the better nope that's always happens later during the encounter face next turn you're going there mm-hmm when you do you want to know you get a free train right basically don't take me to those rioting guys no this is I'd say you have to go here because that's closer okay it also there's no cultists and also some men come to collect on my debt that's a reckoning symbol toge is not free it says I'm willing sir check this out it's it's a harsh ass bank loan unwilling servant a sorcerer holds you down and carves a symbol in your forehead okay I'm never taking a bank loan again time to pay what you owe he says nothing Native American you it sounds like Wells Fargo because I wasn't asked for a K yes you attempts to dispel the darkness that fills your thoughts luckily its lore and I have four dice for lower boom and two successes right if you fail you have no recollection of your actions gaining amnesia connected condition then discard this card do I get two if you win you just don't have the pad I don't know if you just then card I think that was enough he carved a freaking symbol into my forehead did he I mean I think you know succeeded yeah there's but there's no if you pass it's just then discard this like a measure nothing lot each different yes there are at least two other alone right knows yeah right that was way harder than I thought the bank loans gonna be but at least I didn't go crazy the mythos touch it I'm finished um okay what's the next symbol is there one you got it reckoning okay these are the this is the is that was of an orange e1 that's the gate we have to spawn a gate mana gate here we go which will come with a monster that's actually yeah that's okay it City it did come with a monster Nikki the red and a monster yes Bob that means if this moves here there will be another sometimes a monster will have a special oh yeah this one does actually when this monster is spawned move it to the Amazon that's just where the survive sweet right where you off with you you found something you have special text subscribe okay okay they also have a reckoning ability which won't happen now but something will happen later okay you can't sleep and you can't stop shaking and you can't sleep and can't stop shaking compulsively you open up your suitcase and count everything ripping everything you own so tightly your hands bleed burden of greed each investigator may just may discard any number of item possessions then he loses one health for each item possession he has weight they may do you have to discard some no but you lose for everything you keep yes jeiza yeah well you guys do really should live simple like me I have nothing Sam if I had magic yes so this one these won't count because that's right that's right actually that's right I think I should keep these those are all I can't keep everything we have one item so he's got one I got three are you sure there's a say item they're all items I'll say oh yeah this one's good is it better to keep the non-magical gun or the magical dagger if they're the same number than the magical dagger I'll get rid of the my gun do you got two items I'm down to three hell don't worry I'll protect you with my flesh warm yeah all right there we go that agreed was our first complete turn and we're almost we screwed up the whole world so we we have extra gates to seal we've got our adventure going and we we didn't even get any new clues on that color oh oh you did pick up one yeah I have I have one to start the game with well do we want me to go first does it have what wycott well the wounds carry over if I don't completely wipe him out yes this monster does have to toughness and if you for instance did one wound to him that wound would stick around for instance for Kevin to only have to do one more however this being a ghost it doesn't have normal toughness you actually have to defeat it with will it's only mental covet so you do we found that dudes are not the best at Foley's guys because very strong you should do it well yeah I made it through ww1 the big one but it's the only I know turn your purse my purse section will be to rest you can't rest where there's a monster some of these stress that you were like you're in a wilderness okay you can trade items with Lincoln you can and a gimmick uh do you think that improves will there's not actually a lot you can do you can't rest you can't acquire assets you can trade items with Lincoln you can move away you could do that what's your action you have an action on your character she yes you and one monster on your space each lose one health no more I'm pretty low already that is why you are pretty low already but that's what that would be one thing you could do one so I could take him down one way maybe he does damage to me when I fight him right he can how much does he do he does the amount essentially that you fail the skill testify but you have will high will I know if I will oh well so I could we could each take you're right we don't really need to be losing any more health you've lost five I want to do that yes yes healing spell tickets can't leave can't leave leave but he doesn't want to yeah I want to fight the ghost right yep yep can't rest can't shop I prepare my food I can't doesn't want to lose a health alright so maybe it was dumb that I was the first one since you can't wait around for the fight anyway it doesn't really know Lincoln can leave and just go do something more interesting oh you can fight the ghost all right where am I I got I got pulled to the Amazon should I try and fight the snake people or should I just keep heading towards uh there too but you are not strong I am a knob strong I am NOT a fighter yep I'm gonna use my boat ticket so you can just go one two yeah that's one action firm I don't need to rest the seagull I can't really have a good second action either no moving grade Bowie you can't rest why okay you don't need to I don't need to I haven't taken all this damage like you guys yeah I don't have any great second action either well we are we're super efficient in not having actions to do I can tell you're at yeah I know I'm in the middle did you want to buy a boat took it while you're on the boat to be inna city I said that wrong the captain does not sell it so I can buy it here though here so I mean a city my first action will be to buy a boat trip and then you can also buy a train ticket yeah that's right but I don't I don't want I'm going here and go in Africa yeah so then I'll spend my move will be one to two but I'll have one ticket left okay so I did spend two actions all right Nikki okay that's here that's your one thinkin I would do my action I think that's a great choice an action which is draw two clues from the pool spawn one and discuss it's the best one that's like most convenient for us yes alright number 10 it's actually where I am okay and the other one is about not throw that yeah do the one where I'm already sitting that seems fantastic oh that's 1000 sorry I thought it was the other one alright okay good job okay Lincoln to actions would you like to leave the bent pyramid it drew me there it's free to move to the pyramids do we not want to try to get do you want me to go to or yeah tell Amarna yeah I'll go there again the tokens over there now oh yeah move there because right you're chasing the thief down the roof local Freeman it is it is any number of local paths once per turn so he can actually moved at all two of the pyramids and then to tell el-amarna you're still you're free move and you have a move you're right you still have two actions okay well I am NOT in a city no and I wasn't in a city but no and what do you do to that's the adventure car do you resolve the encounter you resolve a location encounter there so you still have two actions if you have anything that's really really know we're really having a slow turn this tape I guess so rest that's but the only thing I can do oh right because now there's no monster there so you get I get back to my max health and you're already at my sanity so my me what these were they're just they are the mystery that we need to solve oh remember they are very bad special encounters that we haven't tried together three of them we have to do two of these four to have three mysteries to go to the game you're correct okie dokie yeah we haven't even tried that part yet no all right encounter time who's the first player me you encounter the ghost make a will check a will test at minus one cuz that's the ghost modifier so three dice instead of to feel I don't want that one you touch life and you lose health equal to I think he rolls for but he takes out the lowest roll nope I'm just he does have a clue in this yeah well good evening rule I know but this is and I have a magical weapon but it only gives me you don't need is for strength this is will all right it doesn't matter yeah so this is unlike a normal combat if you pass this will test the monster loses health equal to the test results so you killed that ghost in one mental shot the bad news is you don't get any experience points or cool rewards or anything like or elf but the good news is you now get to have our discos back in the bag and you get a regular encounter so a wilderness encounter an updated tougher one there oh yeah you can do this do you want to try the dark what is involved in doing that all we know is that you draw the dark wind encounter off of the dark Farrow deck I'll take on the dark wind alright let's a black we I'm sorry your black moon I'll ask you to make it sale let's see what happens it's gonna be awful I'm sure but we have to pass two of these to pass the mystery what am i reading all of this I think so holy guacamole it's a complex encounter right the black wind blows over the skies of Egypt obscuring the Sun and casting the earth into shadow pinky coils spiral down downward from the sky infecting the soil wherever they touch down anxious and afraid you call upon a chant to invoke the old powers to show you a sign of hope no sooner than the word wait do we do that now or do I keep reading keep going leave your mouth you are visited by an aspect of Khepri who pushes the Sun across the morning sky long abandoned by his followers kept rates Aid is not easily enlisted if you pass Khepri ejects the black wind from his realm place this eldritch token on the active mystery if you fail he rebukes you gain one injury condition your prayers are answered only with darkness gain a despair can this is the red text of the law your prayers are answered only with darkness gain a despair condition you try to convince the municipal government to evacuate local residents if you fail they question your connection to the black wind and savagely beat you lose to health what so somewhere in there gave you a skill icon and voice killer icons one is lower and then one is the handshake the influence all right so I have to roll I have to roll a lure check of one okay you mean we're not the ideal person to end up with that cop trying to put this chant do this chances to give me a sign of hope come on hope hope hope so now it's the no sooner than the words leave your mouth you are visited by an aspect of Khepri who pushes the Sun across the morning sky long abandoned by his followers Caffrey's Aid is not easily enlisted so now I have to try to enlist it to an influence check I have to influence Oh if I pass cap rejects the black wind from his realm bad that's all I needed here come on Capri let's get it ejected wait okay if you pass cap rejects the black waiter comes around place this Eldridge token on the active mystery he rebukes you so we haven't failed that's a complex encounter that we you have successfully resolved out of it we got half of the mystery that we need to progress through the game that's the place to rest yeah you really don't know gypsum hospital my friend yeah all right counter well I'm gonna try and get this clue sir by having a research encounter that mean that's me right all right I am in the wilderness watching you're washing your face in a pool of still water your reflection shows you not in life but in death it's a we'll check for three dollars we'll check that I will check and succeed yeah if you pass you swallow your fear and study the reflection noting a dark pyramid rising ominously in the background gain this clue if you fail you recoil the image vanishes advanced doomed by one if I'd fail but I got the clue good teamwork Nicky where's what's your encounter Istanbul not a sign sent an orange card read Istanbul not Constantinople don't read the contents I'm searching the winds threatened to throw a stranger off what a lot of wind a lot of way in this world's dusty the lots of bridge and mummies passing gas brake lick the wind despite your fear you attempt a rescue with my will if you pass you bring the grateful strangers sure name one character you need asset so you're done you want to just roll it first before you even fall and go to the next bit Portia oh yeah as soon as you get to the yes if you feel the person disappears into the water gain a despair condition I love it disaster death bear bit spare dysentery the reason this is possibly good is remember when someone oh it's non common condition is that a non common King Tutankhamen uncommon so Nikki gets a despair condition which has number one a reckoning effect you're gonna lose a sanity every time that symbol comes up on mythos cards number two it has a effect on the oh you cannot recover sanity when you rest it also has a secret condition on the back of the card which normally you can't look at but because I'm psychic okay I get to look at it and gain a clue bone I know I psychically know that your despair is a curse of memories if you if you rest you're gonna have to make a fight check or I'm sorry a strength check and either discard this card or discard two clues if you fail so be careful not to rest unless you can pass oh yeah check if she has not two clues does that mean we have to collectively discard - no it's just her oh so she just doesn't she does not want to have clues when she rests because I don't rest yes and that's good because I said I'll find a way to end this horror I will not stop searching that's flavored all right so that was that was all cuz you ned and didn't catch a guy falling off really messed me up alright thinking have you had an encounter no you're in tell el-amarna right I'm gonna deal with the heist continued and you are going to so you're gonna have a tell el-amarna tell el-amarna you search the Foundation's the foundation of Akhenaten's castle it's an observation I get to roll three dice if you pass you find that one I know I'm not gonna