Jason Dill | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 83

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Some dudes shitty throwaway clips that couldn't even make instagram get upvoted to the top but Dill on the nine club can't even get 5 upvotes... I hate this sub.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/steadymobbin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well this should be self-propelling! Haha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jakedesnake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's lived such an insane life. He rips, too. I love that whole FA/Hockey program they got goin on over there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ohpee8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking love this show

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ToddGack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
well we are back come we're back at the 9 Club everybody today we have a special special guests extra special Jason dill special ed is here in the building dude what does that believe it going on dude thank you for having me I appreciate oh man I like your guys's show thanks I'm glad to be here yeah hopefully you know hopefully I survive hopefully we survive so yeah thanks for coming to thank you honored dad funny with the microphone this close I just feel like I'm they Baba like everything is I turn your mic down Kelly this is gonna get loud let's dive right into it man Jason dill hmm born and raised in Huntington Beach Long Beach was an interesting place to come from because uh I lived across street from that Templeton but um I guess I'll get back to it because you guys really do the full spectrum nowadays let's get into your [ __ ] life I like to cruise through tell me all your trials and tribulations right so I was born in Huntington Beach and I had a very had a very strange childhood strong yeah like you know like nothing happened you know that was it's just it yeah it's super strange was this strange where's Edwards custody from you know see the thing is like basically let me just outline it like this like from the time I was born to when I was about 16 I got my first apartment on my own Oh bro we lived in already 22 different houses apartments trailer parks Wow motels all in the same area Warner and and Beach so it's like either Beach Boulevard that way was the motels cuz they were cheap down by Westminster and then Warner Avenue was just a series of different apartments and stuff and then Slater was the trailer park that my grandmother lived at and that ended up being like the constant that I would go back to because it's stay there like all the places like we got kicked out of like so many [ __ ] places and to me like you know when you're born into that it's normality I don't know the difference you know I like once I found skateboarding I like that we move so much cuz then I should be in a different part of town new skate kids new spots and [ __ ] I didn't realize that we were nomadic gypsies and then also it's like when I was really young did not to you know be told you know dramatic whatever but my father was a real [ __ ] he just was like just one of those you know like some of the [ __ ] that had a terrible upbringing himself and he took it out on my mother so I had to watch and I grew up with brothers and sisters but my brothers and sisters would always be gone with their dad Alfonso and he's a great man I love that man like he actually like he would like bring me Christmas presents and [ __ ] oh wow alright so bad for you kid you don't seem like you don't got it too good yeah and like basically it's like you know it was a lot of that and then my father went to jail when I was 8 years old for possession and intent to distribute cocaine and that was him gone and so then right then I ended up moving with my family to the corner of a Geneva and Alabama and hide the beat ok and I'd seen skateboarding like it seemed Back to the Future and [ __ ] like right I was like you know I could go down the driveway and like you know I'm like a vault era yeah but like I didn't know what tricks were and stuff so like we move again was by that time pretty [ __ ] uneventful for me it's like right oh it's Tuesday we're moving she big surprise but it must have been hard to move around and stuff and do all that stuff you know it's getting God you guys I'm glad you brought me but yeah we had a psycho childhood like yeah I talked to my mom about all the time you know it's like she's sorry to be that way I love my mother to death thing that you look at a photo photo of you and your mom right there yeah next to Chloe but uh um um no I love my mom to death she's great I hope you are like I hope you would love that apartment I got you and read out on a beach right now there you go right now my mom's in an Airbnb but it's fine she's we're moving into something else but um um I forgot the [ __ ] about stuff no yeah my dad was jail and then I'm in Huntington Beach I'm 8 years old and we moved to the corner of Geneva and Alabaman there was a kid named Erik Estrada now I wish all these years later we were to give America different last name but anyways Erik Estrada was the greatest skateboarder ever seen no no no I had never seen skateboarding like on this level to where people are doing it like of a jump ramp you have to understand kids this is like 1986 ok so 85 you know so add in them so if I'm 8th ed in there like 12 13 um so the first day I saw them I just kind of just went to this corner and watched and then I crossed the little street you want to get all you wanted to get all angles I think I have like Oscar gosh [ __ ] so I was like whoa those guys are those guys are cool mm-hmm obviously right so I think like the next day like I crossed the street and I was like well he's 10 feet away from the ramp and I think someone was like hey can you know like do you want to know words spoken yeah so they got like I think there was there was there was this Hispanic in Mario and then there's this black kid Dennis Dennis was [ __ ] sick I wonder what have there Dennis like God bless you Dennis you were so good like Dennis would take their old boards and he basically go home and like make a smaller board oh my gosh like with the [ __ ] on oh yeah like I'm so impressed by that well it's like wow you made their board new again but um yeah they got me like an old like I think it was like a like a like a vision old ghost there's something like dad that was like this thing was so [ __ ] up like it like look like it been in the rain and whatever and it didn't have any grip tape and um they set it up for me and like basically helped me get it and I was like alright cool this is what we do and I don't know how I did it but I went off the ramp oh really and back then you got understand like this wasn't no the jump ramp was as high as the [ __ ] table yeah okay and I was about as tall as this table right so I was like going off a building that's like Bart Simpson jumping the [ __ ] snake it's just like I'm gonna leave my arm here so it breaks and that was the first day that you were you riding the board you went off the rim well I just let out a really weird yeah yeah yeah yeah so I did that and then it's funny how time is you know and then all of a sudden like I'm hanging out with these kids that are obviously like bad kids and [ __ ] and I'm watching like like I remember one time walking into like a room of this one house where there was ramps and it was on the other side of whatever that part of Huntington Beach I remember walking in like these kids were watching a porno holy [ __ ] there was this lady cooking food at her in the kitchen and the dude came up and started [ __ ] her from behind I was like yeah right I was like well I'm gonna do that it was like she doesn't even need to be cooking I'm into this once again once again just for context that's eight Wow [ __ ] years old was just kids on their own and I mean there's so much there was so much of that back then like just a bunch of [ __ ] kids with no parents like it was just like you know wild wild west it was crazy you know it was like I got out of there as soon as I could and like so by the time I was like yeah so whatever what age is that so now I'm like getting like 10 11 yeah and I and I'm full blown skateboarding full-blown and it's like baseball what [ __ ] [ __ ] throwing up baseball family I was pretty good at baseball okay I think I have long arms yeah throwing I could catch real good right all that but um it's like your dad's in jail or [ __ ] playing baseball yeah like you go play baseball Timmy your dad's [ __ ] right there in the [ __ ] field look at him like his genes you know coaching your dad and that's another thing wow it's really weird to be sitting here and like just something hit me like I hated everyone's parents oh really I look at those people I'm thinking you guys are [ __ ] losers man like how the [ __ ] are you like cuz I would see them like on baseball fields like Jimmy you didn't [ __ ] do it Bob you didn't do it either a [ __ ] big piece of [ __ ] on the side of the [ __ ] field yelling at kids at a [ __ ] baseball [ __ ] game trying to meet and you're fat like right right you didn't do anything Timmy might just [ __ ] blow you away right he's right Timmy might end up being a [ __ ] you know physics professor Bob who said I hated everybody's parents and right you know and then I think also there was a thing too and me where I knew that the other kids knew that my dad went to jail and I was like [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your together family right wrong there's I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] your Quaker last family so yeah that's that yeah childhood childhood what a great fun time yeah there no but I love it I love you mom I don't make you sense when did you move out of Huntington what what year I got out of there when I got sent to this continuation high school Oh where they lock you in no really well the boarding school cool cut Joe no you have to [ __ ] afford aborting okay okay so a continuation school means that the the setup of the continuation school meaning it's the entrance it's all linked in so it's a square so once you're in you can't get a kink it oh wow did you sleep there no no no no it was just you know it was in Huntington Beach yeah and um I was about I think it just turned 16 mm-hmm and it was all me and pregnant chicks there's on me and pregnant chicks and Mexican kids like teen pregnancy yeah because there's one gang and in honey bees called Southside Huntington Beach and the trailer park I grew up in was across the street from later slums mmm so at the continuation school which is you know where they kick you out of high school and they like you well now you have to go here right there was a security guard and so I'd only spit if I got there when I was 15 sometimes 15 but now I'm 16 and it was less than a year and you couldn't wear sports attire oh but as you know in California given the mine cold here yeah you know like sometimes it's cold like so I had like that's a Michigan sweater on there's some [ __ ] [ __ ] like something I thought that I think probably that like Keenan and Jean don't think this is cool it's like some sports gear like look at the sweater I got but um from the security the security guard came right up to me and he was like you know the rules deal no sports attire and I was like man I'm cold and he kept kind of coming at me and I kind of I just you know that kid [ __ ] I just looked up and I got man [ __ ] you oh and he [ __ ] ripped me up off the stairs and it was like a whole thing what am i him do fight is securi I'm the [ __ ] 16 I was small and Spanky so it's a you know it's like this little scuffle you're out of here you're so kicked out they didn't know I had a ticket to go to Tokyo the next day what do you mean all the drawers Oh company drawers yeah I was sponsored by them and they were like you going to Tokyo and like you're gonna go with rob dyrdek and Jeremy ray and John Drake and Wow so I was gonna take it for two weeks I can [ __ ] yeah I mean you never been out of Huntington beaches I was like and no idea into like I've been to like Mexico and my boat and with my mind like I'd went to like I went on a my first airplane flight was with it's not too long after you notice like three years before I was on my first airplane flight with Lucero going to a contest in Houston ohad for Black Label me Lucero and Mike Smith Wow but um thank you again John so I knew I was going to Tokyo so once I got to Tokyo I was really tripped out that I was there I bad you know I mean just like a human feeling like knowing like oh wow this is you know you've skated and this is what you did and now being here so I went downstairs that the this weird hotel we were I can't believe I was even able to make the call because I got a hold of my mom oh well from a Japanese payphone mmm that that's easy 1993 yeah and I was like look mom you're not gonna like this but I am I'm not going back to school well why should I and she was she got mad oh yeah it was like that [ __ ] do you think you're doing going back I think no not I go to you who and our family's done this like gone to Tokyo when our family's done what I'm doing like no one's done what I'm doing and I don't want to keep perpetuating some myth like we come from something like no I'm not gonna and I don't want to do anything the same but it's doing and I just say you know I have my own issues with the education system and no kids are treated and right whatnot and I have my own well had I have problems with the way people raise kids you said you were on drawers how did you get all the drawers I don't know you you don't know I mean [ __ ] it was like by that time I didn't respond by a lot of people are you had you know my first sponsor was a house of couse I guess I it was a pro named Lester Kasai he used to skate at this place in Anaheim called sad land mm-hmm real famous place at Neil blender and Jason Jessica yeah and his cousins named Terence EO Yokogawa okay and then he saw me skating he's like you should meet my cousin laughter no like Lester Kazan and he is I guess oh wow and so I got on Lester and then you know I really appreciated what Lester did for me but pretty quickly I was like can I write for blockhead you think no one knows what this [ __ ] house and then also living in Huntington Beach and riding for tracker and how CEQA side alley wheels Oh is not necessarily Santa Cruz independent no J gosh you're right and they all let me know this they all let me know this yeah and that's the thing though it's like you know it's like why I'm the opinion in an [ __ ] I am now it's like you're not sponsored so they tell me no building guys thanks not sponsored yeah I forgot record skate rags and chuck it might as well write for [ __ ] Marshalls [ __ ] it right Marshalls Nordstrom Rack and [ __ ] t.j.maxx exactly that's another thing that made me feel like dammit I'm gonna get you guys one day yeah but yeah I didn't necessarily have like really good sponsors or nothing so it's like I knew that but it's so funny cuz it's like I'm like 11 yeah maybe she answered yeah you know I mean it's like the board's I'm getting her so I can't find a board around here it's like I do you might as well bought it from Kmart right but it's just so [ __ ] like it was like that dip board it was like a dragon graphic it was obviously like a Lester board they didn't sitting around the warehouse something for a couple years I go do mystery tricks on the board that skate escape kind of so oh and I'm sorry I don't mean to sound ungrateful to you Lester thank you but um yeah got him black unblocked head okay and it was like Rick Howard's on there did there's the future you know there's something and so that was that and then um I had a good time and riding for blockhead and I was young and whatever and then the opportunity to write for black label came Wow so that was like Jon cardio when he started so once you know that wasn't helpful of course I'm gonna go do that right and so then I was in Black Label and I'm trying to ask you answer your question about drawers I don't know I remember I remember that's funny maybe my chernow ski yeah maybe you know what I think it was I think I was at a Canada contest you know this Canada contest slam city jams sending a slam city jam like 90s whatever year that wasn't you probably have one on one all the time oh yeah yeah there's a picture of me I gave it to I think I gave it to Shaun Pablo but there's a picture of me and I'm waving like this hello and I have like some like Nautica jacket on it's a yellow and blue oh I have like this little stupid pompadour that looks like this kinda and behind me there's a building this is one on one on it it's like when I was like you know back then disposable cameras but I think I gave that photo to Shawn or sage I can't remember but I'm obviously 16 years old but yeah so that was one on one in Tokyo then and then um yeah drawers I can't [ __ ] yeah you got my mind like I guess it's mike ternasky Smike Janowski was really sweet to me and he always like you know I don't know he always just like you're doing good and so I think he probably put it in ken block's a year like you should put this kid on yeah yeah I wrote for Joyce for a while where were you filming at this time - like putting together real me nobody no yeah we're only filming for a video part like that's what's so interesting like mean rob dyrdek and John