Jamie Oliver's Christmas Classics Mega Mix. X

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perfect roast potato it's not just a potato this is the perfect roast potato and if you think I'm going mad it's because I'm mad for roast potatoes crispy outside and fluffy inside we're gonna do it three ways goose fat potatoes butter clementine rosemary garlic and extra virgin olive oil the Maris Piper is an incredible incredible potato fluffy and starchy the peeling of the potatoes you don't need to see that I've got them parboiling in here in salted boiling water they're kind of that size cook them for about 10 minutes the best roast potatoes I've ever made have come from a time when I almost fell I'd overcook them and create your mashed potatoes okay so you need to tread that line very very very carefully I can see they're just kind of thinking about breaking up pour it into the colander this steaming part here now is also incredibly incredibly important it's starting to get starchy see it go kind of fluffy and white and a little kind of flecks and flakes of broken bits of potato these are the things that are gonna give you crispy bits and we love crispy bits and a crispy outside okay really really important in tray number one cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons lower in saturated fats so we love that we're gonna move on butter and olive oil half as much and then a nice knob of butter butter is gonna give you incredible flavor and it's sort of lovely sweetness but also a strong contender for gorgeousness is goose fat you can get it in all the supermarket's three or four tablespoons in there you're gonna get a richer flavor it could be pork fat it could be beef tallow I love all of them but I generally sway for the butter and the olive oil but at Christmas I kind of go for the goose fat because it's so good a little secret ingredient that I do a swig tablespoon of red wine vinegar it all disappear and what's left is a really subtle kind of Tang that just helps make the perfect roast potato then herbs so let's go to the olive oil here getting some lovely Rosemarie put it under a hot tap if you put it under a hot tap it just wakes up the natural oils in the rosemary okay so rosemary goes in and of course best friends with garlic leave the skin on the skin we'll protect the garlic and it will release the garlic nurse very gently the whole bulb of garlic trust me guys then we're going to go to the olive oil and butter sage is a classic beautiful beautiful fragrant herb that goes in and then we've got cumin team you could use any citrus fruit but at Christmas that clementines particularly good just the zest lovely that will make a difference it's gonna be really really good last but not least goose fat just go brave on bay leaves dried ones are okay fresh amazing four five six and then go in with some thyme we're gonna hit these up with some salt and pepper olive oil rose my garlic clementine butter olive oil and sage and bay thyme and goose fat delicious now back over here while these little bad boys are steaming hot right we need to chop them up scratching and scraping the edge your chuffing right I've made it up okay look what I'm doing look what I'm doing wooo see how I've beaten up right so that's good so we're gonna go in while they're hot just mix up all of these absolutely gorgeous so I'm gonna cook these in an oven about 118 hundred and ninety which is about 350 Fahrenheit over the period of about 50 minutes maybe an hour they're gonna get gorgeous and golden and crispy but after about 40 minutes I want to show you the last little tip to make these incredible take the tray out of the oven after 40 minutes place the potato masher on top and then just let it pop and let the lovely starchy inside just puff out and then create a flatter surface area on the bottom and the top just do that around the whole tray and then pop it back in for another 10 minutes you can hear the sizzle have a little shake-up you can see and you can hear there is crispy perfection in the house goose fat potatoes the butter potatoes with the clementine the smell in this room is off the chart and last but not least the rosemary garlic and extra-virgin olive oil crispy fluffy perfect tangy little gorgeous hi guys okay I'm going to show you how to make a really simple but really delicious braised red cabbage it's an amazing dish from my new cookbook Jamie's Christmas with fennel seeds Clementine balsamic vinegar smoky bacon and rosemary people are gonna go crazy for it on Christmas Day or in actual fact any time in the year first up I've got a nice whole red cabbage this is about kilo in weight I've taken the tatty outside leaves off smoky bacon here so first job slice it up and I'm using a kind of casserole style pan on a medium heat so bacon in we're gonna fry this off with about a tablespoon of olive oil then we're going to render out the beautiful natural fat from the bacon beautiful what I'm gonna do is split this red cabbage very carefully in half roughly and finely slice the red cabbage the stalk I'm just going to literally slice up in any old way I think this is one of the cheapest vegetables that you can buy I think personally that a lot of people think that red cabbage is like a frumpy boring veg absolutely no way delicious now I can hear that the bacon is changing sound it's starting to get golden if you look in there and when it's getting lightly golden I'm gonna add two or three big sprigs of rosemary go in and I want the rosemary to absorb all of that lovely fat from the bacon and the rose me is then gonna go really really crispy so look at this guys the rosemary goes deep green and stomachs to go equally crispy just like the bacon I'm gonna remove the rosemary and the bacon with a slotted spoon and I'm gonna leave behind the fat right in here look at that that's all smoky bacon fat I'm gonna take a little knob of butter put that in there we're gonna go in with two teaspoons level or fennel seeds have a look at these these are my favorite spice I use it so often and it's really really good so I'm just gonna tear in some prunes a little hand these have the most incredible dynamic flavor they will completely disintegrate into nothing and then I'm going to go in with the red cabbage do one or two nice apples roughly chop it this will give amazing sweetness to this dish without having to use like loads of brown sugar and stuff like that look at the color guys the amazing purple against the white of the apples I'll add a nice little pinch of salt and pepper and then there's one last ingredient I'm gonna add about 8 to 10 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and we're gonna cook it all away so guys it might seem like a lot of balsamic vinegar but please just trust me when that cooks away it's gonna bring all the flavors together so you got the sweet and the sour of the vinegar and the apples and the prunes you know with all those spices and the smoking bacon it's gonna be delicious so lid on medium heat 25 minutes I'll stir that every five minutes so see you in twenty five so this has had 25 minutes it's a phenomenal color you might want to add just a little bit more fresh butter