Jerry Hsu | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 88

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well we are back huh we're back at the 9 Club we got a special special guests today yeah mr. Jerry Hsu is here hi yes okay thank you for coming dude it's my pleasure yeah everything good everything's great yeah yeah yeah okay everything's good I feel like you're you you're like rapping or something you're holding and holding a headphone like you know it's just kind of new for me don't usually have one one of these on this size yeah yeah you're buds are you an earbud person you wear ear buds or do you just normally I like your buzz oh do you yeah yeah I can't deal with this do you have do you have the little bluetooth ones that people are walking around with no oh those like booger things yeah no no no every time I see one I'm like how is that a thing yeah Jerry suit man what is going on - nothing so minute no I drove so fast to get here did you yeah I'm sorry cuz we got [ __ ] to do when I when I realized that when I walked in I was like this is not something I needed to drive that fast - do you just come from skating yeah we were skating a stitch like where the 710 and the 105 meet that it's got graffiti and a barrier was that the one I just saw - were just posted that you did the dark slide no no it's a different one that's a different one that's Firestone that was gnarly by the way thank you yeah thanks that was a very emotional experience for me it's funny because when you post a skate clip it's weird I have to like double take on who's hosting it no I know it gets a big response because I don't normally post skating I don't why is that Jerry I don't know cuz I just like I like how it's just so it's just photos just weird photos I just like that and every once a while I like try to promote something or I don't know I just try to keep it uniform I don't know why I really should post more [ __ ] people really like it it's so it's or some people people like you did everybody will like your skateboarder yes thanks right thanks internet-famous it's great Nick yeah thanks great screen dude thank him up with that on your own or all by myself yeah a lot of you won't take it really literally which i think is really funny it's one of those ones where you're like I wish I thought that you know what I mean I want to be internet famous we switch with me are you going Robertson I'll be internet no you well we could talk about it a day or something maybe for a day yeah for a day sure Nick I'll rent it out how much how much you got not much it's a lot of shirts um we could work something out a payment plan Oh payment play it layaway mm-hmm well let's get into it Jerry you've been uh you grew up in San Jose is that correct yeah I lived there for like 27 years or some 27 years yeah I moved here when I was around that age 27 I think around there or 28 or maybe 28 29 something like that yeah yeah I stuck around right why'd you move why why did you get out of there I was just unhappy there ya know I you know like where you grew up is is always awesome it's oh it's gonna be like a great like a wonderful place filled with wonderful [ __ ] but people everything family mmm well yeah I was just dude I just wake up every day I don't know what I'm doing yeah and I didn't even know what I was feeling I was just like I don't know what's going on but then I I was coming here a lot just to hang out with friends and then and then I just realized like Oh like why don't I just do that right and then I did and I was immediately so much happier more productive everything I don't need some people just need to do that yeah they just need to get up and and leave oh great grow up in San Jose was awesome why because it well I grew up in the suburbs of San Jose and it was just quiet like I'm just like a nice place okay and then there was a lot of stuff to skate there was a good strong skate scene there when I was growing up so skating was never a problem big skate scene even when you were when you first started skating is that how you got into it because there was a lot of skaters around no I there no not really because even there was a skate scene there and it was strong but there weren't really that many skaters like I mean this was like 1992 so skating was dead like skating was completely a bogus thing to do okay so the day I started skating my other friend starts skating it's the same day it was like Christmas or something and we were like the only skiers in our school literally so you got a Christmas complete yeah I did what did you get oh my god well that's actually a funny story I so my I told my parents I wanted to start skating and they were just like what like you're you you've been doing all this other stuff like that you know they were buying me like a bike and they would buy me like a guitar or whatever just like stuff that I thought I would be into yeah they were just like throwing money away and then I was like and then I got the bright idea like Oh skating like that I want to try that and they were there like ah okay and they took me this local skate shop called go skate and like we were looking to write and it was scary skate shops were scary back then well they're just like a scary place like intimidating yeah it's intimidating for any kid that goes in there like not knowing how to put together a board yeah totally like you don't look like anybody there they're all they're all 16 but they or 17 but they feel 30 yeah you know at that age and then they're all just looking at you like oh look at this clown this clown with his dad whatever but I went in there and when they told us what a prize of a complete would be which was like over $100 right my dad was just like no like Oh seriously no way you know it's too much and I was like kind of devastated I was like - what am I gonna do like I really want to do this cuz it's because at that point does the first time I'd ever been in a skate shop and looking around in a skate show for the first time when you want to skate is like crazy I bet you know you what do mean you bet you know but he bought from chica oh really yeah I bet you got a great deal yeah 20 from Chico ten from Gavin oh so he was just like no way and I was like oh God but then I think he kind of took pity on me and he's like you know what like maybe we could go to the local Safeway or something and they'll be maybe it'll be a skateboard magazine there and they'll probably have cheap ones in the back oh and that was you know what happened exactly that like I was so I was like wow you I can't believe that you called that but so we got we went to the Safeway it is research yeah Brasher Javonte turner doing he'll flip a tee and be a great outfit right and he's riding his the smile in the dark board yeah yeah yeah and yellow and ts2 air walks yeah Wow great yeah always but anyways going to the back California skate Express ad probably quarter page Santa Cruz ever sleek complete with Krux trucks like riser pads that have riser pads you know like nobody was riding that stuff yeah um and it was I think was like seventy nine ninety five and he was like we can do this and I was like okay and it came and it was like such a tank like so had like it had like one extra ply the like that it was just huge you know add that cuz out of that at that time it was like you know small wheels everything was just small and then like my friend for his Christmas he got he got a complete like Rick Howard playing Eve word like a like a legit board like a board that like the older kids were riding totally and I was so jealous of it here you have this shitty [ __ ] back of the magazine board alright break so heavy so crazy and it only made skating harder for me yeah you know because he was so heavy you know so small how old were you at the time I was just turning 12 or I had just turned 12 okay so like yeah 11 12 it was around Christmas I'm like that's around my birthday so okay what maybe you want to get a skateboard though he said out of nowhere he just wanted to start skating it wasn't out of nowhere actually I I kind of um well it was like during that time it was funny I was having I was like an 11 year old kid going through this like weird existential crisis kind of arse like like such young age I was just like you know I want to like be something or I want to I didn't know what I wanted okay but when I saw these skaters walking down the street who like lived up the street from me who actually became my friends later on but I saw them and they were just looked so cool to me and they just had like dyed hair big pants they were carrying their boards backpack just the whole thing and I was like oh how like and I was like I might be a mex I would like pass them all the time I'm like wow like those guys so cool to me right and to the rest of the world they look like you know stupid or whatever you know boys yeah goofy boys totally like back then you know skaters were not cool so I saw that and I was like oh wow like that looks really cool and I started kind of like doing research a little bit kind of like you know what's up with these people mm-hmm I'm just 38 pants yeah totally and I uh and I just um yeah I just started like kind of like observing it more okay you know I'm just trying to be like oh like what's up with these kids you know like cuz everybody knew what skateboarding was you know Back to the Future gleaming the cube whatever like you kind of have an idea and also it's bad you know it's like a bad thing - yeah yeah so that was another thing I was like kind of rebelling a lot at the time we're trying to I don't know but that was part of it too like to do something like kind of bad yeah maybe you're paid that's why your parents did it won't you do sure skateboarding right it's like dangerous and you're just gonna make bad friends you know yeah yeah yeah so I had the Christmas complete and I just felt like such a dork and actually it's funny story the day we got our boards which might have been Christmas morning we went to this local high school Leland high school and there was these red curbs there so we were like trying to like learn how to skip trying to boardslide it or some or I don't even know what we were just learning how to push actually boardslide that's definitely an exaggeration but we so there's these red curbs there were these red curbs in the parking lot and I'm all the way in the distance across the parking lot were these four stairs and these older guys started skating those stairs and we were just like whoa like you know who could that be and then they started skating towards us and it was so far away that like you know like in like westerns when they like zoom in really close to the horizon and someone's like walking toward and there's like heat line yeah where they started skating towards there's probably four or five of them and we were just like kind of like wow like are these guys gonna beat us up and take our boards oh [ __ ] really yeah cuz we were just you know we're just little kids and trying to enter this world that we didn't have any idea how to navigate and then they they roll up and it turned out to be sawing AG on his friends well and I didn't know that at the time obviously because I'd start literally started skating 15 minutes earlier like he was just he was really nice but obviously like an intimidating person okay you know like we were just like oh my god like this this is really scary and he he looked at my friends board the recordings like what's that when he got there and then not my board of course they look at that thing yeah you know hold on to that but he like he did a nollie off a speed bump and it was maybe like this high you know just like trying it yeah and we were so blown away seeing that ollie that like you know one and a half with ollie we were just like was watch well I don't even remember maybe it was but I remember just being like whoa like that was crazy and I was like at that point I was I was like whoa I want to do this you know what I mean I was just like this is what I want to do and a couple months later the Henry Sanchez thresher came out with the cover it's like an American flag Thrasher font I'm pretty sure as that issue the crude Ryan he was doing a heel flip front nose slide maybe I'm wrong I don't know but I a couple months they re open up a Thrasher and it was it was sallman he was at this park called Greer in Palo Alto just oiling the hip in it and I was like that's the dude and it was because of the arm cast he had an arm cast for like two years straight or something and I know and then when we saw him I was like wow like cuz it was like duct-taped together it looks so cool so he was so cool-looking but I was like that's the guy oh my god and that's when I learned pros were near us you know there was you know and I was just like well I'm like Mike Crabtree or Jason Adams they might have been in that crew too but I didn't recognize him but I was I was like wow like you know the Tros live here people that are in this magazine live near us so I was just like wow like just so in awe of everything that was going on around me yeah and that was just day one we got a long way to go so no that's incredible though Wow so that that fueled that