Drake all the way to Tokyo and like Jeremy right yeah some [ __ ] right I'm filming with demos you and do you pray - yeah right demos well you were you wrote four drawers but like you always rock these seeds back then how come you never sit before DC to show Sarah okay cuz DC didn't happen till she was born yeah DC did not they're like 98 this is like ninety four five oh yes save the questions later then yeah so you get back from Tokyo yeah that quit school you quit school and that was a you know snuff yeah right then right yeah right then when cuz and I've told the story a million [ __ ] times but whatever we're here um 1993 Gino and I started skating with brian lotti and gina would be out here all the time baby Gina moved in an apartment and Huntington Beach with a Gino Gino moved in with who do you have in that apartment Kenan and Eric Becky in the Huntington Beach Department so we'd be down there and then we you know come up to film all the time and or whatever and we would film with like Dave sauce back a little bit of sock and then um Brian kind of its kind of kept pushing us to kind of like I don't know what the [ __ ] you know so young back then I just was happy to be skating with Brian logic yeah I mean like Brian was so ill like he's so good I'm blind at the time yeah he still wants he still was and uh so Brian basically was like hey I think we could do a company and I think it could be like a nothing with you and Gina and I think we could do it the world and um what do you think of getting like what if we got like Rob Dyrdek and Chris Margaret Wow holy [ __ ] I want to write for this company and so and then the company was supposed to be called program program whence is the dumbest name cuz it's like pro-am like you could imagine that program right you imagine the font but whatever that was this that was what we lived in back then yeah no I was like this was cool at the time I spent you know Rob Dyrdek and all that but you know it obviously didn't happen and what Brian did which was really cool a Brian was like I'm gonna go live in Hawaii and be a Buddhist monk you know I [ __ ] had it and Brian I'm right behind you I might leave here tonight right go straight to the airport shut my [ __ ] mouth [ __ ] the world um when he left he left our footage on novices desk so he left our footage on not cops his desk and basically by that time like we'd film for like all summer straight and that became snuff Wow but before that we met Brian we met not us up at the back to the city contest in the SF just to talk to him Oh about it and so when we met notice it was I got a Subway sandwich shop in the city and he was like just so you know all these guys just quit to make plan B I mean all these guys just quit to make girl right and we're like yeah we're at the contest we thought it was really cool it was so cool everybody they were all so cool we want to write for that company now this is like you guys even still want to do it oh and we were like yes yeah I can't remember who even was on 101 back then I know Andy stone was on the animate now was on dick Gabriel was still on him cuz Chuck that wasn't around oh right but um so that was snuff yeah just to get us up to snuff yeah but um yeah so that was that that that was that video and then that's when I felt like all right I got a [ __ ] seat at the table and I'm with the guys yeah I'm in the thing you know I'm in things did Spitfire but come out before snuff but that was one that was like the first video like them to videos where I was like I was like I'm in everything with tank and how old were you still in those magical when I was 1516 my whole life happened 15 60 my whole life happened 60 years it's like when I want to define like getting on the right company because my one-on-one sponsorship was from 15 to 19 okay so technically just a little over three years right but that's like when I went to New York and like you know I made that video part went to New York and then there's trilogy and I am I'm in Queens yeah the globe all that [ __ ] and that's like say chilled you came took about a year to make maybe so spy 18 we film that okay I was 19 when they kicked me off well wait wait but three years is I mean back then and probably some lifetime lifetime yeah I felt like me and you know I'm one-on-one for the seven years yeah right three years yeah I got kicked off you know what xscape master tato GNote already been offered to write for chocolate lump times and i was like please don't leave me just at the last man standing gina knew that and i love Gina to this day for that cuz chocolate was like we'll put your on right now I went to world one time and they basically told me like we don't have money for you this month like we don't have a check like the check you've been depending on a thousand dollars a month that's not here so I told my I told I told my friend are cinnamon his name's arson mm-hmm and I still see arson how you do an artisan I was like you [ __ ] it in your car and you drive to this bad gate and I'll be there in the [ __ ] time [ __ ] ran to the back of the warehouse and it was like 5 and I knew it because there was a guy me there was a guy named Leo that you had to get him to sign all this [ __ ] so he'd look at your box he he'd sign this [ __ ] and then you would give it to Meghan Baltimore you give the paper saying that Leo and then she'd sign it but I think by this time yet make him doubt she heard him girls oh this is there was a different system but you still had to get your shits I met Leo so I knew it was like around that time everybody getting off or I could like not be seen by the stuff and I've in 36 boards 36 Wow how many [ __ ] does it take you to get it in and out of 20 seconds and when to I remember he drove me straight to the honeybee escape I guess a little soul do you member how much you got [ __ ] a couple grandpa'll great and so that was the end oh but that was rent right like I wasn't like yeah I [ __ ] you know five hundred our bag of weed like no way it was still I'm gonna buy an eighth and kool-aid ramen pay the rent it was still cool ate ramen we'd like it wasn't like small bag but the two grand back then yeah but think also like a days also just didn't give me a grand I was used to getting especially when you needed that money right then like they didn't give you a warning yeah yeah a [ __ ] warning yeah I'm surprised that they were that even skateboarding what's organized organized enough back then to pay me another moment I was impressed and you were a Mitsos can you give me a thousand bucks me take it but like was there a reason like oh we just don't have the money or was like we just don't want you on the team anymore what's that again Kelly Dennis didn't want you on the team anymore or this couldn't pay you at all Kelly look at my face yeah hey do you know I stole the [ __ ] and Rocco was like Rodney both Rocco were likely to get him the [ __ ] outta here that's what I was a dia so I was talking to Chris earlier real quick but I said there was a moment on this show that really sold me on this show I may be really [ __ ] like that was funny so you guys did like a nine club we were outside oh yeah for permeated a couple of did Lakai Lakai premier so you know you guys do the whole show and your end people went in to watch the thing and then all of a sudden all of a sudden this [ __ ] manchild and he's up like killing he's on Preston up right [ __ ] twisted twisted sister he didn't know what the [ __ ] going on and you see Chris Chris is like losing the [ __ ] mm-hmm and he's like hey man child you know we're trying to show him Chris like battery real quiet and calm he's like what are you doing yeah wrap it up kid yeah a [ __ ] show to do here no but and then someone comes up and pulls him out right and it's a little like people are flustered that whoa that was weird yeah and right then you see you hear sirens like me and someone goes damn it like the cops and Chris perfect beat goes I'd [ __ ] call them get man Channel they how to get him out and god that got me it's a simple little one but it was right yeah yeah I called him laugh so much that and um he's my childhood hero but I got a throw in the bus I'm sorry but the Christian Hosoi episode did you guys I know I just talked for at length but did you ask one at one question to me the Christian is so episode was like I know I know I was there I was doing the biggest errors of all time and everyone's like you were the greatest thing that ever lived and I was like right right and it was just like okay and then then I was in Buenos Aires covered I'm nine hundred feet in the air I might have seen it I went up in a rocket ship because nothing could go higher than me by the rocket ship and they studied it no I know I'm the greatest propelled human of all time now krishna saw you my original childhood hero but I had to give you [ __ ] it was pretty good it was he was great I don't know if you guys asked one question and I know I'm one to talk with the talkin but you know what sometimes you just you gotta let them you got to let them go anyways he's in another world my dog sometimes you just gotta let them go you know there's no microphone ever moving as much while someone's doing this no like it's like a Ouija board but listen it's a yummy dip for yes go Oh Chris Wragge this place is possessed where you hear that I gotta get out of here oh well thank you man I'm you know we just try to have fun no this is great I'm happy to be here like like a like I said I'm a real I like this show I think it's great thanks dude Thanks I know I'm an opinionated [ __ ] so I don't watch every episode we need to get more FA writers on we need to get Shawn Pablo on here we know it's so funny like it's so funny like being here now and like you know like you'd be watching the episode well for me I'm watching I'll be watching one of the episodes I'm stoned I get up early these days I think sometimes we'll be up late and it's like so I mean telling the story and I'm like I'm right there like you guys I'm [ __ ] watching it yeah yeah yeah and they're like then Dell [ __ ] came in and dill was like didn't know and [ __ ] done it down like that was it uh I did that I was there with you and that I did by Alex the ticket I remember that but there's that I knew Alex like that's the thing about Alex's episodes like yeah I'm watching it it's like I knew you like I wouldn't be like yeah come to my house it never [ __ ] even in your top eight I believe cellphones existed yeah cuz you know why I would talk to his father cuz his Steve would be like hey what's happening how you doin I talked to Alex and I be like yeah you don't see how you guys doing out there yeah what's kickin him you know doing this net oh yeah was interesting for me watching Alex's episode Alex I'm not harping on you now I love you but um what was it was him being like you know I thought I was gonna see till like 2:00 in all his glory you know right and ripping and like he's like I thought hair and like photosynthesis and he gets there just like a drunk guy that was my idea of fun older than you I mean I was getting [ __ ] yeah I was [ __ ] doing drugs sorry you're 16 hit the streets [ __ ] off like make your own life go find it daddy lost his virginity [ __ ] like you know he did all these things in like sometimes he would be sitting out front of the bar waiting it out yeah so who bought you a ticket whatever I love Alex but like at the same time it's like when I was watching it I kind of like it made me sad they think like I don't know what you thought was gonna do this is post mosaic right I'm surprised I did anything after no there I got to mosey about anything that landed so it's like [ __ ] I try I don't know like go go skate with Marc he's not drunk Oh [ __ ] he'll still be Marc in front of you and that's what Alex did yeah I didn't hang out with Marc more he sold me for better people he was living this DJ [ __ ] for a little bit DJ [ __ ] my god I know I don't like that guy oh really and then one time this is funny about the young Alex Olson is like Alex did a good job hanging out and like kind of being around like all the people that we would hang out with because like people in New York didn't skate there are our friends so it's like they understood what we did but like we don't hang out together it's like everybody was doing the different occupations whatever um I remember one time I was out somewhere and I thought Alex was fine I thought I gave him the keys he was like 15 16 I was worried about I mean I didn't want him out all night and you know I always you know he'd always go back to my house on Prince Street but one night one morning I wake up and he comes in and I go where were you like a concern I mean the night before I was on like speed or like heroin or something but like I was like yeah he [ __ ] spent the night at our drug dealers house Wow was this couple that used to I'm not gonna say their names but um they used to sell us their house a psycho it was psycho Alex [ __ ] spent the night there it's sixteen years old on the Lower East Side and it's it's the fact you spent the night there Alex's to this day I'm like wait where did you stay the night at their house he said they took me home oh my god like you wouldn't even spend a night there my head okay but that's but why didn't he come home he just he stayed there that's New York back run so trilogy oh yeah I suppose I was like 18 we started filming that and originally it was supposed to be like a one-on-one video by itself you know okaygo supposed to be Jews ass mm-hmm me like me do you know Clyde and Marcus and so it was gonna be like one of them 101 videos I got one of them videos were it's like it's like 10 minutes like you know going back to like you know how like like how falling down was and all that and um and then it didn't to be like no no we're gonna make a whole like world like mix hodgepodge everybody and I didn't mind you've been the same thing with prime well no prob was not nothing against Crosby Stills & Nash but you weren't a fan of right time was the name of the wood shop you can't think of a nother yeah but I mean being on that team back then too with like that you said Jean oh yes I scared were you really yeah cuz you make a video part after genome well it's like he does a trick and like everyone just leave it's like you just see a distant like I'm like 16 Honda Civics just leaves us like you want socks like putting his camera like in his bag and I'm like I got so can I try it took on the table maybe you guys use it you had good footage man oh yeah for sure the one clip didn't leave it to Kelly to make Kelly dude the switch push from the line to the nollie 180 and then the switch back 180 new people bring up the nollie 180 at a Los Feliz school up the stairs eventually switch push and then this switch backs 180 like might be to me I'm just gonna you know gas you up a little bit best switch push I've seen on videotape now Keenan's at the courthouse because he's so Keenan so dramatic this let's push back long and extended like he'd be like oh I'm swimmin yeah I Keenan was sweatin like a [ __ ] I'm swimming to the Switchback foot [ __ ] out my way number Thank You Kelly appreciate that I think that was you I don't know I think with trilogy from me was a I didn't have I didn't have much confidence you know as far as like snuff and 20 shot sequence and 20 shot sequence I was 17 and you know we're in the middle of filming it and I'd the [ __ ] snap my ACL in half oh you did yeah back then you talk about that Wow no back then it was like oh well you aren't skating for a year right that's how it was like the the surgery for that the you know it was some like [ __ ] terminator [ __ ] like okay let me get in here and then I can redo this [ __ ] myself almost night for sure the doctor told me I would never skate again oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever your [ __ ] name is MD what did John how'd you snap it what did you do how much time I said no it's so dumb it's so stupid but whatever this is how you get hurt kids so I was at hubba hideout with genome in a Kenan Eric Becky a bunch of us and uh we were trying to film 420 shot no no I don't know why just some some [ __ ] spazzy kid [ __ ] I was like gee no [ __ ] five bucks back three down the stairs first try and then I went and tried first try snap maze sewed I never even did [ __ ] back thank you [ __ ] mind off super [ __ ] like bet Geno I'm a bet Geno for a trick you're right you know lose five bucks [ __ ] it's a three but it was just that was this all excited yeah I've always had a good back three Geno's got a goddamn bed good back three two but that was the only area I felt like well I got one too yeah do you have all the rest of skateboarding do you know under your belt at all times I have one back to me but um no and so I snapped my a sale for twenty shot and so I only have what I have in there but then also at the same time I got to thank not us again because in my downtime of you know you young kid you just turned pro like they have all that downtime like not just let me like help edit 20 shot and though well our section okay and then he gave me like this video camera like a time my video camera that good I'm super 8 oh yeah with the film and so in the beginning of 20 site you see like there's that movie it's my favorite film rumble fish mm-hmm and you know it's it's black and white film by Coppola with Matt Dillon and Mickey Rourke Diane Lane Dennis Hopper I think came out like 1984 or something like that but