Traybakes 3 Ways | Jamie Oliver

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tray bakes and one pot wonders are truly a thing of beauty giving you maximum flavor and minimum washing up you're gonna love these hi guys hope you're well we're gonna make the most beautiful tray baked chicken with indian spices and veggies is absolutely gorgeous it feels naughty but it's really really healthy it's three of your five fruit and veg a day it's really affordable and it's a great dish you can get in one tray whack in the oven go and do something for 40 minutes and then you've got a feast to feed the family right so it's a really nice shareable dish pan on kettle boiling water hack up some potatoes about inch dice so into a tray we're gonna go in with olive oil that's about one and a half tablespoons we're going to go in with the mustard seeds and the curry leaves okay and i'll just hold on the turmeric to start with so along with all these lovely fresh ingredients we want fragrance those amazing flavors of india so i'm gonna use some ginger here and get it fine you're gonna get heat from that because ginger is hot you can move it around now i'll get that tumeric in two teaspoons of turmeric so i'm gonna use four cloves of garlic and a gentle heat and we're just bringing out the flavors of all those things chicken thigh i'm gonna go skin on and i'm just gonna have one nice big thigh per portion in there so the potatoes here and i'm just gonna let these uh steam they've been cooking about five minutes now right so they're tender next up all we're gonna do is just chop veg so roughly we are gonna slice up the veg into about one inch chunks and what we can do is start just adding this as we're prepping this right so we've got a lovely orange pepper here we'll have a red pepper as well full of lovely vitamins and of course when they roast they go sweet onion always in the base of so many dishes so i'm just gonna roughly chop i'm adding chili now and this spice kind of combination here is really mild it's not it's spicy but it's not hot we've got some beautiful tomatoes so in we go a lovely recipe a nice start middle and end we're gonna season it with some salt and pepper last but not least go in with the potatoes you can imagine how tasty this is gonna be right and then if we go and get our chicken you know we've already started frying that chicken skin the bonus of this dish of course is that everything just flavors each other mix that around amazing colors you just know it's going to be good for you put the chicken on top so that is now going to bake in the oven for about 45 minutes okay so while that's cooking i want to show you how to make a super quick delicious mint chili and ginger yogurt okay so come over here and have a look at this simply get a regular sort of bunch of mint which is normally about that size just rip the head off okay we're going to go in with about 150 mils of good quality yogurt and then we're going to go in with some chili we want a bit of heat there so i'm just going to break up about half of chili is perfect so in with a tiny little piece of ginger and then a nice little pinch of salt whizz that up beautiful flavor so fragrant i'm just going to squeeze in the juice of about half a lemon there and there you go that's the yogurt sauce time to plate up a beautiful tray bake and look at that amazing colors i actually love to have like a simple a nice simple salad you know just a baby spinach salad i'll use this it's all washed and ready to go we'll go in with a couple of spoons of our lovely dressing nice and simple really nice contrast of colors a little one for me oh by the way if you're wondering while i'm dressed up like this i'm going to parents evening tonight at school so i've got to dress up and be a bit smarter and responsible you know now i've got slightly older kids i still want to keep an eye on what they're eating because i'll always be their dad but at the same time it's quite nice for them just to kind of help themselves um loads of veg controlled sap fats good quality meat beautiful spices we can finish it all off with some coriander you know you can put that yogurt just in and around the lovely roasted veggies and the chicken and it works so well now let's get a little fork and have a little try what we got here a bit of potato nice delicate spices you know the aubergine is kind of soft but it's kind of spongy really really good and then excuse the knife really really good crispy skin love it hi guys we're gonna make the most delicious harissa chicken tray bake it's a beautiful colorful mediterranean style meal full of flavors it's from my book jamie's quick and easy five ingredient foods it's all about five ingredients working really hard best friends okay so we've got chicken beautiful sweet peppers onions mint and we've got the most important ingredient harissa so good a lovely mixture of chilies and spices delicious look at these peppers they're so beautiful just push in the little core i want to get rid of the seeds and then just tear it up into rough sized chunks i've got two onions here cut them into quarters kind of unpick them like little petals mix this up look at the colors so beautiful season it nice sea salt pepper as well we're going to go in with some extra virgin olive oil just a couple of nice tablespoons and a little swig of vinegar vinegar really helps to bring the flavour out of everything and then you get the sweetness from the peppers and onions and the sourness from the vinegar sweet and sour so it's gonna taste absolutely amazing and then i'm going to use some harissa now harissa is a north african paste chili paste they come in different flavors but basically it's pounded up dried chilies with oil and different versions of spices and the flavor is phenomenal four nice teaspoons goes into our tray here and you can rub it on vegetables on fish and in this case it's going all over the chicken and peppers and that will make all the difference give this a nice little mix then i've got a little trick for the chicken put it in the tray hold it nice