Two Greedy Italians S02E03 - The Alps and Arrangiarsi

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okay okay I am Antonio carucha I grew  up in the sophisticated north of Italy   I left fifty years ago but I still love it  dear now I am returning with my old friend wow this is almost a religious oh yeah I am a  generic uptown I just can't believe it I am from   the Sam and the sieve of the sound o sweet o our  love of food is brought us together yes kept us   together just I am really fed up when we grew up  here after the war either he was poor and we had   to rely on our wits to survive are you gonna  give me some milk no you can't thanks that way   we call it a sturdier than just see the art  of getting down on the things I did we want   to find if we can still get by using the art of  an urgency in the eatery of today we are on a   journey of survival but don't worry it will be  fantastic just as long as there's plenty to eat   we are near the Swiss border in duration homes  where the mountains climb to 13,000 feet and   that coveted snow for most of the year Gennaro  Elster's waited me to see if we can fend for   ourselves living by our wits I think it's a  terrible idea if we have to forage here yeah   and find something edibles and so the light draws  heard sits on and mushrooms or do you find it no   at the moment I feel agreed with you Antonia is a  lot to snow you can make a mean ice cream this is   the region of Lombardy they are north of Lake  Como in the sprue a path which connects Italy   to Switzerland it is an unforgiving place and home  to the most Hardy mountain man and women of Peter   Romero and you should have became captain yeah  why not I'm sure they're gonna be a nice place   you sure will find it something to cook why of  them oh what a wonderful lake don't you think   there will be some fish inside most of arena  I will love to go fishing if you look with the   binocular and the high mountain season see some  very animals Oh fantastic I will love to do some   hunting we are determined to get by on what we  find leaving the life of her and just top view   it won't be easy but at least there's one thing we  know how to make the most is probably Portuguese   yeah look what I find I'll call you Swedish  family a porcini I bet you found someone yeah you mover that it may be here  there days one where there go there   echoed that what do you mean to go  there there's a mushroom there I'm   told me up where I've thrown away  on the lake a little bit more left I'm told it there's nothing on the  lever I'm sorry I thought it wasn't   my Baba you sending me far away just to  remove it from you but it's exactly what   I want feels good boy you thank you very much  you're supposed to be my friend you know what there are given is famous for its white food mushroom picking is a national pastime last year  nearly 40,000 people were poisoned women I think   atonic a mic up here they would love to be  luckily we are experts of mushrooms oh yes   any fungus I can really cook for those a cool  money fungus because I got surplus in Kerala   Ali also in Italian McCallum Akio Dena Kadena  means they do nails you can see why bless them   there's no need to Scrabble around the mountains  there's plenty to eat in the open ground I have   to take the younger one that's white you can  see the inside this is so called the shaggy ink   cap because it's a sort of feather surfaces old  shaggy yes I love mushrooms more than anything   almost but I would like some Brasada to go with  them Brazil is the air dried beef of the region   Joshua oh no don't you see general this is the  place how you can learn something stephannie here   is a wonderful man you can do the real result can  you show it to him sure in the old days meat was   skills and preserving it was a matter of survival  it's very simple what we need is salt okay then we   need some garlic do you want to cut the garlic  yeah I cutter the garlic yeah okay we need some   pepper you're very fast I am indeed you can go go  go go go go yes yes some bay leaves yeah Gennaro   bring the salt how much I go go go now you have  to message okay like a beautiful girl girls okay   there is no trouble at all you know sit on it  I don't know anything waste not specialists we   put the meat inside yeah okay so the salt is  for preserving yeah yeah yes it's the action   way of preserved but also extract water probably  as well yeah yeah yeah after a week in this box   the salt go inside the meat and the water comes  outside we dry it and then we put it in a room   with some smoke and fire just to eat it up to  24 degrees 25 degrees very short couple of days   so the the meat lose the rest of the free water  and then we age up to 3-4 months they are already   ate this is a typical crock righto is a natural  cave we have about 2000 here in this area every   family owned as one as one this is very very old  various shoulder shoulder yeah it's more violent yeah thank you this is mode it's a [ __ ] which  is gross on top it's every every cave as different   fungus and every cave gives a different flavor  yes 90 days this is very very old you know this   is very bad which is very good yeah but you know  what I done some work for you yes you think I   could have one of this oh sure you know try to  injure me somebody can i okay