BEST OF BBQ | Jamie Oliver

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hi guys okay so we're gonna do a really simple but delicious lamb kebab it's a really lovely ritual to make a kebab you can marinate it the day before but i want to show you the ones that i like to do which is when you go for a walk in the park or if you grow it yourself get a rosemary skewer right and what you have here is a fantastic natural skewer and what i want you to do is get a knife and a slight angle like that and happy days okay so let's start with the marinade guys this is gonna tenderize the meat it's also gonna flavor it let's start with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil the juice of one lemon goes in i like to season it with a little salt and pepper herbs like bay leaf is really really nice i just remove the little stalk like this and then these leaves you pound those up they're going to be amazing i'm going to put the rosemary in as well because we've got the skewers i want to use a little bit of salt in there so it's nice and abrasive and we're going to smash that up to pretty much a pulp it's so nice the smell is fantastic you have to have a pestle mortar because this is what flavor is all about and it's literally the oldest kitchen gadget on the planet and you don't have to plug it in a couple of cloves of garlic so just lightly crush those and then that will start going a little bit more soggy so that's what it's all about that will absolutely make all the difference and transform this beautiful marinade we'll mix this up i'm going to put in some amazing spring lamb which is tender and delicious they're cut into inch chunks this is enough for sort of four to six nice sized kebabs and at the same time i want to add some veggies so i love you know just having some nice red onions to cut them into quarters and what will happen naturally they just break off into little petals you can have any colored peppers you want the lambs an inch then i'll go about an inch on the peppers and then it's going to sit beautifully on the skewer i've got my little chilli here just going to remove the seeds the hot part and i'll just cut that into two so some lucky person will get that the one thing i forgot as well which is from the garden which is really really nice is oregano when it flowers cut it tighten a knot hang it up near a radiator or window and you get this fantastic dried oregano we're gonna give this a nice little massage up so once you've mixed that up guys i would love to marinate that overnight oh it makes all the difference i'm not gonna do it today right and it still tastes delicious but overnight makes all the difference please do it so let's load up our wonderful little kebabs and mix it up so meat onion i don't want to tightly pack it too much i want the meat and the veggies to have access to equal heat and temperature so let's just load these up just a lovely simple kebab of course you can make it with chicken pork beef different veggies getting that on a plate is a beautiful thing so look i want something to put my kebab in and i want to do this lovely little flatbread for the dough recipe click the i so here's a very simple dough and just cut it up into four so we got a kababs we've got a lovely little flat breads so we have our regular barbecue here and then i want to mix it up because i'm going to use just a regular metal bowl put that onto the bbq that'll get roasting hot very quickly and then what i want to do is just roll this out you can roll them out sort of like a centimetre thick so because that metal bowl is quite thin it doesn't take much time to heat up a tool and we're going to lay that straight over like that we're going to put our wonderful kebabs on so they'll go straight on to the barbecue and we'll really take care of those and love them so let's have a little look at the bread you don't want to kind of rush it but it should just crack off look at that it's like a little bowl of heaven so you can see how quick that was to cook i've just given it a little bit of heat on the other side use rosemarys also not just for skewers but use it as a brush and does it make a difference it absolutely does make a difference it really does look at that guys it's beautiful and then of course you can put in some salads and then i like the red cabbage just feels so vivid and exciting some mint leaves are just little fragrant little surprises so the yogurt there just laced with mint so good delicious we wistfully remove the skewer leaving you with the wonderful bowl of goodness that you can just roll up and squeeze and squeeze and then put it in your mouth and enjoy [Music] hi guys hope you're well so as you can see i've been barbecuing and covering myself in food but i know you guys have got barbecue questions and i am more than happy to take them answer them and hopefully give you a little bit of inspiration go for it there are so many things you can do with vegetables on a barbecue there is the quick cooking so slicing very finely and grilling a lot of people think that you should make a marinade and brush vegetables then barbecue them don't do it