read that time yes yes if you pass you find the stone chest hidden just beneath the ground gain one clue and one relic unique asset I'm not gonna read Wales cuz I didn't fail really I will give you the first relic in the unique asset deck here it's fossilized samples how archaeological are you know right you also because we are following a lead at Tel Amarna on the museum heist you have found the thief's hideout he managed to escape and flee down the river and we'll go to the next phase of the adventure you also gain a relic unique asset from completing that phase of the adventure what's so the next row along XANA museum it definitely does and that is that bad in Terry this was very dead Terry it'll go on the bottom of here you also found a canopic jar I can't pick on the river wow these are ones where you have to rest and then I can flip these babies the adventure has moved to the Nile River mm if we go here you attempt to track the museum thief along the River Valley observation minus one so Nikki might be our best at this although yeah I mean Lincoln both have skill food if you pass that you catch the thief and reclaim the stolen exhibits no I also gained an artifact which is a pretty great item as well alright that was your encounter and you thought you found the hideout and got some relics we are done with all of our encounters yeah mytho you you get to read that start with the symbols at the top and first is a clue in I can't read no space 11 yeah you can't it's hard to Thank You Mickey Bing next oh no this is a rumor this could be bad something is gonna happen in space lies how do rumors get stuff okay now just read the rest of the card because that's the hole the rumor is that this could be really good really bad that didn't have to move am i reading the rumor now or this the whole card well the whole rest of the card is the ready number for whatever that Nixon it's gonna be all explained as you search for the rumored living darkness the impulse to cut into your own flesh grow stronger man everybody does sir doesn't it always yeah little by little it wants to resist work to nothing it's like this game went to high school with me shadow beneath Chicago ongoing rumor as an encounter an investigator on space 5 may search for the living darkness that has caused hundreds to take their own lives that is a check of observation if he passes he may spend close equal to his should roll you gotta do no no that's okay what's the little guy with the head and the gun oh that's number of players okay so for close if he passes you may spend close equal the number players to solve this rumor when there are no Eldridge tokens on this card each investigator impairs each of his skills twice then solve this rumor ooh okay and then if you fail I guess this is the fail what is the or if that's the symbol that's the reckoning symbol discard what else don't get from this card so okay no oh let me see that might mean oh oh so that's that's like a clock when the reckoning symbol comes up we remove these these elders tokens I'll let you I'll let you explain that so we just read this bottom part of the card so and then say every time a reckoning symbol comes up read the very bottom part the blue part so if that happens four times before we've solved the rumor that's when we impair the skin because that's the four at the top right it's yes correct okay and then every time what comes up with the reckoning sim there's that red circle all right so then also we get four eldritch tokens on this rumor and then every time the reckoning symbol comes up we discard one Eldridge token from this car so this is card go to Chicago it just sits on the board or near it so we know that there's a bad thing happening so that's there's a plenty good space there so yeah so yeah so that's if we don't deal with it in time we're all going to lose two from all our skills which would be incredibly incredibly bad but so we have to go here to deal with this and we have to pass a skill test and discardable use yeah I've already got three that's pretty good but unfortunately I've shipped half the way to Africa already well you gotta find a way to get me away from you yeah it's nothing that a hundred men more could ever do all right well but we didn't move any doom or opening new gates so who needs to go first next turn anybody so dealing with that gate down there is that coming up the next one is red which is gonna add one doom unless we deal with this skate I could go there I got to go through the Nile River anyway to get there yeah and you're gonna get there before Nikki to emini do I want to try it yeah do it as well okay well but also this is I know yeah can I deal with that you don't really it's like the thing that Kevin jure you just don't know what's gonna be there it's a it's a complex encounter it could be anything yeah what why do you need to go to the room now just cuz you want to continue the adventure this gates gonna come up so this katie is gonna come and you could move here no I can't get there easily it's a ship and then a local yeah that's what I should do I think first alright so do we does it matter who is the first unless you think I need to deal with it the adventure right it's just an adventure it's just an adventure but it gets us good stuff so I mean I got a bunch of magic relish you if I if I rest which I don't need to do it this time go ahead pass that since it doesn't seem like either one of us needs to go no it doesn't seem to be any important timing let's just continue passing it unless there is like someone needs to kill a mom yes okay okay I I mean a wilderness I'm gonna head back towards Chicago and deal with this thing move me to Arkham because I have a ship talking I will do a double move now I'm my influence is better so I will try to acquire assets at Arkham and anything it makes you something I can exchange clues psychically across the world so that you're not actually dying concerned about it I'm just trying to get an axe or a hired muscle or something like that what did I get so I can get an axe or a hired muscle or 45 that or I could take a bank loan and get the guide which is really kind of cool I want more stuff carved in your head yeah I mean how well the first one worked out okay he's got this is for this Ally will never let me down and nothing bad will ever happen take a take a bit I'll take a bank loan and now we have holy water out there for sale holy Wow holy moly water a bank loan is a common card it's the one thing I can't actually look at the back of right all right Nick you take your two actions debt it's actually dead yeah we debit I took a debit you can also try to test influence to get rid of your debt that's how you pay it off so I might understand image I just didn't have a chance last time so I'll move down to the pyramids sure you'll take that train and then I'm gonna do my action again we need more clues out on the board that's actually really good yes and you could also now you can take a free move also if you want to get to one of these spaces alright cuz these are local paths was it Harry Desert or number 19 so this is a hairy desert was here very bad Oh number what 19 I did summer hey that's fine Sahara Desert terrible too bad I didn't get to you when you were there your name no I got that I mean 19 is no good that's actually a really great ability so you still because it's not a action you could take a local path to Alexandria or Cairo or tell el-amarna if you wanted to get to one of those spaces otherwise you're good encounter is gonna be at the pyramids this turn well I I don't think I'm much help with finding anybody with anything well but these are our mysteries which help us win the game you could at least try I mean all three of you could be I won this term I'm just gonna stay until ilaria come affect if you if you ever succeed then they have other things to do yeah all right Jack where are you going or what do you do I guess I'm gonna stay it sucks but the thing is is if we can have one of us succeed right that's all we need sure I mean as long as you guys smoke yes I'm gonna split up or you can or you can both go here and I could also just go you fail he goes here I play they go to Cairo anyway that's a city there I can chose no if I do that let's just do that that way we that we have a double chance of solving that one and I can do something in pain you can also trade if you need to yeah all right well okay sorry sorry you first that's zero actions right you still kind of all assets yeah let me see if I can he doesn't hurt like a the holy water or the or the hired muscle like it's it's just it's influence though it's to which I'm not yeah that's super influential but since they're all two you could also throw one out and see what comes up next okay you want to toss a card we have an axe a 45 an hired muscle we probably don't need all three of those in there which one's the weakest they're tired muscles plus one but it has so has a reroll and the axe has two but a reroll but you spin to sanity the guns better alright there's now an ancient tome that's another tooth which is but it's a it's a it's magic it's better than having three weapons out there and then I think I'll just rest because they have a couple of uh samples that I need to look into here great so the first one is the fossilized samples it says item relic when you perform a resurrection you may examine the fossils if you pass with this card so it's observation so I roll three cool you got it yeah flip it fossilized samples you have discovered a collection of animal bones that were used as tools and tablets oh they're like iPad tablets mm-hmm on which the knowledge of the Ancients in ancient civilization was accorded deciphering a long-dead language could teach you much about the world improved to skills of your choice then discs for this car well man I got to tell you I think influence is probably one I should have seemed pretty good his dad is I'm over there oh you know and then maybe I don't know what do you think oh nothing really maybe we'll cuz you know almost every monster comes with a we'll check before the combat well especially because this next one is a minus one will so yeah so the other one when I rest when you perform rest action the spirits of the Dead whisper to you so I get to cut world 3 but I'm willing at each role to come on canopic jar at first you believed you were dreaming but then you realized you could hear the voice of an alien being trapped inside the canopic jar it tells you the secrets of the cosmos and offers like resolve one effect of your choice improve observation then flip this card or you may spend two clues to advance the act of mystery by one then discard this card oh that means we could resolve placing a token and essentially solving this mystery from the ball of the black sounds pretty good to me that but he doesn't have two clues psychically give him one not that's an action that I then I will improve my observation okay and then I'll try again the next time that's something that's great to know though yeah that is really good although that would use up the item it's it can tell you what I do that it's bold that it's a one second because it's a lose the car right oh yeah the other one gets rid of the cards but this lens I get to another shot it doesn't mean I could keep improving my I guess you just you thinking that's making that jumper observant this one's just car dead those were excellent ideas egg so that was your all your actions Kevin what are your actions I'm gonna go that is no action so far and I will rest okay what are you getting one of each so just one health and sanity if you need it and then should I shop or should I get a ticket is the question right now you don't really need the tickets but we're all gonna be heading out of Egypt eventually no ticket you had to give up your guns and stuff so dagger which is pretty yeah I think I'll get a ticket and I'll take a seat ticket yeah see ticket you want the key tickets alright they've done with analyst encounters I'm in Arkham so I will have an archive encounter the shopkeeper at the general store offers to sell you all the papers from the silver Twilight Lodge I make an influence check having one more die slightly yeah at the five isn't it yes if you pass you find guides for mastering magic gain one non ritual spell if you fail he sells your name that didn't happen loser now I didn't get a name to themselves your company sells your name to Facebook to me I am gay right down one non ritual spell uh Mickey rarity sir you're in Alexandria yeah I'm gonna take care of this business a mystery encounter mystery mystery it's a black grenade could be very complex so I just read the top yeah the black wind drifts silent li from one place to another leaving only death and disease in its wake a goddess Isis visits you in a dream commanding you to dispense her blessings upon her people such such that she may ease their suffering you tried to use her power to heal those afflicted so I'm using a lure check and I do have something that helps with Lourdes the arcane school scroll that's a leaf or spells this is not a spell effect it's just a just one is a tone is when you decipher a cryptic message you have to take an action do it so you don't have anything that gives you a bonus for this it's just that I dice say that up first I read the red one right no you clinch your will and all right word of your healing powers spreads sensing the turning tide the black win attempts to possess you directly now your role will well no bonuses for that that's all you need if you pass dispel it from your mind place this eldritch token on the active mystery if you fail no I pass and that's just to confirm half equal to half the number of players we have solved the first of our three mysteries ring with blue that one is fantastic and we don't have to read any more black winged cards good now you guys are gonna get your encounters but they're gonna be hopefully easier the next mystery worshippers of a forsaken Pharaoh the Church of starry wisdom was founded upon the premise of unlocking the mysteries of the shining Pisa hydron what now they aim to bring about the return of nephron cava dark Pharaoh okay after an investigator resolves a location encounter on the Egypt sideboard what you guys may be just about to do he may spend a clue to track down the followers of the dark Pharaoh if he spends the clue a cultist monster ambushes him an ambush means it comes out immediately and fights you and then goes back in the bag it does not stick around on the board if he defeats it place and Eldridge token on this card and then if there are