thank you you're   welcome oh thank you very much in his goat Oh  Steven accuse more meat than he can possibly   eat pipes out and in other caves there's lots of  cheesy my children - so he's combined homemade   produce with ingredients he finds in the forest  and turn them into a Michelin star now that's   making the most of what you have got grilled my  porcini mushroom served with a pine shoot cream   everything wild second dish we have mountain  potato cream with some pumpkin and chips of the   same potato and some flour that we pick up last  summer and the last is we call it a black tahini   we don't use the squid in green we use the black  blueberries Wow we mix the flour with blueberries   nettle sauce and grandma on one poutine you  collected one yes this summer yeah and then   look to what your fantastic dishes might be not  on ah it is incredible yeah this video legacy my   goodness I love it yum yum yeah Stefano inherited  his skill of Allen Jersey from his grandfather a   freedom fighter in the Second World War what kinda  man was your grandfather Stefan my grandfather was   one a captain of the partisans that stopped the  German column in which was really was hidden the   partisans wanted to have Mussolini and assured  the Germans that they bring them to the border   if they give Mussolini to the partisan but it  wasn't responsible for killing no then they   bring muslin to Miller to me it's all command  from your grandfather - yes it is incredible the mountain men who defeated fashions here survived  on what food some of the most delicious salad   leaves are herbs that look like weeds perfect for  his salad fit for a partisan I have a contribution   to use us elope wild contribute look at this Oh  what is it any bit of dandelion yeah any bit of   some wild sorrow little bit taste is very good  and there'll be the Queen mmm it's all wonderful   for this look at it this is a natural continue  price you need somebody like me oh yes the man   yes brace our last salad okay didn't start okay  first thing first read what actually will do will   give a nice crispness to the salad okay first  I cut a me in a small cubed cross Tony G panic   yeah that's good nice olive oil thank you you  got a thank you yeah but this nice little bit   of a wild rocket but you can use any nice crispy  salads which is good the soul is don't you didn't   get this hello this one yeah yep this fantastic  radishes the radishes I give the lovely little   bit of pensions yet you cut it just roughly cut  yeah yeah in quarters it's fine then go see the   lovely color X let's see this new soft it's not  too soft that you quote it or carpets yes yes   that's of course on top so and now the Parmesan  cheese yes but then shave it this shame it oh   there's not finished yet it's some nice olives  olives that's good and for addressing you need   fresh garlic and good olive oil 3 tablespoons  of olive oil and 1 tablespoon a nice white   wine vinegar if you don't have white one is red  wine he works as well then little bit of salt it works you love it work is what cause it's  working okay the croutons they already already   at the system resound fan fans think I'm gonna  put this to your slice like good a buzzer now   on top a little engine are now down to listen  let me just make you something nice for you   mom mommy he'll never give me a chance I'm  gonna make me look in pleasing you never I'm   angry give me the croutons I loved the croutons  something crispy nice gonna put just a little   extra one of a parmesan on top let me see come on  dinner I must admit for a change that's very good   we are entering the bartolina in the alpine  shangri-la of wine and food the red lines   here are superb but the wines only tried on the  sunny south facing slopes this area here reminds   me so much my home where I grew up Bavaria  Ulster Valley it's all like this including   the little villages in the bottom of the valley  every fertile age is exploited by the always then a person makes their way stop I mean here's  water as well look at this yes make it quick yeah this crepe will be turned into wine costing 40  pound a bottle but right now we are starving all that to wonder but it's full of  sulfur yes it's alright nice alright   you can leave it like this here to wash it  is the motorways in worship we're here this   here don't you turn the thing that becomes a  gentle water this changes Antoni walk drive   Janeiro you're wonderful only generic in  those things I did no no you look silly   yeah thank you that's me you mmm I run John  see it's sweet yeah I want to go from here sweet that's wonderful the valley floor was  once a lush mountain pasture now it's a hype   of commercial activity to not look at this my  goodness one little factory after the other and   mostly old doing preserve do you know that 90%  of the bazzara consumed in the world California   in the vault aleena they are still preserving beef  but this day is not to survive the winter but to   sell as an expensive delicacy all year are making  here is big business if we are gonna get some of   this we have to work very hard for the brizola  here to clean the fat better feel for the middle   aged yeah sit up on my quantum razor leaf at the  edge or the one Wow Julie Laurie amo Isetta - a   llamo chica did jimmy lebra's Allah for Allah al  