Man Believes He's The Father Of Woman's Baby And Not Her Husband (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. The is the case of<i> Webb v. Forrest-Forrest.</i> Thank you Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Webb, you have been waiting two years for this day. You claim the defendant, Ms. Forrest, left you for dead <i> only to find out once you got out of a coma,</i> that she was pregnant and that the baby could be yours or her husband's. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Forrest, you and your husband are here today desperate to put an end to this drama. You say you have no doubt your daughter's biological father is indeed your husband. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Webb, what are your intentions today if the DNA determines that you are the biological father? My intentions are to fight for full custody rights if she is my daughter. Well, it's my daughter and you ain't getting her. Ms. Forrest, how did you get yourself in this triangle? My husband got in some trouble and I end up, uh, meeting Mr. Webb through one of my friends. We hit it off and then I ended up leaving Mr. Forrest for Mr. Webb. So you began a sexual relationship. Yes, yes, Your Honor. All right. And were you using protection at the time? No, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) All right. Mr. Webb, what is your take on this? It didn't happen like that. At first, yes, we was in love, but towards the end WEBB: I was on life support. No. That's not how it happened. (STAMMERING) WEBB: <i> As soon as I got out of the hospital,</i> I had got a phone call saying that she was pregnant. I heard it from my aunt first. But on my way to Illinois with my dad... AMANDA: No. ...she had called me and told me that it was a possibility that Alayna was my child. She told you, "a possibility"? Yes, ma'am. So that means she was admitting that she also had slept with other people. Yes, ma'am. Did you think the other person was just her husband? At the time, no, Your Honor. You thought there were other possible... Yes, Your Honor. AMANDA: No. He was just... And why would you think that? Why would you have reason to think that? Because she was working at the time and some of her checks would be coming up missing every time she would get paid. AMANDA: No. And so what did you suspect because something was missing out if her check? She would get off at 10:00. It would take at least 15 minutes to get home. But she would come in at 11:00 to 11:30. It took about 45 minutes to get from where I was working. So it was missing time and missing money. Yes, Your Honor. Where she was MIA. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right. FORREST: No. From where she worked at, and I know for a fact, it took 45 minutes to get from her work to the house. WEBB: No, Your Honor. That's a lie. AMANDA: And at the time... No, Your Honor. FORREST: 'Cause when I moved... So, Ms. Forrest, let me just ask you point blank. Were you sleeping with anyone else besides Mr. Webb and your husband? No, Your Honor. Not during that time? WEBB: That's a lie, Your Honor. But when you called Mr. Webb, and said, "I'm pregnant" you did say, "And there is a possibility"? Which I didn't get back to with Mr. Forrest until after Travis had done left... Or Mr. Webb has done left. Your Honor, I have a letter from my mom, where I was on life support. When she came to drop off my stuff... Which we were already broken up by then. ...she had moved into a motel with Mr. Forrest. This is evidence you'd like me to see? WEBB: This is her mom's statement. Jerome, will you hand that to me, please? They broke up like three days, from my knowledge were like, three days before he ever went into a coma. No, Your Honor, I did not have any idea... We were fighting, ...that we were split up. We were over and that was it. They were having problems. I had called my dad for a bus ticket to Alabama. Two hours after I got off the phone with them. I had ended up on life support. So this is a statement from your mom? WEBB: That is a statement from my mom. And he was there the very next morning in a motel with her. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: Is that true? AMANDA: We were already broke up. AMANDA: We've done called it quits called everything off. Me and my wife had already been started talking... That's a lie, Your Honor. ...about getting back together. Well, after they had done broke up like three days before he ever went to the hospital. No, Your Honor. Bottom line is, he's in the bed on life support and now you have reconciled with your husband. AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor. But I tried to see him. His mother would not let me see him. I'm sure there were some feelings because you had gotten back with your husband while he's fighting for his life! Which I love... I've loved Mr. Webb at the time but we were... You loved him? Well, I mean... (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) When you realized you were pregnant... AMANDA: My feelings... When exactly did you realize you were pregnant? The middle of September. WEBB: That is a lie, Your Honor. 'Cause I didn't know at the time, I was pregnant. So, Mr. Webb, how did you find out she was pregnant? She had called me the day that I got out of the hospital. I was on my way to Illinois with my dad. I got a phone call, we had a discussion. She said that I may be the father but then again I may not be because she was back with Mr. Forrest. I was there with her at the doctor's office. So, it was the middle of September when she found out. WEBB: It was in August whenever she found out that she was pregnant. AMANDA: No. FORREST: No, it was not. So, there's a month discrepancy. WEBB: That's not true. You say September, you say August. Yes, Your Honor. So, when you got the news did you immediately think you're the father? Well, she had told me, ahead of time, that I may not be the father FORREST: <i> But there was a chance that I was the father.