please don't do it always cook the veggies dry it will bring out a really beautiful nutty flavor and then off the heat as they come off put them in beautiful oils vinegars or citrus herbs chili also if i'm ever barbecuing in like an open fire like a pit in the ground or something like that ash is amazing amazing for cooking things like potatoes sweet potatoes pumpkins you know in ash amazing so you know you obviously get very high temperature and you get very low temperature and you can use them both to make veggies truly delicious we all love a burger and this time i reckon i've cracked the ultimate one my friend christian is an expert in all things barbecue so he's come to help me cook it and eat it first up go to your butchers and ask him for chuck steak it's got incredible flavor it's the classic meat for a classic burger divide it into four so that's 800 grams here that's 200 gram patties you want to make your patties just a bit bigger than the bun because you will get some shrinkage i'm making two pickles with a few crinkle cut gherkins and a little bit of chili plus a second with finely sliced red onion white wine vinegar and a pinch of salt i'm going to do a bit of a j sauce okay two heaped tablespoons of mayo one tablespoon of ketchup worcestershire sauce important a little swig or two tabasco i love this the chipotle rocks and then a little tinkle of bourbon okay and just a tiny dribble of your onion vinegar iceberg when it kind of gets dressed in that it's kind of like half soft half crunchy i'm nicking this dude this is really good are you happy about this i'm really good let's get grilling pack the burgers with oil then season with salt and pepper you can see already like the fat's starting to cinder off hit the coals and that's sort of pelting smoke back up and kissing the meat this is what barbecue is all about whether it's charcoal or wood go and get the american style mustard and we go get a paint brush sear one side of the burger and then we turn it and then that seared side we brush and then we sear the mustard seed side and then we brush the other side so we do two normal cooks and then two mustard cooks this is going to create a lovely kind of hummy gorgeous mustard bark [Music] it's smoked bacon and the fat's doing that and you just know you're caramelizing and creating flavor [Music] cheese two nice slices i'm using red leicester i dub the king of the grill use any cheese you fancy as long as it's a good tasty melter and now oh we put the dome over yeah okay so that's turning into an oven and it's just gonna let that cheese melt just sag it's already starting to do it's magical it's starting to do its magic and i'm just going to pop the bacon on top in that pan is amazing smoky bacon fat you're not going there with the rolls are you i am this is a brioche bun to sort of suck up all the juices that rest out of the burger now for that special moment the build bacon just sends it off wow it's all right to eat messy yeah you're supposed to eat messy you don't want to have a polite burger no that's boring what are you a wuss god that's such a hard question things like prawns are amazing on the barbecue why because they're so quick and they react so well to charcoal or wood on a skewer they're really easy and safe to control you can brush them with citrus or glazes and it's just a really gorgeous thing you know stuff like trout or salmon but cut on the bias cut at an angle so you get a nice steak on a really hot grill delicious i'm gonna give you the most beautiful recipe for skewered prawns i'm gonna wrap them on skewers with smoky bacon and then in contrast to that we're gonna do a beautiful salad refreshing with watermelon feta cucumber herbs it's a really nice combo guys so let's do it first up prawns so what we can do is just take the heads off first so i'll take all the heads off like that really easy and you can just rattle through it super fast then take all the shell off until the very end bit lovely now i want to show you how to butterfly them get a knife and just run that carefully down the back don't put pressure in and then once you've done that you can get the knife in and take that little vein out you have to be a little bit patient but it's really easy to do and it allows the marinade to get inside the prawns and make them even more delicious now it's time for the marinade really simple get a little dish and then i'm going to get a lemon and some garlic and i want to use one of these little fine graters just to get that lovely yellow lemony zest off i'll cut this in half so the lemon juice will really flavor the prawns and then i've got the garlic here now what i like to do just get like three or four cloves of garlic skin on no problem at all a nice little pinch of salt and a nice little pinch of pepper and then just give it a nice little bash and the skins will come off like that you just get rid of that just smash up that garlic to a paste and then choose a herb it could be parsley it could be fennel could be mint whatever you want basil um just tear that in there and we'll smash that in too so once you've brushed it all up take it out