elders tokens on this card equal to the number of players solve this mystery so essentially we have to spend for clues and defeat four cultists Cultus by the way you must pass a you have a 1 we'll check and then a war minus one so even though you guys are our combat monsters it's actually me and Mickey who are the better at fighting the cultists sucks yeah it does that's Lord it's Laura just because one so that means I would never beat a cult it does it means you would start it means actually means you would have zero dice but the minimum is one no you still would have a chance there so we do need to go defeat we need to hunt down cultists is our next task all right encounter yep City encounter I guess I guess so there's nothing else to do that starts the mystery is there a UH that is the second mystery yeah I'm putting it here I got it doesn't matter where it goes but if any time we resolve an encounter up on the location encounter so not a clue encounter or like a pyro encounter correct but he has you you both have clues you actually have the option although I afford you're both bad at lower the bent pyramid I'm Alexandria sorry Oh Cairo okay Cairo you spend hours at the bazaar of khan el khalili searching for something of value observation oh nice Callie come on yeah yeah okay toys if you pass you discover a powerful object gain one relic unique asset well you're elegant enough you are relegated up here is your vision fail you do not notice being pickpocketed discard one possession that sucks oh well since you did just complete a location encounter on the Egypt board you do have the option to try and hunt down a cult member by spending a clue occultist do I want to do that you kind of need one of you yeah I need well I definitely need one from somebody when I go to Chicago and I would say I would say save it for Nicky to fight the cultists since they do need a lor okay just just remembering that you do have the option though okay but yeah you new fighters are not good at fighting cultists I need another ghost to do this what if I succeed you do need to to do that hold on your clue Oh cuz that's actually solves it taxes the active work is spent sorry Kevin's next mystery but I row Cairo Cairo and hold uh before you get carried away sure he's got his rest when you gain this gained this card from the deck gain one clue Wow nice diet what is this lightning what is that symbol that's the reckoning symbol that will come up throughout the mythos deck so something will happen so I have to leave this hit up face up the automobiles is the true purpose to you flip this car okay so when that happens there's your quick yeah alright sir in Cairo and also Cairo in a chamber beneath the desert of beast emerges from the dark and resembles the Sphinx but its face is horrific I have to do a will check I will check that for die please for die if you pass you see an object that drags the beast away gained one relic unique asset oh wow it's a canopic jar so it's when you rest you have to make a skill check same as lincoln's alright that was everyone's encounter yeah mythos move the omen it goes to the red circle and that moves doom by one because of that gate change the second symbol is reckoning yeah that had we a lot of us have that they happen in this order first monsters which is this the serpent people you someone roll one die on a one or to the nearest investigator which looks like me must move one space towards this monster third apparently they are very irresistible all right the next thing that happens is the ancient ones sheep no one is on a space with a cultist so that thing doesn't happen but we all have to go towards the bent pyramid or lose a sanity I'm gonna lose the sanity because I really need to move towards Chicago okay you guys are all here so you would just go to the pyramids or lose the sanity you guys all want to go to the woods you could trade items while you're all there next turn yeah it's it doesn't seem worth it since it's a free move to get away from there to wherever else we are all right then it's active mythos cards like the rumor which loses one of these Eldridge tokens thanks sir I don't want to lose them then it's our player cards so for me oh man the guys are coming from my debt again no I'm gonna flip this debt condition no hit men these debts are serious you guys you said his free money what was all that yeah I'm gonna see now that it was no ordinary Bank you borrowed from some armed men confront you I was in Africa they followed me all the way back to America to collect some armor I can find one demand you were pay what you owe I have to make us strength checking my strength is one if you fail lose three hell oh boy and he's got 400 attack - I'm gonna try to prevent up to two of the health with my flesh words oh really well hey when you meet three more dice that was oh that was a fluke buddies do trust me I can I can cast this spell successfully you there we go how funny when it comes to you at work I lose one health from the Hitman and pay my debt well instead of three yeah when it comes to me you know I all duties and on the eyes I got one success I flipped flesh Ward the spell causes skin to write and reform like a living mean no additional effect and then it flips back that was only because I got zero you know thank you what do you go for the reckoning I got my condition so I just lose a sanity to change no she's she had a brain tumor okay I get to flip this card since finding the idol you've your dream show me the idol throw me you know since finding the idol your dreams have been filled with wonder you have experienced amazing adventures in other worlds where you met fascinating people and battled terrifying creatures each morning you awake having lived an entire lifetime overnight Wow what is the gate what was the game in Rick and Morty Roy or whatever yeah yeah taking Roy off the grid to improve a skill of your choice and flip this card Wow you want a skill master well should I spend it and flip oh yeah because you're the guy who's closest did you get in there you and Nikki both can probably fight cult well these are just gonna I'm gonna just keep I have a couple things I just keep cuz it's just then flip this card no way yes you get to keep on just doing this Wow he's kind of the best cards I know he has well he is a check he's not just it's probably the best like there's probably bet worse one is worse like artifacts and you got a really good one all right any other reckoning things that was it and do you have any new Wow okay that was a lot of stuff for one symbol another gate opens Nikki flip the next group and then we'll put a monster on it's in color it also has the green symbol which means it's two rotations away from adding a thing here we go no that one I was avoiding isn't again next turn you know the one down no yes we still Oliver well actually this is now our sturgeon Kate what do we got zombie zombie zombie please please stop there okay that's a reckoning effect so you know we already passed that symbol it'll possibly happen again late do I rotate this now or does that kind of later that only comes that we did that at the beginning either then the last thing is the event this dark intelligence somehow embedded its maliciousness in its own stories little by little these stories have crept into your mind poisoning you curse of knowledge each investigator discards half of his clues you always round up in this game so if you have one you discard it and I discard two of my three it's awful then just very discharged yeah just out of the box yet Wow so we just lost three of our five then the lead investigator which is me gains a cursed condition wonderful isn't it it's just fantastic yeah those are bad dude well they ain't a nice guy no I will take a curse condition and then we'll start our next er what's gonna destroy the world yeah that's what do you want yeah all right Mickey take your two actions when you're ready okay I I moved up there okay um one of these is an action I thought I could you attempt to decipher cryptic message can I do that just so I can flip the card if you're if that's your actions you're taking so you do test more okay so three so flippant and cryptic texts you notice a message scrawled in the books margin to my beloved Bess answer tell pray and answer look tell answer and answer tell love Harry okay yeah resolved one effect of your choice alright I can recover a sanity or discard one madness condition ooh then flip the card or I can you are another investigator on any space may discard one condition then discard this card alright but you have a mental condition I have a condition a madness condition I could get rid of it and I just got cursed okay but you flip the card if you do it to yourself right no no no the first one is discard a madness and flip so you can do that and then do it again do it to yourself so I should you did it to you sometime recover a sanity no or discard a madness conditional one now I'm gonna do the top one you can get rid of my despair so now I can be able to rest and regain yes yep health and stuff which was bad okay and then I flip the card back action yep is training stuff and actually these in action so yes yeah you may or may not I could trade with you guys since we're all in the same space but you all are pretty geared up if not I'm gonna do my other action which is to put a clue on the board yes please put it down here since we have two clues between us now you're just too close you see what I got I got 18 yeah there's not that far from where you guys are and Istanbul that's way next to where you guys are yeah but that won't happen throw that one mm-hmm done okay link into actions I I guess this one's the the urgent dystonia out here I won't good its I can't get there easily though I guess it's a freebie Irma to to to whom I'm a lady what oh no it's no no I have to move to the heart of Africa but then it's free to get to their pyramid yeah it's this is your full movement no no no no no I'm here I'm in the pyramid I go into the pyramids no you go to heart of Africa here huh then it's a free moment let's just do that yeah do you think the uncharted path there right then you just pop over to the Nile and there was nothing I could do there any way I could deal with uh no there's nothing there's no no you can you can trade before you leave or you can rest and do whatever your things with rest before you leave so just actually either space is mine yeah that's special flange this deck yep it's a complex so once again I'm gonna improve observation and flip the card as I don't have you good I know I know there's a plus to all the back can I keep going past two I know that actually plus 2 on the token is the limit so if you are maximum ulcers than to try to get two clues that I can actually advance I active mystery by one right the next time it happens yes Kevin two actions all right well is it more important to get a clue or to deal with this gate in Africa they're both pretty important what would you say is more important I don't know whichever one smells better to you so improve lower here or I'm sorry proven influence here in Istanbul is that an action that just means that that's sort of a that's what you're gonna get from encountering and reasonably common feeling the encounters yes you should try to get that token because we need it yeah that's true he's right is it an action to get it from each one of us to get these yes I can trade with a single investigator so yes okay I will move up here because orb all of them and I will rest to gain one health and did I take away one no I'm okay mentally so you say do you get to do that thing when you rest or is that a separate action the connection is when you perform a resurrection the spirits of the Dead whispered to you so that's minus one mind we'll wait so I get three since finding the stir your dreams have been visited by the spirits from your past offering their forgiveness for your previous failures well thank you taking with them renews your confidence and dissolves your fear of others resolve one effect of your choice improve your influence and flip this card or gain one random Ally asset from the deck and then discard in this car ooh influence you change it your influence what's your influence that to do that first yeah that's right go until it gets up there too and yes that's the strangers there's more over here he's just used them all all right oh I didn't tell you guys when I drew my spell I hadn't shuffled the deck yet so I didn't tell you till I got it I got aplomb the voids Bell which is essentially a teleport it lets me move an investigator of my choice to any space oh no thanks I don't know what the side effects are if I fail or only succeed a little bit but even in a pinch that could be pretty great like let me get inside out if I do where is there a space anywhere that says no it is London spawns clues do I want to try and do that don't go to London we need clues yeah because I don't have the clues to deal with this right now sorry yes are you doing actions yes but I don't have any way to like I mean I could take your one clue but we suppose a clue one he did not get that yet okay um well I don't that's actually a good idea I will go on I'm out of tickets yeah I'll go to London yeah then you're good for it and I'll buy oh I'll get it I'll get a so I mean if I have to I'll get this or I'll eventually get there or I could try to teleport but I will have a London encounter and try to go please next if anybody ever has two or three clues I mean all right who's the first encounter person you meet where are you I am in I have you here near the pyramids so what do I get one of those ones I guess it is it's just a generic on the terrain ahead of you looks in impassible but going around would take too long you'll need to find some way to move forward so I use my observation which is pretty good all right okay three passes three passes if you pass yet the discover a path move one space if you yeah so I just made you get a free move might as well go here no I mean you don't get to deal with it now but you get to well or you could go to a signal she could go here then her next turn do you have a secret well you could see one more time get more clues on the board that isn't too bad well she can get putting the clues on the board wherever she's at I can't yes but if she could double it I wanted a lemon and then one with her ability that's not a terribly view for you to do whatever well she moves here uses the free mover than to go here and get this clue that's not bad either if you were in heart of Africa well they didn't I don't know if I'm