aliy no no no no not chiku Mila Pavini a city man   a super noise can be any type is the Euro pay  and I purchased American so mr. Paul McCartney   the original franchisee yes thousands of tons of  beef flown in from the other side of the world   it's modern Italian Aaron Jersey I prepare  my food local but we beggars can be choosers okay let's do another one because this is what's  broken come on come on they love everyday the   boss wanted 250 of these in an ex our forty  pound a kilo dad's is ten thousand pounds worth Oh Godzilla wants to [ __ ] up a trot along that's it  over there to Grazia Oh Janelle would you like to   taste every bit of your reward all over we like it  Oh Missy let me cut it anymore at least and Hannes   they were discouraged we are heading for Sunday at  the top of the valley to signal a friend of ours arranged our seats has always been a way of life   here but there was a time when it  was a matter of life and death we   have time to meet to War veterans who  put our efforts at survival into Party Chairman and avant anvil a hospital in the  starter Party Germany 90 years old and she   was partisan real partisan parlez arrange  our Seco sovaldi a circle rebecca banheart   university watson derringer she was equivalently  didn't Queen Cristo queer-looking condiamo no in   temple de Guerre principal Weaver Alabama's  defeat Molitor is very odd in Tootsie Talia   Narada Manjari nine children mythology relevant  in the current Trek Wanda Kazuto governor who   will commit quality to T military Johnny  not son interacting at Reshiram so no the   new year I see some dark element an amoeba  new Thomas kindaichi Purdue en need oh ah   do you survive coma FATA sobrevivir angel  amo kaalabhairava renewal see yo couch even   vestido elantra Madonna Vieira John uncle potato  potato Devorah potato before oh man Joe Alabama we have it is so fair to molto perfidy mother  you know a [ __ ] your temple during the wall   around 45,000 Italian partisans were killed  by the fascists I price to pay flower freedom   today new jersey i party chanted to the party  sent all over the world bella ciao ciao ciao peasant life during wartime was hard for  everything yet those mountain   people got by on few ingredients and still  produced a dish that is world famous today   so do you know what I ain't going to go general  yeah if dr. E is the only body when they do this   and this is because they couldn't grow wheat  but they could grow back wait the buckwheat   pasta is this one here and it's a sort of form  of tagliatelle it's any egg inside no no just   water that's good yes for the local grown Swiss  chard nice I love average all right mmm you can   cut it in small cubes okay I show you how to do  this we put awake the stalk take away just the   greens which is for the family of the spinach you  know that hmm yeah an urgent the guty of this is   that we cook everything together a little salt in  the water then we put the Swiss chard cabbage yes   tell me one so we put now this as well my lips  and the potatoes as well you know together this   is a fantastic dish because you don't need to  work a lot and now the traveler narrow which is   black cabbage so this fantastic thank you and we  put the pasta to cook together with that then you   just boil the ingredients together for 40 minutes  Gennaro now you can cut me there cheese will be   fine coma which is fantastic it has an aroma  that is really oh this is a good old you know   what it reminded me teach yes fresh hey just a big  harvest I put them in a stable you are poetically   well this is what actually the smell is lovely  country now let's see yes it comes let's see   potatoes yeah they seems to be cooked taste tell  me it's all right perfect because we need to bike   yes I know but his agent need to be cooked this  is just as al dente' don't interfere you know I   don't interfere now we put everything cooked all  together here what a lovely color that's one or   the smells very good can you cut me this garlic in  slice give me the butter bacon about yeah half of   that is this is Alpine butter it's very good what  shall I do with the garlic it comes here and he   goes yes Gennaro look at this what happened now  now 300 grams of cheese put it in yes mmm first   very promising another layer it's so simple  okay happy yeah good more parmesan yeah now   Gennaro you can put it in the other thank you very  much Chuck what a great job you got me to do it now leave it in the oven for 20 minutes this is exciting Wow look at that that's a  fantastic thing no look at the cheese dispenser the combination of cabbage and potatoes and cheese  is my boy Oh simply stimulation no bad wine for   our enchancia now is good did you arrange a  Z did you borrow it yes I did what have you   we need a place to stay tonight we can bank  up in the company we could do one more chicken   when I was a boy making do like this was not a  matter of choice we were very hungry and after   the war it was very much to eat we were as a  children just happy to go into the fields and   borrow things somebody was stealing a cabbage  from the field somebody was bringing a bowl   somebody else will being able to bread vinegar  and oil and be the salt somebody perhaps could   have some anchovies in it and fresh bread  cutting the cabbage very very thin