put it into the little dish pour over just a little bit of olive oil that is a lovely marinade sort of ready to kiss those prawns and because we've prepared them with such a lot of love that's going to get right in to all those little cuts you made and you can let those marinade for about half an hour but really just move it around so all that garlic and parsley gets everywhere then what i want to do is get myself a nice skewer and i've got some smoky bacon take a little bit of smoked bacon or pancetta put that on the end of our skewer then get your prawn and you can almost put like two little bits like that and then you can put the pancetta back and then you put the prawn so like you can just whack it on that's the truth of it but i quite like weaving on the bacon's gonna protect the prawns from the brutal heat of the barbecue kind of looks cool as well look at that man just make sure it's not too compacted you want to let everything breathe not be too squashed in because that will stop the heat let me just have a little wipe down so look let me get ahead of the game with the salad we're going to do a watermelon and feta salad let's cut these up look at the color and then once i've done that i'm just gonna cut the outside off and then we'll do the next one like that so once you've got your peeled watermelon we're just gonna do lovely little sort of one centimeter slightly over slices one and a half centimeters i want to simply slice these slices across one centimeter and then turn it the other way kind of want to make it quite graphic and sort of like little mouth-sized chunks so we're gonna use lemon again and then into that some nice cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to the party just before we get going i'll add some finely sliced red chili so add as much as you like and then pick a herb anything that you can chew and eat nicely goes in just that fresh fragrant kind of irony hit is gonna be good i'm just gonna take half a red onion and we'll just now mix it in to the rest of the herb leaves that lovely watermelon goes in so let's put the skewers on now these will take about five or six minutes depending on the heat here now let's get on to the next bit of our salad i've got these beautiful slices of feta i'll cut it into little slices here we go look at the colors and then cucumber so again a centimeter slice so now just take a little time and pride in tossing this around right let's go and have a look at these little skewers oh come on look at that you know you want it to be golden and crisp when the bacon's crisp the prawns are done now we've had three minutes on each side come on man absolutely beautiful and i just serve it pretty much like that on the top gorgeous and look at this point in the story you just have to grab that and just pull it straight off so look at that let's have a try yes delicious and then of course you got the salad full of life so there you go guys next time you do a barbecue maybe have a go at this the most incredible prawn kebabs so look if you've got things sticking to the barbecue it might be because you didn't clean the barbecue in the first place um you can just get a load of tin foil scratch it up and give it a little clean and then also some people get confused with things like glazes so anything with sugar in is going to caramelize and that will stick so really that should only go on the last 30 seconds every time i use the barbecue i give the bar the little scratch and then i get a bit of oil on a bit of paper and give it a little rub and that pretty much has always looked after things when the charcoal has really kind of calmed about half an hour after lighting you're in a good place when you can see a nice sort of white hue over the charcoal i think that's really really good chicken getting dry on the barbecue it's an interesting one first of all you know the relationship with a chicken breast to heat and a chicken leg to heat is completely different right so you know legs thighs wings you know they need to be sort of like either colored up and then slow cooked or slow cooked and colored up chicken breasts you can kind of put on a kebab or even as a breast and you can just hit it hard and fast so i think that might be the reason that your chicken's dry because probably the legs are good and the breasts have been cooked at the same time other ways you can do it are by brining chicken which they do a lot in america and in jewish culture they essentially make like sea water tasting you know like salty water and you can put things like apple juice in there or herbs or spices a little swig of like you know vinegar and you steep meat pork chicken in there leave it for like half a day and it will absorb some of that moisture and then when it comes to barbecuing it will kind of retain that seasoned moisture and the overall product will be amazing but that's quite advanced cooking in my opinion but look i think splitting the legs and the breasts is a really good way to do it and one of the tips that i have is you either want to have a hot side where the coals are high and a cool side where it's almost nothing right