fueled the fire right you just we were stoked on it from then yeah I mean even without that stuff even without that stuff just riding the board it was just so awesome and like learning how to ollie learning about tricks learning about all that stuff because that took a long time because I didn't even I just looked at magazines and I hadn't even discovered videos yeah I didn't even have videos or had even seen one Oh like like I remember like the first the first video I ever saw was four and one number three for one number three yeah how long until you're actually in for one 17 episode 15 issues later impressive but I also actually I at the local blockbuster there was this bargain bin of VHS tapes with no covers and I remember going in there and they had sick boys mm-hmm and I was like what's sick boys and there was like I could tell it was skating okay or maybe I asked or something but then I put that thing in like that was like after I'd seen um like contemporary skate videos mhm mhm I put that thing in and I was like wow like this is on another level amazing I got to see like the like you know something historical about the thing that I loved which is awesome you know like if you're like a musician like you're not just gonna listen to the music that is happening now you want to learn all about what came before it and so like that kind of started another thing where I started searching out like a street videos and like just trying to find videos but nothing really came of it you know because I had no access to those videos I think I got like hocus-pocus at a different video store and then that sick voice and then that was it there was nothing well you know and I didn't have any money to buy regular skate videos at the shop either so the videos were few and far between it's not till I met older skaters and they gave me like mixtapes of skipper videos mm-hmm that's that's when it really hit me that there was so much out there going on yeah I didn't know about I had no idea it's funny that you started it for one issue three and they went back yeah I think it helped actually helped a lot with my like view of skating and just my taste and stuff to go back and like watch that stuff and to realize like oh like this is and those were perfect videos for me to find yeah like I couldn't have found better videos right essentially a 4-1 kid totally man yeah born ones were huge these kids have no idea what it's like no foreign one to show up and did you ever get it done that uh you ever got a no I never had one storm flip never made it then no no he made her the best of though oda best of you had the best of art yeah I had a best of it that's the wheels of fortune is best yeah yeah yeah very embarrassing man that's how I climb the man yeah yeah you got some sponsors on that trip yeah I got hooked up what I mean the skit was I was on a maple tour and like a cross-country tour and we had to film an intro for it so we just filmed this intro where I'm like hitchhiking get in everyone in the everyone in the van like puts me on a sponsor you guys need an amp team yeah yeah yeah you write for Edward Sebastian yeah you always been doing little skits and stuff like little little intros to videos and [ __ ] like that yeah they've never been my idea it's just so it's been like the part of whoever's making the video yeah it's always just been a part of that aesthetic you know I've never come up with any none of those were my own with Chris Avery was first like kind of like besides my friends you know my my like kid friends Chris sader was the first person that like really filmed me and he he filmed Mark Johnson yeah and he so I met some older guys in San Jose just rantin somehow we became friends cuz were in the same neighborhood and then they introduced us to Chris and Mark Johnson they lived together okay and uh yeah that was that was like been kind of like that the next step was mark already putting shaving cream all over his whole body he had already done that yeah yeah yeah because I think that's when he lived in San Diego I was like oh just like that yeah well that footage was in seven steps to heaven yeah but like when I met mark he had already that video that video part was like already done oh it was pretty much yeah oh so you already old you already were you spawned getting sponsored at this point too were you uh yeah like let's see when you started filming with Chris Avery when I started filming Chris area was response not it were you like aiming to get sponsored or maybe a arkinson send to sponsor me video to somebody well I actually had already made a sponsor me video which was 25 minutes long five minutes yeah yeah and I mean when you're a little kid you have no clue what to do what was all you really think is like well they should know about everything they should literally know every single thing I'm capable of and I should it's funny I showed it to my friend Eric Olsen it was like he was he was older than me and he he liked new people at the skate shop he knew mark and Chris he like knew he was like my gateway into like meeting older skaters and I showed it to him and he was just like he looked at me as like how long is this thing and I told I was like 25 minutes he's like okay like you can't do this and I was so confused I was like I what do you mean nobody man I can't do it like and there was like music to it oh you know there was probably like Forrest Gump soundtrack I couldn't understand it and he told me sorry he's like listen like I've cuz he wrote for real for a second he was friends with Salman Agha and he would he he told me that he saw sallman put in sponsor me tapes and if he didn't like the first 30 seconds you would just take it out take it and it was toss it it makes sense right you know that really put in his perspective okay and he's just like five minutes tops nothing all right song or no song did you know it was like no music you go no music because like if the person watching it doesn't like the song that's even more incentive for them to just take it out stop watch it yeah and that's completely true so did you whittle down your response video to well what I do yeah basically i whittled it down and then i was also filming new stuff with chris and also refilling stuff with him to make it look a little bit better okay so that was my sponsor me did you have like a sponsor in mind at that point or did you want to get on a certain brand no not really no no I I mean I I wanted to write for the skate shop lose jobs called NC because like everybody wrote for it like at that time like Paul chakra Sean mark Sean and Olli like all the San Jose skaters wrote for it so I was like oh that's the compass the shop I want to write for and then they had like a strong scene going on and yeah so with that sponsor me tape I got on that shop oh you did yeah oh free boards or just discounts I don't really remember actually I just remember all like free clothes and and just like riding for it was enough you didn't mean it was just part of the crew that like being sponsored for the first time was wasn't saying yeah I was like this is crazy did you send your sponsor me tape to anybody else so Marc saw it and and then he start giving me maple bar it's so really yeah okay so that's how that that's like during this time like that's when we like all became friends and start skiing together with Marc already Pro at this point yeah Marc was Pro is pro yeah oh he was pro zell so am Jake started giving you boards three board now you're getting free boards from maple it was incredible yeah they actually did something very special to him and Chris actually came to my house to my parents house and surprised me with my first package right yeah those guys were so cool to me like a little kid mm-hm and I lived so like I live like 30 minutes away from them they'd have to come they'd have to drive 30 minutes out of the way to pick me up me and my friend up and then take them skating all day oh wow and then driving all the way home oh oh well they saw something ya know there they were so awesome that they and all my friends - all my friends yeah that like that who had cars and stuff my friend Jesse Eric my friend John old like all those guys they were awesome okay just gonna say like like imagine like you're 20 and some fifteen-year-old kid is just calling you every day to go skate drop everything and be like alright yeah that was them they they really and they totally like I'm here today because they did that [ __ ] for me they took me to spots they introduced me to people you know it all just kind of snowballed after I met those guys yeah yeah how long after you started getting boards that you got on the team maybe a year a year maybe less than that I don't know time is so weird when you're a kid you know like I can't remember um how long it took but it was pretty fast because like it's fit like I feel like after that that wheels of fortune came out like I was on life and that wasn't too much longer after I start getting boards oh wow because I remember in that in that in that video part I think I rode I had a toy machine board in one clip and then everything else was maple board oh she's alright so I'm pretty sure it was like yeah that's round hit that end see the montage video that come out before the four in one part or was that after that's to say I feel like it's like pretty similar similar time I would I would say right after yeah it was like the same time all that footage happened at the same time how did you get in forward one I went to skate camp with my friends and Anthony Claire ball was the skate camp filmer yeah right yeah and we became friends he just kind of like was you know he just took a liking to me my friends and and obviously filmed us cuz he had to yeah but then he but he he he also became friends with all the other people that I just mentioned like he was he was homies with them and would come to San Jose and hang out and that's how it happened he was like oh we should do was fortune oh and I was like okay yeah like so nervous but like okay yeah let's do it yeah it was actually it was crazy that time was insane right right yeah because I was just you know entering like just just like a few years ago I was just entering this world yeah and then now I'm like entering this other crazy world that I was like trying so hard not to [ __ ] my pants litt about it real is so much cuz he like yeah like so much stuff was happening so quickly that I had to just you know I had to just like breathe and try not to [ __ ] it up cuz that happens it does yeah really quick when I first met you when I was like 12 or something I met you at skate camp if I still yeah and like I mean I was just a little kid I could really scathing yeah I met Clara ball he that's the first time you ever film me and he doesn't remember doing that at all but like whatever I'm sitting there and I ran I mean I got there the first day I sneezed and I blew my back out and I couldn't skate the entire time I was at a 12 year old kid sneeze way it was was I a camper you know I think you were just a visitor oh wow and you came up and you're like what's up dude I'm like dude I blew my back out sneeze and you're like kind of laughs you're like that sucks sounds like a reaction right in the story wow that's amazing actually another funny story about that is Spanky was the camper that year when I came back as a visitor the next year and he like brought that up to me like five years into our friendship or something obviously Shane yeah I never went to skate camp it was awesome back then it was just YMCA so he can't wasn't that like elements hey Canada and it was really small and it was tight and you you and you went for like they have made a week or something right you'd go there for a week and oh yeah full week oh and Ray Barbie was my camp counselor really yeah it was psycho because you arrived on this bus and you go to this table where all the other skaters are like waiting to get checked in or whatever and they get to me and they're just like going down the list and they're like okay you're in cabin six with Ray Barbie and I was like and I knew hooray Barbie was okay because I watched for in one he just killed it at the North Hampton contest but I was like ray Barbie what it can't be and then I went out onto the end me my friends went out onto like the street course and there he was he does he's not like staying in the cabin with you right he's Julius he's in the cabin in the cabin - yeah we became lifelong friends really yeah it was crazy man Matt Eversole was my king counselor and he kept calling me fat yeah that sounds like something he would say were you fat which I was really chubby back then anyway I know but they eat guy remember that cuz he slept in the place with us that Kel fat Cal let's call me fatty literally call that fatty yeah I mean obviously a very unhealthy child you sneezed literally broken yeah how long were you skate did you turn pro per maple yes yeah how long were you on maple before you turn pro my god when I was 15 and I turned pro when I was 17 were you tripping on MJ cuz he was just yeah he was insane I mean just those lines that he would just he's phenomenal I have never experienced anything like like seeing MJ in real life