</i> So now, what makes you stand in Court today, Ms. Forrest and say that your husband is definitely the father? I have counted back the time from when she was born, nine months back, and it takes it to the week that I was only sleeping with him. Me and Mr. Webb were already over with. All right, let me grab my calendar. See this... My daughter was born on May 9th of 2013. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And then if you take it back none months later that takes it to the week of August 26th through August 31st. JUDGE LAKE: August 26th through August 31st you were sleeping with your... Just my husband. WEBB: The thing about it, Your Honor, is the day they... Before I went on to life support we did have sex. JUDGE LAKE: Well, that was the question I was about to ask. What day did you go into the hospital? I went into the hospital on August 26, 2012. So, you say on August 25th you all were intimate. WEBB: Yes, Your Honor. Is that correct, Ms. Forrest? AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Without protection? WEBB: Yes, Your Honor. AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKES: Oh... Okay. So that's intimate with Mr. Webb. Now you're here to tell me you know for sure that your child is fathered by Mr. Forrest and you've got this close proximity? She looks... Yes, Your Honor. She looks just like my husband, she takes after him. But you do realize this difference in time... This is all a part of the same window of conception. You do understand that. Right, Ms. Forrest? Yes, Your Honor. FORREST: He wasn't there for the birth. Why wasn't he there for her? The reason I have not been there, Your Honor, I had got an email on Facebook from my aunt that Ms. Forrest had had Alayna. So you got news that the baby was born. You didn't hear from Ms. Forrest herself? No, Your Honor. Not at first. AMANDA: No, I... JUDGE LAKE: You heard through your family? Yes, Your Honor. I... I messaged his mother on Facebook and told her what hospital I was gonna be at where I was gonna be when I was going to the hospital and everything. Him or his family, nobody showed up FORREST: Nobody showed up. Now question, you messaged him... I messaged his mother... ...on Facebook, his family to let them know. But why do that if you know for certain that Mr. Forrest, your husband is the child's father? Just in case that he did come by being the father, he could say that... He wasn't there for the birth. Okay. So the truth is... AMANDA: He doesn't care. I had difficult labor... ...even you had doubt. At first in my pregnancy, yes, Your Honor. AMANDA: But he wasn't... Who's on the birth certificate? My husband. I am. WEBB: Of course. JUDGE LAKE: You are. yes. And you would be presumed to be the father anyway. A child born to a marriage, into a marriage, the husband is presumed to be the father. FORREST: I've took care of her since the day she was born. Well, a month after she was born. He ain't took care of her. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And I've took care of her since the day she was born. Mr. Webb, were you given an opportunity to see... WEBB: No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Alayna after she was born? I have not met Alayna. We have set up dates plenty of times... They have all been under his terms, where he wanted to go. I have... I had drove from Illinois whenever she told me that I can meet Alayna. I spent the last $80 I had putting in gas. JUDGE LAKE: So... She had backed out, changed her phone number and blocked me on Facebook. Three weeks later, I'm going back to Tennessee... Every number I get from you it's always changed. And tried to contact her to meet Alayna and she would not contact me back. That... That is why we are here today. And so... Alayna is two years old. WEBB: Yes, Your Honor. And you have still not... No, Your Honor. ...held this baby? No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Never one time? No, Your Honor. FORREST: No, Your Honor. I'm afraid that if he does get to see my daughter that he can run off with her and there's nothing I can do to get her back. So you admit, Ms. Forrest, that you've been blocking Mr. Webb from seeing Alayna... Yes. Yes, Your Honor. ...after you initially informed his family that she would... Where she's gonna be born. He wasn't there. I had, uh, difficulty of labor. I had a seizure and I had to get... But I'm saying, if you informed his family because you believed it was a possibility he could be the father, AMANDA: He proved... Why wouldn't you give him an opportunity to see the baby? AMANDA: He proved he didn't care about us. If he wants it? When she told him, he told her he did not care. No, I have never said that, Your Honor. So therefore, he ain't there for two years. I have been in tears for the last two years, trying to meet my daughter. And she has never let me once talk to her or see her. When I called... When I talked to him and told him I was pregnant I have had to create a fake Facebook account just to see pictures of Alayna. I can't get past why you would not just allow him to see her if you thought it was a possibility that he could be her dad, for two years. AMANDA: They have all been under his terms. He's never wanted to meet any... He wants me to come 45 minutes from where I live to his mother's house. I'm not comfortable going alone with my daughter to his house? For 45 minutes? You're not comfortable going to see... Not alone. And he's always wanted me to come to his mother's house. No, Your Honor. I had planned to meet her in Dyersburg, Tennessee, which is a big town just so I could meet Alayna out in public. And what's wrong with that? I'm afraid that he's gonna take my daughter and there's nothing I can do to get her back. FORREST: He's done... He's threatened to take our child. Ms. Forrest, are you afraid he's gonna take your daughter or are you afraid he's her biological father? I'm afraid that he's gonna take my daughter. He's done threatened to take our child! I have avoid... He called me about two weekends ago. I was on my way to Arkansas. And he told me that if I don't let him see her he's gonna take her to court or take me to court and he's gonna take her away from me. There's no way that he is getting my daughter. I have cared for her for two years. He hasn't. So... He wanted to see her, but he hasn't wanted to do nothing... If this DNA test proves that I am Alayna's father, I will fight for my full custody rights. FORREST: This is my child and I will fight for custody. There's no way that he is getting my daughter. Now, this is our child not yours. And I will fight you for full custody. There's no way that he's getting full custody of my child. No. I will fight. So, Mr. Forrest, you're convinced you are Alayna's father. Well, either I am or he is! JUDGE LAKE: Oh, wait! AUDIENCE: No! Are you... No, no, no. I'm saying, are you convinced you're her biological father? There's a possibility. Yes. But I don't know for 100%. You're raising her as? My own. So she thinks you're her daddy. Correct. She calls him daddy. JUDGE LAKE: Calls you daddy. Calls me daddy. She doesn't have a choice, Your Honor, because Ms. Forrest would not let me be with my daughter. He doesn't want to meet under my terms. I sit in the same seat countless times and I see men that say, "Well, I don't know if it's my child, Your Honor, "so I'm not showing up in the hospital, "I'm not coming by to see this baby, "I don't even want to hold the baby, "I don't even want to buy the baby a bottle "'cause I don't know if it's mine!" And quite frankly, I have to say that a part of me has to honor what they're thinking, and their opinion and their... The way they feel because they have... They don't have certainty. In this case, I see a man that wants to do just the opposite. "I know it's just a possibility but I still want to see her, "know her, until I can figure out if she's mine "because I don't want to miss the time. "And ultimately, I don't want her to miss out." And I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my husband and my family over this. See, we got... We bond together. Do you do that? JUDGE LAKE: <i> Well, how can he do that</i> <i> if she won't let her see him?</i> FORREST: <i> Well, because...</i> <i> We tried.</i> <i> He said he did not care.</i> (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) But I'm saying, how can he bond with her like that when you admit that your wife will not allow him to see her? I mean, look at her. Look at me and my daughter. She is happy. FORREST:<i> She looks just like me.</i> <i> She takes after me and everything.</i> Mr. Webb, I see you are in a lot of pain. It hurts you to see her. Yes, Your Honor. And why does it hurt you? What do you feel? You just feel like you've missed on two years. Yes, Your Honor. Until the DNA comes back showing that he is the father he will not see her. (WEBB SOBBING) (AUDIENCE MURMURING DISCONTENT) I'm sorry, it's just the way I feel. So is this Ms. Forrest's idea or yours? It's mine. JUDGE LAKE: That's what I thought. (WEBB SOBBING) JUDGE LAKE: That's what I thought. I think it's time we go to the results. It's time. Jerome. (APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Webb v. Forrest,</i> when it comes to 2-year old Alayna Forrest... he will not see her. JUDGE LAKE: As to whether her biological father is Mr. Webb or Mr. Forrest, it has been determined by this Court that her biological father is... Mr. Webb. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Be clear. You did not just cheat him you cheated her. AUDIENCE: Yeah. (APPLAUDING) You cheated her. (WEBB SOBBING) You knew it could be a possibility. And I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my husband and my family over this. Well, this is my point. You think about yourself! (AUDIENCE AGREEING AND APPLAUDING) That's all he thought about when we were together. You're thinking about yourself. He won't see my daughter. (AUDIENCE MURMURING DISCONTENT) I think you need to step outside of yourself and your own selfishness... AUDIENCE: Yeah ...and allow him to see his daughter in my chambers for the first time. AUDIENCE: Yeah. So that maybe for the first time her mother can stop thinking about herself. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING AND CHEERING) Can we do that? Your baby's not leaving this court. Uh, yes. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you! I will see you in my chambers, sir. Court is adjourned. JEROME: Won't you guys take a seat?
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,198,766
Rating: 4.8268266 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: wisnHETn5zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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