just to kind of help join all the flavors and then if you wanted to you can just use a classic Christmas flavor like Clementi and that's the last thing the last bit of sweetener that kind of stops the frying look at that it's just a beautiful thing of course cabbage is incredibly good for you but we've made this so desirable so delicious and then don't forget the rosemary and the crispy bacon bits absolutely gorgeous that will feed and a side dish ten people easy-peasy really nice tender but the crunch from the bacon still there and the rosemary an absolutely beautiful red cabbage dish if you want more red cabbage inspiration hit the I box up there Erin Kay's has done a beautiful cabbage slaw with a bit of a twist and don't forget if you have leftovers of this you can kind of redress it like salad and have it with beautiful leftover things like you know your hams your meats in your cheeses and that kind of like Boxing Day fare so there you go red cabbage but not as you know until next time lots of love hello lovely people okay we're gonna make the best gravy in the world oh yes it's gonna be a beautiful thing okay so whether you're cooking beef roast beef roast pork roast turkey at Christmas goose chicken dot game burns it doesn't matter what you're cooking I'm gonna give you principles that will serve you and your family really really well and give you the most extraordinary gravy every single time before I started roasting off this beautiful turkey right here I just had an empty tray just cut up some onions leave the skin on that's fine don't bother peeling the carrots just watch him come up chunky the giblets often come with any poultry get it in there it's the key to incredible flavor I've got some rosemary that's job done now the purpose of that is to lift the bird or the meat off the bottom of the roasting tray and to absorb all the flavors that cook the sticky goodness that cooks out of it we need a little jam jar we need to separate off the fat so fat always floats to the surface if I get a little bit of juice in here you can see the difference here and this fat will keep in your fridge for months and months and months you can put herbs in there if you want it's a blessing in disguise don't waste that so once you got the fat out just put it on a high heat and bring it to the boil okay you want to just reduce down the juices when you're roasting lovely cuts of meat it's good to have a high-sided snug-fitting tray okay if it's just really thin and massive everything's gonna kind of scored you can see because it's a bit snugger and a bit higher see all the juice we've got we've got an amazing juice and flavor now your tray might look a little drier than this and that's fine as well because you'll probably have sticky bits of goodness on the bottom I've tried to break it down to three principal levels to get you from here to incredible gravy do we thicken it do we want to think it with a cornflour which you can use or just normal plain flour your choice it's all good but then there's a couple of kickers we've got Jam here Jam a little thimble cut the teaspoons of jam helps to add incredible sort of silk and sweetness and tang and the thing to rift off of that sweetness is acid so see here acid comes in lots of different forms vinegar Worcestershire sauce balsamic vinegar beer so first up acid why are we thinking roast turkey I'm thinking Christmas pour maybe roast pour is the best thing to do you know hundred mils just like half a wineglass not a lot use this liquid to scrape all the goodness off the side we're using alcohol you cook better way it's Christmas it's Turkey couple of teaspoons of Quinn goes in so this is exciting guys this is really exciting certainly in Britain we love to thicken a gravy we want a bit more body there okay you know for a turkey for a tray this size I'm going to go in with three teaspoons plain flour I don't want any lumps just move it and let the flour soak up all that flavor it smells incredible that's nice and thick now I'm adding stock here guys you could add water because there's so much flavor from the turkey and the giblets I'm gonna really almost overfill this tray and that's why it's really nice to have a nice high side of roasting change basically the longer you leave it to reduce and go thick and dark it will go 10 times more tasty so I'm going to let this simmer now for about half an hour then we'll come and have a look you can see it's really watery and kind of fairly ugly now in half an hour that's gonna be a different story beautiful that is about 20-25 minutes and you can see it looks dark rich is thickened up beautifully so now we need to pass it when you've got the gravy to the texture that you want just simply pour it in and that colander is gonna catch all the larger parts and if you've got lots of sediment around the side you can put some water in and scratch it away and pour it back on the top there give it a little agitation you can put a bit of pressure in there if you keep putting more and more pressure on you're going to get a lot of kind of paste of the veggies and the meat come through that might be a good thing for you or a bad thing depends what you want but I'm really happy with this that's been resting for two hours you're also going to get resting juices it's very normal to have a little bit of kind of foam coming to the top and so a little quick way to be able to take that off is just take your pan to the side of the heat source and if you come and have a look now what that will do is it will boil up on one side and push the scum to one side and just watch me here I'll just go in and just touch the side and you're left with the most fantastic wonderful gravy this now is ready for you to simmer you can cool it down heat it up remember this is going to bring heat to the plate whether it's veggies you know your carve meats and roast potatoes so there you go the perfect gravy the only thing to do now is just have a little try beautiful beautiful gravy that will make people very very happy we're gonna do jerk ham haderach hand jerk as a jerk home you're calm we're gonna do jerk a flavor of Jamaica we're gonna big it up I've got these little hooks and there's enough meat on there for two and a half portions right obviously their hand so they've been salted so I've had these in water overnight so what we're gonna do is make our jerk spice so money I would like to pass you things you're gonna be in charge of the processor over there this is the recipe for jerk three cloves of garlic go straight into the processor together with three shallots three sprigs of thyme and up to three Scotch bonnets whew whack in three bay leaves three little cloves and three-level teaspoons of sea salt and three heaped teaspoons of allspice about three teaspoons of honey three tablespoons of rum and then the same of vinegar now we're going to whiz that up so just press on mama and pour in the free tablespoons of olive oil and blitz blitz blitz so mum put these gloves on right and let's have a little massage yay I'm gonna pour the jerk over the Hox here and mum will perform just incredible massage that she does makes it a lot when the hot cooks up low and