um another I believe there's another se hitting novel she wrote like The Outsiders and that was that this is now all this but um I was filming off the screen I'm filming basketball at the screen I'm feeling like me getting high and we let me use it you know he would yeah you have to thank not us again for being very patient with me when I was young because I was just a hyper teenager right now it may imagine I'm a hyper stoned teenager that's like tell me more about how you spun on the bike riding with not it's like down the freeway and his like super charger car and everything Jesus Christ we're going faster and he'd just be like shut up just think you know but he let me stay at his house and [ __ ] like I learned so much from watching him well so in that in that year of a CL time you did you still did a lot of stuff I never ride and he called me on the phone at my mom's house and like it was long like the home phone and like my mom like knocked on my door I'm like Rodney Mullins on the phone field I'm every being like no because I snap me yeah this is it but I gotta say Rodney was really cool and he was like Jason you know it's it's a bad break we're all concerned forgive me his [ __ ] everything rodney was a [ __ ] serious huh and i was again so when i kicked off and he's like no No see what you got you know rehabilitation like mega positive and I was like my career's over and I'm a high school dropout I'm so white trash I had nothing to fall back on Thank You Ronnie but now I be cooped and he was like I think like ten months later I started bouncing back and somebody some reason when I came back it was my it was my lead leg yeah and I started nollie Oh I don't know if it was just being really influenced by Solomon Agha okay and Paulo yeah but I started gnarling all the time it felt good to not only for some reason it's like I don't know why it's like gnarly stuff really started to work and so that's why after because if you look at 20 shot I'm not like nah leaing all over the place right came later Andy would you say you were pro at this time when you know I turned pro after stuff after stuff okay I turned pro after stuff but I remember when oddest was like all right so kids this ain't like nowadays ain't no [ __ ] party with [ __ ] beers surprise beers and [ __ ] and [ __ ] like all your friends back then it was like so what do you want for your graphic and like we're gonna start working on it wow so why not I said that I was like absolutely not you didn't to turn pro no because because Richard Mulder and Western Korea and Iran weren't throw they were lightyears ahead of me Jesus they were so good Iran Iran [ __ ] Wilson right not only fans many look back when I was gonna [ __ ] or not only front a heap of tail side down the the things by old-world dad like drama do crazy [ __ ] like you remember yeah of course that [ __ ] blind section of the plan be video with it with the Beatles song little help in France he starts it out yeah and it's just so it's like no Richard Pro first Western Pro first draw inside just yeah different companies though matter it's the whole spectrum its how its seen I do not go pro for these guys they're better alright like you know not us understood - OH or he was like whatever stupid so you waited for them to turn pro yeah and then you get and you how did that I do a lot of things like this throughout my whole life I shoot myself in the foot just to make sure I'm shooting myself in the foot yeah but I mean that just doesn't sound a I don't know if anyone would believe it it's my own humility and it comes from my own insecurities you know I mean I still have it right I still have it it's like before I came here to do this show like I'm sitting here right now I'm like [ __ ] yeah I'll say what the [ __ ] I want [ __ ] [ __ ] a duck [ __ ] you [ __ ] Reagan [ __ ] the world but like before I came here and I'm like oh god I'm gonna be talking and say crazy [ __ ] and but like why the [ __ ] it even talking to me anything stupid yeah but now it's like that that little kid [ __ ] that still carries on you carry that [ __ ] with you but um I don't even know what we're talking about turning pro and stuff I mean it was a to us it was it was a big deal that when you turn pro is I mean you have your own board now and it's game but it was you know it was so teeny you're so [ __ ] teen who knew was pro my mom you know like you know they know skateboarding in 1983 you guys don't understand like I wasn't in high school so it wasn't like going to high school being like see mom see my board right like when Grant Taylor was in high school like skateboards much bigger like we went picked up grant from high school once in Atlanta I love you grant you're the best but um he didn't like that no he came walking out of his school and he saw the big green workshop no rules but um grant was like no like holy [ __ ] your grant Taylor like everyone loved him because like every different kid loved grant at the school cuz Grant was show up at Nikes like all right stores open so grant was thing the man I think grant dropped out but else of you know look at grant like [ __ ] such a success story like he's like the mayor of Atlanta I love grant grant [ __ ] Rome's a lot of people knew I mean it was within the industry you know of course like people knew in the industry and I felt that thing we're like when I turned pro for one-on-one I felt like after that I felt like I would see pros I always looked up to and they be like oh hey deal what's going on how you been you know it's like once I turn pro for notice it was like you were in the club no one was ignoring me you know I mean like where before I'd be like hey what's up dude in the guy big [ __ ] you now to be like hey what's up dude maybe like actually I need a sponsor you remember we used to dis me it's cool we'll be cool now but like I'm gonna get better than you I'm gonna [ __ ] your whole career i hack those just a little kid at that vengeance where I felt like anyone who wrong with me I was like I'm gonna sharpen my samurai sword I'm gonna cut the [ __ ] out of it I'm gonna cut the head off of your career and you're gonna be left for dead but um you know but that was few and far between most people were really nice to me the first time ever met Shaun Chevy random doesn't mean thinking of this but I'm good luck chef yeah I was about 12 years old and I went to a contest at you know the Santa Barbara Pawel yeah when they call it skate zone they used to have these really great contests they're these amazing contests they were Pro converse or amateur contests yeah and like I don't even know what the [ __ ] I was doing up there I can't remember I probably just tagged along with someone I just got in a car laughs didn't tell my mom you're hey I'm out of here for like three days I'm sorry mom I do that all the time oh that poor woman but I'm anyway so I found myself up there in Santa Barbara I'd never met Shawn I was a big fan mm-hmm I never met this man and um he comes right up to me and he picks me up he puts me on his shoulders and he rides me all around the course and like you know how they had the course that you'll call their shoulder I can skate around him skating that me and so remember though this is Shawn Chevy and me at 13 its I'm an ant on elephant way nothing they're gonna kick flip the pyramid I've been fine right so um but he's riding life Chevy this is the beginning of no no cuz that no you did you write Plan B it's like right when Shana had the graphics with Baloo and the boy which I freaked me out because I felt like the boy balloon yeah you know I looked up to this man so much and a knob Simon's shoulders and he's riding me around remember palace gates on the course was here mm-hmm then to the side is where all the little people like ill gnarly street dudes that were way better than these pros yeah at the time because it was the 90s so like ocean and markets all these dudes are so much better than the pros and Henry but then you know you got [ __ ] I don't want to throw anyone on the bus but you got like [ __ ] this [ __ ] still trying to be Pro out here with his pads and I was and then over here Henry sands is doing the most psycho [ __ ] ends up in Dave slash back to turn the other cheek but um yeah Chevy had me on his shoulders any wider wrote around he told people this is my best friend this is my best friend no and then he he picked he took me off his shoulders and he said I want you to come stay in San Diego come skate with me and stay at my house and I was like I guess I couldn't even talk no Shawn I don't know if you even remember this bit like I'm sure he does cuz Shawn's always been so sweet with me you know Shawn's always been very I met him when I was such a small child like that this time I think I was in front I had the Shawn in front of me that listened to REM and like was a vegan you know so it was like you know he was still Shawn but like it was like now Shawn is a he's a really big deal to me and like for someone to treat me like that was like I think that I it's funny like being here and talking about this you're talking about yourself but um I think that's one of those moments where I was like [ __ ] everyone oh dude [ __ ] just put me on his goddamn [ __ ] shoulder right yeah I mean like I know no one wants me on plan B but still like this guy that wasn't even a thing like I was such a little kid you know I mean but now there's a big deal never met him this is the first time he threw up on his show Wow and I think is for me I think what happened like now I know that I said when I went pro like no one knew right knows like nowadays is like kids are so known but like I felt better about the nose bluntslide that I got when I was a kid on that aberrant then going pro or as I did that nose one side for the trick tips but like kids like I'm not trying to like dig myself up or nothing but like I did its nose one side on him a bench like a mall bench and it was a a one meets ad mmm that was like my first thing and I'm like fully like doing it it wasn't like kid [ __ ] rambling it was like style and everything I was like that's me right I can keep doing this I can keep making it look that good cause it's important to me right I grew up idolizing Matt Hensley and Marc and like you had to be a certain caliber and I had to look a certain way so when I did that nose one side I felt like people treated me different oh yeah but it was like San Diego people because they knew I did it down there it was the old dentist that Osteen used to skate Mir he did the impossible up front foot impossible HP this is not the new HP but um so I felt like San Diego people were like goddamn like this kids doing it and Shawn at the time was in San Diego so I felt like it was all part of that so he had seen you before this is that the enemy writing for blocking write for I got on black ok 13 it's like 12 13 14 smoggy about right now but any Eenie who long story short it was like I can I was just so touched by that and then you know I've known mark Gonzalez since I was about like 8 or 9 years old but um not well like when I when I was a kid but I'd see him you know I yeah I'd be at the grocery store my mom there's Mark it was insane like it was [ __ ] crazy it was like that's Marcus aw yeah that [ __ ] was just really important to me it was like when Mark when I met mark he really treated me really good it's like he didn't treat me like a kid well I suppose mark was like what are you doing like what do you into and that's just like me [ __ ] you when go skate it's like I'm talking to mark yeah this is insane then I found myself your shortly after that I'm in like Luke Ogden and Tobin yellen's Ellison I'm staying with mark in them and SF and Tenderloin the gnarliest neighborhood and like these two bums outside we're sucking each other's dicks and [ __ ] see we just like holy [ __ ] and like I showed Marcus I just went to the store okay and when I came all the way back I was like because I remember a car turned right so I saw headlights Technicolor of those two homeless dudes 69 each other which you can only see if you visit the beautiful Sam stop right and I went back in and they were all like are you okay because I must have looked like like you seen a ghost right and I go is there a window to there because it was this big loft and then again the bathroom I go and I never forget marks Tigers have no and then he goes that's two dudes no there was a strange period a like I want to get to another question but there was a strange period of my life between like 15 and 19 where I saw really violent things happen and I saw the man right after he was decapitated in Japan whoa Tokyo we were driving from Tokyo to Osaka as me rob dyrdek Dondre Jeremy rain that's crazy yeah this crazy photographer named Nietzsche he had like a 15 year old girlfriend he was like 50 back then she just he just he just died he was on acid he gave me acid on that trip well but I wasn't on it at this point but you have a view on this Highway you know right when you get outside of Tokyo you're outside it's like you can get you don't think it you think it's just like Blade Runner no no you get to the countryside and um all the [ __ ] trucks are like you're just doing there like crazy stopping and dusting all the stuff and then dragon I'm on this side of the I'm on this side of the van you know to where the windows here and I think Dyrdek's in front of me Jeremy's there and John Drake driver whatever people from Japanese distribution yeah and we're do only a couple hours into like a 10 hour drive because it's from Tokyo to Osaka and it's like you know it's farther than going to LA to SF so whenever I think I'm listening to like De La Soul 3 feet high and rising in a [ __ ] cassette tape player like something like that and like the van drives by and there is man there the dude is he got knocked off a motorcycle his head was off and his head was in his helmet oh yeah and it was like 80 feet up there's a that and like yeah that was tough and then I remember like within that year or maybe right before that I was in Northampton England and I was walking down the street with Edie Templeton and maybe Jason Lee in Indiana and uh once again right when it just happened this this kid just got his throat slit by a guy who broke a bottle and it was cuz the kid was gay or something an eID just dropped to his knees and [ __ ] I never forget like Edie yanked off his shirt and made a tourniquet for the kid the kid died oh wow and then shortly after that the first time I ever did mushrooms I was in Queens and I spread like 16 and I remember like mushrooms I wish so I'm in Queens about 16 and first time I did acid Gino and and Keenan and Jones Keith with his Chris keys brother they all had mushrooms that they bought off Freddie because I remember seeing Freddie at Astor Place and he was a good deal you won't buy some mushrooms I had no Fred well and I was like oh my god this is the coolest dude ever met my whole life like he's trying to sell me mushrooms he's on a board but the craziest shape he is like 60 millimeter wheels like he's younger than me and cooler than I could ever imagine and I was like no but like oh like I was like I still wanted to buy him off him just to think make Fred think I'm cool right for whatever like Gino Keenan and Chris and Jones got him and they were like deal you can't do them you're too young so we're at Chris and Jones's parents house in Queens and they're out of town his parents and um I was like that's fine I was used to that by that you know till you're too young you're the smallest and it's true I was a smile so much younger than those guys but um about two hours about hour and a half two hours through their trip I remember Jones must have felt bad for me but he came into this room and he had this bag and there's a little paper in the middle and he's like Jill do you want to do this because like we're tripping they don't leave you out and I was like yeah absolutely and then I you know I took the acid and all of a sudden the Knicks game that I was watching with Patrick Ewing and John Starks and all that [ __ ] like I remember being in Jones and Chris's parents room and it's hardwood floor and I sitting on the bed and they were all geeking out on other room like playing like basketball with a little [ __ ] door basketball and [ __ ] and like I don't know what they were doing in there like playing video games and [ __ ] but you know when you trip in like you can't you can only interact like with the tripping if you're tripping like you know I mean like if you're there like I'm not funny I was like aw what's the game like says he's watching the basket I really liked watching basketball back then who wouldn't it was great it was a great game at the time I don't know about it now sage tells me sometimes but um so I'm watching and all of a sudden it's like Patrick Ewing's taking a free throw shot and I tell you what this fit man's face became on the screen and then all of a sudden the hardwood floor of Madison Square Garden was the hardwood floor in Jones's parents room I was perfectly leveled and it started here on your eyeball uh-huh I started at the tip of my eyelid and it went so I'm watching Patrick Ewing level so it's almost like you remember in Star Wars we're like like Princess Leia shows up like help me move on your own okay I'm watching a hologram right everything else is black right right in front of you and I was in the door opens and I think what the [ __ ] them and they're like Jill you okay well they all call