Butternut Squash Three Ways | Jamie & Gennaro | Realtime Recipes

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you hello you lovely people okay we're going to do a real-time recipe and this time we are going to be bigging up this beautiful thing squash it could be pumpkin it's a wonderful family the Zuka family you can get but nut squash everywhere it's an amazing vegetable low in sats low in calories it's delicious full of wonderful nutrients and vitamins great for your hair your eyes your nails anyway the thing is I kind of order this every single week this is a part of the Oliver household okay and and if you kind of just think about it being sort of resourceful and economical about your time having little tricks in your fridge having something that has the capacity to be a base for a million things as far as your imagination would go but also if you think about it it costs money when you turn an oven on and I know we don't really think about it very often but how often do you use a whole oven Christmas I mean never so I put in a whole squash every week week in week out all the time and I've got a few jobs that I do like that and what we do in about an hour and a half about 180 degrees celcius is turn this wonderful hard vegetable into something coming over look at this that is beautiful it caramelized just have a look in this tray here see how it cooks look at that look a little oh look see that it all is almost like honey or maple syrup okay and that my friends is natural sugars and this is why delicious this is why um pumpkin can be so good for desserts okay so come come come come come let's split it open and inside of course we want all of this look at that look at the skin okay loads of people would throw the skin away okay well let's just talk about the skin now between the flesh and the skin is in my opinion the sweetest part so only a mad person would throw that away because it's delicious lean come come so in here we've got this amazing meaty flesh when it's warm it's wonderful here we have seeds and you can literally just take those out roast those put a little bit of chilli cumin nice things like that and we've got such just wonderful food okay so this is real time recipes and there's no cuts have a little look let's get some bearings now this is our kind of rough from it's a temporary office and you can see it's quite messy we've got all our props here and all of our plates and we got all of our actually it is it's it's a bit of a mess but don't let them know that I said that because they get a bit worried but yeah all the equipment tea towels over here here's the director look at him it's nearly lovely and look who's just walked in the office generic contact is eating eating as usual mr. Quintero here here's all the lovely girls that we work with every day they do loads of research for me and testing of the recipes and shoots for the mag and stuff like that and then my office up there um it's quite nice really isn't it so should do some cooking good girl okay let's go so I just wanted the thing about real time recipes is with editing and stuff like that you can you know I don't want to trick you all we need to see what we're doing here so once you've roasted this squash we're gonna take a half a squash like this we'll remove the seeds Gennaro come around darling and your being ever so quiet and polite don't be formal and just and I'm gonna use half of the squash like that let's use the skin you can take the skin out or not Gennaro do you want to be my common chef Jamie did I do it okay if you can add stir if you can just mush up the squash and we don't want to make it into baby food okay so we can just mash it up the skin we can just kind of chop up tear up I'm using cottage cheese this is a really delicious I used to hate it but I hated it without any kind of understanding of it it's really it's low in calories herb it's clean it's fresh it's got a milkiness around it and then curds of lovely gorgeousness and when they cook there's a kind of bounce to it almost a tiny bit like mozzarella okay so we have a hundred and fifty grams of good quality cottage cheese in there if you wanted to swap that out for ricotta you can that's no problem at all we're going to go in with 100 grams of self-raising flour which is about one and a half tablespoons there we're going to go in with one gorgeous free-range egg and what we're going to make lovely people and it's some fritters beautiful squash fritters which sage butter serve that with a lovely green salad and that is a wonderful meal to give someone that you like so the handsome Gennaro Contaldo is look at the way stairs no one stairs like him so we're gonna take this can be nice looking really needed now I've been dancing I was mad overcomplicated don't need this Gennaro you love making fritters don't you I do indeed oh my god it's in Italy they use bridges a lot don't they this indeed it pumpkins squash their lover Matadors are lovely creatures special your scepter with the ricotta also is very nice as well if you want to use too so what I've done is I've got a nice non-stick pan guys at medium heat you can see what Gennaro - just just have a little look at that now now the port I used to think that cottage cheese was just like Kochi it's just like any cheese it's got his own distinct use flavour and I think like this it works really really well I'm going to season this up with salt and pepper I'm also going to bulk up the seasoning with the wonderful savoriness of parmesan yes I'm not really sure how much let's just call it like just put them inside 20 grams 30 grams you know just to give it a lovely little bit that's probably 20 grams right so we'll put a bit in and some on and then a little spice some nutmeg is quite nice as well so once Gennaro has done that he's just going to get a nice big spoonful of the fritter