slow the meat pulls away like hunts all tender and delicious so I'm gonna whack these in the oven these can go in and like my darling Delia used to say here's one I made earlier now with clean hands you go back in and you can see how the meat pulled away from the bone it's just tender it's melt in your mouth we can give it a little drizzle of olive oil mum you know just the juice of one or two have a little juice that mummy did yes please tiger a little bit of Clementine juice mum Chuck us a pound sweetheart reheating the pulled hock will soften the fact that hardens in the fridge and mortally caramelize the me team up of the delicious salad I love cold and sweet clementines along with some crunchy radish and romaine lettuce really really delicious and delightful a little bit of watercress there we go and at this stage in the game we can just have a little drizzle up some olive oil and balsamic vinegar a little pinch of salt but not too much because you've got that season you know crispy ham and then transform this delicious warm salad with a kiss of some fresh pomegranate capsules so there you go you've got the beautiful warm salad that was brilliant mum thanks so much for coming that was really good brandy lovely people I'm going to show you how to make Hasselback potatoes beautiful roast crispy skin potatoes cut in such a way that they all open up the fan up and you can flavor them in the most beautiful way I've done this for my new cookbook Jamie's Christmas and you can make this any time in the year it's really a printable it's not just potatoes guys parsnips carrots today I am brave enough to have two helpers my little boy buddy okay and this is petal say hello have you ever heard the word Hasselbeck no didn't think so so I am gonna get two of my beautiful spoons I'm gonna lay them down I'm gonna place the potato in between the gap to stop the knife going all the way through so I'm gonna make little slices every half a centimeter all the way down to the little spoon and this means that you don't slip it's really got a perfect effect come have a little look here so you can see what we've done here is create kind of like a crazy little open texture now the great thing about that is it makes more surface area which means it's more crispy and I can put flavored oils in there what do you think of that kids impressed I am using a Merritt piper potato because it's really great for roasting fluffy on the inside crispy on the outside and that's exactly what you want in a roast potato or a Hasselbeck I'm gonna put the potatoes in to the tray and these lovely kids are going to show you how to make a flavored oil so guys do you know what herb this is I'm gonna put a pinch of salt in here to create not just seasoning for this but an abrasive kind of environment and then I'm going to give this better it's a better if you can bash the living daylights out of that create a mush for daddy and that immediately sort of breaks down the herb itself releases the oils flavor and it's gonna give you incredible smells so once you've got a mush then we can add our fat that could be butter Turkey drippings or olive oil so if you can just muddle that slowly rainy circles I'm gonna add some oil to this and this is going to transmit all those amazing flavors so what we want to do now is make sure all the cut sides are facing up then we're gonna pour this amazing oil look at the color guys look at the color and we'll just give it a toss and of course they're absorbing and taking on all of that beautiful flavor I'm gonna put the cut side facing up so I'm gonna pop this in the oven they're gonna make a really good potato but I want to add to it we're gonna take some leftover bread brown or white do you know what nuts these are but you don't yeah it's hazelnut hazelnuts is the nut of choice but you could use almonds take some more of the time I'm gonna pop these in the oven what you've got is really really crispy bread now and you can see how the skins on the hazelnuts have just kind of come off and they've toasted basically we've created flavor and okay there's a nice little tip to come these potatoes here have had 45 odd minutes and I'm gonna use a little brush thyme olive oil Hasselback potatoes now my little helper can you take this tray it's not hot and just pour it in here are you tall enough to get in there it's quite a big ask let's help you and then we're gonna put some cheese in there so just a few little knobs of cheese so if I close this can you turn the button please you can have them chunky or you can have them quite fine and then sprinkle this on top I'm gonna put this back in the oven now about 15 more minutes until gnarly and crispy and golden and sizzling and delicious look at that a great Hasselbeck potato but it's not just potatoes guys parsnips carrots absolutely beautiful so have fun with it let's plate these sexy fellows up unbelievable joy for this is what you're getting guys super crispy and then on the inside super soft super fluffy and of course it it absorbs all those beautiful fats and flavor from the time delicious hello lovely people okay I'm gonna do a little crash course on carving a turkey because when you do carve one of these which also applies to duck goose or chicken it's a really beautiful thing so let's go through the very basics this is the way that I do it first up you've got the wings here which is beautiful sweet meat we're gonna take the wing off first pull the wing help it along just to remove it and at the ball joint just click that off you can either put that in your gravy but actually I know people will love this they really love this it's the sweetest most gorgeous meat in the whole bird there's a second part of the wing here which goes into the breasts look at the juice coming out of it and we can just kind of bust that you can see where the ball joint is just any of that like that and that will come out gorgeous there's the wings we're gonna go in with the thighs now the breast comes around here like that then there's this little bit of skin in the middle which is lightly cut that and then we can just favor it open so guys just with the tip of the knife remove this whole leg then we're on to the breast action we want a nice sharp knife use the length of your carving knife and sort of slow carves take your time really nice and juicy so I'm very very pleased of that you're getting the lovely sort of sweeter meat that's had slightly less access to the heat of the oven and then you've got the top which has been roasted up gorgeous and you got that crispy skin when it starts to get awkward I tend to flip it round to the other side and then that last bit of meat on the carcass that's fine because that's the bit will ship off the next day for sandwiches and bits and pieces like that what you can do is just put a lick of gravy over what you've done here so it's the gravy that keeps this piping hot okay and remember even after two hours that meat was nice and hot this is method number one there's a second way I'm not saying it's better or worse it's just different we're gonna take our lovely turkey okay we're gonna whip off the wing just like we did last time that wing comes off