me pickle everybody everybody East Coast they all call me pickle Keith - al al escorpion everybody a pickle is that pickle tickle what's wrong nothing I remember it's still kind of daylight like getting dark a little bit and they're like let's go let's go get pizza or something and I was like yes do anything I've never taken acid before I'm [ __ ] flying I never forgive this we get outside now mind you once again they're on mushrooms they'd never done that before and we get outside and we're walking to the pizza place but right when we got outside of the building we're walking and keen and turned around to all of us and he goes I feel naked I was the funny it was one of them it was I didn't I don't know if I'd ever laughed that hard to that point but um yeah we got pizza and when I and what I'm bringing up this story because on the way home from Queens back to Long Island cuz I was staying with Gino in Westbury we got in the car and we're driving along to Bucks it's probably nine o'clock at night it's been a long day it's the long day I'm still fully on acid right and we see a motorcycle under a taxicab and we see blood leg harm Gino goes like this I'm here this way you know those goes around it with me and I couldn't help but I just think you looked at Wow so there was a period of my life where I was young between like like like 15 16 17 where I just saw like really [ __ ] up [ __ ] and then there's another one I remember so that apartment I was talking about earlier that Gino and Keenan and Erakat mm-hmm it was in Huntington Beach on Warner and it was a lot nicer than the apartments I had when I was young but um so you're on Warner it's a big street nothing to be just a big ass street I went to this store and I was like you guys want anything then whatever and it was that the whole thing or there's only like one key so I like hopped a fence to leave and like or maybe I could open it to leave and then hop the fence was like I had to go to Ralph's get making my cup of noodles like whatever like [ __ ] like so I go and then I'm walking back and it's raining and an island raining too bad but um I'm walking back and like the way it goes it's like you know I'm on this you know hunk the beach big-ass [ __ ] sidewalks but I like 9 o'clock at night or something like that and uh 10:00 and there's a wall to my left but between the wall I mean between the sidewalk and the wall is a bush but the walls like you know about yay high mm-hmm I don't know how I saw it but I just I guess I heard it first I heard like the right and then there's a car flipping towards me oh wow that came from so I'm if I'm walking a south towards the ocean none more it was coming this way Wow and the car started flipping and it I was so paralyzed in fear what it was gonna do when it got to me right and I realize how close it was getting and it was like [ __ ] it in Indiana Jones movie or something it's like Jesus Christ like it might as well have been fully engulfed in flames right right like it felt like that and I just on some like [ __ ] kid gymnast [ __ ] like I just [ __ ] alright and just [ __ ] bounced out in that cart and it smashed into that wall took out the bushes so there's the bushes the wall and then a car parked for the apartment complex because the wall was like this high so just back to I didn't even look if you who was there I ran yeah dropped my groceries I ran a wild hop the fence ran ran ran I've got a tagine Hood's house and they were like what [ __ ] dead yeah and we went out there this chick was missing like half her ear and all this [ __ ] funny enough I'm fast forward me three years I met some like weird friends house these surfer guys this chick walks in and she's like yeah like my dad owns this head shop and Benes like you know the roundabout oh yeah of course yeah there was an old head shop oh cool your dad owns a head shot than a dunce gadget and I don't know how [ __ ] came up she's again I'm time I got in this bad accident a Warner no and this chick with a [ __ ] [ __ ] and so I was like tell me more about that accident she goes yeah and part of my ear no seriously I met her you know Wayne idiot she was a complete idiot probably still alive now she could I killed some people on her way out but she was fun swim goofy [ __ ] [ __ ] there's like I don't care you know it's like you know so this this jackass Peyton he names by like Becky that's a white chick with like a tan right hand yeah her dad on some head shop whatever I shall know who she is yeah you want me kill me you [ __ ] idiot but yeah it's always like it was better no I'd still have a thing like I don't know I saw too much [ __ ] I saw Hey I saw a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] like and I had a lot of weird things happen and I started traveling all the time and like you go to different countries and you see to see things really start to shape like your whole your trajectory your mentals all that stuff and like mmm yeah and yeah you know hey kids I just wanna tell you like just so you know like acid definitely had an effect on my nervous system so I don't you know recommend it amongst the other things I did but I think acid was the main culprit oh yeah for my you know oh nice like I'm sitting really still right now yeah I'm trying really hard what did you ever take acid her to mean and skate at the same time oh yeah someone just put this out recently I saw footage of myself skating the Redwood City school you remember where the down the hills you know it was like it was like you go down a hill and flat up Carol oh yeah people the table and show yeah Lenny and Josh on the table and trans roped together so that spot mean Nick Lachman Brad Johnson Maurice key we went there cause it was raining one night and we're all on mushrooms and um yeah I remember like switz 15 the table of the bump peeling whoo and I'm gonna I could switch from coulis and I died I remember hitting my back like mmm from the top this is big ass tables yeah and they're still wet because we're stupid yeah we pulled them out from the rain but I remember hitting that back area like right here mm I remember colors just exploded out of my eyes and mouth oh I remember hitting the ground being like that [ __ ] hurt knows it look at that it was just like it's like I threw up a rainbow oh my god why pickle Phil there was a commercial that there was a commercial that was only on the East Coast and it was even before my time you know I'm not from out there I mean my my mom and them nasty pickles ya know is another one but my you know my mom's from my mom my my whole mom side they're all from Braddock Turtle Creek outside of Pittsburgh and like I was basically raised by them people okay but yeah there was a commercial I can't remember but I don't think it was the that one because I would have seen it here that company was huge that was the stork guy had the pit right but there was a commercial back in New York where this kid would be like hey daddy pickle and so the kid was asking the dad so like I became pickle like I remember like I hadn't talked to Keith off [ __ ] in quite a while and I got a text that just said pickle with a question mark and I go huh it's him oh wow and no I know that it wasn't I go I go this is this is someone from back east like who's this from New York and he's like it's hot all of them call me pickle no one from no one else in my life but East Coaster is coming but why the commercial though I mean it doesn't I mean I don't know they all make sense I know they [ __ ] well because I'm dill and they had that commercial over there I remember growing up like Jesus Christ my name's Donald Jason like that's a [ __ ] dumbest [ __ ] name ever like like I'm every when I was a little kid my mom was like well we almost named you Mohammed no way and I flipped out I was like oh man named B hump Mohammed now [ __ ] day I was so mad I wanted Mohammed to be my name I just thought that my name is so plain and boring when I was like six it's been you could ask my mother that's scouts honor I decided my name was Bruce Lee dill Bruce Lee Adel if my mom didn't call me by that she told me she said I feel like I can remember it she'd be like Jason and I'd be like looking at her right just like she'd be over here but I don't I don't know if a Jason and then she's like all right Bruce Lee do they let's wow this because um Sunday's out here in Orange County LA like Sunday's on KTLA channel five they play kung-fu TV show that with David Carradine and you know like grasshopper for sure yeah and then they play like Bruce Lee for like ten hours then I just sit and watch that and that was one of my early obsessions with Bruce Lee alright let's go back to back to the future oh you got kicked off of when a while yelling for stealing rightly so yeah and they would so what did you do from there I talked to Sal Oh in Sal we've just started a company called 23 yep and I needed someone to go you know I love salad it sounds great you know so I always got along with Sal real good so I don't [ __ ] alright I'll come over here and right see what goes on we did that for a little bit you know I got like Drake Jones on the team and riding riding Bertino and Clyde got on the team yeah I remember we did a couple tours and that was right then like that's when like I don't know something happened I knew I had it I had it I knew I had it I knew I didn't know it's not explained I was like fallen one came out right and they really from the time they first did it but there was a difference between the four ones it first came out - like when phone was doing it yeah cuz when phone was doing it and you got on the cover of the box oh you had some [ __ ] you were really doing your job and in that time period I was able to just like I could film like a couple things for for one get on the cover and then yeah people like getting kicking ass something yeah just get it once in the past too much but no we skated a whole lot back then but anywho that for one really kind of in like they would have like Vic Denton oh yeah I got a couple of those yeah so they don't look like so then I was like oh I'm [ __ ] doing this like like I could I could put I'll probably be able to like be ready for the workshop jism mmm yeah that's still young is that where you initially met aive who was running for 23 no no no I met him before that okay um with Anthony I think I was I believe I just got on 23 and I'd seen him too like the third time knife I was like I walked up and I was like you just come on DC like in 2313 you're gonna you're gonna take off let's roll and he did he did he didn't need much my help Anthony was you know a couple years Danny was in his own way making his own way but ya know I think all that big time DC money I didn't get that I was supposed to write for DC right then but I was like no no make a shoe coming himself but no like I said in that Bob Stern interview like I yeah if I got that if I get if I would have got that DC money it would have killed me yeah you're sure yeah sure so Sal quit us and he was trying to make a shoe company and so we were Sal was gonna get the shoe company to get invested by a woman in China who created a some sort of web TV at that time and I was like sold I don't know I was like yeah it's sad like I remember telling tell Izzie okay we gotta come up with a name I was like Errol Flynn Errol Flynn what e-r rol Flynn he's an old actor okay twenties and Sal did the same thing he was like Mandel I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about he wanted to be man this shit's gonna become quota Pop's it this shit's called rush right sure man Delos you don't know nothing about the rush this shoes give you ya know but I love South so much I thought like at the time like I could have been bet on the right horse is like you know like Sal could have made a shoe company and we could be sitting around being [ __ ] millionaires right now for sure how could have made the next thing [ __ ] South Pole oh yeah he's got that good design sense in that hole I thought so no I love Sally loves out of death but yeah so that was that and like no I've always done a really good job of [ __ ] up my own career wait gonna pay me how much yeah come over so all I have to do is come down there and sign something like that yeah this is real my career a little more I'm gonna write for them for less so I have to do this right I know they look like less but if I sign for this much and I tell them look I'm basically I'm not gonna skate it all right um if you have a problem with that we have to know about it right now do you tell it to enemies yeah I don't want to talk about it anymore the funny career man ups and downs you know right right like let him nut ups and down so 23 lasted what a year or two about that yeah about that and then and being there wasn't this is now we're in 1997 and South started talking about Layton you know I might want to do this company aesthetics and to the diet and I was like glad you brought that up me and Anthony and go right to the workshop oh yeah but that's a funny story how that happened to with writing for the workshop what nice never being that can in a contest and I feel like I did really good like I just you know not in the contest it didn't matter if you did good in the contest back then in fact those good at UCL practice you just get a [ __ ] kick ass for some foreign one but um it's poor one clips get some slap coverage in the magazine whatever but anyways I came home from that trip and inside of slap magazine a couple months later in the talk second it says Jason Dylan L writes for the anything workshop really and and I dropped the magazine like I was like oh my god what did I say cuz they ain't say I thought I must have said something to someone but then I was like now yeah it's like you read the contest you hung out with dyrdek the whole time and like you know Scott Conklin all them dudes okay that makes sense at a time yeah I'm ever been nervous and I called alien workshop number which was 1-800 278 3 787 I'll remember that right and uh and I'm and this is before I rode for it but I remember guys I think I got the number out of them probably and I was like hey it's Jason dill can I please speak with Chris Carter like because I met Carter nothing before and I think really respected this man I ate a lame workshop was such a big deal to me you know I came out in 1990 there was such a big deal to me it was such a great company so Carter gets on the phone like hey he doing dope I said hey Chris Carter Jason Dylan did it uh like I swing you know it says in the new slap magazine that I write failing workshop I didn't say nothing like that like I didn't say it like I was in Canada and I was saying he's a bad [ __ ] I told him to put it in there no way and I was I was so perplexed I was like wait what do you mean and I'm on my home phone in my apartment I'm 19 like wait like maybe I'm 20 and uh you think yeah that's funny and he's a so you want you want you wanna do it no way and I was like oh absolutely of course yes and then the next day he called in a pic to the phone and then he heard about this is before a was a right it was just Anthony and uh you know and then he offered Anthony seriously really being in an apartment together yet I had been going to New York a whole bunch but I'm never coming back and be like alright this is the last time come back to visit and now I get a go yeah I was like I'll keep this apartment you can stay here whatever things happened with Anthony uh-huh I think my friend Rick was living there to go skate and then I went to New York and I was like I hope I really - I'm ballin you know I didn't live there you know but um yeah that was the beginning it was like I got on the workshop and then I left Wow so just I didn't want to come back to California that it was you know I don't know I'd spent so much time in New York I loved it I didn't want to be here anymore you know I wanted to do more I just wanted to see more I wanted to escape yeah miss everything I just didn't want to be in like bright white sidewalks bright what can blue sky every [ __ ] it's African same [ __ ] thing Groundhog Day yeah just blacktop floors and picnic tables just staring you down and your soul there was another thing like I always felt like that I would felt like whatever if someone else didn't skate but I cannot do it you want something else yeah looks different it feels different and then who doesn't like skateboarding New York City yeah it's fun it's hard to get footage there but like there was no one that was Pro there so just felt like home to me it just still is to this home to me but yeah that was that so that's how I got a North job saying yeah as weird story what does he'll say when he saw no we didn't done that ya know cuz you were already off I was I ended up having to get off the phone with him then go to eat lunch with salad taco Sanders basically telling this is what I'm doing anything he's coming to them cuz he was starting aesthetics yeah what did you but he didn't feel weird no I didn't care I mean you know he wanted us but he's like Rob wells and Kevin Taylor and he's doing his thing John Iggy how long after was photosynthesis after you got on two years two years you know Cotto came out in 2000 2007 I you know we got on in 98 okay right so you spent that two years pretty much filming the four in one sections I do go that was good for one industry section was filmed in 97 before like it most of it like it like the front crook around the corner oh [ __ ] I'm on 23 oh really okay mm-hmm so