for the first few times right it was magical I don't even know the words to describe it it was crazy like because he he was just this random kind of like like it wasn't random but like he wasn't really a well-known pro skater you know he's like he lives in San Jose he writes for this company San Diego whatever like he wasn't like one of the most popular pros or whatever right but like meeting him and skating with him like changed the way I skated my life like everything like really yeah just hanging out with him talking to him watch him skate the way that he viewed skating approach skating it was it it was like I learned a lot okay basically I learned a lot about what it means to be a pro skater yeah mark yeah fully oh God he was and he's so funny as everybody knows yeah the first thing he ever said to me like we were at this spot and I rolled up and he knew who I was and I knew who he was and I rolled up to him kind of got close to him and he would just knew I was like staring at him and he just looked over at me and was just like hey what's up man were you from and I said uh Almaden it's like this neighborhood I was from okay and he was and he was like oh yeah you know Bob I was like what he's like do you know Bob and I was like no and he just laughed and skated away yeah yeah but watching him skate and the way he skated and like the tricks he chose yeah he's like the full he's a full package for sure ya know he's like he's one of the greatest Gators who's ever lived and will ever touch a skateboard I I agree under present there's a lot of people out there that deserve to be described like that yeah but him definitely man he's up there yeah great dude but uh so if so when you turn pro for maple I mean if they surprised you with your first box did they do anything for you when you turn pro no not really no yeah basically done with the surprises yeah there's no there weren't anything today like kids get surprised all the time I'm always watching those pro parties like those surprised pro parties right unlike town you missed out I never got one oh yeah have to tell you surprise you don't even know that it is oh actually they wanted to turn me pro a year before that the team manager is at Dominic dear friend of mine and he was like oh yeah like you should turn pro right now and I was like kind of scared I was like oh I don't want to do that and at that time it's it wasn't as competitive as it is now like now if someone's like hey you want to go pro then say say yes turn pro right but back then it was I mean from my perspective I was just like well I think I came like wait a while and kind of be a better skater yeah because a fear of mine was to seem like someone who turned pro too quickly that was like a fear of mine so I kind of was like oh hate coming like wait a while so we did wait a while and then and then they were just like all right it's time now and I was like okay so that's how I turned pro what was the first graphic the first graphic actually I worked on oh you do yeah with this artist there his name was Brian Kressel and I like I made these linoleum block prints do you know those are no they're like a they're like kind of like a really hard clay on on this piece of wood and then you you draw on it and you carve out the negative picture and then you put ink on it and then you make a print gotcha so like I like just took this random photo of this girl in a magazine her face and then made a block print out of it made and then took it to him and then just kind of like designed a board with that oh wow so you're already doing like art stuff and were you into photography back then - no I wasn't in the photography but I was definitely into art like I was like making paintings and like I was always loved making stuff kind of read that you had that you had your head in it no it's really uh no it's really cool to say let me do that because I mean Mabel didn't really huh at that time they didn't really have like an aesthetic or anything that they were like trying to do so they were just like yeah make your board sick but then after that all I got was like these weird cartoon board you try to do another board after that I don't know like there were times where I just didn't want to design board no I was just like just - whatever you still do the block printing stuff what's it called again the Litha they're called linoleum print only it's made of linoleum and you just carve that outfit out do you still do that no no not really I I was just into it at that time okay I just kind of discovered it so that's my first my first graphic we're scrap everyone small I see it - like I'll see it like on Instagram someone will tag me oh really I feel so nice it feels so nice to see it they're fine I don't know if it's kind of rare I don't know if it's not really like a bored collectors nothing that they want I don't think I don't know but I do see it once I'm on which you know it's red you still have one it brings me great joy I think my mom's house I have one your are you a big board collector have you collect all your pro boards and stuff no I mean I dude I tried but things just got out of hand I have a life I know but still I mean I have a lot yeah but all definitely not is there any ones that you probably miss that you're like oh [ __ ] I wish I had that one no I made it I made a pretty good effort to keep the ones I really liked but yeah I didn't collect on right you know what I really wish I collected were other boards you know like oh like old alien boards or just like random boards that I liked yeah if you want my first Bryce I have a couple if you own the shitty beard unkept beard ROG unkept wasn't shitty let's we'll talk after the show that I have a couple my car I'll sign one for you too Jay okay no but that's rad though that's IIIi think I designed one chocolate board that was it yeah yeah there's some Garvey board with the the mountains and the whole Photoshop I know Thank You Carly howling at the moon yeah you know there was anyway so so you're on maple now with a MJ and who else was on the team back then okay so when MJ was on yeah Chad night okay Dave Mayhew yes um Erin Snider I think no seriously yeah shorty Snider short he's not a Snider man cider man yeah he was in seven steps to heaven was he yeah yeah 5-mile radius right yes but it's crazy I didn't even and I think like Jason Carney was just kind of like bowing out a little bit at that time dr. dollar I don't know if daxter was on at that time I really saw her it's hard to remote honor of course Wow amazing person um yeah donger mm-hmm I might be forgetting someone sorry if I'm forgetting anybody but Kurata Frank was a little bit later like this is what I just got on but the team was like changing a little bit like you know Frank got on like I don't know around the time I turned pro actually wait but you were said like that was when MJ was on coz MJ quit later on right how long do you when MJ quit did you feel like oh man my like my buddy yeah I was I was devastated yeah I was just like Wyatt like what do you mean like and he called me to tell me oh did he yeah and um I'm just like why I didn't understand no I didn't understand I was like what the [ __ ] and this is what he went to enjoy right no no this is a team I'm sorry yes because the series of events is he I think he started writing for that wheel company that world did okay I was like I don't remember what it's called speed Davis speed demons and whatever that was and then he and then and that's how he started getting involved with like world people like Rodney you know and Rodney was I think Rodney was just like hey like we should do this thing yeah and he was just like yeah like he I think he really looked up to Rodney and then yeah so he left to do that okay and then I was just kind of like [ __ ] but I was I mean I was friends with everyone else on the team by then right I'd already gone on tour with them they think but uh did Mabel turn you pro because I just lost mark I don't know if I'm very suitable I wasn't a suitable replacement for Mars but yeah okay they probably didn't need another board on the wall right right you and Louie a pronoun yeah oh so you turned pro right when he was leaving I think like after after I would say I was sick um because he kind of quit I feel like it was like pretty soon I already got on after I was like fully on yeah yeah he he left you didn't ask him like bring me I did it I didn't of course I was thinking that of course I was just like on the phone with him as he's explaining it being like is he gonna ask me - yeah I mean - a little kid that sounds so awesome 18 the name is terribly but to a little kid you're just like what like the best skaters like you know II mean I love that show Murdock good name for a show for a skate coming so he laughed and now you guys how long were you on maple for that's tough I think like I think I left when I was maybe around 18 okay like 15 18 okay not that long but you know still life so yeah lifetime very kid first yeah and then you quit too cried for enjoy right so like I think like 18 wasn't really working out and Rodney just told mark like hey like this is what I think happened Rodney until mark like hey why don't you know just do your own thing because he recognized in mark that you know there was like so much there creatively so he was like oh like just do your own thing right and that's when Mark created enjoy okay and then his first pick was Louie uh-huh and I think Louie was like we need to put on Jerry so we were kind of like this package deal so that's how we got on enjoy okay and was it hard for you to quit maple - oh my god is they were losing Louie as well right I mean yeah so it was probably hard for Marta do that ya know for sure right yeah but it had to be done no quitting maple was it was so hard because Edie Dominic the team manager he was such a good friend he is such a good friend to me and to tell him that was awful he did not take it well people at the company did not take it well really yeah they were bummed they were definitely really bummed and I was just like I'm sorry yeah but you got to do that kind of stuff man like go break some hearts yeah but how was it though getting on enjoy this brand new company in this way with Louie and MJ and so exciting breath of fresh air now yeah yeah it was saying it's awesome yeah cuz like I had when I got on maybe I was like an established company so like getting on enjoy like a brand new thing and it like I thought it looked so cool and I thought it was so funny and I thought like the aesthetic was great right and I was just just there's no stress you get a photo for an ad yeah yeah yeah yeah actually actually later on when Matt ever still ran the company he would always yell at us just be like dude like cuz we would not give him photos for ads because like we supplied a lot of those photos and he would just be like you guys know any skate ads like why are you complaining I just just kill party yeah don't have fun but yeah I was like super exciting yeah and and it was it was awesome there's no point where you're like well will this even work sure I thought that okay yeah I mean like definitely out there were times where I was like you know was unsure right well that's part of the excitement it's not knowing it's a sure thing just being it's just being like taking that chance right um so yeah it was just it was I mean getting on enjoy riding were enjoy it was just like one of the best experiences ever yeah I was so awesome cuz you were on enjoy then for how many years right yeah like I think like 99 - maybe 2010 or told yeah I don't know how long over ten years yeah over ten years right yeah when did the Osiris video come out it was that 99 as well mm were you on enjoy when they're low Cyrus video came out or where you want to still make those maple silver ollie wasn't it no I I wrote for enjoy you weren't for enjoy yeah yeah I mean I did write for maple and Osiris at the same time but hmm when that video came out I'm pretty positive I was actually you know what I can't really remember but is it all that stuff like happened around the same time okay well how did you get on Osiris Dave Mayhew oh yeah so Dave like I was actually actually I was it's funny I was getting America shoes from because mark oh yeah and they were just flowing me shoes okay and like this is during like the yellow video you know this is like kind of like the beginning of America when it was like a lot different than it is now right and um there's a lot of people a lot of people on it you know like yeah you can't like of Adidas and Nike you know yeah I mean it it ran for it went from like danger Hubble took her Shawn Moseley to Chris sent you know I mean like it was like all over the place and it was becoming obvious I was like not gonna get on America and so I so Dave asked me to ride for Osiris which is like this new company at the time yeah and I was like yeah surely you know yeah sure free shoes and good paycheck like no paycheck paycheck I mean maybe maybe a little bit down the line Oh a couple hundred bucks or something this is kind of the beginning of amateurs getting paid right you know like I remember I got a maypole on since before I turned pro I got like maybe