nice and easy so here we're gonna go in between the breasts here you can feel it and the drumstick okay well cut in the middle of there really nicely you can see the juice coming out so of course we can pull that leg away we've removed the wing and the leg just like last time okay exactly the same then you got a little bone that goes down here you can see it in between the two breasts feel that bone put your knife generally in the middle just cut the breast off the bone it's very simple it kind of looks technical but it's really not you're just it's the same as taking a chicken breast off a chicken look at that you got the whole lovely breast coming off what we've got here is you've got our leftover and we would use those but what we here is a whole chunk of breasts and what's lovely is we can then portion control it very differently we can slice it up and some people just prefer this you can go for a slightly thicker slice I've got the roasted skin and the most roasted meat on the outside and you got that sweeter meat that's near the carcass on the bottom so it's really nice for you guys to have the option look at that guy's you can go right over here fan it out like this you can redress it people quite like that it's a little bit of gravy just to keep it super super hot and of course you serve gravy at the table as well so there you go guys two methods of carving a turkey the old-school method at the table or the breasts off and portion control method they're both good new pick what's good for you but more to the point have a little look before you do the big carve up good luck have a wonderful wonderful meal I'm taking you back into my archive for an absolute classic perfect roast potatoes and I've been perfecting my way of cooking them for years first off I always par boil them for about 10 minutes in salted boiling water drain them and then a bit ever toss in the colander will help fluff up the edges even more next up you need the fat extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest option and will give you a lovely golden crunch or you could use butter for a slightly thicker sweeter crunch or if you really want to go all-out you can use goose fat for the thickest crunch of all the kids always do them in a single layer in the roasting tray and give them a good season with salt and pepper want to cook this for half an hour about 190 degrees Celsius 375 Fahrenheit until about lightly golden and then I want to show you what to do with the masher and that's gonna make the ultimate roast potato after half an hour we're ready for some masher magic so what I want to do is I want to increase the surface area the potato has on the bottom of the pan so I'm gonna do that by going around these and just squashing them I'm telling you give this a try and you won't regret it along with the maximum crunch factor you want maximum flavor and I'm adding the herbs now because what I've worked out is that if you put them in at the beginning yes you get some good flavor but the herbs go black and they kind of knock that nice to eat but if you put them in half way through you get much more of a perfume of the herbs first up we've got some rosemary coat that with a drop of olive oil and a splash of vinegar bear with me the vinegar will totally cook away but it's going to give the potato like a kick and then some garlic here this is about your personal touch so put in what you like you could also try time with garlic and bay or even some sage garlic and Clementine zest for another Christmassy twist and then once you've done that we're going to pop these back in the oven for about 25 minutes 30 minutes or until perfect to your eye half an hour's are good and then when you see those babies and taste them best best best roast potatoes in the world and here they are listen beautifully look at how fluffy that is in the middle just almost falling apart let's have a try all really good today is a great day because we are making and not roast and for me that nut roast is about a beautiful dinner a beautiful meal textures contrast sweetness savoriness it's a wonderful opportunity to love your veg we're using some interest in things like quinoa nuts chestnuts spices dried fruit and I'm gonna put it together with a sauce and some melted cheese and lovely herbs and you're gonna love it okay so first job pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius 350 Fahrenheit next let's chop up the squash I want to just dice up a squash into roughly 1 centimeter chunks I want to add a couple of tablespoons of oil let's get the squash straight in we're not going to completely cook stuff in the pan we're just going to take the rawness out and start sharing some flavors I'm using backpack chestnuts here you could get them in all the supermarkets and if you put them in whole and bring them back to life by roasting them with things like rosemary ok they're absolutely delicious I want one onion now let's just finely chop that two cloves of garlic celery we definitely want to start the process of seasoning with sea salt and pepper about half a teaspoon okay in a little pinch of smoked paprika I want one level teaspoon of dried oregano so I'm just going to quite crudely cut up a lovely couple of fill mushrooms about 40 grams of butter now just a little bit of lemon zest gives a really nice contrast our veg here is off the heat now over here we've got a hundred grams of mixed nuts Raziel walnuts hazelnuts cashew nuts next job I need to bash my nuts which is a lovely opportunity for you to get all the frustration in your life out but with good reason and purpose ah nice bashed up nuts I'm gonna put this into the bulk next in with the quinoa and the dry fruit for lovely large free-range eggs obviously the eggs are gonna really help to bind the dish we're gonna go straight in like that all the juices and we'll mix that up I've rubbed this dish with butter and I've just lined it with some greaseproof paper just to make it doubly safe but it just pops out nice easy so I'm just gonna pour this in with the nut roast like this squeeze as much as you can into there so now I want to whack this in the oven for 45 to 50 minutes I'm gonna cook that until it goes golden and crisp and gorgeous then next I'm going to show you how to make a brilliant sauce that I'm gonna sit that on so it's kind of cooking into each other with some melted cheese herbs and this sauce is called Celso rasa picante it's gorgeous so I want to put a little olive oil into the tray I'm gonna get two chilies I'm gonna prick it if you don't prick it they'll explode in your face and I just want to put the chilies in home I'm also gonna go in with a stick of cinnamon some garlic just two cloves I'm just gonna get a small onion here cut it into quarters and then into eighths I'm going to go for this next part of the recipe with some thyme and just take the lovely little leaves off the stalk I'm gonna put this on top oh the nut roast just move that time around til it's coated in the fat and then it's gonna crisp it up and go gorgeous I'm gonna put it to one side out of the heat go in with my tomatoes what we can also do is and just a little bit of balsamic vinegar one tablespoon