Japanese Scientist Accepts Islam due to One Quran Verse - Dr Okuda
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Channel: Muslim Convert Stories
Views: 413,169
Rating: 4.9622092 out of 5
Keywords: Atsushi Kamal Okuda, dr okuda, dr okuda japan, Japanese Scientist Accepts Islam, japanese muslim, islam in japan, Kisah Mualaf, masuk islam, new convert to islam, converts to islam, convert to islam, My Convert Story, canada, uk, new muslim converts 2021, islam convert, islam, muslim, 2021, muslim convert stories, revert story, muslim revert, new muslims, islamic, revert to islam, islam convert story, muslim convert story, muslim convert, religion, shahada islam
Id: mUXhqulJQGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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Itβs great to see a verse that is used against Islam made someone convert to Islam.
I hope more Japanese and Korean people become Muslim. They already have great Adab.
Mashallah. May Allah guide us to strengthen our Iman like Dr. Okuda.
Tldr which verse is it? Thanks
Amazing reminder.
We now finally have the power of god and anime (lol it's just a joke)