Inside an AKIHABARA Thrift Store | Tokyo Japan

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today we're out in akihabara area of tokyo just outside of the electronics district and we've come to this hard off and hobby off i have a ton of stuff look at that you got an n64 for 77 bucks i have a ton of stuff that i need to find for an upcoming project so i figure that this is a fairly decent place to start so let's head in and take a peek while we're in here we also get to enjoy the lovely hard off and hobby off music so that's something to look forward wow that one's in pretty decent condition but it's 22 000 yeah i've never even seen that controller what is that that is so neat as soon as i get into like the game systems and whatnot i always like there's a ton of them too like you've got nintendo switch ring fit right here for about 40 bucks and the n64 inbox ranging from about 99 to 132 that's actually not bad i really love the north american box and i've always i've always wanted one i never got an n64 with the box every n64 i've ever bought was used so i never got the box so if you have an old box i could also probably just buy one on ebay but let me know and you've got the mini famicom here with a carrying case for 5 500 yen i a wii u for 13 200 i could honestly just look at games all day since we're here anyway let's take a look at some of the game section like this tamagotchi game here what do we got for this it's only 500 yen so it's about five bucks for the time of which you game and an entire game system over here before i got my full n64 game collection i used to come out to these places and go through all of the games like look at this you get an old dragon ball cartridge here again for five bucks i don't know do you prefer the japanese style famicom cartridges or do you prefer like the cartridges overseas i do like the japanese boxes though i will say that for sure like and the tetris super tetris too i just i love the look of it sonic 2 something about that just looks oddly familiar got a tiny little fan here a ton of game controllers and if i'm not mistaken this one here was for one of the original like n64 pokemon mashups i think i think correct me if i'm wrong i know it'll show up in the comments one of the things that i'm looking for today one of the many things that i'm looking for for this project is affordable monitors right now i get moderately priced monitors on amazon for like fifteen hundred yen so about a hundred and fifty dollars considering that i need to buy several monitors this is closer to the price range i'm looking for and we got six months of whole show insurance insurance is not the word why do i forget english every single time i do one of these videos and you got old vhs tapes but one of my favorite floors here is actually the junk floor so let's head downstairs and take a peek now even the store even though it's called even though it says junk it doesn't necessarily mean that it's garbage more often than not there's just something kind of wrong with it or it hasn't been tested or it's not an ideal condition like you get this drum here for 330 yet now i don't own drum sets and i have no idea what will be wrong with it but if you know how to fix things like that up this is the place for you and again you get some super famicom these ones are all like 11 bucks each they probably don't work so if you're like a fixer-up type you could probably fix those up same with these 11 game cubes and the drawers like this remind me that there's not anything really specific that i need or want from the junk section but the project that i'm working on is going to require a lot of little stuff here and there so i still like coming out and checking this like a junk guitar for 55 bucks i've been hitting up a lot of thrift stores lately in fact we just did a thrift store video in kyoto a couple weeks back so i thought it might be nice to contrast that one with one in the heart of tokyo right in akihabara like this here 33 bucks for that guitar and obviously at close to 400 this is not gonna be junk but it feels like we have a koto in here yep those are the uh the lifters for these strings cases tons of audio equipment what are we looking on these mixers here it's not too bad and usually if you can read japanese they often tell you right on it what's wrong with it like either they haven't tested it it's covered in scratches it no longer works it doesn't make sound any of those like these here benji this one comes with the software so it might actually work and i don't see anything on it that says that it doesn't so usually if it's in the junk section it'll tell you it'll have on here why it's in the junk section sometimes you just don't know but the point of this floor is that you're kind of taking a risk by buying anything you'd find in here and so many old stereos just junk there's just something happy about the way that they write it so okay so this one here they're like okay the cd side on all the they got sound from it right and they said the right left sound balance is a little bit weird and uh the volume works so again says right on there i don't need a stereo i don't need speakers but it's always very tempting when i was back in canada i had really tall speakers about this tall and a beautiful stereo i think it was a technique something very similar to this pioneer one here that i used to control everything but that's not bad at all honestly 3300 yen for that and look at this what this what oh my goodness okay so sound works what that is cool oh my look i kind of want that a smaller part of me really really wants this radio again this is the hobby off and hard off in akihabara in case you're coming and you see anything here that you want again tons of monitors and whatnot down here is that that is a hundred yen for that monitor i'm assuming that it probably doesn't work oh yeah that's smashed up definitely definitely doesn't work so i'm likely not gonna find a decent monitor down here but i always make a point of coming out like these junk drawers i could explore and go through these junk drawers for hours and hours now one of the most common things that i get when i make these thrift shop videos is like well why didn't you buy anything during the video and one of the big reasons is i like to use these as kind of a scouting mission i come in i check things out i do my scouting here on camera that way i can share with you guys you get all the raw excitement and energy as i find everything and then i go back and do my own shopping like for this mickey mouse clock which i'm definitely not gonna buy it's tempting but why where would it like what aesthetic of mine does that match and then i come back and do my shopping later on like for this container of fake grass and with winnie the pooh i could match that with my new mickey mouse clock but again the junk drawers and everything here are very very tempting is this just an empty box