there's a few tricks in that then I'm on 23 and then there's obvious I'm like switch backside flip over the table yeah I'm on my first alien board you like riding the bright like green boards back then right well no I wasn't on my first board yet it was done some whatever bright board they had that was like that was when you guys got announced right pretty much yes of [ __ ] fallen came out and photo came out and I've said it before in interviews it's like that was the best time in my life Mike in that period like basically my life through 1998 through 2003 was that 5 5 1998 to 2005 was the most time I went without without having replications from drugs and alcohol and all that you know I mean like mainly drugs that guy was like it just all went and it worried but um photo were yeah it just worked it was just one of those things it's also with Alien Workshop like they were the only serious company there was no other company that was serious and what I mean by that there was no inside jokes everything was [ __ ] serious is death like graphics presentation like it all had to look a certain way so like when you would film for photosynthesis is like yet you'd be with Bill and you like how he filmed their joke was true see whatever but when it came down to like the making of this film it was up to you know Mike Hill and you know joke is true see like how it was gonna look aesthetically and like you just gave it all to that right absolutely like just like you know now like I make all the video stuff with Benny just me and him but um I tell it was I had a complete faith and coming out better than I could imagine somewhat came out and was incredible yeah like we were at some premiere in Philadelphia and I had no idea like they recorded my voice and [ __ ] I didn't know that you had no idea I swear to God really I don't believe in God but yes I swear I swear to [ __ ] spiritual guidance yeah so they recorded them conversations Carter would record me so the first time you saw the video was at a premiere like edited everything like a my part before it came out really what a song - I chose the song oh yeah oh yeah then chose the song I mean skated a Radiohead but at least I use a [ __ ] b-side don't skate to the hit song like you don't skate to creep but that's the thing like it was a b-side off ok computer because the b-side off of the ok computer was I think when they came out with the ok computer they did like 10 b-sides knows everything from like waiting in the aisle to like [ __ ] Pearlie and then melatonin and then there was a polyethylene part 1 & 2 and to me it just felt like I don't know to me like believe it or not like I there's so there was this bar in Ohio and it was called a Luke the comet and it was in Cincinnati and I liked going there this is weird bar like at the top of this hill real [ __ ] weird neighborhood and just bizarre like just a bizarre bar like a blue-collar and remember I'm went in there I never heard of no band called The White Stripes and neither didn't the rest of the [ __ ] world like no one knew who this [ __ ] band and white stripe was and I remember that I already told them that I wanted polyethers name Radiohead because this bar was right bad joke cos Josie's house so I'd stumble into his house drunk I guess and so they write about two you know and I was like no I heard this song by the band called The White Stripes it's called Jimmy the Explorer and it's on their first album and it's just psycho talk about a monkey jumping on the bed and his eyes are bleeding and like the walls are turning it was just like it was psycho it's really crazy this isn't the first time I've been turned down by something for I've been turned down for a song right Greg hunts turned me down for a song like they've been like that's crazy but um anyhow there was a minute where I was like just ban the whites drive no one knows because they didn't know anything they were so I was gonna use this song called Jimmy the Explorer and if you look it up the song [ __ ] room they didn't want to use it they were like back to Radiohead Oh would you company were you on back then PETA yeah yeah when I move was already on and I know on 23 I wasn't on anything I was getting like for you wasn't she Oh Pete Sampras shoes yeah I love that [ __ ] [ __ ] Sampras yeah that tennis he had one shoe is white black gray white gray black white gray blue navy I really I mean did I skated an Air Max 95 when I clipped on the street and said Oh Monica was that here yeah at the post office I think but you'd like max 93 oh yeah yeah when I when I do the nose wheelie yeah a thing yeah my like rave outfit post Diesel right here their second time in the 90s I love diesel gear and like I'll rave looking gear like I don't know it's like terrycloth like jackets and like terry cloth pants and [ __ ] weird fashion but um yeah Vita was a company that the shoe company that modest did with a few other people and I don't really want to talk about it all respect to nada psyche if it said he was just along for the ride as long as AB as well as you know he was just not just like I'm still here in [ __ ] whatever is you know he didn't give a [ __ ] by then right how long were you an alien total 15 years 15 years yeah oh did I just give my age latest result kids I'm 72 you just you just turned 18 yes as I'm 15 [ __ ] years I'm finally gonna relax now ours is a dark you know so so so 15 years yeah 50 15 years does anything work except was from mm mm yeah right it was from 1998 to 2013 geez what a run yeah it was it hard leaving of course photosynthesis and mosaic and mine filling right bad time I got the mind felt I was a wreck but yeah had a hard time putting that thing together oh yeah a hard time stayin alive for that video well but um yes probably the worst shape I was ever in was minefield area and then a couple my friends died back-to-back and drugs and well oh well I do those drugs yeah so you know that [ __ ] and then um did you feel like you could be next you know it's just like you know I always have a hand in the fire but not drugs you know I don't do drugs and right right you know it's like the way I look at drugs now it's interesting it's like I I couldn't imagine being on pills now I couldn't kind of makes me sick like if I think I start to get my palms get sweaty I'm sick I get we'll keep thinking about smoking speed or something but like you know it's like different so you get older and just think you're like oh and then also they have so much responsibility and I have so much like there's so much that goes on in everyday basis my decisions that affect so many people and I cannot I can't live in in in the Bolivian you know and I did and like I'm not afraid to admit it's like whatever there was a decade where I blacked out every night yeah every night oh I was like I don't know I don't know I just chose to do that you like a lot of it happen mm-hmm you know like basically like right after mosaic and beyond like it's like kinda and that time is when it was like I really gonna check out every night as far as we can go as far as recognizing reality right in front of you yeah and didn't matter where you were no you do that at home did the bar did you just decide to get sober one day or did you had this wonderful woman living with me and and she didn't speak very much English but she was so great and you know she was my girlfriend at the time and um I just knew I was like you have to leave I felt something brewing and oh wow you told her about something brewing in me I felt like I didn't feel right okay this is 2008 and um she got really upset and I was like you gotta go you gotta go and uh she didn't understand like she knew I was on drugs but she didn't like cuz in France pills aren't like a huge problem you know I mean like no one she knew was like taking like 25 vicodin a day and like drinking and like doing [ __ ] like drinking dayquil like while you're drinking booze and taking vicodin and like doing speed so is like she knew that I was putting a blender of substances in me because she knew I you know she would see it I'd stay up til 7:00 in the morning and she would be in bed and then I'd wake up at like 6:00 the next day I mean the whole time she was there with me at my apartment we went to Central Park once that's the only time I saw daytime there was one year I didn't see daytime Wow just that day I saw it Wow in May like nine months of no daytime Jesus yeah it was bad saying that I was bad but yeah so when I sent her home the very next day like you know whatever I did my daily routine I just felt like I had like you know that movie Hellraiser in that ball with all the spikes I felt like that was going back and forth in my stomach hmm and I just felt like razor pains and um you would think I'd be that okay this is it you know let's draw it right here if nah went out and caught ya I got more pills and then I found myself at this bar that my friend's brother was working at there was the bar below Niagara from her own and remembers that there was that fancy [ __ ] [ __ ] bar we I did like go downstairs but be secret but whenever [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what New York got Saddam to go to sticker bar you got to know the guy from maroon 5 we go to Jane Hotel [ __ ] your Jane hotel [ __ ] your hotel parties [ __ ] the Beatrice [ __ ] it all there's three people who know what I'm talking about but um I did my night I went out and you know Jameson and but you know Jameson Stella and vicodin percocet whatnot and I went next day I woke up I threw up blood everywhere Wow went through a blood everywhere it's like the there's a first puke was as big as its table all blood it just look like [ __ ] look like red wine you know just poured on the paisa scared this [ __ ] out yeah I never thought that yeah and then um and I took that they leave it to me on the way out right but I'm I'd never called man woman you called Nomar woman I called 9-1-1 and i passed out passed out in the apartment so you don't even remember them coming in and taking you out you know it's funny and I don't know you I think anyone who's ever been in something like this you're so hazy I almost felt like I beat them to the door because I think something got in me where I was like I have to make it to the stairs because if they see what I've already done in there they're gonna tell the doctors oh he said I don't want them knowing I just [ __ ] puked up a [ __ ] two gallons of blood or whatever came out of me so I remember I do believe yeah for sure I got to like the few stairs below me and they come in the front door however they [ __ ] got in but I remember thinking like and how drug mentality I was this get outside cuz they're gonna see how the blood and fire [ __ ] who's gonna say I would be like look what I just I need help look what I just did that's the thing it's like you know I think on one hand people like oh you know you probably talked so good about drugs all these years would take look you know I had really good experiences and drugs you know it's like I had fun I did great sex with women and [ __ ] got to party like [ __ ] crazy places in different countries and just like I was always ready for whatever II got right you have crystal meth let's do it you know it's like I wasn't you know it's like let's just [ __ ] that's not to have any rules here design rules are no fun okay so I'm sorry you know I've definitely what do they call it up with drugs you know when you talk good about it I forgot see kids what drugs does yeah there goes there goes all of my linguistics my vernacular is nothing I have words I have the biggest words have the best word so I glamorize drugs oh yeah in my interviews and stuff like that and [ __ ] you know it's King know there's you know I had good experience obviously I was one of I just I don't know if you're someone who like I came up with kids that would take like eight hits of acid that's crazy insane I got the [ __ ] are you still alive I did liked oh how did you like how he's felt like I was buying but then I guess bedtime I got older I was like experienced enough arrows like watch this oh you did that like that party yes I know I never meant to glamorize it I guess I'm always just talking about my own experience and look kids it's not easy you know you do the life on it's not easy I think one of the hardest jobs ever had was being drug addict then this like sounds so dramatic that is true like no what's a run through the snow sweating to go meet someone oh yeah why you sweating in the snow I gotta get to 11 you know it's stupid it's stupid it's stupid but at the same time say my own little chewy is that whatever and like obviously I made it through this I had all [ __ ] career made like 20 goddamn video parts and then kiss my [ __ ] ass so at that point in time where you were really low and you were going to the hospital but that was a time when you were getting off alien I don't want to talk about this anymore why why you guys on says negative [ __ ] I'm trying to bring it back god I'm trying to bring it back up so I'm on alien and like that's just fast-forward it out of the hospital one of my really really good friends died and uh he was like my guy you know I mean it was like my last of the mohicans as far as like whoa you did all that I don't feel right you just did bad I saw you I'm only doing I'm always [ __ ] correcting your green crazy but um yeah he was my good friend and he died and you know it was cuz of drugs and then um I remember one time I was in Brooklyn it was like the last apartment I was in New York that I had and I was living in like a basement like of this friends I'd like lived in the bottom part it was nice was fine but um I'm going outside it was snowing and I was like what are you doing you ain't doing what do you have to do here what do you do in New York all you used to do was hang out with your fans and party now you don't so I kind of was just making [ __ ] I got been making postcards for years I think ever since I was young I make people postcards and what you do is you know and take any piece of cardboard you can find anywhere you find in motels whatever and think you could put [ __ ] on it with glue right I was in use a stamp stamp so cheap so I've been making postcards forever you know I love postcards I like making a little closet doing stuff like that I think I made a couple of my first photo books in that time period like because I've been taking photos for a long time because when you party and get naked with people it's fun to take yes I published a couple like real you know low-key photo books like people in Japan and stuff like that and I think it was just I had no idea was doing right I started dating a girls really young and uh she was awesome but you know it was also like what am i doing you know like what am I really doing anymore and then just knowing that you have the ability to skate on a high level and not doing it it's like you feel guilty inside you know you can do it you know it's out there you know that every day in California like it's bright and sunny seventy five everyone [ __ ] ripping and doing their thing and you just sit inside your house and snowing so I think it came across that realization and so yeah I'm fast-forwarding a bit but I'm sorry I packed up and I was like Anthony I'm gonna move I'm just gonna leave New York and I can I come stay with you and first I stayed with a girl I knew who no involvement with her but just a friend of mine and then a kind of ease my way into like putting myself at Anthony's house all right you know stepbrothers right but um once I got to Anthony's like shoot out so tweet like I remember I I brought a board with me who's on the first time does brought my board with me from these guys leaving I'll set something up on it but I brought a grant Taylor board that had like a shape cuz granted just like turn pro then it's like 2011 or 12 and it was like a like a crazy shape and and I bought these roller skate wheels from a store in New York City okay like a store that sold look cool here like like yeah and I had some Indies or whatever and I remember we went to the North Hollywood Park and it was like the first like two months it was there it was just me and a and like I'm a pion skated a year I think is the longest I've ever gone it's crazy Oh Kelly just looked at me with the most broken like puppy-dog eyes he was oh wait Jason but I remember I pulled that [ __ ] out I remember I was like looking at my board and I skated and I feel like I skated good and then when we went to go skating and he's like dude c'mon but the [ __ ] and I was like what you think you gotta set up a new board I don't want to this is cool and he was like no and he set me up like a regular boy okay let's see what he's writing and then um then I found myself in New Zealand on like a van store really calm sudden boom we're doing it like we're in the streets for doing it I was living at his house and just [ __ ] everyday just like building please go let's go let's go [ __ ] school yard this that like go New Zealand advance tour and then we're in [ __ ] doing this and then it was like okay [ __ ] let's get everybody together and say hey [ __ ] let's go on tour and like Tyler Dillon me like let's go [ __ ] kick ass let's make this Transworld thing like where the workshop we're [ __ ] bitching let's stay on top let's [ __ ] do it like grant Taylor doing right for the same team how come [ __ ] no one sees this is [ __ ] let's do it then the whole time aliens being bought and sold baton sold bonds sold like