Hokkaido Lake Toya Cabin Stay Experience

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hello everybody welcome to lake toya it's a glorious morning slept very well we uh are on the motorcycle trip as many of you know we are riding around this southern part of hokkaido in a couple of days we're gonna be taking an rv and riding the east and the north of hokkaido for the next uh nine days which is pretty cool we're in the middle of wilderness i love this lake toya is between new chitose airport uh and hakodate closer to the airport much closer it's i guess it's like an imploded volcano that is now a lake it's beautiful we're gonna show you the inside of this cabin we stayed in it's got an interesting name to it it's the um uh canadian club kikutuki and we'll show you around as well as the bikes we have our motorcycles just around the corner here so we'll get to that in about 10 minutes wow you can see the lake down there but it's gonna get even better i don't know what the relationship to canada is but uh maybe we'll find that out we're here for two nights all right enter at your risk were you hiding you're just hiding from us he knows it's a slow pan we know you're in there oh okay what we just put his jacket on um it's a it's a beautiful look oh yeah we see you there good morning good morning sir you sleep okay i did i did better here actually than i did at home my night before the trip started you just did yeah it's good to know that comfortable bed we have uh we'll just get straight to it this is the view i love these screens here this is a magnetic double screen it just pops right open and you walk right out of the balcony and boom you have this amazing view of the lake uh lake toya exceeding our expectations although that there's a morning mist on it so we're starting late because it's not it's not as easy to film when it's this bright and this bland looking but uh we'll be back here and i'll put some pictures on instagram uh it's gonna be great with the drone in the middle is an island the center of the lake if you look on google maps it's striking to see uh and there's some inhabitants on that island over there uh i think there's a hotel as well it's quite large there's a boat now going across i guess to the island maybe not sure this place has amazing food uh we eat in the lodge right next door this actually uh is uh it's a massive leg caldera lake it's called uh as john said toyoko but in i knew i knew it's the kim kim tol which is uh you speak right we just looked it up this is uh off of wikipedia no no no no it's off my source in the mountain lake in the mountain that's a nice nice translation so the temperature is much cooler here because we're in the mountains it's cool enough where we can have our kushitani jackets uh this is uh so what is it just shout out to kushitani i didn't know so these are these are sponsored jackets which is super badass right yeah that's incredible yeah thank you peter for be peter um knows mr kushitani so that was a a really nice uh right nice meeting the other day but we got these amazing jackets and uh we're so happy to be part of the kushita family for this riding in style and these are really interesting because it's like a parka style it's not not a standard japanese motorcycle rather a motorcycle jacket that has all the huge pads it's got minimal pads where you need them but it's also it's also rain resistant and it has these cool zips so when it's hot and it was pretty hot yesterday you can unzip the arm and it becomes a vent there's vents here i like the gear yeah yeah it's really cool and and you show them right the zipper here there's two zippers if you zip on the outside this is um allows air to come inside man we got a big bee in here he'll leave he'll leave on his own he's smart he be sends fear john loves leaving these screens open i do like leaving the screens open check out this bathroom that's we used this might be the highlight of the entire place um no we did not share the bath at the same time that would have been creepy uh but the view is amazing we last night i couldn't see anything was just pitch black yeah little bugs and moths on the windows yeah we have very nice deep tub and we had a great breakfast too are you going to show them the restaurant area yeah we can do that when we we take off let's go show them the bikes here um i mean i was able to back up the footage last night we made our um if you if you're a kickstarter backer this project first thank you and we gave you a 15 minute update on the first day i slept here peter slept there this is no man's land no one shall cross you crossed didn't you when i was sleeping and you're taking them up to the creepy part yeah it is slightly creepy there's a second floor to this it's john's laundry room hey actually i did wash my t-shirt and underwear just and it's uh perfectly clean no than yours gear okay i thought it was kind of if this would be cool if you had kids or something but i think it's kind of a creepy place to stay up here in the the second floor i have theories why that might be so but very high ceilings are you close to the fan another thing that scared me but these windows i'm digging it these stained glass windows are so amazing and uh i guess stained glass windows typically tell a story and i'm not sure what the story is here man and i've never seen a stained glass window that peels though oh is it it's peeling oh oh right yeah well there you go it's a b it's i found the wi-fi peter that's where we're getting the signal from you might you guys could probably get 4k out of this we're right next to it all right let's get down here i want to show you take you outside the thing is i'm a little bit afraid to take you to the um bikes because we have to rely on 4g so this the live stream i could cut off so today we are riding to um nobody betsy stained glass right bob by the way for the auntie toby who is signed up on kickstarter please give us a who are you yeah who are you please let us know because we don't get the kickstarter information until the project finishes so we want you to ride along so we need to get in contact with you so if you're the ante