and we're going to put this just like that in to the pan now just want a little bit of olive oil in the pan about tablespoon will cook like let's say three or four three or four spoons per person and this is a really easy recipe you can do it in batches so if you've got kids or friends coming home at different times you can kind of cook a portion you know in my life at the moment savory Gennaro we've got kids coming back from school different things it's one of those dishes you just have raw and you just almost cook it like a pancake on the first once this beautiful fritter has been kind of nice and golden on one side probably like I don't know what 40 seconds yeah something like that we'll turn it and we're going to add a herb now come and have a look at this guys this is sage and honestly like and when you eat sage rule it's disgusting it is bitter its acrid it's just I mean is awful but when it hits hot fat butter olive oil something marvelous happens doesn't it general it give a SAP show lovely flavor also Sager with a funky it is incredible the balance of Sager with pumpkins is a perfect marriage so what we're going to do is Gennaro romantically and illustrious Lea and sexually love it does turn the fritter what's funny about that you're a very virile man Gennaro this women all around men all around the world that just love you right so look come never look at this I'm just going to turn this up a little bit yes you need to I'll try to I think I turned it down mommy say I will give it another little second yeah the seconds in another second drunk a little bit loose yes quite nice you can always head back over again yeah ah leave that don't don't feel you know not so what will I mean just just so you know I mean a little bit like pancakes the first one you make you're always trying to kind of focus in on your pan control and I might have stitched up dinner a little bit because I turned the pan down but this will go crispy and delicious so more to the point guys what you're seeing is we've is quite scruffy yes and so no that's fine okay we don't want perfect Quinn ills we down the terrific round just boring life too short let it fall on the spoon let it be rusted so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put some little knobs of butter in and around here now if you wanted to put I don't know some mushrooms if you wanted to put some olives you could we just need a few little sage leaves like this and we'll keep cooking it and the minute they hit the fat can you smell it it's just another so beautiful so we're going to cook that we don't have to rush you Gennaro we'll just take our time and I'll get ready to serve this up I'm going to get a nice little nice little plate just a little longer just a little bit ago right now then they'll write the way they are do you think I didn't put enough flour in I put one and a half tablespoons just hundred round right yeah it's a whole village sorry everyone I was just doubting my quantities slightly but we'll get in there yeah wheel so little on the soft side um I've been um maybe I could have added a little bit more flour but I saw the looks they don't always oh this is all rocks look he's holding okay yeah now if you come and have a little look here see how once these sages have fried for about sort of six minutes I'll come around your way just why generate carried on just you can probably see the light for it and if you can and let's let's hold it over mother like there you are there it's absolutely delicious it kind of like a little a little Pringle so good so this let's plate it up ready and what I like to do now is just get a little got spatula real good yeah ready ready okay close oh yeah just let me clean this one on top here bless you but I'm gonna have a little look so we're going to just layer up and in a way although I could have added a little bit more flour it is more delicate being a little loose so actually is a fine little balance there either way I know you guys watching will find your own way of doing this the best way come down and have a little look at this the sage is phenomenal and then what we would do is just finish that we're a little grating a parmesan and if just I mean just look at that guys get right in there tiger a little grated Parmesan that'll melt on top and then while that's happening just a little grating of nutmeg on top as well and that is a really beautiful beautiful dish or wonderful starter and in a time can hand out with a lovely green salad beautiful going to try some I want to go try some please do because this is all mine oh let's get in there he's got to pepper don't have to be our dishes waste lovely and crisp and elite it's gonna be a bit hot yeah why not mmm and dulcet that really good mmm so good different flavors and you could probably have equal success with sweet potato ruined it in the same way and really really nice I'm very happy with that have a go of this okay click the link below we're going to have recipe on Jamie Oliver calm bro that I reppin number one will do come on alright you can't pay for me in one long Morgans what's your about so translate for me ah so it's a set with a good don't have one now sorry stay there dog loop because your goal enjoying it what to actually we do it if I call it be so good yes you know what we do next yes what we're doing next all we want to do next doesn't matter so I tell you what we're gonna do next oh there was this job are you gonna make this fun fasting burger which you not only know that I'm gonna flag you out with one so I'm gonna do a really simple salad we got a very simple salad so anything if you can deny are we're gonna that we're going to dress this out of here I come with me I'm sorry just going to get a nice little platter and everyone always thinks that salads are boring so part of making them not boring is how you present