and then you can literally you know color it up and then let it just tick over or you have racks of height so color it up move it up move it up so you need to be able to control heat because if you just smash it with heat it will look good or burnt on the outside and it'll be raw in the inside not good look pineapple on the bbq is just insane you know and at the end of a barbie you could be like just grilling off you know any stone fruit plums apricots um nectarines peaches uh peaches are amazing on the bbq and then just have like a little platter with like brown sugar like hit of citrus it could be clementine or lime or a little bit of rum you know a little bit of vanilla got that i mean it comes off and then you kind of dress it in all that gorgeousness and then serve that with cream or ice cream come on it's time for a few barbecuing tips okay tip number one make yourself a herb brush really really cool basically any woody herbs rosemary thyme sage bay oregano tie it onto a spoon or a stick and just put it in some oil and put it all around meat fish flatbreads vegetables it's absolutely fantastic it keeps things moist and delicious but adds a beautiful layer of flavor and it does a really really good job must try that tip number two next time you're in the garden center and you see those little water spritzers brilliant get a couple of those right on it vinegar okay do some flavored vinegars chili some herbs some red white wine vinegar in there spritz that on your meat as it starts to sizzle and as you turn it it's good for two things amazing for flavor and two it keeps those flames down and stops you burning your meat as well tip number three whether working on gas or charcoal or wood fires always try and have a hot area and a cool area and ideally have it graduating from one to the other this way you can have direct heat get color and caramelization and then take it through and just finish it off and then slow cook it so it's sweet and delicious and gorgeous next thing flavored salts they're brilliant especially for delicate things like pork chicken and seafood just smash up any herbs of your choice spices chili ginger get a combination that you love smash it up to a pulp and then add in salt let it dry on a tray and then smash it up again it will last for a couple of months and that just simply on a piece of fish or beautiful vegetables will make so much difference gorgeous flavor really subtle next if you want incredible meat with an amazing flavor around the outside if you use regular steaks or chops cut like that thick they're gonna be cooked so quickly you'll never be able to get the proper color on it so get a double or a triple steak or chop okay this way you can spend a bit more time getting that beautiful bark as we call it that's caramelized and got that amazing flavour and it's still blushing and juicy in the middle invest in that and your barbecues will never be the same again tell us about the dish that we're going to be cooking i thought we'd get you cooking some prawns on the barbecue today at the opera house it's a shame not to isn't it australia yeah it's a shame not too basically we take these beautiful big rosemary skewers yeah we're going to use them as skewers cooking on this stalk will give you incredible flavor we love it don't worry remember we used to do this dish with kind of scallops and prawns on rosemary one day i couldn't get scallop so i started using chip after like this and then i push it straight down like that we're using a prune here cooking next to your shellfish it could be anything like scallops salmon white fish once we start barbecuing this all that beautiful fat renders through the bread so it melts down you get so much flavor into there kind of like super turbocharged croutons like you're getting a salad yeah so i've got some cold pressed olive oil in here or extra virgin olive oil with a crushed garlic clove salt pepper and i've got some rosemary which i've just busted in half here and we use that as a brush and just before we sort of started filming i just warm that up for about you know 2-3 minutes just to get the chill out of the olive oil and that'll also help infuse the garlic and the seasoning and the rosemary through the oil which will then transfer through this as we start cooking i'm even going to put it in between the prawn there as well so if i can can i just nick some of your oh yeah go go now we probably don't need to season it much do we tabs well we've already got seasoning in the oil okay as well we can season a little bit more after correct at the same time i've got some lemons which are on here grilling everyone knows the flavor of a lemon but what a lot of people don't think about is the sugar content within the lemon which starts to actually caramelize when we're grilling that up so it changes the flavor profile quite a bit well more jammy but it also gets sweeter as well yeah so you go and you're towering it and you're charring it fantastic let it tick over so we're probably ready for a turn i reckon let's flip so i normally pick it up from the side sort of with the prawn facing away and look at that