toby contact me there's a forum on only japan.tv or through kickstarter direct mail or an instagram messages there's lots of ways to get in touch with me don't use facebook though because i never use facebook people troll me there and i don't mind getting trolled just ignore all right for those that this is why i don't need an underwear fund okay it's clean i wash them didn't anyone ever backpack i think you made like a hundred bucks came in and super chats for a new underwear and there's no stores around here joy our moderator said people want to see your underwear what you bought with the super chat money there's nothing to buy here okay so i know that we went we went to new loin club yeah you know what i don't even think they had loin cloths today all right we'll take you outside made a tree bark these um i didn't even think i would like these boots but they're they're um yeah they are great for shifting it's great for shifting but they don't have shoelaces which is a big deal they have like these cable things so you tighten it like the reebok pump shoe you just push it in and then you just tighten it like this and you can ride that's awesome pants we have on i showed the pants i don't i here we got the same pants it's very stylish can i kick you in the knees because that's oh thanks oh actually they're kind of low yeah the pad so there's padding inside the pants which offer protection but i also have a second armor because i'm more apt to fall than you you yeah i know it's surprising but yeah they're jean it's urban wear it's urban motorcycle work so you can get off the bike and walk into a store or a club chan look chan hold on can't we don't need an underwear fund you you're wasting your money i have two pairs three pairs actually i found another one one one washed one for backup and one i wear sunday what's wrong with that church today peter has one for i packed a pair of underwear for every day of the week you have a like monday to friday underwear what do you do at the end of the week laundry day then i find a store that sells something well that means you're carrying your dirty laundry i never carry that around because i'm con continuously watching it watching the washing well i'm washing it okay so i never have anything dirty in my bag so your whole bag is nasty dirty i'll have a separate little bag to keep the dirty clothes the soiled linens in soil well i have nothing soiled in my bag sir and thank you chan is for the anti-anti-underwear fund chan welcome to the a new revolution let there be let commando rule that's why he has the bazookas come here see this man's face all right if the wi-fi goes out i apologize this man's face says it all about washing your underwear on the road we're gonna take a look underwear okay i think we're on 4g now um how you doing so just take a look at the bikes here i'm not sure if someone asks what kind of fish are in the lake i'm not sure um we just got here but we had um uh steak for dinner so i'm guessing that wasn't from the lake yeah and salmon and salmon that's probably from uh russia so this is your tracer 900 which is a pretty sweet ride and you guys want to hear it yeah turn it on i don't have my key with me i brought it oh you brought mine yeah wow yeah so what's great about this is it has three three modes um speed modes it's got a standard which is what i used yesterday and it's got a uh a mode b mode and then standard the a mode is like wheelie time no you're not more casual taking to the hospital right okay and uh let's hear it it's a really comfortable riding position yeah i noticed that you really uh were revving it up on the highway yesterday there are some times where you're just out of communication you've got bluetooth comm units wow and yours doesn't have nearly the cojones that mine does oh you know what you don't need it for starter bike starter bike this is beyond a starter bike starter bike's like a moped all right well for ya chan writes in here i hope you're not disturbing the other guest chance jealous because this trunk space is not quite happenable that is a beautiful roar i don't understand oh that's that's hardly a roar john that's not a war well you're a a lion in middle age going down and this is a lion coming up only going to get bigger that's how i see it sir and yes all right we'll see i take a fence and you're telling me my honda 400x is not adequate but how did you feel you felt comfortable on it yeah you know it was it's a it's better bike than i learned on at the skull um yeah we had a hard time finding a way to hook up the um um tank bag because you told me old tank bags are universal then you made me get one that was for a special bite in the end it was universal found a way to put the tank bag on there that's that's right it works yeah and there's a usb charger so i can keep the phone here for navigation and it's always charged i can also raise my windshield right because i notice when you're going 90 kilometers per hour the wind really hits you harder you can adjust your yeah it might be cool to bring it up another couple centimeters but i don't see how we're gonna do that okay um it's gotta be unfolding it's gonna be unbolted okay it's all good um inside there that's the check-in and that's where we eat breakfast and dinner and there's no lunch but there's plenty of places around here i believe that you can if you listen you can hear the cicada cicada and the semi they call them the japanese and you can hear the a bumble bee buzzing these are friendly if you just not if you don't fear them it's curious they're annoying i like bees hey mr b let's go inside quick quickly and show them the the uh restaurant which is so cool all right and no i did not break that i just showed them really quickly oh i was thinking we could actually put a splint on there chopsticks oh right and tape it more so it's like oh it's even harder to hold no let's not talk about something that didn't happen okay segment of everyone's imagination cool cool buildings these all all very deep woods canadian style lodgings yeah log cabins canadian style jason do you live in a log cabin everybody i want to ask jason jason do you