like 500 bucks a month yeah I mean maple how much were you getting paid as a pro maple I mean I mean seriously because back then what like a thousand bike when I enter but like when I so as an mi got 500 bucks for a few months and then I turned pro and they doubled it okay so and then I think like you know it went up more and more over time with and as time went on but yeah that's that was my starting that's great yeah no kid back then I mean jeez yeah yeah heard I mean a kid in high school getting a thousand bucks a month so now we Cyrus comes along right and they had a big team too though right they had a lot of dudes on there Kenton Russell right yeah delivery of Kenya I don't know who was like exactly on the scene at the time it's definitely like Tyrone Olson Dave Mayhew at night and I feel like Adam Annette had like just left mm-hmm Kershaw Moseley maybe scuppers oh yeah like Scott was that like all those Ohio kids I was like kind of like a little bit later yeah you're filming for the store right but we didn't know that oh you know we were just filming for a video okay or actually don't even know if we were I mean like you were just family because at that time it's just like no one really told you to film everybody was just filming where everybody was just like it young hungry and getting tricks like that was like all you did so I just had footage you know I was filming for a black cat and I knew who started making video so I was like also you know I was just I was just filming everything I possibly could you go play paintball with them yeah had no idea what was going on they were like cuz it you know it just felt like it just felt like um I don't even know why we were meeting up we were just like we're gonna go paintballing and I thought it felt like a like um like employee get to know you type activity even though you know we pretty much knew each other but ya know they took us to this thing and mate just like go paintball we're gonna film it and you know no one asks question that's a big part of like the Osiris's aesthetic is nobody asked questions just like just do it and we're gonna throw it together and do something that was a big video bag dude dude yeah dude you know how like people still to this day talk to me about that video I bet there's one thing that they talk to you about you know I'm sure our viewers were waiting for us to get to this yeah the storm fly yeah yeah listen you did the storm flip what in a lot yeah it was just it was just a trick you did on flat ground going through the right and here it is like thing yeah yeah they become this thing Jerry I have no well actually taught you how to do it for people who don't know the storm flip is what a nollie backside flip late-late front so it's a backside now I flip late front foot flip but back side now I flips back then general we're not like how they are that kind of gave you an edge to accomplish the trick well that was like a cool thing back then when you did the legs like everyone started do it like that was yeah that was a fad that was just like the stuff like that was the way to do it um it was just cool a lot of guys in those towers did that felt yeah yeah totally a lot of a lot of guys everywhere did it it was just it was just a waiting spread just right I actually just saw Tara Nelson at Tampa and he nollie hard flip the stair in his line I was so happy to see you actually in person that was so cool like dude do you don't even know how it became a thing was it just that people who knew who coined the term what set it off like okay so the video came out and then years went by and like obviously people remember that Jack trick that I did but it's not till it like really became a thing until Patrick started Patrick Goodell start doing epically laters okay and he he did this one about a he was on a one of those the America tours we went on with the motorcycles so he did one that was like I guess I kind of based on that trip okay and I was at a demo and and i and i'm i think braid in was just like do one of those things that trick do it from the osiris video like do one yeah when i did one on a bank there we raise your own bangs and I did one and then Patrick filmed it and then put it in his episode and then also and then I think asked like Spanky and Brayden about it oh maybe even me but that's when one of those three guys coined that term guy the storm flip and I kind of think it was Spanky cuz he's like really good at naming things like like that and photoshopping yeah but uh so that's when it really got set off Oh or like every it just kind of like breathed this weird new life into it I love it yeah and as far as like learning the trick I don't know like I feel like I just because like at that time for example like like Ronnie Krieger at a Tampa contest you to switch harf live lay flip over the pyramid oh yeah so like things like that were like happening yeah you know like like goof-off type we like disgusting tricks and um I don't know I just think like it it just I don't know I don't really know I kind of like I kind of can't believe cuz Chris Avery film that line I can't I can't believe he let me do that like looking back on it like it's unbelievable that he was just like yeah just keep going it wasn't even a good I like you know I like tic tacs easily huh you're a pretty consistent with it um I think so at the time like it yeah it wasn't really that hard to do because you know like filming back then it was just like it was or maybe not back then but just it was one of those lines where just like just do a trick to get to the rail yeah it was one of those things right so just like just do a trick and get to this rail this people do like a tre flip or something to get out right yeah most people just Kirk grant a bench I'll just do some psycho clown for so I bet today even today people ask you write storm flip it's a thing now right oh yeah people yell it at me and kids commented on Instagram yeah when's the last time you did one that boy's a summer video they came out like a couple years ago I did one for that okay that was actually a birthday video like iPhone video for Mike Burnett where like I landed the trick and she said happy birthday and then they just threw that in the video I just thought like we get a kick out of that have you ever done it down something no I've never done it down something no but I did I did have this funny idea one time to just do it down an insane gap yeah I just made choice gap or something yeah it's med choice but Richy Jackson actually did did one and he liked dmg to me oh really yeah and he was like check it out what did you say what do you say back to something heard I was so weird I think he did it like it more proper - he did it kind of like the more like real way like weird like the way that nollie back to folks are done now Ryan actually flipping it yeah like actually that's when you do it now just for fun and a demo or something or the boys of summer video do you do try to do it through the legs or somewhere into it somewhere in the middle I try to do it like I try to give it a little bit more like respect yeah because the original version of the storm globe is very disrespectful to skateboard I understand that yeah I love it though storm flip come on it's crazy I just sometimes I just lay awake at night just being like I cannot believe that that's just one of them it's like a legacy the one trick you did on flat ground to get to the rail has become this thing sometimes people back say 360 - the Great Wall of China other people they do a disgusting flat ground those forever remember for it what were you out there filming today you said you were out of the spa I was just I was just out with friends oh you weren't yeah or anything well I mean like I'm trying I tried a trick but I just you know yeah we try just like trying to just trying to grind this period yeah yeah you filming for anything right now I'm in mid-thirties types of tricks yeah yeah doing a little sci-fi fantasy video or anything what are we what are we working with - voiceover - actually oh yeah yeah yeah that'll be great yeah no it's gonna be awesome I've already seen some of it Oh sick yeah like Rowan Aiden Logan like this as far as Park all the shrimp's there there are you know our little shrimpy shrimpy buddies I'll share part and there it's great we kill he can get a tricking it's in the fatty section oh yeah yeah fatty K so where were we man the storm flip that was good wouldn't that video came out was that something that like responsively kind of changed your skate career did like ice like during that video key was not yeah like a crazy like world premiere it was nuts I wish i mmm I didn't go on that world tour I was sent to London by myself for the premiere there shut up yeah I think I think has a bunch of people just distribute is like no son Jerry but that was awesome because that was first time I'd ever left country by myself had you seen the video that you've seen it I said we're here well I saw in San Diego which is basically look at the epicenter obviously different nuts yeah it was totally nuts but um yeah but I mean they were excited yeah it was just yeah it was like this worldwide phenomenon yeah you know that I like it was so weird it was so hard for me to process everything because like not only did that happen but then like the years after that it was just like crazy it was just like these that the tours were so out of hand and insane what do you mean like how it was that time in skating where you know tour bus and like thousands of kids and you know just the spectacled like like we went on a summer tour summer Osiris or after that vo came out and we had a we had a bus for Penske trucks with the rant with all the demo ramps in them a whole team to take apart those rooms and put him back together and then small ik was like had all these uh he had this like rap group with him and I guess he was like managing or something so the whole rap group was at us maybe one or two DJs in a dancer it was insane like I can't I don't even have the words to describe how crazy those tours were that's insane yeah and the fans there were just it was just you know it's like during that that crazy the Casper Hall yeah like that time where you know skateboarding was just insane yeah the d3 came along and took over that thing too that was another ingredient you know like totally it um that thing was insane did you have a shoe with Osiris yes I had three did you get a design your shoes or did they just kind of good yeah you did yeah I mean everybody was like pretty open back then because like I think now like you know skateboarding's like so corporate now and like if you ride for like a very you know like they're not gonna let you just now they realize like what sells or what doesn't sell right yeah I mean they're a little savvy or these days you know back then it was just throwing [ __ ] at the wallowing yeah totally Wow West yeah like that's what the d3 is is literally just someone just throwing something at the wall and just you know like Dave didn't even want it right would say two shoes three shoes three three yeah the third one was a total can t read eye path knock off what's it really yeah hey I mean you must have been getting some good money though right I mean I'm good change in your pocket that was a chunk of change yeah yeah I got it yeah there was like big checks yeah yeah I definitely was like wow this is pretty crazy right yeah actually when I quit I quit and they were like they were really angry me and they there's there was like this general manager there that I had to like argue with about you know quitting and everything and he I remember him saying to me like you know what like yeah you can quit but you're not getting any of the royalties for the shoes that we have left and I was like yeah cool like I just want get out here all good man no way and then a giant check showed up like two months later Wow I did but I think like I just I just was like I'm over and I'm because it wasn't a much left you know so I was just like I really want to get out of here why'd you want to get out did you were you going to like America or something yeah well I wanted to ride for America okay so I was just like I don't want to get out of here and did you already have something lined up with America or were you just I mean I was I was talking to them and they kind of like uh at the last minute we worked it out oh yeah so like it was kind of getting into this like very dangerous area okay and then and then it just all worked out and I just had to like get out of there right and so they were pissed they didn't want you to leave their bums well for sure everyone's bummed when Jerry leaves man oh this crazies that you got to escape the storm like a lot of people don't didn't really come out of that I really like to make it in the other shoe companies when Osiris kind of I pulled it I don't know how so you left Osiris for America mm-hmm yeah that was that it was great yeah yeah it was kind of like the enjoy feeling again yeah just like kind of like a recharge okay you know because I was like I the enjoy via had come out like you know like a year before that and I had just gone into this like depression basically like