US Army Veteran Converts to Islam – He has a message for America

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[Music] i am next to a really special important brother brother what's your name anthony alhamdulillah brother anthony about a week and a half you did something amazing what did you do i converted to islam allahu akbar i just did this too um i know the last part is that muhammad is the prophet the last prophet and that god is the only god you got it alhamdulillah welcome to islam and this is the islamic center of decalp so i would like to know and you would like to know perhaps you know what was the spark what was uh the motivation for brother anthony to look into islam and alhamdulillah you know embrace the faith of islam what would you say brother for me it was a lifetime search i know that there's a god and i i was a christian and i struggled with it and i tried looking at other faiths but when i opened up the quran and actually sat down and was able to speak with some muslims my life changed substantially and immediately i found peace like i've never known i've found that uh the things that i once believed were not true at all um for example uh the way we treat women um the koran is very explicit about how you know women are to be treated um they're they're they're not subservient to me uh how we take care of the uh the poor and those in need and orphans and how we're to give uh a charity zakat right charity and uh you know the other thing for me was praying i always had a problem praying um now i go to prayer and it's it's structured for me and and i could talk to god and it's it's just been an absolutely wonderful experience it's changed my life amazingly so what was your previous faith brother anthony i was a christian um i was baptized a catholic left the catholic church after their little dilemmas that they had uh switched over to protestant and bounced from faith to faith to faith um with never getting a question answered about some of the things like the uh the trinity the trinity was the big one uh the eucharist there were just questions that nobody could ever answer and uh once i opened up the quran and and really started reading it those questions were all answered and indeed you know as you may be aware that jesus peace be upon him he never came with the concept of trinity in fact when people ask him the question this is in gospel of mark the second gospel chapter 12 verse number 28 a jewish person came to the prophet prophet jesus peace be upon him and asked him this simple question that of all the commandments the jewish people used to have 613 commandments which one is the first the greatest of all of them and jesus peace be upon him he replied in verse number 29 chapter 12 gospel of mark he said hear o israel the lord our god is only one worship him right not worship me worship him with all your heart mind soul and strength and that is the first commandment so trinity was a later invention evolution away from the oneness of god that moses and jesus and abraham and david peace be upon all of them that they brought to their people the absolute oneness of god so when people when they moved away and started to practice trinity then god sent the final messenger what's his name muhammad muhammad peace be upon him with the final book which is the quran the quran right so in the quran allah god clarifies that who he is and who he is not that he is not a trinity do not take jesus as son of god or you know god to be as our god to be as jesus and vice versa so quran provides answers to the burning questions that christians may have humanity may have about the guidance about the concept of god how to live how to gain salvation allah tells us to seek knowledge i remember reading that and and bring back the other point about the trinity i have probably like yourself i can't even count how many translations of the bible that i have including some of the greek and nowhere in there that jesus ever called himself god never did he didn't say i am god or worship me right that's a challenge muslims have many times on top of it he invited people to worship who god himself you know in fact it says in matthew chapter six verse number nine his disciples wants to know who do we worship how do we worship he mentioned the lord's prayer matthew chapter six verse number nine he said god is the one that we should be worshiping he's the focus he didn't say you know i'm god worship me i'm in front of you he never said that so the quran also says the same thing in chapter three verse number 51 jesus is quoted in the quran in the law so jesus is saying that verily god is my lord and your lord worship him alone and that is the straight path so masha'allah brother anthony once you converted or rewarded to islam what was the reaction from your family parents or friends um there's a mixture of shock to basically being disowned i and i you know it's i have no ill will i i do i'm not angry um i just try to explain it you know as best as i understand it and uh that's that's that's all i can do because i'd read in the quran i think it was in the second surah where allah will you know block out some from understanding and some people just never understand and there's nothing i can do for them but those that want the true faith and want the closeness to god and to serve to serve god islam is is where it's at that's that's where i belong and it's it's been a long time coming and i've been through a lot to get to this point so i hope and pray that by a good verse by your good actions that you can have with guards or guidance positive impact on your family and i'm going to request everyone to pray for anthony's brother anthony's uh parents are you married no no no okay and we pray that may god give you a pious spouse and pious children right and may god give hidayah and guidance especially to your parents and we i'm going to pray this for you right that may god make you a scholar of islam regard you make an activist may god me god make you a ambassador propagator of islam oh yes most definitely if that's god's will for me then absolutely i would love to spread the word so brother anthony may god make it easy uh there may be so many people who may be islamophobes they may have misconceptions about islam what would you say to them so they can look into islam read about it seek seek the knowledge i i mean we we seek knowledge and so many things that are nonsense and and materialistic and not even of any any great value in the long term you know why would you not want to go and seek knowledge to try to find the one god because i you couldn't convince me different you'd said it yourself we have this moral con this this compass this moral compass in our heart and then you know it's calling out you just have to listen and that's really in a nutshell and which one book that you would recommend them that you read the quran absolutely without a doubt you know i mean it's translated into 176 different languages so there's no there's no excuses to not to be able to find you know your your native tongue in it or even in english it's it's perfectly simple to read it's and very easy to understand there is no there there's no hard formulas in there you know god says what he says and that's it that's it in a nutshell what you see around here we just had a masjid open house we invited our non-muslim brothers and sisters the mayor came the neighbors came you know priests and pastors came and many youth came we had lunch with them socialize with them educated them and we hope and pray that may also guide them so we gave out copies of the quran means the translations of the quran to them right so what was your work that you used to do what do you do what do i do for work i do heating and cooling i work for a local heating and cooling company here in town before ah i was a soldier before there i mean that's i've had just basically my career and that's about it so you're a veteran yes yes yeah he went to iraq afghanistan was in sinai for a while with the multinational peacekeepers long time ago god brought you safely over here and i'm going to have everyone pray for brother anthony i'm going to pray that may god make his heart mind faith strong that may god give brother anthony and all of us you know more knowledge about islam ability to practice islam and good deeds by our good o'clock by our good manners good sweet words also propagate the faith of islam to our fellow americans and brothers of sis brothers and sisters of humanity absolutely brother you
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 131,380
Rating: 4.9371977 out of 5
Keywords: dr. sabeel ahmed, converts to islam, convert stories, american convert story, quran recitation, quran for kids, islamic lectures, islamic guidance, gainpeace, islam religion history, convert to islam reaction, bible quran debate, revert to islam emotional story, revert to islam america, convert to islam emotional, why i converted to islam, women in islam, islamic cartoon, christian convert stories, convert stories to islam, shahada packages
Id: Grcej1Eobiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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