live in a log cabin because this looks according to peter this is your culture i don't don't get it either no i was i was born no but i was born in one jason there's always something so what's really cool is it's a very quirky place and they have these wood carvings everywhere obviously this is snow white and seven dwarves oh yeah she's made of wood she's carved yeah this isn't like one of these plastic things that's really it might be chainsaw carving what does that look like to you diana ross of wonder woman i don't know this looks like somebody i know diana ross was a singer and she wasn't white what was her name diana diana carter i don't remember linda carter linda carter okay oh man annabelle they made me lose my train of thought excuse my first crush did you ever have any oh really yeah wonder woman uh but lots of these kind of cool but creepy wood carvings look at this little gnome here diana prince yeah drc thank you okay so this is where we eat breakfast and this is where we ate dinner and uh it's really there's a giant moose and there's a giant moose that's crazy i you don't want to film unless you eat here we eat here we stay here that moose is probably imported from canada jason does that look like a canadian moose is that a family pet stop it that's the signing of the canadian constitution or is that a painting called black watch from gremois not sure a rembrandt but yeah it's just really a quirky eclectic collection of of art there's some uh native american uh paintings over here speaking of native american my ring is native american um i love it it's fun it's a beautiful place and i like the i like the uh combination of styles here it seems that it's definitely a dutch painting because i've been to the museum uh near the end the uh heineken brewery wow i always wanted to go to the uh to the more see more than north america you know they'd be pretty cool to go to right up around canada go see some of the places up in the north um i'm sure it's get some beautiful scenery as well that's neat they call this the canadian club i thought that was pretty cool not sure why we're the only guests here you can see there's nobody in the parking lot it's just a couple of bikes yeah so she it's not an i new name kitatuki is the name of this resort i think it's a canadian thing there's a place in the north called it's not because that's where the molson ice winter party is held or something in northern canada all right i think that's about it guys uh we're going to get on the bikes and ride over to um nobody betsy but it's our first stop onsen yeah we're heading that direction you could just show them their little town over there oh yeah you know you could do the laundry there if you wanted to i have clean clothes canadian club is also an alcohol oh that's true i forgot about that we're gonna ride that way there's one onsen along the the shores of the lake and it's the toyoko onsen but that's the main town which is right over here yeah um and we're gonna check that out on our way into body bits yeah i'm gonna go slow and uh just uh enjoy the ride now my hand hurts i might have have fallen down a little bit so i i have a very stiff hand um but it's loosening up a little bit and uh nothing a little canadian club wouldn't help i think i just need to make sure to stay hydrated as well yeah that's a big deal so thanks for the the tips on that guys and everybody else who rides motorcycles quite a bit it's been giving me some amazing advice and i'm taking it all in because it means it makes a big makes a big difference the audio is is the cicada it's not poor people think some people are commenting the audio stinks because you can hear this hissing in the background that's actually the cicadas that are um saying hello to you i guess rubbing their wings rubbing their wings and saying welcome peter and john to this wonderful lake and then they die a couple of uh days later right you always have to make things dark don't you well there's too much color here it's an overload i'm gonna get the drone up here all right it looks like it's starting to burn off or we see a little bit of the blue sky but the morning was was quite misty we're staying here again tonight and then we'll be here tomorrow uh morning and then we'd ride we ride to niseko which is famous for skiing where you would fit in with this jacket because it looks like a ski jacket just came off the slopes yeah starting to get hot now i was very please it's not a humid hot is it hokkaido is uh yeah it's not as balmy as tokyo is that kanto but uh it's still the sun is getting hot so we need to get on those bikes yeah we do all right let's get let's get packing we got to get our tank bags on and thanks guys thank you a little later yeah we'll be we'll see we'll try to live stream in nobody betsy and bring you and show you the big oni which is part of the postcard which by the way there's a time sale for those who get the postcard in the documentary i'm hoping that people who just got the documentary upgrade and get that postcard that'll make uh dakota really happy as well as us because yeah you spent a lot of time on that indeed indeed all right so you can just go in the door and say goodbye when the door closes this live stream will end okay all right thanks guys till we meet again ciao for now bye-bye i'm just kidding i'm not going to edit just want to get rid of him thanks everybody for watching i also appreciate the support for this kickstarter project we're doing our very best to uh get 500 people we have 401 people as of this morning um we've added on about 100 people in the last week which is amazing and uh our goal is 500 people to back this and we're getting really close to it so thanks so much everybody and uh we're the documentary is looking pretty good already so without that without any more messing around i better get ready as well so see ya um
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 16,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Hokkaido, Canadian Club Kitutuki, Lake Toya, Toyako
Id: JkhkRx8cduY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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