after filming that video partly just because the it was just such a huge project for me and I just like had put so much into it that when it was over it was that this is the the bag of suck that yeah yeah so like after that video came out I had just like went into this thing where I just like I don't want to skate I don't want to look at a skateboard I don't want Unipart come off like ten years after that huh I mean a long time like seven years probably that was a heavy part dude thanks you don't meet you put it a like you went above and beyond I feel like on that one off there like jumping down stuff and like was that the one you nollie back heel the big set and yeah yeah San Francisco so that is like Harley thanks seriously I don't know I don't know how far as I take you I went there one day and I probably tried it for like 45 minutes does nothing for 45 minutes yeah I was I was just like conditioned to do that stuff at that time and I hit my head and bruised my heel so I didn't try it for another month oh sure and actually that was like the end of the video and I had it was like the final weekend where like we're gonna edit this were like going down to LA to edit this video you have you could do it on Sunday and it was like a Friday did you know they're gonna pan down to like the end frame okay so I painted that the night before like I forget who came up with that idea because there's a lot of like physical props in the video and I think they really wanted like a definitive ending with the painting that said the end okay and I was like alright I'll paint it and I made it in my garage I'm just like Saturday night just like painting it just being like looking at the words you know just being like yeah like not many things in my life have had such a definitive ending but that was that was definitely like that's it you know you don't have to do anything more and was gonna ask me to do anything more hey that's it so yeah and it was really surreal like going there that day was it was just nerves and just like craziness and San Francisco it's windy you know what I mean like there's there and the stairs kind of stuck you know there was like a crack at the beginning so yeah it was crazy it was really just I got lucky like look pretty great because if you watch the raw footage I don't really come I don't come close to one like serious I maybe caught a few but kicked it away like immediately guy um but yeah that well I don't know that one just worked the first one you stuck that is the only one I stuck Wow and how many tries that day did it take I can't remember but not that much time I would say like 25 minutes 30 minutes something like that I don't know yeah I don't I don't really remember I can't remember anything about that day yeah I don't know like what happened when I woke up I don't know what happened after that spot I don't remember doing it you know that is kind of yeah like when like like that that like yeah that type of skating yeah you know when you do a really with a hard trick like it's difficult to really you know write some in it in your memory you don't remember how you fell when you win did I would have liked it I just remember what I would have remembered that I feel like yeah I mean I can I can take a pretty good stab at it and say I was [ __ ] relieved I'm very very happy yeah also I'd like you know accomplish this thing that I've been thinking about for a month straight every single day like icing my foot just like okay you know I got to do this thing and I didn't really have to do it I got a whole video part it was done and I didn't really need to put like you know when you're a kid and you just you just yeah you know you can just do that kind of [ __ ] how old were you when you feel good thank you sir 25 25 yeah okay and Kyle camera was filming most all your partner yeah most of it I filmed the biggest chunk of it Matt ever saw Kyle maybe Chris Avery a little bit and a few other people like on tour there were people but uh yeah I worked with Kyle like the most and at like to the end you know like he was there that day do you remember what Caswell yelled after what you end it something vulgar I don't think that was canceled I think that was my friend Matt Hathaway yeah someone as well who actually went back to when I when I first saw those skaters walking up the street yeah who I was like later became friends with uh-huh that's Matt Matt Matt Hathaway oh really it was one of those guys he lived around the corner from me and he was like the crazy like the weird hair big pan every like Hugh because I saw him all the time walking home from school or wherever the hell he was coming from crazy and that's like you know I was like that second and then he was also there that day did any of your friends growing up like make it to did they get sponsored or anything or no I mean I because I you know a lot of my friends they just start getting another stuff like my friend my best friend will he became a musician okay like a really great musician and then my other friends just sort you know they just kind of like they just started doing I think got girlfriends quit skating or they you know they just lost interest yes so my friends were like Asian kids who their parents were like you have to quit skating right now today seriously yeah yeah I remember my friend Daniel he we like we weren't weird we were like freshman year in high school and like we would skate together every day after school awesome and then Monday morning he was just like yeah I don't skate anymore you know like his parents just broke him or something you know how were your parents did they like you skating and stuff I mean after you started getting sponsored and everything and that they had a really hard time dealing with this seriously yeah yes I mean my parents are amazing parents and they were so patient and loving and carrying all this everything across the board okay but they did not understand what the [ __ ] I wanted even when you were like getting paid and getting boards shipped to your house at that point you know the other were like you know you really need to go to college why are you going to college you know like you know maybe it starts thinking about you know doing something real and I was just like you know what no like this is what I'm gonna do and as I got older because like I I mean I had like financial freedom at like 16 yeah by the time I was 18 gone you know I just like I was just like I'm not gonna listen to you guys anymore I'm just gonna do my thing and I had all the power in the world to do it right and in retrospect I wish I wasn't so harsh with them cuz you know I really broke my mom's heart that I just like took off but and so you moved out at 18 yeah yeah at the moment I could I could do it I did your candles out and you Pat you through your butt yeah it was hard I mean they they come there they're from Taiwan okay so they you know they grew up there and they moved they immigrated here when they were in college to go to college here yeah it's to get their master's degrees or whatever and yeah I you know they it was just so hard for them to understand and it was so hard for me to explain to them right now because I just didn't have the tools to really explain it and also at the time I was you know I was a teenager yeah so I was just like you know [ __ ] this you don't you know I mean like yeah you don't want you don't really take the time to want you know you really want to take the time to explain to your parents what you're doing totally just like you don't understand you know I'm out here right going skating yeah do you have any brothers or sisters yeah I'm brother his name's Jason oh yeah yeah he's six years younger than me you're the oldest yep there's just me and him okay yeah he never skated or did anything he tried for a little bit but he just wasn't into it it was yeah yeah plus it was just like it was our thing and I think that probably scared him it would scare me you know if I had like a older sibling was into something would be I don't know be tough for me to like just like I'm doing this to you know when you did or when you have the bag of suck part come out with like was that something that kind of led you getting on to America fully yeah yeah because I had asked for right I had asked to ride for America uh maybe like a couple years before that oh yeah and they were just like now like we're turning we're turning this kid Leo Pro we're turning like Tosh Pro drink spanking Pro you know like we can't we can't you know you already on one plane quit oh yeah they never forgot it I mean y'all wrote for us but yeah like I mean once they I mean that video part opened so many doors for me because I feel like you know living in San Jose and like you know just kind of like being a little bit fringy you know like not fully but like just a little bit you know once that video part came out yeah like things like completely change for me you know all of a sudden you know my phone is ringing a lot really yeah who was calling you I mean Louie who was calling me I don't know just like a lot of work a lot of work companies were calling me Danny Way called me yeah right to be in his video game to being shaved yeah that's fully I mean that put me on the radar for that kind of [ __ ] you know like I don't do like one two and three right mm-hmm eh gate one two and three yeah yeah so I mean like I you know what's funny is when he called me he left I didn't pick up cuz it's a weird number and I Neal left a message like this Danny way that this and that ball ball and I was like listening to it like home I got I was with my friend I was like dude listen to this prank call there's some things Danny way he's trying to pretend to be Danny way and I texted someone I forget who someone that I knew knew him okay and I was like is this Daniels number and they're like yes and I was like whoa that's crazy I would think it would be a prank call too I'm always suspect on people you know when I get a crazy I don't even answer him anymore but yeah yeah no totally linked and and then I called him back and then he explained the video game thing you know just so wow that's crazy I even think debt collectors are prank calling me too they're not it's real so what did you have to do to dip for a skate what did you have to go put all the little things on and do all that whole thing or what would you do little balls yeah yeah I had to uh Ida fly to Vancouver okay and yeah do the motion capture yeah so that was pretty crazy if the spandex suit or something yeah the the whatever kind of suit it is and then it's got all the balls on it and then like a little helmet thing with all those things yeah yeah all that [ __ ] oh go ahead pause is an audio you have to fit you have to they record you you know speaking in situations like like like you know like rob dyrdek just rolled up and you know say something to him you know I would love to be on that session yeah but it so what it was anybody else there when you were doing either the ball thing or do they do people separately like when you Ali will Allah and Jason Delaware they're with me really yeah all in the spandex suits with the but they think like the day that I did it was just me okay but they were both there at the same time like I was still hanging out with Jason and Ali at the same like you know right yeah I was just like just like two days at work what a great I mean yeah you know to be like immortalized than in this video game yeah that's crazy check it check yeah actually when he when Danny called me I was just like [ __ ] because like that Tony Hawk game like Andrew Andrew told me you know he was you know you hear the stories yeah you hear the stories you know like people were just like making off like bandits totally and I was like whoa yes and then like we can give you 30k yeah and then when the contract came oh yeah it was it was just this it was a just a flat amount and I had and I had to ask quite how - like what and the stands had just changed so I was richer but it wasn't what you thought it was it wasn't what I thought okay what I mean for whatever man I like I'm grateful like two days two days at work for like a gang of cash right it's great yeah if the new eh gate came out how much you think you get paid for it probably fifty hundred bucks every every game after that like so I was in number one got this much number number two you know maybe like 25% of that or 50% of that line by three you know she kept going down yeah yeah yeah and there's their price selling more and more games I don't I mean I don't know I don't know what's up with that world know either I don't know like to find out though you know maybe that's me or they you're doing the e ace for no keep hearing people keep it's out it's rumor thing I don't know Akko told me that like cuz he's in that world he says that people really want it like there's like a demand worth yeah but yeah I mean it's it's gonna be like you know it's a whole it'll be a whole new crew of young kids you know maybe the nightclub could be a skate like eSports game oh yeah theme if you win Street League in the game you could come on the 9 Club you guys could make some chatter 1,500 bucks great at least and a friend a flight to