so I'm like okay okay [ __ ] this is still real deal we're still top-notch we're [ __ ] you know we're the workshop we got this and then I started to realize we don't got this I was leaving alien that was an uh it was I mean it was tough yeah how did it go down so like I said like we when we made that Transworld Cinematographers project thing I hate saying that title and I'll never say it again why why do you hate the same thing you say it Emmitt ographers I had a great little section in that video let me tell now you did some [ __ ] no home video that we share is um someone alerted me of this you the video that we're in together is Fernando's video listen for you though oh no I'm sorry for now no you may tell a Catholic he wasn't in LA County he's right of course you ever listen was sick like I felt like the I think I only have like two trips I think I'd yeah things is to table tricks yeah fakie shove it switch manual and fakie chef's FAQ manual in the Colgate school right down the street from the house I currently oh whoa but yeah you did good [ __ ] thank you and listen and once again the nose grind up the courthouses Oh insane like I know he's got this switch flip manual ah I could have done that maybe I got the height of my skateboard look man no that could have gone down could ago you know I tried there and I tried to shoot it there was no one videoing when this is how this would go back to him but they give this 1997 you're trying to trick at the courthouse like it's not always a camera right like filming yeah but I tried a switch slip switch back to him on the stage yeah yeah and I like lion didn't shut out not I can't remember but yeah that was one of those ones that got away I knew I could have done it yeah there goes right there and I never did anything that good like as far as I got switch flips lose back to you like it was alt yeah yeah I'll say it real quick I mean it's about myself but I got I do fakie shuvit fakie manuals and that because of you doing it on that table goddamnit you took it all the way to fakie tray for fake Cornell today so no bells you're welcome you were asking me about quitting Alienware shop what brought me to quit alien workshop was seeing that I didn't think that the formula was gonna work no I didn't think it was gonna stay intact I just didn't because it what I saw was was it tough with all the them selling it off buying and selling whatever yeah because like you know what was tougher though was like so what we got Warhol longboards unsafe no that's not so what that's so what do we do about this okay and that's so who's staying you know this big questions and um yeah I had my issues you know I grew up with the company and I love the company so much and um I didn't it's it's it's tough to do these guys like I'm sitting here thinking about like Chris Carter watching it and like Mike Hill wouldn't want to this he's too cool he's got too much cool [ __ ] going he's in Ohio or maybes in Iceland he's probably doing some cool like cool-looking [ __ ] nothing new skateboarding but anyways I respect these guys so much the guys that made anything in workshop so it's like tough for me to say and just pick apart what went wrong because like on one hand they had a pro who was me who was drunk and on drugs for a decade so it's like I understand like you know once it came around 2011-2012 I started being like what the [ __ ] is this and what the [ __ ] is this what this coca-cola logo we're doing and what the [ __ ] is this kid you're trying to put on so I basically just like went in was like what are we doing anymore yeah who we own by what's happening you know and there was a little bit of like oh it's good thing sober till finally showed up mmm nothing no I have [ __ ] done a lot for this goddamn company don't give me [ __ ] I [ __ ] took you on certain voyages you didn't think you were gonna go on just like before I wrote for them they took me on voyages that I didn't know I'd go on like watching memory screen when I was a little kid like it took me in the places in the world they wouldn't have seen it took me to parts of America I wouldn't have seen so I owed them big but then at the same time at the end of it I was like no I'd get on my crazy trips you go right along I know it I know you did and so there was a lot of give-and-take a lot of give-and-take it was like once again I grew up [ __ ] worshipping that company I had the government brainwash ad on my wall my first apartment you know it was like I wanted to ride for them so long-winded sorry but back to it I think when I realized that I needed us to get out of there was one time Terp John and Donnie went all the way down to Irvine now number one if you have a company and you find it one day moving to Irvine pack it up yes the save your money yeah it's over it's over unless you're [ __ ] the next [ __ ] next he'll calm like anything of like artistic value cannot be out of everybody like anything of any merit can't be out of a vine like I'm sorry Will Ferrell I know you're from Irvine but like if your company moves to Irvine you're [ __ ] so Turpin and went to like what was a lien now in Irvine and they just like dude it was like barracks gear and like it was next to like barracks gear and it was next to like O'Neil and Metal Mulisha check please yeah and they said they were treated like [ __ ] oh you guys want stuff now alien itself had nothing to do with this they were still in Ohio but the alien running [ __ ] day-to-day you know buy and sell was out of next door to barracks gearing on that [ __ ] you know I can't be having that [ __ ] guys know I feel about that subject so um yeah less power to them and [ __ ] you yeah we had to be out no no it's done it was done and then also like when I called Anthony to say like we're quitting and then great decision for everyone it just me and him quit Amy I didn't take anybody did you make the decision for Anthony no because I asked him I said I said I said I said we need to quit yeah collectively because we're on the same page right like I'd be like [Music] and everyday I was again we got to quit and we got to be out of here and I was like this what I want to do I know it sounds wild but I want to make it I want to make it FA I think we could do this and I said the only rule is um you can never get mad at me that's the stipulation that was number one rule I was like we're gonna do this but you can never get mad at me and I said there's things I'm gonna do you're not gonna like there's things that there's there's ways I'm gonna behave that you're not gonna like okay I'm gonna steal people and I'm gonna [ __ ] I'm gonna do whatever I need to do to make sure this is [ __ ] the most successful thing I can make it cuz I cannot fail right can't I just can't I get I have nothing else I'm [ __ ] high school dropout and you know like I don't have any education besides the education I gave myself and like I have all the confidence in the world that I can come up with the right imagery and to make an aesthetic that people haven't seen mm-hmm but once again you can't get mad at me yeah he broke that rule all the time he got real mad at me but yeah and then like in the beginning like just to you know wrap it up real quick as far as like this stuff goes it's like in the beginning there was a lot of like I let the kids in to my house ya know no one else it would be like Nakia sage some Pablo's tight on me but there was a certain thing where I know that everyone else realized I was blocking them out oh that's so much pressure yeah I'm making this new thing and I had an idea what I wanted to look like but there's nothing like when you have an idea what something looks like nilly so where is it right I mean I am [ __ ] working on it it's not ready yet so you know in overtime you know when it like obviously it all worked out right right funny it's funny to talk about now but um no you know I just felt like there was um I felt like this I felt like you know why why should we why should we have to accept any direction skateboarding goes in that's never been think there's never been yeah you can choose your own direction like those choose your own adventure books when you're kids yeah yeah you want to [ __ ] go meet the [ __ ] sorcerer go flip did [ __ ] page 75 try the sword go to fifty I was thinking I'm gonna go to page eighty injera to do something new and then um and like look good what did i do no I didn't [ __ ] reinvent the [ __ ] or not those people making boards a certain way but I knew there's a certain way that I can make it the people hadn't seen and I knew that there was certain things from eighth Street world industries like all these different things Alien Workshop like things that I really like coming up you know all the different things that kind of an amalgamation of my pro experience not only out in the world but also like you know right here in front you for all of them not just me but for Anthony Terp Dillon the kids right so where they can have a skateboard experience in a professional career in skateboarding to where it's like you know you don't ride for Nike you write for a [ __ ] board company and your board companies your identification mm-hmm who's Tony Hawk ride for Burke house thank you the shoes aren't your identification you know I don't know used to be in the way back then maybe a little bit right at that time yeah back back way back no well I mean it's always before in the set in the 70s people run for [ __ ] Pepsi oh yeah I would have to sick yeah but like this is [ __ ] 2000 goddamn [ __ ] when we couldn't hit 13 you know so you know to me it was like if you lose the if the if the board company is in your identification then I'm I'm out I don't want to do this anymore I like why we all have might as well right for Amazon okay gonna [ __ ] it I'm down what cares anymore take it easy crazy careful what you wish for Chris right now cuz then like five years five years now like everyone [ __ ] skateboards controlled by Amazon right [ __ ] Amazon companies they're [ __ ] a hologram [ __ ] video at the come out of your phone now let me tell you something like I get man we'll get into the technology thing later I'll end it with my fear of Technology okay but I'm anyways back to where were we with the pros and like that identification and whatnot it's like yeah man like Tony Alva yeah I'm Alva this is my Bohr they'd see the sick you know they mean so it's like I don't know and luckily I was crazy enough for the time to think that she could work right she doing like it's like I trip out and people believed in you too you know right take the journey take the ride suckers no no that was like the thing like I remember like I remember having a conversation my old lady one time and I I'd quit and like I was trying to get in the Cal to quit REO and I legit I'm like laying in bed like talking around the phone and I was like I can't do this I [ __ ] can't I'm done like people are quitting I'm gonna ruin people's lives right I can't see basic it was like look [ __ ] you better [ __ ] pull it together I don't think but like I had some dark times man I had dark times because I couldn't let anyone see my doubt mmm right right I couldn't as soon as I see your doubt and then they die yeah I guess one thing that the viewing public needs to understand about me as I say here right now I'm not lying to you it's like if I'm in a car I'm sitting there as I don't drive so if I'm sitting there in a car I'm going somewhere and I look out the window and I see kid wearing FA you've got to be kidding I'm still there right I can't I can't think of it as like to me we're not some big global come you know I mean it's like he's on the wild yeah he bought that he likes it I spill feeling can't get over that so I did it I do I do a little too much of isolation mmm yeah I spend a lot of time by myself and uh cuz I make it yeah right I sit there and like I'm drawing or I'm cutting this [ __ ] out like you know like I Carrie you know like this is my new book okay you know they carry this [ __ ] [ __ ] everywhere and I just go to dinner or whatever and like dude alright [ __ ] down over it's like it's like you know everything from like I forgot to put but everything from like you know like hologram boards you could do this you have to [ __ ] make this happen yeah yeah because I was told that was impossible okay ear snot I forgot you I'm sorry oh there you guys putting up but um no it's like you know oh he's got other [ __ ] falling down now sorry um what was that oh well just seeing seeing people in the wild wearing well yeah like I still trip out on that it's like there's no thing in me like I never think like working right now I'm always like okay yeah you know it's like no but but I think it's good to feel like that too you know that's where our game get cocky and let me tell you in a very good chris roberts let me tell you the ingredients let me tell you ingredients that's good for making a new clothing company or a new thing mm-hmm good ingredients to make a new brand is this narcissism mixed with complete insecurities right now okay i guess i get latest ingredients for I think musicians anybody creative decker it's gonna take their thing to a bigger public forum is that it's like complete self anguish and self doubt and just loathing yourself but at the same time trial and then like at night you're just like yeah and come out on the other side of that [ __ ] tunnel of [ __ ] and you realize you got yourself clean you're like holy [ __ ] I [ __ ] just did this shitty they [ __ ] believe it [ __ ] I back that [ __ ] down back him Zadok them like what you know they'd give it next who wants a fight that's what it felt like yeah the first four years of making the company felt like me versus the industry who wants to fight you [ __ ] bring it I'll kill your product I'll kill your team I'll kill everything it just I felt like I was attacking the industry I felt like it was me against the industry and they were getting and I don't like that I did that now it worked mentally okay because it needs to be all-out [ __ ] warfare it's us versus all of you I don't care right because we ain't no backers man there's no [ __ ] money if we jumped off the cliff and we were two older pros right and that's the truth you knows bootstraps like you know on one hand it was like it's escaping a revelant you know irrelevance you know like you don't want to die with the Titanic you don't want to sink you know you're on this thing it's like [ __ ] on the tank what you do I sink yeah you know you didn't try hung on yeah to the buoy but um in anywho it's like you know narcissism mixed with like trimmed just just mm world crossing self-doubt right that's how you make a good company so good luck no I I agree with that you know was there anything that that that you were hearing that fuel do even more like people were like oh there's never gonna work deals doing this thing it's called [ __ ] awesome yeah what kind of name is that how are they ever and it was more a while before of course it was a closely but but now turning it into a board company and you know I'll get back to that so [ __ ] awesome was started in 2001 well first my partner that I've still he still my partner Mikey we lived on Canal Street in 1998 and um he was like dude you should do something like [ __ ] Stu see that guy's [ __ ] rich now like dill Stu see just do dill then I was like okay oh yeah yeah I wasn't even thinking okay cool they would sit like this and we did these like weird graphics and we sold so it's a supreme and it was just like these dill shirts okay whatever its supreme so small back there so this is 2000 2001 and then and then we went to London and I was in London and he was there and then he was gonna go home I met I was in a back of a taxi cab I was pretty drunk and I was like I don't like it being my name and he was this me and him doing it no one knew right like maybe it's some people that supremo's it and then I was like I want to make it company called [ __ ] awesome and I think it should look like this I would think the logo should look too fake this and like I think we can make it look good like this and did it and he was like that's so stupid stupid I'm stupid fighting stupid the world stupid um and then he went home and I called him shortly after that and he was working on the logo no way and I you know I we still lived together in New York back then and um yeah and then we started producing lines [ __ ] awesome like mainly just t-shirts and stuff but then we target into jackets and this and that and that's what kind of separated it's just from being a clothing company I mean just a t-shirt company into like actually doing things and then back then there there's no Street where there's no I didn't know the term street wear right back then didn't exist yeah I mean like I'm not saving face here I'm just saying like it's not what it is now um but um um what did you ask me again before well if there was just something that that people were saying are you [ __ ] acting exactly like I remember like [ __ ] before knock he'll quit to ride for us mm-hmm because I was super close with Nicole already felt like kind of a long time and like you know the people that I wanted on the day I met tight Simon he was like I don't even know how old he was at Tompkins and 12 in a I remember him doing like kick flip back Smith and I was like do you know what you're doing the name because I remember he's doing backs miss like a week before and now I didn't kick back Smith but they were kind of just angled