and firmly and then get the tip of the knife at the top of the carcass and run your knife down let the knife do the work carefully cut that down and then we can open up like a book now the legs take longer to cook than the breasts so we can intervene and what we can do is cut right down to the bone right to allow the heat in but not just the heat the flavor right so what we're doing is we're evening up the cooking times we're making it look more appealing and literally i'm rubbing the harissa and the oil and all those flavors inside and outside the chicken the flavor is going to be so good then we're gonna lay that chicken on top of the veggies let me wash my hands a little bit of sea salt on top and then in the oven we go for 50 minutes to an hour at 180 degrees celsius which is 350 degrees fahrenheit and when that cooks it's gonna be amazing the chicken will cook into the veg the veg will steam up and flavor the chicken it's a beautiful beautiful harmony you're gonna love it look at that the smell is amazing and the way i love to serve it is actually on a really nice rustic board beautiful veggies that harissa has mixed with all the stuff that would normally make a beautiful gravy so you get this sauce and you just want to scrape that down and then put that back over the chicken look at that beautiful fresh mint over the top so fragrant absolutely gorgeous look how juicy it is you got crispy skin here so good chili and the spices and all the sticky goodness serve that with some rice little flatbreads tacos you know some nice little couscous absolutely beautiful guys give that a go it's so tasty okay lovely people we're going to do the most amazing casserole with a katherine will sausage cooking over a brilliant ragu gonna be amazing i'm gonna peel two onions here and i'm just gonna put them into quarters and i'm just gonna put them dry actually into a pan at the moment i quite like doing this because you get this char going on then i'm gonna go for one chili i'm just going to slice it up with the seeds in and we want a little bit of spice happening there as well finely slice a couple of cloves of garlic straight in and still we haven't got any oil we're going to go in with two level teaspoons of smoked paprika we're gonna season with salt and pepper and now i'm gonna go in with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil a slight reverse of your normal kind of beginning to arago so we're going to let that just sweat off for a little bit while i chunk up some butternut squash so be really careful get the tip of the knife in like that turn it around and do it on the other side always cutting away from you you can use a little spoon just to take the seeds out of the squash like that cut it lengthwise like this and then i want to chop it into like one inch little chunks look at the color guys move it around and look at that all the flavors are sticking around the squash and as soon as you've done that we're going to whack this in the oven at 180 degrees celsius which is 350 fahrenheit for about half an hour absolutely beautiful now i'm going to go in with the chickpeas and all the juices and the butter beans now you can change your pulses to whatever ones you've got available or the ones that you like chop those tomatoes up add a little bit of water because it's going to reduce as it cooks down and then what i want to do is put a little barbecue sauce in just to give it a nice smoke so about 100 meals is really really good and then i've got four beautiful homemade cumberlands and if you just unwind them like that right what we're gonna do is a catherine will sausage now if you unwind it and then join it together you get one very large sausage and we're gonna do it with another sausage as well we've got a lovely beef spiced sausage here just talk to your butcher and get him to give you something great we're just going to flatten these out and then what i love to do is join these together loosely and just wind it up like this keep it nice and loose and then i'm going to use nice long bits of rosemary like this and just take the herb off but then we can sharpen it up with a knife at an angle and if you go through like this it's going to hold it all in shape and it's going to roast completely different than if you were just cooking a sausage on its own and then what we can do with some nice olive oil you can take herbs like nutmeg and just grate that over the top i'll take some sage take some bay rosemary and just chuck them in the little gaps like this and look at that that's gonna cook in a completely different way as we are in the wood oven i could put a rack on top or i could try and pretend to be clever and yeah let's be clever look at that guys that's what we're talking about so the reason i would do this or the reason i put it directly on the bars over this in the oven is so that we get nice crispiness all the way around and when the fats cook out that's really good quality flavor coming out and it's going into your ragu so in the oven for 40 minutes and you're gonna have something really really beautiful just look at that the fat's dripping in to your little casserole it all absorbs that beautiful flavor really really nice so let's take our little catherine wheel sausage and let's serve that on a nice big platter and then with the sausage let's just take the skewer out and when you kind of cut through it you get this fantastic little cross section like that which is marvelous you can bang that right on top super cool really good food for this time of year proper comfort food right let's serve some up i'd love to have some with some nice steamed and dressed greens okay let's have some nice big chunk of the sausage look at that guys
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 694,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, Traybakes, One pot wonders, quick and easy, mid week meals, chicken traybake, harissa, thai chicken, comfort food, sausage, chicken
Id: Y41BBNmX4bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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