really can be finding stuff unless it's a lower thing or something there are the cultists are lower things so you do want to be fighting Cultus one of us should be in Africa you were me all right don't go alright so for my one move because of that my parent that pair Man Thing the halt of Africa it's kind of a bummer that she doesn't get another like interest or another encounter there you know our Lincoln where are you what are you doing Benji a gate or the mr. denial of the gate you said was coming up yeah it is yeah it isn't that the Great Hall of celini Oh you as you wander through the labyrinth in shells the lights are suddenly extinguished you can hear scraping noises in the darkness paralyzing you with fear you try not you try to some of the courage and find your way in the dark roll my will my recently improved will yeah yeah okay moving through the aisles you try to recall the library the layout of the library this is lore is this every one of these things it's just keep doing it I think they all have multiple tests on them okay hang on it you're rolling lore now it's Laurie yeah doesn't Erik Weisz give you plus one lore for skill chest right that's right oh wow I've got an extra observation you've got six observation they've only been rolling four or five so you have four dice for Laura right yeah Laurent Eric Weiss I forgot about it I know I just saw yeah if you pass you find your way to an exit close this gate nice oh wow that was I read the next thing sure if it's still in that part okay you stay where you are and soon some creature closet you in the dark strength yeah if you pass you drive away the you drive the beasts away and it leaves behind a book game one tome unique asset wow that was dead some cryptic texts went gate down one gate to go so it's an action to do this one yes gates are discarded until we need to go through the entire stack again which will never have a little alright good job mmm and it also stops the track from adding doom which is what we wanted Kevin's encounter I'm gonna do the clew encounter here great that's this it's a what is it called it's a knowledge research and research because I'm in a city I'll read the city text an archaeologist probes you for information disgusting about a reach recent dig and yet there's an observation check so I have to roll - please - please - please - bleh - yes thank God if you pass you realize he belongs to the Brotherhood of the beast and that they are searching for something gained this clue if you fail you speak with that reservation blah blah who cares great all right I'm in London hoping to spawn some clues that's this orange deck London you learned much from studying a stranger's collection of Statuary gained one clue oh wait you have to ask him to let you leave influence - one the good news is my urban guide gives me plus one so I'm actually back to three the bad news is I'm cursed so only sixes are successful I don't think it's that curse that I need to get rid of okay alright come on six I hate this curse already that's nobody that's a curse yeah this triple sixes it's a curse that's the curse I real sync so I'm only six on every die if you've had you depart with a gift gain one treasure map unique assets if I failed my Ally would have been turned to stone but I got a treasure let's see treasure me right well I the ally I mean that's right treasure map and if that's oh when you gain this card place one random clue nice which is but it's not it's it tells you where to go space 6 which is here I might actually be able to get there and that's when you have an encounter there you flip the card nice alright done with encounters yeah you get to read this card Oh prepare spawns a clue get a clue I'll get a clue and I'll give it to 17 aren't we supposed to be getting to clues you're right and we missed that I missed that on the rumor cards when two turns ago because of four players spawn gate means spawn one gate and spawn clues means two clues so we will look we should have had one more clue on the board from the other thing no just pull it down which is space eight and we get a second clue Space Age basically on tell all the MARTA right now from this one all right however we have some more bad rumors - we do alright so the flavor is at the market you learn then another group of men have been asking about the same lost temple what exactly you hope you get there first okay secrets of the past it's an ongoing rumor investigators cannot resolve expedition encounters that's this we weren't that concerned about that either okay it's okay for now hmm okay mmm-hmm as an encounter an investigator on the active expedition space may attempt to uncover secrets lost to time and history so you use your observation okay no because I'm the master at all term you are and if you what happen if he passes he may spend Clues equal to half the players to resolve this room okay and so we all need two clues and an observation and what do we get if we do it oh that would just well it just gets rid of it yeah there's also a reckoning what happens on the reckoning part is the reckoning search for expedition encounter deck for each card corresponding to the active expedition and return those cards to the game box then if expedition encounter deck is empty investigators lose the game okay so we actually have to take care of that at some point or else we could lose the game yep and that is the Himalayas there so we have to use a we have to ongoing rumors yes so we have three critically important things to deal with okay this one which will all our skills if we don't get for clues taken care of there this one which will lose the game if we don't spend two clues there and of course our mystery which takes four clues to travel costs yeah there are I mean we have four in our possession and three on board no no there's two down there okay five on the board so we just need to keep getting clues that's the name of the game for up here too by the way okay never got it to take you oh you're right that one's you know it's so far away so I got six on there there are enough out there but we have to get them all and get to where they all are used all right past the player token unless we need somebody to go first next rounder and then I think the good news is we've closed a gate or doom is not terrible but we need to keep my cousin keeping on yeah all right I'm gonna deal with the adventure then here well I mean I'm still not in a city but I can read a cryptic text mm-hmm so first I'm gonna rest with my can op canopic jar I think this is the end of this right I don't have to bear let me do this other one first just in case I get a clue somehow okay item tome action you attempt to decipher a cryptic message in the text let's find out so that's lore and he does help me so I get to roll for dice taking those dice that just roll three sixes let's wait to pass okay if you pass you uncover secrets that could alter the fate of humanity flip this card cryptic text inside the book you find a page from Lewis Carroll's through the little you see us with a note the margin winner is closer Wonderland is closer than you think nothing is impossible receive resolved one effect of your choice you may spend one sanity to gain two spells and discard one of them then flip this card or you may discard one spell to discard one gate of your choice on any space then discard this card Wow I don't have any spell cards so I'm gonna take give I'm gonna spend a sanity I might as well because I need them to try to do this the next time and maybe get rid of a gate so and you do get to flip the card when I get I get two spells and then discard one sandal shoes aren't yet these two but then I'll have one too you know to use next time yep to try to do also get right it's hoping it'd be one of these though you you may trade conditions focus in as part of a trade action once per round when you improve a skill improve that skill again wow wow all we want Wow so I think I should take okay so glamour it's once per round when you improve a skill improve that skill again geez you know what you don't need that I mean like someone else needs that spell right yeah you're you're just using it for ammo for that yes side of the card you may trade conditions focus improvement tokens and impairment tokens as part of a trade edge wow what's that what's what would be the benefit and save somebody or like oh I could just take it we could trade us you visit someone should just give you their madness if it was about to kill them that kind of thing well I'll keep that one in case a that we can actually use it at some point in time but I think I'm gonna spend it to try to say hey yeah mm-hmm that was one action right yes and then the other one will be the canopic jar which is probably gonna be my no I can't improve observation anymore right I'm not gonna bother with it because I didn't because it doesn't right you need you need the other clue to do the second part of it and then I guess I I did my one action I which was rest and that's it for now yep okay Kevin - all right I'm gonna move to space of that seems like a fine place to be and I will rest I can't get my sanity up anymore but my health is still nothing you do I get up to six now sweet do you do that yes yes which is what skill so it's uh well so I get 3 because it's - one no all right what happens that was two actions you moved and arrested yep all right I need I need to get blessed to get rid of this curse do you think I should go to Rome and see the Pope is that actually I mean I'm sure there is a place to do to get your tokens from us I know you're right but okay this I think actually is not the most urgent encounter I don't know which one's the most urgent I only have two clues so I could could deal with this one possibly this one takes one at a time but for this one takes all for which I I'm not close to so I think I'm actually gonna head to Africa so I'm gonna I'm gonna move to Rome spend my ship ticket to sail to the pyramids mm-hmm and then I'll take the free local move to go to tell el-amarna so I've taken one action to move hmm actually doing it does it matter where I go I can go - I'll go to the city in Alexandria cuz I get a bonus for being in the city with my urban guide yeah but you could get that I know but you have to do a location encounter to hunt down the cult I'll let somebody else do this or I'll get it later okay I moved I haven't in a second action I can't do my treasure map I guess I could shop in Alexandria but only sixes are successes so let's see what happens I get plus one because of my guide see if I can buy some holy water or atone nope nothing you don't want to get another loan well you know it's worked out pretty well for me so far I'm going to let's discard this muscle and see you see a new card alright Nicky you take two x13 sure first I'll do the close so give me two and then all yes I like this plan got 14 and to the heart of Africa that seems your right there so let's not even find 14 what's up here it's too far away alright second action um I want to stay there so not that you do anything so I guess I could do it the cryptic text yeah maybe it'll help somebody absolutely yes and again that was oh I can get rid of my curse right thank you please what else would you do please on any space may discard one condition then I discard this cart so this will be the last time I have this the only condition in the game really really hurts thank you that's actually fantastic alright do we all do actions yes we did encounter yep I'm I'm gonna do the adventure okay you need to do how good is your observation pretty great well it's minus one buddy so be careful so I get to roll phone sorry no you have to first do a location on the Nile River then you check a conservation minus 1.so Nile River is here you stopped in a small town for a meal and sleep and some sleep but the rooms are very expensive I'd use influence and I'll find out I did not pass you shall not that if you fail you are distracted by your exhaustion impair observation so what does that do it takes it takes your plus to back down the plus one okay knocked open yeah not so bad especially because you can boost it back up with that other night item ten card and the dude mmm the dude it just says as long as you resolve a location counter so you do get to do observation minus one all right sweet and now you get an artifact and we go on to the final part of the adventure proof of innocence let me find you an artifact that's this magic item deck it's the shining trapeze ahed rune trasimede Rijn okay when this card enters play place the adventure token on Cairo when this adventure is completed advanced the active mystery by two so we get two free tokens on here that's great after an investigator resolves the location counter in Cairo he may turn over the museum thief to the authorities and prove Eric's innocence if he has the Eric Weiss unique asset complete this adventure so you have to go to Cairo and do a location and then we get he it was because he has it because he hasn't yet or he can pick him I think he can pass Eric Weiss to someone else but that's actually a pretty great reward all right encounter where are you yeah clue research yes research and that looks like we'll know it's a city you watched the house of a known starry wisdom cult member and wait for him to leave servation too crazy sweet yes alright if you pass you find his journal and learned that the cult worships a winged creature with burning eyes gave us clue perfectly we got a cool that's that one on the board nice yeah I got to come on where did I go I went to Alexandria where I am going to I'm gonna have that encounter than hunt for a cultist nice Alexandria and I and thank you for Ungh cursing because I get to roll all my dice now an ancient man in the rack otis quarter suffers from a wasting disease he teaches you old magic gain one non incantation spell if you spend time with him he will teach you more you may gain one illness condition to improve lore no thanks I'm good I don't need nothing wrong with me that was great and now I will spend a clue to hunt a cultist wonderful so I must find a cultist in the bag please okay and then I will okay yeah yes we can just use the stats on the card here I just wanted to see it literally says use the cultist information as listed on the ancient one seat so thanks Nicky for pulling that out of the bag for me I did not need you to do that ever again so I will call two sandwiches me I must roll will three dice four dice because I'm in a city with my urban guide yeah this is really helpful and and so that puts a an eldritch token mystery advance on the