gorgeous looks lovely doesn't it so often when i've kind of just got to this stage we're about to serve i take some of this lemon you've got to be careful when you're doing this because it's sort of that juice does get really really hot in there and we just squeeze that straight over the top just before serving it it is like a little jam isn't it that's cool isn't it this is going to be good bro it's going to be awesome i think they're pretty perfect now and the colors are gorgeous what a lovely thing toby and you can see this rosemary as well where you can actually eat that now so just sprinkle that beautiful yeah you really can just put it over the top lovely lemon again and if you want to you take a little bit of this olive oil and just over the top as well beautiful cool huh so there you go guys so simple and you put that on a barbecue and it's going to transform the norm time to try some let's go i'll take the top i'll take the bigger one oh man rosemary and seafood hmm it's so underrated they're enjoying their lovers that is super super tasty okay i'm really excited because we're going to be cooking over live fire with smoke and wood i'm cooking tomahawk pork chops with grilled peaches with maple glaze it's going to be amazing with greens and to help me make this incredible dish is someone very very special the one and only felicitas pizarrio yes so look let's get the pork off we want not just the pork chop and not just the belly we want the whole thing okay obviously we love fat but we quite like it going crispy so i'm just going to score the fat yeah we want to do it simple and honest um so of course sea salt here and we're going to be fairly generous with the salt and pepper it's nice to just pat a little oil on it just to make it not stick then i will put it on the grill so far i've only flavored it with salt and pepper as you know but i am going to add one herb okay so for instance i have a time brush here very good brush um but you could do it with rosemary yes get one of our trusty friends the pestle and mortar i just put that in and smash it up once you've bashed it up just pour that in so a lovely simple rosemary oil and just give it a little bit of love you know just just pat it how do you normally treat meat is it quite simply yes many many people use make a salmura which is like a mixture of water and coarse salt right is that like a brine like a brine or maybe you could use like your the leftover of a good wine argentinian wine yeah and then they put everything inside and make some holes in the cork and use it okay to squeeze over the top yes interesting the kind of thing to really rift off of the pork is peaches i love oh yes what we're going to do is we're going to blacken and char the peach i love a pork and fruits they go great together and every time you turn it over and it's sizzling you just give it a little kiss of that little marinade a little kiss i like that okay so let's take this pork off now yeah look at that great the meat is cooked brothers and sisters so i've got some greens here something healthy yes so we got some purple kale here some green kale here this is rainbow chard you know these should only need a couple of minutes cooking that's lovely yeah we like that um the last case as you see the last kiss you can see they're kind of burnt there we want to take this black off okay roughly quite chunkily chop these peaches a nice knob of butter i'm gonna add some rosemary yes just scrape those into there and we've already got that lovely charred flavour from the peaches you've got the sourness and the smokiness and the rosemary happening but we want to just rift off of that and the way that we rift off of that is maple syrup about four tablespoons it's that slightly north american vibe going on and then our secret little ingredient is dark rum green but you want about four or five shots so that's nearly there now can you chop me that board my darling what i'm gonna do now is take this greens out i just wanna kind of roughly chop you know some of the stalks see those resting juices in that pork so felistas is going to pour that over my greens and then just a little bit of lemon juice nice here we have your plate that pork chop there has got your name validated you know that's yes and then let's have a little look at our sauce has just kind of cooked away so it's kind of not really a sauce it's kind of a compote i don't i actually don't i don't know what it is but all i do know is that when you place this on the pork is a nice little plate of food lovely finesse thank you very much for traveling halfway around the world this is from me to you with love so there you go guys that's just a few answered questions it's the tip of the iceberg but as we get into barbecue season good luck take care have fun and enjoy
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 325,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, bbq, mega mix, compliation, listicle, the best bbq, cheeseburger, ribs, meat, fire, hot, cheese, bacon
Id: 4dYICEw_NKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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