Vancouver yeah for sure I'll take it definitely spandex dude yeah pay off some of these debts Colin they keep calling you call I think they're pranks but they're not did you keep the spandex no no I didn't but you know it's actually so funny about the the motion-capture is so it's you're in this like warehouse room okay and there's like this square painted on the ground that's like the area that's you're gonna be captured in and there's cameras all around you and the director is just like alright skate across that when you get to the middle pick up your board and that was the hardest thing to do was just skating was just skate normal stop and pick up your board I messed up like eight or nine times because it's really hard cause like you know when everyone's just like act like yourself act normal and like it's very difficult to do so that was like a very hilarious thing I just messing up on did you yeah yes you you know you don't you don't feel like are you telling them like wait wait one more one more mmm-hmm yeah definitely now did you have to do tricks for the cameras - just like state like how did that work they they asked that like you just kind of do a trick that's a little bit signature a little bit so they were sounds like okay how about like like in over crooks or something so I just did one of those on a flat bar that was it because light and maybe a 360 flip or something but they but PJ was in that game - and PJ just did every trick for them they were they just use PJ as I kind of like [ __ ] like a model library yeah yeah yeah so now enjoy is I mean it's seemingly doing well you know but it but then mark ends up leaving comes skates go goes over to chocolate and everything and then eventually you came over to chocolate - yeah well why why the move now what's going on again like just kind of you know I'd written it for so long yeah I mean 10 years plus and that ever saw was my good friend he was the brand manager kind of like the new mark you know running it as far as far as running it and he you know he he was having a lot of problems with the company because it's kind of like that classic you know creative versus like corporate sort of battle that happens every [ __ ] day and and yeah he was just he was just so sick of it and he had like threatened it was very complicated but basically at the end he he quit and I was like okay that's I'm done - because because we we kind of we were on the same page about a lot of stuff like we had a lot of our ideas we're similar our art our aesthetic was similar like we had we just had like a good idea about what enjoy should be which is something that isn't um you know necessarily driven by demand driven by like our ideas something that should be you know we should we should give people new ideas you know not just you know not just listen to what people want to and you didn't think that you could carry on with him gone you didn't think you could enjoy could carry on that that footprint that you guys had I mean it's possible but I chose not to okay I was just kind of like I don't want to put forth the energy to try and do it anymore you know and you know I was just tired of it and I was tired and besides like with with Matt gone it was just like like two people trying to express their ideas now it's only one and so like the you know the company you know they just had their own ideas of what they wanted right so I just didn't I just didn't feel like I had anything else to give no yeah I was just like that's it so yeah was it hard though leaving though I mean after ten years or whether or did it make it easier to I mean with everything going on no it was it was so hard because like you know Louie like that was tough like you know my friends um it's hard leaving Louie yeah yeah you know anytime you have to you you've built these relationships for so long right and then you have to decide to make a choice for yourself like that's hard people get bummed they don't you know they understand but they kind of don't want to let you go just like okay yeah go for it yeah yeah they're just like dude did dad word like ruin your friendship at all with him or in any way at that point or he's like didn't talker no no I think like everything is fine like I think he completely understands what you completely understood how I felt um he didn't like no one really was just like at that point no one was like you got a stay everybody understood everybody kind of just understand like I like you know times I write in did you already have the chocolate thing lined up no I had nothing I had nothing done no no that's kind of my style yeah it's just like hope for the Badgers cross yeah yeah because you know like I I was just too busy worrying about quitting and joy I I wasn't really I I didn't know where I was gonna be and at that time I didn't really know if anyone even cared about me anymore you know I was just like maybe someone will pick me up Oh but you just felt like it was the right thing to do it was the right thing for me to do there you go yeah you know like it was a choice that I had been thinking about for a long time yeah I mean I'm not that I'm not like a type of guy just up and quits anything okay I have to think about it freely yes super a long time and what's funny about that is I don't really think about where I'm going I just kind of like think about I just try to like sit with what I'm there's just one thing at a time I like that you know what I mean like I like going with your gut and doing what you feel without yeah you know what I mean like a lot of people just are too scared to take that leap off the yeah and I was definitely scared I mean and it hasn't always worked out like sometimes I've definitely made the wrong choice but oh yeah but you know I feel like that one was the right one yeah when you left enjoy was that when you were filming first a gold was you're like I'm trying to figure out I was trying to think no it was after that steagle came out in like I think I was 7 and I probably quit like a couple years after that okay that was a good video part to me that was great thanks Stay Gold yeah I wish it was a little longer are you more tricks but did that part really showed how hard you try like that this the agony you went through to get those tricks like that was pretty emotional almost Kelly usually needs a box of tissues I understand that was minor minor he edited that part too because if you count the tricks I only have 15 tricks in that video part yeah but still and he did he like edited this whole like dramatic with my shinies tricks in the motors are only 15 tricks though I mean still I mean yeah it's narrow switch there was someone saying that I'm like yeah his tricks are all switching like what's wrong with that that's like insane these tricks are gnarly compliment what someone complaining about yes I was like dude no he did nothing regular like it was just like a local like top will talk with my friends back home I'm like why you video part right it was better oh you know what before we go to the chocolate thing and everything until mode right so made videos and stuff man I wish I I think when a mark was here I told him I I felt like that should have become a company you know what I mean like I felt like tilt mode what enjoy became it kind of became enjoy you know but tilt mode yeah yeah yeah I mean I love that [ __ ] call med Eversole oh yeah yeah I I don't know I mean that's how I felt as an outsider me in so maybe me too I felt I felt like I was a part of something so special when that was going on yeah we totally understood what was happening because like I think growing up in San Jose or any kind of town that is in LA mm-hmm right in skateboarding it feels really special when you get recognized you know yeah yeah if you're like if you're from Philly or you're from [ __ ] Miami or whatever and you have you have a shine yeah yeah if you have a thing going on and like the whole world is watching it if you feel like a lot of pride from where you are and what you're doing and who your friends are and all that stuff so like tille mode was like a really good representation of like um like our scene and it just felt so good that everybody was like this is sick we all know what this is we watched these you know you mean like it just felt really good and it really captured like like how we were and also how different like how different our goals were in skating you know because at the time it was like zero videos you know zero videos were the [ __ ] [ __ ] like that was like the tot the watermark of excellence in skating and then like we tried to do something that was kind of the opposite of that yeah it was just like a reaction to that type of skating and it and it worked and it like created this whole like genre you know like like it's not like we're the first people to goof around in a skate video but I feel like it really created like kind of like this genre of skating because like a years after that like I remember watching this Red Dragons video and it was basically like oh like they're kind of doing what we're doing like it's just like this we just goof off and stuff yeah that was you guys made like what three of them I mean three of them three why did you stop the tilt no thing because like bone or something yeah because it's it's just like it it's a time in people's lives and then like people's lives change you know like you know you a lot of us were like in our 20s and then some of us went on to do other stuff in skating and others didn't you know like a lot of because it's a it's a video about friends and not all your friends are gonna be able to go with you to the next level and skating you know so they're just gonna choose to do other things so it our scene there was no like there was no offspring you know like there was no like other new generation to kind of carry on this thing so and everybody just started doing other stuff you know that just happens but it's kind of I mean in a way it's kind of nice because it's just like it's just this moment in time look and that's it this moment in time in this place and that's it so because like you know when things kind of live too long sometimes it can become gross and yeah I mean it can ruin what you did you know if things last too long this is why this is our last episode you know it's my honor to know but that's right I mean the it's such a great thing to be a part of and everything you know yeah I'm like I I love it I'm so appreciative that I was a part of those check it out watch it not really though I mean you know in the state I don't even have a TV or a VCR or DVD player YouTube I mean I just have a laptop but yeah it's no why no TV you not in do TV or I don't know me and my wife just watched things on the computer you might know that sounds you sit in bed and put the laptop between you and then we just we just like sit on the couch and then put it on the on the coffee table yeah it's I know that sounds crazy I know everyone's just like what the folks I mean we're just simple it's okay we don't know there's they're cheap yeah maybe we could buy you a present times are tough I need another bag of suck to afford a TV I think everyone like to see that too I don't know that's gonna happen so no television of course oh you do so yeah no I'm not an animal yeah I have a Netflix account Hulu 17 inch computer 15 in don't tell me you have a 13 inch 15 okay right right in the middle okay yeah what's your favorite show on this looks right now what do you would if you're gonna go home right after this and you you know you kissed your wife let's watch some TV yeah right now it's it's the it's the great it's the Great British Bake Off I love that show yeah I like baked it's just it's just a baking it's just a baking show it's a comp baking competition show it's just you know in like a beautiful English field and there's a tent and then just like all these that's where other stations are their ovens all that stuff and they just you know they'll be like all right make a I don't know what the cakes are coz they're they're so insane the the things that they make are out of control it's just like make a you know the weird pastries also that are so hard so this is like an ongoing like elimination every week there's some yeah I think they're there for like a month and then like every week like one person leaves check it out I like Scott I like I like cooking I don't and the hosts are so amazing they're like so brutal but so British and polite at the same time it's amazing just they'll just like tear a person apart and this week thank you Netflix yeah also the whole seasons already there it's you have to wait every week it's epic you got a lot of looks for that do you cook yourself or yeah you know I just cook simple things I mean a ratatouille the other night what is that I rat it too it's like French peasant food it's uh it's like a marinara bait I can't believe we're talking about this it's like I'm it's you know you cook it in a pan marinara sauce that you make and then you put sliced vegetables in like kind of like a spiral thing okay so now we we went through the let's go back to the skating for chocolate and everything and then what was it like being chris's like team right it was awkward