and I'll turn the heat down to really low simmer it for 10 50 20 minutes to really develop the flavors and then I'll show you what to do with the nut roast next it's gonna be gorgeous look at that tip it onto its side like so we can take that grease proof paper off place this in to this amazing sauce and I'm just going to grate it some nice bits of cheddar and that's going to give it a mazing flavor it obviously melt and go gorgeous we can then put our chili on the top put the cinnamon on the top as well I've got those time tips remember put that over the whole tray pop it back in the oven now for about 10 minutes okay so let's have a little look at that I purposefully let the great achieve go over the edges and let the tomato sauce cook up the sides and when you get yourself a nice plate some mashed potatoes let's get some lovely seasonal kale look at that gorgeous proper comfort food get that lovely thick sauce and just put it over one side of the nut loaf over the kale with a little new season olive oil is an absolute dream there you go it is delicious and I'm gonna try it course you've got the crispy bits here the soft bits there all those lovely veggies let's get right in there with the sour rustic picante mmm absolutely delicious guys so until next time happy cooking as it's Christmas I want to give me some winning combinations that give you a big bang for your buck every single time smoked salmon horseradish every day crest and a bit of lemon brilliant get some creme fraiche or yogurt get some regular horseradish nice and hot season with a little bit of salt and pepper and a little squeeze of lemon juice have a little taste make sure it really kicks a good punch make sure it's hot enough get some ciabatta sliced about a centimetre thick or any toast whack it in a toaster or on a griddle pan and drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil then get yourself some beautiful smoked salmon and just lay it beautifully talk about waves on the bottom like that so simple so good horseradish creme fraiche [Music] some old-school retrogress [Music] and then finish up a little olive oil and a squeeze of lemon so there you go guys a beautiful Christmas crostini a winner every single time give it a go you'll love it hi guys hope you're well Jamie all over here I am gonna give you my recipe for a great Christmas dessert is indulgent delicious beautiful to see it is from my new Christmas cookbook but nothing Alaska it's brilliant for Christmas because you can do bits ahead and put it in the freezer and then when it goes out it's stunning first up short crust sweet pastry I've got plain flour 200 grams and then the other element of flour is almond flour then I'm gonna flavor it subtly with a fine grater and half an orange one egg goes in really lovely rich yolks look at that then I'm gonna go in with a pack of butter about 150 grams sort of generous pinch of salt in here we're gonna buzz it up as soon as it comes together onto a table and I'm just gonna hug it I don't want to overwork it I don't want my hot hands to sort of affect it we'll wrap it up pop that in the fridge to relax on there is lovely pastry that I did about an hour ago I've rubbed this 25 centimeter mold with some butter and I'm just gonna dust a nice clean surface and just use a rolling pin or some cling film just to roll this out so we're always up now just let it kind of go in if something breaks you can just plug it and fix it so once you've done that get a little fork and we'll just put a few little holes this will just relieve any steam that builds up just use some greaseproof paper or some cling film if you gonna use cling film use the cook safe cling film that the non PVC stuff some people have baking beans I have baking rice okay so just push that down then just loosely put this over like that and we're gonna cook this for 10 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius and then after it's done that what I'll do is remove the cling film and the rice and let it have another sort of 5 to 10 minutes so it looks like this what I'm gonna use is some beautiful dulce de leche right we'll just spoon that out and then about ten minutes ago I got some lovely vanilla ice cream out of the freezer and into the fridge and I'm gonna make a layer of ice cream and just break it up so I'm gonna place in the freezer and then I'll show you what's do next so Italian meringue we're gonna go in with 300 grams of sugar we're gonna go in with 80 milliliters of water we just give it a little shake around pop it on a medium-high heat then I'm gonna use a sugar thermometer now you can get these online easy-peasy we're gonna take it to 110 degrees Celsius and then turn it down and let it creep up to 120 I need 5 eggs guys crack the eggs into a dish do you want pure egg whites no egg yolks okay you don't wanna bust them so be gentle we need a clean bowl for our mixer and clean whisk the five egg whites go in I'm gonna put a pinch of salt in here okay so let's get that down for whack so we've got the sugar at 120 degrees Celsius and then we are going to carefully pour it into the machine of course it's really really hot so it's immediately cooking the egg whites and it's gonna give you that incredible cooked bouncy meringue let this whisk for about ten minutes to cool down and make it silky smooth this is what you get at the end of this beautiful journey last bit is that incredible kind of hit of lovely silky smooth banana with the caramel so I'm gonna get to cut them at an angle about half a centimeter by centimeter thick I'm gonna get two parts of lime will use the zest from a little fine grater then I'm gonna roll just to get the juices going cut it in half and then the lime juice over the bananas so we've got it frozen it's hard we've got an oven on full whack about 220 we're gonna put the banana over the top and let's get Spile our meringue on top silky smooth I'm just gonna move the meringue in and around you can try and create some wispy ends and then last but not least a little drizzle or camp coffee which is coffee flavored essence right just ripple it through there she is so we're gonna put this in at 220 degrees Celsius for about 4 minutes she's looking mighty fine get yourself a little Bowl or something like that and take this over rest it on top and it will just pop straight out like that look at that let's get into this beautiful dessert into the middle gorgeous use your knife underneath the slice that you've created we've got the lovely orange and almond crumbly biscuit base we've got the caramel layer here we've got the ice cream the banana and lime and then that beautiful coffee tinted Italian meringue is hot on the outside and around the biscuit base and it's just starting to melt in the middle it's a perfect temperature it's so good welcome back to my fabulous festive food combos I've got beautiful baked cheese flavored with rosemary garlic some lovely roasted croutons and a little dip of sour cranberry and some crushed nuts gorgeous dead-simple first things first we're gonna do some baked cheese what I want to do is get a knife and just score around the top first and then just shave it off like that then what