and you   can imagine to make so tea with that that  was for us just fantastic food caviar that   was really orange acid the matter so you find  mushrooms wonderful this is the nebula rays oh   this is very good through it they would bruise  their fantasy look at Li the color oh the smell mmm is it good that is any toaster home give this  smell of the wonderful pioneer do you like it I'm   Tanya says I'd like to live off the land all  night but I think it just like to leave off me what is that Antonio I come inside would  you know general a beautiful morning in   the world a little music the cows gonna  give them a lot oh no you look like Maria   perfectly just what's gonna make you happy  yeah do you do I mean I'm lucky happy which   one of you gonna give me a nice milk are you  gonna give me some milk no your car knows you   can't well can you tell your friends to  give me some milk can you can we do that you know what so Nicole's I say all are you talk  Chubby's on your puppy no dell'arte see I'll tell   you are you trading again did you what what is  yet first you yeah and then you get the milk I'm ready we have come to the right place  brothers Luca and Juliana produce their own   fresh milk cheese and butter milk cream which  now I will put mix Audia be an interpreter in   the old days they would churn the cream put  ours by hands these days it takes 20 minutes   the liquid part call it the lucky cello yes  what you do with this melody cello normally   we use a lot a cello to have a ricotta cholera the  ricotta which is the world Antonia we cooked the   miracle again cook the gang yeah that's good  a very excited general also I am very hungry this is a good work yeah you are very clever  your majesty sir let's see I'm gonna just   put a finger in it okay I don't think that  is any more look but there is a little bit   the freshest but ever very slowly oh that's  perfect well thank you thank you the matter   now we can add breakfast an Alpine breakfast  wouldn't be complete without a little throat   here happens a larger tea general he  had be careful that the owner hasn't   come why don't you come down and collected  somehow I prefer to do it from here you know Topol Antonio the Americas well imam al-ghazali was a I   never had a better breakfast to  Luca and Julia oh yeah welcome it's fantastic up here the food is simple and life is  uncomplicated this is my sort of Allen Jersey it's too high in the Alps to grow wheat  steep for me here so since the Middle   Ages the locals got by on flour milk from  chestnuts yes they're very good fantastic   know what I'm gonna make something your kit  for you we need the eggs don't worry we form   the ayats what you wanted me to find eggs  look on the three F ucking find the nest and Tony want something to eat for the gnocchi  are bored guzik now I just need some flour they   used to be under stone water mill in this  valley this is one of the few left steel   mill adjustments to make the chestnut flour  first you've got to break off the shells this water mill may look simple but the  technology was devised by a genius and   they are not so much work now I gonna shake  off the husk just leaving the chestnuts now Gennaro massaged the local Miller to crush  his nuts thank you have you seen this machine here Chester they're coming there 200 years old  bill can you imagine of the old days this   is what I used to do me all day because  the only thing that fantastic flour to   make bread to make pasta to make all sort of  thing how many family these chestnuts are the   defeated it isn't working yet their possible  face of the Chester but as marvelous to see   something like I just love it this chestnut  flower is range sweet and pure flavor that's   lovely flower is the real flower is say  you don't want buzz doughnut while the   cuesta molto Buono this is just a province of  rental operon Sakura grass here the tube top   Thank You Bella Yuto arena brats yeah Marina  riri-chan Marino no tend of death no bad that   well I think Antonia done very well be  careful the steps here goes I know you not a notch with Antonia and I've got everything  I need to make a lovely gnocchi with just that   let me show you what I'm doing I'm gonna  have this potato which are just boiling   now and there we go squash me right through I  love the little spaghetti ah yeah Semyon it's   not finished I know you don't need to move the  potato I said I'll do table D do can ever that   chestnuts cloudy sky beyond you just put a mist  other than years now you see emails nicely yes   just a little bit not too much okay yeah and can  have about ordinary flower Antonio because just   looks cloudless nice but you need to be the body  with all the new flower this is double zero just   a little touch here a little tight in you don't  touch when it's done like that yeah the egg is   too far too big you use only there yeah I move  my goodness what kind of a name is that ostrich   it is guzik Guzzi just use up yes i mix it mix  it well just a little bit more a little bit more   and up i say that's good now you mix it nah oh  yeah oh yeah and I've got some dry mushrooms for the sauce are socked porcini and water  sweated garlic and there's a tomato was   wonderful all day and waiting for salty okay  okay you complained all day the sauce don't   want it the sauce is