oh it's awkward when we saw each other know what Chris is awesome very funny thanks love Chris's sense of humor that was like the number one thing that I was attracted to yeah I was like huh this guy's funny I was told that you gave just you came on to the team because of me who told you that everybody oh no mark mark had nothing to do with it not true no but it was great I mean Jerry Sue's coming on but I mean so sad the regular to you too Chris they're probably like hey are you free Monday because we got a film Jerry Sue's intro to chocolate part Oh with the restaurant yeah yeah yeah yeah I enjoyed that no that was fun yeah yeah you know was there she no I was floored yeah yeah he was the first person to be like welcome to family you know I was like it was the first time you bet you know no I'd like seeing him a couple times before but you know Gino's one of those guys like you don't want to bug him yeah like actually hello you know you don't want to be like so read Danny Bosley he's one of those people in skateboarding that you like wanted you want to talk to them of course but you won't also want to leave them alone yeah he looks like he kind of wants to be left alone whether he does or he does in like yeah actually I just want to respect Gino Iannucci space go so chocolate uh how long just gave her chocolate for a couple years four years yeah and then way you just decided to break out and do your own thing what's going on I don't know I just you know again I just kind of reached a point where I felt like I it wasn't it's just not where I belonged I know it's like so vague but like you really like you know if you've ever been like a sponsored skater and you get to that point you know what it feels like you know or anything really like a relationship you're gonna go break up with a girl you don't really have the greatest reason yeah yeah but you're just like I don't feel like this is the right path for me so it's kind of like guys became friends yeah yeah yeah now we're friends what's interesting too because a lot of people who are on sponsors because there's money involved but it seemed like that wasn't even an issue to you you just think it's well yeah it wasn't really a money issue I mean I it was just a feeling feeling issue right right I'm filled with feelings and I have to listen to them sometimes now were you I prior to know the answer to this but you were did you have sci-fi fantasy in mind before you quit no I had the I had an idea to do something just like my own thing okay and you know I just I was just making it at the end towards the end I was just like making it on my own figuring it out and she's gonna do it yeah and then but it you know I don't even know what it is no it's just I just make like hoodies and shirts and bring the nice mug out here yeah we're a mug show yeah yeah I made this mug just for fun just like in honor of you know the Moscow the Moscow yeah which the Paris Hilton in uh-oh is that Pearson yeah I didn't realize that and some other chick that's amazing that's icon a good iconic image from do you have like so witty or so much yeah you you have nothing you just kind of are making stuff and yeah what goes yeah I'm just making it try to sell it yeah you know it's funny you know you're around production your whole life in as a sponsored skate you know it's just are you calling shops trying to sell your stuff sure I mean shops call me or I'll try to hit people up and just be like whatever but yeah it's just small it's mine and you know that's it like no one can tell me what to do mm-hmm so are you making to make boards or do maybe can we expect anything I don't know I'm just gonna I don't know maybe one day you'll just you'll just see this stuff I make I don't know I don't really honestly I don't know I don't know anything I'm just I'm just trying to straighten our kit I'm just trying yeah yeah trying to just do something creative I love it yeah yeah it's amazing dude maybe we could do a nine club yeah collab oh sure yeah I call yeah what is what would it be Chris what would you guys do know it doesn't seem like Gerry's into it nobody it's so I mean I think I think people are just you know I'm a big fan thanks of you and I'm stoked to see what you go what you do with this you know so yeah I know me too it's rad is this the first time doing something on your own yes it is oh it is how's that feeling cool scary cool expensive yeah well you know everything it's awesome it's just satisfying to think something and then some no I mean no one's helping me do it other than my friends who I call for advice or you know some kind of like I have some technical questions like how do I do this yeah and my friends are very helpful you know they do all this stuff and they're just like this is how you do it so I have like a unique access to making all this stuff so definitely they're helping me I love it but yeah it's just me you want to split a screen printing machine which we go halves on it let's do it yeah yeah yeah Roger wants to do you wants to put it in his living room yeah yeah I mean you can come over and print anytime you want Thanks no but good dude good luck with that it's amazing Jerry thanks wish you the best of success thank you crazy Thanks yeah thank you I've said it I see I see a feedback Ted wearing it sometimes yeah yeah I sent it to him yeah yeah man you can get a box too of course yeah I would love to let's look like comfy sweaters yeah yeah dude what he's doing on Instagram is so good dude he was out here for a while with like Cameron Post faroush and all that Cameron Poe yeah you weren't really here on the back Hot Rod days no no camera shoots photos now speaking of photos how was your uh you you loved photography and stuff yeah how'd you gonna do that I mean I always loved art if I was lucky but I think like it was really just being around yeah you know like being around my friends who shot photos for skating you know being around people like like gave Morford you know just you know like just being around all them anatomic TV shot photos here just like hey how do you do this like what's up with this like I was always interested in like um like the art art aspect of it and I was like and I shot photos of my friends you know with like my mom's camera like just us hanging out or whatever and I knew what I liked but those types of people being around me you know you know cuz when you're out of spot and like everyone's there setting up and like you know you're and and they have their own [ __ ] that they're into and they're like yo you should check this out or whatever and so you know knowing other knowing because like you know being a skater you're exposed to a lot of artistic people so yeah you just meet people and they are like hey you should you like this like check this out and then it kind of just leads you down all these roads where you you know so that's kind of how it happened I was just because I mean every every skater wants to record you know like that's kind of like a part of what we do so it was only natural that I like did that and it just but I just got way more into it like in like kind of like an artful way I guess but yeah it's funny because like every you know when you post photos on your Instagram and stuff I'm always thinking about herself like how the hell did he get his camera out so fast to capture that you know yeah I don't know it's tell you do it it's law it's a combination of luck and just a weird anticipation a lot of the photos on your Instagram are they taken with your iPhone or your camera yeah like 99% is the phone oh I try to keep a phone issue but if it like I'm not really doing stuff with the if there's just like nothing if you like posting like every or if I like get a photo back that I really like I'll put this up oh yeah but it's mostly fun yeah what are you gonna do with the photo maybe you have a little shower I'm making a book of cell phone photos from like 2007 to 2012 o6o like I'm gonna do that but cuz I just have this blog and it was just only blackberry photo photos I took with a blackberry yeah right yeah and I'm gonna turn that into a book doh what is that the table for one no it's it's called Nazi gold but table for one was this other blog I did about people eating alone Chris no I haven't seen it amazing yeah it's a it's just it's just photos of people in restaurants eating by themselves I'd never do that by the way I think that writers no I've never eat but I would say all we always take it to go that's like you got a chop that is exactly the reason I think I haven't seared it oh really yeah he's getting a shot of filming little Matty put down the street [Laughter] table for what I don't think love zilch memory by the way that was not a diss the name that came to my mind I've been like sixty six weeks deep on little schmidty's Instagram have you like it's just like wow a lot of spots I used to go just hunting for spots on his oh really Instagram yeah but uh for one I've never know table for one yeah never you eat alone all the time I like it I like it but people have this like very insane aversion to it like you do yeah where they feel like it's like shameful or something like eating by yourself is like not a thing okay you know and I realized that and like when I started taking and I always kind of like would snap a photo because like I always look at people you know like that that's that's very sweet like yeah they're just here enjoying themselves by themselves and you know their friends reading a book and like whatever but yeah like that it's funny because like the people kind of like automatically assume that there's not anywhere better for them to be you're just kind of funny that's a very strong assumption and I made the blog and like that and I would just post some no white background no captions nothing just the photo so there's no kind of no context into my perspective gotcha and there's there was a function on the blog where you can write in and people would write in be like this is [ __ ] like why are you doing this like why are you mocking these people and I always thought that that was very strange because like why would you assume that well yeah you know and people have a very emotional captions right I would never nothing that the blog was called table for one was just people by themselves nothing there was my my opinions were never inserted into the imagery or whatever the blogger whatever and I realized after doing it like oh wow like this creates like an emotional response of people women especially because in especially in America like women are you know there's a stigma against women about being by themselves okay I know just like a woman by themselves like doing [ __ ] by themselves whatever and that sucks and I think like it shouldn't really be like that but it exists right because like if you go to like Europe Asia wherever the [ __ ] is everywhere and knowing is a [ __ ] like everyone everyone is just minding their own business I gotta [ __ ] eat I got it I gotta go eat I'm gonna go eat I'm gonna come back I'm gonna do whatever I'm on my way right here here everyone is just like no never I would know you know I showed the blog to my friend who's female and she was just like wow I would never do that I would die I'm right and I always saw that was very fascinating like to that that mentality is very interesting to me and I was like damn I really struck a chord with this blog and like it's just weird that people hate it so much and I'm not making fun of them at all I'm just sort of making this observation it is awkward and by itself it was I was waiting I was waiting for Rajan and and and our buddy to show up at a restaurant today and I was sitting at the table by myself and I felt weird for only 15 minutes yeah but I felt very uncomfortable it sweet I felt like wow we're looking at me like what is this guy he's sitting at a table over for more person table times it causes people a lot of anxieties and I find that I find that so interesting like why is that a thing why is that a thing like it's very interesting people like you know some people would write it and be like this is great you know like this is this is cool like that you're doing this right other people just be like you're a monster taking the photo of a one person yes yeah and there was I never felt like candid shots tears was probably why it's like yeah yeah I mean yeah people are sensitive to you know being having their photo taken did you say you made that into a book or that was just the blood supply okay yeah check is this still alive yeah you can look at it yeah table for one and then you said you're going to do a book with maybe your photos now well I was I I made this other this other blog that I did called Nazi gold it was just all it was all cell phone photos from a blackberry and oh that's right yeah yeah yeah and they were they're all like the style of my Instagram like that type of photography yeah just like really quick you know everyday mundane [ __ ] yeah there's like maybe like a little funny like one-liner in there or something but yeah I'm gonna take those and make okay because there's like thousands of them available on Amazon maybe or just on the sci-fi website well hopefully somewhere other than the