the cultist disappears no matter what but we've got one quarter of our mystery completed okay so has the clue I guess I just spent it I all right I put it on there how many do we have to get to clear the four but we will get to if he proves Eric Weiss is innocence so really we only know where your heart of Africa right are you trying to get this close I think I want to try to get a lot of good stuff happens if I get a clue oh she gets to I have because of my special and this one thinking you get an L just check on oh yeah you're you are the master yeah wilderness wilderness rumors of Brotherhood of the Beast activity lead you to several outlying farms but the area appears to be completely abandoned you take a look around to see if you can figure out why so I do my observation which is for second okay so if you pass you realize that the harvest has been decimated by swarms of locusts gain a clue yay all right every wonderful stuff happens when I gain that means you gain a second clue for your ability my ability is after a research encounter if you gained exactly one clue from that encounter gaining an additional and then I've got to know thy enemy it's a task whenever I gain a clue during a research encounter place one eldritch token on this card then you may flip this card so I probably don't know what it does but do you want to flip it now adventure this hurts your head do you know the games no fun to see and Lincoln's cards are always wonderful why I wanted the same thing I just haven't done Alexandria I haven't done a thing there yet I don't believe I've had to move away so all the rules for your map is mm-hmm other things are more important which is fine okay all the research you've done until now has led up to the singular truth about the ancient one with this realization you have a new weapon with which to fight resolve the effect based on the number of Eldridge tokens on this cart so I guess I could have collected more toke sure before I flipped it so I only have one so we gain two clues that's still pretty oh and I have to discard this card worth let's not complain okay worth it totally worth it since you have four clues now yes you could let Lincoln and I deal with this thing in Africa and you can go deal with this and or this probably okay if you want to head towards one of those I would make that your next goal to head towards one of those things no oh no no it doesn't stop you or anything is that everyone's encounters this way as she's you know Highgate I'm sealing this normal life now it's around the corner and down the alleyway yes your turn for this okay it's advanced it one and but we but we close that gate so no doom for the right tentacles that's a monster surge that is two monsters on every gate that matches this which there aren't any so instead it's a new gate so it'll be a one new gate in one new monster right now yes he's like the new gate hotly Sahara Desert ears okay and we've gotta mania mania oh that's wandering the desert in his suit all right what's known is a clue to clues as we now know yeah two please space one well six Seattle and I'll watch the allow I'll ask you man 21 the Australian outback yeah I get I'm on right okay oh there's two now there's an ancient man looking man hand you a heavy object wrapped in worn strips of fabric removing the wraps you discover a black sculpture of the Pharaoh nephron caught the messenger event each investigator must resolve one of the following effects lose health three health or three and three sanity impaired three skin surface chase one game one bane eight condition what's a bank condition let's take a look I mean it isn't gonna be good okay the bane conditions are the curse which I just got rid of and haunted which has no effect straight up front but on a reckoning cymbal you flip it on a one two or three and we don't know what is on the back of it both of those can be gotten rid of by like the effect that Mickey used for me but that was the things she had that she didn't have anymore if you gain a blessed condition you get rid of these Bane's but again that's kind of random and we don't know exactly how to get that it's not like you can just give yourself one so that's one of your options on the bad bad card that we have here is really awful well I'm gonna take my will down I guess in my observation of my lore I know but that's when I don't want to take it I can't I go down on one sanity that would be bad yeah you just gain back some stuff but you'd be back down to one sanity as well once and Aviva 3 health I mean that's kind of I would be at 4 I almost feel like I should do that but I almost want to take a Bane condition because it's like but I'm afraid of best trading man sanity I mean do you is your character done your character is done all but all your items stay on your space and become an encounter that another character can go to essentially if they pass a skill check which is on the back of your character card they get all your stuff well this is the end of you starting to feel right and gained I'd have it be it to Sandi if I went that route that's right if you if you rested me I can do one of these things as well maybe I'll do that just because I mean having the die roll it doesn't really erase okay I'll put those back yeah I think that's observation because these are not exactly simple to build back up no they are not you got very lucky else that many up okay and then I'm gonna do this that's terrible you knew this would you do new and so I guess me I'm doing the same thing they're gonna be resting on the next basically I mean you don't need or have you spent your styie no affiant it's either gonna lie either have to cast a spell to try not to die I think I'm actually gonna take a haunted just to just to trade now for later and see what happening I mean how those bank loans all worked out fine yeah we don't know okay they have a 50% chance of doing something later every time I recommend comes on either three or three health and yeah insanity amp there's no choice but resting is nice alright well that was pretty yes stinky cradle all right the messenger past the token okay that was the end of that term unless we unless somebody needs to go first for any particular reasons but it doesn't look like it so she's got a bunch of clues she's gonna go ahead to one of those things you're gonna do you can still move and then rest you're gonna do this with Eric Weiss right yeah well I'm gonna have to get to Cairo correct yes which means you have to fight the zombie before you can do another or normal encounter there okay well I do have strength so well I don't know that it's as a strength I think it's actually pretty easy its strength minus one you have to hit it twice so it's not terrible since I'm the only one who's not one health or sanity away from a form of death I will take this because certain random battle vents hit the lead investigator so if something is like then late investigator loses a health and a sanity we want that to happen to me and not you guys right now so just for that reason I think I should take it yeah but you should go to Cairo and fight that zombie if you can but I can't I got one Seafarer thing which we did want to do maybe I should go or you can't get there no out here okay I'm in the Nile River I could take about two no to here and then I can free move to there oh sure yeah why don't even have to do that I have to spend anything I can move one in free move to the other thing I'll have to spend my ticket no you don't it's a it's your it's a move action yeah yeah all right everybody has a plan yep sort of I can just stay in Alexandria no I don't really want to go fight the zombie so I guess I'll shop let me have three dice for dice oh the arcane tone or the ancient tongue would actually be great for me or maybe the Holy Ones like with you oh yeah one so I can get a bank loan wanted bank loan and I couldn't get the arcane tome which gives me a massive bonus of spells you should I mean what else oh it's so good game - yeah yeah it's plus - it gives me now I have an effective six - seven more yeah why not I told you those bank loans don't have don't hurt on no virus evil sorcerers carving your head actually I can try and if I can try and pay back the bank loan immediately how do you do it's an action on the debt itself local action test influence if you pass discard this card my influence is three my urban guide is plus one yay I told you no problems alright how's my two actions and I'll go to Alexandria and do a thing there all right what are you doing you're moving somewhere exciting but I got a rest so I can't be doing two moves no well it takes it takes actually two turns to get to here oh I thought this was a path but it's not no so I can go here thank you have a ship to ship you might as well go here she needs to go here too for the clues then okay although it's not like the reckoning things only come up every other turn or two turns or three to deal with it because she I don't want her to lose those token you're right you know what you're right it's either here or there like you don't to lose half of those rounded up or anything like that so I think he's right go here spend my okay it's a free movement to here and then I've never seen my tía and then you can rest and even then Kevin can trade with you on his turn if England then I rests game one and one do you have any rest no it's gonna be a very slow process joy okay I'm gonna move to Cairo which is a frame and then a free move so that's one action that I'm gonna eat wrist you can't rest when there's a monster you can rest first oh let's do that first yeah okay so I will flip this over if I yeah do that there and then I will roll to cool okay so I gain I flip this card I improve my let's do that might as well and then flip the card again I need two clues guys one of these days well like I can give you one of five four we have two and then mentally but the that is better and then I will deal with the zombie if I can yeah - my visions yeah I'm here now do you think it's better for me to improve my lower well let's get an I say go get the corner there's no there's no guarantee that you use my move and though I use my see ticket to go the rest of the way to Sydney yep and I will rest yep hmm alright a very restful turn for most of us I'm having an Alexandria encounter Oh after visiting Pompey's pillar how historical of me you see the Sphinx's again in your dreams they ask you a riddle lore but this is only for spell effects so we only get five dice only if you pass yes they teach you arcane knowledge gained one non incantation spell I am I am a magical mystery tour it's like it's boiling be over there don't say I now have enchanted wet weapon and forced learning I can improve a skill twice when I improve a skill I have lots of spells alright oh and now I spend my clue to hunt a cultist so occultist as we decided if i beat it i have to fight it first i have to test will which is for dice I only need one success to not lose sandy I got bat it and then it is lore minus 1 which is 4 because I my ally makes it 5 and again I only need one success to the goatest he's done that cause I have if Lincoln does his thing which he might not do but then we'll be done with that whole mystery two-thirds the way to way Oh wonderful and I didn't replace this when I bought thing on with that's a charter flight we may immediately move up to two spaces alright make you you are in a city you just gonna have a city encounter yeah suppose that's better than nothing I'm gonna have a city why don't you explore New Delhi or whatever that is Karachi kombucha a photographer fun okay alright um a flood is destroyed the library you look through the sludge for a valuable item so I'm going to observe the heck out of it if you pass you making an important find gain one tome a unique asset and one spell well it looks like that was the Library of Alexandria but it's moved to mostly it's a few thousand miles away I think it probably lets you yeah lets you ignore the monsters that you would otherwise have to encounter if you make that wrong Lincoln you first get to fight a zombie zombie first it's a will roll okay you roll arson yeah you roll your Street will and you just need one success yeah yeah so you didn't get scared and lose sanity because I'm Monterey Jack now you're rolling stress like this one oh my expense of water that's exactly what you need zombie is done we just honor then yes you can encounter either the Cairo gate or you want the adventure encounter the mystery gamma right which is you may turn over the museum thief to the authorities and prove Eric's innocence Wow you have the Eric Weiss unique asset complete this adventure advance the act of mystery by - sweet fantastic - down - down last mystery go thank you you have to get rid of Eric Weiss no I know he's I mean we saw we proved his innocence puts us forever until some monster eats him ya know this if we don't awaken the ancient one which so far we're doing just fine on this will be the final mystery of the game which we all have to solve this and win okay does that adventure token go away it yes because that was involved with the mystery which is now done Haunter of the dark when Professor Annika Bowen brought the mesmerizing jewel home to Providence Rhode Island none could have fathomed its dark past or what a nefarious manifestation of evil it held trapped within its light it's got a real pretty picture of it's sort of we need flaming eyeball beasts when this card enters play spawn the Haunter of the dark epic monster on Arkham is that from in here no it's a special one set aside I'll find in a second it cannot lose health unless the active investigator and that's the person who's taking their turn has the shining trap PISA he'd ruin artifactory that's the one I got oh sweet oh that's the one that I got lucky yeah that was the one I was hoping to get rid okay that is pretty blind luck that you got that one but here's well here's what would you do if you didn't have that if an investigator ever would gain an artifact he may gain the shiny he's a he drew an artifact that's dead okay so anytime you would gain like a powerful item you could just pull that one from the deck okay cool but we did get pretty lucky and pull it first at the end of the mythos phase if the hunter of the dark epic monster has been defeated solve this mystery so all we have to do is defeat this gigantic monster what is it it is - two deer will and then up to three sanity loss depending on how many unveils or successes you get so I can't do that yet you can yeah but we're not so good at fighting then it's only minus one