Woman Believes Man's Wife Is Getting In The Way Of Paternity Test (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Percy Glen v. Gayle.</i> Thank you Jerome, good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Percy, you've petitioned the court for a paternity test. JUDGE LAKE: You're here to prove to Mr. Gayle and his wife, that he is the father of your 26-year-old daughter, Tedria Glen. Yes, Your Honor. You claim that you've spent nearly $200,000 to raise your daughter and he's done nothing. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And now you feel like he needs to pay. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Gayle, you claim, you weren't there for Ms. Glen, because you only found out, she may be your child when she was 15 years old. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And your biggest fear is that your wife will leave you if you're proven to be the father. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Percy... DEDRIA: Yes. ...why do you think Mr. Gayle is denying your daughter? Because of his wife. I don't know why she won't let this man be a man. And be with his children... Your Honor, my wife is... DEDRIA: ...he needs to spend time with his children. My wife doesn't stop me from seeing any of my kids. (SIGHS) Mr. Gayle, that is so not true. Every time my daughter calls him, it's like, "Oh, I can't talk to you right now, "Tonya's sitting right here." ERNEST: Right. Because I don't wanna disrespect my wife. I mean, but that's just... How would you disrespect your wife? If I do that with my daughter, I can talk to her. This is your daughter! That, I knew that was my daughter. It's your daughter. I can talk, It's your daughter. to her whenever I please. Mr. Gayle, tell me, were you all in a committed relationship? It was committed, we was seven years... Was no seven years... DEDRIA: How long was it then? Like four or five years. DEDRIA: No, it wasn't... When I got with her, she was 16 and I was 21. And then when I was 26 I was with my wife. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. When did you get married? What was the date that you and Mrs. Gayle got married? I got married, February 23rd, 2002. Really? JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Tedria Glen. When is your birthday? October 9th, 1988. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Gayle, you got married in February of 2002, but how long were you together before that? Fifteen years. Holla! Oh! So, if you were together 15 years, that would put you... ...way before... You were together with your wife, way before... Right, we broke up a long time ago. (DEDRIA LAUGHS) We was still sleeping together. ERNEST: We slept together one time. We were sleeping together the whole time you was with Tonya. No we weren't. We slept together one time, Your Honor. He's still trying to sleep with me. What? Whoa! Whoo! (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) That's cute. Um... DEDRIA: Don't, don't lie. Don't lie! Don't lie! Don't lie! Oh, my God... JUDGE LAKE: The bottom line is... Do not lie! The bottom line is sometime during the relationship, whether you all were off or on at the time, Ms. Glen was conceived, if you are her biological father, during that time. Well, she already had somebody else tested. And they wasn't the father. ERNEST: She said, I'm the father, They wasn't the father, so you was the other possible father. But, if you had somebody else tested, if I was the father, you should just have tested me first. Ms. Percy, that's a valid question. DEBRA: True, that's true. If you really felt he was the father, why wasn't he the first man tested? Because I didn't wanna be bothered with him. ERNEST: So, why you wanna be bothering with me now? I don't! Honestly, Your Honor... I don't. Is you. Ya'll doing it. I'm not doing this. Then why are you here? TEDRIA: Can I say something? Yes, yes, yes, absolutely Ms. Glen... Okay, when I was 19 years old. I didn't even wanna be here. I asked my brother for Mr. Gayle's number. When I asked my brother for Mr. Gayle's number, I called Mr. Gayle, and I initiated a paternity test. I said, "You know, I've been hearing all my life "that you've been my dad and I look just like you. "Me and my brother just look alike." And, you know, I've been hearing all these rumors, but it's like, at that time, I felt like I was old enough to find out for myself. So, when I called Mr. Gayle, he was like, well, "Uh, I understand that you wanna find out who your dad is, "but you're gonna have to pay for the paternity test." TONYA: Oh, my God! I didn't, Your Honor. Which... Which... I would've been fine with that. When I asked her, I said, "Tell your mother, "and see if your mother can go half with me, on a paternity test." Her mother never got back to me. Never said anything. That was after the fact. That was just recently. That was just recently, this past year. No, no, no. When he was like, "Oh, you need to find out, where you really come from." Like as if I'm a charity case. DEDRIA: She's not. Don't come back like... Ain't nobody think you are no charity case. For you to be like... For you to say that... That's your problem. You did that. Ms. Percy, when you got pregnant did you say to Mr. Gayle, "I'm pregnant and I think it's your child"? No, I didn't. JUDGE LAKE: You didn't tell him a thing? DEDRIA: No. My daughter was two, this man came to my house, and my brother... We kept looking at Tedria... We all kept looking at Tedria, like, <i> "She looking different, she looking like this man here,"</i> and I'm like... He looked at her, and he was like, "Oh, is that my daughter?" And I told him, I didn't say yes and I did not say no. I told him, it's a possibility. The first time I heard of Tedria being mine, when she was 15 her mother called me... Oh, my God! I was there walking the street in Long Beach and she said... Oh, my God! "You know, Tedria is your baby." And I laughed. I thought she was playing. When my wife came home I told her about the joke, my wife was serious, so I stopped smiling. Oh, my God, that's a lie. That's the first time I knew. That's such a lie. He knew way before she was 15. Never. Knock it off! Yeah, you knock it off! You knock it off, and let this man be a father to his kids. That's my husband. I can say what I want to say. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) You knock it off! This is my hus. I don't care, I don't want your husband. That's your problem. Chill out, baby. This is a game for you! This doesn't help Tedria. No, it doesn't. Hold on! Before you go off, Ms. Percy, this is what I am... I'm thinking about you. It's about me knowing if this man is my daddy. DEDRIA: Yeah, that's it. We've been talking for this past year, and when I say, when we be on the phone it's all laughs and giggles, and we talk like this was meant to happen. TEDRIA: It's come a time to where every time I get on the phone, she's like, "Oh, you're on the phone with your little friend." Like as if I'm nothing. I'm somebody! I may not have had a father but I'm somebody. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) TEDRIA: I don't have no problem with her. She's laughing and giggling like it's a joke! And it's not a joke! (THUMPING FIST) Your kids grew up with their father, I didn't! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) She didn't! Don't be mad at me, be mad at your mama! TEDRIA: Don't sit here and act like it's my mama's fault because I didn't have a daddy whether I was 15, whether I was two, whether I was two months. You should have been a woman and said, TEDRIA: "This girl don't need to grow up without a father." JUDGE LAKE: All right, all right, Ms. Gayle, I wanna hear from you, ma'am. People have had a lot to say about you today. TONYA: Yeah, I'm a villain. And, what I'm trying to understand is, is your marriage on the line depending on the results of this test? It has been a problem. You know, during our marriage, because he stepped out and you know, he did... DEDRIA: She's against him now. It's not your turn, you already talked, sweetie, relax yourself. Let her have her chance to speak, Ms. Percy. JUDGE LAKE: Let her speak. You know he did do what he did. TEDRIA: Okay, but ya'll wasn't married. Not your turn, sweetie. TEDRIA: But, ya'll wasn't married. You're right about that but he was my man. Okay, learn something. Okay, what happened. After Ernest learned that there's a possibility that could be his child... You know, he kind of denied it for a minute, because, he knows, I'm not playing a game. Yeah. TONYA: So, he went back and forth, and I said, "You know, tell me the truth, "because this is getting ready to be a problem." (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) TONYA: You know, he went on and said, "Okay, "I did it." So I said, "Okay, "you was there, so there's a great possibility "that you could be her father." TONYA: Because you was there. So why didn't you take the paternity test? How do you know what I said, you don't live at my house. But look how long it took. If he found out when she was 15... You're killing me on about how long it took. We're here because you weren't careful. TONYA: So don't come and go there... Don't talk about me. No, I was careful. (INDISTINCT ARGUING) No, you worry about your husband that wasn't careful. He wasn't either. You do, in fact, believe there's a possibility that Ms. Glen could be your husband's child? Because he was there. When you look at her do you see a resemblance? Could you show her the picture? She know, um... She trying to be funny. I have evidence, Your Honor. I don't know. She looks like her mother to me. Jerome, will you hand me Ms. Glen's evidence, please? She looks like her mother to me, but that doesn't mean that's not her father. The first piece of evidence, <i> is a picture of you?</i> TEDRIA: <i> Me and Mr. Gayle.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And, that's Mr. Gayle...</i> TEDRIA: <i> Yep.</i> <i> ...as children?</i> <i> Yep.</i> And, you say there is a definite resemblance? TEDRIA: Yep. TEDRIA: My nose, my lips, where my mouth is, my teeth, <i> my eyebrows, my eyes...</i> <i> The way... Everything.</i> And then now, this is a more recent photo of you now. TEDRIA: Yep. And you still feel like you see a resemblance? Yep. Mr. Gayle, do you see a resemblance? All I can see is the DNA test. Whoa! Whoa! That's how you feel? When I sent him this picture you said I look like you! Listen to what I'm saying. That's crazy! That's crazy, man! Ya'll are posers, I'm done. It don't matter to me. Don't worry about that. Even if it is, I'm just gonna leave your life alone. Even if you are my daddy, I'm gonna leave you alone. ERNEST: Okay. That's why he doesn't have a relationship with my other son, because... Your other son? (ALL ARGUING) JUDGE LAKE: All right, all right. I wanna know this, do you really doubt that she's your child, or are you just fearful... ERNEST: There's doubt. ...of the effect it will have on your marriage? No, I just know I was there. So I have to come get tested, I cannot... I'm not gonna just say... Claim a child, and I don't know if she's truly mine. ERNEST: I wasn't with her. So, I don't know who she been with. Ms. Glen, why is this so important to you today? Honestly, because... One, I grew up all my life without a dad. I've had a stepfather, he's been there through ups and downs, through thick and thin and it's just like, when I see him, it's like, I see me, and this is the honest to God truth. And then on... I don't know if it's a self-conscious thing or me hearing everybody saying, "Oh, you look just like Mr. Gayle." "Oh, you and Ernest, look alike." My brother... And I don't know where I came from, besides my mama. My mama always told me, "I'm your mama, he ain't your daddy." I was, I was there. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) I took care all four of my children, by myself. TEDRIA: I just want a father. And honestly, all these years, regardless of the situation between Tonya and my mother, that's between them, which is all understandable, DEDRIA: I don't have nothing against this woman. But at the same time, it's like, through everything that I've heard, it's like I'm the problem. It's like, I'm the one... DEDRIA: But you're not, Tedria. I know that. I know that, but, if it's not her it's somebody else, making me feel like I'm not nothing. (SOBS) I belong here. I've done... I've graduated high school without a father, I'm in college, I have four children, my kids don't even know him. Whether he's not my dad or not. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) TEDRIA: This past year... This past year, I have grown so much love for him, even when I was a child, I would walk around, my mom would say, "Oh, TEDRIA: "Mr. Gayle is coming over..." To see my brother. And when he would come over I would get excited, like as if he were coming for me... DEDRIA: Like, if he was coming for her. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Mr. Gayle is coming... My brother. I have a son by him. JUDGE LAKE: But wait, why wouldn't he be coming to see the both of you? 'Cause I never knew. DEDRIA: He knew... ERNEST: 'Cause I never knew. DEDRIA: He knew. If she's my daughter, then I can take on that role. Tonya runs your life, right? She runs it, whatever Tonya says, goes. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on! TONYA: Ernest's son stayed with us for four years straight. DEDRIA: Excuse me? BOTH: Four years straight. Oh yeah, 'cause he wouldn't bring him back home. Knock it off. I didn't even know he lived there. Four years straight. Okay, that's fine though, that's his son, he can live with him for four years. Exactly! JUDGE LAKE: Okay. At the same time... He had clothes, I fed him like he was mine. At the same time... I dressed him like he was mine... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So family, family. Family, I've heard enough. We're not going anywhere, we're not getting anywhere. We're not getting anywhere. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) We're not. JUDGE LAKE: We're not getting anywhere. This is the part I've been waiting for. Ms. Percy, I am gonna go to the results now. ERNEST: Hmm, thank you Lord. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) JUDGE LAKE: I think it's time... Now, just to be clear, you said during that time you had been intimate with two men. And one has already been tested. And the test proved that he was not... Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: ...Ms. Glen's father. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Gayle, is the other possible father. DEDRIA: Yes. The only other possible father. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. This is crazy. You told me, you're gonna love me regardless... ERNEST: I did. You told me that you was gonna be there... I did. I did say that. And then you're gonna brush your hand off at me like I'm nothing? (CLICKS TONGUE) That's bull... Ladies... Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to take a seat... Ya'll have done too much to me and mine... If you would like to take a seat for the reading of the results, you're more than welcome. I'm gonna sit down. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) In the case of,<i> Percy Glen v. Gayle.</i> JUDGE LAKE: When it comes to 26-year-old Tedria Glen, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Gayle, you are not her father. Hear me, boo, holler at your girl, lets rock. ERNEST: What you talking? (CRYING) TONYA: Don't cry. ERNEST: Yeah. I'm glad. ERNEST: Yeah. You glad. DEDRIA: Yes, I am. I've always been glad, that's why you never knew it. You thought, you was gonna make me pay up. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Gayle. Mr. Gayle and Ms. Percy, I can't hear anymore of this. (TEDRIA CRYING) (GRUNTS) I wanted him to be my daddy! Why though? ERNEST: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy! He don't care. He doesn't care. (CRYING) I want to go hug her. You know. And tell her it's gonna be all right. ERNEST: I hate to hear her crying like that. So do I. (GRUNTS) Uh, ladies and gentlemen, this has been an emotional day. Uh, we're gonna take a short break. Court is in recess. JUDGE LAKE: I know, that's not what you wanted to hear today, what you don't know... He probably would've left the courtroom. (SNIFFLES) The first thing he said was, "I feel really bad." (CRYING) He says and he asked could he come give you a hug. (TEDRIA BAWLING) And I just told him to give you a moment. TEDRIA: Now they can live happily ever after. I don't ever have to worry about me. JUDGE LAKE: Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. One thing that I know for certain... (SNIFFLES) ...is, their actions have no bearing on you, your life, your destiny, or your purpose. JUDGE LAKE: I watched you stand out there, and express yourself, your hopes, your disappointments, your fears, everything, and that took a level of strength, that quite frankly, Mr. Gayle and his wife didn't have today. And you know what? If you gotta cry for the next two weeks to get it out, you just do that. JUDGE LAKE: Look at me. You pick up the pieces, you put one foot in front of the other... (SNIFFLES) ...and you just keep on stepping. (CRYING) JUDGE LAKE: I'm so sorry! Let me give you a hug. (SIGHS) (CRYING) I'm sorry. (CONTINUES CRYING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,030,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: XiRrT700ni4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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