second one okay but yeah Amazon yeah it was audible yeah my photo book will be on vol 1 auto vol tape why not hey man you know change the way people read or hear see and see I want to ask something about because you've been on a lot of companies with Marc and like how were you ever like frustrated when he was like he would quit it maybe went somewhere and then you went with him and then he quit yeah yeah that's kind of like a joke that's definitely something like when when Marc quit chocolate I did I got a lot of comments oh yeah look what happened again which is true but I don't I don't hold anything in some mark at all yeah whatever like Marc's his own man he's gotta make his he's gotta make he's got a she gotta do the [ __ ] that he's got to do and like I think like I've been a I've wanted to be a part of the things that he's wanted to be a part of and he's like and he's he's still gotta do his thing you know he's not you know he's not trying to hold my hand right so I'm no hard feelings ever yeah but it definitely got awkward by like the third time received a box from Osiris that you were psyched on most of the things that I got from Osiris I was psyched on came in envelopes know that there were no there was cool stuff there was cool stuff that came I mean like he'd never rocked the the smaller get athletic care oh yeah I had there's definitely footage of me in the smiling shoes that's what you did the the [ __ ] storm flip in those shoes k fatties correct that is the shoe that I did that yeah yeah what I'm sitting in between it's crazy yeah yeah yeah you need this actually really no yeah it's good for you yeah for the show but in real life no yeah storm flipping small X yeah yeah yeah and cargo shorts and like high socks yeah and like high white sock that was literally the only video except that that storm flip episode I mean otherwise otherwise you did it for fun yeah it's just like goof off stuff yeah yeah it was the only like it is out of control yeah yeah I trip on stuff like that because I trip on it harder I guarantee it yeah well no I mean because like I'd the switch love Manny it's like every [ __ ] any time somebody does a trick on the stage now guess who's getting tagged in every [ __ ] clip yeah you know what I mean like and it's just funny how one thing can turn into a thing yeah you know what I mean like I just see you away every single time every every every tag you're just it's weird yeah it's weird no this has been great dude this is incredible dude is there anything else we need to talk about mr. Jerry sue I don't know just let me know I'm I'm free for the rest of the night oh yeah nothing to do I cleared it out for you guys I like that yeah yeah yeah see what I'm saying when Naja was here he double-booked he had a party to go to oh really yeah what kind of party Felipe's birthday party Felipe Gustavo yeah were you at his party no I wasn't invited Felipe's you don't seem like a guy that goes to a club really no was it out of club yeah yeah yeah no my brother kinda is though Oh which is kind of strange okay one time I went to meet him in Santa Monica at this club club I don't know it was lower so I don't know where it was or whatever but it was just all black and Asian people oh and I like walked in there and it was dark the lights were like you know music loud it was like very crowded and there was only like black kids and Asian kids okay and I'm in there and I'm like trying to look for my brother and I seriously think like every Asian guy's my brother I like really it was so confused as they Hey and then like I basically it made me feel like I was white every single guy in here looks like my brother eventually I found him you found him yeah actually I think he found me oh yeah yeah no man Jerry Hsu we could talk all night man do usually good bars is that like at your thing yeah I like bars I like dive bars hello just like a [ __ ] shitty bar Oh shitty bar with a pool table yeah you pool player no but I mean like it's just like a fun thing to do yeah what is it what do you do for the like if you like pool ping-pong darts is there anything that you let her bar in general like if we had a ping-pong table here would you get it would you get down on the on the ping pong maybe yeah no my dad was good at ping pong he has trophies from college seriously yeah I entered a ping pong tournament one time really I got smoked by like a seven year old lady Wow I forget a point on her art she was doing spins not the ball her body she was hit hitting the ball and spinning around and then hitting the when I returned it she I'm pretty good at ping pong it's just [ __ ] yeah she's mostly burned yeah yeah never went back to that tournament they uh every weekend they would have it an SMC I'm sorry about that Chris that sounds like a traumatic well you know when you go into something and you're like I'm pretty good I'm like decent player yeah yeah you know that's like every contest I've ever enter pretty good I think I could do okay and then when they call your name I've only been in like three contests which ones Tampa and 98 how was that 76 place we might have been at the same Tampa a really yeah I think I got 77 it's horrible yeah Mickey Ray's put me on thunder of that contest it was sick he was just like yo Jerry you got a truck sponsor and I was riding thunders I was like no he's like you do now del well that's right I'm never doing me a tip I didn't get on going or anything no contests are the war I'm so terrible at them now why is it the crowd is it all eyes on you everything is it yeah I mean everything it's it's I mean it's it's it's most people's worst nightmare to be in that position you know like every eye on you perform I feel like nowadays kids like thrive like it's their part of the thing you know it's really bizarre there are the guys who got it and then there's the guys who don't you know like most I think like most kids today they couldn't handle it but then there's just those some and they just like crush it do you like watching Cantus I never just pass knowledge that no no not particularly like I'll watch like I'll watch stuff like if there's if there's like a like a montage or like a best stuff or like this is the best run or whatever I'll watch that [ __ ] that looks up but I'm not gonna like sit and watch it you know contests are just like not my thing even though I like I really respect what those dudes do like Wow psychotic and saying but it's just not my style of skating like I don't really care about it what about like demos and stuff do you still get like a demos or mellower yeah I Moser Miller because like the whole team's with you right like you're not alone when it gets down to you though like that sucks yeah like I've been at demos for less we have to probably toss yeah yeah well Tosca yeah totally I've definitely been like the last person skating why men like not landed the trick cuz I'm just like trying because like trying some [ __ ] and then like I'm the last one and it's just so brutal every attempt it's just like and then sometimes people will start doing like a jerry chant like Jerry Springer oh my god that only compound Keith used to do that when he was that he was the team manager of America and he would even do it when he wrote for America but like he would start that chant and I would have to tell I would have to tell everybody like no you don't you know what was it like having a Keith there's a team manager amazing it was so cool like I don't know like he was just because he knows how [ __ ] works he knows what we want like it's just like it's like you know because sometimes the team manager can be very out of touch with what you want and what the skaters want so like having is having a person like Heath who was like kind of the most bare-bones like skater just be like I wanna be bothered yeah yeah like hey like if the shop is trying to pull some like crazy [ __ ] he'll just like yo they're not gonna be into that they're not into this we're leaving whatever like it's time to go you know I mean like he'll call the shots that we want to call but we kind of can't right cuz we gonna look like [ __ ] he'll do it yeah so he was like very good at that and in Jenna and he was and during the the demos sometimes he would just he would just do the demo for us that's sick great team manager when she manager do yeah yeah it's great and it also wasn't and it's not like that kind of like do the demo for you or you're like oh like like show Bodie was not like that you know Heath is not like that at all you know something you have some team manager guys who tried it you know they kind of think they're on the team we gotta get his a Heath on the show man yeah you think he would ever come and sit down that chair heath care chart I mean he's surprised me a lot in the last yeah her so maybe okay when his epically later came out I was like wow it's like you didn't think he would do an epically later no he doesn't like he doesn't like we gotta catch him on a good day yeah yeah yeah you got a yeah but he wouldn't maybe yeah he surprised me a lot he's changed a lot in like the last like ten years birdhouse video member was doing the fire with Jeremy yeah jumping off the bridge and stuff it was great I've always loved Heath one of the first videos I ever saw was tentacles of destruction mmm Wow yeah I watch the view like six million times my favorites Heath Kurtz art injury suit thanks Chris yeah he's alright oh yeah large size large huh Jerry that is correct how many followers you got an Instagram huh about a million million million - like that okay here's a nightclub shirt throw that on your gram alright mug - OH swap thank you I'm saying little 9 Club mug I figured black I figured you like black it's a love block yeah love it's lemon black slimming how much you weigh Jerry 145 150 I think 150 150 yeah I'm a good judge of weight you know I mean it's great you can tell 192 I'm sad dude brought about 180 man 180 to 185 ok guys this is a point where Jerry well I don't know what size board you riding 8.25 8.25 yeah that's a popular question among among children actually a good question I have no idea what are the largest amount of stairs okay let me ask you a question do you when you're gonna go to the nollie back heel you don't ollie it didn't alia right I said we are that's actually that's actually the if I had ollie that that is that that would be the biggest because really yeah yeah which is weird but I just can't like waste my time with an ollie right you know right what's the holy [ __ ] Andrew hehehe oh is all he's the set first Oh does he I mean that's just part of it yeah this is ritual and you know it's just part of his ritual to get him prepared and psyched yeah but like I'm just like whatever I'm just gonna like Chuck my carcass down the sink you all eat the uh what is that big the data yeah do you think y'all do y'all the Davis gap before you it's actually a good question I don't know if he ollie that yeah but like normally normally like normally like if he's gonna like half cap flip some stairs like you'll have like a bunch of times but if what about this set in Paris the one the were to call the Ober C Bercy yeah that's got a nice situations yeah I like that and like the feedback video as actual trick and then he went back in kickflip did oh did he yeah I think yeah let's shoot over there we could sit here all night I love just bullshitting with you because I love it great uh great dude man super funny likewise your thank you very fine thank you anyway well listen Jerry we don't want to keep you here all night ma'am thank you so much stopping by dude dude my pleasure it was fun please come back yeah anytime yeah anytime you guys want to talk we would love it I just know what's up yeah Jerry dude thank you so much for the may hey thank you guys good luck with everything you're doing likewise and yeah keep it going thank you bro yeah I'm sorry it took me this long to get on the podcast no worries yes thanks yeah I just wanted you know a lot of kids out there I just want to see if you know made it past 80 episodes and I was like I'll do it we're here we're here you gotta Apple watch I do damn how's that thing going I like it you like it yeah do you frown upon them or do you like you that I'm completely ambivalent I don't yeah I'm just like whatever it's cool the only reason I like it is I don't have to keep grabbing my phone every time I get like a text or an email or a tweet you know ya just gonna look and see what's goin on Oh Jerry text me he's gonna be late mm-hmm yeah every time like oh I'm just a trick on the stage like Tucker just smashed another mail truck [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 461,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, talk, show, history, lesson, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, best style, legend, schrock, funny, hilarious, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, crail couch, jerry hsu, sci-fi fantasy, osiris, storm flip, maple skateboards, chocolate skateboards, enjoi, epicly later'd
Id: vs2kTGZKjRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 43sec (6463 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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