from your fight your strength his toughness is players plus two so six damage to kill him when resolving the strength tests roll one fewer die for each sanity you lost from the sanity test that's crazy the good news I suppose is that he's not physically or magically resistant so all your weapons will count against him but we basically need to get like we need to get you as sane as possible and get the biggest weapon impossible onto you I think whoever is attacking him needs I have it all right so in fact we almost all need to get there together so he's on Rockapella the professor brought back a mysterious artifact and now America is in danger you need to have that card out it's here okay it literally just sent someone over there at all sure and literally is just place the monster there and if it's gone you win okay so this holy water gets you +5 Street that is actually a great thing that we should buy and the 45 gets useless you only get one of those though so it's whichever is higher but the holy water is like a nice grenade so it wholly discard this it's a one thing it's a 100 no II just so it's discard you choose oh no message me here on your space oh okay yes it's that was your encounter it's Kevin's encounter thanks good I'm gonna go I'm in Sydney I'm gonna do the clew encounter or do I up my like strength there's no automatic thing it's just it's in the side meters anymore okay with clues right now right we are I bet she's got four you've got one and we have our ending goal in sight this actually might be the right time to great no I was gonna say trade clues and if like if Kevin is our you know Excalibur gotta go kill the Beast then he might actually use clothes on rerolls you can't just handle my kid but remember what I said like using clues for rerolls is not that great but if it's gonna win us the game by destroying the beast it's not a bad idea terribly or the Haunter of the dark sorry well he should try to gather the clue then yes he's already there he doesn't have much choice he wants a city encounter you visit with the world renowned cartographer and he gladly shows you the maps he has drawn of the passages and chambers within the great pyramids gained this clue hooray you hastily make copies of the maps for your own collection and negative to observation if you pass the copies proved useful and you gain one additional clue alright so this is an important we're all here one die please so you already got so you get this one get one for sure so we get that one have two observations suppose to be a zero but you get one so one chance of crazy all right that goes here I'm not you admit those card up like mythos alright I it is visions of past lives first we move that to green which moves doom to nine based on all right no then reckoning this is all but no monsters come out because of that gate no that's just do monsters come out when a new gate opens or when there's a monster surge okay simple okay only new gates and Mon surges that just did this just advances doom doom does doom can be well darn it that means I can't get rid of why what is the let me do that yeah because I think one of these lets me um by spending this spell I get to we get to bump back the film track yeah that's I mean look if that doesn't even matter right now this okay the reckoning symbol is gonna have a lot of bookkeeping so first it's monsters okay roll a die Lincoln on a one or two the snake people sing their sweet Billie Jean song see if they're okay let's try it good lord let's please strike yeah good we don't want to we don't want to have fun anticipating movement however we all have to move towards the bent pyramid or else loses sanity yeah you might want to lose the same yeah well now that we know about this that's a good question I don't I don't think it's as important as it used to be okay I'll know towards the bent pyramid I don't care I'm already right here you're already right here I mean everybody has to move towards them right or lose the sanity mmm everyone got to yeah you probably should move alright but I especially that's fine if I lose a sanity I'm down to three where do you really want to be is the question I don't know where I should be anymore I was heading you won't have layers but now it's not so important the thing is about to happen but I would guess that we have many turns before it loses us the game so I mean hmm I guess we can ignore it for now I would say go ahead and do it this look it's gonna move you here and then now we're all in this area and we can trade items and prepare for the other weekend so I say sure spin it ticket and then came back yeah yeah yeah then the the the call of the pyramids was too much greater actually we she should go actually she go here or here but this is this better distance I think okay because she's closer to us okay monsters ancient one then this one loses a token still to still quite a few yeah it's at least two turns if not probably four or five away then this one searched the expedition encounter deck for the Himalayas and returned it to the game box oh oh I see okay we take all the Himalayas ones out okay we have a long time on this one then it's now Tunguska because that's what's on top of the deck so then we take all those out then whatever the next one is we take all those okay so it's when this deck is empty good they're out of the game but this is this is a long clock we don't actually need to worry did did that is this a reckoning yes that's what he does that's what I just did we all have to deal with a bunch of reckoning so that's what we're doing okay but these ones happy to order these cards it's creatures yep God cards now us so luckily I don't have any bank loans I do have three things to do I I have to test lore for my forced learning spell someone give me I actually get seven dice six because I have plus two for my arcane tones so we're probably not gonna find out what what oh come on that one nice now I test it again for my enchant weapon spell I don't know what this will do but I'm probably still okay just barely and now haunted on a one two or three I flipped my haunted condition missed one it's only a one eye only it's only alright I don't do anything what do you have this smell test lower minus one wall two dice you guys can this no nope oh wait no it's helping the spell effect it's just token all right Shraddha shadow resolve the effect based on your test results I had zero yeah shadow fades and returns without your control there is no telling when it will leave you there's no telling when it will leave you forever if you rolled anyone's discard this card yeah you lose a big deal okay all right Lincoln what reckonings do you have uh first I can do this one here the idol reveals that I've lived this card improve one skill of your choice to flip this card let's do the lure since that seems to be the the work here and then I flip it over again gosh that's so cool to everyone I'm reckoning staffing more often and this one's another spell this one's the glamour one it says trade but when it reckoning happens it says Tess Laura to flip this card so it's a weird one whoo-hoo okay so 0 you can't remember the words perhaps the magic transferred to another if you rolled anyone's discard this card there it goes a lot of the spells are just they'll go away eventually if you can't I was hoping they're gonna give us the one whatever it was to do it was this deal no no it's the artifact I don't want to do that was the one that you let you spend the skill the oh it's the cryptic text probably yeah you discard one spell card to discard one gave your choice on any space yeah okay I have plenty of spells if we if you need some I can just give you one so well we should do that's not that important though I mean again we really need at the end of the game law that is but it's another big deal no but I have for ya yeah what do you know granny your oh no I'm wrecking kinda guy all right all right that was this agate does open next date this may be anywhere on the board because I think we've done all the Egypt ones Tokyo oh yeah and a monster for Tokyo please that's okay that'd be cool if it was something if this vision is true you have confronted the dark Pharaoh many times over the course of many lives she has a reckoning ability for next time which each incarnation has been preparing you for this final battle visions of past lives the lead investigator tests will which is three I'm no longer in a city so it's just three then he improves a number of skills equal to his test result Wow nice yeah one what and because of my forced learning spell when I improve a skill I get to improve it again that's sweet so straining I guess I mean in case I'm the guy who goes to fight just in case I max around that max three alright Nazi kissed yeah one yeah I'm not gonna complain so you think you're a tough guy well I'm as tough as a psychic ladies ever gonna be I guess alright I'll pass this on wait does anybody need to go we're all here we can all trade if we get on the same space it may be worth doing I am guessing you got the kerosene I also have an action that you and a monster on your space each lose one health so I can take him down one that could not hurt I'd say and I'm planning on giving you my urban died award flip died a lie this is a city so he would give you plus one on every skill in a city alright so we should meet up at the moment yes when do we have to deal with this when he tries to go for it he needs to either change or whoever's fighting him needs because I was going to just discard it and so we can get rid of no that's not I think it's it turned out to be the key to saving the world you guys please don't throw I've been trying to use no game in it I mean maybe if we end up on the same space but it's not um yeah okay anybody else have something that they should give to Kevin I mean I can send that I can give him a clue if he's gonna use him his rerolls what's the deal that I needed clues for before alright for nothing that's not bad but he doesn't he do want we want a block you wanted to be enlightened every success if anybody gives him one somebody else needs to give him one because it needs to be too so that he don't he loses an even number but if it's I like to lose half again yeah hopefully that shouldn't happen again how do you have any tickets how far I don't like the shoot I could even teleport him and we can try this this turn we should all right let's all get to the same space yeah what space do you want to get to right right here this city that's where you need to be to do this yep it was not here I'll teleport an action I think we should all meet here in Johannesburg okay Joe but I think you should go first so then we can all move there sure give him items he can collect these clues from Nikki yeah you can teleport me there isn't it and then I can teleport you as an action you'll have the encounter on the encounter turn I can give you my guide he could buy the ticket he could buy this that's only to space yeah I mean I guess you're right it's not really that far but the halt and the holy water man well he's got the character the holy water be great but one of us could buy it and give it to him as well huh so he doesn't have to buy I get kerosene and a magical day I can only use one though right in combat I'm just trying to figure who should go first and we need the trade and you definitely need to give him the clues sure but I can gain some more clues that's right so you should go before him yeah it should say but you yeah yeah no but you don't gain the clues till the encounter nobody sent ray with a little we're on the same side I can psychically give you clothes so we could say what the order is really it's not that important okay alright you're first stay where you are there's your clue ability do whatever you want but state yep alright so here you go here's number one okay number one draw to you clues so I've got nine and I have San Francisco there's eight sword oh they're both good yeah no just some tasteful kids up there but is it so will it's like the wilderness of Greenland all right that was one sure you can't you could shop and try to get the holy water yeah I mean items can I pass to somebody that's infinite there is no limit but he can just only use one at a time in combat or I could rest or I tired I don't I don't think you need it I have two healthy okay I'll do the holy water sure why not that is my influence yeah how do we trade with him we're not on the same space I really need after he comes as you might then he goes every time he's yeah so I got to so I can do you absolutely we might even just spend the whole turn preparing and do this next turn we don't have to rush it this turn what's that personal it's just instant Ally gain and one chance you may reroll one die when resolving an influence all right so that was your two actions Lincoln I still think we all want to meet up in that city yo burg yeah like there's your free move to free mother are you on the pier words we're essentially oh we are on the pyramids is right let's just I'm sure you move so actually I don't know it's too much as I can't wait no one and ship do you have a ship I do no oh good for you then it's a city correct yes immensity well that's me oh don't don't touch my cyclo and right jack when I bought all that time ago yeah never used cousin ever would anywhere that was one you can't trade with Kevin because he's not there rest yeah all right yeah cuz you're a fighter we need your fighters rested okay Kevin I'm gonna move to meet up with everyone here and then trade is in action right yes I'm not gonna be able to rest which is kind of bad cuz I'm at four and I actually let's just prep this turn just a rest all right it's gonna take me two turns there unless I cast our risky spell so I'll rest and then I get to do my canopic jar next turn I'll go first trade you a bunch of stuff actually actually the last in teleport will minus one so three dice please ooh got it - it's good since finding that jar your dreams enough is about the spiritual in your past I bring your forgive others you know I can resolve one affect improve my influence then flip this card or gain a random Ally from the asset décadas how I could help you in combat random Ally could be pretty good better than influence unless he's charming some demon or something where there's some good will like that influence want oh here we go the next one is an arcane scholar congratulations you have plus one on the lore I need that since it's probably gonna take me two turns to get down to you guys I'm not doing all that much on this term yet I can just move to the heart of Africa