for an ipod touch every now and then you'll get a little bit lucky and you'll find that somebody's like left headphones or something like that in these and then you just sell it like that this one is empty but this place also has two more floors as well in addition to this one also every single place we go you're starting to get it now right like these if you've watched any of our previous thrift store videos you are always everywhere in japan absolutely everywhere you will find abacus there's definitely some good stuff hidden in here so i'll be coming back down to the junk section later on look at that oh so much fun okay okay let's you can also get a lot of like used camera gear and whatnot so for a while i was thinking of doing videos here in tokyo where i leave a camera somewhere and see if somebody returns it to me like i get up from the table and just leave a camera behind and what i was going to do is use stuff like this because i can pick up a camera like this for 10 bucks and then i can pick up a lens like this okay that's a little expensive actually you can usually grab a lens like there we go 550 yen for that so it's obviously not going to be in the greatest condition but if you leave that on a table at a cafe or something and then walk away let's see what happens does someone bring it to you do they take it do they give it to the staff and i haven't really had the time or opportunity to do that video so if you're a content creator in japan and you want to take that one i give you free range feel free to check here this is also just so that you know this place pictures are okay pictures and videos okay the staff always give me the green light it's one of the reasons that i like here so we've done the first floor and the basement we still have the second floor which is all audio gear and the third floor which is hobby off so let's head to the second floor japan is filled with a lot of great recycle shops as they're called thrift shops secondhand stores whatever you want to call them and hobby off and hard off this isn't sponsored or anything by the way i just really like this shop and really appreciate that they always allow me to film and they're always so welcoming i've gone to hard offs and hobby offs all across the country and literally never once had trouble with taking video i often kind of blow through this but if you're in oh my goodness i had that pedal that distortion pedal was like my go-to pedal in high school i definitely do miss all the music stuff and that is a beautiful guitar right there for 55 000 so around 500 but actually a lot of these are really beautiful guitar okay there we go that's it that's the one right there 66 000 yen it is a little bit dented and scratched up it's not in great condition but i do love the look and the color of that one and they actually have several of those petals as well you get entire turntable sections here and again even though it's not on the junk floor these ones here it says junk right there so if you don't like speak japanese sometimes it'll be written in english and sometimes it'll be written in katakana if you just remember that you'll know which ones are junk and then a ton of dvds and movies over here wow quite the collection of one piece going on here little things like this like this cutter i actually am slightly considering getting this the second hand shops tend to be really really good spaces to find tools and whatnot and a jackery power bank i use a lot of the eco flow products i've never tried jackery but i also don't think i would buy a secondhand power bank because you know you're definitely getting some loss on its power capacity but out in hokkaido i once came across a second-hand shop that had an entire section just for tools that was bigger than this entire store and i was in a rush when i went there so i didn't have a chance to record any of it which was heartbreaking but there we go these keyboards really run the game we got like 40 bucks up here 600 here 160 here one of the things that i'm gonna need i'm gonna need monitors and i'm gonna need a ton of storage and considering the fact that these are currently 55 dollars a piece i could buy like four of them for like 200 bucks and that's incredible i'm okay low-key considering this see the scouting has begun the actual shopping itself tends to take hours and hours trust me you don't let me tag along for that as i google things and run the numbers and i love these speakers though i'm trying to see if they have a price on them anywhere they're hooked up so maybe they're display speakers for now but like for example even these dino audio ones this is 3 000 for these that is absolutely incredible so we're on slightly higher end stuff right here like these speakers as well are three thousand dollars but all that being said this is what the audio floor looks like this is a nice little kin but again 55 bucks and it is not junk it actually it's working wow that's okay let's head up to the hobby off section and see what they've got up there trading cards toys plastic models this is i don't need any of this whatsoever but you know this is the floor that i'm guaranteed to have the most fun on oh this one should be a little unique since we're in akihabara so i exp yep i expected it to look exactly like this and this is this is how it looks wow okay don't even know where to start as always if you are a fan of the figurines this part is for you but they've also got pokemon cards like the original pokemon go i shouldn't be surprised about that but did anybody else have a massive selection and collection of pokemon cards i had thousands and thousands they are still at my house back in canada somewhere and goku has definitely seen better days last time that i swung by canada i looked to see if i couldn't find them but no luck they're there somewhere they are there somewhere and transformers transformers toys side notes are weirdly expensive in japan i don't know why they're not hard to find but they are rarely rarely cheap like this one here you've got a slightly off-color bumblebee for 2000 200 yen in a bag it's not even in box or anything like that and in my last thrift store video we hit up kind of a big thrift store and i apologize for nerding out over the toy section because i always spend far far too long in the toy section especially if i happen to find nerf and everybody in the comments was so kind and supportive telling me not to apologize for nerding out over toys that every full-grown adult should nerd out over toys also this star wars bin reminds me there is a shop in asakusa okay so asakusa is a really traditional area of tokyo but there is a shop in one of the back streets that is just filled with classic star wars toys it is by far my new favorite shop but these star wars toys here reminded me when the like new star wars movies came out they had all these and i completely forgot about it like look at this it's got the comm