we're gonna do is add some fresh rosemary case have some garlic and cut it into little slices and just plump the garlic into the cheese now what we're gonna do is we're gonna bake this in an oven at 180 for about 20 minutes until golden and it's gonna be fantastic I'm just gonna drizzle that with a little olive oil and you see what happens so once that gets cooked it looks something like this it's almost like a sea of love cheese don't want something to dip into it dead simple go and get yourself a rosemary skewer like this okay then get some leftover stale bread and just tear it up what I want you to do is thread on your little bits of bread do yourself about five or six of these or however many people you've got and bake them both together at the same time about 15 to 20 minutes these will go golden and crisp this will go easy like it has done this is what you get beautiful little roasted toasties takes no time at all and to add on again I've got some leftover sour cranberries and some sort of nuts from the nut basket buddy just crush up just finely chop it all and what I love to do just pull off one of these bits of toast dip that straight into your little bath of melting boozy cheese look at that we dip that into our sour cranberries and chopped up nuts and that really is a little mouthful of heaven even though it's a nineteen eighties trick it's never boring people go crazy for it they'll be thing left rien I want to do a dish but it's so so simple to put together and makes it look like you've been cooking for hours and hours and hours this is three kilos beautiful bit of free-range pork look at that the butcher's scored the skin and taken the skin off get a nice gorgeous covering of sea salt pepper and whole fennel seeds on you joint and then just a little bit of olive oil just to get things going I'm just gonna score that fat on this side and that Liss flavor in as well and I'm just gonna rub it really really nice very very simple do the same with the skin as well and it'll be the best crackling ever to make incredible treacly onions slice up six red onions and let's get that into the pork here this is pomegranate molasses it's a kind of syrup of pomegranate juice it's got that kind of balsamic eNOS I'm going in heavy with about 150 mils of pomegranate molasses and matching that amount with red wine vinegar put the pork on top fat side up and cook in the oven for about one hour 20 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius and then this skin I'm gonna put on the bars straight on the bars above the pork so it just gets crackly and it naturally bastes the pork that's it lovely roasted pork and the best cracklin ever drain the excess fat off the onions and get them in a bowl the molasses if you're wondering what the hell it did is incredible that's just trying onion so good I've got the cracklings here I'm just gonna snap it up crush it I'm getting quite excited now look at that whatever you sprinkle that on is gonna bring a big old smile to someone's face cut and fan out the pork to stop it drying out just drizzle it with some of the juice from the onions then pile that board pie with all the sanity bits so tomorrow's cucumbers iceberg mint crackling chili pork onions come on man and whatever you put that on is gonna be beautiful and then pomegranates okay these little bear boys here cut me off buy this get your hand like that get yourself a spanker and then just spread these pomegranates over the whole thing warm up the tortillas in a pan there's no need to use any oil the only needs to go in the pan for like 20 seconds let's take some of that gorgeous sweet onions and let the iceberg some Tomatoes two beautiful pieces of pork let's have some cracklings pick up the chilies we like the chili yes we do the mint definitely makes it delicious and fragrant pomegranates wrap it up even fold the bottom so the juice don't go everywhere and that my friend is a posh poor kebab and that will knock you into next year weave style welcome back to my fabulous festive food combos you're gonna love this one it's stuffed dates with walnuts time manchego and sandwich between beautiful cherry throw so it goes crispy and smoky so get yourself some dates my granddad always used to get dates keeps him regular open them out like this get yourself a little Warner and just break it in half just squeeze the walnut into it and get a nugget of manchego or cheddar or any nice melting cheese and stuff that into that date and you can almost squeeze it back to the shape it came in get a nice little pinch of thyme thyme cheese and dates works really really well once you've done that get skewer and we're gonna first put on some chorizo then go through your date and then through the chorizo again and it literally takes seconds to do I'm going to do one more date cheese time go through the chorizo through the date and back with the chorizo do yourself a whole load of those up you can keep them the day before or even the day before that when you want them get your oven on to 250 degrees get yourself like an earthenware type dish plop a whole load of these in one layer with a few knobs of butter and some sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar and roast them up for about 10 minutes until crispy and gorgeous and guess what here's one I made earlier sizzling and gorgeous Fuji cheese sweet dates the chorizo goes crisp being smokey the dates goes just gorgeous and doing their cheese's easy a brilliant combo your mates are coming for it give it a go it starts with the philia beef it's so tender go and get yourself about 1.2 1.3 kilos worth get your butcher to trim it up this will easily serve eight people give it a nice pinch of sea salt a little bit of pepper rosemary and beef are the best friends in the whole wide world sprinkle that on the board so there's an even covering and then get that lovely filly of beef give it a little press and that's how you get a really nice even seasoning add a lug of olive oil a knob of butter and a sprig of rosemary to a pan on a high heat then brown the fill it all over for four minutes let's start the chicken liver and mushroom pate it's really simple replace the fat in your beef pan with some fresh olive oil and butter going with two cloves of garlic two sprigs of rosemary a chopped red onion and a pinch of salt look at these mushrooms absolutely beautiful 600 grams I'm using break them up with your hand put your mushrooms into the pan with the onion and garlic and cook down for 15 minutes until softened then add a hundred grams of chicken livers a dash of Worcestershire sauce plus a cat for the truffle oil cook for three or four minutes then tip it all onto a board oh the smell is phenomenal and you can cut this to any texture you want I am quite happy with that I'm just going to go in with a nice big handful of dry breadcrumbs and that will soak up some of those lovely resting juices from the meat next the puff pastry but make sure you get a good quality or butter one I want it to be about the size of a tea towel about thirty centimeters by 40 centimeters keep turning it spread the mushroom and chicken-liver paté over the pastry leaving a space around the edges to