no burning I am cooking  I am in charge you eat it okay I love what   I'm doing all this for you yeah nice ready  the water is boiling stock you don't coming   up why do you bless all the time because  I don't bless it because a locket copped   a Yaqui for couple of minutes mix with  source and Alleluia Kannamma [ __ ] for   me is there Thank You Lera made only one  and then I look at me no just look at me actually Daniel Ghita I must admit general it's  incredible then I can taste the chestnuts here   they're fantastically they would have  just a little bit more salt so what I'm   doing the look Aaron Jesse Oh finally  that's fantastic now shall I say mercy I'm Tony oh yeah you know we're gonna sleep  here tonight did you see the way they all know   what what do you mean I mean I got a better  idea them was a little bit be back there this is really my type of urgency I should think  so this is my castle leave that bloody temper   there and I can't understand how people that have  even a camper when you have something like this   you know what Tony they said oh great will you  come on response sleep well yes you do thank you our chassis no I'm sorry not to mine Oh another day in the ABS and Gennaro  says we've got to sing for our   supper oh brother breakfast food  food I can see food on the table we have been invited to join the hunting  party would be rude not to try the food is incredible such a lovely intense flavor  Antonia we are here make sure Switzerland   and yen at the border there you quite a lot of  wonderful trees what Jesus is for magellanic   for much the nice and the pie cheese let me taste  it then I tell you no color very old aged Gizella   this cheese is wonderful it is increases I don't  have to go round the collective wild food for you   there worry I know equity we tasted one wonderful  Jesus in the boudoir kilo calorie natural viagra in the old days the santur would live off the  land to support to their family but now they   do it for pleasure the only wish now that  you can have here is to have a good hunt I wanted to know if I can still answer for food yeah it's just gotta find out as Janeiro has a  gun in his hand I am sitting tight with Marco   Marco it's a figure he is very popular and he's  the most wonderful poacher of the area but was   there a larger Native American Kosovo hell are  we doing wrong Rock a channel around 40 years   ago they started to come here because they wanted  to be in a paradise of hunters so the for 40 years   I've come here to poach to shoot in my opinion  a camellia judge to escape their wives it is   wonderful when I was growing up in south of Italy  my father 23 art want dog the dogs on the pheasant   pheasant I missed luckily not the hunter is not  rusty as I am remind me when I used to be a little   boy with my father when we used to go hunting  Plessey we used to ante not just for the satish   fashion but also that was food for us my father  never shopped what it was more it just enough and   we have to share with other friends sometimes they  let you say yeah you take it you got big family   just to bring it home my mother used to clean coke  it drops by the evening oh my god what a memory   I got a free lunch cookie for the hunters easy  food you have a grown cold or shocked yourself   always that's the best to the defendant which  we shorted it are cutting me in pieces then I   put some so then I will put some pepper you know  just makes everything that I will put some flour   the reason I would play with flour inside because  just a little bit because I wanted it to created   a kind of a crust on a pheasant three ingredients  maximum flavor go garlic which are are crushed and   one chili and rosemary then olive oil make sure it  is very odd person seal it one side and the other a few more pieces you can do this one with the  chicken as well with the rabbits as well you know   all kind of a game and poultry I got nice pancetta  if you don't have a punch it is be the bacon just   to give it an extra flavor yeah just put them on  top it's gonna put some garlic in this which I   crushed little chilly this is not very hot dry  chili fresh chili look at this rosemary lovely   fresh just picks it up come up a cook slowly for  3540 minutes it's about a glass of wine or two and   few ingredients maximum flavor inside the hunters  are cooking the local state polenta but it's not   like any polenta I have ever seen they don't  have cold but they still may do with what they   call black polenta so this is back quick polenta  with just water and a bit of butter nothing else first time today this bullet  very good general ready yes a lot yes you can hear me me sector yes yes  did you shoot that bird no they shot the bass   you'd image that's your text and what did you  do with it I cooked the birds they're coming   up all together they make this polenta which  takes some times of this fantastic read but   there are very nice bunch of people after the  war getting by up here near the Swiss border   involves something else Dimmie Giacomo Marco  sermon Jessie quando Chisora the interested   ever see Ron Austar La Trobe fellow system  of the air and Jessie procure our sequel   Kosala it's very very clever miss Mogollon  when two countries they a different system   where the economics is slightly different  the orange RC