tech ship and whatnot i had so many of these toys when i was a kid ah did you have any of these do you even know what these are or are you looking at this going what what in the world what is that oh this one's got some weight to it too if they have a little r2d2 in here i can guarantee you that later on i will be walking out of here with an r2 g2 but that shop in asakusa is hidden in a covered arcade a shotengai near a kimono maker that i've been friends with for some decades now and i just happened to come across it and this iron man first off is 44. and second off is incredibly heavy this thing feels like it's just made out of solid metal what is this nothing seems to move it is incredibly solid and by far the heaviest toy i have ever lifted wow okay star wars toys again wildly exciting and the search amongst the cars trains and trucks for me to find some kind of airplane that doesn't have a face on it continues i really i don't think they exist but i do want to try to find some kind of like die cast cessna i have yet to see one if you know of any die cast cessna and you can point me in the direction of them let me know but i'm also really enjoying the hunt and all of these right oh don't drop things all of these right here oh okay i was like none of them have prices on them but they've actually got the pricing system right here so the white one's 100 yen all the way up to the pink ones at 300 yen and speak of the devil a we got all the nerf stuff right over here you guys would honestly not believe the size of my nerf collection the stuff that i keep in my house alone also because we're in akihabara i wouldn't be able to go without showing some of the akihabara made and kawaii culture stuff so these here for example these cards and these like photo cards they'll be sorry i knocked you over i didn't mean to there will be events here in akihabara where people will hang out and trade these cars you'll see lines up out and around buildings early in the morning like seven eight o'clock here in akihabara and more often than not it's for people to go to these events and they hang out outside of the event and trade the little cards and whatnot as is that is that the power rangers droid i can't i can't see the heads so i don't know i believe it is i'm gonna i'm gonna guess it is but if i'm wrong because you get all the power rangers there right so it's gotta be but if i'm wrong i'm sure somebody will let me know and actually there's a ton a ton of them here and again look at that you know you know he's not going to be cheap okay into the die-cast stuff likely not going to be finding like when you get down into here okay into little places like this there's always jets and whatnot but again the jets are very very expensive i really want to find either an f-14 or f-15 for my flight instructor because he was a fighter pilot until two years ago and he retired and then became my flight instructor so that's like come on my flying instructor was a fighter pilot so even though they're a little pricey i always keep my eyes open just in case i come across an f-14 or an f-15 and so many die-casts and models and everything like that there's always models of airplanes they're not hard to find whatsoever like right here f-15 eagle is that how's it gonna look when it's built is that oh my god it's actually chubby it is actually a chubby little i don't know if i love it or hate it i think i love it i definitely love it i do know and i love it and there's a zero oh okay you know when i'm like i come back and i buy stuff this here this is one of the things that i'll be coming back and buying for sure is the little zero oh geez okay all right put those back hide the zero slightly in there and continue on the hunt delorean then right up here near the cash register sorry i was chatting with the staff for a few minutes you have entire bags of yellow yellow entire bags of yellow entire bags of lego broken down into different colors for like five to eight hundred yen each and the last time that i showed a tamagotchi in one of my videos and talked about how much i missed tamagotchi one of you actually sent me a tamagotchi so thank you very much for that that actually kicked off a whole thing where a bunch of my friends grabbed tamagotchi of their own it feels weird to be an adult with tamagotchi but hey we're having a good time and minecraft lego and actually this reminds me i want to show you something on the other side i also meant to show these here like for example this here is a clip for an airsoft gun and it's very weighty it is basically well it's not fully metal but the body of it's pretty much now this is a gas clip and japan has a huge airsoft culture they call it survival games in japan and many of the many of them are very very realistic looking they don't have any laws in japan where you have to like put orange tips and stuff on them so a lot of them are based off of the real models they are not particularly cheap you're looking at anywhere from 100 to 400 a piece for these but they are very very realistic and the survival games are incredibly popular here in japan more more more i don't know why i always go to the gundam my hands just go directly to the gundam all the time i feel like there's always helicopters too especially the dr hilly here in japan there's always helicopters but i feel the more i look the more i'm genuinely starting to feel like i'm likely not going to be finding a cessna i don't give up though we'll keep looking keep looking because if one day you might just come across it you might find it and that brings us into our final aisle of the day which i'll be honest i thought there was going to be a lot more nerve hiding in here so i was slightly anticipating nerf but there's there's not there's no nerf there's a ton of other fun looking stuff that i have no idea what it is a lot of these as with many toys they're just based off of japanese kids shows and tv shows and whatnot have you ever watched that show the toys that made us i feel like i have centering each one of these but it's such an interesting show and just shows that how much of our childhood was based around people wanting to be able to sell toys but with that being said my shopping begins for the day i will link a playlist of other thrift shop videos at the end in case you want to find more like this dude here 7700 yen thank you guys so much for joining and i will see you again real soon
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 693,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, Akihabara, thrift, thrift store, japan thrift, japan thrift store, akihabara thrift store, akihabara tokyo, best thrift stores, japan thrift stores, japan thrift shopping, second hand shop, second hand store, recycle shop, recycle store, japan shopping, japan haul, japan shopping haul
Id: pQ4_zNMvlXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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