you know just you so I think we you know what you'd do anything now I didn't know the name right I never you'd be like what's the first video you seen he's like YouTube I love that so we met him and ade and you know when they were really little kids in New York and then like sage was always on my radar cuz I've um I met his mom and him at the girl park when he was really little okay intermetallics the first time for the shirt before his big myspace [ __ ] story mysterious plane ticket linens when I did buy him a ticket but anywho yeah member before Nucky I'll get on the team but he was alright he had you know plans to quit and like whatever and it was at his pace you know I couldn't pressure anyone to do anything because I didn't want anyone to feel like that right except I saw in the mirror one point I was like what the [ __ ] are you doing please you started let's do this yeah yeah I don't know but I remembered NOK went on some tour and with the team he wrote for the time and which is real and I remember there was a amateur I'm not gonna name his [ __ ] ass name okay but what's right for a company what [ __ ] it and that's a dumb yeah yeah yeah I agree but look at us now bitch-ass [ __ ] I'm gonna write for that you know okay someone in the van was talking [ __ ] and not going to be like we know I don't know I tell you what when it right around 2001 2002 there was that Paris Hilton sex tape right mm-hmm so this is a person on television in one facet or another and then she's on like this night time can pardon my friends but sucking dick right and then she gets a call then she come back no this the Internet's not huge like that's not what it is now and all that [ __ ] but I saw this woman go from there to selling perfume at Walmart to my middle America and I was like the world's ready for a company called [ __ ] awesome there you go you know I mean like you know as in the beginning like when we would try to get like labels done and [ __ ] like you know the labels that go in the thing like you know you guys don't know this like not you guys but like some kids out there like this might come from somewhere but the label comes from Soria totally different like this is from Jakarta but the label from Canada trust me kids it's not fun don't make it don't make a company so uh there was a couple times where they were like yeah how many or do 500 okay great what's the name of the company excuse me yeah we're not making this yeah people would turn you down in the beginning nowadays they're like [ __ ] flim-flam [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't care if you played [ __ ] [ __ ] your uncle on there yeah cuz everybody's about money like that's another thing you're all growing up in an age where everyone just does anything for money it's just maybe that's always been happening of course it's always been happening everything's always been happy [ __ ] am I talking about but it feels like nowadays like okay give me $500 I eat some tired [ __ ] challenge to put on Instagram like you kids really got to pull it together my [ __ ] is going on Donald [ __ ] Trump is [ __ ] president and you [ __ ] [ __ ] are you tied what is going on I have to leave do we really do we have we have Tide Pods there's times where I will get my work self worked up enough I'm like yeah I'm outta here [ __ ] outta here I'm moving to New Zealand I'm gonna learn how to fish Fisher man you can't leave until we in the show no no I have plenty to funny more to talk so can you guys without plenty of different things so [ __ ] awesome killing it yeah FAS doing good guys are [ __ ] I mean the hologram but it's a so you said you wrote that down in your book you were like how do I do how do you make way back right mano look but do you go out and have these Holograms I mean you have to go but I could get them made and then they put them on the boards yeah are you are you trying to source that out or do you have people that work and try to do this and you're like hey this is my idea like let's try to make this happen how could we do this for the first two years of the hologram idea yeah I'm not gonna say which board company it was mmm-hmm you guys know I'm [ __ ] talking about if I could look in one of the cameras it's a person that's sitting there like oh god I know he's talking about me I was basically told it was impossible no I was told it wasn't possible and no why it was impossible because these people weren't willing to go source it for me okay in that I could add these hologram boards two years earlier all right and then I think whatever I do with the boards cuz I'm making them and I you know I make where it all goes I make every one of the kids boards when I anytime a day anytime you could be like you know you could go through the FA you know what we have out right now and I'm [ __ ] blown away I've made every board for the kids yeah I can't believe like okay Kevin Bradley okay he's got a board okay dining got a board a little gap in Tyson's board right now I told him recently I'm so sorry it's taking so long like he's one of the greatest [ __ ] pros of all time and he doesn't have a current model like that's blasphemy right he understands like I'm trying hard like actually have this woman working on a painting of Taishan oh well leave it at that okay but um I knew that I needed to do things people never seen right right and I knew that and it took you know I just if you ever find yourself in the position in life where one of your greatest attributes is to sit and think it's it's not easy to try to then take something that's taking so long to come into your brain do you feel like you've landed it and then be like look look I got it and then someone tells you back like impossible yes cuz obviously it's [ __ ] possible because guess what they're on the [ __ ] wall now so it's like you know it's like that was something that really bummed me out and that you know that's where like there was times in the first couple years I was like oh god like if you if you're expecting boards to come and they don't look right you can't sell them right because you look like a chump right cuz you made chump ass [ __ ] I didn't make this chump ass [ __ ] them chumps made this chump ass [ __ ] so I get on the phone with the chumps I'm like look chomps imma [ __ ] look whatever but um the board the board shop it's been better for the past few years because I made them switch so the reason that you get better graphics on a lot of these [ __ ] boards you're writing that our name in FAA is because I freaked out so [ __ ] bad that I made the board company switch factories in China where they were getting the graphics done so yes you're welcome all you other [ __ ] companies so when it came to the bike holograms that was like the fifth thing I would say in conversation I'm doing this I'm doing this I'm doing this and what's up the Holograms so that Ellie's like we'd have playing plenty of [ __ ] beef to chew okay with like what they're [ __ ] up before we even get to the hologram so glad I could tell hologram I'm so tired of fighting about what they got wrong and I'm being like did you try this it's like don't even you [ __ ] me that excuse last time a [ __ ] killing me me feel crazy cuz you're acting like I made a problem that you [ __ ] made and that's the worst like that's the worst when you try to make someone else for crazy I did it first [ __ ] you did it right I didn't make this board you [ __ ] made this board what I gave you look like basically I gave you an orange and said I want two orange back and you brought back a [ __ ] fork I'm not paying for a [ __ ] box of [ __ ] Forks when I asked for a box of [ __ ] oranges I have to calm down and getting upset so I'm a bit agitated about the hologram things it's like he [ __ ] [ __ ] told me that [ __ ] wasn't possible look it's up on the wall there it is yeah no I mean [ __ ] it yeah no it's good I'm surprised that [ __ ] your favorite board company hasn't made it yet a lot of times that like when they [ __ ] up on boards like because we use two different nevermind anyways um when they [ __ ] up on board sometimes I'm like you need to get it right because a month from now after this comes out other companies all the other companies gonna do this [ __ ] dip tail [ __ ] too so you might as well get it right for me from when mmm makes it right right right no and mmm it's been they've been biting our [ __ ] for a long time but at the same time it's it's almost as it's a compliment to you know the night like like like James Brown says in a interviews I wanna talk about some positive man talk about music like if James Brown ever had an interview the big while James hold on you know so it says here that you know you've shot at your wife and then the police chased you for like between five no no I don't want to talk to negative no it's just a hologram talk a lot of times like the way I make the boards it's so specific yeah the way I need it to look that if it doesn't come out that way I can I can be a bit of a I can be a bit crabby good things happen no but bring up but now it's like the freak-outs are so far few and far between that I think that you know like you know now that we are where we are like everyone I work with basically it's been like when you used to freak out I'd be like oh I feel bad for you cuz Jesus look at you're all upset you know I've and they would they be like he's trying you know he's trying to do his thing right and then now it's like you know a lot of people I've worked with it's like we get it yeah we understand why you know we understand why that you know you needed to look that because as you make accompanies all I try to do with what I do is all my clothes and everything I wanted to feel nice mmm you know it's like so I wanted to feel nice I wanted to look nice so everything we make every time is better than the last time so the board has to follow suit right the boys don't follow suit then what am i doing you know I'm just doing what anybody else is doing make up some [ __ ] cartoon graphic wasn't [ __ ] you know just like every other [ __ ] company take a really nice part of the graphic that you like and put it right under the truck it's a Mickey doing it keep it up makes my job so much easier so you can have someone draw this great graphic in their lids wears to the face go go under the truck please keep it up please keep it up all you have the company's gonna love it but um no but you guys have a lot of I mean even though you guys are a big company now I mean you guys still have problems with like yeah five six people running this goddamn [ __ ] yes we're working like we ain't got nothing more than six people Wow so it's like you know it's a big but that's the thing I like everybody everybody that works here phase so close yeah you know all the boys in the warehouse and everybody like working with me like they're all they go [ __ ] bowling together and have barbecues and know each other and like the dogs know each other you know thing like they all [ __ ] really like each other and like that's exactly know and like and then on the other side of it it's like you know it's like the boys you know your kids like I love those kids with all my heart like I'm not even like it's when I think about how much I how much I care about them and how much I I'm like a mom man it's like when they got it like it's better now but like you understand things are flipping around like there's racism that's been gone on forever right but the kids will come back and they're like they'll come back from like Belgium and like sage will get called like a really [ __ ] up word on the street I'm just just like it hurts my soul because they're supposed to be out experiencing and like finding new and going with the new and be like I didn't see this and like people are different here and like and then like I'm ever a true there's a while ago knock went to Australia and he had called some [ __ ] and I was like but he took that real well and turn it into like mega dat mega like positivity and stuff it's like I just feel like in the past three years I've had more non-white people come up to me and telling me how they're getting called different names all across the planet nowadays right it's really hurting my soul and like the thing is like when the kids would go out of town it I never told them because it what am I gonna be like I'm so worried about yeah yeah like they got a town on their chips and I hope just please be somewhere no [ __ ] racist [ __ ] it's gonna come up causing problems or stuff it's when you're like 16 17 18 your different countries your all these insecurities and you're trying to if I can make it you kind of do your deal and like go now this Jade someone's like you [ __ ] tear out some white [ __ ] you're some [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like that can really [ __ ] you up it's like and for sure for sure I worry about them so much it's like I don't think they even realized I could some do they know I'm like you know I'm so close to these kids man it's like to see the world through their eyes and to see the world even just through my own stupid [ __ ] old white eyes you know it's like we got a lot of problems going on lot of problems and there's a lot of people in this world I'm not making it easy for some black kids just to do their thing it's just all-encompassing I'm just why I have the attitude I have toward general public and everything you know it's cuz my kids and what I see is what I hear and news is that everything whatever it's like the world's got a lot of work to do starting with America yeah I think it sounds funny but I'm saying it live is they said recently like this is Orlando in the 80s and he's your leader knows this is what you deserved and say yeah yeah not to get too political or whatever but like if you have a political argument I don't want to talk to you yes you obviously believe in some crazy [ __ ] so whatever but now I really worry about the kids and that's a whole thing like these Goods on their shoulders yeah they're older now you know they older now and like whatever input I've had with like Raquel and Sade or saw and Tyson or Kevin like [ __ ] I'm appreciate that they ever thought anything I ever did was cool or whatever yeah if I gave them good at you know me and knock it really close need sage really glue things we're all close but um yeah man I worry about them like a mother man it's like I really do it's like um yeah once again I couldn't have what I have without that right yeah I mean I knew that I just knew they had this thing I knew that you know I knew they would become the next pros Linden right they're like serious powerhouses they grew into like amazing skateboarders and they're only getting better it's pretty amazing how did you like when you found or you came across these kids you know there's little kids if you even expect for them to be a good worker like now it's crazy yeah I just needed them to get to like 2014 yeah exploded they just kept going higher yeah right and then now like when I'm walking down the street might look at this 8th spot the ledge is this look at this spot sage good skater do you know hey I think he gets sick of that cuz I'm like say do you do that yeah thinks I can tell that but now it's like they're there say they're skateboarding is exceptional yeah it's my favorite so it just is it's like I'm not being being biased that's the way I like skateboarding is that you know I mean like I like how they skate I like how my kids skate I think they're all fantastic you know I think everybody on the team you know Elijah Burrell oh yeah make him ding Gino well that was kind of an oh yeah yeah but that's just like I haven't even asked I was like excuse me that's my elder like a mΓ‘quina yeah we take the shoes off my feet and be like your lace it all [ __ ] up you don't know what you're doing lace it yeah put it back on now look that looks fresh like raised me yeah so um but yeah you know where they've got to now and what they do is like the kids are you know they do the kids on the team they do was just sucked exceptional [ __ ] and like oh yeah back to Burrell I think the thing with Burrell was like tyshaun brought it up he goes we need anything I want that guy he that's the guy I was like oh wow Burrell we know him like me ain't [ __ ] no bro whoa right right but we couldn't just go hey bro come on cuz yeah and that's that it didn't happen like that because I mean I [ __ ] love Mike Carroll I'm sorry about Jean you know I'm sorry about borough I love her Howard like [ __ ] love you guys I'm sorry but um the kids want to bro yeah and so they'd be like deal get him how about how about a little help you can [ __ ] I'm not saying go tell him to quit but thank you put his head yeah I can't be like that's what you know it doesn't work that way but if they're like why not I was like yeah Touche but it doesn't work that way alright it's called respect alright yeah and it took a while they had to like call burro and be like BYU on the team oh you know oh so the kids call them that's right yeah like Said's would like sage would be in Japan and he'd be like right on like a Japanese new paper like like like he'd be like right for FA [ __ ] so cute you know I mean but Dad we got burrow and you know I just I love how these guys skate I love their aesthetic and I love how they you know Kevin Bradley like oh yeah [ __ ] how can you not be a fan yeah but um before I forget about it I suppose drive makes Li go into it I suppose we go into different questions I don't