is to go to one side brings   in to the cheaper to the other a quest to put on  important economy that was smuggling of coffee that's very interesting they were all goods  that they were much cheaper in Switzerland   musician Antonia he said what the queer cigarette  cigarette why cause the smuggling of cigarettes   unbelievable also women I can adorn a Turk a  little photo use TT no so in this picture he   has is shown how the ladies they were taking  the seals either the house of them their pens   the women concealed contraband under their  skirts and where mules tombs I will look   at this one Antonia report a cigarette look I  can't believe it in places where you can tell here in the Alps feel such a long way for my  place near Naples like me pizza come from the   south but if I adapted ingredients like  they do in a note we will get by so you   know I wanted to remember a little bit to my  hometown like a pizza pie here they actually   make nice bit so they called beats about tele  nazar so what do you do now okay then inside   here I put 500 grams over strong flour you  need a strong flour to make pizza and then   I put up roughly about 10 grams of salt yeah  mixing properly the salt and the flour and yeast then you mix it yeah tell you I made  a mess so many time then you add water shall   they hold the thing yeah yo the old oh you know  you're good and then you mix all together there's   nothing to mix it doesn't take very long oh  yeah at this stage covered and leave it for   about half hour after hour power you get  the door you work are you make to a little   bowl when you make a little bowl like that  you let you rest for about nearly two hours   the pizza dough is ready so that's why it's  called fast food yeah no really put a bit of   flour on a dome press it this door you never  for certain the pizza has quite some mystery   behind it it's a lot of mystery why appears from  the Arabs by the Italians Peter you know now we   need to put something on top yes what creme  fraiche creme fraiche that's it's a novelty   for me it's a crew viejo yeah I like the air I  just love it it's such a good cheese mozzarella   coming from the south so I make you do for  some Gruyere olive oil look at this spread what is this ami just don't top but I put  it flat because always it burns there okay   yeah ladies okay better better Tony little  threesome olive oil again oh yeah you got   nice fresh oregano now it's ready to go okay  all right yeah put him in [ __ ] you say 1   2 3 look at that yes perfect perfect pizza  that looks wonderful lovely still bubbling   allow allowed deceptive pizza yeah looks  good nos beta fresh oregano nice let's see yes Oh No yes we have learned how  people used to survive smuggling   fighting and scraping and living from  the land and via met people were adapted   to strategies to hit by in today's  world I got to enjoy the landscape and now I've just one last wish fishing I would  like to read the trout I can old fish you roll   that back Jenner has proved himself the ultimate  Boy Scout bone survival the small one come on   come on I need to feel Antonio bingo very far you  know when somebody is in a situation that said oh   I don't know what to do and somebody said well  Ranjha t just just get on with it and general   can I think cover if I was to happen because he  has been brought up on the road it was swimming   instead instead of going to school and he grew  up in the most natural of the way so he goes   picking anything he does really wonderful thing  actually come is be the cheese at the end come   on geez I'm cheese stop I don't think that like  very much cheese as a plenty fish and I can't   get any general and I'm angry yes yeah yeah no  fish no matter there is always mushroom thank you generally poodles will be the sole wonderful  they shouldn't be caught just a bit suppose   counted they are fine it to clover gonna hear  when they yeah I'm gonna get another one so   simple this stage I can't wait to test it garlic  little bit of cheetah you amateur like Chile Oh   quite quite a lot quite a lot energy sizzling  is easily Sicily nice I'm the honey fungus kind   of fork Antonio yes here don't break them they  are lovely the biggest mushroom they reduce to   nothing you know there are about 95% water Gennaro  that view and the smell makes me really very happy does the pasta man oh that Italy is the country  where with just very very few ingredients you   can prepare a speciality look at this yes  yes I know as long as I am the general we   will always get a reading believe and that  will be a wonderful page of personal ideas   for the two greed Italians can we toast the  Antonio to this beautiful day your friend next time we opted the Eternal City Roma  to see what he means to be a man in Italy   today system denarii you lose them we will  find out a fatally is still a man's world   yes five five wives with this AO and we  will be eating lots of delicious food back   in the kitchen with the great and British  menu here on BBC HD tomorrow night at 7:00 you
Channel: Flaming Hedgehog
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Id: xPwUeTpysyQ
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Length: 58min 57sec (3537 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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