make it all stick together paint a little bit of beaten egg onto the exposed bits of pastry and roll it up like this keep it tight snug and then just roll it over again until it's firm pinch that edge and push it down squash the ends with a fork dipped in flour then glaze the whole Wellington with egg wash and to prevent a soggy bottom I'm gonna give it a two minute blast on the hob before it goes in to cook get that in the oven at 210 degrees Celsius for exactly 40 minutes put it on the bottom of the oven I can feel it's nice and crisp which is lovely the colors are amazing after resting the meat for five minutes I'm ready to serve beautiful let's load it up with some nice greens and then the gravy very exciting beef Phil it has rested into that mushroom and it's all kind of cooked into each other there's a real harmony there mmm that is so good we're gonna do a Christmas Sunday using up all the leftover bits of Christmas we're talking about leftover Christmas pudding we're talking about leftover hot cranberry sauce we're talking about nuts chopped up we got yogurt that's in every house chocolate there'll be loads of that around so basically just layer it up mix up the colors mix up the textures and I've got some ice cream to go with a hot cranberry sauce hot and cold it's gonna be brilliant let's do it a little bit of yogurt right in the balm some chopped nuts then go for some cranberry sauce then go for a little slice of Clementine [Music] then we're gonna go for some yogurt this yogurt add a little bit of vanilla extract to put through it and a tiny bit of sugar and some more nuts then some more Christmas put in and a little bit more hot cranberry sauce right flavors few more nuts a few more clementines a little bit more yogurt there's no rules make you up as you go try and use up anything nice and delicious that you've got around try and rip all that yogurt with the hot cranberry sauce then make lemon tea few more nuts and then to finish it off just get a spoon and some hot water and do a nice little twist and curl and then we're gonna finish it off with a little shaved chocolate get yourself a knife and if you just push it toward you like this you can shave the chocolate or you can grate it so simple not sheffy in the slightest anyone can do it they're Clementine leaf and there you go look at those layers go right to the bottom get a bit of everything beautiful simple a lovely Christmas sundae look at those layers absolutely gorgeous [Music] traditional mince pie I'm over it and I'll come up with something which has everything that I love about them into pie and more what I've got there's some pre bore all butter puff pastry and I've got some filo pastry here as well a bit of flour roll it out put a bit more flour on there losing control here me I know but look put on someone sugar that was icing sugar roll it out to about the size of a regular tea towel it's about three millimeters thick you get a good quality jar of mincemeat but what I've got an opportunity to do is I can put some other things in not the chestnuts that means you know I've done and some other sour fruits like sour cranberries now Clementine I don't you bring a little bit of spice in it it's got spice in the mincemeat you'll need to leave a big black paper you know I'm not putting black pepper in mine why not cuz we're not Italian with all that black pepper on our mints perhaps by eyes you put roll it up into a sausage shape so what you get is like a little twister then I was thinking I want to have another texture alright so I've got this filo pastry and basically I want it to cover this tray so I'm gonna lay a sheet here and a lots of melted butter just dab that I want to put it over this tray and I want it to be about I don't know a couple of inches bigger and you can be scruffy about this don't try and be pretty don't worry about this just hang it over I'll just lay it over roughly get the two ends that we're not going to use push them together and just use that to gently push the filo pastry in using that as a little bun a little bit of butter around all the edges and when it cooks that's the low post you almost become like a little train that it's cooked in get a nice handful of almonds sprinkle them on top and then the icing sugar beautiful hmm I'll put that in the oven for about 25 minutes 30 minutes until golden and beautiful and that you just wait will be beautiful Wow that thing that place you almost becomes like a little trade that it's cooked in don't want to get some creme fraiche Gennaro just put me about two tablespoons of vanilla sugar in there big boy continues great meet some commenting on tough cook hit your brand yep just like a shot this thing how did one of two tables put out in a tournament anything I put them at a store when they let Clement Ernie so holds it just a little bit well look I put all this listener I know better on what you'll put inside here just to that lovely flames and fresh in there just click it off you know for me personally that is beautiful and the lovely thing is you can bespoke it you can make it your own this is for me this is for you a little bit of icing sugar no bit Holly one family one that ballet in Essex we stay happy bum up on my bum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] guys we're gonna cook turkey whoa this is one of the biggest meals of the year guys whether it's Thanksgiving or Christmas time you need a fail-safe recipe that guarantees perfect results and tastes every single time really good honest gorgeousness so one of the first things you need to do to guarantee the most amazing succulent roasted turkey is actually get the turkey out of the fridge at least two two and a half hours before you want to cook it I always recommend buying a high welfare free-range turkey which is the one that I'm using here it's not just more ethical their flavor is incredible before we start prepping the bird for roasting we've got to think ahead a little bit and we want a trivet that's gonna make the best gravy ever we've got three or four little medium sized onions these are gonna roast under the bird go gorgeously sweet some celery some carrots you want them quite crude and quite big put a little rosemary in there put a few bay leaves in there and also this is the opportunity to put in your giblets turkey nick is like oxtail the depth of flavor and the collagen and the gorgeousness and the oh it's unbelievable right so we're just going to shake that in that's our trivia done if you want to know how to make the most amazing gravy click the link I'm gonna give you a recipe for basic preparation of a gorgeous bird okay if you want about half a pack of butter most of this will drain off along with the actual natural turkey fat so just rub it on there's no sort of polite way to prepare your turkey so let me just wash my hands and then we're gonna season generously with lovely sea salt so nicely ground black pepper we've got some nutmeg it just fills up that little edge of Christmas half a nutmeg is all you need okay so now let's talk about stuffing a lot of people Ram a load of stuffing in this cavity here and what that does it's not a pretty sight I admit but what it