them having a little bit of fun with it getting a nice platter so let's get a nice let's get a nice bit okay let's get a nice big platter for two people so we're going to take that beautiful hot squash and we're just going to use that as kind of like a sort of base I mean a squash is a vegetable but it's kind of got that nice kind of fulfilling carbohydrate sort of vibe going on so we're just going to simply this is bog-standard gem lettuce Bay a rocket bit of watercress Gennaro is going to dress it with some olive oil and some balsamic vinegar so I'll add a little bit of lemon juice in there as well both Semak works really well we've squash beautifully so just a tiny squeeze of lemon juice and up balance that with both okay and we're going with the little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil make sure the oil is good for a little little salt and vinegar yes and then we'll go in with a little balsamic that's good and we put some salt inside yep darling you can have a little dress away okay and oh my goodness mate look at that and again we're going to come back to this beautiful just have a look at this lovely roasted squash again absolutely gorgeous hot and steaming of course when it's hot and steaming it's kind of you know having a salad having a cellar that's cold and fresh and crunchy and Z and then having soft stodgy sort of hot you know squash beautiful so what I'm going to do right just to add to it is I want to kind of give this up isn't I want to make this salad absorb a little bit more kind of like a platter salad okay so I've got some lovely prosciutto you could use Brucella you could use any kind of nice salumi I'm just going to cover one side of a plate can you smell the pleasure to see really is and then what I'm going to do is get a spoon and I'm just going to take chunks of this beautiful squash now you see this really sticky stuff this is the golden we want the sticky stuff you want the squash you know we don't want to be kind of cautious about it we want to just sort of take nice big chunks of that gorgeous roasted squash slow roasted squash and put the squash at the bottom like that so good and then I'm going to take this lovely light salad I'm just going to plonk in the middle now this is a very simple set of guys but really the point of sort of showing you this is that salads don't have to be boring okay you know that contrast of crunchy soft hot cold sweet sour that's everything that we're getting excited about and this is what Gennaro taught me when I was a very young boy when we used to work at the Neil Street restaurant know bless you I remember those lovely Ben I used to work three shifts a day the third shift would be with him and he used to bake bread every morning and he used to sing summertime as he had about 20 kilos of bread proving on the bench just in his pants imagine being 18 years old from a little village like we'd never seen a foreign face in our life right and I'm in the dungeons the depths of Neil Street restaurant with him all his hairy body out and his little jockstrap pants and a big old load of bread I was frightened I was frightened don't know yes yes how is Lulu look so look we got a little feta cheese you could use salted ricotta if you wanted to stay on the Italian theme we've got dairy we've got citrus we got veggies we got protein and we got carbohydrates a nice little bit of bread on the side and that guy's just come have a look very simple but very lovely little salad I'd be so happy to have that or frankly for lunch or dinner absolutely really really nice now we've done a fritter we've done our little salad we're now what are you doing you're doing some crispy but are what ha ha ha you forgot this there are really any odd and you could see it's not stick pen and then you're just getting crispy bits I'd just give that crispy bit very very clever Gennari so you don't have to waste any of it seeds flesh skin juices imagine doing this every week oh I want to make a curry take it out put it in I want to make a soup take it out do your base do your veggies do your stock chunky or whiz it up alright fantastic when I make a salad boom want to make a ravioli filling a letter Anya a pasta dish I want to have a little base to roast a piece of fish on fantastic I want to take a chicken breast open it up put some squash in some basil some chili some mozzarella roast it in the oven fantastic you name it you can do it with this wonderful little product and Gennaro is now taking it to the next level where we've kind of almost got a poppadom crispy almost sort of like crack I love it bacon like skin of the squash this big it all stuff everything just a little bit nice we've got one more recipe to do one more recipe so we're gonna do hummus now hummus is is is kind of a famous in Morocco all through that Ottoman region Turkish do a wonderful job iranian iranians israeli i mean everyone's doing versions of hummus right the italians also do versions of hummus yes cannellini beans all fini beans Bellotti beans we are going to use the chickpeas now one little trick that we haven't done today is try and get the cannellini beans at sorry try and get the chickpeas in the jar whenever you get beans or chickpeas in the jar they're always three times better than the tins yes yes I mean they're delicious on the are you a level be a form that's really really good you know look at that you do pay my forum but let's just have a little let's just do a little a little got I'm done after your ends that's right I didn't have a grip now you still got the olive oil I'll show you I'm gonna show you you know you can I show you this is the way we do it in essence I'm just sick it now you show me okay so same products chickpea different tin have a look at the size difference I don't know if you're going to read it but it's much much bigger okay there