trail off innocent [ __ ] what's next for FA do we have a queen you look forward to a video or I mean what's what what what's in that what's in that mind of yours bro what are we doing what's in our notebook yeah let me see that that let me let me flip through themselves it's big year for FA World Entertainment in the year 2018 so we're doing a cruise ship cruise line oh you come on the cruise ship and there's like ramps a table and pools skate with kids is this like a collab with like carnival docks in Miami okay well leaves Chevy or 24th okay and yeah the kids wrap do the shows at night and um yeah Carnival Cruise Line FA vans it's great sailing the seven seas with a carnival we get comped some tickets no but it's a big it's everything that I'm trying to do right now is to try to make this next year more successful than the year we just had and 2017 was our most successful years 2016 was our saddest years for sure why Dylan pesto oh yeah that's right so we lost Dylan 2016 and then you know 2017 came in with a new president and basically it was like I'll eat the [ __ ] sandwich and keep going and so we just sucking it just sent me into overdrive like I think this administration sent me into overdrive right right right I just went completely crazy and made as much stuff as I could and trying to make the stuff as but you know the best possible for sure keeping that I'm so mentum going but it's like for 2018 I got a lot of you know things that I need us to do more but yeah I'm excited about what we going on what we have going on like like I said [ __ ] I was I've been in Venice all day I'm meeting at noon and like everything's so adult now you know it's like Oh God all right if you want me to be there with but no that's good I really yeah I couldn't in fact you know I wake up some I wake up in the morning and you know I I wake up into it I wake up making it I go to bed making it I have dreams that I'm gluing things together dreams that I'm like I have dreams where I'm wounded and I'm trying to cut things out and ghoulish cover my wound like it's [ __ ] skin I couldn't even it's it's [ __ ] up like I get so deep with this [ __ ] just where it's like it takes my whole [ __ ] day you know it just takes everything out of its like which what I do I'm not complaining but it's become so second like like first nature second nature to me that I am almost astonished by how much time it takes my brain you know it's like and you almost can't live a normal life it's like you don't really have a normal life you wake up you make it you go to bed you're making it you're talking to people about what's coming out next you're doing what's coming out next year you're just trying to find it all so you know you have to find it like companies can't come just from you sitting there making it right if that's fine but you have to go outside and you have to find things you have to find what makes the world it makes people laugh about things I think that's my main things I'm most trying to like either make you cry a little bit or laugh a little bit within each thing it's like ah this is cool like this is funny this is this it's like but you have to sit and look at it for a bit for like some [ __ ] has a [ __ ] DB Pennebaker or whatever reference in that like you have to look at it for a while and be like oh my god he's talking about [ __ ] prints no not everybody's gonna get it but to me it's like if I can take someone down my rabbit hole enough mmm which I think that's what this is I think it's like you know it's like you know like I said I was reading that and I said you guys earlier before we were on camera I said I was what's in the center view of Jerry Seinfeld and he was talking about a show and he was like people just like to come to the world that we built right you know I mean I was talking about your guys's shows like people like to visit mmm you know people won't come visit this place you create you know what I mean I feel like that's kind of like FA - it's like you know it's like it's like creating creating a small world where people look into it like I even feel funny talking about it right now on camera and chicks it's like am i taking away the mystery of it or whatever like I don't know you know I mean but like you know at the same time how sad or you know the way Rocco did everything growing up you're not that I'm [ __ ] Rocco but like you know I mean like I just generation is Rocco am i let's have lunch Steve me you Kelly Slater come on let's go have lunch I know you're his financial adviser when it comes to the stock market let's [ __ ] do this how strange bedfellows is that Kelly's I love that Kelly Slater and C rocker friends that's sick and they surf together it's amazing but um no I mean [ __ ] I'm just a [ __ ] Miss a white-trash kid from a trailer park that [ __ ] made good on the skateboard industry but I [ __ ] get it in chokehold you know yeah I'm well I'm a fan dude I am I'm stoked to see what you guys are doing you know I appreciate it next yeah I was watching a panel of scientists including like Neil deGrasse Tyson many other weirdo ass scientists like guys that only have like their like sunglasses on on the camera that you won't take them off and they do like to our discussion on debating if this in with what we're doing right now is real if it's simulated simulate well again when we're a heater simulation don't worry Kelly I'm saying so enough that I believe this but if how many times have people been on earth yeah you can't add all the fossils yeah maybe they got seconds to protect [ __ ] people that clean up all the [ __ ] first five layers yes you couldn't I can find it they made our simulated world and then I'm [ __ ] smoking because my [ __ ] avatar was [ __ ] made a chainsmokers [ __ ] this avatar um anywho yeah I do not believe that and I don't think it matters okay now you're all being like you don't think it matters it doesn't it doesn't so I'm not trying to scare anybody but it's like you have to add up humans are driven by pornography and sex that's where all [ __ ] technology comes from a porno crazy [ __ ] now I love porno as much as the next guy but I'm pretty pretty I don't like crazy [ __ ] like you know look at the broad you get my sass like that kind of you know now it's like gonna go into a whole different realm no so did you know maybe not about May pornos that's a great place to go to it but basically this so it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if we're simulated or not mm-hmm you might ask well how the [ __ ] does it not matter we'll check this out the other day I was at my brother's house and my mom's watching TV me and my brother over here by the table at the kitchen table my mom's over there watching TV and I was just talking to my brother about this and I go mom look at the screen and right then a [ __ ] MBA 2018 like commercial for the video game yeah came up I go mom is that real are the people on the screen real right now she goes looks pretty damn real to me I go well there you go okay so with virtual reality that's coming you can like basically if you put your hand in your pocket right now like you're feeling that because you're you know the information gets your brain your synapses and all that's try to get our [ __ ] right yeah that's realness that's that real ass [ __ ] but it's gonna get so good you all think I'm [ __ ] out of my mind but it's gonna get so good it's gonna be just like this like you put your hand in your pocket you feel it cuz your synapse to do a thing but what if there was a complete programming mechanism that was as easy as laying there and then it's all in your heads right I'm doing it you're moving it all around smells the senses you could be like I ought to be and I want to be in 1976 [ __ ] on the Bowery up front of CBGB's you're gonna do it you're all gonna do it not gonna happen it's gonna [ __ ] this world up it's getting me so [ __ ] because then if you don't know the difference and you could [ __ ] you could put on a thing and [ __ ] Chris's over here [ __ ] [ __ ] Pamela Anderson doing [ __ ] the greatest gymnastics you ever seen you're just like wait what's real what's not yeah and I almost feel like these like this generations getting prepped for it like the president lies every day the president lies every day what's real hmm and that's just controlled chaos if I say some crazy [ __ ] tomorrow then three days after that I say something crazier you ain't gonna [ __ ] remember Tuesday right I said now it's Friday I'm saying all the [ __ ] Mexicans are rapists and isn't that what Trump says you know they mean like yeah like that's that thing that's that whole thing of like that's and it comes down to the basicness of that and if you take Fox News and whatwhat's a call to whatever I'm not saying that [ __ ] CNN Democrats got it [ __ ] made but at least they're [ __ ] sympathy and that's what's lost what's lost to me and like you know like the new age of like whatever and like I feel like there's a certain amount of like real agro aggression and I feel like there's just no human sympathy anymore there's no empathy there's no no one's I just feel like this is like zero compassion it's like I sit there in cars all [ __ ] day long and lots of people whip around and [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] busy I'm vaping yeah I [ __ ] go left in front of like one car going 90 at them and you see a [ __ ] car seat in the back that [ __ ] car it's like [ __ ] you just went left in front a car come in 90 at you there's no one behind him it's just like why are you going home to vape are you [ __ ] going home to like jerk off to your new virtual reality porn oh you just got in the mail like what's the hurry I have little faith in humanity when I see the way people operate cars mm-hmm and um she had this virtual reality since gonna swallow your whole [ __ ] world and I'm so glad I'm the age I am cuz [ __ ] it I don't care I just did it like I let the whole real life used to answer the phone at home no my mom's at home I'll take it out hold on yeah mom you know you guys don't do that as fine but they're traitors put the note there might not be any saving us once the because if you can't tell the difference and you can't tell the difference yeah yeah right oh my god you haven't given you guys as presents yet no you bring us a present before we part way okay Jason do we should start a book club together you want to all get in live group text I don't group text I'm still in metro pcs have iPhone but it's just for work well you know what I'll send you a postcard right analog so uh I noticed that people been bringing you guys gifts right and I noticed that people that don't give you guys gifts they look like [ __ ] so no Alex you shoulda brought a gift and you should have film for pretty sweet longing for months no yeah I really wanted to try to give you guys something cool and nice and like personal whatever so I drew a picture oh you don't say that what do you say well we're back it's you know it's funny but let me do it let me that could have sounded like I was me at like 80 years old maybe I'm 80 oh you're no wonder okay but anyways I did the and we're back pizza but I know you said I had my back at least one but a lot of people say and we're back they leave comments after the earlier episodes maybe but yeah it's like Snoopy and he's smoking a cigarette and he's got a 9 hat on and and yeah it says and we're back and then and then when I did it and I saw the N we're back I was like I wish the show was called an this or her bag we could change it that's a great you know because if you have Jason deal says we should change the name in the show we're gonna change the names let me know any guarantee of this you either you need you guys good look up in your iPhone right now and you could write and we're back podcast and I bet seven will pop up like you can name your [ __ ] this podcast like donkey abortion there's like twenty dude thank you so much no I don't we might have to make this into a mug or something to Jason let's not let's not lose our minds or anything try to make a couple bucks over I'm just kidding I thank you so you know III brought you the little picture I drew and then I and then I'm I brought you guys some other things Oh sick oh yeah rad dude so I'm seeing is seeing is we're in Venice Beach oh yeah I thought it would be fitting to uh bring you guys presents it's it's it has to do with Venice Beach there we go here's the here's the I wanna take the plastic off stick you really see it okay let's see okay so this is for you guys so you guys all get the you guys all get the Kevin Bradley party package so Chris Kelly Raj you guys get what are you brought it three Kevin Bradley towels Wow Kevin Bradley boards look at that huh Kevin Bradley rolling trace Wow Kevin Bradley rolling papers cowboy Kush Chris cowboy rolling paper how come in every photo on this board he's smoking a joint I mean cuz the rules okay just asking Kelly you about the Katie lighters okay this is a captain Bradley Bradley party package my love this I love it thank you he's the king of Venice yes right so you took Chris that's nice you know look at your [ __ ] driver to show you the Chevy letting your ballot owl this is the towel right we gotta get Kevin on the show there we go this is the Kevin Bradley soft the Tao oh yeah Kelly's pregnant use this out of the shower yeah and then lastly this this is a book called lies my teacher told me that I owe that for us change your [ __ ] life now you have to go on Amazon picture of yourself oh look but now lies my teacher told me this book will [ __ ] change your [ __ ] it's a good one I have to thank my my friend Walt Poirier of the Lakota Sioux Nation for putting this book in my hand changed my life and okay once again thanks for having me here guys I really [ __ ] appreciate it and I like what you guys are doing through oh no funny it's cool listen this wouldn't be a well hold on bro hold on remember Beretta that [ __ ] name every shot or remember he shot his wife Robert you know this matters well it's cool Robert midnight Robert Mitchum but man that guy is I'm Brett he shot his wife outside of a restaurant in Valley oh did he Oh in real life Robert your way to you but anyways on the show exactly I'm Joe Bereta he had that parrot oh yeah but he would have a cigarette in his mouth the whole time he never never everyone has a kid thinking that was cool and I'm gonna do that one day I was gonna have a cigarette not light it we could do it right now what if I kept this why like seven years later is like chris Roberts guess what I've been holding on but ya know below what accommodating and let you know we always give people get gifts too you know we go all right yeah gift exchange oh but listen we have a special gift for you actually you know little birdie told us that would you like a certain thing so we got you a little so I love this I got access some rap package you got a wrapped gift you know I hope you like it is this a 91 book this is from it's already made a book it's all about Club photo book Kelly's memoirs drop drawn in a you know this is this the Carl Watson kid book I thought that was cool that was it yeah no we haven't gone one of those yet we need Carl on the show - is this money - there you go oh my god yeah I just didn't even see the writing I just saw the flowers I really I know what the [ __ ] going on there there you go nice Winnie the Pooh book this Italo this isn't even the taboo this is the complete tales and winning the pit wow this is so sick look at the [ __ ] look at that graphics - it's all silvery blue and yellow like there's like copper on it yeah you're a big Winnie the Pooh fan you like me the huge man it's like Winnie the Pooh's knife like that's my favorite why do why Winnie the Pooh do we do tea it's Charlie I think I think it was this like when I was a kid I was like I maybe could draw that no you know I mean because it didn't feel like and then like you know like I don't know like a you know I don't know I just think it mean I got the [ __ ] guy like I got the guy on me you know oh you do oh nothing you're just getting hot yeah starts here and then it goes here they got poo on me though right right right right but um been working out I really really appreciate this yeah like - cool we'll give you some 9 club now you're like usually people give me gifts and I'm like I'm not good at like not I'm not good at hiding my disappointment but we'll also give you some 9 Club stuff after the show but we thought we'd give you that little it's got gold leaf on the page this is a such a sick book thank you guys so much for the impression it's really touching man I love Alina food Jason dill thank you so much for coming by thanks ROG yes Kelly have a safe ride home no no you drive every time I get an uber I'm like look I'm in no [ __ ] hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 534,714
Rating: 4.8663135 out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, talk, show, history, lesson, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, best style, legend, schrock, funny, comedy, thrasher, berrics, real estate, transworld, tricks, sk8ing, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, jason dill, fucking awesome, Supreme, cherry, 101, alien workshop, epicly later'd, dvs, photosynthesis, supreme, dill, fa, ave, mosaic
Id: mU_ozPLgucY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 7sec (9007 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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