does is it stops the natural air flow going into the bird and it kind of messes with your cooking times okay we want to stuff it from the neck actually with about 600 grams to a kilo depending on the size of your turkey and then just tuck the skin back under like that you would have never have known I've been there okay if you want to see how to make the stuffing for this click the linked place your turkey onto the trivet I did say you don't want to fill it up but just a little Clementine just a little Christmas Clementine put one or two up there and of course you can grab some rosemary or thyme and get that up there as well just give it a little rub give it a little bit of butter on there shove it in there it hasn't stopped the air going in but it will create the opportunity for fragrance and potential and gorgeousness a thing that I would recommend is a thermometer now we're going to push this thermometer in to the fattest part of the turkey and just leave it there it will give you an honest reading about what's happening on the inside of the bird we want you to be on top of that get a little foil this is gonna really help retain juiciness and also protect the skin and I just exposed a thermometer like this super super helpful my medium-sized turkey here is seven kilos on the head calculating the cooking times at 35 minutes per kilo you work out your x guys and get that bird in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius which is 350 Fahrenheit find out more in the description box below don't be afraid to go in halfway through the cooking remove the foil and get a little spoon of fat and just baste the turkey with all those gorgeous cooking juices pop the foil back on and about half an hour before the end of its cooking time remove the foil for the skin to crisp it up so here you go guys a beautiful beautiful turkey this bird has been out for about half an hour it's cool enough to pick up right we're going to just pour any juices out put it onto a warm platter and you can just put a bit of tinfoil over this and a tea towel two hours resting is gonna be gorgeous it's not optional it's not a luxury it's essential so there you go guys that is my perfect roast turkey no tears guys let's get this right hello lovely people okay stuffing mastering the perfect stuffing I want to give you principles that you can use to give you consistency gorgeousness deliciousness bread crumbs onions say just drive through there's not I want you to put your own stamp on your stuffing first up the three basics that you must have onions bread herb okay this will give you a basic stuffing and the way you take it to the next level is by using beautiful minced pork shoulder really really nice good delicious fat and now over here you've got the embellishment things like lovely chestnuts whether they're from the vacuum pack or whether they're roasted over a fire gorgeous and peeled we've got like all those lovely Christmassy kind of nuts that you get just toast it up and crap they're beautiful in a stuffing we really good and dried fruit just a tiny little surprise a sweetness and sourness joy cranberries apricot very good then a little bit of dried chili just to give it background kind of hum no I don't want it to be hot nutmeg which is a classic and a little cinnamon let's go in with a little olive oil and a little knob of butter what we want to do is start to fry off the fragrant things like the sage this is gonna be enough for this whole dish plus a nice kind of 500 grand ball it will go up the back of the turkey or in the chicken or in your roast pork so I sit through the leaves get rid of these stalks go in with about two tablespoons of olive oil butter a little chili a pinch of cinnamon and then nutmeg now the reason for this is you're waking up all those spices half a nutmeg goes in we can turn the heat up so the first thing that's gonna happen spicy oily buttery fat in there the sage goes in and we've got that on a medium heat just finely chop two or three onions the onions will go lovely and sweet the onions into the sage that beautiful okay you don't have to make them super sweet or caramelize just soften them up so give them a shake every now and again you know meats always been expensive so the point of a stuffing was to add flavor make it exciting have different textures but also stretch a little meat a long way we're lightly seasoned with salt pepper so guys turn this off now let that cool down so you can put this in a kind of dish now give it five ten minutes let's get it nice and cool if you look at the one-and-a-half of pork shoulder let's put this into a bowl that's gonna be enough to put half a kilo up the back of your turkey or in your chicken or you know rubbed across the pork loin before you roll it up and then you're gonna have a kilo to make nice and crispy you want two or three big handfuls of bread to kind of stretch the meat a lot further we've got chestnuts here these are vacuum-packed chestnuts guys you can get these in the supermarkets but you could use other nuts as well you can just kind of bust some up in your hand leave a couple hole like that things like apricots are just gorgeous and then things like the dried cranberries totally cool not much just a few and with the apricots we'll just run our knife through it then we'll put it in so when your onions are fully cooled down add them to your bowl and mix it up scrunch it in your hands of course you can use a spoon if you want to but to be honest it's much better to get stuck in if that's just minced pork shoulder then you will need to season good couple of pinches of salt and pepper when you work it with your hand like this just makes it bind nicely so what I like to do now is take about 500 grams of this stuffing it's about 1/3 of it and I'll put this into a dish like that and this I will stuff in the turkey I'll only stuff it in the neck a little flap of skin you can put it underneath don't put it in the carcass because that's gonna slow down the cooking but that will be kind of blonde and juicy it will flavor the meat the meat will flavor it and it will flavor the tray that will flavor your gravy you see where we're going and then with this nice big old chunk here add this to the tray here and then what I love to do is just push it right into the edges when it cooks it does shrink a little bit so you can kind of push the stuffing up the edge just gonna wash my hands just take a few little leaves on the top you can mix it up I have a blend bits of chestnut and a few cranberries you know because you're kind of storytelling on the top and I just think it's really exciting and then a tiny bit of olive oil just so that sage goes from being dry and horrible and it'll go crispy and gorgeous just Pat your little sage leaves look at the color you can imagine the flavor can't you it's gonna be amazing I have a stuffing that's cooked already gnarlie crispy god have a little joy
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 937,673
Rating: 4.8369846 out of 5
Id: cknAs00z-5I
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Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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