really is a big difference there between one on the other I'd say that was about twice the size what you'll get from the jarred one and they will be more expensive but you know good things in life are more expensive it's so good more delicious the broth the kind of the juicer comes in is seasoned it's wonderful mmm that's not um creaminess so if you can treat yourself to a jar and whatever you make with it Viva Italia is going to be amazing so let's make a pasta with a chickpeas I just love fritters done mixing in many different way so good it'll be up to anything just for another job to let on we're just making this up right so this is you can call it a hummus but really we're just going to have some fun with some chickpeas it's gonna be spreadable you can go smooth and go chunky we're going to toast some mixed seeds off here some flour sesame normally when you make a nice hummus they use tahini which is basically it's a sesame seed sort of butter you can get mixed nut butters you can use those as well also you can get peanut butter so if you haven't got tahini and you can't get it in all the supermarket's now just swap it out for these it will be delicious we're just toasting up some nice nuts we're going to do it with chickpeas and the squash okay so another thing is you can use a food processor but actually what we can do is we can use like a rolling pin or something you know cuz I don't know pestle and mortar look we can use if we can use a food processor and it's like very mechanical is very convenient and I do use it but I think also it's really nice to be rustic and uneven and erratic and what you're gonna get is a mixture of textures and I personally think that's the key to a really really good so you can use a pestle more like Gennaro just gave it to me or you can use that really what's the difference as we use that you could use a spoon I mean when Gennaro is around he'll pull out all sorts of implements that look kind of that shape and if it's after ten o'clock at night seriously don't ask him for anything because they go into all sorts of strange places but you could use that as well but just make sure you give it a lot yeah anyway yeah seeds toasted they go on our lovely chickpeas the chickpeas remember are cooked they're not dried we're going to go in with our beautiful hot squash yeah so we've got our lovely squash let's just put that in like that look at that hot and delicious Gennaro is going to give it a really good pounding always using the ladle there you go if you thought that Gennaro should have used it another implement for this put it in the comments box below what would you have used to make this hummus if it was you here standing with me he's using a ladle and let's be honest the ladles are kind of quite big flung object with not such a good sturdy shaft as a handle you could have used something else right okay we're gonna season it with salt and pepper and I personally like some spice with it I think Gennaro would agree I'm full agree Julie it's the best one a little fresh chilli goes in if you had grilled peppers you can make your expression of hermas as simple or complex as you feel best we are going to add some peanut butter just to give it that kind of back note it's that kind of nice delicious I don't know how to describe it that the tahini or the peanut butter or the nut butters just gives it a wonderful sort of base that I love so the chilli goes in I'm then going to go in we have about a heaped tablespoon of the peanut butter I'm then going to roughly chop the coriander part I'm in parsley basil you can go rough or you can go fine and then as Gennaro carries on pounding into the night we're going to go a little lemon juice and we want some good olive oil in there some lovely cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil every is put me site okay so keep pounding Gennaro heat pounding hey I do and this probably looks like a lot of olive oil but remember we've just made hummus there I mean that's gonna be enough of 10 people remember once you've made it it's good in the fridge for two or three days you know you can use it once you've you've made it in sandwiches in little cassadee's of little flat breads in packed lunches with like vegetables and dips really really nice so let's have a little taste something what the Italian stallion is done with that ladle yeah hey ghost look I got to use a big spoon on the line good ball bomb bit more lemon juice put a bit of olive oil bit more seasoning I've got a plan for the olive oil actually if you would you trust me yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is get this lovely plate I'm going to move this salad Gennaro is going to dramatically put it in the middle in a big pile right in the middle Gennaro in a pile in the middle Gennaro in a pile in a needle opposed yeah eat in a part in the fatal in a pot in a middle and then we make a little well in the middle and then some oil in the middle some crispy bread some olives there you go guys that is it that is our real time recipes we've done a salad the hummus we've done the fritters some lovely toast guys put your comments in the comments box below the camera is going to start working any minute now but until it does go off remember if you want to see Janeiro's now click through to his channel if you want to see another recipe with a squash we've done it on drinks tube we've done the most delicious drink on drinks tube you're gonna love it there you go that was lovely from me in Janeiro Ciao Bella you
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 1,454,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, butternut squash, real time recipe, jamie gennaro, gennaro contaldo, jamie oliver, live, super squash smoothie
Id: DiZqGsLg5ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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