maybe I could try to close that gate unless that's too risky you know I have this the one deal where we discard two clues and what does I do and it gets rid of a see which one it is here is it cryptic text no it's not that one is it the kunafa oh yeah it's the canal economic jar you may spend two clues to advance the act of mystery by one then discard this card so what would it deal do some damage to this monster or and it or it does since this since this mystery does not place tokens it would actually reduce the damage we need to do to this monster by 200 other clues six if your toughness to kill him it would only before so that would actually be pretty great if we can get you one more clue next turn as well okay I guess I will rest couldn't hurt not there's no monsters so I'll go back up to my max all right you're the first player yeah we're all gonna have hopefully nonviolent peaceful encounters sir and then next turn we have an actual possible tiny shot at moving all right all right you guys are all in the city onion wilderness city encounter on these cards city just preparing don't read it you go you try to convince a notorious grifter to teach you some tricks influence stuff rolling okay so influence is three nope you touch annoying it takes your money and ruins your reputation and I impair my influence yeah good that's fine those rumors hey shady figure offers to sell you a weapon no questions asked you speak with him to determine his motives influence nice if you pass gained one random weapon asset from the deck that's good mm-hmm man Erik Vice would have helped me though fights on the detain continued condition it's a carbine rifle plus five once per round sweet nice well I think I'm gonna have to go and I think it will probably soften him up together I meant I but the active player must have that item so that's trade it back and forth so I couldn't I couldn't soften him in fact no only one of you will be able do it yeah cuz we can't transfer Lance that if one of you dies the other one can pick it up yeah yeah all right what do you got legends say that this cemetery is haunted wearing the headstones you encounter an angry Specter eager to share his story the experience is nerve-wracking but you try to listen so I have to do a will check for die please yeah yeah oh yeah if you pass the Spirit gratefully fades from view recover to sanity oh good one that gets me back up to full perfect alright I have fetid vegetation hides a forgotten graveyard hey we're all exploring graveyards today you try to interpret the writing on the stones lower minus one if you pass you find the stone that marks a treasure gain one relic artifact nice if you fail I didn't fail that's a sweet magic sword spear magic helmet magical relic twin scepters plus four strength during combat encounters plus for Laura's helping spell effects go oh goody buff we are getting buff no one of us can fight us at a time she's waiting you need to get there and take a Shadrin only if we have the right thing to do damage to it alright Nikki's gonna read a mythos card if we're we can pray that this is the last one and we don't have to read any more after this well hey if we don't complete this blue we do have a blue gate don't we Tokyo's beer if it moves next term we get to doom because there's two red gates alright read the reckoning first role for the snake people on a 1 to 2 we don't mind if it moves us right now we don't actually and it's actually we just have to choose a person good I didn't want to deal with that wait the which has a reckoning say she does each investigator who's cursed loses a health anybody cursed no I'm haunted not curse next we all move towards the bent pyramid or lose a sanity okay well we just come up to here to the heart of Africa right and I lived at the pyramids yeah I moved to the pyramids that's fine that's fine it's the same distance see these the same distance and and I'm gonna teleport him next turn any all right all right people wait no one's on a cult to know then it's these cards okay this one if one more comes we're gonna all lose two from skills we actually need to win soon this will discard all the tunguska cards out of this deck and move to the next and move to this see if you find this Northern Lights II look in space me in the north good stuff yeah all right we still have like four more that was so however we could lose that rumor which will be sort of bad now people with right now people starting with you I have no reckoning anymore great a mysterious Idol is it does it improve okay but I don't want to spend I'm sick yeah no you don't you want to get two clues when you get to closes that one you have to take a rest action and do that thing yes it's things so someone needs to be do novelty yeah canopic jar your turn sir and you know he didn't have it no nope yeah all right all right agree I give me there's four I have to test lower twice and to this is for forced learning I don't have to see what happens with that one and this is for enchant weapon I might lose that one resolve the effect based on your test result oh you have to flip it anyways I screwed up Westland that's a zero if you rolled anyone's discard this card okay I should have flipped it well I should have lost one sanity from force learning last time as well as this time but I'm still fine those are tough spells and nope now on a hop now on a one two or three we find out what happens with haunted I still don't want to find out all right is that all of them yeah nobody else has any nobody else all right so the ones on the board know a ver the flea uh no the gate disc mini-monster ie one London gates though you Igor this is a pretty bad monster yes that is for toughness I - - to combat you definitely don't want to get beat up by and he also is a reckoning guy yes so hopefully and well we'll be long dead or long alive by then oh oh no the Bermuda Triangle I'll read the text read the flavor these these sudden see sudden thunderstorms have grown more common twice a day rain that's smells like sea water floods the streets and cold winds that cut like glass threaten to pull doors off their hinges for me to Train event each investigator rolls one die do you want me to finish this or my dad Roland no I thing okay she's first okay I don't yes sir girls room six that's only on one or two yeah okay now you roll for four do you wanna know yeah I want to know you'd have to move to space eight which is not bad and become delayed meaning you Beverly you can't become delay that would've been okay for the rest of us to lose a turn would have been not tonight Eric rice won't let me be delayed that's awesome so so we made all our rules anyway coulda sped this up all right yeah I know who wants to go first okay Lincoln needs one more clue sir all the rest should go to Kevin so excited B first still I think you should cuz you probably should give him one in him three and that's your turn okay and then you'll do your thing by resting right and then I'm giving him an item and then I will come to you and yes so that's it's it's trading okay trading whatever is an action yes all right so here we go I stay first but I can't split these up I have to give everything to one person or so yeah so what well yeah yeah right you can't take the same action twice so I give a pile to Lincoln and then Lincoln passes upon what he passes whatever that's one action if she gives me the the magnifying glass and and the clues yes and she stills another round yes so she can heal or whatever okay right well should I do that or put some clothes out on some more clothes out on the board I don't I'd say close be a lot of clues all right so you get four of those clues and you're gonna get the magnifying glass okie dokie and then I rest I guess so it's tiring passing Clues around okie dokie I'm gonna give Kevin the trap hook trapezoidal or whatever Travis travels as a head drawn and then the magnifying glass which was that what did that do it once around you or another educator on your space may spend one clue to reroll any number of dice any number of dice yeah one awesome re-roll and then a one spin I'm gonna rest spend two clues and put two wounds on our guy Oh after that discard discard is it automatic or is there skill check for us that's what it says you may spend two clues what is the front say oh yeah I got her I gotta do the thingy I got it I got a do the thingy getting excited yeah but I think it's observation so it's really easy for him what yay Wow it's not observation clearly no it's it's will I thought it was observation okay yes you took it over yep could not well that's tossed spend the two clues add to damage so it's actually this he's wounded he only needs take for damage to die that's sweet great yes that was your two actions yes you gave him everything I know we really might don't jinx it okay sorry all right I think I need to move I think you do because if you come to me and trade I can give you this Ally okay it's plus one to everything in the city all right nice oh so that's your two actions and then on my turn that compelling trade move and trade okay so I'm coming to the pyramids we were you yeah I met the pyramids here come here so one and two new trading I don't have anything else good to give you but but then that leaves me my actually take this to just some case I suppose you never know if he's gonna like him make you lose stuff no I need that for the spell if you're in City space sophisticated on your space we're all one additional day when resolving tests except for when resolving otherworldly character okay so the shining trêpa so he drink just to clarify the action for this card is choose one monster on any space in roll one die on a five or six discard that monster on a one to four move the monster to your space we can't do it on this guy no cuz he's an epic monster he's just too buff to do it okay yeah I guess if we had a really bad monster that we had to get rid of that would have been handy but okay nothing I trade it with you I'm done oh that's right you're right we don't want to get rid of it yeah um yes so and I think all I'm gonna do is teleport you but I have plus four lore when resolving spell effects from this and and that's so I have eight or seven to plumb the Vedic just one more all I need is a single success hopefully I don't teleport you into like you know a volcano I'm plumbing the void well my magic psychic Chris climate 6-weight have to flip the spell I've resolved the effect based on your test effect zero the portal closes abruptly nearly saving you in half that shows an investigator loses three health oh one two two I would lose one sanity 3 plus which I did more than just warping space you also manipulate time you may perform an additional action so you go there and now I have two more actions of which I don't really have anything to do head over there - since you he doesn't have the trapezes I don't know I don't have but I could I mean I don't know I might as well move and then rest or something you could go this way and head to that club if it's I could well that's still on I'll go here and buy a chassis ticket is what I'll do here there you go if I need to sail across the sea I'll be compared all right all right all right you can't go there anyway no but I can go if I need those three though but I can buy another one next to really really have to all right we bypass this part and just no let's go two more two encounters before we see what happens yeah what if it's like all the investigators have to move somewhere yeah well then it's your fault Nikki all right you're in the heart of Africa do you want to close the gate or have a wilderness encounter this is probably less bad okay okay I hear shouting from inside of a crypt and try to move the stone door oh my goodness it's my strength minus one so I have no dice at all get one by default everything goes to zero and here we go your arms break so weak if you fail you cannot save him gain in despair just like okay four years of moss and lichen from the stone altar uncovering a series of prehistoric symbols you think you can interpret the carvings check my lure if you pass okay no no it says if he pass he gave one clear spell but the other way all over the world your friends are failing at things like get a negative Bitterman think it was just do nothing you just do it all right counter is a monster city oh I have to do the monster yes you have to do the monster first so the city won't matter if you do it successfully it's also possible to you just damage the monster and that okay you can we continue all right now let me let me ask a couple of questions about this in kind so I have the kerosene which I'm probably gonna want to use cuz it's plus five I can only use one item right which is the biggest bonus kerosene it's a one-time use yes two plus five to my strength which is already four so that's nine because it says plus 5 it doesn't say up to five right so is that nine yes it is now with the magnifying bonus I could reroll any number of dice yeah all of them if you need yep and then with that just takes one magnifying yes that's why we get one of the other magnifying glasses they are single rerolls or every other yes don't forget the Ally I gave you actually makes it gonna dice so you're all ready yet that's for a 10 to start however it's the first thing that happens is what's your will for you get you have you must roll two dice no it's for as for no no it's a tile or this is Lauren Oh what are you my for the Ally that I gave you the urban guide is also wanted every single for everything okay so that's fine so it's minus two but you roll three dice so it's five minus two if you succeed you can either also use clothes on this because for every failure here you're going to roll one less on the strength test move okay we got ten though on it and for every failure here you're going to lose sanity okay that's full sanity so feeling good so you do want definitely sunny they have one pass to get past this right you actually don't this is one role you could lose all three of your sanity in a live then you're losing three dice are actually in pretty good shape that is so how many clues do you have altogether oh yeah yeah I got seven six and then a seven for the magnify God well that's uh cuz he has now lost one what could use magnifying glasses on that's what we want well he's at seven dice I would save the magnifying list for the big role yes yeah but we could use these I mean we can get wandering roles here on this one let's use one or two here okay I'll take em all and cuz we're still rolling and then we'll result these are going yep cool all right so you lose to sanity and now you're down to eight dice instead of ten and we're still okay I think eight and then he had lost one cuz he twirled twice he he we got one success out of three also hurry to failure okay yeah while resolving this string test roll one fewer die for each sanity you lost from the test so we have a possible full reroll and therefore single dashboard so if you all four hits on this eight game over without any rerolls so before it's total that's all we need and I'm sorry we stopped it's a he's minus one so you actually only get seven dice oh it's getting worse out of time it is getting worse all the time alright but it's doable one two three four of the dark is defeated on one thing amazing hotel yeah boom that's it we completed three mysteries at the end of the mythos actually at the end of the myth no space I have to have my encounter and we have to complete them I'm in Rome I have to have a room and it's not this one it's this one and then we threw the myth no space we have to go through the card because that's what it says this is that sapiens I asked you to provide a lecture for their students role or give me five for dice if you pass I get to improve the skill of my choice from the regional students hey I picked this random skill and now it's less one that's it alright now many throws I know what should be the worst thing ever aged right take that you have that to read Lester's killed in the last page I think we have to read gates we said right yeah there was another one yes - doom goes to six we're gonna have to process reckoning effects great all right this one's not going to matter let's just say what's not going to matter the widow ones cursed we can all move towards the pyramids let's just move it doesn't she's despair loser sanity no problem I'll get plenty of sorry we're doing it oh wait we all lose two from every skill from this this rumor okay it doesn't matter on a one two or three we find out what my haunted does ghastly follower wherever you go the phantom follows always watching you the spirit never leaves your side even in public each day you hear the shrieks of horror from anyone who sees it lose one sanity and impair influence it's not that bad especially cuz I'd already improved influence whoa whoa we discard another set of these but we have at least three left I test a spell and then at most I lose a sanity so that's not gonna matter any other reckoning effects we moved we did this one and this one I don't think this matters this one just moved this one on a one to two moves one person whoa it moves you hmm and this is good it keeps him out cuz he was supposed to go there do what does this one do each investigator on this space or an adjacent space loses one health and once and no one's a Jason you were here but I am you from this move first good actually no this should move first so I should lose a health and a sanity again okay not gonna kill me so it doesn't matter the haunted we did I lost the same for my spell we opened one more new gate in Istanbul with one more monster that won't matter oh my love this skeleton the the mythos event our games almost over shuffle the mythos deck the deck you're never supposed to shuffle oh because the bad cards are all at the bottom then draw and resolve another mythos card without resolving the omen symbol if it has one if this was the last card of the deck it says you lose the game but we do have to go through one more card oh this is a good show this is people I know yes but it's really all bookkeeping move it every now we don't we ignore the movement symbol we do another reckoning and another gate all right let's do the the reckoning can't matter right we all have to go towards the bent pyramid you go here which has an effect though which only affects cursed people no one's here roll one die for this guy no one knows for the snakes I could lose I could lose a couple more sanity but it's not gonna matter this is for the ghosts nothing here this is for the spell do you lose the spell I impair a skill unless I discard the card done you have to do anything with this no it's the one thing I'm just making sure I understand or anything important actually I shouldn't do that we already lost Antarctica I'll just make sure that we've done this one right there's still like three more pictures on these now we lose this Amazon jungle picture off of this this card what is it yeah this this one is a long time we still have pyramids or do we go to now well we saw it like at least two at least two more if not three or four yeah we're good yeah there's a lot of these so I lose another sanity for my despair okay you're still okay it doesn't matter we still die or anything all right a reckoning reckoning we did that no one's on a cultist space she doesn't matter another date it's a good thing you don't lose by gates like Arkham Horror yeah no kidding where's that Arkham oh good and one more monster and then it's a fire it could have been bad but luckily we were doing well the event is desperate times doom advances by two unless the lead investigator gains a dark pact condition take the dark pact either way we have finished the mythos phase we have finished the third mystery Wow take without Eldred you won the game the outlet or has been defeated well done everybody you're awesome take it yeah so you've never played no I've never played this scenario but this is our first first time with that but you've never played what do you think so might the beasts it's very cool I love Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraft so it's it's got that cool element of all that stuff there is a lot to keep track of thank God you guys knew how to play into that Aaron was so steeped in the knowledge here but that's a lot to keep track of look at all the deme look how big this right super busy but I mean it was fun I like the cooperative aspect and I like the fact that we were playing strike in the dice bowl I mean it was it's fun it's a very it's a very globe spanning game so there was so much to do it was fun Nikki what do you think I loved Arkham Horror so and I love playing Arkham Horror with you because you're really good at keeping up all the books and the numbers and all that stuff and I think you're probably the first person I've ever ever played Arkham I think you're probably right with this one's got some streamlining going on in it for sure compared to the normal are chemours the horrors yeah you know but you still have the portals you still have to fight stuff it this version of the game is a bit faster because there's like in Arkham or there's the portals and you get lost in time yeah yeah and the outskirts and everybody's there's so many little things to take care yeah managing the other gamers crazy a lot of little things that this just wipes away and says this is what how we want to play with it but you're still getting like the extra stories the extra board some extra expansions to keep it going so it still keeps all of that stuff I like the idea of this buying stuff that's way easier yeah a lot of those things are just simplifications and streamlines of Arkham Horror like there's a This American horror you have actual money that you collect and buy things for certain costs this is just so much easier for example and the beasts and all that night I really was enjoying all these extra little side things to work on rather than just running around closing up portals and fighting beasts there's you know the mysteries and all the other things that this game brings with it to to kind of try to you have different things to fight and different ways to fight them what else don't want to say and it still keeps the characters which is always fun yeah yeah to mess around with characters and I like the idea of doing the train tickets and handle the global travel very well I bought one ticket and then I ended up going back the next turn to the place just came but it's still it's fun I don't think we have any sea encounters I don't think we know not actually but they're really just on the way to get to other places just to give you something to do on those can you play with more than one expansion at a time oh absolutely yeah you can play with any number of mixes of course you know it's just making it more complicated for yourself right now was a good start you're like talking about what is cards if you almost had this choice dad would not yeah but yeah people do that crazy week long all day long okay gang of like let's play with all of the expansions I don't even know how you do it but I just love this game about Julie concrete think oh um I really I I mean I've always loved Arkham since we first played it and you know can caved and bought everything on that and I have not everything on this ship but I it's basically I feel you I want to do it I love how it works I think it's really awesome that the store follows us wherever we go yeah I mean it's just weird but it's it's easy it's a certain way I get it especially since you can dump one if you failed that way it can at least keep it it doesn't get choked up with junk and I don't think anything's junky it's just some things are just like definitely not as beneficial but I really I think this game is really really slick it isn't it isn't speedy but it's less mind-numbing right yeah that is the thing that I've even though I love Arkham it's the one thing that if we didn't have you know you or Matthew running it where you guys are really on it like my brain would just turn to goo trying to keep track of all the stuff usually so much stuff and I mean you know that I really like a deeply fanatic and very not very complex game but a game with a lot going on it's an attraction to me and not a turn-off yeah but even I think this is a lot of bookkeeping like there are a lot of things to keep track of in a lot of moving parts and I absolutely like I can't think of anything right now that we missed but if somebody pointed out hey you guys missed a little rule here or skip a phase I wouldn't be surprised there's so much stuff going on in Arkham Horror and this that it's just a lot a lot a lot of little little bits and pieces especially if you use more than one expansion or you know you you mostly use this expansion but you decided to switch it up and use a different one next week and you know so you're unfamiliar with a lot of well the new parts it does seem like I'm going to play the game more though the stuff in this game in other words Arkham could end quickly it could end horribly and quickly you know yeah this one sort of lets you play in fact for a certain amount you're gonna be playing it for a while doesn't mean you're gonna win but you're gonna you're gonna play it doesn't it it doesn't you know cuz in Arkham a whole series of things can happen at once sure that just it it basically it's over right because all these things just trigger one after the other it's it's a little bit more pandemic in the in the when there's an outbreak is for there's our cascade effect yes not to say that it couldn't do that but it seems especially since there's not as many gates opening it seems that's the one thing that seems like the strongest difference as far as what happens in the game we this is the most gates we had at all it's because we didn't sue Mythos Kirk yes I played Arkham where we've had a bunch of gates open and you know there's monsters waiting out in the outskirts so you can't you can't move around very really and the gates are hemming you yeah the gates are well the gates are the main problem and victory condition in Arkham right so you have to deal with them a lot more head-on we're here I mean I really like this mystery mechanic where you don't really know what you're gonna have to do when the game starts and of course it changes for every ancient one but they also you know we could play this same expansion again and have three different mysteries and have nothing be the same I really do like that as well as all the clue rumors being different for everything we only got to about six of these you know search things now what happens if you lose all your sanity or you die you your investigator and all your items going the space like this as an encounter you'd be encounters on the back of your team and it says what skill check the other people need to pass you get a new encounter new investigator of your choice next okay so you never die until the very end of the game and and really it doesn't penalize you that much because all your stuff is still there for someone to go pick up essentially you just have to pass a skill test to get the stuff back from from your crippled or insane investigator who's not gonna play the game anymore they're just gonna retire but but I think but that's pretty cool too in Arkham Horror there are more ways to lose your items and have them be gone from the game forever it doesn't always happen but there but it's more possible so yeah it's definitely friendlier and then let's Emily yeah actually in the game for sure exactly there's there's less punishing yes yeah well and it doesn't seem to I mean I thought oh my gosh if when we flipped another mythos card without having dealt with anything I was worried right well I mean and if we were had been really towards the end of the game where yes was down here it could have been traffic yeah but we luckily had been speeding along fairly well actually yeah it's weird that's the big the big scary part of every turn is the mythos yeah and that was a bad one to have come up I mean it wasn't that bad but it still wasn't great and we I didn't show you guys when I was building this deck but the green cards of which we only encountered one are the act are the worst cards of the deck that's so we got that one that was like where we all had to lose three health and three sanity or impair two skills or something else that was the one really bad card and as you can see we were just getting down to the mostly bad cards in the deck so the game was gonna get harder and worse yeah absolutely it was well I don't know cuz that got shuffles and won that last one of those cards we got remembered well yeah but still this is what's lesser there's a lot of green cards what's left is getting worse we go there well Aaron thanks for telling us about Elder tour god of the pyramid I'm glad we got to finally save the world [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 107,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, Session, board game
Id: zeB94rgbzus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 9sec (12249 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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